>>OPIt's always them in the end, huh?
>>38194084Seems like it.
I love Ina!
Takamori op?
>>38194174More like full Myth OP lmao
Well, at least I got Luna's RE8 stream to look forward to. Unless she suddenly has health complications from an infected pacifier or whatever.
moom post
my owl layed an egg :)
https://youtu.be/yKpMLyLbgsQSo when's Lamy going to rape Marine?
>>38194084Fate literally can not keep them apart
>>38194276That's cause she made the Reine trip a vacation and the Myth meetup into a trip for work
>>38194374In your dreams.
>>38194192Gura and Kiara still want to be idols, and Ame actually having a mocap in her house is pretty rad
I didn’t catch Gura’s whole karaoke did she give any hints about what she would stream if she did tomorrow?
>*casts a spell that makes girls stream even when they are dying*
Ame met Ina and got sick during her trip
hello i like guum, now im going to sleep because i have been awake for almost 2 days bye bye.
I love Mori!
Hey I'm not crazy, right. Ame and Gura did use to talk about renting a hotel room in Japan together and going to the convenience stores to taste all the good japanese snacks, right
Takamori Love!
He won.
Kneel to these two
>Lamy x Marinehttps://youtu.be/yKpMLyLbgsQ>miComet 1hrhttps://youtu.be/4fopQGWsjFM>Mio 1hrhttps://youtu.be/eaWnyNNqtZM>Luna 2hrhttps://youtu.be/gDlgG9lJVBM>Botan 2hrhttps://youtu.be/h0yQS_PT0Ws>Kouori x Okayu x Laplus x Mystery guest 2hrhttps://youtu.be/-m62MJIglZc>Lui 3hrhttps://youtu.be/pcoJJjCe0ks>Sheep 3hrhttps://youtu.be/n8J6z7Spiz8>Subaru 3hrhttps://youtu.be/7iyjBQ5Rsfs>Kanata 3hrhttps://youtu.be/_MOnA9_LP0A>Koyori 5hrhttps://youtu.be/_KIObtWs-6I
>>38194410I… I don’t recall…
>>38194384Even that was a miracle meetup. Kiara loves Myth but obviously Walmart is no Maldives. Very cute that Mori's favorite vacation was with Kiara though
>>38194400No, but she did mention Callisto Protocol and some other game
>>38194308No, even if 50% of JP stopped streaming because of health issue, you will still have 20 members streaming, that's twice as many members as the entire EN branch.
>>38194374I like that Marine is Lamy's Ohshi and she got:>Join hololive and work with her>Slap her oshi's ass and feel it up live on stream >Oshi makes an off comment about moving near her and then moves above her>Has key to her room>Randomly walks in and get under her desk to stair at her pantiesI hope to be as based as Lamy one day
>>38194367Moom reply>>38194372That's a smug egg
>>38194400she did not iirc, just that she would see us tomorrow or "sunday" (i think she meant saturday though)
>>38194396She barely does anything with that studio, if she even has done anything since Kiara's birthday, besides that scuffed Armando stream.
>>38194384>>38194396>>38194451kys crossposters
>>38194463Do you know how hard it is to avoid eating gluten and cutting it off from your diet entirely?
I like how the current shitposting is leaving Takamori as the only ones left when Gura just came back. They didn’t even bother waiting for her to leave yet
>>38194439I admit initially I was skeptical about upgrading the Cover studios to film lesbian JAV porn but they’re making me eat my words
>>38194432I KNEEL
>>38194463She suffers so much...
>>38194448I'm sorry to say but Callisto Protocol suuuuuuuuuucks.
>>38194463Well Ame? What's that exciting stuff you worked on a month ago? Where is it?
>>38194384Well, yeah? The Myth meetup was never supposed to happen. Kiara was there to record for her brithday, spend a bit of time with Ame, and then leave. Then the other girls showed up. It kinda hard for the Myth meetup to be as good as the Maldives when one was a vacation and the other was her dancing for 14 hours non-stop.
>>38194463>I'm sick>But I'm still going to do a bunch of shit off stream and not get betterNo Ame, don't pull a Marine.
>>38194472>Sunday in Japan is Saturday in America
Any news on my oshi?
>>38194495She's not suffering anymore, Anon. She's at peace now.
>>38194384That is kind of twisting the events. It was always a trip for work in the first place. It just so happened that this finally made the others also go and that resulted in the meet up. Once again it needs a European to get anything actually started.
>>38194445>>38194442It was so long ago and Gura probably forgot already
>>38194505check your windows search bar
I bet this thread would somehow make Mori responsible for making Ame sick.
>>38194473>The first fully tracked cooking stream.>Barely does anything.
>>38194485She's not gonna be staying for long anyways.
>>381944855 bucks says Gura ain't streamin' tomorrow.
The next full active offcollab is Kiara flying to Japan to hang out with Mori fucking kek
>>38194463TUMMY HORT
>>38194401WITCH DA WAWA NO! They are going to die for real!
>>38194485>Comes back>Karaoke>Members>Start a couple games>Streaming hort>I'm busy with projects now>I'll tweet tho!
>>38194514She fully intended to stream the rest of the week despite being clearly sick these past few days. They never learn.
>>38194516He graduated, bozo, get over it.
>>38194481I know its hard (my mom has celiac) but an easy way is not eating anything from restaurants because they will fuck you over woth "no gluten" food all the timeIt sucks but if you make your own food you stay healthy
>>38194432I will never kneel to your oshi fagbeat
>>38194463no refunds
>>38194473She got microwaved, that’s pretty big
>>38194384The way Mori talks about "future" Myrh meet-ups is depressing
>>38194527No, that will diminish Ame's suffering (Already suffers the most).
I can already smell it. Myth are graduating as a group. That's why Mori's RM has spiked up her activity, and Gura was missing the whole month.
>>38194485Anyone got that image where Mori is holding Gura up while Kiara pulls off her shorts and they’re about to rape her?
>>38194478On it. I'll post the vid before my windpipe is fully sealed off. (I have a standing desk I can still access my PC while hanging from the ceiling)
>>38194520If only the first attempt didn't result in 6 million people dying...
>>38194485>Guras backGura "came back" like 5 times in the past 2 months then proceeded to dissappear after getting bored of 1 game and not finishing itI dont believe for a second Gura can follow a bare month of streaming to close out 2022
>>38194505I dunno, maybe thanksgiving? Or anything else.She says it just because that's what's true for Holos in general, and to tell us that she isn't completely bedridden or anything like that.
I love my cute chicken wife.
STARTING BROShttps://youtu.be/yKpMLyLbgsQhttps://youtu.be/yKpMLyLbgsQhttps://youtu.be/yKpMLyLbgsQ
Kromei love!
>>38194550Considering we were like 10 minutes away from her stream starting, I don't believe a single thing she said in her tweet, unless she once again tried to test gluten and was in the ER during those 6 hours.
>>38194459>>38194403It's more likely that she got the new coof super deluxe edition over Thanksgiving.
>>38194539I will not rest until the moom and the goob off-collab
>>38194566Graduating? Sorry, but my shark isn't smart enough to graduate from uni yet.
My Miosha is going to sing lots of songs and has two big announcements!https://youtu.be/eaWnyNNqtZM
>>38194485Anon please, Gura's pattern is known across the internet at this point. Wait until she's actually back back like that October month before we can start to call her home
So enough shitposting and doomposting, how well is your oshi doing on the art or porn scale here?
>>38194528>>38194533Wasn't using the ir camera setup she has you mongs
>>38194527>Mori makes Ina, Gura and Ame sick since she is death>Only her and Kiara left togetherYou ain't slick, Mori. I SEE YOUR PLANS!
>>38194605What do you believe then, champ?
>>38194528>>38194533>>38194593That was just her wearing the tracking suit. Or do you think she set up the studio in her entire house so it could track her running into the kitchen too? Fucking idiots probably think Kiara has a whole studio too after her karaoke the other week.
>>38194626Why are meppas so horny
>>38194485I gave up on believing that Gura will ever be consistent again.
>>38194597I'm here Yukimin, I really like when the two of them hang out.
Who where loves Hololive?
>>38194636>Wasn't using the ir camera setup she has you mongsProof?
>>38194567Sounds hot, seconding this.
Lamy and Marine are awfully energetic today.
>>38194663I do not love Hololive, but I do love my owhi.
>>38194626I didn't even intend to doompost until people started talking about the Japan shit and I got upset again
https://youtu.be/nUzjJ1mNRRQhttps://youtu.be/nUzjJ1mNRRQhttps://youtu.be/nUzjJ1mNRRQWonder which Holo will jump on this first.
I wonder if there's a rule or something in Hololive where you're not really expected to stream much after a year or two to give yourself a break, and let the others build up some momentum
>>38194663>who whereoh nyo it's over
>>38194666Wasn't moving in a 3D space.
>>38194652>she set up the studio in her entire house so it could track her running into the kitchen tooHer creativity (And suffering) knows no bounds...
>>38194673They had sex before this
>>38194636An IR camera that can track her going from her computer, up some stairs, into her kitchen and back?
>>38194616Unlikely to happen before January at earliest, unless it turns out they’re related and run into each other at a Christmas family gathering.
>>38194626>Ina>only 8.6% Huh, I did not expect that.
https://twitter.com/calliope_info/status/1598604962908573699Wait, does this mean if you buy the CD, you get access to the show for free? Or does it mean that they're selling another package thats a CD + ticket combo?
>>38194699You can use the multi-cameras setup just for stationary tracking too.
>>38194688Deco is a hack
Gura cute Gura cute!
>gura wont know what to stream>decides on some shit like p5r>streams it twice>does a gacha shill stream for myth>1 membership stream and a lengthy apologetic member post talking about vague projects and life hort>bored of p5r no more ideas cya next year
Today Mori has passed Ame in hours streamed so now she's #2She was only 5 hours behind and this Ame break sealed the dealKNEEL TO TAKAMORI
>>38194663Love is a strong word. I love my oshi, I appreciate Hololive (but I think they could be doing a lot better)
>>38194688I'd bet on Shion.
Dumb Wamy. I cant see your face
>>38194605What part of that excludes sickness?Here's what unironically happened>Stream about to start>Feel like shit because of gluten/flu/nosleep, delay and take a nap like a retard>Nap lasts so many hours that Henma has to private the stream>Ame wakes up and Henma is telling her that she's a fucking retard for napping before the stream again>Ame says urite and tweets to say that she takes a short break to get out of this sickness, but won't be completely out of order
>>38194663Right here!
>>38194084They are undying.
>>38194663Hololive Rules!
>>38194626Hoomans are either gay or women
>>38194706rokoko suits can send the motion data over your wifi anon, which is what she did. hell you even can see the fucking tracker on her hand at points.
Cute Ramy
>>38194745This is actually fucking ridiculous
>>38194723>>38194747>>38194753Why are there so many of you chickens?
>>38194720I’m 99% sure it’s the second one
That's a lot of Lamys
>>38194745All while releasing a major album tooI kneel
>>38194745Wait, aren't councilfags said council girls are more diligent? Why the top three are Myth girls?
>>38194715It's pixiv only, twitter trends don't necessarily apply there. And then again, most of that Ina art is not necessarily porn, just horny.
>>38194796No that's a fucking coyote
>>38194745As much rm shit that Mori gets she still streams the second most in En..
Official /become/ by Lamy
>>38194796Good lord.
>>38194765It's mind-boggling that some version of the simplest conclusion needs to be spelled out to some people every time. I suppose le ebin conspiracy theories are just too enticing to think about.
>>38194798The sun never sets in the KFP empire.
>>38194688Shion or Raplus, be surprised if it was anyone else.
>>38194809shut the fuck up deadbeat
>>38194084>>38194084Kiaras stubbornness to only stick to her EU timezone has legit kept her healthy and happy at the cost of collabs which as you can see would barely happen at all in the first place
https://twitter.com/Artpatient/status/1596119751184748544What do you call this? Krowa? Tonii?
>>38194811 Have to show a nipple or something for 18+ and most of it is just her ass.
>>38194463>stuffshow long will we let this bitch pull strings behind the scenes
>>38194796Wth does she do? 7 days a week 10 hr endurance streams or something? How are those stream times even possible
do i /become/ if i play this game
>>38194084I say we put them both into a room and let the magic happen. Clearly there's some curse on EN and won't be resolved until these two fuck. I am completely sane on this.
>>38194838I call it el sexo.
>You'll never have your own personal Lamy and Marine for private use
>>38194745>Kiara streamed 300 hours longer than the second highest ENIs Kiara okay, KFP?>there are still 8 other girls that streamed even more than thatAre THEY okay!?
>>38194796i find this more ridiculous
>>38194504Are people playing it already? I was kinda looking forward to it
>Ame says Ina contacted her and wants to meet up without streaming>Mori says she's going on a trip with Ina soon but hasn't spoken to her recently>Special New Year's stream with all of JP, Myth, and ID1 aka everyone that has 3D>Ina is not listedIna is going to travel to Japan and meet up with all of Myth and then completely ignore doing anything with them on stream and instead go hang out with Sana who will also be in Japan for Comiket.
>>38194816And puts out the most music!
>>38194803I was hoping it wouldn't be
>>38194652>the tracking suitNo, that was her wearing completely different tech, which is cool in itself and a side evolution of her entire setup.
>>38194688These songs sound like shit when sung by Miko. Get someone to cover it before I actually bother giving it a listen.
>>38194865la sexa*Which one though? Left or right?
>>38194892Miku.... I got Migo on the brain.
>>38194626GO RISU GO
>>38194796>559 streamsJesus Christ woman, will she die if she stops streaming or something?
>>38194745Nice work, Mori.On another note, Koyori and Kaela are fuckin insane. Watame used to wow me with her hours but those two are just ridiculous.
>>38194870Koyori streamed 1000 hours more than KiaraLet that sink in
>>38194838Mumei's wife. (On the left)
>>38194870>Is Kiara okay, KFP?Physically? No. Mentally? Also no.
I'm a rat
>>38194882Miko has a great voice. Get a better pair of ears
>>38194879>side evolutionHow is using the thing she was before getting the studio for Kiara's birthday thing an evolution of her setup?
>>38194904I know that's who you meant but it made me laugh.
/#/ turning into the Council appreciator thread while /hlgg/ still holds onto Myth as the be all and end all of holoEN is hilarious. HoloEN success is tied to all its members but its upt o Council and Gura now to do the heavy lifting in 2023.
>>38194846She usually does 2 or 3 streams/day, sometimes goes up to 4.That woman streams A LOT.
How were streams for today? Anything worth catching up on?
Meimei a cute!
>>38194921>Miko has a great voiceMiko and Subaru have the most annoying voices to listen to for an extended period of time.
>>38194796>38 hours/weekIt should be the BARE FUCKING MINIMUMthis post is a joke you fucking aspie
>>38194911Watame sadly fell victim to throat hort and had to actually cut back for health issues and to preserve her ability to sing
>>38194930Go back to your containment thread you ape
>>38194840Yeah pretty much. Ina gets tons of horny/sexy fanart, but rarely does she get anything that needs a hard R18 rating
>>38194626If there's supposedly a higher percentage of Mori lewds per picture than Okayu and Kiara, then how come I can never find any good ones when I can find them pretty easily for those two?
>>38194948ha, GAY
>>38194930>le wino rabbit
>>38194914Okay, I can barely keep up with watching Kiara's streams and balancing irl stuff. How the fuck does Koyori fans watch all her streams????
Last time I tried to say Gatorade out loud I said Gatorape insteadIt was in publicI blame teamates
>>38194870Kiara literally gets better as she streams. It keeps her mind off of her problems. As for the likes of Koyori, she is convinced that she has nothing to offer so she throws everything on the wall to see what sticks. Kaela though, well, she just wants to play games.
>>38194959Mori is UNSEXY.
>>38194949It's kinda scary she ends up with that and she does all of the perp for her stuff too, so it's even more hours like her new stuff she sets up every week.
>>38194796>1710 hours>559 streams>On top of that, all the promotional material/sponsored content she's part of>Also idol reps and covers/original songsJesus fucking Christ.
wamy cute
>>38194948Worse post ITT
>>38194873Yeah. From what I heard it is jank as all hell.
>>38194873PC performance is bad apparently
>>38194974>As for the likes of Koyori, she is convinced that she has nothing to offer so she throws everything on the wall to see what sticks.I think Koyori is insane. I don't watch her often, but when I do she is always actually pretty cute and funny.
>>38194990Don't forget the perp stuff she does to set up her streams like her looking into stuff asking the girls and writing up her new show every week!
>>38194745reminder that kaela had her debut in march this year and is just 150h behind the pink menace
>>38194914okay, now what?
>>38194789Mumei had the Nene effect early on, and it takes a while to shake that off when it comes to art, short of openly baiting it like Fauna with the cowkini art.
>>38194997NTA, but purupa block.I rest my case
>>38195003The cutest!
>>38194969If anyone watches all of her content, then they simply aren't balancing irl stuff. There's just no way.
Hey deadbeats am I crazy or is there way, way less Mori seething than when we were back on /jp/? Or even like, last year.Just thought about it and I swear it used to be every hour of every day.
>>38194414Huh, this is pretty good. Who drew this?
>>38194765If she can fucking do anything Hololive related while being sick then she should fucking stream. Fuck her stupid behind the scenes exciting bullshit that is constantly getting in the way of streams for the past year and a half.
>>38194930It’s kind of funny that people in/#/ are getting pissed you keep copying their posts here for yous.
>>38195018wash your face
>>38194969You just don't.
Koyori is like a real person and not some lab created monster or an Ai, right?
>>38194870Koyori and Kaela are not, the rest are fine. Ideally you want to stream somewhere between 60-90 hours a month since that's two to three hours of daily content on average, which is ideal for your average fan working/in school. Anything less than that leaves the hardcore fans unsatisfied and anything over that makes it much harder to keep up with your content, especially with the aforementioned two.
>>38194810>conflating total hours with frequencyThe more important thing here is how things have been going recently too.
>>38195000Just saw someone compare it to Silent Hill Downpour and I got so upset
>>38194663I love my owlshi but not hololive
Well if we ever got an actual RAT holo maybe things wouldn't be looking so bad, don't you think?
>>38195077The cutest!
>>38194663Oh hell yeah.
Once again feeling nostalgic for the JP Portal building days
>>38194796>This does not factor he collbs she does on other channels or promotional stuff and Holo X get's a lot of it. Let that sink in.
>>38194745migo is closing in on pekoagain ;))))))
Five comments1) HoloJP bounced right back and is at the verge of returning to a 10k median across the branch2) HoloEN is recovering and no longer under the lowest CCVID median3) VSPO settled on the 3k median line and isn't budging4) NijiEN and NijiJP converged and both are now close to the 2.3k line, both on a downwards trajectory5) Tempus continues their precipitous recline and are sitting at 2.1kand the punchline6) HoloID lost all their gains from the "Kobo got banned becomes national news" massive incline and are now a hair over a 2k medianAll in all>HoloJP is stable and at a high point>HoloEN is recovering from a low point>VSPO is stable at a high point for that branch>NijiJP, NijiEN, Tempus and HoloID are reclining and racing to the 2k line
>>38195087We got a red rat, a blue rat and a rat that likes nuts.
>>38195079Koyori's CV's are actually pretty high now a days somehow
>>38194819It appeals to people just smart enough to not take things at face value, but not enough to realize how often the simple answer is usually the right one and have an inflated view of their own intelligence.
/#/ out.
>>38194918Yeah, but Ame suffers more.
>>OPNice Myth OP
>>38195091Moom if she real
>>38194875>>Mori says she's going on a trip with Ina soon but hasn't spoken to her recentlyWhen did she say that ? Timestamp ?
Lamy's tits are way too big
She can stream 24/7 without rest because of her twins. Wake up sheeple
>>38194738The fuck is this?
>>38195150Is it suffering if you keep eating things you're not supposed to eat?
>>38194538Make that 5kk bucks
>>38195150Yeah, suffering my cock in her throat. It was laced with gluten
Was I the only person who thought Koyori would slow down once she started doing idol training stuff?Like is she on drugs or something?
>>38195134She quite literally brute forced her way into popularity with sheer amount and variety of content
>>38194745For a number, you need 416 hours to watch all of One Piece. There are 37 girls that this year alone streamed longer than the entirety of One Piece. Koyori alone streamed 4 times the length of One Piece. So, what I'm trying to say is... you have no excuse for not watching One Piece.
>>38194944Cute and sexy.
>>38195199My excuse is that it fucking sucks
>>38195194Cocaine is a hell of a drug
Where is my Ame? Is she safe?
>>38194997oh yeah?
>>38195081>frequencySo Ame & Kiara are at the top?>been going recently tooEven in November with the break, Myth girls are still at the top.
>>38194663Hell yeah!
Watching Gura's Karaoke VODs while scrolling throough the archived threads,And man, at least 1/4 of the fun was seeing the teamates slowly going insane with "Any minute now, right Ame?".
>>38195199I've read (most of) it, so there's my excuse.
>>38195217Ok, fair enough.
>>38195200>brute forced her way into popularity>When Cover puts 90% of their entire marketing budget into pushing Her and HoloXYeah.... sure was brute force and not company backed!
>>38195218thats helluva lot of cocaine
>>38194930Is that why the schizo using HoloX to shit on them is here instead of there, or is he splitting his attention?
>>38195227>Myth girls are still at the top
>>38195200She has my support for her never give up way and forced her way to the top through sheer will. It's really impressive for someone to do that the brute force way
>>38195200Imagine if EN got the same advertising as HoloX
>>38195194>once she started doing idol training stuffShe already knows that shit
>>38195134She's not even second army
>>38195178She can't even eat bread... even medieval french peasants suffered less...
>>38195200Least delusional holoxfag
>>38195239She was the least popular of Holo X off the start, so she had to really do something about it.
>>38195159https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhUkp_c8_LY&t=1505sThis is less than 24 hours ago, threadread more.
>Happy because Gooba is back>Lose Ame immediately Why does God hate my fucking guts?
>>38195178She got fucked over by a restaurant this time Ordered gluten free stuff and got sick anyway
>cast a spell to turn all numberfags into lewd posters.
>>38195279It also really helps she was pushed as hard as she was by Cover. She was constantly put into major events and large scale collabs.
>>38195239HoloX's first anniversary being solo 3D lives for the entire gen is hilarious when you contrast it with the entire history of both the EN and ID branches
>>38195230That Mumei emote is so damn exploitable
>>38195279That was Lui.
>>38194663I'm going to rape you fauna poster
>>38195279That's Iroha
>>38195230>blackface emote
>>38195316Pretty sure she was less popular then even Lui off the start
>>38195200What spending years as a 2view does to a nigga
>>38195298>EN and ID had to pay for their own VRchat level and models>HoloX gets massive Live3Ds with brand new outfits and multiple major guests
>>38194314>>38194332>DecemberGood thing Kiara will mostly be there in January
>>38195123>CCVFuck off, numberfag.My YT channel has like 100 subs, and I still know CCV is a useless metric.
>>38195248They are, look at the amount of streams if you want to ignore hours streamed
>>38195279It helps when your genmates either don't stream or get hated by 5ch for whatever reason.
>>38195328not now, snowflake-burger-anon
>>38195286You know the rules.
>>38195341Maybe you'd have more subs if you paid more attention to your CCV
>>38195280They're going to Osaka to see the big crab
>>38195150Fans suffer more
>>38195335>>HoloX gets massive Live3Ds with brand new outfits and multiple major guestsWell that one is on them at least. Holo X is a very social bunch, especially Lui
>>38195335thats a cute winter moom
>>38195335I used to defend HoloX from the favoritism allegations but nah, you'd have to be delusional to claim that after the manga adaptation happened.
>>38195384>Holo X is a very social bunchHoloX is a very promoted bunch
>>38195389That's just Tiara.
>>38194927Ever heard of regressive evolution?But seriously, I'm sure there was some setup, even if minimal, since this was the first time she used them like this, and now it's part of the repertoire. I don't know anything but read that typically they should have some interference or something if too many are used, but they didn't look bad at all.
>>38195409she better use the peko voice during sex
>>38195227>So Ame & Kiara are at the top?But not exclusively Myth in the top three due to Bae.>Even in November with the break, Myth girls are still at the topYou’d be more convincing with proof.
>>38195372This>"Oh nyo, I got 9/100 on my math test">"Huh? Studying? No I havent"
>>38195409I want to sniff her cunt peko
Lamy and Marine sound weird
>>38195172those twins? me
>>38195200Brute forced her way to popularity
Holo X is really funny with happened because they got super shilled and end up with>Someone who doesn't stream>Someone who is hated by 5ch for no reason>Some schizo who wouldn't stream because she thought she was haunted Then I guess Lui and Pink mayo dog.
I miss Ame ToT
>Council vs HoloXWhat happened this time? I thought the filth would be in a good mood today.
Lamy was probably drunk when recording those lines
>>38195440If you attend class and do your assignments you should never need to study to ace every test desu
>>38195493>probably>That sounds like drunk Lamy, so she was
>>38195482>>Some schizo who wouldn't stream because she thought she was hauntedShe was barely out of commission for a few weeks. Chloe has streamed more than all of EN this year except Kiara.
>>38195404Okay delusional might've been a bit too strong of a word, but I still stand by saying that it's real obvious that HoloX is getting the favorite treatment
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaWnyNNqtZM3D live announcement soon
>>38195438So even with your own nitpicking category (because streaming hours is still more important, Gura's 10-minute scuffed stream still counted as one) Myth girls are still at the top, got it.
How was Guras karaoke?
>>38195443>>38195430I think the best thing about Pekora is that in lore, she is only a bit bigger than Luna, which mean she is literally a small bunny
>>38195364What do I have to sacrifice to have both of them back? Towa? I'll do it if I have to
>>38194969They don't. Her feelings got hurt a few months back since people said there was no reason to watch archives.
I get being mad Holo X got a bunch of stuff, but Koyori worked really hard and I think it's rude to dismiss it like that. Lui, her and the smelly Ocra stream a lot
>>38195123>HoloEN is recovering and no longer under the lowest CCVID medianThanks to Fauna and IRyS to carry this broken branch
>>38195507The world is like this and you are powerless to change it. So please refrain from your infantile should/shouldn'ts and want/wantn'ts.
>>38195291>moriEw, tell your oshi to stop her weekly twitch garbage, then we can talk
>>38195200why share this when there is a manual translation in the comments?
>>38195123>2) HoloEN is recovering and no longer under the lowest CCVID medianDidn't the homo collabs stop?
>>38195482shut up schizo
Well, deadbeats. It looks like it's just us.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fopQGWsjFMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fopQGWsjFMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fopQGWsjFMwhy are they so fucking gay
>>38195601Eh, close enough
>>38195615What do chickens even eat?
>>38195551Very good.
>>38195615Yeah, but gobble gobble.
>>38195584When I said should I meant that's how it works if you aren't mentally deficient.
>>38195616Helps Miko is actually gay and wants to fuck Suisei really bad.
>>38195551It was nice. The threads were a mixed bag though. Probably the best part of them were the Teamates going from They are posting to slowly realizing that Ame wasn't gonna stream.
https://twitter.com/calliope_info/status/1598626590912839681?s=20&t=REO9Kk3UjIdn_Dl9Bvgq3w3D SHOW LET’S FUCKING IKUZO
>>38195529>nitpicking “____” doesn’t stream is a frequency argument, and you lost it by specifying the top three being Myth-only. You want to count Sana being near the top in EN for January for doing an endurance stream, then fucking off for most of the month? That’s what ignoring frequency gets you.
>>38195123>that extreme recline for the homosyou love to see it
>a cunny who rarely shows up>a blonde that doesn't say much in collabs>a pink woman>an ESL birdguess the gen
>>38195615Mori and Kiara will unironically be the last ones to graduate
>>38195616You know, I'm glad Aloe's papa is still getting holo work, but it would be nice if Pako got an official commission as well.
Moom status?
>>38195590Sorry, anon. It's either this or getting pegged. I'll make the decision easy for you if you bend over.
>>38195660chloe chloe chloe...
I really like watching holos make fun of their own voice lines. I wish FBK and Marine would play Aquarium and die of embarrassment.
>>38195575There has never been a more spoiled and shilled generation in all of hololive history than holox
>>38195669>Pako got an official commission as well.expensive...
>>38195660gen 2
>>38195660Hmm a gen with 4 people
>>38195615Man I wish I could soundpost so I could soundpost Just the 2 of us. Don’t try explain how I won’t understand
>>38195672status: banned in tournaments
>>38195660I was going to say Gen 2, but remembered that Choco is too talkative for that.
>>38195660shut up schizo
>>38195687Define mooming
>>38195616meds. they're only business partners.
>>38195575Koyori is a monster of a streamer and while I think she's gonna fucking kill herself at this rate, I gotta respect her dedication to the job.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFm9X0AxvLUGO SMOL AME GO
>>38195685You missed the point of my post completely
>>38195632Worms if my 70's cartoons knowledge is anything to go by.
>>38195714its 2022 gay people can have business partners
Marine is an idol
>>38195665I mean it was a given really. Both of them are too stubborn to quit.
>>38195715Mooming is the act of mooming.
>>38195650>1650 YenHuh, pretty reasonable.
>>38195715It's like mooning but you also spread
>>38195660>4 peoplecouncil, gen4, or gen 3probably council
>>38195728And you're being willfully ignorant of anons calling out somebody who said koyori "brute forced" her way into popularity
>>38195652>“____” doesn’t stream>First post is about STREAMING HOURS >>38194745So not only you are nitpicking, you are moving the goalpost too.Also “____” doesn’t stream is still a streaming argument so even that you are still wrong.
>>38195123How is HoloEN recovering though, why did they decline in the first place
where is the ame
>>38195660Isn't that just holoX ?
>>38195632Literally anything. Corn, veggies, rats, bugs, fruits, carrion
>>38195616It's just business.And business is blooming
>>38195762Mori would rather fucking pull off her own nails the fucking give up or lose at something.
>>38195784Unfortunately idol culture is a thing.
>>38195767So if Mumei is mooming she is spreading her ass cheeks?
>>38195778Salted caramel is grossToo many people use way too much salt
>>38194372I think you should do a paternity testit's not yours or mine
>>38195766It's probably going to be 30 minutes-1 hour like Suisei's
>>38195774Then why isn't all of Holo X up there with her?
>>38195616it sells merch and cover is looking to go public soon.
>>38195812Yeah, it's mine.
>>38195784>Gura stops streaming>20k lost skewing the median >Gura comes back>She skews the data again
>>38195824>cover is looking to go public soonpeople still throw around that 2yr old rrat?
>>38195805Various cheeks
>>38195834The data is from before today retard, no Gura.
>>38195834>ordinary stream by ordinary streamer is skewing
>>38195650Didn't she just have a 3D Live?
>>38195824I'm pretty if given the ok Miko would fuck Suisei
>>38195824oh shut up, /biz/ wannaber
>>38195828Nop, mine.
>>38195819They just had a series of wildlly successful 3D lives. I'd say they're popular. Can you say the same thing about Council?
>>38195788or myth
>>38195805No, yours
>>38195720How come Ame got TWO previews?
>>38195862I made this post by the way.
People say EN doesn't get special treatment, but Mori seems to get a good amount. Not like it's a bad thing.
>>38195792Blooming into (You)?
>>38195854Without Gura EN sinks viewerwise compared to JP
>>38195787Prepare for her soft-graduation next year. She, Gura and Ina are not doing good with burnout on top of health problems
What the Moom doin' today?
Mumei isn't even live you damn troglodytes
>>38195803Not sure I buy that, weren't they all hit by the decline? Not all of them collabed with Tempus
I just did my archive reps>sp Mod is an American Nousagi! He stickied Pekora thread after Japan winHololive has too much influence on this site!
>>38195298Funny how you have Laplus going menhera despite all of their corporate backing. She probably would have killed herself if she was in JP5 or the EN/ID branch.
>>38195885Just move to Japan bro. It's THAT easy.
>>38195819In what world are they not? Chloe and laplus both have more subs than koyori
>>38195779You’re the one who brought up people shitting on Myth for not doing much recently compared to Council. I’m pointing out that stream hours isn’t the reason why they do that. Not nitpicking, not moving goalposts, simply answering the question you posed. A frequency argument is a streaming argument, so I’m not wrong, you’re splitting hairs.
>>38195897How about all the girls below Ame's streaming hours? All council will graduate too?
>>38195883That would mean you are an irystocrat, but you posted mumei, you lost.
>>38195885All of Mori's "special treatment" comes from UMG. Cover doesn't do shit for EN.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptAWfdMBR5Qhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptAWfdMBR5Qhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptAWfdMBR5QTomorrow our wife will hit 1M, you'll come watch, won't you?
>>38195851That's Irys coming back with her new model honeymoon phase
>>38195907Laplus has pretty much killed her growth, shot with a shotgun in the face
>>38195897You said this last year
>>38194944>a weird pussy bitch*
>>38195899Being nostalgic apparently.
>>38195834Gotta see what Gura's regular streaming numbers look like now though. She almost hit 30k on her karaoke stream, which is lower than her previous two.
>>38195948That's just an owl.
Sometimes I have a hard time believing people here enjoy hololive
>>38195907Laplus is just jp Mori without Music input and UMG contract, probably worse
>>38195914They have better control of their life so noTrying to bruteforce something that is a chore for you because you go to sleep at 7AM and wake up 30 minutes before the stream makes you sick
>>38195885She has an UMG deal and lives in Japan. The rest of her gen doesn't get that treatment.
>>38195904Doesn't help her Genmates help her out with things all of time letting her be a menhera
>>38195792>bloomingI see what you did there, Micometfag
>>38195968laplus is also a liar who doesn't even try to conceal it
>>38195959Still twice what IRyS had with her redesign superbuff
>>38195372>using pekora for this postlol lmao. those big FGO streams didn't really bring the subs in. maybe she should try being more than just a streamer like marine does.
I find it kind of funny how consistent IRyS’ views have been upon returning.>170k>173k>172k>184kOn another good note, I’ve been observing her a bit and it seems like she genuinely picked up a good amount of new fans tuning into her content. I’ve witnessed her vods climb days after streaming, which is very atypical of IRyS. The girl is notorious for not getting much traction to her channel for streams so the fact that people are coming to watch 7hr vods is kind of impressive.
Why hasn't Mori finished Persona 5 Royal after two streams? Is she some kind of poser or something?
>>38195967>swayed by the antisyou're gullible as fuck huh?
>>38196002>ccvShut up numberfag
>>38195921Of course
>>38195650Nice! Jesas christ UMG fucked up that announcement though putting that information in a footnote.
>>38195904>Laplus going menhera despite all of their corporate backingWhat does she do? I don't follow Laplus at all. I only try to keep up with Chloe and Lui as far as HoloX is concerned.
>>38195967a quarter of the posts in this thread are by one guy and it's painfully obvious
>>38195913Yes, it's called moving the goal post to your own nitpicked category when the post is comparing the streaming hours.
>>38196006>Is she some kind of poser or something?Yes
>>38196017Retard those are vod numbers
>>38195857No? She had a Sololive at Toyosu Pit for NUO in July and showed up at Luis 3D Live.
>>38196007Sorry for thinking that when more than a third of the post here is pure anti bullshit or backhanded compliments
>>38196029Nothing. It's just a rrat. Lapsama is doing fine.
>>38196033All (you)
>>38196002Stop copy pasting posts straight out of /#/ you schizo.
>>38196029Melts down on rm and shills her non-holo merch in the middle of her genmates' lives and suicidebaits mostly
>>38195967there will always be people who think this is the edgy shitposting website. also, most of the civilized world is asleep.
JWU wtf ame, and gura is back now is she gonna streams regularly again? https://twitter.com/watsonameliaEN/status/1598592961117552643
>>38195904>Back a gen>One member goes full menhera outside of streamsSounds weirdly familiar
bae my beloved
Mori is the biggest vtuber
wtf is this real?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR-1rK93y_U
>>38196077>Not a new IP
>>38196029Sells pictures of her body parts on RM, meltsdown and a bunch of shit
>>38195975Sounds like they have less passion for streaming when they can't even beat a bunch of sick girls.
>>38195885Mori literally had to get signed to UMG and even then she had to bitch and complain to get the 3D outfit for her Sololive, something every other Holo who does one gets as default. She had to literally deliberately show off how shit her 3D default was at every chance on streams to get Cover to fix it even a little bit.
>>38196096but this is legit my first post, i swear on my oshi
Might as well stay up and watch a movie with Mr. Koro to lift my spirits a little
is this official lamy and marine in a game not a mod? I know the japanese get their nipples in a twist over mods.
please gather for miosha singing + announcement deliveryhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaWnyNNqtZM
>>38195885That's only because of UMG though.
>>38196096he is the 118th ip. the posts just loaded on your end in such a manner that 4chanx didn't know which one was new.
>>38195897>>38195914God you fags hate Hololive so much, it's amazing you're still here.Imagine being that miserable
I'm less than 5 minutes into listening to Gura talk and I already feel the need to call her retarded. All is right in the world.
>>38195997Alright but Gura's in her own tier as far as EN is concerned and she's not doing as good as she used to. Her latest break might've done even further damage.
>>38196043No, it’s called answering your question. You asked a question about data by pointing to the category that people don’t use for discussing it. I also see you haven’t pulled up any proof that Myth would be on top if you narrowed it down to the past couple of months.
Will it be fun?
WATCH MIKO AND SUICHANhttps://youtu.be/4fopQGWsjFMLISTEN TO MIO SING WHILE WATCHINGhttps://youtu.be/eaWnyNNqtZMAnd tune into Luna in 30minshttps://youtu.be/gDlgG9lJVBM
>>38196152How many JPs could get karaoke numbers like that? Suisei and Marine? Even Miko's latest karaoke only got 20k.
>>38196167>MumeiIt will be very fun.
>>38196167Bae is legit gonna piss herself
>>38195885Mori gets her stuff through UMG. Cover hasn’t done shit, she still can’t put her fucking arm down in the kimono.
>>38196189Is it Bae's first time playing Phasmo?
>>38196167>MumeiIt will be sexy
>>38196075That's because this website enables edgy shitposting
>>38196177Noel get's a weirdly high amount and Peko
>>38196167Don't watch much Kaela, But we both know Bae will get scared shitless, and Mumei will love nothing more than to troll Bae about it.That's enough.
>>38196160>category that people don’t use for discussing it.Where? Show me people on the reply not using the streaming hours as the topic of discussion.
Without Gura EN crumbles, simple as that.
>>38196167>MumeiA contender for best stream of the week
>>38195921I wonder if Nene would take it in good humor if 10k people unsubed after she hit the mark.
>>38195967why would anyone discuss anything here with barely anyone streaming, its just monkeys starting shit in a random fast thread
Goddamn, they recorded a lot of lines
>>38196198LIterally a year agohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCzzyh1E6n8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nzlDRXnvToIt... didn't go well for the rat.
>>38196218Gura should fuck EN with her futa cock
Good morning, I love Mori.
>>38196167bae and fauna will piss themselves while moom and kaela bring an healthy dose of autismalso I love the fact that Kaela can be so stone faced at times even mumei is confused
Come home, EN man. The idols are waiting for you. The content creators won't keep you warm.
>>38196218The last two weeks went perfectly fine without her
>>38196152cumpedos will eat shark shit until literally the day they dieShe could fuck off for half a year with zero explanation, come back with no apology with some lazy "hehe shooork xdd horror game" stream and they'll praise her It's the same shit as Pokemon, at this point it's too big to fail and they're selling the brand. Actual product (or content) doesn't matter
>>38196218Look, to this day, she still refuses to even mention any Niji or Homo.That's a win in my book.
Mumei should collab with Miko and Suisei
>Marine doesn't want to listen to her own linesKek
>>38196177Do you really wanna drag JP into this conversation? Miko may get 20k in karaoke but she sure as hell more than doubles those viewers just by playing Pokemon. Something Gura hasnt done since her first year in the company.
>>38196198nope, last time she got so terrified she couldnt movehttps://youtu.be/bh3njDKOnn0?t=2471
>>38196215Quit being a disingenuous faggot. You asked “Why are people using Council to shit on Myth despite Myth streaming more hours?” The answer is that they aren’t going by total hours when they do that.
>>38196211pekora won't do non-special karaoke streams because she knows they're number poison for JP. just look at all the sub-10k karaokes from HoloX.
>>38196274Why are you backtracking on your stupid karaoke argument? English hort?
>>38196268Like so?
>>38196218Like how she crumbles when she's cut off from the mold?
i hate spats
>>38196252It's 7 p.m.
>>38196301Oh god they forgot it started and were kissing intensely, Jesus Christ
>>38196274>Miko may get 20k in karaoke but she sure as hell more than doubles those viewers just by playing PokemonWhy don't JP tourists want to hear the JP idols sing? Are they just greyniggers that want to watch the latest FOTM game? JP is starting to turn into nijiJP.
>>38196274Holy ESL...
why do jops hate tamaki
>>38196278Want a cookie or something?
>browsing threads during Gura's karaokeKek, poor optimistic teamate
>>38196283Because the post is about streaming hours? The replies are about streaming hours? And it just you here using frequency all by yourself? Do you know what it is called? Moving the goalpost & nitpicking the data just for your own, your own only gain.
>>38196329Miko isn’t very good.
>>38196326*business kisses
>>38196329Marine still get's a lot and so does Noel. I have no idea why people like hearing Noel sing so much.
>>38196337I want you to make a single good post. I'll also take the cookie while we are at it.
>>38196167Where is Kronii?
>>38196110All that passion, for what?She's burned out to the point she needs monthly breaksHappened in October, happened in November, happened in December
>>38196304wait this isn't a duetit's sex!
>>38195967>Ina fucked off>Ame "sick" again but will work on "exciting" things instead of streaming>Gura back, for now, but another multi-week no stream break is approaching with the Japan trip>Mori constantly traveling to the US to do non-hololive shit for weeks at a timeYeah, it's gotten harder to enjoy hololive as time goes on.
>>38196341>No RainForest threads for a whileNo…
>already fucking aroundKek, these 2
>singing stream>24/7 shilling buff>first anniversary buff>post-3D live buffI don't understand. Isn't she first army?
>>38196206sure. either way, the thread's current state wouldn't be my metric for judging most people who use it in general.
Suisei just called herself an idol vtuber. People have been telling me that Suisei wasn't and idol and doesn't consider herself one.
is takamori business partners too?
>>38196258I really wish Fauna would play in VR. She got a little too over confident since beating Amnesia and needs correction
>>38196387shut up, schizo
>>38196329You don't seriously think Peko playing a shitty gacha to 100k people is her pulling in vtuber fans, right?
>>38196366I only state the facts and put down retards when they get too cocky.
>>38196374Mori is streaming though and just announced a 3D live along with her album release?
These goofballs. The heart and soul of hololive.
>>38196252It's 3AM, I love Mori
>>38196368You're telling me with all of THAT she is still among the top in EN? Damn, the girls below her must barely have any passion.
>>38196403that's what people were saying when they were using those numbers to shit on gura, yes.
I feel like Miko has slowly been turning Suisei gay over time, she is playing the long waiting game here to have sex with Suisei. Also if she dates Suisei she can pass her off for a very girly boy to other people.
>>38196344Because I’m answering the question you asked. No one else is discussing your post, so them and the post you replied to talking about streaming hours are irrelevant to this discussion.
>>38196300Wasn't even making a karaoke argument in the first place, I said that her karaoke got less than usual so Gura's regular 20k viewers will probably decline too. She wasn't even getting 20k regularly before her last break anyways.
Don't post anymore Mumeis
>>38196374>Only Myth/EN existYeah, I can see your issue. Might as well jump ship man if you refuse to watch 80% of hololive.
>Crane gameJust let me buy your overpriced acrylic stands already, goddammit
>>38196417marine is the heart and soul of hololive. miko and suisei are just products.
>>38196247>>38196279Why is she such a scaredy rat? I've never seen someone just straight up freeze from fear instead of attempting to fight back
>>38196449why the fuck would you watch streamers in a language you don't understand
I dont think any ship real or fake can match the on stream chemistry that miComet has
>>38196432>kakkoiiShe’s still getting away with it…
>>38196443Don't tell me what to do.
>>38196458Hmm this shitpost and writing style look very similar to other shitpost in the thread. Very interesting.
>>38196434You are answering with your own category when no one there uses that as the comparison. You & your category are the ones that are irrelevant.
>>38196167YesFauna will definitely enjoying it too seeing how she outed her sadistic side that loves to see Bae get scared in the now privated shadow of roses stream
>>38196477>miComet has*Shiraken
Did we ever actually figure out why Suisei is blue??
>>38196424I'm telling you its not healthy and she needs to fix the root cause of her issues instead of trying to brute force it and make streams less enjoyable and people worry about herIf she keeps this up (monthly breaks due to burn out) nothing good will come out of it
>>38196474Half of ID stream in English, there other 5 girls in EN.Nigga just jump ship if you are going to be the equivalent of a genwunner.
>>38196268Mumei can't talk to Suisei without freezing
>>38196477DogCat might have more and also are way gayer
>>38196501She's powerful.
>>38196412And after that she's most likely running back the US.>>38196449>Mumei and her erratic schedules>Bae screaming in your ear>KroniiFauna and IRyS are okay though.
>>38196329HoloJP is mainstream in Japan, the sooner this thread realizes that the better. That's why they get constant collabs with coffee chains and restaurants while EN does shitty sponsor streams for gacha games.
>>38196252Good evening, I love Calli
>>38196513>force yourself to watch people you have no interest in just because how about no?
>>38196505>The tweets literally said she was sick.>Burnout.
>>38196489You asked a question where the category that everyone else is talking about is irrelevant to the answer. No one else is bothering to reply to you because your question is irrelevant to discussions about streaming hours.
>Making fun if this illustration that depicts them as loversFucking business, man
>>38196368She didn't take a break after those tweets in October. You're literally just scouring her twitter for shit when you don't even watch her.
>>38196527To spend Christmas with her family yes. After that I imagine she’ll be back to Japan pretty soon after because she wants to buy a house.
>>38196527To spend Christmas with family, yes.
>>38196527i was filtered by Bae at first too but she's gotten much better about the screaming thing. She still has the teakettle laugh though
>>38196533yeah, JP has turned into soulless normie corpo shit like nijisanji now. it all went downhill after shillX debuted
Guchico-sensei...You did your best...Sorry these 2 are making fun of your art...
>>38196546Exactly, leave and watch something of your interest instead of complaining like a bitch.
>>38196448Imagine betraying the company that made you famous for a shit tier company like Niji, way to go walffie
Nice thread you got here
Anyone every get the feeling Suisei is being a good business woman with this business yuri, but Miko actually wants more and wants to go down of Suisei?
>>38196513i was talking about JP
>>38196548Do you know a side effect of burnout and exhaustion? A weakened immune system.
>almost page 11 already
Why is there so much MiComet these days, anyway? ARE THEY...?
Cute business poses
>>38196584>muh companycover doesn't deserve that sort of passion these days.
>micomet, mio, and luna all at the same timeWhy do they do this when I want to watch all of them.
>>38196583No i think i'll stick around and keep making such posts and you'll keep seething
Incredible how councilfags are this insecure about Myth still
>>38196598not really. shiraken already slipped multiple times about their business
>>38196584>>38196616Stop replying to yourself
>>38196616they never did
>>38196620Shut up, schizo
>>38196605it's 6 am in the US what do you expect?
>>38196548You don't need to be a genius to infer she needs a break due to gluten-induced burnout, she's sleeping 14 hours a dayFatigue is a pretty common thing for celiacs, you don't feel like doing anything if you don't take proper care of yourself
>>38196620They keep bitching about HoloX too.
>>38196390No. They are horny lovers.
>>38196620>Council vs. HoloX didn’t work>tries Myth vs. Council instead
>>38196616>passionIs this going to be your new shitposting template? Did "they deserve it?" finally got old for you?
>>38196624Kek have they? Who Flare or Polka letting things slip?
>>38196607Business partners? Yes. Purely professional business partners.
>>38196406you are the super retard
>>38196665yes many many times. especially Polka
Good morning, I love Mio
>>38196673[product] and [product]
>>38196607Business partners?
I'd hang this up in my living room
Oh my~
is council immune to /u/niggas?
>>38196624>shiraken already slipped multiple times about their businessDid they, like what?
>>38196620>IRyS not even important enough for schizo to shitpost aboutpoor IRyS
>>38196673>Miko wearing Suisei's skirtCute!
>>38196685Yes, it's business Please take meds if you see more than that
this nigga really use everything for his vs shitpost
>>38196692hard to attract /u/niggas when nobody watches you.
So how come Takamori can turn around and have a cute friend dynamic in the end, but Pekomiko cant?
>>38196651Well to be fair myth was treated muchcloser to gokisei than council is to holox. The difference in support is much more apparent this time
>>38196692The ultra-schizo kind? Sure, for the most part.
>>38196624I have no idea what that means but I hope its sex
>>38196716Pekora is extremely homophobic
>>38196553No one else is bothering to reply is just like nobody else is bothering to debate Mori is diligent: Her streaming HOURS is 2nd in EN, not her streaming frequency.You only bothered to reply to my post with your own category because I shit on your oshi, no more no less.
>>38196715shut up schizo
>>38196717HoloX was a massive success from day 1. Of course they will get support from Cover. Council on the other hand did so badly that even NijiEN was laughing at them.
>>38196436>Mega ESLOuch. Learn English.
>>38196716Pekora doesn't need Miko for popularity, Mori needs some sort of angle to pretend she's invested in Hololive
>>38196692what about kromei? admittedly it doesnt have as much of a presence here as it used to. there's at least one or two people for the other ships though
>>38196692KronMei is real though.
>>38196677And I keep winning, where is Ame? She fucked off.Irys tries to steal Gura's timeslot? She goes back to hers crawling as Gura comes back.Gura comes back? Once again more views than the rest of the branch combined.Shitposters and antis? Obliterated and seething into oblivionGura? Cute as always.
>>38196682Based gay shipper clown
Kek, they always forget that these crane games use their own voice lines
>>38196696>>38196620 (me)She is part of council, literally no reason to make the distinction besides autism.
>>38196756Even vesperonii is more real than that shit nigga
This crane game is way too loud
>>38196692kronmei isn't real
>yet more sponsored merch shillslop from JPit's all so tiresome.
Miko the crane game is turned up to like 600%...
>>38196751Only because you speak Jewish doesn't mean you are different
>>38196758how long before gura fucks off again? probably when ame comes back, so what, a week max?
>>38196734Yet the question you asked has nothing to do with Mori’s streaming hours. With all this projection, could it be that you’re a deadbeat who thinks I’m shitting on Mori for answering your question?
>>38196788shut up, schizo
>>38196602Gluten allergy has nothing to do with a weak immune system though.
>>38196692All the more intense council shippers are not native to these parts. hlgg will probably always be dominated by Myth fans anyways, unless EN3 somehow blows up in popularity but I feel like that ship has sailed already
Imagine a world without numbers
doki doki
>wake up>Ame ghosted her fans and cancelled her streams several hours AFTER it was supposed to start>catalogue is filled with Gura bait threadsCan you teammates be any less subtle with your deflection? This is actually pathetic.
>>38196820Cover already knows that a new EN gen would crash and burn even harder than Council, so they're not going to debut one.
>>38196795She will be back and blow you the fuck up again.
>>38196624give me one example, you cant
Anyone else going to watch a movie with Korone? I already have it and the short ready to go
>Macross Frontier is 15 years old
>>38196820>intense council shippersdoes such a thing even exist
>>38194463Menstrual cramps?
>>38196830sleep forever chumchud
>>38196766https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1512836386860466177I love how she keeps exposing them
>>38196839They debuted 3 ID generations, I don't buy that for a second.
>>38196851>PokemonI have too much of that shit this month already
>>38196826How will I be able to comply with California's unconstitutional ban on standard capacity magazines then?
>>38196880ID work hard and ID3 was a massive success. EN just coasts along on the Hololive brand name.
>>38196758>stealing timeslotwhat kind of autism is this?
>>38196851Can't, I'm watching Tiger and Bunny with Shuba at that time. Enjoy your movie.
>>38196801Myth is a myth girl though, her streaming hours along with Kiara & Ame are at the top of EN. Why don't you correct the others for using streaming hours too? Oh wait, they don't shit on your oshi.
>>38196844lol, i never blew up in the first place, I don't give a shit what she does. you're fighting an invisible war.
>>38196874>without permissionKek Polka
>>38196846https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1519152920541143040Polka is a reliable business leaker
>>38196897>ID Work hard>ID1 have two of the laziest streamer in the entire company
>>38196830I'm not mad at Ame in the least. Couple catalogtourists trying to be mad at a "short break" is truly pathetic.I'm just super happy she's okay. I was literally almost crying of worry.
>>38196830but the catalogue is ALWAYS filled with Gura bait threads
>>38196883Is that why backwater burgers are always seething about that state?
>>38196830>ghosted her fans.https://twitter.com/watsonameliaEN/status/1598592961117552643
>>38196908I can't read that and am going to assume it's not much
>>38196167Yes.Just watch 5 minutes of any Kaela's phasmo especially when she try to talks with the ghost
>>38196874>Apr.9What was this even about?
Kek, MikoYiu're both so ELITE and also so dumb
>>38196865Actually maybe not? All the Council shippers I run into seem way more chill about shipping multiple pairs unlike the Myth crowd. For one, KronFauMei is actually a thing instead of the clear divide there was between Iname shippers vs Gurame shippers.
>>38196900Isn't that she super homo show or am I thinking of something else? Anyways hope you enjoy your watchalong too
>>38196917That's pretty pathetic my man, she is just a stream. She doesn't even know you exist.
I like how during the shitposting shitflinging literally nobody mentions Ina and the fact that she promised to communicate with her fans 2 months ago. I guess takos really have moved on huh?
So, what will the "surprises" that Mumei talked about in her advent calendar be? More VRchat shit? Doing something like that right after HoloX gave us multiple massive 3D lives won't make EN look good.
>>38196692Kromei is council takamori and faumei is council gurame
>only businessDYRBI
>>38196932something about a secret good luck message from Miko to Suzy
>>38196945Are you lost?
Does mio not have gifts enabled? I dont think i've ever seen a single gifted membership in her stream
>>38196945It doesnt't matter if she knows me.
>>38196971yes. it's obviously just a staged thing to bring numbers in and shift merch units.
>>38196941I thought it was super homo too because of all the bl doujin covers I kept seeing on sadpanda. Turns out it's just a superhero romp where the two main characters are dudes.
>>38196897>ID work hardSure anon>ID3 was a massive successYou mean Kobo was a massive success. Congrats, only took them 3 gens to get there.
Is it just me or is Miko more erotic than usual today?
>>38196966Doesn't even have a fraction of the scale
>>38196932Miko praising Suisei, most likely while talking to just Polka
>>38196939>Iname shippers vs Gurame shippersYou mean Teamates and Takos fighting for a piece of Gura's relevance?Obviously that's not gonna happen for council, given that they're all equally inconsequential.
>>38196957Surprise baby making sex with Mumei but only for me. Don't tell her I already know what the surprise is.
>>38196830You will not get me to hate Gura or Chumbuds or all the other Teamates besides me. Keep trying.
The cum meter is so low...
>38197016>Iname is about GuraClown.
>AZKi showed up in my Spotify thing That’s neatignore the rest of the list
Would anyone be surprised if someone caught Miko and Suisei fucking one day? Like they are always sleeping over at each other house all of the time
>>38197035Think she'll announce a 3D live? Her birthday event this year was just some variety thing.
>>38196999Well I do go mega /u/schizo whenever there's two girls on the same stream so I guess I can't point any fingers this time
>>38196902I’m not correcting the others because they’re not, in fact, incorrect. People aren’t talking about streaming hours when they do what you’re complaining they do. Is that unfair to Myth? Sure, but you didn’t ask about fairness, you asked why they do it.
>>38196957Death, plagues and bad omens.
>>38197004Seems that way, doesn't it?
>>38197004>todayshe has one of the best tits
>>38197052Hope you are at least 18 anon
>>38197038>Iname is not about Guralmao
>>38197016Bro if you wanna tribalfag at least do it with a post that works in your favor cause your point doesn't even make sense. Gurina is as niche as it gets.
>>38197054Haha, it's P*kamee!
>>38197055I do expect one yes. She said the announcement would be big this time
>>38197021I made this post.
>>38197078>one of the best titsher left or her right?
>>38197052Who gives a shit?Like what you like
>>38196830>Wrote out a tweet to say what's going on>Ghosted??????
silly anons, Akua is Suityan's target obviously
>>38197103the one where suisei sucks on
>>38197052based pioneer
>>38197065Mori being more diligent than most because she is 2nd in streaming hours is correct, but Myth girls being more diligent because they are at the top of streaming hours is incorrect?
And that's how Japan beat Spain the other day
>>38197114A literal Steelbeat...
>>38197088I actually really wanna see in which direction you are trying to take this one. Give it your best shot.
why are miko and suisei overlapping mio's announcement stream? is soulless product shilling more important than another member celebrating something?
Hello vt, a mother cat somehow sneaked into my house and brought her kittens along. They won’t leave and move out of the storage room, what do I do to get them out.
>>38197180Call animal services.
>>38197180feed them and they'll on when they're full.
>>38196751your shark is losing viewers and you can't do shit about it
>>38197158Spain was merely pretending to be retarded to fuck Germany over
>>38197114>Steely Dan>DeathstarsKek
>>38196939>way more chill about shipping multiple pairs/u/nity has always been a thing and there's been all kinds of mixes.
>>38197005You're right, it's actually bigger than both.
>>38197180Take them in.The mother cat will take care of most things. Just feed them.
>>38197202I don't like the way Cover turned Shiraken into some official merch shilling unit. Sucked all the soul right out of Flare's minecraft building group.
>>38197172NTA but I assume he means there were some iname shitposters that solely used the ship to dunk on gurame back in the day
>>38197138I’m not saying they aren’t more diligent for streaming more hours, I’m saying that people cherry-pick which stats they use to shit on the girls. Personally I’d say you’d need to look at both hours and frequency to avoid a “Sana in January” situation, but that’s neither here nor there.
>>38197180It'd be a problem if it was only the kittens. They are hard to take care of at that age.But the mother is still there, so you got it easy.Take them in for now.
>>38197202>>38197240Stop replying to yourself, schizo
>every EN ship is discussed>except the rat?
Ah, Mio is singing some of my favorites. This is wonderful.
>>38197093Which is why Iname exists. To ensure Ame can't leech off of Gura and pass Ina in the process.
>>38197261what're you trying to say anon
>>38197211Sure but you can't deny that hlgg always has people that get weirdly intense about Myth shipping.When Iname fell, BoneBros and Ametori rose from the ashes to keep the shipping tribalism going.
>>38197202Noel and Flares face when asks that is pretty great. They madeout at Suisei's house last year going off of Nene saying she couldn't even handle look at then since flare was sitting on Noels lap the whole time being gay.
Holy fuck, even at pure luck, they suck so much
>>38197240You know it's soulless when Noel joins
>>38197052we postin?
>>38197289That's not air, the boss is her girlfriend. I can't give her too much shit for it.
>>38196974Reminder that Ina said boobs
>>38197202Christmas Eve is not Christmas. PekoMiko is still on.
>>38197192Don’t think there are such services here>>38197193Already did 4 hours ago>>38197222>>38197246Don’t have the commitment to take care of 4 cats
>>38197241No, there literally never was. All iname posts have always been just "wow they cute" and "wow look at that twitter inameschizo" once they were found.One guy who was using ships for fanbase wars in 2021 attacked iname posts for no reason for a short period, claiming they attacked gurame.
>>38197282the only real constant is some form of tribalism. when council debuted, council vs myth was (and still is, as you can see) pretty popular for tribalism. recently you've had the nu-trinity shit. and so on.
>>38197281And they do it in front of everyone again this year too.
>>38197309I will be the Last Deadbeat
So, what will the next gen be now that we know EN3 is off the table? It's far too soon for ID4 and Cover is probably waiting until Holofes to announce JP7. That leaves us with a huge gap with no debuts.
>>38197326Just let them stay and give them food, anon. Not that hard
>>38197320>PekoMiko is still on.Anon you have to learn to let things go...
>>38197343shut up, schizo
>>38197318Grow up
Suisei is threatening Molly Online-san. Your sponsorship...
I wish we had unity schizos like tribalism schizos
>>38197328We were all there, schizo
>>38197320pekora will get another one-day ear infection.
>>38197326Ask around your neighborhood if anyone wants some cats.
>crane fails to close properly and doesn't pick up any ballsThis crane game seems like a scam.
>>38197309Ayy, Creepy Nuts are fucking great.
>>38197326Kittens will literally get 90% of their food from their mom, just need to feed her mostly
5 songs left until her first announcement!
>>38197374Be the change you want to see
>>38197328>No, there literally never was.you can make the argument that the opposite was far more frequent (because it was), but you absolutely can't argue that there "literally never was."
>>38197333I will defend this
>>38197384EN is never getting any new debuts. Let it go.
>>38197374I feel like we used to have them, they're gone now.
i dont use streaming services but there was an embarrasing amount of days that i would listen to Lose Lose Days to get myself motivated enough to get out of bed
>>38197406>he doesn’t know
>>38197282>Shiposters shitpostingI could as well say that all council fans are bratty high school girls since they are always used for all kinds of cliqueposting, more than myth.Also Iname was used for shitposting very minimally even during the start of EN.
>Suisei unintentionally clicks her tongue because of a slight annoying thingholy fuck that's rare and im instantly diamonds
>>38197413you can see the disbelief in her face
I am now awake and watching Luna
>>38197422She doesn't like losing and she's getting mad, it happens sometimes >>38197427Best part that was after god hand came in and hit them all and still it didn't go in.
>>38197407Most unity schizos who used to be here were EN unity schizos, but they left for obvious reasons.
>>38197382All crane games are scams, you can literally configure how often they work/fail. It wouldn't be profitable to run this kind of game otherwise.
What did Lamy mean by this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PvvZfZuSS0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PvvZfZuSS0
>>38197418There is nothing to know.>Cover updated the EN audition page back in September without announcing a new gen>None of the Myth girls said a thing about a new gen even being a possibility during their 2nd anniversary streams>Fauna and Kiara didn't bring up the possibility of a new gen while talking about the future of the EN Minecraft server last nightIt's safe to say that it's over. I just wish Cover would release a statement about it instead of stringing the fans along like this.
>staff hand showed up>AAAHHH, KAMI-SAMAAAAA!!!>only refilled the balls>no assistFUCKING KEK
>>38197328This is history revisionism as fuck cause Gurame vs Iname was the first time these threads got into fights over shipping.
What is this horseshit?
>Suzy is unironically getting pissedkek cute autist
>slammed desk>switched to another gameSuisei is too competitve
>>38197454The existing members are also despairing over the lack of new members, which is partly why they've flaked out.
What is this face trying convey?
>>38197454>he thinks that proves anything
>>38197453Lamy is very gay you see
>>38197454Are you a bot?
>>38197376>>38197401>>38197462I was here calling the guramerambler fucking based, and iname was barely a blip. All iname posts were just "wish they'd collab". Of course if you go through all of the posts ever made, there was some little shitposter going "gurame bad" with an iname image, but it never got to huge vitriol.And no. The first time these threads got into FIGHTS about shipping, was "Takamori should/shouldn't exist"
>>38197374They are on /awat/.
>>38197505>what the fuck was that bullshit?>but I can't lash out since this is a sponsored stream>piece of shit
>>38197502There are new members but they refuse to acknowledge them in fear of lousing money from people who are in love with them
>>38197454>None of the Myth girls said a thing about a new gen even being a possibility during their 2nd anniversary streams>Fauna and Kiara didn't bring up the possibility of a new gen while talking about the future of the EN Minecraft server last nightImagine believing they would leak company shit on-stream
>>38197505The displeasure of not being cummed inside
>>38197505Man her facial rigging is good because she looks pissed
>>38197374They're the JP shills
>>38194990>>38195105or biweekly member streams
>>38197374>unityLiterally a coopted term used by unironic niji and homobeggars
>>38197533what runs through the minds of homobeggarsnobody wants to see male collabsthat's not why anyone watches hololive
Sui-chan is so triggered right now
>>38197562Shut up, schizo
>>38197416owth made me want to try streaming
>he wants a new EN gen that likely only joined solely for the chance to suckle on tempiss cockFuck off to niji for your cuck shit faggot
The triple ball was completely worthless.
Suisei is actually getting pissed
>>38197579Unity only applies to holoEN, JP and ID.
>>38197531>>38197505I love how her anger slips out here and there
>get 3 balls at once>WOO FEVER TIME>all 3 land as far from the goal as possible
She did it!
>>38197588>No one brings up the homos>this nigga
someone post THAT foobs molly image
>>38197547There’s also a chance they’ve dropped hints already, but people don’t know because they can’t piece it together until the actual announcement.
Reminder that Miko literally denied ever getting another outfit before announcing the unveiling of the one she's wearing right now because she wanted to keep things on the down-low. You can't rely on talents giving hints for anything substantial.
Pekora look like this
>>38197617scroll up
>>38197588Can you please stop thinking about sucking cocks for a single second?
>>38197624I look like that
Miko always has the time of her life with Suisei
>>38197524>but it never got to huge vitriol.sure, i guess. though i will say that there was a short period of time after the FAKMI collab during which it was used to shitpost against gura/gurame far more than it ever was pre-council. just a random observation i remember making.
>>38197624god thats hot>>38197637please be in london
>>38197421Lets be real, most tribalism here revolves around Myth. Cliqueposting is more often than not used to make Myth members look good or bad depending of the clique.
That is some tiny ass hat
>>38197637post thighs
>>38197639could leave out the last two words and still have a true statement. miko's a joy to behold.
>>38197660I am, london Canada
>>38197664>most tribalism here revolves around Myth.*all tribalism
>>38197454Yes anon they TOTALLY would stop doing EN gens because Kiara and Fauna didn't bring up other gens bringing back minecraft. Not like Kiara told an indie literally a couple days prior to apply for fucking holoEN
>Gura takes a short break due to illness: constant shitposting against her, rrats against her, accusing her of lying>Ame takes a short break due to illness: people are very understanding, some catalogue threads but they somehow got taken over by more gura threads, everyone takes her word on itWhy the difference in treatment?
>>38197413Why are Japs addicted to wasting money like this
>>38197649That’s pretty much every grouping that features one of them without the other though.
>>38197664Because only myth matters
>>38197690not now, schiz
>>38197524>"wish they'd collab"That only happened after they stopped collabing. You act as if there wasn't a period of time when Ina was Ame's second most common collab partner after Gura.
>>38197691Asians love gambling.
>>38196588Thanks, cute FACE you have, haha!
>>38197690Ame actually streams and keeps her fanabse updated
>>38197691Anon, it's a stream for her own merch. She got more money from streaming that than what she spent.
>>38197687>Not like Kiara told an indie literally a couple days prior to apply for fucking holoENDoesn't that show that EN auditions are in a really bad place? They've been running them for a long time now and they still can't get a gen together. This just makes the EN branch being shelved even more believable.