>>OPI just want to have sex with Gura I dont care about all your autist shit
>>OPWoooooo still better not hire her ever again
>>OPWhy is her face still flat? REEEEEE!
was not expecting an actually good fix in less than a few days. Actual points scored by Cover on this blessed day.
>>OPYep, it’s fixed. Pretty cool.
nicenow fix the rhombus
>>OPNow they just need to fix her lazy eye
Now fix her face
>>3749049Maybe she just has a lazy eye irl
>>3750275Never happening, they fixed the thing that made the model unwatchable and now it'll never be touched again.
>>3750399sasuga, cover corp!
>>3749828Lazy eye can probably be calibrated properly but... rigger.
>>OPHuh? I thought they did. But I wondered if I was imagining it (hard to see on that stream desu).
>>3755075the lines on her hair were adjusted so it doesn't clip with the ears. too bad the face is still flat, but that requires a major overhaul of the rig and might take more time.
the nigger really things he can get away with this
>>OPNice. Maybe it's silly to care about it, but I think it's fair to set some standards.
>>OPEars are good and hole is fixedStill total dogshit rigging and we should keep giving cover shit until its fixed.
>>3755369>rhombus gurasovl>unrhombused gurasovlless
At least they kept the rhombus. I kneel
>>3749049>>3749828>>3753036Lazy eye is a moe anime trope
I don't know if I'd call fixing an obvious, embarrassing problem a victory, but good for you guys anyway.
>>3756632please understand... cumbuds need this after being continuously ridiculed by everyone since the costume reveal...
>>OP>Fixing an obvious error that shouldn't have happened in the first placePat yourselves on the back I guess? Also still a flat rhombus lol
>>OPCover better not hire that rigger again.
>>3756756Oh he will get work again, for Gura's second outfit.
Never even noticed whatever ear shit you guys were bitching about, but "cat shark" is still a stupid idea, and she's still a goddamn parallelogram. How can you possibly call this "fixed"?
it will grow and you and you WILL love it!t. risu
>>3757820blind and retarded
>>3756180'chu say?
>>OPI'm glad they fixed it. I'm watching The Fish Tank right now and the ear looks great. But her head itself is still like an optical illusion or something every time she turns it. The shape is all sorts of strange. It grows, shrinks, and warps whenever she looks around. They need to look into that.
>>3747610I want to play Gex with Gura
>>3756756Didn't the rigger came to the board and said she was going to do the rigging for HoloEn Gen 2?
>>3759376>he doesn't know
>>OPChumbuds? can we ever stop winning?
>>3759376Yeah im actually riggin HEN Gen 2 and theres nothing you can do about that
>>OPCredit where credit is due, I didn't think they'd actually give a fuck and probably half of the raging was the assumption Cover never fixes even obvious shit like this and we'd be stuck with bottom-barrel work.Her face still has a bit of the Risu effect where it warps oddly looking to the side but that's probably harder to fix.
>>OPHow is it a win if they had to fix it. Wouldn't a win be not having it rigged wrong in the first place.
>>3764258Better than it being unfixed permanently, or taking like 6 months to acknowledge that it looked worse than even cheap indie comissions.
>>3764278Better, yes. But still not a win.
>>3759376i'm the rigger, i actually got an exclusive deal and will rig every future holo girl.sadly the quantity of work probably means you won't get the high quality rigs you're used to get from me, please understand.
>>OPI am satisfied. Never had a problem with the face.
>>3764608the face isn't the issue, the complaints were the ears and the hole in the chest, ears are fixed but i think the hole remains.other then that the biggest complaint is how few accessories she has when compared to the rest of the gen and some rigging issues with the cloths, but that's not as big of a deal.
>>3764664I see some people complain that her face is too flat, but I do not want them to change Gura too much. I got used to the flat face and I am ok with it staying like that. The floating ear was annoying and constantly pulled my sight to it. Now that it is fixed, all is good for me.
>>OPNot really. The right ear still deforms instead of turning.But that's an improvement.Chest holes seem to be fixed too.
>>OPcool but still a rhombus
>>3764664>the face isn't the issue, the complaints were the ears and the hole in the chest, ears are fixed but i think the hole remains.Only Ame can fill that hole.
>>3765414Rhomchads keep on winning
>>3757655After this shit show I would be surprised
>>3747961This literally takes 5 minutes. All they needed to do was fade out the ears.
>>3767125I am willing to bet that Gura herself will make sure that she keeps making the nigging for her future outifts, as an apology for the abuse the nigger had to suffer and as a fuck you to all the haters who blew this out of proportion.
>>OPFix the rest
>>3767191The rest is fine. Only people who are looking for something to complain about bring up the skirt.
>>3767171Nah she knows more hate will come do them or hell even better maybe she'll refuse to do the rigging again knowing how much hate she will get
>>3767125this isn't the first shit show, this is the same rigger that fucked anya up and inflated her's possible this is his last job, but it's also possible he'll continue working with them in the future.
>everyone said I was retarded to think it would get fixedGet fucked, schizos
>>3747610I just want to have sex with Sammy I dont care about all your autist shit.
>>3756713>Also still a flat rhombus loland?
>>OPCumbuds just can't stop winning!
Umiushi is still rigging?
>>3767167Smaru indie campany pureasu andastand
>>3769654The sonic fan?
>>3772662For the rest of Gura's hololive career
>>OPWhy is the face so fucking flat? It looks like her face is the flat part of a half-sphere
>>3765414>>3766189>>3766212>>3766383You know if anything I'd bet Gura can see the humor in this and in a way doesn't mind just because it's funny-looking.
>>3774487Yeah...especially if this keeps happening for every new outfit she gets? Ame was making subtle jabs at Gura's shitty rigger yesterday, if Gura wont stand up for herself like this, hopefully Ame will.
>head still extremely flat
>>OPAnd all it took was some gentle death threating.
>>3747915Because hair aren't animated enough.
>>3775012next time he fucks up, it's going to take a couple rockets fired towards his apartment
>>3766212>>3766383The distortion in these is only visible if you're really looking for it.
>>3756183Yeah, all my favorite anime girls have a lazy eye, like Retard Remuru, Braindead Beatrice, and Shiny Eye Shinnya
>>OPit looks the same to me
>>OPThe design will always be dumb due to the cat ears. Cats are hyper generic. The year is 2021, nobody is into cat girls any more. Even by the late 90s otakus were getting sick of that shit. >>3747915Gura's flat as fuck face was an issue even with her original model. Something just looks uncanny when she is viewed from other angles. It's like she has a pan cake face. They also refuse to give her bottom teeth, so maybe they like jewing out on her design. Great original design, just bad execution.
>>3758458>But her head itself is still like an optical illusion or something every time she turns it.I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. Something is seriously wrong with her face and I'm not qualified enough to specify what. Even in her old model it looked off.
>>3786518Like a hundred other people here, twitter, even reddit have noticed it and raised awareness of it on the day of the outfit reveal.
>>3787928>even reddit have noticed it and raised awareness of it on the day of the outfit reveal.That must have been awkward as fuck for her SIMPs. They must have knew something was horribly wrong but didn't want to ruin her new outfit reveal by demanding she fixed her face. Gura must be legit kinda clueless fro not noticing how awkward her flat face looks.
>>OPthis is literally yesterday's news