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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33992871 No.33992871 [Reply] [Original]

Where's the so called "unity" ? Is it just a meme?

>> No.33992971

There's no unity. The fans hate each other, the vtubers also hate each other. Unityfags are basically the same as the 'homobeggars', the very loud minority

>> No.33993028

>What's the reason Nijien can't collab with hololive?

>> No.33993041
Quoted by: >>33996069

It's literally so they can pander to chinks
>b-b-but the ban was already before luxiem blew up!
This doesn't mean anything. Hololive pulling out of china = giant market hole for Chinkjizhangji to exploit. Of course their intentions to heavily pander to chinks were already set in motion well before luxiem debut.

>> No.33993063

Nijisanji EN blocks collabs because they're managed by chinks.

>> No.33993265
Quoted by: >>33993411

For a while after the China yab, no one wanted to touch the Holos. Nijisanji took the opportunity to set themselves apart in the eyes of the chinks. They sold their soul to the devil and if they ever want to distance themselves from that market they'll have to pay the price.

>> No.33993411

I hope you know what is happening in china RIGHT NOW

>> No.33993620

>Unicuck trying to deflect the "loud minority" to other groups

>> No.33993719

You mean the warning they gave to the US about Taiwan? Maybe if Taiwan gets Ukrained we'll finally have unity.

>> No.33995415

In death. They are gonna nuke each other and drag everyone with them.

>> No.33995939

Look, as long as the chinks get nuked, good enough.

>> No.33996016
File: 125 KB, 1920x1057, 1659477819339249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unity is for the Vshojostacies only. Sorry not sorry

>> No.33996069

>It's literally so they can pander to chinks
Why does the rrat keep getting parroted around when it literally gets debunked by the fact that NijiEN still does frequent collabs with vshojo despite them having China's #1 enemy on their roster?

>> No.33996180
File: 332 KB, 1920x1080, 1664119689227297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want to avoid chink drama

>> No.33996240


>> No.33996279

Because the chinese hate hololive you fucking retard. Where were you during all the Fubuki and Aqua chat spam? They don't even know what vshoujo is. Dumb seashit.

>> No.33996309

NijiJP is bigger than hololive --> collabs all the time
When hololive grows bigger than NijiJP --> collabs cut off

hololive not allow collabs between EN branches, but will allow the less popular ID branch.
Hololive trying desperately to get collabs between the EN males (because their males are less popular).

Basically hololive only allows collabs if they can benefit. If they don't benefit the collabs are cut off

>> No.33996336

Winnie the Pooh is safe don't worry.

>> No.33996496

Nice ESL, Nijipajeet.

>> No.33996611

The fans hated each other because HoloEN bronies seized onto the idea that Nijisanji was their side's rivals and that they should act like vtubing was another thing they could go red team blue team over. But the fandom is changing and Hololive and the Western vtubing scene as a whole looks to NijiEN as the new standard for what vtubing should be.

>> No.33996617
Quoted by: >>33996660

The collabs cut off after the taiwan tab, retard.

>> No.33996660


>> No.33996680

Bug hands typed this. Just start the war and kill each other off already, no one would miss you

>> No.33996711

Chinks wipe themselves out of existence? Based needs to happen

>> No.33996720
Quoted by: >>33996858

What does My Little Pony has to do with vtubers?

>> No.33996743

Good morning sirs

>> No.33996764


>> No.33996858

Hololive fans (and the tranny Mori jannie) are like bronies but less creative.

>> No.33996931

Chinks. Literally chinks are the only valid reason for it.
Say any kinds of HoloJP-NijiJP rrat, but there's definitely something weird if the "freedom" EN also got restricted

>> No.33997044

It's entirely on NijiEN at this point. Blocking the Ollie/Selen Apex collab was basically all you need to know, you know HoloID management didn't do it and every other branch of Niji has had Holo collabs

>> No.33997097
Quoted by: >>33999310

>Romeo and Juliet

>> No.33997251

Luxiem flat out has BiliBili channels, never mind the odd Chinese pandering stream on Youtube. It’s fair to say that Chinese viewers are a huge audience and source of income for NijiEN. Do you also want to ignore the discord leak that showed a staff member called “Paul Li”? Or how HoloEN can talk about NijiEN but not the other way around like Pomu showing a clip from Kiara for her Birthday?
It’s also worth noting that they’re collabing with VshojoEN, they haven’t announced a collab with Kson, either due to a lack of interest on either part or because NijiEN’s management is aware of the shitstorm it’d cause.

>> No.33997282

>blocks EN collabs because of chinks
>but not JP collabs even though they are the branch that angered the chinks

>> No.33997322

Holoretards will ignore this post

>> No.33997631

Makes you wonder how retarded EN management, huh?

>> No.33999310
Quoted by: >>33999715

This, Fulgur and Sana were the Romeo and Juliet of vtubing

>> No.33999497

Absolutely true. Unityfags are usually the ilk from leddit or twitter anyways. NijiEN and its fans are specifically atrocious imo.

>> No.33999564

several nijiEN members used to follow kson on twitter but they have all unfollowed her now, most likely they were forced to by managment
also the thing ~3 weeks ago when she was angry as heck was most likely because she got thrown out of the among us collab that happened around that time

>> No.33999715

i thought it was Scarle and Magni

>> No.34002973
Quoted by: >>34006870

Remember the rrat about some former managers for Hololive CN now manage NijiEN and are the ones preventing the collabs from happening?

>> No.34003767
Quoted by: >>34008535

>Or how HoloEN can talk about NijiEN but not the other way around like Pomu showing a clip from Kiara for her Birthday?
NijiEN can talk about HoloEN too just fine. Not sure why you keep on ignoring Pomu's room review stream that was a few days after Kiara's Holobags stream, where Pomu showed off rooms with a bunch of Holo merch and pointed out the merch and said Holos by name.

>> No.34004386

>HoloEN can talk about NijiEN but not the other way around
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.34004565
File: 915 KB, 3512x2000, 1647122268432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloJP and NijiJP collabs still happen regularly... but never on any of the NijiJP channels. They're usually hosted by a third-party like Tamaki or one of the Animare girls, too.

>> No.34004720

Okayu was in Tsukino Mito's totsumachi just recently

>> No.34005268

>Chinese hate Kson with a never ending burning anger
>One of old Nyanners artists announces that she refuses to work with her again since she is Chinese and it was right after Kson was on boarded
You still don't have an explanation.

>> No.34005421

>Another collab beggar thread

>> No.34005862
Quoted by: >>34006870

The fact that JP collabs still happen, as well as Mika and Ollie is a thing, it makes me think that it's just a personal beef between senior managers of their respective EN branches.

>> No.34006870

what about the rrat posted here? >>34002973

>> No.34007022
Quoted by: >>34007174

Yes, let's conveniently ignore that there still exist a sizeable hololive fanbase in the mainland.

>> No.34007174
Quoted by: >>34007448

But they're silenced in fear of getting ganged up on.

>> No.34007448
Quoted by: >>34007492

Ah yes, they're so silenced despite the fact that they still chat about hololive on their forums and upload clips and such on bilibili to this day.

>> No.34007492
Quoted by: >>34007931

I haven't kept up with the chink fans, so I apologize for the outdated info.

>> No.34007931
Quoted by: >>34034882

The antis force pretty much got reduced down to a handful of people over a year ago and they just run bots for their campaigns. The mainland fanbase just went back to business as usual, enjoying the chuubas, and make fun of any copycat antis that try to stir up trouble.

>> No.34008475


>> No.34008535

The block is so obviously on the Holo's side. Vesper was scared he was going to get bonked if he continued talking about an indie vtuber Haruka.

>> No.34008796

Nijisanji biggest market are the chinese, do you really need an explanation beyond that? Seriously asking, maybe you are not aware of the situation or you don't even know Coco, lurk a bit.

>> No.34009091

Then JP and ID wouldn't have been allowed to collab with Holo after the Coco thing. But they have.

>> No.34011513

>mito had a holoshit on her stream yesterday
>several nijis have no problem mentioning or collabing with holos
>nijis are free to collab with vshojo post kson
>theyre the only vtuber company known for collabing with indies and non-vtubers
>somehow gets blamed for china when everyone else but hololive can do business with china
maybe its hololive with its idolshit china-free image to uphold that's doing the blocking

>> No.34012223

>Maybe if Taiwan gets Ukrained
Not happening, if you thought that the performance of the Russians was bad, Taiwan's terrain and preparation offers even more potential for disaster. The chinese know this, any invasions attempt not only won't be clean, it would be really easy to lose, that's why they have not retaken the island in all these years.

>> No.34012365

China has more than a billion people, retard.

>> No.34012563
Quoted by: >>34012930

There is still one way for china to win: infiltrate the government, create a coup, and then declare unity with china. Not sure if it's that easy to do for them though.
They can't afford to use all their troops there. The moment they do, their border with India will also be in shit due to the kashmir conflict

>> No.34012601
Quoted by: >>34013844

>theyre the only vtuber company known for collabing with indies
they aren't
you fucking retard

>> No.34012690
Quoted by: >>34012930

The amount of people doesn't help when you need to send them by boat then climb a cliff to get on to Taiwan. It's a huge chokepoint.

>> No.34012739

>Nijisanji biggest market are the chinese
>lurk a bit
You need to lurk more yourself, Luxiem =/= entire Nijisanji

>> No.34012919

You forgot about Virtua Real with a shit ton of members.

>> No.34012930
Quoted by: >>34013173

Then end that conflict first and go for Taiwan. India has no chance against China.
>What are planes

>> No.34013173
Quoted by: >>34013329

You can't take land by planes, retard. Are you gonna drop tanks from the air?

>> No.34013304
Quoted by: >>34013451

why would NijiEN collab with an inferior brand

>> No.34013329
Quoted by: >>34013640

You use the planes to drop bombs and weaken the enemy's armies and destroy the cliffs so it gets easier for your troops to invade by land. Retard.

>> No.34013451
Quoted by: >>34017293

Most of NijiEN are Hololive rejects, anon...

>> No.34013640

That's a brilliant strategy, anon, please stop posting it so the CCP doesn't see it.

>> No.34013844

why did you cut off the non-vtubers part? And yes they are you faggot

>> No.34013966
Quoted by: >>34023333

gura is the entire entity of holoEN and she doesn't collab with males or china so it's obviously holo that's blocking the collabs

>> No.34014443
Quoted by: >>34014808

As opposed to yours where a country with 1 billion population can't invade an island? Yes, it is.

>> No.34014556
Quoted by: >>34014791

Taiwan has an ICBM that they threatened to use on the Three Gorges Dam if China starts to invade though

>> No.34014791

And? China must have like hundreds of those.

>> No.34014808

Again, amount of people doesn't help. I never said they can't, though, if they stuck with it they'd eventually win. The problem is that it'd be a drawn out invasion and they wouldn't even be able to take land for a while after it started. All the while they'd have to deal with the discontent that's already been brewing because of the lockdowns and the economic sanctions that would ensue. I don't think it's worth it at all.

>> No.34014907
Quoted by: >>34019839

VR's existence never prevented JP or ID collabs

>> No.34015150

>the vtubers hate each other

>> No.34016757
File: 225 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The animare or tamaki collabs aren't that often.
Towa had Chigusa on her channel for channel for 3 korean streams recently. Towa was also a call in guest on her channel for her 3d debut.
Matsuri just played in CR cup with Shina, pov on her channel too of course.
These are just the few off my head. The 3rd party channel thing is a weird thing to bring up.

>> No.34016920

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTusR-ffRjs Tamaki with guest appearances including Aqua and Mea having a song together
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoK35gf17LY Lui on a japanese comedian show that have been doing interviews with holos for months now and were part of the hololive anniversary stream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IquOKaTDZj0 Sora cover collab with some vsingers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNYFusps4I8 Sora holoerror collab with a indi horror chuba
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cb9BCkly7zA FBK Splat with stars and animare.(btw chinks spammed Kuku during this one)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INj54NUgD-4 Splat collab with Mel and 3 smaller chuubas
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYj7D9CZorY Splat collab with VSPO girls
Totsu with holos
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OSZUw6c7tQ short video with azki

>> No.34017293

p sure it's the other way around

>> No.34017408
Quoted by: >>34019457

They could collab, they are just cowards. What would management actually do to them?

>> No.34019457
Quoted by: >>34020025

Kiara already confirmed that there isn't gonna be a nijien holoen collab because of management.

>> No.34019839

My rrat has already been mentioned above. The former managers of HoloCN are now working as NijiEN's managers and they are the ones preventing the collab.

>> No.34020025

I know what she said, I am asking what would management actually do to Kiara or Pomu?
The talents have so much more leverage in this industry especially considering they should have each other's backs.

>> No.34020422

Do you not remember the treatment Coco got upon her return? It's pretty easy for a talent to get blackballed within their company, and good luck speaking out about it on stream with the amount of fans that are willing to take the corpo's side.

>> No.34020957
Quoted by: >>34028042

>non-vtubers part
NTA, no they are not you retard

>> No.34023333


>> No.34023459

Docked pay, lower priority responding to requests, more denials of requests because staff doesn't want to waste time on you, staff may not offer your for sponsorship deals, etc.

>> No.34027566

Not even remotely true

>> No.34028042
Quoted by: >>34031473

yes they are you retard. Hololive ignore 99% of all collabs

>> No.34028402
Quoted by: >>34038271

Fulgur literally noped the fuck out when Kson joined the Ironmouse bday call, and joined again after she finished her call.
Even most of Vshojo fans know all about this, who are u trying to fool, nijifans? There's just no excuses for this.

>> No.34028590

For future reference, reread your posts before you hit send.
If it sounds retarded, you can either rewrite it or just not respond at all instead of looking like an idiot.

>> No.34028695

thread reader actually believed that made up narrative about ironmouse and fulgar and kson lmao

>> No.34028935

>If I said it's a narrative, Holofans won't believe it.
You act as if I don't watch Ironmouse. Especially in her bday stream.
Go get your gift card chink.

>> No.34029152

Yes everyone could just look up the vid on can tell you're a dramabaiting faggot. Could just stop lying about holo's failure at collab begging. Go get your gift card indo holoshill

>> No.34029245

Go back to b2, faggot.

>> No.34029467

Yeah bro, here's the video where he noped out and rejoined back after Kson left. Let the people here judge it.

Remember Kson ranting about 'political reason' after this happened?

>> No.34029813

yeah just looks like you're reaching and looking for a reason to hate niji when all someone did was leave a call. Comedy gold

>> No.34030457
Quoted by: >>34049751

Do you go to a buffet and just mix all the food together in an unidentifiable slop no one wants to eat? Do you put your shit in other peoples soup and think that makes your shit taste better, and not just make the other persons soup taste like shit? No one with any brain WANTS unity because it's just a cope from the losers who can't maintain an audience to leech like no leech has ever leeched before. No Vshojo x Holo unity, no indie corp x indie corp unity, no Stars x Holo unity, no anything x anything unity. Things can be separate and you can still watch them. Go away.

>> No.34031473
Quoted by: >>34031691

Sora collabed with elements garden and other musician, "niji the only company collabed with non-vtuber" don't claim to know shit if you're just a catalognigger you fucking retard

>> No.34031641

Why do they all sound like dub voice actors?

>> No.34031691
Quoted by: >>34031786

pretty sure the claim was they're the only company that's known for doing it and it's true. Quit crying because your attempts at gatekeeping makes hololive look bad.

>> No.34031786

>trying to move goalpost when got called out for his retardation
many such cases

>> No.34031894
File: 7 KB, 203x199, 1592915104003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who watches pomu would know she already has so much people to interact with in niji (mito, amamiya, luca, selen, elira, kyo, seffyna, eli, etc)and non nijis (crunchy hime and pikamee) that kiara is just a fragment of her priorities, calling them romeo and juliet is something only a holo clip watcher would do
yes, they are "friends", yes they exchange messages, you know who else does pomu do that with? everyone else, the only reason people make such a big deal about it is because, yes, you already guessed it, they cannot collab.

>> No.34032041

mito is the first on your list when she was just in her "people i haven't really interacted with"-totsu 1.5 years in

>> No.34032277
Quoted by: >>34033358

As a nijichad, I've only become happier and happier that NijiEN can't collab with Hololive as time has gone by. Their talents are boring and lazy, and their fans are pure idiotic and noxious. There's very little to gain from working with Hololive, so it's better for NijiEN to not waste time and effort trying to make something so pointless happen.

Whatever the reason for the collab ban, it is a blessing in disguise.

>> No.34032720

That's what most english vtubers sound like. It's amazing this thing caught on...

>> No.34033358
Quoted by: >>34033818

>He says this at a time when NijiEN (or their fans) create drama every fucking month.
It's not that I dislike NijiEN, but it's exhausting to open Twitter every fucking time and see retarded chink and kpopies fans malding at Nijisanji.
At least male collab is not treated as a serious fucking business by Hololive.

>> No.34033818

Nice to see that you Nijifags suffered from monthly drama as well

>> No.34034053
Quoted by: >>34036588

I dont believe any of this shit, all it is is NijiEN's manager is Chinese so he refuses NijiEN any mention of hololive to protect the dignity of his homeland

>> No.34034882
Quoted by: >>34036404

do some chinks actually have a soul?

>> No.34035060

hard to swallow red pill

>> No.34035423

>looks to NijiEN
What exactly have they brought?
Selen is still carrying
Luxiem is in hot water half the time
Collabs happen every single day
I really dislike how NijiEN is so scattered.

>> No.34035937

Some insider information for those nijifags too dumb to accept reality:

Kson was gonna participate in Scarratember but declined it after discovering Nijilivers were blocked by their company from showing in the same event as her because she "made political statements in the past".
So Niji management is either full of schizos or full of actual chinese agents.

>> No.34036074
Quoted by: >>34036155

Saying as tons of Vshojo has made very obvious political statements in the past and haven't been blocked out there's really only one option anon

>> No.34036155
Quoted by: >>34036585

>political statement equal to political statement about china

>> No.34036404

nigga some chinks are just your average 4chan poster. They just want to watch cute anime girls without drama

>> No.34036585
Quoted by: >>34037184

If the reason is actual "political statements" then what the other Vshojos have said are political statements and would count. Since they don't then it's just obvious chinkery.

>> No.34036588

But many of NijiEN do mention Hololive. On stream, on twitter, in chat, etc.

>> No.34036633

some faggots say that its holo fault, some others say its niji fault, who knows, the truth is that the talents do communicate quite often from both companies, at twitter and sometimes to say "happy birthday" at youtube like the last time with mito, so, idk, for me its just a communication problem from both companies, or maybe they are just afraid of the fanboys going all mad because you know, brainless fanboys.

>> No.34036700
File: 7 KB, 452x43, the real reason.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34037144

Or, you know, it could be because of picrel

>> No.34036763

VirtuaReal money isnt even all Anycolor because its a joint venture, retard. VR dont even appear in anycolor financials for that reason

>> No.34036787
Quoted by: >>34037144

And she said this, right? Because that's how you know it, right? Links?

>> No.34036799

>blocks EN collabs because of chinks
I'm fairly certain NijiEN specifically has significant chink investment behind it which makes this troublesome. Also, NijiEN would lose permissions to chink games like Genshin and Honkai and probably others. NijiJP doesn't stream these games anyways so losing those permissions doesn't pose a significant problem for them.

>> No.34037012

NijiEN is a branch you fucking idiot, its not a company or subsidiary to have investment. You only can invest in Anycolor.

>> No.34037144

it's one of her members posts, go fuck yourself, it's fucking cheap and it's still there, she said "their" office and afaik many Nijilivers participated on Scarratember.
delusional fags...

>> No.34037150

A bunch of NijiJP still actively play Genshin. Looking at Vrabi for the current month, there are 29 Genshin streams by Niji livers, and only 2 of those streams were from EN.

>> No.34037158

oh no no nijisisters we got exposed
lets report this clip to delete the evidence!

>> No.34037184

ofc it's chinkery, I'm quoting kson you fucking moron. Nijimanagement said it was political, it wobviously wasn't

>> No.34037207
Quoted by: >>34037388

Her members post never said Niji. It could have equally have been Holo, seeing as Magni participated in Scarratember.

>> No.34037219
Quoted by: >>34037388

So, what was posted there? She said it out loud that it was nijis?

>> No.34037388

The post mentioned Scarra/offlinetv telling her they wouldnt have invited ----them--- if they knew of this issue. How many Covercorp livers participated there? 1
I'm done with you faggots, let this be an example of the average Nijifag delusion

>> No.34037423

If Kiara and Pomu collab. I'm betting it'll be an off-collab.

>> No.34037422

What EXACTLY did she say? Are you retarded or you don't want to answer me?

>> No.34037503

"Them" doesn't always refer to a group, it can also refer to a singular person, especially if she doesn't want to disclose their gender.

>> No.34037522
Quoted by: >>34037756

Dumbass, there's no direct mention of Niji or Holo at all. Also, Magni is attending that event, the chance of both companies blocking her is equal.
This """"THEM"""" cope is even ridiculous; all of these event invite needs to go to the company and management first, of the fucking course they will use "THEM" referring a project or company as a whole.

>> No.34037632

So kson didn't mention any company names and that anon automatically assumed it was niji. Now that's how you out yourself as a rabid holobronie!

>> No.34037756
Quoted by: >>34039337

get the membership faggot

>> No.34037874

Thank you for using my clips in the video, and here is a little extra observations I'd like to provide.
While the EN's branches void of collabs is the most apparent, it's also been noticeable that even in the JP branches, external collabs(Nijisanji or otherwise) with Holo also had gone way down after the Taiwan incident.

While some pairs certainly are still good friends with each other on stream (Tokomachi, Haachama and Hoshikawa, Okayu and Shiina), some who used to be very close on stream also suddenly ceased despite some having promised more collabs(MaiSuba, Matsuri and Yashiro, Korone and Flare with Debi, Marine and Hayase). Like on the EN side, some can still drop tidbits that the talents themselves are on good term (Marine cameo'd as Pikachu voice on Hayase's 3D reveal).

But otherwise, Hololive's interaction with the outside had just gone down significantly, since Inuyama Tamaki also had fans asking question why all the Hololive collabs suddenly disappeared. The answer Tamaki gave was that Hololive members are very busy, and yes looking at their schedules this is true to an extent, but this was seasonal as they also showed that "off-season" when there aren't any upcoming concerts, they have significantly much more free time, so it is dubious to think that this "busy" reason would be year-round. Not to mention the fact that some members can freely just drop a 12-hour guerilla stream out of nowhere seems to indicate schedules aren't really a concern.

It is extra noticeable since to this day, Hololive gen 5 and 6 barely had any collabs with anyone outside Holopro, while at the same time Holostars external collabs continue happen on a weekly basis. Though at least this looks to be improving with Tamaki's recent collabs with Lui, Laplus, then one with Aqua after over a year of silence.

But like EN, the blame isn't entirely on Hololive. On Mayuzumi Kai's final totsumachi before graduation, Matsuri came on as a guest and Mayuzumi explicitly stated that the 2 companies relationship hasn't been what it used to be. This is while Mayuzumi himself had stated that he left Nijisanji because of their changes in policies. I would have clipped this moment but unfortunately Mayuzumi requested no clips be made from that particular stream.

> Oboretai on depressed nousagi video

>> No.34037964
Quoted by: >>34041447

>Hololive members are very busy, and yes looking at their schedules this is true to an extent

>> No.34038140
File: 1.34 MB, 2000x1957, 92284861_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2019/2020niggers obsess over their chink PTSD too much. It's not like any of /vt/'s analysis of anything is worth much otherwise, but still.

>> No.34038271

that didnt happen, kson and other 2 left the call after the golf game ended, fulgur joined WAY after they left to join to another game, you are manipulating the facts to fit your narrative, touch some grass dude, you really need it.

>> No.34038287

The mental gymnastics is amazing, the "it could be cover" blocking kson for political reasons in their own words when >>34029467 is a thing and Hololive members are still allowed to mention her name, is just fucking stupid

>> No.34038295

If there's one thing I will always be annoyed at Pomu for, is her innability to keep her Hololive boner inside her panties and starting all this bullshit collab/unity begging and attracting even more Holofags to the group.

>> No.34038345

Kiara talks about Pomu 20x more than Pomu talks about Kiara, the collab begging has always come from Kiara

>> No.34038715

bomu dont talk about kiara that often, what are you talking about.

>> No.34039337

Now, tell me, is there any mention of Scarra/offlinetv or Nijisanji or Hololive?
You fuckers that take her Mengen to attack others with the fucking voice in your head are the true cancer of her fandom.

>> No.34040131
Quoted by: >>34040283

>as the new standard for what vtubing should be.
Such as?

>> No.34040283
Quoted by: >>34040380


>> No.34040335


>> No.34040379 [DELETED] 

Its normal for corpos to do this
I still remember the Highly Budgeted HoloX 3D Concerts that sucks alot of Salami Tourist to Holo.

>> No.34040380
Quoted by: >>34040531

Compared to

>> No.34040531

Not streaming.

>> No.34040583

Because the cultists of each respective company would start sperging in the chat and comments.

>> No.34041447

That’s what Tamaki said bro, you don’t have to agree with it, it’s just what she stated.

>> No.34041546

why was he gone for 3 hours lmao

>> No.34041744

my kamioshi is so popular...
i'm so happy for her

>> No.34042112

>Paul Li

>> No.34044844

I fucking hate how nijichinks keep spinning the narrative about nijisanji EN not being the one blocking the collabs.

>> No.34045006
File: 176 KB, 1034x1462, shiba1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it's also been noticeable that even in the JP branches, external collabs(Nijisanji or otherwise) with Holo also had gone way down after the Taiwan incident.
holobrony is lying as he breathes and trying to rewrite history again huh?

>> No.34045042
File: 230 KB, 1034x1462, shiba2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34045164

What is this comic even attempting to convey? Who's the dog?

>> No.34045171
File: 517 KB, 600x2085, 1628122883692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You whores were the one dropped niji and indies Vtubers first long before the Taiwan chinkshit happens because their refuse to share the newfound audience and want to go to the closed system model like Apple

>> No.34045796
File: 182 KB, 314x354, 1648763982941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to say you're an EOP tourist without saying you're an EOP tourist

>> No.34046792
File: 13 KB, 487x407, 1634681761264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the reason Nijien can't collab with hololive?
My huge fucking cock is in the way, they can't move it so I'm literally cockblocking them from collabs

>> No.34046809
File: 249 KB, 1280x2048, kyo!1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34058877

Lets start from the beginning
>hololive refuses to collab with nijisanji because they see niji as inferior and having low viewers
>this is despite the fact nijisanji helped hololive set up their software for free

>hololive pisses off all of china
>nijisanji starts getting more popular in general
>of course the niji management dont want to start collabing with their cunty competitor who was snubbing them the whole time
>somehow, SOMEHOW, this is niji's fault, according to holobronies...

>> No.34049751

Brand dilution ? What's that?

>> No.34050528

sango collab with matsuri in her channel tho, what are you talking about?

>> No.34053998

>Is it just a meme?
it has always been a meme

>> No.34057048


>> No.34057783

And let's conveniently ignore Suisei literally having a weekly podcast with a non-vtuber, nice.

>> No.34057978
File: 92 KB, 836x1020, cums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34058877
Quoted by: >>34059251

>posts it across several threads
>gets no (you)s since its such obvious bait
>makes the retarded bait into a thread instead
congrats for at least getting some replies in your dogshit bait thread anon

>> No.34058878

ban is EN specific
110000% OMEGATROON is behind it

>> No.34059251

holocuck cope
