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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 77 KB, 605x408, FhQj1cqUYAAnO7g (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37094483 No.37094483 [Reply] [Original]

A thread dedicated to Nijisanji EN's longnecked tomboy gamer Dragon/laughing gas addict!
Selen left me unfinished but I don't mind edition~

>Her Youtube channel
>Her Twitch channel
>Her VOD Channel
>Her Twitter
>Selen SHIMEJI! Have your own Chibilen!
Previous thread: >>36999805

>> No.37094503

Aw that's a really cute art

>> No.37094519

Selen cute

>> No.37094534

This is the one.

>> No.37094544

Toxic purple dragon in here https://www.twitch.tv/rubensargasm
She's not talking

>> No.37094562
File: 59 KB, 161x160, 4f34e727033162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one!
Thanks! The eternal grind...

>> No.37094616

stop making duplicate thread

>> No.37094647
Quoted by: >>37094676

If you stop trolling with bad OPs, then it wouldn't be needed.

>> No.37094666

Nobody asked the main thread retard to make their shit thread.

>> No.37094676

how's the OP bad, exactly?

>> No.37094692

3 hours late anon. She's being suffering for at least 3 hours on Ruben's stream kek

>> No.37094705

>Selen left me unfinished but i dont mind

>> No.37094734

Has a retarded Australian (I'm an Aussie myself) in it for no good reason, plenty of good solo Selen art out there, and the thread isn't about him.

>> No.37094741

Just please don't comment cringe, someone was so cringe I wanted to fucking die a while ago

>> No.37094745
File: 16 KB, 128x128, 926729867783991386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna post on a thread with the Pogfag in it

>> No.37094759

All /HAHA/ threads must feature an OP with one of the following combinations: Selen, Selen and dragoons, Selen and ember, all three, dragon sisters, Selen and Pomu, the trinity, or Obsydia. that is all.

>> No.37095052

Do you think selen masturbates very often? or does she only do it when she feels very stressed

>> No.37095221

>have bad luck on FPS rank
>take a bath
>go to sleep

>> No.37095234
Quoted by: >>37095334

Judging by what she said in NSO about the sex addiction ending, every day.

>> No.37095334
Quoted by: >>37095879

I'm gonna need a timestamp anon

>> No.37095772

The rrats were true

>> No.37095825
File: 2.50 MB, 296x431, Ame Dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37095852
File: 14 KB, 317x317, 1645355031650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37095881

Surely THIS will be the collab that finally destroys /vt/

>> No.37095867

Holy fucking shit im so happy.

>> No.37095876


>> No.37095879


Holy shit the catalog is going to BURN

>> No.37095881

It'll cause a shitstorm for a while, Selen gets compared to Ame a lot fsr
I hope I'm wrong and nobody actually cares tho

>> No.37096059
File: 267 KB, 600x600, 1657185785317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37096078

honorary holo

>> No.37096078

I see some people seething already lmao

>> No.37096238

guess I'm missing this one out. hope the rest of you enjoy

>> No.37096254
Quoted by: >>37096311

>My past oshi collabing with my new oshi
ngl bros this feel really weird

>> No.37096311

Is it really a thing? I thought main thread was just shitposting about Ame's fans chaging to Selen

>> No.37096442

They both have hundreds of thousands of fans, it's bound to happen eventually

>> No.37096455
File: 118 KB, 360x359, 1642651294154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excited for this!

>> No.37096513
Quoted by: >>37096554

My old oshi was Ame too... and no, i didn't abandoned her because of the Improve Yourselves, it just... i unironically fell in love with Selen

>> No.37096554

I don't know what you mean by *spoiler*

>> No.37097232

Holy shit they're playing Overwatch, too?
Will Mumei be able to survive the toxicity?

>> No.37097394

selen will interact with her the same way she interacts with uto and rosemi because mumei is a cute girl
this is the big enigma

>> No.37097452

You sound like a redditfag/twittertranny

>> No.37097484

Selen will have to push Ame into conversation or at least banter with Mumei and have Ame join in, as she is quite quiet in collabs with new people.

>> No.37097535
Quoted by: >>37097628

My wife will be collabing with more hololive and Im very happy for all time high unity levels!

>> No.37097542

I am glad this is happening so people will see how Selen is nothing like Ame in reality and the comparisons can stop.

>> No.37097555

Mumei is 75% dead air too, so Selen is going to be carrying the entire stream on her back.

>> No.37097628
File: 308 KB, 2160x2160, 20220514_034042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame will have it rough, but it will be nice watching them interact... maybe Selen can push the toxic gremlin out of Ame

>> No.37097686

Anon, I dont watch hololive but even I know that out of all of them its not Ame who would be upset over being toxic. In fact she used to use gamer words before her (current) career just like Selen.

>> No.37097693

You're a weird one anon, Ame doesn't even speak much she is like empty air most of the time

>> No.37097796

Is true. I wouldn't say Ame was my oshi, but she was certainly my favourite EN before Selen, so this is kind of a dream collab. I'd like something more interesting than an fps stream, though, so I hope they get along and continue to interact.

>> No.37097856

As much as i am happy the shit posting is going to go into over drive just like the last Holo collab

>> No.37099017

See ya in the next stream, i skip the tempus collab since they are not my cup of tea too

>> No.37099842
File: 35 KB, 400x400, 1658699989573094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37100527

Selen toesuki

>> No.37100279

I could see them doing VRChat together. It would be pretty much the same thing as the Pomutori stream but with people that actually know what they're looking at when they give the tour.

>> No.37100425

>I'd like something more interesting than an fps stream
Eh, I view these things as just a continuation of what Selen always does really. Have two guests (or more) for Apex or now Overwatch 2.
And yes, I realize even suggesting they are Selen's guests and not the other way around will infuriate some people.

>> No.37100465

Fuck, now I'm fantasizing about a full on NijixHolo collab co-produced by Ame and Selen. Together they'd be so powerful. I still can't believe Hololive passed up Selen in favor of Sana.

>> No.37100481

>I could see them doing VRChat together
i don't think ame can handle that anon... i imagine it'd be really painful to watch pomutori was a little bit awkward and they''ve interacted lots with each other. at least with fps they don't really need to worry about constantly talking that much

>> No.37100527
File: 414 KB, 2121x2722, 1664691411798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37100618

Dangerously based

>> No.37100618
File: 1.71 MB, 4700x3300, 1667175569635353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn go so hard on sucking her toes that she can't stay sat up and starts wriggling in pleasure

>> No.37100623

They would be the ones to do it, if anyone. I'm thinking now how much of a pain in the ass it probably would be for them to do a VRChat project together but a NijixHolo collab world something like Ame's halloween mansion would be absolute kino. If the world actually worked this time.

>> No.37100649

Actually, I think Ame would do better in VRChat. It's a lot easier to come up with stuff to say when exploring a VR world than it is while you're tryharding an fps game.

>> No.37100665

Ame has VRChat autism and will motormouth about it if she actually has someone else that's interested in VRC to listen to her. Like Selen.

>> No.37100885
File: 1.55 MB, 850x1133, 1660051689165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37101011
File: 376 KB, 1080x969, 1657864441250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37101270

She'd have to knock me unconscious to stop me sucking

>> No.37101270

Sewen is pure SEX.

>> No.37102624

Hello Selen anons. I'm looking forward to the collab with Mumei. I watched a few clips of Selen to learn about her and she's quite funny. Please excuse Mumei's poor aim sometimes, she's a bit bad at the game but she's trying her best.

>> No.37102795

>Please excuse Mumei's poor aim sometimes, she's a bit bad at the game but she's trying her best.
no worries birbbro, selen's had collabs with people who can't aim at all kek

>> No.37102922

Dont worry, she always try to accomodate depending on her collab partner.
Moomers will be ok.

>> No.37104266
Quoted by: >>37108588

>So easy

>> No.37105387

I changed to Selen over a year ago when I started watching Selen and Ame stopped streaming any reasonable EU hours

>> No.37106114

I want to pull Selen's tail when she least expects it.

>> No.37106169

treat my cute mumei nicely please!

>> No.37106498

I like giggle dragon and I like autist owl

>> No.37106834

I Mumei (or petra) a harpy?

>> No.37107040
File: 344 KB, 1000x1144, 1473556013169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn guys, today was my first lesson for a Dragon Racist license and I think I fucked up.

>> No.37108410


>> No.37108426
File: 315 KB, 1500x1996, F79D5185-BA51-4E7B-8D17-43AB1D602087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37108588

I wish Taurus demon did this when i played the game for the first time.

>> No.37108613

>m*in thread cuck

>> No.37108807


>> No.37108924


>> No.37109760
File: 531 KB, 2048x1254, Obsydia7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot that part entirely
Selen have tiny horns anyways!

>> No.37109954
File: 247 KB, 355x345, 4aae8f76230949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37110016
File: 344 KB, 1860x2631, 1666385163581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody order an extra sexy Selen?

>> No.37110064

That Seleass but on my face.

>> No.37110106
File: 541 KB, 2246x2800, FhfDPHaX0AIzSp8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37111492


>> No.37110199
File: 1.63 MB, 4700x3300, 1667175635697809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37111355

Dont worry, Selen likes cute girls too!
She will be fine

>> No.37111405
File: 457 KB, 654x873, 1655283177846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Selen to say this to me and then force me down face-first into the bed and forcefully take my anal virginity from me with her tail.

>> No.37111492

i like my dragon to stay THICC

>> No.37111943

This is a thing now https://twitter.com/AiaAmare/status/1592185468111974400/photo/1

>> No.37112039

im kind of sad that selen was the only obsydia not on petra combeack totsu

>> No.37112180

She stayed up all night, had a twitch stream and later had a shill stream, i think she at least raided Petra, and i'm gonna be honest, branch wide totsus are not the best streams if you want actual interactions, i would rather them talk together during obsydia collab or anything else than a huge ass group call where you cant even fit a word without being interrupted by Vox's soundboard or some other meme spamming

>> No.37112948
Quoted by: >>37113522

And she's still grinding/working at very late hours
We ahve to accept that as NijiEn grows it's impossible for everyone to interact

>> No.37113522
Quoted by: >>37113623

Nah that doesn't apply to your own wave. She made an effort not to show up. Your point would be valid if it applied to people from other waves. I mean her and Petra don't have completely opposite timeslots they just probably don't get along.

>> No.37113623

They went shopping in Japan

>> No.37113788
Quoted by: >>37113906

>Ame: Fucking bitch.
>the remaining 90 minutes of the collab is just silence

>> No.37113906

Selen has no problem breaking the ice, moving away from topics and bantering

>> No.37114013

Mmm... this is a strange one...

>> No.37115074

I never liked those totsus, what's the point?
>Selen joins
>talk for 2-5 minutes
>stays silent the entire duration of the stream
I wonder if this will be just Aia or more, also i hope she does her fujo stream alone

>> No.37116018
File: 565 KB, 1076x1076, 1628041018008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37116321


>> No.37116321

you should get that checked

>> No.37117368
File: 1.11 MB, 3422x4096, 1533566498024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37118987


>> No.37117518
Quoted by: >>37118987

It says NijiEn so it's probably a bit big collab, rosemi is in as well

>> No.37118875
Quoted by: >>37118987

The other one reached 25k really fast, wtf happened with this one

>> No.37118987
File: 322 KB, 1668x1893, 1630723683000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37119016

Oh thanks, might be an actual good collab then
Sisters collab after the Ame-Mumei one right?
It seems that Dragoons prefer tits over ass...

>> No.37119016

Dissapointed in Dragoons

>> No.37119163
Quoted by: >>37119390

i know, its because obsydia are my top 3 nijien so when theres those times i get kind of sad they dont interact :(

>> No.37119194

Time to drop her.

>> No.37119390
File: 407 KB, 1448x2048, FB-uQ7SVcAcJbq4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37131850

Its hard but i like the fact that they click so well on those rare collabs... at least Obsydiabros get feed sometimes unlike Dragon enjoyers

>> No.37119462

Sana was a nepotism hire from Ina

>> No.37119609

I wanted to say that it shows Niji hires for talent unilke Holo but Elira and her friends exist.

>> No.37120182
Quoted by: >>37120416

Yeah, hopefully people will realize that all of Selen's content is just a half-baked recycled version of what Ame does, and move on from her.

>> No.37120280

>least obvious m*in thread faggot

>> No.37120338
Quoted by: >>37120522

The holo collab is making the fags there seethe more than /hlgg/.

>> No.37120339 [DELETED] 

Nice job actually addressing the point fagoon, you sure showed me that your fat annoying chink has value!

>> No.37120416

> Agrees with >>37097542
>Selen's content is just a half-baked recycled version of what Ame does
>Contradicts himself
At least try to post something that makes sense...

>> No.37120522
Quoted by: >>37120685

i hope the holobros dont go to /nijien/ that day, last holo-selen collab they were shitting on both

>> No.37120685

/haha/ fault won't be so I don't really care and holo tribalfags will seethe regardless

>> No.37121162

tbf there's been schizos/shitposters shitting up the Ame thread over this saying similar shit too, not like this hasn't happened before already though, it's gets pretty obvious who's samefagging once you're used to it

>> No.37121264
Quoted by: >>37121457

Pretty sure it's the same people, they just want to get a reaction out of anything

>> No.37121451
Quoted by: >>37122152

Damn... its really shitty since its not like they are doing a collab with a Niji male or someone who is constantly unhinge like Enna, its Selen, the one who already did 2 Hololive collabs
But I'm happy that this time, the collab got more positive reception than i expected

>> No.37121457 [SPOILER] 
File: 266 KB, 900x900, FhU5i6OaYAAypoZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't be surprised at this point yeah, gets pretty annoying though when people do indeed bite the bait.
Hopefully there ain't too much of a shitstorm come Sunday though, looking forward to the Selen & Amei collab either way.

>> No.37121523
File: 55 KB, 313x262, Blushed Selen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37121687


>> No.37121549
Quoted by: >>37121687

Based holobro, just avoid the Niji thread.

>> No.37121687
File: 49 KB, 651x601, c58512a1161986cb22cf1fad7c4df684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dw I never go there anymore

>> No.37121713
File: 71 KB, 300x275, 1647672301460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37121745

I hope they can do another 1 on 1 collab now that Petra has a new computer
I really enjoyed the few they did before

>> No.37121745
File: 702 KB, 4096x2643, FAQxk3PWYAEcl7u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish that too now

>> No.37122033
File: 239 KB, 848x840, 1657254584186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better start working on the porn, dragoons. You better do

>> No.37122111
Quoted by: >>37122633

And you Teamate?

>> No.37122152
Quoted by: >>37131955

I think there will be people who just see the NijiEN tag and just urk in response thanks to the reputation a lot of the members have unfortunately.
But otherwise I don't think you'll need to worry too much about it, there'll definitely be more people happy for this collab happening than there are those wholly against it due to tribalism.

>> No.37122235
File: 679 KB, 1868x2856, FhcZkGmaYAEtoQp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame probably have more fan artist and along with the Dragoon ones, I'm pretty sure we can achieve greatness

>> No.37122633

I'm as artistic as a rock, so... preparing the lube
The girls' color palette is quite different. Very interesting things can come out, especially if they combine it with outfits from the game, I hope this collab inspires many artists.

>> No.37122732
Quoted by: >>37123116

I hope we see art of Selen and Ame pressing their Fat Asses together come out of this!

>> No.37122733
File: 567 KB, 608x720, 1667662094839635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37123116

How will this go I wonder, neither Ame nor Mumei are good talkers, hell the last collab I watched with Ame had fucking Kobo of all people take charge and she even called out Ame and Iroha for being so quiet.

>> No.37122863

I'm pretty sure the artists will deliver, eagirly waiting what will came out of this

>> No.37123116
File: 954 KB, 3058x4096, FLjlYCFVkAU6xVl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selen will try to make them talk and bant like she always does
Her collab with the TEMPUS boys was mostly Selen and Axel since they are both obsessed with FPS games but Selen made some fun interactions with Magni when she noticed him being silent
Don't worry

>> No.37123273

Sonic in 5 hours

>> No.37123305
File: 59 KB, 225x225, 1662539804544527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a former teamate I gotta say.
If you stopped watching Ame for any reason, give her another chance, Im not sure what was going on in her life but she seems to be pass it now, shes a lot better in terms of content, not as ragey and generally just very nice and chill to watch now.
Obviously stick with Selen if shes your girl but Ame has indeed changed.

>> No.37123319

Ahhh day saved.

>> No.37123655

No need to be paranoid all day anymore, thanks selen

>> No.37124597
File: 63 KB, 144x152, 1608565276606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is still my to go Holo chubba along with Chicken when there is nothing more to watch Specially these days... the NijiEN girls i like are all on break or soon to be

>> No.37124732

>Check nijidex
Yea thats pretty grim and petra is on JP time now so I cant watch her anymore.

>> No.37124739
File: 74 KB, 1095x778, EhcQsGQU8AAirfS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teamate passing through, never watched anything outside holo, but I've always heard good things about your oshii. Only one question, do you guys tolerate the Selenposter

>> No.37124786
Quoted by: >>37124943

Which Selenposter
>Selen I know you are /here/
That one is ok, the others shitposting in the catalog or other threads no

>> No.37124791
File: 692 KB, 4096x2708, 1649780631068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still largely tend to watch both myself desu, depending on who's on and which stream(s) pique my interest the most.
They're honestly my two favourite chuubas of either Corpo right now.

>> No.37124823

if by selenposter you mean the fag who post tribalshit on /hlgg/, then no
he is a faggot, we wont deny that we have those but most of the time they schizo post on /nijien/

>> No.37124925

Gonna be honest chief the only one the i know you are /here? poster seems chill the others who post outside stir too much shit

>> No.37124943

of course not the ritual poster, aight cool, can't waut to check your Ame version

>> No.37125078
Quoted by: >>37125142

Just saying, most people here don't know what you are talking about because they don't go to threads where falseflaggers shitpost.

>> No.37125096

Selenposter from /hlgg/ can die in hell, most of us always agreed with the holo collab since Selen hinted the Ollie Apex stream a year ago

>> No.37125142

This as well, /haha/ is pretty selfcontained and most of us, counting myself of course, rarely go to other threads though we've had some schizos

>> No.37125513

maybe this isn't the best place to discuss so you can all ignore me, but what's going on that so many chubas are taking breaks and falling ill? is it just the season?

>> No.37125631
Quoted by: >>37126131

It's certainly off topic
I pretty much only watch Selen, the only breaks I've heard of recently was Petra because she was moving and Fauna for her pet

>> No.37125743
Quoted by: >>37126131

Most of them either have other things to do, or they know they can get away with it.

>> No.37126131
File: 2.22 MB, 2048x2356, 90sye5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides those two, Elira and Finana are on a break, Millie and Reimu keep rescheduling stuff, Nina talked about how much stuff she has to do, Mika is supposed to take some days off. And on the holo side, Ina has been on a break for a bit now. I'm not condemning anyone, health is important and work is unavoidable (pretty sure Ethyria is revealing something at the end of the month). I just think it's curious how suddenly so many livers at are going through some shit at the same time.
Anyway, back to Selenass.

>> No.37126381
File: 1.04 MB, 2894x2472, 1646646346088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we posting more Selen ass? Say no more

>> No.37126430
Quoted by: >>37126502


>> No.37126502

I've been way more horny than usual lately I can't keep going on like this

>> No.37126733
File: 289 KB, 1000x1400, 1394602694537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37127103


>> No.37126838
File: 13 KB, 147x195, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you sexualize a woman who thought Greece was landlocked and in the place Switzerland exists?

>> No.37126874
Quoted by: >>37126989

Retards are hot

>> No.37126901
File: 328 KB, 381x401, 1639374871800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>petra is on JP time now so I cant watch her anymore.
I forgot about this
Th-They can still collab on the weekends right...?

>> No.37126989
File: 364 KB, 730x730, 1660772353974781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically, this

>> No.37127016

You guys don't want to actually fuck selen right? She's all thick in the right places and sweaty!

>> No.37127072
File: 247 KB, 965x563, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget she's blind and iliterate as well, the perfect woman

>> No.37127074
File: 89 KB, 1024x755, 1658699898031674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will pay her $100 to walk on a treadmill that directly feeds me her sweat

>> No.37127103
File: 232 KB, 663x900, 455c20ed8f956e45fc39a708cd457087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37127187
File: 3.94 MB, 1800x1431, uuuuuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, she is my bro (Wife)

>> No.37127226

She did it to save the greeks from the turks.

>> No.37127303
File: 1.65 MB, 1729x1729, 98094506_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I do actually. And yes you are correct!

>> No.37127420
File: 101 KB, 320x293, nya[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl17dsl.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37127826


>> No.37128341

>you have been dating Selen for a few weeks
>after a romantic dinner she takes to you to her place
>she leads you to her bedroom
>she says you need to do the traditional mating ritual with her
>agree without hesitation
>she gets naked
>she hands you a full plate armor and a great sword
>she did say she has unusual kinks but this is a bit excessive
>you put on the armor and grab the sword
>Selen turns into her dragon form
>boss music starts
>your vision turns into third person
>"how the fuck do dragons have sex"
>she spins and tries to hit you with a tail swipe
>you dodgeroll effortlessly
>"Selen, I hold no hit speedruns for 3 different souls games"
>"then its a fair fight"
>the battle lasted 3 hours
>you are on the ground, panting
>Selen is back in her human form
>one foot on top of you
>"looks like I get to conquer you for the first night Anon!"
>"now turn over"

>> No.37128344
File: 78 KB, 704x704, Selen Gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37128444


>> No.37128409 [SPOILER] 
File: 107 KB, 514x485, 1658708818032107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37128444
File: 572 KB, 850x1230, 1656915101790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37128817
File: 90 KB, 611x561, 1626132874893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37129029

she got the idea after killing kalameet on dark souls 1 btw

>> No.37129061


>> No.37129316
File: 20 KB, 636x149, 1965480348305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37130441

It's Korone btw

>> No.37131850

yeah at least rosemi was in there but i was wishing selen was there too. at least she raided

>> No.37131955

thats always dumb asf to me because each member is their own thing

>> No.37132034

i would wait for her schedule. if not, i think for us na we can catch at least the streams for weekends. its when she can stream on her old time

>> No.37132163
Quoted by: >>37135068

>They can still collab
Selen doesn't even have a sleep schedule so timezones don't really matter, specially recently with ow2, her sleeping habits are really really fucked up (and, in turn, mine as well trying to watch her)

>> No.37134680
Quoted by: >>37135187


>> No.37135068

wel yea its a question of wanting to and they dont seem to want to for a while unfortunately

>> No.37135187


>> No.37135506
File: 127 KB, 680x680, FhkUypiaAAAXaiN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dragoon rust

>> No.37135545

oh no

>> No.37135578
Quoted by: >>37136776

im sorry for fapping to your oshis apex stream. i kneel

>> No.37135906
File: 796 KB, 956x756, 1667980733545876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>horny fujo fanfic writing stream

>> No.37135915
File: 146 KB, 1223x1000, Happy Ursalen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sonic Frontiers
Not good but not bad either, but enough to have my beloved Selenium
>Holo collab on Sunday
>>>> Dragoon Rust
Ahhh! I don't have the game... FUCK
>Fanfic with NijiEN GIRLS (CHICAS)
Solid week!

>> No.37136153

>fujolen with the girls
BASED? best stream of the week followed by psychonauts
also i hope i can join rust

>> No.37136282

Buying a game just for that...
It's not exactly cheap either

>> No.37136525

I dont want to spend $50 on rust when selen isnt even allowed to use voice, why are all the members games she chooses so expensive, it just sucks debating on wasting the money on a one time game that I know I'll never play again. i'd rather just send her super chats instead

>> No.37136598


oh, they actually are going to write porn

>> No.37136619
Quoted by: >>37136792

This is literally the first expensive one, what are you talking about, there's even some free ones

>> No.37136776
File: 31 KB, 200x150, The Brand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37137097

Sorry for what?
Dragoon, this is literally the first expensive one since Chivalry 1 / 2 and one of those was free for a week
Fujolen... i bet the Selen, Pomu and Elira are gonna be the most vocal ones

>> No.37136792
Quoted by: >>37136897

there was the soldier one, think that was like 30, then there was the winter one, which was 20 or 30 as well. just sucks neither game interests me so buying them feels pretty bad

>> No.37136897

You can always return games on steam tho, just don't go over 2h

>> No.37137097
Quoted by: >>37137159

>He thinks Elira will collab with Selen

>> No.37137110

elira is confirmed right? fujo sisters would be kino

>> No.37137159
Quoted by: >>37153204

Wait, is it?!

>> No.37137342

Elira is on a break

>> No.37139887

Haha up

>> No.37140070
Quoted by: >>37140143


>> No.37140143
File: 692 KB, 2703x2732, FhU26ILWIAAEYa7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37140226

My daily Selenium

>> No.37140226


>> No.37140317
Quoted by: >>37142423

selen is overworking again...
>all because 30 min screen time on nijiFEST

>> No.37140421

Well, Ame and Mumei are better at OW than Apex anyways.

>> No.37140564


>> No.37140639
File: 303 KB, 2648x1746, FAJqLusVcAYiIr8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37146502

This is why picrel exist
Mumei draw a Doki fan art in the past, CUTE!

>> No.37140972
Quoted by: >>37141011

>steam sale stream

>> No.37140978
Quoted by: >>37141011

>>>>> we will be picking games for selen to play

>> No.37141011
Quoted by: >>37141138

Racing chads... its time.

>> No.37141138
Quoted by: >>37141257

This is going to start another war isn't it...

>> No.37141257

The bad guys won the last war.. they picked horror and meme games only...

>> No.37141747
File: 83 KB, 240x240, Selen Notes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37141989

Please consider (if they are on discount):
>Dead Cells
One of the best Roguelites on the market, i know you like these types of games
>Enter the Gundeon / Synthetik
Roguelites with SHOOTY SHOOTY!
>Dead Space saga
I know its an RPG... BUT its also a shooter
Continue Pomu's Legacy!
>Sonic Origins / Generations
Actual good Sonic games!
>Risk of Rain 2
Roguelite for Collabs!
>Killing Floor
You will love this horror shooter

>> No.37141989

based rogue-lite enjoyer

>> No.37142109
Quoted by: >>37142204

>selen wants to vomit on stream while playing sonic

>> No.37142204
File: 440 KB, 509x830, 1287718210360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the Eggman from Sonic Boom...
This is Pomu influence

>> No.37142423

It's honestly because shes grinding ow2, ofc niji fest affected as well but it's primarily ow2

>> No.37143058


>> No.37143096

Why is selen moving like that? Is she being...

>> No.37143164

Overwatch PTSD please understand...

>> No.37143202

She's jacking me off under the table, sorry you had to find out this way anon.

>> No.37143305

Remember that fan art with the giant dragoon as Selen's chair? Me, sorry bro.

>> No.37143316
Quoted by: >>37146433

I dropped Selen ever since she just decided all she wants to do is leech off of Hololive. I thought she was better than this

>> No.37143496
Quoted by: >>37143860

>least obvious m*in thread faggot, again

>> No.37143860

Just ignore it anon, that's literally what they want, attention

>> No.37143971
Quoted by: >>37144013

Does anyone have that copypasta where Selen has your children and calls them "her little gamers" while laughing in the maternity ward?

>> No.37144013

Ah the classic pregnant selen copypasta, sadly I don't have it

>> No.37144200
Quoted by: >>37144564

Is it me or there are a lot of weird whitenames today
Thanks to the collab I guess

>> No.37144564
File: 302 KB, 2048x2048, 1574599962372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine with it, the more people watch and try Selen, the better

>> No.37144881
Quoted by: >>37144961

>this bonus level is better than the normal game stage

>> No.37144961
Quoted by: >>37145430

It's what I was thinking, imagine a Neon White kind of game but with Sonic
I don't know how they keep fucking up and trying the weirdest concepts

>> No.37145430
Quoted by: >>37145589

neon white levels were amazing
i like those streams with fujolen making her own fan fics
i wish she tries sonic generations next, an actual good sonic game

>> No.37145589
Quoted by: >>37145820

Pretty biased here but don't think there's a "good" sonic game

>> No.37145611
File: 211 KB, 777x799, 1663525487223703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the cute little noises

>> No.37145694
File: 103 KB, 773x614, 1628098874993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37145820

fair enough, but better play generations or origins than whatever the fuck the others are (sonic boom, forces, ect)

>> No.37145864

Comfy stream, i like it.

>> No.37145879
Quoted by: >>37146034

I got into Selen from watching her play SADX, so I hope she also tries SA2 someday.

>> No.37146034
File: 957 KB, 4096x2143, Niji Adventure 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will play Shadow the Hedgehog for sure since Shadow is her Sonic oshi
She wanted to play SA2 with Elira on the past... on the Lazusydia days but we know that will never happen... i hope she tries the game with Pomu

>> No.37146114
File: 1.01 MB, 1136x1770, 1646501684460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still wish this were me.

>> No.37146190
Quoted by: >>37146337

You want to be pomu?

>> No.37146271
Quoted by: >>37146329

Pomu is stealing my dragon...

>> No.37146329

They are just friends but honestly I wouldn't mind if that actually happened

>> No.37146337

Yes. I want to be Pomu and get raped by Selen's tail.

>> No.37146366
Quoted by: >>37146502


>> No.37146381

how many of yall are (ex)teamates?

>> No.37146433

Not now Lucuck

>> No.37146438

Based on the responses we got earlier there are indeed some, I thought it was just shitposting

>> No.37146502
File: 114 KB, 206x382, 20220525_213605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, i will only accept Pomu
She said it at the beginning of her stream, they talked to each other for hours and mentioned knowing her before joining Niji
Also >>37140639

>> No.37146561

>implying it is possible for women to actually be friends with other women without some kind of sexual undertones

>> No.37146600

>knowing her before joining Niji
That doesn't make them friends

>> No.37146772
Quoted by: >>37146943

No one said anything about them being friends tho
Selen knows a lot of vtubers from her pl surprisingly, I still don't know how she didn't blew up until niji but I'm glad she applied
>The game as edgy music
I can't take this fucking game seriously...

>> No.37146774

Oh i know, but they have a good relationship unlike other chubbas who did one collab in the past and people started talking about "friends"
But its really cute that they interacted a lot for this collab, that means that they will have a good chemistry on the inc collab... only Ame remains an enigma

>> No.37146928
Quoted by: >>37147028

>It smelled my desperation
So that's why she's been really horny lately

>> No.37146943
File: 1.16 MB, 2616x1824, 1600489317502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>edgy music
>cant take this fucking game seriously
just wait until she plays a sonic game with Shadow in it

>> No.37147028
Quoted by: >>37147089

>plays OW high rank everyday for hours
I would be desperate too...

>> No.37147089

I've been playing a few hours of it myself, I don't know how she can go for so long

>> No.37147130
File: 661 KB, 851x900, Selenass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37147221

Not the 2whos...

>> No.37147258


>> No.37147592

what are the chances of selen confusing ame for uto?

>> No.37147661
Quoted by: >>37147715

Why would that happen?
I think they focus more on voices rather than models

>> No.37147715

She's definitely going to fuck up in some way as always but I don't think that'll be it

>> No.37147804

0%, unless Ame is an ESL Asian girl... and she is not
At worst she would do a reference about their models and that's it

>> No.37147911
File: 242 KB, 322x342, 1338867422408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hyper smug pee

>> No.37148388
File: 123 KB, 1395x775, 1642934551455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep eating Selen, take your time!

>> No.37148577
Quoted by: >>37148601

Chances of Ame and Uto sister collab after this?

>> No.37148601
Quoted by: >>37148727

Hopefully none. I don't want Ame near any Nijimems.

>> No.37148727
Quoted by: >>37149263

Uto's indie, though?

>> No.37149263

I know, but I don't want Ame collabing with people outside of her group. Because that will inevitably lead to more Niji collabs.

>> No.37149440
Quoted by: >>37149604

I forgot that Tails was on the game.

>> No.37149565

ame has lots of low iq viewers huh?

>> No.37149604
Quoted by: >>37151052

Same and Selen is already hearing voices in her head
Apart from Selen, Alban and Pomu i don't think other Nijis are interested on Holo collabs
Millie have a chance but with holoID and maybe Maria... and that's it

>> No.37150307
File: 7 KB, 447x51, cad5598bf03951af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37150338


>> No.37150338
Quoted by: >>37150386

Huh, in which part?

>> No.37150386
Quoted by: >>37150404

During the cutscene introducing the second island.

>> No.37150404

Oh at least Selen is safe then

>> No.37150556

Selen casually forgets she was reading a supa lmao
Classic selen

>> No.37150626
File: 39 KB, 682x668, Selen 349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her brain power is focused on the game

>> No.37150696

she remembered!

>> No.37150700

OMG She remembered

>> No.37150872
Quoted by: >>37151017

At least the bosses are creative.

>> No.37150933
Quoted by: >>37151193

How far is she in the game?

>> No.37151017

>At least the bosses are creative.
is fun, admit it
>Overwhelmingly Positive

>> No.37151052

It's cool how a 2view like Selen once was is now able to collab with Hololive. It's like every indie's dream.

Rosemi might considering she knew Ahoy really well

>> No.37151131
Quoted by: >>37151357

I'll make the analogy with trash anime/manga, you can still enjoy it but that doesn't change the fact that it's still trash

>> No.37151193

At least 60%
2 more Epic bosses and then the Final Area
NTA but the game isn't shit but it isn't amazing either, as Selen said, its a step on the right direction
Its much better than Forces and Boom... also the game is pretty easy for Selen considering that she is playing it on Hard Mode

>> No.37151357
Quoted by: >>37151404

>I'll make the analogy with trash anime/manga, you can still enjoy it but that doesn't change the fact that it's still trash
dumb logic

>> No.37151404
Quoted by: >>37151540

At least say why

>> No.37151540
Quoted by: >>37151584

>At least say why
is not just me that likes it

>> No.37151584

I'm willing to change my opinion seriously, but that's not an argument

>> No.37152063

This game tries to be so many things

>> No.37152092
Quoted by: >>37152109

NGL, the mini games and bonus stages are fun

>> No.37152109

I have to admit that one looked fun

>> No.37152178

>This game tries to be so many things
is great

>> No.37152276
File: 233 KB, 748x748, Directionally Challenged[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F770c1v.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37152466

My directional challenged dragon...

>> No.37152466

>My directional challenged dragon...
she needs to play metroidvanias

>> No.37152624

Did selen just say she'd rent veggie tales as a kid? Just after she mentioned reading mythology books as a kid, I thought I heard her say that.
I think I love her.

>> No.37152667
Quoted by: >>37153037

Yup, she has mentioned those 2 facts several times before, I can't provide you timestamps tho

>> No.37152714
File: 647 KB, 1823x1572, Selen Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should play Age of Mythology, she would love it

>> No.37152768

Selen got corrected...

>> No.37152832
Quoted by: >>37152891

>She should play Age of Mythology,
The campaign is great, it'd be a solid twitch game.

>> No.37152891

Psychonauts and 1 more souls game next so it'll probably take a while though she might skip the souls game

>> No.37153037

Wow, thank you for confirming.
You know, your oshi is dangerously close to becoming my new oshi.

>> No.37153072

Nice to see new dragoons!
This isn't even one of her best streams by far, you should check more of her

>> No.37153146

These speedrun parts are so much better than the main game, why even make it open world

>> No.37153200
File: 178 KB, 480x480, Selen WOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be great if the open world had more 2D parts, like an hybrid
Nice to see more people enjoying Selen!

>> No.37153204
File: 181 KB, 850x720, 1646449618751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry dragonsisterbros elira won't be joining. maybe it's time to accept they don't want to collab with each other
>elira is on a break
so are finana and pomu...

>> No.37153247
Quoted by: >>37153299

Selen Chokesuki...

>> No.37153268

At least we have Rosemi but I think the 3 need to be together to Rosemi to be more social, we'll see how good Aia is with in this collab

>> No.37153275

>why even make it open world

>> No.37153299

I'm loving the suffering so much

>> No.37153326


>> No.37153340

Finally kek

>> No.37153367
Quoted by: >>37153454

I wonder how long this stream is going to be, my sleep schedule has been suffering so much lately...

>> No.37153454
Quoted by: >>37153496

Not much, she will probably kill 1 more boss and end the game next week
Remember that you have the VOD!
Also her next stream have a lot of hours for Dragoons to rest

>> No.37153496
Quoted by: >>37153568

That's the problem, I don't watch VODs, it doesn't feel the same I've only missed like 2 streams since I started watching her

>> No.37153568
File: 30 KB, 215x113, 1629954167980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37153603

It's ok, remember to not burn out yourself
Probably 1 more hour MAX, if she manage to go fast then it will be less

>> No.37153592


>> No.37153603

I was about to but the break and nijifes fixed that without actually having to avoid streams lol

>> No.37153637
File: 1.74 MB, 2759x2624, Ffn0CWyVUAAcdA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp... at least pomu and rosemi are there for the holy trinity aka WOO GIRLS

>> No.37153725
Quoted by: >>37153755


>> No.37153752


>> No.37153755
Quoted by: >>37153816

She's really pushing the vore thing in this series lol

>> No.37153816
File: 1.66 MB, 2202x2202, FZzxBIXaMAIE6Bk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not into that but i mentally filter it and i imagine Selen saying that but with me feeding her with Tangerines

>> No.37153828

She wasn't in Aia's waifu/husbando video.
What would Selen's waifu and husbando be?

>> No.37153889

I don't if I understood the concept with the quick search I made but here we go
>Husbando: Starscream
>Waifu: Any cute ESL girl, she actually has a harem of them

>> No.37153918

Optimus Prime and the Spider transformer lady from Beast Wars.

>> No.37153942
Quoted by: >>37153983

>Cute asian ESL girl Pomu

>> No.37153983

As much as I like the spoiler ship, they are bros

>> No.37154185

>Tails is a doxxer

>> No.37154202


>> No.37154215

Can't believe Tails is from SEA

>> No.37154341

I don't think Selen knows how to read

>> No.37154366

Took you really long huh

>> No.37154387
File: 73 KB, 257x254, FPkjkniaUAgFzPh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37154596


>> No.37154639
Quoted by: >>37154821

lmao at this buggy ass game

>> No.37154697
File: 59 KB, 1080x810, 1649618638493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37154787

this game is making selen suffer

>> No.37154787

>this game is making selen suffer
she has that weird 3D thing with her eyes,so why play the game???

>> No.37154806

Because her suffering is content and she knows it

>> No.37154821

>lmao at this buggy ass game
anon, that is every AAA game

>> No.37154855

This ability is fucking broken... just do circles or amogus for a infinite amount of time and you get
>free Rings
>free Keys
>free credits for Emeralds
Because she is stubborn and she likes the game!

>> No.37154965


>> No.37154976
File: 568 KB, 1280x720, SelenLaugh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fle0o45.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37155012
Quoted by: >>37155065

Selen where is your humanity....

>> No.37155065

Autist dragon, please understand

>> No.37155218
Quoted by: >>37155258

As expected, she will finish this world before ending

>> No.37155258

Thank god she decided to leave the rest for another stream

>> No.37155323

>pinball esports

>> No.37155453
File: 136 KB, 2048x2048, Sleepy Selen4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37155500

Ready to nap when she finish her stream

>> No.37155500

Currently fighting the boss from this island.
Last 30 min, boys.

>> No.37155518

Is that RAP?

>> No.37155530

Was this created by a 10yo lmao

>> No.37155568

>Please donut steal

>> No.37155587
Quoted by: >>37155607

This is SOUL

>> No.37155607

Having this playing it right now, improves the boss fight.

>> No.37155631
Quoted by: >>37155667

wow this episode of sonix X is really sick bros

>> No.37155667
File: 6 KB, 359x37, 1914709278965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t.Pomu on a alt account

>> No.37155680

Sonic is a schizo...

>> No.37155779

Bye Selen....

>> No.37155780

Bye Sewen...

>> No.37155795
File: 626 KB, 2048x2048, FdcGFZBakAAXdae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest Well Selen...

>> No.37155797
File: 491 KB, 1280x529, 1660898482347820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye Selen...

>> No.37155839
Quoted by: >>37155870

>She's behind on work because of overwatch

my hate for this game is immeasurable

>> No.37155870
File: 139 KB, 932x932, 1628048082243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully it stops after December (Season Finale)

>> No.37155974

I fell asleep while watching Selen, and in my dream i started laughing really hard and then i started waking up and my laugh slowly transitioned into Selen's laugh, that felt awesome

>> No.37156020

It happened to me on those long Pokemon streams.
It feels good.

>> No.37156045
File: 376 KB, 1536x2048, 1528880923547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes sleeping while watching your oshi isn't that bad

>> No.37156150
File: 2.47 MB, 2254x1723, 1643547955007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really enjoyed the stream tonight. The confusion, shock, and despair noises when she was lost and looping or struggling with stuff really hit the spot after not having much time to watch over the last week.
Not sure how I feel about her being self-aware that there were probably more pomies than usual watching, but at least it was funny

>> No.37156226
Quoted by: >>37156686

Pomu raided her on her last Sonic stream so maybe she knows that some of them sticked around

>> No.37156230

I love how there's literally nothing else in the room, it's just Selen sitting in an empty office, later she will take a photo, tag everyone on twitter and post something like "Just CEO things :painternails_emoji: :muscle_emjo: "

>> No.37156250

Classic image from the old days.

>> No.37156666
File: 113 KB, 800x1035, FKS7afsWQAAK1te.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ending with the sisters!

>> No.37156686
File: 57 KB, 1000x1000, 1662963031140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh right, I forgot about that since I had already been tuned in
I'm gonna miss Sanic after she finishes. These streams are always really good.
