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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 907 KB, 2048x2048, Fj4D7j_VsAAs0lD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38936690 No.38936690 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>38958171

A thread dedicated to Nijisanji EN's longnecked tomboy gamer Dragon/laughing gas addict!
Pour one out for a probably dead dragoon edition~

>Her Youtube channel
>Her Twitch channel
>Her VOD Channel
>Her Twitter
>Selen SHIMEJI! Have your own Chibilen!
Previous thread: >>38766441

>> No.38936740
File: 304 KB, 1300x1300, Fjs65kTacAALNGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38939452

The Schedule!

>> No.38937485

this will be my remembrance of him

i should probably archive this just in case

>> No.38937652

Has she mentioned reviving the Apex 2434 kills collabs? I know she fell into the overwatch hole but now that she hit the top rank it might come back, right?

>> No.38937668

Yugo was kind to Selen in Japan so I will also pay respects here.
Makes the joking that the new girl is another Yugo less funny in retrospect.

>> No.38937904

No clue. she hasn't said it's dead yet at the very least so who knows, if she does she will probably announce it

>> No.38938205

I was really happy watching that stream, knowing that Selen got to hang out with her friends and that she was taken care of well while she was in Japan. I really appreciated Yugo hanging out with her, and any friend of Selen's is always worthy of respect in my eyes.
Going to miss him. Godspeed, DJ.

>> No.38938539

I'm going to miss you DJ, thank you for everything and taking care of Selen in Japan, you were a great liver

>> No.38938681
File: 172 KB, 480x480, Selen Salute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be honest, i never cared about Yugo or watched her streams (well except for that one with Selen) but i appreciate that she shared the PC with Selen on the NijiFest and gave us a cool stream
F, o7

>> No.38938895
File: 19 KB, 600x155, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's grooming

>> No.38939003

Kotoka is pretty competent at ape sex, Selen might finally have a play buddy in EN

>> No.38939010
Quoted by: >>38939071

Much like the last one not real

>> No.38939071
File: 16 KB, 570x133, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38939354

It's very real (in my head)

>> No.38939354

Just this once, i would actually like / wouldn't mind Kotoka being Selen's friend
What's her rank?

>> No.38939452

I still remember the usual journo hack crowd heavily criticized Gunslinger (Selen's Saturday game) because the story involved you,
>Headshotting Native Americans as a white man.
A real racially motivated quote btw. Because to them, white characters having any sort of agency and fighting BIPOCs in a real historical setting without any added revisionist political commentary is inherently racist and therefore bad.

>> No.38939460
Quoted by: >>38939567

I don't think she said it? I just joined, she said she's rusty tho but people in main th*ead already said she's better than Reimu(but worse than PomU)

>> No.38939567

meant for >>38939354
fucking kek, idk her movement is pretty good and her aim is on point

>> No.38940991

She peaked plat

>> No.38942401

dont expect the challenge to continue until january
between overwatch and end year projects she had no time, but i have faith for her to come back to the series on full force next year

>> No.38943722

collab waiting room up:

>> No.38943952

Will some of them drop out because of Yugo? I wouldn't be surprised if some of the collabs will be moved(Even tho they knew couple of weeks prior)

>> No.38944118
Quoted by: >>38944263

I wonder if Selen knew about this, seems like a weird timing for a collab and probably not something she would do
Regarding Yugo she was a fellow Dragoon, I hope that she's okay

>> No.38944151

Yep, some of them might cancel their schedule for today.

>> No.38944263

Do all of them really know weeks prior? If so I doubt they will cancel since they agreed knowing this, if not we'll see some cancel it

>> No.38944265
Quoted by: >>38944654

Like i'm pretty sure Vermitied collab that had Fulgar in it might be moved, or they will find someone else, i will be surprised tho, they should be over it already

>> No.38944368
File: 404 KB, 1843x2305, Fj67pBRaUAEqE_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38944584

I don't mind vermintide collab being moved. It's a great game that i'm looking forward to but i don't want them playing it with a sour mood.

>> No.38944654

Isn't that next week? I doubt they'll cancel more than a week

>> No.38945941

w/ @PomuRainpuff @Rosemi_Lovelock @LucaKaneshiro @AsterArcadia @MariaMarionette @AiaAmare @KyoKaneko @RenZotto
I'm gonna assume Selen invited all the good ones and Luca invited all the shit ones. LUCA H A T E

>> No.38945945

As petra said on twitter, dont judge livers if they chose to stream. each person deals with this kind of thing differently, so some might stream to forget about it while others will take a break, like noctyx chose to or how petra didnt think she could stream today with that situation

>> No.38946431

It’s ok, I love selen enough to put up with aster

>> No.38946472
Quoted by: >>38946805

Yup, I can see how some will be like "Just act normal"
Look, we have pomu and rosemi is all I care, Maria a bit as well, I don't really mind the others, Luca can get annoying at times but I believe in the woo girls

>> No.38946805
Quoted by: >>38958508

Considering it's a detective game I won't put it past him to cheat for content just like he did in hmongus

>> No.38951364

Haha up

>> No.38952426

Selen's pussy cheese...

>> No.38952443
File: 404 KB, 2150x3035, 1662341854663927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who's is who
This will be an exceptional challenge considering that ILUNA is playing

>> No.38952859
Quoted by: >>38957009


>> No.38956389
Quoted by: >>38957009

i want to smell her stink

>> No.38957009
File: 334 KB, 1600x900, Fj6TrgDXwAEp9Il.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39032697

Selen's feet smell....

>> No.38958171
File: 565 KB, 1076x1076, 1628041018008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38959631


>> No.38958508

This is why selen doesn't stream those types of games often (with almost no POVs in while), maybe it's not just Luca

>> No.38959631
File: 23 KB, 112x112, Selen Clap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38959948

>Selen invited all the good ones and Luca invited all the shit ones
You are one of the dragoon who's always arguing in the main thread. selen has told us on multiple occasions how she organizes this type of collabs, she puts the message on discord and the first members to react are in. I don't like luca either but hate has no place /here/ I think you know where this type of words are welcome.

>> No.38961203
File: 250 KB, 1200x675, 1642691596425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really the only catchphrase they could think of for Selen?

>> No.38962558
Quoted by: >>38994226

Bro it's just a coworker being fired. Maybe if she fucking died this shit would be warranted but the NijiEN happy family hugbox is fake as fuck and I respect Selen more for not participating in it.

>> No.38962776

What would you put anon?

>> No.38963552


>> No.38963674


>> No.38963695
Quoted by: >>38969403

>"I really love you Anon. I want to spend my life with you. Lets have lots of fun together!"

>> No.38964000

>You don't know what a brojob is?

>> No.38964046
File: 177 KB, 1030x904, 1659064267087275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38965096

I expected the signature to be golden or purple, not that yellow.

>> No.38965710
File: 243 KB, 1200x848, Ffj4zSEUcAA_-DT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as the Holy Trinity and Maria interact, it will be ok
Bonus points if Luca shut the fuck up most of the time

>> No.38965726


>> No.38965792

>shutting up

>> No.38967133

>im a dragon, rawr

>> No.38967696
Quoted by: >>38967824

Luca and Vox are the attention whores of nijien sadly, Vox can be funny sometimes at least

>> No.38967824

I like Luca and Vox. It seems some people in this thread expected NijiEN to be HoloEN 2 and never got over that NijiEN turned out to be, in fact, a branch of Nijisanji. I really wish you people had stuck to Hololive instead of poisoning Selen's fanbase.

>> No.38968038

? What does this even have to do with Hololive? If you think people dislike those 2 just because they are "male" you're delusional, I won't deny that there are some that do, that's unavoidable, but they have very crucial flaws that makes us not want to see them in collabs, you won't even see that much hate towards the other nijien members, fuck, no one even hates on the jp ones it's just those 2

>> No.38968090

Sorry bro but im not obligated to like everyone and even the Niji fans tell others that you can dislike people on the branch
Vox is good collab partner when he is not in "Forma Coomer"
Luca on the other hand is a annoying faggot and i cant stand him, just because some of the NijiEN chubbas pushed the family shit doesnt mean i will pretend to like everyone

>> No.38968663

I wont deny that there could be some people against males in general, but the whole point of tomboys is being able to interact with men as friends.
I dont think that Selen herself attracts that kind of incels.

>> No.38968816
Quoted by: >>38974141

I don't dislike Luca because he's a guy (selen's collabed with guys since before there were even guys in the branch and it wasn't an issue), I dislike him because he's annoying, skull crushingly stupid and worst of all, can't take a joke at his expense.

>> No.38969002
Quoted by: >>38969403

Look, guys, I'm on a card

>> No.38969403

>Look, guys, I'm on a card HAHAHAHAHA
You forgot the laugh
But for real tho, not counting shitposts like >>38964000
I can't figure out a catchphrase for Selen that would fit the card, but I agree that the "Hey, guys" was pretty lazy

>> No.38970956


Not cancelled

>> No.38971299


>> No.38971309


>> No.38971433

My oshi just keeps being so based

>> No.38972802
File: 15 KB, 221x288, 1650193160868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Selen, i'm always grateful for your hard work

>> No.38973994
File: 101 KB, 320x293, nya[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl17dsl.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38974141

Yeah, I gosling a bit, but I don't mind Selen collabing with guys at all. Vox is funny when he isn't talking about cum, Ike is cool and has good conversations when he doesn't take his straight man role a bit too serious, but Luca is just too annoying and loud most of the time, even if he can be fun every now and then. That's what I meant with Luca never shutting up.

>> No.38977024
Quoted by: >>38977668

>Luca is just too annoying and loud most of the time.
that's the exact same main reason everyone where complaining about selen in the selamei collab. sounds more like unjustified hate

>> No.38977251

kyo is in the collab? this is disgusting. Luca is bearable, but kyo's mere presence makes me want to throw up. I will have to skip this one. I hope he dies soon

>> No.38977365
Quoted by: >>38977668

No, can't agree and I don't care about any unicorn brony labels that come with this opinion. It does suck when it is a male collab with anything but an fps. This is because only men generally take this shit seriously beyond maybe groups like vspo designed for it and the occasional cracked female streamer in Niji or Holo.
Otherwise, I would rather see Selen goof off with Pomu or Rosemi or any of the girls really.

>> No.38977668
Quoted by: >>38978278

>It does suck when it is a male collab with anything but an fps.
Depends, the first Nijicancelled was kino, the Mario Party collab with Suha, Nagao and Alban was good too to name a few examples
But yeah most of them are meh
>that's the exact same main reason everyone where complaining about selen in the selamei collab.
No? It was the other way around, i saw a lot of people on the m*in thread pretending that it was the worst Selen collab because the Holos didnt have the same banter energy as Selen
Sometimes is just good to see cute girls doing cute things

>> No.38978278

You clearly didn't visit any holo threads during that collab. especially teamates thread

>> No.38978485

I did, i also visited /hlgg/ and /who/
Teamates were always friendly, the main holo thread had the usual schizos but nothing out of the usual trolling (the ones that where complaining got "HAHAHA" posting in return)
The only one that had actual seething was /who/ from 2 Hoomans but for different reasons they didnt like Mumei getting corrupted by Selen, in fact, one of them visited the thread after the collab

>> No.38979070

that hooman was something else

>> No.38979884

You are absolutely correct, anon, it wasn't in those threads, but in # and main. but there are people who say that shit about selen, your comment (Assuming you're the anon who said luca was annoying and loud) reminded me of those types of comments I saw during that collab

>> No.38980148
File: 2.41 MB, 2479x3508, IMG_20220804_125136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>>>>>>> pomu and selen fighting for the dragoons on the prechat

>> No.38980209
Quoted by: >>38980449

I love those 2
>But do we snitch or not, that's the question

>> No.38980449
File: 165 KB, 944x769, 1181646142400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38980558
Quoted by: >>38980831

Pomulen will save this collab for me.

>> No.38980617

>if selen lose we get cute selen stories
>if selen wins we get cute selen stories
i won, it doesnt matter the result

>> No.38980831
File: 9 KB, 457x77, 1889286729496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... it seems that WOO Girls / Holy Trinity will have to HARD CARRY this collab because Maria is out

>> No.38980898


>> No.38980924

I was really looking forward to Maria interacting with the Trinity...
Shit happens sadly

>> No.38981099
File: 193 KB, 56x56, 945925268109934593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38981732
File: 6 KB, 349x52, kyomia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38981833
Quoted by: >>38982055

And he just start stream while the others don't know wtf is going on lmao

>> No.38981834
File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, FGVwjJvVIAsRZu8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, starting!


Apparently he just ghosted everyone and started the stream anyways kek

>> No.38981905

This collab... lol.

>> No.38982055

>I was having technical difficulties
>But you still started the stream?
I don't trust Kyo

>> No.38982098

>Selen's name is so long that it doesnt even fit the slots

>> No.38982103

All of my credibility on him just plummeted lmao

>> No.38982128

Hopefully something really bad happened to him, But I don't think we're that lucky
>He just joined
FUCK I hoped that he finally died or him becoming a vegetable

>> No.38982148

Thats a little sussy if you ask me lol

>> No.38982181

>Pomu just laughs at Kyo

>> No.38982237

>Rosemi is fake
The m*in thread rrats...

>> No.38982436
File: 309 KB, 418x327, 1fc0076ae12737b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38982590

>Seiso Pomu
Now i want Seiso Selen to collab with Seiso Pomu.

>> No.38982653

>hello im ren and im cringe

>> No.38982716

>And rosemi making fun of Hex
I love them so much

>> No.38982939

>Luca eliminated first

>> No.38983036


>> No.38983051


>> No.38983058
File: 216 KB, 235x399, Champion Selen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Selen and Pomu only ones alive
>Selen won

>> No.38983089


>> No.38983153

>pomu seething at selen
>they are both targeting each other

>> No.38983314

>Apex ring

>> No.38983339

Based as always

>> No.38983643
Quoted by: >>38983920

>Kyo sounds and acts retarded

>> No.38983666


>> No.38983688
Quoted by: >>38983728

>The seething of pomu
This is actually a really good collab, who would've thought

>> No.38983728
File: 339 KB, 448x276, The Holy Trinity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38983884

These 3 are a blessing

>> No.38983792
Quoted by: >>38983884

>Rose Pomu and Selen Griefing each other

>> No.38983884
Quoted by: >>38983982

>Maria is not there to interact with them

>> No.38983920

at least he is more quiet than usual, even ren is more active kek

>> No.38983982

Apparently she had problems with her goxlr, I'm hoping she gets it fixed and joins later, but that's just a lot of copium on my part...

>> No.38984058

Hopefully he's actually dying this time. That is the content i want

>> No.38984088

He's being really chill for once, I'm really liking this collab a lot
Also, is it me or Rosemi has been more outgoing lately?

>> No.38984176

>kyo gets caught stealing like a million times
It's like he's really...

>> No.38984217

It happens when she is with Selen and Pomu

>> No.38984218

sadly he isn't, would've been really funny

>> No.38984283


>> No.38984356

>Rosemi has been more outgoing
Yes! Since she returned from her trip to Japan she gained a lot more confidence, I want to assume that the girls signed some juicy contract

>> No.38984637


>> No.38984738


>> No.38984756
File: 63 KB, 144x152, 1608565276606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats my oshi

>> No.38984995
Quoted by: >>38985024


>> No.38985024
File: 1.19 MB, 690x858, 1626578047114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38985232

an another one!

>> No.38985351

Pomu is going menhera again...

>> No.38985585

>Selen can handle just 1 Pomu

>> No.38985944


>> No.38985972
File: 94 KB, 256x256, Selen Smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 segs from dying

>> No.38986001

We're getting so many pomulen interactions, I'm smiling and laughing so much

>> No.38986096

Based and same.

>> No.38986142
File: 107 KB, 850x478, 1111917964535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks God that Pomu is present in this collab

>> No.38986966
Quoted by: >>38987096

the vampire mode is the best one yet

>> No.38987096

This one seems pretty chaotic lol

>> No.38987764

Straight up said the rrat lmao

>> No.38987778
Quoted by: >>38988100

>stream sniper
Based Pomers.

>> No.38987809
Quoted by: >>38987944

I missed it, what did they say?

>> No.38987944
Quoted by: >>38987959

pomu called luca a stream sniper

>> No.38987959

lmao based pomu

>> No.38987963

>you BITCH

>> No.38988026
Quoted by: >>38988100

>He's stream sniping for real

>> No.38988100
File: 848 KB, 618x644, 1636332250299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38988397

>Pomu won by doing nothing

>> No.38988487

>Chicken soup!

>> No.38988576
Quoted by: >>38989241

>It was right next to you, you id-

>> No.38988878

I don't know if this is how it was done, but this feels like Selen missed a deadline to give a line and whoever is in charge with this made up a generic one

>> No.38989241

>Selen laughing and jinxing
>Pomu laughing and seething
All is good in the world.

>> No.38989588

>maid skin

>> No.38989694
File: 673 KB, 2000x2000, selen roar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get ready for more Phasmo

>> No.38989811
Quoted by: >>38989850

>LordKrosis supa
fuck you

>> No.38989850

And there we go...

>> No.38989912
Quoted by: >>38989962


>> No.38989959
Quoted by: >>38990002

If she change the christmas zatsu for fucking phasmo IM GOING TO MALD REALLY FUCKING HARD I HATE YOU ALL

>> No.38989962
Quoted by: >>38990002

I don't like phasmo, but scared selen is too good an opportunity to pass up.

>> No.38990002

>scared Selen
True but, see >>38989959
This faggots better not ruin the Zatsudan

>> No.38990035

I fucking hate phasmo

>> No.38990072
Quoted by: >>38990187

I've never been so dissapointed in dragoons so hard
This and rockfags are the worst shit ever

>> No.38990185
Quoted by: >>38990236

You can do all you want faggots, just don't ruin the zatsu

>> No.38990187
File: 384 KB, 1748x2480, FZcu37jUIAIZkzU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38991185


>> No.38990236

Thanks God...

>> No.38990350

>it's 50/50

>> No.38990717


>> No.38991060

I swear to god... If christmas win...

>> No.38991185


>> No.38991191

Phasmo? Ok, whatever
but who the fuck wants SOLO Phasmo, im so mad at chat rn and solo didnt even win

>> No.38991231

idc about collab or solo, just don't take away the fucking christmas zatsu

>> No.38991298
File: 58 KB, 1080x416, Screenshot_20221214-222732_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38991306

I need that shit to not be on Christmas day.

>> No.38991368

She will be putting the final date for it on the community tab after the stream....assuming no new bribes come in

>> No.38991385

There's a lot of other people that will vote so we don't know, I'm fucking rigging that shit if christmas is winning

>> No.38991394
Quoted by: >>38991447

At least we got something!
I need my zatsudan bro...
I hate Phasmofags so much its unreal

>> No.38991447


>> No.38991518

>Selen already planning more projects
>other Nijis telling her that she is crazy
I told you, her workaholic brain WONT stop.

>> No.38991632
Quoted by: >>39011272

Supas well spent, I regret nothing
We already knew she wouldn't change, she always say she'll take it easy after a big thing just to think and prepare like other hundred things, we just want her to take a rest for just a bit of time...

>> No.38991759
File: 197 KB, 658x820, c6a2d25d449b4fd7a11dd4dbadd43341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This will be more expensive than the last project!
Holy shit but this is why i love Selen, she is the only one trying to do big ass projects for the branch and for her Dragoons
She is just that good

>> No.38991829


>> No.38991979
File: 397 KB, 896x501, 1459304496428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38992091

>Yahoo is still a thing on Japan

>> No.38992134

>that news
holy kek

>> No.38992147

I guess we got a replacement DJ in NijiEN

>> No.38992190
Quoted by: >>38992330


>> No.38992230
File: 155 KB, 340x304, 1627187780131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38992330


>> No.38992330

bros no...

>> No.38992477
Quoted by: >>38992560

i would bully her too, this song is a disgrace
>this is the new version
nevermind... i prefer the old one

>> No.38992560

>old one
Cute girl trying her best
>new one
Ugly ass bitch, looks like a slut

>> No.38993112

600K SUBS!

>> No.38993170
File: 1.93 MB, 600x338, Grateful dragon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38993311

This but with 600k
My cute dragon...

>> No.38993311
File: 1.72 MB, 1620x1080, 1661823974190835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38993564
Quoted by: >>38993601


>> No.38993593
File: 45 KB, 465x465, 5476669087645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38993601
Quoted by: >>38993657

This story always gets me and also fills me of regret for not knowing her from before...

>> No.38993657
File: 211 KB, 777x799, 1663525487223703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38993660

Im Gosling hard right now.

>> No.38993731

Bye Selen... i love you.

>> No.38993734

Bye Selen.....I wish i had known before....

>> No.38993736
File: 347 KB, 1200x636, dragoosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye selen...

>> No.38993757
File: 2.53 MB, 480x270, SelenWink2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38993821

Fuck that last part... Bye Selen...

>> No.38993821

I'm stealing this one

>> No.38994226
Quoted by: >>38995958

Qrd of what actually happened?

>> No.38995593

Pomu praising Selen for being so hardworking (don't tell her tho)

>> No.38995819
File: 119 KB, 1280x1280, 1664254649677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38995976

from pomu's stream
>selen's gonna hit 1 million before we know it
>she totally deserves it, she's so hardworking
>don't tell her i said that though (... she already knows)

>> No.38995958

Selen doesn't want people to see her sad

>> No.38995976
File: 358 KB, 2039x1378, FJ9HhjJaIAUAr4p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38997269
Quoted by: >>38997699

incoming pomulen phasmo (selen just dm'ed her on stream)

>> No.38997290

Community poll for phasmo is up

>> No.38997481

I'm fucking losing it, I can't believe people want fucking phasmo on christmas

>> No.38997489
File: 41 KB, 1298x476, phasmo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is only 6 minutes in with less than 500 votes, but what the hell is wrong with these dragoons?

>> No.38997561
Quoted by: >>38997699

They are literally fucking retarded I'm so done

>> No.38997585

convince her to at least do a drunk phasmo if she's doing it on christmas...

>> No.38997699
File: 74 KB, 240x240, selendisgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38997930

NICE, if it is Pomulen then im all for it
Why are this faggots like this? Its always for the fucking memes
>rock xDDD
>supa for Phasmo xDD (a game that its already overplayed by every fucking vtuber)


>> No.38997930

The worst thing about it it's that since it's a public poll a lot of white names are going to think that the poll is to have a steam that day instead of changing the original plan since THEY DONT FUCKING WATCH THE STREAMS, just look at the comments

>> No.38998062
Quoted by: >>38998298

lordkrosis if you are lurking here, please off yourself or get better taste

>> No.38998298

All for fucking 5 min of attention

>> No.38999666
File: 8 KB, 451x97, 1652278857804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her hair grew back, cringe. give baldlen back cute new icon though

>> No.38999931
File: 2.89 MB, 213x320, Birthday Lolilen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is using the face from this amazing gif

>> No.39000721

damn i ended up really liking new girls, hope Selen gets to know them, especially Zaion

>> No.39001587

I will be honest with you, i dont see Selen getting closer specially with Zaion except for those random big collabs
The only one that have chances is the Apex girl with Yellow / Pink hair

>> No.39001732

>especially Zaion
Sub her in onstead of Enna in collabs and I will agree.

>> No.39001941
Quoted by: >>39002920

Eh i like the dynamic they have
I would've said the same about Pomu and yet here we are, it's pure rng

>> No.39002238
File: 32 KB, 400x400, -49qnkos_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i rike it
yes the girls are decent in this wave
based i never liked enna that much

>> No.39002920

>I would've said the same about Pomu and yet here we are, it's pure rng
I don't think this is totally true. They have a lot in common. Pomu loves cute things obsessively, and so does Selen.
Both use vtubing to escape from the shitty aspects of life whether an office job or family.
Both are loud and rambunctious in collabs, especially their laughs.
Sure, Pomu is an otaku while Selen likes western games a lot, but those hobby differences are actually more superficial than their commonalities. Selen liking cute things such as Pokemon translated to liking maid cafes a lot.

>> No.39003815

Maria ticks off all of those boxes so i hope they get to know eachother

>> No.39004084
File: 295 KB, 2047x2048, IMG_20221122_021204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be a bit late here, but thought I should mention I'm a frequent visitor of the Ame Appreciation Thread and they liked the Collab just fine over there as well.
Plus it was unironically great to see a lot of teamates 'invade' /HAHA/ too, kinda shows an overlap does exist between us after all...

>> No.39004150

Hope she does play a game with Kotoka one day, even if it's only one and/or for the 2434 Challenge.

>> No.39004531
Quoted by: >>39004681

Sell me on the purple dragon.

>> No.39004553

There was also the fact Selen had literally 5 co-workers to pick from in those days. Pomu is the obvious choice to get friendly with when you put it that way.

>> No.39004560
File: 151 KB, 852x1200, 1648895358220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite it being rather excessive, this grin still does things to me.

>> No.39004681
File: 83 KB, 240x240, Selen Notes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39004832

Some things from the Pomulen + others collab today:
>After the stream Selen and Pomu will try to fix the Minecraft server, again
>Selen is organizing a Pokemon tournament, it will take place on mid January
>Pomu will bring a team full of Gengars btw
>In 2 weeks, DJ Ember will have a stream on Selen's channel
>The WWE tournament part 2 got delayed because she is still waiting for more models and props for the stream
>The Fall Guys stream is still on progress, for the people who thought Selen had thrown it away
>Apparently she is planning a even bigger project than the previous ones but we don't know the details yet

>Likes to stream, she barely takes vacation and when she does, she streams at least for a few hours to talk with her Dragoons
>Tomboy, can banter with everyone specially the guys
>Project addict, always trying to do big things for the branch and her fan base
>Gamer Dragon
>Cute and Bratty

>> No.39004744

It's like the Hellsing mangaka drew them

>> No.39004832
Quoted by: >>39011272

>>Apparently she is planning a even bigger project than the previous ones but we don't know the details yet
Didn't she say she would chill for a while, i swear this fucking bitch i hope Pomu tardwrangles her and gives her dumb ass a spanking

>> No.39006496


>> No.39006512

Haha up

>> No.39006697
Quoted by: >>39025827

Wait a second, Selen is actually funny
Why did nobody told me?

>> No.39007287
File: 1.01 MB, 1136x1770, 1645958898780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39007494

It's been ages and I still can't help but fantasize about Selen pinning me down face first, taking my anal virginity with her tail, and mocking me the entire time as I make very unmasculine noises. I want her to strip me of all of my masculinity and self confidence. I want her to break me both physically and mentally.

>> No.39007494
File: 1.41 MB, 1768x1254, 1664801770517667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have just the thing for you
>You're Pomu
>Log in minecraft offline to relax
>Selen joins
>"Hi Selen!"
>No respond
>Weird but whatever, she's probably here to fix a farm and fuck off
>You continue grinding quartz in the nether
>Suddenly all the pig are agro
>You quickly ran away to overworld
>You notice that the portal is broken
>Door behind you closes
>You hear smash potions breaking
>Miners Fatigue/Darkness/Slowness
>You slowly see Selen approaching from the dark
>"Selen stop playing around!"
>She doesn't stop moving until she's inches away from your face
>Picrel happens
>Her tail slowly crawls into your pants
>You can feel it rubbing your clit
>She slowly starts kissing you
>Her normal hands starts surfing around your body, while her big yaoi hand is creeping her way to your butt
>She squeezes your butt so hard you can feel the red spots forming
>Her hand starts playing with your nipple, twisting and pinching it
>Her huge tail slowly shifts from playing with your clit to penetrating you
>You're so wet her tail point easily slides into your pussy
>Her tongue is still inside your mouth, she sucking on your tongue with her dragon tongue
>She finally pulls down your pants, turns you around and starts going harder on you
>wet slapping sounds echoes around the broken portal room
>You can't even tell the time anymore, all you can think about is how good it feels and how loud the slaps are
>She finally stops
>Her hot, fatigued voice whispers in your scarlet red ear:Now it's time for other hole
>Oh god oh fuck.blender
>Her tail slowly starts circling around you cute asshole
>her tiny tail point starts going in and out, teasing your ass and simultaneously loosening it up for what's about to come
>After teasing you with her tip she finally goes in
>You can finally appreciate the bumps she has on her tail
>She goes even harder on your ass than she did on your pussy
>While she's busy with your butt you realize something, you REALLY need to pee
>You attempt to talk but all that comes out from your mouth is weak noises
>Can't hold it in much longer
>Yellow liquid starts rushing down your thigh
>It's the most shame you ever felt in your life
>Selen suddenly stops fucking you and quickly rushes you your pussy
>She eagerly licks all the pee from your thigh and starts sucking on your pussy, attempting to suck out as much liquid as possible
>She loudly moans in your pussy
>After intense sucking she finally stops
>She pulls your pants up, fixes the portal and picks you up
>She carries you to your newly constructed tree house, places you in bed,tucks you in and kisses you on your forehead
>Before leaving she whispers to you"This is for stealing my diamond you bitch"

>> No.39007506
File: 13 KB, 447x91, 1668477697856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39008817


>> No.39007609
File: 152 KB, 850x846, 1662463017060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39007704

Not gonna lie. That made me hard as diamonds. But I've never been big on imagining myself as a woman. I specifically dream of having my personal male anus ravaged forcefully by her.
That being said, thank you for this. It was hot as fuck.

>> No.39007704
Quoted by: >>39007934

>It was hot as fuck.
Wait it was? I was sorta doing a shitpost with this hoply moply

>> No.39007934
File: 87 KB, 925x426, 1650535988238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even shitposts can be hot, anon. The "pretend I'm still Pekora" post is another example of that. The image I attached is also another good example.

>> No.39008189
File: 8 KB, 300x168, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39008817

Here we can see some dragoons on their natural habitat
Witness as without the matriarch guidance, they resort to erothic role playing in less than 7 hours
Truly fascinating
>starwipe to next clip

>> No.39008817

Selen... Apex is dying...

>> No.39009462

Selen's squad is AC1D and Nizzuko


>> No.39009692

Apex is really dying lol

>> No.39009775

We're all dying, anon. We're slowly wasting away. Every second that passes is a second closer to our deaths. We're all going to die alone with countless regrets.

But, yeah, Apex is going downhill in terms of its playerbase.

>> No.39010008
Quoted by: >>39010114

So, today was the first time I watched a Selen video because I was looking up Sonic Frontiers reaction videos.

How the HECC can Selen just sit there and curse and curse and curse non-fucking-stop for hours and hours and YouTube is fine with that? I've seen people on YouTube get their videos banned over saying "shit" maybe three or four times in a single video. No login, no warning of this kind of content, nothing. Just some child could be browsing YouTube one day, see that it's promoting some "cute avatar with two eye colors" and then the child clicks it and hears "fuuuuck bruh this shit is my jaaaam oh shit oh shit i don't know what the fuck i'm doing just a little more AH AH the boss is almost there yes YES YES AAAAH"

No seriously it's entertaining but this is absurd

>> No.39010051

Who the fuck is AC1D, I swear I see his name be brought up everywhere on here yet I never found out who he was, all I heard was that he was married

>> No.39010114

same reason i had my yt account banned even though i had no videos and never made any comments and never received an email why i was banned and yt won't respond to messages asking for more yet there's still open porn up on videos on yt for years for ''''education'''' reasons
shit's wack yo

>> No.39010125

That groomer creep
She already played with this fag https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki/status/1499706146810175492?t=mQvn5NAvAvXVbUxF3KVIwQ&s=19

You can do better selen

>> No.39010199

Just do your reps anon, dragoons are very touchy if you mention his name and the schizos will shit the thread

>> No.39010238

Its one of her PL Apex friends and there are some schizos trying to cuckpost at every ocassion

>> No.39010671

PL Apex friend from bird times, the guy is married but super devoted to her which makes it really creepy, still really puzzling why Selen is friends with him

>> No.39010925

Forgot to say, he's also one of the Silent mods and lurks here a lot

>> No.39010929

He is one of Selen's Best friends, but anons have pointed out how creepy he is, Silent mod in yt and ttv, her fan discord owner, head of most fan projects for Selen, off stream gamer bud...Etc. The dedication of this man for selen is unsettling. if we're lucky this guy won't end up being a murderer

>> No.39011067

and still there is no REAL competition but since its EA they will fuck up the game anyways

>> No.39011115
Quoted by: >>39011158

Enough of AC1D who the fuck is nizzuko? he sounds like a faggot, uki style

>> No.39011158
File: 302 KB, 2048x2048, 1574599962372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as AC1D, iPN, Gumi, ect
old PL Apex friend

>> No.39011272

>Didn't she say she would chill for a while
see >>38991632

>> No.39012875

Lore rewrite collab waiting room is up:

>> No.39013210
File: 403 KB, 1808x2610, FfMlg-tUYAAa1l_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a classic at this point
im ready for kino today

>> No.39014449
File: 457 KB, 654x873, 1669406636184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please rape me, Selen. I'm fucking begging you.

>> No.39014891

White woman moment.

>> No.39015383
File: 175 KB, 319x320, 1642300642529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Elira and Selen will never collab because of me."

>> No.39015874
File: 195 KB, 500x500, pomugdanof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everytime there's a chance for them to collab

>> No.39015880

>"Who's Who?"
Definitely NOT Yugo!

>> No.39016727
Quoted by: >>39017638

Damn you Pomu.
I wrote this.

>> No.39017638

All me.

>> No.39020556


>> No.39021624
File: 335 KB, 855x495, FIANKXeaIAUuV7Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39022988

Selen agreed to play mc with Pomu for this stream but it looks like playing apex with those 2 faggots tired her out and she's asleep

>> No.39025655
File: 692 KB, 4096x2708, 1649780631068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39025682
File: 135 KB, 236x231, b7cd03a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39025827

Yeah, there were no signs at all that Selen has a sense of humor.
She seems so straightlaced and no-nonsense, I was surprised to learn too

>> No.39027104
Quoted by: >>39027211

>Pomu receives a message
>It's not Selen
>P: This bitch

>> No.39027211
File: 114 KB, 206x382, 20220525_213605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are going to be the peace in today's stream
Fuck you Apex

>> No.39027501


>> No.39027604
Quoted by: >>39027645

Just remember what this faggot did to us today, a proper Pomulen Minecraft collab killed because of this piece of shit

>> No.39027645

Tbf Tho she probably would've played anyway...
It's selen

>> No.39027787

Selen joined Pomu in minecraft, probably no vc

>> No.39027790

She's awake!

>> No.39027801
Quoted by: >>39027938

go hang yourself or something acid. She hadn't touched the game in a long time.

>> No.39027826
File: 120 KB, 461x365, 1641867140165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39027938

Not him sadly, he does lurk here, not very discreet...
I just want to think about it cool headed
>>39010671(me) too btw

>> No.39027993
File: 29 KB, 1062x360, Kys LordKrosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39028087
Quoted by: >>39028139

Some of the comments there makes me cringe.

>> No.39028139
Quoted by: >>39028194

It's so dumb...
Pretty sure it's mostly people that didn't even know about the zatsu

>> No.39028194

Literally all the votes for Christmas have to be grey named NEETS with no plans
Regulars/members are malding about it

>> No.39028225

>At the end of the day the decision will be mine
We still have hope tho, I hope she sees the regulars/members malding

>> No.39028267

Selen is /here/.
"don't talk shit about ac1d or else" - selen probably

>> No.39028306

Why would that stop us, the dude is a creep regardless of that

>> No.39028359
File: 452 KB, 1388x784, 1240258838925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone was doing stuff on the server
>"don't talk shit about ac1d or else" - selen probably

>> No.39028734

I still find quite amazing how Selen joined Minecraft the moment anons were shitting on acid

>> No.39028850
Quoted by: >>39028976

I really hope it’s not Christmas, I might love selen but I have a life

>> No.39028976
Quoted by: >>39029037

Actually we want a comfy Zatsudan or something comfy for that day instead of "Generic Phasmo stream N°1636"
We had this cute zatsu + a karaoke last year

>> No.39029037

Consider timezones, her christmas time is not the same as everyone so some of us wanted a zatsu like >>39028976

>> No.39029489

gamer dragon...

>> No.39029580

Sleepy dragon...

>> No.39029647

>Pomu goes menhera
>Selen comes back

>> No.39029667
Quoted by: >>39030230

I'm betting Selen was doing bong rips.

>> No.39030230
File: 20 KB, 293x293, 1670962492621681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39032522
File: 212 KB, 330x396, Selen Bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she was on VC...

>> No.39032697
Quoted by: >>39032761

full source?

>> No.39032758
Quoted by: >>39032808


>> No.39032761

luwuds daki, I'm lazy to search it up

>> No.39032808
File: 377 KB, 438x641, Senelen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39032990

Pomu is mad because was late pls understand

>> No.39032990

And understandably so

>> No.39033119

That dragon? ME.

>> No.39033156

>Soccer coach does nothing
Pomu, i will kill you

>> No.39033537

Bye Selen

>> No.39033567

See you on the collab, Sewen.

>> No.39033594
File: 446 KB, 1548x1984, FNaKGQHVkAAr7HU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See ya later Selen

>> No.39035355

ngl after pomulen and some lewd pomu art recommendations in twitter I've been a bit horny for her, I've been conditioned...

>> No.39035477
Quoted by: >>39035751

As long as you imagine a 3some with Pomulen then its ok.

>> No.39035751
File: 885 KB, 3200x3200, FZYAsH1UsAABi7k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such is the life of a Pomulen enjoyer

>> No.39036535
File: 75 KB, 448x367, Fj_jfQZVIAAIn_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39036628

untagged selen.

>> No.39036628

cute happy selen!

>> No.39038664


>> No.39039087
File: 451 KB, 1280x1820, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragoons, see this, what do you do?

>> No.39039280

I will win and if i dont i will have to correct her.

>> No.39039327
File: 281 KB, 1200x1600, selensex!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will do my best to wlose so she can laugh at me

>> No.39039475
File: 488 KB, 1427x1591, IMG_20220423_234742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else but accept her challenge?
