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36559893 No.36559893 [Reply] [Original]

Why did she fall off so hard? She was the main character of hololive at one point.

>> No.36559946
Quoted by: >>36560201

She didnt

>> No.36560018
Quoted by: >>36560201

She wasn't

>> No.36560119
Quoted by: >>36560201

Holox literally destroyed her relevancy

>> No.36560143
Quoted by: >>36560201

It happens to every single internet "celebrity", no one stays "relevant" forever.

>> No.36560201
Quoted by: >>36560333

Kill yourself numberfag you don't even watch streams.
You too

>> No.36560235
Quoted by: >>36561022

She’s been doing this before you numberfags knew what CHUUBAS were.

She’ll be doing it long after you fuck off.

>> No.36560333
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>> No.36560710

she was popular among EOPs, after HoloEN debuted all of them jumped ship

>> No.36560837

She started taking it a little bit easier on the streaming due to health and family reasons. Also Hololive has gained like 30 new members since her peak so naturally everybody is going to stand out less the bigger the crowd gets.

>> No.36560900
File: 304 KB, 1441x1200, 1657454381167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she didn't

she just lost the EOP crazed retards who would spam her chat endlessly, which was for the better because her chat used to be barnone the worst in JP.

>> No.36560903
Quoted by: >>36561926

She's still the best holo, vtubers are just reclining in general because the covid boom is over

>> No.36561022
Quoted by: >>36561612

>Blaming numberfags
She still gets 13k average ccv and fuck she had 3 straight 20k streams playing that monster rancher Kaiju game. Her problem is she didn’t grow at a outrageous rate like Pekora, Marine or to a smaller extent Shuba

>> No.36561612

She could absolutely grow as fast as Pekora or Marine if she wanted to, she just needs to stop playing shitty retro games. She's successful enough, and doesn't really have any interest in pursuing the numbers any more than she has to.

>> No.36561794

Ah. This thread again.
Please stop shitposting with Koron

>> No.36561877
Quoted by: >>36562049

>Why did [insert Hololive member that EOPs liked a lot before they took a break and clippers stopped clipping] fall so hard?
I swear, even I get tired of these same autistic posts.

>> No.36561881

She didn't and she wasn't.
She just had a brief period of attracting EOPs like flies, making her the entry point for gaijins.
That has disappeared, leaving her essentially just as before her Doom 64 playthrough.

>> No.36561926

Imagine if the covid boom never happened, hololive would be dead for good

>> No.36561955


>> No.36562049
File: 184 KB, 888x254, 1639567152655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>36564712

this board was always be a mistake

>> No.36562099

Korone could numbernig easily if she chose to. She wants to play the games she likes instead.

>> No.36562132

> hololive would be dead for good
and so would a lot of your vtuber companies and indies.

>> No.36562689

But the global economy itself would be fine so they could just get normal jobs.

>> No.36562817

Because she stopped streaming in English. She was literally a fucking meme queen. Everyone loved her. But most casuals don't know their Japanese. So...

>> No.36562893

Casual viewer/board outsider here. I lived for the English only streams and am hoping for more. In fact, JP English speaking clips are still my favorite and how I got into vtubers to begin with. But I know I'm not the core audience and don't expect them to cater to me.

>> No.36562930
Quoted by: >>36563744

she still is a meme queen

>> No.36562992

Stupid bitch literally never gave a shit about her EN viewers, lonely bitch just wanted some penis, just look at ther cringe tiktoks where she drools over those young boy nips on there.

>> No.36563002

Why are Korone's fans so fragile? She's one of the least anti'd Holos there is and yet they still freak the fuck out if anyone says anything even slightly negative about her.

>> No.36563029

Like the fact that korone literally groomed teenage okayu.

>> No.36563065
File: 1.88 MB, 640x532, implying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even trying to be subtle, are you?

>> No.36563636

Gura happened

>> No.36563744

She damn well is. I was just trying to break it down for the casuals. And they only respond to the English bits.

>> No.36564164
Quoted by: >>36594009

Korone is a bitch, but she's not stupid.

>> No.36564577
File: 77 KB, 417x326, 1666196957383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they're a really sensitive bunch, and also very competitive. They seethed when Pekora beat Korone in their Mario collab a few months ago. They're also a bunch of numberfags, see picrel.
Koronesukis are literally one of the most toxic fanbases but hide it very well.

>> No.36564712
Quoted by: >>36568327


>> No.36564714

lol my man fucking NND is still around and most of the original talents are FROM there. Hololive, even pre-covid, was a vacation

>> No.36566866

I wish I lived in that timeline.

>> No.36568327


>> No.36569234

kek you weren't kidding, pekora actually lives rent free in their heads
i did not know koronesukis were insecure, perpetually seething babies

>> No.36569616
Quoted by: >>36592620

Does it means the "we should graduate all of JP" threads weren't bait

>> No.36569868
File: 11 KB, 194x194, ogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>36590780

>falseflagging discordfags trying to gaslight lurkers ito whatever bullshit they want to feed

>> No.36576152

she didn't

>> No.36577157

jesus, be subtle more you shitposters

>> No.36577328

>Why did she [headcanon]
>She was the [headcanon]

>> No.36581922

Fuck you nigger, Hololive doesn't need more Apex and Minecraft spammers. Retro games are what make her based.

>> No.36587444

>She was the main character of hololive
She never was

>> No.36590780

Callate gringo

>> No.36592620
File: 669 KB, 634x646, 1666807867945246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>36593897

>mentions a chuuba
Cucksagis really trying way too hard to start drama
If anything, if you went as far as to go into our thread and search for Pekora mentions WE might be the ones living rent free.

>> No.36593897

>*give real proof*

>> No.36594009

I get it, because she's a dog.

>> No.36594044

How did she fall off? Korone, Watame and Pekora are still queens of HoloJP quality-wise. If she fell off, who the fuck is on the rise?

>> No.36595631

>stop playing shitty retro games
>she's successful enough

Shes successful by her own standards, which encourages her to keep streaming. Why encourage something she or her listeners dont even want? For fucking numbers?

>> No.36600502

She's still top dog
