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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 520 KB, 2480x2565, FhOX1neXEAMVFbA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36995469 No.36995469 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>37002581

A thread for the Animating Archangel, Calliope Mori and the extended universe members.

>> No.36995487
File: 447 KB, 1080x1920, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_nardack__e323b478d1ef97b0bdc7ce1c307ed28e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dork

>> No.36995507
File: 2.53 MB, 2480x3507, FXUzj3xUUAESc3j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori cute, deadbeats cute!

>> No.36995524
File: 864 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20221112-073803_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>36995542

>> No.36995542

is that even accurate?

>> No.36995546
File: 103 KB, 657x1200, FZ0gk0RVUAAtD0L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to love your Mori

>> No.36995548
File: 379 KB, 1580x2825, 1647555833307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36995561
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36995575


>> No.36995586
File: 41 KB, 437x389, 1637340494561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36995638
File: 161 KB, 1424x1424, 1667900098188215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking numberfags seriously

>> No.36995641
Quoted by: >>36995910

At that moment, yes.

>> No.36995643
Quoted by: >>36995806

I think Lui and Mori should kiss

>> No.36995793
File: 210 KB, 640x658, F9FB4EDA-ABA3-49EC-9FD2-81DE7757716B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not very smart, but we're very enthusiastic

>> No.36995794
File: 404 KB, 868x488, 1639554752410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>36995857

Surprise! Its Mori!

>> No.36995806
File: 571 KB, 2060x1440, j4lhay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, me.

>> No.36995847

Mori cool

>> No.36995857

Would be kind of cute if a bone could get stuck on her head or something.

>> No.36995907
File: 1.47 MB, 1275x1800, FhWiKlZUAAAsSfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Morbi don't goooooo, also good art

>> No.36995910

They pop up when the stream starts and then disappear during which more people will come in.

>> No.36995937
Quoted by: >>36995965

does Mori draw super good on her cintiq?

>> No.36995958

Wait, she's not coming back after the hand break? I thought she was taking a hand break and then working more.

>> No.36995960

I'm once again wondering what the purpose of the animation laptop was

>> No.36995965
File: 270 KB, 850x838, 1660621327230753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so

>> No.36995969

>works on the MV everyday

I knew some of you were concernfagging for nothing

>> No.36995985

Video rendering, which it's very good at.

>> No.36996000

Editing the MV rather than drawing.

>> No.36996002

She decided to just keep working instead.

>> No.36996005

She skipped the break and drew bones instead. She was going to take it after finishing edgelord deadbeat but kept going

>> No.36996028

Pretty sure both kiara and ame noticed that the number viewcount they got in member stream was way under the results they would get for polls they would do during the stream

>> No.36996032
File: 102 KB, 620x877, 1642796093689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>36996094

She really does get a lot more done on her own, but I'm still glad she takes the time to share this with us

>> No.36996035

You don't understand what her final days will be like. She didn't have to put herself into crunch. She's had 3 months to do this MV.

>> No.36996043

It works pretty good for streaming as long as she keeps it cool.

>> No.36996045

She kept working instead plus I think she realised if she started her stream when she plans to she probably wouldn’t get enough sleep if she kept going.

>> No.36996071
Quoted by: >>36996136

yeah but she did it anyway so cry more faggot

>> No.36996079

>/concernfagging for nothing/
Might be the name for this recurring thread desuwa

>> No.36996094
File: 1.67 MB, 2982x4096, FGQFJuZXMAQSUdw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it just depends, last stream she got a bunch done. I like to think we're keep her motivated and confident though. She doesn't seem to be doubting if it's good like her last MV.

>> No.36996108

Mori rules!

>> No.36996118
Quoted by: >>36996166

>3 months
When was the song finished anyway?

>> No.36996120

Gosh, she's J U S T like me!

>> No.36996136
Quoted by: >>36996194

You are an anti. She has been on sleeping pills for months since the last MV. You want her to work herself ill because it makes content for you.

>> No.36996163
Quoted by: >>36996174

>so I can pat you on your head for being so kind to each other!
Bros... Should we be kinder to each other? I could use a Moripat.

>> No.36996166
Quoted by: >>36996200

Song was basically done at the first preview she gave us months ago, and there's plenty of work she could be doing even if she had no song.

>> No.36996174

No that discord incest is actually cringe.

>> No.36996178 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up cuckbeat

>> No.36996179
Quoted by: >>36996225

What the fuck is up with this Mar Mar Mori fag? These dedicated sc are extremely cringe.

>> No.36996194
Quoted by: >>36996332

no I just don't find the need to concern and bitch about it all the time because the most important thing is that I can't really do anything about it

>> No.36996200
Quoted by: >>36996222

basically done != done though
Also, having the entire song in its finished form helps a ton for a creative project like this

>> No.36996212

It's not a "personal account" Mori. It's just as business-related as the Mori account

>> No.36996222
Quoted by: >>36996272

Go back and listen to the preview she gave months ago. She even said it was done, UMG just hadn't made it official yet.

>> No.36996225

It's a fucking r*ssian who gets away with it by being a fembeat

>> No.36996259
Quoted by: >>36996298

Ahaha she did mess up the pitch shift like I thought

>> No.36996272

which vod was it in again?

>> No.36996287

The first MV making stream

>> No.36996291

First one.

>> No.36996298
Quoted by: >>36996358

It sounded garbage

>> No.36996309

First MV stream

>> No.36996332
Quoted by: >>36996408


>> No.36996347

first MV stream where it was confirmed that she is collabing with FT

>> No.36996358
File: 1.32 MB, 925x767, 42525646245364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't bother me, maybe you are just autistic?

>> No.36996392
Quoted by: >>36996423

When the fuck did the recorder come back?

>> No.36996394


>> No.36996408

no I wish she'd stop but what the fuck you want me to do? I can't do anything and neither would I want to control my Mori

>> No.36996409

oh fuck my ears i was not expecting the goddamn recorder

>> No.36996414

Fuck you discord

>> No.36996423

Just now.

>> No.36996427

>recorder is back
JP Mori truly is a blessing

>> No.36996445


>> No.36996468


>> No.36996512

I the opposite of appreciate this

>> No.36996518

That was a note

>> No.36996639
Quoted by: >>36996668

Can't this be banned under bringing up people not mentioned in the stream rules?

>> No.36996661
Quoted by: >>36998004

Bet that Flip fembeat is losing it

>> No.36996663

This hurts me...my ears at least.

>> No.36996668

stop being a salty faggot anon, if she didn't wanna read it she wouldn't

>> No.36996677
Quoted by: >>36996728

I'm just enjoying Recorder-Kun

>> No.36996687

I do find it weird sending superchats mentioning other prominent people in the community who also regularly post. That's not about the stream, its just weird.

>> No.36996728
File: 52 KB, 420x420, shady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anon

>> No.36996739

it's the discord trying to bring attention to themselves. Look at me! Look at how much money I spend! Look at the others who will in turn mention me!

>> No.36996751
Quoted by: >>36996775

Community interaction is good for the stream

>> No.36996764
Quoted by: >>36996814

Nigga what do you think supers are, that's just bringing attention to yourself.

>> No.36996775

This isn't community interaction. It's paypigs interacting with other paypigs.

>> No.36996784
Quoted by: >>36996805

t. someone stuck in 4chinz and refuses to socialize.

>> No.36996805

It is the objectively superior way to be on the internet.

>> No.36996814

Yeah, but they take it further by taking the focus off Mori.

>> No.36996841
Quoted by: >>36996891

TTRPG is definitely dead

>> No.36996866

yeah, 10 years ago.

>> No.36996877

MythBreakers is dead.

>> No.36996891

Ina is away.

>> No.36996894

there now stop asking about the TTPRG no matter how kino it was

>> No.36996912
Quoted by: >>36997192

I'm just going to say, it's her fault it's not ending, for being so busy all the time
It should've been done by the beginning of this year but she just kept taking on more work

>> No.36996918
File: 561 KB, 600x338, 23d737753696.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>36996964

>Cowboy one-shot


>> No.36996940
Quoted by: >>36997093

Welp, now there's definitely going to be rrats on who's the reason it's dead.

>> No.36996943

Man the girls loved Mythbreakers. It was insanely popular on the internet. Mori you just put it on the backburner and then felt bad about bringing it back for too long. Now girls are gone on break and it's awkward.

>> No.36996947

I dunno about that. Those guys have been having fun with each other for years now, and I'm stuck in this snake pit.

>> No.36996964

it's with Tempus

>> No.36996984

Under the watch of admins who will ban you forever for a single comment they don't like.

>> No.36996992

>not getting info from every corner of the internet

You're just limiting yourself

>> No.36996993

It's going to be Kronii and three members of Tempus, isn't it?

>> No.36997039

Not while they're on their own D&D campaign

>> No.36997044

Yes, Tempus has already talked about it.

>> No.36997056
File: 556 KB, 741x626, 814969651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>36997101

...So, just like here?

>> No.36997069

>Those guys have been having fun with each other for years now
The only difference between those guys and here is that they act like best buddies but would stab you in the back if Mori ever showed any interest in them.

>> No.36997070

God I hope she can at least do one with the girls, they already have their DnD thing.

>> No.36997072

I left the room for a minute. What was the big RPG thing to be done within a/the year? I was still here to hear that MythBreakers is kill.

>> No.36997093

it’s my fault, sorry

>> No.36997101
Quoted by: >>36997172

3 days isnt forever and we get away with a lot more shit. You can say something isn't your favorite thing ever here.

>> No.36997108
Quoted by: >>36997373

Imagine being as good a DM as mori and thinking it reflects badly on her that shit happens. Campaigns get derailed, just one of those things.

>> No.36997172

Does it not allow multiple accounts somehow?

>> No.36997173

Fucking hyped for the MV and album. It's going to be so good.
As for TTRPG, unfortunate, but the time they spent on it was fun. After such a long pause, they could have wrapped it up but I doubt they all remember what was going on. Other projects have just faded away before, it is what it is. All five of them are still doing their own stuff and having fun.

>> No.36997174

Well that sucks. I don't dislike them but they already have their own thing going and them being there basically means there's zero chance of Gura, Fauna, Kiara

>> No.36997192

>lol it's her fault
She's tried many times and someone else is obviously the reason.

>> No.36997203

spoken like someone that doesn't actually know what it's like

>> No.36997234

She also was the reason it took until April before it tried to come back, and was why the April attempt failed.

>> No.36997235

Feel free to go back and stay there then.

>> No.36997238

When? Surly you have a timestamp right?

>> No.36997263

Honestly I'm hoping she can get maybe Fauna, Kronii, Reine, and Bae together for something.

>> No.36997276

>encouraging the preorder bonus g*cha shit

>> No.36997278

I got banned from there for saying her mic sounded weird during a karaoke. I was there for stream archives.

>> No.36997282
Quoted by: >>36997476

Kind of random, but we know Mori would love to meet him now that we know he's alive

>> No.36997314

They look like they're having fun. I lurk every so often, I see a bunch of them in a channel watching kamen riders or something.

>> No.36997347

It’s the K6BD guy.

>> No.36997358

It is fucking Gura again isn't it.

>> No.36997373

nah, she really dropped the ball on the later sessions
also Vampire would've been more interesting with newbs, while Disciplines raise complexity of your characters, they also give you defined tools to use in most situations, while Hunter is all about freeform planning and out of the box thinking, which newbies are the worst at

she once again let her own preferences and nostalgia drive shit into a wall

>> No.36997387

Dont you have to prove you're a member to post there? Sounds kinda dumb to nuke you over that.

>> No.36997389

Probably so, she was pretty hurt the first time she mentioned someone wasn't interested.

>> No.36997399
Quoted by: >>36997642

I don't think so, she seemed really into Scout and her story.

>> No.36997413

sounds like the wrong discord

>> No.36997420

Your legs don’t work

>> No.36997422

Her own preferences allowed it to happen. It's what she knows so it's what she could run.

>> No.36997436

Get a MythBreakers cameo in the new stuff and maybe have the girls record some character lines.
And don't eat the lasagna.

>> No.36997442

Gura loved being Scout though. Was the most into it.

>> No.36997452

She let them choose though

>> No.36997458

I agree that she shoulda done vampire. She did a good job making hunter work though.

>> No.36997476

Peko is such a great entertainer, the fact she brought this up and had a laugh over it is amazing

>> No.36997513
Quoted by: >>36997567

Deadbeats rule!

>> No.36997529

Its a bit of both.
April was 100% her fault, and it was her own poor planning that lead to the series derailing, but yes at the end of it the ball was on the other side of the court.

>> No.36997539

Broken leg bitch

>> No.36997567

Deadbeats are synonymous with cool!

>> No.36997586

It's both.
It's her fault at the start of the year, and then the rest lost interest in response.

>> No.36997590

Just cause this place is a crab bucket doesn't mean every where else is.

>> No.36997593

Gura might have loved Scout, but she's also not collabing with most of EN anymore.

>> No.36997603

She wouldn't have joined another ttrpg besides Myth breakers anyway, because she has performance anxiety about it and she felt bad about Mori having to accommodate a time that fit for her.

>> No.36997642

Gura also tosses things away as soon as they lose her interest. She loved DMC yet still hasn't finished 4.

>> No.36997647

She should just make a comic to close out the TTRPG instead, maybe even have the girls voice act it.

>> No.36997660

No, she stopped it originally because someone wanted out and that forced her to retool her plans and it just never recovered.
Rrat is its either Kiara (too late for her) or Ame (never commits to long projects)

>> No.36997667
File: 38 KB, 494x497, Interesting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>36997738

I'm only going by global's discussions but I hope that Kiara will be interested in the oneshots.

>> No.36997680
Quoted by: >>36997784

The fuck? Sounds pretty shitty, definitely not something mori would want from her fans.

>> No.36997738

Gun is apparently gonna include tempus, so probably not that one.

>> No.36997784

>would stab you in the back if Mori ever showed any interest in them
Yeah, that's so totally unlike us amirite?

>> No.36997798

Someone wanted to stated goal of 5 sessions to be it, and we know they didn't want to stop, but felt they needed to because of the timing.

>> No.36997799

Mori didn't say that, it's just speculation.

>> No.36997803
Quoted by: >>36997993


>> No.36997811
File: 159 KB, 534x415, 1668015624521223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>36997860

this is true and it's cool to be in love with my oshi

>> No.36997818

course not, now hand over your proof of dead beat badge if you know what's good for ya

>> No.36997828

I'd like it to include people passionate about TTRPGs so I'd prefer Tempus because Kiara's just too self conscious about her role play. Too bad Fauna won't probably participate if any dudes are in, she's also quite passionate.

>> No.36997843

but we are also fuck boys

>> No.36997847
File: 38 KB, 400x400, a rrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't trusting rrats unless they are red, twelve and lactose intolerant.

>> No.36997854

We're anonymous here. Can't stab the back if you don't know whose back it is. Instead you're judge by the content of your message, not how deep your pockets are or how well known you are in the discord.

>> No.36997855

this morning's stream put me in a good mood

>> No.36997858 [DELETED] 

You can hurry up and kill yourself already shitposter kun

>> No.36997860
File: 161 KB, 534x415, adeadbeat[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3cxob2.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the soundpost coolbeat

>> No.36997915

>Kiara's just too self conscious about her role play
When has she said that?

>> No.36997929

I just don't want tempus because I'm sick of them already. I want to see Mori do a collab with some other girls. Forewarned was a nice breath of fresh air. I want more of that.

>> No.36997993

I was half assedly reading the thread and full assedly watching the stream. So technically yes.

>> No.36998004
File: 382 KB, 1199x763, BF7C8F95-5DA7-4168-AF0C-D3E4B12192DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36998011

she said it a lot during her zatsus and SC readings that fell after TTRPG sessions
she was often stressed out if she's making "right" decisions and sometimes wasn't sure why other players aren't punished for making "wrong" ones

>> No.36998020
Quoted by: >>36998109

In her SC tangents. She was really worried about not playing "right". She felt self conscious about every mistake, like stabbing her mirrorself.

>> No.36998080

She probably would have been happier playing with a more experienced group then.

>> No.36998109
Quoted by: >>36998152

I still feel like she'd be up for anything TTRPG-related.

>> No.36998152
Quoted by: >>36998185

She was the one most screwed over by timezones. And she was really overthinking her playing. It was stress to her.

>> No.36998185

Hearing that makes me feel like I dont really understand kiara that well.

>> No.36998188

This was a good stream. Watching her work is magical and she's really good at it.

>> No.36998244

>>36998185 (me)
Maybe it's because she seems to have crippling anxiety about pleasing people, but all the bluntness of a bull in a china shop.

>> No.36998279
Quoted by: >>36998406

Kiara gets stressed about fan response. It's not numbers, but fan response bothers her. She's susceptible to antis.

>> No.36998340

I think she had an approach to it like to a computer game where you either clear or don't clear missions so there's clear "right" and "wrong". So she was trying to make "right" choices and getting worried about it instead of thinking in-character and letting the story unfold.

>> No.36998406

That sucks. Be well tenchou, try not to count those "people"

>> No.36998412

Kiara also felt bad about role-playing, not knowing things her character would know, like about guns.

>> No.36998486
Quoted by: >>36998627

I was under the impression that she was the only one besides mori to have actual TTRPG experience

>> No.36998491

It was gura notice how when mori speaks about gura it does not sound naturally lately. I mean in this stream alone she mentioned every myth member but gura. I like shark but clearly something happened that cause them to drift apart. At this point bonebro is the pekomiko of hololive english.

>> No.36998534

This whole situation is kinda upsetting, but I get it. Every issue that cropped up with it is common to TTRPGs in general.

>> No.36998543
Quoted by: >>36998664

I dont see it

>> No.36998545

Mori's daddy issues...

>> No.36998553

Yeah I also put my money on gura to she seem pretty distance from en in generally lately.

>> No.36998560


>> No.36998566

Gura saw Mori naked and laughed

>> No.36998604 [DELETED] 

Make your samefagging less obvious ESL kun

>> No.36998620
Quoted by: >>36998663

> bonebroes
> comparable to PekoMiko

>> No.36998622
File: 5 KB, 357x46, 4532453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>36998713

News from Mori in prechat.

>> No.36998623


>> No.36998627

Kiara has video game RPG experience. Not ttrpg. She'd never touched one before.

>> No.36998663 [DELETED] 

Yeah, Gura will not touch anyone "not on her level" anymore.

>> No.36998664

Really the poetry stream did not set you off when she legit took gura out of a option but keep everyone else. Something happened between the two from the rust arc to now.

>> No.36998685
Quoted by: >>36998874

Ah I see. Makes perfect sense she'd go for the "which choice gets the golden ending" mindset then.

>> No.36998713

64 bit time, good call Mori
2038 ain’t nothing to fuck with

>> No.36998724
Quoted by: >>36998781

Mori says there's no drama in EN, that's powerful evidence against what you're saying.

>> No.36998764
File: 43 KB, 354x236, 1445665510773.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36998779
File: 50 KB, 590x443, 6490A8F5-7460-4D37-AEF8E7D5664BBDD6_source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello guys, I'm a fellow skeleton and not an alligator, obviously.
I wanted to ask, is Watoto (only him for no reason in particular) coming back?

>> No.36998780

A tabletop game with mori as a player and being a cowboy? fuck if i care whoever runs it now this is an interesting stream

>> No.36998781

look at these fags gossiping like a bunch of women

>> No.36998798
File: 32 KB, 588x334, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36998804
Quoted by: >>36998849

We don't know, no mention of that in the stream. That's on Amelia in the future, he's hers.

>> No.36998826
File: 726 KB, 1500x2121, 3E89AA82-679F-4125-9D75-A2AC2D9C6896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dress in thumbnail
I missed it so much...

>> No.36998830
Quoted by: >>36999057

I'm just letting things play out, but if Mori doesn't even attempt to visit Gura when she goes over to Japan then I've got nothing.

>> No.36998849
Quoted by: >>36998866

Understandable, I will leave to do skeleton tjingst.

>> No.36998866

Goodbye perfectly normal skeleton, I rattle my bones at you as skeletons do.

>> No.36998871

I'm jealous

>> No.36998874

not quite true, it was just a long time ago.

>> No.36998899
Quoted by: >>36998976

Mori is planning one shot TTRPG games from now, maybe in one of them

>> No.36998941


>> No.36998945
Quoted by: >>36998995

>yfw GUN is an offcollab

>> No.36998963
File: 358 KB, 1562x903, rainforest4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>36999005

Rainforest just won another tag match in HFZ while Stack's "Money Money" was playing

>> No.36998976

She's got experience now, I think future TTRPG sessions will go much smoother. Would love to see her do some Call of Cthulhu eventually, but mostly just hoping for stuff with less mechanics and more roleplay in general.

>> No.36998995

As they decided before, they should do things they can't only do at off collabs during off collabs.

>> No.36999005
Quoted by: >>36999023

Oh shit, I haven't tuned in for a while, Rainforest is an official tag team now?

>> No.36999012
Quoted by: >>36999081

I could swear she said she played TTRPG with family members as a child. But that was probably something very simple and straightforward, nothing like what they played as Myth.
I wonder if she checks his twitter for new feet art, she liked a super generic supportive response from him a few days ago which would be weird to do if she didn't know him since he's not a deadbeat either.

>> No.36999023
Quoted by: >>36999053

yes, with like a 3/4 (or 3/5) win record

>> No.36999053
Quoted by: >>36999081

Is Mori still jobbing solo?

>> No.36999057

>but if Mori doesn't even attempt to visit Gura when she goes over to Japan then I've got nothing.
This thread will just cope by saying Gura was too busy.

>> No.36999081

tabletop =/= tabletop roleplay

generally, yes, though she's far from the worst

>> No.36999090
Quoted by: >>36999385

The date coupons, Mori... ;; ;; (I think the FT performance will definitely be at Korone's live)

>> No.36999126

honestly, at some point someone will just bring it up like with Kiara and then we'll know

>> No.36999136
File: 153 KB, 539x418, I don't know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well. I'll miss those TTRPG streams. Hope Kiara's up for those oneshots if ever she feels like it.

>> No.36999182
Quoted by: >>36999521

Didn't Gura say she'll be too busy to meet anyone in Japan?

>> No.36999185
Quoted by: >>37000626

Mori will open it up to all hololive productions which means no Kiara, Irys, Gura, Mumei, and Fauna.

>> No.36999200
File: 50 KB, 200x201, a fancybeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>36999338

I hope she does too, man. If ever there is a chance. Congrats on getting an anti though

>> No.36999213

Mori plans to make one shots a more regular thing so there's always hope Kiara will show up in one. Not wanting to give up on mythbreakers was unironically what was holding her back. Well that and just being extremely busy.

>> No.36999249

>one post making rrats about gura
>one post ‘agreeing’ shortly after
>3 separate times now
>obviously ESL

Really gets the noggin’ jogging.

>> No.36999338
File: 83 KB, 815x1042, What's up, doc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If ever it comes, I'll be there for sure.
Eh, what can you do.

>> No.36999385

Probably, she seems to have Doog on the mind

>> No.36999521

Yes but that goes against the narrative that Mori is at fault

>> No.36999572

Why are people in-denial about Mori and Gura being in some sort of cold war at least on-stream?

>> No.36999602
Quoted by: >>36999677

>Mori plans to make one shots a more regular thing
you know how "regular" is with Mori, it'll be like bi-weekly for two months, then you'll see a six month break out of nowhere as she's consumed with other shit
happened to Mythbreaker, ASMR, eikaiwa, tea times...

>> No.36999610
Quoted by: >>36999641

It's a rrat for which all the proof is negative and circumstantial at best.

>> No.36999641

what's negative about saying that they haven't talked about each other in a positive way.

>> No.36999677

I kinda forgot about that, honestly.

>> No.36999686

It's what they haven't done.

>> No.36999690

And your proof they hate each is...?

>> No.36999752
Quoted by: >>36999776

They don't? I'm just saying that they aren't really as close as last year.

>> No.36999776

>some sort of cold war

>> No.36999843

The fact that the evidence is this vague is what I mean.

>> No.36999846

>Gura vehemently says she'll not be meeting people in Japan, saying it's just "business"
>Mori continuously avoiding Gura as a topic

>> No.36999857

>Mori and Goombus have ICBMs
I knew it

>> No.36999858
Quoted by: >>36999988

Nta but Mori hasn't liked any of her tweets in ages (she used to pretty often), Neither of them mention each other, a collab that was supposed to happen never did (fortnite or something), "Not Gura" from the poetry stream. I'm not saying they hate each other, but there's an obvious indifference right now.

>> No.36999972
Quoted by: >>37000626

She put it on the Holopro discord so no Kiara, Gura, Mumei, Fauna, or IRyS.

>> No.36999988

Yeah I didn't really think too much about it until Mori said she would only ever play Fortnite with Ame (when she had said before she'd only do it with Gura).

>> No.37000020

I think Kurokami should step on Mori

>> No.37000159

I believe the whole "There's no Drama in EN" is like "There is no war in Ba sing Se"

>> No.37000243
Quoted by: >>37000281

don't let you distract you from the fact that Pekora's monkey us really dead

>> No.37000281

Only now? I thought it died months ago.

>> No.37000291

honestly, with Mori being sorta emotionally sensitive and also more than slightly petty, I could see the cooling of contact with Gura coming over her rebuffing the TTRPG
the timeline kinda matches and in the meantime she got closer with Ame and Kiara who are the ones that still voice some kind of positive sentiment about it

>> No.37000292
File: 64 KB, 195x484, 1661786752665272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37000316

she backed that back a little bit by saying that "any drama gets forgotten because we're too tired and busy"

>> No.37000326

She said that she only wanted to play it with ame? That could just be goldfish brain mori, but I will admit it's a little bad.

>> No.37000328
Quoted by: >>37000458

I don't think there's actually any major drama, but I'm sure members get annoyed and hurt by each other sometimes.

>> No.37000345

Gura loved playing Scout more than any other girl liked playing their characters.

>> No.37000373

yet she was the one most visibly frustrated with the restrictions she faced during gameplay and also doesn't mention TTRPG at all nowadays

>> No.37000454
Quoted by: >>37000596

I don't think Mori would do that. If there was drama, it would have to have a less petty basis

>> No.37000458

Honestly I'm not even sure about that one.

>> No.37000482
Quoted by: >>37001276

>(when she had said before she'd only do it with Gura).
You fucking fools. This is a blessing. Bonebros appreciators have been desperate for scraps and you guys want to waste a precious collab on Fortnite? Fuck that shit.
Give me Smash. Give me a commentary/game stream like how Fauna and Bae do it. But for the love of god don't waste it on fucking Fortnite.

>> No.37000493
Quoted by: >>37000559

Ultimately, the fault will always be Mori's for cancelling back in March or April I forget. I kind of doubt ttrpg is the issue, Mori is usually loyal to a fault.

>> No.37000497
File: 45 KB, 480x480, BDBA8523-3FD9-49CD-9B2A-3F433FAB06F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37000619

Why are you guys responding seriously to the threadshitters and not to the very cute tweets Mori made before the melatonin took her?

>> No.37000524

I have 4 sisters and a single mother. I've spent way too much time among girls and their groups. There is no way there is no drama or they all like each other. Women are fucking brutal but in a very sneaky way.

>> No.37000552
File: 1.50 MB, 4608x2592, h2rjem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37000647

boy these are some fat fucking rrats you guys are peddling

>> No.37000559
Quoted by: >>37000735

I do wonder how scuffed that ending would have been. Would it have been rushed and I would have hated it? Would it have been better than the nothing I'm going to get? Would it have been fine and Mori was overthinking it, just like she does her art style or singing?

>> No.37000596
Quoted by: >>37000792

it's actually pretty consistent with Mori's character, think about it
>gets consumed by personal project and lets the thing they had together take a backseat
>realizes it, tries to approach it in a roundabout fashion, fails
>gathers her social courage to finally drive the point of TTRPG home
>the one that seemingly was most into it gives either a lukewarm response or an outright "sorry, but I don't feel it anymore"
it'd be totally like her to start overthinking it, blame herself and then let it sour the atmosphere between the two since she now thinks things are too awkward to do something else

because it's almost beat by beat same shit that happened with Kiara

>> No.37000620

>restrictions she faced during gameplay
I still remember that one time the group all finally banded together to blow up like a haunted carnival ride and pulled it off just for Mori to literally say
>It's destroyed! But it repairs itself so you failed.
The whole mood of the stream was sour after that...

>> No.37000619

I have I think she was really cute and it made me happy that she said I was her dead beat

>> No.37000623

>yet she was the one most visibly frustrated with the restrictions she faced during gameplay
You're overblowing that. Scout literally got to take her pants off, beat up a hobo, and become an arsonist. She was having a blast.
>and also doesn't mention TTRPG at all nowadays
My brother in Christ it's been almost a year since their last session. None of the girls talk about TTRPG the way they used to before. At its peak, Gura was the one who talked about roleplaying the most in her streams. She fucking loved it.

>> No.37000626 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>37001216

You don't have to samefag, man.>>36999185

>> No.37000647

Mori should totally prove all the rrats wrong and just schedule a collab then. It's really not rocket science to ask someone to play a game.

>> No.37000684
File: 128 KB, 635x402, 1641993441012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37000842

please do something new

>> No.37000709

But they're really bussy anon. Anyway, time for another 6 hour kusoge stream!

>> No.37000735

it'd probably be kino like EoAL, but she let brain goblins (or just laziness) win

>> No.37000790

Man this really is the gossip board. You guys always act like goddamn teenagers with everything.

>> No.37000792
Quoted by: >>37000877

I wanna give mori a big hug

>> No.37000842
Quoted by: >>37000991

I genuinely don't understand why it's so hard to just ask for a collab. It's not a chemistry or idea issue, in the past Mori was literally brimming with ideas for collabs specifically with Gura and they know each other well. Also neither of them are on break right now.

>> No.37000852
Quoted by: >>37001115

This "assumption" just caused one of Mori's pet projects an indefinite death.

>> No.37000877

Based hugbeat

>> No.37000991

>I genuinely don't understand why it's so hard to just ask for a collab.
>We don't know what's going on behind the scenes.
>The girls talk to each other offscreen more than they'll ever tell us.
>When in doubt, give the girls the benefit of the doubt rather than doomfagging or resorting to rrats
There ya go. This mentality has worked for me for the past 2 years.

>> No.37001086

in other words, COPE.

>> No.37001115
Quoted by: >>37001186

>just caused
Mythbreakers has been dead for a long time. Mori's attempts to give it a jolt with the defibrillator were noble but pointless.

>> No.37001148

Anon you know it's illegal to post something reasonable here

>> No.37001161

NTA but accepting that there are limits to what we can plausibly know and not jumping to conclusions isn't a cope. It's just reasonable.

>> No.37001171

we did kinda give Mori benefit of doubt with Kiara and it lead to her breaking down
she really doesn't know how to get her feelings in order without some kind of outside push

>> No.37001173
File: 3.00 MB, 1364x2048, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help, I'm kinda going ghost over here.

>> No.37001176
Quoted by: >>37001943

We do know some things though that have been stated by the members themselves, like Kiara saying she hasn't talked to Gura in a while and Gura saying she hasn't talked to Ina. Besides that though, I really don't see what could be such a big deal that you can't play and game and chat with someone for an hour or so.

>> No.37001186

It was on Mori to get it going again before April and to not cancel in April. We're again back to blaming the previous MV for more problems. It has spiraled all of the bad will and problems we not face out of those dark months.

>> No.37001216 [DELETED] 

Why did I get deleted? The guy is literally samefagging.

>> No.37001220

This throws me off for some reason, I'm too used to Mori cosplayers being asian.

>> No.37001229

I can see that Mori

>> No.37001276
Quoted by: >>37001353

I'd take any collab between those two at this point. Hopefully someone records the panel in Singapore at least.

>> No.37001337

So you’re saying they need to involve you, the viewer, will all their interactions?

>> No.37001353

>tfw this gets canned for unknown reasons and suddenly it's separate solo appearances.

>> No.37001360

Why is it that the most kino Mori streams turn this place into a hornet's nest?

>> No.37001377 [DELETED] 

I take it that's a no then?

>> No.37001380

Now that would create some enormous rrats.

>> No.37001392
File: 1.74 MB, 2048x946, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37001409

I don't know what to tell ya, man.

>> No.37001438

That's not Mori, that's just a bitch in a pink wig. Couldn't even get the crown right.

>> No.37001437

because that TTRPG was a sore subject here I guess

>> No.37001447
File: 135 KB, 470x380, 1667266853012262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37001465

Mori finally dropped the news on the ttrpg being dead. That was always bound to stir up rrats. It's going to stir up even more if some myth members start appearing in her one shots while others don't.

>> No.37001475
Quoted by: >>37001494

wait is that the same girl?

>> No.37001481

That's generally not the case. This week has been bad because of the sudden influx of Gura rrat peddlers. Bringing up TTRPG only added fuel to the flames today since it already a sore topic.

>> No.37001484
File: 7 KB, 160x160, 1650633119286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37001494


>> No.37001493 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>37001588

We do know we have a jannie who likes to shitpost around euro hours.

>> No.37001566
Quoted by: >>37001663

get ready when it does and even more so when the homos show up to those

>> No.37001567
Quoted by: >>37001812

>if some myth members start appearing in her one shots while others don't.
Well we know know this will almost certainly happen since Mori told us a while back that one of the girls had lost interest in the campaign. Expecting all of them to do one shots makes no sense.
Personally I wouldn't hold it against any of the girls but the anti-unity rrats are gonna get really fucking bad when that happens.

>> No.37001584

The con is in two weeks, they're not bumping someone else's panel to make room for split Hololive panels

>> No.37001588

I guess that makes sense.

>> No.37001663

>Mori finally dropped Mythbreakers so she could play with homos
will be popular

>> No.37001732

The idea that mori killed her beloved TTRPG is retarded even for here.

>> No.37001756

be ready for when the board turns pink and has that as the title or something similar to it

>> No.37001793

she did schedule and then cancel the april stream

>> No.37001809

And then never reschedule it for months. She tried again months later.

>> No.37001812

Anti unity would be less of a problem if the girls could be less autistic for 5 minutes and schedule a gen collab once every one or two months. That was a problem the ttrpg was aiming to fix...

>> No.37001826

Have you seen the shitposting about the other TTRPG? When have facts mattered here?

>> No.37001828

Losing interest in Mythbreakers, especially after so long, does not really prevent any of the girls from being open to do a one-shot about fucking around as cowboys or maids or space marines or whatever.

>> No.37001833

April itself was far too late. The MV tying her up for months was not worth it and the insomnia.

>> No.37001836
Quoted by: >>37001853

And there we go

>> No.37001853
Quoted by: >>37001890

She did! You can't say she didn't. That's on her.

>> No.37001873
Quoted by: >>37001889

>In April
Even if they'd been around for that, it's a goofy construal of things

>> No.37001888

It does, if the invite was for all of Holopro.

>> No.37001889
Quoted by: >>37001916

Who is they in your sentence? All of Myth were there except Mori.

>> No.37001890

>missing the point

>> No.37001916

"they" meaning the homos

>> No.37001930
Quoted by: >>37002017

doesn't change the fact that it just further proves Mori shouldn't undertake non-music projects, she has 0 idea about scheduling or planning ahead and they turn either half-assed or unfinished

>> No.37001943

As if it would actually quell the dramafags or sate those vultures. Mori invited herself to go out of her way to spend half a week with Kiara halfway across the globe and you still get 160+ deleted posts in Global trying to peddle inane shit about them.

>> No.37001980
File: 174 KB, 1207x1065, so many many people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my shitty attention saved me from whatever bit that caused all this retardation and all I have is the memories of an extremely cute stream

>> No.37002002

Based goldfishbeat

>> No.37002009
File: 96 KB, 1200x1200, 4A22DA4B-A11E-4D9D-9574-A810ADB260CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37002092

She's in a very good mood with her browsing rn, I just hope the melatonin eventually works

>> No.37002017

It's all back to the MV. That MV that drove her insane, causing twitter problems, causing lack of sleep making her snappy, caused anxiety and sleeping problems for months, caused Mythbreakers to be pushed back, caused rm to stream again. It all comes back to that terrifyingly stupid decision to accept that job.

>> No.37002032

If the invite is for Holopro then it instantly means half of them won't even consider it.

>> No.37002034
Quoted by: >>37002090

Well good news, you'll hear it again because Mori is going to announce it publicly too since the Gun thing is officially being planned.

>> No.37002048
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, damn that's crazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be much more bearable if she was as reticent in running further oneshots outside of Holo as she was in Holo
the fact that she seen a sponsorship that wasn't shared with cover and her eyes turned into dollar signs before she realized the implications (and then every panicked action around it when she did) is a pretty good microcosm of why a large part of this year sucked both for us and for her

>> No.37002059
Quoted by: >>37002084

Unironically it was responsible for the lean incident and everything leading up to it.

>> No.37002084

It was. She doesn't act that want if she's not on less than 5 hours of sleep a night for MONTHS.

>> No.37002090

And there's a non-zero percentage that Tempus is involved, and that's more likely than Goombus appearing.

>> No.37002092
File: 416 KB, 1067x763, 1637375631168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn... should've went ahead with my idea of drawing a dead beat as a tunnel snake instead of working out so that I could get a like

>> No.37002104
Quoted by: >>37002205

That's a lot of assumptions you're making

>> No.37002140

No, it was her trip being canceled. I know you fags love to scapegoat that MV and roommate activities but it was a fight with a friend that caused that that one stream to happen. Any rrats about who it is are just rrats because we never found out what that was about.

>> No.37002180
Quoted by: >>37002249

The no trip made mori really sad, and mori being really sad is why she threw herself into the shit that drove her crazy

>> No.37002205
Quoted by: >>37002270

anon, her attitude of not letting any opportunity pass is something she brings up herself

>> No.37002206

That trip being cancelled would just mean less time to work on the MV. She wouldn't have her drawing tools. She would still be working overnight to finish his damn music video on time on a workload that was too much. Seeing her mom would not have solved that problem.

>> No.37002239


>> No.37002240

As nice as a hug from mom is, it doesn't make hundreds of hours of work disappear.

>> No.37002249
Quoted by: >>37002336

So which is it? Both of these contradict each other.

>> No.37002270

To some degree it's a vicious circle. The reason she jumps at every opportunity is in part because she doesn't get invited to do stuff because everyone knows how busy she is.

>> No.37002288

I've watched 1h of Katamari so far and not gonna lie, so far this game seems kind of not that fun. Well, at least to watch, it may be satisfying if you're the one playing.

>> No.37002336
Quoted by: >>37002624

They don't contradict each other. However, the argument that spending a few days in the US suddenly makes her crazy workload at the beginning of the year, lo-fi, streams, MV, Album, label signing, Birthday 3D, other song covers, Just go away is crazy. She couldn't handle it no matter what country she was in. And the MV is by far the largest part of that workload.

>> No.37002346

It was cute but I'm kind of pissed so many people suggested for her to keep playing when we could have recommended anything.

>> No.37002352
Quoted by: >>37002466

She spent the time she would have spent at home instead going to shows and TT parties/videos in Japan

>> No.37002358 [DELETED] 

I remember that stream, she outright said she hated working on the MV after a while and really regretted it.
And she made that other post about Fake Type which she quickly deleted because of how bad it was.

>> No.37002371

>Well, at least to watch, it may be satisfying if you're the one playing.
If you've played it yourself, it's more fun to watch since the gameplay is more relatable.
However if you've never touched the game before, then yeah I can see how it'd look boring.

>> No.37002408

I mean, what else were we gonna recommend that she would've played?

>> No.37002411
Quoted by: >>37002716

Recommended anything? Yes. Recommended something she had perms for/wanted to play? Very unlikely

>> No.37002413
File: 147 KB, 568x459, 1656873963346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37002460

Its a niche game for good reason. Played it a bit back in the day, found it to be pretty underwhelming. But Mori enjoys it, and that's all I need.

>> No.37002456

Just let yourself do something else and just listen to Mori and the music.

>> No.37002460
Quoted by: >>37002518

It's got that FLCL "hey senpai, look at this fucking weird Japanese thing. Crazy right?!" Energy

>> No.37002466

Nah, that was less time spent than a plane ride and multiple days away from the drawing tablet.

>> No.37002498
File: 1.14 MB, 1279x721, 1658743191899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but Sid Meier's Pirates!

>> No.37002518
Quoted by: >>37002579

>>37002460 (me)
Today I learned this website turns "F A M" into senpai

>> No.37002561
Quoted by: >>37002595

You really are gonna turn that into morig's Carthago Delenda Est, aren't you? Good luck

>> No.37002571
File: 627 KB, 622x790, Screenshot 2022-08-27 at 08-29-29 (50) MEMBER'S STREAM Concepting An Animated MV!! - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do you think the non-UM project she's got lined up for her birthday is?

>> No.37002579

Mori, you fucking newfag...

>> No.37002581
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Previous thread: >>36971328

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=acv3OAEjhUo
Upcoming stream: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X2mhXfv2s64

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (COMING SOON! - December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
//// Stream The Grim Reaper is a Live-Streamer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5VxUvL_uBo

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
NEW! – SINDERELLA PRE-ORDER (Standard/Limited/Store Exclusive)

New Underworld Order
July 21, 2022 @ Toyosu PIT
//// Audio-only archive: https://mega.nz/file/tekVTYxD#mwPhQyElULKBNnCF3JRemaTb2zK2riViOxLC8Lu8vnw

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.37002583

NTA but I just want the bitch to play DMC already

>> No.37002595
File: 106 KB, 720x703, 1653025403236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37002672

its a good game and more people should play it

>> No.37002624
Quoted by: >>37003096

Or visiting her family could've given her a mood boost and let her come back to Japan energized to tackle it. My assumption is just as valid as yours they aren't because we don't know her life and schedule beyond what she shows us.

>> No.37002628

Maybe a follow up to her Hololive Alternative stuff? That was the official Cover project she was most involved in

>> No.37002648
Quoted by: >>37002694

I'm thinking a little EP with all the other myth collab songs on there.

>> No.37002672

I read a let's play of it on something awful back in ze day. It looks pretty good.

>> No.37002679
Quoted by: >>37002765

If Katamari clicks with you, it's pretty damn satisfying to play. I guess it's kind of like Powerwash Simulator and shit like that where if it doesn't tickle your autism the right way you'll probably bounce off it.

>> No.37002694

I don't think so, she said it was pretty much done already.

>> No.37002716

I saw someone suggested No Straight Roads. Considering Kobo played it, I assume she has permissions for it too. And the devs are happy with anybody giving their game attention.

>> No.37002724
Quoted by: >>37002810

Oh gosh. Her face is so cute.

>> No.37002757

>We don't know what's going on behind the scenes
That is the point though. We don't know if they are even on talking terms anymore.

>> No.37002765

Yeah, I do not fuck with that game at all. And I'm literally autistic

>> No.37002793

Railroad tycoon bros

>> No.37002810

I know this is gonna sound weird, but it feels like her face would be more suited for smaller tits. I have a thing for small chested girls in oversized tshirts and she has the perfect look for it. Still love big titties btw.

>> No.37002831
File: 217 KB, 1520x1140, IMG_20221113_003150_017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys, are you still doing things while watching Mori?

I just recently finished this.

>> No.37002843

Mythbreakers was fun but I like the oneshot idea. Less hassle to plan and arrange, and different groups can be held. Even ladies only nights so everyone who wants can get a chance without any blowback.

>> No.37002853

NTA but she's like pure little sister cuteness. Zero horni

>> No.37002889
Quoted by: >>37003282

>and for her
Please, she probably thinks this is what deadbeats wanted.

>> No.37002888

Kiara is awkwardly asking her chat if they come here often. Live that birb

>> No.37002895
File: 25 KB, 852x480, 1639724410842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes, but today the stream was too early and it was cold so I laid in bed while listening to my Mori.

>> No.37002901

I play kh2 while listening to her
I beat zexcion right after the stream so thats fun

>> No.37002907

Fuck these rrats, watch the chicken play the trombone instead.

>> No.37002922

I have a thing for round faces and ears poking out of hair. It's so adorable.
I need a Deadbeat gf so badly bros. Someone to encourage, cuddle, listen and watch our oshi with, just be comfy and have fun.

>> No.37002930
File: 57 KB, 1348x723, FeSmKpxUYAAruyg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37002970

I was doing gamedev reps during the stream, but I feel like I've hit a rut on the prototype I've been working on. Probably gonna throw it in the backburner and move to something else.

>> No.37002947

I've watched a bunch of Victoria 3 timelapses.

Not proud of myself.

>> No.37002970
Quoted by: >>37003016

do an FFVII-like jRPG with mythbreakers characters

>> No.37002974
File: 1.46 MB, 450x270, Blushbeat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's adorable

>> No.37002998

Here as in /here/?

>> No.37003015
Quoted by: >>37003248


>> No.37003016
Quoted by: >>37003106

Okay but who gets Aerith'd?

>> No.37003025

It's music related. She has Cover originals that aren't on SN, Unalive, or Sinderella. So, it's them.

>> No.37003062
Quoted by: >>37003248

On her trombone champ stream, "here" being kiwawa's streams

>> No.37003082
File: 652 KB, 1280x1280, rrat nibbling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we compromise and watch the chicken fuck the rrat?

>> No.37003096

Be realistic. How is 3 days to a week with her mom going to energize her for months more of 18 hour work days?
How do you know that it wouldn't be filled with Parental complaining like we've seen recently?

>> No.37003106
Quoted by: >>37003125

Since everyone has a weird speculation-boner with Gura, her.

>> No.37003125
Quoted by: >>37003261

Who's the sephiroth that does it?

>> No.37003132
Quoted by: >>37003273

I played some more EU4 on another monitor and got pissed off at paradox "balancing" nations and idiotic preferential treatment.

>> No.37003152
Quoted by: >>37003217

The iron is very cold on Trombone Champ. I've seen Gura 100% it. I'm done.

>> No.37003193
File: 766 KB, 3508x2723, 1662684053133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37003217

Don't you wanna watch the birb suck at rhythm games (she just said it, not me)

>> No.37003248


>> No.37003261


>> No.37003273
Quoted by: >>37004281

What's grinding your gears with this iteration?

>> No.37003282
Quoted by: >>37003436

no, she's absolutely aware deadbeats had a sucky year, she made it blatantly obvious in both public and members statements

>> No.37003285

>have epic narration
>is this an RPG?
I mean...

>> No.37003338
File: 559 KB, 512x724, 1649138175386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FGO. Before the Imaginary Scramble event ended, I was rushing through it while having Mori on in the background. Never thought I'd fall for the waifu eldritch abomination version of Vincent Van Gogh but here we are.

>> No.37003374
Quoted by: >>37003411

I literally have no idea what you mean by the "dollar signs they panic at the optics" thing is about.

>> No.37003389
Quoted by: >>37003437

>there are no gingers in Trombone Champ
Any people said this game wasn't racist.

>> No.37003391

I think it's a funny little game. As another guy said, it's like Powerwash or also those small management games Mori likes a lot. And listening to Mori making all sorts of weird out-of-context remarks is funny.

>> No.37003411

Retarded shitposter trying to peddle rrats. Just ignore as usual.

>> No.37003436

Well the switch is flipped and she’s in make up mode for now so I’m going to enjoy it. Dead Beats rule!

>> No.37003437
Quoted by: >>37003519

Hibernophibia is such a pedestrian prejudice. Polonophobia is for the real chads.

>> No.37003472

Morbi toes...

>> No.37003495
Quoted by: >>37003842

is this the full pic? if not, sauce

>> No.37003503

Tenchou is morbing

>> No.37003519
Quoted by: >>37003564

>Polonophobia is for the real chads.
>he doesn't know

>> No.37003527
File: 876 KB, 1350x742, 1667629858371676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her feet are the only ones I go crazy over

>> No.37003535

>inverted controls
Who the hell ever came up with that idea I'll never know.

>> No.37003564

Are you talking about mori being a polack? I knew in my heart before she said it. It's OK, she's one of the good ones.

>> No.37003590

go to global

>> No.37003639


>> No.37003670

O shit, I thought that white speck was on my screen

>> No.37003673


>> No.37003679

>Kiara freestyles better than Mori

>> No.37003681

I want to leave her feet spotless with my tongue.

>> No.37003683


>> No.37003708

Someone just called Mozart a German. I think I love them

>> No.37003760
Quoted by: >>37003801

Eh, same thing.

>> No.37003801

Austrians get really shirty if you say either of those things.

>> No.37003809
Quoted by: >>37003952

Wait, is she playing this on PC or tablet?

>> No.37003820
Quoted by: >>37003898

Did Mori say how she's setting up the one shots? Open invite or inviting people? If it is open invite hopefully she doesn't post it on the Holopro one and then wonder why like none of the girls want to join.

>> No.37003842


>> No.37003898
Quoted by: >>37003940

She didn’t really specify. Presumably though tempus is busy with their own ttrpg campaign

>> No.37003917

Kiara just sang ode to joy. I dont think the European Project can survive

>> No.37003940

You're dumb if you think they wont drop everything to leech.

>> No.37003952

She had inverted control problems so I assume she's in PC.

>> No.37003961

Those weren't the real lyrics. It does not contain any reference to KFP.

>> No.37004006

She sang it in German, thus automatically making it German now.

>> No.37004039
File: 103 KB, 1043x1043, 1645591347338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37004155

>> No.37004155


>> No.37004279

I AM the the last dead beat

>> No.37004281

First, Poland and its absurd missions first and foremost. Sure, it's fun but it's just pure bullshit at this point in getting 3(and one more later) free PU on big nations on a nation that's not even specialized in that and is a military idea powerhouse on par with Prussia except it basically sits on like 1200 Dev by 1480 just from those mission PUs alone. Second, trying to play Russia against said polish bullshit. Third, trying to play Mughals for fun and realizing I almost did a WC with little to no effort or rush because of how fucking absurdly shit stacks on them. Not even talking about all those GREAT ZIMBABWE things from last patch, I prefer to forget that shit

>> No.37004332

>Not good at rhythm games
>Gets S's and A's
Wawa is an enigma.

>> No.37004416

I was just watching kaela play it and the difference is night and day.

>> No.37004440
File: 97 KB, 942x881, 1666828338714129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your mom's meh!

>> No.37004448

As one joke goes, two greatest austrian achievements are convincing everyone that Mozart was Austrian and that Hitler was German.

>> No.37004490

she's a good dancer, she has an innate sense of rhythm and with really simple and forgiving rhythm games like this it's really helpful since you just match your button presses to notes

>> No.37004507 [SPOILER] 
File: 501 KB, 647x822, 1656896510057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37004527
Quoted by: >>37004692

unless it's futa share a link

>> No.37004577
Quoted by: >>37004662

Man, she's good.

>> No.37004638

Share a link only if it's futa

>> No.37004660
Quoted by: >>37005125

Nocturnal dog

>> No.37004662

Just as she says "I hate rhythm games"

Tenchou is a Russia-level enigma

>> No.37004678

how the fuck is Wawa good at this game?

>> No.37004692
Quoted by: >>37005790


>> No.37004716

Kiara just called Trombone Champ a cunt.

>> No.37004763

Mori seething
in jealousy

>> No.37004785

>Kiara just called the game a cunt
The more time passes the more I'm perplexed by Mori's apprehension to that word

>> No.37004796

She is now more certified to be Australian than Bae.

>> No.37004816

that caught me off guard has Kiara ever said that before?

>> No.37004822
Quoted by: >>37004871

1. She's American
2. Kiara is way swearier than Mori

>> No.37004845

it's considered way more vulgar SPECIFICALLY in the US, everyone on the eastern hemisphere just drops 'cunts' like commas

>> No.37004859
Quoted by: >>37004950

I dont know, but she seemed really casual about it.

>> No.37004871

Mori definitely says it a bunch offstream

>> No.37004875
Quoted by: >>37004969

Youtube and twitch treat it as an automatic demonetization word if detected.

>> No.37004901

Burgers have a MUCH worse stigma against the word. It's unironically one of the worst things you can call a woman in the states.

>> No.37004932
Quoted by: >>37005004

Nah but she's not shy to use those words, she's also said fucktard and retard

>> No.37004950

it's funny because I know she cusses a lot but I've never heard her say that before lol

>> No.37004969

Yeah pretty sure I heard that too.

>> No.37004987
File: 75 KB, 708x919, A skullbeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't say cunt
>can throw around "muh vagina" jokes
Why are westoids like this?

>> No.37005004

based Wawa

>> No.37005048

Welp, time to shut it down.

>> No.37005058
Quoted by: >>37005141

oy vey Kiwawa can't play this song

>> No.37005098

Cause "cunt" is considered an highly vulgar term, and an extraordinarily offensive thing to call a woman in the US?

>> No.37005099

It's over bros...

>> No.37005125

Native vs ESL. Remember how during "teaching german" streams Kiara refuses to say some swears which seem to be much lighter than "cunt"?

>> No.37005141
Quoted by: >>37005264

The second worst thing an Austrian has done to the Jewish people.

>> No.37005161

That went better than I expected kek

>> No.37005167

White women like to pretend it has as much meaning as the n-word

>> No.37005178
Quoted by: >>37005318

Kiara...your ancestors are crying...

>> No.37005256

Kiara just doxxed Ame bros...

>> No.37005264


>> No.37005276

>B for Burger

>> No.37005318

I'd cry too after listening to that.

>> No.37005370

Women wanted their own nword

>> No.37005464
Quoted by: >>37005618

this just in Wawa guh'd on stream

>> No.37005468

Kiara is wife material!

>> No.37005618

I've noticed she's been GUH'ing a lot lately. I wonder if they've been talking off-stream lately.

>> No.37005741
File: 43 KB, 288x419, Partybeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, Kiara.

>> No.37005780
File: 397 KB, 762x974, Want some pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HBD, man.

>> No.37005790
Quoted by: >>37005921

The tits look weird in that one. shame, would have been a great piece otherwise.

>> No.37005857
Quoted by: >>37005906


>> No.37005906
Quoted by: >>37005953

anon, your hiragana reps...

>> No.37005921

I think he's trying to show them in motion but messed up. Doesn't work for me either.

>> No.37005953

Nihongo muzukashi...

>> No.37005988

Don't eat too much glue and enjoy a happy KFP in your pants.

>> No.37006155
File: 49 KB, 429x399, Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great Mori stream
>great Kiara stream so far
This has been a great weekend so far.

>> No.37006589
File: 188 KB, 615x941, ED66EFF2-C064-4A41-8D14-176F35DB7D36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such a pretty Mori but the butterflies can't help but remind me of the necromancer...

>> No.37006630


>> No.37006659

I'm more of an autobeat, really.

>> No.37006850

>Does he like beer?
Well, Beethoven did spend the rest of his life downing on wine.

>> No.37006889

Kiara just mentioned Gura. which means that barring Ina, Mori is the only one who hasn't mentioned her yet.

>> No.37007023
Quoted by: >>37007081

It does say a lot when Kiara who hasn't talked to Gura in while still does casually mention Gura while Mori gave up two months ago.

>> No.37007025
File: 180 KB, 500x500, Himebuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a song for battle
>gets used for circuses
Name a more tragic musician

>> No.37007081
Quoted by: >>37007221

Go talk to your psychiatrist. You need mental help at this point

>> No.37007119
Quoted by: >>37007493

Kiara really likes william tell overture, but I'm not sure it likes her back

>> No.37007221

the first one was just statistic for statistic's sake, the reply was an idiot tugging on and sticking his rrats unto it.

>> No.37007254
Quoted by: >>37007315

This game sure has a lot of American songs.

>> No.37007315
Quoted by: >>37007405

I imagine they wanted the songs to be as instantly recognizable as possible

>> No.37007405
Quoted by: >>37007468

Well, looks like all those songs couldn't convince her to be Amercian, anyway.

>> No.37007468
File: 612 KB, 640x640, Down she goes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, there goes the greencard plan.

>> No.37007493

>>37007119 (me)
This was a joke about william tell, the apple shooting guy from Switzerland.

>> No.37007508

It's ok. Mori will just have to live in Austria instead.

>> No.37007538

Hopefully phoenixes dont freeze in cold weather.

>> No.37007577
Quoted by: >>37007685

Never trust the Swedes. All that efficiency has to have a downside somewhere.

>> No.37007685

Is this a hate crime against the Swiss or the Swedes?

>> No.37007710
File: 452 KB, 512x724, 1637005618854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I know. FGO taught me who William Tell is. Seems like a pretty awesome guy.

>> No.37007815

>it's just old Pwediepie

>> No.37007821

Interesting. I have no idea what that show is about. All I know is they made an eroge set in the same universe, and I think there's something called sabers?

>> No.37007831

Literally army Jorgen Klomp

>> No.37008070

Why is this /kfp/?

>> No.37008106

Kiara is being herself and mori is being asleep.

>> No.37008147
File: 72 KB, 320x180, 1655122663833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No this is /Patrick/

>> No.37008176
File: 686 KB, 2895x3655, reekddke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She loves a dynamic body, eh?

>> No.37008178

Wawa cute

>> No.37008228

It is one guy spamming shit so it seems like this thread cares about Kiara.

>> No.37008269
Quoted by: >>37008300

Not true, it's at least two guys

>> No.37008300

Still pathetic.

>> No.37008344

This is one of the worst approaches you've ever tried, it's not even creative

>> No.37008391

Musicians always die in the weirdest ways.

>> No.37008486

Eh, it's only the most eccentric ones. Remember, the King of Rock died in a Las Vegas toilet.

>> No.37008531
File: 7 KB, 180x200, a deadbeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make that three.

>> No.37008598

Kiara cute, get fucked

>> No.37008605

it was his worst fear too

>> No.37008617

Thats not uncommon. He was probally doing a massive amount of coke, not sleeping and was obese. Straining to shit is actually incredibly hard on your body and can trigger heart attacks when you have that many compounding factors.

>> No.37008671
File: 1.29 MB, 849x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37008759

sex with chickens

>> No.37008726

>Remember, the King of Rock died in a Las Vegas toilet.
I bet he cucked a family member. Serves him right.

>> No.37008746
Quoted by: >>37008846

Rock musicians in general, really. Steve Peregrin Took died choking on fucking cherry. Granted it was after he was huffing pixie dust with his girlfriend.

>> No.37008759
Quoted by: >>37008909

This reminds me of the seinfeld where george combines sex, food, and broadcast sports.

>> No.37008790

>"Mori and Gura don't like each other anymore!"
>"WE don't care about Kiara here!"
Why have these retards been trying to act like omnipotent mind-readers today?

>> No.37008846
Quoted by: >>37009005

Kiara would definitely appreciate that dude's name. I think it's hilarious that lord of the rings used to be counterculture stuff.

>> No.37008882

>Kiara laughing at the word "toots"
>Mori laughing at the word "farten"
Her and Mori are children

>> No.37008891

The word you are looking for is "Omniscient" anon.

>> No.37008900


>> No.37008909
Quoted by: >>37008960

Has a chuuba ever done a Seinfeld watchalong? That could potentially be one of the best watchalongs of all time. Might be too boomer for youngins though

>> No.37008912

Does that mean anyone who wants GFE from either of them belongs on an FBI watchlist?

>> No.37008925

The word is actually "impotent"

>> No.37008960
Quoted by: >>37009057

My sister is the same age as kiara and she likes seinfeld. She also likes the Larry Sanders show, which is funny because she's a huge normie

>> No.37009005

Meh, anything going against the norm can be considered counterculture really. Right now it's all wacky capeshit in theatres so now people are looking towards more animated stuff like the OP Red movie.

>> No.37009035
File: 522 KB, 4096x2708, __mori_calliope_and_takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_amlichan__eb3ece35e977bd27a334d39ef2bb872c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37009170

takamori love

>> No.37009057
Quoted by: >>37009118

I hope you have a good relationship with your sister anon. She sounds cool.

>> No.37009066

I mean lord of the rings was hugely associated with hippies and rock bands. Tolkein had to get his phone number delisted because random american hippies would call him at 2 in the morning

>> No.37009105
File: 165 KB, 826x602, 1666992404983563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny to think that anime is now considered "mainstream" or at least not as looked down upon like it was back in early 2000's or late 90's.

>> No.37009118

I do. She's great. So is her daughter

>> No.37009150

>Right now it's all wacky capeshit in theatres
Capeshit hype is dying down. It hasn't been the same since Endgame came out. DC had their own extended universe thing too but that shit has been rebooted so many times already.

>> No.37009170


>> No.37009218

No, these retards are going beyond just thoughts, they talk like they teleported themselves into every conversation Mori has had

>> No.37009223

When top gun came out everyone was excited as hell that it wasn't capeshit. I saw leftists say "I know its propaganda, but fuck you, I'm gonna see it" for that exact reason.

>> No.37009291

I don't know, Black Panther just released to a huge box office debut

>> No.37009362
File: 273 KB, 1080x1080, Ikebeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I see animation, more specifically anime movies, will be huge in a couple of years. We already got films like Your Name, Silent Voice and even the DBZ movies get favourable reception. Contrast this to something like the Digimon movie that came out when most of us were probably teens or tweens.
