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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38489662 No.38489662 [Reply] [Original]

>cries to management for 2 years just to ultimately get given permanent NTR-face and a weird big dome skull

was it worth it?

>> No.38489730


>> No.38489767

>2 years

>> No.38489829
Quoted by: >>38499787

A whole new model just to be mogged by mori again. Its a a sad sight

>> No.38489855

>2 years
if you're gonna hate watch at least get your facts right kek

>> No.38489876

Did she ask for a new model just to give Brian a project?

>> No.38489889 [DELETED] 
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Quoted by: >>38489995

>> No.38489939


>> No.38489965

>2 years
>NTR-face and a weird big dome skull
just like her old model, it's not for everyone. But it got better receptions than her old model tho.

>> No.38489995

really cool!

>> No.38490032
Quoted by: >>38490166

I am surprised that RedJuice is still her design papa. Is he now able to make new outfits for her? Or is IRyS going to just suffer for another year and a half? I feel like Cover is going to regret not ditching RedJuice for someone more reliable.

>> No.38490162
Quoted by: >>38492063

has the boob rigging been adjusted yet? they reminded me of dead or alive beach volleyball

>> No.38490166

Apparently the main problem is Redjuice had no fucking clue what he was doing the first time and spent ALL THIS FUCKING TIME learning how to draw vtubers and understand how things look when they're moving.
Because clearly he's too famous to lower himself to watching basic tutorials on youtube.

>> No.38490199

Literal rent free, I really like how poeple /here/ kepps on pushing this "Brian" shit because of that nothingburger, I would've believed aswell if she made it a huge issue. But there was nothing after that.

>> No.38490218


>> No.38490280

>deflection at full

they don't have bullets, you have to understand

>> No.38490285
Quoted by: >>38490448

that sounds like the hiring team's issue for hiring someone like him to do the design.

>> No.38490289

... Then why the hell would they choose him in the first place and not someone who actually knows what they're doing? Like, they could have asked Pochi again. Pochi would have drawn IRyS happily, as well as a bunch of porn.

>> No.38490373

Now she's gotta wait for that new outfit she's owed after taking so long with the redesign.

>> No.38490391
Quoted by: >>38493863

>deflection at full
They gave up trying to defend their oshi because the evidence is there and they already know that they're cucks.

>> No.38490393
Quoted by: >>38490492

Is the same 2 or 3 faggots always , literally mental illness

>> No.38490440

She needs at least two: New Years and a casual outfit. I expect Redjuice will take another two years for each.

>> No.38490448

They hired him because he's famous, was willing and had the free time in his schedule.
That's pretty much it.

>> No.38490484
Quoted by: >>38490543

good thing is that they're taking the public's opinion about the redesign and will update it.

>> No.38490492

dramafags will be desperate for crumbs

>> No.38490515

She already fucking said it wasn't his fault and somewhat implied it was management related. Christ, you retards truly believe in anything you read in this asylum.

>> No.38490543
Quoted by: >>38490597

I hope so. IRyS is a sweetheart. She deserves love.

>> No.38490593

You believe everything the talents say now, seanig? It was Redjuice 100%.

>> No.38490597

She's one of a kind.

>> No.38490673

i'm convinced redjuice is a highly trained double agent working for the anycolor corporation. No professional self respecting artist would turn in such shoddy work twice in a row, this time even worse than the last

>> No.38490722
Quoted by: >>38490806

either way, they're trying to improve her redesign now. Hope she gets like a casual or the kimono she missed before.

>> No.38490753

You're alone in this hate bubble because literally no one but you believes her new model is worse than her last.

>> No.38490777

I'm the seanig now for calling out her incompetent and often times almost malicious management and not going on a crusade against an artist who works under their contract? I've seen Cover bootliking but this is a whole new level of it.

>> No.38490792

>highly trained double agent working for the anycolor corporation
Nah, considering that anycolor and cover are working together now against doxers and antis, so I doubt.

>> No.38490806

I want a fully nude IRyS. Her flustered reveal would be peak vtubing.

>> No.38490832
Quoted by: >>38492063

Compared to her previous model? Hell yes. Is it perfect? No, the rigging still has some issues. But that’s more likely to be Cover’s fault, not Brian’s. And if she wanted a completely fluid and smooth moving model, she would just graduate and be an indie.

>> No.38490856

Welp, guess we're stuck with 480pRyS now.

>> No.38490927

6k viewers and only 62k in 4 days on her new original song what happened bros

>> No.38490944
File: 1.15 MB, 1792x1024, 1670341780427683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is half true.
Management didn't do their due diligence with Redjuice. Nor did they properly communicate the specifics of what was needed from him.
So he drew them a pretty girl and called it a day. Job done.
The rigger struggled to make it work but hey he got it sort of working.
Management didn't really become aware of what had happened until after she'd debuted.

At which point the inertia of Japanese corporate environments kicked in. Problem with this kind of situation is that really they're relying on the most senior man in the room to step in and stick a knife in someone, declaring them the scapegoat.
Problem is Redjuice doesn't work for Cover. He's a contractor same for the rigger. So the senior man couldn't really blame them or at least was unable to actually do anything and because that would mean shanking one of the company's own rather than an outsider he had the issue of being seen as treacherous to the company if he did.
So the issue festered as everyone went in circles trying to find a back to stick a knife in.
All the while with Irys in the background going "redesign when? redesign plz"

I'm not sure what happened. But it seems either a scapegoat was found or someone more senior stepped in and demanded the issue resolved or heads would roll.
Yes Jap corporate culture is that fucking autistic.

>> No.38491008

doesn't cover have like 10000 employees at this point? you mean none of them had free time to check out the model before she was scheduled to debut

>> No.38491027

> and spent ALL THIS FUCKING TIME learning how to draw vtubers and understand how things look when they're moving.
Everything after the all caps should be replaced with “waiting for the email from Cover telling him what they wanted him to do for the remodel.” He might have spent a few months, tops, figuring out how to make his art style fit Live2D, but it’s already fairly well established that Cover management fucked up in communicating with him. Not “communicating clearly”… “communicating” at all.

>> No.38491058
Quoted by: >>38491233

>6k viewers and only 62k in 4 days on her new original song
looks pretty normal for her anon, how much do you want and we'll meet halfway.

>> No.38491151

Man Irys' 2nd anniversary stream was one to remember.
Can't believe its been 2 years already

>> No.38491177 [DELETED] 
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>> No.38491198

Charitably all those extra pairs of hands are being used to push big boy shit like billboard ads, racing sponsorships, drink collabs, etc as well as all the busywork that comes with that.

Uncharitably they're all do-nothing paper pushers hired because the company is in a growth phase and can afford to throw good money after bad at pointless vanity projects like the RPG game.

>> No.38491233

10k average ccv, 1 million views in a week per original song

>> No.38491265
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Around 300. A good chunk of whom are dedicated to their stupid metaverse project.
Of the rest there's likely only a dozen or so focused on the EN branch.
And it's not so much checking it before debut. Its checking it and having the time to do anything about it.
Irys and her manager likely understood the issue well before debut. But EN management itself was probably not aware or just assumed it was typical griping and complaining, nothing important compared to balancing everything else.

>> No.38491268

Because being the appointed "singer" doesn't make her music good. Marine is a middle-tier singer within Hololive but has three songs better than anything IRyS has ever done because of better writing and production. Kiara sings like a squealing pig and "DO U" is a better song than anything IRyS has ever put out. If Cover wants IRyS to be the singer they need to give her good songs.

>> No.38491283

>cries to management for 2 years
>gets a much better model
>was it worth it?

>> No.38491421

Because both Marine and Kiara don't mind throwing money at huge video projects. It makes them look more professional. IRyS probably doesn't even choose what songs she covers.

>> No.38491439
Quoted by: >>38491602

The problem is that Cover can act fast when they want. Nene got her redesign 5 months after debut, and while in her case it might've been influenced by the China bullshit she herself wanted one after dropping her initial kayfabe barely 2 months after debut, so all things concerned the whole thing probably took around 3 and a half months to complete. Hard to say how long it took for the others like Flare, Aruran and Astel, but at least none of them had an announcement of the redesign 4 whole months before the reveal. Not only that but all 3 got their live2Ds and 3D models really close to each other, with around 2 months for Flare and Astel (he got the 3D model before the live2D) and only 2 weeks for Aruran, while IRyS will probably only show hers on HoloFes.

Gura's Rhombus rigger has been working with Cover since at least 2019, and everything he touched looked like ass one way or another. Having a bunch of employees means shit when nobody can see what's wrong with those models.

>> No.38491597

berserker is solid

>> No.38491602

One probably issue there is that EN is not held in high esteem by Cover.
At least it seems that ENs management are not. The girls and boys themselves don't seem to be tarred with the same brush there. Judging by the efforts that have been made in regards to their inclusion in holofes and such events held by Cover JP (the Gura statue, the costumes, etc)
They always seem to be bottom of the pile for resource allocation and access to company resources.

>> No.38491762
Quoted by: >>38492129

Kinda funny that even ironlung can mog irys music from time to time

>> No.38491783

Her music career was destroyed because the people running it are incompetent retards. Just forget the whole vsinger thing and pretend IRyS has always been a regular vtuber.

>> No.38491800

JP loves Gura... and the rest are treated with varying levels of disinterest. They seem to really like Kiara though, given how often she appears on those main channel variety shows.

>> No.38491922

>If Cover wants IRyS to be the singer they need to give her good songs
Well, you pointed out the problem. Unlike the other members IRyS has little to no control over her songs. She doesn't even know when they'll come out when they're often released during her breaks and only get MVs weeks to months after they were released. Marine has a bunch of great songs because she's involved in their production, she paid for them and looked for the writers and composer she wanted, while IRyS is stuck with Japanese people writing songs in English and we all know how often that doesn't work out.

I think it's more likely that they're stupidly incompetent, but the fact that they do the bare minimum and Japanese contract autism makes it unable for them to be completely replaced. Just look at how IRyS is treated. Had barely over a month to establish herself before Council came out, doesn't know the release date of her songs and is often warned like a day before it, is given songs that have barely understandable English because they were written by someone who doesn't have it as their first language, and the list goes on. The JP side might be even blind to EN's managements problems since the branch is actually doing quite well so they believe everything is working fine there. It's not like the members are completely ignored when they're often used for promotional campaigns exclusive to Japan.

>> No.38492063
Quoted by: >>38492208

I'm not sure if it has been adjusted but it is still way too much. Seeing the contrast during the Chadcast with Bae and Calli made her look like a cheap indy model coomer baiting.

What weird mental gymnastics have you blaming cover for rigging issues instead of the rigger? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.38492129

Singing operatically is a skill one acquires by an entirely different form of training. I don’t see why you even try to compare operatic to conventional, but that’s your prerogative.

>> No.38492208

NTA, but cover does have executive power here. If his work wasn’t up to snuff, it’d be on them to have him adjust it.

>> No.38492247

Thing is, a bunch of people loved old IRyS, including Cover employees. The ones who didn't were probably in the minority.

>> No.38492392

Anon, I think you’re going a bit too far there. She’s had shit flung at her since the moment of her debut. While I have enjoyed her all-the-while regardless of her model, that doesn’t mean everyone has nor that this is the general consensus.

>> No.38492544

I agree the rigging needs more work and cover should've asked him to fix it, but ultimately that is on the rigger to do his job so it's still his fault imo

>> No.38492677

Was that the same reason for why Coco didn't have a nose, Gura's face looks like a rhombus, Gura's second outfit had a fucking hole below her ear, Anya's having way bigger boobs than her key art and her second outfit having a mask like face? Because if all of them were actually "loved" by Cover's employees they genuinely need to be hit in the head with a metal bat because shit taste like that doesn't have a cure.

>> No.38492826

wtf is a NTR-face

>> No.38492909

when will this meme end...

>> No.38492944

Raus, Ange.

>> No.38492968
Quoted by: >>38493540

I mean, its a pathetic genre for pathetic people.
It only seeks to hurt your feelings. Who the fuck even likes that?

>> No.38493061

aloupeep btw

>> No.38493171
File: 669 KB, 825x651, seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats the laughing at retards(You) seething face.

>> No.38493178

loved is kind of a stretch, i'd say it's more leaning on it being tolerated because of hersonality
>the ones who didn't were probably in the minority
because they were, they'd be shat on to high heaven by normalfags if they outright just said "i don't like how she looks, please change her model"

>> No.38493229
File: 2.29 MB, 1836x2428, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38493341

The absolute state of aloucreeps.

>> No.38493379

RedJuice is actually a very technical person. He's always tweeting about config stuff, technical color theory and accuracy, experiments with AI art, blender, just like every nerd thing to do with art I've ever seen he's dabbled in. I wouldn't be surprised if it was less that he didn't know how to draw a vtuber and more that he knew a little too much and sent some franken-rigged half-3d design that rariemonn had to unfuck.

>> No.38493390
Quoted by: >>38493504

>this is who has been shitting up the board with IRyS anti shit for a year

>> No.38493504

I unironically don't even think he likes Enna to begin with. Shes just the vehicle he uses to anti Irys

>> No.38493540

Just don't self-insert into cuck, retard.

>> No.38493863
Quoted by: >>38493979

damn you ennafags and irysfags really hate each other huh

>> No.38493979

I'm not familiar with ennafags, but irystocrats in /hirys/ have a seething hatred for practically everyone else. It's really odd give how sweet Irys is, I can only assume her being constantly neglected by Cover mindbroke them.

>> No.38494089
Quoted by: >>38494285

This explains everything.

>> No.38494285
Quoted by: >>38494686

if everything meaning falseflags then yeah, i guess

>> No.38494686

cope, its the reality of Aloupeeps now

>> No.38494697

Except IRyS literally said the entire holdup was management. By the time they actually contacted him, he cranked it out almost immediately.

>> No.38494714

porn addiction

>> No.38494811

i like IRyS and Enna

>> No.38494825
File: 67 KB, 252x250, 1670386981579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's been dead for 9 years anon, you have to let him go...

>> No.38494921

aloucreeps... it didn't have to end like this...

>> No.38495288


>> No.38495412

so is no one going to explain what the hell "NTR face is"? Keep in mind im not a degenerate coomer who reads NTR

>> No.38495560

there's this thing called a mirror, they're probably looking at it too much

>> No.38495615
Quoted by: >>38499946

Fuck how many faggot IRyStokeks are there
Bitching about bounce?what the fuck is wrong with you homos.

>> No.38495673
Quoted by: >>38495828

Google "Ryza why are you smiling at me like that"

>> No.38495732 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.38495790

kek. I guess I see it, but I thought Kronii was supposed to be Hololive's NTR-experience Vtuber

>> No.38495828

>coombrain turns a smirk into it needing to be this face every time
Not even once.

>> No.38496084
Quoted by: >>38499775

this is literally just a smirk what the fuck is wrong with coomers

>> No.38496284

i'm also a coombrainer but i think it's really fucking stupid, there's shit tons more better choices fit for that

>> No.38496854

Just as a reminder. Kiara invited her rigger onto the minecraft server. Just a fact I think kfp bros should be aware of.

>> No.38497026

Based, he deserves it. He did an amazing job.

>> No.38498286
Quoted by: >>38498451

anon getting mindbroken by SmugRyS just sitting there

>> No.38498401

Still better than looking like a Reboot knock off

>> No.38498451


>> No.38498509

Risu explicitly requested him for one of her things. They have alot of history

>> No.38498533
Quoted by: >>38499575

Why is IRyS attracting so many shitposters

>> No.38498592

>weird big dome skull
Finally, someone else acknowledges this.

>> No.38498664

The model looks like a Nyanner and Ironmouse hybrid and it really bothers me. Does anyone else feels like this is just a vshoujo looking model?

>> No.38498744

Her new model is way better than the old one. Better tracking and titty physics

>> No.38499575
File: 603 KB, 1080x1195, DC79771D-C691-404F-A113-8B2A908CEDEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38499664

Jealous cuckbeats, since she mogs the braphog in views. They are seething because IRyS also has one of the best looking designs in EN while the fat drunk wigger just looks like a faded knock off Ed Hardy t-shirt in comparison. Plus everyone know how fat she is so that just makes it worse. IRyS has completely mindbroken them.

>> No.38499664
Quoted by: >>38499787

But deadbeats love Irys.

>> No.38499775

she literally cucked someone

>> No.38499787
Quoted by: >>38499888


>> No.38499888
Quoted by: >>38499991

I don't think that's a deadbeat. I'm a deadbeat and I don't see what they would even be referring to. /morig/ is pretty much always loving of Irys whenever she comes up.

>> No.38499946
File: 239 KB, 1174x988, 16D8E9CC-12AC-4EEE-AE9E-26C8A9581D58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dickless twittertroons hate being reminded of what they will never be, women.

>> No.38499977

>Kiara's Rigger
Keffiy? He deserves to do whatever he wants, he's the best rigger in hololive.

>> No.38499991
Quoted by: >>38500030

Yet here you are in thread shitting on her design, thanks for proving my point.

>> No.38500030

I'm not, I like her design. It's great.

>> No.38500032

OK SEAcuck
