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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 291 KB, 600x857, 1661055262946488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32418318 No.32418318 [Reply] [Original]

A Cat is Fine Too Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 9/2:

1: https://twitch.tv/shxtou (15,613)
2: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (5,850)
3: https://twitch.tv/Nihmune (3,238)
4: https://twitch.tv/Saruei (2,366)
5: https://twitch.tv/Vienna (1,981)
6: https://twitch.tv/Chibidoki (1,739)
7: https://twitch.tv/baoo (1,695)


1: https://twitch.tv/viichan6 (8,110) *Korean
2: https://twitch.tv/Jingburger (6,538) *Korean
3: https://twitch.tv/Maoruya (1,345) *Korean

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
For historical reasons, small companies are fine temporarily as long as they have one talent at 500-ish.

>Extension to BLOCK FACECAMMERS Misusing the Vtuber Tag
Blocklist (WIP): https://files.catbox.moe/8z4kv6.json
Note that FrankerFaceZ added a feature to filter out channel names on its latest update, so if you're using it you don't need the extension above, but you will need to manually add each of the channel names to the settings.

>Twitch Clips Guide

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Koikatsu Archive


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)
>Upcoming Birthdays:
September 14th - Sinder
September 22nd - Momo
October 18th - SquChan

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread >>32395290

>> No.32418378
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>> No.32418392
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womp womp

>> No.32418395
File: 330 KB, 2058x2956, FbBaaPFXgAAHk6t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32418448

stupid sexy virgin whore

>> No.32418445
File: 373 KB, 2480x2480, 1658185167683429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dating a whore

>> No.32418448

thought this was IRyS from the thumbnail

>> No.32418456 [SPOILER] 
File: 812 KB, 870x505, 8228828828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32418546

stole this from hinacord
extra feet pics

>> No.32418509
File: 68 KB, 463x869, sit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moriko is based

>> No.32418514
File: 104 KB, 296x254, T0bgoal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want my job back from that hack Hollywood director who allowed 4 goals.

>> No.32418546

stop cyberbullying the hefty lunchlady
Highly immature.

>> No.32418569
File: 476 KB, 3200x1800, Tob2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being shit at it then

>> No.32418589

my nigga tarantino did good. The defense was lacking

>> No.32418597

So why did bao choose yellow?

>> No.32418598
File: 107 KB, 432x620, vtguide162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32418780

/lig/gers live right now -

Bao (New Model Reveal)
Filian (JC - Subathon)
Frog (Minecraft - Subathon)
Layna (Rule of Rose)
Yuzu (Elmo's Ring)
Jowol (JC)
Yocci (Sleeping - Subathon)
Elly (GTAV)
Kaori (Dead Space - 160hr sleepover stream)
Spite (Getting Over It - Subathon)
Meat (Monster High)
Artemis (JC)
Koko (Cult of the Lamb)
Grimmi (Detroit:Become Human)
Hina (JC - Subathon)
Kon (Visage)
Grape (Reading Scrubquotes Twitter)
Hank Hill (Chrono Trigger)
Tiff (JC - Subathon)
Shine (Papers, Please)

No /lig+/ live

/nepolabo/ vs /lig/
Score - 4-4
VOD - https://implying.fun/video/vtl3/2022-09-03/2/?t=3:25:41.0
Next match on the 9th of September (next Friday)

Tonight's a good night if you're the kind of person who wants to watch chuubas sleep.
Bao's got a new model! Looks cute..
Sleep tight eurobros and stay beautiful /lig/

>> No.32418620


>> No.32418668

Piss enjoyer. She was the one clipping saru peeing on stream.

>> No.32418728
File: 422 KB, 2150x1200, 356756736547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love unity

>> No.32418740
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>> No.32418741
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Quoted by: >>32418804

That hack was you, Tobert

>> No.32418750
File: 94 KB, 928x578, 593025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32418910


>> No.32418759

filian is based

>> No.32418780

Doesn't agent orange have a lemony smell?

>> No.32418804
File: 66 KB, 400x400, 1662224919251768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32418840

but i've been practicing since then!

>> No.32418833

First time watching grape and she reminds me of geega but more passionate and doesn't have the butch voice(idk if this is a buff or debuff, I have conflicting feelings about geega's voice)

>> No.32418840
Quoted by: >>32418864

And you did fine on the FIELD. Let's keep it that way

>> No.32418864
File: 387 KB, 1240x802, 1662257114319365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I set up a GOL for my bitch Meat

>> No.32418910

Alright thats pretty cute

when are numi and vienna gonna collab though?

>> No.32419081

Frog sounds like Minecraft is giving her anxiety

>> No.32419144
File: 434 KB, 1169x707, TinFoilian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filian's art competition ends on 9/11

>> No.32419269
File: 470 KB, 1080x1508, filianIsBreathtaking .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based filian

>> No.32419360
Quoted by: >>32419791

Day 1: before sabaton, i was so depressed. thank u chat
Now: during sabaton, i am still depressed, and more irritable than ever. fuck you, chat.

>> No.32419403

>surface spawner on first world
>2nd seed gives her a frozen world
for good reason

>> No.32419445
File: 142 KB, 1063x1388, shejustlikeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's Just like me frfr

>> No.32419446

what’s so good about filian
isn’t she an attention starved whore like the rest of em

>> No.32419525

she does flips and doesn't swear.
Small children adore her.

>> No.32419674

lol, i don't know why but they are bickering about Numi's numbers in vsj thread

>> No.32419694

I watched this years ago but it's crazy how different Rule of Rose is when someone is actually enjoying the most of it.

>> No.32419720
File: 3.00 MB, 4500x4000, TweltheverattemptatOCconsipracyFilian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was definitely planned that way, it was a signal to /here/.

>> No.32419791
File: 784 KB, 834x913, 1656687272456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can imagine the thought process
>streaming makes me happy, so if I stream all the time I'll be happy all the time
5 days in
>streaming all the time is very draining and making me more depressed than ever but I'm in too deep to call it off now

>> No.32419794
File: 95 KB, 800x450, lemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so fucking cute I want to fuck a pillow heirarch.

>> No.32419859

Which 2views are you guys excited to watch grow into dirty Liggers

>> No.32419876

giri its time to cheer up your little baguette

>> No.32419893


>> No.32419903

Filian is a scammer
No copfilian during fan meetup
Fuck her
Will never give her money now

>> No.32419913

A few days ago I found a m*le 2view in /trash/ that said he jerks off during his streams. I hope he makes it so I can ruin him with that information.

>> No.32419924

I think Callie is unique and entertaining, plus she collabed with Tob and Nyan.

>> No.32419927

She just needs to jerk off preferably on stream

>> No.32419933
Quoted by: >>32420019

clauvio, though at this point she's not really a 2view anymore

>> No.32419952

She is the world's best babysitter

>> No.32419986
Quoted by: >>32420519

I like Callie but the shape of her model’s head annoys me

>> No.32419989
File: 112 KB, 600x600, cluelesspng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32420132

One of the whores I found, I just know she's about to hit big

>> No.32419997


>> No.32420019

I hope she adds that pregnancy toggle

>> No.32420025

Yoclesh was actualy smart and doing her subathon properly unlike the frog

>> No.32420027
File: 1.67 MB, 412x540, 1661305635230546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32420106

silly lady want word with you! me watch your kids! unga!

>> No.32420038

baby sitter filian that over time allows you to touch her ass, and as time goes on you develop a sexual relationship with her..... god iI need this.

>> No.32420067


>> No.32420091
File: 838 KB, 977x887, face stealing snail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing simon says with her viewers
Maybe you're right

>> No.32420094
File: 136 KB, 1200x675, 6290548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32420366

I will continue to follow the boog as long as she streams.

>> No.32420106
File: 3.74 MB, 3200x1800, 11567567657573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you watch our kids?

>> No.32420118

Lil' Bao is really got some shmoves

>> No.32420132
Quoted by: >>32420208

spill fag

>> No.32420163
File: 237 KB, 1250x1950, 1657056020415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32420201

Yocci is a clever girl.

>> No.32420172
Quoted by: >>32421720

I didn't until I read this and now I do

>> No.32420201

she may have a beer gut, huge tits and fat thighs IRL but I don't like her!

>> No.32420208

Maybe later

>> No.32420211

I’ve heard Shondo viewers are good at watching kids

>> No.32420231

her model is ugly as fuck regretfully

>> No.32420238
File: 1.12 MB, 1323x2295, 1662203752033441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge dorky dog tits

>> No.32420248
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>> No.32420261
File: 799 KB, 3277x4096, 3654645363456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Numi's numbers have been pretty good lately

>> No.32420273
Quoted by: >>32420329

The first post about her subathon and you just use it to bitterly compare her to Saru? I'm going to assume you're not actually a Yoccifriend and just want to start shit.

>> No.32420303
File: 112 KB, 288x300, 1643306634205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32420312


>> No.32420327

Their whores don't stream so they have to talk about our whores

>> No.32420329
Quoted by: >>32420375

Yocci herself is a Saru anti, so whether it's a sincere fan or a falseflagger, it amounts to the same thing

>> No.32420352

Why isn't that tie flossing the fuck out of Numi? Lost opportunity

>> No.32420366
Quoted by: >>32420486

>the boog

>> No.32420374

that tie even longer than president trump's

>> No.32420375
Quoted by: >>32420390

>Yocci herself is a Saru anti
proof next thread? and no, that one tweet doesn't count.

>> No.32420390


>> No.32420400
File: 852 KB, 2893x4092, FI_cdjEUYAQJa_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fang, the cutest cavewoman around

>> No.32420414

Good lord

>> No.32420435
Quoted by: >>32420531

you come into OUR HOUSE with that shit?

>> No.32420454
Quoted by: >>32421720

God I wish I had a cute babysitter that took advantage of me sexually

>> No.32420466
Quoted by: >>32420544

This is sort of cute but I'm dipping from Fil's subathon for now

Fang is seriously underrated.

>> No.32420486
File: 230 KB, 2807x2037, dfgdfgdffdgs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also this. Fang is great and her low-poly model is a blessing.

>> No.32420519
File: 1.35 MB, 2048x2048, 1638832237531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32420683

I'm glad there's others that like her too. She's kind of niche but also approachable.

Unfortunately she's super poorfag who made everything herself. She has talked about getting a real anime model in the future but she pays for her brother's college.

>> No.32420531
File: 155 KB, 912x912, FbGg9uWXwAAO4zN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat and Fang have an agreement: Fang is the cutest cavewoman, Meat is the silliest.

>> No.32420544
Quoted by: >>32420609

How did she choose the snackers that were invited to the meeting?

>> No.32420597
Quoted by: >>32421472

We are not Meat and Fang. We are /lig/gers.
Meat is the CUTEST and the SILLIEST

>> No.32420609

I'm guessing it's through Discord DMs. She also put a link on Twitter a few days ago for VRChat friend requests presumably.

>> No.32420626
File: 303 KB, 1920x1080, outthewaybinch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro, Tob saved the draw through violence. she belongs on the front lines.

>> No.32420683

>super poorfag
>she pays for her brother's college.
Uncle Bengals will make a note of this.

>> No.32420689

How do you guys go about typing your first message in a /lig/gers chat?
Cause you only get one

>> No.32420716
File: 13 KB, 370x370, 1480299217954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All that empty space between the breastplate and her chest

>> No.32420748
Quoted by: >>32420779

i just say, "Hello [streamer's name] I am [my twitch user name]"
sometimes in all caps

>> No.32420752

Bao looks more mature now

>> No.32420779

Go away, Sir Jeffrey

>> No.32420781

ask a really passive aggresive question

>> No.32420789

Just say hi

>> No.32420794

Yuzu is being courted by a deep voiced chad and I don't like it.

>> No.32420811

I'm still reeling from that offside call. Those final seconds were an emotional rollercoaster

>> No.32420817

don't think too hard, just type whatever. unless it's a 2view or someone like Shondo they won't notice that it's your first message.

>> No.32420876
File: 115 KB, 1080x1331, 1650925356586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deep voiced chad
Yeah, me.

>> No.32420884
File: 415 KB, 1920x1080, BaoGoals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait Bao's debut is also a subathon? This is starting to feel like a joke.

>> No.32420898

Didn't know my nigga schrodingerlee was a bussy enjoyer

>> No.32420942

Yuzu *is* a fuckin deep-voiced chad

>> No.32420969

It's subtember, remember to do the 6 month tier 3 and twitch doesn't get a dime

>> No.32421011
File: 459 KB, 603x601, meanmonkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ShrodingerLee has a really weird laugh that is much higher pitch than his talking voice. Almost like he's exaggerating the deepness by talking low and close to the mic or something.

>> No.32421010
File: 138 KB, 500x500, Lumi Island.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32421060
Quoted by: >>32421295

geega makes saru more happy than her chat

>> No.32421071
Quoted by: >>32421107

>Almost like he's doing the thing literally every man on the planet without a naturally deep voice does
Wow crazy

>> No.32421077

yuzu wants bussy destruction and no one else is offering

>> No.32421107

That's what I said /lig/ga.

>> No.32421109

Nah. I dunno if it's a Korean thing but I have a Korean friend with a deep voice who also has a high pitched laugh.

>> No.32421128

there was a anon shitting on Bao a day or two ago who insisted this was going to turn into a subathon. Either that man was a fucking prophet or else Bao is just that predictable.

>> No.32421163

that mod lightfire2019 has been nothing short of annoying and even rael is calling him out on his shit

>> No.32421165
File: 329 KB, 2048x1645, 9FED1053-C3DA-4E86-A5F9-539D08FCAC93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32421567

Roopyroo. She’s a dumb whore but somehow it’s endearing

>> No.32421227

I'm surprised by how invested I got but I was emotionally exhausted by the end.

>> No.32421232
File: 772 KB, 857x684, 1647195564464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spite got a new model and decided to un-manhattan herself

>> No.32421236
Quoted by: >>32421329

I type a kekw or lul whenever everyone else is spamming so it gets lost in the crowd and she doesn't pay attention to it

>> No.32421238
Quoted by: >>32422049

Why is Geega being such a friend and ally to all /lig/gers? IS GEEGA NICE LADY?

>> No.32421241
Quoted by: >>32421333

man just wants minecraft world seed

>> No.32421244
Quoted by: >>32421831

Saru realy hinting hard, maybe the 4th time will work

>> No.32421246
Quoted by: >>32421831

Saru not even being subtle about wanting to get in the vshojo server

>> No.32421254
Quoted by: >>32421831

rael sad that she didn't get invited to any minecraft servers

>> No.32421264

I was a bit pissed but we were also saved by a bullshit call too.

>> No.32421268
File: 14 KB, 266x136, veenerblock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32421651

Friendly reminder that sweaty gamer girls belong in the basement and should not be let free under any circumstance.

>> No.32421295

If she just made a discord call open to all her mutuals so they could hop in whenever it'd perk her right up. After 8 days she needs a some change

>> No.32421329
File: 107 KB, 1111x1007, kekw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32421437


>> No.32421333

It's a woman

>> No.32421341

like sniffy but better

>> No.32421347
Quoted by: >>32421450


>> No.32421363

no Smilfy is like sniffy but better

>> No.32421400
File: 239 KB, 419x534, 1637618349763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32421453

>shaded like a late-00s flash game

>> No.32421402
Quoted by: >>32421484

I thought she hated minecraft anyways

>> No.32421419
File: 187 KB, 1143x1143, FbI5UdkVEAEDztP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where'd you get that? I can't find it on twitter. Halo 3 stream was a banger though.

>> No.32421437

Chibi is the last person you want to kekw as your first post if you don't want to get called out.
She always notices and proceeds to hit the desk

>> No.32421450
Quoted by: >>32421516

What did Rael say?

>> No.32421453
File: 1.61 MB, 668x690, funny tobasco.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32421501

don't talk shit about flash games

>> No.32421472

THIS. Thank you.

>> No.32421474

I feel like she's lost something by not being blue, made her stand out a bit amongst the Sindervales in the world. She's still pretty entertaining.

>> No.32421481

literal children (sound like preteens) on Filian's stream. the cringe levels are out of this world.

>> No.32421484
Quoted by: >>32421553

but she doesn't hate feeling accepted/included

>> No.32421501
File: 134 KB, 715x679, 1646638437605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32421674


>> No.32421502

>guilt tripping your friends live on stream
Saru acting kind of pathetic today

>> No.32421516
Quoted by: >>32421686

everyone of her friends are on the vshojo server and she feels left out

>> No.32421527
Quoted by: >>32421648

I had to mute. This is a little too much for me. I can only put up with college+ level cringe

>> No.32421553
Quoted by: >>32421653

I intentionally dodged the community meetup. Seems like a good thing.
but why would you get invited to a server of a game you don't play? like it just doesn't make sense for anyone to invite someone with no interest in it other than the fact that other people are getting in

>> No.32421567

>dumb whore
her voice is nice

>> No.32421584

I'm asian lad with a fairly deep voice but my laugh sounds like a cat

>> No.32421639
Quoted by: >>32421684

I post innocuous shit like emotes or generic reaction comments. I hate being singled out for that shit.
I also do the same in 4chan threads because of that new IP shit.

>> No.32421648

Worst part of stream so far. Good thing it's filian and not sim whore like lily. Kids should be careful.

>> No.32421651
File: 13 KB, 713x89, justlikeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this might have a bit to do with that time out.

>> No.32421649
File: 435 KB, 759x588, 1654061768150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coach, what have you been teaching these sluts and whores?

>> No.32421653

Saru is just dumb. She doesn't even make the effort to ask for collabs o asking people to get on a call with her. She's just waiting to get invited without doing anything.

>> No.32421674
File: 259 KB, 600x600, FZifGcwXEAM3sDJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32421684

>I also do the same in 4chan threads because of that new IP shit.
People actually look at the IP count?

>> No.32421686
Quoted by: >>32421870

Well, she didn't mention vshojo, but it was obvious that was what she was getting at. I'm sure Haruka would let her in the server with Giri, Nagzz and Chibi

>> No.32421720

Is it ok to fantasize about Filian being a counselor for a children's summer camp and since she loves kids so much she ends up getting taken advantage of by the young boys who get their first erection because of her?

I think Filian is probably too naturally sexy for her own good and even if her intentions are completely pure and she wants to protect the young boys they're too spry and impressionable and she will end up having to deal with them asking why their peepee is so hard. She'll have to explain what an erection is as gently as possible and eventually she'll have to help it go away cause it's so hard it hurts and she can smell the precum leaking from all the boys. When the first boy she helps tells everyone about it all of them will start to get curious and Filian will be swamped with little boys with erections so hard they hurt.

Filian will lay awake at night after jacking off those first few boys. Thoughts swirling around in her head, wondering if what she did was shameful or if it's just a part of the nurturing process. Filian adores kids, she wants them to grow big and strong and you can't grow big and strong when you're stressed out about why your peepee hurts. The feelings of pride mix with the realization of what she's done and it turns to humiliation in hindsight. Before she knows it, Filian has already stuck her hand under her soaked panties and thoughts of guilt and humility have already been overtaken by fantasies of how she'll get to spoil her boys tomorrow. She misses them already and it's only been a couple hours since dinner, maybe it's the heat or maybe she's finally lost it. Realizing far too late to turn back, Filian will catch herself in the laundry room, sniffing her boys unwashed underwear like a rabid animal hoping to find that musky precum stain. Luckily for her, nearly every single pair feels crusty and smells musty, the fact that so many of her boys are clearly leaking just from being around her sends her completely over the edge. Filian can't help but feel a little sadistic after knowing just how much power she wields.

As the days go on they'll keep asking for her to jerk them off again and the smell of fresh young semen will awaken something in her. Filian will slowly go completely power crazy over the sway she has over these young boys and their budding sexuality. She will begin intentionally teasing them, flashing her cute tight butt, just begging them to assault her so she can let them unload all their hot strong sperm inside to crowd her fertile young eggs. Filian with her tight skinny body and cheerful reassuring voice will undoubtably influence these boys preferences in women to their core, their entire concept of the "perfect girl" will be irreparably shaped by Filian. These boys haven't even cum before, they've been incubating that semen for 7 or 8 years and Filian will be the sole reason to break that streak and take their first ejaculation.

The boys will spread stories among themselves about how they got to see Filians boobies and when she comes out for swim practice wearing a tight competition one piece all the boys will put their hands over their pants and some of them who haven't gotten their first ejaculation might even buckle and fall over. As Filian surveys the boys all lined up and trying their hardest to hide the precum soaking their swim trunks, she won't be able to help herself from flaunting her body and acting like she doesn't notice her own nipples are getting harder with her arousal. The boys will squeal and moan and their tiny penises will twitch and shake as they go weak in the knees just from accidentally seeing Filian undressing after a long day. She will begin to take immense pride in that.

>> No.32421744


>> No.32421754
File: 210 KB, 515x590, 1479835431292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please

>> No.32421757

k thx

>> No.32421759
Quoted by: >>32421850

giri and geega need to teach her the art of networking

>> No.32421765

I lurk for a couple streams until I can think of a good joke that fits the chuuba and at the perfect time. I then mostly post emotes

>> No.32421780

I didn't read the nyan version I'm not going to read the filian version

>> No.32421781

Every day will begin with a cheerful announcement of today's camp activities, and every day the activities will eventually be derailed by the rampant and intense sexual teasing Filian will inflict upon these young boys. It won't be long until Filian is showing up at their tents in the morning wearing nothing but a sports bra and hotpants, just so she can smell the leakage from these boys having wet dreams about her, the only girl they've ever felt something like this for. She will learn their fetishes and interests and her greatest joy will be watching their shorts tighten around their erections and biding her time until they're weak in the knees and leaking enough precum to stain their undies. When Filian finally gives in and lets the boys ravage her like animals she won't give them any instructions, the boys will thrust and creampie her with the maximum force possible and they'll be working on absolutely raw instinct. There's nothing quite like watching a boy sacrifice his innocence to Filian, she can't even begin to describe how big of a rush it is, in her memory there is no verbal descriptor, just raw emotions. It's not corruption because what these boys feel is pure and true but it's definitely something; especially with how attached to Filian the boys will get after just one orgasm. Filian really did just want to help, but something about having a herd of young boys follow her around like little soldiers, always beaming her with their innocent eyes and telling her that they love Filian, there's a certain magic to it.

As the boys get more experience in relieving themselves with Filian's help, they start to learn when to approach her for the highest chance of lovemaking. Filian has made sure to teach them that what they're doing is making love, this isn't just sex it's about connection. The connection between dozens of plucky young lads and their too-caring-for-her-own-good ruler, Filian. Eventually, due to the constant stream of young cum and how frequently Filian seems to lose track of time when she's getting kissed and licked and creampied by boys working on pure intuition (she can't help herself but to tell some of them "they're a natural" after they try to assert themselves over the counselor who's 150% their size), a schedule had to be made and followed so as to keep the camp activities separate from Filian's personal feasting time. The lucky ones will have their morning wood treated by feral animalistic sex and their stories will spread to the less fortunate by lunch, only further brewing the desires of everyone in her troupe. Early morning Filian is still a bit groggy and not particularly prone to being gentle, her roughness and unfiltered comments make for quite a few extravagant tales. By afternoon all the boys who heard about the morning mating will be so ready for their turn that just walking behind Filian and seeing her cute butt swaying Infront of them will be enough stimulation that if they weren't allowed to take their pants off and let their cute little cocks hang out, the rubbing against their clothing would've been enough to make them cum on the spot.

Hiking is a serious issue for Filian and her troupe. After a long enough time just walking behind the absolute tease that is their counselor, obviously they'll start leaking. The erections were to be expected, they know that those will be cured eventually, but the precum that leaks presents some trouble. In a forest setting there are thousands of creatures attracted to strong pheremones and dense nutrients, and the clear sticky substance that constantly oozes out of every lad under Filian's rule is prime fodder. It usually happens after about an hour of walking, the first camper will raise his hand and call out, "Mrs. Filian! My penis is getting wet! The ants!" This will prompt Filian to question the rest of the troop if anyone else's undies are starting to moisten. It's no shame, it happens to everyone. The boys with undies wet enough to smell will strip naked and carry their clothing in a plastic bag to make sure the bugs aren't attracted to them. Occasionally Filian will find a cool landmark along the trail, like a rope swing near the river she told everyone to pack for. She slings off her backpack and strips to reveal her swimsuit that she was wearing the whole time, does a cute little dance and swings straight into the river. The slight jiggle of her butt and the happy noises she makes will engrain themselves into the boys like a tumor, and that landmark will be unusable tomrrow as the whole area will be covered in a thick layer of ants.

>> No.32421786
File: 167 KB, 454x670, image_2022-09-03_204940843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32422077


>> No.32421807

I don't like this one because there are many boys involved. I want her to be my private babysitter that only does shit with me.

>> No.32421818
Quoted by: >>32421900

I wouldn't even try messaging the girl. Not even worth the effort.

I'm still shocked my favorite chuuba singled me out from chat for a few minutes and now know she keeps tabs on me. I feel like a dog that finally caught the car. I don't know what to do.

>> No.32421830

The afternoon sex is obviously equally feral as the morning, but also much more cream will be put in the pie. The afternoon round has had more time for their short refactory periods to swell their aching balls with fresh semen. After a little more than a dozen boys Filian will realize that the sheer amount of cum being put inside her is nearly double that of the morning, she ponders teasing the boys even longer but soon gives into her own desires and decides to keep the sex at every part of the day. It's healthier for them, and too much cum might make her tired. Punishment isn't necissary anyways when these boys already adore her, they'll keep their behavior in check when she asks. Plus, Filian can't bare the thought of being the cause for dicomfort for any of these sweet young boys. It's her responsibility to make their summer safe and fun and by golly she will do her job.

After dinnertime will be the biggest group, several dozen spry young boys will crown Filian all at once as she lies spread eagle on the picnic table and lets everyone have their fill. They waited the longest, it serves to reason they get to take the longest. Only one or two at a time, she can't offer words of encouragement with too many cocks to keep track of and she can only hug one in each arm. The lovemaking is sweet and saccharine, all is right in the world when Filian is with these boys. Despite the after dinner group taking hours to get through Filian never grows tired to hugging a young boy close and whispering that he's doing great as his cute little load gets added to her bloated womb. She may tease them constantly, but they all know that deep down she does it because she loves them. Some boys who have already recovered from the morning round get to join in if they completed their activity report early, they deserve a little extra.

By the end of dinnertime nearly every boy in Filians troupe will have either made love to Filian at least once, Filian herself will just barely be able to stand. The actual physical activity may be tiring, but recieving those boys' emotions in their purest form gives her energy. They truly love her in only the way a child can, and she simply can't get enough of it. The after-dinner showers are the only time she'll have to rest between recieving loads of fresh young semen and incubating it during camp activities. Filian will stare at her bloated belly in the bathroom mirror every night, sometimes puffing it out to imagine herself pregnant. It's charming, it's calming even, to have such solid proof that those boys truly love her. She never taught them about giving creampies or even which hole to put it in, they figured that out all on their own, out of love. The slight pudge in her abdomen is proof of that. She'll sit in the shower, stroking her belly, debating weather to wash the precum out of her soft white hair or to smell it just a bit longer. Filian treasures the quiet afterglow almost as much as the lovemaking itself. It will eventually become tradition for her after every dinner to take a selfie, documenting her experiences with true love.

>> No.32421831

Who do you think is vetoing?

>> No.32421842

when i said "k thx" that means that you're done.

>> No.32421850
Quoted by: >>32421895

She’s not terrible at networking it’s just she’ll just immediately burn all her bridges in the following moodswing

>> No.32421866
File: 153 KB, 800x450, 1660843560616138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32421870

I hope not, I like watching that lot and don't want frog fucking everything up.

>> No.32421877

The sex will become increasingly flagrant and they will eventually move from the camp and hidden enclaves to outright creampies on the hiking trail and group trips to the boys bathroom that end in Filian needing to seal up her pussy and asshole with tape to keep that valuable virile sperm she treasures so much from leaking out. Filian has been theroughly intoxicated with both the power and emotion that come from being these boys first love. The schedule obviously still must be followed, but the schedule only lists activities to do, and if the boys manage to get their work done fast they'll have plenty of free time. With such powerful motivation, Filian and her troupe absolutely demolish every other counselor and their teams in every camp wide competition. The boys are known throughout the camp as the winning team, and from outside looking in, Filian must be the best counselor in history with how much everyone in her group adores her. Obviously competition victories mean celebrations, and Filian is always the life of the party. It might not mean much to Filian, but for the boys, just seeing Filian dress up in a frilly fairy dress and deliver them their prizes is more than enough. Sure the prizes themselves are just king size Kitkats, but seeing Filian wearing something so frilly and girly compared to her normal hiking attire is worth its weight in gold. Some of the most impressionable might even fantasize that it's a wedding dress.

Speaking of fantasies, it seems that every day these boys produce more and more semen, but maybe it's just that every day has more sex happening. The first group orgy Filian had with her boys was only 4 at a time, and she could handle all of them perfectly fine but had to coordinate them to dole out encouragement effectively. However by the end of summer, she will be getting creampied by every single boy under her command. By then they've been given designated roles and their confidence is high enough that they don't need constant hugs and reassuring words to please Filian. They take their position like an organized battalion and Filian just gives them gentle pointers. Every morning she will look forward to feeling their erect lovestruck cocks twitch inside her pussy and every night she will feel her semen bloated womb and be satisfied with her work. Filian has this whole thing down to a science, she's instilled not just order and responsibility, but self confidence, and proactivity into these boys. They aren't afraid to take the lead anymore, they're the big and strong kids she always dreamed they'd grow up to be.

The summer camp ends with a group photo where all the young boys crowd around Filian cause she's their favorite counselor and a few rub her extremely bloated belly and the movie ends in a montage of photos from the best summer ever. It's a time lapse where the boys get more and more confident and Filians gets gradually sluttier like it starts out with Filian embarrassingly jerking off one of the boys then a few photos later she's sucking one of their tiny cute penises while the boy winces then a few photos later she's having sex in the missionary position then a few photos later she's laying on a dogpile of a dozen young boys giving a peace sign as their erections touch her body all over and wipe precum along her skin like paint, then a few photos later she's getting rammed from behind on a trail and the last photo is her and all the boys completely naked while cum drips down her legs and a hand written note appears onscreen from her camp kids that says "Thanks for the best summer ever!" with a bunch of hand drawn hearts and a signature from every single one of the 48 boys

>> No.32421882

i'm not reading any of this, but is this the same guy who wrote fart and scat porn in the vsj thread?

>> No.32421891


>> No.32421895

Ah, the matuli strategy

>> No.32421900
Quoted by: >>32422027

>I don’t know what to do
Cum tribute. Works every time.

>> No.32421937

She just wants rael for herself

>> No.32421941

I read the whole thing

>> No.32421975
Quoted by: >>32422031

The server is full of literal whos. She just has to (wo)man up and ask. She is not going to get invited "naturally" because she isn't particularly close with anyone there .

>> No.32422001
File: 411 KB, 1999x2854, Sarumonitors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, The Hades OST is legit giving me Deamonia Nymph vibes.


>> No.32422027

Works every time.

>> No.32422031

she should get in with Tob and/or southside. WHY FROG SO BAD AT MAKING FRIENDS. I happen to know that both Tob and Meat love Saru.

>> No.32422049

Every vtuber that talks about her says that she's incredibly nice, is always there for them and offers more help than they feel comfortable asking for. She shills her smaller friends every day during her streams and sits in calls with Saru and others one on one to help them plan their own events looking for seemingly nothing in return.
She's a nice lady.

>> No.32422077


>> No.32422088

saru BPD in full effect over a game she doesn't even like

>> No.32422147
Quoted by: >>32422198

Froot did make that tweet back in March...

>> No.32422164

She just needs to put out a tweet saying anyone is free to join whenever they want. The ball will be in their court then and she doesn't have to feel guilty about strong arming anyone
I know her representatives will be /here/, take this advice and be the hero

>> No.32422176

Monster hunter is such a huge fucking filter for me
I just don't get it, maybe I need to play it to understand

>> No.32422198

What tweet are you talking about?

>> No.32422254
Quoted by: >>32422353

You need friends. That's about it.

>> No.32422261
Quoted by: >>32422344

It's a huge time investment, but there really aren't any other games like it. Very polarizing.

>> No.32422264
Quoted by: >>32422519

I love how it cut to Polka right after Meat's celebration.

>> No.32422288

not even worth discussing.
saru's attempted cancellation, froot wasn't the aggressor, she just joined the pile-on. pre-bunny

>> No.32422309

How do I teach her to be better at networking

>> No.32422344

Poker is my time and literal money investments. I think I'm good on this front.

>> No.32422353

that's not true at all, I've played every game except 3U to end of g-rank since FU completely solo
you either like the loop or you don't

>> No.32422382

Saruei's drunk stream yesterday was the first time I was convinced she was ever actually sorry for what she did as opposed to just passing it off.

>> No.32422439
Quoted by: >>32422667

I don't remember Froot doing anything like that. If I remember, she stayed completely silent after twitter started going nuts about Rael.

>> No.32422449

My enjoyment of each game is entirely dependent on how the Hunting Horn is treated both mechanically and aesthetically.

>> No.32422464
File: 613 KB, 748x626, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veleck and JosabelleDemon are two that I always thought had the chops but just never made it. It's a shame because they're both pretty sweet.
Nekoreen is another, I'm upset she never got the same lift as the rest of the gorls as she's a real sweetheart, but she just nether got the numbers by herself.

>> No.32422493
File: 77 KB, 727x408, 1633901838537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32422519

I can't wait for their inevitable duel to the death in the pouring rain over who is the silliest of them all

>> No.32422618

>people still pretending like saru didn't deserve everything she got
be a complete bitch for no reason and mock people making art for you and people are going to mention it

>> No.32422627
Quoted by: >>32422869

She's right, that mod was a faggot

>> No.32422662
Quoted by: >>32422787

Veleck kind of make decisions that set her back unfortunately

>> No.32422667
Quoted by: >>32422990

no, she definitely piled on. The only vshojo do it so explicitly. it was nothing compared to how gleeful the vyugen girls were

>> No.32422668

>Beautiful drawing
Pls tell me someone saved that pic. I want to have a good laugh

>> No.32422722
Quoted by: >>32422863

go back to bed yocci, it's not time to stream yet.

>> No.32422787
Quoted by: >>32423164

what did she do?

>> No.32422806
File: 696 KB, 745x847, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and Picky. She's verified but is just under 100 CCV.
I was hoping the Henemimi collab would boost her a little.

>> No.32422835

Sarus for some reason keeping herself in some sort of content limbo where she can't be entertaining but can't commit to being chill either. No one's expecting 16h of gameplay every day, one of the benifit of subathon is you see content that would be boring on a normal stream since there's time.

I mean, it's Saturday and tommorow is a big event, she could easily justify today being almost competely reacting but she didn't want to, and she didn't want to watch the speed run videos today which are hours of content, instead all the reacting was framed as just stalling while she thinks of something to play instead of her just committing to today being a chill day and putting on videos while working on her project she realy wants to. That was her idea even but she doesn't want to do it.

Or she could play the boring fnaf game chat won't like but she wants to play because playing a shit game would still be more entertaining than stalling for litterily 8 hours while complaining that you don't know what to play. If it's going to be boring either way, might as well do something boring you like.

This is the 3rd day she was numberfagging on stream, and that's not going to work out, you can't constantly do highly entertaining content, if you want to numberfag then plan some bigger event, like the reveal, or doing elden ring, or vr games, and hype that up while giving yourself times where you will do activities that won't do well numberwise.

>> No.32422863

put your persecution complex away first, saru

>> No.32422869

half of her mods are annoying fags desu

>> No.32422990

Not really piled on, full disclosure I'm a huge Froot simp so I'm very biased. Not nearly as bad as others that's for sure. Still remember Yocci trying to drive a knife in over that meme gif Saru shitposted the day before everything blew up.

>> No.32423041

She said herself that it was good for her even though it was a horrible thing to go through.

>> No.32423057

I'm out

>> No.32423065
Quoted by: >>32423289

Oh hell naw bitches be crazy fr

>> No.32423072

I feel nothing but disgust twords extraverted people.
What kind of subhuman you must be in order to seek social interaction while having charisma of a brick wall. They always ruin everything for everyone in my personal experience.

>> No.32423151


>> No.32423154

she needs a bath and a massage and a cigarette.
she needs to take a 24 hour break.
then she needs someone to slap her face and yell at her.
then she needs to ask for help and stop trying to do this sabaton all by herself.
she needs to go back to the things that people love most--stuff involving her amazing hands, cooking/MREs, more building stuff, drawing.
she could try singing.
rhythm games in VR.
do some of the RP stuff, but put chat on emote if you have to, and discontinue TTS.
stop doing stuff you hate, and try to have fun with friends and with chat

>> No.32423164

Posting too much in the threads, acting out with menhera (not Mocca tier), and somewhat tolerating schizos.

>> No.32423196
File: 114 KB, 242x276, 1636533644470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32423499


>> No.32423209


>> No.32423249

is yokomeshi still a thing

>> No.32423269

Good post, especially the hands part

>> No.32423289

They smelled blood in the water and went nuts. Twitter is indeed a cesspool

>> No.32423296
File: 444 KB, 772x928, filicute12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32423409

how long until the community event ends snackers
please no more....

>> No.32423303

no lmao, it's been dead for like a year.

>> No.32423309


>> No.32423311
Quoted by: >>32423714

>remember Yocci trying to drive a knife
Me too. she took such pleasure in it too.
Saruei is a flawed person and has some mental health struggles, but she's obviously not a bad person. She's fragile af and vyugen girls just kicked her when she was down.

>> No.32423382
File: 150 KB, 500x500, marimari_ph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how we feelin fincels?
less than an hour until we're back

>> No.32423409

I hope this one is last, at least now she is just dancing, and everyone else is muted.

>> No.32423431
File: 64 KB, 540x505, DYRBI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32423462

mari mari is funny.
she says the n-word.
she has a really weird voice.
she says a lot of crap you shouldn't say.
i like her.

>> No.32423499

Does anyone have Olivia's full reference sheet

>> No.32423575
File: 500 KB, 512x512, maridies[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fal96sc.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love her

>> No.32423625

it's funny when holocels and other purity fags get bent out of shape over clips of Veibae talking about her period or about poop.
Imagine their brains melting from a MariMari or Hina stream.
It's like a nonstop poop parade.

>> No.32423673
Quoted by: >>32423988

>mari nword
now we just have to talk about layna/bunny for the full /lig/ timeloop

>> No.32423689

>more building stuff
If she's worried about content then she could set aside 2-3 hours a day to work on the gundam. It'd be reliable content that lets her relax a little since she could just put on some music and build and everyone would be happy

>> No.32423692
File: 294 KB, 480x501, sarueigo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool post, thanks anon!

>> No.32423714
Quoted by: >>32429027

Even people on Yocci's side defended Saru on it too since it is a well-known meme. I don't know exactly what happened between the two but that's not healthy especially when their friend groups overlap.

Sure, I wouldn't mind taking a potshot at a guy I absolutely hate but I prefer a nice, clean shot. Low effort stuff only hurts you in the long run.

>> No.32423733

>associating with clipwatchers
anon please, no one cares what they think

>> No.32423742
Quoted by: >>32423880

This is what she has for a reference sheet

>> No.32423744

Which /lig/gers do you like watching but absolutely despise their model?

>> No.32423748

Maybe Monday, we can hope

>> No.32423862

Fine. I will make an Olivia Monroe image folder.

>> No.32423880
File: 125 KB, 257x512, CraftersSprites_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's one for Chat

>> No.32423885

Don't forget she also has the talent to complete thoughts and sentences at 20% the speed of other chuubas.

>> No.32423914
Quoted by: >>32424017

she knows how pretty her hands are, right?

>> No.32423920

I have abandoned mari after she started drinking alcohol recreationally.

>> No.32423926

Sigrid, I love Bird though.

>> No.32423988

If you want a Layna timeloop I'm going to say it again, she should do an Elvira style movie night with a few public domain horror movies. She'd be a perfect late night horror host

>> No.32423992
Quoted by: >>32424187

snackers I still can't clip the stream :(

>> No.32424017
Quoted by: >>32424866

Every artist girl's hands I've seen have been really pretty. Hands are really underrated.

>> No.32424030
File: 199 KB, 1268x1268, 1661114775368830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vienna is being shy

>> No.32424092

This would actually work extremely well, lets hope Layna reads your post.

>> No.32424127

ok temperance anon. the battle with the demon rum rages all around us.

>> No.32424166
Quoted by: >>32424361

almost entirely unrelated, but one of my favorite Milky streams was last halloween; we did a watch along of the Elvira movie, and it was great fun for all.

>> No.32424184
Quoted by: >>32424207

Filian getting stepped on and teabagged live on stream

>> No.32424187
Quoted by: >>32424333

works for me, try restarting.

>> No.32424207

her fight with the clussy mid song was pretty good

>> No.32424228

all very good ideas anons

>> No.32424227
File: 828 KB, 1099x1744, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's cool, i just picked up a case of beer for her comeback stream

>> No.32424281
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>> No.32424333
File: 37 KB, 363x467, TinyShortHairGrimmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32424494

will do, in the mean time have a short-haired Gwimmi.

>> No.32424361

Man that does sound fun, I'll have to check the vod out at some point

>> No.32424378
Quoted by: >>32424470

She's her own biggest critic, for better or worse. If you paid attention, over the past year or so Saru was responsible for starting multiple trends within the western indie vtuber community. But on a subathon, unless you planned literally hundreds of activities (and in her case all unique and innovative because her autism won't allow anything less), there will eventually be boring days which to her is unacceptable.

It doesn't take a lot to please the average Twitch retard (see Shylily rocketing to the top on the back of nothing but react streams)

>> No.32424416

Is Layna even actually into horror or does she just like the aesthetic?

>> No.32424470
File: 572 KB, 750x593, 1633912537500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32425165

>responsible for starting multiple trends within the western indie vtuber community
List some

>> No.32424494

NTA but she's super cute. Would go to a haunted house with her but I'll slap the knife and grimoire out of her hands if she tries pulling that shit.

>> No.32424499
File: 280 KB, 981x1087, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons who want to have sex with a chuuba and then die at the end, Henemimi is your girl

>> No.32424548

by Allah I am sorry for the comparison but that sounds like Veibae right before she fully gave up

>> No.32424586

If observing women has taught me literally anything it's that Dante is the perfect man

>> No.32424624

fucking love this chicken

>> No.32424637

All I'll say is good luck killing Leon S. Kennedy or Dante. Two have extreme cases of plot armor.

>> No.32424671
File: 1.50 MB, 498x211, 1631057349883.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32424868

At last, my time has come

>> No.32424739

Did Vei ever have high-effort content?

>> No.32424759 [SPOILER] 
File: 233 KB, 1000x761, 1651876500380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32425404

i member better times

>> No.32424777
Quoted by: >>32424959

what indications do you have that she doesn't like it?

>> No.32424785

NTA, no. All her content was ad-lib as far as I know

>> No.32424827

no idea who this it, but I'm getting vague and retarded Inis vibes

>> No.32424844

I've watched her since she was a 3view and no

>> No.32424866

you make this post couple minutes later Filian says
>"time to appreciate hand fetish"

she is reading this thread while streaming.
Hi Filian!

>> No.32424868

I'm happy for you anon, I'm glad your violent dreams have finally come true

>> No.32424899

the scary thing is that it's very well possible reiyu has participated in such a thing before

>> No.32424898
Quoted by: >>32425078

AI dungeon alone and with Snuffy is some of the funniest and cleverest shit I've ever seen. That was last year though.

>> No.32424936

how many of them are lying

>> No.32424959

Evidence of absence?

>> No.32425025

>The groping hands assets are free and available to everyone
Oh no haha wouldn't it be awful if this became a trend

>> No.32425053

I love cop filian I want to tear her uniform apart via pregnancy

>> No.32425078
File: 2.09 MB, 2732x2048, 1648804818297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32425410

Not high-effort but that was a good stream

>> No.32425140

High effort wasn't the point. The comparison is more that Vei eventually started to do that cucking her chat and herself out of things for stupid reasons but I think the distinction is that Vei cares a lot more about the meta/numbers and Saru cares more about quality, but quitting Dark Souls II despite enjoying it because it apparently gave her low numbers was a weird moment for Frog.

>> No.32425165

Biggest one was the MRE tasting streams I believe, but there have been several cases of her getting good numbers playing or doing something slightly different from the norm and other people doing the same. This isn't a knock on anyone as that's a pretty reasonable thing to do (and vtubers in general are pretty far down the totem pole of innovation, even the ones that push the envelope), but in Saru's case, she has more or less conditioned herself to be doing something new, cool and interesting all the time, which is great! Unless you're in a subathon that is

>> No.32425228
Quoted by: >>32425315

I hate cooksie so fucking much
fuck clippers

>> No.32425254
Quoted by: >>32425352

>filian has STDs

>> No.32425271
Quoted by: >>32426079

>Openly saying she wants to brutally objectify and kill
You know, I might check her out at some point

>> No.32425301

>super liberal
>all these military men and genocidal characters

>> No.32425315

Cooksie is worse because he's substantially more attentionwhore-y about it

>> No.32425344

Anyone have that google drive of filial reference images?

>> No.32425352
Quoted by: >>32425675


>> No.32425394

Remember Anon, all politics is sexual pathology

>> No.32425404
Quoted by: >>32425664

nothing happened after veis last birthday, she's just taking time off haha

>> No.32425406
Quoted by: >>32425473

Does the horror chuuba like horror? ye

>> No.32425410
Quoted by: >>32425738

i dunno, I used to worship Vei as a streamer. she wasn't as stupid or lazy or one-note as people claimed.
She would whip out the whiteboard and spend the first hour of her stream designing a D&D character and brainstorming and joking with chat, making funny lists, and then try-harding Binding of Isaac for the next 8 hours while listening to gachi playlists, or playing Zomboid as Bobby Bobby.
I don't know if I changed or if she did, but those are some very happy memories for me.
Nowadays, if I need Tob or Coqui if I want anything near that kind of high.

>> No.32425413
Quoted by: >>32425462

>>32425344 (me)

>> No.32425443
File: 987 KB, 1080x1920, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32425644


>> No.32425453

Every time

>> No.32425462
Quoted by: >>32425524

ah sorry, I only have filial reference images, not filian ones

>> No.32425473
Quoted by: >>32425622

Does the horror chuuba do horror content?

>> No.32425486

You'll not be getting my family photo collection

>> No.32425524

Shondos 10Gb loli reference folder...

>> No.32425622
File: 1.39 MB, 1326x738, Layna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's playing a horror game right now. Come on anon, think

>> No.32425644


>> No.32425664

I wonder if devanon is still developing chuuba things

>> No.32425675

don't forget that the most serious and most devastating of all STDs is pregnancy

>> No.32425738
File: 205 KB, 2048x1843, 1634675359221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32425868

That whole period you described was the rare Vei resurgence that only last a couple weeks, maybe 3. She was already on the downtrend overall though

>> No.32425795

Nothing more cringe than saru's chat calling her "boss". I have to mute every tts

>> No.32425837

How about mommy?

>> No.32425838

Did someone managed to get cop filian feet?

>> No.32425857

So when did nemu and bao start hanging out?

>> No.32425868
Quoted by: >>32426067

yeah i was so happy during that stream! I remember telling her in chat that a Maul does the most damage of the 2 handed weapons and she said in her cute Vei voice "wow! a ma-wul!" and then she drew a maul.
also around the time she started playing Darkest Dungeon. those were some times.

>> No.32425891

Read her Twitter bio

>> No.32425916
Quoted by: >>32426304

Tob hasn't streamed since Thursday night, nor said when she would stream again.
For some streamers, this would be considered normal, but Tob is Tob.
I need Tob.
Where Tob?
need funny skunk.
have u seen her?

>> No.32425963
File: 799 KB, 1228x634, 1647387582390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32426178

My favorite snail is building a keyboard (she's a keyboard autist) in an ASMR-type fashion

>> No.32426063
File: 2.08 MB, 360x240, shondopilled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32426067
File: 334 KB, 635x491, 1634032262920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32426079

Please watch the Halo 3 collab they were on last night. Both her and Mint were the most unhinged I have ever seen them

>> No.32426161

Is Shondo Satou Tatsuhiro?

>> No.32426178
Quoted by: >>32426338

keyboard autists are all fucking retarded
spending hundreds if not thousands for a different press of a button "unique" keyboards designs that are more useless than PC "designs"
who the fuck stares at their keyboard ??? nigga look at the monitor

>> No.32426189

I'm glad Filian is mostly talking over this cringe SCP video.

>> No.32426195


>> No.32426304
File: 39 KB, 808x151, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she read your post

>> No.32426338
File: 106 KB, 600x705, 1660826026687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32426381
File: 1.51 MB, 1072x1023, 1659088937800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a freak of nature

>> No.32426397

honestly, meat
her voice is so hot, her model doesn’t suit her imo

>> No.32426402

LOL that freaked me out. I was half-kidding.
She sounded so apologetic! Tob I was just Tobposting I didn't mean to guilt trip you.... sorry!

>> No.32426415
Quoted by: >>32426456

too many/not enough drugs probably

>> No.32426444

You are killing her

>> No.32426447

The other insane /mig/ger is live

>> No.32426455
File: 189 KB, 853x1014, 1661402022921354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, I see. you would like to see... improvements to her model. Me too.

>> No.32426456

Let's hope she's not going to accidently pull a Snuffy

>> No.32426463
File: 370 KB, 773x874, 1650315230716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32426497

/lig/ slander when?
bat explaining why its ok to be racist to white people
meat getting a little too silly
squchan coming after that anon to cum inside him
coqui when chat calls her cute
average snacker
rael when frenchies enter the chat
dya when the T word is mentioned
mint anti(s) on typing his projected hate of fatties

>> No.32426498

Stop trying to make everyone fat

>> No.32426516

Fuck, I forgot to save the soundpost from the other day....

>> No.32426543


>> No.32426553
File: 232 KB, 1000x1133, 1662195283121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Let's get to building

>> No.32426588

i've thought about it desu

>> No.32426619
Quoted by: >>32430031

You forgot about when my wife sees a ruskie in chat

>> No.32426625

I wouldn't stop, even if I could stop.

>> No.32426706

It's too late anon, soon she'll throw herself on the ground in front of you and perform naked dogeza

>> No.32426719

what if she streams and she sounds really tired and out-of-it and sad, and it's all my fault! You don't have to stream tonight, Tob. I'm sorrrrrrrrrrry

>> No.32426731
Quoted by: >>32426872

>only one kiss
she hates (but that kiss is mine)

>> No.32426753

She can say gamer words but alcohol is too far?

>> No.32426777
Quoted by: >>32426852

The answer is always either copious amounts of drugs or genocide.

>> No.32426841

>Yeah congrats on being good at golf numi, it will get you far
Ok that was pretty funny senz

>> No.32426852

trips of truths but why not both?

>> No.32426872

Take your paltry kiss, tomorrow I'm going on a private date with her

>> No.32426907

Filian runs at night? The mad lass

>> No.32426965
File: 202 KB, 506x354, wide filian .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will filian go to sleep?

>> No.32426995
Quoted by: >>32427064

It's less 'running' and more 'chasing'

>> No.32427064
Quoted by: >>32427614

God I wish Filian would chase me

>> No.32427117

It is the ideal time to rape

>> No.32427222
Quoted by: >>32427289

Favorite MariMari chat topic?

>> No.32427268
Quoted by: >>32427283

any elly fans?

>> No.32427283
Quoted by: >>32427500


>> No.32427289


>> No.32427348
File: 608 KB, 1219x835, 1647430247989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32427721

Moooom! That weird zoomer guy is drawing Veener again!

>> No.32427360
File: 33 KB, 739x415, images (80).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gn lig, gn saru. I hope everything works out for tomorrow and it's a great day

>> No.32427500
File: 371 KB, 456x540, 967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32427709

EllyEN, she was Elly_VT before she changed name

>> No.32427527

10 of the 29 live channels in my follow list are subathons

>> No.32427614
Quoted by: >>32429349

She'd run you down like a cheetah going after a gazelle. No mercy, just nature taking it's course

>> No.32427622

You should unfollow those 10.

>> No.32427696

goodnight raelposter

>> No.32427709
Quoted by: >>32427977

Never heard of her
Nice voice though

>> No.32427721
File: 81 KB, 184x362, 1652166530290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32427989

Speaking of Veener, she's on stream with some other /lig/chuubas on Bao's channel if you need a hit of any of these folks

>> No.32427834
File: 2.95 MB, 512x629, raelpat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gn to you too sarubro
here's hoping that tomorrow goes off without a hitch and that she feels better

>> No.32427961

Why is Dante's cum radioactive?

>> No.32427977

yeah she's pretty cool. been following her a little while.

>> No.32427989

Bao has a really big and supportive friend circle, makes me wonder why she wastes her time and energy getting involved with 2view drama on twitter.

>> No.32428046

need more answers?

>> No.32428145
File: 2.59 MB, 1920x1080, SmugCopFilian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how smug Cop Filian can look.

>> No.32428169

there has never been a mentally stable tuber

>> No.32428211
File: 70 KB, 639x630, 1640589708528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I still think about these tweets

>> No.32428293

Filian reminding me to get caught up on Made in Abyss S2

>> No.32428313
Quoted by: >>32428374

This is just the start anon. Soon every /lig/ger will be doing an endless subathon and then eventually we'll all move into one massive warehouse so we can watch them sleep too. Infinite content forever and ever

>> No.32428374
File: 13 KB, 256x256, 1632861800626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only...

>> No.32428490
File: 429 KB, 554x866, weg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grimmi sounds like a suicidal robot which is appropriate for the game I guess

>> No.32428529

Grimmi-sama cute

>> No.32428588
File: 108 KB, 470x156, 1660162227513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32428754

Oh shit Bao brought those two Viet corpo girls into the call

>> No.32428754
File: 375 KB, 1213x360, 1638485893706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're speaking the forbidden tongue

>> No.32428759
Quoted by: >>32428989

Imagine her hitting you in the temple with a beanbag round

>> No.32428761

You can tell filian isn't used to reacting to longer videos, she keeps asking the chat if they're having fun.

>> No.32428902

snackers i've been asleep for the past hour or so, does fil know she hit 900k subs on youtube?spoiler]she actually beat mizkif. i wonder if they had a bet. it was so close.[/spoiler]

>> No.32428983

She's sort of on the money, she asked if people found the SCP thing boring because she did and they agreed.

>> No.32428989
File: 423 KB, 1080x1481, fil f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32428990

I'm late to Mari's stream. Did she say she's pregnant?

>> No.32428999
File: 1.30 MB, 1219x1375, sytrjkstyjkytjkj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32429184


>> No.32429027
File: 258 KB, 405x487, Sarueimald.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it ever actually confirmed that Yocci was the one who posted some mean things about Saruei specifically? I could see Yocci being critical of her but the tone of the quote that was cited as being in reference too Saruei from her seemed too harsh in tone for what we've seen of her personality. Yocci is so mellow and easy-going I have a hard time imagining her being at all catty.
Maybe It's just anti's trying to stir shit up but then, I wonder if Saru would hold a bit of a grudge over feeling that Dya was trying to have her cancelled. I honestly don't think that she intended for her actions to have that result and was more sincerely trying to get Rael to look at herself and not be discourteous to other artists even if she was technically in the right. If Dya had really wanted that, she almost certainly would have stated it and pushed for it if she thought she was really being that much of a drag on the community but she never did. Just bought up how she was acting, left it at that and arguably had a positive net-effect on the situation for all involved including Rael because it showed her that she could expect the community to call her out but also not reject her outright just because she can be a bit abrasive and menhera. I'd really like for them to be able to put that behind each other and not necessarily collab if they feel it would be forced but at least try communicating with each other and make sure the air is clear.

>> No.32429043

Did mari pay her rent

>> No.32429050

She hasn't managed to say complete sentence yet.

>> No.32429095

she told stories about her childhood bully and how she accidentally bought a 100 dollar bottle of sake during her vacation

>> No.32429161
Quoted by: >>32429606

It's history time, snackers

>> No.32429184
File: 3.30 MB, 3024x1584, 1660169691319112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the (You)

>> No.32429349
File: 130 KB, 636x900, squvr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32429551

Why do I want this too? Why do I want her to tackle me to the ground and tenderly but firmly seduce and use me until I'm mind-broken?

That's some Squ-chan levels of Smug... Are they secretly a part of an international Female-on-Male Sexual-Assault cartel?

>> No.32429401
Quoted by: >>32429551

is this her normal voice now or is she putting it on?

>> No.32429411

Today has been pretty eye opening regarding how much she cares about her community

>> No.32429491

Kek that is cute

>> No.32429528
File: 923 KB, 546x815, 1643732949774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32429536
File: 458 KB, 627x639, f32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jet fuel can't melt steel beams
fil approaching dangerous levels of based

>> No.32429551
Quoted by: >>32429832

It's a little different than normal, I think.

I like both but it's hard imagining them interacting.

>> No.32429606
Quoted by: >>32429675

How long till she 'randomly' ends up clicking on a video about Roman history?

>> No.32429616
File: 55 KB, 572x239, 1659715385942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32430266


>> No.32429625
Quoted by: >>32430194

>yuzu has been peed on
she really is a piss moth

>> No.32429675

In response to a false flag too.

I would love that.

>> No.32429680
Quoted by: >>32430316

Filian has always been one of the hardest working chuubas in terms of audience satisfaction. It genuinely breaks her heart to not be able to entertain people which is the major reason behind her relatively sparse streaming schedule, if she isn't at top form she feels like her audience deserves better.

>> No.32429699

This stream has been eye opening in that prince actively posts in this thread

>> No.32429784
File: 133 KB, 749x686, 1637265216952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iunno, but I found this which is interesting

>> No.32429786

Tripfags surely post without them sometimes

>> No.32429792
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, Filiansmightass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She always has been. Very impressive how strong and independent of mind she is honestly, solid bs-detection and won't let herself get looped into peer-pressure and apparent social-consensus.

>> No.32429832

i see. i haven't watched her in months and she sounds completely different, but she's always been good at that.

>> No.32429948
File: 105 KB, 759x537, 1655198541879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32429974

That's pretty normalfag-tier, anon.

>> No.32430002

I don't really care about the Vyugen art mafia but I'd like them to get along with Saru rather than not.

>> No.32430031
File: 876 KB, 918x844, Kabooing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when Anny sees a ruskie in chat

>> No.32430053


>> No.32430078
Quoted by: >>32430360

It is a true statement. However, jet fuel can heat the steel beams and change their material properties and make it brittle. You don't want to be near brittle steel when it pops.

>> No.32430101

she is one of us after all

>> No.32430194

she is tranny whore they get into the most devious sexual fetishes with me

>> No.32430210
Quoted by: >>32430293

Holy frick Cop Filian is so much hotter than regular Filian

>> No.32430266
File: 1.45 MB, 1184x1080, Sarusad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32430356


Thanks, that's very much in keeping with what I've seen from Yocci and her disposition. someone assigned much more petty statements as coming from her and it just didn't fit as something she would declare about someone else.

Sad thing is, I can see why Rael would be hesitant to open up to and get back in touch with her and Dya again: it wouldn't even really be out of holding a grudge but rather out of fear of messing up with them again.

>> No.32430279
File: 9 KB, 112x112, 69286902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've actually starting saying frick instead of fuck lately.

>> No.32430293

That's why the world calls for Cop filian and she must answer the call

>> No.32430311
File: 965 KB, 1393x778, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is something

>> No.32430316
Quoted by: >>32430993

The more I find out about her the more of the enigma she becomes. It takes a certain type of person to not have a bed or furniture just so they have more space for streaming. Couple that with her saying that all she thinks about is the next stream and the chat and you have almost Prince levels of dedication to her craft

>> No.32430337

You're being purified. This time next year you'll be watching abigail on sundays.

>> No.32430347
File: 81 KB, 546x833, 1661231443849243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're gonna make it, you little fricker

>> No.32430356

I think it all comes back to that other artist during her Japan trip. Fits the timeline

>> No.32430360
Quoted by: >>32430457

Don't you have Flat-Earth threads to spam?

>> No.32430388

I like saying it as a joke but I can see why people would find it annoying, like if Frogfriends started posting everything with exaggerated French accents, or others ending their sentences with awoo or -dayo.

>> No.32430396

>f*lfags think jetbeams is some kind of insider meme

>> No.32430457

Yeah, I will doubt my material science/engineering studies.

>> No.32430549
File: 575 KB, 692x899, 184527582118582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32430715

>turret dive at level two
fil league stream when?

>> No.32430619

>material science
psychotic behavior

>> No.32430674
Quoted by: >>32430911

You just know lil fil wanted the axis to win

>> No.32430690

Okay. I think filian is American and moved to Canada. I need to bring her home.

>> No.32430710
Quoted by: >>32430896

did numbers anon not drop yesterdays numbers?

>> No.32430715

Filian watching her LiveLeak collection of drunk Russians jumping off buildings and breaking their backs when?

>> No.32430754
File: 1.25 MB, 1100x1080, 1649473407562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaflit done been live for a spell

>> No.32430896
File: 943 KB, 800x564, numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32431146


>> No.32430911
Quoted by: >>32431055

I don't know about that but her reaction to Hitler making bad decisions against the advice of his generals is making her frustrated kek

>> No.32430936

Good lookin' out, anon.

>> No.32430993

She's one of the rare Mr Rogers type people, she is a genuine soul and her passion in life is clearly entertaining people. She's also a lot smarter than her content would lead people to believe, she's incredibly sharp to be able to snap back at every joke and she takes great care in trying to steer her audience as far from the blackpill as possible. There's a reason Snackers are generally regarded as literal children and that's not just because many are, they try to refuse the overly cynical mindset of the modern era as best they can and that's engrained in their community. Filian is a sincerely positive person at her core even if she's guarded. I do not believe that anyone can truly dislike Filian without being a deeply cynical person. Ironically considering her size her fanbase takes the "improve yourself" and "look on the bright side" advice to heart. The snacker discord is a strange place to observe because there are tons of literal children posting drawings or discussing anime and in my couple months of lurking I have never seen a purely mean spirited comment, if they have nothing nice to say they just don't say it. This thread could unironically learn a lot from Filian.

>> No.32431055

She's a true grand strategy player at heart

>> No.32431074

>I can't breathe, chat
>This joke brought to you by George Floyd

>> No.32431088
File: 23 KB, 665x120, 1651694173028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32431136

I know it's just an asset she slapped on but her oversized cowboy hat is very cute

>> No.32431138

here come to armchair psychologists with their profound opinion of nukes

>> No.32431146
Quoted by: >>32431274


It was one joke, are you a fincel perhaps?

>> No.32431149

got as far as Mr. Rogers. writing off the rest of the post as deranged.

>> No.32431157

Filian is also pretty morally strict about stuff like drugs and alcohol and upholding the law.

>> No.32431260
File: 975 KB, 1109x949, 1661026631031334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32431732

this is pretty true

>> No.32431266

That's a great joke! Love this white zoomer cat

>> No.32431274
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x1500, 1662054931421134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32431295

>It was one joke, are you a fincel perhaps?
how on god's green earth did you know that

>> No.32431282

I just want cop filian to rape me, simple as

>> No.32431295

your oshi has a cute model

>> No.32431353
Quoted by: >>32431414

Genuinely cringe

>> No.32431391
File: 779 KB, 3186x4096, ViennaMyLove171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32431422


>> No.32431414

Keep your STDs away from our cult.

>> No.32431418

I knew it was bullshit from having dabbled in Blacksmithing and seeing how metals actually react to localized heat. They don't collapse, they give at the point where the heat is strongest and bend at that specific point. You could not possibly have had fires from exploded kerosene fuel-tanks produce a consistent or even heat the way this was claimed to have happened. Meanwhile, you throw an educated title to try and bolster your claim that anything about that could have happened as declared but give no argument of substance. Now quite it with the otp and go back to your Flat-Earth threads shill.

>> No.32431422

Blonde Vienna is SEX

>> No.32431443
File: 355 KB, 1890x1080, 1644761257975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hurts the /lig/ger

>> No.32431514



>> No.32431599

Fine with me. Either way, material properties were changed when all that heat was added.

Let's also not ignore the insurance policy taken out on those bad boys like very soon before the incident. But, let's keep very quiet on that.

>> No.32431659

curious bait

>> No.32431732
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x720, Filattack.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bright, exuberant and wise soul. I can be pretty depressive and cynical myself but still Love her and it was seeing her dance that did it. She shines with a sweet, angelic purity of self when she does.

>> No.32432876

That was funni heh
She’s gotta be a right winger, no doubt

>> No.32433045

Gamer shit right there

>> No.32435552
File: 292 KB, 1920x1080, 1659480238691204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the previous thread is wrong
