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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38603345 No.38603345 [Reply] [Original]


Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo, and any Vtubers frequently associated with them.

Mouse is live with more SOMA and that's all for the main group! For + action there's Geega playing Fortnite with Zen and ??? the stream title says 3 idiots but there's only 2 so who knows. But if you want to discuss The Game Awards then you're in luck since Aethel's been chosen as one of the people who can restream it and he's doing exactly that. That's all for now so try not to rage too hard at whatever announcements happen and keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Nyan - https://www.twitch.tv/nyanners
Silver - https://www.twitch.tv/silvervale
Vei - https://www.twitch.tv/veibae
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya

VShojoJP is:

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/るみな/ for dedicated Nazuna discussion
>>>/vt//lig/ for more focused + and ++ discussion

Previous Thread: >>38596467

>> No.38603391
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>> No.38603437
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Quoted by: >>38603496

>> No.38603457
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Quoted by: >>38603896

Pink Rat Sex

>> No.38603496
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>> No.38603535

Ok this is better than a regular Nyan stream.

>> No.38603751

>aethel asks nyan if she finished it takes two
>she just starts laughing

>> No.38603773


>> No.38603799
File: 84 KB, 721x824, FiGJLGOUAAAi3AW[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consensual non consensual sex with pink cat

>> No.38603826

Even the power of It Takes Two couldn't create couples out of them

>> No.38603839

And people call us the cucks

>> No.38603845

if nyan and aethel end up playing it that would be hilarious and a bit sad

>> No.38603877

That would be evil

>> No.38603896
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>> No.38603902
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the perfect set up

>> No.38603918
Quoted by: >>38604043

she also said 'maybe if i give it another shot ill enjoy it more' so probably

>> No.38603975
Quoted by: >>38604011

Aethel and Yuzu finished it though

>> No.38604011
Quoted by: >>38604381

Damn even finishing it couldn't make them a couple

>> No.38604043

I hope not, that's so shitty. I'd unsub and become an anti.

>> No.38604091

I love Nazuna! She's cute!

>> No.38604112

I hate the chick presenting the awards

>> No.38604148

Atomic heart looks great and finished, hope the devs don't pull any dumb shit

>> No.38604170
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>> No.38604237

I want to fuck the chick presenting the awards

>> No.38604264

Game does look like it fucks.

>> No.38604317
Quoted by: >>38604660

Here come 20 more amogus collabs

>> No.38604346

ew what the fuck is that skin

>> No.38604381

their streams of it were filled with shipfags on her chat so it's not really surprising

>> No.38604390
Quoted by: >>38604412

>ghost cunny

>> No.38604412
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>> No.38604520

Kirby fucking whips ass and the ending is fucking incredible

>> No.38604563
Quoted by: >>38604629

I've never seen a Kirby game that sucks, even the bad ones have their charm to it.

>> No.38604629

The ending to Forgotten Land is extremely anime and it was fun watching Silver and Layna both beat the game. Don't think any of the other vtubers I follow played it but they both went nuts over the final boss.

>> No.38604632

The v in /vsj+/ stands for video (games) now

>> No.38604660

sykkuno messaging people before the trailer even finished running

>> No.38604667
File: 1.55 MB, 1535x877, 1661158305353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically yes anon.

>> No.38604695
Quoted by: >>38604735

Just with less spam and less porn.

>> No.38604721

love my nigga Geoff

>> No.38604734

and s stands for shit

>> No.38604735

We can fix that

>> No.38604742


>> No.38604821

wtf kek

>> No.38604827


>> No.38604828

>Al Pacino

>> No.38604841
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>> No.38604867


>> No.38604891

>Al Pacino
Fucking what?

>> No.38604933
File: 701 KB, 1920x1080, FaXqGoKaIAIIDyj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38604962

Look at my sleeping wife

>> No.38604946


>> No.38604948


>> No.38604962
Quoted by: >>38605009

How can she be sleeping at a time like this

>> No.38604997
File: 163 KB, 400x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy to see Al Pacino, but am i the only one that feels a little bit sad when you see the people from the movies you watched growing up, just be old as fuck

>> No.38605009

She stayed up all night editing a fish video

>> No.38605036

I felt it as well. I was like "Jeez I hardly recognize him".

>> No.38605037

Yes. Happens to me a lot with Anthony Hopkins.

>> No.38605041
File: 1.59 MB, 1547x865, 1649318840049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love my nigga Kratos and his solid gold suit

>> No.38605086

reggie jumpscare

>> No.38605090


>> No.38605113

He deserved it

>> No.38605126
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>> No.38605155
Quoted by: >>38605311

i bet Silver is also watching game awards but instead of bf, she's cuddling with a cat

>> No.38605190
File: 996 KB, 1222x687, 1643393377120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38605205

Geeg live with Zen and Haruka for Fortnite.

>> No.38605266


>> No.38605281

my nigga kratos just wrap it up

>> No.38605311

Her mother won't let her have a dog, for obvious reasons.

>> No.38605336

Bunch of betas don't dare tell my boy to leave

>> No.38605339
File: 147 KB, 1122x685, 1669259323141909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let him cook

>> No.38605356
Quoted by: >>38605420

This man going like he just won best actor Oscar

>> No.38605364

dunkaccino gonna pass out on stage if this keeps up

>> No.38605403

jesus Kratos

>> No.38605420

Oscars would've played him off

>> No.38605488

>Music starts up
>Just makes his speech sound even more important

>> No.38605494

Based Kratos

>> No.38605526

ok that was an epic speech by the end, but it lasted so fucking long even jeff mocked him kek

>> No.38605720

haruka to a black guy: you love chicken

>> No.38605743

The Enna of Vshojo

>> No.38605849

Bayonetta spinoff is lookin weird

>> No.38605889

who's the guy?

>> No.38605904
File: 2.03 MB, 1131x1029, bYpaRkOxmj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they day after snuffy starts hades for the first time we get a Hades II announcement, snuffy please play more games

>> No.38605918
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Quoted by: >>38606721

>> No.38605945

>>38605889 (me)
nvm it's heavenly

>> No.38605974

heavenly father

>> No.38606043

How do we get Nyanners to play Spiritfarer? I want to see her cry like a bitch again

>> No.38606331

Damn Asmongold is a great singer

>> No.38606347
File: 1.74 MB, 1994x1132, image_2022-12-08_203459178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asmogold if he showered.

>> No.38606452
Quoted by: >>38606467

kys Rian Johnson

>> No.38606467

he should have directed Star Trek instead

>> No.38606511
Quoted by: >>38606580

How the fuck is that meme game Stray in so many categories?

>> No.38606522


>> No.38606525

>Stray wins over Vampire Survivors
I will never forgive The Game Awards

>> No.38606536


>> No.38606575

Why are they mad if they've never played it. Stray is definitely the best one of them.

>> No.38606580


>> No.38606619

Geegs confirmed another 4’11” stacker

>> No.38606657


>> No.38606672

Dude Neon White is so good

>> No.38606680
Quoted by: >>38606763

It's a shitty walking simulator that only got popular because of the heckin catterino

>> No.38606721

You're really invested into Zen and Geega being Chloe and Olga aren't you?

>> No.38606758

I’m not that guy but prove us wrong

>> No.38606763

AND it has a good story

>> No.38606828
Quoted by: >>38606963

Damn they actually got Conroy's voice recorded for the game before he died. That's great.

>> No.38606864

Hopefully the game turns out great
Can't have his fucking last work be some shitty game kek

>> No.38606898

Yeah I thought the game looked iffy and was ready to laugh but with this now I hope it's great lmao

>> No.38606906
Quoted by: >>38606959

>suicide squad
It's over

>> No.38606936

It's by arkham devs so it's gonna be fine, will be buggy at launch though

>> No.38606959

Yeah I know, the formula that they always use the Suicide Squad sucks ass and the comedy it's really just in the nose. But I mean gameplay wise.

>> No.38606963

Meanwhile Mouse is slowly going insane while talking about computer sex and tittolie squeezing
I'm praying the game turns out good lol

>> No.38606992

orange cat is /in/

>> No.38607108 [SPOILER] 
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Quoted by: >>38607220

At least one person is surprisingly hyped for Party Animals

>> No.38607110


>> No.38607180


>> No.38607194


>> No.38607212

The Cyberpunk anime wasn't even nominated?

>> No.38607220

for the brief moment the demo came out and seeing people play it on twitch... even the demo was incredibly polished and fun. can't wait for mass collabs

>> No.38607228

Stray was good until you found out you are playing sentient being in a cat suit doing sub-quests

>> No.38607244
Quoted by: >>38607273

anon are you blind

>> No.38607251

When does Miko get her award?

>> No.38607255

It was. But to be fair, Arcane was fucking good.

>> No.38607266

any of you win a streamdeck yet?

>> No.38607273

Yes. I missed when they showed it.

>> No.38607292

Anny on Mouses chat

>> No.38607302
Quoted by: >>38607501

What're you talking about, it's just a cat with a little robot buddy

>> No.38607322
File: 1.19 MB, 1455x820, 721F6EE6-B868-4A0B-B94F-06BCF9B99BA6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

>> No.38607383
Quoted by: >>38607501

Did you even play it?

>> No.38607390
Quoted by: >>38607430

I need to play Fallen Order, I have it in two fucking consoles and I have never even downloaded it kek

>> No.38607429

Sweet, I liked the first one

>> No.38607430

It's pretty good. It's not Jedi Knight/Jedi Academy but the combat is fun.

>> No.38607501

I am saying it was cool when you played a cay up until a point when they made it understand speech and be able to do sidequests and shit

>> No.38607660
Quoted by: >>38607763

>dune mmo

>> No.38607737

Based pink cat shitting on reddit games

>> No.38607763

it's not Dune anymore
it's DUNC

>> No.38607769

she'd be based if she played games

>> No.38607835

Nyan hates genshin because Lilypichu got a role in the game.

>> No.38607885


>> No.38607888

them calling games they haven't played and being contrarian to seem "based" is a lot more cringe than the cringe shit on screen

>> No.38607892


>> No.38607912

>Kojima delivery service part 2

>> No.38607925

someone says "visionary" and we all know who they mean

>> No.38607955

Silent Hills AND Death Stranding in ONE GAME!

>> No.38607969
Quoted by: >>38608129

ok redditor

>> No.38607970
Quoted by: >>38608129

I'm sorry they insulted your favorite game redditor

>> No.38607974


>> No.38608029

the only thing I love about the recent Kojima games is the soundtrack, his selection of music is actually amazing
rip Ryan Karazija (low roar)

>> No.38608075


>> No.38608118

holy shit Jeff really loves Kojima.

>> No.38608129

they sound exactly like redditors is what I'm saying retards, they're gonna lose their shit like basedfag redditors when Elden Ring shows up as nominees

>> No.38608159



>> No.38608165

I'm jealous that he gets to air this kind of weird ass shit in front of thousands of people

>> No.38608170

Because Elden Ring is a good game and the thing they shat on is trash. Not hard to get.

>> No.38608172


>> No.38608200
File: 100 KB, 1003x1200, 0E7584CF-3023-4993-8B63-E364915E5A1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zen the game?

>> No.38608207
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>> No.38608223


>> No.38608251


>> No.38608264

I'm gonna use this from now whenever some posts something retarded here

>> No.38608309

aprimum is ableist...

>> No.38608313

fuck you, I laughed

>> No.38608333
Quoted by: >>38608452

Have you heard the dialogue in Forespoken? Nyan is 100% right

>> No.38608342
Quoted by: >>38608753

that's soda's mom.

>> No.38608358

Didn’t that guy try to fuck Alana?

>> No.38608363
Quoted by: >>38608497

>>38608309 (me)
Fuck I just assumed that was the Froot one
Soda mom is ableist...*

>> No.38608452
Quoted by: >>38608517

oh, I wasn't talking Forespoken when I said it.

>> No.38608474
Quoted by: >>38608753

That is Soda's mom. She actually said this to some random chatter apparently kek

>> No.38608497
Quoted by: >>38608575

Soda, being an average cunt, is from a parent who's also a cunt. Who would've guessed.

>> No.38608517
Quoted by: >>38608560

Well that's the game they were referring to...

>> No.38608560

They also shat on Stray and Genshin so he might be talking about those

>> No.38608575


>> No.38608706
Quoted by: >>38608773

I like how they speed through the "who the fuck cares" categories instead of pretending they all matter like the Oscars

>> No.38608753
File: 16 KB, 663x125, 1657945549587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually wasn't his mum he clarified it today on his stream and banned the chatter for 1 week

>> No.38608773
File: 134 KB, 416x466, 82220A02-9B61-4918-8F60-ECA0D26F1E22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mario beats out total war for best strategy

>> No.38608775

Even more based

>> No.38608805

warhammer should have added rabids

>> No.38608842
File: 25 KB, 486x339, 1670523138454311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38608958

If that's true then this pic is even funnier

>> No.38608841
Quoted by: >>38608958

kek, How did Vei fall for it?

>> No.38608869

XCOM for kids is good as hell

>> No.38608938

it would be hysterical to see the genshin and sonic autists fight only for Stray to win Players Choice

>> No.38608958
Quoted by: >>38608994

it is. he called her after this discord message to check

>>38608841 this is why. he wasnt sure himself at first >>38608842

>> No.38608960

I just wonder how the fuck Victoria 3 even got nominated. Its so broken.

>> No.38608974

Why is vaping treated like crack now?

>> No.38608994

>have to check if your mom is the one shitposting or if it's an impostor

>> No.38609013
Quoted by: >>38609243

takes money away from big tobacco

>> No.38609038


>> No.38609103

Aethel and Nyanners are terrible hosts

>> No.38609125

Yeah it's great

>> No.38609139

You absorb a lot more nicotine when vaping compared to smoking

>> No.38609152

Doesn't help that they are not in sync

>> No.38609163
File: 714 KB, 597x513, nyannVape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38609518

and also because of a bunch of kids doing it

>> No.38609243

Anon, JUUL is owned by Phillip Morris.

>> No.38609278
Quoted by: >>38609378

Love my nigga Joe Mad

>> No.38609318
Quoted by: >>38609503

Listening to Pastarat lose his shit over Minsc while Aethel/Nyanners are off in ADHD land is a trip

>> No.38609317

looks like a generic mmo

>> No.38609378

Love my nigga Joe Mad, but MMO's are MMO's and that looks not great.

>> No.38609441


>> No.38609503
Quoted by: >>38609751

Vinny's chat going apeshit for Minsc while Aethel's chat just spams "Kratos?" makes me feel strange. I though more oldfags watched vtubers, guess not.

>> No.38609508
File: 469 KB, 2278x1611, 20221208_183614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38609720

sexy plump haruka thighs

>> No.38609518

Nyan's spine in that pic is super fucked up looking.

Artists, come on.

>> No.38609605
File: 128 KB, 736x762, 3C3F9975-27F1-49A6-94E1-2916262ED3D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38609879

Elder Scrolls?

>> No.38609720

I want more sexy moose pics

>> No.38609751

Every now and then I'm reminded that Aethel is a himbo

>> No.38609831

Vei got the one guyd of the century because of that chatter, literally ended stream in panic

>> No.38609879

Don't hold your breath. Back when it was announced, Todd literally said they weren't even starting on it until after Starfield was out.

>> No.38610021

Don't believe his lies

>> No.38610060

>TLOZ wins most anticipated game
>Horizon II dlc gets announced

>> No.38610164

This must be the longest SOMA playthrough in existence.

>> No.38610204
File: 480 KB, 1182x1772, 992428B1-FC4F-49A3-85A7-E3C94A3EAB22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never believe the lies

>> No.38610208

What's causing her to take so long anyway? I've never played so i cant really tell

>> No.38610231

was Bayo 3 good? I never saw anyone talking about it, other than the drama.

>> No.38610233


>> No.38610240
File: 496 KB, 774x1200, BeachOnesieStampedMouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38610377

Mouse is not the brightest bulb in the shed.

>> No.38610285

every time she sees an enemy she hides for an hour

>> No.38610317

Anytime the monsters are in the area Mouse shuts herself in a room for 30 minutes before advancing to the next room, repeats this until she gets past that area.

>> No.38610377

She didn't get stuck on puzzles that long, it's the hiding from monsters that slows her down.

>> No.38610404
Quoted by: >>38610448

i miss geega

>> No.38610448
File: 936 KB, 989x1120, 429D34CB-998F-4852-88E2-6CBE87B85A97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38610496

I have Boenr

>> No.38610526

They are never letting them be official hosts again

>> No.38610542

Aethal and Nyan are so checked out from this show.

>> No.38610565

Fucking Aethel is never gonna get invited again, but goddamn he's making this shit too fucking funny.

>> No.38610587

Nyanners never would have made it through college even w/o CVS would she

>> No.38610589

These past few trailers sucked ass

>> No.38610643

i was in that /gif/ thread you fucker

>> No.38610704

Its been pretty boring for a bit

>> No.38610830

love my niggas key & peele

>> No.38610889

Key really needs Peele huh

>> No.38610910

love my nigga key
but goddamn tough crowd huh

>> No.38610919

Who did mouse say "ew i forgot I still follow them" too?

>> No.38610940


>> No.38610995

the disgraced DM

>> No.38611027
Quoted by: >>38611091

Arcadum. I'm not watching but I think someone noticed that recently so that's my assumption lol

>> No.38611035
Quoted by: >>38611086

those puppet things are the original VTubers

>> No.38611039


>> No.38611055


>> No.38611057

17.8% I think, didn’t recognize the two other names

>> No.38611086

don't tell the rest of the board

>> No.38611091

yeah it showed up when she opened her twitch.

>> No.38611102
File: 14 KB, 348x143, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can he?

>> No.38611118

>Muppet asking WHERE KOJIMA
I didn't know I needed that in my life until now

>> No.38611145
Quoted by: >>38611282

Kojima is gonna add him to DS2

>> No.38611151

love my nigga animal

>> No.38611155
File: 24 KB, 600x568, hesgonnasprayit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38611186

It was fucking arcadum LMAO

>> No.38611196
File: 756 KB, 600x909, 1648215471879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38611360

Can say it, but chooses not to.

>> No.38611259

Aethel and Nyanners disrespecting their progenitors

>> No.38611282

would be kino as you roam the world and you can find Animal in hidden places

>> No.38611302

>hate muppets
>do the most muppet-like bit
the irony

>> No.38611313
Quoted by: >>38611357

>Nyan and Aethal are Muppets antis
That's it, too far, pink cat and dog BAD!!!

>> No.38611334

nyan's quivering little vtuber hole UOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH

>> No.38611357


>> No.38611360
Quoted by: >>38617934

frieza literally has a black transformation, he can say it all he wants

>> No.38611520

>lose their shit when they see an IP they recognize
>"I hAve boEnr" for everything else
I am losing my mind and I have only myself to blame

>> No.38611566

Good thing I have the same shit taste as them so I was thankful they were joking during those boringass trailers

>> No.38611625

that actually looked sick

>> No.38611730

thats most people when they watch game awards anon

>> No.38611790


>> No.38611802

I'm so glad they are making a space marine 2

>> No.38611804


>> No.38611815


>> No.38611854

Not like this

>> No.38611869

super crash bros

>> No.38611965

Fighting game...

>> No.38611968
Quoted by: >>38612198

threesome with rei and tina

>> No.38611973
Quoted by: >>38612073

Activision has betrayed Crash fans once again
It was good while it lasted

>> No.38612024

Me receiving the award

>> No.38612047


>> No.38612059

Just got here has GOW been winning everything?

>> No.38612073

Crash has been treated so poorly over time lmao
The past 10+ years has only had like 3 decent crash games and 2 of them were remasters

>> No.38612081
Quoted by: >>38612133

They got streamers to announce the accessibility award? Shoulda been Mouse.

>> No.38612085

I think it's won everything it's been nominated for so far.

>> No.38612091


>> No.38612133

Next year Gun and the Ipad will give out an award.

>> No.38612198


>> No.38612224
Quoted by: >>38612291

This crowd is dead af

>> No.38612286

wtf is this

>> No.38612291

The jokes suck. They have been doing this for years and these fucking boomers still can't figure out the right humor for their audience.

>> No.38612327
File: 2.08 MB, 1539x856, 1655728884907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geega is cumming at the cast of this game right now.

>> No.38612407

Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.38612409

Genshin literally bribed their audience to vote lmao

>> No.38612420

>the bot votes got acknoleged

>> No.38612445

I think they missed a few

>> No.38612458

So Square paid for the last reveal trailer?

>> No.38612469

Should have filtered the chinks too

>> No.38612588
Quoted by: >>38612758

So why does Soda look like he's being held hostage in his own stream?

>> No.38612657


>> No.38612700

They are so fucking retarded

>> No.38612711

They are gonna get blacklisted from everything, kek

>> No.38612721

Aethel is going to literally kill Nyan

>> No.38612723

ok that was impressive

>> No.38612758

sounds off topic

>> No.38612789


And now:


>> No.38612795
Quoted by: >>38612883

I like how everyone is now hating God of War for winning too many awards lmao

>> No.38612859

oh shit cyberpunk

>> No.38612878

can't believe they made a game based on the anime

>> No.38612883

Anyone hating it for being good now hated it before for being popular, seething is a constant with faggots

>> No.38612903

>Idris Elba

>> No.38612909
Quoted by: >>38612951

>investors blabbed on a call
>over the next 8 months four new members
>three were actually named

>> No.38612913

Fuck cyberpunk holy shit

>> No.38612934
File: 375 KB, 1500x3081, 63EAD844-BE89-4E31-A781-6D363A1EBFF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this shit end already

>> No.38612951
Quoted by: >>38613198

Would be hyped but there's no way they'd do 3/4 EN's. Drop Chibi and add 2 JP's and I'm good

>> No.38613014


>> No.38613016


>> No.38613020

Oh hey a new Armored Core

>> No.38613034
File: 1.97 MB, 854x480, 1645404015792.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38613036
Quoted by: >>38613408


>> No.38613037

Elden Ring is the worst game in FromSoft's post-Souls catalog but its mountainous hype has brainwashed everyone

God of War deserves the GOTY and anyone who seethes over it when it wins has bad taste

>> No.38613165
Quoted by: >>38613252

>the worst game in FromSoft's post-Souls catalog
That's just Sekiro and Elden Ring

>> No.38613198
Quoted by: >>38613429

Depends on actually if they are treating the branches as the same company.
JP might be seperate but equal.
Also no Geega? No way, but fits their dumbass moves so far.

>> No.38613245

Nyan burps kek

>> No.38613252
Quoted by: >>38613296

As in, everything starting from Demon's Souls

>> No.38613296

Then you are high. Dark Souls 2 and 3 suck ass.

>> No.38613336
Quoted by: >>38613399

3's worst part is still better than the latter half of 1.

>> No.38613340

Elden Ring was amazing coming from someone that didn't like the previous souls games. The gameplay was crisp, the music/art/world was breathtaking, and the boss designs were cool AF. It was the first game in a while that just felt epic.

>> No.38613368
Quoted by: >>38613427

God of War is garbage though

>> No.38613399
Quoted by: >>38613503

3's worst part is way worse than anything in ds1 or 2 combined
Farron swamp is the worst location in From

>> No.38613408

I'm pretty sure Zen is a big fan of Armored Core. I bet she's going to shit her pants when she hears the news.

>> No.38613412

good bait

>> No.38613422

>Nyan getting more aroused as the FF trailer goes on.

>> No.38613427
File: 6 KB, 225x224, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38613505

When will we stop this charade soulsfag chama

>> No.38613429

I mean if that was a real post and JP additions were counted separately from that I'd be super into it but I'm pretty sure investors would have nothing to do with discussions on talent acquisition.

>> No.38613454

Did you rike it?

>> No.38613481 [SPOILER] 
File: 275 KB, 601x655, 1650994122022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least one VShojo is super hyped for the new Armored Core

>> No.38613503
Quoted by: >>38613635

Horsefuck Valley is objectively the worst thing they've ever made.

>> No.38613505

It is though. it was mediocre before and went to worse when they left the greek pantheon

>> No.38613508
Quoted by: >>38613546

the one who started the shipping between Mouse and Connor.

>> No.38613527


Based and truthpilled, fuck soulfags

>> No.38613546

He's the biggest shipper of them all. Who knows how many couples he's created through that game

>> No.38613554

Dark Souls II at least doesn't take as long as Elden Ring
Dark Souls III's dungeon and combat design blows ER out of the fucking water

ER is so bloated with open world filler that it completely crumbles under its own weight
Game's obsessed with ambushes to the point of predictability, enemy damage scaling is beyond fucked, general boss design just isn't fun or memorable

The only good boss in all of ER is Radagon, and he's mid-tier compared to previous games

>> No.38613569

Subpar bait, go back to your corner

>> No.38613577

you didn't even touch the game, cry more

>> No.38613596

I'm really surprised that Nintendo didn't showed anything big.

>> No.38613598
File: 228 KB, 1201x2048, 44055728-8F42-44DE-8D6E-E7A302045401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38613607 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 1100x1000, FSyV6VeWIAA9ogQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we could have two vshojos super hyped for it one day

>> No.38613616

go to /v/ faggots.

>> No.38613617

the air? me

>> No.38613635

It is but its optional area in optional DLC
Farron snore is mandatory

>> No.38613688
Quoted by: >>38613806

>says the retard not watchin the streams

>> No.38613712


>> No.38613724

eldon cock

>> No.38613745
Quoted by: >>38613833

Fuck this shit

>> No.38613758


>> No.38613765


>> No.38613766

>Elden Ring actually wins GOTY even though it lost in almost every other category

>> No.38613776


>> No.38613788

Did Mouse even beat Elden Ring

>> No.38613806

i'm watching the stream. You fags are fighting over games. Go fight in the fucking /v/

>> No.38613808


>> No.38613833

Eh, kinda obvious when GOW swept everything else

>> No.38613861

She didn't even get through raya lucaria

>> No.38613865

lmao even

>> No.38613875


>> No.38613886

>Aethel fighting against the translator
my favorite bit so far.

>> No.38613889

No and neither did Aethel because the Warhammerfags stole him away

>> No.38613899


>> No.38613915
File: 1.11 MB, 800x684, 1640185673512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38613997

What the fuck was that kek

>> No.38613998


>> No.38614001

>average veifag

>> No.38614004

what the fuck just happened lmfao

>> No.38614008


>> No.38614019

Nani the fuck lmao

>> No.38614052

Average Nazuna fan

>> No.38614054

How did Hexer get on the stage?

>> No.38614066

Did she seriously just start masturbating on stage?

>> No.38614067

Stop vagueposting I was watching Forsen

>> No.38614075

>what did he say?
>I have no idea, I was fuckin spaced out the whole time

>> No.38614087

Kojima whipped his cock out

>> No.38614103
File: 198 KB, 422x547, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38614125

bill clinton

>> No.38614114

>still nothing from Prime 4 even at TGA
bros im losing hope..

>> No.38614118
Quoted by: >>38618184

Some schizo reached the mic and said some weird shit no one understood "my orthodox rabbi Bill Clinton" or something.

>> No.38614123

I would like to dedicate these 10 gifted subs to my reformed orthodox rabbi, Bill Clinton

>> No.38614125

at least he's not shooting up a school
for now

>> No.38614202

I love how Twitter and /v/ are confused as Hell.

>> No.38614233

>random kid gets on stage
>hey everybody, i think i want to nominate this award to my reformed orthodox rabbi, bill clinton
What a world we live in.

>> No.38614236
Quoted by: >>38618038

silver go live

>> No.38614278

Bill Clinton is trending on Twitter lmao

>> No.38614333

>“I’d like to dedicate this award to my reformed orthodox rabbi Bill Clinton.”
preach brother

>> No.38614366

For any who missed it

>> No.38614418
File: 177 KB, 311x383, 1456789654478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38614424
File: 240 KB, 799x322, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I hope this becomes a meme kek

>> No.38614429
File: 222 KB, 600x337, 1643404781192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38614486

fucking Bill Clinton is trending now lmao

>> No.38614518
File: 221 KB, 441x360, 1658902122238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38614561

I wanna fuck this brat rat

>> No.38614561

Needs love, care and calming down and cock

>> No.38614633

Holy shit, what if he had a weapon or something? Geoff must be fucking seething right now

>> No.38614677
Quoted by: >>38614702

nyanners moist pussy lips are spreading over lord aethelstan's bulbous, veiny cock as we speak

>> No.38614702
Quoted by: >>38614988

kys cuck

>> No.38614708

I truly wonder how many people actually believe that stupid pregnancy tweet

>> No.38614731
Quoted by: >>38618184

Yeah, he could have been some God of War schizo mad at Elden Ring getting GOTY

>> No.38614736

I can believe some random mentally ill guy would get on stage and kill the winners of GOTY if his game didn't win

>> No.38614775
Quoted by: >>38614819

he got arrested LMAO

>> No.38614791

I'm glad God of Yawn didn't win.

>> No.38614798

Why is M*zk*f watching my oshi...

>> No.38614819

lmao https://twitter.com/geoffkeighley/status/1601066733564928001

>> No.38614868
File: 482 KB, 729x729, 1656550784886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lil homie got sent to gamer prison

>> No.38614870
File: 294 KB, 525x568, 1658995404301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38615058


>> No.38614955

we are all joking but this shit will reflect really bad on them.

>> No.38614982

This is all pink cat's fault

>> No.38614988

nyan's tongue is painting his cock like a little warhammer figurine

>> No.38615006

Why is Mouse forcing herself to finish this? So she can tell her bf can she plays games?

>> No.38615030

inspired by Vei to actually finish a game

>> No.38615032

>but this shit will reflect really bad on them.
meh, shit happens
there was a streaker one year at the emmy's
and another year, i think ronald reagan was giving an award, some lunatic got ahold of the award and threw it at his head

>> No.38615039

she challenging herself. Since MGR she feels more confident about playing games.

>> No.38615058
File: 27 KB, 600x300, 1665191165171654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38615132


>> No.38615077

She wants to blow up her own heart

>> No.38615079

She wants to euthanize more robots

>> No.38615110

>ronald reagan was giving an award, some lunatic got ahold of the award and threw it at his head

>> No.38615132
File: 405 KB, 640x640, 1667521759177848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.38615235
File: 10 KB, 240x210, shithappens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was that time...

>> No.38615238

lmao her cursor/mouse was shaking

>> No.38615296
File: 455 KB, 641x629, 1658142522649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to say I think there is something other than friendship going on between Mouse and that Connor guy

>> No.38615335
Quoted by: >>38618184

A true schizo right there

>> No.38615355

Imagine, FUCKING IMAGINE, she would actually go fucking insane.

>> No.38615405

>I want to say that Vei is actually pregnant

>> No.38615406

well worth the jail time.

>> No.38615413
File: 283 KB, 623x474, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38615416

Hes the milk schizo

>> No.38615457
File: 183 KB, 900x169, 1652199351121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38615489

Kek froot

>> No.38615585
File: 409 KB, 971x694, 1653827939076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38615687


>> No.38615595


>> No.38615627
File: 753 KB, 1357x758, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38615659
Quoted by: >>38615699

Supposedly people are saying it's this twitch streamer, idk this dude might just be joking in this post

>> No.38615660

based Froot

>> No.38615667
Quoted by: >>38618184

fuck off retard deetfag there's not milkschizo but the milkfags making milk

>> No.38615682
File: 601 KB, 2160x1620, victor bout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38615814

When is connor going live.

>> No.38615687
File: 67 KB, 273x232, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38615699

>>38615659 (me)
Well I'm a retard, here's the link
Either he's bragging or it's some troll joking

>> No.38615758
Quoted by: >>38615804

Wait a fucking second. Wasn't this the guy in the fucking Schooled stream with Snuffy and Vei? The super young one who kept getting questions right? mf about to get himself banned on Twitch lmao

>> No.38615795

first the vei pregnant post and now this

why can't you retards realize when someone is just joking around

>> No.38615798

kek Vei collabed with this guy before
I don't think it's him though, no way a partnered streamer would be this retarded

>> No.38615804
File: 1.44 MB, 1249x799, 1659649017371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looked it up and fucking lmao

>> No.38615814

Dude gives straight up fuck me daddy vibes to females.

>> No.38615819


>> No.38615850

Personally I don't think it's him but everyone on twitter thinks it is which is pretty funny

>> No.38615876
Quoted by: >>38615927

The guy got arrested though

>> No.38615884

They do look similar which makes it pretty funny

>> No.38615909

It's not actually him jesus christ

>> No.38615927

Definitely looks like the guy at the very least. He could just be joking based on similar appearances, but who knows.

He walked on stage with the Elden Ring guys and just stood alongside them without anyone noticing. If he was a clout chaser like he appears that's plenty of time to take a screenshot of himself on and post it on Twitter

>> No.38615942

to be fair for some everyone thinks its him but I agree though I think this is an obvious joke

>> No.38615953
Quoted by: >>38616031

his viewers are just playing along since he looks like the kid

this https://twitter.com/SlattySlimes is the guy, I believe

>> No.38616031
Quoted by: >>38616102

It's not that guy either, but he knows him apparently https://twitter.com/SlattySlimes/status/1601069647968624642

>> No.38616048

I forgot how hot Jenna is. She looks like a slutty librarian in this one. Mel does have some hot friends.

>> No.38616064

Alright anons, next year one of us has to do this but with our best schizo rrat about vtubers

>> No.38616086


>> No.38616102
Quoted by: >>38616175

wait that's the Hong Kong kid from this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mImztGDyHzY

>> No.38616106 [DELETED] 


>> No.38616112

>Mouse likes that Connor gu-

>> No.38616124

There's too many good ones to choose

>> No.38616136
Quoted by: >>38616237

Hime and Sydsnap are the same person and she dates this guy called Garnt.

>> No.38616175

This kid gets even more based by the second

>> No.38616180


>> No.38616192
File: 248 KB, 463x453, 1657029688122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38616340


>> No.38616196

that wasn't even that bad cmon jannies

>> No.38616237

I don't want to discriminate or be an asshole but what part of Garnt made her fall in love for him. I personally want to fuck Syd more than nyanners.

>> No.38616257
File: 9 KB, 227x222, 1645989244777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38616258

So they really do only care if its hololive, even if it's literally a joke no one takes seriously.

>> No.38616266
File: 343 KB, 660x440, image_2022-12-08_234644802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on the ground fucko!

>> No.38616271

Speaking of Zen, check out this tweet she just faved lmao https://twitter.com/kvxart/status/1601068872060526592

>> No.38616285
Quoted by: >>38616392


>> No.38616287
File: 654 KB, 112x112, 34FE16AF-C60E-494D-A540-B1B33A9EEE9F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38616300

Anons I missed a call from my wife I don't know what to do


>> No.38616301

Guess this one wins lmao

>> No.38616340

Cyborg version when?

>> No.38616356


this guys eyebrows are like 3 times thicker

>> No.38616354

Same, but I have no beef with Vei or Nyan's BFs because they are chads.

>> No.38616380
File: 28 KB, 613x294, 1645135668396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38616392

She's going off the assumption that the Twit notifs and the missed call sound makes the same noise on your phone. Cute tease since it caught me and I panicked for a second before realizing I'm a retard and it was a tweet.

>> No.38616451

They killed mikey...

>> No.38616471

Mouse just tweeted that the next SOTD will be with reformed rabbi Bill Clinton

>> No.38616480


>> No.38616486

Poor kid fucked with the wrong gang. Geoff, Reggie, Kojimbo and Miyazaki proceeded to beat him to death in an alley outside.

>> No.38616499
Quoted by: >>38616622

tall and rich
he honestly looks really good for a SEA

>> No.38616502
File: 280 KB, 422x547, FjgfP48WAAIpq1o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to say i think vshojo is a massive ruse and its two biggest talents being a cat and mouse prove none of it is real

>> No.38616565

I'm gonna rant about Valkyrae. This bitch does not deserve the amount of success she has gotten. What has she ever done in the content creation scene? Nothing. Has she organized special events? No. All she does is ride the bandwagon and then gets all the fame. She owes her career to that nigga DisguisedToast for AmongUs. He made her.

>> No.38616594

Hot woman, please understand

>> No.38616608
File: 71 KB, 1102x547, 1658152766084407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but with Fuslie
She literally has no talent and got huge off of being in Among Us lobbies
At least Rae is hot

>> No.38616622

Aethel, Soda and Connor are also attractive desu

>> No.38616624
Quoted by: >>38616645

literally who

>> No.38616645
Quoted by: >>38616654

me, I'm Rae

>> No.38616654

Let me hit

>> No.38616670

I'm glad that I have no idea who the hell any of these faggots are.

>> No.38616673

She's really good with the guitar

>> No.38616695
Quoted by: >>38617612

shut up and stream vei you polish whore

>> No.38616785

Thats the trade off i guess, hot women dont have to do shit, but ugly women have no chance at success lmao

>> No.38616789
Quoted by: >>38617046

looks like a literal rat

>> No.38616988
Quoted by: >>38617149

that moment with her and snuffy during that among us game was cute though

>> No.38617046 [SPOILER] 
File: 180 KB, 612x680, aethel is Wagner..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah he is a chad.

>> No.38617141
File: 123 KB, 207x239, el apple stando.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38617149

She is kinda cool, there's plenty of genuinely talentless OTV orbiters he could have singled out

>> No.38617156

mouse overthinking the simplest things...

>> No.38617202

Note to self, mouse would doom the planet if the person asking her to save it isn't saying pwetty pwease.

>> No.38617223
Quoted by: >>38617271

Is it just me or does the guy kinda sound like connor

>> No.38617237

Somehow that doesn't surprise me

>> No.38617271

i can't unhear it now, connor with a filter

>> No.38617292

more like she didn't paid attention to the story and now is "confused".

>> No.38617378

Holy hell woman just make a fucking choice

>> No.38617416
Quoted by: >>38617437

She fisted that asshole

fisted it good

>> No.38617437

That asshole? mine

>> No.38617565

>vei: getting pedi/manis, dieting, hydrating, going to gym, lasering off every offending follicle, doing make up and hair to achieve porn star look for soda
>soda: pink mullet, double chin, patchy beard

>> No.38617572
Quoted by: >>38617739


>> No.38617612
File: 694 KB, 702x643, 1662119213625057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He totally rocked the pink hair and I'll stop pretending you fucking schizos he's boy-next-door hot

>> No.38617648

stream you bitch

>> No.38617687

vei pls unban hexer

>> No.38617704
Quoted by: >>38617755

>this is a grown ass man larping as a woman

>> No.38617739

some comedian here that thinks aethel looks like a Wagner mercenary.

>> No.38617755

I'm not pretending to be Vei I'm saying I'll stop pretending he's not actually hot to a certain degree

>> No.38617854

this is where i reveal i made the zen gura post then deleted it immediately thank you for the funny replies anons lmao

also new thread

>> No.38617934

i agree but i also agree he would drop the hard R version each time.

>> No.38618038

she is now.

>> No.38618184
File: 458 KB, 828x954, 3C486012-7A23-4907-B370-030604C7587C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No communism. Koshers.
