>Previous stream: 【RUST】FIRST SEASON 3 STREAM (short)【Pavolia Reine/hololiveID 2nd gen】https://youtu.be/pwv8dl_mNnE>Original songs:Illusion Night: https://youtu.be/WzqWpMW8VwwLove Me, Love Me: https://youtu.be/MxwV963ZNEUあの青空のせいだ (Ano Aozora no Sei da): https://youtu.be/dzUfNQaaemkGate Open: START!: https://youtu.be/VFpOBazE3rs>Cover songs:RAD DOGS: https://youtu.be/D8yBNjhgQ0QECHO: https://youtu.be/tn9us3WeFgICynical Night Plan: https://youtu.be/nWP8Wmho188Animal: https://youtu.be/KNBdITatp8YBeat Eater: https://youtu.be/nbB3KsFRv4Uシンデレラ (Cinderella): https://youtu.be/o6C7-azdU7IThe Baddest: https://youtu.be/8Jz0hUbu1mwFly Me to the Star: https://youtu.be/s0p7jwJKkzsEnvy Baby: https://youtu.be/4F9jLdTTuT0革命デュアリズム (Kakumei Dualism): https://youtu.be/Dx-_i0RWwNc可愛くなりたい (Kawaiku Naritai): https://youtu.be/Hya6rBRCd6Y愛Dee: https://youtu.be/o_xMgw2j9v8うっせぇわ (USSEEWA): https://youtu.be/dYvQcVG_dVgKING: https://youtu.be/LfI8sxSFtuEhttps://youtube.com/channel/UChgTyjG-pdNvxxhdsXfHQ5Qhttps://twitter.com/pavoliareinePrevious thread: >>32870166
I could've saved the last /mep/, but I wanted to run another map and it died during it. I'm sorry meppas
>>32940542Mepper, the thread was at bump limit anyway.Also I noticed more faggotry in catalog on the way here.
>>32940754I could have sworn we died at something stupid like 27 posts...I- I may have shifted timelines bros. Reine still does GFE streams on Sundays right?
>>32940754>>32940772Not him, but... >>32912346
>>32941039Yes, the Gura collab was over and we got killed in the process
>>32941045>>32941223Oh thank god. After a few threads ago when some other meppers bragged about shifting from some sort of GFEless timeline I was worried. I am looking forward to the usual bedroom ASMR in a few hours.
>>OPAnon… >>32937013
>>32941642let it die, i can find this easier
>>32941700weak filter usertrue schizophrenics ctrl+f the entire damn catalogue and wonder why /lig/ unintentionally keeps fucking catching the search so consistently
>>32941642Ah dammit! I just woke up, saw no /mep/, and made one. A scuffed OP didn't even occur to me
>>32942224I can already tell her deeper voice is gonna be killer. Can't wait!
>>32941642having no /mep/ will kill that thread.
>>32941642i only mep to /mep/
>that thread has 33 posts>this one has 15It's the will of the people mepper, it's like what happens with Global
>>32943705I’m an indecisive person
I stand with /mep/.The nameless shall not prevail unless we get pruned.[/spoler]
>>32943705Sorry, yesterday i dropped on /infinity/ cos it contains "mep" there, we should make last message linked the new thread to avoid this problem
>>32945244Last thread died young so it wouldn't have helped.
>>32945375Yeah it can't be helped, i dozed off mid stream last night then wake up and found that thread died, TWICE!!
how long can we keep two threads up?
>>32947246Probably until people start cycling out for sleep and the ones waking up to a dead thread won't find the other one.
>>32947673That's exactly what's going to happen.Besides, technically there aren't two /mep/s. There's just two Reine threads.
I'm double thread mepping and nobody can stop me
>>32948383does that mean this is the only thread where mepping is allowed?
>>32948481On the contrary, if the /mep/olice catch you it's a $350 fine. Over yonder is free mepistaante.
look at this photograph
>>32949988Ok what now?
>>32950024try not to mep (impossible)
> my one day to be a riajuu> 2 mep threads> my autism compels me to bump bothREEE
>>32950990no need to bump scuff thread
>>32951335/mep/ or no /mep/ I MUST mep
>>32951602Well then meppers, do you agree with this mepless?
>>32951644>cool>sexy>definitely NOT cutethat's not a baby...
https://twitter.com/pavoliareine/status/1568886033990942720red Reine alert, stream in 5
>>32951644I wish them well, of course, I simply remind them to consider the consequences of running a Peacock Military Company sub rosa, without the... oversight from our benevolent sponsor.
>>32951971https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5p8eHiO0ksHere we go.
>>32952111No… I’m not at home…
>>32951335...both threads are scuffed, though?
>>32952198I meant what I said.
Reine lower your slow mode please, you can redeem at this point I just need to say it
>oh my god, RRATS>die, rrats
Did she get raided? who are these annoying fucks spoiling the game for her?She's literally had to tell chat it's her 1st time TWICE she's going to start getting mad on the 3rd
>>32952849Not literally twitch raided, I think it's just since it's a Holocure at this afternoon slot so you're getting people that don't watch her usual timeslots too.
She just doesn't read chat at all during these streams :(
>>32953533You kinda can't
Wish she’d play the other characters when she’s just grinding for coins
>>32954447but Suisei has a high G-Rank
> wamy water with what> chat spams bl book> reine ignores and goes on a tangent> 2 mins after: wamy water with what?I think she’s just trolling at this point
>>32954749I had a laugh. She asked that at least 3 times.
I don't think Reine has ever collabed with Botan before even in a mass collab, right?(She definitely didn't collab with Aki, but I'm not sure about Botan)
>>32955079>even in a mass collabEN portal relay, Botan even gave Reine her pickaxe back
>Deadbeat? Get away from mekek
not a fan but I always got a boner everytime I open her streams
How long has Gura been on the screen back there?
ENTER PAKOEXIT REINE>>32956451Since the birthday call-in stream itself.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiABhARCnRMReine should be here soon (in 30mn I think)
>>32956584wait pako is on kiwawa birthday gartic???
>>32957206Pako showed up in chat at the end of Holocure.
Kiara already all over Reine...
>Kiara: have I told you how much I love you?>Reine: mwah, mwah, mwah
Reine did it!
>Kobo wingmanning PavonashiThanks kid, you're okay.
Oh no, how much of kissy gay sex have I missed?
>>32960974A little at the start when they were doing introductions, but otherwise Reine's been invested in winning or causing mayhem for the other girls.
>>32960974Reine is getting cucked by Ollie and Kobo, who are just flirting back and forth with Kiara. Reine is just being quiet and winning but she isn't keeping up with the flirty energy at all for some reason. Maybe since it's not one on one, but she's closed down on that aspect.
>Kiara, wanna try the tonjok?>Oh, I already got the tonjok many times from youwhat did they mean by this?
>>32961474Either Weine doesn't like to get flirty on public streams or she's just a wet noodle when it comes to real interest from the ladies
>>32961474>Maybe since it's not one on oneProbably this, sadly. At least she was able to let some inner shitposter out while messing with the others.
oh she done ?
>enter Kiara’s stream>superchat readingnyo…
>>32961474>>32961786>>32961846I'm pretty sure she's just dense and focusing a little too much on the game and winning, it's funny
>>32962123cute competitive hag...
>>32962123Even then Kiara has always been the most agressive one, even in 1-on-1 collabs
Which one of these should I catch up with first?
>>32962474In chronological order basically. Unless you're a Mori schizo, then skip Rust I guess.
>>32962474Finish the totsu
Holocure and kissy gay sex on the Breine
>>32962123Reine just doesn't do those jokes either. She isn't going to go "Penetrate me Kiara" and other stuff Ollie kept saying.
>>32962515You only have too skip about half of it. You still have a hour and bit of fun Rust near the start and end
>>32955313My bad then. Thanks fellow meppa!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCKou786UEchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCKou786UEchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCKou786UEcmore stream !!!!!!!!!
>>32963340Oh nyo! Her addiction is coming back
>>32963340starting !
Did they add new weapons?
>>329652503 base weapons and 4 or 5 new collabs yeah
And already back to Suisei, so much for trying out other characters
>>32966300>She likes Suisei>I like SuiseiWe are!
Will Reine's diet ever end?
>>32966499Emergency uyu for the baby!
>>32966530the girls keep gifting her cakes and chocolates, they dont want her to become too sexy
jesas Reine
Somehow I doubt Reine has ever mowed any lawns…. Female bushes dont count
Seeing A-chan fly around like that madness me wanna play Lotus Land Story again.
Spicy Reine noises
>>32967047Male bushes then aka mine
Gura in ID class!Lesson 1 will be kaki.
>>32968072Did she drop this before on Royaltea or is this the first time everyone's hearing about it?
>>32968112I think it's the first time
>>32968112Only said it was an EN member in membership.
>>32968207She also gave the hint "feet" so we basically already knew
Playing with her gay wife
She loves us...
>Speaking of rats> immediately drops subjectWHAT IS IT REINE! You cant just blueball us like that
>>32970029She's a rrat exterminator
She killed A-chan
mmm listen to those thigh slaps
>it took Reine maxed upgrades and a +20 Suisei to beat stage 2She’s not ready for hard mode
>>32972097She has only half the upgrades done, she refuses to do them.
Reine I'm so tired...
>>32972389Then go to sleep meppa
>>32972097She gonna sleep it through and learn later.
>3.5k viewersholocure really is popular huh
>These soundsGO REINE GO
This shit looks like a ffxiv raid
I hope that >we are in the next update
>>32973504I’m hoping the next update is ID1+ID2
It's 2 AM for her right? That means there won't be a morning stream.. r-right?
>>32973814She said she won’t be streaming tomorrow to set up her new stream room (but I still expect her to do a test stream)
I don't like how self-defeating she can get. It hurt seeing her almost talk herself out of that win, underestimating herself.I'm proud of her for that run though.
>>32973870>She said she won’t be streaming tomorrowdid she say it this stream?
>>32974013That's part of the charm. Seeing her grow out of that habit would be very idol-like
>>32974115I think she said it during rust? Not sure
>>32974154Yeah, you're goddamn right.
reine is smart saying to ask them instead of her
>>32975401how the fuck do you even do that? tweet at them? post on the official reddit?
>>32975594Probably here: https://cover-corp.com/contact/en/
>>32975594Use the contact form on the official website, but also make threads on reddit and spam them with tweets
my nigger said her screams are like aphrodisiac. based ESL
>>32975594>>32975711>>32975724Or just hololiveid@cover-corp.com
Can't wait for the Mr. Akyat plushie being sold out immediately next year
>>32975902It's probably gonna sell out even faster now that everyone is expecting ID merch to be limited
>>32975902They don't even take steps like limit one per customer. No, limiting it to 10 or whatever is not okay.
I mean I'm fine with them having the merch 'in stock', but if the demand is high enough why can't they just make more? I wouldn't mind waiting 3-4 months for it. Getting nothing sucks
>>32976419FOMO so they can sell overpriced merch
>yeah yeah yeah they are they are they are
>>32976454How much was the mug again? Was it a different price than Bae's?
>>3297654435 bucks, then add between 35 and 60 for shipping depending on location
I hate the keyboard noises in the outro
>>32976643Official shop or geekjack?
>>32976963I think it was $35 on the official shop and up to $60 on geekjack because Cover hates Europe
>>32976454>>32976643Bae's was $30 and Reine's was $33. I don't think that's more overpriced than usual even though the price went up. It's more likely that Reine's was more expensive because the price per on a smaller manufacturing run was higher than what they projected Bae would sell in a made to order run. So it's extra retarded and bullshit, I don't even think it's malicious just incompetence.
>>32977141I meant overpriced as in overpriced compared to a regular mug you could get on amazon for $20 with free shipping
>>32977141>>32976544Whoops meant this one
New room = no more VR. Is it worth it meppas?
>>32979794Did she say something? Why would you think she spent money to make a new streaming room that would make it harder or impossible to use a piece of equipment she purchased for streaming
>>32979930All she said was that her new room is a little smaller and that she’ll have to be careful in VR
>>32980307Eh she said that? I only remember about the new room not having bedBut that's reasonable to get space efficient room with good sound insulation
>>32983719Show me the mep coupon or MEPolice will come
>>32984006I have it right here, officer
>>32974154But we've watched her grow INTO it instead. What does that mean in the end? I don't know why her confidence keeps getting worse since she keeps doing amazing work.
>>32984859I don’t think she’s getting less confident as she goes on, I think she’s just showing her insecurities more
>>32984859Probably a degree of imposter syndrome.
>>32984859>more successful>same confidence without improvement from new successesIt just feels worse. She's outpacing her confidence reps with her good work reps
We gonna die
Why do so many people want reine spanking art. I’m not mad but seems like an odd choice for a hag oneesan
>>32992512I want reine getting spanked while having futa or strap-on sex does that count
>>32998073Anon, that's just normal sex with extra steps.
>>32998558well what can you do about it, none of reine's wives have a natural penis
>>32999838Reine is the one with a natural peaCOCK
IDcure when. I wanna see Reine play with herself heh
Sex with pochi's daughter
>>32992512spanking is kinda spicy ;)
>>33004735Don't mind if I do!
https://twitter.com/pavoliareine/status/1569181534774792196Moving day. Will she destroy something?
>>33008060A keyboard will be scratched and a mover will be carefully and methodically executed in front of his or her loved ones.
https://twitter.com/comifuro/status/1569201956480258053New Meet & Greet. Con presence required.>Meet & Greet is carried out on a 1-on-1 basis through PC devices provided by the committee in the Meet & Greet room located on the Mezzanine Hall 10 ICE BSD Floor.
>>33012682Another meet & greet? Busy peafowl
Lads, I'm really worried about this Worms collab. What if she really hits it off with the stars, what if she ends up unconsciously doing the car engine laugh cause they are so funny, what if she descends into fits of uncontrollable, girly giggles at their jokes?I can't handle it meppas.
>>33013812Maybe write a fanfiction about your cuck fetish
>>33013812its (you) problem, not mine fortunately
>>33013983Like what?Seing her wife get pounded? Interesting
>>33013812If this is you RoBschizo, just relax and play some DS3If you’re a catalog tourist here’s your complimentary (You), and thank you for visiting /mep/.
>>33013983You don't understand, this already happened to Kronii who was supposed to be some giga dyke that hates all men. One single collab was all it took for the illusion to be broken.Also I'll have to drop Reine cause I can't support vtubers that enjoy collabing with males.
>>33014946Just find a healthy way to enjoy your cuck fetish, like fanfiction, instead of shitposting here
>>33014946>supposed to be some giga dyke that hates all menThis right here proves that you are unironically a schizo.
just remember
>>33015006And not even an entertaining one… I miss robschizos sperg outs. Hopefully ER DLC drops soon and we have Lakes of Blood or something
dunno where to post this but this general seemed the most appropriatehttps://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=pochi_%28pochi-goya%29+futanari+>multiple resultsyour oshi's mama is a based woman of culture
>>33015006Look I don't know, I don't watch Kronii, I just watched the clips, maybe she isn't like that, but that's not the point.I just don't want to see Reine being entertained by other men, it's fucked up when she has us watching her.
>>33015120He’s still here, he’s just sperging out about Mori instead
Any chance we get a sched? All I know is the ID class collab on the 17/18th. Really excited to learn whats gonna be our next long narrative game.
>>33015367But futaxfuta is gay.Futaxfemale is based though.Pochi mama not based.
>>33015447But she drew us a waifu…
>>33015378>it's fucked upNo it isn't. There is nothing wrong with a professional and platonic interaction.Besides, this won't be the first time Reine interacted with the Stars.Also, what should we call you? UnicornSchizo?
>>33016030Nah, schizo means they actually care about the direction of Reine’s content or even watch Reine at all.Just call them by their true nature. Catalogniggers
>>33015744Reine would be waifu no matter who drew her, since it's her personality that matters, right?I think a truly based mama would draw lots of art of her daughter having kissy gay sex though.
>>33016030>Besides, this won't be the first time Reine interacted with the Stars.I'm pretty sure Farhan and Redshift are men too, meaning Reine regularly works with men. I guess it's only a problem when it's on stream?
>>33015378>it's fucked up when she has us watching her.
>>33016153Reine…you’re supposed to be busy moving
>>33016030You can call me what you like, it's just fucked up, having to watch the girl you like flirting and having fun with other dudes.And don't pretend you don't think about Reine like that, you wouldn't be cool if she got a boyfriend and talked about all the fun things they do together.
>>33016241you're fantasizing about her flirting a week before any interaction, go post about your cuck fetish somewhere else
>>33016241You have serious mental issues dude. When has she ever flirted with the guys? On the other hand, you see Reine flirt with the girls all the time but somehow it's different.
>>33016241>Reine playing a video game with male idols/coworkers who don't even live on the same continent as her is the same as her having a boyfriendthe mental gymnastics on these schizos
>>33016137By definition a Schizophrenic is someone who perceives the world around them in a twisted manner.The fact that the faggot unironically thinks interacting with the opposite gender is automatically flirting should be enough to warrant labeling him a Schizo. And in this case, schizophrenic with no redeeming qualities.At least RoBschizo was both amusing and actually trying to get sober from narcotics and alcohol.
>>33016478you don't get it, she's going to joke and laugh and i'm already rubbing myself raw thinking about it!!
How and since when have we had schizos like this. It’s so fucking annoying.
>>33016524I honestly dont think they’re a Reine watcher. At the very least not enough to have some sort of emotional investment. Just some bored dramafags who wanna start shit.Discounting her previous stars collabs Reine is so fucking emotionally distant from her chat that unironic unicornposting and “muh gfe” just seems bizarre.
>>33016030Don't call him anything, and don't give attention to this. You're inviting attention starved retards to divulge in their insecurities at your expense. Fucking RoB explained that he was going through some shit and at least knew he was being helplessly retarded.>>33016241Hey, stupid idiot, I play games with Reine and make her laugh too, while we both enjoy the interaction it doesn't mean we're romantically involved. Reine's even seen my bedroom, do you want to lube up with your tears because of that?
>>33016174Redshift is multiple men and a women
>>33016959oh shit now i want more reine review which we can submit something
>>33013798You're all replying to bait and I didn't get any (You) from this edit>>33017056I completely forgot about that but I meant from the Meet and Greet. Reine also gushed about my holomie! I'm sarcastically surprised we're not married.
>>33016959If you unironically think you can get closer to Reine than a co-worker you are actually the schizo.
>>33016995I always thought Redshift was a single person, not a group. Learned something new.
>>33017137I obviously don't but some of her viewers get more interaction with her than some of her coworkers ever will. It's from shared or one party's disinterest in that case but whatever. I don't think Reine's going to be hounding them to play Valorant at 4 in the morning and while I like Reine I'm not that emotionally invested that I'd set unrealistic expectations for her personal life.
>This timeslot>These postsThanks for the last push to convince me to finish this edit.
>>33013798Also, based.
Nice OC meppas, appreciate it
>>33018151kek, nice
TBDesu, i don't even care she play with whom, i just love her as herself, thinking about her in Romantic way just not my cup of tea, so it's not a big deal having her collabed with star
>>33016995Multiple men and women gangbanging ReineImagine
I'm gonna send Reine a condom money superchat and you fags can't stop me.
>>33019122Lesbians use condoms because they prevent cross contamination and facilitate clean up
Ultimate Chicken Horse was cute.
>>33019122Do it but its gotta be in either euros or dollars and it has to be red.
Gonna send>Dental dam money for MoonaShe'll be so mad, it'll be epic anti bros
>>33021101I'm going to own Reine and her fans by sending her some money for another kino 3D production. Maybe write her a nice message too!
>>33021101>dental damsDo lesbians really? Like what's the point of licking pussy if you can't even taste anything?
>>33021297I’d send Reine a condom superchat.Too bad it’ll be useless
>>33022161That's why almost no one uses them
Is today a break day?
I hope she collabs with Tempus more to get rid of her lesbian image and getting rid of her unicorns that fetishize these kind of relationships
>>33022556Antchama...>>33022799https://twitter.com/pavoliareine/status/1569181534774792196Busy moving her set-up to the new streaming room. So, 50% chance late night guerilla.
>>33022961I saw that tweet but I forgot
>>33022946Oh yeah bro, I can't wait for the off-collab too. It's going to be great, but Reine might have to take some time off after, like 9 months or so.And afterwards there's a lot of muting and sudden breaks in her streams, wonder what that's about? But anyway it's so amazing now that the unicorns have fucked off, right meppers?
>>33023194just write that fanfic instead of posting about your fetish here, cuckbrain
>>33023257I'm not the one who wants Reine to become Tempus cocksleeve, to "own" the unicorns or whatever.
>>33023536you're the one making your fetish posts here, cuck
>>33023536And yet you can't seem to stop posting about that exact scenario
>>33023548>>33023557Meppers just because Raine likes to fish doesnt mean you have to take the bait every damn time
>>33023548>>33023557That was an ironic post for that anon who wants Reine to "own" the unicorns with Tempus collabs.Do you not get irony, meppas?
>>33023754Poe's law
>>33014946>>33015378You don't know Kronii. I watched her before to an unhealthy amount. I was a hard gachikoi for her, to the point of me tracking all her activity and going schizo when she likes some random fan that isn't me. But I dropped her a few months back when I noticed her behavior is becoming more unstable and menhera-like. Anyway my point is that you could have totally predicted Kronii doing something like that
Daily reminder that Reine is gay as shit for Kiara.
>>33026782Less than a week to go before Tempus cock cures her.
>>33026782You got any more fanart to prove that or are you just talking out of your ass?
>>33026782>>33027379I think otherwise. Pavonova reigns at the top
>>33026782They talk a big game but when push comes to shove they…chicken out
>>33027564I like pavonashi more than pavonova but this artist makes the best Reine ship artt. Cereines Chad
>>33027564We can compromise here. Reine should have kissy gay sex with both of them. Preferably at the same time
>>33027720No space for me?
>>33027988Fauna should also join them of course. And IRyS too, while we're at it
>>33027720>>33027988>>33028191You really think Reine can get on with 4 girls? She can't even score 1
>>33028278>She can't even score 1https://youtu.be/EhYhsWDw5U4
>>33028278Thats the thing. Reine can just have Kiara score for her and she can just go “Oh well, since I’m already here…might as well ;)”
>>33028584 (me)One down three to go
>>33028278Here's the other three
>>33028584Kiara is sweet over the phone but then when they meet face to face she's stuck to her phone. What's up with that?
>>33028754Reminds me that I missed the iofi call because I had to step out a bit. Also missed their collabs with Pochi and Ina.For some reason I just subconsciously reject Iofi x Reine.
>>33028809That's when she is controlling the vibrator
>>33028858Something odd I noticed recently was despite being pretty well connected, Iofi doesn't show up much in Totsus. The last one I can clearly remember was Lui's and that was a prerecorded message.
>>33028858There was supposed to be a Reine x Iofi off collab too that got cancelled
>>33029023But they were both looking at their phones… Does that mean…
>>33028809They only know how to have discord sex
>>33029591They just had irl cybersex, because despite talking a big game neither know how to please another woman.So sad
>>33027671He made a Reine x Risu too. If we ever get a CeReine collab again, I’d bet he’d gladly draw it too.
>>33029679>>33029688I was implying that they were both controlling each other’s vibrators.
>>33029783>Using vibrators and not just relying on stiffening their forearms to induce a tetanic fingerblasting motion.Smh…millenial dykes are weak
>>33030068Perhaps they need instructions in the form of spicy yuri fanfics
>>33030377> maybe meppers should wri…> Meppers: “ Anyway I’m out”
>pavonashi, pavonova, cereines,and reirys getting along togetherOkay, im gonna drink my own tears for my crackship kanata reine, i still hope it happens someday
Meppas... I have a confession...I don't know how two girls have sex.
>>33030500I can't write very well, so I use the replace tool to change other Hololive fanfics to be Reine fics. Most are written so vaguely you can just replace the name and hair color and it works just fine. Some require more work, but TakaMori becomes PavoNashi pretty easily, for example.
>>33030993Kanata seems to be Reine’s 2nd favorite holo after Marine (not counting her harem). Its just a shame Reine sorta stopped doing much JP collabs. Whether its from being self conscious about her JP skill, or just being generally busy who knows
>>33030993I don’t visit /mep/ much, but I’ve always had the impression that you guys are very /u/nity. And let’s face it, we all know the best possible outcome is to have each and every single one of Reine’s wives gang up on her (yes, even Kronii)
>>33031263We just want our hag princess to be happy
>>33031263she literally called her birthday concert a Poly Live, summoning her wives to sing a song together.
>>33031403Do you consider Kobo and Ollie wives?
>>33030500I can only write porn with dicks, so it's going to be futa at best. That or some faceless dude.
>>33031168Kanata was one of the first senpai she met on Minecraft, and their interaction i. There was funny especially that gitar kesedihan partKanata also became guest for new year special ID classroom, so the chance isn't zero for them to had another collabs
>>33031624well not like they could leave the kids unsupervised
>>33031815> Kanata a loli vtuber with no uoh appeal> Reine a “sexy mature” vtuber with no oneesan appealTHEY ARE
>>33031113Same here and they’re not even hololive fics
>>33031815i still remember when miko still call reine "new mama/indonesia mama" n that first reine-polka interaction, a kiss just for food
>>33013798>>33018151moar pls
>>33032536Back when our weine was still Seiso…
>>33033098what are you talking about, Reine's problem is that she is too seiso, when she is clearly completely different off screen as indicated by the other ID girlsshe should just be more like her true self, that's why she always feels so distant and reserved on stream, having more of a persona than some of the other girls
>>33033293She just overthinks what she says, something I do all the time. It just seems weird how she is getting less confident in some ways despite consistently doing great streams. Those clips where she said some ID things that got traction live rent free in her head. And the miko situation clips just brought it all back.
>>33032536GDI, i almost forgot about polka, their 'fly me to the star' was one of my fav cover song
>>33033293>she should just be more like her true selfsometimes I wonder what she'd be like completely unfiltered and unlimited in what she can say or do>>33033510>she said some ID things that got tractionhuh?
Was the moving day successful?
>>33035702One I remember her specifically mentioning is the sm64 clip where she said anjir, which means fuck or something of that caliber iirc
>>33037154>one swearword>almost 2 years agoCome on now.
>>33038175It's relevant because it was her biggest clip for a good while. Plus I'm sure there's other shit like that out there that's more recent, but I don't speak indog and thus have no way of knowing for sure
You guys think Reine is into bondage?
>>33037111Maybe, but she might be tired from that
>>33038568Is fuck especially offensive in Indonesia? I don't see why that would affect her so much
>>33039924Who isn't at least a little bit into bondage?
>>33039938She doesn't seem to think so, but I remember some people acting like it's a big deal. I think it's more that she doesn't want to attract the kind of fanbase that's just little kids going "haha anime girl say bad mean word"
>>33040062Suisei comes to mind.
bye mep
>>33038175She brought up she still thinks about it when talking about the Miko clips, she's was opening up that it still is rent free.
Reine is cute and baby
>>33040865What ever happened to CMRenji? He was always my favorite Gray Name.
>>33042874>she's was opening up that it still is rent freeShe said it didn't bother her anymore though.
>>33042957That clip yes, but worrying about what she says on stream stayed.