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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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34137445 No.34137445 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for the Cheering Up Cherub, Mori Calliope

>> No.34137490

MY girlfriend

>> No.34137505
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34137512


>> No.34137520



Monarch NEW MV:

Hibana NEW MV:

Ririsya cover:

Rachie, Rainych and Caitlyn Myers cover:

Boogey Voxx cover:

Milky Queen NEW COVER:

>> No.34137719

I'll tell you a secret, ISPs don't change speeds, brand new connections to a build do. My work changed our connection last year. 145k to run fiber from the connection further up the road. I hope she even has a connection further up the road.

>> No.34137750

fucking auto correct.
I'll tell you a secret, changing ISPs don't change speeds, brand new connections to a building do. My work changed our connection last year. 145k to run fiber from the connection further up the road. I hope she even has a connection further up the road.

>> No.34137757

I wonder if it will catch the algorithm the same way. There is a possibility since it's not like her previous MV success was from the music. She will have the holobuff vs being on a nobody indy channel and the additional plus the curiosity of a holo doing a fully animated MV themselves of their own song vs hiring it out. If she doesn't shill thenfuck out of it I'll be pissed.

>> No.34137760
Quoted by: >>34137797

Seems like she does, if the neighbor (who could actually be like twenty minutes away) does

>> No.34137797

20 minutes is not "up the road" That could be 20 miles away. "up the road" is 2/10 of a mile away.

>> No.34137939

ISPs absolutely change speeds. You literally pay them for different plans that give you different speeds.

>> No.34138001

If there's a monopsony situation, they'll have pretty much the exact same options.

>> No.34138010

Only if they offer those speeds at that location. This all comes back to her "hour away from a walmart" house.

>> No.34138011
File: 99 KB, 733x427, 1651064212201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34138019

I think Lui and Mori should kiss

>> No.34138047

>mentions her tummy rumbling
>ignores it
>a few moments later she brings up she wasn't happy with her weight when she got on the scale
Oof, that's a bad recipe for rebound over eating. Gotta eat something to sate that hunger.

>> No.34138052

Yeah Kronii

>> No.34138100

I hope she ate something after lifting. Cant get stronger without food.

>> No.34138176
Quoted by: >>34138679

"I feel like I've embodied the true Stacy spirit for all of you Chads."
For some reason I'm reminded to do my push up reps

>> No.34138189
Quoted by: >>34138337

She's doing "cardio lifting" she's trying to cut, not build mass.

>> No.34138212
Quoted by: >>34138393

Eating healthy is better than starving yourself in the long run.

>> No.34138337
Quoted by: >>34138584

Lifting to lose weight is pretty pointless. You wind up with pretty much the same calorie deficit while expending more effort

>> No.34138393

She’s got a personal trainer that is helping to manage her diet. I think she’s fine backseatbeats.

>> No.34138481

No, I know more about personal health and fitness than a professional, i will not take my meds!

>> No.34138505

That's actually true though don't take your meds when you want to lose weight

>> No.34138512
Quoted by: >>34138610

>"another review stream is in order"
Oh man I hope that happens sooner rather than later. Honestly some of my favorite content, it's weirdly engaging for some reason.

>> No.34138514
File: 618 KB, 800x1080, Do You Want Some of This[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ferdoqb.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mere, you.

>> No.34138584
Quoted by: >>34138646

"More effort" depends on your mental state. She obviously likes lifting more than running.

>> No.34138610

We were promised another pet review with Bae but I think a bathroom review would actually be hilarious.

>> No.34138646

Because running with that chest is rough.

>> No.34138679
Quoted by: >>34138716

Mori wants to be our (my) sexy confident girlfriend.

>> No.34138715
Quoted by: >>34138834

>brings up Starlink Internet
Don't fall for Elon-chan's lies.

>> No.34138716


>> No.34138754

I get why she kept her measurements secret but I’m surprised she wouldn’t tell us how much she was lifting.

>> No.34138771
File: 224 KB, 1095x1350, moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34138821

I love MY moon princess!!

>> No.34138820
Quoted by: >>34138952

I managed to lose half my body weight and keep it off.

>> No.34138821
File: 665 KB, 2580x3434, 1641722088279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people's moon princess.

>> No.34138829
Quoted by: >>34139591

It was probably light weight and I would have made fun of her

>> No.34138834

It may be better than both ISP options. May still not be good enough to stream at 1080p from.

>> No.34138889
Quoted by: >>34139211

She told us before right?

>> No.34138902

Don't let ISP issues distract you from the fact that Mori Calliope is a FURRY who wants to find a wolf MATE and have PUPS.

>> No.34138905

>we're going to see more about the album in October
I'm excited, I wonder if we'll get track previews or just the name.

>> No.34138945

that wolf, me

>> No.34138952
Quoted by: >>34139066

>>34138820 (me)
Also it's in a trailer's interest to sell her on exercising because a personal trainer is an exercise salesman. Regardless of whether its superfluous.

Not saying its unimportant for her health. It is, it just isnt helpful for this purpose.

>> No.34139003

not even a furry degenerate but hearing Mori say she needed to hunt for a mate and how much she wanted pups got me rock hard.

>> No.34139032

she's hungry because she's doing intermittent fasting you goofs

please listen to 1 space before you Concern

>> No.34139063

>RIP was sent as the reference to the producers for the SN EP
Damn that's kind of lame, that's like if Tyler the Creator worked with a producer that only heard Yonkers and tried to do Yonkers but not really or a little to the left, but for a whole EP.

>> No.34139066
Quoted by: >>34139169

It's not like he gets paid per exercise, dude. The exercise isn't the product, slimming down and gettingnthe figure you want is.

>> No.34139088

She just started too. Once your stomach gets used to it it becomes much easier. The hardest part of a diet is the start

>> No.34139092
Quoted by: >>34139163

I did, but she was hungry after she lifted and didn't eat. That's a recipe for serious cravings

>> No.34139126

Company want big number, pls andastand.

>> No.34139163

Yeah. For sex. With me. (On all levels except physical, I am a wolf)

>> No.34139169

She probably will lose weight, but not because of the exercise. Itll be because of the diet. And yeah, personal trainers are paid by the session.

>> No.34139211
Quoted by: >>34139318

irys mentioned the lifts she had at home were so heavy she couldnt lift them in the off collab chad cast
hell if I remember the exact weight I think it was around 10kg?

>> No.34139318

5kg dumbells

>> No.34139327 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>34139361

How about mori and axel should kiss

>> No.34139345
Quoted by: >>34139416

I think IRyS said both.

>> No.34139351
Quoted by: >>34139420

God I wanna break Irys so bad

>> No.34139361


>> No.34139367

It's still good to eat after a workout, your muscles need the protein. Building the muscles will actually make burning fat easier.

>> No.34139416

IRyS couldn't even lift the 5L water bottle mori gave her to drink. Not sure if that makes her weaker than Kiara or Gura though.

>> No.34139420
Quoted by: >>34139484

If it really is 5kg irys basically has pipe cleaner arms.

>> No.34139484
Quoted by: >>34139565

She's unhealthy. She's not as tiny as Aqua or Gura.

>> No.34139501
Quoted by: >>34140196

Gura is slightly stronger than kiara I think, based on the arm wrestling match.

>> No.34139565

I think she mentioned that she never exercised and just has small portions to control her weight. She's apparently quite slender.

>> No.34139591

Missed opportunity to tease Morbi :{

>> No.34139651

Kiara once thought her computer was broken and it turned out she couldn’t push the power button in

>> No.34139653
Quoted by: >>34139775

Should have sent Red and eoal as references.

>> No.34139675

>"Universal validated you"
Damn Mori's friends are dangerously based.

>> No.34139716
Quoted by: >>34140518

Kiara's not short either. Maybe it's related to those chronic pains she suffers from?

>> No.34139715
Quoted by: >>34139916

Watch as they shift to making Universal an invalid music company

>> No.34139754

How are these women not broken in half by stiff breezes? Can they even open the doors in their homes?

>> No.34139775

Yeah that would have been the better choice. Perhaps this time they'll send in Give Up Haters if she's doing comedy

>> No.34139824
Quoted by: >>34139916

It’s true, fanbase reflects the oshi I guess because when I heard Mori say that it clicked into place for me as well.

>> No.34139831
Quoted by: >>34139883

Kiara may just have an exceptionally weak grip. Like how kanata is weak but has an exceptionally powerful one.

>> No.34139865

irys is pretty much cooped up most of the time. She can't lift her arms without it dislocating, not joking.

>> No.34139879

but also kinda dumb
she was a creator with over 100M views on her song before the UMG deal
was that less valid since it didn't have a silly label name over it? Suisei certainly doesn't think that about her accomplishments

true validation always comes from the inside, the belief in your work is good and worthy out there, then there's the perception of your fans and everything else is basically irrelevant because no amount of respect from "industry professionals" will put food or your table or your music into people's memories

>> No.34139883

I need Kanata to crush my balls into paste

>> No.34139890

Damn the preview for the new wall paper looks pretty good. Also on this episode of Mori's Member Streams, Mori violates the Geneva Convention Code.

>> No.34139916

The wikipedia article "list of UMG affiliated artists" (or whatever) begs to differ lmao
Yeah it made perfect sense to me. I noticed a lot of people losing their minds right after the announcement and I thought something like that may be the reason.

>> No.34139969
Quoted by: >>34140497

it's more to like she was talking from the perspective of the antis that never thought about her as anything but anime girl rapper but when UMG signed her up it 'validated' her in their eyes.

>> No.34140005

That's not what she meant. She didn't mean that she felt more valid after getting signed, she meant that others percieved her as more validated by the external determinants of prestige and success within the industry, or something like that i guess.

>> No.34140021

The friend was talking about it from the antis’ perspective not Mori’s personal belief.

>> No.34140027
File: 36 KB, 750x739, 1652927237621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Morbi's friends, they seem like good people. Didn't attention whore, didn't overstay their welcome (even if Mori wanted them too), didn't put any negative thoughts into her head.
She's had a lot of bad or neglectful friends before Holo, it's nice to see that there's some good ones.

>> No.34140118
Quoted by: >>34140199

Yeah, if anything Mori would have benefitted from a longer stay, but I'm sure it couldn't be helped.

>> No.34140178

the voice actor friend who watched over her house seemed kinda cool too

>> No.34140196
Quoted by: >>34140282

Gura is also legally a midget.

>> No.34140199
Quoted by: >>34140380

Well they aren't miracle workers. Helping her out occasionally and then letting her do her work is good enough. That's all it takes to help her.

>> No.34140282

Gura's official height is 2 and a half inches shorter than my niece. My niece just turned 8.

>> No.34140357

Alright so if any of you have seen how tiny Bae is, remember that Gura is smaller. And not asian.

>> No.34140366
Quoted by: >>34140480

Chumbeats don’t even think about it

>> No.34140380

I feel like most of the people Mori hangs out with are content creators. It’s probably nice to get perspective from someone living a normal life.

>> No.34140423
File: 223 KB, 850x1275, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_chu_e__sample-0e1ad263dd99dc91aced173f94ef6cfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>34125492

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_qhgtOy0dy1Agp8vkySQg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LDCVORvv7Ts
Upcoming stream: _(:3」∠)

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
//// Stream Reaper vs Sheep
Ouen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOuNKm4ApZY
Kenko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_X6UNPq2rY

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
NEW! – Shinigami Note vinyl [Limited Edition]

New Underworld Order
July 21, 2022 @ Toyosu PIT
//// Audio-only archive: https://mega.nz/file/tekVTYxD#mwPhQyElULKBNnCF3JRemaTb2zK2riViOxLC8Lu8vnw

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.34140480

I'm going to think about how far I could yeet her

>> No.34140484
Quoted by: >>34140524

>she lights up when Chill Corner lets her decorate a room
Shame we never got her playing Animal Crossing on stream. She mentioned she loved the game, but she probably has a personal file and wouldn't want to start over. The DLC would be maximum comfy to watch a stream of.

>> No.34140497
Quoted by: >>34140623

Which leads me to believe that these aren't specifically Mori haters, but vtuber haters in general. Sure there may be Mori antis in their ranks, but the generic comments really make it obvious.

>> No.34140518

>>Kiara's not short either.

>> No.34140524

Yeah all the animals dropping hard R personalized catchphrases.

>> No.34140541

She's normal. 5'5" is normal.

>> No.34140576

Try to remember that outside of our little bubble, Vtubers are still a niche that's wildly despised by the likes of /a/, /jp/ and /v/. Add in normalfags on Twitter who see a white woman rapping and think she's not only appropriating black culture but also doing well enough, and you have a recipe for people who will be angry. Then imagine from their point of view hearing that this bitch who stole rap and got signed to a major label.

>> No.34140583

She mentioned that she's at least 164 centimeters tall when talking about being a flight attendant.

>> No.34140623

She actually does get twitter haters because of the rap angle. And because of certain ones reposting ancient screencapped tweets.

>> No.34140820
Quoted by: >>34140972

And linking her literal first ever rap song lol.

>> No.34140827

A lot of it is just young zoomers being catty and vicious. Kids are mean and go for the jugular if anyone acts in a "cringy" way.

>> No.34140972

well the first public one. I don't think it's actually bad enough to have to feel like you need to memoryhole it. She's certainly improved 100fold since then.

>> No.34141129
Quoted by: >>34141224

A lot of the people I’ve seen shitting on her on Twitter are literal 12 year olds who think she’s trying to be the next Kendrick Lamar.

>> No.34141185
Quoted by: >>34141242

One thing I hope is that Mori didn't get bullied out of being a rapper because so much of the negativity emphasized that.

>> No.34141224

It's like the retards here that keep calling her a wigger unironicly. She literally never done the "street" BS and barely even listens to western rap.

>> No.34141242

I really don't see that being the case. She was today talking about how she's going to her roots. And Before she was feeling encouraged by her singing reps. As she should

>> No.34141362
File: 184 KB, 750x938, 1664248516126758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori after channeling all her frustration into working out

>> No.34141393
Quoted by: >>34141465

One can hope

>> No.34141441
File: 238 KB, 1200x1600, 1656707483743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish...

>> No.34141465
Quoted by: >>34141507

Every time it comes up she rejects the idea of becoming swolliope

>> No.34141467

God I want her to fucking crush my skull in her bicep

>> No.34141472

I want her to put her fist through my skull.

>> No.34141486
File: 497 KB, 600x700, 1657557986492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34141527

>pictured, me and Mori one year from now

>> No.34141507

She will learn

>> No.34141527

Why is the fridge open?

>> No.34141604

tummy rumbled

>> No.34141647

>Wolf Quest has an online mode
I really don't want to think about how that's like.

>> No.34141649

It might not be open, that could just be a black rubber sealant/stopper thing.

>> No.34141665
Quoted by: >>34141691

Gay and furry.

>> No.34141691

Perfect for Mori then.

>> No.34141712

We were really close to Mori running into some fucked up gay ERP

>> No.34141816
File: 421 KB, 645x855, FYQSAWmVsAAPNSY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent news

>> No.34141865

God I'm not into muscular women but I think I'd die of euphoria if she broke into my house, held me down and fucked me until I was in love with her

>> No.34141906
File: 2.65 MB, 2480x3508, Mori250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look forward to seeing the fruits of her labors

>> No.34141932

I'm not horny for mori, but if she was that buff I would be.

>> No.34141985
Quoted by: >>34142174

>women literally can't attain this physique so lets just photoshop some chick's head on a buff dude's body
You hate to see it

>> No.34142036

mori will have a normal fit body that's still soft to grab just like she wants

>> No.34142158
File: 31 KB, 898x414, 1658389222023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about all of you.
But right now I really want Mori to have abs, and then have one continuous lick starting from her neck, between her breasts, across her abs, down her pelvis, and then furiously eat her out.

>> No.34142159 [DELETED] 

>she will look like the original doxx pic.

Mark my words.

>> No.34142174

There's female bodybuilders bigger than that. Granted they're on steroids but still.

>> No.34142181

literally me

>> No.34142262
Quoted by: >>34143700

>Mori saying it's possible her boobs are going to get nerfed by weight loss.
Nice try Mori, but you already told us they don't.

>> No.34142369

I made this post.

>> No.34142431

Incredible amount of bottoms and women today

>> No.34142448

She'll look like Broly from the original DBZ movie

>> No.34142493

Why are you trying to make me horny for our boi?

>> No.34142520

I found ironic that her Rust fail has over 100k views, like why

>> No.34142599


>> No.34142654

Are you saying you wouldn't want to be fucked by a buff Mori in amazon position?

>> No.34142728

Please, buff mori is the ultimate power bottom. And still a total sub.

>> No.34142870

Putting Mori though domination loss would be the fucking hottest thing and I don't give a fuck if you're too small dicked to agree

>> No.34142927

Yeah, my cousin was over twice the size that girl is at her peak. Lots of steroids.

>> No.34143016

Sure but this chick's hands are almost the size of her face

>> No.34143026

eh, I'll just look forward to her attaining back her normal weight, which is what she's going for either way. I'd prefer her tummy to still be grabbable

>> No.34143031

If you knew you were going to miss a stream, but only saw a 5 min vod later on, wouldn't you check it out? No reason why normal vodbeats wouldnt check it.

>> No.34143049

Remember Deadbeats, it's illegal to go ghost or be horny for Mori.

>> No.34143057 [SPOILER] 
File: 188 KB, 1174x2048, Fc3QzNSXwAA_nn4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll look like Kefla from DBS.

>> No.34143155

>>34143016 (me)
My bad. I found her, its not a photoshop

>> No.34143281

Well you know what they say, if your hands are the size of your face, you have cancer.

>> No.34143700
Quoted by: >>34155184

is it actually possible. Hope it does so she doesn't have to rely on surgery or some shit, they still look plenty big and nice when she was healthier

>> No.34144099

You know that vsinger who won the VV contest? She has a baller cover of a Bring Me The Horizon/Babymetal song. Really wanna see screamo mori try it.

>> No.34144176
Quoted by: >>34144275

Was a fun stream, really hope that ISP 2 lets her stream. Hearing that the first ISP capped at 3 mbps makes it sound like she got a satellite dish, wonder what compelled her to get that instead of a standard connection when it seemed to be available. Whether she's able to read the Supas at the second base or not, it's pretty much a promise that whenever it is, it will be a good long one.

>> No.34144227
File: 397 KB, 762x974, Want some pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, deadbeats. How was the member's stream? Was Mori alright? I hope she was.

>> No.34144275

It could be fiber at her house, but between her and the next hop is a terrible overused cable line that is a weak link in the chain.

>> No.34144304

She was. Setting up her mic and stuff at mamamori's was a pain, and there was plenty of scuff that demoralized her, but she definitely is determined to make thimgs work, and her morale was a lot better than last night.

>> No.34144365
Quoted by: >>34151154

It gave me a little pace of mind hearing her more relaxed and it had its good moments but with some scuff. Overall I think it was good for both us and her

>> No.34144382
Quoted by: >>34144580

I hope she saw how many deadbeats just want to help her out and it gave her the motivation

>> No.34144401

She's doing better, she found an alternative service provider she's going to try out, but she also needs to go back to Japan for recording sometime this week which is stressing her out, she's also going to visit Kronii before she leaves to Japan.

>> No.34144580

I think it did. Some advice was given, and on twitter she said we made her smile.

>> No.34144765

A lot of people earlier said she was going to visit kronii much later, like late October/early November.

>> No.34145075
Quoted by: >>34151154

Most of her plans for it didn’t work out, but it was fun and she seems to be in a better mood today

>> No.34145493

I just had the realization that I've never actually watched her Jump Kings from start to finish except her last one that she was super tilted and Mumei was there. I imagine there's plenty of fun times and interesting things in those streams. Also Mori doesn't have a playlist for Omori, which is a shame cause that was the series that I went all in on her as my oshi.

>> No.34145802

Might be a good time to catch up. One thing to bear in mind is that after the first few, there's this Sprite animation that I find extraordinarily annoying to look at. Not because it's bad, just because I find it really distracting.

>> No.34146412

Is the anniversay stream good?

>> No.34146444

The stream sucked but Mori was great.

>> No.34146456

Membership anniversary or regular anniversary?

>> No.34146608

It was essentially just like any other member's stream with the exception that there's no superchat reading because she wants to read this one's supers publicly on another stream. Probably a stream not from the kitchen at wherever her Mom is staying.

>> No.34146698
Quoted by: >>34146982

It has a good short zatsu in the beginning, the gaming part was rather lackluster though.

>> No.34146982

The Glover part was pretty funny. Mori became increasingly unhinged trying to get the game to work.

>> No.34147093

I feel like I could solve her keyboard issues in under a minute if I was there.

>> No.34147168

What are you trying to do to my mori

>> No.34147179
Quoted by: >>34147289

She probably could of tethered to her phone and streamed.

>> No.34147206

No one asked.

>> No.34147236

She need (me) as her boyfriend to provide her with sperm and the slightest modicum of technological literacy.

>> No.34147289

I said keyboard issues. I said nothing about the internet.

>> No.34147725
File: 363 KB, 1636x2048, 1663344767214152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is the best isp

>> No.34147776
File: 295 KB, 800x735, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Faujibn.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34147908

Mumei is watching Jojo

>> No.34147802

It depends on your area. I know there's google fiber optic in places.

>> No.34147908
Quoted by: >>34147965

Which part, and how's she feel about it?

>> No.34147916

They all blow

>> No.34147965

She just got to the 2nd Darby brother and couldn't remember Jotaro's name.

>> No.34148004
Quoted by: >>34148019

Did she start from the beginning?

>> No.34148019
Quoted by: >>34148123

From part 1 yes.

>> No.34148094
Quoted by: >>34148176

She was cute but that stream was pretty trash as a 2 year anniversary. Even just spending the whole time talking about past member streams would have been better contentwise.

>> No.34148123

I see. Thanks for the info. Hope mumei enjoys Darby 2 getting what's coming to him.

>> No.34148176

She may have treated it as a dry run for her variety streamer plans. Which is kinda like seeing history in the making

>> No.34148227

To be fair, part 3 Jotaro is pretty bland, I imagine she will have the same issue with Giorno

>> No.34148465

Part 3 was the hardest part to get through for me, the villain of the week thing was boring.

>> No.34148489

Yeah, giorno is by far the least interesting Jojo to me. Even Part 3 jotaro had a lot more depth and nuance. Plus he was a better straight man

>> No.34148498

definitely the worst part of jojo that isn't part 1 or the final fight of 5

>> No.34148605

I liked it because it was a great way to introduce stands and have a whole bunch of time to get to know the characters under a big variety of situations.

>> No.34148624

She has to save Kronii

>> No.34148680
Quoted by: >>34148782

The Subway corruption has gone too far, she's going to infect Mori

>> No.34148759

Kronii needs to save Mori and take her anger with Subway

>> No.34148782
Quoted by: >>34149086

Mori would never under any circumstances allow that to happen.

>> No.34148797
Quoted by: >>34148919

>I don't enjoy it [the sandwich], I eat it because it's a necessity.

>> No.34148919

"girl you live like this?" has rarely been more appropriate.

>> No.34148961
Quoted by: >>34149110

>Kronii asked for Slime Rancher perms 5 months ago
>only found out they had them because Magni played it
Jesas. Can management be any more useless?

>> No.34149086

That's what she said about JoJo, remember?
Just you wait, Mori is going to be shilling the Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki by the end of the month

>> No.34149110

Have to bug them like Mori does

>> No.34149176

I'm way too invested in the Subway arc.

>> No.34149214

It's a very entertaining bit, if it even is a bit at all

>> No.34149224
File: 486 KB, 2480x2920, Fdtjv9xUoAAYJDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats explain

>> No.34149232

Mori likes girls.


>> No.34149249

it's so eventful that you'll get banned for talking about it

>> No.34149320

Mori knocked me up. You weren't supposed to find out...

>> No.34149350
Quoted by: >>34149576

The difference is, Mori is a sandwich epicurean. Her palate is much too refined to become Subway-pilled

>> No.34149354
File: 719 KB, 2048x1448, 1663692280344761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34149368

Ina raped us with her tentacles.

>> No.34149384
Quoted by: >>34149514

She does, she likes to look at them. She also calls any girl she likes from an anime her wife.

>> No.34149494

I got a $20 giftcard for subway the other day from work so I got a 6 inch of one of those because of these posts. I think I ate half, tossed it and gave the rest of the giftcard to the homeless dude outside the subway. How does kronii eat that trash daily?

>> No.34149514
Quoted by: >>34149638

It's a very 15year old on tumblr thing to do. Mori's arrested development is very cute.

>> No.34149576
Quoted by: >>34149902

I hope one of those "high-class" places she takes Kronii is a grocery store so she can introduce her to a brand new world of sandwiches.

>> No.34149580

What kinda sub did you get? Meatball marinara is pretty palatable IIRC

>> No.34149626
Quoted by: >>34149926

She said at the start of this stream that she doesn't enjoy eating Subway, she eats it because it's a necessity.

>> No.34149636

>Mori likes (Anime) girls.

>> No.34149638

pretty much.

>> No.34149723

I bet Mori would have fun with Slime Rancher

>> No.34149902
Quoted by: >>34149933

Mori please bring Kronii to Florida and give her a Chicken Tender Pub Sub

>> No.34149926

She lives in one of the best restaurant scenes on earth. She could have literally any type of food delivered to her that she wants from a proper restaurant and she keeps choosing subway

>> No.34149933

there's a fucking hurricane

>> No.34149958

death will protect her

>> No.34150064

It looks like it's mostly gonna fuck up central Florida. There's always the panhandle or Miami.

>> No.34150126


>> No.34150426
Quoted by: >>34150498

panhandle is not receptive to gooks, they will purposefully give her a bad sandwich

>> No.34150457

I wonder if those cheap flights between Japan and the US will stop being cheap once they properly open up.

>> No.34150498

I guess she could go to Miami and get a Cuban Sandwich then.

>> No.34150594


Pretty sure food was never the real issue, it's the amount of alcohol she consumes. There's an insane amount of calories in liquor.

When she talks about drinking a 5th, that's almost ~1,700 calories on the low end of alcohol calories and ~5,000 at the high end. A beer or glass of wine nets you ~150 calories each, and she wasn't stopping at one.

That's ignoring her fast pace lifestyle which almost certainly means fast foods or takeout most days.

After one of her recent tweets about how she's happier now than she's been in a while and wants to strike a better balance, I hope she does and reevaluates a lot of life behaviors in that as well.

>> No.34150712
Quoted by: >>34150749

Yeah that's a good point. If she drank significantly more after becoming a vtuber, that may be the entire explanation for her weight gain.

>> No.34150749
Quoted by: >>34151091

She became far more sedentary when covid happened.

>> No.34150791

mori get your sexy body back

>> No.34150803
File: 2.36 MB, 1280x720, A redditor[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftxzbxt.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34150804

Give your good estimate of her weight.

>> No.34150866

I'd rather not. That seems a bit distasteful imo

>> No.34150886

135 on her 5'7" frame

>> No.34150898
File: 64 KB, 900x600, 11111t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not enough

>> No.34150900

44 stuffed fox plushies.

>> No.34150936

1 female wolf and her pup

>> No.34150954

84 subway footlongs

>> No.34150985

69 morbillions

>> No.34151091

Yeah, she seems to actually enjoy exercising and was pissed when gyms closed. I think she will be able to get back to where she was.

>> No.34151092
Quoted by: >>34151145

1.4 Guras

>> No.34151145

Guras sounds like a legit unit of weight

>> No.34151154
File: 360 KB, 762x974, A heart to heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technical problems always come at the worst possible times and plans don't always fall through. I've learned that much with Kiara. What's important is trying to cheer her up. Fans like you and me are what these girls think of as important to not let down. So we gotta give them some encouragement when they need it. Stay safe and hopefully things get better.

>> No.34151223

Thank you KFPbro, love ya.

>> No.34151304
File: 522 KB, 1181x1181, 1614048242318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks chickenbro, have a good one

>> No.34151329

Will do. Thanks for the encouragement bro.

>> No.34151388

Thank you, good vibe fowl

>> No.34151492
File: 147 KB, 568x459, 1656873963346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, have a poptart

>> No.34151730
File: 329 KB, 1378x1550, 1663803955409201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yakuza queen

>> No.34151945

I'm thinkin three, maybe four

>> No.34152234
Quoted by: >>34152301

4 Raditz

>> No.34152301

That makes me wanna eat at Spacey's

>> No.34152914

Snek just hit it big.

>> No.34153163
Quoted by: >>34153325

>original song in a game

>> No.34153325
Quoted by: >>34153428

Wait, really?

>> No.34153332

she deserves it, very proud of her

>> No.34153428

Yeah, she got a song in Deemo 2

>> No.34153482

Who is snek?

>> No.34153660

Chadcast on the 4,5, or 6th of October

>> No.34153678

chadcast next week, probably

>> No.34153723
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x720, What Is Love[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fyqk9yu.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CHADcast is not kill, yay!

>> No.34153920
Quoted by: >>34153995

How do you figure?

>> No.34153995

IRyS mentioned it

>> No.34154107

Ah naruhodo.

>> No.34154266

Happy for the snek, glad she's getting recognition

>> No.34154307

IRyS is hypersexual in bed

>> No.34154863
Quoted by: >>34154959

I'm re watching that outlast stream where bae nearly has A heart attack. It's pretty great

>> No.34154959
Quoted by: >>34155042

The one with Mori's Bart Simpson laugh?

>> No.34155042

I think so. The one where mori wheezes like a do key during that one jump scare

>> No.34155070

Man... Haachama is streaming right now specifically to run into EN people and nobody is going to be on.

>> No.34155140

EN Rust arc is already dead...

>> No.34155152

That sucks

>> No.34155184

They will only lose the excess fat they have. THAT older photo shows they are still huge even during her healthnut phase of the past.

>> No.34155210

I want to sketch Mori in wolf ears and bikini screaming "where my mates at"

>> No.34155212

Mori would be streaming it if she could, only, you know...

>> No.34155345
File: 394 KB, 1265x1080, 1652592934873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a really good joke when Mori tried to convince us that we didn't want to mate with wolf Mori.

>> No.34155351

Haachama's english is quite cute and good

>> No.34155369

>If only I had pups...
>I don't have pups...
>Time make pups!
>Gotta find a mate!
>Hello! Where the mates at?

>> No.34155417

I'll sketch this like the waterboy sketch I made in the coming weekend.

>> No.34155423

Highly recommend the one where Bea and IRyS first show up. It’s basically CHaDcast ep0 with gameplay in the background.

>> No.34155448

does mori for real think about getting knotted sometimes?

>> No.34155477

NTA but cannot wait!

>> No.34155526

>white woman
>has a fursona

>> No.34155537

TIL what getting knotted means. Thanks, I hate it

>> No.34155619

>he did not, in fact, just know

>> No.34155648
Quoted by: >>34155714

fuck back off to reddit

>> No.34155714

It's just an expression bro, don't turn everything into a shibboleth

>> No.34155726
File: 280 KB, 2048x2048, Cute Dorks Sing[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0h8kr4.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cool with Mamamori for karaoke tomorrow but I hope we get some solo songs too. Probably won't be a long one though if she's at her parent's house again, their walls seem pretty thin.

>> No.34155771

no that's a fucked up fetish you'd expect from people from /here/. not mori

>> No.34155817
Quoted by: >>34156001

>that's a fucked up fetish you'd expect from people from /here/
So Mori then?

>> No.34155821

note that my furry level is only up to kemonomimi and animal tails. no fur animal snout shit.

>> No.34155841
File: 635 KB, 551x653, 67356356345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34155903
File: 236 KB, 820x1471, Yeah, Mori[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4p3ttf.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34156001


>> No.34155961
Quoted by: >>34156178

turtle mouth mori my beloved

>> No.34155967

Apparently she'll also collab with Tamaki. Is this his first time collabing with EN?

>> No.34156001
Quoted by: >>34156024

Nah but for real though, that shit ain't for Mori.I think

>> No.34156024

She wanted to get pressed by Blaidd, I think we all know where she stands

>> No.34156054
Quoted by: >>34156114

Irys is collabing with a man?

>> No.34156079
File: 113 KB, 1620x1511, Fdtd6jYVIAAOw8o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Takamori and Kobo art is getting interesting.

>> No.34156099

Kiara was first

>> No.34156100
Quoted by: >>34156320

Blaidd is like a wolf man though. I don't think it's the same principle as wanting to get railed by a wolf wolf

>> No.34156114
Quoted by: >>34156180

"man" that's a woman pretending to be a man that's pretending to be a woman.
Man Mori's twitter antis would try to use this to cancel her wouldn't they? Twitter is fucked.

>> No.34156157
File: 290 KB, 989x737, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34156201


>> No.34156178
File: 273 KB, 965x683, 1659715662506035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34156359

I like how derpy her model can look in certain angles, with the big eyes and the small turtle mouth.

>> No.34156180

So to unicorns it doesn't count?

>> No.34156192
File: 160 KB, 232x338, moricubes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's two of them mow?

>> No.34156201
File: 537 KB, 1148x643, esther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related.

>> No.34156208

To the JP ones? Idk man. It doesn't count to me.

>> No.34156266
File: 135 KB, 1000x1400, 1663977172326303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34156320
Quoted by: >>34156401

Depends on whether his dick is canonically man or wolf

>> No.34156327

It doesn't the person behind the model is a woman.

>> No.34156359
File: 2.18 MB, 1280x720, Kiss from Mori [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fklu7b2.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34156401

Yeah but what's the point of a werewolf/wolfman if it has a boring human dick?

>> No.34156417
File: 46 KB, 1000x765, 1663977281624550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34156448

>kobo has told stories about eating literal shit and also pissing in pools now

>> No.34156513

man, hearing about Mori's old friends suddenly has me pinning for the 2010s, the forum I was on and all the stuff i was into back then.

>> No.34156548

I wonder if any Deadbeats were on the Terraria forums back then...

>> No.34156673
Quoted by: >>34157326

In the early 2010s I was very active on this pop culture website called the AV club. There was a really lively comments section and a lot of cool, nerd hipster types wrote for it. Somehow I just stopped going there. I kinda miss it, but when I go back, it (and I) just arent the same.

>> No.34157326
Quoted by: >>34157647

I was on The Chaos Theater Forums back when video game countdown community was a thing, i left at some point for some reason and checked back in a few years ago only to find out it was shutting down that week.

Nothing really filled that forum vibe, I started visiting 4chan last month to kill dead time at work, I've mostly just stuck to morig, and it does get close, but obviously the anonymous nature of the boards, liberating as it may be, leaves things lacking in some regards.

>> No.34157620

I haven't been active on any normal forum since 2011 now that I think about it. After that I was mostly on youtube before starting to lurk on my country own imageboard in 2014 and 4chan in 2015.

>> No.34157647

Prestream chat fills a bit of the same void too. Subject matter is obviously pretty limited, but you get to put handles to posts, and a lot of the deadbeats are good to talk to.

>> No.34157746

Man every now and then I take a look at SpaceBattles/Suffisient Velocity but one’s a hollow shell and the other has been consumed by politics discussion.

>> No.34157815

I'll give that a shot next time, i usually dont participate in chat past emotes because it goers so fast

>> No.34157819
Quoted by: >>34157866

I was on StarDestroyer.net back in the day, there was a bit of a rivalry between them and a few people on spacebattles. You guys always just kinda felt like the enemy lmao.

>> No.34157831

Every hobby has turned into a proxy culture war. It's time for the hobbyists to take back their hobbies.

>> No.34157848
Quoted by: >>34158055

Found a nice small community through a quest on SpaceBattles, but we do our socializing on a dicksword.

>> No.34157866
Quoted by: >>34157938

All I remember of that is the owner of StarDestroyer reviewing dildos or something.

>> No.34157938

There were some hilarious fights over like how Genesis worked, or whether a federation shuttle could be blown up by the death star.

>> No.34157951

>unironically using prechat
Jesus christ, this thread has fallen hard.

>> No.34158035

It's just a bunch of deadbeats being shooting the shit.

>> No.34158055

Man the whole world of forums feels like it was eaten by discords.

>> No.34158118
Quoted by: >>34158258

Yeah a circlejerk between discordbeats.
I fucking hate newbeats so much.

>> No.34158135

Prechat is literally /inf/ but for deadbeats.

>> No.34158148

4chan is in a weird place these days. Boards like /vt/ are too fast and popular to form really tight-knit communities, IRCs are not in use anymore, and discords are not considered a valid option by most anons because of their being used by bronies and groomers. But the reason we're here is that we're interested in a form of social interaction. I've never done it, but I don't think there's something so wrong about chatting in a stream pre-chat, it's better than reddit or youtube comments.

>> No.34158221
File: 409 KB, 1988x1328, DSC_2891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing to stay comfy tonight, deadbeats? I'm running a WeatherStar 4000 simulator and listening to smooth jazz.

>> No.34158227

The quality prechat, just like this place or global depends entirely on who happens to be around at the time. Although it is more bad than good.

>> No.34158251

The worst parts of chat are the wannabe moderators

>> No.34158258

I wouldn't know about that as I'm not in Mori's discord. Most of them are nice and often I get an enjoyable conversation out of it.

>> No.34158282

Waiting for my shift to be over while watching Kronii. Only 35 more minutes.

>> No.34158296

>WeatherStar 4000 simulator
That's pretty fucking cool, I kinda want to try that. I've been watching cooking videos.

>> No.34158345

Watching Gundam Narrative.

>> No.34158379
Quoted by: >>34158563

I like to watch vods of the Stanley Parable to help me fall asleep. Something about the way the narrator talks is like ASMR to me. Kinda weird, but I think it helps me sleep.

>> No.34158412

People hate pre-chat because it is just circlejerk between people and full of wannabe chat celebs.

>> No.34158469

Well... All platforms tend to have some shit people. 4chan is a circlejerk of retards, but you can still find gems of genuine and enjoyable human interaction on it. It seems plausible that the same could happen in the prechat, though I've never taken a look myself.

>> No.34158543

I've been catching up. Does changing ISPs really have a chance of fixing the shitty internet at the second base? I would have thought that the main limitation is the actual infrastructure, which isn't going to magically disappear by changing ISPs, but I also have no idea how this shit might actually work in Bumfuck, Nowhere.

>> No.34158557
Quoted by: >>34158712

People in prechat get to know each other's handles, and are friendly because 1. There's less anonymity and 2. Familiarity breeds comfort

>> No.34158563

I do the same thing with lore or iceberg theory videos. Usually I’ll be asleep halfway through the iceberg.

>> No.34158653

From what I understand, plausibly, but there is a chance they offer a better plan, or that either of them could help her get whatever mama mori or her neighbor has that gives them better internet (5g rural hotspot or whatever it is). I think that's the consensus the techbeats arrived at

>> No.34158662

It can’t hurt to try at least

>> No.34158712

Which is why I hate it because people are there too positive and anything negative gets them to spergout.

>> No.34158746
Quoted by: >>34158890

I mean it's not that different from here then. Thread celebrities definitely exist here.
The real reason no split likes any of their oshi's prechat is because they use their actual usernames so your history is known and you can't call each niggers and faggots.

>> No.34158778
Quoted by: >>34158799

this is just normal for anyone regardless of gender or sexuality

>> No.34158799


>> No.34158842

unless you're a coward

>> No.34158890

I've been on 4chan my entire adult (I'm almost 33) life and I have to catch my self from calling people nigger or faggot outside of here way too often. I'm not even racist or homophobic, this place just turned those words into a generic insult in my head. Thank God it didn't seep into my speech.

>> No.34158963


>> No.34159019
Quoted by: >>34159101

Same thing with Mori too. Though she's probably stopped now so as to not accidentally have a bridge moment.

>> No.34159044

I'm not sure I agree, but i can see where he's coming from.

>> No.34159101
Quoted by: >>34159177

There was a moment in one stream where mori was talking derisively about "numberfanning" and there was a slight pause before the word "fanning"

>> No.34159177
Quoted by: >>34159270

Not using *something*fag is something I really have to watch out for too when I'm not here.

>> No.34159270

had to catch myself recently on discord, was one keystroke away from saying numberfag.

>> No.34159370

it's numberfanning

>> No.34159386

I've conditioned myself to always say -friending here so it's less risky in other places.

>> No.34159449
Quoted by: >>34159594

Rust in general is dying, Splatoon killed it for JPs. This will probably be the last real season.

>> No.34159457

I dipped from this place maybe 10 years ago and I'm only back because its the only good place on the internet to talk about vtubers, really glad I dealt with this form of mind parasite long before it became as verboten as it is now

>> No.34159510

I'm almost the exact same on all counts lmao

>> No.34159570
Quoted by: >>34160459

>I dipped from this place maybe 10 years ago
What made you do it?

>> No.34159594

It doesnt seem like there's much interest in EN joining in

>> No.34159948

Same here, it doesn't help that my circle is also made up of people from 4chan as well so it's doubly ingrained into my average vocabulary
Thank god my social anxiety forces me to be extra polite and curt otherwise I'd be screwed

>> No.34160274
File: 185 KB, 1048x591, 1660174699173763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34160459
Quoted by: >>34160567

just too negative. not allowed to enjoy anything because it shows weakness, gotta hate everything. reached the point where I didn't even want to talk about things I liked because its just like, whats the point, someones just gonna come in and shit on it and derail the entire convo after 5 posts. gets very tedious. and I do appreciate the irony of posting this while also being a deadbeat, but the splits here are good.

the ability to be negative is what makes this place good for discussing vtubers, but also, what makes it horrible for discussing vtuber, but its less horrible than the forced positivity of everywhere else (and any easily accessible vtuber discord that allows negativity towards them makes this place look like a hugbox)

>> No.34160567

So that was problem even 10 years ago. Was it like that when you first started here?
t.2015 newfag

>> No.34160742

NTA and 2022 newfag: that was the reputation even back in 2011, its probably always been the case.

>> No.34160778

Everything went to shit after the initial split after GG.

Radicals infiltrated too many hobbies and have turned them into battlefields for their "Culture Wars".No, it isn't a meme. But you cannot argue in good faith anymore. And everything devolves into >"us" vs >"them"

There used to be a time where people can discuss everything without the pretense of labeling each other as "left" or "right".

>> No.34160855
Quoted by: >>34160909

Alarming News


>> No.34160909

toys acquired, position memorized , our boy is ready to claim the clock
