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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32300632 No.32300632 [Reply] [Original]

Has your oshi been working hard this year?

>> No.32300793
Quoted by: >>32301722

Jesus Koyorin.... calm down

>> No.32300913
Quoted by: >>32322812


>> No.32301094

>4.5 hours stream time
hololive English is so fucking lazy, just graduate them already

>> No.32301098

Koyori has been working hard. She deserves more viewers.

>> No.32301290

Koyori should kidnap Pekora's monkey for views

>> No.32301298
Quoted by: >>32301427

I love how you guys always say how Calliope Mori flopped so hard but still mogged TaKEKnashi Kiara who said to be /vt/ favorite

>> No.32301427

>Kiara is /vt/ favorite
That would still be Gura though, so wtf did you smoke and can I have some?

>> No.32301474

Is Shion Ayame2.0? what's up with her?

>> No.32301703

Pay up for her fanbox letters

>> No.32301718
File: 932 KB, 1156x976, 565476586797690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is for August
and Kaela still hold the title as Hololive's Queen of Streaming.

not even Koyori can beat her

>> No.32301722

>300 more hours than fucking WATAME

>> No.32301900

koyo is the savior of holox

>> No.32301957
Quoted by: >>32302562

What the fuck is wrong with cunnies? Why don't they stream?

>> No.32301987
Quoted by: >>32302199

don't the jp members have schedules packed with recordings lessons events while english members do nothing except streaming?

>> No.32301995
Quoted by: >>32302336

She has depression and only appears for 3D lives or pokemon/kirby releases

>> No.32301998

How the fuck are Koyori's numbers even possible?
Doesn't Kaela basically stream 24/7? Yet even she is nowhere near Koyori.

>> No.32302091

Kaela only debuted in March

>> No.32302096

kaela debuted in march so koyori has two months on her

>> No.32302129

Koyori didn't beat Kaela tho

>> No.32302169
Quoted by: >>32303998

When you realize that only Kaela works a normal 8h/day full time job

>> No.32302199

Some ENs have been doing recordings for the annivs this past months

>> No.32302218

Koyori better step up her game

>> No.32302262
Quoted by: >>32302336


>> No.32302336


>> No.32302562

menhera bitches. young girls that got a taste of ojisan attention and money.
they make more money by working 5 hours a month than an average salaryman makes in 6 months

>> No.32302590
Quoted by: >>32303130

Kaela 170h/month
Koyori 155h/month

>> No.32302964

EN hardworker chuubas doko....

>> No.32303097
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Yes but it's been a lot of non-stream work.
Honestly feel the most idol of them all atm with how far shes come

>> No.32303130
Quoted by: >>32304453

>average work day is 8 hours a day, 5 times a week
>about 174 hours a month
Seems like Kaela is the only one who is at the level of the average wagie (in my country at least, Amerisharts have it worse).

>> No.32303574
Quoted by: >>32303715

>Gura isn't even on the top 10
Fake list, go back.

>> No.32303715
Quoted by: >>32303969

You have to stream to be on this list, tell your oshi to stream, chumpedo.

>> No.32303969
Quoted by: >>32305373

Nah, she is fine
The one who streams 8 hours a day can't even reach Gura ccv and hours watched
Gura is just giving her genmate handicap so the said person could save some face

>> No.32303998

Imagine simping for girls that work less than you...

>> No.32304065
Quoted by: >>32304498

>Working hard
>Stream hours
Not for nothing, but of the content that they create, streaming is probably the least "hard work". Pre-recorded content, Covers/Original Songs, Sponsorship stuff, etc. is all more work intensive than sitting down and playing a game for x hours.

>> No.32304069
Quoted by: >>32304549

You posted the wrong one, that one is up to 25th only

>> No.32304161
Quoted by: >>32304329

Hours watched cannot be calculated without data which is only accessible by the streamer.

>> No.32304329
Quoted by: >>32304602

Looks like its a rough estimate based on average CCV times stream time

>> No.32304453

considering all of that is just official stream time and doesn't count the other holo stuff (e.g. covers) and prep she does offstream, I'd say she's even higher than the average wagie

>> No.32304498
Quoted by: >>32312381

>Pre-recorded content, Covers/Original Songs, Sponsorship stuff, etc.
Other than Calli and Irys, most ENs do very little of these things compared to the JPs and on average the big name JPs stream way more than ENs.

>> No.32304549
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whoops sorry.

>> No.32304602

Yes it's the most crude way you can possibly calculate it, without knowing average watch time. So you have 1 view watching an entire 9 hour stream when they might have actually watched 30 minutes of it. It's a garbage statistic. Streamtime is fine.

>> No.32305373

Based, as always Gura wins without even trying.

>> No.32307345

Sasuga Fauner...
Sasuga Mooms...

>> No.32307894
File: 2 KB, 125x113, 1659632367567175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uruha Rushia has streamed more than Ayame

>> No.32308382

Holy crap. There was a Hololive-wide incline in median ccv this last month.

>> No.32308986

Health Issues both mental and physical. Problems with stalkers and probably other stuff.

>> No.32310328
File: 14 KB, 186x75, ace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could have one more stream monster at Holo if the yab didn't happen....

>> No.32312381

Who said anything about EN's? My statement was in general terms, there are several JP chubas as well who will appear lower on this list due to doing things beyond streaming. The point being this list is garbage in terms of work ethic or whatever.

>> No.32313302

oshi left a month ago so depends how you look at it ig?

>> No.32314162

If Irys (the fucking vsinger) beats you in stream time, you are a lazy chuba

>> No.32317526

Between her throat illness and offstream work (Music videos and Aqua's VN) Marine hasn't streamed as much as I'd like but it's understandable and she's been doing more streams and collabs lately so I'm happy. I feel like she'll make up for it in the remainder of the year.

>> No.32322812

Kaela with practically 4 months less of streaming time has surpassed everyone except Koyori and Watame. Holy shit.

Myth, Council, And Irys have streamed in total 3984.9h.

Myth: 2032,6h
Irys: 406,2h
Council: 1.546.1h (recent loss of Sana but she didnt stream much anyway)

Gen 0: 1.467,7h
Gen1: 1.999,9h
Gamers: 1.864,7h
Gen2: 1.279,2h (The not stream gen with Shion, AYAME and thisyearsaqua, yet somehow Choco and Subaru nearly salvage this)
Gen3: 2.004,3h (they are 4 only nearly all year)
Gen4: 2.212,1h (they are 4 only)
Gen5: 1.560,9h (they are 4 only)
Gen6: 3.088,7h (They have some good extremes with Koyori in one side and La+ in the other)

HoloID (remember, their gens are only of 3 members)

ID Gen1: 955,7 (hard carried by Moona).
ID Gen2: 1.738,1
ID Gen3: 1.585,1 (hard carried by Kaela but the other two aren't slouches, remember, they debuted at the end of march).

Medians by member and gen:

Myth: 406,52h
Irys: 406,2h
Council: 309,22 (352,8 if you remove Sana)

Gen 0: 293,53h (360h if you remove Azki)
Gen1: 399,98h
Gamers: 466,17h (nepotism working right)
Gen2: 255,84h (Choco and Subaru themselves obtain a median of 519,05h if the gen where only them ..I mean, the entire gen streamed 1279,2h and Subaru and Choco combined streamed 1.038,1 of those hours....it's very telling).
Gen3: 400,86h(counting Rushia's 65h at beggining of the year), 484,7h (without Rushia and her hours)
Gen4: 553,1h (wow, no slackers...if Coco was still there I bet they would nearly reached 3.000h total)
Gen5: 390,22h
Gen6: 617,74h, now , hear me. Let me remove for the lulz La+: 735,6h LOL. The only "slacker" is La+ , Koyori is insane and the other 3 work between hard and very hard.

ID Gen1: 318,56h
ID Gen2: 579,36h
ID Gen3: 528,36h But let me simulate they started 01-01-2022 instead at the end of march: 2.536,16h total, a median of 845,38h each one of the three.LOL.

By Gen totals:

Gen6: 3.088,7h
Gen4: 2.212,1h
Myth: 2032,6h
Gen3: 2.004,3h
Gen1: 1.999,9h
Gamers: 1.864,7h
Gen5: 1.560,9h
Council: 1.546,1h
Gen 0: 1.467,7h
Gen2: 1.279,2h
Irys: 406.2h

Median By members of the gen:
Gen6: 617,74h
ID Gen2: 579,36h
Gen4: 553,1h
ID Gen3: 528,36h
Gamers: 466,17h
Myth: 406,52h
Irys: 406,2h
Gen3: 400,86h
Gen1: 399,98h
Gen5: 390,22h
ID Gen1: 318,56h
Council: 309,22
Gen 0: 293,53h
Gen2: 255,84h

Sorry for any english derp, and sorry for any typo or calculus error.

>> No.32323061

Derp1: it's 3 months for id3 and Kaela. Numbers are fine but I said 4 for whatever reason.

>> No.32323598

Kalea is zoomin

>> No.32325427

appreciate the numbers autism
