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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 306 KB, 2048x1603, Fb1dUlzVQAEPNlx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32846388 No.32846388 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:


https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt)
https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)






Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

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NijiEN song playlist:
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Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>32836670

>> No.32846410

That fucking Rosemi sign

>> No.32846426
File: 301 KB, 1769x972, FcMC-cCakAA2Gex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ike love!

>> No.32846437

sex with mysta

>> No.32846446

Elira's cute face while putting on chapstick!

>> No.32846457
File: 292 KB, 1304x2048, Fb59D75VsAAKQSz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our precious lovely Rosemi-sama~

>> No.32846473
File: 398 KB, 794x808, 1662363395517603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32854544

Sonny being a helpful guide to wosemiiii

>> No.32846491
File: 15 KB, 487x89, yuritual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bytch love

>> No.32846507
Quoted by: >>32846539

I hate you zoomers so fucking much for not noticing my posts last thread.

>> No.32846514
File: 198 KB, 800x1200, 1621290016535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira love!
I love this dork!

>> No.32846527
File: 392 KB, 1490x2012, FRcCgvjagAEXsbL (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my birb wife

>> No.32846539

ayo das crazy

>> No.32846548

Just different people (dis)liking different things and they don't happen to have a wose hater.
If you go by what the haters say you'd think Shu is the most disliked male itt, when it's just a couple of anons complaining about schedules.

>> No.32846564
File: 268 KB, 1536x2048, 7C4AF34B-C8C8-4337-A736-9F4A1AA60BA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca love!

>> No.32846575
File: 403 KB, 1807x1807, 1662769582263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sonny love! wosemi a cute!

>> No.32846578
File: 184 KB, 1170x1304, FG35E52XMAwdXD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.32846601
File: 291 KB, 498x494, GMIWM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32847225

Welcome to being a man
A woman can emotionally manipulate you her entire life and slowly breakdown your self-worth until all that's left is an empty husk
But you raise a single finger against her and you're vilified by society

>> No.32846607
Quoted by: >>32846845

crossdressing sex with ike eveland and mysta rias (breakcore remix) ft alban knox and sonny brisko

>> No.32846625
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, 1633813867217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina Love!

>> No.32846640
File: 603 KB, 2581x2232, 4821090925742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32846737

Elira picked up on N instantly, smart dragon!

>> No.32846641
File: 141 KB, 1026x1662, E-4Q1r-XIAEg59k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Pomu, she's my shining star!

>> No.32846643

i liked when elira talked about positivity and negativity in yesterdays vod when i was catching up, it was a sudden mood switch but it felt real a moment where she was speaking from the heart

>> No.32846676
Quoted by: >>32846925

Mysta isn't streaming tomorrow and somehow it makes me even sadder than I already am.

>> No.32846682

>the spy is french
Yes rosemi

>> No.32846687


>> No.32846716

sonny... hold yourself back... do not insult the french in front of rosemi...

>> No.32846726

had to get up for a bit and pomu is not talking about some issues. is their server totally fucked after all or what?

>> No.32846737

I mean it's REALLY obvious who N is and I think that's the point with how fast they drop the mask.

>> No.32846749
Quoted by: >>32846945

Kyo fans are loaded

>> No.32846751

Do not shill tempiss here

>> No.32846756
File: 512 KB, 1024x732, MystaLove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32846757

Elira's cute stretching noises!

>> No.32846779
Quoted by: >>32846863

>He looks like Noa, sounds like Noa and he's name is N. What a coincidence.

>> No.32846777

Is this the start of the pomudachi resistance against Pomu?

>> No.32846782
File: 76 KB, 651x923, tsuntsun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tsuntsun love !

>> No.32846845

haha, very cool

>> No.32846863


>> No.32846862
File: 329 KB, 1900x2150, Aia185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Aia Amare

>> No.32846885

I will never be raped by an evil fairy!

>> No.32846906
Quoted by: >>32847097

I don't understand Minecraft shit, so is Selen wrong and their world file is actually corrupted?

>> No.32846913

No, it's just one schizo who's been going at it for weeks

>> No.32846925
File: 344 KB, 1577x1780, 1646976493578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32847755

Pray for a guerilla. With him you never know.

>> No.32846938

I think this thread being mostly positive towards rose was actually the rose schizos fault.

>> No.32846940
File: 139 KB, 320x320, 1662063932564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have class while sonny's streaming... i was looking forward to this collab

>> No.32846945
Quoted by: >>32847004

one has a black credit card and they adopted kyo and his chat lol

>> No.32846974

mechas are so fucking cool

>> No.32846992
Quoted by: >>32847026

Pomudachi have convinced themselves that it's their fault that Pomu treats them like shit
They are the stockhome syndrome battered housewives of NijIEN

>> No.32846993
File: 2.86 MB, 480x220, Astral Chain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niji (not Sonny) for this feel?

>> No.32846995

Rosemi likes using the spy.

>> No.32847004

even I was adopted

>> No.32847027
File: 183 KB, 1000x1000, 1659709983155849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32847129

Briskadets love Wosemi! Unity!

>> No.32847026

Pomudachis and Yaminions... together are strong!

>> No.32847031
File: 330 KB, 2048x2048, FcPlQrbaIAAs__O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysta love! It was fun to watch him getting a win as imposter today

>> No.32847069

Of course I resist my urges of masturbating with her and falling more in love with her...

>> No.32847071
File: 766 KB, 902x618, 1658116008423401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will do a sponsored stream tomorrow
>pained laugh right after

>> No.32847075
File: 1008 KB, 850x1133, sample-40c7a655fa3ff15a2815c18aea374434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32847082
File: 163 KB, 1200x1200, 1649871825157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feesh LOVE!

>> No.32847085

i forget that schizo exists, i just like rosemi

>> No.32847097

The seed for the world changed, so all new chunks will generate with shitty cut-off borders. It's ugly, but doesn't actually hurt anything.

>> No.32847105

selen is gonna shill the characters with the biggest bazongas

>> No.32847118
File: 1.98 MB, 1595x2458, 1661180250853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah at least our oshi likes doing solo streams and spending time with her chat.
She did 3 voice packs for the current batch while Shu has 0...

>> No.32847123
Quoted by: >>32847223

Man Astral Chain was such a waste of time. Was still really fun taking pictures of my sister and every other girl's ass then seeing them during the credits scroll.

>> No.32847129

As a rosebud I also like Sonny! This is a fun Collab.

>> No.32847143
File: 139 KB, 448x448, WGobY-6kD5-O_9EPpryj2A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32847297

where's my gifted membership

>> No.32847162
File: 658 KB, 1342x778, FcOKFckakAA0yi9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fulgur, Yugo, Alban, Uki and Sonny are part of a wave? I don't recall... Does it even have a name?

>> No.32847167


>> No.32847187

That water looks pretty dirty hahaha...

>> No.32847205
File: 567 KB, 1011x562, 1658415691856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32847223
Quoted by: >>32847336

>Do you guys think they'll ever make Team Fortress 3?
Rosemi...she doesn't know this is still Valve...

Is it really that bad? I got to the point where the dad got kidnapped or something and then I just sorta dropped it.

>> No.32847225

Imagine getting rolled intellectually by a woman. If she's being emotionally manipulative, the obvious answer is to be more efficiently manipulative. Getting physical just means you're an unevolved ape, embarrassing.

>> No.32847227


>> No.32847236


>> No.32847245

Okay but for real why the fuck are Selen and Scarle shilling a game that won't be out for like two months? This marketing seems fucking retarded unless the release date got pushed forward.

>> No.32847256

Nah, Pomudachi gets degraded by her and some enjoy it. Yaminions just get neglected and not even in a sexy way.

>> No.32847271
Quoted by: >>32847417

Didn't ToF do the same?

>> No.32847278
File: 1.17 MB, 957x1062, 1647547382057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Pomu
>Desperately chase after Luca everywhere he goes
>Vehemently defends him on every game they play (particularly in games like Among Us)
>Tells her fans and paypigs to eat shit and leave Luca alone about nuking the minecraft server when he hasn't even manned up and apologized for doing it
>Weasels her way into any collab he's in that she can get in providing it's not a strict 1 on 1 collab
>Organizes multiple 1 on 1 collabs with him but doesn't bother doing so with any of the other males
>Spends all day in minecraft both on and off screen with him
>Gets told to check discord and they both log off together
>Keeps constantly saying on stream she likes dumb himbos
>Cucked fanbase still haven't put 2 and 2 together
Literally another Nyan and Aethel situation.
Watching third wheelers cope and make excuses is amusing.

>> No.32847295

because the entirety of nijijp and nijien are going to shill it following them all the way up to release date

>> No.32847296
Quoted by: >>32847378

>Alyx is more like a spinoff
Sonny has to know what the ending is.

>> No.32847297

did you turn on the option to allow receiving gifts?

>> No.32847308
Quoted by: >>32847472

Selen should play Quake, any of them

>> No.32847318
File: 60 KB, 191x209, 1660192712014559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kyo doesnt make his character black

>> No.32847316 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>32847467

>Pomu likes spending time with her cha-
>Is that Luca? OMG hi Luca want to hop in VC with me? Actually let me just stop streaming we can spend time on discord together without these cucks interrupting ;)

>> No.32847336

>Is it really that bad?
Oh no from a gameplay perspective it's completely fine. I was more meaning the story just falling off a fucking cliff and how bafflingly retarded some of the choices were like not having the player character talk or that one flashback where Max looks at a picture of you two being the default models so if you're play a black PC it implies that you're in blackface or something.

>> No.32847355
Quoted by: >>32847721

Where do I check this option?

>> No.32847368

take your med- no, you're just a shitposter

>> No.32847370

Ok I'm out. @ me when she's done

>> No.32847373

I think it's something like Nordic with a weird spelling. Probably in refence to how Ike is Yugo's mentor.

>> No.32847378
Quoted by: >>32848064


>> No.32847385

hello vshojo shitter

>> No.32847396
File: 115 KB, 448x448, WGobY8amD5-O_9EPpryj2A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did... i have also received membership from other people before but just not kyo's

>> No.32847417

Nah from what I remember ToF was actually out and playable.

>> No.32847422


>> No.32847429
File: 134 KB, 458x444, 1660832258315663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32847558

based and true but cuckydachis will keep coping

>> No.32847451
File: 309 KB, 1178x827, 1648096141000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32847562

9+ hours with breaks but I beat Taka tower in ninisani. I now know exactly how she felt...

>> No.32847467
Quoted by: >>32847579

>Source: my schizo cuck fantasies

>> No.32847472

She has

>> No.32847493

Anon you're hallucinating they never shared a wave together...

>> No.32847510

Who is Nyan and Aethel?

>> No.32847518

don't let that schizophrenic lucub distract you from the fact Rosemi has a fucking monkey on her team

>> No.32847529
Quoted by: >>32847589

>valorant first
doesn’t it take like 40 minutes to play one game

>> No.32847539

They had a couple of shill streams before ToF was out. And then when it launched they did another dozens of them.

>> No.32847550
File: 808 KB, 3762x2935, Ka-Chow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ewiwa!
Hoping Elira could get her Lightning McQueen crocs.

>> No.32847558
File: 194 KB, 416x424, 1662550886187922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll make sure you're never alone either cuckgoon <3

>> No.32847562
File: 83 KB, 300x300, OTtgYsvsBYul1wKo9rOwDg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32847978

good for you rilakkuma
i hate parkour

>> No.32847579
Quoted by: >>32847655


>> No.32847581

>Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor
That would be an interesting Elira karaoke song

>> No.32847589

She might just play spike rush

>> No.32847630

Nah, Rosemi and Shu did one before the game was out in global.

>> No.32847636
Quoted by: >>32847749

Are we making shit up? Let me try:
I can't believe that Pomu read the Quran on stream and said that armenians deserved to be genocided, nice "no politics" in your streams nippleniggers

>> No.32847638 [DELETED] 
File: 274 KB, 1401x1446, 1656397036084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura has a boyfriend.
Here's a clip of her streaming with him back in her s*nzawa days.
She barely ever streams because she's busy getting railed by this chad.

>> No.32847644

who is kuzuha and mikoto

>> No.32847655
Quoted by: >>32847792

Nice clip disproving your schizo cuck fantasies

>> No.32847659

Not even a pomudachi but I wonder if people lurking would treat this as fact.

>> No.32847681
Quoted by: >>32847730

Holy deflection batman
Why are doxxdachis like this?

>> No.32847704
File: 238 KB, 846x1200, 489021502075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two queens

>> No.32847712

genshin characters

>> No.32847714
File: 817 KB, 600x720, 1593091751196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know sex hag
dumb ENonly

>> No.32847721

Take a look at the chat, when someone is gifting an anouncement pops out and you have to click on 'allow gifts'

>> No.32847730

Good job giving yourself away, holofaggot

>> No.32847749
Quoted by: >>32847871

Sasuga fairy, in reality she is a jew so she does those things so people hate other races and religions

>> No.32847755
Quoted by: >>32848188

I'm not sure if I'll be in mood for a guerrilla... It'll probably be on Twitch too, fuck that site.

>> No.32847765
File: 108 KB, 700x394, 1632671112387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit pomie

>> No.32847783
Quoted by: >>32847904

Did he self delete or did a mod delete it that fast? kek

>> No.32847784

>instantly deleted
lmao holoboard btw

>> No.32847785

Genshin charaters. Wind boy and thunder god.

>> No.32847792
Quoted by: >>32847869

>Luca joins Pomu's SC reading for no reason other than he was jealous
>Totally ignores chat and just flirts with Luca
>Ends stream shortly after he leaves
Pomie it's time to wake up...

>> No.32847794

Hi jannies, you are looking quite ugly today

>> No.32847801

who's steve jobs

>> No.32847805
File: 45 KB, 529x553, 1643317032173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32847869

Anon.. she chatted with chat for like 2 hours after Luca's 5min call

>> No.32847871

Nice to see the jews adopted the Reichstag Fire as a tactic in their book too

>> No.32847880
Quoted by: >>32848010

Fuck off butagaming

>> No.32847904

It's pretty obvious anon, remember the Pomu doxx? they didn't do shit

>> No.32847912
File: 155 KB, 890x653, 1630813442375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32847940


>> No.32847939

>clown rosemi sign
fucking kek

>> No.32847940
File: 105 KB, 549x554, 1627155314263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32847942

clown rosemi! no!

>> No.32847960
File: 346 KB, 2048x1638, FRT5bNBVUAAqZID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32848081

Why has Rosemi abandoned her oshi? Doesn't she know how badly she wants someone to love her?

>> No.32847978
File: 274 KB, 1413x1316, 1649240743572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32848114

It's surprisingly fun when you get into it, looking back at what you struggled before to breeze through it is a nice feeling

>> No.32847985
Quoted by: >>32848059

Elira says do not shake the Lazulight puppets!

>> No.32848003
Quoted by: >>32848067

Jesus I forgot how fat Lappy's ass is

>> No.32848010

it's arkathon

>> No.32848059

How am i supposed to masturbate with them if i don't shake them?

>> No.32848064

It's more because while it looks like a prequel spinoff on the surface, the last 5 minutes or so are the most consequential for the series and the most the plot moved for more than a decade

>> No.32848067
Quoted by: >>32848154

Uh anon, that's Maria. Lappy isn't anywhere in the picture...

>> No.32848071
Quoted by: >>32848166

what are you talking about
Alban is in Luxiem
Yugo is in VALZ
Fulgur and Uki are a duo wave
Sonny is a holo

>> No.32848081

Wish we had a good zatsudan streamer like her to

>> No.32848082
Quoted by: >>32848152

why is this deleted when the post it replies to that is also breaking board rules remains?

>> No.32848114
File: 183 KB, 480x480, s1TiYejaMsXzgAfk2aHYCg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've tried but i just didn't have any patience
building things in mc is fun though!

>> No.32848136

>pomu actually had to manage karens irl

>> No.32848137

>there are more Arcadians than Renvaders
>there are more honeys than Renvaders
>there are more Aiadmirers than Renvaders
>there are more stargazers than Renvaders
How does this even happen?

>> No.32848152

Preemptive self-delete most probably.

>> No.32848154
Quoted by: >>32848256


>> No.32848166

Why is sonny a holo

>> No.32848188

You should try and get over your Twitch phobia. Some of his best content's on there.

>> No.32848204
Quoted by: >>32848306

I don’t think Arcadians exist either

>> No.32848207

because he wants to die -again-

>> No.32848218

Nothing about Ren is appealing to anyone here, I guess

>> No.32848232
Quoted by: >>32848295

>No ENs that can zatsu as well as Ange or Inui
>Still no EN has racist as Lize
why must we be cursed

>> No.32848234

Get a holo deez nuts!

>> No.32848252
Quoted by: >>32848360

The dude sounds black

>> No.32848256

I couldn't remember her actual name. Now I want too see art of Maria with Marie's ass...

>> No.32848269

I am following his Twitter career with great interest

>> No.32848277
File: 410 KB, 426x429, 1629708532874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a Pomudachi feeling downtrodden and abandoned by Pomu?
Are you sick of her treating you like shit?
Does the fact she spends every waking moment she can with Luca makes you feel like a cuck?
Then do not fear for I have the solution to all your troubles!
I was once like you, until I realised there were better oshis out there who appreciated me
For FREE, I can offer you a direct upgrade to your old, broken Pomu model.
She offers 10 times the GFE, actually loves her fans and doesn't spend all stream flirting with male livers
It's time to make the switch and never look back
Become a Dragoon today!

>> No.32848285

i tried liking him, i really did

>> No.32848286
File: 71 KB, 1036x955, 20220905_194420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32848525

I love Seffyna she is my beautiful seiso K-Fairy gf
ハラ(ง ˘ω˘ )วペコ
(ง ˙˘˙ )ว(ง ˙˘˙ )ว(ง ˙˘˙ )ว

>> No.32848295
File: 148 KB, 512x512, Sheesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32848306

plus that one Aiafag watches all of Iluna

>> No.32848318

>Open Rosemi stream
>Quality drops to 144p
>This never happened in the past
>Sonny is there
I'm gonna blame Sonny

>> No.32848321

logging in to grab my free clownsemi sign!

>> No.32848326

Is the Pomu schizo also the Luca schizo or are they different people? How many schizos do we actually have?

>> No.32848348
Quoted by: >>32848561

>spends every waking moment she can with Luca
this dragoon doesn't check selen's twitter kek

>> No.32848360
File: 17 KB, 282x282, 1651281860251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32848363

Return to your cave, foul creature >>32778079

>> No.32848365

>Do you want to go from a shit oshi to a shittier oshi?

>> No.32848383
Quoted by: >>32848486

>How does this even happen?
I don't want to be called a "xXx_RenVaderZ_xXx"

>> No.32848390

Was Luxiem and Noctyx debuts and the fat whales they brought with them the death blow of Nijisanji EN?

>> No.32848396
File: 96 KB, 1110x686, 1644422264308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32848421

Elira still plays a lot of games. I’m talking about someone mostly streams zatsudans

>> No.32848423

Why are dragoons like this?

>> No.32848436
Quoted by: >>32848789

Wait is this why we have so many 144p Sonny pics?

>> No.32848446

Based and unironically true post.
Selen collabs with other males but she doesn't flirt with them like a bitch in heat like Pomu does.

>> No.32848452

It's funny but Elira doesn't put the raw sexual desire that Ange or Inui does. Elira is a very good zatsudan liver but she's more like a dorky friend to me.

>> No.32848453
Quoted by: >>32848598

They're the same people, when he got mindbroken when Pomu didn't care for his ars aka he then began larping as a woman and posting pogmu pics while claling everyone cucks

>> No.32848465

>How many schizos do we actually have
are you really asking that on 4chan

>> No.32848484


>> No.32848486
Quoted by: >>32848699

I don't get this meme. Why is it stylized like that?

>> No.32848512
Quoted by: >>32848607

It was certainly the death blow for these threads.
I want to go back to comfy Ethyria threads...these threads aren't even more active than they were back then they just have more low quality shitposters.

>> No.32848525
File: 380 KB, 1800x1500, __seffyna_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_san_sami__a6bfbaac5bcb1ca5a1cee80236021da8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32848678


>> No.32848527

He can't be viewed in above 144p without causing immense damage to your mental state, it's for your own good.

>> No.32848552

He changes tactics when one fails, but I think we have at least 5 schizos that are not raiders

>> No.32848556
File: 254 KB, 381x430, 1662771208123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32848766

>das crazy caught on
>hell yeah brother didnt
das crazy...

>> No.32848558
File: 2.15 MB, 1250x1767, 489027550160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32848746

It would be easier if you just admitted that you don't like women, anon, there's a reason almost all of NijiEN lusts after her

>> No.32848561

>Pomufag projecting

>> No.32848563

well, roseschizo, LOE, and milgurschizo all different people, so at least 3.

>> No.32848567 [SPOILER] 
File: 314 KB, 393x536, 1661720922985596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open for a surprise

>> No.32848584

Check the ip count, that many at least.

>> No.32848597
Quoted by: >>32848809

schizos are people who hold different beliefs

>> No.32848598
Quoted by: >>32848727

What about the fagoons schizos? I know they are 2 of them. Is one of them also the same schizo or are they 2 separate people?

>> No.32848607

>changed the thread culture then leaves when they got bored
Why did they do it?

>> No.32848617

Wait TF2 has gacha? Is sonny's disdain towards gacha somehow rooted to tf2? Kek

>> No.32848621
Quoted by: >>32848783

As a briskadet I can confirm

>> No.32848665 [DELETED] 

>Selen gets an aka
>omg thank you so much <3
>Pomu gets an aka
>urgh, is that all you have? That's not even going to pay for 2 packs of condoms with Luca's size (paraphrased)
How does Pomu even have fans still?

>> No.32848678
File: 341 KB, 471x479, 12348775643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32848682

Elira's recent ASMR was something else....

>> No.32848699

stuck in 2010

>> No.32848717

Its gacha before gacha, lootboxes

>> No.32848727

That's just dragooncord, they also come here to collect Finana doxx to harass her

>> No.32848733

Is this the "bullying" that pomie was complaining about earlier today? Holy shit, you have some thin ass skin

>> No.32848741
Quoted by: >>32849236

Sonny should never be watch in more then 144p. His face should never be seen in full resolution for the sake of your mentality...

>> No.32848746
File: 91 KB, 976x705, 1644831841719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32848962

Don't get me wrong anon I'd gladly have sex with the dork dragon if she offered it but again she's more like a dorky pal I'd know at work or school. Ange and Inui however put a full force "pin her to a desk and rip her pants off" level of sexual fury.

>> No.32848748

I'm slowly growing parasocial to all this pomu shizoposting.

>> No.32848751
Quoted by: >>32848915

Reminder: https://files.catbox.moe/hk96am.webm

>> No.32848760

Let's settle this, be honest with me anon. Are you a schizo?

>> No.32848761
File: 265 KB, 341x355, 1629325443370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many schizos do we actually have?
208 and growing

>> No.32848766

She got a couple today from others at least... but after she initiated it during amogus

>> No.32848783
File: 32 KB, 293x445, 78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32848789
File: 292 KB, 1080x599, IMG_20220910_085514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32848809

Schizo is when anon posts opinion I don't like
The more I don't like it the more schizo it is
And when it's an opinion I really don't like it's a holobrony

>> No.32848819

It’s probably just as simple as him not liking the idea of blowing all your money like that
He outright said he despises gambling too

>> No.32848820
File: 465 KB, 834x818, Smug Sneznhayan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a 1 week break from this place, and y'all still spout the same "arguments" still?
Nice thread as always, nippleniggas

>> No.32848832

It actually depends on the day

>> No.32848839 [SPOILER] 


>> No.32848844

cute Wosemi's gremlin noises

>> No.32848850

Don't trust this anon, he's a fed and therefore a reptillian

>> No.32848866
File: 465 KB, 246x350, 1651539157889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32849071

It is a bit funny that he resorted to cuckposting when Pomu has the best numbers among the current streams on lol

>> No.32848873
Quoted by: >>32849070

I am the only HD Sonny enjoyer. I am immune. I am power.

>> No.32848874

I am a shitpsoster at worse

>> No.32848875

this is true however some of us do enjoy feeling our braincells and free will melt away as we behold him in glorious HD

>> No.32848877

I'll be honest, I did find Ren funny when he was being a troll to his wavemates during the pico park collab. I like his "do evil things and act innocently retarded" shtick. But he barely does that and his solo streams are really boring.

>> No.32848899

Nope. I'm as sane as everyone here.

>> No.32848906

No, I speak only truth.

>> No.32848915

Okay thank you Enna
But how does it feel having the worst viewer to Supa ratio of the entire industry?

>> No.32848917

Only sometimes, very rarely though.

>> No.32848946

Only when I don't take my meds

>> No.32848948

no im perfectly normal and sane

>> No.32848962
File: 616 KB, 2948x3583, 489012680551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32849178

Well of course, Elira isn't for rape or abuse, she's for proper loving

>> No.32848965

Do you guys think Jesus Christ would have watched NijiEN?

>> No.32849012

i didn't think it was possible to fall for elira more than i already did but i did

>> No.32849017

He does.

>> No.32849018

i do

>> No.32849020
Quoted by: >>32849087

Why does Sonny like crab game so much

>> No.32849052
Quoted by: >>32850448

Nah, I don't think he would be into vtubers. Seems more like a Northernlion or Vinesauce type of guy.

>> No.32849060

He’s always watching. He’s always watching everyone

>> No.32849070
File: 159 KB, 916x915, 1662771542777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am also an HD sonny enjoyer

>> No.32849071
File: 1.12 MB, 1916x1748, 1658699830804182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bit funny you whine about hololive numberfagging and then do the exact same thing

>> No.32849083
File: 25 KB, 348x318, 1649543440590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysta would be right up his alley since he's a saviourfag

>> No.32849085

No. Just a thread watcher that occasionally provides context.

>> No.32849087

the shitposter likes shitposts

>> No.32849105

Pomu is my girlfriend
Elira is my girlfriend
Rosemi is my girlfriend
Enna is my girlfriend
Millie is my girlfriend

>> No.32849115 [SPOILER] 
File: 868 KB, 2048x1864, 1662771460540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32849233

cheld i missed you please never leave again

>> No.32849131

i still find ren cute

>> No.32849130

jesus would've been a briskadet

>> No.32849144
Quoted by: >>32849547


>> No.32849156

Elira is my girlfriend
Elira is my wife
Elira is my sister
Elira is my mother
Elira is my neighbor

>> No.32849166
Quoted by: >>32849311

You realize you're not in /#/, right? Hololive numberfagging is off-topic here

>> No.32849168
File: 291 KB, 200x200, 79770a28-541a-4d3a-b40c-f463a95cd51a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32849547


>> No.32849178
File: 638 KB, 896x930, 1645596407891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32849291

dumb, sweaty elira sex where she says something so dumb she starts laughing about it and ruins the mood!
hmm, I think you might have a point here anonymous...

>> No.32849190
Quoted by: >>32849307

>Sonny is schizo
>Briskadets are schizo
>Jesus was schizo

>> No.32849200

going to give elira some of my sweet ether if you catch my drift

>> No.32849208

Elira apologizes too much

>> No.32849225

Why is she so jewish?

>> No.32849229

Uki is having a drunk chatting stream.
Millie is also having a drunk unarchived karaoke afterwards.

>> No.32849232
File: 341 KB, 443x597, petrastare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes he’s a Pentomo

>> No.32849233

me on the right btw

>> No.32849236
File: 20 KB, 272x286, sn19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32849254


>> No.32849273
File: 10 KB, 636x113, 1662771698189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's part of brisquad

>> No.32849272

jesus christ is already a part of brisquad and has donated to sonny brisko

>> No.32849291
Quoted by: >>32849510

Elira giggling as you're kissing! Feeling her smile with your own mouth!

>> No.32849296

Ren has zero distinguishing feature, positive or negative. Even the laziness is copied from Shu.

>> No.32849303

Millie might appear in Uki's stream because she pinned the link to his stream in her chat.

>> No.32849306
Quoted by: >>32851630

Jesus is an Aloupeep

>> No.32849307

The son, the father and the holy spirit

>> No.32849311
Quoted by: >>32849375

Then why do you talk about it so much?

>> No.32849312
Quoted by: >>32849377

>Friday night
It's Sunday

>> No.32849330
File: 25 KB, 611x113, yunohelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yugo please focus on your music and your korean reps, stop coming here

>> No.32849338
File: 131 KB, 381x612, 1662546865715630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32849350

Is this EN songs or Tagalog?

>> No.32849354

Glad that the lazy shark got BTFO by the new debut numbers.

>> No.32849366
File: 131 KB, 480x480, 1636007729515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32849547

Mysta will turn to Jesus Christ and give up his crossdressing, porn addicted ways.

>> No.32849373
File: 227 KB, 800x600, FZJ6RyiaMAIin2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my image

>> No.32849375
Quoted by: >>32849416

Nobody is talking about Hololive numbers here, so back to your containment thread

>> No.32849377

Anon i think you started drinking a little to early

>> No.32849416
Quoted by: >>32849535

You just did lol

>> No.32849423
File: 1.01 MB, 3000x3000, FcDHks2aMAQa96-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Fulgur's battery died, Alban gets to play

>> No.32849488
File: 368 KB, 1570x2048, FcHY_xNaIAAD18_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32849799

god... i miss ffxiv so much but playing it alone sucks

>> No.32849492

this has to be the most garbage ritualpost in this entire thread

>> No.32849501
Quoted by: >>32849610

Imagine if Belmond was watching Pomu's stream, she using creative... he would be sad...

>> No.32849510
Quoted by: >>32849624

>get married to Elira
>her brother pulls you aside a couple days after and says he has a gift for you
>it's a handwritten guidebook full of every possible way to overcome your newlywed dragon wife
>"you think anime characters are hot" is circled and underlined multiple times in red
>nearly snaps your spine giving you a pat on the back and wishes you luck

>> No.32849517
File: 219 KB, 1045x1889, FcDKnE8aMAEATZK1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32851744


>> No.32849533

i have a crush on cheld anon

>> No.32849535

No I didn't? You really need to work on your shitposting

>> No.32849547

>I can't save you Mysta
>and Jesus, wept
John 11:35

>> No.32849548

Poor Sonny is watching his imouto become a gambling addict.

>> No.32849555

Haha Selen sucks at Valorant

>> No.32849602


>> No.32849610

I stood by her when she came out as a non-virgin
I stood by her when she was doxxed
I stood by her through the hundred Luca collabs
But being a fucking cheat is one step too far

>> No.32849624
File: 129 KB, 512x512, 952197477125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32849703


>> No.32849721

Don't let Wose gacha, Sonny!

>> No.32849749

Sonny likes the lame shirt…

>> No.32849750

sonny can't save her...

>> No.32849763

>Rosebuds you have to keep her in check

>> No.32849770

dunno you tell me. im just enjoying my time with pomu.

>> No.32849792


>> No.32849794


>> No.32849799

we were supposed to have a /nijien/ ffxiv guild...

>> No.32849798
Quoted by: >>32849898

I actually think she deserves to get shitted for using creative more than the other 3 things, buI won't do it because it's autistic

>> No.32849812


>> No.32849838
File: 107 KB, 1920x1080, 1648917042485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32849840

>he's gonna ram you with those

>> No.32849859

That depends on your definition of schizo.

>> No.32849871
Quoted by: >>32849967

Rosemi might have a gambling problem

>> No.32849898

If you're gonna blame someone then blame pomudachis because they told Pomu to use creative to reconstruct things

>> No.32849900


>> No.32849903

Rosemi Lovecock

>> No.32849910

sonny don't encourage her

>> No.32849924
File: 493 KB, 1000x963, 1652932621162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little

>> No.32849935

>Blame Pomudachis
Based, they always deserve it

>> No.32849941

Pomu please stop using creative...my autism...

>> No.32849950


>> No.32849962

So is the minecraft collab just all of them in creative mode?

>> No.32849967

what is she doing? watching pomu right now and im not into multistreams.

>> No.32849969

Pomudachis a completely cucked yesmen no wonder Pomu hates them

>> No.32849974

Nice game

>> No.32849986


>> No.32849997


>> No.32850016

No I'm not. Anyway, do you want the full rundown on why the Noctyx ships are dead?
>Alban develops real feelings for Sonny, decides he can't get his heart broken again so soon and admits to Sonny that he wants to pull back on the ship thing, at least for a bit because it feels too real and gives him hope
>Fulgur starts to get uncomfortable with the realness of Uki's crush because he doesn't want to give him false hope and has tapered it off a lot due to it
>Alban and Fulgur end up admitting their situations to each other in vc causing Fulgur to broach things with Sonny to at least try and save things there
>Sonny admits that he knew Alban was developing real feelings for him but he enjoyed the attention
>Sonny then starts targetting Luca because he acts like a child
>Minecraft happens
>Sonny drops that idea, he's going to try and steal Maria from her boyfriend now. Her torture knowledge turned him on

>> No.32850021


>> No.32850024
File: 1.36 MB, 1073x986, 826105783441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32850572

I'm glad my oshi is both positive about rebuilding things and putting in the hard work of not using creative mode

>> No.32850030
Quoted by: >>32850099


>> No.32850046

In fact I blame Finana for using it first and giving nijiEN cheat perms

>> No.32850047
Quoted by: >>32850393

I already lost interest in their MC server after Luca used creative. EN server is the worst but I feel bad for others who collect and build everything on their own like uki for example.

>> No.32850084
File: 44 KB, 192x192, pvFEYpnVOISG8wTp467IDw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did pomu ask chat's permission before using creative?

>> No.32850087
File: 1.20 MB, 800x1130, 1633981047349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32850145

How do I know if I'm a schizo?

>> No.32850099

stfu enner

>> No.32850104


>> No.32850122

I wish I were. Then I can be imaginary friends with my oshi

>> No.32850133


>> No.32850142
File: 101 KB, 2048x1519, FbYLft9VEAEW7hk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32850479

Ahh Uki... I wish I could have done the same honestly. I'm not even using my degree now

>> No.32850145
Quoted by: >>32850276

If you have to ask you are probably a schizo.

>> No.32850162

The first MC stream after the wipe she said she was gonna do it completely on survival but chat told her to use creative

>> No.32850164

You know if you guys pester them hard enough about creative mode, they might quit minecraft entirely.

>> No.32850165
Quoted by: >>32850504

Pomudachi's are ball-less yesmen, she doesn't need to ask shit, they'll answer whatever makes things easier for her.
Literally the most beta fanbase in all of vtubing, not just nijisanji.

>> No.32850181

based, she shouldn't have to waste her resources to rebuild other people's stuff

>> No.32850185

and to think you guys made fun of ryuguards before

>> No.32850252

When will Pomu play Ace combat? After Peace Walker?

>> No.32850267

Anyone who has played more than 10 hours of Minecraft should be permanently banned from posting online

>> No.32850269

If she's just rebuilding old shit who cares

>> No.32850273
Quoted by: >>32850367

I cant help but feel like Mika can give mad bjs

>> No.32850275

After ground zeroes

>> No.32850276
File: 41 KB, 104x136, 1633583581689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32850289
File: 299 KB, 894x894, 1661609242136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Pomu will be my wife one day because I astral projected through time and space in my dreams to shift the world-line towards that outcome. It's an inevitability now, nothing anyone can do will stop it from happening, we are fated to be together.

>> No.32850325

He had always been partial to whores, so may be Vox

>> No.32850334

So, someone explain to me why it's a bad thing to use creative to rebuild something that was there before it was wiped out, it's not like the structure was destroyed naturally. Also if you're gonna shit on her for that then shit on the people who copy and pasted buildings too

>> No.32850367


>> No.32850371
Quoted by: >>32850455

There is a vtuber named Anon, holy cow.

>> No.32850374
Quoted by: >>32850691

How do you compare Project Wingman to Ace Combat?

>> No.32850393

I never realized I was an MC autist until they started using creative and it really annoyed me

>> No.32850394

i love rosebuds

>> No.32850448

Jesus is a brotuber begger

>> No.32850455
Quoted by: >>32850541

You mean the Nijisanji EN fan from Prism? She's pretty cute...but even more degenerate than the biggest sluts in VShojo.

>> No.32850465

The only thing that "worries" me is they're gonna get to used to creative after rebuilding stuff and start using it all the time

>> No.32850471

I just dislike it because I'm a minecraft autist, I won't hate her from that

>> No.32850479
File: 110 KB, 1200x1200, 1631277174698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32850754

What did he say? I need to catch up on the vod later... What's your degree anon?

>> No.32850501


>> No.32850504

Is that why they never let her win in Tetris and Fall Guys even though she was begging for a win?

>> No.32850539

>5am Ring fit stream on a Sunday
Vod for me I guess.

>> No.32850541
Quoted by: >>32850669

>Anon is a slut
We already knew this from this site's inception.

>> No.32850545
Quoted by: >>32850632

JOPs would never approve of this

>> No.32850564
File: 114 KB, 512x512, booba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pauses to ogle all the girls' tits in different costumes
That's my oshi

>> No.32850572

Ewiwa is too dumb for creative mode and she likes digging and collecting stuff too much. She's also playing minecraft offline so she could help in the renovation by building a conduit but I don't think they will need this anymore...

>> No.32850581
Quoted by: >>32850765

Pomu won't do that because she has integrity.
Luca will 100% do that because he doesn't care. I honestly hope a plane crashes into his house while he's asleep and we don't have to deal with his retardation anymore.

>> No.32850607
File: 85 KB, 170x263, 1649559744131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32850645

remember when pomudachi's had some bite to them? look at them now. look at them now.

>> No.32850630
File: 172 KB, 1920x1080, 1636073579284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu is going to eat before ringfit again

>> No.32850632

JOPs would never approve a PDF as an official document so they ask you to send it through fax too

>> No.32850645

Sadboy Pomies ruined it for the rest of them

>> No.32850655
File: 23 KB, 380x400, 1659062936739532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is Kyo reading the dialogue? is he trying to die faster?

>> No.32850669
Quoted by: >>32850792

At one point she was homeless and looking for random fans to house her in the Prism thread. I wonder what would've happened if that came to be.

>> No.32850686 [SPOILER] 
File: 595 KB, 787x689, 1661623642164186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millie when she sees Fuuchan

>> No.32850689
File: 59 KB, 250x250, 1652634792517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would we bite bait from shitposters...

>> No.32850691
Quoted by: >>32850752

About on the same level as Ace Combat. If you like Ace Combat chances are you'll like Wingman

>> No.32850722
Quoted by: >>32850760

pomu already used creative to troll nina

>> No.32850724

why are rosemi and sonny playing tf2?

>> No.32850739
File: 413 KB, 1776x2048, 1640064551032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32850752


>> No.32850754
File: 99 KB, 1200x1200, FW78HtwUIBQ3fX2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32850857

How he didn't go to college and instead took courses here and there. Didn't think it was worth the money. It's a BS. Was planning on med school, but I burned myself out.

>> No.32850760

based, I'll allow that

>> No.32850765

Luca does that anyway so there's no "getting used to" doing it from the restoration.

>> No.32850786

nintendo SUCKS

>> No.32850790

Because they love us.

>> No.32850792
Quoted by: >>32850893

is she a bbw?

>> No.32850799
Quoted by: >>32850852

He's grooming her

>> No.32850801

Pomu, rosemi, selen, elira.....soo many good people streaming at the same time

>> No.32850821

Elira confirmed itchy

>> No.32850852
Quoted by: >>32850908

Honestly it was probably Rosemi who invited him since she said she wanted to play with him and Bon

>> No.32850857
Quoted by: >>32851034

did the degree help you find your current job?

>> No.32850859
Quoted by: >>32851019


>> No.32850887

Abusive oshis are still abusive oshis

>> No.32850893
File: 580 KB, 2087x4096, 1654922119610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32851093

I don't think so, she said her usual fashion sense is stuff with exposed midriff and thighs. Do fat girls wear those kinda clothes?

>> No.32850907
Quoted by: >>32850956


>> No.32850908

She had to download the game again.

>> No.32850923

>apparently wombats have big armored butts
Yeah you would know that Sonny

>> No.32850941
File: 310 KB, 1860x2631, 1661581797897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32851006

I wish I could lick Pomu's armpits

>> No.32850956


>> No.32850984
Quoted by: >>32851239

Alban won't give him the time of day, he has to fuck something

>> No.32850999
Quoted by: >>32853410

They poop squares

>> No.32851003

What you mean? This is a Mario game, look at their hats

>> No.32851006
File: 477 KB, 670x772, TUMMY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this and her tummy

>> No.32851019


>> No.32851034
File: 143 KB, 541x406, FWaamODUcAUUCsh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32851154

Nope. Current job is because my boss is an acquaintance of a close family member. I was a NEET for a year and a half before it too

>> No.32851055 [SPOILER] 
File: 122 KB, 1233x1145, A-lban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny wants to see.....Shark?

>> No.32851073

When is Pomu going to let her armpit hair grow

>> No.32851079

Rosemi, that's a doom rocket launcher

>> No.32851089


>> No.32851092

I need a meme like the Jeb one with the US map but Yugo and the korean map

>> No.32851093
Quoted by: >>32851440


>> No.32851154
Quoted by: >>32851429

are you the one who didn't try at all and the boss just gave up on giving you any work? kek

>> No.32851180
Quoted by: >>32851355

Rosemi thought Ultrakill was Doom

>> No.32851197
File: 1.24 MB, 2700x3950, FcImaLFakAEWYr8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32851288

Now what... My evening feels so empty without Pomu...

>> No.32851239
File: 12 KB, 206x59, 1662773307835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're actually hiding their relationship now and are the ones making posts /here/ about their falling out

>> No.32851245
Quoted by: >>32851385

>g*ra and t*mp*s streaming
>thread is suddenly slow

>> No.32851269
Quoted by: >>32851543

What is this from

>> No.32851281 [DELETED] 

>Pomu, who did nude when she was a teen is the best waifu material in her 30s
how does this happen?

>> No.32851288

I'm watching Splatoon 3 streams atm. Still debating if I should get it.

>> No.32851291

Sex with Rosemi in the shower. Nut inside her immediately upon entrance with no time for pull out

>> No.32851294
File: 213 KB, 1000x2048, 1657361430038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Pomu actually sleeps for real and doesn't eat before her ringfit stream. I just want this damn fairy to be healthy and happy.

>> No.32851350

Sonny got bored of TF2 OoO

>> No.32851355

It's actually Duke Nukem

>> No.32851360
File: 45 KB, 337x445, 1662169788066817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32851371

What the fuck is this

>> No.32851378
File: 430 KB, 2191x3000, FcH_YqKaMAAMyuU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32851545

Mature yet cute, the best qualities in a waifu

>> No.32851385
Quoted by: >>32851455

Oh so that's why

>> No.32851396


>> No.32851406

that is called an underage briskadet

>> No.32851429
File: 89 KB, 873x813, FWE8qWAUsAIjRMd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32851567

Nah, I might be a depressed loser on 4ch, but when I have a job I'll put in the work and effort.
Uki's doing another Natsume watch-a-long soon. He's got a pretty good mindset regarding breaks too.

>> No.32851435

That's what happens when you put at least 10k hours in one game

>> No.32851440
File: 238 KB, 1200x1600, 1646785438713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32851469

fatty femanons is this true...?
please share examples

>> No.32851455

There's just new shitpost in the catalog atm. Seems like their beloved shark will finally collab with tempus.

>> No.32851469

anon you're speaking to selen

>> No.32851479
File: 160 KB, 600x696, 1326095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32851622

Just got this delivered.
Any Potaku get anything recently?

>> No.32851514

>Seems like their beloved shark will finally collab with tempus

>> No.32851543

happened during one of aia's mc stream with alban but aia's model was in front of the chat so nobody saw a thing and alban pretended nothing happened when she pointed out... she moved her model afterwards

>> No.32851545
File: 193 KB, 1010x1733, 1651548546216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's my mature and cool wife... She doesn't even have to look good.

>> No.32851546

Idk how is Kiara who did nudes while an adult the worst Hololive member?

>> No.32851547
Quoted by: >>32852075

Sonny and Alban sitting in vc together laughing at responses to their posts as Alban buys his plane tickets to visit Sonny and Sonny purchases cute things for Alban to wear for him in bed.

>> No.32851556

I don't think it'll happen. She seems keen on pandering to unicorns. But it's funny to watch them squirm.

>> No.32851567
File: 194 KB, 1353x1038, FXU_X8FaMAApwUa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32852131

good for you, it must have been another anon then i used to do my best but i dont give a fuck anymore
yea i think instead of forcing themselves to stream they should schedule a week off from time to time

>> No.32851622
Quoted by: >>32851692

I got in my Lazu 1yr merch and Pomu's Animate Cafe merch, so got some new pieces to add to the Pomu collection

>> No.32851626

Sonny wants to play Splatoon. He think it's pretty similar to tf2

>> No.32851630

Jesus was an Aloupeep until he realized there's no fucking saving this bitch.

>> No.32851663

Will Pukemu Hurlpuff make another appearance tomorrow?

>> No.32851667

I will never forgive Ike for killing Shu's son

>> No.32851676

Here's my magic powers!

>> No.32851692

Where did you get the Cafe merch? Animate store opened up orders for the other day but it won't ship for a while.

>> No.32851694

Is there really not another casual FPS you can just join and not care much like TF2 12v12 lobbies?

>> No.32851724

Actually based

>> No.32851735

Are Mystakes or Briskadets the more prominent male fanbase now? I can't tell

>> No.32851744

tits too big

>> No.32851759

Halo MCC probably

>> No.32851775
File: 131 KB, 578x163, 1642764558473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32851787

Why do I only see rosebuds playing tf2 with them? Briskadets don't play vidya?

>> No.32851826

No she's not. It's not gonna happen

>> No.32851837
File: 434 KB, 573x573, 165889099757288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sonny and Alban ERP in private
what the fuck, I thought it was a joke

>> No.32851854

Most briskadets are at work or still asleep for one

>> No.32851901

Briskadets are the type of gf that sit next to their boyfriends while they're malding at games.

>> No.32851925

I'm not opening Steam, reinstalling TF2 and hopping in to be a faggot in some games cause Sonny is playing TF2 when I got work tomorrow.

>> No.32851937

Splatoon is the closest but it's 4v4.

>> No.32851939

this isn't even sonny or mysta hours

>> No.32851956

I'm flip and have work on Saturdays

>> No.32851955
Quoted by: >>32852107

>fans of the males
>playing games

>> No.32852000

Im at bed and my place doesn't have decent WiFi

>> No.32852009
File: 2.33 MB, 1982x2048, 1634470877274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32852181

oh my god they're huge

>> No.32852031

Definitely not mystakes

>> No.32852048
File: 94 KB, 300x300, 1662774008659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im confy in bed right now

>> No.32852075
File: 33 KB, 800x600, 1660339309225319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would read that fanfiction

>> No.32852096

It's the middle of the night here. I'm too lazy to get up and open my pc.

>> No.32852104

>Animate store opened up orders for the other day
Could I please get a link to this?
I 'm on the animate jp store but can't find it.
I just want the Pomu stuff

>> No.32852107
Quoted by: >>32852199

Haven't met a single female briskadet, they aren't real.

>> No.32852131
File: 115 KB, 1854x1854, FWBqgj4aIAIQK7_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was me my last job. Uki just spoke about it, but the overworking yourself to keep your job is too real. I used to work so many extra hours unclocked... fuck that now

>> No.32852130
File: 252 KB, 1080x1240, kitten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apparently one of Selen's personal friends is/was the owner of her fan disc*rd servers
>He's also the silent mod and one of her PL mod

Is he the biggest selen simp or is she a discord kitten?

>> No.32852158

too busy browsing their doxxsite

>> No.32852166

3rd party sellers on Mercari via Buyee. You'll most likely need to get the items from various sellers, as there really isn't anyone selling "complete" collections.
One thing to be careful is that the cafe website doesn't list all of the merch on one page, it's kinda spread between multiple pages. If you need a count, for the items that contain Pomu: 1 clearfile pack (contains 2 clearfiles), 2 badges, 2 acrylics, 3 coasters, 3 stickers (2 bar stickers, 1 name sticker). All in all it cost me about $80 shipped to the US.

>> No.32852168

I got shit to do, it's saturday morning for me. Sonny and Wose are on my TV while I post inbetween housework

>> No.32852181
Quoted by: >>32852291

Soft and sweaty

>> No.32852191

Excuses excuses
The rosebuds are playing

>> No.32852199

I met one during a vrc hopcon.

>> No.32852238


The acrylic stands are fucking gacha sadly

>> No.32852246

Missed your reply, see here >>32852166

>> No.32852267
Quoted by: >>32852619

Selen friends for gamer wave?

>> No.32852269
Quoted by: >>32852619

The same discord that doxxed Finana?

>> No.32852282

I think that guy is probably the boyfriend Fauna was gushing over just before she joined hololive.
Or maybe the one who's railing Mumei.

>> No.32852283
Quoted by: >>32852706

I don't see the point in stream sniping their collab, or any other streamers' collabs.
Besides, briskadets already got to play tf2 with Sonny in members. I'll only join in streams where chat's meant to join.

>> No.32852291

I want Elira to talk more about her underboob sweat...

>> No.32852343
File: 649 KB, 1500x964, 1652634014734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is the perfect clip to introduce someone into nijiEN that doesnt know anything about them, nijiEN is like that seinen group of baddies who hate each other but also would die for each other on the hardest times.


>> No.32852351
Quoted by: >>32852619

dragoonbros i am so sorry to hear that

>> No.32852383
Quoted by: >>32852908

What they say on stream/in mc chat is just foreplay. The stuff they say while in voice with one another is enough to get them demonitised and cancelled.

>> No.32852416

>alban tries to do cute erp
>sonny thinks it's a joke and takes it too far
>alban feels like he embarrassed himself and drops it and joins in on sonny's joke

>> No.32852417

>personal friend
>owner of the discord server
The one where they doxxed Finana? I'm surprised they're still friends after what he, and the other mods did.

>> No.32852422
Quoted by: >>32852629

kanato stop bullying children in splatoon

>> No.32852428

vi clip stop shilling your work here.

>> No.32852444

Looks like Uki's going to Japan. He announced taking a break.

>> No.32852475

Shitposters and schizos aside has Pomu been mood swingy recently? Or do I just need to take my meds?

>> No.32852484
File: 102 KB, 395x363, 1631391496101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Next week schedule is going to be full of collabs
I hope the collabs are small and fun game. Just Minecraft would hurt my soul.

>> No.32852494
File: 102 KB, 257x257, 1657355434081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like mousey but why is she in the centre

>> No.32852498

Wait, people care about Finana?

>> No.32852521
Quoted by: >>32852621

Mood swing? Probably on her period

>> No.32852530
Quoted by: >>32852831

Nijisanji EN will never have unity, it's ALL FAKE

>> No.32852559

Oh man, that shit is bull. Better to buy from a 3rd party where you know what you're getting.

>> No.32852585
File: 365 KB, 522x529, 1661821391244813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too lazy

>> No.32852586
Quoted by: >>32852748

>discord kitten
What does that mean?

>> No.32852600

Don't really see the point when he's got no POV

>> No.32852619
File: 392 KB, 1080x1649, isreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32852621
File: 110 KB, 400x400, 1648282694427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I feel like she has been like this recently. She probably needs her vacation to rest but is too stubborn to actually go and do it. Dumbass fairy.

Her period ended a few days ago

>> No.32852625

Selen's head placement is pretty bad

>> No.32852629

23 more hours of him bullying children
I hope Hibari and the others join

>> No.32852647
Quoted by: >>32852833

The star and the high priestess are Uki's favorite cards, tarot anons what does this mean

>> No.32852675

She's definitely a bit stressed, probably a mix of prep for NijiFes, her projects, and the Minecraft server incident.

>> No.32852692


>> No.32852706

>briskadets already got to play tf2 with Sonny in members
No they didn't.

>> No.32852736
Quoted by: >>32852857

Did Selen become worse in FPS since her debut?

>> No.32852743

stupid misleading cover i thought all this time that rosemi and sonny where playing that bunny game or some gay shit but it was fucking TF2

>> No.32852748
Quoted by: >>32853356


>> No.32852770
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 3w1w4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute sleepy ewiwa

>> No.32852779

m-maybe selen is paying him to do that

>> No.32852825


>> No.32852827

She's been stressed from projects and probably anxious over Nijifes. There's a few things she hasn't publicly announced that she's been stressing over due to how close they are to being finished as well.

>> No.32852831

Yeah. Tell us something we don't know next time.

>> No.32852833
Quoted by: >>32853067

Something about gaining knowledge

Probably just kayfabe

>> No.32852840

why do the squids die in water??

>> No.32852846
File: 29 KB, 262x270, 1662774619559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32852857

She's playing solo, no one to fix her mistakes

>> No.32852858
Quoted by: >>32852972

He always takes breaks

>> No.32852886
File: 131 KB, 2048x2048, 1648691321683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32852899

Being sleep deprived probably doesn't help either.

>> No.32852901

sasuga brotuber

>> No.32852902
Quoted by: >>32853070

Is this real? I don’t remember it

>> No.32852906


>> No.32852908
File: 913 KB, 1181x2077, FZkzdtFUEAUNnnF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New rrat: Alban wasn't fujobaiting with Sonny last collab because Sonny gets real into the ERP and Alban wasn't in the mood that time. He doesn't want to accidentally give Sonny a stiffy or he'll neg him over discord to have phone sex for hours.

>> No.32852923

sonny got a flashback to the times where he had to farm kills in tf2...

>> No.32852934
File: 934 KB, 1199x848, 1657825457786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!
Especially so for mentioning all the items that contain Pomu
I'll need to buy them on the 16th but I'll definitely try to make some space for them in my Milsbo.

>> No.32852942

Feels like she's also commisioning assets for their 3D in Nijifes. She'll mellow out once she gets to Japan with the other members so I'm not that worried about her.

>> No.32852945

Noctyx meetup? Yugo's already in Japan

>> No.32852952

Dragoon status?

>> No.32852962

God, I love Elira

>> No.32852966

fuck fujoshit

>> No.32852972

When he announced it, he talked about NijiEN "not taking enough breaks". Reminds me of Ike's zatsudan in his collab with Millie.

>> No.32852973

she also has a convention this month
apparently she's going to appear there by herself

>> No.32852983

Sonny has crawled under the table and is pulling Rosemi's underwear down with his teeth

>> No.32852987
File: 104 KB, 1200x1200, 1646339918480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32853167

Do women not get what a joke is? Like this is clearly the most obvious joke I've ever seen.

>> No.32853003
Quoted by: >>32856143

Good to see one of the Finana doxfags is a friend of Selen!

>> No.32853008

>Hey Guys [blasphemy]

>> No.32853020
File: 102 KB, 722x304, 5836690219472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32853021
Quoted by: >>32853470

>alban taking a break too
No… Dont give me hope…

>> No.32853027
File: 458 KB, 652x646, FcLH2X1XoAkXxRr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny.....you bastard

>> No.32853067
File: 436 KB, 494x641, unknown-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, some good food for thought. Thanks anon

>> No.32853070

it's a joke, they were talking about power outlets, alban posted it kek

>> No.32853090

That Elira scream kek

>> No.32853091

Thank you anon for this new sonnyban rrat

>> No.32853144
Quoted by: >>32853470


>> No.32853167
Quoted by: >>32853309

everyone is aware it's a joke and nobody is taking these shipping rrats seriously, schizo

>> No.32853209
File: 997 KB, 3000x3873, 1633506840111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a vtuber sounds stressing as hell depending on your personality. Sometimes I can't sleep because stuff on my normal ass job.
I hope Pomu takes a vacation and rests after going to Japan. The lack of Pomu would suck but I rather have Pomu be less stressed.

>> No.32853221

That whole time Sonny was so excited over getting the golden pan and he just gives it to Rosemi

>> No.32853232


>> No.32853239
File: 120 KB, 1280x1280, Aia050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32853380

Aiarchivist are you ready for another stream that goes deep into the AM hours

>> No.32853242
File: 322 KB, 1080x605, 1662774917870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32853338

Sonny gave Rosemi a golden pan!

>> No.32853248

Nah. NijiFES. Only one person in NijiEN won't be in Japan.

>> No.32853267
Quoted by: >>32853606

kanato you're kicking their asses you don't have to rub it in

>> No.32853301

Sonny is such a good boy, holy shit he is so cute, he really is the sunshine of EN

>> No.32853306

man, i have nothing against sonnyban but it's gotten stale for me and i want a new ship. I want more mystaban or lucaban

>> No.32853309
File: 400 KB, 490x558, 1649818257248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody is taking these rrats seriously
>in the same thread where people unironically believed Pomu and Finana were getting fucked by fucking Uki of all people

>> No.32853315

Enter Millie

>> No.32853327


>> No.32853328
Quoted by: >>32853404

>Only one person in NijiEN won't be in Japan.
How are you supposed to know that

>> No.32853338

he's a good boy, I raised him right

>> No.32853356
Quoted by: >>32853427

But I don't think so, maybe is one of Selen's irl friends

>> No.32853380
File: 88 KB, 376x376, aia73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully tomorrow is Saturday can sleep late. Goddamn captcha

>> No.32853404

I'm talking about Millie. Kind of obvious, really

>> No.32853410


>> No.32853417
File: 598 KB, 2894x4093, 1648465891793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32853420

enter millie

>> No.32853427

He is a eurofag and one of Selen Apex friends along with iPN, Gumi, ect

>> No.32853428

Imagine you were in the same room as Pomu and Finana
Would you not have sex with them?

>> No.32853429

Rosemi's tits are about to explode out of her shirt jesus

>> No.32853436

You believe every shitpost you see huh?

>> No.32853462
Quoted by: >>32853611

Awww Sonny is glad to be able to play with rosemi even if it's not mario

>> No.32853470
Quoted by: >>32853592

Is this why fuuchan response when asking a noctyx collab is a dismissed laugh ? Please let me dream...

>> No.32853467
Quoted by: >>32853637

millie and mysta fucked up their passports. theres two.

>> No.32853472

Is Mysta going as a tourist?

>> No.32853482
Quoted by: >>32853613

I want to spank Petra's chinky ass

>> No.32853516

Why do you go so far Aiarchivist? Why not prioritize your own well-being?

>> No.32853517

uki would cut his penis off before he put it in a woman

>> No.32853526

Why is Sonny's character so inexpressive?

>> No.32853528
File: 319 KB, 1448x2048, 1646690937717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32853712

I wish NijiEN had more anal art

>> No.32853549
Quoted by: >>32853755

he never say anything about going to japan, only retweeted the announcement

>> No.32853554
Quoted by: >>32853631

When I'm so fucking gay I have a legitimate gay panic moment over being next to a guy I think is cute while playing Minecraft I don't think I'd be having sex with women.

>> No.32853568
Quoted by: >>32853750

I mean are you joking or do you actually think everyone else is going? Because I hope so

>> No.32853586
File: 61 KB, 619x658, Aia058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but oshi makes brain no work, many such cases

>> No.32853592

Noctyx unity...

>> No.32853597

Enter Ennaur

>> No.32853598

enna enter

>> No.32853606

he is out for blood, i feel bad for the kids he is playing against (and the few salarymen who work at a job where they are allowed to bring their switch)

>> No.32853611

They're so cute together. I want more collabs between them

>> No.32853613
File: 424 KB, 1120x2073, 1648016327487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do not

>> No.32853616

i'm not even reading those, i'm talking about the sonnyban funposting and noctyx soap opera rrats that have been a thing for a few days now

>> No.32853633
File: 320 KB, 800x800, Sonny (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OTSONNY! This was the cutest collab!

>> No.32853631
Quoted by: >>32853713

wtf anon

>> No.32853637

Possibly. Ike hinted at it after his collab with Millie.
I thought Canada has a backlog of passports which means it would be pointless to wait for it even if you prepare for them months before.

>> No.32853653

Ethyria is the wave that can't read

>> No.32853660
File: 143 KB, 369x369, aia68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I love listening to Aia, I need my oshi

>> No.32853664
Quoted by: >>32858345

>Selen and Petra are the reason we don't get more Obsydia collabs

>> No.32853677

I don't blame Sonny, Alban's moans are really irresistible. If he got me worked up on stream I'd be nagging him to jump on a private video call with me after too and play with his ass until he's a crying and moaning mess.

>> No.32853712
Quoted by: >>32853848

I commission some NijiEN art but I don't like penetration, I'm sorry...

>> No.32853713

I'm talking about Uki and his gayness with Luca, retard.

>> No.32853720

What the fuck is a noctyx is that a fruit?

>> No.32853721
File: 236 KB, 500x497, knife-to-meet-you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not looking forward to next month

>> No.32853734

Enter DJ

>> No.32853746

>Ike hinted at it after his collab with Millie.
wait so why did they cancel his appearance in nijifest if he can go as a tourist?

>> No.32853750
Quoted by: >>32853835

pretty sure thats the milgur schizo

>> No.32853755
Quoted by: >>32853850

he said it on stream (but that part is already cut out)

>> No.32853762


>> No.32853767
File: 149 KB, 1500x1500, 1662775349804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

otsonny! it was a comfy tf2 collab... I was excited for mario too, rosemi! I hope you play it with him soon! thank you for playing with sonny <3

>> No.32853774

Guys I think

>> No.32853780
Quoted by: >>32853933

if that were the case rosemi and selen would have had a problem with theirs no? im assuming elira nina and enna are okay with theirs since they did travel out of the country prior to nijifes announcement

>> No.32853782

>Luca is playing Ghost of Tsushima
Why? I mean the game is fun but that doesn't seem like something he'd play.

>> No.32853788
File: 222 KB, 977x1186, Aia091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32853893

Aia is playing a kid's game again

>> No.32853799

Enter Fuu-chan

>> No.32853802

Nobody here believes gay people are real.

>> No.32853835
Quoted by: >>32853955

Oh… Why?

>> No.32853840
File: 13 KB, 330x66, everyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32853845

He wasn't invited in the first place according to the replies I got in previous threads.

>> No.32853848
File: 462 KB, 1249x877, 1633469568305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine, you can comission whatever you like with your money. I don't mind art without penetration but I feel like really few artist can draw a good looking anus.

>> No.32853846
File: 94 KB, 463x409, SonnyRose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32853925

I love Sonny and Rosemi. That was a fun collab!

>> No.32853850

I was talking about after they announced that he's not in nijifest

>> No.32853853
File: 154 KB, 353x385, 1662775393917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's not a very expressive guy

>> No.32853859

It's time for you to go home Aia. Ho Chi Minh is waiting for you with your utopia

>> No.32853863


>> No.32853868
Quoted by: >>32853969

he wanted to play it

>> No.32853878
File: 3.51 MB, 538x538, 1650588879235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32853890

hes played sekiro and elden ring before, isnt it the same vibe

>> No.32853892
Quoted by: >>32854120

>Japanese company autistm
They're probably scared if someone finds out he joins nijifes as a tourist. You're not supposed to work as a tourist.

>> No.32853893
File: 359 KB, 589x533, aia75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unmuted messing around ASMR I guess?

>> No.32853923
File: 715 KB, 959x850, 1659236096616775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32854061


>> No.32853924
File: 413 KB, 546x483, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's so happy

>> No.32853925
File: 70 KB, 298x273, 1639354522565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32853933
Quoted by: >>32854133

I don't know. I mean, is preparing 6 months before enough for her to prepare for it? Or is it excessive? The last reply I received about passports is that you only need them if you have to travel abroad

>> No.32853944

>according to the replies I got in previous threads.
he was literally in the official announcement, why are you reading rrats on /vt/ instead of reading the offical account

>> No.32853956
Quoted by: >>32854071

I seriously cannot wait for her to start doing actual ASMR

>> No.32853955

the milgur schizo has been saying the same thing about millie since its been announced, i dont know why but its what he does. you can look through the archive and see him repeating it multiple times

>> No.32853957
Quoted by: >>32854570

rapist and his victim...

>> No.32853969

Well I mean I remember Luca doesn't give a shite about story heavy games and this is more leaning on the story side so I thought he'd rather play something else. But hey if it's what he wants to play I don't care.

>> No.32853977

Pretty sure Mysta can't go because he's in the same situation as Millie

>> No.32853984
Quoted by: >>32854793

Pfffffff no, Ghost of Tsushima gets really fucking easy in mid game, you can also go ninja since the beginning and it's easy all the way

>> No.32854011
Quoted by: >>32854183


>> No.32854010

not really

>> No.32854034
Quoted by: >>32854126

Mysta is invited before he dropped out. Ike is the one who is not invited.

>> No.32854043

I didn't know that he was. I didn't even know that he cancelled his invitation. As to why, I have no idea.

>> No.32854049

millie's shitting on chibanyan...

>> No.32854050

Why don't Briskadets make any soundposts?

>> No.32854061
File: 135 KB, 512x512, 1661096760955571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32854065
File: 383 KB, 1305x1925, 1662353401830668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Sonny he so cute

>> No.32854067

I think that anon is talking about Ike

>> No.32854071

Me too. She might need to fix her white noise problems first, there's still her AC's noise in the background.

>> No.32854088

they don't know how

>> No.32854091 [DELETED] 

desu i dont think he's aware its a story game, i think he thinks its mostly fighting wow samurai shit so hes gonna zone out during the story most likely

>> No.32854103
File: 969 KB, 2894x4093, 1641692476149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

memberfeesh stream tomorrow
time to download the movies that feesh'll be watching

>> No.32854120

honestly you might be right
still hope that he can meet up with his bros though
it would make sense that his work visa got declined because he's only had low end jobs and was a college drop out

>> No.32854126

I was talking about Ike not being invited there. Somebody replied to me that Ike was invited.

>> No.32854133

pretty sure thats enough time to prepare for the passport since im sure niji is taking care of their visa.
I live in a third world country and the longest time ive had to wait for my passport renewal was a month and this is already after the pandemic.

>> No.32854150

last 2 digits are the amount of pushups you must do for your oshi

>> No.32854177
Quoted by: >>32854374

People say Sonny’s rigging is stiff but he has a pretty decent variety of expression options, when he’s surprised you can tell he’s surprised, when he furrows his eyebrows you can see it, etc. It’s not the best but it’s not the worst either at all, Uki and Reimu are way worse for some examples

>> No.32854183

only fuuchan can save chibanyan with his SOVL

>> No.32854184
File: 267 KB, 585x564, 1621293925608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32854406

I miss the LOTR watchalong....

>> No.32854194
File: 321 KB, 477x561, 1660591754941025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32854614

why do they even need to go to japan for it, is phoning it in not good enough? I can't last two months I'm going schizo

>> No.32854202
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1661818033992273s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A barely know how to take pictures...

>> No.32854217

he's played twd 1 and 2 before. cried both times at the end too

>> No.32854239

Enter Maria

>> No.32854246
Quoted by: >>32854577

I have a strained ab muscle... I tried doing five this morning to see if it was better but I can still feel it so I stopped. I just want to be able to work out again I'm so unhappy and so worried I'll lose muscle, it's been 3 weeks now

>> No.32854253

Yugo trying to protect his little sister. Cute

>> No.32854259

Same here actually. I prepared for around 2 months for a trip to Thailand with my friends. Ironically, the friend who organized that trip was the one who couldn't go in the first place because her boss prevented her because at that time because Thailand had the 2nd highest case.

>> No.32854269
File: 51 KB, 483x497, 1660119387857555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32854299

don't give me ideas... i wanna go through his streams and gather material now

>> No.32854298

I thought we were talking about Mysta who was invited, yea I agree that Ike was uninvited.

>> No.32854304
Quoted by: >>32854376

That anon was talking about Mysta.

>> No.32854305
Quoted by: >>32854577

I didnt even make the 07 i got in the other thread yet

>> No.32854318

Maria rabu !

>> No.32854319
Quoted by: >>32854404

Millie asked Maria if she thrusted anyone before and she didn't reply.

>> No.32854350

You know, it would make a lot of sense if the reason Mysta can't take a break until November is because of a planned Japan trip during Nijifes. He's been saying he's been absolutely swamped schedule-wise because of behind the scenes shit he can't talk about.

>> No.32854352
File: 56 KB, 473x587, 1553973699649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes... Let all that rose water flow free... All over me...

>> No.32854376


>> No.32854374

It feels very Shu vs Mysta to me ie he's just naturally not that expressive compared to other people but his model IS capable of it. I hope he and Luca offcollab one day so we can see they are with each other's models

>> No.32854404

like with torture tools?

>> No.32854406
File: 290 KB, 864x864, 1658107123196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did rosebuds have to betray us

>> No.32854418

they are newfags, and males who watch sonny don't care about him enough to make soundpost of him

>> No.32854427

How much time until she starts licking the mic?

>> No.32854457
File: 215 KB, 1378x1378, FasNoRwVEAAH_Rk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32854632

Uncle Fuu-chan is cute

>> No.32854464
File: 161 KB, 1280x1024, 1662179358287201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psyborg sex on stream!!!!

>> No.32854471
Quoted by: >>32854514


>> No.32854497
Quoted by: >>32854585

nah canada's backlog is like 6 months UNLESS you book a fly to a smaller capital city in Manitoba or something
people in vancouver or toronto are doomed

>> No.32854498
Quoted by: >>32854843

Well fuck I had deleted from my memory the fucking gay porn or whatever it was sonny soundpost fuck you so much

>> No.32854514
Quoted by: >>32854635

They literally ARE covered up you fucking retard. Don't insult my Rosemi again.

>> No.32854521
Quoted by: >>32854625

But Vox is currently on his break and he is still going to NijiFES... I also wonder what got Mysta so swamped with works and meetings.

>> No.32854523

i cannot escape this reddit sex song can i

>> No.32854544

Me on Rosemi's lap

>> No.32854559
File: 663 KB, 2605x2450, 1658668745259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32854685

>> No.32854558
File: 568 KB, 1080x2340, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32854622


>selen deleted a tweet and reposted it because she forgot to censor her friend's name

I managed to take a screenshot of it, I knew it would i would need it one day kek is the same fag


>> No.32854560

*cums on anon below*

>> No.32854568
Quoted by: >>32854698

i just had a dream that youtubers and twitch streamers were streaming as anime characters but no one believes me

>> No.32854570
File: 84 KB, 500x558, 1479605918815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32854575

What if this is just some elaborate plot so that Millie and Mysta can make a surprise appearance at Nijifes

>> No.32854577

get well soon anon! I had a similar thing when squatting
As long as you do more than 0!!

>> No.32854578
File: 128 KB, 262x262, 1637594842330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32854640

does a degree even matter, i cant send an akasupa to my oshi if he graduates before i do

>> No.32854583 [SPOILER] 
File: 514 KB, 2048x2048, 559012753208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have something I have to admit. Elira is cute and she does things to my heart.

>> No.32854585
Quoted by: >>32854620

Then why did Millie's manager sound like he was blaming her for not being able to go to japan in her tweet?

>> No.32854612

have sex

>> No.32854614
Quoted by: >>32854713

Please stop avatarfagging with my oshi if you don't watch streams

>> No.32854620
Quoted by: >>32854766

she wasn't, it was a joke

>> No.32854622
Quoted by: >>32854656

Uh oh, Dragoonbros...?

>> No.32854625
Quoted by: >>32855280

his break ends before nijifes

>> No.32854631
Quoted by: >>32854707

I'd never heard it until someone described it on stream the other day so I looked it up. Can't remember who though

>> No.32854632

He really does feel like a father / uncle than a brother

>> No.32854635
File: 162 KB, 2000x3000, 1634718885001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they're not. She needs to put this on

>> No.32854640
File: 234 KB, 394x394, 1655404209934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32854918


>> No.32854656
Quoted by: >>32855159

>Apex friend just like iPN and Gumi

>> No.32854679
Quoted by: >>32854752

You and half of the western world. Say that about fucking siska or aia and i will be impressed.

>> No.32854685

>Finana being so bad at sex she can't make her partner finish when she is on top
I can believe this

>> No.32854692

The fuck is wrong with wh*te w*men

>> No.32854697
File: 51 KB, 192x192, 1646928752206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32854698
File: 53 KB, 238x212, DCCB2450-4085-44E1-9511-6BF89C58A02B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i just get came on by a fish?
omg she’s my oshi now

>> No.32854707
Quoted by: >>32854892

its been all over the internet for over a week now along with that luxiem anti tweet ike retweeted

>> No.32854713

Not even talking about your oshi fucking CHILL

>> No.32854752

The need to feel superior every single time

>> No.32854757

I wouldn't get my hopes up.

>> No.32854766
Quoted by: >>32854839


>> No.32854793

I played it on hard first then lethal when they patched it. Lethal is the only way to play it imo

>> No.32854817
Quoted by: >>32854869

I miss Alban

>> No.32854832
File: 3.35 MB, 1725x1407, 1660007118387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have any suggestion of fun games to play in quick bursts? I've been itching to play something lately but I don't have time to play stuff like Dota.

>> No.32854839
Quoted by: >>32854924

manager san was making a joke, you can't understand it because you're autistic

>> No.32854843
Quoted by: >>32854905

oh shit i think i have that one but it doesn't feel right to post considering it's from a membership stream

>> No.32854847

Millie's retarded if she needs to ask if Beethoven's dead or not.

>> No.32854851
Quoted by: >>32854944

I heard someone unironically blasting that song around the college here in their car a few days ago

>> No.32854850
Quoted by: >>32854960

Where are her pubes

>> No.32854862

>it would make a lot of sense
but it doesn't

>> No.32854869
File: 90 KB, 533x533, ueeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too

>> No.32854892
File: 439 KB, 1679x1700, FbDLCMGaQAIbNmf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't use social media much

>> No.32854894

Bruh that story was complete BS, they both got wasted as fuck so it was non-consensual for both individuals.

>> No.32854905
Quoted by: >>32854999

The version with Selen apex laughing it's hilarious

>> No.32854918

Tfw the only way to be a member is to win a fucking gacha...

>> No.32854924

>Millie's grandma just died recently
>He's not a classical musician so it's okay
Thanks for the clarification. and thanks for keeping up with my autism.

>> No.32854927
File: 119 KB, 1497x1497, WHEN THE[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fuswvc7.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32855001

I've made a few.

>> No.32854944

its good if youre into that type of music

>> No.32854960
File: 1.36 MB, 1080x1920, 1646723014202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She shaved them

>> No.32854967

>musicianlets think there's something wrong with this

>> No.32854975

Sonny, Alban doko....

>> No.32854980

*grandfather. sorry for the typo.

>> No.32854982
File: 409 KB, 2048x2014, FcNXUD9aAAArEFM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32854997

>So many people dying today
MIllie don't jinx it for Enna.

>> No.32854999

oh you're talking about an earlier one then i think
the one with the slapping sounds traumatized me

>> No.32855001
File: 1.84 MB, 1080x1760, Gimme your lunch money punk [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fk574wx.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32855094

This one too.

>> No.32855005
File: 11 KB, 720x720, 1642456700949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no blue

>> No.32855024

Halo MCC or Cawadooty

>> No.32855038

Elira is now full of energy again

>> No.32855049
Quoted by: >>32855278

to busy having discord sex in the other chanel

>> No.32855052

@ me if my oshi joins Uki's stream

>> No.32855057
File: 111 KB, 1125x1267, FMlLqAwaIAM_9Ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32855248

I like this funny DJ

>> No.32855070

It's my wagie game for a reason.
Post your steam and I'll play a few games with you right now.

>> No.32855076

She NEEDS to stop shaving.

As per your suggestion, RTS matches like Starcraft or Age of Empires are over in 20 minutes tops and often much more shorter. Card game matches like Shadowverse or YGO also get pretty short.

Can't say much about shooters but definitely not valorant, Selen was playing it a bit ago and fuck that game is a slog.

>> No.32855094
File: 120 KB, 1280x960, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fyhaxx5.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this. I just get lazy having to toggle randomize on and off.

>> No.32855107
File: 710 KB, 2150x3035, FbzwCjvVUAExmbq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32855178

Aia's R18 tag is cluttered with unrelated stuff, so it's hard to find the few R18 art she gets...

>> No.32855159
Quoted by: >>32855215

She plays way more often with him, almost every day, just check any game tracker page

>> No.32855178
Quoted by: >>32855332

wtf based art

>> No.32855180
File: 305 KB, 1663x2048, 1661288271956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32855278

You know exactly why they aren't there

>> No.32855186

Oh i forgot there’s about Uki’s totsu, Sonny said he’s getting food

>> No.32855215


>> No.32855232
File: 26 KB, 312x266, EB548A2D-37B0-412A-8CAB-514345420B03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32855478

Tiny sonny

>> No.32855248
Quoted by: >>32855341

What did he say? I'm watching rosemi sama.

>> No.32855278

Their ERP session is destroying n*ctyx unity

>> No.32855280
Quoted by: >>32856729

Nah, the person I was replying to wondered if the reason Mysta couldn’t take his break right now is due to NijiFES. I was just pointing out that Vox is going there and he is literally on break right now. I just meant it must be something else that got Mysta so swamped.

>> No.32855332
Quoted by: >>32855367

Bride Aia, tied and gagged

>> No.32855334


>> No.32855341
Quoted by: >>32855676

Just his general jokes are getting better. I'm proud of his improvement.

>> No.32855367

nijien needs more stylistic bondage art

>> No.32855370

Nice thread Pendorcucks

>> No.32855386

sonnyban really killed noctyx's unity...

>> No.32855416


>> No.32855425
Quoted by: >>32855592

Enter Luca

>> No.32855430


>> No.32855435

Enter Luca

>> No.32855452
File: 53 KB, 736x736, 281FC258-1941-46C7-987E-C3808DF5781C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cute son is here!

>> No.32855455
File: 266 KB, 512x536, 1648022485532[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyrl50j.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32855456


>> No.32855463 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 1080x599, cuckgoons .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32855478
Quoted by: >>32855511

Rosemi's tits are at Sonny's eye level...

>> No.32855493

can’t believe they are having sex too much that they are now abandoning their friends...

>> No.32855500
Quoted by: >>32855632

>Millie's been hitting on Luca for centuries

>> No.32855511
File: 77 KB, 195x193, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32855543

they're exhibitionists, one day it got too intense and the others had to stage an intervention, things just aren't the same anymore, that's why noctyx is in shambles now

>> No.32855544
Quoted by: >>32855643

>domestic violence

>> No.32855567
Quoted by: >>32855643

domestic violence? pog!

>> No.32855575
Quoted by: >>32855643

>Domestic violence

>> No.32855578
Quoted by: >>32855623

The dokibird design was better

>> No.32855587

Domestic violence POG!

>> No.32855592

Which stream?

>> No.32855604


>> No.32855609

>domestic violence? POG

>> No.32855623

feel free to tell her this and convince her to graduate back into an indie!

>> No.32855632

This entire time Pomu and Selen were just wingmanning for LucaMillie(they need a ship name).....

>> No.32855641


>> No.32855642

uki's stream

>> No.32855643
File: 536 KB, 864x864, 1630715896683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see Pogmu's appeal now

>> No.32855646

Cuckgoons try not to kill yourselves ok?

>> No.32855674

no one cares

>> No.32855676

The thing is yugo is funny and know to do jokes but in Japanese. Before he was a real ESL and couldn't translate his confidence and humor with his limited English and because of that he hadn't the timing to place his jokes and have to explain himself for the other to understand and that would just stale the joking time. He now improved his English and comprehension to the language and subtlety of it.

>> No.32855681
File: 6 KB, 100x59, 163074852994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here now you can stop projecting your cuck fetish

>> No.32855733
Quoted by: >>32855808

Rosemi is actually like a child
Hoply moly

>> No.32855756

i thought only women were doxxfags bros

>> No.32855764
Quoted by: >>32855820

it’s a drunk stream but why aren’t they drunk...

>> No.32855775

Sonny's getting brunch, Alban's sick and dying

>> No.32855780

>Stupid fucking kids

>> No.32855787
File: 4 KB, 160x120, Aia077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think Aia's night 7 strategy is bad

>> No.32855808

She's 12 yo after all

>> No.32855816
Quoted by: >>32855848

dragoons doxxed all the guys the other day during burger hoursz where have you been

>> No.32855820

all of them would fall asleep on stream like last time

>> No.32855835

Maria talking about the Great emu war is one of the funniest things I listened today

>> No.32855848

jacking off mostly

>> No.32855881
Quoted by: >>32856015

But she still plays with him?

>> No.32855899

Dragoons literally had a discord dedicated to doxxing Finana

>> No.32855940
Quoted by: >>32856015

she had already ended her relationship when she started interacting with him kek

>> No.32855941
Quoted by: >>32856026

It works for night 6 but night 7 is bullshit, pure luck

>> No.32855989

anon's grandpa has an english stream with maria in a few hours

>> No.32855996

They had it coming to them since they started with the dox shit

>> No.32855999

Will Mille's unarchived drunk karaoke be as kino as the Christmas one? I might have to miss it

>> No.32856010
File: 22 KB, 437x547, aia61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was doing better last stream, I think she just needs a bit of warm up. There's no real strategy for night 7, that strategy is more for night 6.

>> No.32856015
Quoted by: >>32856140

>She plays with other people too
>She have no time since she is on Niji
It almost like you are mad because you are getting cuck posted constantly here, no need to project Pomufags

>> No.32856026

Not really

>> No.32856047
Quoted by: >>32856941

Does Luca frequently say sex in his solo streams?

>> No.32856057

luca said SEX

>> No.32856072

Sex with Luca!

>> No.32856085
File: 419 KB, 1149x507, 34D311EB-7915-41CF-BC7F-A7DD1C8C28E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these dumb aussie stories

>> No.32856100

What are their problems with Kangaroos?

>> No.32856111
File: 247 KB, 490x391, 1659801070647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petra will become Empress of China and finally destroy the United States once and for all

>> No.32856140

He's also married and fucking old, I know she's not into that

>> No.32856143
Quoted by: >>32856276

No you fucking idiots. It wasn't the mods who doxxed finana, it was a bunch of members who were banned for it from all servers.
His server isn't the same but a complete different server but it is true that he was involved with dragooncord as a project manager months ago

>> No.32856148

Maria seeing a kangeroo's penis getting erect was one of the scariest things she ever saw.

>> No.32856156

Looking back, Noctyx wasn't ever really unity. Uki has always been more on his own and is only really close with Fulgur. Yugo's unironically the most unity, setting up collabs and showing up in chat.

>> No.32856162

The kangaroo was me btw

>> No.32856163

maria is scared of kangaroos erections

>> No.32856169

Maria kangaroo bestiality doujin when?

>> No.32856185

elira is speaking from experience right now. it was a blond chad that ruined her interest in sex

>> No.32856192
Quoted by: >>32856301

no because donald duck i mean trump said if he didn’t win the next election he would become a vtuber

>> No.32856199
File: 446 KB, 1548x1984, 1654301426069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let me enjoy watching Selen without your autistic antics. Just get laid already or bust a nut, Jesus.

>> No.32856203

Want to impress your oshi? Be a kangaroo.

>> No.32856223
Quoted by: >>32857800

i read a bestiality doujin with an ostrich once but never with a kangaroo that sounds interesting

>> No.32856244

sharing animal dick pics with your coworkers

>> No.32856263

They're laughing about gangrape

>> No.32856276
Quoted by: >>32856382

>involved with dragooncord as a project manager months ago
So basically all projects dragoons made could've been on Selen's command...that's kinda pathetic

>> No.32856300

I'd swear my allegiance to Petora on a heartbeat

>> No.32856301
File: 356 KB, 608x498, 1656204842744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32856350

Trump got raided by the FBI and is about to go to jail, which Petra planned long before she even became a vtuber. It's all going according to plan. China will dominate the world under Her Majesty

>> No.32856305

Why are you guys surprised about acid being silent? i thought that was known

>> No.32856310

>bro i need to drink more

>> No.32856314

Petra's going to return from her break and consistently get Iluna-tier views.

>> No.32856350

Petra was behind that?! I’m moving to China asap!

>> No.32856375
File: 230 KB, 1615x2048, 1632020240566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. Then I can spam her chat and she can read only my messages

>> No.32856382
Quoted by: >>32856489

In a way i guess
he always acted like a fucking manager. it was obvious silent was him to me when he used the same pfp of that white bear on discord and then on yt

>> No.32856397

they all know now

>> No.32856404

Can they stop talking about dicks

>> No.32856407
File: 480 KB, 675x900, 1662777635417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32856428

Feesh ass

>> No.32856428
File: 585 KB, 2000x3000, 1640440040240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32856510

feesh anal

>> No.32856450

You people are really mentally sick and obsessed with numbers, jesus christ.

>> No.32856467
Quoted by: >>32856534

I think you dragoons and antidragoons are overreacting, I'm sure all the NijiEN members old online friends watch their vtuber streams

>> No.32856487

No they/them pussy today... :(

>> No.32856489

Well fuck, i will never look at the fan projects from dragoons the same way, now they don't feel like fan effort anymore and it's kinda sad

>> No.32856510
Quoted by: >>32856853

Her eyes are kinda scary in this

>> No.32856517
Quoted by: >>32857818

What THE FUCK is wrong with non members?

>> No.32856534

No shit but they have to make it a cuck narrative to own the Dragoons

>> No.32856546
File: 37 KB, 680x664, 1641736525805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>five days without elira

>> No.32856547

Ausbros they're bullying us...

>> No.32856584


>> No.32856591
File: 560 KB, 1783x1276, 741269415503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oba doba

>> No.32856611

Let me get this straight. Iluna is a flop because they've only existed for a month but aren't getting 5k viewers on every stream? They're barely building up their core audience right now

>> No.32856616

wota melon

>> No.32856666

>elira break
Oh god i totally forgot

>> No.32856665

maria exit
>is she the flattest

>> No.32856684
Quoted by: >>32856868

millie you can't be saying this to yugo

>> No.32856714
File: 20 KB, 735x226, wthlmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32856868

Millie the kayfabe...

>> No.32856727
File: 13 KB, 454x90, yuecchi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yugo likes cunny

>> No.32856729

Just because he is on his break doesn't mean he isn't doing desk work. Fulgur mentioned doing a lot of work during the break too. I wonder what kind of work they give them, since from the sound of it it isn't just vp recording and listing games for perm requests...

>> No.32856738

I don't know man, it's something about whales and luxiem

>> No.32856745

Elira break... We're doomed

>> No.32856763

Elira will be a part of the big Minecraft collab on the 15th
And then Rosemi's birthday is the next day....
But maybe FTL late on the 15th

>> No.32856784

Elira wants to play more FTL when she gets back. It's gonna be a long 5 days...

>> No.32856799

The only thing that will flop here is my dick after having my way with you and cuming in your tight little asshole.

>> No.32856821
File: 189 KB, 900x1050, 1662651754562246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Yugo

>> No.32856845

Nobody knows how to talk to normies…

>> No.32856851

why is Rosemi talking like this

>> No.32856853

That's what makes it so hot

>> No.32856856
File: 212 KB, 1536x2048, 20220909_233437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32856918

I want to say that even if I always joke about how arcadians don't exist I love aster's femboy ass and love the asterbate tag on twt

>> No.32856868

What did she say?

>> No.32856892

Elira might do a karaoke on the 17th if she's not coughing too badly.

>> No.32856896

Possible Elira karaoke the 17th
Damn, I'll miss that

>> No.32856904

What do normies talk about

>> No.32856918

>only appeal is being coombait

>> No.32856925
File: 294 KB, 626x450, 1648385320176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32856941

he keeps telling us to eat his ass

>> No.32856952

even i talk about dicks with my normie friends

>> No.32856954

movies and sports

>> No.32856968

Normal things

>> No.32856976

what's the ship name for Yugo and Maririn? Yuririn? Yuria?

>> No.32856991

enna is being homophobic again

>> No.32856998
Quoted by: >>32857180


>> No.32857004
Quoted by: >>32857016

less than 1k watching wosemi.. rosebuds are unicorns

>> No.32857016

The collab is over anon

>> No.32857029

Music Box

>> No.32857035

Man this Mario stream is so cute

>> No.32857045
Quoted by: >>32857076

I thought Kyo was 'based' why is he playing ff14

>> No.32857076

based on what

>> No.32857085


>> No.32857093

No, they're a flop because despite having 80k debuts they're the worst performing wave, ever. This is actual Ethyria-level (most below Ethyria) performance despite being post-Luxiem and it's not because people didn't give them a shot

also fuck whoever hired aster and fuck you

>> No.32857105

Mooncakes suck

>> No.32857120

why are there no good streams rn

>> No.32857146
Quoted by: >>32857397

Literally most of the doxxshit, gossiping, and shipping is caused by men here. This board is mostly males after all.

>> No.32857148
Quoted by: >>32857181

a bunch of people are talking about cocks while drunk on uki's stream

>> No.32857174

>STILL comparing 2nd month noombers with people who have had nearly a year of streaming

>> No.32857180

This because Maria is the top in their relationship

>> No.32857181
Quoted by: >>32857882

i am never giving ukis youtube channel a visit

>> No.32857183

Millie's getting more drinks for her drunk karaoke but she looks like she's gonna be a bit late for her karaoke stream in less than 7 minutes as of typing this.

>> No.32857187
File: 166 KB, 256x258, 1649140894406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32857291

Work, interpersonal drama, ongoings in each others lives, etc., unless the group is majority men in which case the topic will invariably be dominated by pop culture media and/or current events in the news.

>> No.32857188

whenever uki does these types of streams they're always funny as shit

>> No.32857193
File: 23 KB, 391x512, aia66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that was a mess up...

>> No.32857207


>> No.32857216
Quoted by: >>32857400

do you guys no life streams all day? why does live numbers matter?

majority of your top donators are probably gonna be vod watchers so just chill aster, no need to rage on 4chan

>> No.32857218
Quoted by: >>32857475

says you, i'm watching a gamejam

>> No.32857227
Quoted by: >>32857335

Rosemi and Selen are on? Who do you even watch

>> No.32857228

soundploof... yugo is cute

>> No.32857230

Yugo's buying that to have VR sex with his guitarrist

>> No.32857238

Femanon should stream

>> No.32857244

Too gay

>> No.32857250

luca panicked so hard

>> No.32857258
File: 82 KB, 750x750, FBF2DD94-4C8D-46DF-A3B0-80EEAE06E929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should go take a shower too… bye bye Luca, see you in your stream later

>> No.32857261

Elira hasn't ended yet.

>> No.32857291

Fascinating, thanks bud

>> No.32857294

Lucubs your oshi....

>> No.32857299

>Sonny's mouth is permanently wide open, in complete awe at the size of Rosemi's honkers

>> No.32857308

>i only have one soap

>> No.32857317

I would rather watch one specific anon's stream.

>> No.32857324

>enna thinks uki tops luca

>> No.32857327

But I do stream…

>> No.32857335

>26 livers
>2 of them are on who do you even watch lol

>> No.32857348
Quoted by: >>32857409

It sounds like Elira is taking a break to work as well as rest
I wonder if that means working on the covers she talked about wanting to do for her birthday

>> No.32857367

Anon should stream

>> No.32857375

KEK luca picked up the soap

>> No.32857384

thank you luca, that was great

>> No.32857388
File: 3.03 MB, 2048x2048, __selen_tatsuki_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_suimin_rinneru__9651ea02b65fd0503504b0f97c20f3a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32857554

Goodnight /NijiEN/!!!

>> No.32857389


>> No.32857397

>This board is mostly males after all.


>> No.32857400

Doesn't matter, Iluna objectively flopped

>> No.32857405

everyone tops Luca

>> No.32857409

I hope that she can come back with less on her plate so she can just focus on streaming and have a bit more rest time in her days

>> No.32857424

Yeah, I don't get the joke either Luca.

>> No.32857431

2 of them with a solo, 1 stream with 6 other livers, including males
Who do you even watch

>> No.32857470

the ones that aren't on

>> No.32857475

moon subs?

>> No.32857480

ike's break is how long and when does it start?

>> No.32857491
File: 544 KB, 2248x2250, 1649081688580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca is the cutest boy!

>> No.32857507
File: 1019 KB, 2260x2505, 1657477579423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32857529


>> No.32857508

>Elira learns that some real private schools have houses like in Harry Potter
>How do you get sorted?! RNG?

>> No.32857529

me on the right

>> No.32857540
File: 166 KB, 547x451, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I do think ILuna is a subpar wave with livers who shouldn't be in Nijisanji, and I believe that they should do an experimental wave where they hire livers who are 2views just to see what happens.

Both companies have proven that hiring people who are nobodies with no knowledge about vtubing or streaming can lead to extreme growth and success for that liver.
Or ya know, just make EN Niji Academy, as some of the fan favorites of Nijisanji have come from that Academy.

>> No.32857538

>luca and fulgur are the same person
>the soap transforms them

>> No.32857544
Quoted by: >>32857701

Use punctuation and I'll answer your question.

>> No.32857546
Quoted by: >>32857673

Millie's stream is about to start but it looks like she'll be late because she's still enjoying herself in the totsu

>> No.32857554
File: 1.05 MB, 836x658, 1638940750811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32857613
File: 128 KB, 282x261, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32857639

KEK luca and fulgur are too funny

>> No.32857657

dead dying thread

>> No.32857668

God I want Rosemi to play Klonoa.

>> No.32857673


>> No.32857688
File: 39 KB, 328x326, 43FAC863-80D4-4DFE-9259-8E6D99916F84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go shower already you naughty boy

>> No.32857694

sorry seething 2view niji is never going to hire you

>> No.32857701
Quoted by: >>32857882

Who. do you! even watch'

>> No.32857717

No, thet need an actual experimental wave where they hire people without PL

>> No.32857737

yugo and enna holding hands and leaving, amazing grace

>> No.32857738

>Elira wanted to live in a dorm so that she would be forced to make a friend by getting a roommate
>was given a single room

>> No.32857764

Maria and Nagao chatting

>> No.32857766

>"Is that a dog?" "My god they have something for everybody!"


>> No.32857774
Quoted by: >>32857882

6 of them are live though?? Check nijimado
Uki, Selen, Aia, Elira, Kyo, Millie

>> No.32857787

I need Selen, Scarle, Aia, and Rosemi to do a stream ranking all the guys in EN (and maybe the other branches) by how hot they are

>> No.32857800
File: 878 KB, 1280x720, 1426973037128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32858722

I have read doujins with chicks being plowed by shoebills, sharks, pandas, rabbits, turtles, tapirs, seals, reindeers and cats but never with kangaroos. That does sound interesting.

>> No.32857807

Rosemi 2.0 on Nagao's stream

>> No.32857816


>> No.32857818

Same thing happens in Vox's chat, it's annoying

>> No.32857842

Is Uki always like this, or did they broke him?

>> No.32857866

Elira feared being raped every day of her life in her dorm

>> No.32857874
Quoted by: >>32858138

Elira lived among jocks... Her virginity...

>> No.32857882


Elira is ending stream so obviously it's time to go to another one, I hate drunk zatus it's the lowest form of entertainment to me I just cannot enjoy them at all, and I think Uki is personally the one in NijiEN I care the least about. It matters not who is in the stream with him, his presence alone is enough to make me not give a shit. Pomu already streamed most of the day, I don't care about Selens fps challenge, and Rosemi stream is kinda whatever tonight since the tech issues.

Nobody wants to watch someone play FF14 so Kyo is already out of the picture. Nobody watches Aia.

It's that simple anon, its not about who I watch it's about the content currently available being of low quality.

Millie is the only thing currently saving tonight.

>> No.32857894

Page 10 Confession: i'm the one who started the whole "pomudachis never shower" thing. and i shower twice a day with old spice and use body spray to smell fresh. but sometimes i'll forget deodorant

>> No.32857905

he got cockblocked

>> No.32857906

he's needy and horny when he's drunk, no filter

>> No.32857951

She rode the carousel....

>> No.32857975

>Dancing Queen

>> No.32857979

>uki's psyborg porn folder he masturbates to

>> No.32857990
Quoted by: >>32858156

Elira, please, I'm already crying, your hymen ;_;

>> No.32857999

i also like pomu and bathe but she isn’t the only one i watch

>> No.32858002
Quoted by: >>32858092

Ok bro, you can fuck off then.

>> No.32858004

oh shit maria is on nagao's channel

>> No.32858038

too late, your ilk has been branded as pathetic unwashed ojisans with one of you having a moldy dick

>> No.32858041
Quoted by: >>32858180

>Not watching Elira's long post-game zatsudans

>> No.32858040

uki talking about all the psyborg fanart he has saved...

>> No.32858048

worst wave ever? are you retarded? in JP alone you can find waves with worse numbers, more than one

>> No.32858050
Quoted by: >>32858156

Elira got gangbanged by football chads

>> No.32858054

With how common rape fantasies are among fujos and yumes I think this post was typed by female hands

>> No.32858053

>7 buff dudes and elira playing jackbox in the middle of the night

>> No.32858057

Selen begging for money again.....

>> No.32858068

Page 10: come

>> No.32858074
File: 101 KB, 512x512, 1631740411389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buds! Rosemi-sama is dangerously cute tonight!

>> No.32858087

retroactive reprogramming, not going to work pomie

>> No.32858092
Quoted by: >>32858361

>you have to like the content available to you

the fuck is this? people bitch in these threads every night about the most retarded things

i'm gonna bitch about the content tonight, fuck you faggot

>> No.32858125

>Watching zatsu just so you can shitpost about it
Literally why

>> No.32858126

Rosemi's big butt peeking from under her short skirt.....

>> No.32858138
Quoted by: >>32858156


>> No.32858156

why are virgins like this?

>> No.32858161
File: 9 KB, 265x254, Aia103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aia is dead set on beating the game exactly how she thinks she's meant to beat it and is refusing to change her strategy even slightly
She just like me

>> No.32858160
File: 89 KB, 1080x1080, FbTRXw0VEAAsulO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop making things up

>> No.32858164

Dancing Queer

>> No.32858170

i haven't been watching uki lately but damn he really has it bad

>> No.32858169

I love singing with vtubers while drunk this is a great night for me and my oshi

>> No.32858180

Normally I do, but she said she wasn't going to go long but it's Elira and she'll probably talk for an hour.

>> No.32858253

needy drunk uki in open vc right now ready to be taken advantage of

>> No.32858252

whats the ratio of white dudes and black dudes playing football in college?

>> No.32858269
File: 16 KB, 438x490, aia64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night 7 is so bullshit, she'll be stuck for ages

>> No.32858273

Drunk Uki's kinda cute...

>> No.32858295


>> No.32858297
Quoted by: >>32858367

It really is that easy to bait people here

>> No.32858299
Quoted by: >>32858436

Too many JOPs going uoooh over maria.

>> No.32858310
Quoted by: >>32859123

3 white to 7 blacks

>> No.32858313

I dont understand aiamigo, she gets a batsu if she gives up? is there a time limit? a number of attempts?

>> No.32858343
Quoted by: >>32858404

NijiEN validates my alcoholism

>> No.32858344

I can't understand love, only physical attraction

>> No.32858345

? rosemi said that? it makes no sense to me

>> No.32858346

My first time watching Nagao, his laugh is funny

>> No.32858361
Quoted by: >>32858443

>6 people all streaming a huge variety of content for you to enjoy
>lie and claim it's "only two people" when it's not two, it's 6.
>leave long ranting posts demanding everyone cater to his specific interests

>> No.32858367

idk why people fall for anything on here

>> No.32858372

nagao wants to kill maria

>> No.32858384

I'm guessing the time limit is "whenever she's lost hope in winning" or "too tired to keep streaming"

>> No.32858390

yes. i want to fuck him.

>> No.32858404

the smirnoff I bought tonight is treating me better than any friend I've had

>> No.32858411

she probably wants to join scarle who can't play any game that's not a vn without babysitting

>> No.32858417
Quoted by: >>32858919

Lol Nagao said he watched Sonny’s clip and didn’t understand the Australian slang

>> No.32858418

Jesus christ Rosemi is going to give me diabetes this stream is too much

>> No.32858436

It's too late for them, yugo already took the opportunity to uuuoh Maria as much as he want.

>> No.32858443
Quoted by: >>32858484

it's really not that big of a deal anon
i'm literally just not that interested in any of the content tonight

i'm not saying your oshi is dogshit, unless it's Uki, then that's true

>> No.32858447
Quoted by: >>32858515

I confess I jerked off to a Pomu dox video
I feel horrible about it

>> No.32858464

so many streams i wanna watch at the same time...

>> No.32858472
File: 280 KB, 1696x1356, nagaoker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is the joker

>> No.32858484
Quoted by: >>32858551

So fuck off

>> No.32858507

i dont usually watch any of the women but maria is so fucking cute bros

>> No.32858513
Quoted by: >>32858668

>I feel like I have so much to work on myself, like, if I ever date someone... good luck to them
I will do everyone a favor and date Elira. I will carry this burden.

>> No.32858515
Quoted by: >>32858974

i didn't know videos existed but i did with the pics

>> No.32858532
Quoted by: >>32858771

Elira stop, please stop, don't do this to me, I'm serious please I'm panicking

>> No.32858533

>If I were to date someone. Well, goodluck to them.
Poor future Elira bf/gf

>> No.32858540
Quoted by: >>32858614

Are fuuchan and uki gonna have hours of phone sex when stream ends?

>> No.32858551
Quoted by: >>32859185

No, I'm watching Millie, a good stream. How about you fuck off? I think I'll shitpost more just for you anon.

>> No.32858555
Quoted by: >>32858618

Nagao is fun and one of the few JP males who can speak English

>> No.32858562
Quoted by: >>32858641

If elira graduates, its cause she found a boyfriend

>> No.32858570
File: 1.89 MB, 1680x1200, FcPuxY5WIAI0d9V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elira pendora

>> No.32858578

millie is my oshi but I want to hug maria so bad

>> No.32858593

It's a shame that Karen Carpenter died because of an eating disorder. My mom loves Carpenters songs a lot.

>> No.32858596

Elira sounding kind of ace to be honest.

>> No.32858610

>Sorry babe, I have to stream xenoblade for 7 hours

>> No.32858614


>> No.32858618
Quoted by: >>32858839

When will Yumeoi stop being shy and collab with EN

>> No.32858636
Quoted by: >>32858802

That's it, I'm killing myself

>> No.32858638
File: 220 KB, 289x339, 8fdcf87a562947f0f4f2b68db5661f96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32858813

I just got home, what games is selen playing?
Has she won yet?

>> No.32858641

Yes, by boyfriend it means me.

>> No.32858649
File: 64 KB, 622x622, @IkKja8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is psyborg alive again

>> No.32858663

When Elira played 3 hours xenoblade it's over...

>> No.32858668

Sorry, but she already wished me luck.

>> No.32858683
File: 2.78 MB, 1600x2000, Fb0RpxDaIAMHh8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is !

>> No.32858698

Elira wants
>Someone who's nice
>Plays games
>and watches anime

>> No.32858701

Nagao's laugh.....

>> No.32858715

Kangaloo is very very good

>> No.32858722
Quoted by: >>32858949

And you're not gonna link any?

>> No.32858724
Quoted by: >>32858992

I'm in, bros

>> No.32858770

Elira knows EXACTLY what she's saying.
She is a succubus, do not be fooled!

>> No.32858771

This is why its impossible to not fall in love witb elira. Welcome to hell

>> No.32858782
File: 136 KB, 463x454, 1631768559498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32858888


>> No.32858790
File: 147 KB, 512x512, 1645420202666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how /NijiEN/ behave on weekend

>> No.32858802


>> No.32858809

>I can't have anyone depend on me, that's too much work, I would probably cry
Based Elira, I want to dote on her so much

>> No.32858812
File: 55 KB, 151x166, 1639623947165.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32858813

she got done with splatoon and valorant idk what shes

>> No.32858839

When Chima finally acknowledges him...

>> No.32858838

Ewiwa is low maintenance
Or a ball of self doubt and low self esteem

>> No.32858843

>The way to tell if Elira is in a relationship is if her stream time decreases dramatically

>> No.32858875

Fufuchan was the one who really blew up the server

>> No.32858884
Quoted by: >>32859083

Who fucked eliras head up THIS much? Like holy shit this is some serious damage

>> No.32858888

I'm reminded that the vocalist of Cranberries died in 2016. 2016 was a shitty year for a shit ton of celebrities.

>> No.32858898

I could never date a gacha addict, it goes against my being

>> No.32858919

What clip? Slang?

>> No.32858932

I'M going to get elira to fall in love with ME

>> No.32858949
Quoted by: >>32859148

NTA but:
Ostrich: https://exhentai.org/g/1380013/f36df7314e/
Horse, dog and pig: https://exhentai.org/g/1571013/be0ae262db/
Orca rape: https://exhentai.org/g/1615364/ae11613e6f/

>> No.32858957

I'm gonna work hard to propose to Elira in 4-5 years

>> No.32858965

I'll propose to Elira in 5 years.

>> No.32858974
Quoted by: >>32859566

Surely it's a normal video

>> No.32858977

fuuchan making a tulpa just so he can kefab a secret 27th nijien member that has no streams or chanel but only joins in group totsus

>> No.32858983

Rosemi-sama is staying up late... Naughty, very naughty.

>> No.32858992

No you're not

>> No.32858999


>> No.32859032
Quoted by: >>32859263


>> No.32859036

Anon im sorry but you are a retard. Nijisanji always does auditions after a wave releases. Literally the same happened last year with ID and KR before they were closed, it happened many times with JP too. regardless of results they always throw out auditions
nijisanji has 2 years contract, retard
This is retarded. "acceptable"? anons, you aren't shareholders, you are all fans. If its a success or a failure it has nothing to do with you. This retarded mentality that this is a concern to you guys is so dumb. The ones who should care about it are the ones paying for everything.
Like, imagine being this obsessed if something is successful or not, if they are bringing money or not. As i said, you arent a shareholder and nothing will break.
Some duds will happen, same as it did in JP, so its better getting used to it, as some will be less popular.

>> No.32859047

My life's purpose is to make Elira happy

>> No.32859055

Elira is an interesting person
Her family seems chill too

>> No.32859078


>> No.32859080
File: 3.80 MB, 393x434, 1633514090504.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? It's not anymore annoying than usual

>> No.32859083

>serious damage
It sounds like your average low self-esteem which still sucks she's very talented

>> No.32859109
Quoted by: >>32859146

>Someone who's nice
So no one from this thread, got it

>> No.32859113

Otakuthon cucks in shambles. They didnt realize how close they were to locking elira down for life

>> No.32859123

I love that kind of yaoi

>> No.32859141


>> No.32859139
Quoted by: >>32859368

Maria: aia is a...very interesting person

>> No.32859146


>> No.32859148

holy cow

>> No.32859160
File: 289 KB, 2048x1294, 1662654721265950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're such cute bros

>> No.32859163
Quoted by: >>32859242


>> No.32859168


>> No.32859185

No you fuck off

>> No.32859197
Quoted by: >>32859273

>Aia is intersting. She's flirts with girls
>she's a player?
lmao nagao

>> No.32859196


>> No.32859218 [SPOILER] 
File: 211 KB, 850x952, 1642551724362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32859219

Rosemi-sama wants to watch The Two Towers so badly... Giftbuds I'll never forgive you.

>> No.32859228
File: 310 KB, 604x494, 1659651284874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu you fucking perv

>> No.32859242

Dude, Enna is straight as fuck and if she ever became a lesbian then her dad is gonna fly to Canada to beat her up

>> No.32859263

>When she laughs, they jiggle

>> No.32859273

With her rice purity score? Yeah

>> No.32859280

someone that obsessed with boobs isnt straight

>> No.32859281
File: 153 KB, 900x1200, 1622345685647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32859298

Nice taste Pomu

>> No.32859297
Quoted by: >>32859406

Honestly wish she just said fuck it and watched it

>> No.32859306
File: 1.12 MB, 2205x1242, 1661982823796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I voted for LOTR. It was the only reason I was happy to get gifted membership in the first place.

>> No.32859329

lmao i haven't thought about this but anons here really act like shareholders with their numbers and revenue concerns

>> No.32859344

Hed do more damage if he went no contact

>> No.32859352

It's called jealousy

>> No.32859366

she exclaims her straightness so much that I think she's gay

>> No.32859368
File: 305 KB, 786x786, 1661916733307531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is!

>> No.32859385

>he's unaware

>> No.32859386

My oshi is so based

>> No.32859389

I don't even know what this is but nice thighs.

>> No.32859408
File: 326 KB, 1982x2048, 517380164427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big boob dragon

>> No.32859406
Quoted by: >>32859479

It's too late already she doesn't want to get grounded

>> No.32859413

drunk millie is better at karaoke than sober millie
but now that think about it
isn't everyone like that anyways

>> No.32859420

What if Sonny in open chest kimono...

>> No.32859461
File: 38 KB, 355x335, 2G2EYalmwS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32859546

Not only I've never dated anyone, the last time I went out of my house was months ago, the last time I talked to a girl around my age was at least 9 years ago, and by talking I don't mean having a conversation, I mean saying anything. Normally I don't feel bad about it, but sometimes I think about other people and their friends and I get irrationally angry, really fucking angry

>> No.32859467
File: 235 KB, 365x358, 1653816685130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32859529

>Getting depressed about no Pomu gf again
Which stream should I watch to cheer me up before going to sleep?

>> No.32859472

Horny ojisan...

>> No.32859479

kek, I meant during the membership stream, hope she does watch it sometime soon though

>> No.32859523

You think if I recommend Millie to sing some Escape the Fate or Avenged Sevenfold she would? It's on Karafun, i've seen it.

>> No.32859529

drunk karaoke is great, but that's just my opinion

>> No.32859545


>> No.32859546
File: 154 KB, 1002x769, 1660705341410399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you posted on your oshi's chat and she read your message, you talked to a girl. FACT.

>> No.32859548

No wonder Maria is sadistic

>> No.32859557
File: 166 KB, 457x457, 1641538191316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have never felt romantic attraction to anybody

>> No.32859566

It is a normal one.
I won't say more apart from the outfit made me lose it

>> No.32859569

I wish Millie would stop intentionally debuffing herself with this shitty ass accent

>> No.32859574

Maria step on my foot
