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37938064 No.37938064 [Reply] [Original]

Were you really actually upset at her for having a supposed dude?

She didn't have to leave...

>> No.37938404
Quoted by: >>37942075

Her first mistake was getting caught red handed.

>> No.37938464

I'm glad this outed her and other GFE whores for the fucking gold diggers they are. And the fans for the retarded cucks they are.
I didn't mind her going or staying.
>inb4 woman/tranny
I'm against GFE because it's fake, manipulative and for retards with a cuck fetish. I'm fine with flirting that sometimes crosses the line and fanservice, but when "GFE" is all you can provide, you're a shit-tier chuuba. To give you a good example - Marine.
Marine is sexy, cheerful, fucking LOVES talking to fans and is known for her extreme fanservice. And yet, in most zatsudans, Marine is more often than not teasing chat, calling them virgins or implying they have no idea how to woo a woman, which is why she lends a hand, or when she is more flirty why she says only she will accept them.
It's all in good fun, it isn't overly seriously, and there isn't this barrage of fake "oh i wuv chat, you're my husband, muah" bullshit. Another really good one is Bae.
She could coast off doing GFE alone judging by her Valentine's ASMR, but she doesn't. She still plays games, does zatsudans, does the CHAD cast, collabs often, etc.

It's just hard to respect people that appeal to the lowest common denominator or the most base instincts humans have, and it's even harder to respect the retards that eat that shit up happily.

>> No.37938611

I didn't care about the potential boyfriend, her being an actually deranged menhera was the biggest problem

>> No.37938625

True but, are you ok anon?

>> No.37938631
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Because she's supposed to be a lesbian? Well, she did find a girl... but that girl had wrong things attached to her

>> No.37938654

People were hurt because a message popped up on her screen saying "I'll be home soon Mii-chan" - turns out that's a bad look if you are selling engagement rings and are constantly raging about people being in relationships.
And then she didn't just come clean but instead made things real messy by getting dramatubers involved and apparently sharing information about the company and other mems with them.
It also didn't help that the guy was even more of a celebrity than her, with even crazier female fans. Nor that she was suicide baiting, stopped eating, etc.
And she didn't even get to bag the dude, they don't talk to each other anymore after what happened.
End of the story, now stop making new treats about this shit.

>> No.37938724
Quoted by: >>37946886

>sell engagement rings
>get caught live with a discord fuckbuddy
Are you really surprised people got upset?

>> No.37938788

The dude is not the problem,the problem is that she panicked and did some low shit with some drama youtuber

>> No.37938792

>And yet, in most zatsudans, Marine is more often than not teasing chat, calling them virgins or implying they have no idea how to woo a woman, which is why she lends a hand, or when she is more flirty why she says only she will accept them.
>anon's girlfriend won't do these things for him

>> No.37938939


>> No.37938951
Quoted by: >>37945473

I don't give a shit if she was fucking a dude. She can suck a thousand cocks for all a care. Get that dick.

I don't like her because she's a info leaker, she had someone unrelated to work on her work discord account, and she has no sense of responsibility or professionalism.

>> No.37939042


>> No.37939058


>> No.37939066

Whatever you tell yourself, buddy.

>> No.37939121

supremely based

>> No.37939215

She lied to the people who literally put her at the top of Youtuber superchats.
Honestly, she is lucky she just got fired. I never get her a cent but still felt robbed cuz she was my favorite.

>> No.37939496

She didn't leave, she got fired for being unprofessional and an out of control menhera.

>> No.37940161

Marine is doing a lot of GFE recently though

>> No.37940242
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Quoted by: >>37942256

Lamychads sign in and laugh at this fucking faggot

>> No.37940328

If she had just kept her head down and not been a crazy woman, she would have been fine.

>> No.37940357

I'm surprised of unicorns still existing after the literal queen of no males was outed for having a boyfriend. If she out all Holos is not pure no one is pure.

>> No.37940457
Quoted by: >>37945959

She was literally proven to be a virgin in court.

>> No.37940469

Holofags have repeatedly shown they are so entranced by the illusion, they will be more upset at the person exposing the illusion, than the girl who ruined said illusion

>> No.37940472

She "left" because she's a unprofessional moron who broke the terms of her contract.

>> No.37940483

First of all she didn't make it that far, they were friends only to the best of our knowledge, and second... if you looked into her past you'd have know that she was never pure, only too menhera to be in a relationship.

>> No.37941992
Quoted by: >>37942162

Wait, girlfriends are nice to their boyfriends? I just thought they offered you sex whenever *they* were in the mood, but were otherwise just acquaintances?
Do people actually have meaningful relationships with women?

>> No.37942058

She lied. It's a good thing it got revealed.

>> No.37942075

Mind your fucking opsec and no one will ever care or know

>> No.37942162

No lmao my sister treats her boyfriend like shit I've seen her straight up kick this mother fucker in the nuts put his ass in tears to the point he had to take space and calm down but he still won't leave her dumb ass its mesmerising

>> No.37942197
Quoted by: >>37947343

>muh whores
You faggots are everything wrong with idol culture. Consider suicide.

>> No.37942254

Sounds like your sister needs rape correction.

>> No.37942256

stop using my oshi to shitpost faggot

>> No.37942271

you need to teach your sister some manners with your onii-san correction pole

>> No.37942280

i couldn't care less for i will never meet them and actually falling for the gfe is beyond retarded.
her first mistake was negative opsec.
her 2nd mistake was even simpler - all she had to to was to shut her trap and stay quiet as Cover actually was willing to sacrifice their image to protect the money printer that Rushia was - and she didn't do that.
her 3rd mistake was breaking NDAs.
That's virtually it.
She literally didn't have to do anything, with or without the streamer mode incident.
She cannot be saved.

>> No.37942330

Rushia did nothing wrong

>> No.37942375
Quoted by: >>37943720

> Cover actually was willing to sacrifice their image to protect the money printer that Rushia was
What alternative reality do you live in? I would love to move there.

>> No.37942680

you should actually talk to your sister about her relationship with her boyfriend.

>> No.37943298

I don't care what she did or didn't do. Hololive is worse with her gone.

>> No.37943546

firing her is by far the best decision cover's ever made. hiring her is also by far the worst desicion vshojo's ever made.

>> No.37943600

Funny that you used Marine as an example for your anti gfe take

>> No.37943720

you don't remember cover openly saying that they don't care about rushia's private life or are you this fucking new

>> No.37943775

marine is literally my girlfriend

>> No.37945473

she leaked one message
>she had someone unrelated to work on her work discord account
This is a competely made up rrat. korekore even said in his original stream that she was not willing to provide any information or proof.

Read the above and
>She literally didn't have to do anything, with or without the streamer mode incident.
She contacted Cover and was told they would not do anything about it. Everyone saw korekore's reaction and knew he would talk about it. Her sending him pictures of her apartment to 'prove' that she is living alone was not a breach of her contract. It was merely an attempt to give korekore something to talk about so he would not bring up the stuff from 2021. He even said so in that very stream
>she begged me not to mention this but I think it will help her so I'm going to do it anyway
Her not doing anything would not have changed shit.

>> No.37945507

Bro her identity is already leaked and doxxed why wouldn't she worry about her image
The moment it happened to her, she could only erase everything or leave

>> No.37945520
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Oh it's you again

>> No.37945533
Quoted by: >>37946080

I gonna say it, Rushia was fire not for "the discord accident" that only was excuse,we want to throw that time bomb and the next one it's Pekora but that damnit usagi is difficult to break(she cry when we deny her ideas but she doesn't quit) and not make any mistake

>> No.37945560
Quoted by: >>37945732

She didn't have a dude and literally got herself fired trying to tell us. If we'd just believed and trusted in her, she'd still be with us. It's fandead's fault for doubting their oshii and not protecting her smile.

>> No.37945732

While you are not entirely wrong, this was only possible because Rushia wasn't able to refute the rumors.
If she had just said: "I understand how this looks, but trust me, I am NOT in a relationship with Mafumafu and never have been." that would have been enough to satisfy the fandead. Instead they got nothing, then twitcasts where she threw her phone out of the window after saying farewell and stuff like that.
Obviously fandead aren't the most mentally stable sample of the population, and obviously such behaviour would disturb them.

>> No.37945851

Fuck off, how am I supposed to feel anything without GFE? Without my chuuba wife I'm nothing. You don't know what it feels to be miserable and be at the bottom of the barrel, shut the fuck up.

>> No.37945959

qrd? What the fuck?!

>> No.37946080


>> No.37946165

No, not for that reason. Although that's also pretty shitty considering the way she pandered to unicorns.

>> No.37946787

>doesn't watch JP holos
>makes assumption on how they act
Many such case

>> No.37946886
File: 132 KB, 850x1170, __uruha_rushia_and_mafumafu_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kakeami__sample-f18005ec66833e6fab00ac64c8560071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life long engagement rings
why so upset?
they are engaged to her for life.
they will never marry her.
mafumafu was gonna marry her if the yab didn't happen.

>> No.37947247

Yes. I go to a strip club for the women not the men you see. In the case of vtubers is the kayfabe. That's the only thing they got to offer overa titty streamer on Twitch.

>> No.37947344
File: 3.79 MB, 4096x4608, rushia_imaginary_concert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37947455

>> No.37947343

And you don't know a shit about it. Not saying the anon you answered to isn't retarded but you should be at least aware you stand at the same level.

>> No.37947455

Where is MariRushi ?

>> No.37947458 [DELETED] 

Marine fucks black men though

>> No.37947754

>still seething about Rushia
Anon, touch grass, for your own sake.

>> No.37947975

> sells wedding ring
> acts shocked when the person wearing it feels betrayed

If only I could’ve seen them hang her myself

>> No.37949466

not really, I stopped watching her before that whole situation happened. However, it was pretty funny watching everything unfold.

>> No.37950394

Would never be upset if she did or didnt have a dude. Didnt care about the gfe, I thought her malding was fun though. For me, the issue I had was that I thought the menhera thing was just part of the act. When I realised that in reality she was a very disturbed woman I felt I should no longer pay attention to her for her own sake, feeding into her madness would in the long run be bad for her.
I wish it didn’t turn out this way, but the moment I understood that she wasn’t playing shit up for entertainment but genuinely was having mental issues is when I had to check out.

>> No.37950609

Not a fandead, but personally not, that like complaining your favourite actor and musician suck after finding out they have bf and married. At the end of day, it the type of content and experiance you consume.

>> No.37951128

dangerously based

>> No.37952563
File: 155 KB, 370x329, 1626692160218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not about the dude you fucking retard, it was her leaking info to dramafags. If that shit was actually enough, then Matsuri would have been terminated too for the hand incident.

>> No.37952667

she didnt graduate because she had a bf or because fans were mad
she graduated because she's a crazy bitch who gave her phone to a dramatuber as proof
her phone that had all her hololive contacts, messages and discord on it
