>'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the board>Anons were talking about chuubas, whether domestic or from abroad;>Their posts were posted in the threads with care,>In hopes their oshi’s stream soon would be there;>The numberfags were nestled all snug in their beds,>While visions of graphs and spreadsheets danced in their heads;>And the hornyposter began to slide their pants down their lap,>Just getting ready for a long winter's fap.>When out on the catalog there arose such a clatter!>I sprang from /hlgg/ to see what was the matter.>Another bait post, or perhaps something bigger?>To find out for sure I must become a catalognigger.>Browsing the threads was like scrolling through hell,>Half seemingly written, by the same ESL>Whilst the unicorns posting, just had to believe,>That their oshi would be streaming, this Christmas Eve.>Then she appeared, with cute elf ears and long golden hair,>I knew in a moment it must be St. フレア!>Here to cheer on the anons and make today less lame,>And she whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;>"Now, WATAMATES! now, TEAMATES! now, YUKIMIN and THOSE WHO SPAM UUU!>On, KFP! on KENZOKU! on, CHUMBUDS and…well hell it is Christmas… on DEADBEATS TOO!>Show me images of your oshi! Whether she be short or tall!>Now post away! post away! post away all!">As the anons posted cute pictures the thread began to reach its limit,>So she took out her folder, and put them all in it,>Then off around the board she flew,>With the sleigh full of images, and St. フレア too.>And then, in a twinkling, I heard in my thread>The arrival of Flare, in her elfriend drawn sled.>As I stopped fantasising about hag sex, and was turning around,>Down the chimney St. フレア came with a bound.>She slowly descended, like an outfit reveal,>I’d taken my meds, so I knew this was real;>A bundle of images she had in her sack,>From talented artists, including her papa Lack.>Her eyes -- how they twinkled! Her ears how pointy!>Just like every 3D live, she did not disappoint me!>Her outfit was beautiful, with white fur and red,>So stunning it stopped mundus from talking in my head;>The pipe in her teeth burned slower and slower,>And the smoke it encircled her head like she was Tokoyami Towa;>Even dressed as Santa, however her form might morph,>Flare always looks cute, unless you’re a dwarf.>She was tanned and long legged, a right jolly old elf,>And I exclaimed “かわいい” when I saw her, in spite of not knowing Japanese myself;>But a wink of her eye and some cute idol steps,>Soon gave me to know, It’s okay I missed my reps;>She spoke not a word, but went straight to her work,>And filled all the anons hard drives; except for that Marine schizo jerk,>As she left the thread, she was already bracing,>For the (You)’s saying “cringe”, or “nice reddit spacing”;>So she ran to her sleigh, to the elfriends gave a whistle,>And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.>But I heard her exclaim, as she sprang away like elastic,>HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, YOUR OSHI’S FANTASTIC!
I love Mori!
>>39562719my concubines
KIARA LOVEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPzV-3vLRd8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPzV-3vLRd8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPzV-3vLRd8
>>39562739how do you fuck up the very first rhyme...merry christmas, anon
Ranking for EN xmas songs this year, in order:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxFhTHOLStUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPzV-3vLRd8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvvjwhLG4Dwhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbJqGGRQ32k
Watame is spraying all over me.
Merry Christmas anons. I hope this Christmas every schizo will experience a lifetime of misery and despair
>>OPhttps://twitter.com/Yunaree/status/1606457940801736706Kiara love!
towa is having sex with matsuri
Can we have mods this thread?
I wanna have Christmas sex with Ayamefriend....
Is the I love Ina guy dead
>>39562873interesting line up
Don't open Kobo's stream.
>>39562831>they almost rhymed board with board, but changed it, because otherwise you’d realize it’s mori
https://twitter.com/irys_en/status/1606685635817115648https://twitter.com/irys_en/status/1606685635817115648Well that's a response
If this is Holo ID, why are they speaking Spanish?
Mating Christmas to all, and to all, a press night!
>>39562785Hey same
>>39562911BRAVO YAGOO
>>39562873Aqua collabing with a male(female)(fake))(male))(female)))
>>39562739Thanks St.フレア!
>>39562912IRyS you fucked up the joke too early
>>39562836go back
>>39562739merry christmas, didnt read
I love love love Roboco!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8n-pGOrpzchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A_RqpENxvghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETckHHfH7EIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QP-caiSnm2Qhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY1CQ5kSRxYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydprczRfM48https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc7I72C1giUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Klsca1OcwH8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfEUPlRuPachttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXuMSLOUhgshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88UYLWDjomEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_EqIA6ZWqshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_txtx7llu50https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZshLem1OV7k
>>OPWhy is gura holding the chicken loke that?
Do KFP waitresses really?
>>39562739peak reddit /10
>>39562975black shout cover is great
>>39562912>removes all tagged members >replies with simply "eh"based honestly
i am the moom who watches.
>>39562909good, someone that is making her speak eigo
>>39562739peak based/10
>>39562868All those KFPs that filled out her commission slots back in June quite literally saved this girl from becoming homeless
I can’t really explain it, but I am violently attracted to this woman.
>>39562912>removed all the @ before replying
>>39563020who, Kiara?
>>39563027why are you posting niji id in a hololive thread?
>>OPThere’s a lot to unravel in that image. I like how the two whores are over to the right (could mean they ate not God’s left hand men), and the mori on the lean, amesame talking (kek), Gura is wearing an elf hat (may symbolise her short stature or maybe she is seen as lesser?), Fauna by the true because she is mother nature, Ina looking at Kiara with a letter (possibly written by Kiara), Kiara with her cannibalism again, IRyS holding her mascots/fan things up like she is a god and controls them, Gura is also eating a KFP (hates Kiara’s fans?), also the moris arm around ame symbolises their “bond” over the destruction of idol vtubers.
>>39562912>just an "eh">removed the @everyoneLiteral party ruiner holy shit.Both Axel and Altare for once managed to be more based than this fucking bimbo
If Reine wasn't so specific about just relaxing I'd almost think her break was heading to Japan
>>39562912I’d say i couldn’t believe that IRyStofucks would have such a rude bitch of an oshi, but i do believe it
>>39563027That woman is flat and her rotting dead body will never mother childrenyour efforts are in vain
>>39563048males or not thats the polite thing to do
>>39562912>sisters seething in the repliesbased irys
>>39562739Merry Christmas St. フレア様!
>jumpscare>Kobo screams "KOBO"
why do IRyS and Bae hate each other? what happened?
>>39563048I kneel Nephilim
>>39563100my cock is too precious a prize for them to share, they must fight.
>celebrates the winter solstice with her family>planning to celebrate Christmas with her fansExplain.
>>39562777i bought lapu's anniversary set
>>39562912So she got a fancy new model and all of a sudden is too good for the other members? Correction NOW!
>>39563079You don't understand there's drama in everything even if Kiara literally also said to do this multiple times
>>39562739This thread is feeling jolly already
>>39563123the first one is more important
>>39563123Nigger she said she's celebrating Christmas with her family. I fucking hate you retarded threadreaders.
Bros this 4chan theme is giving me gosling vibe
>>39562912No problem IRyS!
>>39563131why did she cancel her big comeback christmas eve stream? the frame just vanished last night.
>>39562739Merry Christmas, elfriend
>>39563056Don't praise the homos for being fagsEven Bae in her absolute state of gremlin madness was decent enough to remove the @everyone from her replies.
>>39563123I just want my mummy for Christmas, fuck her family they can wait I need mummy nooooowwwwww
>>39562912based based based
>>39562739cute Moririn
>>39562739merry crimbus
IRyS is probably mad that she's the futa in all the BaeRyS lewds
I am going to subvert your expectations and post 1 (One) Ame
Merry Christmas friends, Mumei stream doko?
Whether or not your oshi is dead, streaming, sick or awol, I'd just like to say that I hope all of you faggots are having a merry christmas and happy holidays
Meimei a cute!
>>39563205that is something runa would say
>>39563157I mean like, the actual day of Christmas.
>>39563164because it's a stream she reserved months ago as a jokeshe said she'll never have a boyfriend and all that stuffs, so she scheduled a Christmas stream very earlyshe didn't expect to have a mental breakdown
>>39562739well done, filled me with christmas spirit
>>39563226Cold chicken
>>39562739fucking cant read because of the fucking light colors bullshit on fucking mobile version. yeah im phone posting nigger, merry christmas.
>>39563076Not with that attitude
>>39563251a likely story
>>39563227based and samedesu
>>39563226Your best hope is betting on something from the last day of the Advent calendar since Moom is with her mom.
>>39563228this mem is correct
>>39562739Meri Kurisumasu!
>>39563288The last advent is Kiara nigga
>>39563100i mean them fighting has been a staple of their relationship since the beginning
>>39563251>she said she'll never have a boyfriend and all that stuffs, so she scheduled a Christmas stream very earlylmaooooo
>>39563254That's not what cold chicken means, anon...Mumei said she wouldn't be streaming on Christmas.
Ok that's enough moom posts and moom replies.Stop now.
>>39563228but shy...
>>39563327Thats ok, she streamed on xmas last year right?
>>39563310Damn i was hoping for Kiara white girl
>>39563292It is!
>who is gonna remove the @everyone nextFaunaMumeiKiaraInaGura's manager>who is gonna keep itMoriKroniiAmeMagniVesper>[No delivery]Gura
>>39563376Kuro Kiara always win
>>39563349She's just like me...
>>39562739Ho ho holy based
>>39563393>turning basic twitter etiquette into males timeloop
>>39562785Hey, me too!
>>39563365I can't believe Bae is releasing a vod of our date to the public
*casts a spell of happiness*
Merry Christmas to all except saplings and their Satan loving oshi
>>39563441>>39563443MOOMAGE MIND
>>39563444>he says, with his half devil oshi
>>39562739There will never be a better post than this
>>39563067K-kami sama!!!
>>39563419How this is about a male timeloop? it's just a list of who i am expecting to clean up the @everyone before posting.Get the other men cocks thoughts out of your mind already faggot
ID are going to stream right up til Christmas.
>>39562739Merry Christmasu
Merry Christmas
>>39563444Atheism and Satanism are not the same thing, anon.
>>39563365>12 minutesBrats are eating
>>39563512Yes, they are.
>bratty watame asmrher giggles are making my heat beat...https://youtu.be/VT-EfF08rZg
>>39563512I only hear heresy coming out of your mouth.
>>39563501>gura Unknown>faunaHeard something about her breaking up with her bf>mumeiSame as faunaAm i correct anon?
>>39563568CorrectFalse, theres no infoFalse, theres no info
>Morinaughty>Kiaranaughty>Inanaughty>Guranaughty>Amenaughty>iRySvery naughty>Faunanaughty>Kroniinaughty>Mumeinaughty>Baenice
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7smalFfBZYreminder that to date there's only a single Hololive member to outright name Christ as the savior and son of the Lord
>>39563592>mumei>no infoDo your reps
>>39563577cute and based
https://twitter.com/nakiriayame/status/1606687995297697795https://twitter.com/nakiriayame/status/1606687995297697795https://twitter.com/nakiriayame/status/1606687995297697795Ayame will participate in the karaoke relay and will stream again later in the evening(?)
I want to cum on Mumei sexy images, anyone have them?
Towa banana. https://streamable.com/8rdttu
>>39563577https://twitter.com/RusToNyaHthat sure is an account
>>39563610You do yoursTwitter emotes and break up songs are not info
Gee I hope when others respond to Bae's tweet later no one would use it shitpost.
>>39563652i choose to believe they broke up because it makes me happy
>>39563501Fauna will stream tonight
Fauna streaming tonight?
>>39562739Merry Christmas, anon
>>39563610this is pathetic
Why is Kiara's thumbnail SEX?
>>39563683oh, so it's just a way to cope, makes sense
>>39563593This is true!
>>39563683Sure thats valid
my insides are on fire
>>39563709just because she has big boobs in it doesn't mean it's SEX
Matsuri is cute!
>watame is doing a stand-up comedy disguised as ASMR
>anons still trying to spin rrats and spread doxx on Christmas eveIf soldiers in the trenches of WW1 could negotiate a truce for Christmas, surely you can hold back on shitposting for a little bit.
>>39563709kiara is always SEX
>>39563495He's right and you are demented.>>27879635>>28319415>>28323249>>28490736>>28570465>>31558487>>32661889etc.
>>39563741this is an urban legend and for the most part those who attempted a truce were fired upon
>>39563596Kiara will never kneel to her biggest anti
Wait, is Bae actually schizophrenic or are people joking last thread?
>>39563652Do yoyr reps, that's not just it.
>>39563741soldiers in the trenches of WW1 were actual men and not gossiping women
>>39563692Today or tomorrow. All she said was she'd be streaming on Christmas.
>>39563741Soldiers have discipline, our shitposters are underaged and schizophrenic.
>>39563495>How this is about a male timeloop?Just fuck off retard
>>39563741it's actually not as bad, just some kids saying kid shit that they parrot from other kids
>>39563741Just give up on this place
>>39563767I wish
>>39563791get that shit out of my face
>>39562739Pretty based.
I still don't buy that Council has 3D. Maybe they will just have a 2d karaoke stream.
>>39563791Towa milk...
>>39563823Cute JP Mori
>>39563837Don't worry, the world is full of retards like you
>>395638373D for holofesSame as myth
>>39563765The former, she samefagged a tweet and talked to herself for 30 minutes while having laughing fits
mori love
>>39562739Flareposter was always based
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAmIMNOULgIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAmIMNOULgIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAmIMNOULgIChoco , Robocco , Coco collab
Fuck. The catalog song almost gave me a heart attack
Watame is calling me a cute baby in a mocking tone
>>39563741There are people that use this thread i can only wish a painful existance so no, legit really fucking painful death because they are just way too fucking much of subhumans
>>39563930Sounds perfect
>>39563891Reaper titties
Towa is not for sexual.
doing your reps is just watching every stream ever, since she always told the hoomans what did she do for the day before stream, what is she gonna do after, how many times animol went out today, what did animol eat, what did moom eat for breakfast and dinner, what time did she sleep last night, etcshe always tell her daily life every stream
do you guys think bae was unhinged this christmas because she has no boyfriend to celebrate it with and it's driving her insane?
I'm Fauna
>>39563512Fauna is a Jew??I kinda like her even more after this
>>39563973You'll never get me to spill my semen in your name reaper. Stop this foolishness
>>39563988i need you to get a new folder to dump when you get mad instead of just doing towa every time
>>39563837This. Maybe the leaked schedule was wrong.
>>39562739based and festive
>>39564004Are you planning a Christmas Eve stream, Fauna?
>>39563741There's no hope in stopping them, them dying is not enough I want them to feel endless pain.
>>39563995but i'm with her right now
I really hate Amelia WatsonImagine having a best friend you are close with and you play a harmless prank on her but she goes ballistic and yells at you "fucking bitch fuck you go away" and when people asked her about what she said she just says "deserved"
I do not understand what anons gain by spamming images just to walk straight into a ban hammer.
Towa nipples without piercings are non-canon.
>warm chickenAmeBaeIRySKiara>cold chickenFaunaGuraKroniiInaMoriMumei
>>39563995She just posted a premiere of my date with her for later
>>39564079I think he just wants to bring attention to the thread because it's full of rm talk
>>39563837yeah. the default live2D on the schedule is a huge red flag.
>>39564092>whore motheranon
>>39562618>*Casts a spell to make your Christmas Eve extra special*Woah, I feel... all tingly inside.Is this the christmas spir
towa is disgusting
A thread like this is why your oshi hates you
>>39563986>she always tell her daily life every streamretarded ESL faggot
>>39564092That's not what cold chicken means. Telling your fans "oh hey, I won't be streaming on Christmas" isn't cold chicken.
>>39563131thank you for supporting her>>39563164because it was scheduled ages ago before her fetters started to lose their power which started to allow the collective voices of every single soul and being in the entire universe to enter her brain at the same, if she was completely unrestrained it wouldnt be a problem but since they only started to weaken she is in a state of limbo between ultimate existence and just having the mental processing power of a normal person so its nearly impossible for her to keep her mind together
>>39563995Yes, it's obviious that was the case. Chicks get emotional when they're used to spending Christmas with their significant other and have to spend it alone for once.She was doing fine up until the point she was reminded of it when she tagged others and didn't get replies. Really hit home the feeling of "I'm alone".-Bae's ex bf
>>39564148cold chicken cope
It's so easy to laugh it's so easy to hateIt takes strength to be gentle and kind
JWU I saw a real boob today... any ENs streaming tonight?
>>39563016i am the moom who flails
>>39564128Is he okay?
>>39564138>Schizos >having an oshi
>>39564161Cold chicken is standing your fans up on Christmas. Not streaming on Christmas is just no chicken.
towa love
>>39564197no chicken cope
>>39564161why would you buy chicken for a date that isnt scheduled retard
Hey friends if your oshi isn't streaming today you can come and watch streams with us.Pomu, Rosemi, Selen and Elira are having streams later in the day.
>>39563157She's Jewish, though.
>>39564196I am a schizo and Kiara is my oshi
>>39564176No delivery
>>39564225kys nijibeggar
>>39563995>Trapped in the shed >Family is out hanging with friends after gorging on the dinner you lovingly prepared for them, leaving you all alone
>>39564171Holy shit this is cute. Post cute images to save the thread.
>>39564225No I am not going to shit on them
>>39564176Ame, IRyS, and Bae. Fauna is a big maybe since she never specified a return date
>>39564259fauna just said she won't be streaming yesterday
>>39564263stop ban evading
>>39564259>>39564092Mori is streaming with her mom later tonight Also don't use my oshi for this shit you falseflagging retard
Sell me on AneRrat
>>39564158>@everyone at like 6am PST or some shit>surprised the only ones awake are the ones close to her timezoneIs Bae a woman?
>>39564225fuck off nijifag
Mr. Rap... please get well soon...
>>39564236You don't go die in a ditch or something
i hate kenzoku so goddamn much spamming their ugly smoker in every thread
>>39563393Kronii has been going out of her way to avoid Tempus, people need to seriously watch streams instead of being threadreaders.
>>39564278That's just not true.
Am I the only one who doesnt fall in love with any vtubers but use them as a masturbation material only?
>>39564310No she is a rat
>towa posted>thread immediately improvesmakes you think huh?
>>39564306Bigger stronger faster better Bae who the Bae we know is a clone of and copies her every move
>>39564339no....I don't want to waste my christmas fap on towa...
>>39562907>this new
>>39564176Boobs are not real
>>39564359my wife
stop posting my wife's bf
>>39564363gotalu a cute
Is there a single holosister who isn't just a superior version of the one we got?
>>39564318Here is a present from Towa Claus
Towa has one of the best designs honestly
>>39564377I believe there's been a misunderstanding.This is MY wife.
>>39564310I didn't know Alstare is in Australia.
It's once again time for some Saturday Sven Co-op, with /hlgg/! (Christmas Edition)To join in on the thread playing some low-poly, co-op shootin', just make sure you have the game (which is free on steam) and the /hlgg/ community server pack downloaded and installed- both of which are linked in this post >>39562216Once in game, open up the console(` or ~ key) and enter>connect STEAM_0:0:4208410Today's password is:ragePlan today is getting as close to christmas-themed as possible, so basically the dozen winter-themed maps I already have on the server. Going to be going for about three or four hours until I have to leave to celebrate IRL, but lets enjoy a bit of that christmas thread spirit while we play viyda together, shall we?
Merry Christmas in Indonesia!
Merry Mythmas, Anons!
>wtm is imitating a real sheep
Will 2023 be a better year for HoloX? It felt like the gen took gut punch after gut punch in 2022.
>Towaposting in full forceDon't mind if I do....
>>39564412Cute couple.
>>39564417sis reap is a whoresistertori isn't talked about muchane'nis is a fat ass breeding cow
Why does Kiara, the horniest myth, not simply fuck the other four?
Do-do the ID girls in phases I not realize it’s xmas?
>>39564461it's hard to imagine 2023 won't be better for everyone. this year was a clusterfuck.
>>39564461La+ needs to graduate. That's the only thing that'll save them.
Merry Christmas from /2hug/
>>39564453I want my nut back...
>>39564515They don't really need to be "saved". They're still at the top of the vtubing world in spite of all the adversity they faced in 2022.
>>39563393>magni removed itBtfo
>>39564502They'll celebrate when they finish the Christmas event.
I just realized.No fortunes this year?
>>39562982>Hot chicken
watame just called me kazoku
>>39564565isn't that for new years?
>>39564565it ain't new years yet, stoopid
>>39564485The comfiest!
>>39564565Probably not for EN and ID again unless asked for.
>>39564553>the toplol nice joke cover employee
>>39564534What is done cannot be undone, but your Mori will give you lots of loving aftercare
>People acting like they'd be the faggot who @'s the entire fucking company on Slack for every reply in a conversation.
>>39564499Kiara is actually not very horny at all. She has a lot of experience presenting herself to be as attractive as possible and appreciates good examples of tradecraft. Her commentary is made from the perspective of a theoretical (male) observer.
>>39564499that's Ina, followed by Gura
>>39564632I am based and I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas too so yes I would
>>39564622koyori is practically first army at this point and the others all had incredibly strong 3D debuts and anniversary lives. Try comparing them to a gen like Council.
>>39563765She's letting herself a little too loose for Christmas
>>39564499>what was June
watame is singing
>>39564052Wasn't that like half a year ago? Lolz schizzy
>>39564529Sir we haven't been in /jp/ for a while now.
Anya dc'd, guess they have to keep playing.
Man are you guys really going to bait me into watching that bae stream
>>39564690>their only hard worker>below 5k in a coomer streamcope councilschizoHoloX is nothing but corporate shill
>>39564626at least clean up the mess you made...stupid
>>39564310I've been thinking that might be the case more and more recently but I'll have to watch a few more streams to make sure
Odds of a Fallout 76 arc in 2023? It seems logical after Rust.
watame lullaby(goofy version)
>>395647750%. Ame has tried and failed since 2020 to get one started.
>>39564775>Fallout 76lol?
Why don't other Holos do ASMR and pretend to be a mosquito?
>>39564792ame should stop listening to her stupid girlfriend
>>39564775shut the fuck up ame
Anya truly was Japanese.
i can finally hear the kronii in kaela's voice
>>39564753ASMR doesn't get high CCV. She'll make bank off of VOD views for that one though.
>>39564775Some of EN3, Tempus and Tempus 2 will play
/hlgg/ is Towar than usual today...
>>39564775>Survival crafting>RPG open world quests>It seems logical after Rust
>>39564828how many drugs did it take
>>39564775they should play Conan Exiles with full nudity enabled.
>>39564594>>39564603Nah they were for Christmas, They fucked up this year.
>>39564869oh, I thought you were talking about Mio's fortunes
Gura cute Gura cute!
Why can't you check your fortune this year
watame heartbeat..
>>39564891i'll give her the tip of my dick
>>39564891I take the pizza inside I tell her I'm not paying and I shut the door
>Anya forgets Indonesian so she starts speaking Japanese>she then explains this in English
I miss Fauna
>hololive>anons aren't live
why is Towa such a tyrant within the company?
>>39564810nene does beat box and stand-up comedy(unintentionally
MERRY CHRISTMAS >>39562912 >>39562952 >>39562991 >>39563048 >>39563056 >>39563063>>39563090 >>39563125 >>39563137 >>39563163 >>39563194 >>39563734 >>39563850 >>39563180 >>39563066 >>39563079 >>39563142 >>39563114 >>39563125 >>39563132
>>39563393>Vesperi'd bet money he probably won't even respond. He hasn't even responded to Mori tweeting at him.
>>39564891I begrudgingly accept the order and issue a complaint to corporate.
>>39565010>He hasn't even responded to Mori tweeting at himB-B-BASED
>>39565006Thank you Bae
>>39565006Thanks Bae!
>>39565006merry christmas you fucking brrat
>>39564987Towa is devilru anon....
>>39565006MATING PRESS
>>39564324>Kronii has been going out of her way to avoid Tempus>people need to seriously watch streams instead of being threadreaders.The irony in this post is hilarious
>>39565006@everyone press
>>39565010The last time she tweeted at him was months ago...
>>39565006all me
>>39565006Thanks Bae!Armpit Mating Press
>>39564987Towa owns HoloX
>>39565006Thanks, Bae!
>>39564987She has the most power. She can do whatever she wants and they have to accept it because of the kayfabe.
watame and KU100 feels like a child and a new toy
>>39565097Honestly that's probably exactly how she feels
>>39564968Aren't her tits a little...
Zeta shaky cam is so fun to watch.
>>39562912She was too busy celebrating Christmas with her "mom" to give a proper response.
j*u, how was lapu's christmas eve stream?
>>39564176You looked in the mirror?
man these threads sure have been nice and comfy ever since the shitbuds haven't been able to act smug because gura is fucking dead
i posta da mori
>>39565032 >>39565039 >>39565052 >>39565059 >>39565064 >>39565072 >>39565075 >>39565084 >>39565085 >>39565092No problem
Rude boys are still in the thread. Post lewds.
>>39565154I love you dogame anon
>>39565154Why are 35p like this?
>>39565154Have a smug looking Calliope Mori
>>39564417I have no reason to believe that Mori’s sister isn’t a piece of shit
>>39565006>>>39562912 # >>39562952 # >>39562991 # >>39563048 # >>39563056 # >>39563063 #>>>39563090 # >>39563125 # >>39563137 # >>39563163 # >>39563194 # >>39563734 # >>39563850 # >>39563180 # >>39563066 # >>39563079 # >>39563142 # >>39563114 # >>39563125 # >>39563132 #Thanks Bae!
Bro what's is this goofy ass party hat, this is absolutely haramjk merry Christmas to all of you christians/catholics
https://youtu.be/A4txk8rM3Zw?t=2075Do i have to concern?
>>39565154I am so glad Gura is fucking gone, now we can have this wholesome family
>>39565082>months ago https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1603756282347126784 he didnt even like the tweet
Is it true that both Haachama and Kanata talked about EN3 recently?
>>39564489Why include her if Ane'nis is superior?
>>39562739Why are kenzoku like this?
>>39565278yeah, they called Alice a stupid whore
>>39564181It is a pleasure meeting you, the moom who flails
My oshi streamed on Christmas, did yours?
>>39565154>Dogame image>Good postThats not allowed
>>39565254I didn't see all of those before. I want a bootleg super chick party shirt now
Kiwawa cold chicken?
>>39564225At least you had the decency to list the good ones...
>>39565334NoBut I jacked off to yours, I hope there is no problem with that
>>39562912i dont get the thanks bae
WATAME SAID SHE LOVES ME(jokingly).GFE 10000000000000%
>>39565006Thanks bae
takos are the only cool EN fans, nekkos are the only cool JP fans and risuners are the only cool ID fans
>>39565351Stream in 3 and a half hours dummy.
>>39565334Yes on Christmas Eve and she's streaming again too tomorrow
kek chumbuds are all retarded niggers they should all be ran over by a truck i'm a teammate btw as you can see by picrelplease do NOT start shitting on Ame now wink wink
Is Bae or Ollie the bigger zoomer?
Watame is wondering how the other girls can say gfe-stuff without getting embarrassed
>>39565334She is playing phasmo with her friends
>>39565425>using the N-word
>>39565334She isn't a soulless rootless urbanite unlike the Japanese ""people"" so she did not
>>39565351Don't know what you mean, she's hot as fuck.
>>39565334It's not Christmas yetI haven't even started baking the cookies
>>39565425I know what you are doing, but that one post was ''please point out what I am obviously doing'' rather than ''please shit on this girl'' another example of this would be megane Ina.
>>39565484>>39565484Holy based
>>39565484Sounds like sour grapes to me Anon.
>>39565486butt buff when?
I hope Ame's Christmas stream is an offcollab with Tempus bros. She's been hinting at it for a while so there's a real possibility this would be it.
>>39565334Jokes on you anon. I don't have an oshi.
what's the plan for today again?
This Christmas feels lonelier than usual for some reason.
watame singing titanic!!and it's SC Reading time
>>39565522It's a well known fact that the japanese are spiritually bankrupt.
>>39565334It’s not Christmas yet, so that’s impossible. JPs should have to stream on Christmas standard Bethlehem time or else it doesn’t count.
kek all of the fanbases are relatively decent sensible people who often exhibit good humor. I hope nobody points out how cute my oshi is tee hee.
>>39565572Didn't Reine do her Revue Starlight watchalong last Christmas, or do I have the date wrong?
>Kaela level 317Jesus
>>39565572That's a cute weiner
>>39565551this time for sure bro
>>39565334my oshi isn't a nip, so it's irrelevant. no culture of KFC + sex at christmas outside of nippon.
>cucklings has been saying for weeks now how Fauna is taking a break before Christmas because she's gonna stream on Christmas because she loves them so much>now they're left alone with their cold chickenLole. I'm so glad I switched my oshis from Fauna to Ame. God it feels great being a TeamAte
>threats her members using yugioh quotes
>>39565647La creativiculo
>>39565680it's not xmas yet?
>>39565680Enjoy your Christmas offpako with Tempiss
>>39565647is this ai art
My mommy says I should wear a matching outfit with her this christmas, but im nervous..
>>39565522The all caps SHES EATING US got a chuckle out of meI want IRyS to eat me...
>>39565705>offpako with Tempissi doubt even bae would do something like this. the only holos i can see doing one are mori and ame
That was fun.
>>39565711it's always easy to tell with ame because of her wonky hairpin thing
>>39565705omfg why are sappplings like this
>>39565711yesyou can tell by the way it is
The thread started out nice
>>39565728You should also slip in a plug to get ready for later
>>39565733tell me how you don't watch streams without telling me you don't watch streams
>>39565680stop applying japanese customs to non-japanese people.
Holos who had SEX with their fans on Christmas>Shion>Aki>Koyori>Marine>Luna>Ayame>Watame>Noel>Miko>Okayu>Towa....>Matsuri>Flare>Nenechi!>Lui>IRyS>Bae>Koyori>Sora>Roboco>Fubuki>Polka>Suisei>Kaela>Anya>Iofi>Ollie>Chloe>Mio>Aqua>Iroha>Kanata>Mel>Reine>Lamy>Botan>Zeta>Kobo>Subaru
>>39565773yea i liked all the towa images too
>>39565362>>39565407>>39565468>>39565484>>39565490>>39565564>>39565581>>39565675Didn't ask
>>39565728is this ai art?
>>39565796All with me
>>39565796Towa and Matsuri only had sex with each other.
>>39565796>Nenechi!she was watching people killing each other
>>39565822Omfg how could TeamMates do this
>>39565838I'm Each Other.
>>39565792I watch streams
Merry christmas, /hlgg/!
>>39565680>jumping shipEw.
>>39565822Oh sorry pal, we are too busy fucking with each other, don't mind your cockless feels
>>39565860that's it?
>>39565810you literally did though you fucking brat i'll bash your kneecaps in
>>39565861fuck this i'm spending my christmas with /a/
>>39565783what do you mean a plug? Is it something electric that needs charging? It sounds dangerous..
The best way to spread Christmas cheer, is posting images of your oshi’s rear.
>>39562719Based and cute and merry.
Gura WILL stream on Christmas, mark my words
>Christmas eve>middle of the night in Japan right now>Irys streaming in the morningIrystokeks...
>>39565898>HoloX getting so desperate for numbers they're spamming ASMRJP7 must be right around the corner.
>>39565898Too late Aunt Louie, I am already out of fluids
>>39565904she's on hiatus
>>39565869this shit leads to people declaring their oshi at debut and defending everything she does because they're "fans" instead of watching streams and developing a favorite
>>39565877>>39565852cope teakeks, you faggots love to suck /mans/ cocks while roleplaying as an old man
>>39565928Why doesn't Nene have any porn?
>>39565951least sexual holomem
>>39565927Why are Holo X schizos even a thing? Imagine becoming a schizo because a group of Holos ACTUALLY stream and do things with Hololive.
>>39565937dont worry about it newfriend
>>39565680xmass is 25th
Remember when peop used to put effort into falseflagging?Me neither
Another thread ruined by shitmates
>>39565902mori looks cool here, like she's holding a cigar and bragging about record sales while Kiara wonders if she's getting laid or not
>>39565904Sounds like a good way to piss people off.>Doesn't stream at all>Says she'll talk about the reason why>Doesn't talk about the reason why and instead has an official announcement declaring a hiatus>Streams anyway a week later
Cold chicken my assThis chicken is HOT as FUCK!
get the hope cumbuttst.teammate
>>39565945>declaring their oshi at debut Why would anyone do this
>>39565994we barely have any plusmates here anon
>>39565951non-sexual holo
My older brother noticed i lost weightMerry Christmas Anons
Kroni streaming today?
>>39564845Tempus is too busy playing good games like DRG, it's concerning how they still can't get RoR2 perms. I just want the RoR2 arc to start...
>>39565977This HAS to be bait or a samefag
Towa wishes you a merry christmas and a nice thread
>>39566010so they can say they were day 1 fans on /vt/
>>39565985The sex happens in xmas eve
>>39566029he wants to fugg you
>>39565977La+ streams?
Have you guys been a good teamate while I was gone?
Sana may've left but she will never be forgottenSana love!Day 114
>>39565892is r/a/dio on right now?
>>39566010Everybody did it at one point. It only doesn't really make sense if you already have one and then go "this debut convinced me my oshi is worse than this completely new person"
>>39565973Ame's hand...
>>39566041stop cumming on my presents towa you do that every year
>>39566029We’ve noticed too anon. You’re looking great, keep up the good work
>>39565985You have sex on 24th not 25th
>>39566010>cute girl makes you want to support her right from the startIt's that simple. And before you pseudo-waifu niggers start to get upset, oshi has never and will never mean waifu.
>>39566039That actually makes sense. Wow. I regret not watching my oshi earlier...
>>39566053Y-yes Ame...we are extremely good friends with deadbeats and chumbuds...
>>39566060yeah but the real stuff doesnt start for another few hours
>>39565937Eating chicken is popular in jp xmas. Cold chicken means that your date didn't show up
>>39566056Who?I miss her humongous breasts and delicious pits
>>39566075ya always on ya damn phone
>>39566064>Everybody did it at one pointno I didn't
>>39566068But that is the present.
Homies, I'm looking forward to seeing your Denshttps://twitter.com/anyamelfissa/status/1606707105955971072https://twitter.com/anyamelfissa/status/1606707105955971072https://twitter.com/anyamelfissa/status/1606707105955971072https://twitter.com/anyamelfissa/status/1606707105955971072https://twitter.com/anyamelfissa/status/1606707105955971072https://twitter.com/anyamelfissa/status/1606707105955971072
>Europeans have a holiday about providing animal sacrifices to a demi-god figure to survive the winter on their recent harvest>Italians force a religion on the rest of Europe about worshiping a zombie jew with good ethics>Christmas becomes associated with thanking the people around you by sacrificing gifts to them>Holiday becomes an event to get together and be thankful for your family>A bunch of bizarre island dwellers half way around the world adopt the holiday but make it about smashing puss and eating fried chicken>A bunch of SEA people go to an anonymous message board shit posting about how much they're epically owning everyone else because a virtual cat girl appeared on a screen and the other virtual girls didn't
>>39566029When are you 2 gonna fuck already?
https://streamable.com/t0kqmfMori on the telly... again!
>>39566010It's like betting on horses. Feels good to be proven right.
>>39565899Masks are like panties for your face.
>>39565927not the orca
>>39566060Aw man, I miss working from home. Can't listen to the r/a/dio this year.
>>39566010EN3 #4 will be my oshi
>>39566039This kind of loyalty is a fucking joke, like why bother announcing this shit when you gonna drop her immediately after she did something you don't like
>>39566064My oshi wasn't my favorite or even second favorite of her gen, at debut.
>>39565680I don't think there's a single good post in the history of all of 4chan that uses the phrase "cuck" unironically
>>39566117the peko moved...
>>39566010Because that's what you should do?First impressions are the most important.
>>39566121dogshit reasoning
Anya you fucking weebhttps://youtu.be/3kJRnlXZJXohttps://youtu.be/3kJRnlXZJXo
>>39566173Cope. She has the highest numbers right now and I can't be more proud of her.
>>39566098That sounds fucking stupid. Eat your food instead of letting go coldThis sounds like some low effort forced cuckshit
>>39566142yeah, she just went coomer from day 1.
>>39566051No but she's on hiatus. Chloe, Lui, Iroha and ESPECIALLY Koyori DO stream.
>>39566166Maybe yours
Fauna tweet when?
>>39566168Get some help
>>39566148EN3 #4 sucks, EN5 #2 is the best.
>>39566117>Botan making fun of schizos by literally only doing a 10 minute unarchived stream using her freechat frame on Christmas Eve
>>39566056...sana? SANA??!!
>>39566010Anons are fucking retarded and want to feel superior to random anons who may or may not just be bots and or A.I.s making posts
The dope!
I have nipples.
I will rape a teammate today.t. Chadbud
>>39566197can't you wait until June 2023, can you?
>>39566179>homies onlyAlright guess I'll miss it then
>>39566179>happy holidays>santawhat did this small indonesian woman mean by this?
>>39566196no because it's a metapost
>>39566168There's no peko in that image anon.Meds
>>39566032Still not on topic, sister, but on that note RoR2 has been up in the air until recently, or something? Hopoo doesn't own RoR in general anymore, they sold it to Gearbox recently. I dunno if that'll help with getting perms, only that I'm not too thrilled about the situation.
guess the mystery nigga
>>39565233shes just horny aND STUPIDNOT EVIL
>>39566170>First impressions are the most important.This.I've been right about everybody so far to the point where it makes me wonder why people think the girls are significantly more different a year from debut. More comfortable maybe, but aspects of their personality show from the start.
>>39566117Fucking Italians
>>39566010I liked her design and concept, I also liked the genuine autist I found during her debut.
>>39566273Who the fuck is Sahanasha?
>>39566243Cute dope!
>>39566277HoloSock EN (or at least Myth forma de S*********S
>>39566148>he's a pinecuckbarely better than a deadbeatthis is strictly a soljean thread
>>39566064My oshi wasn't my oshi until 8 months after she debuted
>>39566299she mistyped, she meant to say shalashaska.
>>39566226Sounds exactly what an AI would say.
>>39566299Revolver Ocelot
>>39566277It's kiara nigga
>>39566248fuck no they were supposed to be up about 6 months ago
>>39566291Fucking Italians!
Important question: Will Anya and Fauna's 3D models have toe tracking?
>>39566042>>39566081i'm talking about the stream, i don't care what she does in her private life. besides you don't need a whole day to fuck. probably all (girls) do it before or after a stream.
>>39566294>design and conceptI picked my first because I liked the color blue.
>>39566394I want to know if IRyS will have accurate toes.
>>39566396Wrong thread
>>39566108You can't just cum on my ps5 wtf
>>39566320>IRyS and Bae doing unarchived karaoke at the same timeThey really couldn't have done it at differet hours...
>>39566396back you go
Mori & Suisei on the Japanese telly https://streamable.com/t0kqmf
>>39566396*throws salt at it*
>>39566330unironically low test
>>39566428gotta make use of the Gura's old slot some how
>>39566277It'll either be>EN3 announcement: A random assortment of girls will be talking to each other like a Christmas party and someone knocks on the door. A few christmas cards pass through the mail slot and the skit ends with the girls all huddled around them reading "they'll be back soon" with a "return date", unsigned, leaving everybody confused >Kiara alone thanking everybody and hoping they have a good christmas>Something completely normal not even acknowledging it's the last one
>>39566428No, they're having sex before and after the karaoke. Overlapping to maximize how much time they have with each other
>>39566391We don't claim her
>>39566477nigga it's Kiara's s**********s
k...i...l...l... m...e...
>>39566477>A few christmas cards pass through the mail slothololive idols now get smash invites lmao
Watame singing padoru
>>39566170>The first impression of a 2view streamer (implying they were even a streamer when they were accepted) streaming to 100k+ people for the first time in their lives is """""""""""""""""important""""""""""""""""The message is true sure, but obviously debuts will almost always be shit because they won't be used to that. It's just unreasonable to expect [person here] to have an amazing debut and for you to "oshi" them day one. Look at Ame's debut everyone fucking hated it. Look at Kiara first few MONTHS she was the designated hate target because of her debut, and now look at how they're percieved>tl;drFirst impressions in this subject don't make any sense and you should give people at least a month to get into this and before oshi-ing them
>>39566428You mean IRyS. Bae had her schedule up and ready internally last sat/sun.IRyS numberfagging is a fucking turn-off.
>>39566032They’re releasing the RoR1 remake, so there could be perms someday
>>39566477>Those optionsIf you watched streams or read threads you'd already know what it is
Why is IRyS so thirsty for Gura's timeslot?
>>39566477I hope it's EN3. We're sorely overdue
>>39566562thighs were so thick i thought it was her ass
>>39566599She wants the numberinos but she's too much of a sniveling puss to ever dare doing it to anyone but Bae.
Why has IRyS been streaming in this timeslot for like 3 months now? Shes supposed to stop doing it because I don't like it
if it was an actual idol group, you'd have graduates coming back for holidays/special events for a one time gig or greeting...IRL idols do that all the time
Now I'm getting horny again....
>>OPIna and her tradwife.
>>39566567debut are bad because everyone does it in the most predictable and boring way
>>39566598Who did this one? It's beautiful.
I want EN3 because I joined watching vtubers post-council and I wanna feel the joy of watching a new gen debut. I guess I got a bit of that with ID3 but EN is what I watch most
>>39566599Number brain rotIronically it isn't doing her any good.
Koyori is starting sekiro in 2023 btw. If you watched her play ER you know what you're in for.
Ina holding a cock (me).
>>39566657Literally the only one who can do that is Sana, anon. Everybody else got fired or left on bad terms
>>39565334Not an holo but yes and will be stream again in less than 12 hours
>>39566657It would be nice but>Coco now>Rushia termination>Sana seething because she didn't do anything wrong by never streaming
>>39566691I want EN3 because all of EN hates streaming
>>39566691rape this young sapling
>>39566121Go back to /#/ scum
>>39566697Sounds fantastic.
>>39566657Hololive isn't based
>>39566697Uhh, can you even bullshit through Sekiro?I don't think that Koyo's in for a good time.
>>39566170>First impressions are the most important.And yet a lot of debut streams suck ass wdym
>>39566667>debuts>speedruns intro in like 5 minutes>rest of debut is just playing a game insteadNot hololive, but holos could learn a thing or two.
What's this?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OzxYScGoqc
>>39566790parry spam
>>39566774what's with these shitty artists drawing the tummy like a factory mold for mori's dildo
>>39566697>If you watched her play ER you know what you're in foryeah...
>>39566808RP video.
dont mind me im just a plant
>>39566808sex with rodents
>>39566790Yeah you can't even grind that game. You can get some helpful tools but those only take you so far
>>39566277The whole EN together?
What are the chances that any Holo will play High on Life? Its gameplay is shit, but it could bring us some fun reactions.
>>39566808brrat ball draining
>>39566657>Aloe wants nothing to do with Hololive>Hololive wants nothing to do with Rushia>Sana can't stream her gachashit on Christmas so she's not coming back.Hmm, I wonder why.
>>39566808My Christmas date with Murasaki
is it wrong to wish that a holo became a futa for this christmas?
>>39566808GFE date
>>39566847The only way a playthrough of that is good would be if the holo did an exaggerated laugh at every shitty joke
>>39566396Thanks, I love it.
>>39566808christmas date with my rat gf
Cute chimkin
>>39566847Kronii maybe
>>39566847Seems like a Mori game, but she doesn't play shooters that often.
>>39566847I heard the gameplay was decent and competent. Just not particularly innovative.
>>39566847I don't wish that on my worst enemy.
>>39566805it was kino af. Debuts should be a show
>>39566847>>39566882bae is new to almost everything and easily impressed so I guess her
>>39566882Ame will make it a fun stream then.
>>39566808Ironic GFE
Man where is EN3, this entire holiday season makes me not want to be a sapling anymore. She's a total fucking liar and completely untrustworthy now.
Why is IRyS an Amourfag when Dawn is the only correct choice?
>>39566893isnt this a niji?
>>39566919>>39566923I meant an exaggerated laugh in a sarcastic way
>>39566847Seems like Kronii and Gura's kind of ironic zoomer meme humor.
>>39566657Yeah like sorry idolfags but Hololive is not a real idol group
>wtm wants to use tiktok
>>39566947I think the guy that mentioned Ame understood your point
>>39566934JP7 is next. Some of the JP girls have already been talking about getting new kouhai.
>>39566820I like tummies that are firm yet show a woman's softness
>>39566847Fucking no one I hopeImagine the rick and morty humor but more exaggerated and somehow even less funny, non stop. Not even joking, like the fucking humor of the game, but non-stop verbal vomit.
>>39566963You have to let go, Anon...
>>39566847Does it have a multiplayer?
>>39566277 S*********S niggas
>>39566923Ame should stream it with Nabi on VC
>>39566942Yes it's him, the one who just diss Pekora a few day ago, now he is serving Pekora's chicken in fanarts
>>39566691I'm assuming the ones shitposting about not wanting EN3 are either, you know, shitposting or just down in the dumps. Depending on who you watch most and who your oshi is, it's been a very disappointing year and I'm teetering on the 'man, fuck it' line myself. Hard to work up excitement for even a new gen when you have nothing to look forward to. Ame is keeping me alive, at least.
>>39566867>>39566740>>39566734>We are forgotten.
why is everyone afraid to say sockpuppets?
>>39566650Numbers, Gura slowed down so IRyS streams in it whenever Gura isn't streaming.
>>39566808Surprise GFE RP video she's been working on followed by an additional surprise for members
>>39567047One of you is literally streaming
Am so happy bros :D
>>39567057Nah they wouldn't do it in the middle of holidays I think.January at earliest
>>39567047proto kuroe and proto rui? what about them?
>>39567047lui and chloe, anonchama
>>39566939Thats not how you spell Misty.
>>39567049Because some people don't know and don't want the surprise ruined for them?
>>39567076JP7 in January. That gives them time to settle in before the Holofes watchalongs.
>>39567047gotta say cover did the right thing killing this, both artists did a way better job later.
Which JP streams stood out during those jam packed hours? No way I can watch them all
if you are what you eat then does that mean Mori is Kiara's ass
>>39567110pekora owning le haterz was pretty epic
>>39567131Mori is ass, yes
>>39567131No, Kiara's anus.
>>39567057Hello konyappi im Towa, the en3 expecialist, coming to you live today on this amusing afternoon at hlgg.According to all the research i've gathered extensively, en3 will debut when all the en3 are picked and ready to stream. That's all I got for now, Towa signing out!
Post christmas soundposts
>>39566847I want Mori to play it because of the biblically accurate Applebee's
>>39567179proto Lui and Chloe was overdesigned and shit.
Well anons. Since it looks like they're both going to overlap eachother. Which will you watch?
>>39567187Thank you Towa
HoloMyth cute.
>>39567187They said konyappi I think this is the real Towa.
>>39567208my oshi
>>39567208Bae because she seems like less of a numberfag and scheduled first
>>39567208Neither, because I will be sleeping by then. :(
>>39567208i dont watch council so irys
>>39567208Baelz. She scheduled hers first.
>>39566947so Mori
>>39567187Towa saved the thread btw
>>39567208I will be asleep
>>39567214its an actual fucking crime that Ame is the only one with thighhighs
vibe check failed
EN3 is coming sooner than you expect
I can't believe I'm going to be spending another Christmas here. This is our third /hlgg/ Christmas anons
>>39567286The advent is only a few hours away
>casts firaga on your chicken
>>39567197Applicable for the chumbuds in... nepal?
>>39567286Yeah, they're coming to rape me via every orifice on my body.
>>39567274Kiara? Half of Ina? Half of Mori? They are
>>39567285Why does Bae hate Magni and IRyS?
>>39567286Can confirm, I am one of the new girls.Yes, we have an Alice but she's a menhera.
Loli wtm just wished me a merry xmas!!
>>39567208I will be watching Bae GFE into Bae karaoke
>Hololive store now charges duties+tax on orderIt's over...
>Fubuki - Polka>Mio - Koyori>Botan - Okayu>Lui - Kiara>Korone - ????Where is our downsized dog Holo? A small, angry yet cowardly loli, possibly a spanish-speaking Chihuahua?
>>39567419saplings are for rape
>>39567208they hate each other..
>>39567208Very subtle, anon. Dare I say, epic.
>>39567291We sure have spent a lot of time together huh...
>>39567416if risu was a dog...
>>39567208Bae and then Bae. If you wanna be an overlapping annoyance then you'll get what you deserve. Eternal vod-tier correction.
>>39567462I think we should kiss and stuff since it's cold.
>They don't know I'll be spending my Christmas hanging out with Jewish friends who also have nothing to do instead of planning my time around catching streamsI'm a little devilish towadevil.png
Lui Mommy ASMR...
>>39567187>expecialistyeah I'm thinking this is the real Towa
>>39567416yo quiero papas fritashoocha
>>39567208Ame and Bae
Crazy to think this is our last Christmas.
>>39567474Is this a teamate?
I am once again at that stage where my stomach is churning in stress not knowing where Fauna is thanks to absolutely no update and absolutely no twitter activity. I really hope I don't get the headache too.
>>39567208IRyS, I dont watch numberfags like Bae
>>39562739based and merry christmas to you anon
>>39567576KEK. Anon, IRyS is the biggest numberfag there is besides Fauna.
>>39567505lifes not fair...
>>39567208Bae because she’s closer friends to Mumei and Fauna than IRyS is.
>>39567208Hakos chan kawaii
>>39567047I want you to imagine left having Luis voice and the chuuninyou being Chloe
I fucking missed Bae's countdownfuck my fucked up sleep schedule, fuck
>>39562739It’s beautiful
>>39567584She's too powerful.
>>39567584>parasocial manipulation on christmas dayDisgusting.
Fauna is never coming back, she’s abandoned us…
>>39567208I will be sleeping with my belly full of Christmas food my mom made
I have returned from the Hanukkah celebrations full of wine. What have I missed?
>>39567208Bae since irys is a tard who doesnt double check about overlapping
Catching up on recent clips, is IRyS actually flat irl? That's honestly rather disappointing if so...
>>39567584How does one marry a baby irl?
>>39567572Be at peace young sapling
>>39567416But Korone is a King Charles Cocker Spaniel, that's a small breed. We need a St. Bernard or a Samoyed for her counterpart.
>>39567602She’s farting into the mic repeatedly and laughing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-ga0deEN94reminder of what happenned the last time HoloX got too cocky
>>39567162Chicken is unironically a positive meme now, every Jap artist is drawing itShe took the meme from anti hand and make it her own. This isn’t even owning
>>39567695Get out, JEW!
>>39567695Ohhh and I forgot to put it in the post, how was Watame’s ASMR with her new toy.I blame the wine and vodka
>>39567709irys is essentially gura build in real life
>>39567572I wouldn't worry too much she's probably with her boyfriend.
>>39567584Is it legal to be as cute as Luna
i miss rushia
>>39567759Flat nephilim chest erotic TuT uoooooooh Nephilim belly and chest erotic!
>>39567709Isn't she rather short and frail? I believe the only big thing about her is her foot size relative to her body. She's a scrawny hafu Japanese girl, anon.
i miss coco
>>39567709>is the hafu a flattiegee i wonder
>>39567208Wha is seriosly wrong with Irys? Isnt Bae supposed to be her friend? Can't believe she cares that much about numbers to overlap her with the same kind of stream, kind of a bitch move desu
i dont get why bae is calling the RP thing cringe. is it cause she cringes or is it pre-emptive cause some people will call it cringe? I'm leaning towards the latter since she likes VA stuff and called it a drama CD type thing at first
I miss Ina...
>your oshi>how’s your holiday so far
>>39567572Don't worry sapling, it'll all be over soon, just come with me to the farm upstate
>>39567800its like pavonashi, or gurame, they overlap because they love each other.
>>39566963I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
>>39567730Just like watame making animal noises and giggling...
>>39567695t. Fauna
>>39567810Bae churns out this numberfag GFE stuff several times a year. Shes self aware about what shes doing
>Your oshi>Your hopes for EN3
>>39567810Bae finds herself trying to be lovey dovey or romantic cringeyMost people do
>>39567810She has no experience so she shields herself by calling it cringe
>>39567829WatamePrettyyyyyy good I’d say, probably my last Hanukkah in this stupid shithole, maybe the last one ever. But I got a lot of good wine
>>39567857guraH O R S E P U S S YORSEPUSSY
>>39567835nah I think she is a bitch and is getting mad she is getting better numbers recentlyirys has no shame, same shit about gura timeslot
>>39567800She's a number chaser. Simple. This became embarrassingly apparent after she got her 2.0 model.
>>39567810shes a zoomer and can't just call it embarrassing
>>39567867>Bae finds herself trying to be lovey dovey or romantic cringeyI can save her from the shed and hold her...
>>39567208i am from EU
>>39567892you sound like a bitter loser
jw*what's the lastest yab? how many casualties?
>>39567829Kroniimaking some kind of frankenstein meal so the alcohol won't hit as hard as on an empty stomach
>>39567910That would be speaking inaccurately. Cringe is embarrassment + revulsion.
>>39567935Your oshi is a self absorbed number chaser, worse than Kiara when she was on that phase
>>39567892Irys has like double of baes viewers
>>39567208I’m glad people are finally starting to see how much of a numberfag Irys is.Too bad she’s back to her regular viewership even with the new model so SEArystocrats can’t even cope about her being debuffed by her model anymore
>>39567948Make yourself something good you mess of a dumb ass
>>39567810She's extremely shy about it and like you said, it's the latterOtherwise she wouldn't go as hard during the perfomance as she does
I will play the 2hu on Christmas, probably 17
>>39567829KiaraPretty chill, had a Christmas dinner with my parents and now I'm at home playing vidya until Kiara's stream.
>>39567983This has an Orcschizo level “OMGGGG IM GLAD SO MANY PEOPLE AGREE WITH ME” vibe
>>39567800Irys saw the numbers on her recent streams and is panicing because she saw that her redesign did not help at all
>>39567208Neither. I don't like karaoke and only tolerate it when it's my oshi.
>>39567975>worse than Kiarabased retard, please watch streams, Kiara never gave a fuck about numbers
Is there some discord anti Irys campaign going on kek?where did all these faggots come from?
>>39567800>What is seriosly wrong with Irys? Isnt Bae supposed to be her friend? So is Miori and they overlap each other 99% of the streams in Bae timeslots, yet they obviously are very close to each other.Not asking for someone like you to understand
>>39568028eigo jouzu
>Irysuh huhface the wall please
>>39567946Bae said merry Christmas to the homos on Twitter and half of EN isn’t streaming on the Japanese sex holiday.
>>39567829InaI bought some sweets from a bakery yesterday to indulge in today. I'm very happy right now
>>39568025Still the funniest thing that happened in the thread
Why do shitposters reply to themselves like no one can tell?
>>39567709Japanese hafu whose diet is composed of nothing but sweets and can barely open a bottle using her own wristsLiteral sticcShe also has no ass to her own admission
>>39567810She can't just come out and say that she likes making these kinds of things for Brats even if she finds it embarrassing.
>>39567935>loserJudging by your choice of language. You're the loser for caring so much about numbers. 3 guesses which Holo you watch.
>>39568035The cares about the number of girls in her harem
>thread too busy being faggots they missed fubuki saying she considers vaporeon the sexiest eeveelution
theres a literal bug ITT
>your oshi>do you like IRyS
>shitposter shit on ina>gets ignored>shitposter move on to gura>gets ignored>shitposter move on to fauna>gets called a retard and then ignored>shitposter moves on to IRyS>gets called a retard and then ignored???????
>>39568128Kiarashes cute. Can't watch her solo usually because of timezones but shes cool in collabs.
>>39568122i have her on a tab but guess what, i do not speak the tongue of the rising sun
>>39568128IRyS shes my wifeRyS so I'm obligated by vow
>>39568143>then ignoredNICE JORK
>>39568122vaporeon only got put in after you posted that, also the hottest to her is obviously FLAREon
Uhhh numbernigger I don’t wanna ruin your party but Hololive isn’t like Horse Racing, You’re not supposed to just look at stats and numbers and shit on others for being low
>>39567857give me an english korone. Pouch Temma from PC if necessary.
>>39568128IRySShe is my wife
>InaIn Japan>GuraDead>FaunaWith "family">MumeiWith "family"So what's Kroni's and Mori's excuse for not streaming on Christmas Eve?
>>39568128InaI don't hate her but I don't find her that interesting.
>>39568128Baea lot
>>39568128FlareFlare likes IRyS so I like IRyS
>>39568172>vaporeon only got put in after you posted thatshe was talking about it several minutes ago dumb dekinai
>>39568128WatameShe’s adorable and a friend of my oshi, yes I absolutely like her
>said she would do RFA 8 months ago >Still hasn't >Said AGAIN she'd play it with her low poly since normal people couldn't see it at the con>Still hasn't despite that >Has mentioned wanting playing a lot of games >Doesn't and opts in for switch sports #574884>Says she'll take a week off >Doesn't >Extends it >Still not showing up for Christmas Eve despite it being a part of Christmas And people support this how? Fauna is a filthy liar. >
>>39568193Kronii and Mumei are digging a hole in a cemetery and performing burial rites
Murasaki should be EN3
>>39568128AmeYeah, she's grown on me since debut. I think she's under rated and I end up watching her a lot. I want more tank control RE playthroughs from her.
what if IRyS is an acronym for something like I Rammed your Sister or some dumb shit
>>39568128GuraI don't feel anything anymore
>>39568128MoriYeah, she's cute and dumb
>>39568210Hey it’s youWhere the fuck have you been the past like 3 months, I missed your cute little edits
>>39566010You get an excuse only if you had no oshi
I keep it 300 like the romans
>>39568128KiaraYes, I watch her from time to time.
>>39568227Murasaki is underage so she can't join until she turns 18.
>>39568122Why are white/blue women like this?
>>39568128Baeof course
>>39568227I agree
>>39568128AmeNo, she is becoming an unironic numberfag. Same with Fauna
>>39567988it's winter, i can be a waste of oxygen if i want to
>>39568252Ive been here the whole time
>>39567208Probably IRyS, I love her karaokes whenever she actually sings English songs in her Disney Princess voice.
Why IRyS has a semi-kiara level anti schizo? She is as innocuous as Ina.
>>39568128I am Irys
>>39568311they're deadbeats