A thread for the Ravishing Reaper, Mori Calliope.
Mori butt
remember to love your Mori
this shill stream is going to suck, I hope she only has to do one hour
You know that interview where Mori said she feels qualified to teach a class on streaming? I know people give her shit for it, but I think she's fully qualified to do that. A big part of being a streamer is just being comfortable streaming, and knowing how to fill hours. Mori understands what's important, and she's a good teacher.
>>37400196She could certainly teach parts of streaming. People take it out of context to mean she's a tech wiz.
>>37400176Did you watch Altere (or whoever) play it? I thought it sounded mildly interesting, but I haven't actually seen it.
>>37400270I skimmed it. I don't think Mori will handle the gameplay well without practice.
decent bit of Morpo NYC updates in global
>>37400270It’s a bullet hell but the map is isometric like Don’t Starve.Makes dodging projectiles tricky, and the lack of a hitbox toggle makes it even harder.Artstyle is cool, but the devs needed to cook this concept in the over a bit more.
>>37400032>>37400169>3D fitness stream finally>it's private and only at ANYCMaking a bunch of fatties at a convention exercise is pretty funny though
>>37400294Sounds weird that they wanted to sponsor a stream for something that can't be shown off by a neophyte player.
Monarch cover:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-JIVwhf2_4Boogey Voxx cover:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzoquI_FlY0HACHI (collab with aMatsuka, 瀬戸乃とと) cover:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kwmj-wP7Fo
>>37400196What the other anon said. Mori could definitely give lots of advice about streaming, just not really the tech aspects of it
She said she wants to do a live in the US someday.
>>37400463That's silly for her to say, because she does a live in my bedroom every night and its in the US
>>37400463it's only a matter of time
>>37400463More updates pls
Not there but I found some footage on twthttps://twitter.com/TCB_NYC/status/1594071146659471360
>>37400755Damn, image having to improvise a con appearance at 5am because you couldn't do your concert as planned due to scuff. Mori is a champion.
I feel like the game Mori is going to be playing in a few hours is extremely Uno
>>37401197Deadbeats, sorry to say but we're kinda ugly, shouldve just stayed as skeletons
>>37401197Big Ups to the dude that went all in and went in a deadbeat costume, the one in the bottom left corner
>>37401215he's bending her over
>>37401197No fembeats dared to wander into that pit of skeletons...
>>37401271Feels good being attractive
>>37401292The photo resolution is not very high. but isn't the person in the front row with the yellow backpack (I think?) and the headband that looks like Shrek ears a girl? Still less fembeats that I'd expect though
>>37400196Considering the sheer amount of anxiety and self-deprecation she felt in the beginning, as well as feeling like an outsider, I think she'd be great at teaching others on how to deal with those emotions. In fact, I think that's partially the reason why so many chuubas look up to her aside from the music stuff. Mori's journey is very relatable and inspiring. It's easy to nitpick her "teach a streaming class" line, but it's obvious what she meant.
>>37401378To be fair, the con appearance wasn't announced in advance so I really don't think any of these fanbase pictures are a good representation.
>>37401475Just whatever weeb-beats happened to be at animeNYC. "Weebs look like weebs" is kind of a dog bites man story
>>37401494oh shit!
>>37401378>Only one fembeat but she fought her way to the very front to be closest to MoriBased
>>37401475In a couple of the videos, you can see some young girls there watching too, I'm sure that made her happy
>>37401764Life&DeathDead LeavesNatural Causes?
>>37400953Oh she couldn't do her concert? I feel bad for her but as usual she bounces right back.
>>37400343>It’s a bullet hellBros when are we gonna get a bullet hell autist in EN or just any EN chuuba in general? At least most of you guys can get your fix by a chuuba simply playing the game in your preferred genre.Goddammit I want someone who does their practice stage reps in 2hu or has opinions on different bullet hells and their designs. They don't need to be a pro or anything but please no more easy mode Reimu runs...
>>37401764Is it just me or is she mentioning Fauna a LOT recently? Maybe they're working on something together?
>>37401764NiceI want to be molested by both of them simultaneously
>>37401917I've been watching an indie recently that likes to play touhou alot recently
>>37401271My only concern is whether you fuckers shower regularly
>>37401842That may have been a gimmick. The plan from the beginning may have been a work out dance stream.
>>37401494I got that exact same mask
I think Lui and Mori should kiss
>>37401972>I want to be molested by both of them simultaneouslyNot me. It's hard to imagine Mori and Fauna molesting me given their personalities unless it's an /ss/ fantasy.
>>37401966They could be working on a prerecorded ASMR or something ttrpg related, or maybe Mori's planning on inviting her to a pokemon collab.
https://twitter.com/PaulDrawsArt/status/1593764685484261376What an amazing game lmao
>>37402049yeah, me.
>>37402512 (me)(I think it may be intentional because it gets blown away in the wind or something but this looks so goofy)
She found another cosplayer to add to her DMshttps://twitter.com/krt294/status/1593961899749937152?s=46&t=H4Whx3U7dI176BNRevm3nA
>>37402560I agree it's probably intentional, I've seen a few people post clips of that same thing happening and it's always with Igglybuff/Jigglypuff (the Balloon Pokemon) and it's always during a storm.
Will Mori sing Treasure Box tomorrow? That is when the karaoke is right?
>>37402510Charlottexbear, Shes very autistic
>>37403027Yeah, right before the song release.
>>37403027For US the karaoke should be tomorrow, yes. As for setlist we have no idea outside of likely Lioness's Pride and Hololive songs being the theme
Interesting RT from Mori.
Thanks for your valiant efforts, Mori.t. anti-homo tourist
>>37403317She mentioned wanting to sing Suisei's new song. I'd want to hear her try Stellar Stellar.
>>37403325She saw the Marine art that Kiara replied to and apparently got interested in the artist. I think it's cute when she starts scrolling an artist's profile
>>37403258Much appreciated anon>skip around on her last stream>see her dodging bullets flawlessly while reading chatWell goddamn...
>>37403430Oh yeah wii wii woo, that will be a fun one
https://twitter.com/DavidToons_/status/1593830354699579393I didn't plan on buying this game but these bugs kind of make me want to
>>37403788The funny part is that I haven't seen anyone get the flashbang glitch Mori got. She should post that clip on Twitter for fun
>>37403788it's very clear they rushed this game out I'm calling it now it's going to take come huge disaster like Fallout 76 or Cyberpunk 2077 for Pokemon company to really get it through their thick skulls to give the devs more time and more people to work on the game.
>>37403951that was when she left the cafe right?
>>37403951Yeah, same and she really should. I'm glad I didn't watch the stream for long enough to witness it live, if I got flashbanged by it while lying in complete darkness I'd go blind
>>37404109Yeah, had to restart to fix
>>37404117>if I got flashbanged by it while lying in complete darkness I'd go blind>Mori accidentally recreated the Porygon blindness sceneS-sugoi...
>>37403624Shes very cute and responsive to chat
>>37402027...Mind linking it. I want to wear one if i ever can go to a con that mori is at.
>>37403951I was gonna make soundposts when I got home in a bit. Got a timestamp?
Apparently the game does better if you reset it every couple hours. Memory leak it seems.
>>37404733Is this game an elaborate attempt to teach Mori the value of sleep?
>>37404814You can reset it buy just going to the home screen, turning it off, and starting it again. Doesn't bother the stream at all.
>>37404899I figured. I just wanted to joke about Mori's lack of sleep.
>>37404733I can attest to that, it also gets noticeably worse if you go into the school town at any point during your session.I've got 15 hours into Violet and the worst issues I've had are framerate dips and some glitchy shadows
>>OPPrevious thread: >>37362904//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-ENYT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliopeTwitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilustSpotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_infoTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveenMost recent stream: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jUZhwoan2O4Upcoming stream: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kkFApGhTtW4//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATSYour Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCDUnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAliveShinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnphSinderella (COMING SOON! - December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec//// Stream Let's End the World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etW-seMBfeE//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/NEW! – SINDERELLA PRE-ORDER (Standard/Limited/Store Exclusive)//// LIVE SHOWNew Underworld OrderJuly 21, 2022 @ Toyosu PIThttps://newunderworldorder.hololivepro.com///// Audio-only archive: https://mega.nz/file/tekVTYxD#mwPhQyElULKBNnCF3JRemaTb2zK2riViOxLC8Lu8vnwMori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiVRemember to love your Mori. :}
>>37404262One of the things I like with smaller chuubas is how attentive they can be to chat since it's not going a mile a minute. Feels pretty damn comfy. That's why I think having at least one indie or small corpo chuuba you watch on the side is a good idea if you have the time.
>>37405337Mori's actually been reading my messages more than Pippa recently, it's weird.
>>37405520Morbi never reads my messages anymore...
>>37404733>>37405177Triple A franchise of one of the biggest series of all time btwTbh it reminds me of how Toei treats One Piece
>>37405568What did you do to have her hate you like that? She reads my messages semi regularly.Although I am afraid she may think I am ESL because my messages are full of spelling/grammar errors when I chat from my phone
>>37405568Thank god I stopped commenting in chat. Chasing that high wasn't healthy for me. >write a comment>doesn't get read>drought continues>someone writes the same comment>they get readI was more focused on typing in chat than actually focusing on the stream at one point...
>>37405881I don't know. I'm even a day one deadbeat but it just doesn't happen anymore. I've never superchatted though
>>37405636You know, that new Bleach anime looking somewhat good makes me think companies should only adapt Shonen Jump manga long after they have ended so that they can take time to make it look better, filler and non-important manga moments can get cut, and pacing can be improved.
>>37406012Are you a member at least?
I am grey and I rarely type in chat, but I like to have this false illusion in my head that while Mori may not remember my name or really remember me, she recognizes me when if she sees my rare chat comment or when I reply on twitter or post fanart. No way that's the case with how many people like me there probably are, but thinking that makes me feel more like a part of a community.
>>37405945I don't even have chat on my screen.
>>37405568>comment in chat once every month or two>70-80% of messages read>most of them have made her laugh>have only ever superchatted twicefeels pretty good
>>37405636I don't think it's really an issue of how they're treating the franchise. The game's fun despite the performance problems and they put a lot of cool ideas into it. Gamefreak just isn't cut out to develop games of this scale.
>>37406052Yes, day one. I don't even get read in member streams anymore
>>37406156I guess we should be grateful that this wasn't an Anthem sized "square developer, round game" situation.
Kuso butan...
>>37406037I would love that so much. Unfortunately, the current model makes Toei more money. Casual watchers don't understand the difference between filler/padding and canon content. As long as a new episode is in front of these people, they'll watch. Hopefully Bleach's animation quality stays consistent through the rest of the show especially since the writing tanks hard in this arc.
>>37406194Maybe you just aren’t making interesting comments? I wouldn’t say I’m a particularly notable deadbeat but she still reads a bunch of mine.
>>37406335A lot of people filter their opinions through social media nowadays. If DBZ had been released today, every single normie would have made "are they still on Namek" or "Five minutes" jokes.
I can't tell if Lainposter has gone schizo and is self-deleting or if the meidos are just that quick on the draw for him now.
>>37406487Fuck you Mori I know you're in on it
>>37406194I agree with the other guy. Either your comments don't stand out or you did something retarded and she mentally filters you out now.
>>37406335The thing is TYBW trades the stronger plot line of SS for MUCH bigger more hype moments so the gamble for better animation/pacing will probably pay off.And who knows they may expand some stuff like Ichigo vs The Almighty, we might actually see Grimmjow as opposed to constantly hiding him off panel, etc
>>37406604Mori has explicitly said she doesnt hold grudges against chatters.
>>37406479People still make those jokes though.
>>37406726Yeah, which just underscores my point. If you released an anime as bloated with filler arcs as Bleach, the fans would definitely know.
>>37406429>>37406604Ya, I have to assume thats its unfortunately. I'm honestly fine with it since I get noticed by other streamers. Its just weird how it suddenly stopped one month
>>37406682I mean I don't really consider it a "grudge" if she passively filters someone out for being stupid. I don't think it's "Fuck anon for making that comment 4.3 months ago" and more like "Well anon keeps on saying weird shit so glossing over his comments is fine." This is all just hypothetical though.
>>37406871Opposite for me, other streamers stopped reading my comments but Mori has increased reading my comments.Is she trying to groom me?
>>37406993>Opposite for me, other streamers stopped reading my comments but Mori has increased reading my comments.Honestly I'd take this trade but good for you
>>37406651The only hype moments I liked in TYBW were Yamamoto's bankai, Urahara's bankai, and Yoruichi's lightning cat mode.>we might actually see Grimmjow as opposed to constantly hiding him off panel,Bro I waited YEARS to see this nigga do something after he got ganked by the 7th espada with no mentions of where he went afterwards. He was one of my main motivations to get through TYBW. What a fucking bummer...
>>37407192Oh I don't mind it at all, its just odd.
Mori reads my comments a fair amount. I dont really know what I do right, except chat a lot and be on a similar wavelength as mori? I'm honestly kind of afraid that I wouldn't deal well if she stopped. I'd be really ashamed of myself for being sad.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7pnpTQSZmEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7pnpTQSZmEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7pnpTQSZmEVA lady doing Ghost, a lot of pitch correction but I hear some promising elements
>>37407232You mean it wasn't hype for you when Unohana was revealed to be Kenpachi Yachiru, Kenpachi getting Bankai, or Masaki headshotting Ichigo's hollow?
>>37407583Also kenpachi beating the fuck out of that kid
Going a different route than Mori in Scarlett to see new stuff and give myself a challenge, I'm having a lot fun with the game. I do really rather miss the ability to just throw balls at mons, would definitely trade auto battle to have that back. Looking forward to when she's streaming it next.
>>37406487>has gone schizo>has gone
>>37407753The game honestly looks cool. Ironically, this is kinda taking the series back to its roots, seeing as how floaty red and blue were. You could do lots more of things out of order compared to later gens.
>>37407969I mean in a roundabout way the glitches also call back to RGB with how those games were literally held together with scotch tape and bubblegum.
>>37408063True lmao
>>37406871I'm frequently read out and there are streams where I get glossed over entirely. I can't say our luck is comparable, but there clearly is a healthy dose of luck for this stream to stream for obvious reasons and if this means something to you then keep at it and you'll get lucky again at some point, so long as you keep it healthy and don't let it consume you.
>>37401966They are sexting each other.
>>37408063Bravo GameFreak(?)
>>37407969I genuinely think it's the most interesting Pokemon game since they went 3D, it just unfortunately comes with Cyberpunk level performance issues.
>>37407583Disclaimer that I fucking hate TYBW and it's my least favorite arc in Bleach by a mile. I would've dropped the manga several times over if I wasn't committed to seeing it through to the end>Unohana was revealed to be Kenpachi YachiruHated it. Unohana gets hyped up for the entire show and her sole purpose is to DIE just so Kenpachi can get a powerup??? That's lame as fuck. Also the original Gotei 13 were hyped up to be monsters. Then Unohana tells us her backstory of how Kenpachi as a kid with no training was stronger than her at her peak. WTF? >Kenpachi getting BankaiNah I hated Kenpachi by that point. The Kenpachi wank was out of control. (Used to be my fav male chacter in Bleach btw) The kid he fought was literally a reality bender but didn't even use his abilities correctly. Then they reveal that Kenpachi is SO strong that the kid can't conceptualize it or something so he can't use his powers anymore or something. Nigga what? So instead of just snapping Kenpachi out of existence, he spends his last minutes going KAKKOI KENPACHI-SAMA!!!>Masaki headshotting Ichigo's hollowI don't even remember this. Was that a scene in the flashback where we see the hollow that attacked Masaki?
>>37408158Yeah, mori's read mine enough for me to know that if she doesnt, it's nothing personal. I know that she appreciates me regardless. That's enough to soothe the menherabeat within me
>>37408511It wasn't that his strength was that strong. Kenepachi was just so battle crazy he made the kid scared
>>37408238I think PLA changing the battle and catching system made for a more interesting experience, even if many players didn't like it. I enjoyed that the levels were large, but not quite large enough that it didn't feel like you needed Wyrdeer to make traversing the level not a slog, which is a feeling I'm getting here when not using the box legend.
I made my food for the food review. I wonder when they will start accepting posts.
>>37408801What'd you make, if I may ask?
Reminder that Mori prefers boneless wings because Deadbeats are friends, not food.
>>37408683Its odd that no matter how much its spelled out mental state always determines the winner in Bleach fights. All the way back to SS where Ichigo won against Byakuya because he was protecting his friend while Byakuya was conflicted between his duty and letting his wife's sister get executed. Its why Kenpachi beat Tousen in SS despite the latter being strong enough for Aizen to let him into his plot. Kenpachi put fear into Tousen's mind with said battle crazyness and that led to him losing despite having every advantage.
>>37409058How many Deadbeats have wings?
>>37408836I'm the guy who said he was going to make pretzels with some cheese sauce. Here's the one I'm eating right now.
>>37409103That's because it's kind of odd to have everything rest on such matters.
>>37409126Cool. I've never had soft pretzels before. The hard ones always kinda bothered me. Yours looks quite tasty though.I've thought about making my baked Mac and Cheese for the food review. I think you've inspired me to do it!
>>37409123Just Lucitan,probably
>>37409123KFBeats, Deadbeaks, Hoobeats, Lui...
>>37409172I mean its better than having actual fucking numbers determine who would win in a fight. Despite my feelings about it being one of the best shounen manga arcs, Namek has tainted every battle shounen to come after it despite one of the themes being "power levels are meaningless"
>>37409058I want to eat lemon pepper boneless wing with my Mori
>>37409371Honestly the only thing I like about Overlord is that it just numberfags. No power of japanese spirit shit, bigger power level just wins.
>>37409126It's good to see another bakerbeat hereI'm not gonna make my own bread for the dessert I'm planning so I'm glad someone else has
What do you think Morpi is doing with her first free time in a while right now? I'm kind of hoping she just fell back into bed after the expo
>>37409828That, plus maybe spend time with her friends.
>>37409828Her irregular sleep may have actually been a unique boon for her this week on account of having to get up at an ungodly hour for expo stuff today.
Apparently there is a group dedicated to dressing up those 12ft home depot skeletons.
>>37410067Tall beats getting some love!
Has Mori fought a titan yet?I think her nuzlocke will come to an end there.
>>37410233She fought a big crab. It went down like a total chump.
>>37410233She fought the giant enemy crab. It was rather uneventful.
>>37410233She fought Klawf but she did the first 2 gyms before him
>>37410299>>37410324Interesting.I did one gym, one darkstar dude and the game told me to go fight the steel one, he was level 44 and my highest mon was 25. I still won even if all but my starter got KOed(I dont do nuzlockes).
>>37410494>Steel Titan
>>37410494Mori is going in the "correct" order (proper level scaling) so it's largely hasn't run into too many roadblocks.
>>37410494The robo donphan? He's the second highest level titan. The crab titan is level 16.
>>37410758Haachama disagrees...
I can't wait for Moririn to play a bullet hell
>>37410857Poor spider got eaten by it's natural predator.
>>37410794>Strongest moon was level 26Why the FUCK would the game advise me to go there?I think its based off proximity, I was close enough so it just said go there, still won but fuck.
>>37410857Her eyes were bigger than her stomach
>>37411113Reminds me of morrowind. The main quest sends you all sorts of places, some of which have way stronger dudes than you can deal with.
>>37411113Yeah, I think it's just proximity.The funny part is that if you were just a tiny bit farther south, there's a bird titan that's level 20.
>>37411280It's a fun game trope, BotW executed it extremely well too and that's led to a recent surge in that style the last decade
>>37411514I like it, but I hope it doesnt bite mori in the ass during her nuzlocke.
>Only things I wanted to watch today all got canceled. Fuck.
>>37411735It'll be fine, I'm sure chat will tell her if she accidentally tries to sequence break
>look at the calendar>see that the new MV is coming in two days>check the posted times on Twitter to see what time>it's actually tomorrow for NA Feels good man. Really looking forward to seeing it in motion after seeing so much of it as still images behind the scenes.
>>374121543D Karaoke tomorrow too
>>37409828It might be her first actually free time in a year.So she's probably planning or working on something else already.
>>37412450She had some free time right after the concert too.
>>37412154OH SHIT how many hours exactly though
>>37412050What all got cancelled?
>>374125689PM PDT on 11/20. Unless there was a screw up in the schedule somewhere, that's tomorrow night NA.
>>37412758I'm guessing they're talking about Tempus TTRPG
>>37412909And whatever else tempus was gonna do I guess?
>>37412758NijiUK collab and Tempus canceled everything.Guess ill just watch Mousey.
>>37413138You know there are holos on right now?
>>37413212yeah teh fauna mumei collab has been basically just a small podcast
>>374132120 interest in council.
>>37413138Mori's streaming in like an hour and a half
>>37413274Kronester ASMR soon too
>>37413391No wonder people hate deadbeats here.
>>37413428eh enjoy it, i really dislike ASMR.
>>37413428something to listen to when I sleep
>>37413433No one would post that in good faith.
>>37413433>>37413558I have no particular interest in Holo council or their content, that is all. I am not insulting the girls or anything, I watched them for a bit and didnt like them.
>>37413138>NijiUK cancelledFuck. Ethyria+Petra is my favorite wave. I was going to watch Ollie since she usually isn't live this early then realized she'll stream at the same time as Mori.
I'm in love with my moon princess
What type of girls is Mori into
>>37414246ones taller than her.
>>37414246Dommy mommys.
>>37414122Jesus.What about Myth or any other holos?
>>37414246I think she likes them reubenesque?
>>37414246All of them
>>37414386Gay if true
>>37414311>Tall strong women>Short "not conventionally attractive" menMori's type is contrarianism
Just saw she's playing Thy Creature tonight. Wanna say that she's lucky the devs fixed the difficulty of the game after Regis' stream where he gave a lot of feedback, game was kinda broken
>>37408158Sounds like you're getting shadowbanned by Susan.
>>37412232>>37412303>>37412336>>37412440>>37412534>>37412714An anon in global posted a bunch of pics he took
>>37414246someone with massive clit
>>37414980>return of Gura outfit and cursed frog formSeems like Mori had fun. Wish I could've seen it
>>37415356someone said they recorded the whole thing and will have to upload it tomorrow.
>>37415014Kinda pathetic. I've seen worse, more blatant shit not get crossposted
>>37415391Nice. I look forward to it. Hopefully they can do the same for chadcast if that doesn't end up getting uploaded on one of their channels
>>37410067I really wanted to get one this year. They're very hard to come by.
Does Irys have a lowpoly 3d too? I wanna see a full chadcast VR stream
>>37410758You can still get fucked over by the 2nd car. Those cars can be bullshit level bumps.
>>37416015Not that we've seen. Also Bae doesn't have one but the frankEN one.
>>37415972Yeha when I looked through the facebook group for it one of the things they did was alert when it came in stock somewhere lol.
Some of these later fights are gonna be pretty brutal for Mori's nuzlocke.I went into the ice gym totally expecting to sweep with my swords dance + anger shell Klawf, and ended up having 3 pokemon faint.
>>37417308The only pokemon Mori actually seems attached to right now are HabaneBro and Pink Guy. As long as she doesn't lose those it should be ok.
Mori rules!
Morpo soon
Morbi in prechat
>>37417414You think HabeneBro will become her #1 after he evolves and he takes his title as the "Deadbeat Pokemon" she wanted?
JWU, why is the catalog gray? I don't really understand the situation....
>>37417541No. That flamingo is too powerful to take a backseat to anyone
>>37417580Vesper got suspended for who knows what. Also it looks like the other homos have stopped streaming for now because of it.
>>37417541>Skeleton Croc>Looks Edgy and Hardcore>Sings to Attack >Also uses a flaming bird familiar for extra firepowerShe'll love it. I hope she actually gets to see him.
>>37417580I assume you mean Vesper? He got suspended for 2 weeks for "internal misconduct", we don't know anything else.
I see Kronii's doing a space, her ASMR mic broke or something?
>>37417675Yes, she is troubleshooting right now and dying a little bit inside.
>>37417675Seems like a battery problem. Same thing that happened to Mori when she first started ASMR
>>37417661Why are idiots jumping to conclusions that its about the girls?
>>37417753Because this is /vt/
>>37417751Oh, sounds like she should shoot a message off to Mori then real quick
>>37417753Anon...this is /vt/....
Post thighs
>>37417798If she has a 3DIO Mori might be able to help if she remembers what the senpai told her
>>37417753A large portion of /vt/ is obsessed with the perceived threat that males pose to the relationship between them and their oshis.Literally obsessed. They can't stop thinking about them and how their existence may impact the girls.
>>3741775360% of this board's userbased is literally just here to gossip
>>37417646>"What are they gonna do, fire all of us?">meanwhile Hololive CN...
>>37417965Conservative estimate
jwu from a 10 month vacation, can i get a TLDR of mori deets of that time frame?
>>37418075Mori cute!
>>37418075Were you here for the lean Incident? If not ho boy.
>>37417675>How do I fix this I’m highkey stress Kronester...
>>37417952I am a Unicorn but this is insane. If it was really that, he'd be fired outright.
>>37418116i left shortly after the lean incident, the schizo posting was starting to live rent free inside my head
>>37418212Um, watch NUO find an archive. Check out the new music. Streamwise, I recommend the member animation streams recently. She's finally making her own animated mv.
>>37418212She released a ton of music, signed with UMG, and leased a house in America. She animated an MV that comes out tomorrow. She played Elden Ring.
>>37417965just 60%?
>>37418212She had a sololive and doubled her music output in under a year
>>37418075Mori got signed to a major record label, had a concert, made more than 30 songs this year and is going to release her 2nd album by the end of this year all while having beat Elden Ring and other games
>>37418472Also a lot of 3D stuff with Suzy
Mori please I love you don't do this to me
For me it's her thighs
>>37418054The other 40% is here is read the gossip
Way to ruin a sponsored stream.
>>37418956Can you stop hate watching for ONE stream?
>sponsored stream>reverb still on>Didn't prep window capture at allHow bad can you be at this shit?
>>37419014Sorry, today was a rough day
At least one idiot is asking about vesper in chat
I bet this game is a real piece of shit that OBS doesnt' work with.
>>37418956It is sad to see.
The transition is looking a lot smoother though.
>>37418325>>37418403>>37418472>>37418577oh nice for morippi, so it kinda went well for her after a rough start on this year
>>37418956It's fine.
>>37419073Regis figured it out no problem. Mori is just retarded and didn't prep
Mythbreakers bgm my beloved
TTRPG music...
>>37419136it also went rough for her in the middleand like month agoif we're being honest, aside from a handful of highs, this year been shit
>>37419148>didn't prepas always
Is it because she's a retard and insists on playing in windowed mode?
>>37419148Try watching the stream dumbfuck>>37419217And you buy a sh
>>37419136It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. She's had some amazing moments, and come close to burning out. The future is looking insanely bright though
>>37419136Somehwere along the way, we also picked up this schizo >>37419217
>>37419217>this year been shitI disagree
>>37405520>watching 4channel tuber unironicallyYikes
>just get here>she didn't even get ready didn't check nothingI can only conclude this is on purpose.
>>37419296>schizoHe is right. Most of this year has been shit compared to last year.
>>37419249Also probably paranoia over accidentally showing her desktop if she doesn't do window captureWho fucking knows what she has on there
The devs kneel, how does she do it?
>dev watching>sending an SC that it's okay to be a fuckupI'm feeling second hand embarrassment of incredible intensity
>>37419421It must be frustrating
>"I could teach a class on streaming"
Some of you guys don't deserve her
Wawa in the chat
Yo, they got Mili in this game?
Mili really gets around nowadays huh
>>37419493And she doesn't deserve her fanbase.
left right after she started what did I miss?
>>37419535And you don't deserve oxygen.
>>37419504>>37419508I hope Mori will cover a mili song
>>37419421>It's okay(Perms revoked)
>>37419421The dev is very chill, they fixed the boss difficulty after the blue guy got stuck for 1 hour I think
She always have issues with window capture if the game doesn't allow it for whatever reason. She is very paranoid about screen capture.
>>37419556She had to switch to Display Capture but she's playing now
>>37419686She probably has classified government documents on her desktop.
>>37419535imagine throwing a fit over such a minor setbackgo away
>>37419383I mean,>Good Things that happenedNUO Concert went great>Bad Things that happenedLean/MV Burnout early on really took a toll on herLots of growing pains due to 2nd baseUMG keeps fighting her on making music to her vision>Things that are Good and Bad that happenedGot Signed by UMGThere are highs and lows
>>37419705why is there....?
>>37419869One is Mori and the other one is the thigh creature
>>37419727Can't wait for the yab to happen
>>37419772It isn't minor when it happens all the time and now even during sponsored streams.
>>37419971She has 2 bonus defensive layers of Mori to defend her from any yab
>>37419974It was 10 minutes. Get over yourself.
>>37420007Was that what that other stuff was? kek
You know what, I might take it back. If there's any character I could tolerate her doing for p5r it's Carl Wheezer
>>37420014what was the last game/collab/karaoke stream that wasn't a continuation of the series where she DIDN'T fuck something up/prepare sufficiently
>>37420014>It was 10 minutesYeah on this stream.
>>37420007I will pierce all the defensive layers of Mori to get to the creamy center.
>>37420069I think if you have to preemptively add all those qualifiers, you've already defeated your point. It was this by the way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtAyDaFtxEQ
he's a big guy
>this pov Is this like a Binding of Isaac-esque game?
>What's this board?>I wanna post
>>37420069>>37420116Kek why are you fags more asshurt than the actually dev was?
>>37420155Katamari was fine too, so was trombone game and forewarned wasn't even her fault, we saw her fix it on stream only for it to break on its down 30 seconds later for no reason, and it was fucking up randomly for the others too.
No Mori, not the manager...
ok where's the shitty drawn girls and great music? this isn't bullet hell at all
>>37420250Hell, Katamari were my favorite Mori's streams in a long time.
>>37420310Forgive her anon. She can't help it.
Went to check out the Steam page for this game and they put up an announcement that Mori's streaming it
>>37420404You all clicked on her link right?
>>37420404They did the same with the blue homo
>>37420404I-is Mori the devs oshi?
>>37420404Jesus must have been sad at the begin.
>>37420456Why do the devs describe so many things as infatuating
shit what newgrounds thing is this reminding me of?
>>37420561Studio is literally ESL
>>37420500Considering the dev sent a super saying it was fine, they probally know there was something fucky with capturing the game.
>>37420574salad fingers? exmortis?
>>37420404They should find someone with better numbers
>>37420611It is still sad.
>>37420574There's definitely a very particular flash game or something this is reminding me of but I can't figure it out
>>37420759No not really. What's sad is you being more upset than the dev.
>>37420574It's not newgrounds but it's kind of reminiscent of Project Moon games like Lobotomy Corp aesthetics wise.
>>37420778My lovely daughter? Fran Bow?
>I don't trust the yandereMori...
>>37420795Yeah, the creature definitely looked like it could be an abnormality in Lobotomy Corp
Which 2Hu game do you think she played?
>>37420966IIRC she mentioned she played MoF before
I want to see Mori actually play a Touhou on stream. She can make it an "1cc Normal Endurance" stream.
>>37420966Luna Nights
I'm curious to see if she can beat the 1st floor
So is the player the Thigh Creature, or are the enemies Thigh Creatures?
This might just be the worst possible genre for her. Her brain works way too slow
Okay the biting, the mouth movement are reminding me of some of the enemies in Castle Crashers. The teeth and biting animation of the creature.
this is reminding me of the very first sponsored stream
>>37420966Scarlet Devil, Cherry Blossom, or Imperishable Night, like everyone else
>>37420966I think she literally just played Spell Bubble
how was NYC btw, is that the one with gura?
I feel like restricting the movement of the player is what's killing her here. Feels like restricting movement should be a punishment in these games, but it's the starting point here.
>>37421196I kind of doubt she played all of those. I do remember her saying she played Mountain of Faith like>>37421007 said. She mentioned fighting Nitori I think.
>>37421289No, that's Singapore in ~a week
>>37421289No that's singapore.
>>37421315>>37421332I'm very excited to see Mori live. Couldn't get the meet and greet though. I'll report back with rrat updates on whether Mori and Gura are actually weird with each other.
>>37421419Please try record it
this new game? I'm not feeling it.
>>37421419Cheers. Looking forward to the report
>>37421419whatever actually happens, people will make rrats
The only thing that's weird to me is the music during the bullet hell sections. It sounds too goofy imo.
>>37421467Yeah, I feel like bullet hell elements can work in genres you wouldn't think they would (like Undertale merging it with RPGs). But this feels like it needed another couple of drafts before it feels like a real fleshed out game.
>I love this little kidMORI NO
PoptropicaIt was PoptropicaThe way the characters animate reminds me of Poptropica
>>37421558I was feeling that too. I'm too used to 2hu tracks
>>37421599It needs like a manual shield on cooldown or something.
>>37421624I kinda see it in the Nepis monsters. The mouths, right?
>>37421634Yeah, feel like it needs more urgency
>>37421624I remember Poptropica. Every couple years I go check in on it just for the hell of it but it's changed so much. Lost the sovl.
>>37421764It really did, didn't they get rid of a couple of islands? I played right before the Astro Knights arc became the new thing.
>>37421645Maybe, some way to "counterplay" either a shield on cooldown or a stock of bombs. Also it kinds of throws me off that you start slow and go into "fast mode" instead of the opposite. Also the hitbox is kind of unclear.
> I got comment readI'm now satisfied.
yeah that one anon is right this music feels really out of place
>>37421837I think so yeah. The last vivid memory I have of actually playing it is Counterfeit Island back when I was in school.
>>37421984Feels like I'm about to brew potions at motherfucking Hogwarts.
>>37421984Yeah feels like a movie track for a scene of a mouse or small animal running around a house.
>Want me to be your family?
I dont get what the hitbox is
I can't believe someone tried to cut the line.
>>37422040>>37422073it feels like it ruins the mood or the tone
yeah this game needs more going on
Post thighs to satisfy Mori's urges
>>37422105She actually means "hurtbox"A hurtbox is where you get hurtA hitbox is what you get hit with
thighs on the mind
>>37422192I think they may be going for a "Tim Burton feel" but not quite making it.
>>37422262Who's thighs is she thinking about?
>>37422192The music has been pretty ass. Mili seems to make songs for these types of games often.
>>37422105>>37422257It didn't occur to me until after hitting send that you knew what a hitbox was, you just didn't understand where the character's hitbox was located
>>37422275that's exactly what I was thinking
Mori on telli in the local club
>>37422275I do like the art. I have no idea why everything is bunnies though.
>>37422390Is that Mera Mera?
canon reason as to why she has such huge tits
>>37422390Lmao what? Is there just a playing Mori's music?
>>37422390Ayo? MERA MERA
>>37422454I assume that's just the theme for these early enemies and it'll change later on?
>>37422390where is this?
>>37422390What locale are you? Timbuktu ?
>>37422390>Luigi in the bottom right
She has the reaction time and memory of an 80 year old woman with dementia
>>37422702and that's why I'm in love with her
>>37422702Weirdly, she rationalized exactly how bullet hell games work just a second ago
how much does it cost to pay Cover for a sponsership? Seems like it should be more than this game would be capable of paying.
It's coming alright Mori, especially if you keep begging for mercy.
>>37422702I feel if she was doing one or the other (danmaku or puzzle) she would be doing much better. Doing both at once (while not being great at neither) is making her play worse.
>>37422702aren't these games less about reaction and more about patterns?
it's all in the thighs
>>37422314yeah, yeah
>Leave me aloooooneGod I love it when she says that teasingly.
Ikaruga stream when?
Seems weird to always have extra memory gems
I only drink Mori milk
wouldn't it be weird to drink Mori milk haha....
>>37422947I want it
>>37422811Depending on the game you can get through with either. I 1cc'd Imperishable Night not really memorizing spell cards but that was on Normal.
>>37422811Don't have to rely on reflexes if you recognize what the game is throwing at you
I think the hurtbox is where your character's knees are basically due to it trying to emulate 3D space despite being a 2D game?
>>37423085Yeah that part feels kind of messy.
>>37423085why in the fuck would they do that?
This can't have been the sponser stream she was excited about right? Wasn't that supposed to be a jrpg?
Maybe don't play that other bullet hell game you mentioned Mori. It's too much for your Alzheimer's brain to process at once
>>37423186I think that was probably going to be Soul Hackers 2
I do like zero suit metroid
>Zelda is the princess. They're thinking of Zelda's Monster.Heh
This game better be $2 on steam
>>37422544>>37422553Toronto, Canada
The devs supposedly nerfed the first boss difficult, but if she's having with this already she's not gonna beat the boss.
>>37423301Holy shit
>>37423301oh cool any reason why they did this? is it anime night or was it just on TV?
>>37423301fucking canadian beats
>>37423289Anon I...
>>37423477Pretty reasonable these days.
How did this game pay more than a single Red SC's worth to get this sponsership? There's no way this game is dropping 10k or something that it would be worth it.
>>37423535Not for this shit.
I'm substituting this game's "battle" music with something elsehttps://youtu.be/__hsltDCU-E
>>37417753/vt/ is unironicaly full of sjws who think the 4 men in EN will rape every woman in Hololive
This game fucking sucks.
I would actually prefer a Deathsmiles stream but at least I get to watch Mori mald
>>37423380DJ event in the local club tonight
>Don't you kek at meMori...
>don't you kek at meSoundpost that
>>37423641ok that makes sense
>>37423641YEAH!!! FUCK YOU ROONEY!!!!!!!
Welp there's her "super swaggy sponsor". It's that shitty Gamer Supps G-Fuel knockoff
>read again
>>37419766Yes, our marriage certificate.
I think this game looks pretty cool except for the music that sounds like it'd play on the Home Alone DVD menu
>>37423747It's the same thing Milky just shilled.
he's not wrong
>>37423912They reach out to tons of streamers and other content creators so its not really a surprise.
>>37423912That's pure desperation to feel relevant
What the fuck was that?
>>37423912I hope she gets a waifu cup with her current model
This shit she's drinking is making her frantic, she desperately needs a deep breath
she bought oneshota doujins didn't she?
What does Mori's doujin collection look like?
Every time she says Noah I miss him
>>37424300Mori is downloading all of the updates of the one where Suisei fucks that kid.
>>37423301Wtf me too is this where are you Tilt or something
>>37424428Did she finish fucking that kid?