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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33937646 No.33937646 [Reply] [Original]

a thread for Calliope Mori and the members of the extended universe

>> No.33937779

Weren't we supposed to get an ASMR for the anniversary? Also more members streams this month?

>> No.33937785
File: 188 KB, 720x1280, 1664029049889192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori cute

>> No.33937784

I agree with whoever in the last thread recommended adding guests to CHADcast. It doesn't need to be every episode, just whenever the stars align would be a fun treat.

>> No.33937805

Next week

>> No.33937848
Quoted by: >>33937925

Yeah I dunno what happened to the ASMR

>> No.33937857

I’m kinda surprised they haven’t had any guests yet

>> No.33937862


>> No.33937872

144p Mori cute

>> No.33937881 [SPOILER] 
File: 913 KB, 942x1119, angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33937948

Mori MUST kiss Lui

>> No.33937904
File: 424 KB, 900x750, 1664023008328013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to love your Mori

>> No.33937913
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Previous thread: >>33903376

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_qhgtOy0dy1Agp8vkySQg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVMXGuIznvk
Upcoming stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCxD1xB4tls

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
//// Stream The World's Continuation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmoOgPsSPTI

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
NEW! – Shinigami Note vinyl [Limited Edition]

New Underworld Order
July 21, 2022 @ Toyosu PIT
//// Audio-only archive: https://mega.nz/file/tekVTYxD#mwPhQyElULKBNnCF3JRemaTb2zK2riViOxLC8Lu8vnw

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.33937925
Quoted by: >>33938075

Next week. You’re retarded if you expected it her to do it on a day when she had 2 other streams and without the advance notice of putting it on a schedule.

>> No.33937948
File: 571 KB, 2060x1440, j4lhay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they MUST kiss me

>> No.33937983

She said on or close to. At the very least we should be getting some kind of members stream in the next couple of days. Maybe Monday since I think she’s finally done with collabs by then?

>> No.33938075

She plays fast and loose with schedules and had done 3 streams on one day before. It's not like she's doing an endurance stream or something.

>> No.33938104

some guests from outside of hololive would be great

>> No.33938161


>> No.33938201


>> No.33938217

Absolutely fucking "no" unless it's someone like Ado

>> No.33938223

Unless it was literally me I don't want that.

>> No.33938229

maybe so

>> No.33938265

I'd love it if ironmouse could guest

>> No.33938312
Quoted by: >>33938367

I want Chadcast sex
with me

>> No.33938367

With me? I dunno anon, I'm kinda tired from banging your mom

>> No.33938380

You’ve convinced me, I change my answer from no to no unless it’s literally Ado.

>> No.33938491

shame she isn't real and is just a vocaloid

>> No.33938545

What's wrong with Amalee and Milky as guests?

>> No.33938587
Quoted by: >>33939252

They should definitely do Holo guests first, but someone like Ironmouse or Miori could be cool

>> No.33938605
Quoted by: >>33938703

What about people associated with hololive or with the CHADs, like mama mori or AneRyS?

>> No.33938630


Nothing wrong, but I would agree that other Holos should be their first guests.

>> No.33938642
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33938653
Quoted by: >>33938807

For what purpose? Mori and Bae could just go on SoTD again together if they really wanted something like that. No need to involve IRyS who hasn’t shown any interest in something like that.

>> No.33938661

Just keep it as a non guest kinda show.

>> No.33938679

Ironmouse collabs are awkward at this point honestly. Last one was a bad decision

>> No.33938703

>"So Calli says you two like Monopoly. That's great, I adore Monopoly. We should all play it together sometime!"

>> No.33938714

No unless it's Ado or their Moms. Or Dads. No Reaper Sis.

>> No.33938739
Quoted by: >>33938822

Yeah I don't think we can go back to that.

>> No.33938741

Welp, that's not a good sign for those who like streams.

>> No.33938767
Quoted by: >>33939006

Damn I guess break extended?

>> No.33938769
Quoted by: >>33938855

The last one was the one with Bae right? Was it that bad?

>> No.33938786

My mori is resting.

>> No.33938807

If irys doesnt want mouse on the chadcast, fair enough. I wasn't operating on the assumption that was the case.

>> No.33938815


>> No.33938822

Also, IM kinda runs out of things to talk about fast. Milky and Monarch at least can talk about Music and other things they bond together.

Even during the other stream, IM is just kinda complementing her ad infinitum.

>> No.33938828
Quoted by: >>33938947

I fucking knew this would fucking happen.
Fuck you Mori and fuck your shit.

>> No.33938833
File: 18 KB, 243x253, stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of your white girl tweets, Mori
just do your thing, you don't have to tweet shit like this

>> No.33938855

The Bae one was great

>> No.33938876
Quoted by: >>33939030

I'm glad she's resting but really hope it's not her Ayame arc where it becomes a hobby

>> No.33938879

She can't help her nature

>> No.33938933
Quoted by: >>33939094

I mean I appreciate an update to know we won’t be getting regular schedules anytime soon. I can’t complain about Mori getting more rest. I just hope her friends aren’t putting weird ideas in her head.

>> No.33938947

Guys... You need to calm down. It's likely that she just had fun with some friends.

It also says see you guys soon. She's just telling what she's experienced so far.

>> No.33938979

What the fuck are you niggers seething about now? She's taking it easy, like the majority of her fans want her to.

>> No.33939006
Quoted by: >>33939224

It's a fairly open ended tweet, but I gather that's the implication. She may just be streaming a light load though.

I hope the decision she reaches is that she really misses America,she consistently expresses more joy when she's there.

>> No.33939016

The thing is for a variety podcast particularly one that has minimal structure like this one you need to be careful about guests. You kinda need to structure around them or risk the guest just sitting there unable to converse. If Amalee was the guest and the entire podcast was just about anime songs then all four would have lots to say and everything is grand. But if the topic shifts to something the guest has no experience with they can just end up sitting there kind of being superfluous.

>> No.33939030
Quoted by: >>33939142

Mori is nothing like Ayame

>> No.33939040

She (mori and other side) prefers to collab with non-hololive streamers, but all of her collaborations were awkward.
I think that's why she is called an Ecelebs simp.
Obviously, her mentality is not balanced by her current popularity.

>> No.33939050

No one is seething except the one schizo that thinks America is evil or something.

>> No.33939053
File: 133 KB, 857x1200, stare2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33939108

I know she's taking it easy
I don't really want to read shit about "finding love for your work", since I have enough of my aunts posting shit like this on their facebook timeliness as they hit the midlife crisis

>> No.33939085
Quoted by: >>33939158

So I guess less streams in America? I wonder if she'll go back to no schedules.
At least she's finally taking it easy now.

>> No.33939094

Oh they are
There will be a Mario Party Collab in the future

>> No.33939108
Quoted by: >>33939135

That's a (You) problem.

>> No.33939130

She's learning to slow down! She's really doing it! Go, Mori! Go! (But don't go too hard or too fast.)

>> No.33939135

you like reading shit like this?

>> No.33939142

Wrong, they both have sex with me

>> No.33939158

Not really that point. Maybe it's an allusion to taking more time to be there than an actual extension.

This might be the 4-month thing. Where she returns to Japan just in time for the next sololive.

>> No.33939159

It doesn't bother me, if that's what you're trying to get at.

>> No.33939198

I don't have a conniption when reading an innocuous post, no.

>> No.33939224

The tweet is basically saying "Mori in US = less Mori"
If that's what you want, you do you I guess. I understand, but am kind of sad that she's basically setting herself into Suisei levels of streams

>> No.33939232

Reminder that people have life updates that read worse than this and managed to not only be a nothing burger, but the start of a great thing.

>> No.33939240

She said she loved streaming, that it wasn't work.
Now she needs to "find love for her work"?

>> No.33939242
Quoted by: >>33939403

To truly love her, you need to get the right distance from her.
The more you know about her, the more you feel mori's statements to be false.

>> No.33939252

Here's your (you). Maybe add a homo or two to the list next time if you want to tick all of the talking points.

>> No.33939254
Quoted by: >>33939303

NTA but I would be annoyed if mori became one of those "inspirational" Instagram account types, who just say platitudes and hector people.

>> No.33939303

Again, sounds like a (You) problem.

>> No.33939311

How TF did you even manage to conclude that?

>> No.33939318

This feels like a cover for when she's doing reaper business the next couple months. She's only "taking it easy" for Mori work

>> No.33939324

>some purple prose bs
>but it amounts to just getting people to pat your head for doing less
it's honestly one of the most annoying traits of celebrities of any kind

>> No.33939356

I'm happy it seems like she's taking a real break for once, not going to lie though it's going to be shitty if we don't get any kind of membership anniversary stream. I was really looking forward to that.

>> No.33939370
Quoted by: >>33939494

That's reading an incredible amount into it. I doubt mori is implying that whenever she's in the US she wont stream in some kind of projectable sense. If she relocated there she may stream a bit less, but who knows

>> No.33939403

I'm just thinking the exact same thing.
I love mori but can't stand that she brings antis from another place to mori's streams.

>> No.33939404
Quoted by: >>33939530

This whole fucking thread is calcium deficient. Drink your milk and quit doomposting.

>> No.33939407

nta, but
>"gonna be taking it slow"
>no schedule
>collab spam
>falling behind on member streams again
>second base ended up obviously untested as predicted

though I said US Mori gonna be ass and it's looking like it's gonna be ass, so if anything I just feel validated again

>> No.33939410

Maybe you haven't been here long enough but the "Suisei level streams" should be an indicator that this guy is a threadshitter

>> No.33939429
Quoted by: >>33939696

Every issue anyone has with anyone is a (you) problem. That proves nothing either way.

>> No.33939494

Her friends can't be away from their jobs forever, once they leave she'll probably start streaming more again.

>> No.33939524

>"I think I’m gonna be taking it slow here in America."
Literally here? She took a break and probably decided she wants to go out with friends more than stream in the US

>> No.33939530

I will toast a glass of cow juice to our Mori for actually realizing the purpose of a break. Two years of steady activity, with more planned, but she is taking a few weeks at a reduced pace. There is nothing to complain about.

>> No.33939548
Quoted by: >>33939696

That you have no problem reading drivel is a (you) problem.

>> No.33939591
Quoted by: >>33939636


>> No.33939622

As the other anon said, said friends have lives of their own that they'll have to return to soon. Take your meds.

>> No.33939632
File: 360 KB, 372x500, 1660462411821490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33939724

If it's good for her mental health, and she's finally relaxing it sounds good to me. We've had a lot of content these past few months and she hasn't really taken a real break all year.

>> No.33939635

>uses EoaL picture
>EoaL meant absolutely nothing in terms of changing herself in the end
So nothing to worry about, she's just spouting white girl "profound" shit

>> No.33939636

This was a great bit.

>> No.33939646

calcium issue

>> No.33939649
Quoted by: >>33939973

I guess the realization of the strat of playing just random shit she wants and spamming out songs no longer bringing easy numbers ended up frustrating her
turns out the streaming gotta be treated as work after all, unless she's on her rm side

>> No.33939654

I don't know how someone with a work ethic like Mori managed to attract the laziest replets with abandonment issues. None of you faggots are going to make it if you're this dependent on her streaming that you think her taking it easy means she's going to stop streaming altogether.

>> No.33939690
File: 1.24 MB, 1000x715, buffbeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33939722

Not me, I drink my milk and do my nihongo reps

>> No.33939696
Quoted by: >>33939796

NTA but the fact you project your hatred of those types onto Mori is unironically a (You) problem. Not everyone is as schizo as you.

>> No.33939716

That's not being lazy, that's being dumb. And I doubt half these posts are real.

>> No.33939721
File: 311 KB, 1008x720, 85793429108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33939722

Swolebeat, I kneel…

>> No.33939724

>We've had a lot of content these past few months and she hasn't really taken a real break all year.
Also we have 2 more streams in the next 24 hours, I can get the idea that if you like solo streams it's not the best but for a break this is fucking great.

>> No.33939732

yeah, I'm sure she'll uphold the 3/month member stream goal this time

>> No.33939759

Is there anyone in this world who thinks this is not a cover story?

>> No.33939765
Quoted by: >>33940008

Deadbeat culture changed in-between this and last year.
There are idiots around here to still take bait, people who don't do reps and people caring about Mori's image in /vt/

>> No.33939791

Wtf is going on?

>> No.33939796
Quoted by: >>33939927

I said "if" for a reason. The odds of mori becoming annoying like that are extremely low, but if she did I wouldn't welcome the development.

>> No.33939826
Quoted by: >>33939896

Mori stirring the pot with a completely unnecessary white girl tweet
give it a bit, it'll pass

>> No.33939844

Idiots being armchair psychologists again.

Mori just said that she'll see us soon. People being idiots and biting the bait.

>> No.33939896
Quoted by: >>33939933

You type like an obsessed gossiping white bitch more than Mori ever would.

>> No.33939912

>Also we have 2 more streams in the next 24 hours
Yeah collabs.

>> No.33939927
Quoted by: >>33940250

>doomposting over hypotheticals

>> No.33939933

shave your pits, smelly ho

>> No.33939947

Yeah, she just took a real fuckign break for once and hung out with non-work related friends. Honestly she's probally still going to be working since she said before she will be working on her MV while in the states a lot more.

>> No.33939951

these nostrils?

>> No.33939952

"see you soon" means "goodbye for now" you ESL

>> No.33939962

Looks like you didn’t read the rest of his post you absolute retard

>> No.33939964

Read the rest of the sentence, anon.

>> No.33939973 [DELETED] 

It's funny how Ecelebs Friends ( like connor) stopped contacting her as soon as mori's popularity dropped.
I don't think rm should have had so much media exposure. The appeal of the work can never be more than the appeal of the creator.

>> No.33939974

Blah blah blah, graduation imminent. Just fuck off already.

>> No.33939976

Yeah, collabs. With the EN girls. The thing that this thread spent the last month crying about her not doing enough of.

>> No.33939985
Quoted by: >>33940446

I don't really think she has much love for it anymore like she did a year ago. She loves and feels obligation to her fans, but spending time at random concerts and with non-Hololive friends has her realizing she has more fun with that than streaming

>> No.33940008
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, gaskwang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replets all over the shop.. You'll be one of them, sooner or later..

>> No.33940016

Sisreap influencing her to be a hedonist

>> No.33940041

You all can be so insufferable sometimes

>> No.33940080
File: 2.88 MB, 380x360, AAAAAAAA[sound=https%3A%2F%2Fz.zz.fo%2FGvPEr.ogg][sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1i3t6p.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33940103

>and love for my work

>> No.33940102

Its just the usual menherabeats throwing a fit over nothing, and threadshitters hitching on for the ride. Give it a day.

>> No.33940103


>> No.33940129

2 Streams? I only see Pico Park, what else am I missing?

>> No.33940137

EN/ID Amogus tomorrow

>> No.33940142

Mogus stream

>> No.33940147

chadcast was postponed so it should be soon?

>> No.33940168

Pay more attention to the style of posting its like 2 people complaining, 10 people telling them to fuck off and a couple just saying she's finally taking a break seriously. doesn't take more than a couple of people to shit the thread up temporarily during slow hours.

>> No.33940167 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>33940236

I would believe her about "taking it easy" if she didn't jump at every single opportunity to do non-Hololive appearances in the US. Cancel a couple of those if you really want to unwind

>> No.33940172
Quoted by: >>33940208

Fuck you too.

>> No.33940208

I’ll fuck you til you love me, brittlebeat.

>> No.33940230

Membership anniversary stream this month?

>> No.33940236

Those are over a month away and take up at most a couple of days.

>> No.33940249


>> No.33940250

Someone else raised the hypothetical, a second person said "its fine if the hypothetical happens," I disagreed with the second person. That's it.

>> No.33940279


>> No.33940306

>Mori actually takes a real break for once
>Schizos begin freaking out

Workaholic finnaly got pulled away from work and convinced to relax and reflect, this is a good thing.

>> No.33940361
Quoted by: >>33940511

>less streams
>But they're all 8hr+ streams
This is what will happen instead.

>> No.33940378

the real break she needs is from twitter/SNS in general
both so she stops reading and posting stupid shit

>> No.33940418

>"Real break"
I don't believe it until the insomnia and anxiety are less. She's still up on social media at ungodly hours

>> No.33940421

It's hilarious, no actual proof that she's stopping streams while in America.

>> No.33940441

It’s time to accept that it’s never going to happen she’s terminally online

>> No.33940446

I miss the days when mori tweeted anything other than regular announcements. Now all the information we need is on the other side, but unfortunately doxbeats are happy about it.

>> No.33940453
Quoted by: >>33940532

>ungodly hours
It’s noon.

>> No.33940460

You're posting this when she's been radio silent besides retweeting collab streams and her new songs. This isn't even threadreading anymore. You're literally making up bullshit.

>> No.33940470
File: 187 KB, 2048x1448, F2E1706E-2050-4D05-83EC-C5890A1CE771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33940808

>The deadbeat seem a bit restless since the last tweet Watson
>yeaaa well I guess it’s understandable. Their mom was also a bit restless last night too
>Oh wow that was a funny joke . Back to you Watson

>> No.33940471
Quoted by: >>33940507

I'll believe it's a real break when it happens. Further it's not the break we care about, but "need to find love for my work"

>> No.33940473

Besides Pico Park, what's the other one?

>> No.33940493

Have you considered that she has a different sleeping schedule?

>> No.33940495
Quoted by: >>33940574

>She's still up on social media at ungodly hours
Is she? Seems she's back to a normal sleeping schedule, or at least staying off social media past midnight.

>> No.33940507


>> No.33940511

If they are games she enjoys that's not an issue. She has said streaming relaxes her and if it's something she doesn't feel obligated to do because it's on a schedule I'd still call it a break.

>> No.33940532
Quoted by: >>33940575

Not now, the last week. She was up and tweeting about the Watame song at like 3AM her time

>> No.33940574

This morning she was liking tweets 5 hours after the last tweets she liked last night.

>> No.33940575
Quoted by: >>33940652

>she’s still up at ungodly hours
>not now, last week

>> No.33940583 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 850x1275, 1658891953010958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people really want steam gift cards huh.

>> No.33940594
Quoted by: >>33940667

Just skip to the part where you again exclaim about her graduation and kindly fuck off.

>> No.33940652

"The last week" = the current week, anon.

>> No.33940667

nobody is doing that because this isn't an anti raid, you fuck off to an echo chamber

>> No.33940716 [DELETED] 

Your obsession for that gift card is showing rn

>> No.33940717 [DELETED] 

She calls the stream as mori a obligatory job and the stream as rm a venting
This fact just makes me sad.

>> No.33940756

"Raid" may be a bit much if there's just a couple of yo out, but you're definitely antis of some kind. Or at least extremely fragile beats

>> No.33940804

Anyone who thinks 4chan is supposed to be a hatebox is a tourist. Go back.

>> No.33940808


>> No.33940819

If someone can't accept that the rm is a human being and feels ups and downs throughout her life, that guy is a genuine anti.

>> No.33940865
Quoted by: >>33941067

I'm fully expecting a rm project to be announced in October or November and make this tweet sound completely disingenuous

>> No.33940868

Nobody is hating, there is not a hatebox of any kind in this thread. You are too sensitive if you think anything in this thread is hate.

>> No.33940888

Go to your echo chamber where you can get nothing but good news.

>> No.33940910

You calling anyone else sensitive when you and your ilk are melting down over perceived "white girl tweets" is hilarious.

>> No.33940929

Do you really think the thread is like this normally? You blend in like a polar bear in the jungle.

>> No.33940932

You could just say Mori here. Why do you need to be a fucking faggot about it?

>> No.33940951 [DELETED] 

How many more gift cards do you like? I'll double whatever Sylvie offered.

>> No.33940970 [DELETED] 

Yeah, okay. How many posts do you make for a card? Just curious how cheap you are compared to an indian.

>> No.33940992
File: 422 KB, 403x568, copium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For now I'm just going to huff this and hope what she meant by posting that eoal image is that she's putting the second job back into hibernation after her obligations are fulfilled to focus on the main. Twitch went to shit now anyway from what I've heard.

>> No.33940996
Quoted by: >>33941093

I am insulting that "work" is something she has to "find love for". It's all her own doing.

>> No.33940997

Yea I'm good, see you in a few for Pico park

>> No.33941014 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 103x109, adeadbeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey meido, you ever think about deleting the bait, and not the meme responses telling the bait to fuck off?
Just a thought, you know

>> No.33941049

I just don't like where this is heading.

>> No.33941051
File: 597 KB, 1169x1965, 1663069824056745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33941167

What you really need is some of this.

>> No.33941062

"everything I don't agree with is bait" the post

>> No.33941067

Sorry, but neither antis nor fans thinks this isn't a cover story.

>> No.33941093 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>33941144

Of course it's an ESL nigger misinterpreting something.

>> No.33941106
File: 290 KB, 1480x2048, 1662188730689236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33941130

Thread going to shit, guess I'll toss in a Mori before closing the tab

>> No.33941119

>Twitch went to shit now anyway from what I've heard
Yeah, one of the few Twitch streamers I watch and someone who's been there forever was fully fed up with the culture and was actually talking about YT

>> No.33941121 [DELETED] 

The meido makes the bait

>> No.33941130


>> No.33941144 [DELETED] 

Oh ffs janny

>> No.33941153

Can't you turn off most of the bullshit? Just not participate in the culture?

>> No.33941167

Can you give me enough to last till Mori comes back?

>> No.33941188
Quoted by: >>33941223

Twitch is shitting the bed right now and if there was anything like a youtube prime everyone on twitch who didn't exclusively do react content would immediately switch to youtube.

>> No.33941192
File: 75 KB, 253x273, 1659869996767344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll be on in 3 hours, dude.

>> No.33941197
Quoted by: >>33941353

you're gonna need 3 hours worth

>> No.33941198

It is a bit of a long time coming that she relooks at her workload and how she needs to balance it with the rest of her life. Watching streams from earlier this year, Mori was seriously considering skipping doctor appointments for a chronic health condition that ended up requiring surgery because she had so much work to do.
The way she pumps out work is pretty insane too. Most music artists wait years between releases of major albums. Releasing an EP and a Album a year is generally considered busier than usual for the average artist, two albums and a EP is absolutely insane, not to mention the rest of the work she was doing.
She even mentioned in a member's stream a while back that she was on the way to burnout if she didn't change things.
I'm a "selfish" content guzzler so obviously I'm always going to want more, but getting more would require Mori to actually be in a mindset to actually want to make more, so a hiatus from burnout to meet perceived demand would actually be worse off in the long run.

>> No.33941216
File: 288 KB, 829x309, 1650199483911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ stop responding already

>> No.33941221

No, I'm saying I can't stand it when she acts like a morbid teenager.
She must not have a short career, so how long is she going to complain about antis?

>> No.33941223
Quoted by: >>33941380

Isn't that what memberships are? I don't know twitch.

>> No.33941238
Quoted by: >>33941974

For Pico Park?

>> No.33941239
File: 522 KB, 4092x2893, 1664038140040801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meido's on the field and what's this, he's sacking his own team!
Must be the heat, they should get out on the field and get them some good water, keep their head in the game
Now back to you, Watson

>> No.33941256
File: 2.70 MB, 500x281, 1662937418405528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33941276

Yes, yes, only positive echos in this thread. No other opinions allowed.

>> No.33941284
Quoted by: >>33941310

You really don't have your "own" chat at Twitch. Almost every single chat gets infested with idiots spamming about the latest "drama" and asking streamers their opinion of it. YT is unironically much better in that regard

>> No.33941289

They take half your paycheck now compared to YouTube taking 30%

>> No.33941310

Can't you ban them? Mute them?

>> No.33941337
Quoted by: >>33941397

One at a time, sure.

>> No.33941346
Quoted by: >>33941686

I thought that wasn't until next year and only certain huge streamers who have had specialty deals since near the beginning were going to be affected.

>> No.33941353
File: 467 KB, 621x690, 4352345352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was a reasonable dosage to request since it's obvious a lot of anons need some right now too.

>> No.33941371

They are also basically telling their top streamers "Hey don't worry you can make back the money by spamming ads!" which uhhh wouldn't be that bad if it was 1 or 2 at a time but it's like 4 - 8 from what I've seen

>> No.33941380

On twitch everyone with amazon prime gets a free subscription every month (subs are the twitch version of youtube memberships) Free to them, but money in the pocket of whoever they use it on. Nearly half of xQc's subs are prime subscriptions. It's probably the single best tool they have for retaining e celebs at this point.

>> No.33941397

Well I would think a big streamer would have a team of mods doing that, but it's also as simple as not responding to it. Same as all the girls when chat is begging them to talk about some other drama on youtube.

>> No.33941442
Quoted by: >>33941509

Viewers aren't as constant as YouTube, people are constantly clicking in and out of streams on a website purely dedicated to streaming like Twitch. You ban one idiot talking about drama and then another one will immediately hop in from another stream a couple minutes later

>> No.33941448
File: 10 KB, 180x200, 1658471310345532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make her crunchier

>> No.33941509
Quoted by: >>33941691

Well then just ignore it. You'd have to do that all the time with a chat anyway.

>> No.33941564
File: 1.53 MB, 1378x2023, 1661991503954908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essaybeat with the correct take

>> No.33941568

Since we got to the going crazy about one (1) tweet stage do your Reaper vs Sheep reps.

>> No.33941579

It's just stupid that she abandoned her yt channel and launched her twitch channel.
Even ironmouse is already interested in moving yt.

>> No.33941582
Quoted by: >>33944578

Yes I agree, her perspective on work is really fucked up. I don't know who she's comparing herself to that releases so much music.

>> No.33941585

I think most musicians spend a lot of time touring though, since they don't make much money from music sales/music streaming. But touring isn't really something she can do (as Mori anyway)

>> No.33941601

Was it Jerma?

>> No.33941655

All Twitch has over youtube at this point for streaming is the ease of browsing streams. If YouTube just adds a feature to browse streams by game/tag they win.

>> No.33941685
Quoted by: >>33941772

Yeah mori releases like 4 or 5 albums worth of music in the last 2 years on top of her day job, and all the other shit in her life.

>> No.33941686

Well they are already taking at least half the money you make unless you're one of said big streamers. And if you're not in the "partner program" (which is something they decide on a case by case basis) they take even more

>> No.33941691
Quoted by: >>33941756

It takes an amazing streamer to
1.interact with chat a lot as to build a community and also glean some good content off interaction with them
2.ignore negativity and raids from other chats/communities
3.balance these two things while also addressing certain problems verbally while ignoring others

>> No.33941690


>> No.33941720

I like how people took a tweet about getting work-life balance is "doom" for her career.

People who unironically think they can turn their hobby into a job are the first to get stung by the realization that it cannot be. You need to take jobs seriously, no matter how good or bad it makes you feel.

>> No.33941727

And better chat latency.

>> No.33941741
Quoted by: >>33943127

Our expert on hydration says Gatorade is waaay better than water.

>> No.33941756
Quoted by: >>33941882

Yeah, well I don't think those parts would be as hard as just being entertaining enough to get people to watch you.

>> No.33941772
Quoted by: >>33941926

well the producers deserve some credit too...

>> No.33941776


>> No.33941874

I think it already is implemented, it's just in a weird place. If you click on the name of the game im the description it will get you on the YouTube site for that game and I don't know if it's possible to get there any other way

>> No.33941876
Quoted by: >>33941980

I agree, but if that means more raids it wouldn't be an unalloyed good. The top streamers on twitch are basically a monoculture because of all the people hopping between them, and a lot of those viewers arent really part of a community in the way Mori's audience is. I hope the algorithm helps youtube avoid that issue while making browsing more convenient.

>> No.33941882
Quoted by: >>33941943

You could be the most entertaining person in the world with a dedicated and friendly audience, but on Twitch you'd still get chat hoppers trying to make things about drama. It's literally like a cancerous soap opera that's somehow reality

>> No.33941926

Absolutely, and all the other production side folks

>> No.33941943
Quoted by: >>33942057

well I don't see how someone who is in the top 1% can't have a mod crew that mutes people quick enough that the streamer couldn't ignore it.

>> No.33941967 [DELETED] 

She had to have Twitch account in order to participate in connor's JK competition.


>> No.33941974


>> No.33941980

YouTube having video as well as streaming content deters a lot of the problems Twitch has. Instead of clicking another stream to bring shit into that chat, there's a good chance they click a random food or cat video instead

>> No.33942057 [DELETED] 

Connor had a video where he and his mod looked at banned people to unban. People in his chat got away with an incredible amount and a lot of deeply inappropriate behavior got forgiven, and the youtube comments were full of people saying his mod was way too draconian.

>> No.33942064

I really don't understand it. We're still getting her in ~3 hours. What triggered this situation?

People have to remember that these vtubers are not machines.

>> No.33942108

>What triggered this situation?
ridiculously overanalyzing every tweet and thinking she's an anime character and not a human being

>> No.33942113

She's finally taking a real goddamn break, so I'm satisfied

>> No.33942138

This. For God's sake, Suzy and Marine already broke their throats just for people to be happy.

>> No.33942152

Don't believe that for a second.

>> No.33942159

the thing she should slow down is her music, not her streams though
she's already running into issue of themes being repetitive and tired, the SN additionally tossed in a problem of lacking a standout track (with a heavy maybe on Mera Mera)
if she keeps singing about same things with similar vocal profile and like 3-4 recongizable track styles, she'll just become the vtuber equivalent of Nickelback

>> No.33942184

It's desperate threadshitters constantly monitoring this thread trying to make mountains out of molehills. It's not so much a raid, but they're regulars here too now.

>> No.33942202
Quoted by: >>33942242

Even looking at the other's portfolio, her EP's prior to the current one have wildly different themes.

>> No.33942242
Quoted by: >>33942360

its literally only SN that has the issue, though.

>> No.33942252

eh. She just needs to go back to what she was doing before Hololive; Story-driven EP's that have unique themes.

>> No.33942269

>What triggered this situation?
My guess would be a combination of threadshitters and uncertainty. Mori has a way with words.

>> No.33942272
Quoted by: >>33942310

Yes, everyone who disagrees with you and isn't saying positive things is a threadshitter.

>> No.33942280

Yeah the last one before holo was fucking great.

>> No.33942310
Quoted by: >>33942382

You seem awfully defensive anytime someone calls you out, threadshitter.

>> No.33942317

that's the thing tho, the unique themes were fueled by the instability of her life at the time, now that she's pretty much set she needs to slow down and actually think what she's writing/singing about, impulse writing over same batch of problems just makes every track have less and less of an impact

>> No.33942341
Quoted by: >>33942424

No but he did talk about it recently.

>> No.33942360
Quoted by: >>33942485

Pretty much. Even the newer releases outside holo have different themes.

and before some bloke says it's "owning the haters" again. The last song she did was about the struggles of being a content creator.

In the beginning your idea of being given a platform starts out "noble", only to realize that it becomes a chase to not be forgotten.

>> No.33942361

So what would the stories be about then? Iirc, the Unalive album was supposed to be her personal story.

>> No.33942382
Quoted by: >>33942605

You seem to not have anything to disprove what I said. I think your discord echo chamber is missing you.

>> No.33942394

Yeah, it felt a bit overly dramatic and using the EoaL picture is always going to elicit emotions

>> No.33942402

>We're still getting her in ~3 hours

>> No.33942415

Yeah, we know she's going to be in the States for a while, and while I'm fine with her taking an actual break I'd much rather have some kind of timeframe for it

>> No.33942424

It's going to come to youtube. They already give an option to manually run an ad during streams now.

>> No.33942485
Quoted by: >>33942570

anon, that's been her theme for a year now, it's very much into the "repeating yourself" territory
we get it, fame hard
what now?

>> No.33942512

They really should fucking quit twitch. They want to have cake and eat it. They were lapping up revenue during the pandemic, and now they unironically want more?

Fuck 'em.

>> No.33942524

What happened to the membership anniversary ASMR? 3 member streams a month?

>> No.33942570

no, you don't get it. It's not about fame. It's about the paradox of being you vs changing priorities.

>> No.33942605
Quoted by: >>33942685

I wish you fags would show some balls and actually post this directly to Mori instead of hiding behind anonymity. As of now, I don't see a single reply under her tweet expressing anything said in this thread. If you won't do that, you're proving to me that you don't actually care about providing her criticism, but only care to shitpost on a Mongolian origami forum.

>> No.33942623

>They were lapping up revenue during the pandemic, and now they unironically want more?
The quarterly profits have to go up anon, even if it means burning the company down.

>> No.33942656

Yeah Mori is taking a break but she is not taking a break.

>> No.33942670
File: 175 KB, 514x282, 1643940940865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Mori should go the Reine route and write some songs commanding me to love only her and lust over only her. That would be a new topic.

>> No.33942685
Quoted by: >>33942905

im not any of these concern losers but if I was there is no chance I would ever fire this shit out into somewhere she could actually see it. some comment rando isn't going to change things she's spending countless hours of her life thinking about and evaluating and the absolute best case scenario is you manage to not come off like some whining anti and she ignores the message. literally only negatives could come from anyone posting this shit at her

>> No.33942746
Quoted by: >>33942798

I hate twitch.
I even cancelled yt channel when she plans to stream on twitch.
I don't understand why Ecelebs and simps can't stop loving that retarded platform, I'm not saying YT is perfect, but better.

>> No.33942798

It's a much better platform if you want to communicate with your community while streaming. Chat (the tech behind it, not "chat culture") is MUCH better on twitch.

>> No.33942905
Quoted by: >>33943254

Correct on all counts, but there's no way that it was genuine advice for the shitters. More of a "do it you wont" kind of dare to make an ass out of themselves in front of mori.

>> No.33943003

True, but if youtube fixed the latency and stuttering their chat would blow twitch's out of the water. All the emotes and stuff fuck with readability pretty bad compared to YouTube's more minimalist design.

>> No.33943012
Quoted by: >>33943218

Take your meds nigga

>> No.33943056
Quoted by: >>33943218

So do the rest of us and we're not losing our shit over it.

>> No.33943062

Maybe you guys love Morbo a little too much…

>> No.33943079
Quoted by: >>33943213

>mori is going to rest.
Apparently I need to turn off other side's Twitter notifications.
I don't want my phone to be hitachi.

>> No.33943104
Quoted by: >>33943164

Look, sometimes a deadbeat gotta concern aight? It'll pass.

>> No.33943125
Quoted by: >>33943200

Also game integration. DMCA is also less of an issue on twitch. Unless you are directly targeted you will never get a live DMCA hit. Youtube has automated shit for live streams, and will warn you when it detects DMCA audio. On twitch the worst that happens generally is your vod gets auto muted during that time.

>> No.33943127
File: 544 KB, 694x718, 1661582365772933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire that expert; he's full of shit and I bet he'd be really easy to catch by surprise and murder in the principal's office

>> No.33943164

There's concern, such as "Mori should take a few days at a spa," then there's "concern" like "(blatant off-topic posting and timeloops)"

>> No.33943200

>Unless you are directly targeted you will never get a live DMCA hit.

This is a problem for vtubers, though. Especially big ones.

>> No.33943213

Is that the Japanese beatboxer who became a youtuber?

>> No.33943218
File: 847 KB, 4896x3264, 72476454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33943255
Quoted by: >>33943306

Members sex asmr soon

>> No.33943254
Quoted by: >>33943410

If your immediate thought is that it would make an ass out of themselves, doesn't that prove these type of posts are made by assholes who aren't worth listening to? I want people to have conviction and stand by their views even if it's against the status quo. If you care this much about being piled on and your reputation being ruined, you're no better than a redditor who has to add a disclaimer because they're afraid of downvotes.

>> No.33943261
File: 618 KB, 800x1080, Do You Want Some of This[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ferdoqb.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33943428

C'mere, you.

>> No.33943267
File: 122 KB, 630x265, lui no oshiri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other news, it's been almost 8 hours of Lui doing the fucking Pyro Jack shit in Nocturne
Someone save her, please

>> No.33943306

As much as I want it right now, if she's only going to do it once I'd rather her be in the perfect mood for it.

>> No.33943344

Ah, I see Lui got herself ready for me.

>> No.33943375
File: 39 KB, 768x480, 1644132249917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She beat Matador, right? She'll be fine.

>> No.33943380
File: 2.96 MB, 858x1080, LetsDoTheTimeWarpAgain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33943409


>> No.33943410

To an extent. Sometimes honest conviction and reasonable negativity is very difficult to express without backfiring. Not this shit though, it's just bad.

>> No.33943428
File: 56 KB, 189x189, 1615899331863.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish Calli was my mommy that gave me forced orgasms 3 times a day on a set schedule and controlled every aspect of my life.

>> No.33943474
Quoted by: >>33943583

the chat is never going to be fixed because youtube is run by the equivalent of 40k tech-priests who only know how to recite prayers to appease the machine spirit

>> No.33943475


>> No.33943476

>It's not 2020 anymore, why twitch now?
I'm glad /vt/ have the exact same opinion as I do.

>> No.33943538

Will your mommy crusade never end, Gumbo?

>> No.33943559

I agree, but

>> No.33943583
Quoted by: >>33945672

Isn't there an app that fixes these problems already lmao? Wtf is YouTube's problem?

>> No.33943627

NTA, I know we're supposed to call her Mori, and I do here, but I prefer calling her calli.

>> No.33943633 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 387x500, 1599964102120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33943662

Gura prefers calling her Calli, this is known.

>> No.33943676

Dont think you responded to the right post.

>> No.33943699
File: 287 KB, 2048x1448, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqofgpd.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When CHaDcast was postponed, I took the time to undertake an important project. In light of missing Mori, and made doubly poignant by her sabbatical, please enjoy Mori's journey through Time in 12 parts.

>> No.33943747
File: 801 KB, 900x572, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frl9ghy.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33943764
File: 1.72 MB, 10000x10000, 1654273644522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missed the mark there?

>> No.33943805
File: 613 KB, 1059x630, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fj5cc2r.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33943828
Quoted by: >>33944003

Fuck this.

I want to convince Mori to watch this:


>> No.33943853
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x667, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3odbp5.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33943903
File: 3.29 MB, 1920x1280, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbeok3x.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33943948
File: 957 KB, 1706x944, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3olqxz.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33943965
File: 234 KB, 309x303, 1645476589635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking at my playlist, and I've realized that I've fallen into a hole of only listening to holomusic. I have no idea what's popular anymore.

>> No.33943999
File: 2.50 MB, 2756x4134, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftay8of.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33944003
Quoted by: >>33944100

Oh man, I remember when I was a kid and my mind got blown by this amazing "samurai x" show on toonami. Good times.

>> No.33944007
Quoted by: >>33944084

Just go back to jpop. It's an easy transition.

>> No.33944041
File: 871 KB, 900x694, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqsvi0o.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33944077

I think there's a lot of nostalgia for 2000s pop punk and emo music. Djent and melodic death metal seem pretty popular on the metal side of things. I dont know a ton either though

>> No.33944081
File: 1.40 MB, 1280x970, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fyjdovu.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33944084
Quoted by: >>33944258

I never really listened to much Jpop in the first place, I did go through a vocaloid phase though.

>> No.33944100

My wish for an actual good adaptation of the jinchuu arc still lives.

The movies were good, but it still misuses the story by making the flashback disjointed and not integrated to the story.

>> No.33944111
File: 331 KB, 955x540, 1626520805438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never not know what's popular in my region because not a day goes by that I don't hear some fuckhead blasting it out their car speakers.

>> No.33944135
File: 586 KB, 1000x667, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzwkk01.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33944172
File: 1.13 MB, 1398x801, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftgv8hl.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33944255
Quoted by: >>33944319

kek were these made before is someone just making these on the fly?

>> No.33944258

Try spotify's radio thing out. Just listen to some non hololive music you like and eventually they'll start recommending similar shit.

>> No.33944285

Kek, this is a good one anon

>> No.33944289

Part 12 doko?

>> No.33944315
File: 2.26 MB, 1791x989, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0262vq.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, forgot to resize the image

>> No.33944319

Anon explained it here >>33943699 This is his art

>> No.33944354
File: 679 KB, 2048x1448, 1663692687082198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my Mori. But her happiness and contentment comes before that. I will simply wait for her to get back.

>> No.33944364
File: 1.14 MB, 1916x1080, 1649177096919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking Subway

>> No.33944488
File: 51 KB, 768x768, 1614950003162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love it.
I'm not sure whether this is more based or adorable. Both in equal measure I suppose.
Also do you have a png of the small Mori with the sunglasses?
where did this Mori come from anyway she just rolled in like a tumbleweed one day

>> No.33944572
Quoted by: >>33944831

I'd also add one more question: what do we call her? As someone said before, Ope needs her expression which this one lacks so this one is not Ope.

>> No.33944578
Quoted by: >>33944728

It's actually warped my own perspective on music to a degree, I was confused an artist I liked hadn't released anything in a while, but realized their last release a few months ago and remembered it's actually normal to wait longer between releases.

>> No.33944582
Quoted by: >>33944831

I thought the small mori was an ope. If she is, then she probably just derped into the thread for reasons known only to her. Otherwise I have no idea.

>> No.33944728
File: 259 KB, 2048x1435, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fouti56.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33944878

By year's end, she'll be sitting on 3 major releases in 2022 alone. I think even she's finally realized the frankly ludicrous workload she took upon herself which she first made known a few weeks ago when she asked UMG for a break, and is now cementing by finally taking deadbeats' and her loved ones' advice to heart and just relaxing for a spell. I miss her, and I love being a part of her journey, but there's no way this isn't a good move.

>> No.33944730

Hope you don't mind I'm using your oshi to annoy shitstirrers.

>> No.33944747
File: 39 KB, 930x633, 54634564356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I hadn't looked at Mori's spotify plays in a while and UnAlive is actually doing quite well, especially Resting Power which makes me very happy to see since she never really advertised it at all.

>> No.33944831
File: 329 KB, 1920x1080, 1660062336473742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33944889

She's got the blank stare of an Ope but with different facial features and not insane.
It's like Mori and Ope tried to fuse and this one was the result.

>> No.33944835

I'm kinda surprised Q isnt doing better. It's a banger with Gura, I expected it to blow up somewhat.

>> No.33944862
Quoted by: >>33944949

Q released as a single beforehand, it's likely what you're looking at their is the Album version.

>> No.33944878

I'm fine with her taking a break but then there's her planning to be lazy whenever she's in America.

>> No.33944885
File: 14 KB, 833x69, 34523452345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33944949

There's a single version of Q that has most of the plays.

>> No.33944889

If you think about it, it's just an HD Ope

>> No.33944892

Q really isn't that special. Besides being a bonebro original, it lacks something that would hook you. It actually needs a third installment.

>> No.33944901

>Creators need a certain mythology. Because creator's own appeal never exceeds their works.
>I think she succeeded as mori because her ideas and personal life were sealed off by the NDA.
>Now that she has exposed all of that on other side, it is inevitable that her numbers drop.

you agree with this?

>> No.33944916
Quoted by: >>33945245

>source: I made it up

>> No.33944922
Quoted by: >>33945245

It's a good thing she didn't say that, then.

>> No.33944949

I see, that makes sense

>> No.33944964

Go Graveyard Shift go!
Wow DoA is doing really well too.

>> No.33944972
Quoted by: >>33945004

No, because her ideas and personal life have never been sealed.
Now go back.

>> No.33945005

Anon, some day one deadbeats already know about the other side before Mori.

Why can't these idiots figure that out?

>> No.33945004

Also you dont need an NDA and a chuuba alter ego to have a mythology, so the premise isnt really relevant.

>> No.33945007
File: 23 KB, 297x59, 1659422635641756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33945649

>taking a break
Same thing innit?

>> No.33945086
Quoted by: >>33945297

Fuck em up Kronie.

>> No.33945129
File: 32 KB, 938x363, 2345234523452345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33945257

SN for comparison, Mera Mera is definitely the star track here, though I'm surprised HS is doing so well. Kamo is still underrated.

>> No.33945160
Quoted by: >>33945297

Happy hunting Kronie

>> No.33945245

>There’s a lot I gotta think about and I need to find some kinda balance and love for my work so I think I’m gonna be taking it slow here in America

>> No.33945257
Quoted by: >>33945370

These were uploaded to Spotify with the same schedule they were released on YT, so HS can be explained by having a month's head start and also not being as bad a song as people kept saying around release

>> No.33945261

I don't understand. Why do some people ever think that there are people who like both sides of the person? Why does it have to be one or the other?

>> No.33945297

Oh, I'm having fun making this ones kek.

>> No.33945312

yeah, yeah
You seem to forget that she was obscurity next to amelia among HoloMyth.

>> No.33945314
File: 309 KB, 829x643, Bonk[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F58saly.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs critical thinking skills anyways

>> No.33945370

It also doesn't have the Mori doing dorky charades of a Wacky Waving Inflatable Tubeman.

>> No.33945384

>/skipto: graduation.txt

>> No.33945411

She had the most eyes on her work out of Myth besides Gura and arguably Ina (if you want to consider a gacha artist as the same realm of content creation as the others)

>> No.33945447

"Here in America" does not mean, "whenever I'm in america I'll be lazy." The most plausible interpretation is "while I'm presently in america I'll be working on figuring out a good work life balance" which is incredibly good news

>> No.33945481

I’m gonna breed my mori

>> No.33945493

That's always what the intention seemed to be so I'm glad she's following through.

>> No.33945532

>>33945447 (me)
And I doubt it'll take her anything like the whole trip before she starts regularly streaming again, assuming she doesn't. Not even remotely close.

>> No.33945557
Quoted by: >>33947608

which is why the doomposting is very unnatural. Even the other side's dates are too far spaced out.

>> No.33945563
Quoted by: >>33945639

I can only ever get the views for most popular how’d you do it?

>> No.33945586

Don't forget kiara.
If you are Japanese, there is no one who does not think of her when you hear the word "Austrian".

>> No.33945592 [SPOILER] 
File: 774 KB, 960x720, smol-ame-mori-i-should-rap-short[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fmjsz1u.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33945762

To interpret it as anything else is also ignoring sentiments she's been sharing on stream for months. This is in no way some out of the blue thing. I wish people would think more before they spoke out on the internet
I should write a rap about it

>> No.33945639
File: 45 KB, 480x480, 1662104300813035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have premium and installed the pc app?

>> No.33945649

Nah, she's said so herself. She hates coming back from a break being lazy. Living healthy with good sleeping hours, exercise, and healthy eating is much better serving than staying up all night at a concert or sleeping in until noon

>> No.33945672

Google don’t pay you for fixing shit they pay for new stuff. It’s why shit like Stadia saw the light of day.

>> No.33945679

She is still a workaholic at heart, so I doubt she could realistically keep her self from doing something for the whole stay in the states. Hopefully she can make some progress in fixing her sleep schedule and getting that exercise routine rolling before she starts streaming again.

>> No.33945687

Wait? there are songs that have two counters on Spotify?

For example, does the album version of "I want it that way" from "Millenium" have a different counter as the same song from "The Hits: Chapter 1"

>> No.33945724

I'd imagine yes if there two separate uploads and not just a redirect

>> No.33945725

So what the hell do you think you proved?
Even HoloStarEN was identified rm before they debuted.

>> No.33945762

I will continue my anti-European crusade and point out that this is happening during peak hours for them. The seemingly willful bad faith interpretations of what she's saying is because they are ESL. I predict that shitposting will die down when they run out of natural gas to power their shit this winter.

>> No.33945767


>> No.33945799

That anyone who cares enough about mori to identify as a deadbeat probably learned about her rm very early on in their journey, and so the "mythology" or not having one is irrelevant.

>> No.33945816
Quoted by: >>33945929

I just checked and that doesn't appear to be the case with that particular song. It could just be that they messed up with Q on Mori's profile.

>> No.33945855

>>33945799 (me)
*of not having one

>> No.33945861

Oh wait a minute shit, I just realized Kiara would get caught up in Western Europe running out of natural gas too. I wonder if she can get back to Japan during that time period lmao.

>> No.33945869

Man I hate waking up to tweets like that one if I'm being honest. I understand that she needs a real break and I'm happy she's taking one, I just hate the way she worded that tweet, like she's been miserable this whole time. Makes me sad.

>> No.33945897

You're just dumb, anon.

>> No.33945902

Interestingly, her dropping numbers and increasing media exposure are contemporaneous.

>> No.33945915

>Good work/life balance
>Full month behind on her work setup
>Already experiencing internet and tech problems
>Watches cartoons and goes out at a concert with friends instead of spending 5 minutes testing PC config
That balance is starting off as well as a drunk man on a tightrope

>> No.33945920
Quoted by: >>33946036

Maybe she could stay in Mori's second base and have an American winter holiday.

>> No.33945929

Well, they've been doing it for years, so they would not have that mistake.
>BSB last release was in 2019

Holy fuck. this is some dedication.

>> No.33945977
Quoted by: >>33946055

You’re as subtle as a KFP fucking your mum ESLchama.

>> No.33945985
File: 80 KB, 257x252, Screenshot_20220702-185519~4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I...I...miss....my... Moririn UuuuuuUuuuuuuu!!!!

>> No.33946002

>I'm happier than I've been in a long time now that I'm with old friends
It's really not a stretch to interpret that sentence in a bad way. I get what she's trying to say but I still think it's poor phrasing

>> No.33946015

No, Ina's other stuff had and still has far more eyes on it

>> No.33946024

If you have been paying attention to her streams you would know she's been feeling this way for a while now. She just needs to take some time off and connect with the real world again.

>> No.33946036

>refugee Kiara arc
I'm down for it

>> No.33946055


>> No.33946124
File: 340 KB, 958x533, Screenshot_20220526-120535~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dead Beats when Moririn isn't streaming

>> No.33946130

You're dumb because you can recognize what she means, but still let how she said it and how that may be perceived affect you.


>> No.33946138


>> No.33946180

More like a bunch of minnows that think they're sharks smelled blood in the water and went hunting for a meal.

>> No.33946188

Something tells me she wouldn't be keen on staying in Japan for longer than a month.

>> No.33946216

Considering their papas, it seems that COVER thought kiara would be the most successful.
Bacause she was a more successful streamer than rushia on nico nico live.

>> No.33946310
File: 142 KB, 853x670, essay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl, Doom eternal feels bit like a step back for gameplay satisfaction
like the mobility options are nice, but with all the cooldowns, strictness with ammo and relatively punishing approach to not using preferred weapons on correct enemies (like taking down Cacos without grenades or Arachnotrons without precision), the experience ends up feeling very rigid
meanwhile 2016 was just a shootout where weapon preferences kinda came up naturally because enemies died fairly fast even to the "unoptimal" choices

>> No.33946412 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.08 MB, 971x1399, Screenshot_20220605-182505~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33946526

Consider this

>> No.33946461
File: 147 KB, 568x459, 1656873963346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The director talked about this. IIRC Eternal is the way it is precisely because 2016 was so flexible with its weapons, there was never any real need to switch to something else so you could just fuck around however you wanted. Not really a 'right' or 'wrong' change, that comes down to what you want from the game. Personally I much prefer Eternal.

>> No.33946473

I've seen high level play utilize shit I never use though

>> No.33946489
Quoted by: >>33946544

She has a bad tendency to overuse superlatives in her tweets. She had made the "happiest I've been in a long time" statement multiple times this year and I highly doubt that 3 days with random college friends actually made her happier than finally spending an extended period of time with her mother who she adores or meeting Myth for the first time ever. She very much has flash in the pan brain

>> No.33946498
File: 639 KB, 2048x1448, 1663648070429919-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33946579

I just threw a bunch of shit into GIMP and trashed it after exporting. So, just for you, anon

>> No.33946526

me flying on the right

>> No.33946544

Her short term memory is terrible from never sleeping properly. I swear I wonder if she has sleep apnea or something, her quality of rest seems like it's shit.

>> No.33946579
File: 55 KB, 158x230, 1663021195252107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33946760
Quoted by: >>33946955

in 2016 I swapped weapons cause it was fun and let me change modes of engagement on the fly, I felt in control of the range and pace of things
in Eternal I feel like someone else is holding the driving wheel and I'm kinda toeing their line or wasting resources

>> No.33946783

I mean she had the time to go to a concert yet not enough time to get ethernet cables so it shows where her priorities are.

>> No.33946858
Quoted by: >>33946905

She flat out said she's happier with her real friends showing that she cares more about them than her genmates and deadbeats.

>> No.33946873
Quoted by: >>33946914

She probably didn't know her mom didn't ask for Ethernet cables at the time

>> No.33946905

Just throwing the whole kitchen sink huh?
Back to you Watson

>> No.33946913

maybe you need to stop projecting.

>> No.33946914

So she didn't even bother to check the setup first?

>> No.33946955

I get that but again, comes down to what you want from the game. And in this instance the director wanted to focus on making the game more challenging, which the more structured and 'restricted' combat enables.

>> No.33946980

2016 was so crazy imbalanced and there was no reason to use half the guns, ever

eternal is imo the biggest evolution fps has had as a genre in decades

>> No.33947006

So any reason the blatant off-topic reaper business talk was never deleted but posts telling the meido to get rid of it got banned?

>> No.33947102
File: 2.59 MB, 374x720, CanIHaveThisDance[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fek83s7.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33947134

Mori is actually a meido now, that's what her free time has been spent on

>> No.33947162
Quoted by: >>33947276

Metaposting is also off-topic, and if jannies were biased, this would happen

>> No.33947219

There's a meido anti.

>> No.33947264

She must be very reluctant to do anything she's not interested in.
I guess, she uses a bankbook instead of an app in Japan because no one taught her about it.
Japan has many retarded cultures, but I've never heard of anyone being forced to use a bankbook.

>> No.33947276
Quoted by: >>33947844

After they spent a day deleting subway memes and other shit people were joking about instead of blatant shitposts, I'm pretty sure our pocket meido is malicious

>> No.33947309

Sorry to break it to you but gas reserves are all pretty much filled up, we won't run out this winter at least.
We'll see about next year.

>> No.33947338

Most people don't use ubereats for water either.

>> No.33947456
File: 89 KB, 329x259, 1663091914569945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can definitely identify with that autistic "stick with what you know" mindset, for one

>> No.33947476
File: 400 KB, 1392x2048, Don&#039;t Stop Believin&#039;[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhs9fta.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that it really matters because they're almost certainly going to be using pngs anyway, but I wonder if Mori's ethernet cable came in.

>> No.33947496

>I predict that shitposting will die down when they run out of natural gas to power their shit this winter
Maybe in western Europe but I am gonna be just fine. Germans shouldn't never have trusted slavs to be anything but shit people.

>> No.33947517
Quoted by: >>33947619

Mori doing mental damage to the JPbeats...
I feel like if she puts out tweets like this she should have at least a little Japanese clarifier at the bottom

>> No.33947608
Quoted by: >>33947820

Fuck off. When is it time to naturally complain i then?

>> No.33947619
Quoted by: >>33947818

They should do their reps

>> No.33947706
Quoted by: >>33947809

off-topic is a board rule, complaining about moderation is a global rule

>> No.33947809

The bans were for Rule 1 apparently, just like the last time the meido went on a spree

>> No.33947818
File: 160 KB, 327x333, Screenshot 2022-09-12 at 11-13-52 HAPPY 2ND ANNIVERSARY It&#039;s Been 2 Years ! Announcements and Fun Stuff!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has demonstrated that proficiency in the American language does little to deter undue concernfagging.

>> No.33947820

When you actually get to complain on a public platform. Right now you're a coward.

>> No.33947844
Quoted by: >>33947921

I think it's more that reporting goes both ways. Reportbeats have stifled shitposting sessions before they could start in the past and I imagine some might be pissed at that.

>> No.33947884

2016 had a couple weapons that were too good. Super shotgun and Gauss were both weapons you could pick and never switch from even on higher difficulties. Hell, pure Gauss was a viable strategy for nightmare. It also more or less rewarded cowardly playstyle - hiding in a corner with gauss was far more efficient than diving into the thick of battle. Eternal fixed all that and personally I found it insanely satisfying and rewarding. Once you get into the loop, it feels extremely good to switch weapons every half a second, whip out a chainsaw, land blood punches and set things ablaze while shit around you explodes into bloody pieces. There's a couple places where they overdid it(namely, the first DLC which has a few ridiculous arenas) but in main game I'd say the progression is really good. That said, it was probably the worst arena shooter to pick for a beginner like Mori since it has a lot of mechanics and it is quite demanding, 2016 would've been much friendlier for her.

>> No.33947921

Then wouldn't the actual rule 1 violations be banned then, and not just the ones asking the meido to get rid of those instead of killing people trying to move conversation away from it?

>> No.33948074
Quoted by: >>33948144

Does Mori normally like Rachie tweets on main?

>> No.33948140

please no ISP problem please no ISP problem please no ISP problem please no ISP problem

>> No.33948144

rarely, but it happens
