>> | No.32356507 File: 241 KB, 446x405, 1659662080681741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] if kronii cared about her fanbase then she said all of those things out of her concern for them right? the backlash then mustve been the denial of said concerns. parasocial relationships have everything to do with ego and instant gratification i feel. i mean this whole thing is a bit narcissistic isnt it? the viewer has the pleasure of being able to pause and play a 'relationship' while the streamer has the praise and loyalty whether they deserve it or not. then the question becomes who benefits from it the most? well the obvious answer would be the streamer. in that case the streamer should always be in favor of themselves because the viewer would deny whatever concerns the streamer would have for their wellbeing anyways. this whole dynamic seems to be impossible to change. if change were possible then it wouldnt be a pleasant experience for the viewer, certainly more painful than just watching the streamer which in a way is under control of their own ego. in real life you cant get people to do what you want them to so this must be twice as true for the internet. the internet itself is self-indulgent so maybe streaming just manifested itself in the environment that its in. even if kronii had concern for her viewers then it was out of ignorance (not concern) that she said all of those things because change is impossible if the viewers arent willing to go through it on their own.