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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32750705 No.32750705 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>32710667

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!

:DDD Edition

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:

- Continent names
- Chuubanite doc
- No timeloops

>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts and Flags of your general in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Try to keep hornyposting, socposting and funposting to the absolute minimum until we hit the bump limit.
>Please think twice before posting if you're intoxicated or feeling moody.
>Ignore any trolls or falseflaggers. Report, hide and move on.
>Don't press anons on their identity if you are not willing to give yours back.
>Don't be a dick to other writers. If an argument does not directly concern you, stay in your lane and worldbuild.


Ocean Currents:
Weather Systems:
Climate Analysis:
Tectonic Plates and their Movements:
Geologic Provinces:



>> No.32750732
File: 20 KB, 394x470, oh_fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.
- - -
>Notice: Watch out for the word "land *f“ where * is o.

>> No.32750820
File: 108 KB, 422x691, 1662636674897615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Vote Results
https://rentry.org/or3ub (most recent)
>Vote post archive

>> No.32750887
File: 13 KB, 251x215, 1654726201061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

Also, be sure to anchor your ideas for continent and ocean names here so we can discuss them.
- - -
For the voting results of our /vtl/ team: >>30042825 ; >>30323043 ; >>31255836
Team Caretaker Trip Code: !p84LALNCrk
- - -
Tourist's Guide to Vitubia:
If you wish to contribute to this, please submit a short text that introduces your nation by replying to this post.

>> No.32750968
File: 215 KB, 640x407, 1654718462075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for the Chuubanite concept.

PLEASE KEEP ALL CONCEPTS ON THE CONCEPTS OF CHUUBANITE TO THIS CONCEPT CHAIN. Anons who do not wish to see chuubanite concepts should hide this concept.

Current Concept: https://rentry.org/chuubanite (CIP)

Official Chuubanite Concept Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V83JR2IoI8k (embed)

>> No.32751092

What a beautiful edition, puts a tear to one's eye.

>> No.32751154

Perhaps the best thread edition ever.

>> No.32751697
Quoted by: >>32753879

Once again, i propose a law against reps that have relations with another on irl.

>> No.32751837
File: 233 KB, 512x512, morigassassin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32752080

Reposting for /meat/bro.
Stable diffusion can run locally, so there are no computation limits, and it's decently fast. I'd recommend giving it a try.

>> No.32751919
Quoted by: >>32751961

Has anyone done any lore today? Just off topic?

>> No.32751961

/meat/bro posted new stuff in his Sojourning story!

>> No.32751987

Ah, thats it?

>> No.32752080
Quoted by: >>32752183

I'll try. Because some of these 'local run' software needs a lot of GPU and I don't have a cyptofarm's worth of GPU l

>> No.32752150


>> No.32752183

Ah, pentomo also posted cool stuff about a southern island.
How much VRAM does your GPU have? I think you want at least 4 GB, so my GTX 980 is borderline.

>> No.32752186

It's mostly a teaser to get hyped up hahaha.
I used AI to generate images for the Corpse of Monoe anomaly

>> No.32752252
Quoted by: >>32752575

What's the software? I have a 3060 ti, though my CPU kinda sucks.

>> No.32752334

So nothing then… meatbro is the only one who actually does anything…

>> No.32752385

Don't even respond to the guy above me. Not worth it.

>> No.32752455
File: 399 KB, 800x600, brended.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much VRAM does your GPU have
Eehhhh. Oh boy.
Physical RAM: 4GB
VRAM: I set it to maximum.
Yet somehow it does nothing because I would still get BSODs with Nvidia error.
I'm using a laptop from 2016. MSI PE706QE

>> No.32752575
File: 621 KB, 512x512, 1646653487626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the thread with all the latest. I'm using voldy's repo. >>>/g/88501596
Oof, you might be out of luck then, some kind of nvidia GPU is needed.

>> No.32753027

Wait. Where's Founder? Havent seen him in a while

>> No.32753039
Quoted by: >>32755188

What is the province system about and is there a rentry on it. Voteanon, we need you for this.

>> No.32753123

He comes by when he gets access to a public wifi, he's still banned from beginning his crusade.

>> No.32753141

Got banned by the jannies. Still three more weeks to go before his trip is unbanned.

>> No.32753879

Give up, nothing happens without PP's and Alice's consent anymore anyway.

>> No.32753979

Anons, how do I work Mori killing the Queen into my lore?

>> No.32754034


>> No.32754056
File: 910 KB, 800x600, 1659759943839671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32754399

It was a two man job

>> No.32754129

Well, i say fuck them. Two reps vs. all of us! They will lose.

>> No.32754176
Quoted by: >>32754228

Have you ever written any lore schizo-chama?

>> No.32754228

Yeah, Melisende.

>> No.32754335
Quoted by: >>32754496

where is your rep?

>> No.32754338
Quoted by: >>32754496

Here, edit the rentry. I'll wait.

>> No.32754399
File: 655 KB, 613x969, 1647061392170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good political death is a MooMori collab.

>> No.32754397
Quoted by: >>32754496

If you're the Melisende rep, post your /meat/ rep trip

>> No.32754451
Quoted by: >>32754841

May God keep the Queen in peace! God save the King. Long may he reign. May he dissolve parliament.

>> No.32754487
File: 80 KB, 934x911, konmajudgesyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Besmirching a cabal member
You dun goof'd

>> No.32754496
Quoted by: >>32755039

God stop biting obvious bait you tards.

>> No.32754560

Oh really? Edit it.

>> No.32754661

Post your trip. Now.

>> No.32754765
File: 97 KB, 295x193, F8C43579-F3B2-434A-865B-A8C955928B9D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32754841
Quoted by: >>32754915

>Harry, Henry IX, Windsor
>The madlad who enjoyed his campaign in Afghanistan
>Dissolving parliament

>> No.32754915
Quoted by: >>32755044

Its actually Charles III.

>> No.32755039
Quoted by: >>32755985

i figured it was a fast and effortless way to utterly dismantle the conversation. i wrote 4 words. you can't actually think i bit anything more than i could easily chew up and spit out, right?

>> No.32755044


>> No.32755188
File: 410 KB, 6912x3328, map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32762713

I'll write up a rentry on the province system real quick, but the short version is that we're reforming the map to make it so that unrepped nations are broken down into provinces that can be claimed by new nations when their reps arrive, rather than keeping the map full of useless unrepped nations, largely loreless, nations that you can't interact with.

Why are we doing this?
>It will prevent the time loop we have every time a thread appears where we scramble to find a space on the map for them, usually at the expense of an unrepped nation, which leaves the new rep waiting up to a week to be able to begin writing. This is especially pertinent as we're expecting HoloEN3 to debut this year.
>It will allow people to more easily adjust their borders if they don't like them.
>It will prevent the "Can I change my climate/location/topography?" time loop we get every time a new rep enters the thread
>It will prevent people from writing lore that is dependent on a neighboring unrepped thread, or writing lore for an unrepped thread, that will potentially box in future reps or be ruined when the new rep chooses to do something contrary to what was written by someone else.

I'll begin writing the rentry now.
If anyone wants to make count arguments or concerns I'll be happy to list them in the document as well.

>> No.32755340
Quoted by: >>32755614

God rest the queen, it is a good day to die, on the immaculate birthday of the Virgin Mary. God save the King! Charles III. May he restore the crown to authority and restore the King of France!

>> No.32755368

Ding dong, the queen is dead!

>> No.32755461

Some say his formal title would be George VII not Charles III

>> No.32755524
Quoted by: >>32755543

He will be based and Autocratic pilled for Charles III.

>> No.32755543


>> No.32755550

I do believe his formal name is "Decrepit Old Parasite who's biting the dust soon"

>> No.32755554

You are an idiot if you think it is "us against 2". Have you not noticed how basicly everyone but the clique, cunt, og and mountain have gone radio silent for the most of it? You either agree with them, stay silent and accept that this how it is now or get hunted down till you leave like retro. Only the /meat/heads do as they always have.

>> No.32755614

Bring back Jacobite Britain!

>> No.32755739
File: 50 KB, 750x404, 41E0E1AA-71C3-4418-B236-ED35B4C49D49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32755936


>> No.32755839
File: 57 KB, 493x467, 297DA0B1-79A9-4345-BB9A-B93C998248CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32755969

>Vox goes on break
>The queen dies 4 days later
Deadbro, did we…?

>> No.32755936
Quoted by: >>32756175

You are a traitor to Quebec.

>> No.32755969
File: 33 KB, 600x600, 1644294900987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in a day's work, Kindred.

>> No.32755985
File: 998 KB, 1043x829, 1661716059292834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32756072

What did you say bitch?

>> No.32756072

Meant for >>32755543 nanora

>> No.32756075
Quoted by: >>32756199

Hey, by the way! Meatbro, link me to your new story. I’m sitting at my gate with my $23 airport lunch and I have an hour to kill before takeoff so lemme read!

>> No.32756175

Rather be ruled by a true king from Buckingham than a cuck PM in Ottawa. Long live the King!

>> No.32756199
File: 89 KB, 600x800, cunnynomore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah! Hold on.
It's this chapter
It's 2AM here so I'll be going to sleep soon.
Bye bye

>> No.32756263
File: 102 KB, 1112x1106, Smile more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep well, meatbro!

>> No.32756279

If you accept it, you are a bootlicker and cuck. Not a surpise that the clique are all monarchists either. The ultimate cucks. I for one call on us to break the chains and take away their rights.

>> No.32756319

good night.

>> No.32756399
File: 57 KB, 827x634, 2BF4F12A-398E-4103-A7D7-B0253567E74C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep well! I’ll read it and post my thoughts once you’re awake again so you don’t miss them. Time for some kino.

>> No.32756421

Good night, may you always be the best writer here in our minds.

>> No.32756546

Agreed but its no use. Too powerful. Retro died for our sins

>> No.32756563
File: 24 KB, 389x394, Kiara pray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night meat bro! have a good nappety nap!

It might be a neat idea to start tagging stories by author as well, so people can stay up to date on authors they like? Just a thought for something we could vote on.

>> No.32756685

Namefagging to bad enough. Last thing i need to know is when panon and alice post their stories.

>> No.32756758

Maybe if you stopped acting like you are a fucking parody of a schizo and validating them in the eyes of doubters, people would actually voice their real concerns. If there is one person in this thread i believe to be a sockpuppet, than it is you. You always come out of thin air when someone brought up critique or concern towards newfags and ramp it up to make it seem like stupid schizo ramblings, i know you have done it to me before.

>> No.32756814
Quoted by: >>32756985

As vote anon (conducting next week), how do you propose this conducted as I already know that some wont like it.

>> No.32756947

If you were the person talking about the clique, or whatever, explain your thoughts. What is the problem. Just say it. I have seen this person attack rosebud and other oldfags too.

>> No.32756985
File: 193 KB, 1920x1080, uber bruste....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I'm putting it to vote. Have it so that authors, when posting stories, can make their stories as being by themselves so that the archivist knows to tag it as being by them. It will be entirely voluntary, I don't want to force people to throw away their anonymity if they don't want to.

>> No.32757022
Quoted by: >>32757866

This you?

>> No.32757054
Quoted by: >>32757152

I feel like authors can already do that by just appending their name to the name of whatever is being archived.

>> No.32757112
Quoted by: >>32757152

Would this actually need to be voted on? If someone wants tagged, cant they just ask? Kind of odd to vote on this since we technically could do this now imo. Just raise some questions.

>> No.32757152

Yeah you bring up a good point. forget I said anything.

Back to writing the province system rentry.

>> No.32757164
File: 135 KB, 810x810, 1658698751676920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this is something that needs to be voted on, if people want to append their name to one of their works so that anons can find it more easily or something, they already can.

>> No.32757304
Quoted by: >>32757699

Nta, but the problem is any criticism is drown out by idiot schizos (likely alice) making the otherside look bad.

>> No.32757378

man i'd wish for the ability to punch trolls over the internet

>> No.32757442

My sister is clearly based if she gets all of this hate.

>> No.32757563

ya, pretty much. but in all honesty, the schizos attach themselves to whoever they think will give them a (you).

>> No.32757594
Quoted by: >>32757699

That’s obvious. I doubt she feeds them but man, its amusing.

>> No.32757699
Quoted by: >>32757745

Can you stop talking about people and their schizos. Leave some posts for people who want to be on-topic

>> No.32757732
Quoted by: >>32757866

can you stop feeding drama for two seconds? it’s genuinely depressing that it’s impossible to criticize you without being written off as le hater schizo no matter what someone’s saying. it makes this thread feel cliquey.

>> No.32757745
Quoted by: >>32757799

true, sorry. just doesn't seem like there is much going on atm.

>> No.32757799

And that's fine, as long as it doesn't die, there ain't anything wrong with a slow thread.

>> No.32757820
Quoted by: >>32757851

My fault. I am sorry. Shouldnt have said anything.

>> No.32757841
Quoted by: >>32757962

I could care less about clique BS, but i voiced concerns of mine in the past about the vassals if alice etc. and each time the conversation got hijacked by a schizo and what i said was dismissed as schizotalk because of it. The only time this did not happen was when i critiqued PP for his bringibg up of Retro and he actually took it serious and Alice happened not to be there. And i have seen it happen to others too. Someone would write something reasonable and acted normal and then suddenly it seemed as if the person explodes into 110% schizo. It is now to the point that any critique written without trip is considered schizotalk from the getgo.

>> No.32757851

Thank you.

>> No.32757866

I want you to explain this. >>32757022
Either be constructive or fuck off.

>> No.32757962

I dont think you are a schizo nor do i think anyone who actually has anything to say constructive with a trip is one either. Please tell me your concerns, as I feel i am part of it. And everyone else shut up please.

>> No.32758019

*without a trip

>> No.32758059
File: 68 KB, 1481x324, he speaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting /meat/'s guidelines to not get schizo'd

>> No.32758187
Quoted by: >>32758284

It is kind of too late for some.

>> No.32758284

Not too late to practice

>> No.32758385

Every time someone actually is constructive you just write them off because someone else happens to hijack their post and make it schizo. You don’t actually care about constructive feedback.

>> No.32758482
Quoted by: >>32758558

Do you think this is me????

>> No.32758558
Quoted by: >>32758694

The person I replied to? No. I think it’s PP

>> No.32758694

Why? Do you seriously think I do this?

>> No.32758700

If you ask me he's a hypocrite. He's been avatarposting all the time.
shilling his pretentious epic saga with the same set of avatars

>> No.32758894
File: 505 KB, 4096x2310, EF752FF1-D08C-447D-B413-FFBE24C73EC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32758946

I’m about to board my plane. Please behave while I’m away because I can’t check while I’m 38,000 feet in the air on my beloved B757.

>> No.32758946
File: 779 KB, 512x768, 1649325536823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeat woman posing for a portrait with her newest kimono.
Enjoy your flight! I love planes.

>> No.32759202
Quoted by: >>32759349

Not pilling you, but reply to him. Im the one in this post.

>> No.32759345
Quoted by: >>32759525

It is way too late for any of that. You and others have worked well into making it so that anything written by someone without a trip is considered schizo talk, and most of the stuff people said is already too ingrained and in the past. And it always happened too conveniently when it was aimed at you or people you care about. Anyone who has issued concerns before and got hijacked knows it and can see just how blatant it was all the time. And even if one tried to keep talking normally, you would just lump it together with the schizo and dismiss it and instead use it as justification to keep continuing or doubling down out of spite.

>> No.32759349

No need to say that, if he thinks i am actually the one falseflagging, then he can either talk to me about it or whatever.

>> No.32759350

Not sure who I’m supposed to be replying to anymore but I don’t really have anything else to say. It just bothers me that every single criticism of someone else’s behavior here is immediately interpreted as schizo hatred when people just say something as minimal as the /soc/posting bothering them. Granted, yes, sometimes the Alice/PP stuff is genuine schizo hatred but that’s not always the case. I don’t know. It bothers me.

>> No.32759525
Quoted by: >>32760945

Anon, you may issue your concerns now. No one is stopping you!!! You think I want this to happen???? No i dont. Why would I??? I just want to hear you concerns now, i dont care how old they are. And you arent a schizo. Please!!!

>> No.32759530

I just think we should treat it like hornyposting and keep it away until bump limit so lore doesn't get snuffed out, like deadbro's story that went totally unnoticed for most of last thread

>> No.32759750

im just doing stuff with nuts and trees. hi guys

>> No.32759764
File: 220 KB, 500x375, 1650632265238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine, I'm used to it. >>32671012

>> No.32759796

For one, i would appreciate it if you would realize I am not trying to drown you out at all and while I do not appreciate being accused of falseflagging, i am not going to label you anything for it. Shit man, I end up keeping quiet because whatever I do fans the flames. Please, i can clearly tell difference between a schizo and a normal anon. I would appreciate it if others did too; but need I remind you that myself and others get attacked all the time. So much so that it leads to this

If you have a problem with anyone, please state it now. I wont judge you man. Thank you.

>> No.32759910
Quoted by: >>32759998

Socposting? I mean, its not just deadbro either, latest pomerlane chapter went almost unnoticed.

>> No.32759998

Id rather not bring me into that solely because its me.

>> No.32760127
Quoted by: >>32760233

I forget to give it. I love it bro, you write characters and scenes far better than me and I love to keep up with what you do honestly.

>> No.32760233
File: 336 KB, 679x710, 1632676921120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon! I'm in the middle of writing this battle scene, and I'm admiring and kneeling to your milautism more than ever, you keep being based too.

>> No.32760350
Quoted by: >>32760794

Thanks, if you need help ever, you know who to call.

>> No.32760426
Quoted by: >>32766850

Hey fuckface, have you considered that your attitude is why people think youre a troll?
You dont give constructive criticisms, you gave ride remarks.
You dis not list down points and gave ideas, you went straight for the throat.
When others gave their opinions, you reject them and believe in your own personal superiority.
You did the same strategy last thread with the /vsj/ stunt!
You barged in, attempt to do a land takeover without any precedent and lore, them blame criticisms on Alice's whataboutism
You are rude, depicable, and a burden

>> No.32760569

Not trying to point fingers or anything but regarding socposting, i just looked at last 2 threads and honestly panon and alice really arent doing it.

Most of it is done by rosebud, kindred, cunt, and nasarep.

My main question to the anons here is when it comes to the two former, why are you blaming them for this when most of their posts are lore related or after bumplimit. Panon for example spent a lot of time working on a map this morning and alice didnt even really do anything it seems last thread other than being exposed. Why them? Why not target the others honestly if it is such a problem?

>> No.32760703

Cant wait to see it!!!

>> No.32760794
File: 841 KB, 1152x2048, 1646398639112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32760914

You already did, I've been reading through this paper since you recommended me the Peninsular War, it's good stuff.

>> No.32760818
File: 315 KB, 1113x1854, A6FD0A0C-3F3E-419B-BB86-025BDC04907F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I await with eagerness!

I have also tried to stop with what anons were getting mad at me at.

>> No.32760825

How bout we make this a grievance sharing thread? It's been a while since we had one in earnest, and since tensions have been high for the last couple of weeks, I think airing our feelings out a bit would do us all some good. Just remember to keep it constructive, like any normal discussion.

Didn't read it, never will, your writing sucks, pink woman bad. jk, I got through the first chapter on the way hone from work, but passed out after that and couldn't give praise. Gonna read the rest on my break today, it's gonna be a great read if the rest is like chapter 1 <3

>> No.32760848

Because the fucker's Megas
Both Panon and Alice wrote him out of the project remember
He's now going on a moral high ground crusade. Representing 'opressed anonymous posters'

Listen here fucker, you kept accusing socposting of destroying the thread but it's your pointless drivel that is taking up posts!
This thread now has 120 replies. Half of them are arguments born out of your idiocy!
So shut the fuck and let us go back to discuss writing!

>> No.32760914
Quoted by: >>32761928

Hell yeah. Thats what makes me happy honestly. I love being able to share what I know to help out.
I dont have any issues with anyone honestly. If other anons feel the need, they may but I am generally a happy man.

>> No.32760945

You are so absolutely fucking greedy in your shit, it is annoying as hell. No matter how much you are given, you always try to get more shit. You have the audacity to scream at others that they ruin your fun, but you don't care how your actions might ruin it for others with the most recent example when you wanted your own islands made for you, then when others said they were also interested in it and no one seemed to have an issue with it, say you now don't want it anymore since now you would not have something special for you alone again. Then after Mapanon was nice enough to include them anyway, simply add them for yourself on your maps without talking about it with the thread, even when the vote on these islands were halted. Or when you just had to try and see if you can get the anya part that would free up now.

And whenever someone called you out on this, you always have an excuse at the ready:
-it was just shitposting.
-it was a woman moment.
-it was ESL and why is no one ever asking you to clarify.
while at the same time when retro actually seemed to have problems with ESL, you and friends would always come down on him for it to the point that he left and this is why now no one actually wants to critique you guys anymore while naming themselves.

>> No.32760992
Quoted by: >>32761928

I have no issues. I do not see a reason to complain when I think there has been a lot of good work and we got through the valley!!!

>> No.32761064

Wait what's the IP for the thread, i cant check cause mobile

>> No.32761086
File: 434 KB, 2160x2094, 1645423049502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32761928

Pink woman bad, yeah, she's my bad bitch. Let me know how you like it. It's not specified in the text, but the character named Kiriko has fat tits, I think this may be important for your enjoyment.

>> No.32761108

I personally do not blame Alice or PP for it, the ones you name + OG are the worst in that regard, but it is the same issue, you try to voice this, and you get stamped as a schizo with no regards to it. They do not care at all about it anymore and will happily continue doing it even harder out of spite.

>> No.32761432
Quoted by: >>32761479

I feel like I missed something but I sense schizos and I dont want to ask

>> No.32761479

Just read the last thread and don't bring it up again. Worldbuilding thread.

>> No.32761510

Ok, thank you lets see.
I am. But lets address the things brought up
umm i didnt make my map…you might find this convient but i didnt make it. The reason i said to drop the issue was unironically because of perceptions like your own on this, which I understand. It wasnt to ruin anyone elses fun, as much as to stop timeloops.
You mean Petra???? I was using my nation as an example in response to question. I don’t understand why you actually believe that to be anything more. I make jokes about expansion but its hard enough to keep track of whats going on. I am sorry…
Yes, i make excuses too much!!!! I agree. But please please do not drag retrosenpai into this. It’s disrespectful to him and We had a much better relationship at the end. I am not perfect my past shows but i try to get better. Sorry i will do better

>> No.32761548

Alice being greedy wasnt even on her accord. She was given those!
Like your island example
She decided not to have it but /meat/bro did it anyways because I dunno what goes on in his head
the /pcg/ vassal started as a non-canon joke shitpost but the /pcg/ and /aeg/ reps all agreed to make it canon
Warkop anon said that if his borders get reduced give the remaining land to Alice
The /tsun/, /nijikr/, /nijimale/ writers just outright said they want to be annexed
Alice didnt demanded or asked for their fealty
They just did it on their accord for fun
But you took everything as a threat to your precious headcanon!

>> No.32761632

This is a little funny

>> No.32761707

Map was me bro and I was copying map anon. Thats on me

>> No.32761783
Quoted by: >>32762680

Here is the ultimate problem. At least say something about them as you have to understand, alice and pp get more criticism and schizos than they deserve. If it was balanced out, no one would call you a schizo.

>> No.32761928
File: 194 KB, 1423x2048, 1662007823722811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nice and all, but are there any characters with a dumptruck though?

This has been less directed at you two and more at other anons that might have a problem with all of us namefags.

While I have been trying to do less of it, I will admit that sometimes I do go all in with socposting, specially when kindred and rosebro are around. I like them, and at this point I would consider them close enough where we can talk about anything and have fun with it.
And regarding the hornyposting, I actually wanted to have a talk about that with Dragoon last thread, but he probably fell asleep before I could get to him, so that still needs to happen.

>> No.32761957

I never said I wanted annex, i am in a union with 2434 and it is an equal one.

>> No.32762069

am i the only one who focuses on gemstones or is there someone else who actually does stuff with them besides "shiny sell for money"

>> No.32762076

I just do not understand why any sane person would look at the socposting in these threads and blame them. They are on topic most of the time. Baffling. And you have been better.

>> No.32762136

Not in your way, but i like the idea of fun jewelry and crown jewels. Its not just about money.

>> No.32762274

Yes it's by your intent. But the antis believed that Alice is the one pulling the strings to 'metagame' and become stronger. Despite it is your decision to form a union, the anti insisted that was Alice's idea and she forced it on you.

>> No.32762282

I plan on something special, not in your way or magic way but still cool. Materials are worthless without a purpose. All the wealth in the world dont mean shit if you dont use it in lore for cool shit

>> No.32762329
File: 1.37 MB, 2826x3508, 1659036797819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32763403

She's got one of those too, priestesses and ex-priestesses get meatier than anyone else on Moriji. Thighs for days too.
Chuubanite-infused Diamonds in Moriji are used as: dense chuubanite storage in chuubanite equipment (Such as Death Masks), to implant chuubanite into organics, as penetrators on armor-piercing weapons, and as high chuubaniticity lenses in Vitium Optics.

>> No.32762356

Please show me where I named any of these besides the island thing? I am fully aware that others asked for this. But in some of these cases also it was how it was executed. /nasfaqg/ wanted to join in on the /pcg/ thing but was quickly rejected and instead Alice went ahead to make her own, bigger and better, companies instead. The /kr/ thing also at first had to of course include some spirit that came along with all the riches in the world, before it was changed because people uttered their critique of it.
You might find it funny but at some point it just stops being funny, even more so if it seems you will go through with everything you say and that is not met with resistance, making it seem that people have to take it serious and stop you or else you will annex half the world.
Also, you do not get to say anything about dragging Retro into it after you went and did it yourself when people called you out about your behavior towards Rosebud last time and essentially used him as a shield against the people who critiqued you. You act like you were best buddies after he left, when you treated him bad often enough. The only thing I will give you high credit for is that you actually defended him when everyone jumped him for his navy stuff.
Which brings me to another point, you always cry about how oldfags don't want to write with you when plenty have tried and always got shooed away when they do not want to do things exactly as you want.
/nasfaqg/ wanted to join in on the /pcg/ story, but you immediately went ahead and made your own companies and declared smuggling basically impossible.
/meat/heads wanted to interact with you, but you immediately declared that there can never be any /meat/ cultist in your nation ever.
Retro wanted to work with you but got the short end of stick for it too.
And the recent debacle with Rosebud too, where he wanted to share his stuff with you and got shut down immediately.

>> No.32762662
File: 119 KB, 850x850, stinky chimkin huff huff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the rentry on the province system.

Please read it thoroughly. I'll read any replies to this post while I'm still awake, however I'm going to bed in about 2 and a half hours.

As with previous important posts I've made I'll post a lewd, attention grabbing, image to make sure people look at it as well as to assure good faith.

>> No.32762680

That is the issue, I do not believe they actually have that many schizos, as I said when this started, a lot of times when people have serious concerns and critique they get jumped by a schizo that makes it all seem like attacks on them to the point that I am almost convinced it is one of them trying to deflect shit from them, I do not believe it is PP because he actually shows signs of wear since he also slowed down in writing a lot and when I issued my critique last time he took it serious. I also do not want to believe it is Alice necessary, but it has happened way too often.
Are you Emma? Because the main issue of the Union was way back in the day when admittedly Alice did not understand much and wanted to merge the nations on her own.

>> No.32762713

This is especially pertinent as we're expecting HoloEN3 to debut this year.

Seems logical to me you should just raise more land from the sea

>> No.32762727
Quoted by: >>32763673

>retro as shield
Forgive me as I was not in a good state of mind. No excuse!!! To tell you the truth, neither one of us treated each other well but I would rather not talk about that at this point.
>nasfaq in pcg
The companies were always planned. I just removed nasfaq as a better lore option at home in Pomerania made more sense. Purely lore based. As was their smugglers. I stand by it!!
I didnt want the cult but I am planning a story with meat. Not wanting their cult is different than rejecting them. I have referenced them in my stories too!!
How? He left before we could have fun.. i was planning something with him. We had agreements and plans.
I was having a bad day and apologized. We actually just started planning something.

In the end, i stand by what choices i made even if i handled them poorly.

>> No.32762817
Quoted by: >>32763673

I am her. Is there a problem now? I will be honest, if you criticized other anons i think you would see less jump on you as pp and alice get shit on to hell and back. Thats my opinion.

>> No.32762942

Well, why havent I ever seen someone give rosebud or kindred a critique? Do you earnest believe pp and alice are objectively worse in every way to anyone else here?

>> No.32763013
Quoted by: >>32763421

He got one once…. From alice… kek

>> No.32763202
Quoted by: >>32763332

I love my sister but I have really enjoyed morig, rose and meats lore. Good work!

>> No.32763273
File: 151 KB, 850x1496, 1632881066997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel like /mans/-ID3 countries are comically small, they seem like a reasonable size to me. Most other countries seem oversized, rather. Germany is around 350000 km^2, quite a bit smaller than /ehe/ or /mhm/.
Also, I'm not the /morig/ rep, I'm just around more than other Deadbeats.
Looks good as far as I can tell!

>> No.32763332
File: 98 KB, 800x800, 1653703825477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon!

>> No.32763368
File: 84 KB, 471x635, 30D0F8F9-B1A8-4706-A79F-59E1B6413A0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the size of my nation. I would lose my mind with GGG or whatever the vsj “rep” wanted. Size doesnt matter!!!

>> No.32763403
File: 2.31 MB, 2039x2894, 1661765462902584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32764302

Now we're talking LET'S GOOOO!

I do plan for the densest and most potent chuubanite in /rrat/ form in the form of rubies, but I would need to flesh out the idea a bit more.

I love this, thank you mountain! Summed up everything nice and clearly. one thing, however. Didn't hirys mention about wanting to be provinced? Phoneposting from work rn, so I can't really go archive diving, but I remember him saying something to that effect.

>> No.32763421
Quoted by: >>32763564

which schizo chama took the opportunity to add to his growing list of 'Alice hate!'
>The only thing I will give you high credit for is that you actually defended him when everyone jumped him for his navy stuff.
Was this about Retro's chuubanite ship idea? ALICE WASNT EVEN PART OF THAT DISCUSSION!
>/meat/heads wanted to interact with you, but you immediately declared that there can never be any /meat/ cultist in your nation ever.
Oh you can tell from the sad /meat/ posters... Wait there are none! Because they didnt care. They know to respect other people's lore so when Alice do not want their involvement they happily declined. Stop trying to virtue signal in the name of others

>> No.32763475
File: 1.13 MB, 6000x3000, AB9554DF-53BE-4DFA-9959-6DFB636A2A55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32763627

Thats right!!! Ppsenpais map showed my how massive my nation was and it was mind boggling!!! I shitpost about more land but I dont want it!!!

>> No.32763564

It was over fleet size and Alice said “Who cares?” But yeah, thats it. Alice is planning a KAG story with meat so…

>> No.32763608

god I wish this schizo would slip up and tell is his identity
I cant believe this nigga just wakes up and goes 'grrrr nameposters on my inuit ice fiahing forum hate!'

>> No.32763627
Quoted by: >>32763652

But think of all the fun economy rentries you could do for every nation that you conquer!

>> No.32763652

Think of all the lists of fishing products...

>> No.32763673

Then stop pretending like Retro was some dear friend when he clearly wasn't to you, as for the rest, don't expect everyone to be happy about it when you always need to get more or are not willing to compromise towards their direction for some stuff. And don't go back to your bateman posting phase, that was honestly when you were at your worst, you at least took some stuff to heart, that people tell you and gotten better since
No, from my point of view, there is no issue with it at the current time.
In terms of /soc/posting and horny posting? Oh god no, while PP and Alice are not innocent either, they are not remotely at the level of Cunt, Kindred or OG. I personally had given up on giving critique at all because of that stupid Schizo overtaking every time and people dismissing every nontrip post with critique as schizo anyway, seeing him do it again at the beginning of this thread simply made me want to explode at him.

>> No.32763684

My KAG stories are aimed actually to work with oldfags and lore. I plan for deadbeats, risuners, hoomen, nasfaq, inf and meat to be a part!!! Who knows when, nasfaq will likely be in current one!!!

>> No.32763864

So you keep laying it on alice all this time but cant spare a word out of fear from those ones. This is why I dont understand whats going on here. Mate, if you want to lay it on the line, do it now for the other posters. Dont be shy! If the point is valid, schizo or not, i am sure some will be receptive. Look at alice right now listening to you, do you believe no one else would?

>> No.32763944

then how about tell us who you are so we can critique your work instead coward

>> No.32763999

I am not pretending he was a dear friend. But it hurt losing him!!! As for everything else, will do my best!!! Bateman stays, he is my trade deal guy though. Not the same but HE STAYS!!!

>> No.32764126

I can testify that there is truth in schizophrenia sometimes.

>> No.32764202
Quoted by: >>32764466

Listen here Fuckface, if you believe youre a paragon of justice and the 'righteous spirit of this thread' then dont hide behind rude remarks and shitty whataboutism
Fight on the same field and show us who you are

>> No.32764302
File: 764 KB, 3475x1361, TO WAR CHICKENS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll go archive diving and check if you're right. I remember something similar actually, and HIRyS was originally on my "Province" list. I changed it because I remembered HIRyS had a rep and wanted to be safe rather than sorry.

I get what you mean. I think a better way of putting it would be that they're atypically small.

Not that there's an issue with that in itself. I just don't think we should let nations have the choice of being big or small, rather than having them be forced to be a certain size because we made a way of handling the map that isn't future proof.

>> No.32764373

*I think we should let the nations have the choice of being big or small

I should really start proof reading my posts

>> No.32764466
Quoted by: >>32764674

No, instead we should falseflag the schizos

>> No.32764674

Let’s not, please

>> No.32764701

What do you want me to say about the /soc/posting? Enough people have brought it up over and over again.
I do not care about how often and when OG fucks his cousin or that he does it at all, or when he is horny for Rosebud or any of that shit.
I do not care how much Kindred wants to be bred, how tall she is, or how much she wants to be treated as a sex tool.
I do not care about Cunt wanting his Dragoon waifu, or how he needs to jump in for most of the /soc/posting of others.
I hate that Rosebud always encourages OG to keep going with his horny posting, or when he tells how big of a penis he has himself.
I also hate how people all the time have to be like "alright I am going to sleep now" or "what's up I just woke up." or whatever you do in your life right now, what you eat etc. and people then responding to it. There was a time I could understand the "going to bed" posts due to false flagging, but you guys got trips for that reason now.
And I also do not care, if it is past bump limit or not, none of this shit got any place in here at all, even after it. If you truly want to have friendly chitchats with each other, then share a rentry with each other or go make a discord group or whatever. The fact we go through 2 threads each day with 70% and more being a chatroom is not good at all, and the fact that several people by now moved their actual world building stuff outside the thread because they cannot do it in here anymore is proof of that. Yesterday was such a fucking good day with loads of actual world building happening, I almost thought I was in the wrong thread, it was that beautiful.

>> No.32764740

Im here now, just been a busy boy. Yes. Split us up!

>> No.32764867
Quoted by: >>32764939

Sick. You're going on the block big boy

>> No.32764892
Quoted by: >>32765056

To be honest, today was a good worldbuilding day this morning imo. I agree about the soc and horny posts for the most part but this is also 4ch so i also dont expect perfect behavior.

>> No.32764939

Dont worry, i just want placed behind you and wah to fuck with both of you without worrying about naval shit.

>> No.32764999


>> No.32765021

I don't particularly mind it too much but I'll agree, it is worldbuilding general and not RP general and when the thread starts to get too horny it does give off an obnoxious feeling.

>> No.32765028

You know... I'm a different anon, but I kinda really, really agree with this. I actually really like all the anons here, old and new fags alike, and I don't blame anyone for anything, but it's undeniable that the thread has become much worse at its original purpose. I think we should seriously, honestly consider making a dicksword channel for a lot of this type of discussion to go into.
In the early days, when this was brought up, there was a worry that it would result in the thread being too slow to be sustainable, but I don't believe this would be a problem.

>> No.32765037

>moved their actual world building stuff outside the thread
If you think about it for a second, that's actually something that causes a problem rather than fixes anything. Makes more room for /soc/posting if you do the actual work somewhere else.

>> No.32765056

I think that the key is to pair the more benign part of /soc/posting with worldbuilding or loreposting. I don't mind if someone discusses something with another anon or if someone posts a story/work and then adds a small tidbit, even "going to bed now". Nasfaqronie is a good example of what I mean, he handles it very well by making his replies robust and mostly focused on lore and responding to past thread posts. The real issue with socposting starts when it stands alone, because it is then that it clutters the thread.

>> No.32765093
File: 15 KB, 547x318, flnfo0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32765118

>Both of you
Who's the other guy?
Based. I'm glad to finally have a land rival I can have wars with, and I'm honored that it's HIRyS of all threads. I only pray you're a worthy rival to the might of the Orange Berets

>> No.32765118
Quoted by: >>32765346


>> No.32765261

I think it would do the exact opposite, if people move the /soc/posting into a discord and then this place gets used for the world building stuff, then I think it would clear away a lot of the clutter.

>> No.32765339
Quoted by: >>32765497

You got what I said completely wrong. Yeah if you move that shit to a discord it will clear up the thread for worldbuilding, but the problem is people are moving the worldbuilding out of the thread which makes room for more /soc/posting.

>> No.32765346
Quoted by: >>32765417

You know me and /wah/ are meant to be like...historical enemies...right? I mean I don't have a problem with having a 3 way I'm just letting you know that that's what you're getting yourself into.

>> No.32765353

I just think the biggest ones, og, rosebud, kindred and cunt need their own discord or some shit. The other ones like alice, pp and z really have toned it down.

>> No.32765417

Hey man, I’ll be fucking you both up the ass so it works for me. I hate everyone (in world)

>> No.32765477
File: 487 KB, 2048x1448, ABDF9EB2-6FFA-48CF-8AA7-98292D8DE0FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, here now. I won’t deny that I’m one of the worst offenders when it comes to /soc/posting; it’d be stupid to pretend I don’t do it often. I do very much enjoy all of the people here and so I think I often get caught up in irrelevant (non-worldbuilding) conversations with them, whether it’s past bump limit or not. I do try to save the Real horny for past bump limit though obviously that doesn’t really mean anything because (A) Worldbuilding should, and does, still take place after bump limit and (B) bump limit isn’t really a free for all. I’ll definitely be better with it and I thank you guys for making me more aware of it. I don’t consider myself someone who responds poorly when criticized so I’m also sorry to anyone who felt like they couldn’t bring this up previously out of fear of being jumped or anything similar; I don’t want people to feel like they can’t criticize me without worrying I’ll respond poorly. I like to consider myself levelheaded so please feel free to let me know if I get bad with the off-topic shit again.

>> No.32765497
Quoted by: >>32765651

This is a cycle. NijiJP moved their discussions because of socposting and offtopic things.

>> No.32765520

Because the latter group already started making their own friend group outside the thread where they can talk with each other, if anything they are proof that it works. Making an official Discord or some shit would be better in my eyes however because then it feels less like an exclusive group and everyone who wants to, can join in without needing some invite from the people in question.

>> No.32765567
File: 32 KB, 968x544, Catwawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with the idea on paper and wouldn't mind creating and moderatins a discord or a /soc/ posting rentry specifically to keep this kind of stuff out of the thread. The issue that rises from that though is that people will start schizo posting about how XYZ are buddy buddy behind closed doors, and how A and B are in a clique together because they're ERPing in the discord or whatever.

>> No.32765597

Z isnt a member of our group kek.

>> No.32765619

I think that is actually a great idea. I was against making a /vtwbg/ discord a couple months back when it was first proposed, but the thread has evolved a lot since then, and I think it would give a healthy outlet to posts that take attention away from more productive content.
I feel like anons already do exactly those things.

>> No.32765651

So they pulled a cowardly move? Just continue to post worldbuilding in the damn worldbuilding thread and ignore the retards that /soc/post.
Just write.

>> No.32765660

Fair enough. Should we put it to the vote or do I just create the thing now?

>> No.32765694

If nothing else, shit would be organized for me and my projects.

>> No.32765710

>people will start schizo posting about how XYZ are buddy buddy behind closed doors
This literally already happens with the nijireps, ignoring roseanon since he wasn't allowed in their clique.

>> No.32765726

Since it shouldn't have any "executive" effect on the project, I don't feel like a vote is required. It's just making a discord server and posting the invite here.

>> No.32765740
Quoted by: >>32765796

Create it. I will be an admin or mod since i am always online kek.

>> No.32765749
Quoted by: >>32765879

You know. I seem to forget why exactly so a reminder. Why did deadbeats want risuner teak wood? Is it because of higher quality than any wood you have avalable or is it because we simply have an abundance of it and its super cheap to use our stuff?

>> No.32765770
Quoted by: >>32765808

I'm really starting to get sick of oversleeping the mornings. I want to ask Panon: Does the Archduchy of Elira have a plateau or is it just hilly mountains? According to the map it could be either.

>> No.32765796
Quoted by: >>32765856

This is a 4chan dicksword, no moderators needed.

>> No.32765808
Quoted by: >>32766852

I honestly cannot give you a good answer bro. Probably a bit of both.

>> No.32765856

That was a joke kek.

>> No.32765879
File: 227 KB, 1367x2048, 1654826375604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32766183

It's because it grows 3x faster than other wood! So it's more sustainable than other sources of wood, and the price will stay stable even if we buy a lot because there is a large supply. Economics and stuff.

>> No.32765893

make it so that everyone can join and have no groups in it so there cannot be channel shenanigans, that way it is not behind closed doors. far better than now with secrets docs, nasfag chats etc.

>> No.32765922
File: 91 KB, 1200x704, hmmmmmm yes interest post pal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. If you see anyone /soc/ posting in the thread link them to this.

>> No.32766009
Quoted by: >>32766078

>A fucking discord link
This thread deserves to be banned

>> No.32766026
File: 64 KB, 182x171, BE6977D8-4D6B-4C18-BAAA-6E166AD79952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32766530

I’m just going to say that I have a bad feeling when it comes to this idea. If it seriously happens I’ll likely end up joining just due to fomo, but still. Bad feeling.

>> No.32766078

>complains about /soc/posting in the thread
>anons make a place to quarantine it
>complains about the quarantine
Will nothing make you happy

>> No.32766183
Quoted by: >>32766257

I was just checking because I know teak is very good for shipbuilding in general. What were you using before?

>> No.32766257
File: 231 KB, 1192x771, 1659439481474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32766370

Oak and teak grown on the island!

>> No.32766370
File: 66 KB, 720x720, 1648297812097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32766624

Ah ok. Well at least it makes it much easier for you guys and gives us a reason to buy those diamonds. I actually didnt know that you used them for face masks. Maybe I should have a notepad document specifying any notes risuners have to other nations such as "hey the deadbeats are teaching us cannon casting"

>> No.32766530
Quoted by: >>32766649

As the one ranting all this thread, I think this is far better for people with fomo than people keeping stuff in docs and rentrys out of view of most people.
And honestly, even if i hated the /soc/posting, having a chance to casually talk with some of the people here might actually motivate me to write stuff again.

>> No.32766624
File: 1.06 MB, 1396x2048, 1637192999850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32766868

That could be useful, I have a rentry along those lines for Moriji. https://rentry.org/morig-foreign-agreements

>> No.32766631
File: 1.23 MB, 2048x2048, Dcolon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32766694

To all other hoomans
don't you fucking dare join, even if it's just to watch. That's all

>> No.32766649
File: 318 KB, 1920x2155, 1648688566464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32767040

well they do put it up when done. Are you saying/asking they should post their stuff midway for feedback? I did this with a few of my things but IDK about anyone else

>> No.32766694

pls Holobird friend...do not lose respect for me...I do this with the threads best interest at heart...

Also if anyone wants an actual look into it without joining please ask. I'll be as transparent as possible about what's discussed.

>> No.32766850
Quoted by: >>32769613

>/vsj/ stunt
I was new back then, please don’t label me like that. I never threw a tantrum or doubledowned, i removed everything relating to it afterwards. I know that everyone hates me and think my lore is whack and thin but please don’t let this be my legacy. Don’t call it the vsj stunt, to my knowledge is was just doing the same thing as /ag/ did at the time

>> No.32766852

People think plateaus are flat mountaintops when in reality they're more hilly. Plateaus are usually mountains with heavily eroded peaks. According to the height map you have a large elevated area with a peak at the end.

Plateaus are rare but they're very good places to live. Especially if you live in an area that floods like I do.

>> No.32766868
Quoted by: >>32767092

I think a foreign relations document would be a good idea for all nations actually.

Speaking of, I should start writing one.

>> No.32766966

Bird man....

>> No.32767040
Quoted by: >>32767211

It is more about the FOMO about missing out about the talks happening that lead to the end product or potential talks having been held behind the back of people.
In this dicksword, everyone can see all shit that is happening and no one has to wonder "what do they do in their secret stuff that we do not know about"

>> No.32767092
File: 681 KB, 650x800, 1646864847894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I made it because without it I'd absolutely lose track of stuff. Moriji has a lot of deals...

>> No.32767208
File: 180 KB, 1253x1115, cuteseffy!21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have all of my deals in writing for that reason and archived.

>> No.32767211
File: 127 KB, 850x613, sample_b0903c03ca03e5a6bcf880dfa02b2666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i can kind of see your point. This in a way would prevent some timeloops and we can discuss shit instead of someone posting something stupid like HEY BITCHES HERES A RENTRY WE HAVE A 2 MILLION MAN ARMY WITH P90S or some dumb shit like that.
Being the admitful coombrain that I am I should probably do something similar. I kind of spread our legs open to any foreigner and there were a lot of takers.

>> No.32767258

would a shitcord server even solve the problem? or would it do nothing but give schizos another thing to complain about in this thread.

>> No.32767313

Well, we can direct them to the shitcord to voice their complaining.

>> No.32767406
File: 176 KB, 850x850, sample_0318e9fd37b8dae4b8b80570fab9d435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started reporting the obvious ones for spam or extremely low quality post. Tbh with it being so rampant now I actually lost the urge to hornypost as much as I used to. Heck as the ones who commonly spams WORLDBUILDING THREAD BTW I think im going to make a genuine attempt to not post horny with exceptions of pic related. (notice I said attempt so nobody quote me on this shit)

>> No.32767408

they're already complaining about that sort of thing as is. I'm trialing it to see if it actually does reduce /soc/posting since that's seen as a legitimate issue. I'll delete it if it fails to reduce /soc/posting or ends up doing more harm than good.

I've also deleted the VC channel since it's untrackable. I want to be as transparent as possible about what happens in the discord to avoid clique drama. If anyone wants to know anything about what's said in it I will readily disclose with proof.

>> No.32767410

In my experience, shitcords almost always ruin a community. I like the people in the general and I'd be down to chat with them outside of it but I absolutely abhor shitcord for it's unique ephemeral way of shitting things up.

>> No.32767470

There is also always IRC, but you'd better do your fucking opsec reps or get free Domino's delivered to your doorstep.

>> No.32767475
Quoted by: >>32767642

Schizos will complain about one thing or another anyway. This is about fixing a problem for the established people. If it keeps the /soc/posting out of here and slows this thread down more because the focus is back to world building then I see it as a success, if it doesn't do shit then it can be deleted, and we are back to square one.

>> No.32767497
Quoted by: >>32767653

Hey, once again if it does shit up the community I'll publicly delete it and announce the idea as off limits.

>> No.32767518

I tried my hardest to get into it, and couldn’t do it. I was not going into it trying to be some powergaming retard, and i always listenend when people corrected me. This genuinely hurts me :( I am not a writer or anything, and i kept making a fool out of myself anytime i tried to make something happen, or i tried to participate in anything, but i always felt like the youngest child getting brushed aside. I don’t know i think it’s me being autistic but i feel really hurt. I say shit i shouldn’t like always and people start thinking i’m a dick. And everyone silently pretends like nothing instead of telling me that i’m a retard and they murmur behind my back calling me a weirdo etc and i get pushed into dark corner, afraid of interacting with anyone further reinforcing my autistic behavior. I just want to end it all

>> No.32767642
Quoted by: >>32767849

Would it really be that hard to tell soc posters to just chill out? I don't think its that hard. Having a shitcord is gonna hurt our reputation as a thread, I think we'd need at minimum some external function to justify it, like tabletop games or development on that EU4 mod, just something other than a groupchat for teenage girls that doesn't make the thread feel so reddit.

>> No.32767649

Anon, I just wanna know, if you're not mouseyfriend and you're not flaggot, who are you? Are you a new /vsj/ rep?

>> No.32767653
Quoted by: >>32767968

By then, the damage might be done. Are other options better?

>> No.32767661

So I read through the Chuubanite doc and something came to mind.
If anyone can use anyone's Chuubanite, why aren't smaller nations being annihilated and plundered for all their Chuubanite?

>> No.32767684

just write man. There's plenty you can contribute other than a big, excessive, territory expansion.

Try looking here:
it has a lot of framework for what you could contribute to Vshojo's lore.

>> No.32767704

For the same reason smaller nations aren't all instantly annihilated and plundered for other precious resources.

>> No.32767762

Because I said no. jk

>> No.32767795
File: 49 KB, 504x338, 1660756789044410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill be back after food about the final post for available nuts. Ive blown my mind over and over again for some reason over what we would have available when it is just easier to post a list of what i THINK would be available to get feedback. Pic related

>> No.32767808

I am mousefriend. That’s who he was talking about. I became inactive because i got ashamed of making a fool of myself over and over again

>> No.32767849
Quoted by: >>32767915

I hate to break it to you, but many threads have checked us out because they really liked our team in the /vt/l and the constant /soc/posting and drama already gave the thread the reputation as the most trashy general in all of /vt/. Just look at the archives.

>> No.32767871
File: 17 KB, 474x263, embarrassedAlice!1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel you..... that's me too..... everything i did well, bottoms up until I learned. stick around you will be fine like me!!!!

>> No.32767905
Quoted by: >>32768089

When did you embarass yourself? I honestly worried that the thread might have scared you away.

>> No.32767913
Quoted by: >>32768327

1) they don’t know how to use it. 2) it might deteriorate without a community to empower it, depending on how we decide to go about things.

>> No.32767915
Quoted by: >>32768381

Post or it never happened.

>> No.32767960
Quoted by: >>32768327

Why don't big countries just annihilate small countries irl for resources?
Labelling yourself an open warmonger monster nation will only cause the other nations to jump on the opportunity to band together and destroy you instead, to steal your resources.

>> No.32767969
Quoted by: >>32768321

Or is there someone who has been writing for vsj when i have been gone? I wrote vsj in the search function and found this thread talking about it in the context of powergaming?

>> No.32767968

if you can't think of any, I can't either

>> No.32768089

I don’t wanna say everything but the pcg stuff and the island stuff and the Nato stuff no one gave a shit about.

>> No.32768162
Quoted by: >>32768316

I'm just hoping jannies don't ban the thread for off-topic /soc/ posting.

>> No.32768316

I’ll leave. Jannies give me a 3 day vacation instead, i might need it

>> No.32768321

Mousefriend, if that's you I'm really happy you're back. You know, even if your geopolitical moves didn't pan out how you expected, there is so much more to worldbuilding than that. You don't have to make big alliances to have fun in this hobby. Why not try to write a short story about someone living in the country? Even if you say you're not a writer, anyone can write a short story, and it might give you more inspiration for other stuff.

>> No.32768327

1) they can learn. Reverse engineering will be much easier than all the effort the original owners put into it. 2) Slavery, then.
Doesn't /meat/ go around enslaving people and glorifying deicide? You'd think someone would do something about that...

>> No.32768381
Quoted by: >>32768812

nta but to me at least, as the /ybc/ rep, took a lot of enduring to remain here these last few days.
I can definetely see multiple other tourists like me just straight out bailing.

I also know the power divegrass has as advertising, I saw Yubicraft resurge from the brink of death thanks to it.

>> No.32768409

Stuff gets buried sometimes, I did not really notice anything that made me think less of you at all.

>> No.32768477

no... i am to blame too because i was mean to you!!!!

>> No.32768531
File: 3.95 MB, 1550x2048, 5DC01819-A19B-4680-9503-9606343F4F5F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did more research into coconuts because damnit I want coconut oil. It looks like coconuts need some steady rainfall all year and my winters are pretty dry so I suppose it’s a no-go… I do have very hot and humid summers but I guess the summers aren’t enough to offset the dry winters. At least I have avocado and almond oil. Any other oils I could harvest? I think I’m too humid to grow olives for olive oil.

>> No.32768749
Quoted by: >>32768975

Rapeseed, peanuts, and sunflower seeds all make pretty top tier oils, would recommend if you can grow these.

>> No.32768787
File: 413 KB, 6912x3328, map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. As per HIRyS reps request HIRyS has be provinced, and will get first picks at being relocated to the north of /Wah/ and /KFP/ if and when the map reform goes through.

>> No.32768812
Quoted by: >>32768873

We need to make a distinct effort to not be retarded on a global stage. I'd like for the project to be lively and /vtwbg/ doing good in divegrass so far is both a good and bad thing as we've had more schizos but also more anons come in.
Can we all agree not to be retarded? Maybe not to be so fucking cringe too?

>> No.32768873
Quoted by: >>32768908

Well, the discord project is an attempt at making our retardation less visible... It's something?

>> No.32768908

That makes us look extremely retarded and cringe

>> No.32768935
Quoted by: >>32769337

If you can grow soi you can press vegetable oil. Though I personally prefer olive oil for deep-frying. For pan-frying avacado oil should be enough.

>> No.32768975

Nice. Anyways, I’ll look into these, thanks! Looks like rapeseed does just fine as long as it has good drainage so I should be okay despite my wet summers. Gotta look into sunflowers and peanuts.

>> No.32769001
Quoted by: >>32769119

Depends, I think it's clearly framed as an attempt at purging the thread from retardation and cringe. It's not like we're moving our activities there, it's created as containment, basically.

>> No.32769015

I mean while it should be open for people who want it, it should also not be front and center.

>> No.32769114

yeah, I would suggest not putting it in the OP and just posting it at people when they misbehave.

>> No.32769119

Well lets put it away for now and not mention it and get back to lore posting.

>> No.32769337
Quoted by: >>32769551

Yeah, olive oil and peanut oil are my favorites for cooking and coconut oil for cosmetic use, which is why I wanted it for my cultists kek. That’s alright, avocado oil is good too.

>> No.32769541

does anyone write for pekora? interested from vtl and don't care about this cringe discussion about "reputation".

>> No.32769551
Quoted by: >>32769735

I mean you can always write that your nation imports stuff that they cannot get in their own climate, there are enough trading nations goign around that you should be able to get the stuff even without setting up some big Trade Agreement.

>> No.32769595

Not right now, I don’t think. Welcome! And for real. Genuinely caring about reputation is some Twitter bullshit

>> No.32769613

Are you talking about the island that /ag/ (kind of) acquired? I'd be willing to have a bit of discussion about how we repay you and help you out with some of your lore, I'm a decent follower of Pink Cats and company, though I can't really say much about others like Zen. I also think there was a post that did a really good outline for what the different nations of /vsj+/ would be like but I haven't been able to find it in the archives.

>> No.32769616

No, they currently have no Lore set up, so welcome aboard if you wish to join.

>> No.32769636
Quoted by: >>32769665

Does Pekoland have monkeys now?

>> No.32769656
Quoted by: >>32769770

Fuck reputation! Thank you. Who gives a shit ladies and gents, I came here to read lore and post peko eventually. And I am all out of Peko.

>> No.32769665

He's got to be dead now...

>> No.32769718

mouseyfriend, i am sorry.....
also BASED

>> No.32769735
Quoted by: >>32770022

That might be harder for me, as I run a cult. I don’t really see us being big trade partners with anyone since we don’t produce enough Stuff to make it worth the trip for merchants and I already established that traveling merchants are discouraged from selling within Luxuria because the elders don’t want random outsider goods. Perhaps I can rig something where cultists have some underground trading network with plants in the Holy Kingdom/relatives who stayed behind? I don’t know.

>> No.32769770

y'know what I'll fold, it is pretty retarded to care about reputation on /vt/ when most of the catalog is already a heaping pile of dung.

>> No.32769858
File: 383 KB, 1280x953, kottamera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this while doing research. They were well known for the improved versions in 1860 but wooden ones were made as early as 1691 according to this. Fucking pog.

>> No.32770020
File: 1.44 MB, 6000x3000, map (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope! Pekora is (shockingly enough) one of the threads that has never had any lore written for it.

Do you want the current Pekora borders or do you want to wait to see if the Map reform to go through that'll let you pick out a place anywhere you like.

>> No.32770022
Quoted by: >>32770133

Discouraged never means not possible, as logn as people are willing to buy there will be some that smell money and a cult outside the view of the general nation should easily be able to buy stuff out of the view of those elders.

>> No.32770036

Also want to say this before i dip, if someone bitches about a threads quality, remind them about numbers and the catalog. Ill think of peko shit soon.

>> No.32770101
File: 200 KB, 335x268, 1656885870671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32770245

>Pekora is (shockingly enough) one of the threads that has never had any lore written for it.
Well uh...I did write a story about assassinating a nousagi business owner

>> No.32770133

Ooh, I like this. A sort of black market feel where some conniving cultists get their hands on some luxurious goods like coconut oil, sweets/baked goods, exotic fruits, and grains. I like it! Thanks for the idea. Hopefully merchants accept sex as a valid payment…?

>> No.32770159
Quoted by: >>32770246

What's this map reform about? I saw it mentioned a couple of times.
Is there any rules on who gets to pick what?

>> No.32770245
Quoted by: >>32770305

I included them in tachibana go

>> No.32770246

Usefully, here is a rentry going over this very topic. https://rentry.org/Provinces

>> No.32770263
Quoted by: >>32770357

Wasn't the guy in Retro's story supposed to be a merchant? I could see people like him that got thrown out after their "use" have some lingering attachments and try to contact the cult again to establish some contact to sell stuff if it gives them a chance again to meet up with the ones they took a liking to.

>> No.32770305
Quoted by: >>32770408

Tachibana Go? I don't think I've heard of that

>> No.32770327
Quoted by: >>32770994

>Pekobro shows up
>Fuck reputation
>refuses to elaborate

>> No.32770357
Quoted by: >>32771033

I thought he was supposed to be a sort of scholar collecting notes on breeding to solve the Onobot’s population question since his findings were reported at an official government meeting in his follow-up story. Made it feel like it was a government-sponsored venture. But if he was meant to be a merchant, that makes things very nice for me for the proposed reason you gave… finding excuses to come back.

>> No.32770408

In the archive. Think I set the record for most nations in one story.

>> No.32770430
File: 285 KB, 324x330, 1662245208124721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up!!!! How is everyone doing!!?????
Also WELCOME new Pekora writer!!!!! I hope you enjoy your stay here!!!!!! Please don't be afraid to ask anyone for help!!!!!!
Likewise!!! Does anyone here need help with anything???????

>> No.32770516
File: 104 KB, 400x400, 1659116321263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32770657

Should I be happy that I'm relevant enough for someone to try falseflagging me?
I was about to say guess who also runs a cult and has coconut listed as an export, but this idea is actually better than mine! We would still be up for help supplying the black market if that's needed.

>> No.32770657

That would be awesome! I want coconuts for their oil and to make some yummy baked goods because nothing satisfies pregnant chicks better than sugary treats. Let me read your cult lore STAT

>> No.32770746
Quoted by: >>32770832

It's https://rentry.org/vtwbg-meatlore, although admittedly it hasn't been updated for quite a while. https://rentry.org/deiphagymining might be more relevant in terms of trade.

>> No.32770832
File: 744 KB, 3230x3635, A1572D68-8A2E-48EA-B957-FC2E69776617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32770927

Thank you very much! I’ll read these once I’m home for the night, fellow Cultchad.

>> No.32770927

>>32770832 (me)
OH /MEAT/LORE! Yeah I’ve read part of this; gotta make my way through the remainder!

>> No.32770994
File: 82 KB, 479x242, Viva la Kiara!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd expect no less of my Oshi's oshi's fans...

>> No.32771033
Quoted by: >>32771289

I meant the smut one.

>> No.32771289
Quoted by: >>32772895

Yeah, that’s the one I’m thinking of too. I thought the Onobot was a researcher rather than a merchant

>> No.32772091

>nothing satisfies pregnant chicks better than sugary treats.
Need bread dogs?

>> No.32772133

i think luknights would be able to help more. Is bread even sugary?

>> No.32772136
File: 48 KB, 480x480, 376C40A8-2D4E-4A36-9E49-595A0BA167E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32772975

But they’re too cute to eat!! We could never!

>> No.32772181
Quoted by: >>32772210


>> No.32772210

never heard of it

>> No.32772321
Quoted by: >>32772407

Go to the discord

>> No.32772361

Was there ever a ruling on if one person could write for two different nations?

>> No.32772390

...I'm serious about this question. If I were to hypothetically rep for a fairly small thread, I can't see any reason why no one would just waltz in and take all the Chuubanite.
Saying "no one does that nowadays" is useless to me. I'm specifically thinking of native-American culture here, and we all know what happened to them. It was around the same time-period, as well.
It would be annoying if I'm forced to write in a magical doomsday weapon or it's equivalent just to keep others at bay.

>> No.32772407
Quoted by: >>32772422

That’s not even /soc/posting

>> No.32772422
Quoted by: >>32772476

Yeah they are kek

>> No.32772474

You can write lore scraps for another thread, but it's probably better to leave writing the bulk of a thread to someone else. There's a lot to do writing for your main thread.

>> No.32772476
Quoted by: >>32772553

Hey newfag bread dogs are from /nasa/ and rep has already talked about bread dogs going to Luxuria before

>> No.32772478

Yep, cant do that!

>> No.32772485

Yes, the generally accepted consensus is that a person can write for several nations but cannot rep more than one (handling voting and tardwrangling other writers if they cause problems). You also shouldn't write for a repless nation, though, since people from that thread might want to later change it.

>> No.32772535

Surrounding allied nations would come down on your ass, among others. Most nations in Vitubia tend to look down on warmongers.

>> No.32772553

Yeah, but he should go anyways. He doesnt do much here aside from talk about food.

>> No.32772638

>Pretends not to exist.

>> No.32772750
Quoted by: >>32773106

Do you want to know the in-universe reason, or the meta-reason?

>> No.32772765
Quoted by: >>32772829

food is worldbuilding and the one thing im stuck on. i got the nuts down but the other foods i need to warosu dive for.

>> No.32772829
Quoted by: >>32772969

You know that my useful resources can literally help you on this with that food crops site?

>> No.32772895
Quoted by: >>32773000

?? There was no Onobot in the smut one.

>> No.32772969

yeah yeah I used it for nuts now i just need to use it for...well everything else.

>> No.32772975

Lots of desserts are classified as sweet breads instead of cake or pastry.

I was thinking of bakers. You can eat bread dogs. But they're not as tasty as you think they are.

>> No.32772996

Should be able to find shit to fit your climate.

>> No.32773000
File: 55 KB, 476x564, 55C7A541-6D23-4188-AE06-AF09105F217A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32773608

Am I retarded or are we accidentally talking about different stories? I’m thinking of the story that’s titled like “Field Report” and features an Onobot sitting in on a Luxuria breeding ceremony.

>> No.32773106
Quoted by: >>32773300

Would people really go to war for the sake of some non-descript no-mans-land? Who came down on America's ass when they took over the native's land?
There is any number of ways to rob a small nation of it's resources and spin it in a way that doesn't sound like warmongering. The internet doesn't exist in this world, information is exceedingly slow and often unreliable. Imagine framing a small nation as another cesspool of 'schizo savages' and destroying it in the name of 'liberation' or whatever flowery word they want to use.
I can guess at the latter. The former is what I'm really after.

>> No.32773121
File: 461 KB, 1413x2000, BBA85A0B-BA78-4216-8720-E334A4287645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga discord.

>> No.32773227

Keep discord in the discord.

>> No.32773299
Quoted by: >>32773373

>there isnt a link anywhere so it either doesnt exist or its just that well kept of a secret

>> No.32773300
Quoted by: >>32776124

In universe? Depends who you are fucking with. Nijis probably would be the worst choice since we are hardened from fighting each other. And if there is one thing that unites us. Its a foreign asshole coming around invading.

>> No.32773329
Quoted by: >>32773501

Cusine is a cornerstone of culture. You are what you eat. And the way you cook and prepare your food tells just as much of a story as a book does.

>> No.32773373


>> No.32773416
File: 262 KB, 768x768, kroheart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32773503

You are all mostly very nice people and i mostly love all of you

>> No.32773501
Quoted by: >>32774291

So talking about bread dogs, which dont exist and erping as one is worldbuilding.

>> No.32773503
File: 27 KB, 300x300, 96E119FD-D5F4-413C-9614-0270D271C734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32773608
Quoted by: >>32773705

I am talking about this one:


>> No.32773705

Okay that makes WAY more sense now. We were accidentally talking about different stories.

>> No.32773874

I'd start by narrowing down your climates. /risu/ has two climates, a temperate forest and a semi-arid plain. The semi-arid plain is actually an excellent place to farm if you have the irrigation infrastructure. Ideally you want to farm on the forest's edge next to the plains if you don't want chuubanite grown weeds. Also the chuubanite will grow fruit trees as fast as your other wood. So start with what fruit trees grow. Then narrow down other crops based on that.

I'd also imagine one of /risu/'s favorite foods would be pepper spiced nuts. You can grind dried peppers and herbs to use as seasoning on your roasted nuts. The peppers and herbs would also be seasoning for grilled meat, bird, and fish.

>> No.32774291

>erping as one is worldbuilding.
Nice slip up. Have a (you).

>> No.32774720 [DELETED] 

>Reverse engineering will be much easier than all the effort the original owners put into it.
according to some statistics, not necessarily. reverse-engineering can require just as much, if not sometimes more effort than the initial costs of discovery, but it depends on the thing being reverse-engineered.
>Doesn't /meat/ go around enslaving people and glorifying deicide?
they also have a highly influential cult that keeps anyone from aggressing against them, and only take a certain amount of people from a region since they want to be able to raid those places more in the future. the mindset of the user can influence to a limited degree the effectiveness of any kind of chuubanite. slavery is a terribly costly and ineffective system for anything more complex than tending to a field or other such manual labor.
even then, slaves are always less effective than their voluntary counterparts, the reason slavery was so important before was due to the guarantee of some service, and the quantity of workers outperforming higher quality workers due to the lack of industrialization that significantly increased the potential productivity of the average man, which is why more industrialized nations were the first to abolish slavery. chuubanite is much more sophisticated than manual labor, and it is a deadly weapon in all forms in the right hands. as for why a nation doesn't enslave a population in general, i always recommend people think of a few defensive advantages that would keep invaders away generally, such as how /uuu/ has all of those forest monsters, and /nasa/ had the power station, and /risu/ has a bunch of allies+are very fast, and /morig/ has chuubanite that makes certain parts of their island inhospitable for non-deadbeats, etc, etc. but in the end, the only reason you really need, since it's the only one that is universal, is that people in this setting are sufficiently aware of the consequences of appeasement and letting other places enslave entire populations, so unless they are knowledgeable about the specific situation's context (/meat/ raid and trade policy + panons chaotic, war-torn depiction of lazulight where everyone engaging in constant infighting is just a normal tuesday.) they will see it as a potential threat to their own sovereignty. part of this is a bit metagame-y, i'll admit, but we all have an incentive to look for ways to avoid stepping on each other's toes whenever possible oou itt. each individual nation is supposed to have their own solution, but the general solution is used is the exception cases.

>> No.32774867
Quoted by: >>32776124

>Reverse engineering will be much easier than all the effort the original owners put into it.
according to some statistics, not necessarily. reverse-engineering can require just as much, if not sometimes more effort than the initial costs of discovery, but it depends on the thing being reverse-engineered.
>Doesn't /meat/ go around enslaving people and glorifying deicide?
they also have a highly influential cult that keeps anyone from aggressing against them, and only take a certain amount of people from a region since they want to be able to raid those places more in the future. the mindset of the user can influence to a limited degree the effectiveness of any kind of chuubanite. slavery is a terribly costly and ineffective system for anything more complex than tending to a field or other such manual labor. even then, slaves are always less effective than their voluntary counterparts, the reason slavery was so important before was due to the guarantee of some service, and the quantity of workers outperforming higher quality workers due to the lack of industrialization that significantly increased the potential productivity of the average man, which is why more industrialized nations were the first to abolish slavery. chuubanite is much more sophisticated than manual labor, and it is a deadly weapon in all forms in the right hands.
as for why a nation doesn't enslave a population in general, i always recommend people think of a few defensive advantages that would keep invaders away generally, such as how /uuu/ has all of those forest monsters, and /nasa/ had the power station, and /risu/ has a bunch of allies+are very fast, and /morig/ has chuubanite that makes certain parts of their island inhospitable for non-deadbeats, etc, etc. but in the end, the only reason you really need, since it's the only one that is universal, is that people in this setting are sufficiently aware of the consequences of appeasement and letting other places enslave entire populations, so unless they are knowledgeable about the specific situation's context (/meat/ raid and trade policy + panons chaotic, war-torn depiction of lazulight where everyone engaging in constant infighting is just a normal tuesday.) they will see it as a potential threat to their own sovereignty.
part of this is a bit metagame-y, i'll admit, but we all have an incentive to look for ways to avoid stepping on each other's toes whenever possible oou itt. each individual nation is supposed to have their own solution, but the general solution is used is the exception cases.

>> No.32774927

also, new bread doko?

>> No.32774948
Quoted by: >>32776215

I'm looking at the height map between Eliria and Selenium /haha/. It doesn't look like a plateau. It could be but there's a peak at Mt. Piki and Mr. Ember. So its more likely a mountain valley instead of a plateau. The climate might be more like Sweden or Switzerland. Maybe? I'm not good at climate.

>> No.32775514
File: 60 KB, 1871x171, treeshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32775810

remembering i saved this for this very reason. Feelsgoodman

>> No.32775810
Quoted by: >>32776206

If you want warm grains like barley and oats then the forest edge should work. But that implies /risu/ has those native crops. I think for starches /risu/ would use acorns, potatoes, taro, cassava (tapioca), and corn. Maybe a bit of drier rices.

>> No.32776124

>Depends who you are fucking with
...Yes, and the ones who are being proverbially 'fucked with' in this instance are basically a bunch of feeble tribesman who have little to offer beyond their valuable, yet easily-subjugated land and their interesting, yet easily-copied technology. I'm asking how this situation would be handled, because I know that nobody would go to war for their sake.
For the first point, I can only say that Chuubanite you don't know how to use is still more valuable than Chuubanite you don't have. This is especially true when you factor the passive effects. Have you seen /ybc/'s Chuubanite?
>chuubanite is much more sophisticated than manual labor
uhh, how so? Isn't it just a magic rock? It only requires some mining and maybe some praying, right? If it needs some kind of refinement, then the methodology can easily be stolen. There's nothing really mentioned in the doc about "only natives can make this particular Chuubanite". You'd think that would be important.
The rest largely answers everything, actually. I can work with this.

>> No.32776206
Quoted by: >>32776369

ill put acorns (of course) but rice, corn, and tapioca will be there.

>> No.32776215

Northern /haha/? I would say it's both a mountain valley and a plateau given the scale. For the climate, I initially assign it a subarctic climate, which can basically be considered an extension of the continental climate of the western coast. I think it'll be colder and drier due to the elevation, so it's more like northern Sweden than Switzerland (which only has subarctic climate as thin strips around the alpine meadows of the Alps).

>> No.32776262
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Quoted by: >>32776497

you talkin bout us?

>> No.32776369

I just did research on cassava a few days ago because /morig/ wanted bubble tea. /risu/ would be a great place to grow cassava. You can look into tapioca starch recipes as native food. I used tapioca starch as bredding for pan-fried porkchops once. It was the best porkchops I made.

>> No.32776401 [SPOILER] 
File: 171 KB, 933x1160, 0D188FFF-DB01-4246-AF10-1AD615449BE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32776609

OGsuner you should consider joining the discord. It may be beneficial for you.

>> No.32776497
Quoted by: >>32776648

Hypothetical. /risu/ is actually pretty large, all things considered.
The hypothetical nation i'm thinking of is around... uhh... you see that little island just to the right of AmeWat and /ggg/? Yeah, around that size.

>> No.32776576
File: 1000 KB, 995x995, 1657952690886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey i am going to be back,

first of i would like to apologize, my farewell went really south and made it seem like i threw hate at people i did not mean, i was jsut really down with myself and jsut didn't know how i should feel in regards to the thread.
i never meant for it to be taken as hate towards Hanafag or Panon or anyone.
i still feel a bit anxious if i am being honest but i also missed you guys a lot if iam honest and yeah, honestly dunno what to say.
Sorry for those i caused grief with that stupid announcement. I should never have done that to begin with. i jsut wanted to make a clean cut and be gone and not sympathy bait or hate with it.
i still got a lot of issues to fix of myself and hope going forward to still be able to work well with everyone.

also sorry for my ramblings this thread, i really was just ticked off at the schizo first and foremost.

>> No.32776609

Oh and so you do not have to ctrl+F, https://discord.gg/vUQJ47DP

>> No.32776633

"Yeah bros, let's attack the island where ACTUAL GODS WALK IN PHYSICAL FORM, what could possibly go wrong?"

>> No.32776646
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>> No.32776647

Retrosenpai... Were you ranting at me earlier???? WB!!!!

>> No.32776648
File: 157 KB, 850x1223, 1647840453885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That island belongs to /meat/. I think while the scenario you envision is not physically impossible, nations would be initially setup so as to prevent it from happening.
Yo, welcome back retro. Good to have you back.

>> No.32776688
File: 224 KB, 1276x2048, E441DE42-6F1C-4C17-95D0-CFC126D13905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retroanon! It is fantastic to see that you have returned. Welcome back, sincerely.

>> No.32776726
File: 198 KB, 255x374, wawa....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back retrofriend. We missed you.

>> No.32776794
File: 298 KB, 2048x1132, DE9F4ABF-DADB-480F-84FF-1BFA7704D78E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed you so much! Welcome back. I hope you’re feeling better now; you were very missed and I’m looking forward to writing more cultist smut with you! You’re a very hard worker and a vital part of the thread.

>> No.32776795
File: 109 KB, 1177x634, risusmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And after watching lumi that stream where she took off that thing on her chest HOLY SHIT DOES SHE HAVE NICE BOOBS! Like holy based cute chuuba who streams a lot, plays fun games, and i can fap to her tits? Fucking based.
