Youtube: VODs: Thread: >>33047728
I'm in love with Gura !
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>OPImagine the throat bulge
>>33071810Imagine the tummy bulge
Reminder that Gura was thinking about me the whole time! I should have been on her chest, not that faggot bloop
>>OPWhat... what do you want Gura?
i missed most of the stream because of work and the first thing i heard was kiara telling ame to improve herself. should i wait for the reupload or watch the VOD?
So will she follow Kiara's advice and pull herself together? And get that fucking passport?
Last year was better
I hope she's doing ok now. I love her
>>OPShe so cute I love her so much I wanna hug her a lot cuddle a lot headpat a lot hnnng
>big announcementMaybe will be individual fanclubs for each myth member.Would free up memberstreams for content the yt whore doesn't approve of. Special merch etc.Sora already has one and has probably been used as the test pilot.It's coming eventually.
>>33071888I always liked their art but I feel like it’s gotten even better recently
>>33071926And April Fools was better than both anniversaries
My daughterwife drew a picture of me and a rainbow today, that went straight on the fridge. Then later gave me a bj, life's great.
>>33071926I'm of the opinion that they should have saved the whole offcollab arc for this, would have been a more memorable stream.
>>OPCumbuds status?
I have a dark question. Will gura an hero in the future?
>>33071959Is that like a higher tier of membershrimp or some official discord fan channel?
I'm gonna goom tonight
Would you like this to be their official idol costume for 3D Lives? How does it look lined up with the standard JP issue? I feel that Gura would just want what the JP's have always gotten. She wanted the corset one, remember?
>>OPThe way those eyes looked right at you made the girls way intense when they got close in VR, even Ame managed to inadvertently get me hot and bothered, i REALLY wish Gura had tracking too, i can only imagine the fan service she'd sneak in.
>>33072121judging from today's stream the chances aren't zero anymore.
groombud prime posting his pagpag
>>33072228Literally who
>>33072278Someone we all hate.
>>33072178tbqh they look too generic and gura would look much cuter in a more frilly costume rather than this overused unisex top and plain miniskirt costume type.
>>33072356>weI don't care about random twitter users, go back
>>33072228>wokNo wonder he's a schizo, he's asian.
>>33072130Sora has the cheaest yt membership of any holo because it's basically just emotes and now monthly walls when she thinks it.Her fanclub, where her member's only streams are held are on a different site entirely. Same site as the official Hololive fanclub where the bikini reveal streams occured.
>>33072130 does everything youtube membership does I think
>>33072121yeah, with me
>>33072375How new.
>>33072278a traitor and that's all you need to know.
>>33072375If only it was just Twitter, i take it you rarely read chat.
>>33072382He is yuro
>>33072456Why the fuck would I read chat?
>>33072178We'll have to wait for next year's holofest in march
>>33071854Ina's leg looks so hot right there.>Gura what about you?>uhhhh I'm doin my anniversary stream tomorrow as well and I have a lot of pretty mmm>well I have big announcements comin this weekend might be pretty big for gwumbo>so we're gonna have to see but I'll announce it as we go baby wooooooo
>>33072121no but i do wonder what is wrongprobably hard to perform if something serious is going on
>>33072426We get special merch too sent every once and a while too..
>>33072610We know we watch the stream
>>33072501You gray? I get the normal streams but member streams you at least pay some attention to it as you type.
>>33072709Nice, I hope that strategy is working. I don't like giving money to google.
That was fun, was messing around with AI Goomba in the background, looking forward to what Gura has in store.
>>33072610felt like she made it up on the spot but there's no way she forgot to hold her own anniversary right? I mean everyone else already was talking about their own.
>>33072738I've been membered since day 1. The closest I get to reading chat is to type messages in it. I don't get why you'd willingly look at a bunch of retards instead of Gura.
>>33072178These are cute but I hope they actually get the same idol outfits the JPs have. I like those more personally
>>33072610Ganbatte, Gura.
>>33072397That's where our ASMR lovenest streams will be.
thinking about Gura being depressed is kinda making me depressed as well
>>33072892that looks really cozy
was the anniversary stream worth watching?
>>33072767Me neither. Problem is that yt's infrastructure is probably the only package deal that could handle a membership the size of Gura's, and whatever it is that they're using for Sora's and the Holo FC's, well I just don't think it'll handle it.Hopefully they find something off yt soon, especially since they're gonna go after and ban ASMR for real now.
>>33072794Sounds like you’re upset that your “Gura isn’t doing an anniversary stream” nonsense was clearly wrong
>>33072829And yet you don't know who that is, guess it's pretty impressive you managed to stay ignorant of him, i won't ask you to look into it as you're definitely happier not knowing.
>>33072610she better announce it tomorrow instead of ''le scheduled tweet will go out on the weekend and you guys will see''
>>33072104Myth Offcollabs are a nightmare to organize though. It's already difficult with just Ina Ame or Gura (feasible, but definitely requires some planning) but if they want to include Kiara or Calli it's a whole other ballgame. IIRC, the only reason the Myth Offcollab even became feasible is because Calli's roommate had some performances lined up in America, and Kiara was doing tons of traveling at the same time.
>>33072794She was talking about her anniversary and alluding to the project for it a month ago anti-kun
>big announcement on the weekend>Fortnite new season on SundayHmmmmmm… I don’t really think it is, just that it’s a funny coincidence
>>33073068It was alright, a bit boring, but Gura was pretty cute. She seemed a bit low energy again, unfortunately.
>>33072829Not him but you gotta chat with somebody before the stream. Your not like socially awkward and unable to converse with people are ya chumbuddy?
>>33073296>you gotta chat with somebody before the streamLiterally why would I do this?
>>33073269Gura in
It was underwhelming and Gura was checked out.The snoozefest comment was awkward, as was her reaction to Kiara's lets agree to all do better comment (even if staff are more often than not the shitters she still seemed unwilling to entertain even the fact that they should try their best regardless)She honestly seemed to be trying to move it along at every moment, even preempting the merch announcement with that cheeky " you have been trained right " comment, which would have been more funny if she didn't seem as bored with the stream as she did up to that point.I love her and hope her solo anni stream is a huge success and the announcements are everything we hoped for, but this stream wasn't a great showing by her and just made me worry about her even more.
>>33073269I would play a little bit of fork knife if there was some Holo skins. I guess that makes me a fucking idiot
>>33072892is it lovenest or love nest? this is important and it keeps changing
>>33073269It wouldn't be ludicrous though she would fit better in a DBD crossover as the killer and the other girls can play the survivors.
My perfectly proportioned wife
>>33073152Or what? It sounds like she's not sure about the timing yet. She should announce it whenever she's ready to.
>>33073273Eh, I think I'll pass on this one then.I know she's gonna back back with something great like the recent big brain stream soon enough anyway, hoping the best for her to get out of this funk she's in right now spoiler alert: she will
>>33073370>snoozefest commenti missed that what did she say
>>33073370she was kinda right about the merch, same boring shit as always, plushies are cute but the fucking stands, who the fuck needs that garbo
>>33073370It wasn't a great showing by anyone. It was the same boring VR 360!
>>33073068Enough to follow Gura around being a gremlin.She drew stuff, put us in a jar, squirted on us, teased a blowjob... Jesus
>>33073452Or I will do something you will see in the news
>>33073465she was just trying to be funny trying out different emotes, that was what she said when she used the ZZZ emote
>>33073465It was just a stupid joke with the emotes she was spamming. She said something like "cmon this is a snoozefest entertain us" whilst spamming zzz's and I thought it was awkward, will have to rewatch to be sure it wasn't just me being autistic though
>>33073465it was right before she started squirting on my face
>>33073453Of course she will, Gura's no stranger to depression. She will make it through and keep going. Sounds like she could have another Big Brain stream coming in the near future.
>>33073567I don't watch the news I found out about famous people dying and shit from /ggg/
what did they mean by this
>>33073068There wasn't anything new or really interesting beyond the new idol outfits which were great. Gura wasn't using her VR tracking so she was stuck using emotes and spent most of the stream zooming around and standing at the back.
>>33073502Yeah like I said, the joke was kinda funny and cheeky, but it didn't land the same when she seemed equally uninterested in the actual stream up to that point. Zatsu was kinda okay but honestly that was the only part I felt actual chemistry.
>>33073673You know what
Solo anniversary merch tomorrow?
Tummy cunny
they really need stateside management for the EN girls at this point
>>33073588you're just an autistic retard, anon
>>33073683Good part of it being a 3d video is that we could focus exclusively on Gura zooming around and standing in the back
>>33073401Sorry, I meant love nest, a place suitable for a newly married couple to enjoy each other's company and have cybersexual intercourse.
>>33073719the whole stream was doing motion related stuff together and she could do no motionshe was just making jokes about her poor situation
The trade off for having to listen to Mori's grating voice was that I was at least able to move her off camera
>>33073754She was pretty hype when she mentioned merch in that members stream but that might have been for the plushies
>>33072610>mmmIt's code.
>>33073809That may be the case, but I don't see people praising it like last anni so it clearly isn't just me.
>>33073588Oh that, no it was just you overthinking things.
>>33073929Yeah it's just you
>>33073950Yeah maybe so, the rest of my post I stand by though.
>>33073673now they are true idols
>>33073997that was literally your whole post you autist
my wife
>>33073754I guess she was just being a brat because you can buy just her plushie and there you have it a ''solo merch''
>>33074044>my whole post was talking about the zzz momentRead it again retard.
teacuck circlejerking hours is over, now you can fuck off cuz this stream sucks ass
gura should do doomermode minecraft zatsus again now that she's sad
>>33074088>It was just a stupid joke with the emotes she was spamming. She said something like "cmon this is a snoozefest entertain us" whilst spamming zzz's and I thought it was awkward, will have to rewatch to be sure it wasn't just me being autistic thoughare you fucking stupid?
>>33074183Check the reply chain anon, I believe in you.Here >>33073370
>>33074167Gura come back...
>>33074574I can only see Hank Hill whenever I see this image
>>33073370She cheered up when flirting with us, that always makes her happy. Let's just support her through any frustration she might be experiencing.
>>33074708Man I love her blue nails, and I don't usually care for painted nails.
Your shark wife was cute and abit of an idolfag. I may buy the smol gura plush. My wifeRyS is streaming now so I'll leave you to your shark wife Chumbies.
When did Gura's VA change? The difference in voice between 2021 Gura & now is so insane, that I'm beginning to think that if it's the same person, she experiencing reverse puberty.
>>33075119she quit smoking
>>33075071take this shark juice and enjoy the dorky nephilim
>>33075119>she experiencing reverse puberty
>>33075185Mmm straight from the source.
>>33075185is this what girls see when they get goomed on?
>>33074683Nice sentence mixing.
>>33075119she's not doing her squeaky cute voice anymore, you can still heard it when she speaks japanese
>>OP>those eyesThe worst part of Kanuru modelling
Do I just buy the Gura plushy or do I get the whole group?The collector side of me wants all of them but the jew in me says to just snag the Gura one...
>>33075639I just got Gura and Ame
>>33074045actually my wife
>>33075739>Fucking BitchWhy did you get that whore?
>>33075312I honestly think Gura's kid voice is how she naturally speaks. We already know from timezone evidence on-stream and prior admissions from Kiara that Gura lives in Japan. Most Japanese women are short, and shorter girls always have tiny voices. Gura's voice hasn't changed one iota from 2017, until this year.
>>33075868I think I lost braincells reading this
>>33075119it's the same girl from the start. in the early days there was 2 different gura voices because she hadn't solidified her character voice, over time she worked it out
>>33075996kek. took me a second
>>33073502I like stands but I didnt get mine from fucking cover
>They still think it’s a Fornite collab when a Redbull sponsorship makes more sense Think about it, why is she low energy atm. It’s because she is holding on to her supply of redbulls so when sponsorship time begins.
>>33075739Based, I got Gura and Ina
What makes something qualify as a big announcement? There's nothing that can fundamentally transform her content other than changing her taste in video games.
My daughterwife is special.
>>33076620>There's nothing that can fundamentally transform her content She did say she wanted to start doing react videos
>>33076646Unfortunately that's not possible. I'd happily watch videos every day if it was.
>>33076646sorry to say but she has very little content lately
>>33076692oh nyo
>>33072178Yes please, those outfits are pure sex
>>33076620>>33072610>well I have big announcements comin this weekend might be pretty big for gwumbobased on her wording, my money is on EP album.
stolen from another anon
>>33076781No way. Gura is way too slow at making music to ever release more than one song at a time.
>>33076620Her saying it's a big announcement is generally a sign
>>33076910>the picture Gura made is hotter than thisI love my sharkwife so much. She knows what's good.
>>33076922hey, pretty sure that's a big achievement for her.
>>33076304>why is she low energy atmToo much sex with me.
>>33075868gura had to be taken apart from mama shark and she probably said no to gura no matter how gura persuaded her hench the depression, it all makes sense now
>why is she so low energy>eating nothing but apples, twix, and protein powder while dealing with stressful shitIt's a mystery.
>>33075868>Gura lives in Japan
Cute animation
>>33075573Kanauru was not involved in this stream whatsoeverThe models are all by Priichu
>>33077221And I wouldn't be surprised if she only woke up shortly before the stream.
>>33075573Holy retard....
>>33077399Must be hard getting your period live on stream
>>33077221I tried a protein bar once, made me think i was eating ground up bugs. Really craving one for some reason...
>>33076265I love my Shouu stands. Shouuuuuuu make the Daki
Blue cunny is too powerful. The amount of swimsuit Arona art I’ve seen the past week
>absolute la creatividad myth unity kinoame I kneel, plus gura was pretty cute too
Guess who's back fuckers
>>33077399I still wonder what exactly that was about. Was it really just cringing from the dabbing?
[kaela news]>How much atlantisprogress is there?>uhhhhh my brain hurt trying to think of an answer to that>Next question please
>>33077885it's called cunny archive for a reason >>33077958go back cuckmate
>>33078007She cringed so hard she peed on stream again.
>>33078088>acknowledge that the anniversary stream was great largely because of la creatividad>get called a cuckmateman, /ggg/ really is the anti thread, isn't it?global is right about you guys
>>33078007she muted so she could rip a fart
>>33077979The ants?
>>33078290wait what?
>>33078233Uh huh, yep. No go post in global about how we're melting down.
>>33078233Yeah, now go back sucking cum and enjoy your oshi's collab with homos
>>33078325>132x92 pictureYou're posting pictures for ants.
>>33076633Special ed... T u T
I wonder what she has planned for tomorrow, I bet a karaoke is likely. though I don't remember if she talked about any other ideas apart from watching her reaction stream from last year.
>>33078549She might not do the reaction stream thing. Too many other people are doing it and Gura needs to be a snowflake.
>>OPGura doesn't understand the accidental sexual implications of this, right?
>>33078233Myth was never good, prove me wrong Kiara - A human garbage who repeats the history of being a schizo bitch which later results in her being left out of everything, deserves a painful death for ruining Myth irreversiblyMori - I don't think she deserves that amount of haters but the fact is that she's an annoying moronAme - A backstabbing two-faced bitch who thinks she's taken the moral high ground siding with human garbage like Kiara, deserves all the haters for what she didIna - I don't agree with her nepo hires but she's not popular so whatever rightMumei - Orcschizo who successfully infiltrated holoEN, says "my time will come" in her rentry (she wants to go the regular schizo way and murder Kiara?? idk but sure hope so), throws one of the most loyal holoEN artists under the busSana - A bitch who can't get up because of the "She's been like that since we wouldn't let her play Genshin"Some redpilled anons:"The cake princess backstabbed her old idol group""Her crabs in a bucket mentality will be the downfall of Myth""The KFP blimp was deliberate"Kiara:"As a huge Japanese idol fan, I don't really see us in hololive production as idols, haha. Sorry, Yagoo!" (saying this after getting rejected as a singing idol)>>/vt/thread/S8301510#p8301510
>>33078657Of course not, she's a child.
>>33078657She knows exactly what she's doing
>>33078657she knows exactly what she's doing
>>33078657Of course not.
>>33078506Oh lol here's the full image
She knows what she's doing
>>33078657of course not she just wants to know if you got games on your phone
>>33078233That second anniversary stream was garbage, especially for Chumbuds. Would've taken a regular Gura stream over that "la creatividad" shit.
Don't have classes tomorrow so I can give my sharkwife the full attention she deserves. God I'm so excited.
>>33078728Please go and stay go.
>>33078798t. poorfag that doesn't own a VR headset
>>33078657It is kind of messed up how a girl just looking up has sexual implications because of that meme.
>>33078728My fat wife.
>>33078840Gura didn't use her VR either though. Kind of why she could barely do anything.
>>33078767>u got games on your phone
>>33078522She can be a real handful sometimes.
>>33078873Sexual positions are memes now?????
>>33078913I asked you nicely to stop.
I want to raise a family with this girl
>>33078657Shes asking for a headpat, its on the first few minutes of the stream
>>33078913Architecture bro?
>>33078931>gura is lazy and doesn't prepare properly for the stream>chumbuds blame amegod it's like fucking clockwork with you people
>>33079020The stream was bad regardless of that, the fact that Gura couldn't really participate just made it even worse though. Also the fact Ame thought that was fine shows she didn't care either, pretty bad organizer.
>>33079020Get an oshi that won't cheat on or cuck her fans. Improve yourself fucking bitch.
>>33079020I decided i would put the blame on that cunt when she called my goomba a, and i quote: "fucking bitch".
>>33079231Yeah, while Gura not using her motion tracking is her own fault, the stream itself was pretty underwhelming overall.
man imagine if Gura got the confess love dare instead of Kiara, although considering she's down in the dumps maybe it wouldn't have gone well
>>33079359>the stream itself was pretty underwhelming overallwhat the fuck is this chumbud psyop?see replies to this post: >>33069063
Is Ame the only one with a fanbase that goes around mocking themselves and their oshi so they can play the victim all the time?
>>33079430Do you know nothing about deadbeats or...?
>>33079417This opinion is entirely my own. I would have felt that way whether I was in the thread or not and what people in global says isn't going to change that.
>>33079430I don't understand why teacucks stay with their oshi even though she cheated on them with another man?
>>33079430Idk man, I'm just horny for the bratty shark.
>>33079417I'm not into Myth anymore so it wasn't very fun
>>33079498have you thought that maybe your opinion isn't actually a real one, and is just contrarianism though?
>least amount of tummy shown>no asymmetrical socks>no tailThis idol outfit needs work
>>33079507I just came to her, thinking about really sloppy kisses with Gura, her long tongue running up my face. Goomed quite hard indeed. Once I meet Gura, I'll shave my beard so she can lick my face more and drool all over it and cover me in her saliva.
>>33078933>u got games on your phone
>>33079359>not using her motion tracking is her own faultWe don't really know that. All we do know that doing these things without it is a mistake.>>33079417>>33079430I genuinely didn't like the second anniversary stream and I would've preferred a Gura stream. Nothing about this was "KINO" to me, just a waste of time.
>>33078233>comes into the gawr gura thread to post about how great Ame is>acts surprised when he's told to fuck offteaniggers really are the most self centred cunts on the site
What if gura was under huge pressure to get into her idol outfit but she had a bit too much mcdonalds and candy bars and in a desperate attempt to drop her weight fast she cut off her tail and that's why she had no tail in her acrylic stand
Man, chumtards so mad that their oshi is so fucking lazy and blames everyone but her.
>>33079740>We don't really know thateh the way she was acting during holocure at least fits with that assumption, she might have not felt like bothering getting all strapped in like how she stopped reading what powerups she was grabbing because it was too much trouble
>>33079608I have, actually. I'm kind of paranoid about that and often second guess my own evaluations of things, but it was definitely a pretty meh stream. There were certainly some high points and the jar thing was pretty funny and clever, but overall it was just kind of, I guess awkward and low energy is how I'd put it. I actually do admire Ame's creativity most of time, but this wasn't it. At least not in execution.
Are you fucking faggots seriously doing the "real voice" discussion? Show of hands, how long have you been Gura fans? Nay, vtuber fans?
>>33079865That literally has no correlation whatsoever.
>>33079859save your time and don't try to argue with them, anon.they're too busy trying to create the psyop rrat that there was something inherently "mediocre" about today's kino anniversary stream and it wasn't on their oshi for being low energy and dragging things down
Gura Breast Expansion?
hi chumbuds, I come here to ask if there is something going on with your oshi, not thating or shitpost, i don't watch her due to timeslots but she seems out of it, so i was curious if she was going through something
>>33079994Don't even think about it, buddy
>>33072228Gura is streaming less because she's freaking out over serial stalkers /s
>>33079913No, right now >we are arguing about whether the stream was "kino" or not, apparently. That being said, I do think Gura intentionally alters her voice a bit higher than it is naturally, but for the most part it's her "real voice". And I've been a Gura fan almost since the beginning, I can't remember when exactly I first started. I didn't watch vtubers before her.
>>33080122Yes, apparently. That's literally all she told us though.It was kinda funny, and kinda sad that she went on like 30 second prep the audience about how she's gonna explain to us why she didn't stream only to end with "I had real life stuff happen".
>>33080122She told us she had irl problems right now during a members stream.
>>33079953The anniversary stream was mediocre and there was nothing "kino" about it.
>>33079859nice cope but in the normies' point of views Ame just got exposed to be a basic twich whore now, go lick tempus cum clean faggot
Gura is embracing her slutty cunny archtype more and more.As a goombud this pleases me. T u T
>>33078233>defending the yellow cunt that called my shark a fucking bitchEat shit.
>>33080197What? She hasn't done a members stream since the "CHAT hewwO" stream. She told us during the Holocure stream, which might be part of why she didn't elaborate more. Maybe there's a slight chance she'll say more when she does another, but I wouldn't count on it.
>>33080122said that she was dealing with irl stuff and heavily implies that management is fucking with her again
>>33080122She's going though something IRL that's not fun at all and has drained her emotinally and mentally, you now have all the information about the matter.
>>33073068Only if you can put on one of your sister's skirts
>>33079994How do you double 0?
Ame: hey check this new 360 vr stream, awesome right?Viewers: so whats the content?Ame: Anyway
>>33080316She saw how 99% of her fans voted for gothic lolita wallpaper, and she enjoys it anyway.
when was her last stream with moom?
>>33078233Man, the fucking stream was boring as shit, and it was like that specifically because la creadividad decided "spin 360" is somehow a fucking stream gimmick and forgot to add any real content. I know>numbersBut why the hell do you think it undererformed so hard? People just weren't tuning in because of no hype. Its very possible that Gura's anniversary will beat this just by herself.I'm not even saying this shit to anti Ame, she brought about a lot of good VR content (mostly the 2021 stuff though), but this one just wasn't it.
This place is just full of contrarians that are afraid of complaining in /ameg/. I just want to love cunny in peace.
>>33080625Here ya go
>>33080625It was an objectively dull stream. You can basically FEEL it generated no wave of emotion like last year's. I'm sorry teakeks, but your oshi reaps praise when she earns it, and criticism when she deserves it.
>>33080385Life finds a way
>>33080734Criticism is fine but why the fuck do it in the shark cun thread?
It would be dangerous for my wallet if she announced that 4 million merch tomorrow. Please for the love of Atlantis…please let it be another day.
>>33080807Well because a little teakek wondered in here to collect unearned praise for his oshi, and then started whining that we weren't giving it. But I agree, it's past the point I stopped engaging with that topic.
>>33080691Thanks brother.
I do not care for unity and Gura seems to agree with me.
>>33080625Go back. I don't understand why you faggots come here to complain about the thread itself, just stay in your shithole
i hope Gura gets a school uniform soon
I'm still jealous that the girls got to see Gura in a swimsuit in person.
>>33080925Alright I'll go back...Hey I'm back in my shithole.
unbothered. moisturized. happy. in my lane. focused. flourishing.
>>33080810None of that is worth buying, so that's on you if she does.
>>33080810keep your cart til goob confirms the acrylic was correctedShe's brought up the official art being wrong multiple times now. It's important to her.
>>33080917I used to be unity but then they changed what unity is. Now to be unity I got to support the homos, but not only do I not want that, I can also clearly see Gura not behaving "unity" like towards them. Why should I go not only against my own opinion, but Gura's?Hololive (girls) unity is still fine, Gura is too gentle a soul to hate anyone, especially other holos. Even if they drift apart.
>>33079804that's an interesting theory but how are your emus?
>>33080990Good, now close this tab.
>>33081048I'm unity in the sense that I don't actively hold any animosity towards anyone in hololive. If I don't like them, I won't watch them or talk about them, unless they're brought up, then I'll give my honest opinion and move on.
>>33081012I disagree. The Gura plushie is worth buying.
>>33079994As long as someone competent makes it AKA not that.
Mmmm grrrr i hate chumfucksMmmm i hate pedophileGrrrr i hope gura graduateMmm hhrrrrrrrrr i fucking hate subhuman pedoGhhhhhuuhh i hate you all
If cover doesn’t drop the Gura daki.I am gonna just buy one of the nsfw Gura dakimakura.
>>33081142NyoThat would mean I would have to leave my shithole.
Don't open very scary
>>33080810I will skip this merch, I don't mind being picky since they release merch pretty regularly.
>>33081048Unity is a meme. They don't watch everyone in EN, and ID & JP are almost never mentioned in their bullshit.
>>33081366OH GOD OH FUCK
>>33080810I'm holding out until after tomorrow. If there's stuff to get I'll probably just get the plush otherwise I'll get the stands too.
>>33080810I brought dino gura but fuck plushies wait for the popup figures or complete figures for them.
>>33081428I would like to redeem
>>33081409I'll probably get a Gura plush, but I'm definitely waiting for the solo merch before buying anything.
>>33081298Its a joke btw guys, i love chumbies
>>33081544Same here, i will wait for her solomerch first
>>33081483Oh nice, more mouth art. I love stuff like this. I definitely think I have an oral fetish.
>>33080625I just want to love Agriculture in peace, but the catalogtards keep getting out poor threads deleted
>>33081549Yes, I think that was obvious enough that even the dumbest poster could tell it was. I hope, at least
>>33081298Yeah!~ I hate flat chests so much! I'd hate to lick Gura's flat chest and suck on her tiny pink nipples!
>>33081366Hnnng'd to death
>>33081298Well, at least I can agree on hating pedos.
>>33078657she has been playing DBD too much and that's the killer's pov when it looks at a crouching survivor
There will be much excitement tomorrow once the big announcement reveals to come. Its gonna be kino.
I love Gura
>>33081048Feels good to be vindicated after two years, even after every collab, every up and down, every yab, after a whole new generation had been added, and even one talent from that gen had left. The ONLY one who stirred my old bones with interest was Gura. No one else reignited this jaded weeb's heart. There's something undefinable about the little shark that continues to captivate to this day; that NONE of her genmates, nor her senpais (whom I dont understand without needing to be clipped), nor from any other damned vtuber Ive sampled.She's the one, and I'm sad I cannot reach out through the cosmos like a god and make everything right for her. I wouldn't even do it for thanks or for her attention--just gratitude for what she has done for me.signed,an oldf/a/g
>>OPwheres the cumshot edit? it's already been a couple hours
>>33080917Gura is unironically autistic as hell and won't even mention Holostars En because she doesn't want the minority of her audience to get all upset.
>>33081786Well i dont like IRL children either
More Gura merch
>>33081645I love thumb hooks. Pushing your fingers into a girl's mouth feels so fucking good. So many nerves in your fingers, you can feel everything, the saliva, the warmth, the softness of her flesh, her sharp little teefies.
>>33081893Pretty sure it has more to do with not wanting to alienate her nip idolfags.
>>33081893>minorityGtfo homobeggar
>>33081901In what way? The "I don't like children, I'm not a pedo" way or the "I'm a fetish artist on Deviantart and children complain about my fetish art about children's games therefore, I would shoot up a preschool at any given opportunity" way?
>>33081893A textbook cope.
>>33081869This is the correct mindset, she is the unofficial although should be official leader of all of EN Vtubing. She is that special.
>>33082082The people who get all upset about that are actually a lot less than you think. Hell it might not even be in the thousands. And last time I checked, Gura has over 4 mil fans, so get fucked
>>33081952I was conscious when I did that with my sweaty, calloused hand. Cheerful and quiet girls can be unexpectedly wild on bed
>>33080810Don't buy the Acrylic stand yet
>>33082135It's also fun sliding your fingers down their throat so she gags and coughs up heaps of mucus. I'd lap that up like a dog drinking water. But it's good to lube up her throat pussy before you fuck it and bulge her throat and snap her choker!
Wait for tomorrow. There will be even better Gooba stuff soon. We can generally be sure of it.
>>33081952I didn't know this was a fetish as well? Gotta investigate
>>33082306I haven't had the prettiest or best looking girlfriends, but I have had some that still surprise me to this day with how horny and kinky they can be. And I know I'm biased, but the signals I do get from Gura, I kinda think she would be an amazing lover, gentle yet eager.
>>33082295Damn, we're such a "minority" and Gura still panders specifically to us, even despite all your begging. Mald and clench.
>>33082135Now imagine that but Gura vores you instead first she plays with you in her mouth, coats you in her warm saliva as her tounge laps at your entire body, playfully bites parts of your body befor being swallowed into the dark abyss of her throat.
>>33082597So basically like her favorite Kit Kats, Nice.
>>33082558unfortunately, she looks like a child irl, so she can't even be seen as sexy. What a waste of good sexual energy.
>>33082558>eagerThats the best. I was the first she gave bj with. If u horni, she become horni too rur. Im here smirking just thinking about it
>>33082857no. nah, that just makes her more sexy. She's literally built for it. The little brat exudes a frustrating aura of sexual energy. Tiny girls with flat chests are literally built for fucking, by me.
>>33082791Or just Ebis the fate of all shrimp are to be consumed and to become nourishment for Gura.
>>33081893Cope faggot lmao
>>33082593I'm a beggar because I notice that someone doesn't mention people that even that even the pedestal of Hololive acknowledged? Good logic dumbass. Autismos care way too much about what people think of them, even if it's a random stranger. do your psychology reps unicorn
>>33081893This is unironically what reddit believes. In their mind, there's no way someone would not want to collab with DA BOYS
>>33083180Go back to twitter, tranny
>>33083183You are the only one here bringing up collabs you dumb tranny, Gura hasn't even acknowledged Holostars En, even Orange Birb has done that
>>33083180Kys before i shitpost on your mom mouth
>>33083323>Gura hasn't even acknowledged Holostars EnAnd that's a good thing
>>33081869based, also trust the plan
Oh boy
>>33083180Once again, a textbook cope. Just accept that Gura doesn't pander to you and go back to watching whoresanji.
>>33083272the only twittertard here is you, one of the few unicorns that seethe about hololive and star collabs that get lost in a sea of twitter replies
>>33083180>unicornYeah a homobeggar. You've had Calli, Ame, Bae and Kronii. Be satisfied you fag
>>33083416Cry harder tranny
I want to smother Gura with love! Smother!
>>33083180Gura is going too double down on her Loli idol path while transgender men, faggots and lesbo fujos seethe and dilate, drowning in their jealousy over a cute loli shark that is sexier than they ever dream of being. You will never win this war. Loli will take over vtubing, and male vtubers will never be successful.
>>33083478I watch vtubers because I want to see cute girls, not some boring faggots
>>33083416Holy kek, just kill yourself already homobeggar
why don't these homobeggars try and force collab between someone like Lamy, Kanata, Okayu, Nene, Pekora, or most other HoloJP members to collab with the stars
>>33083493I want to be smothered under guras black spats ass, see her tail swaying happily as she mocks me under her like a brat before i lose consciousness
>>33083416How about you stop seething that you were born a man and stop pretending you're a woman.
>>33083416There are many many unicorns, faggot in a dress. And we are multiplying as Gura's purity and dedication wins over more and more hearts while anti-loli trannies 41% themselves because the jews gave up on supporting their ugly horrid crossdressing golems. Dilate.
>>33083587That's a good question and at the very least Axel is the most likely candidate to collab with any of those.
>>33083587Because they dont speak Japanese and cant live through tempest. Sad life honestly knowing additions are o0en they can potentially become a holostar and actually collab with Gura like Fauna got to but their such losers they know they have no chance.
>>33083708I know everyone in hololive, but no idea who that is. Sounds kinda gay.
>>33083729The Orange Bird of Tempus
>>33083813What's that? Is it the new all loli HoloEN Gen 3?
>>33083708Found the homobeggar
>>33083832look how tiny she is compared to the chair.
You dumbasses are more retarded than Gura herself. I said she doesn't even acknowledge the stars but according to your slow ass brains that apparently translates to "WHY WON'T GURA COLLAB WITH STARS WAAA!" Acknowledging someone's existence publically isn't the same as collabing with them, but apparently to you, that just makes me a homobeggar. No fucking wonder everyone in Hololive Global hates you. Keep praying for cunny to come to your front doorstep. IF Gura is to ever collab with a star in the future, I'll be back to rub it in your faces. Or should I say that slower for you?
>>33083878Nah I don't like the guys all that much. But I have to acknowledge they exist just to mock Nijisanji.
Why do homobeggers believe what they believe? Are they just purely evil and just want to destroy vtubers in the name of the globohomo agenda? All femininity must be destroyed and all that? Objective beauty disturbs and disgusts the jew and the tranny. It's absolute evil. The antithesis of Gura.
>>33083982For now, neck yourself
>>33083982Whatever you are saying, I know it's in bad faith, so as i read your post, my brain simply refuses to even understand it, cos it's all bullshit and lies. Just enjoy cute shark cunny instead, you'll be much happier.
shillmates in full force today after that talentess bitch got exposed
>>33083982getting this mad yep homobeggar
>>33084383boringwhoremy wifewhorewhore
>>33083982way to out yourself twitter tranny kek
>>33083517The only correct mindset
>>33083982She doesn't acknowledge them because she doesn't intend to collab or interact with them. What's there to no understand? Just accept that instead of coming up with copes like "she;s autistic", "she's scared of backjlash".
>>33083323Orange birb is based though, she wants to collab with the "girls"
>>33084072The natural drive to try and ruin something great
>>33084512Thing is, she knows why the Homos joined in the first place. To get into her pants. And she will not let them. And tranny homobeggars hate purity and loyalty.
>>33084545That loud squawking narc already lost her virginity at a wrestling match.
>>33084632>homobeggar are now doxxingShocking
no more fight, only cute gura.
>>33084744imagine what those slippers smell like.
>>33083982according to those globalfags, your comment would get deleted if its contained tempus stuff, so go back to wherever you came from faggot
>>33084905no one else notices, but I still think it's a cool as fuck handbag. Cute and cool. May contain twix.
>>33084677holy flat
>>OP>Still no blowjob editedWTF chumbuds
>>33084883Yeah global clearly hate homos so i don't know what is he talking about kek
>>33085048i need only imagine. god it's so fucking hot that she posted that. I love the way she does things so subtly suggestive, it is so fucking sexy. She is hands down the sexiest vtuber, i mean in the way she behaves. here balance of seiso yet suggestive is fucking chef's kiss. God I love her.
>>33085150Glad they hate homos. I've never been there kek.
>>33084985I agree, but still find it a weird choice of an outfit accessory. Everyone knew immediately at the reveal we'd never see it again outside of art.
>>33085150fuck i kekked at the end of my sentence just like you did and now we look gay. Like when two men accidentally touch hands. I need to reassert my straightness and goom to gura again.
>>33085218It kinda suits her real life self a bit, like cute and tiny but really fashionable. She's a introvert that spends most of her time inside, but when she goes outside, she's nice and prepared with her little handbag full of useful things.
chumbuds what kind of gun does gura carries?
>>33085591Lately its been a sniper rifle or an assault rifle with a good amount of range. Something to pick off a certain reaper or a rabbit at a distance.
>>33085591tiny gun wib beeg buwwets
>>33085591she won't be able to bring her guns to Australia when she flies over to marry me. :( I hate this country.
im gooming to mesugaki doujin see you later losers
>>33085823love reading those and mentally inserting Gura into them. I have newly acquired a fetish for rape whistles and randoseru.
>>33085591A blue cerakote glock 43x. She doesn't actually carry though because I do it for her
>>OPMizumizuni set when?