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File: 253 KB, 2048x2048, 1664121403366494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
34012895 No.34012895 [Reply] [Original]

a thread for Calliope Mori and the members of the extended universe

>> No.34012988


>> No.34012991
File: 241 KB, 1262x2048, Fde_5T9acAAS1-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv me mori

>> No.34013043

She should go back to Japan now where gaijin cards are available.

>> No.34013044
Quoted by: >>34013155


>> No.34013045
Quoted by: >>34013244

deadbeats sexualising children in the OP image once again yikes

>> No.34013082

She forgot the game client kek.

>> No.34013095

Disappointing display on multiple accounts
after Worms and yesterday's Pico Park I expected better of her

>> No.34013117
File: 376 KB, 4096x4096, FSUO46kVcAA1z2N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34013733

Who's pov do I need to go back to to get more Mori? I feel like I barely heard her at all and I was jumping through at least 5 of them.

>> No.34013155
Quoted by: >>34013285

Apparently it's supposed to be out today

>> No.34013244
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, goblin cave mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two very good large collabs in a short time. What a treat. Hope Mori enjoys the rest of her break and continues relaxing & reminiscing with friends.

Hey! My Mori may have the palate of a six year old, but she is a mature woman!

>> No.34013285
Quoted by: >>34013462

I know, I'm also wondering if she forgot or it's delayed. Seems weird not to do a little plug if it's coming out today

>> No.34013353

I think Lui and Mori should have a date, and then spend the whole night together while cuddling

>> No.34013381

>"rest of her break"
Isn't it supposed to be over?

>> No.34013418

Just carpet bomb America with Ethernet Cables.

>> No.34013441
Quoted by: >>34013522

>Holos playing together offstream to build better rapport is now a bad thing
Mori schizos have fallen off. Actual brain rot.

>> No.34013462
Quoted by: >>34013523

Even if Mori forgot it's odd that Kiara would forget too. Kiara does a good job of shilling things and she's in the song.

>> No.34013487
Quoted by: >>34013720

Wasn't her break supposed to be over by now?

>> No.34013522

if you're not competent enough to prepare a stream setup or not enthusiastic enough to even do your job, you shouldn't try to pull people down to your level

>> No.34013523

maybe Ame and Ina aren't really finished recording?

>> No.34013535
File: 396 KB, 1200x1200, UnholySpicy bath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved this awhile back but never had a reason to post it. Just saw it and thought why not now?
Tonight, Mori should take a nice, warm, bubble bath with her favorite scents and listen to some relaxing music.

>> No.34013556
Quoted by: >>34013688

Going off of this it might be implying she's extending the break.


>> No.34013580
File: 47 KB, 1050x789, d2b116a4c49e7135ee7f5ebfabedd272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34013627

Pure unadulterated schizophrenia.

>> No.34013688
Quoted by: >>34013958

Why? Giving a vague extension instead of something more concrete seems strange. Also her friends have 9-5's to go back to

>> No.34013720

Probably once she (or MamaMori) completes the task of finishing up her internet connection.

>> No.34013733

For Amogus? I'm not sure there's a good pov. Everyone seems to have wanted her dead. I don't think she survived more than two rounds,

>> No.34013784

this is the third set of completely random discord "screenshots" that deadbeats try to use to cope
still no logs
still no server address
not even a timestamp
but you guys just eat it up
will be funny when the poster finally reveals they made it all up to blow out your retarded asses

>> No.34013803
File: 75 KB, 909x768, 1656695804384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Mori can use those to buy an ethernet cable.
I'm sorry a saw a chance for a funpost and I took it.

>> No.34013920
Quoted by: >>34014220

Funny how every time faggot /vt/ raider discords leak, the go to defense is "IT'S DEADBEATS MAKING IT UP" even when it's not about Mori
Which funnily enough, makes it more believable

>> No.34013945
File: 189 KB, 553x524, 1628156189193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh...
Next stream when?

>> No.34013958

Well she also hasn't said the break is over yet either, sure she said a week and a half but so far this tweet is the only information as to her current schedule and it implies the break has been extended now.

>> No.34013986
File: 586 KB, 851x1200, 1664034541942870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34014120

remember to love your Mori

>> No.34014024

Oh no. There's never a concentrated effort to shit on Mori all day and every day. Totally organic...

>> No.34014032
File: 20 KB, 757x321, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34014096

Ok what about this that happened yesterday

>> No.34014042

>not Google Play cards
don't want it

>> No.34014081

She also never said the break started

>> No.34014096

That shit was funny.

>> No.34014108

I don't think the break will be extended (and if it is, not by much.) I think she will just have less streams during a week, like she said in the past. Yet she still streamed a lot.

>> No.34014120
Quoted by: >>34014256

>Noel cosplay

>> No.34014220
Quoted by: >>34014339

You saw the shift in real-time when giftcard posting took off

>> No.34014256 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 850x1200, FdXbxlxagAABkJZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34014332

>numberfag tweet
>Generic response to someone in Hololive
>Immediately back to browsing SNS as roommate
This break has sucked

>> No.34014339


>> No.34014481


>> No.34014561

>Mori using her break as a break
That fucking bitch

>> No.34014567

Considering the obvious budget and effort put into the Myth song, isn't it super retarded to go absolutely silent about it since delaying it? I know she's on break but if everyone forgets it's happening and it releases with zero fanfare because you're "finding a balance", you'd be disrespecting the efforts of everyone involved

>> No.34014641
File: 94 KB, 850x1200, FdSnJLXaMAA55_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34014675
Quoted by: >>34014785

Typically it's best in terms of numbers to shill 1-2 days prior

>> No.34014723
Quoted by: >>34014810

There's no no info because Mori hasn't done a solo stream and she was the one providing updates. For all we know it could have needed retakes, or maybe the mix came out shitty.

>> No.34014770
File: 544 KB, 987x555, 1654836585284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34015143

I need more please...

>> No.34014785

She has 11 hours until her last update is fully overdue and she hasn't said/tweeted a single thing about it since then

>> No.34014810

a rushed mix she was proud of doing at the last minute coming out shit?
who woulda thunk

>> No.34014909
Quoted by: >>34015105

Myth or Treat is the best myth song over all and it came out of my Mori less than a week before drunk off half a bottle of vodka. You have no clue what you're talking about

>> No.34014912

The excuse is already there.
>"Sorry! I had no Ethernet cord to upload the MV"

>> No.34015008

Yes she should totally like things that are about her non holo work on her holo account.

>> No.34015105
Quoted by: >>34015206

>Myth or Treat is the best myth song
it's a parody of a song, it's as good as an ERB rap can be "good"
it's down to Country Roads cover and Journey being weaker and less impactful than a joke track

>> No.34015116

Who said Mori did the mix retard? You're literally getting mad at a hypothetical situation I just made up.

>> No.34015143
File: 418 KB, 1000x1412, 96827025_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34015181

>You're literally getting mad at a hypothetical situation I just made up.
I mean that's been the theme of Morig today so at least he's on topic

>> No.34015204

Not that I'm disappointed but how is this still up?

>> No.34015206

When I say myth I mean any song myth has released
Why are you just making up hypothetical situations to pretend to be mad at ?

>> No.34015254
Quoted by: >>34015511

ok I'm horny for my boy anyone got some good links?

>> No.34015265

>When I say myth I mean any song myth has released
and I mentioned the songs MYTH released
if you're trying to say it's better than every individual song then you can be dismissed like a retarded shitposter you are

>> No.34015299


>> No.34015305

>Why are you just making up hypothetical situations to pretend to be mad at
I'm not mad, just pointing out that there's a number of other possible reasons why there's been no word on the myth song.

>> No.34015309
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1603785718611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STOP. don't point it out

>> No.34015327
Quoted by: >>34015396

Entirely possible no one reported it

>> No.34015396
File: 931 KB, 1920x2952, FZ8SUY4aIAEuhnz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't report Mori tits.

>> No.34015461
File: 130 KB, 1572x745, AE5CB199-1545-46A4-ABCF-3ED338169A35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another full Myth VR 3D collab with working internet for song release would be a nice compensation for delaying it again...just saying Mori...

>> No.34015477 [DELETED] 
File: 720 KB, 833x1169, 1652759911218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sorry. I'm retarded and though your post was replying to a different which made it an entirely different context. Take a cute Mori as an apology for my stupidity

>> No.34015511
Quoted by: >>34016153

Do you want explicit or just lewd?

>> No.34015555

and Mori is the one handling the release and the person whose channel it's supposed to be one, so the fuckups and delays are mainly on her as the manager of the project

>> No.34015556


>> No.34015606

When she says small, does she mean… her?

>> No.34015614
File: 107 KB, 768x768, 1623897952630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34015659

I am sorry. I'm retarded and thought your post was replying to a different one which made it take an entirely different context. Take a cute Mori as an apology for my stupidity

>> No.34015618
Quoted by: >>34016275

bets on Tempus collab to end September on an overall shit note?

>> No.34015626

Wtf? This one wasn't showing anything nsfw

>> No.34015651

So Mori was willing to stream for a collab with the boys despite the difficulties but not for one with the girls?

>> No.34015659

I'll take your cute and sexy Moris.

>> No.34015666
Quoted by: >>34015816

The brevity and wording of this doesn't inspire much confidence...

>> No.34015688

>might be easier to stream with than full model
Oh no...

>> No.34015693

as she put it
>why bother?

>> No.34015698

self-deletes are happening to troll

>> No.34015700

I messed up the spelling and full on forgot some words so I wanted to redo it

>> No.34015728

Ame streamed that anon. She just did it on Mori's channel

>> No.34015800 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 827x1713, 1641544208450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you'd like that wouldn't you, you degen

>> No.34015801
File: 71 KB, 1415x1120, 1663901553583330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34015812

Turning 144p as Ame streams on her channel is not the same as the entire stream looking like shit

>> No.34015816
File: 2.95 MB, 1920x1080, Luna_nyoo[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmzog0q.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34015842

Mori, that large number is because Spotify puts your songs in the playlist, so Spotify radio plays them even if we don't want to listen.

>> No.34015954

Nigga you can stop stalking her if you don't like her

>> No.34015967 [DELETED] 

>"why bother" on streaming as Mori
>already looking towards streaming on Side B again
every day we just get more and more clear proof where her enjoyment and priorities lie

>> No.34015975

Mori didn't tweet anything abiut spotify. Are you okay? are you going insane?

>> No.34015982

That tweet was also added to spotify radio

>> No.34016029

Yeah, on my fat dripping cock.

>> No.34016030
Quoted by: >>34016083

Excellent news? It's excellent if you want Mori to have more time off (fair if so), but it sounds like her break has more than doubled in size and the implication is that we're only going to get a couple of streams for another week when we already know one of the slots is Worms part 3.

Chadcast seems likely. I hope we also get the members anniversary stream in some form so that we at least have some sort of solo Mori content before the end of September.

>> No.34016032


>> No.34016071

But Mori is talking about YT views on Watamori rap in that tweet retardchama.

>> No.34016081
File: 97 KB, 688x1006, FW4ko1macAAIOOy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand Mori, yesterday she says she's going to take it easy, but today says schedule soon. Is she taking a break or not?

>> No.34016083

>Chadcast seems likely.
not on Bae's schedule which goes till end of September basically

>> No.34016117

Where's our celebration stream for having that many listeners on Spotify as Mori?

>> No.34016141

Note "small" schedule

>> No.34016153


>> No.34016182
File: 3.28 MB, 1916x1078, doko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34016304

we'll be getting a Kronii tier schedule

>> No.34016185


>> No.34016205


>> No.34016220 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>34016250

Fun fact: B side calls their fans "true fans".

>> No.34016226

Maybe because she already had celebratory steams for things like successful concerts and album launches.
The levels are just different

>> No.34016231 [DELETED] 

She's absolutely going to doxx herself if she streams with facecam from new place. Too many boxes with addresses lying around I bet

>> No.34016250

gotta link?

>> No.34016253

She saves celebration steams for new releases and subscriber milestones.

>> No.34016275

Streams have been overall great since her concert, the fuck you going on about?

>> No.34016295

Hint: she was tweeting on another account just before.

>> No.34016304

Everyday is a sub-athon

>> No.34016369

>small schedule I guess
Not even trying to hide it

>> No.34016377

So she's slowing down with Mori but speeding up elsewhere. Really shows where her priorities are.

>> No.34016393

You complain a lot about side b and how she is addicted to sns but can't stop yourselves from stalking "her" twitter and updating us of everything she does the minute she posts it.

>> No.34016436 [DELETED] 

Hey meido, why don't you delete the off topic posts with teh same gusto as giftcard or subway posts?

>> No.34016438

>Today was good...no, I NEED to find something to get upset about!
Way too obvious.

>> No.34016443
File: 339 KB, 1231x2048, 1657606147867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34016495

Thread sucks kek, mori tits.

>> No.34016455

Hmmm, I do not believe in this SMALL SCHEDULE
This seems to be an off-topic tweet on /vt/.

>> No.34016468

if she's being a hypocrite then she'll be shit on
that's something this site excels on, for all of its flaws

nothing good about today came from her

>> No.34016495
File: 817 KB, 1280x720, Mori's Physics[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Freuxav.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34016504 [DELETED] 

Hey if you faggots are going to be like this then stop being vague pussies and post some shit worth dodging a ban

>> No.34016507

You mean Mori not giving a shit about streaming as Mori anymore?

>> No.34016522
Quoted by: >>34016725

Today wasn't good though, she showed up late to a collab she wasn't even streaming she committed to weeks ago. She would never do that on her other account

>> No.34016527 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>34016566

For the millionth time, the meido who deletes Subway posting is the one who makes all these “rm bad” posts

>> No.34016551
File: 10 KB, 180x200, A Closebeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34016613

But no actually, if you're gonna run this same bit every day could you at least mix it up instead of rotating through the exact same scripted posts?
It's gotta be just as stale for you as it is for us.

>> No.34016566

That was the point I was making without outright saying deadbeat

>> No.34016569

So where was that Mori PoV for the collab today?

>> No.34016580 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>34016714

Because he's the one off-topic posting

>> No.34016613
File: 2.93 MB, 1920x1080, MORI BREAK DANCE[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F2jh7ip.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so obvious and tired at this point.

>> No.34016629

I have a wearable device so I can easily see who tweets while running.
Don't think everyone is NEET.

>> No.34016666
File: 639 KB, 2048x1448, 1664054571041598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and look at this cute Mori

>> No.34016705

echo chamber

>> No.34016714

Can we like, make a petition or something? He's been caught red-handed a bunch of times now.

>> No.34016718

do you have over 300 confirmed kills too, big guy?

>> No.34016723

>Today was good

>> No.34016725 [DELETED] 

>she showed up late to a collab she wasn't even streaming she committed to weeks ago. She would never do that on her other account

>> No.34016733 [DELETED] 

reminder, when she commited to a Side B collab, she tanked fucking passing out like nothing to show on time AND stream her PoV
Holo collab?
"why even bother?"

this reflects only on her, you don't get any good boy points by trying to sweep it under the carpet on an anonymous shitposting website, you're just stifling the last source of actual criticism over shit like that

>> No.34016736
Quoted by: >>34016956

>set up tweet notifications on his fucking Apple Watch so that he can immediately complain on a Chinese anime forum whenever someone he doesn’t like tweets

>> No.34016743 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>34016869

I wonder how much this indie rapper's numbers will drop if mori graduates.
I would like to see that.

>> No.34016768

If she did stream her POV, they would just be bitching about a subpar quality and her "ruining" things (and stress from lowered quality is why Mori chose not to stream it.) We really could get a Bingo card with how predictable these posts get. But every nearly every square could just be "she doesn't care about Hololive!" All this shit always pours from the same pipe.

>> No.34016779
Quoted by: >>34016817

Needs a Gucci bag next to her too

>> No.34016782 [DELETED] 

The only way is the feedback form, but I doubt it does anything.


>> No.34016795
Quoted by: >>34016904

Why the fuck would you expect that to do anything ?

>> No.34016817

and her $1000 hat.

>> No.34016826
Quoted by: >>34016927

That is a COOL Mori

>> No.34016835 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>34016865

There's a difference between playing Jump King, and doing a karaoke full of high energy songs which was also a special stream for JPbeats who had gone to bed by then.

>> No.34016853
File: 498 KB, 854x480, Oh Hey Watson [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhxaq24.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34017035

>> No.34016857
Quoted by: >>34016913

Yeah this seems like something that will immediately get thrown away

>> No.34016859

It's caring enough to be prepared so the stream isn't scuffed.

>> No.34016865

what's the difference between Jump King which actually needs lots of focus and skill to a phone game like Among Us?

>> No.34016869

She'll pull the wool over her eyes as long as she can about it. She really never got over her "little miss company hire" hang-up she TOTALLY didn't care about from OWTH

>> No.34016904 [DELETED] 

Well, I don't really, but there's gotta be some kind of functional mechanism for dealing with moderation volunteers gone rogue. Feels like this is an issue that would come up often on this website.

>> No.34016913 [DELETED] 

Seems like this one came in the last bunch of meidos.

>> No.34016927
File: 61 KB, 182x150, 1660539787744180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Mori's are COOL and CUTE

>> No.34016939
Quoted by: >>34016977

>If she did stream her POV, they would just be bitching about a subpar quality and her "ruining" things
damn, almost like there was a right thing to do this shit
the answer must be somewhere out there, it's been two years
but it's just too tricky, damn

>> No.34016956
Quoted by: >>34017084

This smartwatch shows all my smartphone notifications.
Why should I bother setting it up to hide them for her?

>> No.34016958

Don't fucking act like deadbeats can't be disappointed in hers performance today.

>> No.34016977
Quoted by: >>34017026

what is it

>> No.34016989

Or she could have actually prepared for it by going out and getting an ethernet cable instead of going to a concert and TTRPG with her real friends.

>> No.34017010
Quoted by: >>34017102

You don't get any good boy points for throwing around "criticism" here either. It's useless unless you criticize her directly. You're basically just doing this for your own enjoyment, so you don't deserve anything more than mockery and contempt

>> No.34017017
File: 404 KB, 1191x2000, 1649261560889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori cute!

>> No.34017026

actually being prepared to stream
as a streamer
I know, it sounds fucking wild but trust me

>> No.34017028
File: 176 KB, 1380x1278, 1635921777113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh, any actual deadbeats still around? I think I'm going to head out since it's obvious we're being raided right now.

>> No.34017035

I will have to wait for the inevitable compilations of all views. Watching Mumei and then Kiara, I didn't see all the Mori moments. But Mori was also running off alone a lot and that's why she kept dying. Even though she was showing some decent deductive skills.

>> No.34017071

I won't act like I'm not annoyed at her for showing up late after being told to be an hour early, and I won't pretend to not dislike B-side activities that I actively avoid
However, I also won't post about that stuff on cooldown like a retard

>> No.34017078
File: 360 KB, 372x500, 1660462411821490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just post Mori's and don't reply.

>> No.34017084

Twitter makes you enable notifications for individual accounts. So you both follow her AND have notifications turned on purely so that you can anonymously whine about everything she does as soon as possible.

>> No.34017085

Do another collab with Kobo instead, Mori. That would be far more entertaining than any shitty Twitch stream purely meant to rake in subs as "congratulations".

>> No.34017102 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>34017181

nice of you say that when you literally repost critical tweet links in this thread to dogpile them, you spineless cunt
don't worry tho, I'm doing my part, I have a lot of accounts

>> No.34017125

Ironic, Deadbeats who have the luxury of their personal meido who deletes mori criticism liberally (using the word cuck is enough to warrant a ban) now cry that they are being treated unfairly

>> No.34017128

This is not a raid you newfag.

>> No.34017161

Why didn't Mori do a 500k Spotify celebration stream?

>> No.34017181
Quoted by: >>34017242

Calling others spineless while hiding behind alts. Fucking lol.
Antis just get more and more pathetic. Still have their asses burned from "start creating, stop tweeting."

>> No.34017189

>whenever Mori fucks it up we're being raided
I mean, if that's what you want to believe
the IP count sure doesn't suggest it

>> No.34017200
File: 223 KB, 850x1133, 1640378704627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34017274

It's unusually blatant.

>> No.34017216
Quoted by: >>34017266

Yeah, I guess it sort of stops being a raid when you decide to start living here.

>> No.34017234
File: 341 KB, 1236x2000, 1663959631963135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she hasn't forgotten the ASMR.
And maybe she'll post the schedule tonight.

>> No.34017235

No it's the same people that hate her rm activities but have notifs on for it anyway.

>> No.34017242 [DELETED] 

sorry I won't fall for your epic doxx attempt, deadbeat
you can continue to use it on the talents themselves like you love to do against Kiara, it sure helps

>> No.34017258
Quoted by: >>34017376

>still on Twitter
>still zero mention of Non-Fiction
I'm leaning towards there being another delay and her hoping people forgot the "2 instead of 1" tweet. Maybe Ame or Gura didn't finish their parts like Kiara asked them to at anniversary stream?

>> No.34017262

bro look at this dood

>> No.34017266
Quoted by: >>34017481

You are pathetic and weak if this counts as a raid to you.

>> No.34017274
Quoted by: >>34017445

Yeah how dare people want more Mori streams instead of her focusing on doing other shit again.

>> No.34017279
Quoted by: >>34017304

The fuck does this sentence even mean?

>> No.34017300

Mori achievements are a bit too corporate for her tastes

>> No.34017304

pls andastand, eigo not so jouzu

>> No.34017322 [DELETED] 

Remember when mori suddenly tried to stream on Twitch last month and was stopped by deadbeats?
I guess she was trying to get deadbeats to use illegal emotes then.

>> No.34017330


>> No.34017360 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>34017389

>claims to not be a numberfag
>proceeds to numberfag as hard as debut Kiara elsewhere

>> No.34017371

She wouldn't even be close to triple digits if Mori didn't exist

>> No.34017376

I took that tweet as a joke since the beginning and not a hard lock that it was going to be on the 25th

>> No.34017389

And on main?

>> No.34017393 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>34017439

A Twitter profile where you stand behind your beliefs is too scary for you.
Acting like a badass because you shitpost on a Taiwanese cosplay forum. Yup, totally "owning" the Deadbeats and their liar of an oshi. We tremble at your might, shattering our hug box. I will now cry myself to sleep.

>> No.34017426

>stopped by deadbeats
Nah, she was stopped by herself after realizing the "Twitch Vtuber Takeover' was not what she thought it was going to be

>> No.34017431 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 480x456, SuzySlide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame didnt stream during vtuber week either, jew. These people come out and always argue in bad faith and people bite it.

>> No.34017439

still better than your oshi that doesn't stand behind any belief aside from her personal clout

>> No.34017445
Quoted by: >>34017498

>focusing on doing other shit
Yes anon, the one Twitch stream that she announced maybe possibly doing in the near future when she hits a milestone that she’s not all that close to is certainly her focus. Nice reading comprehension.

>> No.34017449

Gumshoe Gooper emotes? It is a good thing she was talked out of it, those could have gotten her in deep trouble.

>> No.34017481
Quoted by: >>34017613

I didn't say that, >>34017235 I said that it's the same people that usually come here the moment >she< tweets anything. Which indicates that they have notifications on.

>> No.34017498 [DELETED] 

>shows enthusiasm for one side
>shows blatant lack of enthusiasm for the other
if even remains of a brain were in that empty skull, you'd have figured it out by now, deadbeat

>> No.34017520

>your oshi
Why are you in the deadbeat thread if youare not a deadbeat hmm?

>> No.34017537
Quoted by: >>34018055

If she hadn't passed hololive, she would be a waiter at Applebee's and asking me for tips.

>> No.34017562

This isn't a fucking raid. Can't you fucking newfags just accept that some deadbeats don't like everything Mori does?

>> No.34017565 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>34017616

Still can't afford a functioning keyboard. Come on, use one of those cards for something other than dildos.

>> No.34017582 [DELETED] 

Yeah, the meido is 100% the one shitposting.

>> No.34017598

>New IP

>> No.34017613 [DELETED] 

I have hit "do not recommend me tweets from ********" more times than I can remember. The amount of people she double dips follows on (it was Milky and Kay Yu for me last time) makes it near impossible to have it shoved in your face occasionally. Not defending those who stalk it though

>> No.34017615

I'm not joining in on the complain train outside of my single post stating my opinion, but it's not a fucking raid
You want to see a raid?
/inf/ getting more fucking IPs than global, THAT was a fucking raid

>> No.34017616 [DELETED] 

He keeps opting for Steam credit. Why not amazon, so that it could finally buy that sweet mechanical keyboard.

>> No.34017620

Deadbeats also love posting off the same script as antis sure

>> No.34017677
Quoted by: >>34017763

The same posters who always suspiciously show up with the same complaints and exaggerations, and recognizable posting styles, never actually in the threads when things are good or here to praise Mori for a job well done.

>> No.34017721

I mean I agree that calling one or two people posting on cooldown a raid is a bit of an overstatement, but

>> No.34017742

But I do love everything that Mori does, just not everything that she does.

>> No.34017758 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.52 MB, 1920x1080, 1662967532230746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34017929

Don't let the shitposters distract you from the fact that MORI CALLIOPE IS A GODDAMN MENACE

>> No.34017763

Did she not fuck up today?

>> No.34017792
File: 75 KB, 1315x1117, F2F06014-6B3D-489D-B00C-1AE380A61BFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do want another Kobo collab, there's so many girls in Holo that adore her and would love to get to hang out more (Kobo, Ollie, Fauna, Mumei, Zeta)

>> No.34017833

No. I was honestly about to schizo out but things went fine.

>> No.34017846
Quoted by: >>34017889

Forgot this

>> No.34017864

Twitch streams more important.

>> No.34017881

She didn't; given that she showed up with a different account than usual, it was more likely that SHE was in contact with Kiara, but just found out that she had to re-dl the game, using Wifi.

>> No.34017889
File: 185 KB, 1460x1340, 1659654697363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34017929 [SPOILER] 
File: 538 KB, 718x674, OpeAttacks[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgfs488.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think Jamison hates her now, wait till he learns there's a second one out there

>> No.34017931
Quoted by: >>34018000

Not really. Showing up late to a collab, that sucks but the content was still good.
Not streaming her pov when she explained why that was. Yet she's already said there's a schedule coming, so she will be prepared to stream.

>> No.34017952
Quoted by: >>34018185

Yes, because somehow she still hasn't got her internet sorted out months later or have any sort of back up planned.

She's had some shitty luck with this along the way, but not putting enough effort into getting shit set up this much later is in fact a sign that she doesn't care enough about streaming to meet expectations.

>> No.34017985

I was gonna be annoyed if she messed up the timezones somehow again, but nah she was fine today. She seemed a bit on edge, but getting killed first in 4/5 rounds is understandably irritating

>> No.34017986
Quoted by: >>34018190

Among Us is a tiny game to download even on Wifi anon. Also why wouldn't her wifi be pretty strong, seems like something she should have gotten the deluxe internet package for

>> No.34018000

Yeah, there was a bit of scuff, but nothing worth complaining about

>> No.34018017

Someone pointed out on global that Anya was extremely happy to talk to her.

>> No.34018038
Quoted by: >>34018928

Crazy to think in another life Mori probably would have ended up in the same circles as Worthikids. Here we are enjoying a nice rock concert with Xylophones.

>> No.34018044 [DELETED] 

I'll tell you this just in case, mori.
I follow you and otherside, listen to your songs and watch all your streams.
However, when your two personas separate, I will have the autograph shredded.
Thank you.

>> No.34018049
Quoted by: >>34018106

Being over an hour late is worth complaining about.

>> No.34018055

She doesn't have to ask for my tip. She does beg for the rest though.

>> No.34018062
Quoted by: >>34018266

>complain and complain ad infinitum
>doesn't have the guts to complain in-public.

>> No.34018070

>it was more likely that SHE was in contact with Kiara, but just found out that she had to re-dl the game, using Wifi
Or she just fucked up.

>> No.34018101
Quoted by: >>34018138

So she's either ignorant about ethernet cables being sold at literally every drugstore/supermarket in the US or has forgotten how to buy things not on Amazon?

>> No.34018106

Well good thing she was only 15 minutes late then

>> No.34018138
Quoted by: >>34018200

or worse, She can't buy things because her Credit Card is a Japanese one.

>> No.34018155

No, the actual start was supposed to be an hour prior to stream start for prep.

>> No.34018167

She was fucking late and no POV. That is reason for complains.

>> No.34018185

>still hasn't got her internet sorted out months later
Didn't know about the situation untill the first American stream, ordered a cable of sufficient length as soon as she could.
>or have any sort of back up planned
You're saying she'd have streamed from crappy hotel Wi-fi again instead?

>> No.34018190

Have you ever heard of the US being more dependent on fax machines than Japan?
No wonder she tries to download it by dial-up connection.

>> No.34018196

Holy shit. College and Work have that 15 minute lee-way.

I can't really imagine why these people put her at military standard.

>> No.34018200

That's the dumbest excuse. Her mom would have a credit card, her sister, anyone for a six dollar ethernet cable purchase.

>> No.34018207
Quoted by: >>34018325

Yeah, but not in a way that warranted this level of kerfuffle

>> No.34018236 [DELETED] 

Posting on cooldown means you are not working. You do not get paid to post here (or do you?) You do not treat your job seriously and are focusing on the wrong things. You should be fired.

>> No.34018242
Quoted by: >>34018339

"hotel wifi" had a 1080p stream off of it somehow.

>> No.34018250

Kiara said 8 of them were doing practice/unlocking beforehand. Mumei and Ame are the two others likely no there considering they had no unlocks, but both still streamed

>> No.34018263

Anon, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but everyone’s gonna leave Hololive eventually.

>> No.34018266

Their arguments are retarded, but I'm inclined to believe you're a dramanigger for encouraging this

>> No.34018279

>ordered a cable of sufficient length as soon as she could.
Or you know buy it from supermarket.

>> No.34018325

>Mori fucks up by being late
>Mori fucks up by STILL not sorting her internet situation (the very basic requirement for her job)
>Mori doesn't even bother putting a perspective up in a game setting where that makes following her basically impossible
>Mori talks about "small schedule" as the break continues to extend
>thread turns negative, because it's the one place where you can be negative without your post getting sunk by an algorithm choking out all negativity
some of you are as retarded as her

it wouldn't cause this level of complaining if it didn't force 10 other girls to delay their shit
people barely care for Mori solo delays anymore but have some decency to not affect other parties with your scuff, that's literally the ONLY demand people have anymore, that's how low the bar is

>> No.34018339
Quoted by: >>34018422

I think she's retarded for not having gotten a cable from a store yet, but the Worms stream was done by Ame with Mori's stream key. Don't be retarded

>> No.34018379
File: 2.17 MB, 2478x3516, 1633538215339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Mori!

>> No.34018381

My God, what a whiny bitch.

>> No.34018384

Alright dude, cry about it.
I don't think most deadbeats care about it that much.

>> No.34018399

Imagine acting like a deranged ex-girlfriend and thinking threatening someone with your post-breakup tantrum makes you look like the sane one.

>> No.34018420

yeah, I'm sure, that's why thankfully there's less and less of them

>> No.34018422

That wasn't from Hotel Wifi. I'm talking last month in the hot room. Those streams weren't 480p.

>> No.34018433

Don't speak for me.

>> No.34018448
File: 11 KB, 500x362, 1664008709237228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34018528

Y'all niggas really out here crying ok cooldown over an ethernet cable.

Wish I had fuckall to worry about like that, damn.

>> No.34018449
File: 1.29 MB, 2480x3508, 1660132368745125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more collabs with Faufau

>> No.34018457

>that's why thankfully there's less and less of them
And this is why we can't take you seriously as a deadbeat.

>> No.34018466

This is an overwhelmingly female post. Put a tampon in so I don't have to smell your period next time.

>> No.34018467

>show up late
>apologize and carry on with collab
Wow. That was hard.

>> No.34018486

And one day, I’ll be the final deadbeat. Now go back where you came from.

>> No.34018509
File: 223 KB, 1000x562, Look At This[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgt6jn6.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does being negative here do? It means jack shit. I come here to discuss and be horny over Mori, plus I enjoy the soundposts.

>> No.34018517

yeah, I know expecting deadbeats to care for the hard work of other girls is also too high of a bar

sure helped Mumei

>> No.34018528
Quoted by: >>34018908

I think you have to accept that not everyone agrees with you. I'm not posting on cooldown. I think she should get her shit sorted. "I'm so sorry about the scuff" doesn't mean anything when it's repeated weekly for two years.

>> No.34018538

You are gonna start caring when next schedule sucks.

>> No.34018550
Quoted by: >>34018640

well deal with it.
you don't control the thread

>> No.34018558

Airing your concerns in a civilized manner in public isn't dramafagging. So go ahead and air them like a man there. Don't whine here like a bitch.

>> No.34018569 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 1600x900, Mk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread bad, posting kobo correction for snitching

>> No.34018574

Don't try to hide behind other girls. You're a faggot shitposter on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, you don't get to speak for them.

>> No.34018599
Quoted by: >>34018741

I'm guessing the new schedule will be public immediately? She usually doesn't tweet about it unless that's the case

>> No.34018600

the approach of "fuck everyone else, Mori got hers" is a two way street
just be aware of that next time you complain about Mori being unfairly targeted or complained about

>> No.34018608
Quoted by: >>34018649

"""Deadbeats"""" sure acting like antis who got comfortable because obvious bait threads are being left up.

>> No.34018637
Quoted by: >>34018798

Where are you seeing this approach?

>> No.34018638

We are discussing Mori though?

>> No.34018640
Quoted by: >>34018684

Neither do you, y'know. Anyone is free to call you a whiny bitch if they choose. You accomplish nothing here.
Whiny bitch.

>> No.34018643

you can't quote the voices in your head anon

>> No.34018649
Quoted by: >>34018858

You're really weak and pathetic. So scared of opposing posts.

>> No.34018664

I am once again asking, what does this even mean?

>> No.34018684

I accomplish saying what I want to. I'm not telling you to shut up despite how pathetic you sound whining about 4chan posts.

>> No.34018703

>that's why thankfully there's less and less of them
>that's why thankfully there's less and less of them
>that's why thankfully there's less and less of them

Mask-off moment.

>> No.34018717
File: 934 KB, 890x1280, 1657085314044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori Love!

>> No.34018722
Quoted by: >>34018749

Shut up

>> No.34018727
Quoted by: >>34018765

Cool, you’ve said it about a dozen times. Now go back.

>> No.34018740
Quoted by: >>34018765

Ok big man you said it, you can fuck off now.

>> No.34018741

Considering it's a light schedule, probably yeah. But then again she does always say when the members schedule will be even in public streams.

>> No.34018749

For all the concern you put towards her "stats". you reveal your truest desire: To see her fanbase dwindle.

>> No.34018756
Quoted by: >>34018810

So who fucked up and made Fauna need to leave the Pico Park collab early?
Kronii and her sub, Watson and her careless movements, Fauna herself? Are you in their threads posting about how they are unprofessional and hindering others?
No? Just bitching about Mori? Sure sounds like you're singling her out because that's all you ever do, complain about Mori. Stop pretending. The act doesn't fool anyone.

>> No.34018757 [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 692x687, 1627266292063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be the last deadbeat because everyone else is a fucking woman or a SEAtard in this thread.

>> No.34018765

Go to your own safe space for only discussing positive emotions. In this thread I am on topic.

>> No.34018770

Not a raid btw

>> No.34018785
Quoted by: >>34018832

And what is it you accomplish, Whiny Bitch?

>> No.34018787
File: 596 KB, 498x498, skeleton-popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34018792
Quoted by: >>34019173

Can we stop calling her DAD already?
The only reason she has been able to live in Japan is because she is a gaijin and everyone give information to her.
As soon as she returns to the US, everyone realizes that she is dumber than kusogakis.

>> No.34018798


the fact that even mods and jannies getting tired with your catty shit is actually a decent indicator as well
or that more and more places that were supposed to have less moderated discussion had to shut down Mori discussion when even Kiara with her rabid group of antis was not affected
but go off, act like it's all some fucking conspiracy, if it makes you feel any better

>> No.34018810
Quoted by: >>34018911

A plan to leave early is not the same as showing up over an hour late without any word to the others.

>> No.34018832

Saying whatever I want to about Mori.
As I always have and always will.

>> No.34018846

I'm not seeing it but alright dude

>> No.34018858

That would be you since you won't dare say these things to her through management channels (as she's said to when people want to give complaints) or to her directly on Twitter
>but she might read my posts here and that would show her!

>> No.34018876
Quoted by: >>34018923

Come back when you’ve got something worth saying.

>> No.34018883

>06:18 in Japan
>05:18 in Singapore


>> No.34018887
Quoted by: >>34018943

Ogey, Whiny Bitch.

>> No.34018889

yeah, you got a point, let me complain under her Among Us stream!

>> No.34018901
Quoted by: >>34018954

reminder that his intent is:

>that's why thankfully there's less and less of them

>> No.34018908

I do accept you don't agree with me, that's fine.

I just think you're being a bitch and more of a nuisance than a 15min delay.

>> No.34018910
Quoted by: >>34018987

Maybe I have and maybe I haven't, you don't know and I'm not going to spotlight myself to tell you.

>> No.34018911
Quoted by: >>34018993

>an hour late
We are taking about real events. Not those which took place in your head.

>> No.34018920
File: 2.57 MB, 498x498, 1648624107742.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34018923

"Mori's scuff is unprofessional"

>> No.34018928

motherfucker wrote a whole ass song for something he played like 5 seconds of in his animation
worthikids is fucking impressive

>> No.34018932
Quoted by: >>34018973

>that's why THANKFULLY there's less and less of them

Emphasis on the thankfully.

>> No.34018943
Quoted by: >>34019014

You're worse than him, unable to just ignore what you don't like.

>> No.34018954
Quoted by: >>34018974

There's not just one person.

>> No.34018973

Stop giving him even more attention, fucking retard

>> No.34018974
Quoted by: >>34019016

him and his discord buddies.

>> No.34018987
Quoted by: >>34019103

You haven't because she probably blocked your stupid ass. Now you're salty and bitching here is all you can do. Then cry when the majority of thread regulars point out the shit you pull.

>> No.34018993
Quoted by: >>34019052

Kiara spoke about having everyone show up an hour before the start of the collab, Mori showed up past the time the collab was supposed to start originally.

>> No.34019014
Quoted by: >>34019058

>unable to just ignore what you don't like.
That' literally what he's doing with Mori, but ogey.

>> No.34019016

Now you're just paranoid.

>> No.34019027

reminder: jannies and mods, the people who actually see IPs, are fucking tired of the "we're being raided/it's just one guy on cd!" shit
maybe a good wake-up call to sort Mori out like after the Cuphead collab

>> No.34019045

>fuck everyone else, Mori got hers
>link completely unrelated posts

>> No.34019052


>> No.34019058
Quoted by: >>34019094

And you are fucking pathetic dude. You're are escalating it to a whole new level of bitchy complaints. Fucking shut up and ignore it.

>> No.34019073 [DELETED] 

>the same jannies deleting posts about Subway


>> No.34019094
File: 338 KB, 469x571, 1664021518193354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make. Me. Whiny. Bitch.

>> No.34019103
Quoted by: >>34019319

>one guy
You need your echo chamber

>> No.34019108

It was a fun collab, and I'm glad mori got to win the first game by putting on her detective cap. Shame she kept dying and never got the imposter role, but it is what it is. Anyone crying about the delay can eat shit.

>> No.34019129
Quoted by: >>34019189

Ame was awake in her freechat
Kobo was talking in her frame shortly after putting it up, Moona likewise
there was one person not accounted for anything, but nice deflection, trying to dump on the other girls is a classic next step

>> No.34019143 [DELETED] 

Oh boohoo, those poor overworked jannies :(

>> No.34019163

Everyone else was in the call before start. Even Ame who just had stream issues because she started a different stream on accident.

>> No.34019173

Nobody call her dad its just you

>> No.34019189

And? Work usually has that 15 minute leeway, as well as College Class.

WTF are you using, Military standards?

>> No.34019214

15 minutes would still be 45 minutes before the start of the collab.

>> No.34019215

>being late
By a few minutes, hardly the worst we've seen.
>STILL not sorting her internet
She actually has it now unlike last time where she got ghosted by her ISP and couldn't be there personally. If "just buy a cable at the super"was the awnser she'd have done that by now.
>doesn't even bother putting a perspective
No one wants to watch a laggy 480p (at best stream. They'll go somewhere else.
>talks about "small schedule"
literally how is this even a negative?
>thread turns negative
And this is related to Mori how?

None of these are even mayor complaints, you're just making mountains out of molehills since that's all you have

>> No.34019217

Mori Antis should be called sperm. Life is the opposite of death. Alone they are just one meaningless cell and combined they just make an annoying stain on threads. Plus they go along with the eggs.

>> No.34019224

But Kiara straight up said 7 people (plus herself) did practice rounds

>> No.34019245

Now this is actually excusing unprofessional behavior.

>> No.34019261

Over an hour late.

>> No.34019301
Quoted by: >>34019357

Let's pretend you were right. What's the issue? Mori's tech issues caused a minor snafu that got dealt with quickly and quietly. It's not like this particular problem is projectable, or especially significant, or like it's always mori with the scuff, so what's your major malfunction?

>> No.34019305

Yes, she said they started well over the hour requested arrival time and grinded some gear.

>> No.34019313

She was definitely late.

>> No.34019318
Quoted by: >>34019399

It’s only a problem when Mori does it since they already hate her.

>> No.34019319

You need to be a contrarian to feel like you're fighting something. When you're just obsessively exposing yourself to something you don't like just to annoy others.

>> No.34019353
Quoted by: >>34019444

Can I at least make Subway memes without being banned for off-topic then?

>> No.34019357

It was not her tech that caused her to be over and hour late.
It is another example of how she puts forth low effort to be prepared for streams. That 5% shit stuck around for a reason. Too much scuff becomes a pattern.

>> No.34019358

>Catalog reader
Opinion discarded.

>> No.34019360
File: 44 KB, 500x523, 1630400781106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I supposed to be mad at something? I'm actually pretty happy that we're getting some kind of schedule since I was expecting another week of relative silence.

>> No.34019376

>If "just buy a cable at the super"was the awnser she'd have done that by now.
The only part I disagree about. No matter how "isolated" her place is, she clearly could have gone to any sort of supermarket and gotten one. She was more than likely at a place where she could have bought one considering she had friends over and likely bought snacks/drinks before

>> No.34019392

>come late and unprepared even when Kiara specifically organizes the call and hour early, so they can ALL be prepared and on time
>literally ignoring nearly a week of prep and communication, for no stated reason at all besides "internet cable hort" (the basic requirement of her job which could've been secured at any point between her arriving to the states - let me remind you, on the 21st of September)
>how dare you have any sort of expectation of her not messing this up!

>> No.34019398

No one said otherwise.

>> No.34019399

Don't you put words in my mouth. I'd be upset at anyone doing this. I'm not going to excuse Mori.

>> No.34019417

>By a few minutes
What is this retardbeat talking about?
The convention started 25 minutes late.

>> No.34019438
Quoted by: >>34019515

You're either lying or unbelievably petty, neither one is very flattering.

>> No.34019444

Man that was a guy who was talking about his lunch at work, that shit was off topic. You can see subway posts in this thread not being deleted.

>> No.34019454

Well 3 people didn’t show up the practice rounds, but here you are only shitting on Mori for it.

>> No.34019480 [DELETED] 
File: 2.82 MB, 498x235, 1628810487466.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats the crux of it.

>> No.34019490
Quoted by: >>34019588

Same (desu) the two collabs were fun. We know Mori is happy, she's seeing old friends, watching movies and playing games. We have a schedule coming. Combined with knowing she's going to visit Kronii soon-ish. As usual, if the worst thing going on is [minor complaint] then things are going good. 8}

>> No.34019496

>that's why thankfully there's less and less of them
>that's why thankfully there's less and less of them
>that's why thankfully there's less and less of them

this alone should be grounds for Opinion discarded.

>> No.34019511
Quoted by: >>34019867

Depends are you a deadbeat, or a “deadbeat”?

>> No.34019515

except people were complaining about Ame too until she put up a stream, despite her actually bringing it up earlier that she might not
it's almost like there's an expectation of them doing their jobs that for the most part constitutes booting up a game and OBS (the rest of the necessary work was one by Kiara)

>> No.34019533

Practice rounds started over 2 hours before the planned start of the collab. That's not being late, those 8 were putting in extra effort.

>> No.34019560

so 8/11 isn't a defense

>> No.34019588

>We know Mori is happy, she's seeing old friends, watching movies and playing games.
that'd be good if it was conductive towards doing her job better
but she keeps doing it worse
if her personal happiness clashes with the work she chose she could take some of her own advice and quit

>> No.34019596

So if showing up for the early practice rounds is just extra effort, then Mori was only 15 minutes late which isn’t worth 300 posts complaining about it.

>> No.34019607

see >>34019533 this shit? You're trying to throw other girls under the bus to defend Mori. Shame on you. Those eight showed up early to the requested time of an hour before. Mori showed up after the collab was supposed to start.

>> No.34019618

I had a good time, but I'm a little miffed at no POV and showing up late, and I'm allowed to be
Not gonna sperg about it though

>> No.34019631

Again, over an hour late to the start time, which was not the start of the collab.

>> No.34019653

damn, I wish we could expect extra effort from Mori when it comes to collabs in Holo

>> No.34019660

We've been over this, she was 1 hour and 15 minutes late.

>> No.34019664
Quoted by: >>34019707

Where are you seeing a schedule? She didn't do a members post, is it on twitter?

>> No.34019667

But the first hour was just “extra effort”

>> No.34019699
Quoted by: >>34019736

No, 2 (TWO) hours beforehand is extra effort.

>> No.34019707

Not yet, she just tweeted one was coming soon. Take that however you will.

>> No.34019709

So much bad faith arguing coming from one side right now.

>> No.34019723

God you guys must all be employee of the month at your workplace with how much you comment on professionalism

>> No.34019727
Quoted by: >>34019778

The start time was unchanged for the whole 16 hour period the waiting room was up. Am I missing something, or are you just straightforwardly wrong here?

>> No.34019730

1 hour was the polite professional time to show up. Kiara didn't even know if Mori was going to ghost them and was having to start without her.

>> No.34019736

Then 3 of the girls were late.

>> No.34019743

I show up on time yes.

>> No.34019746

What is insanity? It's doing the same thing over and over, when you know the result.

If you truly are adamant to make Mori change. Then all the power to you. But do it in a public platform.

>> No.34019770

I feel like I exhausted topic on hand, VA girl is having a celebration now

>> No.34019778

Kiara even said publicly that all the girls were to show up an hour before the stream start.

>> No.34019804

No, 3 of the girls didn't show up an hour before Kiara requested them to.

>> No.34019805 [DELETED] 

There's fucking no way she did unprofessional on a sponsored stream.
Because she'd attend [Spoiler]Connor's JK event [\Spoiler] without any pay even if she was suffering from allergies right up until the last minute.

>> No.34019825
Quoted by: >>34019881

You are still trying to throw other girls under the bus to defend Mori, shame on you.

>> No.34019848
Quoted by: >>34019872

>This is the level of competence we're dealing with

>> No.34019863

Mori needs to be punished. She’s been a very naughty girl

>> No.34019867
File: 892 KB, 490x360, Inner Deadbeat[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fved1nc.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34019936

Everyone's a deadbeat. Some deadbeats just need help seeing it.

>> No.34019871

even for jobs I hated I tended to put the bare minimum (showing up on time and doing the very basic tasks expected - like streaming for a streamer)
that's not EoM worthy, that's just the baseline expectation for stuff people pay you for (#ad stream by the way)

>> No.34019872
Quoted by: >>34019902

Very unprofessional!

>> No.34019873

I see a tourist has found their way to 4chan.

>> No.34019881
Quoted by: >>34019937

Just pointing out obvious double standards. I don’t think anyone should be thrown under the bus

>> No.34019892
Quoted by: >>34019965

Now just broken records at this point. They don't want earnest discussion, they just want concession so they can go around saying "See! Even Deadbeats can't defend her!"

>> No.34019898
File: 1.68 MB, 2172x3669, 1654497090325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, personally I show up to contracts early and occasionally bring donuts and shit for the office and drivers
They appreciate it, and I get more jobs

>> No.34019902

Anon needs to graduate!

>> No.34019908
File: 288 KB, 829x309, 1659412082513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this much of a failure

>> No.34019936

Theres a Deadbeat inside of you RIGHT now.

>> No.34019937
Quoted by: >>34020023

Nobody but Mori was over an hour late! As far as we know, everyone BUT Mori showed up on time.
Further, 8 of them showed up early.

>> No.34019949
Quoted by: >>34019992

>that's why thankfully there's less and less of them

We should've ignored it once he threw this quote.

>> No.34019965

Broken record of ignoring mistakes.

>> No.34019974 [DELETED] 

>Collab was fine, actually super fun, there was virtually no scuff after it started, the girls extended it they were having so much fun.
>Waaaaah Mori late, waaaaah Mori has no ethernet cable.

>> No.34019978
Quoted by: >>34020020

Construing not showing up an hour before the stream started as failing to do your job to minimal standards is a huge stretch, and I don't expect mori missed it for no reason regardless.

>> No.34019992

again, you are ignoring a whole slew of people just because it's inconvenient that your echo chamber isn't perfect.

>> No.34019999

Need a GTA Simeon plaque with a Deadbeat on it.

>> No.34020011

Please understand, pink woman antis have nothing else to throw at her anymore.

>> No.34020013

I cannot believe how unprofessional Calliope Mori is bitch should graduate! Unlike myself who would never fuck up anything[/spoler]

>> No.34020019
Quoted by: >>34020202

>if we ignore all the fuckups and the delays caused for others and Mumei getting to play less with everyone it was GREAT!
smartest deadbeat

>> No.34020020

Hour and 15 minutes late with no word to Kiara. Kiara didn't know if Mori was going to show up at all.

>> No.34020023
Quoted by: >>34020057

That hour thing was just thoroughness, not a mandatory thing Yagoo ordered them to do or something.

>> No.34020038

Remember why these people are here?
Hint: it was never about Mori in the first place.

>> No.34020043
Quoted by: >>34020121


>> No.34020054
Quoted by: >>34020121

Intentional or not, that's funny.

>> No.34020057

Move those goalposts.

>> No.34020066
Quoted by: >>34020126

>but all the whining and shitposting stays

>> No.34020071
File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, 17DD4133-DEC8-4006-8CBE-4534B24D46B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to deal with limited Mori content in the US but I'll definitely be looking forward to the times she is in Japan considering there will be more streams, chances for 3D, and better stream times for me personally

>> No.34020121
Quoted by: >>34020158

It was intentional
The strawman is surprisingly real and posted just a while ago >>34019805

>> No.34020123

I just slightly dread the possibility of time in the US being light on streaming every time in the future, especially considering she'll be staying for months at a time down the line

>> No.34020126

Whining is on topic you pathetic bitch. You can't report people who disagree with you as your argument. This is 4chan. You are a despicable spinless bitch.

>> No.34020130

The only mistake was giving it attention. I/we should do better next thread. We let our guards down.

>> No.34020142

I'm genuinely curious as to why this post was deleted

>> No.34020151

She's been getting settled and is by her own admission trying to find a good work life balance. There's nothing intrinsic to her being in america that causes her to stream less.

>> No.34020158

So one guy who is actually an anti makes the entire mistake of hers go away? This is proof it's not "one guy"

>> No.34020164

Yeah I show up on time and by on time and I mean before starting time.

>> No.34020175
Quoted by: >>34020212

So are my Subway memes, faggot
If one has to go, so does the other

>> No.34020179

ironic shitposting always gets hit

>> No.34020184
Quoted by: >>34020258

STILL NOT AIRING HIS GRIEVANCES DIRECTLY TO HER (oh but "I might be" no, you're not.)

>> No.34020202

Oh nyo, might as well go on and say if the other members in the pico park collab yesterday were smarter then Fauna would have been able to finish the game with everyone.

>> No.34020212
Quoted by: >>34020337

A guy talking about his lunch at work is not on topic. There are subways posts in this thread not deleted.

>> No.34020222

Because a concernbeat became unironic threadpolice with a badge and all

>> No.34020231

Whiny Bitch.

>> No.34020243
Quoted by: >>34020338

>There's nothing intrinsic to her being in america that causes her to stream less.
It called realizing that she'd rather spend time with her real friends instead of streaming.

>> No.34020251

>Funposts are justified in being deleted because they dont shit on Mori but on retards like you

>> No.34020257
Quoted by: >>34020326

Must be good throwing those stones from that glass house of yours.

Calling everyone else spineless when you can't even say these things to Mori's twitter(both sides)

>> No.34020258

I will air my grievances, here where they are on topic, on twitter, and on youtube comments. Thank you.
You may go to reddit or discord to avoid them.

>> No.34020266
Quoted by: >>34020307

who was late in Pico Park?

>> No.34020278

Fauna may have left in shame after murdering the entire party, when the rest succeeded in doing their parts.

>> No.34020307
Quoted by: >>34020320


>> No.34020320

Wtf anon should graduate

>> No.34020326

I have, don't know or care about the rest. Why do you care what is being posted by randoms on twitter?

>> No.34020338
Quoted by: >>34020467

If the conclusion she comes to is that she'd rather work less in general (whether on streams or music) to have a real life, fair enough. That wont be an America thing, I hope, so much as a new leaf for Mori.

>> No.34020337
File: 456 KB, 1243x2048, 1653140240963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34020377

Shove your hotpocket up your ass
Discussing favorite Subway in response to Subway memes and Mori/Kronii both talking about it isn't even ONE TENTH the most off-topic thing we've ever discussed

>> No.34020339
Quoted by: >>34020407

Anon? Read the last two sentences...

>> No.34020345

>You may go to reddit or discord to avoid them.
even those are increasingly fed up
it's almost like the common factor isn't the platform but the person being discussed

>> No.34020377

report it if you like
Mods will see and tell who is shitting up the thread.

>> No.34020407
Quoted by: >>34020535

Your intended interpretation got debunked yesterday.

>> No.34020418
Quoted by: >>34020525

>Mods save me!
I thought that was that deadbeat tactic you always shitposted about?

>> No.34020421

I missed the collab because I have work I have to do and procrastinating is a bitch. How was it??

>> No.34020445

don't expect to see much Mori in it

>> No.34020451

It was fun, the thread is just getting visitors.

>> No.34020456 [DELETED] 

You can eat my fucking boney ass for getting rid of posters you personally don't like for "off-topic"
I saw the ban page that killed someone for mentioning the no-no man in a conversation about Twitch, and it was the only one that went despite being neutral

>> No.34020462

It was pretty good. Less Mori than I wanted though

>> No.34020467

I agree that her genmates and other fellow Holos are just coworkers to her and she should spend time with people she is actually close with.

>> No.34020473

Her internet was still not great so she didn't stream her side, but it was good still.

>> No.34020479

It was fine, Mori got killed a lot after outing herself as a competent detective so you're going to have to spend a lot of time looking around to find her.

>> No.34020509

It was great. Mori had a critical role to play in the first round, then died quickly in the rest. Kiara absolutely lost her shit at one point and tossed an innocent ame, and kobo was killer like 4 or 5 times and did incredibly well. All in all, quite fun, albeit a bit dumb.

>> No.34020525
Quoted by: >>34020610

My point is that I have nothing to hide. My and the others talking about her mistakes is allowed, as much as you wish you could get mods to delete everything negative.

>> No.34020527
File: 2 KB, 332x49, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a split, kek.

>> No.34020531

No, you don't. You only post here to stroke a hateboner and pretend you're taking some valiant stand.
You're too frail to attach an opinion to a regularly used profile. You're so chickenshit you think it will even make you a target. Because you take this stuff too seriously and think someone will dogpile onto you for a retarded opinion, like you seem to hint you (and others) do to her.

>> No.34020535
Quoted by: >>34020629

Doesn't look like it with the small schedule coming up.

>> No.34020543

How long will she stay in the U.S.?

>> No.34020557

Fine, honestly nothing special but they had fun. You'll have to look through the other POVs to keep up with Mori though.
I was watching the chiggen's stream but Mori died a lot and Kiara didn't so I actually missed a lot Mori apparently.

>> No.34020610

Youre still bitching to jannies to delete posts making fun of your retarded ass. Pathetic.

>> No.34020612
Quoted by: >>34020675

Mori made sporadic appearances on others streams. Then had a detective moment in one round which helped the team. Not sure what best POVs were, Mumei had to leave early. Kobo got imposter a comical amount of times.

>> No.34020621
Quoted by: >>34020748

Why are supposed 4channers so eager to have people post on other websites with named accounts?
Is it just trying to doxxbeat anyone who disagrees with them?

>> No.34020629
Quoted by: >>34020760

What I mean is, the sensible interpretation isnt, "whenever I'm in america I'm going to be lazy," it's "while I'm in america i'm going to focus on finding a healthier work life balance"

>> No.34020637

I have reported no posts besides those that have been deleted in this thread for actual anti behavior.

>> No.34020645

>to jannies
Well you're partially right, in a way

>> No.34020647

That's your side.

>> No.34020659

Mori schedule post! I won't forget that ASMR though Mori....

>> No.34020663
Quoted by: >>34020873

That's an interesting like out of nowhere Mori... ganbatte StraightBeats...

>> No.34020673

You're too frail to face criticism.

>> No.34020675

I'd say Anya's was pretty good, also sched up

>> No.34020687
Quoted by: >>34020801

>3 streams
Yeah really missed us.

>> No.34020689

schedule's out
a whole 3 streams and only public one is RUST
Anniversary isn't marked as ASMR

>> No.34020726
Quoted by: >>34020743

I'm expecting a short zatsu

>> No.34020739
Quoted by: >>34020831

So where's the promised members ASMR?

>> No.34020743


>> No.34020744 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.73 MB, 1920x1080, 1633782005521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34020979

>> No.34020748
Quoted by: >>34020796

I really don't care what accounts you post on. It's a tweet, nothing serious. Though you seem to disagree with that notion since one tweet from her triggered all this.
Why do you act like you convey any of this retarded shit to her where she will read it, when clearly you don't. Want a pat on the back from the other Anons and Twitter uses who call her out? Want to have your hugbox and be free from criticism?

>> No.34020754

Really trying to make up for members after months of not.

>> No.34020760

>>34020629 (me)
Also, small schedule doesnt obviously mean light schedule. The more natural interpretation is that it's not going to be very far in advance.

>> No.34020770
File: 55 KB, 158x230, 1663021195252107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34020979


>> No.34020796

One tweet did not cause her mistakes today. Did not cause a continuing lack of effort on her part.

>> No.34020801
Quoted by: >>34020864

3 streams on a "taking it slow" week, I feel pretty spoiled considering what some fanbases get these days.

>> No.34020805
Quoted by: >>34020835

That person saying to expect a Kronii schedule called it.

>> No.34020814

It's only 3 streams.

>> No.34020816

I wish there was a stream for the song release. Doesn't really seem like a big deal to just drop it with no hype

>> No.34020831
Quoted by: >>34021007

Could be part of the Tuesday stream

>> No.34020835

that was me
thanks, I guess

>> No.34020854

She's doing 4 streams this week, and was present for the collab. That's not a particularly light schedule.

>> No.34020857
Quoted by: >>34020949

This didn't just not age well, it was fucking stillborn

>> No.34020864

She's going to be taking it slow the whole time in America as she previously tweeted.

>> No.34020873
File: 87 KB, 800x800, 1612585222987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34020925


>> No.34020884
Quoted by: >>34020969

I remember that one anon complaining about '3 members streams a month"

Anything to say now?

>> No.34020888
Quoted by: >>34021003

>She's doing 4 streams this week,
>and was present for the collab
uhhh... yeah, I guess that's the most we can give her for that one

>> No.34020914
Quoted by: >>34020958

Where’s sex asmr mori

>> No.34020925

Woah. Nice.

>> No.34020940

>was present for the collab
With no PoV.

>> No.34020949

3 streams plus the collab isnt too light. Way back in january j chad asked her to start doing a schedule like this.

>> No.34020958

For now I'm going to give benefit of doubt that it's been difficult to get an ASMR mic.

>> No.34020969

I still can count, so that's two
so where's the third?
or am i supposed to be owned because she did a members stream at all?

>> No.34020979
File: 207 KB, 657x767, 1619774691532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm excited for more Mori karaoke. Also glad we got a date for the Myth song

>> No.34020980

Anything J-chad has ever said is nothing but a blight

>> No.34020982


>> No.34021003
Quoted by: >>34021021

Yeah fair enough. She might do an hour stream before the MV releases though, she often does that.

>> No.34021006

>J-Chad finally won

>> No.34021007

Doubt it, she doesn't like to chain ASMR to other things because she knows people like to re-listen to them. So expect about 45 mins - 1 hour of mini motorways and 15-30 minutes of "Things have been hard and I am still trying to figure things out. Seeya next time"

>> No.34021020
Quoted by: >>34021132

>the "Members Anniversary" can be anything
>if it isn't an ASMR, she never guaranteed it would happen

>> No.34021021
Quoted by: >>34021819

Only when mandated by UMG

>> No.34021040

The only thing that sucks on the schedule is Rust, fuck Rust.

>> No.34021044

>Drawing and games for a members stream
Meh, I'd prefer the animation streams back. Fall Guys is unironically the only member's game streams that have been fun. Maybe she does Among Us now? That could be cool

>> No.34021051

>small schedule
I hope this is mori's!

>> No.34021052 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>34021119

I WILL post my white cock if I have to

>> No.34021115
Quoted by: >>34021144

J-Chad is looking out for her long-term, her other manager is most definitely not

>> No.34021119

>Doesn't have a boner

>> No.34021132

Oh nevermind I didn't read what the anniversary is. Second point still stands.

>> No.34021144
Quoted by: >>34021200

She has two managers?

>> No.34021167

>Among Us
>Actually communicating with deadbeats

Oh god no, get that thought out of your head right now. Get ready for some Dwarf Romantik!

>> No.34021200

It's just J-chad, who I will remind everyone was in charge of Kiara when she was at hrr most miserable and had problems with management

>> No.34021212

she could've at least bothered to organize a small Myth collab to hype up the song premiere

>> No.34021233
Quoted by: >>34021285

She’d probably not like it, but they got Slay the Spire members perms not too long ago.

>> No.34021262

You say it like that's an easy thing to do.

>> No.34021278
Quoted by: >>34021361

J chad is a better fit for mori I guess.

>> No.34021285
Quoted by: >>34021335

Rust, holocure, and that Kangaroo game too

>> No.34021297
Quoted by: >>34021346

They just had fucking anniversary retard why would they do that. They had the trailer

>> No.34021335

Holocure would be a more interesting zatsu game than dorfromantik imo.

>> No.34021343

Everyone is on edge just because you know she messed up. Stop dogging on other girls to protect Mori.

>> No.34021346
Quoted by: >>34021452

Kiara got the Amongus organized when the promo got announced, it was barely a week

how many people who watched the anniversary will remember a track delayed by two weeks?
are you aware at all how flimsy people's attention spans are?
she should be, she had industry professionals explain it to her

>> No.34021350
Quoted by: >>34021430

That's literally what the 3D stream was for

>> No.34021352

She's probably unfortunately too far along on the animation work now that it's just boring technical stuff or things she can't show us.

>> No.34021353

Kiara got 10 people together for a random Among Us and Mario Kart collab. It's weird that Mori can't get 5 people to show up for an hour to an expensive looking project debut they all worked on

>> No.34021361
Quoted by: >>34021447

No, she's a fucking terrible manager whose only saving grace is being able to get a contract
That's it, she's failed every other aspect

>> No.34021390

J has been good for Mori in terms of landing deals. So i do appreciate her, even though she can't ne firm with Mori about not grinding herself into dust. But it took an actual mother to get Mori to take a step back when she was burning herself out. So at least we all made it past the roughest parts and Mori is actually realizing the importance of balance.

>> No.34021423


Everybody relax. Enjoy this instead (also Mori's funny recollection afterward)

>> No.34021430
Quoted by: >>34021642

The 3D stream was for their anniversary, not the song. They were going to have to do it regardless of the song to shill the merch

>> No.34021447

She pretty good at sex
t. her househusband

>> No.34021452

I didn't see all of myth in amongus. Big collab is not the same as myth collab. That group seems to be particularly hard to get together these days.

>> No.34021453
Quoted by: >>34021528

The one that was majority ID?

>> No.34021468
Quoted by: >>34021669

What problems did kiara have with her?

>> No.34021528

>All of Myth in the Mario Kart collab
>4/5 of Myth in the Among Us collab

>> No.34021588

Considering the schedule goes until Friday 3 streams isn't a bad thing. (Not that I expect her to stream on the weekend)
Also I very much doubt she brought the ASMR mic to the states

>> No.34021623

She said she was getting another one

>> No.34021635

She mentioned getting another one for the second base, I'm just going to assume it hasn't come in yet since those mics seem to be notoriously slow to arrive.

>> No.34021642
Quoted by: >>34021801

Even so you make it sound like she's the only one capable of organizing something.
It's a full ass Myth original if anything it should be EN management doing the organizing here.

>> No.34021644

Didn't she say she was ordering one specifically for the US base? Or is that in the Negative Zone with the ethernet cable?

>> No.34021649

What is she taking into account in which retarded time zone? for EU?

>> No.34021653

How easy it is to organize a collab depends on what they're doing this week, not just how many people are involved. I could believe it was much easier to organize an amogus collab today than a MV stream on thursday or whatever, because there are so many confounding factors we know nothing about.

>> No.34021662

I expect when the schedule ends she'll be on her way to Canada. She and Kronii talked like they'd be seeing each other soonish

>> No.34021669

J-Chad seems to be treating talents under her like a numbers factory
she was pushing Mori into the rando clickbait games near last summer, she's the one getting her in bed with all the fancy producers, she's the one that advised her to stream less when it became obvious her music is drawing more clicks and views than her streams, she's the one approving retarded zoomer chasing moves like TikTok

>> No.34021726
Quoted by: >>34021777

She said she would buy another one, but again, the ASMR was never guaranteed.

>> No.34021738

5 days then? Just enough time for the subway sandwich to sit.

>> No.34021740

be interesting if the worms stream was an off collab for them

>> No.34021757

That decision still seems a bit random. Why visit kronii of all people?

>> No.34021766
File: 80 KB, 257x252, Screenshot_20220702-185519~4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I....I.....miss...my.... Moririn UuuuuuUuuuuuuu!!!!

>> No.34021771
Quoted by: >>34021846

Tiktok was/is all UMG

>> No.34021777
File: 267 KB, 326x445, 657653563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34021887

It wasn't but I wish she wouldn't tease us with things like that then. It's mean.

>> No.34021801

>Mori struggles with organizing TTRPG
>Ame schedules Pico Park and Worms (2 weeks in a row)
>Kiara schedules Among Us
>Gura successfuy schedules Quiz collab twice because of tech problems
I legitimately think it's a Mori problem, she's terrible at communicating for collabs in general

>> No.34021819

The watamori rap stream was mandated by UMG?

>> No.34021823

Mori hungers for clock correction.

>> No.34021825

Because they’re close and Kronii’s had a rough last few weeks

>> No.34021846

and yet Kiara, the ones with the closest tie to Jenma was the only one to not get her own despite other girls being goaded into it over time (only for those channels to kind of die shortly after)

>> No.34021871

The music thing seems ill-advised in hindsight, but even at the time it seems obvious that her music events were huge because of the pandemic and because of the fanbase she cultivated via streaming.

>> No.34021879

None of those collabs had all of Myth.

>> No.34021883

Because Kronii needs an intervention...
Because they get along and wanted to hangout.

>> No.34021887
Quoted by: >>34021928

Well buying an ASMR mic for the second base is confirmed at least, so maybe eventually she'll do one while she's over there.

>> No.34021912

What's funny is that Kronii sounded great this entire last week. She laughed more than I've ever heard her and was having a blast on all her streams

>> No.34021919

That's a nice reason, mori is such a sweetheart I hope it all works out for Kronii.

>> No.34021928

it'll probably work out as well as all her other plans for the place

>> No.34021961

Because she said "fuck it" and decided to embrace doing what she wants.

>> No.34021965

To be fair TTRPG collabs last hours longer than most big collab, especially since she wants the next one to be the last one which is going to make it even longer to fit everything in.

>> No.34021996

Yeah, I imagine going public with the decision that she’s gonna stream whatever she wants with whoever she wants is pretty liberating

>> No.34022017

>retarded zoomer chasing moves like TikTok
I'm just wondering why mori doesn't tiktok in private.
While she's a redditard, an instagrammer, a twitchnigger, and a numberfag.

>> No.34022066

She genuinely doesnt like tiktok, and if she can get away with handing it off to a UMG intern or whatever, she will.

>> No.34022101


>> No.34022109

TikTok zoomers don't give her the fluffy gloves treatment
unironically going viral is the biggest danger to her

>> No.34022118
Quoted by: >>34022244

She is just doing whatever, got a new gimmick that's going over with "Days since Sandwich", and if any monetary damage has been done it won't show for a little while anyway. Kronii has been just going full bore.

>> No.34022177

Lots of people on twitter try to clown on her, mostly she gets positive reception for whatever. Tiktok would more or less follow the same trajectory.

>> No.34022222

Probably just genuinely not interested. Just like Vine any good tiktoks will end up on youtube and twitter anyway.

>> No.34022226
Quoted by: >>34022278

Even she mocks their repeated comments though. That shit didn't affect her when she realized how unoriginal it was. If anything, the positive feedback she did get touched her and surprised her since she didn't think the account was a good idea in the first place.

>> No.34022231
Quoted by: >>34022311

I don't know about that. There's definitely a chunk of her fanbase that refuse to use tiktok. I am one of them.

>> No.34022244

The sandwich thing is weird and hilarious. Happy kronii found such an angle.

>> No.34022278
Quoted by: >>34022350

>That shit didn't affect her
which is why she constantly brings it up

>> No.34022300

She liked vine back in the day, and said she doesnt believe tiktok and vine are very similar at all.

>> No.34022311

outside of that one raid her tictok is pretty positive, I think >>34022222 has the gist of it, tiktok is weirdly impersonal too so she probably doesn't get what the point is.

>> No.34022350

I watch all her streams and she barely talks about tiktok. She talked about it a bit when she first got the account, but I can only remember her mentioning the "fire on mute" thing once.

>> No.34022347
Quoted by: >>34022451

Where is she now?
Next members' are obviously not appropriate for US or JP time zone.

>> No.34022390

It’s funny how the ttrpg always gets used as an argument to say Mori can’t organize. Yet forget the parts that came before it. The drawings, the storylines, the world, the characters and the scenarios. And all the streams they had before the finale. Nothing comes close. Finale’s been written too. They just need to be in the same timezone to get it finished.

>> No.34022447
Quoted by: >>34022593

The Japanese fans on TikTok love her though, it's done a decent job in that market

>> No.34022451

>Next members' are obviously not appropriate for US or JP time zone.
What do you mean? The only one that seems weird for her usual timeslots is the Member's Anni and that's just midday US time.

>> No.34022454

Tabletop RPGs getting derailed by logistics happens to the best GMs, and mori isnt (iirc) a particularly experienced one.

>> No.34022476

We don't know for sure how much has actually been planned out. We heard about plans for months and months. No way to know how much was Mori promises

>> No.34022483

Which really is just her streaming at the same times she would stream at in Japan. She often streamed around noon.

>> No.34022496

>Midday US time on a weekday
That's not US friendly

>> No.34022522
File: 49 KB, 181x224, GOOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you

>> No.34022544

Yeah I'm inclined to agree. I can understand not wanting to stream at a different time than she's used to though.

>> No.34022570

>(Not that I expect her to stream on the weekend)
The next Worms collab is on Sunday

>> No.34022580
Quoted by: >>34022617

You mean the 2 hour long collabs compared to something that would likely be 6+ hours?

>> No.34022593

Glad to hear it.

>> No.34022617
Quoted by: >>34022757

All the TTRPGs aimed at 2 hour and were mostly less than 3.

>> No.34022671
Quoted by: >>34022869

>tea parties
>EN swimsuits
More stuff forgotten and abandoned...

>> No.34022757
File: 1.55 MB, 1242x2178, E7DAC4C4-B23B-42E4-A40B-8540160B89AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally one episode less than 3 hours and the finale was specifically planned as a significantly longer stream.

>> No.34022777

I'd imagine she's probably planning for it to be a longer stream so she wants to start early in the day.

>> No.34022869

The eikaiwa ran into the issue that all the accessible guests showed up. The tea parties weren't meant to be a weekly thing as much as a whenever thing, and she did all the swimsuits for myth.

>> No.34022931

Anon you should know better than to respond to a post ending in ellipses...

>> No.34022966

But anon, your post ends in ellipses...

>> No.34022995


>> No.34023004

>Mori doesn't care about CouncilRyS

That's so sad, but at least CHaDcast being disbanded makes sense now.

>> No.34023008

Nice dubs...

>> No.34023109

It was a calculated risk. Sometimes people who arent in the know read posts like this, and in good faith find themselves confused. I was hoping to clarify things for such a hypothetical person.

>> No.34023118

Ellipses' are gay

>> No.34023133

I'm not a gay...

>> No.34023168
Quoted by: >>34023235

No.. It can't be..

>> No.34023174

I'm very straight...

>> No.34023190

Ellipses are cool...

>> No.34023235

Dont worry, two periods just means you're bi.

>> No.34023237

Ellipses are badass...

>> No.34023270

I just like ellipses...

>> No.34023288

I welcome the birth of ellipseposting...

>> No.34023290


>> No.34023292


>> No.34023335

I’m like. Legit menhera
