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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.32289437

No they aren't

>> No.32289455

Expect for my oshis and all her mates.

>> No.32289456


>> No.32289492

Green woman has not disappointed me even once

>> No.32289496
Quoted by: >>32304423

StarsEN is the best thing that ever happened around here and the vtuber scene

>> No.32289498


>> No.32289503

Only the whores who interacted with tempiss

>> No.32289505

Not Gura.
She's still based

>> No.32289520


>> No.32289542
File: 114 KB, 900x900, rye project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rye will make it great again

>> No.32289547

Gura is HoloJP now

>> No.32289591

Always has been

>> No.32289593
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>> No.32289622
Quoted by: >>32289748

Don't use my mother-in-law to shitpost nijinigger kys

>> No.32289748

>Don't use my ___ to shitpost nijinigger kys
shut up, NPC faggot

>> No.32289827
Quoted by: >>32289938

why use nabi?

>> No.32289938

it was the most fitting reaction

>> No.32291139


>> No.32291479

Give it time. They always do. My oshis went from Ina to Sana. Now I've completely switched to JP. ENs are ungrateful whores. Find a JP to also enjoy when green doesn't stream so once she royally fucks up, which she will, you're already half way there with your new JP oshi. I'm giving you genuine advice right now and not shitposting.

>> No.32291584

It's always been like that. The corpse has been fueled by EOP and gen4/covid tourists

>> No.32291710

They were always shit

>> No.32291946

You're a fucking bitch, Nabi

>> No.32293704

HoloEN was always bad. Except Tempus, I love them boys.

>> No.32293807

She's streaming less often than Sana did now.

>> No.32293826
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also HoloID:

>> No.32293835

Fauna still hasn't broken character in over a year. Her kayfabe is too strong.

>> No.32293907
Quoted by: >>32294082

Whats the problem with Ina?
I dont pay attention to EN

>> No.32293919

Kiara did nothing wrong

>> No.32294000

Maybe you just have shit taste? How the hell do you oshi those two? That's like oshi-ing Kronii, who visibly doesn't care about her company or co-workers(streaming over IRyS year anniversary, not knowing Ahoy or Weather Hackers, the list goes on.)

>> No.32294082

Cold, uncaring, boring, disdain for her fans.

>> No.32294097 [DELETED] 


>> No.32294445

EN was cringe and shit right from the get go with Mori's debut. The only good part has been witnessing Kiara's growth from a terrible streamer into a less terrible streamer. Ame, Gura, Fauna and Mumei are all mainstream normie-tier vtubers who fostered a cancerous reddit community.

>> No.32296356


>> No.32296503
Quoted by: >>32304472

Oh boy I'm sure excited for my weekly dose of Rust.
What a based streamer.

>> No.32298791
File: 816 KB, 1920x1080, Summertime Cover (Ina+Nabi)[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Firriom.mp3][sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqgw2rp.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32299451
Quoted by: >>32303167

>still watching HoloEN in 2022
Your fault for clinging on and hoping for the "glory days" to return instead of just moving on like the rest of us.

>> No.32299627
Quoted by: >>32307743

In your head, probably.

>> No.32299874
File: 153 KB, 1280x801, tumblr_69cdefc88d618e5b50597a0dd561d56e_29f59adc_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did the magic go? Their one year anniversary had me rooting for all of these girls to succeed regardless of whether or not I watched them. Now EN it feels like a shell of what it was and I'm struggling to bring myself to care about any of them

>> No.32299969
Quoted by: >>32306881

I find it way to difficult to watch JP's when I don't understand a word of what they're saying. A girl making unintelligible noises while a game plays in the background doesn't draw me in or make me wanna watch.

>> No.32300003

the fun is elsewhere now, time to move on

>> No.32300230

>Where did the magic go?
Honestly the more you know about them the more you hate it, if you want magic, just get off 4chan, don't ever look at their RM shit, and don't ever look up any discussion about vtubers. Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.32300235
Quoted by: >>32302286

It is.

Branding matters for vtubers because the brands are what's important. A random streamer with an anime avatar is mediocre. Put them in a themed collab network that aspires to represent an ideal, and that's when you've got something to work with. On the other hand, if you hire people whose presence and actions damage that brand, then the value of all its vtubers collectively declines.
>but I thought 4chan was against cancel cult-
Yes, when it comes to selling actual goods and services. I'd rather eat a deliciously grilled burger flipped by a shamanically revived Stalin than a shitty burger made of rotten meat flipped by the most virtuous man on earth. On the other hand, entertainment is all about selling a feeling. It's the one industry where "I fucking hate this person" is a valid excuse for not wanting a public facing individual (such as an actor or streamer) to be associated with entertainment you like. Not an excuse for declaring a moral jihad on them, sending them death threats, stalking/harassing them, trying to murder them, getting them deplatformed or debanked, or any other terroristic bullshit. But still an excuse for wanting them to have never been visibly associated with something you enjoy.

In the case of Hololive EN, they've hired so many turds in the punch bowl that the brand is shot. Not only haven't those tumors been excised, the shooting of the brand means that every vtuber who belongs to that brand is effectively DOA. And because that brand did come with preconceptions, and it's entirely the fault of those turds for not adhering to them, the criticism can't even be said to be justified. Literally "if you didn't wanna jump into a burning building then you shouldn't have applied to be a firefighter." At this point, it's clear not a single corpo has both the sense and resources to do vtubing right.

>> No.32300445

I'm surprised how many of you "western anons" didn't know how shity are american/western woman (or people in general)

>> No.32300497

Wait until Eddy voice leak on stream

>> No.32301086

>he hasn't watched the archives

>> No.32301270

half of the sapling discord will off themselves

>> No.32301302
Quoted by: >>32306405

You could make the case for boring. Especially her game choices, but Ina has had a nightmare of a 2022

>> No.32301325


>> No.32301940
Quoted by: >>32304086

I blame Council.
Bunch of lazy whores led to EN burning themselves out even more.

>> No.32302044

>ame never interacted with her sisters
looks like ame is not interested in classic vtuber acts

>> No.32302286
Quoted by: >>32303031

Outside of Mori, who else are the turds? Especially now Sana is gone.

>> No.32302415

I mean cover willingly hired Gura and mumei despite them have absolute dog tier upload rates in their PLs, shows that cover doesn't give a shit

>> No.32303031

>j, off stream activities
>tt, doesn't respect idol culture
>the voice, black japanese idol industry
>just improve yourself bro
>sound guy
>muh stars
>cartoon network
>mexican moot
>back hort
>blue isekai villain
>the hololive it guy they tell you not to worry about
In retrospect, I actually can't think of a single time Ina, Magni or Axel ever shit the bed. That remark about losers was off color and umisea is cringe, but between Live and Stars I can only name 3 vtubers who shouldn't be graduated.

>> No.32303109
Quoted by: >>32303687

The girls are for sure. We need gen 3 for the girls announced now.

>> No.32303151

Gura cringing at Mori spamming rust global chat:
How do we save Mori?

>> No.32303167

This. There’s a reason 95% percent of the people subbed even stopped watching VODs

>> No.32303687

How sure are you that it will not be just more of the same or even worse? I am quite pessimistic over this.

>> No.32304086
Quoted by: >>32304159

Is amazing how council kill the momentum mythy had going

>> No.32304159

It was a team effort comprised of members from all 3 gens.

>> No.32304216

>He doesn't know Fauna dumped the jawbreaker man to gay groom her oshi

>> No.32304295

>your oshi is just like mine

>> No.32304350


>> No.32304423

>t. troon

>> No.32304472
Quoted by: >>32304683

>missed yesterday Rust kino
im sorry for you

>> No.32304683
Quoted by: >>32306681

It baffles me that people can watch Rust streams without being bored out of their minds.

>> No.32305681
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>> No.32306215

>Where did the magic go?
I think the VR collab was pretty much the culmination of everything they'd been working for and once it happened it gave them catharsis and a feeling like their mission as a group was finally complete. So naturally they started slowly drifting apart afterwards because that one shared goal that was making them stick together was finally reached and over with.

>> No.32306321
Quoted by: >>32307204

Fauna inclined and has established herself as an extremely stable vtuber, loves hololive, loves streaming, loves her audience, and has 0 yabs to her name
Sana barely even streamed, scorned her audience, was absent for like 6 months, and graduated
You literally cannot compare them.

>> No.32306350
File: 529 KB, 1000x1000, 1645426484822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32306487

Yeah, all of the girls are depressed, boring, lazy or fucking someone on the side. Ignoring gachikoi shit, it feels like Ame is the only one trying but at the same time it feels like she doesn't get along with anyone anymore.
I'm watching the homos now but fucking hell, i'm tired of these shitty games. Perms autism kills their potential.

>> No.32306405

>Ina has had a nightmare of a 2022
Qrd? I only know she moved from her parents house and that she spends her breaks drawing 18 hours per day and comes back exhausted and grumpy

>> No.32306475

Nabi mama, why are all your children cursed?

>> No.32306487

>fucking someone on the side
Yeah me

>> No.32306530
Quoted by: >>32307352

I was going through the latest Rust streams and it was really fun (from Gura's POV only though). I would say that the others are pretty shit but unlike others, I don't think they have always been shit. I wish they would all improve but at this point who knows

>> No.32306681

>Gura became JP
>Anya destroys Irys TC and all boobytraps turn on them
>Luna recruits child soldiers
>Pekora wins 1vs10+
>Gura kills Calli just to stop listening to her
>AmeSame ratt
it was the best stream Hololive had as a group, certainly beats summerfest

>> No.32306881

Just curious, who were you watching prior to HoloMyth or were you not in the rabbit hole quite yet back then?

>> No.32307204
Quoted by: >>32307355

>has 0 yabs to her name
Roru and rumao I guess being a fake, manipulative, social ladder-climbing whore doesn't count.

>> No.32307254
Quoted by: >>32307545

>Starting at the end of December to March her vocal chords were getting increasingly worse.
>ISP was spotty from March to May with her. There were multiple buffering issues every stream.
>Got a business line put in and it still had issues.
>Went on break and dedicated her time to closing the deal on her new house.
>Likely caught the coof during her time at the offcollab (this is unconfirmed as she said nothing about it but if Ame, Calli, Kiara confirmed they had it in this time)
>Summer dedicated to setting up her new place

On top of this her other job has not slowed down and it all added up. It's been a rough year for her and it shows in the streams.

>> No.32307322

Is this the circlejerk hate thread?

>> No.32307336
File: 232 KB, 1200x675, FONydCHXIAEnpL2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not anon, before EN and even months after their debut i stuck around Coco and clips, but then saw Gura sing and got snatched away, never been more happy in my life

>> No.32307352

I watched them real time and had Gura, Suisei, Miko and Pekora streams open and switched between them/muted and unmuted while watching the best pov for the moment. It was lots of fun
I opened Ame and Calli streams time to time but I was let down by Ame just not going to join the action when she realized nobody cared about attacking her tower.
Now while Calli's autistic RP worked for playing before and it had its fun or cute moments, on the final stream it was super annoying that she was still forcing it and made me close her stream quite fast. The only saving thing was probably some nice moments she had gambling with Fubuki.

>> No.32307353

I wasn't really in the rabbit hole. I started off watching Kizuna A.I. videos because they had subtitles and then I watched the pink cat when she debuted because I liked her old content. Honestly the main reason I've stayed with myth for as long as I have is because I'm a HERfag and I was happy seeing her have fun with her new friends.

>> No.32307355

0 yabs

>> No.32307405

Nah, it's just anons baiting anons.

>> No.32307444
File: 19 KB, 340x340, kwiiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, now its love your oshi thread

>> No.32307492
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>> No.32307519
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>> No.32307545

If I were an artist with as much technical dedication as Ina, and I saw NFT art and AI art take off in the scale they have, I'd fucking kill myself desu.

>> No.32307585
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 1623416869278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least HoloEN is still a thing, chinaman.

>> No.32307606

Just like your bait. How about you improve yourself.

>> No.32307743
Quoted by: >>32308294

we know what you'll say, but here's the truth for the unaware

>> No.32308294

classic freudian slip
