He's Back! EditionA thread for the discussion of cute male chuubas.>Is Stars/Niji/Indie allowed?Yes! If your male is cute, he may stay.>Is BFE and gosling allowed?Yes! There's no harm in loving your oshi without repercussions.>Is female collab discussion allowed?Sorry, but no females. Only imouto/formal collabs will be tolerated in small quantities. Even then, people are allowed to voice disdain with the collabs.>Is self-shilling allowed?You might have better chances in >>>/vt/mvp with that.>Additionally:Ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers. Fujo, yume and hornyposting is encouraged. Genderbends of males is discouraged and is considered off-topic.Previous Thread: >>38493573
I love my cute and perfect demon husband who was very cute playing Bloodborne today! Thank you for the thread and welcome back Uncle Nowa!
I love my cute wife (male) (son) (cat).
>>OPThanks for the thread. I am happy that Nowa's back!I love my jackal bossu oshi!https://twitter.com/miamisuki/status/1600813337121501185
>>38592098I also enjoy a cat! We both enjoy cute cats!!
>>OPI LOVE NOWA!He said that outside of streaming he's very serious and never laughs, he only shows this side to us, he loves us.Also he apparently has no interest in getting married either since he hates that family keep bringing up the subject. He's a pure idol.
disgusting thread
>>38592213I forgive him for the collabs. Nowa oji is the purest.
>>38592185Your cat is really cute!
>>38592428BLUE BOARD
>>38592428blue board...
>>38592428Me on the right
>>38592220Yeah this thread is disgusting you should get away before it infects you with appreciation for a nice ass.
>>OPThanks for the thread! I love my cute pyscho husband!
I love this pikachu-obsessed child/yandere serial killerhttps://youtu.be/IuN66w414AM?t=8198
>>38592734>>38592935As a Briskadet I'm starting to get interested in Altare.
>>38592428GIWTWM but Ike and I'm under a blanket cuz it's cold
i love milord so much!!
>>38592428Vox is British so he's probably uncircumcised
>>38592987I am also a briskadet, I just like crazy men who act autistic and cute at the same time.
>>38592987As someone who watches both I can tell you for sure that he has a lot of similarities to Sonny and I think you'd enjoy him. Altare and Sonny may be slightly different types of insane; Altare is more yandere type that tries to get in your head with words in addition to being a bit sadistic while Sonny is more the strong and silent type of psychotic that goes on a killing spree without saying a word. I love how they both give good game reviews either during or after playing a game and get really into it and can play for long periods of time with consistent energy. I love how they both take a critical eye when it comes to their own content to see what they can improve upon, even if it's fine how it is they still want to be better which I admire a lot. Altare malds a little less though because he's been working on trying not to be "toxic" anymore but man I wish he would let it out sometimes. Both have these cute JP voice acting tendencies they do (Sonny with the "ORRRRREH!" and Altare with the "eeeeeeeh?"). I really enjoy watching them both. If they ever collabed one day I think I would explode.
>>38593177He's confirmed he's uncircumcised by mentioning his foreskin on twitter.
More lore bits from the cute new genki boy!https://twitter.com/D_Dropscythe/status/1600903744270782467
>>38593376Thank you for the review anon, I will try to catch him more frequently from here on out! I wish they'd collab, whatever they play they would be insane over.
>>38593177How can you tell the difference?
>>38594016They look different, visually. I would post examples but, you know. Blue board and all.
>>38594016Well, penises with foreskin tend to have a softer glans and more moisturized look due to the protection from the penis. Foreskin is also cute! Especially on young shotas
>>38594308 (me)>protection from the penisMeant foreskin. Although when erect (assuming you don't have phimosis) there's not that big of a difference between cut and uncut when looking at a distance.
i love fuma
>>38594372they both look so rapeable ToT
I love all this talk about penis analysis, please keep going if you so desire.
>>38592213ToT he's so cute and pure... I love him!!!
>>38594556You know a lot of people who get circumcised have strong feelings about it and it's very fair, but I will say my father voluntarily chose to be circumcised in his 30s because it was "less hassle" in his words and doesn't regret it. It takes all kinds in this world. I haven't had enough penis experience to know but I've always wondered about the texture differences between circumcised and uncircumcised penises.
>>38594308InterestingIs this one circumcised?
>>38595030>balls/erection versionabayo...
>>38594531nooo dont touch fuma ToT take rio
>>38595470but fuma looks sluttier....
>>38595470Rio's massive ghost dong is too dangerous
>>38596855So the secret behind Rio's harem is his powerful ghost dong...
I want to lewd the moth. He seems so peggable... I bet he gets flustered and clingy and bites one of his claws to try and muffle himself because it's embarrassing to react so much. He'd wrap one leg around his partner's waist (so the foot people can see his little claw peets) and cling onto them with two of his arms and he would /shake/ from how overwhelmed he is... cute teary-eyed mothboi. Afterwards he's probably going to try and be stoic and not make a fuss over things but secretly he wants to be clingy... he would be shy and flustered when he's pampered. I bet he has fuzzy joints, too... he has four arms, he'd be so good at cuddling. Absolutely made to be spoiled. I hope he gets more popular. (CryptidKliffoth for those who aren't aware.)
>>38597795Based Mothposter.
>>38596376SEX WITH A CUTE SHOTA MYSTAHis cock is too cute ToT
>>38594928Hmmm I've never even thought about texture differences. I assumed they were all squishy at the head. I know about different shapes and sizes, but I love all penises regardless. All penises are wonderful!>>38595030God I wanna be crushed by those beautifully thick thighs.
>>38597795Mothposter I kneel....
https://youtu.be/zO0eZ-B0C4sOnce again I speak of my desire to breed shogunOnce again taken by the hoarseness of his voice.To the depths I fall.
>>38599088kek that was cute>"GET THE HELL OUT">"What a nice guy"
>>38598607God, I hope we get a cute shota one day. Preferably one like pic related
juwun sugarbloom playing getting over it https://youtu.be/0wFIiY5DpmM
Anybody gonna be watching The Game Awards? I'm excited to see what my oshi might be looking forward to when the trailers drop.
Shubert playing Valo with Fuuchan, Uki, Shoto, and (Gumi, sorry) but it's very cozy because he was whining cutely that his mouse updated and screwed up his keybinds. He's cute cute cute. Cute. Boys are CUTE!
>>38600996I'll most likely be in a VC with friends while watching the awards. It's always a lot more fun to watch stuff like this with people around to commentate and laugh with you. I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm hopeful! It'll be fun to see some boys' reactions to whatever drops during it.>>38601136I can't keep up with Valorant, but as long as they're having fun! I love whenever Shu whines or pouts and his mouth goes into a little :< shape. It makes me wanna give in and spoil him!
I want Shu and Fulgur to one-on-one.
>>38600322So erotic... Personally I'm the hand on his hip. Such a grabbable waist...
>>38601136Caught a few minutes of it while waiting for my brotuber Max Dood to start streaming. It is pretty comfy, please update with any cute interactions if you can. I wish they could have gotten another cute boy in there instead of gumi but at least she can be ignored. Shu and Uki in particular are being especially cute!>>38601213Have fun with your buddies! It's late for Milord and he mentioned he won't be able to catch it but when he wakes up I hope to see his thoughts on whatever gets announced.
>>38592935>childT u T
>>38601720Gumi's been pretty quiet beyond communicating plays, so she's pretty inoffensive all things considered. There was a cute moment where Shoto made a sus pun that went RIGHT over Shu's head for a little bit until he got it and it was very precious. I adore every one of these men with my whole entire heart.
>>38592935I love when he shows his psychotic tendencies
>>38602149You're in danger and he goes psycho and absolutely massacres them to protect you, then drags you into his arms while covered in blood, panting and still fueled by raw animalistic anger and he shoves you back just enough to make sure you're okay before kissing you roughly, all teeth and nervousness and feral possessive WANT.have a good day
>>38601659>I want Shu and Fulgur to one-on-one.Me too. Shu was so cute when he first interacted with fuuchan. He was begging him to play getting over it with him in a whiny voice and its one of my favourite moments
I sent in my dream to Milord. Despite being a schizo I don't have many schizo dreams. Which is good because I've had very bad nightmares for years and would rather not dream at all but thankfully I've had less dreams in general recently.
Cute Vesper loving the Vestieshttps://twitter.com/noirvesper_en/status/1601008601283190784?s=20&t=r7Fle-jhDY-He0FX_BpPoQ
>>38603556I love how humble he is. He's so sweet.
hayun love ~ i hope ver is kr like people think and does collab with ex-kr boys
Easily one of the top 5 Vox streams ever today.
I would really like to kiss my shogun boyfriend right now.
>>38606426Same, I enjoyed every minute (that I caught) of it. Very comfy, very cute.
OH SHIT TEKKEN 8Milord is gonna be so happy and excited to see Kazuya! I can't wait to see his reaction!
>>38608900he's so handsome
>>38608900Hello thread guardian kami-sama, thank you for protecting us from tourists.
>>38608900Thank you, O Great Thread Guardian.
>>38608900love him so much
>>38608900Thank you for your service but please stop looking at me like that.
>>38608900Thank you for your service little one but please leave my home
Good evening I hate women.
>>38608900hes so viscerally disgusting. wanna crush him beneath my heel like a roach.
Wait Neon White is an action game? I didn't prioritize Ike's stream of it because I thought it was another puzzle indie game or something. Time to add that to the streams I want to catch up on.
>>38608900what a cute lil guy
They are communicating in their whore language....https://twitter.com/Fulgur_Ovid/status/1601034456076529664
>>38608900I don't like the way you smile at me but thank you for protecting my home
>>38610356Neon White is crazy, it is a sort of parkour action game that I love watching other people play because I could never. The writing and overall vibes also weirdly reminds me of a game called The World Ends With You, oddly enough. It's really cool and Ike is cracked at it.
>FromSoftware game>mecha themedI will fucking cum all over my room if Milord plays Armored Core.
>>38608900thank you for your service...you can stop staring now...please...
>>38613122Ike definitely will, he was mcfreakin' losing it on twitter. See: >>38613956
>>38614951Oh yep I posted both of those posts actually lol, I want to see Ike play it too. Seeing him hype about it I can already picture how cute he'll be nerding out about it and having fun. Ahhh I love mecha games so so much!
>>38615065I've been hoping someone would play Into the Breach for ages, it's such a gem. You'd think Sonny would play games with mechs, of anyone... one day. One day we'll find our guy.
>>38615160This image ruined my life. I have so much emotion over Tiny Sonny Brisko I can't even articulate it in words I just want to rescue him from regular Sonny and keep him in a terrarium I swear to god. He is so fucking small. Jesus christ.
>>38615160Oh my god yes I hope Sonny plays it too! He seems like the type that would get into a game like that and the mecha aesthetic fits him so much. I fucking love Noctyx's aesthetic as a whole.
>>38595030I demand source right now!
https://youtu.be/hbzqC6NJRC4Wuca's cover drops in 20 minutes!
>>38615568This kind of motivates me to draw Overwatch thumbnails for Milord, especially since I love the mecha aesthetics in Overwatch and his streams of it are so fun to watch. I shall use this as fuel to draw lots of dedicated Overwatch art!
Magni is so whiny… Why is he like this while playing babby games? I wanna correct him
>>38616077>Why is he like this while playing babby games?Because he's a babby himself. https://twitter.com/sarahnizzle/status/1600723703570079745
>>38616230I recant my last statement
Luca cover premiering in less than a minute!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbzqC6NJRC4
>>38616068hope milord uses your art one day
>>38615964https://youtu.be/hbzqC6NJRC4Song drop!
That song is a genuine challenge to sing, he did so damn good. I'm honestly proud of him, he's working really hard. Way to go, Boss!
>>38616859That cover was so good!
Really looking forward to the incoming Mercy Ike fan art after this.
>>38618015Ike healslut ToT
Boss is flustered by the praise and ohhhh my godddd I'm going to get him and do unspeakable things.
Yomiya's original song ft Aza https://b23.tv/0Z3eZXW
My god Selen's squealing is giving me a headache already but I guess it's worth it for Ike's cute noises. He's having a lot of fun.
I want to do unspeakable things to this man. I bet he gives great hugs.
Cute males up
>>38606426I would commit murder to be in that position.
>>38621313>spoileryou think?
i need to molest this possible child molester. in addition, i just caught up with yesterdays stream and he's so crack at mario kart. i also found this https://youtu.be/mVSViBcmrt4 .i kneel nips, this is the closest i can get to a solo cover.
>>38609890>>38608900I KNEEL.
>>38624722What about this position?
>Every new holostars video has shoguns thighs showing/him bending overLITERALLY MADE TO BE FUCKED.
>>38627507>deletedLiterally 1984https://s1.alice.al/vt/image/1670/58/1670581193739.jpg
>>38630695God I want Vox to have me ride him while he puts his fingers in my mouth. I never cared for yume art until I watched him for a long time agh.
Cute fox is playing Yakuza!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mV7sY-w-Jo
>>38615786Salsahttps://mobile.twitter.com/grandsopor/status/1567052409066889218I am sorry of the late reply
Milord starting the dream stream! I hope he reads mine and it wasn't caught by the AIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDYLrui0mkc
Relevant to the stream.
>>38627177I want to be a loli and molest Touya
I want to go on a Christmas date with my shogun... He's replying to fans on Twitter and he always says he has nothing planned for Christmas whenever that question pops up...
My psychotic oshi stayed up all night trying to get a third shiny pichu, didn't get it, and it now starting his marathon Pokemon stream with even more shiny hunting because he's too stubborn to give up and use a non-shiny for his pikachu-only challengehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHT-MLdcYJk
https://twitter.com/SatoFuyuki1/status/1598647292210577408God I wish that dog were me
>>38633616Not relevant to the stream
>>38639072God I wish Shien was my dog
Another Holostars gatekeeper post:I hate these Holopro unity artists, you know, the ones who only watch the girls but occasionally draw Holostars meme/bro art because they feel the need to include them? I just find it cringe.https://twitter.com/tabakko/status/1600956825578262529?s=20&t=jjEXv6FoGWm7vads5gPEuQhttps://twitter.com/keenbiscuit/status/1583503609735811072?s=20&t=jjEXv6FoGWm7vads5gPEuQhttps://twitter.com/kanauru/status/1583693435508166656?s=20&t=CuPgCh_OR4X02BkNeHqCSgI don't have a problem with Holo/Niji artists drawing occasional Stars fanart, but these ones just give me the same vibe as the annoying unity Holo reddit user. If you only now the girls then focus on them don't try to act as if you know the stars.
>>38640136They don’t consider Tempus as Holostars. And that goes for most Tempus fans.
>>38640136 Wait, I have something I want to say about this! There’s this one person on the Twitter and Reddit who posts these weird MMD posts and memes of the girls and boys together, and always compares the two with for no reason. It’s SO annoying. Meme attached. During 2nd Act, they kept begging that one of the announcements would be a hololive collab. I’m sorry if this is off topic, I just really needed to get that off my chest.
>>38640136I'd see your point if they only drew them with the girls, but if they're just drawing solo images of the boys, how is getting more art of them bad? Hyde's cowboy Oga is so hot.
>>38640136hyde isn't like them.
>>38640394Let me guess, the rob callistis guy or whatever his name is?
>>38640390I hate these newfags.>>38640394God I know this guy too, I just assume theyre underage because I couldn't be this much of a beggar even if I tried.>>38640538>>38640618I can forgive hyde because his art style is sex and has made good fanart of them but god I hate him when he does this cringy anime reddit humor.https://twitter.com/tabakko/status/1583478372205633536?s=20&t=I1onlTucgfK1wAqVlQXG2Q
>>38640809>cringy anime reddit humorI mean, considering who his oshi is (or was, rather) I’m not surprised he likes reddit-tier humor
>>38640779Yeah, that’s him. I guess the other anon might be right and he could be underage, but still! There’s this one post where he calls Izuru and Azki siblings and I just don’t understand his reasoning! And it doesn’t seem like a troll either
>>38640809Seems like 4channel humor to me
I need to learn Thai just because TH sisters are eating so good with how every single male panders to themAnyway: voice acting strimhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXOcip-XUvo
>>38640968I'm a fujo jojo fan I know a dudebro reddit meme when I see one.
>>38641199Oh I forgot the link to Taiyo's channelhttps://youtu.be/ZWuDkWKx6BI
I miss this duo
>>38641199>school uniform>exposed chest
>>38641283I read a good FoxAkuma fic once where Mysta doms for Vox.||https://archiveofourown.org/works/40000794||
>>38641283I read a good FoxAkuma fic once where Mysta doms for Vox. (Reposted because I, a stupid mobileposter, fucked up the link.)https://archiveofourown.org/works/40000794>captcha: V0XTACan't make this shit up.
>>38627041I need to suck on those nipples. If you don't watch Boss, he has really sensitive nipples and has accidentally made noise on stream because something brushed against them before. I need to succ-
Man I really missed Nowa's cute laugh
>>38643252I'm jealous of whoever gets to take his virginity. That might be my most yume thought I've ever had but goddamn I want to be the one to make sure it's perfect. All that pent up horny virgin energy... and he's so strong, too, he could lift me up and fold me in half like a lawn chair. I want to know what he likes, what he's not into, what really does it for him, I want to know if he flushes up to his ears when he's close, or if his legs shake when it's good, I want to know if he's a cryer, if he's into dirty talk, if he can cum from his nipples alone, I want to teach him to kiss properly... he has such big hands and I want them both on and in me. Whoever gets their hands on this man first better treat him like royalty because they're receiving a fucking gift.Anyway, anyone excited for the new Nijisanji debuts tonight?
>>38644452Me! I bought ramen, pizza rolls, Monster Energy, and key lime pie for dessert to watch along with the show! I'm excited for the genki lore autist cutie Doppio!
>>38642799I love that fic so much. Bottom vox is so good
>>38644452Yeah I've been really excited for the cute boys debuting. They've had really cute interactions on twitter
Shoto's going on vacation. Gonns kinda miss the little guy. Hope he can still join collabs.https://twitter.com/shxtou/status/1601250801477103616
>>38644452Yes, they've been super cute on twitter (way better than pre-debut iluna's tweets in comparison) and if demon and fulgur are both fawning over Hex, he's gotta be doing something right. Doppio is a massive cutie and I love the kayfabe. Ver is a nice dude (but he needs to tone down the graduation jokes).
>>38645709He is a massive cutie!!!! He hasn't even debuted yet how is he so damn cute!!!!!!https://twitter.com/D_Dropscythe/status/1601223818806059008
>>38645709If Fulgur and Vox like him, I want to get to know him. I'm excited for all the cute boys! Not a one I don't like so far. Doppio is precious, Hex needs a nap (in my arms,) and I haven't seen much from Ver yet, but that makes him interesting!
>>38646126Ver seems very grateful and appreciate of fanartists and all the support. He may not be up to as much antics as the other two, but I like the laidback energy. Any boy that shows his gratitude day one is good in my book.
>>38646126>>38646473 (me)Yeah, just checked, Ver has the most tweets out of the new boys so far, and 1/4 of them are the retweets, which is also the most out of the boys, too. Seems like he already checks his fanart tag a lot and goes on a RT/like spree when he does.
>>38645926He's so retarded I love him and I wanna peg him
>>38646804I bet he's super vocal and clingy, I love that in a man.
>>38640136Hyde's art is pretty damn good whenever he draws the Stars and at least his cringey Reddit-tier meme moments involving them are sparse so I can easily overlook them. I'm still waiting for him to draw my shogun one day.>>38640394>>38640779Beggars need the rope. Nothing new.Confession: The only reason I'm glad Coco graduated was because there used to be this guy in Aruran's membership who had the audacity to superchat him multiple times asking about doing a meme review collab with her. Now he can't do that anymore lol
>>38647225>spoilerUgh I remember that, good ridance. Someone mentioned how the stars began to have 3Ds and much more other stuff after she left, which is probably just a coincidence but still intriguing.
>>38647443>spoilerA coincidence indeed but please god don't summon that one schizo who used to plague /stars/ again.
https://www.twitch.tv/cryptidkliffoth kliff is back from his break and is talking about, and ranking touhou characters!
As nice as it would be for the Knight ASMR 2 to be fluffy since the last two were lewd, this would be a very interesting concept. A worried and submissive Knight Akuma sounds so good.https://twitter.com/saltypie/status/1601025128565202945
>>38647672oh god i'm already down atrocious for this
>>38647615This is the last type of stream I expected him to do, but based. It's cute to hear his explanations on the characters. The way he picks his favorites also seems so arbitrary, but also precious. Thank you for letting me know!
>>38640075>it’s still therenice lol
>>38647615I don't know much about Touhou but it's cute to see him discuss his interests!
>>38648031i hope you enjoy watching him! his touhou autism is pretty cute to witness.
So excited for these new cute boys tonight.
I know "henshin" is a very common phrase in any context but let me huff some hopium here.Please be into Kamen Rider please be into Kamen Rider please be into Kamen Rider please be into Kamen Rider please be into Kamen Rider please be into Kamen Rider please be into Kamen Rider please be into Kamen Rider please be into Kamen Rider https://twitter.com/Ver_Vermillion/status/1600641726217334784
Not much longer now...
>>38649990I'm going through all the twitter interactions so I can be fully caught up by debut time. I still feel like I don't know Ver very well (lol). I still like Doppio the most.
I love these kings of light so much. Can't wait to see what they'll do for their anniversary.
I'm excited for the new boys tonight!!!
>>38650551Same here! Come on Doppio don't let me down!
>>38641283i will never forgive demon for losing his switch controllers...
I'm really not sure what to expect from this guy at all.
45 more minutes....
I'm excited to meet new vtubers.
15 more minutes!
>Kyo trying to kayfabepain.
Also ceremonial ENTER: AIA.
>>38656513DAS CRAAAZY
Just a bump to help the thread survive debut season.
>>38658648FoxAkuma LOVE and SEX
Of course Merryweather makes all the chuuni lore vids. Never expected any less from him.I wonder if he did ALL the lore vids for this wave.
>>38659384Hope so, I love chuuni lore.
First whore is finally out the way, TIME FOR GENKI BOY DOPPIO!!!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmASg4svodcpjwnp
his voice is kinda goofy
>>38660449He'll definitely drop it in the 2.0 I feel
>"Know that you'll always be safe within my sight!"ToT...
One month later and he will feel like shooting himself for this debut.
>Normie anime tastes*yawn*
Rape I MEAN rate him
>>38662544Very promising/10
>>38661791Wait, you don't know about his pornhub ASMRs?
>>38662544High Hopes/10
>>38662544I was cringing at first but his voice grew on me a bit and he became super endearing.. i'm gonna keep an eye on him/10
So which member is allergic to cock
>>38663030Ver. The emo boy look is an act but he's straight as a ruler.
Hex sex up nexthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVfTlRUIyjg
I miss Yugo.....
Brotuber beggars are TREMBLING right now
Ah, he's cute. I also love the angst in his lore.
I kinda hope he lets up on the voice abit..the deep fry kinda spooks me a bit and it seems like it's painful, but I think I could get into him.
his voice is so niceee
Milord you don't need to be fixed I love you the way you arehttps://twitter.com/Vox_Akuma/status/1601394755388469248
the way I feel towards his voice is how I feel towards Altare's. I don't like it, but it's so hypnotizing that I can't stop listening.
I’m sorry but his taste in anime and games is so… basic
Rate the malewife
>>38669079might watch him if Vesper or Doppio isn't on/10
>>38669079Pathetic depresso man
>>38669079Vocal fry/10
>>38669079I see why he's lambros approved/10
I know this is overused but I think Hex might actually be the Vox clone this time lmao.Good, now the attention can finally be off my oshi.
>>38670736I still don't know how to feel that he had Chinese subtitles of all languages for his lore video.
>>38670833He knew what he was doing. I'm convinced this is a management ploy to take the pressure off vox
>>38670833>Hex's power is taking the pain away from people>Hex is trying to take Vox's pain away by attracting the schizo chinks to him.It makes sense.
>>38671164I'll believe this
I miss Yugo part II electric boogaloo
>>38671954Where is yugo anyway?
>>38672011Scouting new people apparently
Last boy up to the plate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DpVWbGNMFk
Rate the edgelord chuuni boy.
>>38675600Really cute/10I can't believe we got 3 for 3
>>38675600Needs to put LoL on his list of favorite games for the full Korean experience/10Jokes aside, he might be my favorite in this wave
What makes Vesper a cute boy? He's a big nerdy ojisan
>>38592935>childUoooohT u T
>>38676386You answered your own question.
>>38676655But I thought a cute boy was a youthful, physical guy like Altare or Axel?
>>38676725In this thread we love cute boys and
>>38676655>>38676808Can a manly dwarf Vtuber be cute?
>>38676906Hell yeah
>>38676906Of course. Women don't care as much about looks like men do. It's all in the personality and mannerisms.
>>38677253>Women don't care as much about looks like men doRofl. Rumao even.
>>38677298A guy with charming personality is infinitely cuter than any gym bro or pretty face will ever be and that's just a fact of life.
>>38669079His voice is too try-hard to be hot/10
>>38677554Anonette, I'm not going to get into it since it's offtopic, but that's just a cope.
>>38677298I know it's hard to believe because all men care about is if a woman has big tits, an hourglass figure, and caked on makeup but I promise you men and women aren't the same about their tastes.
>>38677554Preach. Appearance can only get you so far.
>>38677854>Preach>>38677802Mods, I'm being trolled here and I hate it. Help.
So what do you think about the new boys? Who will you be watching? Is there anyone you were looking forward to the post predebut and now have someone different in mind post debut? Discuss!
Post debut cute boy collab!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uZPj-srqY8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIgW8Dym65M
>>38677657I don't think he can help it, people with vocal ranges like him and Corpse usually sound like that due to medical reasons. The fact that he over-enunciates his consonants is all on him though, and hopefully that will clear up when he relaxes some.>>38678313I admit I was dubious after Iluna, but these guys honestly won me over. I'll watch their 2.0s tomorrow before I make any final decisions, but I think Nijisanji hired some really good people this time all around.
>>38678749is there a source with more of this image bc gyat damn
>>38678846I just looked in the Renki tag but that artist in particular makes a lot of really hot Psyborg art.
I love them both. My cute, sexy, and labeled as boring pizza twink & Ver
This man might rival Alban for raw energy and I think watching him might actually burn calories. I'm exhausted, but I want to see more.
>>38680183Same I fucking love this shonen protagonist so much.
>>38678313i don't know what to think about them. dope guy reminds me of shadow the hedgehog with that voice, i thought hex was only faking his voice and would reveal it at debut, but nothing changed, the korean guys is kind of esl but still understandable. i'll give their first post debut stream a try and decide from there
>>38680847Hex probably genuinely sounds like that even when he orders food at the drive-thru, for better and for worse.
>>38678313Honestly, I’ll be checking them out again after 3 weeks because by then they’ll have relaxed and more of their genuine personalities will shine through on stream. That’s what I did for every chuuba whose debut I watched
>>38681629Good idea. I'm a huge lorefag and I'm seeing so much angst headcanons because of how much chunni lore is attached to these boys. I'm so inspired already I want to stick with them all, but I need to be patient and see more of their personalities.
>"play lol again i dare you"
>>38678313Yeah I'll definitely be watching the cute boys again. Thoughts on the three boys:Doppio - Kind of chuuni but he has a very cute and genki energy. I'll admit I kind of cringed at his anime dub voice but the little glimpses of his real voice and laughs are quite cute. I look forward to what kind of content he'll do especially his asmrs.Hex - I was worried about him the most I didn't think id like him but from his debut he really has a nice comfy vibe. He really does remind me of the lam bros and I love that bunch a lot. I could see myself watching him the most.Ver - I like his voice! his korean is amazing! He seems a bit esl but I find his accent endearing and he goes on a lot of cute rambles especially when the topic of food came up. Hes got such a cute nerdy kaichou vibe and I dig it a lot. He slightly reminds me of shu my current oshi so I might check him out some moreoverall I love the new boys! im really open minded so I'll give them all a chance for a couple of weeks :D
Renki being so cute right now!!!
https://youtu.be/zgavbdvmhqoFresh eng subbed clip of my jackal bossu lusting over anon’s wife (male) (son)’s new outfit
>>38678313Maybe this will be the wave with no fujobaiting. Maybe the not horny seiso wave.
>>38683306As much as I hate using that word, hopefully this will be. I have a feeling Hex may pull a few BFE bait lines here and there but I think I can ignore it. I'm excited for the 2.0s tomorrow.
>>38683306I hope at least one of them is unseiso... nothing personal but I don't want to watch someone completely seiso, they attract the most insufferable holier than thou fanbases (tiktok minors.)
>>38683532I think you'll get that regardless of how the vtuber is. Even Vox had some tiktok tranny fans believe it or not. I've even seen the "shotacon is pedophilia" types in his prechat one time.
>>38669079I'd fuck the hell out of him/10 His mannerisms remind me of Ike but the deeper voice and parasocial potential give me Vox vibes
>>38683980Same, especially with the whole "taking people's pain away" in his lore. Imagine how he probably takes Vox's pain away too. The trauma he probably feels when he gets flashbacks about the downfall of his clan. Imagine all the angst art.
>>38678313doppios my favorite out of the wave, hes funny and cute and kino and although the kayfabe voice is a little grating i dont mind kayfabe on debut, since he'll probably drop it later. he made his debut powerpoint actually entertaining and had great energy throughout. i like hex. i do find it intriguing he's gunning so specifically for Vox's demographic, not sure how its gonna work out for him.Ver seems ok, i like him too.
>>38683671These people make me fear for the future, good god. I wish they'd find some other niche to fixate on. Maybe make another season of that Voltron anime, that seemed to keep them all in one place for a while. Something. Anything that gets them to stop caring about vtubers.
>>38684337Unfortunately vtubers just seem to be the only big thing they could be interested in other than anime. And I think only one or two anime plus Genshin is containing them. Unfortunately since every vtuber alive loves Genshin those types of fans leak into the vtuber fandom as well which is a shame.
>>38684337We need genshit 2 or a sequel for whatever fotm media tiktok zoomertards are into these days to be released. Maybe that way they'll finally stay contained somewhere else.I simply can't understand how people like that watch vtubers when 99% of them fit their "freak/pedo/problematic" criteria. The amount of mental gymnastics going on inside their heads must be fucking insane.
>>38685936It's very much mental gymnastics-- I've straight up seen tiktok tweens arguing on social media about how Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham is problematic... because Hannibal is older than Will and it's an unhealthy relationship dynamic. They fucking eat people. What are you doing here?At least Vox finally knuckled down and said "minors DNI." I wish they all would. There are reasonable young people out there, but the unreasonable ones make it very hard to remember that fact.
>>38685936They ignore it or just don't watch streams. So many puriteens and similar people watch Ike despite him loving incest and loli eroges. Dude did a live watchalong of Martyrs not even behind membership and people still delude themselves into thinking he's seiso.
>>38686414People thinking Ike is seiso is the funniest shit on earth. He's probably as unseiso as Vox, just in the dark content way instead of the horny way. It's part of why I love him so damn much.Also, bread-baker here, I won't be able to make the next thread tonight -- see you all in the next one! I hope we see lots of cute art of the cute new boys soon!
>>38686414Kek those people think they can project their fantasies on the vtubers like they do on anime characters, constantly forgetting that there is a real person behind itI get not being able to watch every single stream to get all of their facts and personalities, but again, don't project your fantasies on them
>>38685936Not a NijiEN example but this reminds me of the time Astel had an extremely menhera SJW LiveTLer (who was also underaged AND one of the former mods of the holostars fan discord) who would sperg out on Twitter whenever Astel (known shotacon) mentions shotas and would also constantly police chat like telling them when it was appropriate to send superchats (Astel called her out for this by the way). It got bad one time when she argued with another viewer during one of Astel’s streams about using the word “trap” to the point that Astel had to step in and stop the fight. She’s eventually ended up leaving the fandom right before Astel’s birthday last year though
>>38686518Voxposter here, I'll be up all night so I've got you covered Quilldren.
Has /nijimale/ consolidated with this thread, or some other niji thread? Where are the meschersisters
>>38670947I want to believe so much...
>>38686753Good god, poor Astel. That's so cringe, even if I had strong feelings on something (whatever it may be) I'd never sperg about it in the middle of a streamer's chat. If they felt so strongly about it, why watch a liver who actively enjoys the thing you hate? It's stupid... it's like people who got mad at Sonny the other day for his brocon/siscon tweets... like man has not once ever been coy about this, he and Alban have been degenerates over this since day one. Literally just go watch someone else. Especially with Nijisanji, there are literally hundreds of choices.
>>38686780Thank you based Kindred, I hope you have a good night.
>>38686753Jesus that sounds bad. I'm now glad more than ever that Vox filtered out his puritan and underage fans a long time ago. Sounds awful that he had to do that during a stream too but I'm glad that person is gone now.
Was reading fic before bed, found a good one with unhinged Sonny coming to Alban after killing someone. Alban being in control is a relative rarity, so I thought I'd share.https://archiveofourown.org/works/43529340
>>38687113>unhinged SonnyYou have my attention already, thanks for the link.
>>38686753I think I've seen a few twitter teens cancelling Roberu for being into oneeshota and called him a shotacon. But they were (ironically) Astel fans...It was something that happened in like, 2020 and Astel being a shotacon wasn't that widely known back then but it's still so ironic.
>>38686989Heh, they're the male forms of Mori Calliope and Omega
I have a 300 word essay due next week and I can't stop watching Vox...
>>38687408https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6o8kEFLeeQ&list=PLVR-EIcYx6tG0-u1hNo1o1caYA_xfYU1M&index=3Watch this one while you work and if you're good you can watch the Student/Teacher asmr as a treat.
>>38687546>bra>garterbeltHe's a man... Why is he wearing these things?
>>38687582Men in lingerie are sex, anon.
>>38687582Lingerie looks hot on both men and women.Also, it's a fucking meme image. Don't overthink it.
>>38687636>>38687648What are you, gay?
>>38687408>300 word essay>next weekAnon... Are you in elementary school?
>>38687670certified faggot extraordinaire at your service, anon.
>>38686753It's hilarious that the reason she left is because she got upset over the guy who called Astel's solo master grind toxic. Guess she didn't care about Astel that much after all to leave over another fan.
>>38687408Did you forget a 0? lol also what streams are you watching?
>>38688165It's a /hlgg/ memeAlso I've just started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDYLrui0mkc
>>38688268This stream is peak vox. I hope you enjoy.
>>38688358I'm actually just getting into him. He's fun
>>38688268Good choice, this stream really shows off his kind of humor and sarcasm. Enjoy!
>>38688358>>38688428He's giving me an erection. I don't know how I feel about this.
>>38688400He's come a long way. He finally got his meds this week and made a lot of good decisions which he discusses at the end of that stream. I'm sure me or the other sister can give you vod recommendations if you want based on length and content.
>>38688476I'm going to be honest here. I'm a man, and I was worried about Vox when he first debuted, because he was amongst the first wave of big-time male Vtubers.I've actually gained respect for him for commandeering such a large audience of fujos/yumes over the years, which has led me to start watching him finally.I can unironically appreciate the work he puts into his streaming.
>>38688576You have no idea how much of a relief that is to hear among all the shitposting he gets from a lot of other guys who don't watch him and think he only does fanservice 24/7. He enjoys doing it but he really does put his heart and soul into it with his ASMRs. They really feel like movies to me and I don't watch them for the fanservice even if there's a warning that they'll be spicy.If you'd like, check out his Resident Evil streams, they're some of my favorite where he's really cool and funny. The Overwatch collab with some other boys is great too because I enjoyed seeing Kyo get bullied for once and his banter is really good. https://youtu.be/5miMFELK100Also a favorite among everyone seems to be the Smash CPU tournament commentated by him and Fulgur. They are both such great announcers with Vox going all out on his excitement and Fulgur coming in with the supporting comments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEJAuMUEPUMCult Of The Lamb and pretty much all the Under The Table interviews are really great, particularly the one with Ike and the one with Fulgur are my favorites. Hope you enjoy watching this silly monkey-loving demon!
The two Hades streams are really good too
>>38688948I would still respect him even if he was 100% fanservice 24/7. It's refreshing knowing that women can be just as, if not more parasocial than men.Anyway, this dream stream is good. If you keep recommending me new streams, you're going to overload me
>>38689455Anon I will protect you with my life and I hope you are having a lovely day or night wherever you are. Also sorry hehe I get excited telling people about my dorky oshi.
>>38688576>Over the yearsAnon it hasn't even been one year yet.
>>38689565Since he debuted? Really? It feels longer...
>>38689662The 20th of this month is their 1 year anniversary.
>>38689662Vox has had so much growth and change over the months that it does feel like a long time, doesn't it? That's why I grew so attached to him. No matter how many other male vtubers try to emulate him out there, I think I feel so attached to him because of his gradual growth into what he is now. Feels like a really long time to me too.
>>38689727>December 20, 2021What the fuck. My memory is wrong. I swear I was living in a different house when Vox debuted. >Coco had already graduated 5 months before Luxiem's debutEhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>38689762>I think I feel so attached to him because of his gradual growth into what he is nowThis is part of the charm of all Vtubers desu. For example, It's why Myth is loved so much: we've seen them start off so small and awkwardly, and grow into what they are today.
>>38689762>That's why I grew so attached to him. No matter how many other male vtubers try to emulate him out there, I think I feel so attached to him because of his gradual growth into what he is now.>>38689817>we've seen them start off so small and awkwardly, and grow into what they are today.this is why chuubas who start sooner make it. everyone else who comes later will always be at a disadvantage. even if they're cuter or smarter or more talented. the community following over time can't be beaten.