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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 184 KB, 427x381, 1663858147532521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38203411 No.38203411 [Reply] [Original]

>female vtubers congregate with no oversight
>imminently start talking about sex and cum and fucking
what is up with these women

>> No.38203642

You are talking as if women have any other purpose.

>> No.38203710

isn't that male behavior as well?

>> No.38203804

no we also have actual hobbies we talk with other bros about anon. sports, games, latest capeshit, shitting on a fast food place then getting dinner or lunch there, or just dumb inane shit on the fly.

>> No.38203844 [DELETED] 

Imagine if society gave toilets rights. Oh wait, it did. The absolute insanity of modern society.
Ayo, does it look like we're boyishly gushing over holes here? Bitch please, this is a "why the fuck do we have to deal with this shit" thread. Guys nut and move on. Women never move on. They'll grind an axe for decades and never let anything go. Literally obsessed with sex and revenge. Absolute monsters by nature, and society let them out of their cages. Might as well just jerk off and play vidya all day while women burn the place to the ground.

>> No.38203857
Quoted by: >>38204302

Thanks for proving my point

>> No.38203993
Quoted by: >>38204127

What kind of faggots you hang around with.
Literally no regular guys talk about sex with eachother and definitely not a word about any of the fluids involved.
At most you'll say who you banged and what means it took.

>> No.38204041
Quoted by: >>38204177

So...like males?

>> No.38204123
Quoted by: >>38204135

This thread believes everyone is horny. Therefore, we should all have hot orgy sex.

>> No.38204127

They probably hang around literal faggots who act like women. Doesn't count.

>> No.38204135

Sorry, I would rather stay a virgin loser

>> No.38204177

>men talk about cum

>> No.38204185

> Guys nut and move on. Women never move on. They'll grind an axe for decades and never let anything go.

You’re an absolute fucking idiot if you legitimately think men also don’t do that. Like I’m serious.

>> No.38204287

>They'll grind an axe for decades and never let anything go.
Things that are important.
Like I hold a grudge for the way my parents tried to deal with my eating habits as a child.
I pretend the unpleasant sex I had didn't happen.

>> No.38204302

your 'point' was that men do what op says women do. we don't, we have better shit to ramble about with other bros. unlike women talking about sex we can go a very long time without touching the subject.

>> No.38204359

Femanon stop exposing yourself

>> No.38204381

You don’t have friends stop larping

>> No.38204392
Quoted by: >>38204466

So you’re proof is that you don’t do therefore it’s true? You really are an idiot.

>> No.38204466
Quoted by: >>38204502

I've been around for a long time.
The only guys talking negative about their sex lives are characters on TV shows.

>> No.38204502
Quoted by: >>38204551

Sure, Whatever you say anon.

>> No.38204529

Sisters, the idea of us men talk about sex with each others is pretty uncomfortable. At best we just say that "I bang this chick" and talk about her instead of the sex. That's just how it is

>> No.38204551

Aye alright pal, try saying that like a laddie

>> No.38204581

No guy goes in depth about their sex life, just how hot the chick he bagged was (rarely does the girl live up to the hype)

>> No.38204591
Quoted by: >>38204909

You will never be a woman stop larping.

>> No.38204744

Your parents had sex with you to deal with your eating habits?

>> No.38204909
Quoted by: >>38205360

Exactly, that’s why I know you’re a friendless larper

>> No.38204928
File: 189 KB, 815x1220, GetResource-3896226811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are scary beyond belief
don't kid yourself

>> No.38204965

> Imagine if society gave toilets rights. Oh wait, it did. The absolute insanity of modern society.

I swear I will never be able to take anyone who calls someone a toilet as an insult seriously, cause it sounds like they’re just using it as an excuse to talk about a scat fetish

>> No.38205013

>dude SEX lmao
>t. Every woman on Earth
It’s all so tiresome.

>> No.38205163

femanon there is a reason men not talking sex details is a common stereotype. the best you get is how hot we think a chick is or brag about how well we scored. take your own advice and stop larping.

>> No.38205269


>> No.38205360

>doesn't know that tranny lovers are minority

>> No.38205817

>what is up with these women
You just described literally all women, anon. This is just what women do, they gossip all day every day and they talk about whatever sexual things they did or fantasize about doing constantly.
TLDR Women obsess about socializing the way men are obsessed with their hobbies. That's just life

>> No.38206206

So... do you still eat peanut butter?

>> No.38206262

Giving birth is their one purpose in life anon

>> No.38206478
File: 162 KB, 1176x1080, 1639991659173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is cumdump a more appropriate term? He's absolutely right though.

>> No.38206599
File: 1.04 MB, 900x1090, king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38206685

>Hangout with the bros
>Talk about the latest games, anime, or hobbies
>Talk about job experiences and how we're lucky none of us are laid off
>Talk about wanting to start side businesses, websites, freelance stuff to improov ourselves
Bros are pure and women are disgusting. It's a shame their wombs are the only thing of value in them.

>> No.38206685

Why did he get suspended (soon to be terminated) again!?!?!?

>> No.38206946

Raped the entire Korean peninsula, read off a list of racial slurs off Wikipedia in a meeting with management, literally actually literally raped gura quite literally

>> No.38207186

He called Taiwan a country, told Xi to kill himself personally, called Omega a tranny, and told Kronii she will never have a penis.

>> No.38207252

he punched a producer for not getting him a steak one time

>> No.38207627

Considering the very real risk of a girl you meet having been pissed on by a guy or given a guy a rimjob it isn't exactly an unfounded insult.

>> No.38207805

Look, if you boil it down any male conversation ultimately boils down to a conflict. If you knew everyone agreed on something, you don't bring it up in the first place because it's boring. You only talk about stuff so people can attack your points and you can defend them, in depth. That requires you to actually model the topic out in your brain to some appreciable extent to back up what you say. And I don't want to model my friends' penises out in my brain.

>> No.38207829

He drop kicked his parole officer/manager when they were about to let him about, netting him a couple more days to his sentence

>> No.38208007

no, we have hobbies

>> No.38208776

That's how young woman behave.
Are you a time traveler from the 50s?
Have you ever talked to a woman besides your mom, stupid incel son of a bitch?

>> No.38208910
Quoted by: >>38209359

in that case everything went to shit after the 50's

>> No.38209310

I agree.

>> No.38209359

They also did it during the 50s and before, they just were discrete about it.

>> No.38209427

Why are women like this?

>> No.38209431

young women are just as stupidly horny as young men, thats how babies are made

>> No.38209466

Woman moment.

>> No.38210200
Quoted by: >>38210306

I hate your kind so much

>> No.38210254

Most people that have sex talk about it alot. This isn't news. Guys are Iike that too if you hang around guys that have sex. Then you faggots congregate and hate women for litterally any reason, and wonder why women don't like you.

>> No.38210306
Quoted by: >>38210393

Maybe stop being a little bitch?

>> No.38210316

>Most people that have sex talk about it alot.
>Guys are Iike that too
Completely wrong
>Then you faggots congregate and hate women for litterally any reason, and wonder why women don't like you.
This is the place on 4chan that loves women the most.

>> No.38210371

Only when they're trying to appeal to men.

>> No.38210393
Quoted by: >>38210424

I'm not the one with the bleeding hole though!

>> No.38210424
Quoted by: >>38210481

You must be 18+ to post on 4chan

>> No.38210443
Quoted by: >>38210469

Examples of female vtubers who do this?

>> No.38210469

All of vshojo

>> No.38210481

Strange, considering women never mature past 12..

>> No.38210519
Quoted by: >>38210576

He's got a point there

>> No.38210528

>T. Never had a friend irl

>> No.38210540

>hate women for litterally any reason
We hate sluts. Simple as.

>> No.38210555

When I was in a relationship, I never spoke to my friends about sex. My friends are in relationships, and they don't speak about sex. We actually respect each other, unlike female friends.

>> No.38210576
Quoted by: >>38210603


>> No.38210603
File: 242 KB, 512x512, agfagadasgaaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38210614

since when?
is there something you want to share about your circle of friends, anon?

>> No.38210621
Quoted by: >>38210719

Still larping kek

>> No.38210624

Nah, he's right. Guys have a phase in their early to mid teens where they try to seem mature by talking about sex (childishly), but after a point guys just talk about it broadly and usually focus more on the woman than the actual act of sex.

>> No.38210645

What do you think you're actually achieving by saying that? All you're doing is making it clear for me that you aren't able to argue your case.

>> No.38210665

I used to think guys weren't like that too, then I got older, and had to become more socially accepted for jobs I worked in. Guys are litterally like this. Every job I've worked in was just either young men obsessed with pussy, and all they talked about was sex and porn. Older men were worse and keept harrasing young women or litterally talking about them cheatingon their wives. You may not hear it in your social circle, but take a look around here and the proof is everywhere. Men tend to be discreet about it around other men, but once they see you as "normal," they'll never shut the fuck up about sex or worse.

>> No.38210701

Last conversation I had with my bros it was about which locomotive could you take on in a fight if it were from the Cars universe.
Last time we talked about cum and sex and shit was probably 2016 during sex ed in highschool.
I hate women so much, find a goddamn hobby you disgusting pigs.

>> No.38210709
Quoted by: >>38210976

Holy shit unemployed larping teenager alert, go back

>> No.38210713

>shitting on a fast food place then getting dinner or lunch there
literally me and my bros last night

>> No.38210719
File: 288 KB, 1060x1316, The_Final_Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38211076

>Still larping kek
The femcel copes in the presence of male sexhavers...

>> No.38210737

Sounds like the average anon

>> No.38210748
Quoted by: >>38210976

>All men are pigs!

>> No.38210755

Sisters of /vt/ (and the males I guess) we must stop having sister wars, I know the need to gossip is strong but like can we not anyways let’s go to the bathroom together.

>> No.38210759
File: 265 KB, 399x492, mookneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38210903

>which locomotive could you take on in a fight if it were from the Cars universe.

>> No.38210775

Women do tend to over share, and break boundaries when talking about their date. However, I wouldnt go to say that men respect who they're dating any more than women. Or did you mean respect your friends?

>> No.38210903

Fyi that Italian nigga who can change tires could fucking kill every living creature in a 90 mile radius. Do NOT pick him. Go for Doc Hudson (since he's already dead) or the plane faggot from Planes.

>> No.38210907

>who they're dating
Lol someone watches too many Sitcoms.

>> No.38210917

I meant between men, I genuinely disrespect other men who respect women unless they're some sort of world renowned Nobel peace prize winner or something

>> No.38210977

really, what is there to respect about a women

>> No.38210976

Do you work in an environment that the public can hear your conversation, or do you not socialize with other guys.

Not all, but basically everyone here, and most guys in real life.

>> No.38210995
Quoted by: >>38211029

>Do you work in an environment that the public can hear your conversation, or do you not socialize with other guys.
Im a labourer on a building site.

>> No.38211016

I hope you grow out of your misandrist phase someday anon.

>> No.38211029
Quoted by: >>38211172

And you've never seen or heard this? Bullshit.

>> No.38211030

>but basically everyone here
That's because this is an anonymous dumping site for shitposts you faggot, I don't talk about how I want to strangle women and pull their hair so hard it hurts them during sex to my friends.

>> No.38211039

So this is a pick-me male

>> No.38211067

no, anon
a pick me male in this context would be one that lies and claims that they talk about sex all the time like women

>> No.38211071

I hope you grow out of you're incel phase one day anon.

>> No.38211076

Holy fucking normie tourist, jesus christ

>> No.38211094
Quoted by: >>38211212


>> No.38211119
Quoted by: >>38211263

If I got this right, you disrespect men, because they respect women? Why, and what nationality are you?

>> No.38211121
Quoted by: >>38211263

Mentally ill child

>> No.38211162


>> No.38211172

>Every job I've worked in was just either young men obsessed with pussy, and all they talked about was sex and porn
Not even 12 year olds are like that.
>Older men were worse and keept harrasing young women or litterally talking about them cheatingon their wives
Literal gobbledygook. You're not fooling anybody.
>Men tend to be discreet about it around other men, but once they see you as "normal," they'll never shut the fuck up about sex or worse.
The most bizarre thing that could be said. What that sounds like is literal tor pedo behaviour.

>> No.38211212

Back to twitter with your twitter speech tourist

>> No.38211213
Quoted by: >>38211305

>Have sex incel
shut up bitch

>> No.38211217

According to most studies (that I've seen/read) men think about sex twice as much as women on a daily basis.
In my own personal biased experience it's really about equal, but men tend to be less discrete about it.
The "women only talk about sex" argument here doesn't seem very founded in reality unless you choose to ignore any time a man talks about sex and instead hyper focus on whenever a woman does.
Why you'd specifically do that I'm not sure.

>> No.38211226

Are you from a hot country?

>> No.38211237

Yeah I'm sure he's trying to have sex with you right now.
Just take your pills anon, I promise the rapists in your closet will go away.

>> No.38211263

White, American

Women are children

>> No.38211269
Quoted by: >>38211333

>Not even 12 year olds are like that.
Come on now.

>> No.38211286

A thread full of fatherless women being arrogant and acting like they know what men talk about when the only company they can keep are ones that want to fuck them, Rumao.

>> No.38211305
Quoted by: >>38211370

Who are you quoting

>> No.38211333
Quoted by: >>38211650

I don't know what you want me to tell you, my experience is more common than yours.
Yours is so uncommon that alot of us don't even believe you experienced it.

>> No.38211353
Quoted by: >>38211403

Kek you really thought you did something there

>> No.38211370
Quoted by: >>38211451

Your much hotter mom, baby

>> No.38211403

>you really thought you did something there
Yeah? I typed out a sentence and posted it.

>> No.38211407

I mean...women don’t make male hate threads everyday and circle jerk and cry in it like basement dwellers

>> No.38211423

>xe doesn't know

>> No.38211435
Quoted by: >>38211450


>> No.38211437

>women don’t make male hate threads everyday

>> No.38211448


>> No.38211450

hush, the normal fags don't know about us

>> No.38211451
Quoted by: >>38211521

...yeah i’m out. Cringe normie thread

>> No.38211452

They just do it in public and on every other social media site
>she doesn’t know

>> No.38211468

Crystal sisters...

>> No.38211485
Quoted by: >>38211535

I would like to admit that I made this thread after watching some Ethyria videos

>> No.38211521

Have sex without a one night stand challenge (impossible)

>> No.38211535

I’m just bumping and baiting anons cause im bored kek

>> No.38211570

I don't think sex is even in the top ten subjects of my friend group, we mostly talk about cars, aircraft, sometimes boxing. Girls rarely get mentioned unless it's bragging about some slag you fucked, and that only lasts a few minutes at most. There's only so many ways to say "she sucked my dick, shit was SO cash"

>> No.38211592


>> No.38211650

You have to actually be retarded. How have you been on this site and not seen how young boys act? What do you think anime, and some vtubers audience is made of? Or just play a online game with VC on. Anon, try talking to men you arent friends with, or just look at this board.

>> No.38211651
Quoted by: >>38211687

Most women exist only to be toilets, by their own choice

>> No.38211687
Quoted by: >>38211761

Kek i just saw you in the other thread, you got shit on there too

>> No.38211685
Quoted by: >>38215901

Stop talking about stalking shotas to overhear their conversations about sex

>> No.38211688
Quoted by: >>38211743

So why do you disrespect men who respect women?

>> No.38211734

>social out cast that ironically knows less about men than woman

>> No.38211736
Quoted by: >>38212024

Normal guys aren't going to talk about their porn addiction with their friends

>> No.38211743
Quoted by: >>38211815

Plottwist: he doesn’t have any friends

>> No.38211761
Quoted by: >>38211789

Damn my opinions are so correct that other people are parroting them.
How about you post tits or shut the fuck up, you know your only worth is between your legs, or you wouldn't be vehemently angry over people disagreeing with you

>> No.38211789

u mad

>> No.38211804

I tell 4chan things I wouldn't tell my closest friends when blackout drunk.
Do you really think I go to my friend house, drink beer and talk about how much I want to hold Gura down and piss in her mouth? I'm not some third world animal, we have subjects to talk about that aren't disgusting.

>> No.38211815
File: 23 KB, 800x800, 1669386435419779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I have so many friends...

>> No.38211836

think about the average age of your 4chan poster
we're probably the only 30 year old dudes in this thread.

>> No.38211862
Quoted by: >>38212329

Mate this is 4chan.
>It's all text, no body language and no shared local dialect.
>It's been 2 decades that it's known as a place for the anti-social.
>Anon, try talking to men you arent friends with, or just look at this board.
I'm just like the average person, I've met literally tens of thousands of people in my life. I've spoken to maybe hundreds of thousands.
What next, you going to try and say people talk about politics IRL as often as they do on social media?

>> No.38211870
Quoted by: >>38211912

NTA but I'm 29 in a couple weeks. I like trains, planes and automobiles.

>> No.38211900
Quoted by: >>38211960

Thx for proving me right about men

>> No.38211912
Quoted by: >>38212023

Hello, fellow ojisans.
Statistically think about this too: the number of us at our ages here who have had sex is like 0.01% of 4chan.

>> No.38211960
File: 533 KB, 1080x1920, rape_department.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, we all think about raping you, we just don't say that in polite (read:male) company.

>> No.38211965

You think kids primarily use this fossil?

>> No.38211983

No one thinks about raping that fat whore, idk about you but i only think about raping attractive women

>> No.38212023

I had sex once in 2009. It was shit and I didn't cum. She was fat and I wasn't really into it, but my friends pressured me into it.

>> No.38212024
Quoted by: >>38212060

Talking about sex isn't the same as talking about wanting to rape a vtuber.

Yea I dont talk about my oshi hentai folder, but we're talking about sex here, not that.

>> No.38212042

Kek. Didn’t you men just spend the entire thread going U-UH NO WE LE MEN ARE LE DIFFERENT PICK ME PICK ME! And then you do a 360 at the slightest inconvenience

>> No.38212060

>Talking about sex isn't the same as talking about wanting to rape a vtuber.
Well I don't have sex so that's the closest approximation I have

>> No.38212082

Nigga shut up I'm not reading all that

>> No.38212150
Quoted by: >>38212250

You just made your bias completely clear.
So your experiences were made up. Was it the hormone pills that convinced you its ok to lie?

>> No.38212172

Men will talk more about warhammer 40k lore than they will ever talk about sex

>> No.38212204

Nobody wants to date a schizo femoid like this

>> No.38212221
Quoted by: >>38212402

Absolutely not. Maybe when my friends and I were between 13-16 but not really after that. Never really happens at work either. I'm 34 now. I loathe vshojo

>> No.38212250
Quoted by: >>38212365

Kek try to make sense next time esl tourist

>> No.38212325

Yes, but most people here don't have actual friends so they'll just deny it and expose themselves.

>> No.38212329
Quoted by: >>38212365

I'm not trying to be mean here, but it doesn't seem like you socialize with these people youve met. I say that, because thats how I used to think. I was like that too, but come on now. Also just because we're anons here doesn't mean that alot of what you say, is not how you feel.

>> No.38212335

can you take your faggot shit soc shit to /soc/ please. begone

>> No.38212365

First sentence was grammatically correct.
Second sentence was grammatically correct.
Third sentence was grammatically correct.
Also, I used simple enough vocabulary for you to understand it.
So give yourself a second be a dear and be specific on what you didn't understand.
Be mean all you want wee man, you're wrong.

>> No.38212370

He killed Pekora's monkey

>> No.38212399
Quoted by: >>38212437

This thread is pretty strange to me desu, in my experience men have always been more open to talking about sex related stuff than women and I think most people would agree.
The whole "Women literally ONLY talk about sex" and "Men are all pigs" thing is obviously a non sequitur, but are you anons really being sincere when you honestly put forth the assertion that you absolutely think women discuss sex more openly much, much more often than men?
Perhaps the disagreement here is a problem with what one considers to actually be "sex talk".
Does talking about relationships count as the discussion being predicated on the subject of sex?

>> No.38212402

They appeal to 13 to 16 year old boys, so what do you want.

>> No.38212416
Quoted by: >>38212520

The only time I've seen this past puberty was when I hung out with arab guys. But they also had this weird game where they'd try to poke each other in the asshole through their pants.

>> No.38212417
Quoted by: >>38212585

Whatever happens in your transition MtF support group it cannot be categorized either as male or female behavior, xir.
When you larp like this you should try to include yourself in this supposed group of male sexhavers instead of talking from a observer perspective otherwise is pretty obvious that you are in the same place of the people you think you are refuting (virgins).
Anyways, I hope she sees this, bro.

>> No.38212437
Quoted by: >>38212613

>put forth the assertion that you absolutely think women discuss sex more openly much, much more often than men?
No one is actually saying women do it more, that would be feigning experience we don't have.
They're saying men don't do it.

>> No.38212482

Actually I don't think women are weird
I think vtuber women are weird

>> No.38212484

You guys sure are coming up with a lot of excuses for why you're friendless virgins. There's no need to be so self-concious about it.

>> No.38212520
Quoted by: >>38212741

For the people claiming that men talk about sex all the time, post hands.

>> No.38212528
Quoted by: >>38212631

Show a single excuse

>> No.38212585

I did if you read the comments retard. Yes that is how men talk if you actually talked to men that have sex, and aren't hentai addicts. Sure note everyone, but alot of guys are like that.

>> No.38212604

Calling guys virgins is conceding that it's fine to call women whores. Glad we agree

>> No.38212613

>They're saying men don't do it.
Well that just like, obviously not true, no?
Everybody has to talk about sex at least a little unless you're asexual, it's a pretty important part of the human experience.

>> No.38212615
Quoted by: >>38212729

seething porn addict

>> No.38212631

You're right, there aren't any. You're just a bunch of loser incels.

>> No.38212632
Quoted by: >>38212783

>actually I very rarely talk about sex with my friends or work colleagues
Absolutely malding, not even worth a (you)

>> No.38212648

I'm neither of those things though. If anything, nonvirgins are more likely to hate women the same way someone who's lived in the south hates roaches.

>> No.38212651

>hey John
>hey David
>so... Sex, amirite.

>> No.38212655

/vt/ has less experience with women than /a/ does, you should never take this place seriously. Hell you should take /b/ more seriously than this place.

>> No.38212689

The topic comes up once in a blue moon. Otherwise it's mostly about the news, hobbies, movies, work etc

>> No.38212693

Why are you taking what I said literally.
If I say I don't go to parties, that doesn't mean I never go to parties.
I made my sentence short like that because it should have been obvious.

>> No.38212729
Quoted by: >>38212758

>he called me a porn addict so I call him one back, that'll show him.

>> No.38212737
Quoted by: >>38212962

The argument in this thread is that men don't just talk about what hoors they want to bang constantly, while (vtuber) women in groups quickly just fall to gossiping about boys they like and/or sharing stories about how much cum they can guzzle in a 24 hour period
No one is saying men don't talk about sex, we're saying that sex isn't the only subject at hand. Do I talk about what hoors I want to bang? I do. Do I talk a lot more about other subjects? Also true.

>> No.38212741
File: 2.35 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20221202_112617386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I am fat and american and no, I will not apologize or change

>> No.38212758

Actual bubbling

>> No.38212783

Reading comprehension isn't hard, try again.

>> No.38212807
Quoted by: >>38212856

Anon you keep doing this the entire thread but it’s “a lot” not “alot”

>> No.38212815
Quoted by: >>38212887

Doesn’t it get annoying to do certain things with nails that long? You play guitar or something? Need every finger to pick? Ame would want you to improve yourself.

>> No.38212816
File: 100 KB, 1024x692, 1647719592064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the failed normie reveals himself, go the fuck back.

>> No.38212828

>my low effort shitpost got a you
you're still not worth a (you)

>> No.38212849

Worked as a heavy machinery mechanic for over 30 years. We dont talk about sex, your kind are just natural whores

>> No.38212856

You're right, I didnt notice that.

>> No.38212877

Nice hand, the nails though...

>> No.38212887

I'm not a teamate ironically enough. But no, it doesn't really annoy me plus my nails grow back super fast so I more less just gave up on cutting them regularly because of how pointless it felt

>> No.38212893

Aircraft mechanic here, 4 years in this trade, 11 working on vans.
Light vehicle techs talk about sex /sometimes/ I haven't heard a breath of it in the hangar in 4 years beyond the references to "riding the wife when I get home"

>> No.38212902

I can't even imagine a guy doing it, even the type of cunt that every sentence is a made up story; he isn't making up sex stories either.

>> No.38212904

>All these coping replies

LOL. It's funny to see 4chan fags saying any of this shit when these nigs can't go 10 minutes without talking about what makes them hard and posting softcore(and hardcore) porn threads by the dozens every hour. Especially on boards like /v/ and /b/.

>> No.38212952

You will never be a man

>> No.38212962
Quoted by: >>38216371

>while (vtuber) women in groups quickly just fall to gossiping about boys they like and/or sharing stories about how much cum they can guzzle in a 24 hour period
Well a lot of the thread was literally a discussion predicated on the argument that "women(all) only talk about sex" and "men don't talk about sex more often than women", which is what I disagree with.
Also, on the argument of specifically female streamers who talk about sex, isn't that actually an example of men being more obsessed with sex than women? Streaming is an open and free market where viewers can choose who they want to watch at no cost to themselves, the fact that a significant portion of the most watched and highest earning streamers are women who talk about sex a lot says more about the viewerbase and who they choose to watch and give money to than it necessarily does about female streamers.

>> No.38212991
Quoted by: >>38213047

I sometimes jack off to anime boys dressed as girls being fucked by giant dicked ojisans.
I wonder, am I saying this to try and bond with you or because it's funny to be an anonymous degenerate?

>> No.38212996

>society shifted into men now faking purity

>> No.38213018

I worked in the office for about half a decade now
and the only few times I've had the topic of sex pop up was with a young guy trying to impress us and a girl who I assume was trying to flirt(?) by talking about how much sex she's had.

>> No.38213040
File: 86 KB, 1158x834, yagoo_wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women wish they were as pure and cultured as us.

>> No.38213047

Ironic or not this is legit my fetish

>> No.38213058

Please understand, the real oppressed gender are males this entire time

>> No.38213080

This but unironically. Modern society is a mistake.

>> No.38213133

Well I mean, historically that is true. We're just physically stronger and women are extremely jealous of that.
Women have always been treated very well in western societies, the worst time being the Industrial Revolution with arranged marriage becoming popular.

>> No.38213176
Quoted by: >>38213432

Male vtubers are the exact same and more than half the time flirting with the females. This isn't so dominant with fleshtubers, it's a vtuber thing because it's anime adjacent.

>> No.38213179
Quoted by: >>38213244

Unironically yes. Especially in the dating market where women hold all the power and even 2/10 hambeasts can fuck

>> No.38213195

kek, OP and thread BTFO

>> No.38213230

When I was in an office we had issues with human resorces because the guys wouldn't shut up about their private lives. Sometimes it could be heard over the phone when talking with clients.

>> No.38213244
Quoted by: >>38213335

Dating is extremely painful these days, women don't want romance and they don't want a partner, they want to be fucked and dumped so they can complain about it.
I just want a cute girlfriend to do cute things with, but all i find is hoors

>> No.38213253

No one's claiming purity, it's indisputable that men are hornier in general and that's because of testosterone. Ask one of your FtM friends about their libido after slamming T. The point was you don't actually talk about the acts like a retard unless you're 12 years old, or on an anonymous shitposting forum

>> No.38213335
Quoted by: >>38213443

Do you date online? If so then stop. No one online wants a relationship.

>> No.38213341

Then they leave this thread and spam uuooh loli erotic and fap to live2d tits

>> No.38213415
Quoted by: >>38216334

>he point was you don't actually talk about the acts like a retard
"So I was slamming my 4 incher in and out, in and out. In and out. Took it all the way out and stuck it in a couple times.
Then she got on top. Aw mate her titties were flapping all over the place. They slapped my glasses off.
Aw forgot to mention, the johnny was way too tight. Whats with the regular size, eh? So I asked her if I could just go without, she was game."
-Some guy, the last time you speak to him.

>> No.38213432

Are you trying to tell me that there is something inherently sexual in anime/vtubing? What. The. FRICK.

>> No.38213443
Quoted by: >>38213599

Yeah, I've not had much luck in person but I live out in the middle of nowhere and my options are very limited.

>> No.38213550

>Man last night I went at it with Susie for hours, shit was so cash

Alright dude, what do you want anyone to say? Jake over there is prematurely balding and can't get a date, Paul here is fighting with his wife every night, Jeremy is fresh off his honeymoon and trying to preserve his self-image of what he thinks his wife thinks of him. Who wants to listen to your crass shit?
It's just an awkward conversational dead end in general, everyone makes the obligatory chuckle and moves on.

>> No.38213594
Quoted by: >>38213656

Not him but
>Tfw low sex drive/libido so I don't get horny most of time
>Can get really horny but it's not really consistent since it happens once in a blue moon (basically around once-twice every 2 months)
>Still can get aroused and find attractive things attractive but can't really maintain an erection for too long
>Repulsed by the idea of me having sex, same thing with marriage and having kids
>Only really ever jacked off 3 times in my life, stopped because my mind and body was doing this (mostly the former) where it screams (don't do this, you are incompatible with this)
Man, I guess I'm just fucked. And before anyone asks: no, I'm not a tranny, not on HRT, nor am I fat

>> No.38213599
Quoted by: >>38213648

You can do it anon. I believe in you. If you aren’t keen to try finding people online though then you have to go outside. I mean, you can’t really meet anyone if you aren’t leaving the house. Take walks, go to bars, watch a movie in theaters. Hell, go to the public library if you have to. Go to city hosted social events. YOU have to be the change needed to get what you want.

>> No.38213648

I'm planning to get out more in the spring, as it's dark 14 hours a day atm I'm working as much overtime as I can to stack cash

>> No.38213656

It’s time to visit a doctor, anon.

>> No.38213669
Quoted by: >>38213771

Although men may not go into the actual act of sex itself, they still bring up sexually related topics all the time.

>> No.38213707
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>> No.38213756
Quoted by: >>38214724

Having most of your conversation topics revolving around sex shows how immature and stupid you are and your lack of self-respect because you don't care about people seeing you like a retarded animal without self-control, it's not really about purity anon some of these bitches probably don't even get laid that often.

>> No.38213762
Quoted by: >>38214100

I think you're thinking about what counts as "sex talk" a little too literal.
To me, it doesn't LITERALLY have to be a conversation actually about the act of having sex, and describing/discussing HAVING sex, it just has to be tangentially related to sex in some way.
As an example, say you were discussing actors in a movie and in relation to a female actress somebody says "yeah she's hot", I would personally count that as sex related. It's not literally about sex in of itself but it IS about sexual attraction.
It doesn't have to be so blunt as "I put my dick in a womans vagina", it can be more subtle than that.

>> No.38213767

And men are likeable when...oh wait no they’re not lol

>> No.38213771
Quoted by: >>38213956

Yeah me and the lads are always talking contraceptives, lingerie and period blood.

>> No.38213806

Imagine having to actually talk with a person with opinions, and free will. Fuck that, that shits scary.

>> No.38213865
Quoted by: >>38213947

Women don't have free will, they're programmed by their partners. In the lack of a partner, they're programmed by society.
TikTok is your husband.

>> No.38213944
Quoted by: >>38213994

Funny that society believes women's opinions are worth more than men's, despite all their lecturing about equality.

>> No.38213947
Quoted by: >>38213988

I'm gnostic so I think the majority of you are earthly 'programmed' beings without soul.

>> No.38213956
Quoted by: >>38214127

No but you and the lads talk about sexulized topics. Also you've never talked to a women before have you.

>> No.38213988

Have you ever considered that everyone around you thinks the same of you? But they're wrong because you're special right?

>> No.38213994
Quoted by: >>38214065

Women don’t have opinions
Those aren’t theirs

>> No.38214065
Quoted by: >>38214118

Incels don't have opinions

>> No.38214100
Quoted by: >>38214356

Do you really not see a huge difference between "I wanna fuck her until the cum slorps out of her pussy" and "damn she fine"?

>> No.38214118

Incels act women with dicks, so you’re not wrong.

>> No.38214127

>No but you and the lads talk about sexulized topics
Like what, exactly? And what do you mean by talk; a full on discussion?
>Also you've never talked to a women before have you.
I have a lot. It's the same as talking to a guy, except I can get away with responding less often.

>> No.38214248
Quoted by: >>38214448

I do this I'm a guy and with both male and female friends

>> No.38214356
Quoted by: >>38214910

There's a difference yes but I don't see any reason why the latter shouldn't be considered as sex talk, saying that ONLY the former should count is quite extreme and if you were to do that I'd agree with you that what can be classified as "sex talk" virtually never happens.
You can just think of it as a spectrum, but ultimately either extreme is still in the same category.
Accusing me of saying they exactly identical is quite an overreaction on your part as in no way did I imply that.

>> No.38214398

Wait have you nigglets ever been in a gym ?

In my small city gym & especially in the locker room (yeah the famous locker room talk) dudes would flex about fucking some hoe & getting laid.
There was this one guy who would never shut up & almost everyone could tell that most of what he said was bullshit but hew was funny and big af so everyone tolerated him.

He legit said that when he was in grade school and there was a class party all the children would bring balloons, sweets, toys & have fun while he was in the toilet fucking a prostitute in the ass without a condom and drank whisky lol

>> No.38214448

I do this guy, and his male and female friends

>> No.38214450
Quoted by: >>38214544

>so yeah, there's this one guy and everyone hated him

>> No.38214544

ok, most were flexxing but he flexxed especially, think of a class clown.

People liked him because it was funny

>> No.38214565
File: 84 KB, 745x808, 1646774536809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I've been to a gym and no one talked to each other unless they were friends who came there together, since everyone was there to lift. And the friends who talked to each other would usually just complain about work or school.

>> No.38214625
Quoted by: >>38214861

I lift 5 days a week (6 right now because I'm working saturdays and the gym is on my commute)
I don't think I've ever talked to anyone at the gym beyond "you gonna be long mate?" or "alright mate, you using these weights?"
Maybe it's an American thing to be a braggart retard

>> No.38214669

And what do you think most women talk about?

>> No.38214700

Nobody here wants your rancid used up pussy.

>> No.38214724

If one of my friends started talking about how good his wife looked last night while her titties were flopping around while he was hitting it from the back I’d think he’s being weird and potentially even disrespectful to his partner for sharing something like that. Depending on the girl. Dudes talk about sexually charged stuff all the time but idk about actively talking about bedroom habits and shit.

>> No.38214747

I don't fucking care, but they definetly talk about sexual shit, and bodily fluids more. I had never heard anyone talk about smegma irl until I was in a car ride with 4 chicks.

>> No.38214763

>All this deflection

>> No.38214773

if I had to hazard a guess
Period, Sex, Food, TV Shows, Celebrity Gossip, Kpop, Relationship, Work.

>> No.38214774

As vtubers, they talk about sex and sex related topics

>> No.38214823

Not only reddit spacing but written like someone that hasn't stepped in a gym in his entire life, gymbros talk about their gains, diet, the taste of their protein powders or how much they can deadlift. This child prostitute fucker whisky whatever is in your head anon
t. artist with about 12 /fit/bros

>> No.38214830
Quoted by: >>38215139

Have you ever considered that the dude was actually a homo? I’ve never had that kind of talk in the gym or in the gym locker room. Idk why a dude would start talking about pumping his dick in a room full of other changing/naked/half naked dudes unless he’s trying to get some game or see someone pop a boner. That braggart was a Faggart.

>> No.38214842

Hard to tell to what limits people ITT talk about things pertaining to sexuality with hyperbole being used, do you guys at least share doujins or lewd fanart?

>> No.38214856
Quoted by: >>38215023

What kind of porn addict shares porn

>> No.38214861
Quoted by: >>38215656

>Maybe it's an American thing to be a braggart retard

well it maybe or a really small city thing

>> No.38214884

Everyone itt has main character syndrome and thinks only their experience is real and matters

>> No.38214896
Quoted by: >>38215023

There's a NSFW channel in my IRL friends discord server (like 8 members)
We don't so much send each other porn as just dump interesting/funny doujins and ecchi art in it.

>> No.38214910

>but are you anons really being sincere when you honestly put forth the assertion that you absolutely think women discuss sex more openly much, much more often than men?

Does 'talking about sex' not equate to talking about the act of sexual intercourse? How can the term 'sex talk' be redefined to some incredibly broad definition of anything remotely involving attraction to the opposite gender? It effectively equalizes everything that falls under that umbrella and makes the term meaningless.

>> No.38214936

female vtubers are socially inept women trying to emulate what they think men find attractive, so they talk about cum and hentai tags and heckin lewd degen booba and it's unappealing to men because they are socially inept

>> No.38214943

>It effectively equalizes everything that falls under that umbrella and makes the term meaningless.
Sounds like making rape mean everything from violent sexual assault to looking at a woman on the bus

>> No.38214985
Quoted by: >>38215016

it's called shock humor anon. and it sells.

>> No.38215008

>and a girl who I assume was trying to flirt(?) by talking about how much sex she's had.
had this happen to me once
just left me flabbergasted, though I don't think she's trying to flirt.

>> No.38215016

Isn't humour supposed to be funny?
Forget I said anything

>> No.38215023

>What kind of porn addict shares porn


Or look at the catalog.

>> No.38215030


>> No.38215087

>do you guys at least share doujins or lewd fanart?
Here? Sure.
In a setting where I have an identity? No, and others only do so rarely. I'm more likely to see cgdct, game screencaps, and other fotm shit get posted.
Funny enough one of the few times I've shared porn was in middle school when a girl I was crushing on asked some dudes to post kinky porn. Yeah obviously a red flag but I was a stupid kid

>> No.38215100
Quoted by: >>38215729

Men are incredibly pure when they aren't horny.
Because of the readily accessible access to porn, the modern man busts more than men did in the past and it changes the kinds of things men talk about now.
Men aren't desperate for sex anymore, they care more about the other aspects of companionship.

>> No.38215139

>Have you ever considered that the dude was actually a homo?

No, but he was always in the center of attention and spoke so everybody could hear him. He would call people he didn't like fags lol

>> No.38215183
Quoted by: >>38215221

Anon, that's a typical closet homosexual who thinks that by talking like that, he can get closer to straight men, it's a predatory tactic, he was trying to get you aroused

>> No.38215221
Quoted by: >>38215348

You're retarded.

>> No.38215236
Quoted by: >>38215255

Only time that happened was when we were watching porn. Otherwise its going to be shared interests

>> No.38215255

>we were watching porn

>> No.38215290

Sounds gay

>> No.38215348

No I'm being serious, you were being groomed, I'm bi anon, I can tell
Gym bro's lull you into a false sense of familiarity and try to get you to do drugs with them so you drop your inhibitions

If you want to prove me wrong, go chat the guy up and see if he won't ask you if you want to party with him

>> No.38215359
Quoted by: >>38215921

I already explained what I consider to count as "sex talk" so there's no need to explain a second time, but yes, if you make the definition of the term too specific then it happens virtually never except in rare circumstances, and if you make it too broad you'll find that it actually happens quite often for both men and women.
If you want to only consider sex talk as specifically about intercourse and nothing else then that's your prerogative.
Regardless of how specific or broad you want to define sex talk as, or if you want to include or not include sex related talk, I still quite firmly believe that either way all forms of sex talk and sex related talk are brought up more publicly by men than women.
Although the difference is certainly not great enough to explain why it's such a hot topic in this thread.

>> No.38215397

>itt femoids seethe about males

>> No.38215473
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>> No.38215630

He asked Gura to use her dainty child like fingers to squeeze his prostate like a lemon.

>> No.38215656

Small city fags think they're hot shit because the place is just big enough for everyone there to not know each other and call him a faggot.

>> No.38215729

There's a reason they call it sage time. It's like becoming a Buddhist monk after ejaculation.

>> No.38215737

Funny story here.
I went to Akihabara with a group of friends recently and we helped one look for doujins by a specific artist. We trawled through at least half a dozen stores.
Along the way we speculated on the volume of work that the doujin artist produced, and how that compared to other artists. We discussed the haphazard classification scheme of the doujin sections and how it alternated between authorship and fetish with seemingly no standard structure. We talked about Japan's parliament not knowing the subject matter it was addressing and incoming porn regulations that would be extremely hard on the AV industry.

We talked about everything except the fucking doujins themselves, any aspect of the female characters in them, or the friend's specific fetish. We didn't even mention the property each belonged to. That whole minefield was carefully, delicately stepped around by tacit unspoken agreement.

>> No.38215812

Using fag/faggot derisively is the biggest indicator of a closeted homo

>> No.38215853

I would say the attention seeking part is more important than a word that sounds legitimately great to say/hear in English

>> No.38215901
File: 599 KB, 4093x3000, a-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, continue

>> No.38215906

Damn. I can’t wait to whip that one out the next time I hear the F slur while I’m playing multiplayer games. That will totally own them.

>> No.38215921

Then to sum it up the original point of the topic is about some vtubers being extremely crass and explicit on stream. And then the other point being made is that men are not this crass, even in private with friends. That is why it is a 'hot topic'. It is literally just a matter of indelicacy.

>> No.38216004

I was just telling my gf something similar, I only talk to my friends and coworkers about sex when it is so far removed from myself, like making fun of fetishes
The only time I've ever talked to my friends about sex have been when they had relationship issues and I'd ask if the two of them were never in the mood at the same time and I'd tell them to be careful about jerking off too much

>> No.38216062
Quoted by: >>38216245

I'm very crass, but only in an anonymous setting and only sometimes. I sort of wonder if it's because men can face much worse consequences for revealing this sort of thing than women can, at least in some societies. And I say this as a socially retarded NEET. I just would not bring sex topics up in a setting that can be traced directly back to me.

>> No.38216093

So everyone on vt is a homo? Noted

>> No.38216122

it's pretty obvious with how they try to put down their fellow men.

>> No.38216138

That is a fun story. I think it's good to be stepped around if people would be uncomfortable to talk about it, same reason why porn/lewdness should be kept of out general public spaces (maybe a locale like a redlight district or Akihabara would be exceptions as public spaces where it's more lax.)

>> No.38216141

Faggotry is 4chan culture

>> No.38216167

It's 4chan, it either turns you gay, into a nazi, or into a gay nazi

>> No.38216200

/vt/ has the most amount of non 4chan tourists of any board, but generally everyone here is a degenerate

>> No.38216228
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>> No.38216245

>I sort of wonder if it's because men can face much worse consequences for revealing this sort of thing than women can, at least in some societies.
I think it might be more to do with the competitive aspect.
Size, performance, duration, impregnation(?), getting the girl in the first place etc etc, most of the ways you describe the acts would pretty much bring that competitiveness up.

>> No.38216334
Quoted by: >>38216399

I don't think I've ever once had a conversation go that far about sex.
It literally started with "So did you do her?" followed up with a "yeah, it was nice" and immediately ended with "damn she was hot, lucky you"
I don't know what guys you talk to that go further than what I just outlined but a lot of what you said is both unnecessary and kinda unwanted information, unless the guy he's talking to is asking how to actually have sex.

>> No.38216366

I got close to quite a few people when I worked in medicine (normie central) and then academia for a bit and the only people I've heard talking about sex and sexual stuff more explicitly than "I/we did it last night" were the female nurses talking to each other. You really have to get close to a dude before he even feels like bringing it up at all and even then it's mostly "we did it in X place." Like everyone else said, most sexual talk with dudes tends to be about the girls themselves (looks/personality) than the actual acts

>> No.38216371

>Then to sum it up the original point of the topic
I did, right here >>38212962
Ultimately the thread is based on a false premise, not all female vtubers actually do discuss sex frequently, some don't at all, and you can choose who you want to watch.
Ultimately viewers decide who gets views and who doesn't.

>> No.38216394

>his group is made up of virgins that only talk about anime and warhammer

You talk like you guys are not sexually active.

>> No.38216396

Literally everyone ever is either a fag or a closeted fag to these people, they have a mental illness

>> No.38216399

>I don't know what guys you talk to that go further than what I just outlined but a lot of what you said is both unnecessary and kinda unwanted information, unless the guy he's talking to is asking how to actually have sex.
Well that was my point, that the way it would be described would be off putting

>> No.38216493

In an anonymous setting, yes.
Anything with my name, username or other such things related to me? No, those just get things from work or games.
>tfw your workplace actively uses discord

>> No.38216527

When I was in prison we didn't talk about fucking women unless we were handling porn. Women don't have a filter because they can do what they want.

>> No.38216618
Quoted by: >>38217198

If a guy is talking to you a lot about sex there's a very high chance that it's because he wants to have sex with you. It is absolutely weird and I've only seen it from bi/DL men.

>> No.38216632

they don't want to face the truth
Sex is the only thing a women talks about

>> No.38216645

If you're talking about actual sex, then yeah we don't talk about that in detail like "yeah she started going down on me then I turned her around and started ramming her from behind". Sometimes it can be like "with or without socks?".
But like >>38214842 suggested, we openly share pixiv/twitter lewd fanart and sadpanda links

>> No.38216706

I'm from Scotland, anyone other than me that's a weeb here is a freaky fat cunt

>> No.38217198

truth, the only guy I ever met who was like that was a dude I met on a vacation who was flamboyantly gay and was the sole guy in a group of girls

It was something when he said he wanted to bend me over and then proceeded to make thrusting motions. It was a whole nother thing when his girl friends then tried to convince me I was somehow gay when I turned one of them down for a lap dance (she was fat and very crass which was a huge turn off) and then tried to set me up with the dude

thankfully never had to see them again after that

>> No.38217246

Shut your filthy slut mouth, woman. All you're ever good for and is the very meaning of your existence is to become someone's sandwhich maker until the day you die.

>> No.38217725

I wonder if this thread will actually change some women's minds. Women do talk more about sex

I feel like women are (as usual) basing their preconceived notions on how a lot of chads behave

>> No.38217849
Quoted by: >>38219282

Mens' minds to, there's some who think all men are like themselves and don't bring it up at all but plenty in this topic mentioning the opposite

>> No.38218318

wtf I hate women now

>> No.38218374

the true chads don't even talk about it all that much because they fuck around so much that it becomes completely mundane to them and they don't find it interesting enough to bring up

the only types of dudes who do talk sex to the detail girls typically do are fratbros trying to larp as a real chad or gay dudes

>> No.38219282

so the answer was no, then, it didn’t change women’s “minds”

>> No.38219635

I only horny post here because I know the /here/ femanon vtubers will read them.
