Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies./uoh/ Pastebin: Previous thread: >>33860860
Sister Sex.
Rate Pika's new model
did shadow play and finish soma?
>>33979752FEET TOT/10
Hatoba Tsugu.>>33979752Pretty nice actually. Cute feet.
>>OPI wonder if i could find all the uoh girls
>>OPI want to oyakodon Tenma and her mama.
>>33979911She did play it
>>33979752It's cute, but what the fuck is she?
>>33980521no longer canonAnya is completely flat now
>>33980546on youtube she has only part 3 up? how do I search twitch?
>>33980796You will always be an oppai loli in my heart anya
>>33980928You dont. Twitch vods are long long long gone. If its not on her vod channel then tough luck
>>OPFor me, it's this older lady.
>>33981057Like fine wine
So much cunny and I already fapped.
Who's the cunniest of the Nachos?
>>33981613Nacho herself
What if, Nechronica session with 3 loli vtubers...
>>33981161>>33981315>>33981575>>33981701>>33981722>>33981733pls go and stay go
>>33981842What? I'm just following that list tho.>>33973791
>>33981984Welp, here be dragons
>>33980795A dog
>>33981897for what? if you want to shill the vtubers for people to replace kana they already have references in that image
>>33982225I ain't never seen no dog like thatShe looks like a furry elf
>>33981842But Loly is cute, funny and is rare representative of oppai lolis that does not suck.
>>33982269>if you want to shill the vtubers for people to replace kanaThe whole universe does not revolve around kana retard. Here's another kana pic just to shut you up.
>>33982338Happy for her but oppai lolis aren't /uoh/
>>33982427Why not?
>>33982460Because oppai lolis aren't lolis
>>33982412Dont think you understand what I'm asking here. All the ones in that image are already in this pastebin >>OP
>>33982513Anyway, you screech your autistic bullshit and I'm gonna post more pics of cute loli vtuber I like.
>>33982565>I'm gonna post more pics of cute loli vtuber I likeSounds good, when will you post the first one?
>>33979752uoh my god/10
Holy mother of samefag spammersDid that ESL in last thread get so butthurt he decided to shit up this one?
>>33985224Looks like it. Press the magic [-] button to hide 95% of the thread.
Kiki playing Ocarina of Time
>>33990018Towa's mom, has got it goin' on
Tell me about Shimo Hisae
>>33991574you either like her voice or you hate ittheres no inbetweenstarted doing lewd streams on pomf
>>33982623What even happened to this girl?I remember seeing some videos of her then nothing. Did she quit?
>>33992808 to be on break with something medical related. But it's been since January this year and her twitter account is still active on liking things.
cat(correct version)
>>33979752Pikachu?I will now watch your vtuber
>>33993835Gato Niña
>>33982338I want to suck on those.>>33982427Nice opinion, it's wrong though.
>>33992276>started>lewdNot really, she's occasionally doing them for a damn while. And "lewd" is big word, lol - She's bit more unfiltered there (thanks to using them as occasion to get drunk) and sometimes watches some spicy stuff or turns off her clothes for fun. Hard to call it lewd, lul.>>33991574She's cute, but as person above said - opinions about her voice are divided, I like it. Her most unique thing are weekly DJ streams, she's damn quite good and has very wide music taste. If you need to unwind yourself on Sunday nights while listening to some good music, check her.
>Pineapple fags
48 minutes :3
>>33981613how did she get away with just drawing new outfits for the same character 5 times?
>>33993835Yeah, that's the sexiest form. The little grmlin is cute though.
>>33997613That's most vtuber mamas
how come Ina never gets posted here? I'm not even a fan, but it just occurred to me that I've never seen her posted here
>>33998360Ina is a flat adult.
>>33998360She's flat but is too tall and lacks the correct personality to be considered cunny
>>33998452she's not just flat, her model torso looks more like an 8 year old's than an adult>>33998464that's fair enough
>>33999375oh well the stream says in 14 minutes lol
>>33999557I completely forgot that she now has over 11k subs kek
>>33999684I don't know anything about twitch, but from the phrasing you used there, it sounds like that's her total sub count, and not just the ones she got recently, is that the case?
>>33999748Yeah, at least for the time being since most are gift subs
>>33999748I think it's just counting new subs for the month, gifted or otherwise. She's got a monthly goal but of course, subathon two weeks ago
>>33999790ohhhh. that makes sense. I was wondering how she got so damn many during the subathon thingy, since it seems crazy that someone with ~1000 average viewers could have so many paying subscribers
>>33999036It's also about the personality, Kobo's model has tits but acts like a kid meanwhile Ina's chest is the only thing not developed in her body . Best case scenario she could be considered a teenager.
I unironically subbed so I can pat her too
>>33993278Oh damn you're right, she has come back recently.Hope that means things are getting better for her.
why does she says forest critters/trees for her siblings?
>>34005085it's her one piece of kayfabe even if she constantly breaks it herself
>>34005343thank him for bumping instead of complaining
>>34005481He should try again posting the images in better quality
>>34005709which you say as you post something 858x1200, which is pretty much the exact resolution his images are at? it's a totally acceptable resolution, and anyone who wants higher res can just go find the source
>>34005924I took it directly from the source (Pixiv), unless you want me to go to KP>anyone who wants higher res can just go find the sourceThis is an art thread, he should post it instead of being a hack
>>34006307I think you're making a big deal out of nothing. It's a /vt/ thread for discussion and art sharing of /uoh/tubers. The guy kept the thread alive and posted good pics while doing it, so don't make a big deal out of him doing it exactly how you wanted.
>>34006441*not exactly
>>34006441I will never thank a shitposter.>>33981897Spamming on cooldown isn't bumping the thread, its shitting it up for no reason.
>>34006441True, it's not a big deal, I'm just saying that he should do better. Also, I don't see you posting any art
>>34006441Thank you so much buddy, keeping the thread alive in case the entire internet raided the board causing the thread to 404 in minutes is much appreciated, you never know!
>>34006914as I said, this isn't necessarily an "art thread" as far as I'm concerned, but here you go:
>>34007269well I'm not going to argue with you if you're just being sassy, and as I said it wasn't even me.
See wife... Life good...
>>34007577wife is life........ love wife love life.... no wife no life...
>>34007439If sass hurts your feelings you're allowed to not reply.Did your friend send you this thread on discord to defend him after he got called out for being mad and shitting up the thread or what?
>>34007266He did nothing but post art, I'm saying that he posted it with poor resolution. By the way, here's the image from above
>>34007887KILL WIFE
>>34007823not arguing with you sir, just going to keep posting cunny
>>34008039I don't see you posting cunny though
>>34008039Is it opposite day?You are arguing with me and you're not posting cunny
What could have been
>>34008267>>34008227>forgot the image ;_;
This uohtuber daughter of Ririchi is showing promise all she needs is to have a voice to match for the ASMR...
>>34007887The yandere face worked better for me, when she found out you are subbed to someone else
>>34008414ame but with sex appeal
>>34008456Nice pic buddy, I'll stop busting your balls
>>34008508>account privatedWhat is wrong with you losers? cant you go 10 seconds without harassing someone
>>34008689PURE sex
She's in love with me bros... I'm gonna make it...
wifey sang my favorite song, no better feeling
>>34010986It seems bots started to follow her
>shondo real voice leaking
>>34013656and here I was thinking she was just using a voice changer until now
this is fucking cursed, she sounds like a totally different person
>>34013729Her bringing her mom on should have dispelled any thoughts that this was a voice changer.
>>34013834oh shit, I never thought about that, that'S true
>>34013823Are there anons that don't know about Shondo's vocal range?
>>34014002I don't, I'm new to her and don't know where to start
>>34014002I know she can do it, I just haven't heard it outside of the "mommy" thing she does
>>34014002I wish covid and pneumonia didn't fuck her up so badly or she could probably do her full range more easily
>>34014002Shondo has fucking gaslit herself into her default voice sounding like a mentally disabled 12 year old, so I don't blame people for making weird assumptions
>>34014177she always complains she doesn't understand why people automatically assume vtubers are putting on voices, but matsuri has a clip where she discusses that she does, and snuffy went viral for dropping her kawaii uguu voice so it's honestly fair
>>34014989There's that one video of that vtuber "exposed" as old Japanese man and a ton of people think every vtuber is an old man.People are really bad at thinking logically.
>>34014989it probably has more to do with the fact that absolutely no-one sounds like her irl, besides literal children
>>34015358those people are more mentally handicapped than Shondo herself
she does have an extremely cunny voice goddamnwhat should I watch from her?
>>34015735>what should I watch from her?Don't worry anon, no matter where you start the answer will become "everything".There's no escape.
>>34015786just watch a fuckload of clips from "shondopilled individuals" on youtube, then move onto vods from there
>>34015735Honestly anything, there's also her ASMR but most of it is her putting on a deeper voice
i live for wifey kisses......
>>34015735>>34015929I'd just avoid dark souls or most vods from the early part of this year because she was more unstable and chat backseats the hell out of dark soulsthe kusoge ones are best honestly
>>34016381>she was more unstablecan you elaborate?
>>34016428She ran out of meds during the subathon and we got to experience some unmedicated shondo playing a rage-inducing game while chat sackbeats her
>the song at the endbest streamer in the game
>>34016428she has (medicated) schizophrenia that barely takes care of herself or eats and is a perfectionist so for much of like march/april around then she would meltdown, delete vod, and then feel so bad about it that it carries to the next streamdeleted vods wouldn't show up on youtube anyway so I guess not much of a real concern but there were certainly ones where she was just off most the stream but didn't delete it
>>34016602>>34016466I know she's schizoaffective, but all of the vods I've seen she seemed 100% "normal" mentally, so it's crazy to think there are ones where she's unstable too, since I can't even imagine that. Is there an example of a stream where she really went off the rails? I'm curious now
>>34016699offhand I don't know an example, maybe the last of the getting over it vodsI don't know if you can even pin it on the schizo most of the time since she usually is on her meds, just her poor care for herself and perfectionist attitude caused a bad cycle for awhilenow she knows when to cut the stream early when her mood tanks and also takes care of herself more since she realized how it impacts stream quality
>>34017267Why is there a tiny black hole in her belly?
>>34017267make legs/torso a bit thinner. Big head compared to body is important to uoh
>>34015358Whats even funnier is that guy was using a extremely obvious voice changer. He didn't even need to reveal himself to know that
>>34017900He never even hid the fact he was a guy, the clip of him being "exposed" was him showing how the software worked.
Wife goneThink about wifeRegret
>>34018134Shouldn't have killed wife...
>>34019316I was thinking of making her one, so I could mod her into games
>>34019453Go with many blessings.
>>34019316>>34019453I swear someone did but maybe it was just from one of those games. Either way rigging is another whole thing from just having a model
>>34019597Are you thinking of the koikatsu one?I'm actually a lot more worried about the modeling part than the rigging, I've rigged models from scratch before and I think I can do a decent enough job with enough effort
>>34019316I highly doubt she would ditch the model Goki made for her
>>34015422Wrong, retards and/or abuse victims can sound like that
>>34020347What if ( and please pay be open minded as i go through this), they made the model based on that? revolutionary concept, i know.
>>34020555The hell out of here with that absolute nonsenseHow do you schizos even think of this shit?
>>34019316I feel like her artstyle is hard to translate into 3DLook at Celesses 3D for example. Its pretty soulless
>>33979752>yellow Shondo
>>34019812probably, I'd only seen screenshots and I'm not the most familiar with koikatsu
is it known who is doing shondo's 3d model? I want to have an idea of what's to come
>>34022942cakechan was doing it I believe
>>34023023looks pretty good. I just hope the model is very accurate to her 2d live one, it's god tier
>>34023223somewhere she's already leaked a screenshot of the model I think; it looked pretty damn accurate, if anyone has it on hand or I'll have to go searchingit's just been in rigging for awhile
>>34023347shit now I'm super curious
Looks like some Anons in this thread need this.
>>34023517already got mine
>>34023443she teased a few times, also posed an animation of it, deeply deep friend though
... I think I'm in love.
>>34023807I could've sworn she showed just a still of it standing idly once, but it might've been a sub only or deleted vod
>>34023443>>34023807>>34024059I FOUND IT
>>34023807>>34025425Oh shit, cute! It looks a little different, look at the texture on the hair. Wonder if some parts were redone.
>>34025576it could just be the shader or something, or they did some work on it before/during riggingthis was 5 months ago after all
>>34025425thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <3
>>34025576Might be just the lightning/RTX ON
any AI developments?
>>34026156Yeah, she quit vtubing and went off to sell nfts.
Rate Shondo's return stream please.
>>34026347Yea right. After all of this time and you're still mad at the nft thingy
>>34026894t. NFT bro with a collection of monkeys that aint worth shit.
>>34026472sovlful singing/10even knowing her vocal range the voice she did for god knows was really surprisingly natural-sounding unlike the ara-ara shit
>>34026894How much money did you get swindled out of that just hearing about nfts make you seethe and cope?
>>34026974lel no, why should I be mad at something I don't have in the first place?
Where is OUR uoooh vtuber bros
>>340271070 dollars, because I don't own nfts
>>34027156A better question is; why defend something you allegedly dont have?
>>34027015She described that as her chest voice, she still sounded like Shondo just deep and breathless, I hope she can build up strength. Her voice jumping around as she struggled was cute. She’ll beat that benchmark one day, I am sure of it.
>>34027252An even more important question: Why do you have Kizuna Ai if you don't own her nfts?
>>34027331*why do you hate Kizuna Aicommitting seppuku, brb
>>34027331>Why do you have Kizuna AiI dont have her, check mate faggot.
>>34027269yeah idk how people perceive the mommy voice is the real one, at least when I first heard of her I listened to one of the like "girlfriend comforts you" ASMRs and assumed that was the real voice since it just kinda sounded like a normal adult womanI remember at one point she like deliberately tried to emulate how she would talk offstream by lowering her voice a bit and it was partway between stream shondo and the "girlfriend" voice
>>34027210Why are you getting defensive and screeching about nft haters when someone mentions them in a completely neutral way, then?
>>34027422because you assume I own nfts and I "defend" her for that reason
christ nobody gives a shit about NFTs go complain about them elsewhere
>>34027484My bad I assumed you were defending nfts without provocation.You're defending AI without provocation because you're seething and coping at the fact that your oshi whored out to nfts, gotcha.
>>34027379It's the mark of the brainlet to see an innocuous joke and take it as "hate".
I love when Shondo sings and at the end of a line her voice flicks up. Easiest example is “I need a hero” every time she says hero. It’s so cute.
>>34027571you're so fucking funny.>>34027619you're so fucking funny too
>>34027661Thanks I'm here all week
>>34027661Weird because it sounds like you're about to pop a gasket judging by the reply chain.
>>34027760nah, I enjoyed your banter
>>33982712Oh hey it gele
>>33998452>>33998464Slowpoke here but I'm still convinced that she's only tall because of her huge shoes.
>>34031003They do add a lot to her height but her legs are also long which contributes to the illusion of being taller than she is.
Holy shit this new Pikamee model is cuteAnd FLAT
>>34031499Pika is peak comfy /uoh/ daughter experience.
it's cool, it's like I have a daughter I actually don't want to rapeif my ex-wife could see me now amirite boys
>>34031729How can you say that you truly love your Shondo if arent even willing to rape her?
>>34027551The fuck are you on about?
>>34035677Looked for a pubeless version, couldn't find oneGomen
Lolibaba Goshu Usagi puray Doomu
Kiki is streaming Doom
>>34036240>>34038804Crap didn't notice it was already posted
Was wondering what cunnytuber has the biggest forehead and then I realized its all Shion i fap too much i'll become a frog?
>>34038966Pretty sure that's what she's saying yeah, probably from experience
>>34038910That one maid outfit makes her have an enormous forehead. She barely uses it too.
>>34040444I know. She stopped using it because the rigging on it is fucked
>>34036240>>34038804Poppy in Kiki's chat
date with wife
>>34045664That is really nice. Wonder how much it cost.
>>34048343child feet......
>>34052147she really needs to buy some clothes
>>34039661She's not a frog, she just likes them.
more streams
>>34056050>tomari marias adorable and sexy as she is, I can't get over "her" being a man IRL
>>34063020What stream Is this from? This panda seems knowledgeable about lots of stuff. She was talking about dfc last time I saw her.
New Shondo skebs
>>340623952 days
>>34065567all 3
>>34065567Bath. I'm really stinky rn.
>>34064021good lord that is cute
>>34065567I'd like a bath and for you to wash my back gently and thoroughly
I want to kiss Shondo like in the first part of the new customudon video
>>34069835Based. Shondo opened my eyes to how erotic kissing can be.
>>34069930honestly the first and second parts are hotter than the final part, they're such sensual explorations of her delicate beauty, it's so fun and exciting to watch it unfold. anyway enough coom talk from me, but customudon is god
>>34069930>inspect element to get link>put link into url bar>it just googles it, even when I add httpsam I retarded or am I being fucked with
>>34070195You are. Get 4chan sounds player.
>>34070327my little race car is so adorable.
>>34070195How do you know how to do all that but don't know what url encoding is?
>>34070583I've just never come across it before I guess. and I've certainly never seen it be used in 7-8 years in this dump
>>34070658I get not knowing what a sound post is.I'm talking about how the / is written as %2F so it can be part of the filename.
>>34063985Am I going mad or does she sound like gura?
>>34070816oh damn I really am retarded, I just didn't spot that. Makes sense why the url didn't function now lol. In my defense I'm quite sleepy
>>34070960not even close
>>34070960similar inflection and upward inflection, they do sound similar in some ways. also, a lot of these girls put on a voice that puts them in a similar range.
>>34071019Hope you don't go on a vacation for that one anon
I'd be happy if she streamed twice a week at least but i'll take what i can...
>>34071360Uh, wrong tab but since it's goob it still applies i guess.
>>34071402How is this a wrong tab at all?
>>34071350I censored the nips from the original, but then I was her cunny so I deleted it, just before your reply
>>34071469It was meant for the gumba thread.
>>34071481*sawnot was
Someone bake some fresh cunnybread please
>>34072641No point in rushing when the board is slow today Oh well