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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 302 KB, 1500x1159, Fh6PEtIUAAIHwBM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37372534 No.37372534 [Reply] [Original]

Little Trainers Edition

Last thread: >>37364697

>Magni / Altare / Noir / Syrios
Schedule: https://teamup.com/ksvy41xvgrjjytwgd9

>Magni Dezmond
>MAGNATION / Magmates
Live: #ItsMagginTime
Art: #MagniOpus
Memes: #Dezmemes
Clips: #DezClips

>Regis Altare
Live: #AlTogether
Art: #WorkofAlt
Memes: #LaughTare
Clips: #RegiTales

>Noir Vesper
Live: #VesperONLINE
Art: #VespART / #ScholArt
Memes: #Noirgrounds
Clips: #ClipNoir

>Axel Syrios
Live: #Whysosyrios
Art: #Artxel
Memes: #Axeldent
Fan thumbnails: #AxelThumbtails

>OP Template

>Songs playlist

>> No.37372558
File: 207 KB, 640x480, inshallah bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ΜΑΝS/ وصايا.
> 1. لما لا نندمج مع /ستارز/؟
لا يجوز لك تجاوز مناقشة قريبك.
> 2. أتريدون التعاون مع هولولايف؟
هذا ليس من همنا.
> 3. أتريدون التعاون مع نيجيسانجي؟
هذا ليس من همنا.
> 4. أرأيت أرقام الأولاد؟
هذا ليس من همنا.
> 5. أرأيتم ما يقول /كتالوج/؟
لا تضيع وقتك مع كلماتهم القذرة.
> 6. !الصيادون يهينون إخوانكم
لا تضيع الوقت مع كلماتهم القذرة.
> 7. خمن ما سمعته من هولولايف/نيجيسانجي
كلماتهم لا تنتمي إلى هذا المعبد.
> 8. يجب أن ننقسمـ
لن يحدث.

هذا و أعلن أن هذا الخيط مبارك.

>> No.37372573
File: 461 KB, 1107x1107, 20221119_031618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37372850


>> No.37372589


>> No.37372635
File: 193 KB, 1300x908, 1668846021668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37372647
Quoted by: >>37372694

>astel has been streaming pokemon for 41 hours straight just to complete the pokedex
Will any of the tempus boys ever achieve astel’s level of poke autism?

>> No.37372669
File: 423 KB, 1920x1080, 1668809272943350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that Uyu will have his 3D debut very soon uwu

>> No.37372670
File: 1.41 MB, 2251x3500, 20221118_072800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello ladies

>> No.37372677


>> No.37372691


>> No.37372694

altare would. but it's less likely than him searching for a shiny pikachu.

>> No.37372697


>> No.37372717
Quoted by: >>37373134

What did he do?

>> No.37372734
Quoted by: >>37373134

Punished Vesper? For what?

>> No.37372738 [SPOILER] 
File: 248 KB, 400x400, 1659583487906285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking whore..!

>> No.37372759
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, 1665396952663088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37372785
Quoted by: >>37373134

wait what im too sleep deprived what

>> No.37372818

Did he try to fuck A-chan?

>> No.37372831

Shut the fuck up, he's not part of MANS

>> No.37372835

Is this why Magni was depressed?

>> No.37372845


>> No.37372850
File: 124 KB, 1014x816, FeXmfMgVsAACqaU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he just wants to be loved...

>> No.37372851
Quoted by: >>37373134

What the fuck happened to noir??

>> No.37372854

He tried to contact Gura on his own didn't he. The fool.

>> No.37372857
Quoted by: >>37373134

i had a mini heart attack holy fuck

>> No.37372861
Quoted by: >>37372894

I need rrats. Now.

>> No.37372862
Quoted by: >>37375810

So about them DnD streams? Like...

>> No.37372866
File: 208 KB, 545x480, 1658685862452734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?MY DND STREAM.But seriously tho what in the fuck.

>> No.37372880
Quoted by: >>37375810

B-but DnD…

>> No.37372887

wait what the fuck has something like this ever happened before from another talent?? Where cover announced that??

>> No.37372888


>> No.37372892
File: 195 KB, 1299x1295, 1661304401159923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck happened in their discord server...

>> No.37372894

It definitely has something to do with HoloEN, I'm guessing private flirting with Either Kronii or Ame.

>> No.37372904

What the fuck happened?

>> No.37372928


>> No.37372931


>> No.37372937

Nowa has done it with Fauna

>> No.37372939

>inappropriate behavior
vesties your oshi is a WHORE

>> No.37372940


>> No.37372941

i mean he was still in magni's chat a while ago huh??

>> No.37372954
Quoted by: >>37372995

oh fuck I hope it had nothing to do with holoen girls

>> No.37372968

I need the spiciest rrats

>> No.37372985

Came here thinking you guys knew what happened but you guys also don't know?

>> No.37372991

Tried to rape Gura.

>> No.37372995

Anon... you know it did...

>> No.37372998

Based. You're one "one of the boys" unless you stir up some fun trouble every now and then. NOW it feels like a proper group of bros. Doesn't matter what he said or did, he should never apologize and should fucking do it again.

>> No.37373004
Quoted by: >>37373069

maybe the drunk karaoke stream? just management catching up? no recent vods were taken down

>> No.37373006
Quoted by: >>37373078

I need reasons, otherwise I'm blaming women

>> No.37373007
File: 6 KB, 333x56, nowa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37374988

>the last time we heard from him
>this was just his reaction to being suspended

>> No.37373008

You were warned about playing Mario Party with Mori. You didn't listen.

>> No.37373011
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>> No.37373013
File: 307 KB, 463x453, 1628742813618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37373181

>rrat seller, I need your spiciest rrats

>> No.37373020

A fight with a manager perhaps?

>> No.37373022

Who's streaming from tempus next? Will they talk about Vesper?

>> No.37373025
Quoted by: >>37375967

wasn't there a rrat a few days ago about vesper and magni having a spat with staff after the offcollab?

>> No.37373029
File: 78 KB, 128x128, 1653346085909.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my fucking god.

>> No.37373030
Quoted by: >>37373101

They said internal misconduct within hololive production, so whatever happened, it was not on stream

>> No.37373033


>> No.37373040

what the fuck did he even do

>> No.37373043
Quoted by: >>37373087

He hasn't done any yabs on stream. My rrat is that he might have been ignoring his managers for too long, which is something he's brought up before?

>> No.37373044


>> No.37373046
File: 158 KB, 1364x1200, Fao5j0zaMAA8uOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37373134


English RT: https://twitter.com/cover_corp/status/1593882622094032896

wtf i thought this was bait with twitter impersonation nonsense, but no, this is their official twitter


>> No.37373054
Quoted by: >>37373128

He and Magni definitely had gay sex during the offcollab and their managers just found out.

>> No.37373058
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37373063

/MANS/ you should have listened and told him to avoid Mario Party with Mori, the curse is FUCKING REAL. Did you think it was a jork?

>> No.37373069
Quoted by: >>37373135

But they didn't say anything big and the announcement said "internal"
If it was something he said he would have been bonked for "behavior detrimental to the company image or policy" or something

>> No.37373074

>2 years of EN girls
>Worst that happened was Mori being a retard on twitter and reddit
>4 months of EN guys
>Already suspended

>> No.37373078

I'm going with this, FUCKING WHORES

>> No.37373085

Is this the first ever HoloEN suspension? With all the shit Mori has done over the years not even getting a slap on the wrist? What the fuck did he do, send his dick pics to A-chan or something?

>> No.37373087

oh so powertrip?

>> No.37373101

Out of curiosity, what do they normally use if the yab happened on stream?

>> No.37373105
Quoted by: >>37373141

They found out about the roommate posting and Vesper took the blame

>> No.37373111
Quoted by: >>37373149

Oh thank god its just a suspension

>> No.37373119

Kinda based ngl...

>> No.37373128
Quoted by: >>37373189

If this were true Magni would also have been punished

>> No.37373129
File: 281 KB, 505x418, 1668782501100427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like unichads win again.

>> No.37373134
Quoted by: >>37373258


>> No.37373135
Quoted by: >>37373196

Most likely inappropriate unwanted continual advances at a holoEN talent. Wouldn't have pegged vesper for the type though, I was looking at Axel and Altaire.

>> No.37373141

Kek. You know what, this is what I'm going with

>> No.37373144
Quoted by: >>37373167

My rrat:
Vesper hated the pokemon stream so much, he violated a rule to avoid playing it with tempus again without straight up telling leader that he hated pokemon

>> No.37373149

Anon... it always starts as a suspension.

>> No.37373152

So did Vesper fuck Kronii or something? That's what I'm getting from this.

>> No.37373156

nowa is graduating

>> No.37373159

I can't take another loss. Please god protect this man.

>> No.37373161

internal misconduct, and cover 100% isn't saying shit
we're never finding out

>> No.37373165

Just when I thought everything was going great... this place is going to be hell for a while

>> No.37373166

Hey! what can i say boys do be boys right?If you arent getting into trouble from time to time are you even a man?

>> No.37373167

I actually believe this.

>> No.37373179

did kronii always not follow vesper? Because she's not following him

>> No.37373181


>> No.37373185


>> No.37373186
File: 208 KB, 479x450, 1668313885234716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did my nowa oji do why

>> No.37373187
Quoted by: >>37373370

They'd suspend Kronii too. They're banned from relationships with the coworkers.

>> No.37373189

Not if he was the bottom.

>> No.37373196
Quoted by: >>37373325

My guess too, honestly. That or he dropped a slightly rude/offensive joke to a talent and they for offended.

>> No.37373199
Quoted by: >>37378974

I'm going to go pull some weeds in the garden, please @ me if you find out what vesper did

>> No.37373215

nah that would be instant termination, likely of both parties. I could see either flirting or that other guy's unwanted advances theory though. Might want to wait a bit and see if they suspend anyone else for 2 weeks, or anyone's taking a 2 week long break in HoloEN.

>> No.37373224
Quoted by: >>37373275

She is still following him? I see her

>> No.37373234
File: 49 KB, 605x236, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37373275


>> No.37373241

Are you blind?

>> No.37373258

Dafuq you on about, there is nothing in his membership streams that would warrant a suspension.

>> No.37373262
Quoted by: >>37373350

If anything happens to Vesper, I will lose it. He's all I have.

>> No.37373271

Nowa slapped Magni in front of Yagoo

>> No.37373275

i deserve bonks, i didn't refresh my page

>> No.37373292

>2 fucking weeks
what now
I was looking forward to that DnD stream

>> No.37373300
File: 1.56 MB, 1394x1342, 1623209799324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vesties, please cherish your oshi as long as you can.

>> No.37373315

Maybe he got fed up with permissions? Fuck permissions and all that shit?

>> No.37373326
File: 191 KB, 700x600, 1663799349684212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No... Someone think of the needy vesties!

>> No.37373325

Leaning towards this. Nowa might have offended a talent with a joke. Talent narced. Might be why there was no recent collab with a holoen

>> No.37373342
Quoted by: >>37373506

vesper leaving me before finals week when i need him most... no...

>> No.37373350

I'm so scared. I tried not to cry for Sana. For Vesper I'll lose it.

>> No.37373366
File: 21 KB, 440x440, FhBtUPWUAAAex0n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37373367

what if manager-san opened nowa's history and saw four-cheenz and assumed he was behind >our shitposts

>> No.37373370

No, staff-talent relationships are banned talent-talent is not

>> No.37373377

what's the worst joke he could've made though

>> No.37373390 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 376x814, 1666856431405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37373415

Suck shit Homofaggots

>> No.37373391

This general need to change to /mas/ now. kek

>> No.37373402

a kanye one...

>> No.37373407


>> No.37373415

Mori curse is real...

>> No.37373424
File: 43 KB, 179x169, 1668749348565815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37373444

catalogbaiters incoming

>> No.37373423
File: 199 KB, 515x438, 1660794090652710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37373426

so if vesper never collabs with a HoloEN when he comes back, then mabye he did/say something to the female talent

>> No.37373436

does vesper even have a job to fall back on other than vtubing jesus christ

>> No.37373437

I'm not a regular here at all. Just dropped by to say that hopefully your old man repeatedly told someone from management off or called them out on their retarded bullshit. That needs to happen more on both branches. I pray that's what happened. That is all.

>> No.37373439

This the first straight up suspension in EN. With what Mori has done over the years and being active on her other account, it's very likely he got in a major fight with staff or his autism acted up and said something extremely inappropriate.
If it was a relationship, they would either condemn someone else along with him or straight up terminate them.
Unless they are going to silently punish the partner to not draw attention to an offpako happening.

>> No.37373444
Quoted by: >>37373479

They are already here.

>> No.37373445
Quoted by: >>37373484

>Lissen the only good thing that came out of Austria was Hitler. You know?

>> No.37373479

they've always been here.

>> No.37373480
Quoted by: >>37373587

>Vesper constantly talking about how HR is important at a company and he won't work for a company with bad HR

>> No.37373481
File: 96 KB, 1200x1000, 1651321002999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37373548

She didn't mean to cause this, forgive her...

>> No.37373486

the first public one, hololive switched to quiet suspensions for the girls after the backlash from coco/aloe

>> No.37373484

He's just a lil guy come on

>> No.37373501

what the fuck it's the first?? Cover's phrasing is straightforward but I can see a lot of people dropping vesper just out of speculation

>> No.37373506
File: 64 KB, 500x500, ves missing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, time to bring this back

...messed up the CAPTCHA, 2nd CAPTCHA: 0GD28

>> No.37373543

Despite doing things the board hates, Mori keeps her accounts clean and knows how to skirt the rules without crossing them

>> No.37373548

Naked dogeza first then

>> No.37373547

I hope Vesper will be angry and not apologetic when he comes back, so I'll know that holo girl was just butthurt from a joke

>> No.37373559

bros i might cry

>> No.37373561

I was really looking forward to pokemon and DnD streams, now I just feel scared of whatever is happening right now behind the scenes

>> No.37373569

Magni is next LMAO

>> No.37373571

That sounds an awful lot like a rrat.

>> No.37373574

He goes overboard a lot of the time

>> No.37373586

i am already

>> No.37373587

We know HoloEN HR is terrible, thats why they hired Mori and Magni

>> No.37373594

Kronii is pregnant.
Getting sick over old subway was to cover the morning sickness.

>> No.37373596

Why does the cringe reaper still live rent free in your head regardless of context? It's been two years. You don't have to perform mental gymnastics to bring her up constantly, even when it doesn't make sense to do so.

>> No.37373598

Weak man

>> No.37373602

I think he might have lashed out at his manager or some higher ups. Perms issue or his projects getting rejected.

>> No.37373607
Quoted by: >>37373644

how is vesper even going to explain himself if he comes back

>> No.37373619

This means EN3 will be announced tomorrow

>> No.37373637

Maybe it's because he said fuck the bonks at some point? Then some useless middle manager got pissy

>> No.37373640
Quoted by: >>37373971

Okay,heres my rrat.It actually has nothing to do with the the girls at all.Vesper being someone not new to corpo bullshit finally gets pissed off with how incompetent HoloEN management is.Starts a argument with management,discussion get heated he tells them in no uncertain terms to go fk themselves.

>> No.37373644
Quoted by: >>37373671

he is not coming back

>> No.37373652

So… what the fuck did Vesper do to warrant a suspension?

>> No.37373669

Oh god, I just realized the vesplings are going to go pure schizo because of this

>> No.37373671
Quoted by: >>37373736

if Vesper is gone, I'm out of the entire tempus

>> No.37373679

Time to speculate and spread misimformation

>> No.37373686
File: 341 KB, 2048x1770, magpie AAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37373690

This is probably it. We know he was pissed when they pulled xcom out of nowhere

>> No.37373701
File: 539 KB, 1000x1000, 97518124_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros....the DnD......

>> No.37373715

Told management to fuck off because they're incompetent

>> No.37373718

He was suspended because he dared to fight against a manager. Japanese don't like it when someone disturbs the hierarchy

>> No.37373719

sexual harassment a holo

>> No.37373723

Vesper is an old jade gamer and refused to play nice with a corporate sponsor because they would've made him play modern soulless kusoge.

>> No.37373736

If Vesper is gone, I block all Holoshit.

>> No.37373739
Quoted by: >>37375810

What if DND was the cause? What if the higher ups said he couldn't stream them anymore and he lashed out?

>> No.37373740

I am scared that Vesper will turn depressed and become a hard alcoholic over this..... Whatever the boys can't say anything and have to put a happy face on stream, so this will be hard for everyone...

>> No.37373743

something that came close to sexual harassment honestly. Wouldn't be surprised if tempus has a private discord where they joke like that, he forgot where he was and joked like that on the opencord, and that's why collabs have dried up + suspension. That would be the good understandable reason for a 2 week suspension. The bad reasons can range from giving nux info to direct unwanted advances against a talent, the latter of which can doom tempus and HoloEN altogether if it goes badly.

>> No.37373744

i belieb

>> No.37373750
File: 81 KB, 1221x954, 1661304180006292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not now fubukiposter...

>> No.37373752
File: 50 KB, 683x517, 1658858538182615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37375127

I should have just went to bed. Now I'm going to be a mess. Nowa was the last person I expected this to happen to. No more group collabs for two weeks. My head is full of doomposter.

>> No.37373762
File: 427 KB, 396x500, 1620909180059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my condolences vesties

>> No.37373778


>> No.37373780
File: 184 KB, 588x640, 1659500395146469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt watch the sponsored collab is this true?

>> No.37373789

is that why he seems out of it during the collab

>> No.37373792

Of all people. My kamioshi is MAGlord, but even I expected him to do retarded shit and get this kind of treatment, not Nowa.

>> No.37373802
Quoted by: >>37375634

Cover found out that Vesper is black

>> No.37373816

Asked gura if he could sniff her cunny

>> No.37373818
Quoted by: >>37373937

Astel and Shinove fought with management often, so unless it's because Shinove is gone they could do this or Vesper did something horrible to a manager....

>> No.37373823

He won't. His roommate is strong and has been through worse. He will return

>> No.37373828

Vesper doesn't take corpo bullshit
nigga rode a bike away from a job

>> No.37373830

>direct unwanted advances against a talent
Why is this rrat so common? Sexual harrassment is taken seriously especially if the employees are western, if that ever happened he would be suspended on the spot

>> No.37373843
File: 1.22 MB, 1366x768, ss (2016-09-15 at 11.55.37).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37374078

You will now remember how much Noir gushed during his debut about getting the chance to be a part of Holostars. Now he's the first one in EN to get suspended for god knows why.

>> No.37373849

did vesper have an interaction with holive en girls? because the English tweet specifically mentions "internal misconduct with holive productions"

>> No.37373855

even if they silenty judge the partner we'll notice if someone takes a 2 week long break at the same time. Unless it was Ina and she's pregnant kek.

>> No.37373858
Quoted by: >>37373926

Watch streams, anon.

>> No.37373860
Quoted by: >>37373926

the sponsors loved the stream tho?

>> No.37373862
Quoted by: >>37373967

Company isn't western, for one

>> No.37373865

Astel and Suisei regularly argue with management but neither of them have ever been suspended

>> No.37373870

yes, so not with talents, but corporate

>> No.37373874

That can easily mean getting into something with management.

>> No.37373875
Quoted by: >>37374139

Hes probably dealt with incompetent managers before in an office job I think, he's old and wisened he'll be fine

>> No.37373885

He's also the first person in the company to be in a position to take a stance against management's retardation. All of the holos are women, they're out. JP stars are JP and submissiveness is their nature, they're out. His genmates are too young so they're out too. He's the only grown non-japanese man with actual life and job experience and might have been the first person to ever address Cover's retardation in some way, and they didn't like that.

>> No.37373900
Quoted by: >>37373938

What if Vesper said that he can't deal with what is going on right now and went hobo mode with his bike again

>> No.37373926
File: 6 KB, 107x108, 1659296191047642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant watch them all...
alright im just gonna ignore every rrat i read about it then

>> No.37373935

Based retardgod not even a threadreader floated in with Tempus newfag

>> No.37373937

Shinove could take it though. Nowa's is probably one of those fragile ass manager types that can't accept any disagreement.

>> No.37373938

Seems likely to happen at some point tbqh

>> No.37373940

i wonder how altare axel and mag are going to address this

>> No.37373958

Then they shouldn't have opened a male EN branch. Western men will absolutely take shit, but only up to a certain point. Tough shit for them, they need to get better at their jobs.

>> No.37373962

Is there a chance he got suspended because he kept skirting around manager?
He does often say he "might" get in trouble with manager. Once or twice is fine, but when it's a established pattern of behavior it can be problematic.

>> No.37373965

>female talents gets suspended for shit on-stream
>males gets suspended for shit off-stream
Rrats? Considering he supposedly worked cyber security, might be him tampering on things talents shouldn’t?

>> No.37373967

I said employees. The girls would rally together and COVER would not risk their reputation to cover his ass

>> No.37373971
Quoted by: >>37374291

if that's what happened then he can say so when he comes back, many talents shit on management. If he refuses to discuss it though then 100% it involves the girls.

>> No.37373990
File: 167 KB, 1065x749, 1665873016038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37374170

>JP stars are JP and submissiveness is their nature
roru Astel fucks his management for breakfast.

>> No.37373991
Quoted by: >>37374038

They publicly suspended Rushia didn't they?

>> No.37373994
Quoted by: >>37374040

who is aloe and why are people bringing her up

>> No.37374002

I guess we'll know the severity of it tomorrow depending on the boys reactions

>> No.37374015

Nowa oji squealed too hard...

>> No.37374033

People seem to forget Vesper fought against management BEFORE HE EVEN DEBUTED.That 10 am time slot was him proving a point to management that u CAN stream at that time when they told him not to.So its 90% something to do with him going against management.

>> No.37374037
Quoted by: >>37374093

Anon didn’t say that astel argued with shinove, he said that both astel and shinove pushed back against starsjp’s upper management together

>> No.37374038

no, they put out a statement backing her up until finding out about the discord leak, then it was an instant firing

>> No.37374039
Quoted by: >>37374551

fuck this is actually stressing me out

>> No.37374040
File: 570 KB, 400x300, towababy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy newfag, have a towababy.

>> No.37374046

anon their direct managers are expendable, they can say they will refuse to deal with them and Cover will switch them out (more like around) for another. Or at least that's how it works in JP, I will admit Vesper might not be big enough to make that happen, but Lamy was able to force it.

>> No.37374054

a members stream and a zatsu...

>> No.37374058

Oh fuck

>> No.37374060

Maybe he ignored one very important message from his manager and caused a lot of trouble in the company

>> No.37374067
File: 1.98 MB, 2000x1442, 1659930069993527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey guys, uhh... I know you guys are really worried about what happened but we can't say anything on the matter. Don't worry, its not like he's graduating. He only got suspended, alright? We promise that its nothing too serious."

>> No.37374069

Pretty sure that's a rrat, it'd be really fucking weird to ban only relations with staff and not talents.

>> No.37374078

It's really ironic yeah, he also said that he respects his manager's work and would not ask for too many permissions because of this. But he also ghosts his manager often. So whatever happened, it must have been a big reaction by him... So many questions

>> No.37374090

He probably stood up for the boys and paid the price for it

>> No.37374093

>shinove leaving is actually him breaking down since he can't take stars corporate's shit anymore

>> No.37374099

> if that ever happened he would be suspended on the spot


>> No.37374101
Quoted by: >>37374202

That piece of info came from Matsuri, though

>> No.37374106
Quoted by: >>37374247

WTF. AND VESPER OF ALL PEOPLE?! Anyone has an idea wtf is this?

>> No.37374122

If they're smart, they won't.

>> No.37374139

But also his reaction to his shitty job was to ghost them and leave on a bike tour... fuck

>> No.37374151
File: 158 KB, 979x937, Screenshot 2022-11-19 035206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It said internal misconduct WITHIN Hololive Production, so it just means "within our company"

>> No.37374157

Believable rrat: He and his manager are beefing hard. It got so bad today after the Pokemon Collab that he was suspended.

Think about it. It's not the first time he's ghosted a higher up, especially his handlers and his manager just about had it with him.

>> No.37374167

I just hope it wasn't something that happened between him and one of the tempus boys offscreen. Whatever happens I just want them to be friends (especially now that Ves needs the support)

>> No.37374170
Quoted by: >>37374265

Reminds me of the time Astel literally tweeted he'd go to the office with a metal bat after some merch sold out too quickly. If they can let that slide who knows what Vesper said.

>> No.37374202
Quoted by: >>37375300

What did she ACTUALLY say though anon? I know that clip, and she didn't mention any sort of exceptions like that, I'm pretty sure the rrat comes from people taking the translation way too literally without keeping in mind it's a JP->EN translation.

>> No.37374213

I can't believe Vesper is gonna fucking graduate before I get my debut merch

>> No.37374215

Come to think of it, among the boys it’s Nowa who mentions his manager the least…

>> No.37374217
Quoted by: >>37374381

Stupid ass rrat:
>Magni complained about nonconsensual ass slapping

>> No.37374226

Not him, but it's a common thing everywhere. Relationships are generally banned specifically because they cause drama and unfair treatment in the workplace.
In Holopro's case, relationships are mostly ignored between talents because it doesn't matter, but engaging in one with someone in management easily leads to favoritism.

>> No.37374236

counterpoint: Haachama

>> No.37374241

why couldn't ves just say he needed a vacation instead of cover addressing this? Now everyone's thinking he raped a girl god damn

>> No.37374247

>of all people
He's the only one that says he's purposefully ignores the managers. That and shittalking the companies/games they have perms for. Him getting into trouble is not surprising at all. He's been taking this whole gig for granted after getting the first paycheck. At least that's the impression I've gotten. Dude needs to think before he opens his mouth.

>> No.37374265

Might just be the EN managers having sticks up their asses

>> No.37374291
Quoted by: >>37374369

> If he refuses to discuss it though then 100% it involves the girls.
It depends on what u mean by discuss,he can say something vague and thats about it.In any corpo disclosing internal stuff is bad form,also depending on what u disclose immediate termination might be warranted.

>> No.37374292

Because it would be a lie

>> No.37374295
File: 247 KB, 500x499, fumafo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37374342

Vesper is going to miss Fuma's 3D debut...

>> No.37374303

its not their responsibility to, but you just know ENspergs are gonna be incessant. Hope they have prepared statements.

>> No.37374309
Quoted by: >>37374346

what games has he shittalked?
if anything that's more of a magni thing.

>> No.37374319

>he raped a girl

>> No.37374322

His reputation is gonna suffer from this. I'm sorry Vesties, but I'm pretty sure the writing is on the wall on this one and everyone is just getting their ducks in a row before Vesper announces he's leaving.

>> No.37374330
File: 142 KB, 382x390, FdUBMahXoAEeo9Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sharks are out in full force today...even before the announcement

>> No.37374342
Quoted by: >>37374373

Ngl I feel Vesper might be happy that he has time to go on a bike trip kek. He said he's been busy too
He can just watch during his free time anon...Suspension does not mean he's been sentence to a labor camp for the whole 2 weeks

>> No.37374347
Quoted by: >>37374438

All the holos that got a 2 week suspension graduated
I hope its different with him

>> No.37374346

He shittalked a game they were doing a sponsor for.

>> No.37374361

welp guess im taking a 2 week vacation from this board, probably better for my productivity anyway

>> No.37374362

Wait if it's 2 weeks, then he will also miss the Apex tourney. Who will be Axel and rpr's 3rd teammate now?

>> No.37374369

sure, saying 'i got angry with management' is enough. Its vague enough.

>> No.37374372

Captcha: J0PY0

>> No.37374373

No, they confiscated his eyes and ears

>> No.37374381
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>> No.37374389

I don't get this argument. If you knew JP you'd know Astel constantly butts heads with management, a little spat isn't something you get 2 weeks for.

>> No.37374400
Quoted by: >>37374444

Let's be real. No way he comes back from this right? I don't think any man can take a hit like this and comes back like nothing. I'll not be expecting a comeback party. His zatus was my fav

>> No.37374419
Quoted by: >>37374529

we all know contact between branches will always go through managers, and manager regularly check discord because of rushia. Even miko sending invitation to mumei need to be between managers during sport fes and that why she didn't make it. Private conversation will be screen and if it did go through, they wouldn't make suspension public unless it involves management.

>> No.37374431


>> No.37374437
File: 1.22 MB, 1286x1080, 1668844293223117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit this gonna suck. Rikka? He did say during Axel's totsu that he wants to play with RPR IIRC

>> No.37374438

haachama had a 2 week suspension and she still here

>> No.37374444
Quoted by: >>37374507

if he doesn't comeback, I don't care about holopro anymore

>> No.37374447

so is the hand guy unhinged enough to accidentally say something that sheds more light on this?

>> No.37374455
Quoted by: >>37374561

Rank too high

>> No.37374463

The brief 3 month period of "hololive with vesper noir" will forever be my treasured memory
It's like a light of the falling star, brief and bright, poof and it's all gone before you notice
Swift and easy graduation to you my prince

>> No.37374465

Do the Japs not realize how damaging this notice is? It totally sounds like a sexual harassment case even if it isn't. It's gonna be incredibly awkward if he comes back and isn't allowed to explain himself.

>> No.37374472

He's not coming back from this sadly, no vtuber is coming back after a two week suspension announced by the company.

>> No.37374487

I know JP but I don't know how EN side worked so I assume that's the reason.

>> No.37374490
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>> No.37374502

Astel or Izuru? I know Axel is shilling Astel to rpr a few streams back, so maybe?

>> No.37374504
File: 559 KB, 4096x2856, 32343232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37375127

How do I stop crying

I was about to go to sleep and now I don't know what to do without Nowa.

>> No.37374507

A suspension is basically a soft graduation in my books. And considering Vesper's attitude, he won't take this lightly

>> No.37374513

Haachama did

>> No.37374529

but do EN managers consider HoloEN and Tempus separate branches?

>> No.37374533

no..... fubuki's dnd sesh....

>> No.37374536
File: 614 KB, 1000x1037, 1659507732356920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was you Vesties. Nowa said NO BAT MASCOT and you talked him into it. Now he's in trouble. He's fucking human, why would you choose a Bat!

>> No.37374541

It's internal problem. If he shit talked about it in a stream, that's external. Possible explanation could be an argument happened and he got suspended for it.

>> No.37374551

Same, i hate this

>> No.37374556


>> No.37374561
Quoted by: >>37374606

What's the maximum rank to fill the spot?

>> No.37374564

Damn he was so afraid of bringing down the Apex team in the tournament he took himself out of it forcefully.

>> No.37374568
Quoted by: >>37374624

EN-management side might have a completely different culture. Probably messed up some management's pronouns or some stupid thing.

>> No.37374575
Quoted by: >>37375293

I couldn't catch the entire stream but I was under the impression he really liked it.

>> No.37374578
Quoted by: >>37374659

vesper will either graduate or return as a former husk of himself

>> No.37374585

Mori will host the next dnd stream I guess.

>> No.37374593
Quoted by: >>37374635

You forgot about the strongest idol, Haachama.

>> No.37374601

She was suspended for the China shit, anon. Not for any wrongdoing within the company.

>> No.37374606
Quoted by: >>37374718

Gold and below probably

>> No.37374616

Jesus christ it's just two weeks he's not graduating

>> No.37374624
Quoted by: >>37374678

rm respects pronouns so that's a no-go

>> No.37374635
Quoted by: >>37375008

That was not because of issues WITHIN the company though.

>> No.37374643

Simple it depends on the language you use,Astel could butt heads with management but word in a way where he cant be penalized for it.Now if you say something like "What do you mean xcom perms arent ready,how fucking incompetent are you guys.A fucking 10 year old kid with autism can do a better job than u fking retarded niggers".That will get u at the very least a warning letter,or a suspension in this case.

>> No.37374653
Quoted by: >>37374754


>> No.37374658

Vesties are needy fucks who will not survive two weeks without vesper

>> No.37374659

We'll be lucky if he agrees on a graduation. Sadly, I don't think so. Cover announcing this shit in their JP and EN accounts basically sealed Vesper's fate. No one comes back from this

>> No.37374678

will he say anything there?

>> No.37374688

Very different. She wasn't suspended for internal misconduct.

>> No.37374690

>Jesus christ it's just two weeks Rushia's not graduating
yeah haha

>> No.37374695
Quoted by: >>37374824

>or a suspension in this case.
anon you just made up a quote

>> No.37374705

Do you not remember the China arc, anon? That was a million dollar yab and she came out clean, nothing that Nowa did could compare.

>> No.37374706
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>> No.37374710

Hoo boy. Wonder how 5ch is reacting to this

>> No.37374708

cover's landing a public hit on their own talent, it makes sense of people to speculate that it's something serious and graduation-worthy

>> No.37374712

Vesper shouldn't have said "cock" on stream

>> No.37374717

obviously not.

>> No.37374718

Then it might not be anyone on the JP side

>> No.37374732


>> No.37374734

I'm surprised it is him given how the other three are. I thought Magni would be the one to get something like this.

>> No.37374736

I bet he got fed up with the incompetence of their managers in getting game permissions and miscommunications like the XCOM fiasco and started requesting permissions on his own. When confronted by this (extra points if it happened by him actually getting perms) he probably went on a rant about how badly this is being handled and that he even had to save face in public because of it. The only way this rrat will be validated even just a little bit is if the boys stop talking about their managers after this, so far they brought them up constantly so a change in that behavior will be very apparent in just a few streams. They will 100% hold a grudge if this is what happened.

>> No.37374742


>> No.37374744

>Vesper drops N bombs with management

>> No.37374746
File: 159 KB, 320x240, 46645324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37374805

>2 weeks
>after 1 week of no stream
oof welp rip vesper and this is why you should never stop streaming, 1 day of no straming but 1 week, geez, rip my dude.

>> No.37374748

Rushia kept doubling down

>> No.37374755

based take JPbro

>> No.37374754

>comparing vesper to green menhera whore

>> No.37374760

here's hoping but i doubt it

>> No.37374761

>It seems he was furious Iris' new wing did not come

>> No.37374763

>2 weeks

>> No.37374769

>Haachama got suspended for underwear pics
>Nene got suspended for tracing art
>Towa got suspended for discord yab
So pretty much Nowa did something internally that are as bad as these, which, aside from tracing art, aren’t really all that bad

>> No.37374774

JP anons....

>> No.37374785

>4chan people please explain quickly
We're trying, bros!!

>> No.37374794
Quoted by: >>37374821

What will be the name of the next thread now that Nowa is confirmed to be graduating? /MAS/?

>> No.37374805

could it be related to the 1 week of no streaming?

>> No.37374806
Quoted by: >>37374866

only to the people that already assume every male is trying to fuck the girls, internal misconduct is pretty broad. could be anything from talking to roommate friends using the company discord account to bypassing management because they're being too slow to do something

>> No.37374807

fucking kek, imagine if it was some dumbshit like this. telling off managment for fucking up IRyS's remodel

>> No.37374815
Quoted by: >>37374865

Bitch Mio came back from two MONTHS

>> No.37374818

not a bad rrat

>> No.37374820

Do you actually want him to lose his job?

>> No.37374821


>> No.37374824

I did,its an example of what not do say.Its a exaggeration but still who knows.kek

>> No.37374829
File: 551 KB, 828x775, burning out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more concerned about the morale of the boys for the following weeks. I can only hope that don't feel too broken over this.

>> No.37374846
Quoted by: >>37375015

All those suspensions were to appease the public
Nobody even knows what this one is for

>> No.37374848

this is something vesper might actually do

>> No.37374856

Wtf is wrong with you? They vtuber not some office coworker.

>> No.37374860

>Princess of HoloEn

>> No.37374862
Quoted by: >>37375089

Astel is also very level-headed. People call him a menhera but he's very good at keeping his emotions in check and rarely ever shows anger. Astel's beef with management probably never escalates to warrant punishment, but Vesper may have gotten into a worse fight.

>> No.37374865

That was not even her fault lol

>> No.37374866

we can cross out company accounts for personal use since he was autistic about that on stream

>> No.37374878

I really can't think of anything other than butting heads with the management honestly. Nothing else makes sense. And knowing the incompetence of Cover's managerial staff, I really pity him

>> No.37374885
Quoted by: >>37375016

at least we now know the cost of flirting with hologirls is 2 weeks

>> No.37374892


>> No.37374912
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>> No.37374931
Quoted by: >>37375014


>> No.37374934

>vesper is the first holostar member to get publicly suspended
Wasn’t expecting this, tbdesu

>> No.37374939

rrat has legs but I have to ask why ARE perms so hard to get for the streamers? Can anyone who knows how these things work enlighten me? Is it not something as simple as
>hey I work for cover can you give us permission to stream your game? How much for gib perms pls?

>> No.37374941

Oh fuck. I know why. He lost his virginity, didn’t he?

>> No.37374943

Oh no, he's going to become a whore... no, not like this, please!

>> No.37374951
Quoted by: >>37375014


>> No.37374955


>> No.37374964

I believe this
Stupid ass manager

>> No.37374967

Let's be honest anons, Nowa is a boomer who likes to talk. He probably just said something edgy and not very PC and someone in the room got pissed off.

>> No.37374987

This is more in-line with vesper's character. I believe

>> No.37374988
Quoted by: >>37375073

Magni also ended stream immediately after saying "I've just forgotten something to do today."

>> No.37375005

>to get publicly suspended
Not the first but for internal violation? Yes.

>> No.37375006
File: 249 KB, 820x801, 53253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you vesper about the fujos, but you didn't listen, and you are next Axel so better keep streaming you dumb dingo.

>> No.37375007

How the management boot leather taskes Ma'am?

>> No.37375008
Quoted by: >>37375096

Haachama cost Cover an entire wing of the company. You clearly aren't aware of what happened

>> No.37375014

Bikachu is Pikablu's evolved form.

>> No.37375015

On top of this, it was clearly a decision by overall management on the JP side, not EN, and they're all about hiding anything that might shame the wider company. They gave us an outright statement that it was a suspension, so they want us to know exactly why he's missing for two weeks, but didn't follow up with what he did to deserve it.

Very interesting times.

>> No.37375016

>ONLY 2 weeks
I can do that,ok anons, i am auditioning for starsEN 2 wish me luck

>> No.37375018

I choose to believe

>> No.37375030
Quoted by: >>37375108

The only person in both EN branches to get publicly suspended and the girls have had 2 years to fuck something up

>> No.37375043

Oh fug dat'sa bigachu

>> No.37375050

I really shouldn't be laughing this hard

>> No.37375056

https://twitter.com/axelsyrios/status/1593895291794513925 ANIKIIIIIIII

>> No.37375062
File: 754 KB, 900x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone fucking explain this shit to me?
Axel keeps collabing with a guy who talks about Mori's RM during the collab.
Magni keeps collabing with people who are anti-hololive and uses his RM account to shit over his holomama.
Yet Vesper did something off-stream that hasn't been caught by ANYBODY and he gets a suspension? Moreover, it gets a huge announcement at the official Cover's page, instead of just having him tweet "sorry pc bork, will be away for 2 weeks"
And they give no explanation for this? It's just "point and shame"?
What kind of bullshit this is?

>> No.37375073

What if at that moment it was when they announced it in their internal discord?

>> No.37375089

Astel is very good at talking to people and filtering what he says depending on who he is with. He goes hard with his management because he has managers he trusts. Nowa doesn't have either of these things, he is overly honest to a fault and can't filter his thoughts and he has butt heads with management before.

>> No.37375090
Quoted by: >>37375167

>Axel keeps collabing with a guy who talks about Mori's RM during the collab.

>> No.37375093

rrat is dead.
Didn't Mori or Kronii mention that Tempus's managers are actually really attentive and better than their own are securing perms?

>> No.37375096
Quoted by: >>37375155

Retardbro, why are you pretending Coco doesn't exist? Coco took most of the heat and graduated as a result.

>> No.37375098

He told a manager to fuck off. He's based.

>> No.37375104

At least we know he isn't taking it well

>> No.37375108
Quoted by: >>37375171

>You shouldn't do this
>You shouldn't do this

>> No.37375111

Vesper sexually assaulted axel...

>> No.37375116
File: 309 KB, 512x512, 575775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 weeks of no stream
Whos is this guy named Noir Vesper? i can't remember him.

>> No.37375127
Quoted by: >>37378047

Yep, I had just gotten out of Magni's stream, which already went over by at least an hour from when he said he would end, during which he was complaining about insomnia and being menhera already. The fact he announced DnD "tomorrow" before being corrected to "Sunday" in chat by Vesper makes me suspect they didn't know at the time either. Fuck. Ves stress insomnia gang for all of us, then.

>> No.37375128

He either sent a dick pic to the wrong girl and got reported or got caught fucking one of the girls(Kronii).

>> No.37375133
File: 649 KB, 1106x747, 1668848896846266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37376216

I kneel, reaper

>> No.37375132

>Coco isn’t graduating she just had a collab with EN today
>No way Sana is graduating

>> No.37375145

Will you not a fucking crackhead? even if your joking the board is filled with retarded children who will repeat this everywhere and the mongoloids are already spamming this shit

>> No.37375153
Quoted by: >>37375283

Oga got suspended but it's the same case for Towa's and Nene's, to appease the public.

>> No.37375155
Quoted by: >>37375249

Yeah months later by her own choice. Who the hell are you to call anyone else a retard?

>> No.37375160

I meant within the holostars branch only. Even Oga wasn’t suspended (at least publicly) after the NKOdice dev yab

>> No.37375163
Quoted by: >>37375256

No one except schizocorns who whine in their containment units genuinely think this is about sexual harassment. Also this is EN management in a post MeToo world he would have gotten graduated for that.

>> No.37375167


>> No.37375168

>people who are anti-hololive

>> No.37375171
Quoted by: >>37378836

If it was something as simple as pushing back on management, even forcefully, why would they drag it into the public like this and open him and themselves up to all kinds of more sinister speculation?

>> No.37375174

Well that answers my worries about their morale.

>> No.37375181
File: 210 KB, 490x394, Capturemag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37375207

Inshallah my brother. Sucks about Vesper, guess we have no DnD for two weeks.

>> No.37375180
File: 387 KB, 960x960, FauFau2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37375187

So there's also Pokemon anti in Japan...

>> No.37375192

Pretty much everybody thought Sana was graduating since she disappeared for so long after saying she was in a serious accident.

>> No.37375207
Quoted by: >>37375298

>two weeks

>> No.37375214

>Even Oga wasn’t suspended (at least publicly)
He was though?

>> No.37375218

They probably have a contract the publisher has to make terms for (like limited time? show ending or not? etc) and everyone has to sign, it's what protects them the most and has protected them very well in Rio's case.

>> No.37375220

Better than the girls? Sure. That don’t mean they are good managers though

>> No.37375222

japanese perms require a lot more paperwork, and after the holocaust cover really has to pull teeth to get anything

>> No.37375230
Quoted by: >>37375578

Oga turned out fine and he got in much more public trouble. In Holostars land anything less than a graduation or permanent dissapearance is small potatoes and nothing to worry about.

>> No.37375233

Coco and Sana already decided on graduating before their MP collabs.
Rushia went full retard during her suspension.

>> No.37375243
Quoted by: >>37375319

Altare and Axel have based managers
Vesper's manager might be an actual retard

>> No.37375249
Quoted by: >>37375315

>by her own choice
Yep I'm arguing with a retard, got it. Learn to read between the lines.

>> No.37375256
Quoted by: >>37375353

>Also this is EN management in a post MeToo world he would have gotten graduated for that.
This, I was trying to make the same point earlier but I explained it badly. It has nothing to do with the girls, probably just had an argument with permissions, management, or both.

>> No.37375263
Quoted by: >>37375302

rrat: cover is publically humiliating vesper because they know he's an M

>> No.37375273

He made the mistake of acting as if he was with bros around women. 100% some cunt reported him for saying some edgy joke or perceived sekuhara on their end.

>> No.37375283

I don't recall them ever announcing Oga would be suspended, though. He just went quiet.

>> No.37375282
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>> No.37375293

That anon is a threadreader and a shitposter ignore him.Vesper liked the game made some jokes about hee hee haw haw sponsor wont see this cause they are asleep that was all.If you look at his comments on that vod the sponsor actually commented and they loved him.

>> No.37375298


>> No.37375300


>> No.37375302
File: 193 KB, 339x310, 1668705067904426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37375304

Vesper theory:
I think it has to do with the zomboid server.
He paid for it out of pocket and always refers to it explicitly as his but it probably actually isn't because of contract terms.
I bet there was a kerfuffle about this somehow.

>> No.37375315

Why did you cut out the "months later" part of that post? Trying to create rrats?

>> No.37375317


>> No.37375319

Altare's manager is only decent because he is poking at them all the time for perms

>> No.37375320

Oga's to me seemed like he apologized to Cover and accepted lying low for a short time. I could see Vesper not agreeing to something like that (but he's also pretty reasonable so I think he would if he thought he did something wrong) and being publicly suspended to show him that he's getting punished whether he accepts it or not

>> No.37375321


>> No.37375327


>> No.37375333
Quoted by: >>37375407

>I'm a fan of your Apex stuff


>> No.37375339
Quoted by: >>37375373

Why is Ollie unaffected?

>> No.37375341

First EN as well.
Eleven girls and two years and they've never been suspended.

>> No.37375347
Quoted by: >>37375438

The morale of the boys is fucked because Nowa had to be a dumbass...

>> No.37375353

I genuinely think he either got in a fight with management or he said an edgy joke or something not politically correct because he is a Boomer. In which case, either fuck management, or based Nowa Oji. Anyways I'm going to be watching Uyu in a little bit so it doesn't matter.

>> No.37375373

you retard she is already dead....

>> No.37375385
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>> No.37375389


>> No.37375403

He was just trying to save Hololive...

>> No.37375407

Don't believe her

>> No.37375408
Quoted by: >>37375453

>nowa is the first to go just like in zomboid...

>> No.37375415

>Moreover, it gets a huge announcement at the official Cover's page
This. This is why I don't think he'll be coming back from this, considering his attitude. He was the most tame. I can't understand this announcement by Cover, they are basically forcing him to graduate without saying it directly to him.

>> No.37375423

who the hell is uncle nowa

>> No.37375425

A lot of western companies don't respond to requests because they think US copyright law means anything in Japan.

>> No.37375429

>Bae: Cunt
>Axel: Cunt
>Nowa: Cunt
>Kronii and Mori: Hey you can't say that

>> No.37375438

Cover is full of dumbasses
I believe in Vesper

>> No.37375441

>drank taiwanese tea
>likes taiwanese computer parts

>> No.37375444
Quoted by: >>37375526

>Checked his other account.
>Like and retweet a certain accounts recently.
Maybe this is it?

>> No.37375451

Bets on who fucks up and talks about it on stream?

>> No.37375453


>> No.37375469


>> No.37375487
File: 98 KB, 331x349, 1664635983918011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over...

>> No.37375497
Quoted by: >>37375572

No fair use in Japan and all this correspondence happens via fax so it might get responded to immediately, maybe it never gets read, or it gets picked up by some geezer who thinks about it very seriously and gives them a dozen demands (Konami).

>> No.37375504
Quoted by: >>37375798

Vesper really is the mentor-type character that dies early on... This is for the boys' character development.

>> No.37375523
Quoted by: >>37375616

>And they give no explanation for this? It's just "point and shame"
Basically an online naked dogeza. Vesper won't take this lightly. He's done

>> No.37375526

If that's the case then Magni should be suspended too

>> No.37375531
Quoted by: >>37376021

His loose mouth might leak something so management asked him to stop streaming today

>> No.37375549
File: 97 KB, 800x1131, 6565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be honest with you Vesper Noir since i know you are reading this thread, You are a complete retard, you and i, we know what you did
don't do it again okay? if your hurt your fans you hurt the company so don't forget that, understand? Good, now prepare your apologize script your fans deserve it.

>> No.37375563

I wonder how Vesper feels knowing that everyone's going to think he's a rapist now no matter how this plays out.

>> No.37375572
Quoted by: >>37378674

reminder that Cover regained Super Giant perms after they literally found the paper copy granting them permission.

>> No.37375578

The Oga incident ended up being nothing when everyone realized the guy he made mad was a schizo and could safely be ignored after making a half hearted apology.

>> No.37375584

eh that's fair, maybe he should do his taxes before going to Japan anyway

>> No.37375593

Those are small potatos anon,Vesper most likely blow up on upper management and if EN management consist of actual westerners they will perceive criticism as personal attacks.

>> No.37375594

Okay schizo

>> No.37375605

dont push the rrat he harassed kronii...

>> No.37375616
Quoted by: >>37375785

This is just the Oga situation but in reverse
>public yab and private punishment for Majin
>private yab and public management for Nowa
For all of the newfags here I'm gonna teach you a lesson. Learn the story of Kaoru and never forget. A Holostar can be here today and gone tomorrow. Cherish the streams like they are the last streams. But I personally think Nowa will be ok.

>> No.37375614
File: 485 KB, 1200x675, 2124111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got out of work, give me the rundown of resent events with Vesper.

>> No.37375618

Most of Vespers Zatsus are SC readings now. Not a good content type with drama looming.

>> No.37375620


>> No.37375623

When was their last Twitter interaction?

>> No.37375634

It's the opposite actually
>Nowa keeps saying nigga in their discord
>managers just assume he's black because he's so casual about it
>turns out he's not black, just doesn't care

>> No.37375652

We don't know shit. Cover suspended him with no reason given, just "internal misconduct." Events are ongoing.

>> No.37375654

Please tell me it wasn't something between the boys that did this

>> No.37375655

Shouldn’t have raped then

>> No.37375656

He got Kronii pregnant

>> No.37375664
Quoted by: >>37375950


he cancelled stream, guess it's that bad

>> No.37375681

kys tranny

>> No.37375683

Anon Kronii is too menhera, if he harassed her there would have been something way crazier happening and he would be permanently gone on the spot, none of this pussy two weeks bs.

>> No.37375700
Quoted by: >>37375764

rm follows a blm account

>> No.37375708

Here's a video message for Vesper:

>> No.37375707

Vesper is a spic

>> No.37375713
Quoted by: >>37378533

nowa perms lost

>> No.37375716

>Stars JP smart enough to walk on eggshells
>Stars EN thinks "It'll be different with EN"
>Acts chill with the girls
>Gets smacked down for it
He's getting Me-Too'd

>> No.37375720
File: 1.40 MB, 1170x1545, 04E07455-61B2-44F0-B5AA-DA4ED61C51CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons are doomposting while Axel is posting Alice art lol

>> No.37375722
Quoted by: >>37375844

Some manager probably got offended when Nowa said something a little too honest and now he has a 2 week break

>> No.37375746


>> No.37375749

>collabs with hololive stop out nowhere
>insert rrat here, I am thinking internal investigation, HR is involved
>public suspension for misconduct

>> No.37375751

i've added this rrat to the list

>> No.37375756

kys tourist

>> No.37375764
Quoted by: >>37378619

Confirmed white then.

>> No.37375773

If I was Nowa I wouldn't comeback after the public humiliation desu

>> No.37375782

>>Magni [...] uses his RM account to shit over his holomama.

>> No.37375783
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>> No.37375785
Quoted by: >>37375836

but you're not taking into consideration Vesper's POV in all of this, I think these vague suspensions ''internal misconduct'' is a bigger hit in the Western scene, especially if the judgement came down from a JP company. This will forever stick on Vesper, especially if no one clears this shit up in the upcoming days.

>> No.37375798
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>> No.37375801

He said his design was shit on main.

>> No.37375802
File: 463 KB, 830x870, 1660702980171379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this idiot

>> No.37375807

money speaks louder than silly tweets

>> No.37375809

I was thinking something like that. Timing lines up nicely. He also wanted to open it up to people outside of Cover and that seems like a potential yab point, or maybe he tried to invite Gura to it. Manager told him no and Nowa blew up. Remember that the Rust arc began because Towa joined the big chuuba Rust server and her manager got mad.

>> No.37375810

Have you tried not playing DnD?
t. Cover Corp

>> No.37375820

Said in a coded way his model is ugly. He should of said it to her face like flare did.

>> No.37375831

i fucking love axel

>> No.37375835
Quoted by: >>37375867

I dont know what he did but it better have been bad considering they are being vague enough for everyone to come up with their own theories

>> No.37375836

IF someone clears it up they will get Rushia'd lol

>> No.37375844
Quoted by: >>37375913

This sounds pretty believable especially if you are dealing with a man that doesnt take shit from a jackass middle manager

>> No.37375862

Fuck DnD, I hate it. I just want another L4D collab

>> No.37375867

No it better not have been bad I don't want anything worse to happen to him

>> No.37375871

If I was generating Myth money, I would. But I won't in Vesper's shoes. I don't know, my ego couldn't take a hit like this.

>> No.37375885
Quoted by: >>37376076

that doesn't make any sense, it's not DnD. If that was a problem, he would have been suspended much earlier.

>> No.37375907
Quoted by: >>37375943

We'll never know what happened unless Vesper decides to "go on a blaze" and spills the beans on stream before graduating

>> No.37375910
File: 19 KB, 302x306, 1639114088360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37375991

Vesper took up his complaints about his and Magni's models looking like ass and pissed off the wrong guy


>> No.37375913

An argument with management would be resolved internally unless they actually wanted to publicly humiliate him and draw negative attention to the company at large

>> No.37375912
Quoted by: >>37375965

My rrat is that Nowa has an entire channel in the Tempus discord where he posts tuxedo pics of himself and calls his managers niggers whenever they prevent some project he's excited about.

>> No.37375916

nowa and his social anxiety...

>> No.37375936

so what are all the "reasonable" reasons for this suspension?

>> No.37375943

He could genuinely be sued for that. Imagine coming back and then deciding "I'm going to make my life even worse"

>> No.37375945
Quoted by: >>37375974

Let's just hope the other three, or even Mori or Bae, clear some nasty rrats in the upcoming days. Shit is looking so bad right now.

>> No.37375950

uh oh

>> No.37375962

Management autism and brazen American

>> No.37375965
File: 19 KB, 1104x1112, 1653085481301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37376085


>> No.37375967

>they got so drunk they started talking shit to the managers and Nowa took all the blame
I belieb.

>> No.37375974

Best hope is leader

>> No.37375977

If it's not something serious he can just come back as "Punished Nowa" and make light of the situation

>> No.37375991
Quoted by: >>37376027

Believable rrat but he'd be pretty dumb to argue to the point of getting a suspension over that

>> No.37376012

What the fuck, the one time I leave the thread for an hour, and I come back to this news!
I think we all assumed that Axel would be the first suspension, given that mouth of his. Vesper was always the squeaky clean one! "You can't say that! I don't think I can say this. Can I say this?" Who could've predicted he was such a bad boy behind the scenes?

>> No.37376019
File: 1.75 MB, 1431x840, 101083957_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have what info we need to know now get over it, MANS doesn't need to become schizo PRIME central we have the rest of /vt/ to deal with that shit I don't want it here of all fucking places, You have 3 other talents that haven't fucked up just focus on them for the next two weeks and don't bother Vesper or the others about this on his return

>> No.37376018

>first to die in zomboid
>first to get suspended in starsen
Nowa is incredible at subverting expectations.

>> No.37376021
Quoted by: >>37376135

He just did not want to be the first to address this situation.... Leader, the responsibility lies on your shoulders o7

>> No.37376027

easily offended japanese corporate man
prease undastan

>> No.37376037

I see two likely scenarios. He sent dick pics to the wrong girl and got reported or he fucked a girl and got caught. Rape isn't the most realistic because then the law gets involved but I understand why people went there.

He definitely did something with one of the girls based on the way things were phrased.

>> No.37376066

why are you writing like that

>> No.37376073

The suspension is due to the Zomboid server he's hosting. When it was first introduced, he talked about how he paid for it himself to set a server up. "Season 3" of Zomboid was to include a bunch of people, from his genmates to the HomoJPs to even the EN girls, but also non-Hololive talents like rpr and "a few others". He's not doing anything inappropriate with the boys or girls; he shits on management a lot but he genuinely loves his job, and he CONSTANTLY thinks up and writes down new jokes and bits he could do to make his fans laugh.
Most likely what happened is he invited new non-Holo streamers to his server and gave them the IP without clearing it with management first which lead to this, as he talked about resetting everything and preparing the server "tonight".

>> No.37376075

you're retarded

>> No.37376076

NTA but hytnpdnd is just a meme from /tg/ in reaction to everyone playing DnD 5e because it's popular, instead of something that would fit their personal taste better.

>> No.37376080

no one cares about mori

>> No.37376081

He broke into Cover HQ to look for A-chan.

>> No.37376085

Holy shit,I haven't gone to that general in a long time.

>> No.37376087
Quoted by: >>37376136

It's internal violation not across other branches retard

>> No.37376100

rm Twitter account bio has me worrying about ves

>> No.37376115
File: 1.36 MB, 498x280, 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't ask me how do i know but Vesper had an Accident and he is in the hospital please send him support messages.

>> No.37376117

If both Vesper and Magni leave would you guys still stick around?

>> No.37376124

Wow, a post that actually makes sense.

>> No.37376135
File: 47 KB, 600x520, 1661034430352354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leader... I wonder what's going through his mind right now

>> No.37376136

>hololive Production

>> No.37376137

This probably

>> No.37376143

Yeah, this is the most likely thing that could have happened.

>> No.37376147
Quoted by: >>37376251

it's been that way for a while anon but yeah me too

>> No.37376157

Instead of speculating about what he did can we think about a new thread name since he's obviously not coming back.

>> No.37376161
File: 421 KB, 1677x1653, FbORjyPaQAAzimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a good boy,but the didnt allow him to drink tea.That was too much.

>> No.37376176

I'll try, but the bonds between the Tempus boys are closer than just about any other holopro gen. Losing one of them would be hard enough, but two?

>> No.37376188

this isnt very interesting though

>> No.37376195

What now?
2 fucking weeks

>> No.37376216

Bros... I'm sorry, she doesn't mean to... Death follows her where she walks...

>> No.37376219

If Vesper leaves, I'm going to fuck off. He was a breath of fresh air.
I'm okay with only Magni leaving. I really don't like him. I knew his shtick from before Holo and I don't like him.

>> No.37376223

well, personally, I'm going back to robbaz, tomato and Jerma for now
I'll play pokemon and JRPGs for the time being

>> No.37376224

Hell no. If any of the boys leave, even fucking Altare who I don't watch, I drop HoloLive. They are such good entertainers and I wouldn't be able to take it if they were broken up.

>> No.37376235

This is the rrat.

>> No.37376246

>2 weeks
No more vesper

>> No.37376251

I know it has… just hope he’s taking this well

>> No.37376257

Alright that makes sense
I'm closing the thread before any other retards try spinning shit, Goodnight!

>> No.37376258

I will stick around for Axel and probably watch Altare more out of respect for sticking around.

>> No.37376261


who is magni outside of hololive?

>> No.37376268

sam? mas? ams? sma? msa? asm?

>> No.37376283

I'm conflicted. I only watch Axel nowadays, but I like all of the boys. Losing two or even one would be a huge hit in morale for the boys and viewers, and streams (even solos) would never be the same.

>> No.37376284
File: 47 KB, 480x480, images (41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you guys grasp how heavy whatever he did was.

Axel literally streams with a dude who openly chats about Mori's RM on-stream, repeatedly.
Magni collabs with like SEVEN DIFFERENT PEOPLE who are openly anti-hololive AND SHITS ON HIS HOLOMAMA ON HIS ROOMATE ACCOUNT, both totally fine.

Whatever he did, despite not being seen by the public, was EVEN WORSE THAN THAT, SIGNIFICANTLY WORSE

So your rrats about fucking kronii, fighting someone, threatening a manager or whatever? They very well may be right, because whatever it was IT WAS WORSE than the other nonsense HomoEN has been up to.

>> No.37376290

Why are you people guessing something related to sexual stuff or flirting? Nowa feels like the furthest thing apart from someone who just casually goes around flirting with people to the point of it being borderline harassment. Hell, I would much rather assume he's someone who completely spergs out when it comes to that stuff. My guess is that he got into an argument with a manager about some content disagreements and went too far.

>> No.37376295
File: 191 KB, 1280x1280, 1647198864029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37376302
Quoted by: >>37376389

Are you actually retarded? Dick pic = Sexual harressment Law gets involved,Also grounds for immediate termination.Fuck a girl got caught = nothing will happen as long as its between two consenting adults.

>> No.37376306
Quoted by: >>37376420

probably got annoyed by the fact that everything takes too long between JP and EN management due to having only one translator and retards in the office so he tried to get perms for something on his own,
Or as lifelong corporat he just got extremally fed up with all jap bullshit and called them all useless leeches.

>> No.37376311

That's the dumbest shit I ever heard there's no way this is suspension worthy.

>> No.37376317

you're posting this in every thread

>> No.37376322

I think, no matter how retarded the EN management is, they know that if Vesper leaves, StarsEN die. So they'll do everything to appease him during this suspension

>> No.37376325

this is going to be an unironically depressing week, i have so much shit to do and i thought vesper would be right there with me

>> No.37376331

Yeah, if they leave they leave

>> No.37376335
File: 42 KB, 595x589, 2B104EBF-D2F2-4B4A-9A31-1F6709A58F48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s coming back, this isn’t the end!

>> No.37376357
Quoted by: >>37376504

I would be more worried about their podcast name

>> No.37376364

I still have about 3 boys to watch. I'd normally depend on Axel to guerilla stream but since he's going to Japan next week, that's going to be a fucking problem. Altare and Magni don't gorilla as much as him.

>> No.37376372
File: 289 KB, 1000x822, 1648230129380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no way this is suspension worthy

>> No.37376375

Now people are speculating that Vesper fucked a fan. I think that would be a contract violation but maybe they let him off with a suspension.

>> No.37376380
Quoted by: >>37378508

2 weeks suspension is kinda a tough punishment just for that.

>> No.37376389
File: 306 KB, 720x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sexual harressment Law gets involved

>> No.37376391
Quoted by: >>37376408

yeah, me

>> No.37376398

Im thinking this, copypasta it until the confirmed reason is revealed, he gets terminated, or comes back in two weeks and we pretend this never happened

>> No.37376402

im guessing he isnt going to full menhera like rushia and go on drama alert right?

>> No.37376408


>> No.37376417

Unicorns don't watch streams
They're too fucked in the brain
Ignore such speculations

>> No.37376418

we keep the /MANS/ Axel and Syrios.

>> No.37376421

that would be way too based

>> No.37376420
Quoted by: >>37378927

Him using the Cover or Holostars brand to secure perms himself is the only one I can see happening.

>> No.37376427
Quoted by: >>37376508

Stop using images of my oshi to shitpost

>> No.37376437

So is Vesper completely locked out of his twitter or is he just under incredibly close watch? I'm wondering if he'll be able to get away with quickly liking and unliking tweets to send messages.

>> No.37376443

Doubt he would do something so idiotic

>> No.37376447

Who the fuck is Nowa?

>> No.37376446

i guess next thread will be called /MAS/ huh?

>> No.37376449

Because thats what the schizos want to have happen you see.So they can justify their cuck fantasies.

>> No.37376450
Quoted by: >>37377120


>> No.37376461
Quoted by: >>37376548

2 weeks feels a bit much for something like this, but it's probably the most reasonable level of 'yab' rrat I've seen so far

>> No.37376462

Vesper isn't that schizo, anon. At best, he'll probably fuck off without telling anybody for two weeks just like how he Forest Gump'd everybody in his last job.

>> No.37376468
Quoted by: >>37376723

>internal misconduct
Which racial epithet did Nowa use in Discord?

>> No.37376476

What's a "vesper"?

>> No.37376481

with the amount of social anxiety he has? No
He is more likely to pop up on his RM account, complain a bit about Applebitches Diner, and play XCOM

>> No.37376494
Quoted by: >>37376544

I just finished watching the pokemon vod and came here

what the fuck just happened

>> No.37376497

ayt Nowa, I'll take your word for it

>> No.37376504

Oh fuck, the podcast. Even if prerecorded, does it have to be under suspension too? Leader cannot catch a break TToTT....

>> No.37376508
Quoted by: >>37376612

I highly doubt you're a sapling but this fucker does still need to stop using her image

>> No.37376517

Yes, it should be

>> No.37376525
Quoted by: >>37376669

Laplus did something similar with the Rust server and she didn't even get a 3 day suspension let alone two fucking weeks.

>> No.37376529

Nah,he will just go for a ride.A 2 weeks ride.

>> No.37376530

he did inappropriate things to magni at the offcollab

>> No.37376540

He is not allowed to use any of the Vesper accounts for the next two weeks.

>> No.37376544

nobody knows, everything you'll read is speculation

>> No.37376546

Nowa ends up being the one responsible for Twitter dying as he tries to send messages via tweet liking/unliking morse code.

>> No.37376548

>2 weeks feels a bit much for something like this
Anon you're talking about a company that suspended Oga for coding his own game -from scratch- that somewhat resembled a game he wanted to play from an indie dev but got denied permissions for

>> No.37376549

>Retards believing this

>> No.37376552

this doesnt seem like a suspension worthy yab

>> No.37376555

HoloEN went 2 and a half years without a suspension
What the fuck happened? Its been 4 months

>> No.37376560

The first and only holostarEN podcast will never be released.

>> No.37376580
File: 493 KB, 592x860, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37376673

I can't believe Nowa posted this on holo discord... Didn't he know that Kronii is Korean too?!

>> No.37376587

Men get shit done.

>> No.37376588

A Public suspension
Mori and Kronii got bonk vacations

>> No.37376606

If something like THIS warrants a suspension most of them would be mad lol that schizo theories above this post is more probable than this shit.

>> No.37376612

Damn you for calling my bluff I just like Faufau enough to not want her image to be used by schizos

>> No.37376623
Quoted by: >>37376908

That has public outcry and it was a semi popular game back then. The dev almost removed perms for the whole vtuber industry. If I was cover I would ask Oga to do the same and laylow for a while, even if it wasn't his fault.

>> No.37376628

You need to provide a rundown of this

>> No.37376630
Quoted by: >>37377173

wasnt there some autist spamming a few days ago about how vesper was going to graduate? I think it was in /hlgg/ and he said it like 5 different times over a few hours

>> No.37376646

Fair, cover and their management are notably... silly.

>> No.37376648

that was barely a year ago

>> No.37376666

Got himself mpreg.

>> No.37376668
Quoted by: >>37376741

Probably, I only watch Axel and couldn't care less for the other ENs and if I cared I still wouldn't have time to watch them. If Axel is happy and streaming then I'm good as well. Tbf he hasn't been streaming much lately so I'm even losing interest in him. If he continues on like he has for a while now I'll drop him, the only chuuba I watch and stop coming to this forum. To be completely honest, I wouldn't mind dropping watching streams and spending more time outside or studying. Even 2-5h a day of watching streams seems like a waste of time compared to hanging out with ppl irl which I've been doing more now after all those years of being a semi-hikki.

>> No.37376669

La+ wanted to join a server, not invite people onto a server

>> No.37376673

At least edit out ojou for your shitpost anon.

>> No.37376702
Quoted by: >>37376811

things that nekofam/fandead say for $500

>> No.37376704

I guess it makes sense that the people going
>something like that isn't suspension worthy
are all newfags who don't know a damn thing about Cover

>> No.37376723

Bomb Watcher.

>> No.37376741

this is me with nowa but now i'm stressed about his situation

>> No.37376751

Can someone check the vod and confirm if Vesper was playing on PC emulator?

>> No.37376788

The suspension is an elaborate joke so Nowa has time to fly to Japan and records a game of golf with Yagoo challenging him to keep his job

>> No.37376798

Pretty sure the dev acted out on Twitter because of it and there was a bit of drama revolving around it. There's literally nothing for the Vesper Zomboid server.

>> No.37376801

you can't even play with others on an emulator unless they're emulating too you fucking retard

>> No.37376811

>security leak for a fucking talent run server

>> No.37376812

Management autism, unironically. I hope he gets better managers.

>> No.37376820

If it's emulated, how can he play online?

>> No.37376827

I don't see the need for Cover's management to drop the bomb on him like this unless its something pretty serious - all the other times they tweeted a suspension notice, it was because of something that happened on stream or people could at least connect the dots.
Otherwise if its not that serious they could have just bonk him and tell him to take a few days like they did with Mori when she replied to the cuck tweet or Kronii with the whole collab situation
So yeah, I don't like how this was handled at all. A public suspension is pretty serious

>> No.37376838

During the offcollab, Vesper thought Magni was asking for it because he behaved in such a sissy way. On their last night together, Nowa oji just went for it and stuck his penis up the alchemist's butthole, with no warning or lube. Magni freaked out, because he never put something other than his dildo in ther. He immediately stormed out and they never spoke again.
After a few days he decided to report this homoerotic behaviour to management, shamefully.

>> No.37376845

Nowa violated Fauna's restraining order so Fauna holds custody over Vesties for the next 2 weeks.

>> No.37376856

I can't wait for these people blaming management for Nowa's suspension to get shamed when it's revealed that he fucked a talent.

>> No.37376860

If Vesper was using an emulator the VOD would have been taken down geniuses q

>> No.37376888
Quoted by: >>37377099

He would have been fired for that not suspended.

>> No.37376898

La+ had to publicly apologize for just playing on some public rust server on her off time as La+. inviting non-holos into holo business without the go ahead from on high is 100% suspension worthy.

>> No.37376901
Quoted by: >>37376963

Do you believe that this isn't the first time Vesper got bonked? Maybe this was as escalation from something happened before?

>> No.37376908

That and everyone is on the dev side even when he's being a schizo. Cover and Holo also already have a stigma in general due to the Capcom copyright thing.

>> No.37376911
Quoted by: >>37377002

I just learned what happened and I don't know what to make of it. Nowa is like the last person I think that would cause any trouble, whatever it was.
This shit is kinda scary but I don't think it will lead to some termination or even graduation. I totally see him being super hard on himself after he comes back though.

>> No.37376928
Quoted by: >>37376972

Yeah, me.

>> No.37376941

Do you guys really want Nowa to return as a husk of his former self??? I'd rather he graduate to set himself free from the shame desu.

>> No.37376960

Most Holostars are pretty active on their roommates, I thought Astel was going to leave and yet here we are. It's not over until it's over.

>> No.37376963
Quoted by: >>37377096

If it's already a 2nd offense, no wonder it got escalated

>> No.37376964

I choose to believe this most reasonable of rrats. sexual stuff especially involving fans would get a termination and I trust vesper is indeed a wizard as he claims.

>> No.37376972

Last two post numbers are how much he's gaping in inches

>> No.37376985
Quoted by: >>37377109

If he graduates the speculation is going to go wild. He'd be better off quitting streaming at that point.

>> No.37376988

That would make him more based though, anon.

>> No.37377002
Quoted by: >>37377047

"learned what happened"

>> No.37377035

I don't think raping a talent or sexually harassing them would warrant a two week suspension anon. It's obviously clear he's got a problem with management but unlike Magni and Mori, he went all out and meant every single thing.

>> No.37377041

The only thing I can think of is maybe TPC saw his zatsu from earlier and thought he was talking about a romhack or emulator. That or he used a mod in a game that he wasn't supposed to.

Those situations were completely different, both of them announced it themselves and it came out of nowhere. They also left during the period we know when hololive contracts tend to be renewed.

>> No.37377047

I just woke up, man.

>> No.37377049

Vesper talked about Twitter today. Musk got him..

>> No.37377052
Quoted by: >>37377109

He hasn't build a strong fanbase yet. If he goes Indie i doubt he'll even break 1-1.5k consistently.

>> No.37377070

He would have gotten kicked within 24 hours if he was even accused of that anon, get off the basket weaving forum for a few seconds

>> No.37377082
Quoted by: >>37377132

>Vesper literally just mentioned on his last Zatsudan stream that he has the best job in the world
no fucking way he would do something that is gonna fuck it up what the fuck did he do to deserve this

>> No.37377096

Assuming it was an escalation, then it can't be something related to other talents. Most likely something with his management and Vesper did say he ignores his manager on purpose too.

>> No.37377099
Quoted by: >>37377185

I'd like to think Cover isn't retarded enough to instantly fire a talent over only an accusation. Realistically, they'd suspend him for two weeks and do an investigation, and if they find evidence they make a graduation statement at the end of his suspension.
Why do I feel like this is exactly what's happening?

>> No.37377105
Quoted by: >>37377216

retarded rrat. vesper has a switch. they tried to play mario party remember.

>> No.37377109
Quoted by: >>37377531

Why do you think he will stream again after graduating?? I just want him to just live his life and quit streaming altogether.

>> No.37377120

Sounds like a chemical you'd need to put to make copiun

>> No.37377131
File: 153 KB, 1271x2114, 1659690858061889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The logical rrat I can think of is Vesper going around asking the game devs for perms like what Salen did instead of allowing management to handle this which somehow cause some internal conflict between vesper and management.

Probably a reasons why he doesn't have much game schedules other than zatsu.

>> No.37377132

It's 100% the management fucking with him, they are making this public as a scare tactic

>> No.37377156

Ugh this is the worse because unlike the other public suspension, this one just invites all kinds of speculation
Even on twitter people are making shit up

>> No.37377159
File: 123 KB, 544x310, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this doesnt happen on emulator, on emulator it just comes up with a little box and you use your real life keyboard

>> No.37377167

Vesper is more likely to fuck Magni than a fan

>> No.37377169


>> No.37377173

Stfu you idiot, if I spam Ayame,Aqua,Shion is going to graduate and then they go on notified breaks ( or continue as usual ) it's not some fucking prophecy. It's just some idiot reading too far into rm comments probably same with Magni and you idiots slurp it up like it's word of truth.

>> No.37377185

I hope Gura gets her stupid ass corrected for false accusations

>> No.37377202

Guys I know everything but you have to subscribe to my Patreon

>> No.37377216
Quoted by: >>37377556

Vesper did play Mario Party with Mori. The problem is the capture card. Vesper has never streamed his pov of a console game before this and he had a much more consistent framerate in pokemon. I don't think you can play online normally with yuzu so I'm not sure

>> No.37377230
Quoted by: >>37377277

Tourists? Tourists

>> No.37377231

I hope Gura just graduates

>> No.37377245
Quoted by: >>37377406

>he fucked a talent.
talents dating is not against the rules, only talent and staff dating

>> No.37377259

Gura just seems the type to completely ignore them, not do that. My bet would genuinly be on Kronii.

>> No.37377277

There are posts thinking that something like bypassing management and giving an IP to a group server isn't suspension worthy. These rubberneckers don't care about facts, they just want something dramatic.

>> No.37377279
File: 668 KB, 480x480, 1665622931608887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37377301

Nowa liked the Kronii strip game on twitter so it’s probably that

>> No.37377307

Wait I just saw the news wtf?

I guess Nowa wasn't kidding when he kept saying that he'll get into trouble for saying stuff during zatsus....

>> No.37377326

is that really enough for a public 2 week suspension?

>> No.37377334

Kek please be true

>> No.37377337

He must've played the Kronii Player

>> No.37377338
Quoted by: >>37377366

>"Hey Vesper, stop liking twitter artists that draw lewds of Hololive Talent"

>> No.37377359

Passing by to laugh at you faggots now that your precious homo is about to get terminated. Deserved Tbh

>> No.37377366
Quoted by: >>37379206

Axel hasn’t unfollowed the one one he’s following and he isn’t bonked

>> No.37377373
Quoted by: >>37377440

An official announcement from the JP side for something like that doesn't seem likely to me either

>> No.37377374

Yes. Specifically the part about bypassing management, as multiple holos have confirmed a blacklist of talents.

>> No.37377383
Quoted by: >>37377432

This is a seriously unfortunate 2 weeks - missing Pokemon, missing DnD, the Apex tournament. Really going to hurt his growth.

>> No.37377394

No it’s desperate cope much like all the “oh he just backchatted management and they were sensitive”

>> No.37377402

How is magni taking all of this

>> No.37377406

A-chan thing is real?

>> No.37377421
File: 100 KB, 510x295, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ves rn

>> No.37377425

basically this
>no, someone unrelated leaking IP and then getting assblasted and some hacker acquiring IP addresses of holomem, then calling their ISPs pretending to be police officer investigating suicide threats to get their names and adresses is nothingburger. IT HAS TO BE SEXXXX

>> No.37377428

Probably using his dildo and longing for the Vampire dick

>> No.37377432

What growth? Does he have a tumor or something?

>> No.37377440
Quoted by: >>37377629

>from the JP side
Cover doesn't have a "cover_EN" account and they only announce suspensions or graduations there, not on any of the dedicated hololive branch accounts.

>> No.37377442
Quoted by: >>37378047

He sounded pretty shocked at the end of his sonic stream today. I don't think he's taking it very well

>> No.37377443
File: 126 KB, 1920x1080, 1666126070038080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing that is floating in my mind is that whatever happened with Nowa was not little enough for him to just have a warning but not big enough either to be a termination.

I know the 2 weeks "vacations" have been a thing before and we will not get a clear answer either but I am genuine curious as to what the fuck just happened for him to be suspended for those 2 weeks. The least person I expected to get in trouble is him, which leaves me even more confused.
At least I know I won't be coming to these threads for a while because they will be not be usable with catalogshitters coming here and not letting this shit go.

>> No.37377459
File: 78 KB, 432x525, 1652658818981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vesper is probably ugly crying right now in his room

>> No.37377461
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>> No.37377466

Remember when Mori had a stream begging Atlus to let her play Persona and didnt get punished
Remember the lean yab where she didnt get punished
I dont think there has ever been any EN punishment
I think this is actually serious

>> No.37377480

Suspension but without a public reason just invites all kinds of rrats
Did they really have to do this to him? He'll be a target of all kinds of speculations

>> No.37377482

I'll entertain this for a moment, how would management even come to know about what the talents do in their private lives off discord?

>> No.37377487

>The least person I expected to get in trouble is him, which leaves me even more confused.
I'll be honest, not really because he's on the spectrum and will definitely misread the room or sperg out.

>> No.37377496

>and didnt get punished
Mori got smacked pretty fucking hard for that stream. What are you talking about?

>> No.37377497

What if he was selling weed inside the office? Had a coworker who got fired because of that so it’s plausible

>> No.37377501

No they didn’t stop talking about shit you know nothing about

>> No.37377507
Quoted by: >>37377580

she didnt get a forced suspension

>> No.37377531

Is he even financially stable to graduate and live his life? Unless he has a cushy job outside of streaming, I doubt he'll leave streaming anytime soon.

>> No.37377537
Quoted by: >>37377580

And didn't get a public suspension
HoloEN never had a Public suspension

>> No.37377555

Both were breaks they wanted to take themselves, Mori cut her break short and joined a terraria collab like 1 day into, Kronii came back with a tweet from management basically saying stop bullying kronii

>> No.37377556
Quoted by: >>37377626

you can't use switch online on and emulator anonchama...

>> No.37377559

Fuck, why did you make me imagine that anon? :(

>> No.37377580

That's because it's just annoying. Mori talked about getting yelled at and had to private the stream.
What kind of false equivalencies are you trying to draw here?

>> No.37377603

Do you think a suspension could be a temporary thing while they investigate further?

>> No.37377605

Leader status?

>> No.37377611
File: 369 KB, 417x461, unknown-414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37377981

anon if you were using any thread other than this one and /stars/ you were making a mistake in the first place desu

>> No.37377620
File: 264 KB, 479x450, 1668523922465258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowa, please take care of yourself...

>> No.37377626

That's what I thought. I'm still not sure how his framerate was so good. My only explanation is that he always shuts the switch all the way down instead of only putting it in sleep mode.

>> No.37377629

Okay fair enough but it was clearly serious enough to loop in the JP management rather than handling it privately with the EN side, some issues with a server just don't strike me as bad enough to go to these lengths. This kind of announcement is not only going to hurt him but also the whole branches reputation

>> No.37377631

As long as he keeps his mouth shut about this moving forward, including his PL socials, I doubt it'll lead to anything.

>> No.37377651
Quoted by: >>37377848

Landing a hit on your talent like this and not giving a reason is pretty fucking serious is what I'm saying
If Mori got away with all the shit she did

>> No.37377653

>be me
>used to love coco
>gets suspended and leaves cover
>go for vesper
>suspension for 2 weeks without proper explanation
Fuck you cover don't take my oshi away from me again.

>> No.37377662
Quoted by: >>37377848

I'm saying that whatever is it has to be somewhat major considering Mori completely embarrassed hololive by doing that stream and didnt get anything close to this

>> No.37377685

Could this be from going way overtime on the sponsored stream? Maybe they WERE getting paid hourly and the sponsor got pissed. Don't know why Magni wouldn't get bonked, though.

>> No.37377711

There's your problem anon. Women get away with everything.

>> No.37377729
Quoted by: >>37377778

They'll be terminating him once the 2 week suspension is over. The suspension is just there to give management time to do proper investigation before terminating him

>> No.37377746

Fellow Tatsunoko... you'll get through this. The pain is only temporary but the trauma will last for a long time.

>> No.37377749

Hello /MANS/ today we will be learning the definition of "Internal Misconduct". Be sure to take notes, class will soon be in session.

>> No.37377750


>> No.37377752
Quoted by: >>37377882

Chances he got suspended because of the boys?
>trying to get perms himself despite management saying no
>circumnavigating rules for group collab ideas
>taking heat for the other’s youthful retardation
Or something along those lines

>> No.37377778
Quoted by: >>37377890

>Source: my ass
Anon Kaoru and Rushia were just terminated on the spot. If it was that bad they would have just pulled the trigger

>> No.37377779
Quoted by: >>37377833

Nah, the sponsor loved that stream and even went so far as to comment on both POVs. That's not it.

>> No.37377800

Vesper always takes the blame

>> No.37377833

This just makes me feel worse

>> No.37377848

Look, you can hate Mori, but she hasn't actually done anything objectively rule breaking. A lot of annoying things and regular breaching of etiquette, but nothing that would actually warrant a suspension.

>> No.37377851

no DnD ever again? thanks Nowa, next time try not calling Omega "omegatranny" on discord.

>> No.37377865
Quoted by: >>37377904

My comfy thread

>> No.37377878

So what can we rule off so far? It's not the pokemon emulator, it's not the sponsored stream. Anything else?

>> No.37377882

Here's my rrat. He tried to send a dick pic to one of the boys. Accidentally sent it to another co-worker. Got fucked, but they were lenient because it was an accident.

>> No.37377890

I'm pretty sure rushia was suspended then terminated a day or 2 after

>> No.37377904

nigger our gramps literally is going to jail. How you want to be comfy?

>> No.37377907


>> No.37377930

Nowa did sound kinda drunk during the pokemon stream…

>> No.37377931
File: 38 KB, 410x410, 1667364500075787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I THINK the less this shit makes sense not gonna lie, just what did he fucking do even fucking one of the girls makes no sense seeing as cover said before the talents relationship is not their business, Nowa-oji....just what in the fuck did you do homie...

>> No.37377936

>the boys have a cock comparison server
>accidentaly sends a pic to the wrong server
I believe this rrat

>> No.37377939

>the one most paranoid about opsec
>not just using his rm account for something like that
Even on the heat of the moment, I can't see it happening.

>> No.37377942

he probably talked about nda'd stuff accidentally and management caught wind of it.

>> No.37377954
File: 436 KB, 720x706, 1644645838074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate hololive management so much it's unreal. Why do they constantly have to ruin everything good about the company?

>> No.37377970

>The original Japanese tweet says he did "迷惑行為(harassment)" "散見". 散見 basically means "multiple times", or "more than occasionally but less than frequently", so he did something appropriate multiple times.
taken from another thread, is this actually accurate?

>> No.37377975


>> No.37377978

rrat: Management wasn't supposed to publicly announced it, but Vesper doesn't want to lie to his audience about something as big as this so he asked for it to be announced.

>> No.37377981
Quoted by: >>37378418

I don't. Never said I did.
Yeah catalog will be insufferable because of this but I just know that these Mans threads will be filled with bait and catalogfags these upcoming days, way more than usual since they were waiting for something like this to happen.
All I am saying that probably is for the best if I don't come to /vt/ at all until this whole situation calms down a bit. I love being in here but I rather not get a headache over this either.

>> No.37377985

Please start watching Gura next

>> No.37378003

Don't believe antything unless it comes with actual evidence attached.

>> No.37378004

And I only just learnt about Mori's Pokemon tournament.... I suppose it could still happen if perms are until Feb

>> No.37378028
Quoted by: >>37378260


It lines up too perfectly for it not to be that. Anyone saying giving out an IP without management approval isn't enough for a suspension is either too new or a shitposter just hoping for some spicy drama.

>> No.37378047


I'm not sure how to interpret it. Magni had just been complaining of insomnia, someone suggested watching Vesper's VODs, Magni said he's already watched most of Vesper's VODs, then Vesper showed up and posted "?!?" Then Magni immediately said OMG I forgot to do something, felt bad, said it's not a big deal but he hates not delivering on promises. I don't think this qualifies as "not a big deal." The fact he and Vesper were talking about DnD this weekend as mentioned in >>37375127 makes me think they might not have known at the time either.

>> No.37378061
File: 52 KB, 327x257, nowa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"haha hey guys my name is vesper noir the resident scholar of adventurer's guild tempus and a member of holostars english. AAAND I almost got fired. hooooooweeee that was a close one. I mean really, cmon, that would've SUCKED if that happened. This is quite literally a dream come true, and i'm finally back from my break, and I am also happy to see you guys once again. I know you missed me, and I most certainly missed you."

>> No.37378062
Quoted by: >>37378085

Whatever he did sounds serious, but probably only an accident. There's probably a certain threshold where they HAVE to suspend you for 2 weeks, regardless of intent. The only thing that really has me worried is Axel canceling. He'll talk about anything, so they probably yanked him for at least the next few hours so that someone more tactful can address the situation first.

>> No.37378065
Quoted by: >>37378573

I don't believe for a second they would tolerate stars getting involved with hololive girls, no matter what festival said something like that would instantly burn away any goodwill stars has with the wider fanbase and harm the entirety of hololive.
Not saying anything like that actually happened but you saying that would not be grounds for suspension is wrong imo

>> No.37378080


>> No.37378085

internal misconduct sounds really serious to me

>> No.37378101

Anon wasn't kidding about Noir being too based for Holostars a few months ago.

>> No.37378114
Quoted by: >>37378131

This, but the voice is completely different.

>> No.37378122

holy shit, it is eye opening rrat

>> No.37378125

I think he just did something that went against his contract but it wasn't major enough to warrant graduation desu

>> No.37378131

>It's leader

>> No.37378136

Do you have the screenshot of the tweet? If not treat it as a lie

>> No.37378148

Considering Towa and Laplus got bonked for joining a Rust server, i’ll take it sure

>> No.37378163


>> No.37378164
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>> No.37378166
File: 727 KB, 966x541, Screencap8168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37378230

Vesper in 2 weeks.

>> No.37378177

I would sill support axel and altare, but not having all the boys in collabs would crush my soul. If the sadness is too much i might take a break from vtuber stuff

>> No.37378202

That is not grounds for termination or suspension. Go read up on tripartite agreement and employment law before spourting shit retardchama

>> No.37378209

drama is awesome i love drama

>> No.37378222
File: 37 KB, 581x310, chrome_TUelHSrEfK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37378364

NTA. Link of the tweet if you really want to confirm.

>> No.37378230

If Marine and Haachama are still here I believe in my Grandpa

>> No.37378236
Quoted by: >>37378372

That's more like 迷惑 troublesome/bothersome 行為 deeds/conduct, the other one you said is correct. This does indicate it is repeated violations.
You can literally just ctrl+F "迷惑行為" on the tweet. It's not hard.

>> No.37378237

My internal sources told me Nowa sent a dick pic to A-chan

>> No.37378246

No, i like axel but without maglord and uncle nowa i wont stay. i might even anti.

>> No.37378260

They're right in that it isn't a big deal, but for a company, especially a Japanese one, it would be worth a suspension. It wouldn't surprise me if they heard Vesper gave out an IP address and now they think he gave someone access to company documents stored on their servers.

>> No.37378263

Fuck no, I'll never watch StarsEN ever again. I'd be back to exclusively watching StarsJP and non-holos like I usually do when they're not streaming.

>> No.37378272

Not really. I only really cared about Nowa

>> No.37378303
Quoted by: >>37378315

i am a vestie who has been off his meds and had a hard relapse and i just learned about this
what the FUCK is going on and the wording both in japanese and english makes me so anxious i actually vomited

>> No.37378307
Quoted by: >>37378451

That is the wording of the tweet but the translation has some EOP google translate stink. Its pretty vague corporate speak but its more along the lines of "repeated inappropriate behavior within Hololive Production". 迷惑 is a broader term than just "harassment".

>> No.37378315


>> No.37378325

Vesper dying first in Zomboid was foreshadowing...

>> No.37378338

Internal interactions with their wombs sure.

>> No.37378343

bakers please... catalog is filled with schizos right now

>> No.37378347

Rushia was suspended before she got terminated, I'm not sure if it was just a temporary thing while they confirmed everything or if her being schizo turned the suspension into a graduation

>> No.37378364
File: 278 KB, 374x565, laf[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ft4airq.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets make up all possible iterations of rrats before we even read carefully what this announcement says
I fucking love /vt/

>> No.37378368

First tweet after 2 weeks
>Everyone's a narcissist
What will you do?

>> No.37378372
Quoted by: >>37378516

So if correct, he has been warned and bonked before at least once but did it again anyways. Oof not a good look, why does he have to be so autistic

>> No.37378384

I audibly kek'd after reading this, so probably that.

>> No.37378395
File: 613 KB, 935x920, 1661129298228467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37378397

JP tweet stated "Production" as a short form for Hololive production, which just means within the company.

>> No.37378399
Quoted by: >>37378421

Why do shitposters keep bringing up Rushia being suspended but not the part about the statement suspending her also stating that an active investigation was happening to determine the depths of the issue?

>> No.37378405
File: 52 KB, 550x506, 1659849986998775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst fucking thing I've heard all week. I didn't think I cared this much, he was my first member and I've only watched tubers in passing but I'm legitimately upset right now.

>> No.37378418

Understandable, see you in two weeks anon.

>> No.37378420


>> No.37378421

post the tweet

>> No.37378438


>> No.37378450

Towa baby

>> No.37378451

The JP tweet points towards multiple instances of "inappropriate behavior" in the context of internal affairs. Which, honestly, feels like corpo-speak for "went against company policy" or "against company guidelines".
Whether that's towards talents or management I cannot say, but I'd wager it's more likely that Vesper pushed against management one too many times in a way that tilted someone.

>> No.37378461
File: 542 KB, 780x1060, 1638497892421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate this world

>> No.37378463

It was the latter. It could be the same for Vesper, and they could let him come back earlier if the investigation doesn't turn up anything.

>> No.37378464
Quoted by: >>37378513

truthfully i'm not even a holo but i have to assume this is just a nothing situation and things will be back to normal soon enough
fear not holobros, i don't think anything bad is going to happen

>> No.37378475


>> No.37378476
Quoted by: >>37378506


>> No.37378484

I blame Om*ga.

>> No.37378493

>people are still saying it's a nothingburger on a literally public execution of two weeks suspension announcement
a suspension is actually fucking big for hololive standard please wake up

>> No.37378496


>> No.37378504
Quoted by: >>37378553

something cute and positive that drawanons here might be interested in joining

>> No.37378506

please stop...

>> No.37378508

Cover's been burned a lot by outsiders starting shit. They basically have PTSD at this point. I won't blame 'em

>> No.37378513
Quoted by: >>37378697

Thanks non holo fan. Truthfully I'm not the most dedicated vestie out there but I'm worried about pops

>> No.37378516

I can't speculate on whether he has or has not been directly warned about it before, but at the very least 散見 does mean that it is a repeated action, not just one time. TECHNICALLY if you're going from a very "Japanese" viewpoint, 迷惑行為 could refer to harassment with a kind of vague, "read between the lines" approach, which the Japanese typically do, but it's perfectly possible and probably more likely they really do just mean general bothersome behavior.

>> No.37378529

I know Axel has the aussie thing so people expect him to yab, but I truly believe he's the least likely person to get caught for doing bad shit. The worst that could happen is "cunt" and that's a nothingburger.

>> No.37378533
Quoted by: >>37378811

Vesper muted.

>> No.37378547

This is why I didn't want to come back and watch Holo stuff ever again...

>> No.37378548

he already said it anyway

>> No.37378553

I'll try to participate on this one. Thanks anon

>> No.37378558

"Vesper don't rock the boat"
"I'm gonna rock the boat"

>> No.37378573

Nah I was basing it off when rushia got fired Covers statement said the talents relationship is none of their concern/reason for firing them so unless Vesper was annoyingly discord sexting Kronii or some shit and she snitched I don't see the reason for suspension at least from that angle, something must have happened after the Pokemon stream my bet is it was between the boys or Vesper and management, who knows maybe he didn't enjoy Altares autistic ass nuzlocke rules and snapped

>> No.37378576

Vesper is not the first to get suspended, also not everyone with suspension graduated or got terminated afterward
This could be both nothingburger or big deal, but from seeing how Axel acted after the announcement (retweeting and liking art) it's most likely an understandable nothingburger

>> No.37378582

Axel mentioned he's allowed to say it but just thing he doesn't want to risk getting pulled out of context

>> No.37378583

No one cares, look at Vox

>> No.37378586
Quoted by: >>37378656

I just got home, what the FUCK did I miss?

>> No.37378602

>ghosted his manager
>ghosts his manager

>> No.37378613
Quoted by: >>37378643

>likely scenarios
>immediately starts with someone so retarded and out of character even a catalognigger would be embarrassed

>> No.37378617
Quoted by: >>37378665

>>37378421 (me)
Here it is, its in japanese and it isn't copyable so I dont know what it says

>> No.37378619

This made me laugh more than I should've lol

>> No.37378620

one of my main rrats was that management just got sick of him doing his own thing. He would constantly ghost his manager, enough to mention it on stream multiple times. He's mentioned skipping meetings with his manager and he's said a lot of bonk-worthy things on stream.

>> No.37378627

>Nowa don't get perms on your own and attend meetings with your managers that are talking only in japanese. Be respectfur
>no way fag

>> No.37378643


>> No.37378647

Not Holostars, we are used to sudden tragic bullshit. Until I see the tweet that says he is gone for good with my own two eyes I don't care.

>> No.37378650
Quoted by: >>37378716

>He's mentioned skipping meetings with his manager
Wait, I thought it's just messages?

>> No.37378656

Grandpire's going to get milk and ciggeretes.

>> No.37378665
File: 159 KB, 1080x1068, Botched_Ink-1493221573150769154-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a translation right below it anon

>> No.37378674

Who cares, the boys have had to fend off schizos since day one. This will just be the same ones but with a new rrat.

>> No.37378683

>Vesper please stop calling Kiara a Hitlerian Dyke
>no way fag

>> No.37378688

>he's said a lot of bonk-worthy things on stream.
This is all of them though. Like I really can't see this being a factor.

>> No.37378697

a couple of my preferred vtubers have gone through some yabs and come out more or less OK
just hoping that's the same for you guys
just want good feelings, comfy times, for all my flens, even if we don't watch the same people

>> No.37378716
Quoted by: >>37378757

I'm sorry that I don't have an exact date on when it was streamed, but I think it was a zatsu, possibly members only, where he talked about skipping a meeting for some reason. It was between september 10th and september 30th because I remember playing splatoon 3 at the time. I wish I had more info.

>> No.37378715

Rent free

>> No.37378732

Considering Magni, how high is the chance Magni knew of the issue and is doing rm stuff cause of it.
To me it seems like the issues happened while the collab was going on and Magni got wind of it. Chance is Vesper shared some infos to magni he wasnt supposed to know.

>> No.37378734

That was in reference to one of the girls and her offline, out of company relationship.
The other way around with a male talent and a hololive member I very much doubt they would have the same stance.

Almost certainly something far less salacious though, my bet is he leaked something internal to a friend or something boring like that

>> No.37378740
File: 17 KB, 734x180, ghjghjghjgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most probably #1. Everyone here knows his issues with his manager.

>> No.37378749

>Vesper please stop replying to everything with "no way fag"
>no way fag

>> No.37378757
Quoted by: >>37378813

Ngl that's kinda shitty on his part. It's a job after all. Does he think that being in Holostars means that he is irreplaceable so he can afford to do this?

>> No.37378771
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37378834

its over...

>> No.37378790
Quoted by: >>37378948

Yeah seems resonanble. Management wanted something and nowa ignored it. Seems very in char too.

>> No.37378809
Quoted by: >>37378881

He fucked Towa. But in reality it was Towa that fucked him ;)))

>> No.37378811

Dammit, I laughed

>> No.37378813

He has social anxiety, prease andastand qwq

Captcha: G4Y44

>> No.37378822
Quoted by: >>37378885

Well, Axel did say he'll be streaming tomorrow, I don't think he would be that confident about it if Nowa was talking about graduating because of this or whatever. Probably not that big of a deal but 2 weeks is just the standard suspension time.

>> No.37378834


>> No.37378836

It’s cuz the management is pity and want to teach vesper a lesson

>> No.37378852



>> No.37378855

Endgame of this, most probably, would be Vesper getting a new manager. Kronii route.

>> No.37378876
Quoted by: >>37378935

Uncle nowa joining vshojo

>> No.37378878
Quoted by: >>37378948

huh, now that you mention it, i also remember him distinctly admitting to disobeying management in a membership stream. something about allowing super chats?`

>> No.37378881

but i fucked towa??

>> No.37378885

Yeah, not a big deal, or Axel wouldnt happily retweet cute art after that tweet. If anything about his cancellation, he either is busy or just did not want to shoulder the responsibility of being the first to address the situation

>> No.37378891

He also turned supers off during his members stream before the Magni offcollab. It's not much on it's own, but he admitted to disobeying management on stream.

>> No.37378914

vesper aren't you suspended?

>> No.37378927

I will take this rrat. Using the name of the company without their knowledge is a pretty big yab.

>> No.37378930

rpr? shouldn't you be finding a third for the apex tourney?

>> No.37378935
File: 201 KB, 463x453, 1629075479699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37378966

speak of the devil and he shall appear
mike is getting a new live2D, no deliveries on vshojo account, it's a new age of super yabs

>> No.37378938

I believe this ghosting management rrat. JP talks about repeated offenses and we already know he ghosted management, and even the boys, when he went full on radio silent for a week before. In any other setting he would've gotten fired for that.

>> No.37378948

It piled up, once/twice he received a warning and/or NTE. But then repeated it again over and over, leading up to even the JP branch handing down the hammer.

>> No.37378966

what did I miss

>> No.37378974

I don't know what he did.

>> No.37378984

Yeah those rrats about him going against management too often seems to be most likely since he did mention on stream some of these things. Man our little rebellious grandpa acting like an A list diva...

>> No.37379010
Quoted by: >>37379218

you fucks I still haven't gotten over sana graduatiing don't you take away nowa too

>> No.37379051

It's dead hours...
Watch Uyu's 3D Live...
I miss Uncle Nowa...

>> No.37379057
Quoted by: >>37379218

He did.He said he was gonna keep doing it till they catch him.Welp they caught him.Also this is grounds for disciplinary action.Why? because he is actively cutting into company profits by doing so.

>> No.37379068

I got fucked by #3 kek.

>> No.37379071

ENs management AGAIN, I don't know anymore. Too many occurrences of this shit happening, from Kiara, Ame, Gura, Kronii now this with Vesper. I hope someone can go straight to higher ups and discuss this chronic problem that's been plaguing them for the longest time.

>> No.37379072
Quoted by: >>37379120

Turning off superchats isn't a big deal. Maybe specifically saying he's disobeying is, though.

>> No.37379075

Are we renaming this general if Vesper graduates

>> No.37379079

I wonder what will happen when the Americans wake up and see this shit since it's fairly tame right now. And yeah... why did they announce it when the Americans are mostly asleep? In which I'm also assuming Vesper's also asleep at that point. Management probably held a pretty long deliberation before handing out the suspension?

>> No.37379094 [DELETED] 


>> No.37379098

Just Tempus General, I think would be enough

>> No.37379103


Maybe he used an emulator? the time of the tweet makes it be a little too much of a coincidence

>> No.37379120
Quoted by: >>37379229

back in late july/early august (cant remember when) he got spammed with supers, to the point where he tried to deal with chat to extend his stream by 30 minutes if they stopped. He did it, but they kept sending them. He ended up turning them off for the rest of the stream and managers got mad at him, forcing him to keep supers on for the next 6 months or so.

>> No.37379125
Quoted by: >>37379153

could be... but doesn't Vesper have a switch? I don't think buying a game is a problem for Vesper.

>> No.37379130

I'll just wait for Leader's membership stream later.
It's kinda nice when the leader of the group is reliable. He's going to address it properly or become a grudge monster.
Axel seems fine too.

>> No.37379131

The emulator rrat doesn't hold water, he was LITERALLY playing online with the other boys.

>> No.37379133

not only /mans/ but the entirety of StarsEN would dissolve. They are a unit, Vesper leaving... idk

>> No.37379135
Quoted by: >>37379169

Everyone shut the fuck up Uyu's debut is on.

>> No.37379147
Quoted by: >>37379218

He didn't. There are tells.

>> No.37379153
Quoted by: >>37379218

is this THE Chris Hanson?

>> No.37379169


>> No.37379183

Yeah. The timing. But was he using an emulator though? anyone can inspect this?

>> No.37379191

He didn't and the stream is still up.

>> No.37379196
Quoted by: >>37379248

He is very cute and shy, I wish he made some colabs with ENG boys, but I guess he's bad with the language. Shame, Uproar seem to be on very friendly terms with Tempus, at least those who can interact :)

>> No.37379206

Axel is a based retard and probably hasn't realized he was getting bonked.

>> No.37379212

Dark Souls of vtuber industry.

>> No.37379215
Quoted by: >>37379255

They could've just handed out the suspension in silence and have vesper tweet out that he's gonna go on a 2 week vacation or some shit. What the fuck is happening?

>> No.37379218
File: 31 KB, 756x287, calliopecurve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The calliope curve is real

>> No.37379223

Cover tweeted it only about an hour after Vesper's last communication in Magni's stream chat though

>> No.37379229

He is far more likely to have gotten into trouble over him "extending the stream by reading SCs" since Magni talked about being yelled at by management for baiting SCs and was audibly distraught when he thought he accidentally did it again during his Shadow the Hedgehog stream

>> No.37379234

Damn hope someone gets to the bottom of this. After that we need to figure out whether he really did sit on Magni's lap during the offcollab.

>> No.37379248

He got actually pretty good, he's just busy with irl work

>> No.37379253

Uyu is so long

>> No.37379255

Nowa probably wanted it be public so we don't think he hates us
