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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37369574 No.37369574 [Reply] [Original]

>can't break 1k even after 1 hours streaming
Damn she's just got 3D buff months ago, whre are those numbers now? Did something happen to her?

>> No.37369654

Male collabs

>> No.37369665

As an Indonesian, i gotta say i never watched Indonesian vtubers. Our language is disgusting enough to hear everyday, i don't wanna listen to it again when on my chill time. I don't care if she recline to irrelevancy. I don't even care if they completely disband the branch.

>> No.37369889 [DELETED] 

based JPGOD

>> No.37369936
Quoted by: >>37371738

rent free

>> No.37369940

She leeched Pekora hard to get 1 million. Also Cyberpunk tends to be a debuff game for someone like Moona who inclined due to her creativity in crafting/survival games.

>> No.37370281

collabed too much with males

>> No.37370661

All vtubers have dead subs.

>> No.37371001

Is literally every thread about numbers? Ollie's numbers. Ame's numbers. It's all so tiresome and pointless, and mean-spirited for no reason. All the loser anons who were bullied in high school have become what they hated, the bullies.

>> No.37371210
Quoted by: >>37371241

das cray cray sister, we should like like talk about that behind her back

>> No.37371241 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>37371342


>> No.37371342

>posting during SEA hours

>> No.37371410
Quoted by: >>37371536

>no more leeching on Pekora
>Spammed collabs with males (En fans hate this)
>Spam collabs with HoloENs (ID fans hate this)
Is simple

>> No.37371451

/#/ is breaking containment more and more, I feel like the jannies need to step up a few days to drive them back into their hole.

>> No.37371500

Nijifag are somehow desperate to even include ID, i can just show iluna but they gonna cry and start doxxing. Faggot are too weak noodle.

>> No.37371522

moona is just a cock sleeve now

>> No.37371537
Quoted by: >>37389275

didn’t she collab with men? there’s your problem

>> No.37371536

You know what's funny? EN never so much as glanced at ID, unless it's an ID that's doing numbers (e.g. Kobo, Kaela). After two years of ignoring the ID branch -- not even bothering to organize an EN/ID minecraft portal build -- NOW they want to involve ID to shore up the numbers for Tempus collabs, with predictable results.
Have you seen any EN/ID group collabs since? Yeah, thought so.

>> No.37371572

It’s nijinigs and Depressed Nousagi discord fags shitting up the board as always. They were posting holoDoxxes none stop in #s before.

>> No.37371579
Quoted by: >>37400813

No, it more like nijifag are annoy they get kick out of number too many time and they start trash the catalog, they been 7-10 doxx on number thread less than a day, losers just pissed they got trash everytime.

>> No.37371602

t.NijiEX-ID fans

>> No.37371626

Another homostar cumrag in decline nothing new.

>> No.37371713
Quoted by: >>37371762

That’s because Mori (the main organizer) only does shit that benefits her within Hololive. But your right and that’s the reason I think Kaela is based.

Gura from En is probably the only one that doesn’t think this way.

>> No.37371738 [DELETED] 

He’e right though

>> No.37371747
File: 141 KB, 227x226, 1620539159410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37409482

As much as I hate numberfags, notice how the numberfag threads only focus on a certain kind of chuuba. Maybe if these whores would learn to behave, numberfags would stop containment breaching
Now go back to your troony site and cry to people who pretend to care

>> No.37371762
Quoted by: >>37418839

why else do you think Gura latched on to Kaela for their Minecraft arc?
still, the buff is fading off gradually.

>> No.37372360

bitch fucking deserve it for cucking her fans, moonabito.

>> No.37372709
Quoted by: >>37372797

Kobo stole her audience

>> No.37372797

and then lost it as well KEK

>> No.37373070

Males collab, Boring af, Liar

>> No.37374105
Quoted by: >>37378378

my schizorrat whispers to me that the reason myth in shambles right now is because they need to queue behind id1 runts. bitches fking sabotage and stall for so long myth now has burnt out to crisp. anyway, anybody seen my meds?

>> No.37374175
File: 767 KB, 960x836, national dish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop falseflagging pignoys, youll get your branch soon

>> No.37376020
File: 235 KB, 1079x832, _20221119_163324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37379143

How about eat shit like this?

>> No.37378378


>> No.37378720

Altare tanked Kobo's numbers and took down the entire ID branch with him.

>> No.37379064
Quoted by: >>37390999

id got culled hard today, theres a youtube update, zeta reine and ollie stuck below 1k same as moona, even kobo, fucking kobo stuck at 2k, the one that save are kaela because she streaming for 7 hours before the update begin

>> No.37379143
Quoted by: >>37398806

>hate id language
>still use id as jewtube default

>> No.37379211 [DELETED] 

Deep down, you know they're exploiting you to get rich and give nothing back but fake intimacy. So when they fail, you laugh.

>> No.37379867

Yeah, it's pointless.
It may be for other people and themselves
But it's not a happy situation from the management's point of view

>> No.37380056 [DELETED] 

Which is the only point of view worth a damn, since it's the one that keeps this shitshow afloat.

>> No.37380144

I love you holofags so much. When the numbers win you cant stop talking about it. When the numbers lose they have to stay in the thread.

>> No.37380372

>Everyone blaming Niji anons itt can barely speak coherent English
My fucking sides

>> No.37381275

I dunno anon, maybe it's because she's playing Cyberpunk?

>> No.37381314

Tell that to Iofi and Anya so they can start numberfagging

>> No.37382869


>> No.37383014

He might have a point, 35pagpags exist.

>> No.37383043
Quoted by: >>37391285

It can't be coincidence that all the girls with the lowest numbers collabed with the homos....

>> No.37383052

shes married who gives a shit

>> No.37384487


>> No.37384555
Quoted by: >>37386157

This thread has been bumped from page 11 twice now. Must be the daily pagpag thread

>> No.37384700
Quoted by: >>37384850

yeah cause no one that watches any hololive member can't hate another, that's impossible
GTFO schizo, also obligatory rent free

>> No.37384850
Quoted by: >>37384951

Both of your statements have a precedent but you're the only one defending number schizos so yours can be ignored

>> No.37384951
Quoted by: >>37385312

>It’s nijinigs and Depressed Nousagi discord fags shitting up the board as always
/#/ not mentioned, i hate them as well but all fanbases have schizos here and it's retarded to think otherwise

>> No.37385312

Look I was going to post something about context and shit but since we have an agreement that schizos should hang and these threads are worthless I'll just leave it at that. Enjoyee life

>> No.37386157


>> No.37386187

Vtubing is dead and people are moving to smaller companies with better viewer interaction. The model of "big streamer that acts like they're too good for you" is dying.

>> No.37387829


>> No.37389275

on the bed

>> No.37389565

Weird though how the only one that actually commits to speaking only or mostly ID gets 5 digit viewership

>> No.37390594

Yeah, to me

>> No.37390660

it's almost as if the overlapping subs a lot of holos share cannot watch all streams at the same time

>> No.37390826

I immediately unsubbed and checked her channel’s “don’t recommend” after tempiss collab.

Whores don’t deserve views 8)

>> No.37390897

It’s not mean spirited to point out that Hololive Whore Tubers recline harder than their nonwhore coworkers. Go suck your Oshi’s dick in their general threads.

>> No.37390929
Quoted by: >>37390954

I support every ID that isn’t a male collabing Whore.

>> No.37390954

so none of them

>> No.37390989

>Ollie has a huge sub base and a lot of engagement
>collabs with guys
>viewership drops sharply
>Moona has a huge subbase and a lot of engagement
>collabs with guys
>Viewership drops sharply
>Reine has a huge subbase and a lot of engagement
>Doesn't collab with guys
>Veiwership engagement remains high

Gee, I wonder.

>> No.37390999

All of those streamers you mentioned besides Kaela are male collab whores? Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.37391027

>Doesn't collab with guys

>> No.37391114
Quoted by: >>37392388

Sh-she doesn't count like Mumei, Miko and Subaru

>> No.37391192

> playing cyberpunk
> announced she won't be talking much because her mouth is fucked
> "HeR nUmBeRsn MuSt Be dUe2hOmOs!!!!!~"
Why is the level of shitposting here so bad?

>> No.37391246
Quoted by: >>37391524

When did she collab with guys?

>> No.37391285

>I will not list 15 different copes that deflect away from male collabs!! It can't possibly be true!!

>> No.37391524
Quoted by: >>37391658


>> No.37391658

Well, you got me. Fair enough.

>> No.37391778 [DELETED] 

wdym? even if her mouth was not get Anaesthetised she doesn't talk much.

>> 37391192
wdym? even if her mouth wasn't anesthetized she doesn't talk much.

>> No.37391837

wdym? even if her mouth wasn't anesthetized she doesn't talk much.

>> No.37392032

She lost her ENs because of the male collabs. I hate to say it. Knowing Mooner, she probably didn't understand that it would affect her until it was too late. She's been low energy for a while as well. She breaks my damn heart but I'm not a saviorfag. See ya, Moons.

>> No.37392146
Quoted by: >>37392348

She should’ve done more English reps and learned more than just some language.

>> No.37392196

She moved to a new place with bad sound insulation, someone living with her has been heard multiple times on stream, her first reaction was "you can hear that? But i told my bo- brother to be quiet when i stream" People made their rrats or trust her explanation it's family/neighbors.

I don't like homo collabs either but they are not at fault here.

>> No.37392232
File: 36 KB, 500x500, 34345675344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

losing supports, doesn't matter

>> No.37392248
Quoted by: >>37392519

Tainted whore. Graduation stream when?

>> No.37392348
Quoted by: >>37392463

It also doesn't help that all the other IDs are doing it as well. I can't wait for Kobos cunny buff to fade and see her crash. Ollie is toll paid status.

>> No.37392388

Miko has always been a whore and I enforced that when I bought that voicepack for pocket money

>> No.37392463
Quoted by: >>37392589

The only ID I watch is Kaela, and even then I’m not a religious viewer. Although with how often she streams that would be hard. At least she streams though.

>> No.37392519

>almost slip up
>broken jar on her costume reveal
>washing dishes

>> No.37392564

Only rrats?

>> No.37392589

Kaela is the only ID that is worth watching. I love that fucking retard.

>> No.37393094
Quoted by: >>37393399


>> No.37393399
Quoted by: >>37393693

What? The guy doing mental gymnastics based on a picture instead of proving the mental gymnastics? It's the fucking comment section kek

>> No.37393592 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 540x540, 1638829449712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my bo- my big bro about it
Oh damn you can't even blame it on rrats at this point. How are moonsimps holding up after that?
To be fair she's attractive irl, so her getting a bf was only a matter of time

>> No.37393693
Quoted by: >>37393996

Don't be so sensitive, there is no saying there is right or wrong.
Everything is left to the judgment of those who want to understand

>> No.37393996

More like sensible which is a good thing, otherwise anyone would believe anything without irrefutable proof

>> No.37394042
Quoted by: >>37394181


>> No.37394181

Post the new one when he got btfo by the english definition of proof

>> No.37394237

>tv sounds on the background
>chat realized
>immediately turning on the bgm
>y-you can hear that?
>panick and laughing awkwardly and explain the chat that the tv sounds was from her apartment not from her neighbor, she turned it on because she was scared.

she never leave her seat since the beginning of the stream.

>> No.37394384

>had a maid for more than a year which is cheap in indonesia
>even gets one for her family
>moves to an apartment that hasn't been soundproofed yet
These are facts, where are yours?

>> No.37394446
Quoted by: >>37394520

woah maid working so hard from morning to midnight

>> No.37394460
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 1630366292636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she gonna start streaming with her bo*****nd in the future and talk about how he cums inside her, like pink cat? HolostarsID when?

>> No.37394520
Quoted by: >>37394602

Live in maids are a thing. Now, your turn

>> No.37394602
Quoted by: >>37394701

why would maid watching the tv? instead of working

>> No.37394701

Why wouldn't she take rests? There's even laws for that

>> No.37394826
Quoted by: >>37395200

why did say she likes to turn on the tv when SHE'S ALONE ? >>37394237

>> No.37394840

>my bo- big brother
>D-don't worry guys, its just her maid! She just calls her maid her bo- I mean big brother haha.. Y-yeah, that's it haha
You faggots make these yabs so much more entertaining, I hope you never stop coping, for both our sakes

>> No.37394903
Quoted by: >>37395427

she said she's alone

>> No.37394952

Considering that she never even flinched at that part I'm inclined to believe it's just her ESL. Moona is the type that freezes up if she makes a mistake.

>> No.37395161

Never thought about the possibility of simultaneous existence?
Telling a lie with some facts attached can make it more reasonable

>> No.37395200
Quoted by: >>37395590

You don't?

>> No.37395427

And what's wrong with watching tv, realizing that your viewers can listen to the noise and try to change the volume?

>> No.37395511
Quoted by: >>37395694

>muh ESL
this is her talking with her native language

>but for this case, im used to be ALONE specially at night sometimes i like to turned on the tv.

>> No.37395590
Quoted by: >>37395720

when you stop being denial you will realize how dumb were you.

>> No.37395680
Quoted by: >>37395759

He tried the same thing with Zeta as seen in those comments. He doesn't know english so he doesn't know consistency and is unaware of how foolish is to posts videos from different times frames. It's more like he's building a rrat

>> No.37395694

Yes, I can understand Indonesian. She's not talking about the current situation, she's segueing into a related topic.

>> No.37395720

Where the proof at? Only taunting and narratives?

>> No.37395759
Quoted by: >>37395865

Yeah, I remember the deal with Zeta. I just can't see the smoking gun here. Moona simply isn't that good of an actress -- I remember her Siri yab.

>> No.37395865

It's funny how they consider these girls as dumb ESL until it fits their narrative

>> No.37395895
Quoted by: >>37396004

hello munafiq tachi

>> No.37396004
Quoted by: >>37396089

Nah I'm a 35p, Im just aware that the guy shitting on Pekora, Moona and Miko's thread is the same guy. And a 35p at that

>> No.37396052

My 2 years of loyalty is getting paid by betrayal.

>> No.37396089
Quoted by: >>37396202

Oh, same as the guy I spot sometimes in /#/?

>> No.37396121

proof membership

>> No.37396166

you know how easy it is to inspect and edit element, right?

>> No.37396202

Spectrum90 a /jp/ autist that has even shitted on Suisei and Subaru just because they communicated with Pekora. He came to Migo's thread to cause division the other day. A bonafide schizo

>> No.37396315
Quoted by: >>37396531

Ah yes, probably the same guy who fingers random people as "moonasharts". I've seen him around in the comments of clip channels (although in one of many arguments he had, someone actually got him to admit that he liked Moona's singing)

>> No.37396331
File: 5 KB, 331x41, 1667539520957897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck on her anon. goodluck.

>> No.37396487

holy shit, look at the amount of copium ITT

>> No.37396531
Quoted by: >>37396594

He's a known samefag so you can deduce what's happening here

>> No.37396574

Looks like he's also a fan of Ollie

>> No.37396594

Specially when he only taunts and can't back up his claims like an adult

>> No.37396626

Holly shit, zombcucks are fucking annoying

>> No.37396716

So he's the guy behind the "tick tock" threads? No wonder he just accepts his mediocrity after wasting so much time

>> No.37396749
File: 48 KB, 1613x138, 125031320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37396796

hahaha holy shit

>> No.37396796

If you search "blue bunny bitch" in the archive you'll get a glimpse of pure schizophrenia

>> No.37396906

Oh yeah i remember that guy, reminds me of deadbeats and zomrade, the most annoying fanbase on this board also tempus cocksucker. mori and ollie keep bringing male into collab.

>> No.37397089

well if you say annoying, chumbud also annoying, don't be wrong, i like gura but her fans are the trouble maker, they're keep shitting on moona whenever moona is singing, like
>what she can do is just screaming

>> No.37397164
Quoted by: >>37397255

He' deflecting and trying to pit people together again kek

>> No.37397230

Man, it's so obvious.

>> No.37397236
Quoted by: >>37397633

>check on warosu

>> No.37397251
Quoted by: >>37397445

Come on now, did you honestly believe an attractive young woman would stay single for over 2 years, just because she streams a few hours for simps online, simps who know little to nothing about her, will believe literally anything she says about herself and will more than likely never meet her irl?
Surely the >she's autistic, cope can only suspend your disbelief so far

>> No.37397255

He has to go back to the basics

>> No.37397347

And now he's replying to himself to keep his narrative. An interesting cope

>> No.37397436
Quoted by: >>37397534

There is no ID portal in minecraft?

>> No.37397445

stfu, let me be munafiq.

>> No.37397462

Oi schizo-chama go to sleep, this is bad for your blood pressure

>> No.37397534

The EN side of the bottom deck of the PMS still leads to nowhere

>> No.37397633
Quoted by: >>37397728

why are they hate moona so much?

>> No.37397681

Damn what a riot. Remember to never trust schizos

>> No.37397728
Quoted by: >>37397910

Why do you falseflag?

>> No.37397790
Quoted by: >>37397910

You just makes me hates on moona, Moonafags.

>> No.37397904

More like natural, he has to resort on people doing the job for him and that's why he's on the falseflag phase now. Literally a one trick pony

>> No.37397910
Quoted by: >>37398117

what? i don't like them. they're shitting on moona. also that ollie bitch because she brings connor to moona.

fuck off

>> No.37398117
Quoted by: >>37398234

Whatever you say schizo keep trying the only problem is that you're inoring context and giving yourself out. Be like your mother, learn to grasp english first and then fill your mouth with it. You're choking

>> No.37398234
File: 195 KB, 864x794, 627267271781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37398368

>muh false flagger
are you even remember this?
and yes i was there, I'm one of the people who sent complain to gita

>> No.37398237
File: 137 KB, 911x803, 35235035420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37398546

look what I found

>> No.37398368
Quoted by: >>37398443

That totally explains the involvement of the whole chumbud fanbase. You might want to exchange those steam cards for education

>> No.37398443
Quoted by: >>37398481

what ever you say moonarian, I'm fucking hate ollie and nothing you can do about that.

>> No.37398481
Quoted by: >>37398509

I accept your concession Spectrum90

>> No.37398509

I'm your boogeyman

>> No.37398546

You can even find a furaffinity account if you google his name

>> No.37398612
Quoted by: >>37398704

You praise yourself too much, it's just as natural as taking out the trash. Let me put it in context for you, as natural as eating trash. That better?

>> No.37398704
Quoted by: >>37398777

why are you care so much about who I'm hating btw? i hate chumbud deadbeats and zomrade, why it's your problem?

>> No.37398777
Quoted by: >>37398874

>i'm your boogeyman
Kek he slipped and haven't realized yet

>> No.37398806

>moving the goalpost

>> No.37398826
File: 68 KB, 693x394, 281205012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, Spectrum 90 is a flip, that explains a lot

>> No.37398862

fucking knew it, pagpagniggers deserve a rope

>> No.37398874
Quoted by: >>37399050

And yet he asks why when he's clearly flaseflagging. He has thrown Miko under the bus, he'd do the same with Ollie

>> No.37399050
Quoted by: >>37399221

keep coping nigger

>> No.37399056

My trash eating comments aren't for naught anon. And I'm just talking about their culture so it's safe

>> No.37399103

why Philippines are like this?

>> No.37399174

>Reine has a huge subbase
anon i.... 3views ain't huge

>> No.37399221
Quoted by: >>37399429

You should calm yourself with your premium comfort food

>> No.37399429
Quoted by: >>37399491

mix it with your tears, it taste good.

>> No.37399491
Quoted by: >>37399598

I accept your lack of argument, sense and concession once again

>> No.37399598
Quoted by: >>37399701

yeah yeah whatever moonaito

>> No.37399609

>/vt/ now hates moona because she COLLABED WITH MALES mostly because Mori forced everyone
What the fuck happened? She has been always a 4 viewer with a 2k viewership regularely. I know her # dropped after the collabs, and I know she will reflect on this in the future. Stop hating Moona, faggot asses, and support them. Go hate Mori since she is the one that organized these.

>> No.37399701
Quoted by: >>37399771

I admitted to be a 35p and recognizing you in our thread. Rent free I guess

>> No.37399727
Quoted by: >>37399827

moona can just say no, but she didn't.

>> No.37399771

where's your membership badge?

>> No.37399827

good, she shows solidarity with her entire branch

>> No.37399833

I don't need to

>> No.37399872
Quoted by: >>37399965

so, tempus over gachi?

>> No.37399874

As anon said, anyone can inspect element so I'll do the same as you. Just trust me bro

>> No.37399965
Quoted by: >>37400271

HoloID over gachi. As you can see, Tempus are no longer in the picture

>> No.37400271
Quoted by: >>37400612

sure friends are important, but love too you know?

>> No.37400434
Quoted by: >>37400554

Dont forget about ollie, Both are revolutionaries of idol culture o7

>> No.37400554

why holodeath was filled with whores

>> No.37400612

That's how HoloID rolls. I think some of you underestimate just how close they are, even to the detriment of their own channels. For instance /mep/ has been lamenting for a while now about how Reine chose her friends over her gachi, and she's even lost members as a result.
For ID1 it's no contest. They went through a baptism of fire, they'll sooner sink together than pander for numbers.

>> No.37400765
Quoted by: >>37400851

well you only have 2 options
evacuate yourself to another ship or sinking together with your ship

>> No.37400813

ESL moment.

>> No.37400851

So numbers make the worth of the watcher? No wonder /#/ is full of pitiful fucks

>> No.37400890

She's a global talent playing debuff game in debuff language on global debuff hours. If she was playing Pokemon at JST or NA peak while speaking english, she'd have over 5k watching no problem.

>> No.37400935

>caring about catalogue fags opinion

>> No.37400976

>It’s nijinigs
I don't care about Hololive enough to search them up on YouTube. I'm just browsing the catalog since I only went on /vt/ once yesterday for about five to ten minutes. You guys love to tear each others numbers apart, you don't need outside parties to do that for you.

>> No.37401119

for someone who has 1.2M subs and used to get 10K on karaoke, that is just sad. her latest karaoke not even reach 10K anymore.

>> No.37401201

Read that again, without changing the context

>> No.37401288

for another frame of reference, Mumei used to reach 15k but her latest unarchived didn't hit 10k either, and she's one of the "ordained" ones

>> No.37401405
Quoted by: >>37402685

>>37401288 (me)
plus, Kiara's 3d unarchived didn't hit 10k either, and you know what Kiara is the poster child for

>> No.37401452
Quoted by: >>37402018

Part of the issue is that getting used to your earnings when you're at your peak causes serious issues when you finally decline and it seems vTuber shelf life is average 2 years from debut to decline. Rushia learned this the hard way when she was living very expensive/luxuriously in Tokyo until she was fired and then had to move into a backwater to make ends meet. This shit isn't like American celebrities where your peak lasts as long as you're generating content and you're earning literally millions and are set for life off a single success, you can lose it all in an instant with a single bad decision. I hope for their sake that they are investing intelligently.

>> No.37401676

peak for cyberpunk 13 days ago was 4K, 3 days ago was 2.1K and the last stream was 900, it went down hill, showing how boring her gameplay was. all of the streams was streamed at noon.

>> No.37402018

Another subjective situation? Why waste energy on ifs?

>> No.37402105

I also think general viewership on YouTube has been declining lately. Conglomerates who pay YouTube directly are the only shit that actually gets pushed on the platform so nobody can grow organically anymore. Combine this with creators constantly getting punted off the platform over utter bullshit and people are just migrating to other platforms. Younger (woke) people are migrating to Tiktok and older (conservatives) are going to Rumble. Understand that both of these platforms are inferior to YouTube, and the fact that YouTube and Twitter were basically the last places people on could meet in the middle and they're dying, pure entertainment media like Vtubers are going to be the real casualties of this social split.

>> No.37402591

>could it be Tempus was a terrible idea?
>no, it must be a youtube conspiracy!

>> No.37402603

>ordained ones
>started off with b******d yab
>had male collab before, although was mostly bae's fault and was with jps so its fine with everyone but the most diehard unicucks
Sure, there's been a fallout for large EN corpos in general for good reason, but lets not pretend that Mumei is someone that can be used as an example in this context

>> No.37402685

For streaming at 4am JST on a week day?
CCV is a terrible measurement for success but it is completely useless without context. She chose a terrible timeslot for her karaoke and people know she will restream it at a different time later on although it will probably suck for the US again.

>> No.37402737

He's reasoning, are you? Youtube is a bug filled shithole and there's reports of the newest update taking revenue from the users

>> No.37403314
Quoted by: >>37403777

God damn there isn't even a question about it. The intonation is completely in line with "boy" rather than "brother".

>> No.37403453

You took your pagpag break?

>> No.37403458

i mean why would you ever bee a gachi for fucking reine? shes doesnt give a fuck about or need money

>> No.37403521
Quoted by: >>37403581

she also has the most evidence for being married to the point where you actually are retarded if you try to argue against it. And faggots can sit there and act like it doesn't matter but we all know that it actually does.

>> No.37403581
Quoted by: >>37403644

That evidence being?

>> No.37403644

do your reps bro i sick of getting banned constantly on this board from retarded jannies, its not even hard to find use your one braincell and youll be alright

>> No.37403693
Quoted by: >>37403778

No evidence then

>> No.37403777

Don't bother, there is literally nothing that could convince her gachis otherwise. Even if she straight up talked about her bf they'd be like.
>haha she's just joking guys, can't you even take a joke you schizos?
Just let them enjoy their copium and try to enjoy their retardation.

>> No.37403778
Quoted by: >>37403912

believe what you want to believe newfag, this isnt new information.

>> No.37403811
Quoted by: >>37403939

>do your reps bro
always, fucking kek

>> No.37403912
Quoted by: >>37403986

I know you accept your mediocrity but is a picture of a girl wearing jewelry leads you to that conclusion I have to tell you that mediocrity is the least of your worries

>> No.37403939
Quoted by: >>37404312

i mean what do you want ppl to say dude this board has the worst jannies on any 4chan board period, its not a hard concept just say you are a retard and dont know how to acquire the info and move on.

>> No.37403982

>could it be Tempus was a terrible idea?
Sure but no sign it's as bad as you seem to think it was. If the existence of males caused you to tune out, then I think you were just looking for an excuse to stop watching anyways.
>no, it must be a youtube conspiracy!
Who's saying anything is a conspiracy? YouTube themselves all but admit this is happening. Look up their last earnings report if you want more evidence. How many well established independent channels have grown at all in the last year? Gura hit 4 million subs in her first year and she still hasn't broken 5 million since, her growth is practically stagnant and she still hasn't so much as mentioned one of the males. Same story for other talent too. You also can't tell me you don't see all the bullshit corporate channels appearing in your recommended feed? Take a look right now and tell me how many are actually huge corpos. Like how much do you need to see before you're just being wilfully ignorant?

>> No.37403986
Quoted by: >>37404060

theres more then that, you know it too, indo gachis just happen to be the most braindead motherfuckers of the human race.

>> No.37404060
Quoted by: >>37404293

>trust me bro
Kek I think you meant flips

>> No.37404293

He'll tell you trash is real food too lmao

>> No.37404312
Quoted by: >>37404819

yeah yeah sure, you expect me to believe you just because of your post telling me to? kek

>> No.37404535

>Younger (woke) people are migrating to Tiktok
YouTube Shorts was released specifically because YouTube was bleeding young viewership to Tiktok.

>> No.37404796
File: 2.65 MB, 150x227, 1642809956055.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37405410

shut the fuck up and look at my cute wife

>> No.37404819

I honestly dont care if you believe me or not, why would that effect me? I just think its funny that ppl still larp drooling ape and naïve virgin

>> No.37404968

It's about integrity. Your kind might be easily swayed by words and trickery but in the first world people demand actual evidence to back up their claims. I guess I'm asking to much of a trash diet based human

>> No.37404991

moonafics bringing others fanbases for their bogeyman once again
the faggots with eternal victims complex truly the niggers of hololive
you niggers deserve every bad things happen to you

>> No.37405106
Quoted by: >>37405390

I've been reading the thread and this Spectrum90 guy is fucking pitiful. Just and archive search shows that he can't be trusted at all and that he's a huge samefag

>> No.37405130

Literally Rent Free.

>> No.37405146
Quoted by: >>37405195

>bring other fanbase
which is?

>> No.37405154

>i dont care
>start projecting
this is always funny

>> No.37405192

roru rent free

>> No.37405195

35GODS of course

>> No.37405217

Can you point that out?

>> No.37405275

heyy rude, i love migochi, her interaction with mooner is always cute

>> No.37405339

the fuck is this thread kekw

>> No.37405390

>muh Spectrum90
stfu don't act like moonasharts don't do the same by shitting on miko
35piss guy is literally a moonashart pekomoonfag and he wish death on miko

>> No.37405410

I want to pinch her cheeks.

>> No.37405415

He wants 35p to do the job for him but he already tried that on Miko's thread and was called out

>> No.37405478
Quoted by: >>37405625

There's enough proof in the thread to single you out. Where's yours?

>> No.37405494
File: 97 KB, 325x611, 729136172177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way!! really!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.37405625

Nigga you're gonna kill him irl stop

>> No.37405714

these read like I'm on hlg

>> No.37405752
File: 53 KB, 562x485, 1655391104244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so to summarize what I learned ITT as someone who doesn't watch nor hate Moona
Moona was slightly hit by the male collab, but just barely apparently
Flips and Indogs apparently really hate each other
There's some faggot named spectrum who everyone hates apparently
Moona has a maid apparently
Moona definitely has a bf apparently
Some falseflagging schizo ITT is arguing with himself
Youtube is dying rofl apparently
Anything else in this schizo thread I missed? It was a fun read ngl

>> No.37406006

>start to derail to migodchi and pekers
hes outing himself BHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.37406025
Quoted by: >>37406294

Just don't randomly trust shit you're told on the internet and use real life logic when you're presented "proof"

>> No.37406294
Quoted by: >>37406494

>real life logic
the fact that you got bothered by maid staying up late and living in your house is weird for your point of view, is retarded, its fucking common thing in middle class indo.

>> No.37406494

Sorry guy I think you're referring to schizo-chama's take. He's a flip so of course he doesn't know

>> No.37407446

yeah, all the rent-free male seethery in this thread is great otherwise.

>> No.37407512

what about all those Ollie and Reine collabs?

>> No.37408314

yeah this one is a bit messed up, remember the days myth on their peak views, they acted like id never exist, it leave a bitter taste

>> No.37409482

>would learn to behave
Behave in what, chasing more numbers by pandering to anything that bring more numbers? Fuck off

>> No.37409623

Yes this is it. Her number have plummeted since the collab. Most ID is following that pattern

>> No.37410147

Also the indies don’t have to revenue split with the corpos

>> No.37411104

This. No more explanation needed. If you're 1 of those 912 you would understand

>> No.37411556 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 800x800, 16689054893895907085487625910926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37413506

R thing happened and her fans loosing their mind KEK

>> No.37411693

this one

>> No.37411731

Pagpag break over

>> No.37413506

Who is this?

>> No.37414994
Quoted by: >>37418219

looks like he accidently posting his own picture and self delete, fucking kek

>> No.37415559

Being ignorant of Mori and her degenerate behavior is not an excuse. 7 Months membered to Moons cut cleanly off

>> No.37415619

And look where she is now, declining HARD

>> No.37415821

Still trying? You can even see the minute between the posts kek

>> No.37416071 [DELETED] 

her boyfie

she drew moona couple of times
he is living with moona currently, that's why munafiq ITT full of copium. kek

>> No.37416125
Quoted by: >>37416463

So, how is that proof?

>> No.37416258
File: 1.12 MB, 441x498, 1667242743192709.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37416364

I only watch Kaela so I don't know what's going on.

>> No.37416349 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 1170x2080, 1665209188086949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37416390

he called moona
>baby girl
what a cute boyfie

>> No.37416364

Schizo bullying, I want to see what happens next

>> No.37416390
Quoted by: >>37416451


>> No.37416451
Quoted by: >>37418810

Oh I see, sorry I'm blind. Ok how does that prove that he is her boyfriend?

>> No.37416463
Quoted by: >>37416598

the voice in his head told him so, what funnier is if you look into his twitter he forgot to remove likes on a fucking dick pic and if you look deeper, his alt is full of gay alter, you cant make this shit up

>> No.37416488

Who tf cares?

>> No.37416593


>> No.37416598
Quoted by: >>37416713

Dude I want to make him bleed slowly why bring the smackdown so fast?

>> No.37416612
File: 1.35 MB, 1080x2255, bfeh6g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also they were having fun together, and she was happy with it.

>> No.37416676
Quoted by: >>37416837

Please continue, I still can't see proof that backs up the boyfriend claim but you're indeed proving something else without you even realizing it

>> No.37416713

he locked his twitter, but i can still save the skinny chicken legs that he shared

>> No.37416790

>digging up rando's personal accounts
Tell me, why should I side with unicorns again?

>> No.37416837

no matter how many proof anon gave to you, you still on denial phase.
if you're expecting proof like their sex videos, sorry I don't have it, you can ask rendy.

>> No.37416868

Oh, back to taunting. This is your third concession

>> No.37416876
Quoted by: >>37416951

arent you the one in denial phase?

>> No.37416884
Quoted by: >>37416960

should protecting your new king huh.

>> No.37416912

so all this moona married, live together, boyfriend, and second coming of rushia come from a fucking random person drawing???? what a joke /vt/ failed me again, im expecting a fucking mumei fauna tier bf yabs or something like amegeddon

>> No.37416951

what denial? she's not my oshi anymore, why should i?

>> No.37416960

Look man, I don't even watch Moona or care about males. But if you're resorting to shit like this I don't think you had a sane argument to begin with.

>> No.37416987

Focus on the matter at hand, no deflecting

>> No.37417071
Quoted by: >>37417291

>rando personal acc
it lead me to spectrum

>> No.37417149


>> No.37417291
Quoted by: >>37417339

and theres only one chubba in id that can speak tagalog, unless he got student exchange program and back to indo

>> No.37417339
Quoted by: >>37417576

>theres only one chubba in id that can speak tagalog

>> No.37417418
Quoted by: >>37417641

Waiting for proofs

>> No.37417576

anya loving a dick pic is beautiful, not gonna complain

>> No.37417641

there is none, literally this >>37416912

>> No.37418042

tanan wants cutie

>> No.37418219
Quoted by: >>37418410

>He doesn't know
I hope you stay like this
Truly ignorance is bliss...

>> No.37418282

>trust me bro
Longest cope award

>> No.37418410
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1080, 1654517498524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next you'll say, "I fell for it not once, but twice!"

>> No.37418492

That's just too obvious now.

Yup, no question. I thought the Moonafics on /vt/ were just joking whenever someone posted something about a bf in the past and they all had "yeah, me" jokes in the replies.

Turns out they were just as schizo as the rest of the unicorns, maybe even more so. The evidence is there, and people know that Moona looks foreign and voluptuous, there's no way she didn't get a bf in college. Even ugly girls got bfs when they were in college.

>> No.37418579
Quoted by: >>37423508

>if I pretend someone is backing me I wont have to post proof

>> No.37418648

>the loser anons
The bully call others bullies, the pot call the kettle black

>> No.37418706

>responding to an old post and anon who dont know while ignoring a lot of post who called you out
am i supposed to believe you now?

>> No.37418805

Come on I'm on the edge of my seat where the evidence I just see rrats

>> No.37418810

>had a history with moona’s RM back in HS
>specifically choose moona’s RM as model
>moona’s RM clearly doesn’t mind sharing her personal photos with him
>R himself openly called her “baby girl”
>again, moona’s RM doesn’t even mind
>obviously started hanging out IRL since who the fuck knows. the only evidence is her “art partner” photo
>R obviously knows moona’s RM current occupation. one of his posts captioned with “moon” whatever and there’s moona’s RM comment there.

I have no idea how all these don’t ring a bell (haha bell, you get it?) to you. R obviously after her and moona’s RM seems super open to him to the point it’s not even surprising if they actually in relationship right now. the almost-a-slip-up “my bo-big brother” and the unicorn clip (it's okay for vtuber having bf/husband because its stressful job) are the catalyst to the implication.

>> No.37418839

Faggot didn't watch stream. Penguin received more benefit from that

>> No.37418936

Is that all? Can I begin the cross examination?

>> No.37419124
Quoted by: >>37419322

this anon wouldn’t except any evidence unless we put him in a corner of a room where R and moona are making out and moona herself said “yes, anon. we’re currently going out” while french kissing R.

>> No.37419139
Quoted by: >>37419265

I need evidence for the first point and if you were paying attention Moona graduated from college and has a graphic design title which subjects include painting and drawing

>> No.37419154

>and the unicorn clip
Well at least this checks out
Like I always say, where there's smoke there's fire
That smoke was the reason it got revealed that Rushia was spending time with a guy in her home

>> No.37419265
Quoted by: >>37419338

Stop being in deep denial. You only have yourself to blame for wasting all those Rupiah to fund her bo- big brother's condom money.

NTA but makes sense that if she graduated from graphic design then it makes sense to have a bf from the same course too. It's the most common thing.

>> No.37419318

the green mooner one always liking her green fanart anon, even if you say shes your wife in it

>> No.37419322

genuinely asking, this >>37418810 what you call evidence? i can make post saying i live together with ame and call it evidence too anon

>> No.37419338
Quoted by: >>37419422

But there's nothing that implies that anon only image based rrats

>> No.37419422
Quoted by: >>37419784

Not even this? >>37419154
Kyrie fucking Irving got canceled and lost his job for posting a link to alleged antisemitism despite not saying one word about being racist to Jewish people
Why is Moona any different?

>> No.37419516

yeah i can spout shit too, proof? what is that?

>> No.37419784

Are you responding to me? >>37419422
Then I'll just say this anon, I'm not the image schizo. I'm just a neutral who sometimes went into Moona threads and generally enjoy her content.
I couldn't give a shit if she had a bf. However, if she did, which it looks like she does, I'm not bothered one bit because I didn't SC her.
Spouting shit is one thing, what the schizo posted is nearer to proof than shit. Moona defending Vtubers personal relationships, being blatantly anti-unicorn, is enough of a proof for me. After all they caught Rushia from just a discord chat alone. And if you're American, Kyrie Irving got fucked from one tweet where he said practically nothing.
Stop being so in-denial and at least accept that there's smoke.

>> No.37419886
Quoted by: >>37420090


>> No.37419910

sure you are

>> No.37419965

There's no thing as nearer to proof, you either prove something or you don't

>> No.37419968

truth hurts

>> No.37420051
Quoted by: >>37420349

At the end of the day, the saying "they don't care about you, they only care about your money" will always be true. They can play the idol gimmick and still having boyfriend behind the stage AND still hooks the idolfaggots. There's no accountability or any kind of "risk". Especially with a layer of a live2d. It's super manipulative I'd say.

>> No.37420090

Real post
Real post
Real post
Pat on the back

>> No.37420117

Despite all evidences moonafags still support her till the end i gues they truly the loyal fans, they took her advice into their heart KEK

>> No.37420142
Quoted by: >>37420325

Define evidence

>> No.37420173

Are you the management? If so, then go back to work you faggot.

>> No.37420185

The first time that picture appeared was at https://archive.alice.al/vt/thread/36109968/#36214580

What I want to ask is, when did this picture happen?

If it happened in October this year, then the evidence can be said to be true

>> No.37420222

cuck is a weird fetish

>> No.37420325
Quoted by: >>37420653

It's okay just like your oshi said its not wrong for vtuber having a bf/husband And the fans should support them

>> No.37420349

If you choose to close your eyes then I can't help you. No harder person to help than the people who refuse it.

>It's super manipulative I'd say.
Yeah I don't like it either but if it's the life they want then let them. We're not their parents or life coaches.

It's not even about loyalty. One can be loyal and accept that she's in an irl relationship. They're just in denial, it's different.

>> No.37420372

You broke him the guy is resorting to samefagging again

>> No.37420397

Also rent free

>> No.37420405

why does moona have such a long slow mode? it's like a whole minute, while i can easily chat as a gray in others' streams

>> No.37420449

Just present proof my guy

>> No.37420474

Holy shit if that's not evidence then idk what is.

>> No.37420506

my man has been asking for a real proof for hours now and keep getting ignored or deflected, this is why your rrat will never make it big anon

>> No.37420515


>> No.37420575
File: 696 KB, 862x720, 1612358162621565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37420644

damn still on, look at my cute wife again

>> No.37420644
File: 277 KB, 1346x1750, 1135363624236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>37420575 (me)
sorry wrong image

>> No.37420653
File: 1.89 MB, 1079x1260, 737372772616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she said it's okay and it's normal, why moonafags such a denial.

>> No.37420685

>anon post proof
>moonafags goes into denial mode
I mean it's normal to defend your oshi but please..

>> No.37420728


>> No.37420732

Only part of the transcript? It's like you're twisting the context

>> No.37420744
Quoted by: >>37420862

This is her other account at the time, but now "changed"

>> No.37420794
Quoted by: >>37420895

If I had to gander a guess, it's because it's their first time being in a parasocial relationship like this and they can't accept the fact that Moona's attention isn't wholly on them. Meanwhile majority of the people who once watched Moona (like me) backed off once they realized the truth, hence the #s sinking.

>> No.37420831
Quoted by: >>37421035

Does she even have gachis/unicorn?

>> No.37420836
Quoted by: >>37420961

someone posted the clipsclip already retard chama

>> No.37420862
File: 20 KB, 664x504, 151748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37420866

NTA but I posted that video here >>37419154
Has all of the context. But you've been samefagging in denial the whole thread now so you won't accept this either.

>> No.37420895
Quoted by: >>37421035

whats up with the projection?

>> No.37420961

Exactly and if you're not a retard you'd know that she said that you could do whatever you wanted but you keep quoting a video that has been used multiple times on bait threads

>> No.37420972
Quoted by: >>37421208

wow we reached the bump limit, we should continue on the next thread

>> No.37421003
Quoted by: >>37421191

It's simple, you make a claim and then post proof. If you post something and then you start interpreting it you just lost all credibility

>> No.37421035
Quoted by: >>37421195

If Pekora can have gachis then Moona can too. And as you can see in this thread, there are.

Projection? I'm not the one being mad about Moona having a bf. I've never superchatted her even. Can't project if I've never been part of unicorn behavior.

>> No.37421191

He'll keep ignoring you

>> No.37421195
Quoted by: >>37421385

Pekora NEVER collab with male though

>> No.37421200

keep going. maybe one day her boyfirend will let you suck his dick to have a little taste of her cunt. ganbatte!

>> No.37421208

bump limit and yet there is still no solid proof, well i guess i didnt need to get excited for a yab when i see a moona thread again in the catalog

>> No.37421281

what kind of proof that you expected?

>> No.37421324

Its so crazy that moonafags are completely ignoring the proof and goes to denial mode

>> No.37421385

She didn't have to.

>> No.37421397

this >>37416912, i dont count random ass post and a fucking interpretation as a proof, you have any?

>> No.37421413

i still need the milk, where is it

>> No.37421420
Quoted by: >>37421512

her sex videos with him

>> No.37421456

Spectrum 90 working hard I see

>> No.37421466

>still no solid proof
You're the kind of pathetic faggot whose oshi will post a pic of her holding hands with another dude and you'll rationalize it as her brother or father. Grow up and accept that you wasted your money on a parasocial relationship that will never bear fruit.

>> No.37421512

sorry i don't have one

>> No.37421516
Quoted by: >>37421662

Fourth concession

>> No.37421537
Quoted by: >>37421590

a video of moona french kissing her boyfie and she herself says "yes, anon, he's my beloved boyfriend". other than that i will ignore it.

>> No.37421545
Quoted by: >>37421662

why people keep projecting on this thread and still not delivering anything

>> No.37421549
Quoted by: >>37421662

anon.. you are the one who looked so pathetic here, have you read your own post

>> No.37421590
Quoted by: >>37421662

1 minute kek, pop him boys

>> No.37421632

i mean, that's the only Copium they got left, by ignoring whatever you put on the table. they dont even have a counter-argument other than repating "thats it?" over and over like a broken record.

>> No.37421662
File: 3 KB, 375x111, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is so pathetic. I'm not even anti Moona or whatever.

>> No.37421723

keep going. maybe one day her boyfirend will let you suck his dick to have a little taste of her cunt. ganbatte!

>> No.37421725
Quoted by: >>37421796

you are so disappointed

>> No.37421728

I even produced 2 situations similar to this, one inside Hololive and one outside it with Kyrie Irving. Yet these morons still won't connect the dots because they're scared their "investment" won't pan out. Absolutely cuckold and pathetic shit.

>> No.37421732
Quoted by: >>37421796

Just ask yourself, would a real judge accept that as an argument and proof?

>> No.37421787


>> No.37421796

Yeah, disappointed in unicorns like you.

Are we in a court of law? Lmfao

>> No.37421839
Quoted by: >>37421993

roru not even on the list of my top 10 daily coping, im so chill rn, still waiting another fucking prove

>> No.37421845
Quoted by: >>37422053

keep it up Moonafags, you are on the 1st stage of grief and i’ll keep supporting you, maybe R will let you lick moona’s pussy as a reward.

>> No.37421891
Quoted by: >>37421946

he so desperate to pushing the rrats i see

>> No.37421937

I'm pretty sure they are typing that while crying... I feel bad for them

>> No.37421945
File: 16 KB, 466x163, 1658947617709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37421993

oh hey, i can do that too

>> No.37421946

He asked mommy for her phone

>> No.37421987

ganbatte prove-kun

>> No.37421993

>im so chill rn, still waiting another fucking prove
NTA but it seems that you're seething really hard.

Sure but it took you ages to do so. I didn't. And if there's at least 2 of you here defending Moona, there's at least 2 of us here saying that Moona has a bf.

>> No.37422001

truth hurts

>> No.37422011

Back to taunting I see and no proof, only interpretations

>> No.37422037
Quoted by: >>37422167

I want to suck another man's cums out of moona's pussy

>> No.37422053

what are you 15? roru

>> No.37422084
Quoted by: >>37422243

really anon? this is your response?

>> No.37422161

why are you replying to other post while ignoring my post >>37421397 anon?

>> No.37422167

can i get the reward if i keep defending her?

>> No.37422241
Quoted by: >>37422460

After Rushia fiasco and she still have gachis/fans im not surprised at all i mean look at these moonafags itt.

>> No.37422243

So I'm supposed to interpret Moona defending vtuber personal relationships are just defending personal relationships and nothing more? >>37419154
Like Kyrie Irving was never antisemitic despite posting a link to an antisemitic movie?

Yes? What reason would i have to samefag? I'm not a Moona regular at all, I already stated that in the beginning.

>> No.37422244
Quoted by: >>37422486

really shameful display by moonacucks
so who's next for your another bogeyman?

>> No.37422268
Quoted by: >>37422580

We're on bump limit so he'll just go full retard at least the thread has evidence that is a targeted attack by an schizo and that there's precedent

>> No.37422324
Quoted by: >>37422580

>seething real hard
why tho?

>> No.37422354
Quoted by: >>37422580

False equivalence

>> No.37422407
Quoted by: >>37422580

>Yes? What reason would i have to samefag? I'm not a Moona regular at all
man really trying hard here

>> No.37422460

hey don't insults people fetish, that's the only thing that make them turned on.

>> No.37422486


>> No.37422521

If you read the first 2 halves of the thread you can see that there's a schizo trying really hard in he last third

>> No.37422580

But I'm not?

What's funny about you is that I'm being accused of being the schizo or a samefag. Before this thread, has that schizo mentioned Kyrie Irving at all? Lmfao. If you still think it's samefagging then that's your denial at work.

No, not at all lol. Kyrie Irving was out of a job and canceled despite not having "proof" of being antisemitic.

???? >>37419516
>I'm just a neutral who sometimes went into Moona threads and generally enjoy her content.

>> No.37422643

I meant >>37419784

>> No.37422662
Quoted by: >>37422755

anon your reading reps

>> No.37422711


>> No.37422755
Quoted by: >>37422910

I might not have the reps but I'm definitely more connected to reality than the unicorns in denial here.

>> No.37422766

It's impossible to prove it's from october but it's from this year because tik tok only introduced stories this year.

>> No.37422839

>he pulled the larp card
its the 4th phase of grief, for fuck sake anon, just stop your denial, your prove means nothing, you should go back as a moonafic they need you

>> No.37422910
Quoted by: >>37423337

>more connected to reality
yea yea, you do you anon, i believe you

>> No.37422915
Quoted by: >>37423337

You're comparing 2 different situations with different contexts and different reasons

>> No.37422966

Other than that she did lie about the alcohol.
How do you explain that?

>> No.37423175

Define smoking gun

>> No.37423195

>400+ post
>still no solid evidence
>keep ignoring other who calls you out
>keep deflecting to denial when got asked for proof
>proceed to larp and shit the fanbase instead
really tell us a lot anon, im sure tourist who came to this thread will believe you

>> No.37423337

Seems like it so far.

Nope, similar contexts. Both Moona and Kyrie espoused a belief that people got mad at despite not exhibiting explicit behavior displaying that belief, but only Kyrie has suffered some consequences so far.

>> No.37423347

sshh, come here anon, go back to /moon/, i'll hug you, you trapped in /moon/ forever

>> No.37423354

It's obviously an angry schizo if you read the thread he got shutdown many times and now he's just shitting everywhere. I'm expecting a no u

>> No.37423396

you were asking proof like her sex vids? i don't have it. i have already told you >>37416837

>> No.37423450
Quoted by: >>37423498

I'm the tourist you idiot. And I believed him because everything lines up.

>> No.37423473

why are you ignoring this anon? >>37421397

>> No.37423498
Quoted by: >>37423560

come on anon..

>> No.37423508


>> No.37423543

Hey i can do that too

>400+ post
>still no counter-argument about proof
>keep ignoring all evidences that being posted
>keep deflecting to denial when anon posted proof
>proceed to blame the bogeyman and shit other fanbase instead
really tell us a lot anon, im sure tourist who came to this thread will believe you

>> No.37423549

for this post >>37423396

>> No.37423560
File: 15 KB, 393x383, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37423648

Now accuse me of an edit, fast. Lmfao

>> No.37423595
Quoted by: >>37423733

Did this guy really base his argument on Kyrie Irving? kek

>> No.37423607

>he actually believe all of this are one person.
anon we had a good laugh

>> No.37423628
Quoted by: >>37423703


>> No.37423648
File: 24 KB, 297x85, 1642727287846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37423733


>> No.37423703
Quoted by: >>37423773

For what? You were literally asking for it

>> No.37423722
Quoted by: >>37423773


>> No.37423733

Yes I did. Kyrie has never exhibited racist behavior towards Jewish people, but he posted a link on his Twitter one day and now he's out of a job. Will you say that he was never racist or not? Because the court of opinion says he is. I'm consistently exhibiting the same standards for Moona.

You're good.

>> No.37423763
Quoted by: >>37423830

which fanbase? are you newfags? spectrum are on wanted list on migo pecker and mooner split

>> No.37423773


>> No.37423816

hey, why you ignore him again anon >>37423473

>> No.37423830
Quoted by: >>37424132

i still cant believe that hes a fucking gay

>> No.37423927

ignoring everything is my only coping mechanism. leave me alone.

>> No.37423943
Quoted by: >>37424134

That's like saying if Kyrie posts a link on Twitter to antisemitism, that's proof he gasses Jews. Your conclusions don't line up.

>> No.37423969
Quoted by: >>37424134

You're literally comparing a case of prejudice to something else

>> No.37424105


>still no solid evidence
The proof has been posted though
>keep ignoring other who calls you out
You were the one who ignoring the proof
>keep deflecting to denial when got asked for proof
Again you were the one who deflecting and denial you keep repeating the word "that's it" or "where"
>proceed to larp and shit the fanbase instead
This happens evertime whenever there's a drama

>> No.37424132

And possibly a furry. I would get mad too if I were exposed like he was

>> No.37424134
Quoted by: >>37424322

Not gassing Jews, but being racist towards them. If he wasn't, then he wouldn't post it in the first place. Don't use hyperbole.

I'm literally comparing the circumstances, not the morality of the situations. Moona posted something revealing about her irl relationship, along with various streaming gaffes, that's enough for me to believe she has a bf, AND THAT'S OKAY. Because a few months before she's already stated her piece on the controversial issue about Vtubers having personal romantic relationships.

>> No.37424206
Quoted by: >>37424316

cmon anon, this anon was lonely that you never reply to her post >>37421397

>> No.37424244
Quoted by: >>37424316

seems you lived on your own fantasy world anon

>> No.37424316

See? You were the one who keep deflecting

>> No.37424322
Quoted by: >>37424672

It's not about morality, anywhere but here people would tell you to take that comparison elsewhere. If you're comparing circumstances and not facts then what's the point?

>> No.37424423

tell me anon, which proof making you believe the rrats?

>> No.37424451

for fuck sake, just reply to that post anon, how hard it is

>> No.37424486

Sorry spectrum you try so hard but is not like I can ignore the rest of the thread and your cope

>> No.37424595
File: 295 KB, 1079x1084, 627262772272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37424650

Her number is quite so bad lately is somehow telling something that the rrat is actually kinda true

>> No.37424651

Schizo on meltdown kek

>> No.37424672

>It's not about morality
??????? What the fuck are you talking about? Both people posted stuff that is incriminating, not that having a bf is a crime, but I can't think of a better word atm. Literally the same circumstances anon, are you denying that Kyrie got canceled for what he did? Is that where we are in your denial phase?
