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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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36847973 No.36847973 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.36848050
Quoted by: >>36848106

Trannycorns make baits out of waiting rooms now?

>> No.36848061
Quoted by: >>36848277

>8.5k waiting now

>> No.36848106
Quoted by: >>36848209

Isn't Nene a unicorn friendly chuuba?

>> No.36848169

Nene would never bot

>> No.36848209
Quoted by: >>36848784

Yes she is textbook gfe

>> No.36848221

These many bots don't come cheap and Kawaii are basically broke.

>> No.36848224
Quoted by: >>36848277

A bit too obvious it's botted

>> No.36848242

Well it's probably not her doing it, just a troll.

>> No.36848268

nene belly erotic uuuuuuuuuooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dayo

>> No.36848276
Quoted by: >>36849132

why would anyone attack Nene?

>> No.36848277

Cope lmao. People are finally starting to wake up and support those who deserve it.

>> No.36848288
File: 29 KB, 489x154, 1643779252398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She gained a bunch of subs too, wtf?

>> No.36848307
Quoted by: >>36851596

maybe the algorithm blessed her today

>> No.36848323

Most likely bots, but I like to think it’s thousands of morons thinking it’s the new pokemon games.

>> No.36848353

Thanks for letting me know. I'm dumb and didn't see the words because of her erotic body

>> No.36848407

anon, I'm totally on your side that all those holofags should rather go for Kawaii if they want to see EN "idols" or basically unicorn friendly chuubas, Nene is basically what they want and I think she's great. Yes, she deserves this.
I just think it's unrealistic.

>> No.36848432

she gained 2k in the last 10 minutes.

>> No.36848494

>most of her VODs are under 10k views
>implying her 7k waiting room is legit

>> No.36848587
Quoted by: >>36848683

As of now 3.6k likes waiting room and the last Rune Factory vod only 1k VOD. Looks like the botting is actually pushing the algorithm into real people rec's list.

>> No.36848682
Quoted by: >>36848955

They should be watching Peony instead.

>> No.36848683

It is. I never watch her but she showed up on my front page. The question is did somebody else bot her or did she get desperate and do it herself?

>> No.36848720
Quoted by: >>36848769

don't you ever fucking even imply that, you fucking piece of shit

>> No.36848758
Quoted by: >>36848791

OP this video is for you

>> No.36848769

Now that just makes me even more suspicious that she's botting hersef

>> No.36848784
File: 38 KB, 480x360, Nene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36848791

I forgor my link

>> No.36848796

>all the Lonely HoloEn fans with no streams are checking desperate
>HoloEn unicorns are being driven out
I’m thinking it’s Holofags

>> No.36848804
Quoted by: >>36849178

eh she doesn't seem like the type, I've never seen her cry about numbers before

>> No.36848834

I see erotic belly I click
simple as

>> No.36848856
File: 347 KB, 2000x1080, KawaiiOct2022StreamLabs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>36849157

Nene has no reason to be desperate anon.

>> No.36848884

1k subs + once again, 155k now.

>> No.36848940

huh I checked and a lot of her recent thumbnails are novelAI generated. I guess since it's made from "appealing" art, it could make thumbnails that draw people to it

>> No.36848955

I literally can never understand what the hell she's saying but I watch her all the time anyway

>> No.36849132

There's been bots trying to spam and dox recently

>> No.36849140

she seems surprised herself

>> No.36849157
File: 258 KB, 1000x1778, oceane_otoishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my SEA wife is soon the second highest earner
Proud of her
and this really cements how shit gen 1 is, jesus they had such a head start and they all get shit on

>> No.36849178

Why would she? Her numbers are good and creme of the crop outside of Holo, Niji or Vshojo shit.

>> No.36849204
Quoted by: >>36849291

She'll soon pass Nami in subscribers

>> No.36849232

To be fair, Reina is the only one who actually tries as much as Nene or even a remotely similar amount. Isla barely streams, and only as a hobby, and Charzu is decidedly unconventional.

>> No.36849291
Quoted by: >>36849735

She really deserves it, 2 karaoke streams a week is fucking hard work

>> No.36849329
Quoted by: >>36878362

I'm definitely surprised how much she gets since SEA usually don't get much donos. Her voice repels me personally but it clearly works for lots of people and she can sing rather well.

>> No.36849386

>people trying to make excuses for what is obvious botting
Why? It's not even the first time this happened to some 3view

>> No.36849411
Quoted by: >>36849489

I wasn't aware that there are rapping chuubas.

>> No.36849489
Quoted by: >>36849565

she's a big Mori fangirl

>> No.36849565

and apparently it's not just some gimmick she did once. lmao she's basically the anti-Mori why should she be a fan of hers

>> No.36849735
Quoted by: >>36851246

karaoke is extremely low effort

>> No.36849743

liking someone's content doesn't mean making your own a reflection

>> No.36849771

I don't really have anything to add to the topic at hand, but I just want to say that the thong straps riding way up above the bottoms is super hot

>> No.36849797

she's a deadbeat, it was Mori who got her into rap, she even owns a Mori daki

>> No.36849811
Quoted by: >>36849964

I am not going to give you a (You), try again

>> No.36849949

Kawaii have been having problems with bot attacks for about a week now, I imagine this is the same people.

>> No.36849964
Quoted by: >>36850157

it's not bait. if you can sing along to the radio for a car ride, you can do a karaoke stream. karaoke is the same level as zatsus in effort

>> No.36850157

What do you consider to be effort?

>> No.36850201


>> No.36850202

Playing Apex!

>> No.36850255
File: 665 KB, 1555x2200, 5cb054494cb7e0512f1c97abacde0668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>36857943

You do know that a lot of the songs she sings requires belting right? Which requires
>Maximum muscular engagement of the torso
>Engagement of muscles in the head and neck in order to stabilize the larynx
>Maximum muscular effort of the extrinsic laryngeal muscles
Lots of maximum muscular engagement and effort, really makes u think how easy it is

>> No.36850290
Quoted by: >>36851282

releasing original music
drawing streams
tabletop streams
endurance streams
variety streams around a specific topic or idea that require assets

>> No.36850332
Quoted by: >>36850358

>bot viewers
>AI thumbnail
come on

>> No.36850358

Yeah, I really do want to come on her boobas,

>> No.36851145

self-made woman

>> No.36851246
Quoted by: >>36851621

Can you even sing anon? How many songs have you memorized?

>> No.36851275

>had never heard of her
>never watch pokemon videos
>sitting top in my recommended page
a bit fishy yea

>> No.36851282

Fairly pointless distinction then, since 99% of streams don't involve any of that.

>> No.36851293

Reina is the bigger Mori fan.

>> No.36851415
Quoted by: >>36851884

Sure anon, sure.

>> No.36851430
Quoted by: >>36851543

just got banned

>> No.36851512

Nene starting NOW this is not a drill

>> No.36851543

What did you do?

>> No.36851596
Quoted by: >>36851690

it did, first time I saw her in my recommendations

>> No.36851621

yes, and many. that's why i can confidently say it's low effort

>> No.36851680
Quoted by: >>36852070

didn't this happen before (like 6 months ago)? she should make a poll to see how many real people are watching

>> No.36851690
Quoted by: >>36851754

>30 chat participants
>9000 people waiting
Its clearly botting

>> No.36851713

I hope she puts it in members only mode you niggers don't belong to her fanbase anyway.

>> No.36851754

Sure, probably why she was recommended in the first place. But I have never seen her on my recommendations before, some people might just click on it.

>> No.36851755
Quoted by: >>36851833

Good lawd!
She cute.

>> No.36851833

Kinda, but holy ESL. Not sure if this is going to filter me...

>> No.36851859

Why is she playing the Pokemon game from a year ago when the new one will be out in a week?

>> No.36851884
File: 17 KB, 504x126, it literally could mean anything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also Lumi... Sorta. I would've preferred if she covered song #1 because it has a wail for her to flex her pipes, but I understand fast rap is a filter for most people. (This is why all vtubers ever sing is fucking Live Again and EOTL)
Vtubers, particularly women, who like Mori isn't exactly surprising so I have no idea why idea why this is a big deal.

>> No.36851909
Quoted by: >>36852046

but she's from America...

>> No.36851968

She's American (White) but grew-up in Japan.

>> No.36852024
Quoted by: >>36852099

English is her first language anon. She just puts up a stupid high-pitched voice like Kiara.

>> No.36852030


>> No.36852046
Quoted by: >>36852117

Not sure if this makes it better or worse. But at least not an SEA ESL. She should just switch to Japanese desu.

>> No.36852058

Unicorns victory once again

>> No.36852070

Happened to Sara Nagare from Prism to an even more extreme level, up to like 44k viewers. Only one time, for seemingly no reason. Probably someone testing out bots on a random livestream.

>> No.36852099

I can deal with Kiara, my favorite EN to watch at this point

>> No.36852107

7.9k waiting? All me.

>> No.36852117
Quoted by: >>36852180

>She should just switch to Japanese desu.
No. You have a fuckton of JP vtubers to choose from, why not watch those instead?

>> No.36852180
Quoted by: >>36852702

She just sounds cuter in Japanese

>> No.36852289

Kawaii has been having bots spam doxshit in their chats for a week or two and have started just members onlying chat so it doesn't happen. I assume that this is the same people since they can't spam chat anymore.

>> No.36852324

Probably this. They should check the release date and title of the game. We have search engines for a reason.

>> No.36852325

Funny, I never heard of her before this but she's really cute...
All the trolls did was give her a new viewer lol

>> No.36852482


>> No.36852584
File: 902 KB, 1692x1080, 1662970937509705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, welcome to the club

>> No.36852599

She's a good girl, anon.

>> No.36852702
Quoted by: >>36852803

The swapping is actually cuterと思う

>> No.36852803

it can have its charmです

>> No.36852807

I watched her out of curiosity and she seems really cute, if I didn't only watch m*les I might gosling for her

>> No.36852932

Same, checking her out for the first time

>> No.36853079
Quoted by: >>36853170

>catch me and only me
this would fly in the bedroom if you have a gf/bf who's into that kind of shit
but she just made it cringe right now

>> No.36853170
Quoted by: >>36854549

gfe content especially ASMR is her main thing. She might not be the kawaii girl for you, they all have different content.

>> No.36853295
Quoted by: >>36858296

>Now just under 800 after over 30 minutes.
Yeah, that's not how natural views work. It should be increasing in views as it goes on after the 30~45 minute mark and then it increases or decreases in viewership based on the factors of the game or time where most of their audience is at.

>> No.36853408

I support all semi-large genuine GFE friendly EN vtubers from the background because I don't want to be an infidelious whore to my JP oshi but Nene is a good girl and if you want somebody who makes you happy and won't break your heart she seems like one of the best choices in the EN scene

>> No.36854549

aye, i'll take your word for it

>> No.36857943

I love that artist

>> No.36858225

>erotic thumbnail
>instant views
This is just how YouTube works.

>> No.36858296

they probably got filtered by her 46minute zatsudan

>> No.36858929
Quoted by: >>36859179

Pfft, as a Shee watcher that's nothing.

>> No.36859179

yeah but you're not an underaged tourist being baited by coom and pokemon, now are you

>> No.36861743
Quoted by: >>36863865

Someone is botting without her knowledge

>> No.36863790
Quoted by: >>36877147

>8K waiting
>350 watching
So people hate this bitch when she actually starts talking?

>> No.36863865

good goy, keep defending (((them)))

>> No.36864068

Mori attracts an insane amount of female fans for some reason and inspired a lot of people to try out vtubing no matter what this board thinks of her.

>> No.36864706

AI thumbnail sauce link?

>> No.36868168

not again

>> No.36870594

these arent the jewbas though

>> No.36874013
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, 1653033649613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36874595
Quoted by: >>36875031

I still dont know much about this Nene, but I want to fuck her tits

>> No.36874928

Wrong company retard.

>> No.36875031

everyone does

>> No.36877147

bots dont have feelings

>> No.36877886
Quoted by: >>36878095

Why did this happen?

>> No.36878039

even the thumbnail is botted

>> No.36878094

Pretty much. She is playing Pokemon and that is next to Minecraft the Zatsu Game ever.

>> No.36878095


>> No.36878362

Looking at the ID vtubers scene, SEA don't donate much but they buy merchs. Not just Holo ID but it's a common thing that merchs gets sold out within a short time even for smaller vtubers. In the case of Holo ID, sometimes their merchs got sold faster than the ones they sell in JP shop, and they have the same quantity.

>> No.36878528

Is not pokemon a buff game though? not saying botting is not involved
