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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32197282 No.32197282 [Reply] [Original]

Kronii's Council 1st Anniversary Merchandise is live!

>Previous Stream:【Superchat Catchup】Anniversary Supah

>Previous Stream:【The Last Campfire】Why Is It Last Though | #1

#ourokronii (General)
#krotime (Streams)
#kronillust (Art)
#kroniijokes (Memes)
#OKTK (Fanbase tag)
#kroniirotic (Unofficial Tag for NSFW Art)

>Handy links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmbs8T6MWqUHP1tIQvSgKrg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourokronii
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ourokronii_holoen
Free Chat Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnAY-x9AtNk
Debut VoD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3oVrq94mGM

【Original Song MV】Daydream - Ouro Kronii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W749jRBg-4
Kronii's Original Song 「Daydream」: https://cover.lnk.to/Daydream
【Original Song MV】Rise -【hololive English -Council- Original Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHibTDJlTJw
Kronii's Latest Cover Song MAFIA / マフィア: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEr1aBephZ8
Kronii's Zatsudan BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dP7cdf-EgI
Kronii's Game BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE3yq2GQQmk
Kronii's Member BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QUt_6oM9jI
Kronii's Birthday BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TXGPOaYp30
Kronii's Anniversary BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2OoITXJfAI

>Current Schedule:
8/31 - Anniversary SC Reading @ 8PM PST / 11PM EST, (9/1) 4AM GMT, 1PM JST
9/1 - Superhot VR @ 8PM PST / 11PM EST, (9/2) 4AM GMT, 1PM JST
9/3 - Membership Watchalong: The Land Before Time @ 6PM PST / 9PM EST, (9/4) 2AM GMT / 11AM JST

>If you can't do timezones, consult the following:

>Previous Thread:

>Current Bond Level: 7.0

>Fanfic Listing:

>Fanart Gallery:

Remember to ignore Schizos and Londoners. KRONII LOVE!

>> No.32197334


>> No.32197366

i was riffing on some shitter trying to push the whole "kronii doesnt care about (You) its all about the money." i then said "kronii doesnt care about you or your money. she doesnt even know what to do with it she just eats them."
its taking their position and then taking it into a completely wildly different direction. sprinkle in a little
*clearly an attack post to shill their own vtuber of choice*
and voila. that was my joke.
lampooning baitposters is the real punchline

>> No.32197367
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Remember to always love Kronii

>> No.32197379
Quoted by: >>32197626


>> No.32197444
File: 569 KB, 2040x1249, 1661772942951850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32197455

I want Kronii to fart on me

>> No.32197477
File: 63 KB, 1522x888, degreesoffandom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also I have confirmed that the biggest winner of this whole shit was Aliaga Ayin not Gabe. He wrote the cringiest comment that was closest to Unicorndom on the community post. Of course he's not an actual Unicorn but it was by far the worst, saying he was jealous and shit. Kronii stopped just a few comments short of reading his, she went WAY down the list, probably because all the CGDCTfags were ratioed by the tourists. Ailaga Ayin was like a page scroll away from the last comment she read.

>> No.32197483
Quoted by: >>32197523

well you failed and also, kronii cares a lot about money and I think it's bizarre that you people keep trying to paint her as some kind of saint with absolutely no self-interest whatsoever and she just takes copious amounts of superchat money because ?????

>> No.32197513
File: 102 KB, 308x312, 2b6e52546984205d834aa532adeb24bc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32197552

>> No.32197523

fuck off already

>> No.32197544

Ah I see. That's what I thought.

>> No.32197550
File: 87 KB, 1077x1077, 1645492516765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait wtf none of these apply to me

>> No.32197552
File: 3.51 MB, 1575x1650, 1655777810844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32201835


>> No.32197559
Quoted by: >>32197585

Superchats matter. They have improved her life dramatically. She would not be as happy if she was not getting as much money as she is.

>> No.32197579

you know that wont work. ignore it. let them flail their little baby arms around theyll tucker themselves out eventually

>> No.32197585


>> No.32197589
Quoted by: >>32197682

kronie your joke is fucking lame

>> No.32197615

Didn't Kronii say one of her favorite anime was Daily Lives of High School Boys? Does she know Nichibros is a nickname for that or is that only a 4chan thing? I saw people in the chat who thought she said Nichijou.

>> No.32197626

Not the bread backers!

>> No.32197635

the real unicorn kronie
doesnt fit into any category

>> No.32197641

She read it, that's why she pulled up the par asocial book, she tried to help him, she even said
>"if it go as far as making you ruin you day, it's too far"
His 2nd sentence was
>this ruined my whole week

>> No.32197659

Like seriously, is it jealous poorfags trying to downplay the importance of monetary contributions or what? I don't understand how you guys get into this mindset.

>> No.32197675

oh shit yeah..

>> No.32197682
Quoted by: >>32197739

i know why do you think i needed to explain it. if it was good it wouldnt need one

>> No.32197693
File: 77 KB, 1545x787, 1655882461779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32203079

check this instead

>> No.32197739

stop jobbing

>> No.32197752
Quoted by: >>32197820

>alignments purposefully off
Preemptively fucking with the /pol/tards. Good.

>> No.32197820
Quoted by: >>32197860

I don't go there, do they like everything to be neat and well presented?

>> No.32197830

so is the land before time 11PM est now

>> No.32197860
Quoted by: >>32198033

They just obsessed with left and right alignments, I.E Left bad, right good. Odds are one of them would have used your chat as bait.

>> No.32197868

This. It was obvious which comments she was reading. I recall some commenters firing back at the tourists saying not to vilify the members for voicing their opinions and she practically echoed those sentiments near word for word.

>> No.32197881
Quoted by: >>32197996

i think her book is kinda measured in the ways it approach parasocials.
the whole:
>parasocials can be bad
>let's enjoy what we have
i doubt it's just the classic "hur dur para bad" everybody parrot in most places.

>> No.32197893
Quoted by: >>32197948

kronies the latest IRyS hentai by moral is too much for my dick, will Kronii forgive me

>> No.32197948


>> No.32197972

People forget that even in fiction, Unicorns are rare as fuck. That's the whole point, they are only capturable by a virgin. Even Rushia, who probably had the biggest percentage of Unicorns ever, still probably had very few true Unicorns. Unicorns would have never picked up someone with Rushia's history, like that NND stream she did once. And they definitely wouldn't have followed her to Vshoujo like most have now. For a Unicorn you have to have like zero proof of ever interacting with a male.

>> No.32197996

Yes, the books said if you are in too deep your relationship will end too fast, you will get too hurt by something you will end up having to part ways, if you want to have it last longer, reel back the para to some moderate levels.

I learned my lesson.
t.actual Aliaga Ayin

>> No.32198033

I'm pretty sure it means to fuck with autists as in the text and graphics aren't perfectly aligned thus people with OCD will be bothered. It was pretty clearly thrown together in mspaint.

>> No.32198059

what about Pegasus? people never talk about the winged horse. he's cool as hell

>> No.32198159

Damn nice catch I didn't even notice that.

>> No.32198224
Quoted by: >>32198293

That's not the origin of the term. Originally the term "unicorn" referred to the idol, not the fans, because a boyfriend-free adult woman is said to be as rare as a unicorn. But of course the usage shifted so that the term could be used as an insult.

>> No.32198238

Lots of words completely lost their original meaning anyway, since they've been used and twisted all over the place.
Stuff like unicorn, GFE or even parasocial.

>> No.32198253
File: 393 KB, 1444x1860, FaVKlClaUAA2xEz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm honestly glad that she was willing to defend those voicing their concerns and kept pushing back against the sea of vitriol and shitflinging, not only in the community post, but even during the stream chat. I knew she had a good heart and this whole debacle further reinforced my views of her.

>> No.32198293

No I know, the Unicorn still only refers to the idol. But the fans that are like that are called Unicorns for short hand because a Unicorn will only appear before/be captured by a virgin. The term is emphasizing the rarity. It is the origin of the term.

>> No.32198385

Yeah it's nice that someone doesn't leap to conclusions. I wonder if she knows how Discord and Reddit like to accuse everyone who enjoys Gura, of being a pedophile.

>> No.32198386
Quoted by: >>32198473

This was so good by Kronii, she is lucky that she didn't read it off stream and didn't rely on chat to explain their feelings, live chat can't be used like that, for her philosophy takes she wants us to make, they need to be in long form well thought out comments.

>> No.32198396
File: 892 KB, 2967x3407, 1661715372607467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love how she handled all of this and I feel guilty for making SHE HATES US posts last year now
kronii kakkoi!

>> No.32198401

my thoughts exactly
nice to have my loyalty to something rewarded for once
t. someone who has been betrayed by one too many causes. i dont mean vtubers i mean teams, groups, stuff like that.

>> No.32198436

Well thanks to the person who linked the unarchived stream, after watching it I have got to say she is a total sweetheart, gave a calm, non judgemental consideration to the admittedly selfish and unreasonable position of "don't collab with males because I find it unpleasant and don't want to see it".
It was especially nice how she shut down the direct callouts in the chat even with that one guy spamming stuff like "hound the incels out" for the entire vod it had an immediate effect on the rest of the chat which was remarkably understanding for such a contentious topic.

Watching her try to get it was admittedly frustrating, I still think the ideal scenario is where the chuuba actually intuitively understands male jealousy borne out of these kind of feelings and doesn't even need to address it in such a direct way because when the curtain is pulled back it sure feels pathetic to try to explain it, especially in a format like youtube chat. And her little excerpt from the book she picked is undoubtedly true and something I have always thought about in relation to kicking up a stink about this kind of thing in the first place, it's fundamentally destructive to any kind of relationship (such as it is between viewer and streamer) to sperg out and send condom money supas ect. It only reinforces my decision to just either not watch or peace out quietly if it gets too bad on the off chance I go through something like this with my oshi.

Outed myself as a tourist there, sorry for pirating members content but I genuinely think she was pretty great in that stream and despite her overall final position not being something I would necessarily want, it is very clear she cares a lot about her fans, regardless of how easy It would be to dunk on them she chose kindness instead.
Sorry for the mucho texto and I will member her in repentance for stealing members content.

>> No.32198473

>she is lucky that she didn't read it off stream
I mean if she had then maybe she wouldn't have been blindsided by it and end up banning all ships in a panic.

>> No.32198490
File: 24 KB, 620x320, 1643505800992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32198525

i know some person was posting frostpunk stuff as reaction images to what was going during this arc.
did they ever post this?
i think its suitable.

>> No.32198525

>Kronii refuses to change her policies in any way and yet everyone feels like they won
how does she do it

>> No.32198563

She's either a master politician or a retard with a max luck stat.

>> No.32198599
File: 16 KB, 428x424, 1647948541241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My philosophy major Oshi is too good man

>> No.32198626

I doubt she took any courses past introductory philosophy

>> No.32198632
Quoted by: >>32198812

Yes she does. Now fuck you for pirating that shit. Good that you are membering. Try to be an asset to the community and remember to be civil and well thought out should you post anything.

>> No.32198639
Quoted by: >>32198812

mucho texto but good texto.

>> No.32198640
Quoted by: >>32198812

hey the only tourists i personally dislike are those who have no real intention to understand whats going on. they only show up to stir up discord and then leave after the funs over. those i dislike.
people like you who genuinely want to understand and are willing to listen, those i approve of.
welcome aboard.

>> No.32198671
Quoted by: >>32198710

She has max luck.
She dropped out pretty early on it seems like.

>> No.32198710
Quoted by: >>32198794

you could say she has EX luck

>> No.32198794

Which is good because I've watched every stream of hers ever and I can say with confidence she has like -10 INT.

>> No.32198812

Thanks and I will, I was membered for a while around when she did the ryan gosling watchalong because I will never miss one of those but I will have to check out what I have missed in the meantime.

>> No.32198833
File: 285 KB, 1200x1051, foreverandever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32198930

The hymen has torn. She's now, and will forever be, a whore.

>> No.32198842

she's just not a "cunt" she read long time fans voicing their concern and didn't see them as bad people just because they where worried about the direction her content could be heading.
and you just know that she had to felt bad for those who got berated, mine was a harmless question about the timing of the schedule and people were barking at me for it.

>> No.32198930

This is a Kronie trying to hard to act like a tourist. You probably saw my post earlier comparing it to vatniks on /k/ and are trying to do a "cauldron is closing" meme. We have enough real raiders, don't need fake ones even for giggles.

>> No.32198985
Quoted by: >>32199047

I think I'm somewhere between a CGDCTfag and a unicorn. I'm aware my love for Kronii can't go anywhere. And I won't cause harm to the one I love just because she doesn't reciprocate. But the thought of seeing Kronii with a male does make my heart ache somewhat. Thankfully, how she talked about the issue reassured me that she isn't shunning me or anything like that. So I will continue to love Kronii.

>> No.32199047

>the thought of seeing Kronii with a male does make my heart ache somewhat
more than the thought of her interacting with males in private because you told her you don't want to be a part of it?

>> No.32199335

We're not out of this yet by the way. Reddit is still fucking seething. An hour ago someone posted a imgur link of all the CGDCTfags post in the top thread currently talking about Kronii's shipping clip. Everyone immediately starts talking about how creepy they are and calling them names, you know, the shit Kronii specifically just said not to do in the members stream earlier? It was the same exact comments she read too. The imgur has close to 2000 views already. So either they didn't watch the members stream or they just don't care.

>> No.32199444

I think for me it worked because the thing I feared most was Kronii telling me to fuck off for feeling hurt about the male collab because I would have nowhere else to go.

>> No.32199508
File: 80 KB, 1233x294, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like she's still replying to people on that clip.
In her own comment, very bottom of the reply chain.

>> No.32199556
File: 153 KB, 1206x669, seething.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're seething on yt too

>> No.32199572

>watching streams
why concern yourself with the ramblings of the ignorant

>> No.32199646

women moment

>> No.32199655

of course

>> No.32199677
Quoted by: >>32199966

It IS double standards though i dont think money is the factor here. More like just trying to avoid drama

>> No.32199678

>knows that people who posts lenghty posts are providing a reason for their opinion and some know it's unreasonable, so she says they are valid
>dismisses short posts because they aren't saying anything
>but being valid doesn't mean she's going to change anything, only that those people shouldn't be attacked for their views
And so everyone is happy.

>> No.32199705
Quoted by: >>32199857

I wish she would stop seeking out bait from people outside her fanbase

>> No.32199787
Quoted by: >>32200841

>So either they didn't watch the members stream or they just don't care.
Probably a combination of both. Just ignore the fuckers. The more they moan and cry about this, the more they're outing themselves as the exact same people that Kronii denounced on stream.

>> No.32199817

why does she suddenly "know" about idol culture?

>> No.32199823

Who does she think she is know? Some kind of top tier entertainer that makes viewers fall for her content?

>> No.32199834

Kronii pls let it go...

>> No.32199853

>STILL fucking worrying about clip comments
Kronii go to sleep you stupid retard. Also the way you worded this fuels into the "toxic idol culture" narrative and doesn't really address the CGDCTfags that you learned about in the member streams.
Every person in this screenshot is a fucking gray

>> No.32199857

Yeah, most people in those comments don't actually watch her streams. Who gives a fuck what they think?

>> No.32199941
File: 121 KB, 1920x1080, veryinvestedviewer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fag sure is working overtime in the reddit comments, I wonder how much of fan he is...

>> No.32199949

>Who gives a fuck?
her ego, Twitter will give her all the validation she wants

>> No.32199966
Quoted by: >>32200183

I mean she has a fucking job and she needs to make money. It's exactly like when people bitch about "How come WNBA players don't get paid the same as NBA players?"

WNBA games don't sell fucking tickets.

>> No.32199995

Stupid fucking clock don't look at the comments section of a fucking clip

>> No.32200004

>her last reply was just 30 minutes ago

>> No.32200022

>clips are my only sources of content, I don't even watch streams lmao
I hate him and I want him to fucking die.

>> No.32200063

>global tourist chiming in because they think she's dunking on idol culture
you fucking retard it's about the shipping and she is also retarded, she literally just learned about CGDCT

>> No.32200078


>> No.32200090
File: 453 KB, 1280x720, 1612037440621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32200293

Kronii has an IRL boyfriend (not you) who got jealous of Altare.

>> No.32200115


>> No.32200140

God, I hate these tourist normalfags.

>> No.32200179

>UNFORTUNATELY there are double standarda because of that gosh darn evil Idol Culture

>> No.32200183
File: 32 KB, 680x400, wnba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holostars doesn't bug me, you know? It doesn't bother me.
I'm not afraid of it or anything like that, you know, for the simple fact that I know it's gonna fail, you know?
And I take comfort in that, I do.
I'm not rooting for it because… I know it doesn't like me.
Yeah, do you know why I think it's not going to survive, why it's not going to be successful anyway?
'Cause they still need Hololive's help to make it happen.
I don't understand it. I don't understand why Homobeggars just can't work with each other and make this shit happen.
They keep coming to us, like, "More Hololive fans need to care about this issue."
"Where are the Holos to stand up and say something…yak-yak-yak."
Why do I have to fuckin' say something?
This is your fuckin' problem.
Why are you always dragging us into this shit?
I saw a Homobeggar a couple months back, professional faggot right?
They go onto /r Hololive on one of these subreddits and then starts bitching, going like, "I don't understand, how come Holostars don't make as much as Hololive?
Right? And all of these Holofans had to sit there and act like they didn't know what the answer was. They had to sit there, like, dumbfounded. Like, "Oh, I don't know."
"Why is that?"
"That is a conundrum. I have no idea."
Literally, I'm sitting at home screaming at the computer, "'Cause you don't sell any fuckin' tickets!"
Nobody is going to Holostars concerts.
You're playing in a 20,000-seat arena, 1,500 people show up. That's not a good night. Shinove lost his fucking ass on that gig.
I'm not saying no professional male streamers... Pewdiepie, the guys who play Minecraft, you know?
But nobody's watching your fuckin' Homos.
And then you're gonna come and you're gonna get mad at fuckin' Holofans.
They keep doing that shit. Why are you yelling at us? It's not our fucking job.
It's not my fuckin' job to give a fuck about Holostars, okay? I have Hololive to pay attention to.
This is... it's your bullshit, right?
Dude, look at the Holostars.
Dude, nobody in Holostars got COVID.
They have been streaming in front of 300 to 400 people a night for a quarter of a century.
Not to mention it's a Hololive-subsidized branch.
We gave ya a fuckin' branch
None of ya showed up.
Where are all the Homobeggars?
That place should be packed with Homobeggars.
Emoji spamming, wearing merch, throwing supas, goin' fuckin' nuts, like the Holofans do in the upper deck with their big beer titties.
"Did she read my supachat? Am I doing it?"
You didn't.
None of you, none of you watched the fuckin streams.
None of you. You all, you failed them, not me.
Not Hololive. Homobeggars failed the Holostars.
Homobeggars, name your top five all-time Holostars of all time.
Come on. Let's hear it. Name five Holostars talents.
Name the Holostar gen in your fuckin' city.
You can't do it!
You don't give a fuck about them.
They stream night in and night out in front of nobody.
It's a fuckin' tragedy, right?
And then meanwhile, you look at Pewdiepie he's making billions.
You look at those Minecraft streams, they're making money hand over fist 'cause that's what Homobeggars are watchin'. The money listens.
You don't wanna watch this shit, you're watching this shit.
They just shoot it over there, drowning these fags in money and Lambos and shoes and cunny.
It's just raining.
It's raining money.
Yeah. So, the money listens.
You'd rather watch that shit, Minecrafters, a bunch of men just playing block game.
"Well, maybe that's why your llama left you."
"Maybe that's why your dog left.
That's why you can't have puppies, bitch!"
"That's why you lost your Elytra bitch!." Right?
That's the message you sent.
"We would rather watch that than see a bunch of men come together as a team and try to achieve a common goal."
"We would rather watch them actually fucking destroy each other."
No, no, no.
And then in the end, you come back and you fuckin' yell at Holofans.
And it's like, let me get this straight, I have to supachat your Homo,get my Holo to collab with your nobody, and I have to watch Homostreams for you??
Like, when are you gonna pick up your end of the couch?

>> No.32200197

lmao graduation in 3, 2, 1...

>> No.32200244

Bros, is she a Karen? This was very Karen like.

>> No.32200289

stop egosearching you dumb retard
i know you're here, and you've said enough
let it die

>> No.32200293

This. I literally never saw anybody ever shipping them ANYWHERE outside of a few cuckposters here (and 1 youtube comment).

>> No.32200321

>works for an idol company
>thinks idol culture is unfortunate
What are you doing!?

>> No.32200343
File: 131 KB, 629x1173, 1652781471255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii either you or one of your friends are /here/, you aren't going to make everyone happy, the solution you have is the best you can do and placating people outside of your fanbase will not help.

>> No.32200367

she was doing a bit, anon

>> No.32200369
File: 32 KB, 408x247, 1659160554812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32200403


>> No.32200397

its a joke

>> No.32200403
Quoted by: >>32200551

That doesn't go against idol culture, you tourist.

>> No.32200426
Quoted by: >>32200532

Re-read it you retard, she thinks the double standard is unfortunate.

>> No.32200434

She's being SO retarded about this...

>> No.32200437

She was doing so well with the members stream and then in a retarded move just shot herself in the foot again. It's like she completely forgot what she learned about CGDCTfags. By the way I'm still blaming Nerrev for this shit, if this fucking clip channel didn't exist it wouldn't happen.

>> No.32200469

yeah, and if you're still here Kronii and you're still looking for feedback, you should create an avenue for that that your members can use instead of confronting randos in the comment sections of clips

>> No.32200492
File: 164 KB, 862x775, 1656570391695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shipping shit is making her pissed of at mundane things now.

>> No.32200502

how are you guys holding up

>> No.32200532
Quoted by: >>32200575

And if she thinks that she shouldn't go work for an idol company where such a double standard is the norm.
What was she thinking? How is it a bad think that shipping idol girls with men is frowned upon?

>> No.32200541

what is she doing....what the fuck is she doing....why she's not asleep?

>> No.32200551 [SPOILER] 
File: 46 KB, 350x287, Idol-Worship1.gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no idol in Hololive. Here's what a true idol looks like.

>> No.32200575

you can work for an institution and not agree with everything that institution does, anon

>> No.32200578
Quoted by: >>32201935

That's why you either tell the Homobeggars to fuck off and say you don't do homo collabs anymore, or you tell the unicorns to fuck off and collab with whoever whenever
literally no middle ground possible
It's sad that the culture war arrived at VTubing but you have to choose a side

>> No.32200583

That's not Sora.

>> No.32200592
File: 59 KB, 666x499, 1633550877034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32200667

that ain't my idol...

>> No.32200673
Quoted by: >>32200752

Sure, if you want to be a retarded hypocrite. Complaining about idol culture in an idol company is like complaining about violence in the army.

>> No.32200685

Reminder these are the people in these threads trying to gaslight you that YOU'RE the weirdo if you don't like seeing your oshi with a man. They don't even watch streams. They're just virtue signallers who want to own the incels.

>> No.32200752
Quoted by: >>32200805

>Sure, if you want to be a retarded hypocrite.
More like sure, if you don't want to starve while looking for an employer that agrees with all of your ideals exactly

>> No.32200758

lmao vshojo probably already shot her an email asking what she wants her avatar to look like loooooool

>> No.32200770

Really? Even when you actively benefit from the very thing you disagree with?

>> No.32200787

It is pretty unfortunate that shipping was not even the issue that people were getting upset about but Kronii either thought it was or kind of used it to address the actual issue in an oblique manner and set off a giant swathe of unrelated drama.

She really should not be trying to address the validity of hetero-same sex ships in a fucking clip channel comment thread - remember the kind of person who goes to those places.

>> No.32200805
Quoted by: >>32200879

Yeah, I'm sure she's close to starving if she were to quit working for Hololive.

>> No.32200823

We love Rushia here, fuck off

>> No.32200841

>Just ignore the fuckers
hope Kronii does the same desu

>> No.32200879
Quoted by: >>32200965

Where in capitalist society do you think she's gonna work where the culture is going to be an exact fit for her bleeding heart ideals? Wal-mart?

>> No.32200906

With how Coco is crashing and burning, good luck with them poaching any other talent.
Also Kronii would hate stuck up cunts like Vei and Nyanners.

>> No.32200918
File: 79 KB, 256x256, reinejitomei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32202118

>UNFORTUNATELY idol culture is a thing
wow... She finally showed her true color, she really does hate hololive
guess this is the last straw

>> No.32200921

For fucks sake you moron, this is why management told you to ignore it, because you always end up needing more and more posts to explain youself.
Now this one will lead to a "when I was talking about idol culture I was saying how some people get heated about different-sex pairings, not how idol culture was evil", which will just spiral into her saying something stupid that will need further clarification.
You gotta know when to stop.

>> No.32200959
Quoted by: >>32201029

Please respect her boundaries. What happen's between kronii and her sex friends is none of your business.

>> No.32200965
Quoted by: >>32201061

We're not talking about some small issue that she doesn't agree with, anon. We're talking about the very thing that makes Hololive what it is. It's an idol company. So yes, Wal-mart would probably fit her better, they don't give a shit about double standards when it comes to shipping.

>> No.32201021

Poor Kronii. She just wants to be understood. Unfortunately she is fucking terrible with words.

>> No.32201029

It is if it happens on stream. I've not once tried to dictate what she does on her private time

>> No.32201032
Quoted by: >>32201077

should have killed nerev long ago

>> No.32201061

Kronii doesn't disagree with idol culture on the whole, she disagrees with the segregation genders, which, may I remind you, Hololive doesn't even have an official policy promoting, and has plenty of mixed gender collabs.

>> No.32201064

>I don't even watch streams

>> No.32201066

If they start shitting on idol culture they will shit on Gura and practically the whole JP branch and trust me you don't want JP management involved in this...

>> No.32201067


>> No.32201077

Clippers are, as always, at fault for everything bad to ever happen in Hololive
Cover will kill clipper channels if they pull drama shit or misconstrue talent's words for clicks, as an FYI

>> No.32201120

my oshi

>> No.32201142
Quoted by: >>32201455

Nerrev if more shit comes from this, I am blaming you directly. You and your miserable fucking channel are the worst thing that happened to Kronii since Gabe. Honestly you should stop making clipos or at least disable all comments so my stupid fucking oshi doesn't get triggered and shoot herself in the foot every time she's unable to resist clicking on one of your shitty low effort vomits.

>> No.32201147
Quoted by: >>32201221

Another member stream this week?

>> No.32201152

Okay bros, if Kronii is gender fluid, does that mean I'm gay if she decided that she was a man while I ate her out? Cuz, I guess that situation I'm sucking her "dick"?

>> No.32201156

Congrats Kronii, we were doing so well and it seemed like the situation was over but you just threw a fucking gallon of gasoline onto it.

>> No.32201167

You have to be a special kind of retard to be watching hololive while hating "le idol culture"

>> No.32201221

Yes there's the watchalong
I don't think she'll do another damage control stream

>> No.32201225
File: 257 KB, 457x325, 1618531420652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reddit is still fucking seething. An hour ago someone posted a imgur link of all the CGDCTfags post in the top thread currently talking about Kronii's shipping clip
Now that's devilish, I wouldn't be surprised if the same fag who made that post also made that thread here, probably discordniggers.
You know what? I approve it, I want to see how far it goes.

>> No.32201227

Unfortunately the western internet exists, doesn't understand what it even means, and now made Kronii have a misunderstanding about it from their retarded misuse of the term

>> No.32201237
Quoted by: >>32201337

Why is she shitting on idol culture? Does she want anti?

>> No.32201249

It's the Kronii special baby!

>> No.32201256

Kobo does that th and she's winning

>> No.32201264
Quoted by: >>32201393

/infinty/, you caused this mess

>> No.32201267
Quoted by: >>32201387

>Hololive doesn't even have an official policy promoting
What? Holostars and Hololive are very much segregated for a reason.

>> No.32201337

She never should have even mentioned idol culture. She has no idea what it is and neither do most people. All she's done is invite people to shit on how hololive does things

>> No.32201357
Quoted by: >>32201499

They aren't really watching Hololive.
She's so fucking stupid. Honestly the best thing would be to ratio that comment so nobody sees it but I'm sure it's already too late and some faggot has posted it to Reddit. Or maybe Nerrev could delete it. Or better yet his whole fucking channel.

>> No.32201387
Quoted by: >>32201516

And they're free to collab with each other whenever they want. It's the talents that self-segregate.

>> No.32201389
Quoted by: >>32201427

I hate Gabe so much right now

>> No.32201393
Quoted by: >>32201430

Does nerrev count as /∞/?

>> No.32201398
File: 18 KB, 251x360, 1657969975187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32201483

Stay strong

>> No.32201410

let's hope no one translates this to Japanese, the Japanese Hololive fans = Idol Fans would get JP management involved, that would be the worst outcome because you do NOT want them breathing down your neck

>> No.32201417
Quoted by: >>32201457

>she disagrees with the segregation genders
she never said that

>> No.32201427
Quoted by: >>32201485

This but kronii

>> No.32201430

No he's just a nigger.

>> No.32201433

She should have asked her senpais or gen mates how to handle this

>> No.32201455
Quoted by: >>32201581

The fucker is making things worse with his fucking clips by baiting retards who don't know shit about the situation.

>> No.32201457

she collabed with holostars this week, anon

>> No.32201471

Why is your oshi so fucking dumb?

>> No.32201481
File: 2.99 MB, 960x404, Kronies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. Is this shipping shit going to permanently damage this fanbase?

>> No.32201483
File: 13 KB, 209x213, 1661656269158248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32201755

dude she's so retarded...

>> No.32201485

why not both?

>> No.32201499

>pls censor!
Okay, you don't have to damage control for Kronii here. She has made clear that she doesn't want harassment from unicorns and stated "idol culture" as the issue

>> No.32201512

she has the blood of an internet autist running through her veins, like us

>> No.32201515

I feel like she did, and Mori was the only one currently available...

>> No.32201516
Quoted by: >>32201591

it was clear that holostars CAN'T ask any hololive member for a collab, unless it's the holo girls herself who asked for it

>> No.32201517

>Yes there's a double standard
>UNFORTUNATELY, it's because idol culture is a thing
Oh god, Kronii WHY??

>> No.32201547

Because she has good luck so when she manages to succeed she doesn't learn anything. Failure is a great teacher.

>> No.32201562
Quoted by: >>32201612

This is just because she didn't go to bed and decided to look at clips again after saying she's trying to not
So the solution is to kill Nerrev, clearly

>> No.32201571

Even Mori wouldn't be dumb enough to encourage her to do something as retareded as this.
This is 10000% on Kronii.

>> No.32201581
Quoted by: >>32201635

I told you fucks he was gonna double down after he got blamed by Kronii. I fucking told you! Kronii should've not said shit because she seems incapable of understanding that people were mad at the collab for having males and not whatever the fuck this is at this point now.

>> No.32201591

If it's so clear, where's the official source of that claim? Because I hate to break it to you, but Tempus and Hololive EN share a discord server.

>> No.32201610

thanks i hate it

>> No.32201612

I've been saying that except for all clipniggers who don't translate for fucking years. And everyone told me I was overreacting.

>> No.32201635

>double down
on what, he didn't post anything new, this is all on kronii, it's still the same comment as his last clip

>> No.32201645

>Shipping shit
It was never about shipping. We don't want male collabs period. Trying to dodge the issue by talking about "shipping" is making the situation worse. She needs to make a stand and say she will not alienate her gachis.

>> No.32201650

Straight from StarsJP and Tempus on many repeated separate occasions. And Altare in his streams have wrangled his chat several times telling them to stop begging for collabs.

>> No.32201655

>collab drama is done, over, settled
>new drama over shipping (?) based on her initial misinterpretation is garnering attention
>she's still responding to it on a clip channel of all places
Out of the frying pan and into the fire. How the fuck did this snowball into a whole different issue is beyond me.

>> No.32201659
Quoted by: >>32201695

Where is the proof for THAT claim?

>> No.32201673

It honestly sounds like she's more bothered by the shipping done by shitposters anyway than anything else.

>> No.32201694
Quoted by: >>32201764

it's not a new drama, it's just a variant on the same drama

>> No.32201695

It's how Kronii and Vesper got talking to each other. Kronii saw that Vesper was having difficulty with a tech issue, and offered to help.

>> No.32201699
Quoted by: >>32201789

Kronii is going to enter into deep depression over this

>> No.32201711

>Barely streams
>Collabs with males
>Hates idol culture
Wow all that I ever wanted in an oshi. Subbed and membered!

>> No.32201717

And now its in the catalogue. Jesus Christ, I was gonna suggest nuking this thread and not talking about it but too late for that now. Honestly if she graduates for this, I won't even be sad, just angry.

>> No.32201720
File: 182 KB, 317x319, 1661610324615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does blue guy think about all of this?

>> No.32201724

Blame Gabe for enabling the schizos to come out of the wood work. And you know... the insecure ones.

>> No.32201755
File: 356 KB, 335x489, 1630099552461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just needs to shut up and move on. It's what moom did with dan dan

>> No.32201757

>unfortunately idol culture is a thing
but the money is good though

>> No.32201763

Why did she have to mention that idol culture bit? Actually, why is she commenting on a fucking clipper channel at all? Just move on the situation was defused

>> No.32201764

Same difference but the point stands. Her initial misinterpretation of the drama has basically opened a whole different can of worms.

>> No.32201768

Is nerrev here? Please delete kronii's comment cause it might cause more harm to kronii herself. Somebody should dm t-chan to tell kronii to delete it too.

>> No.32201784

She literally snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. This fucking retard.

>> No.32201790

He doesn't, he doesn't care because it doesn't affect him. He's played minecraft for 12 hours and then went to bed.

>> No.32201789

She kinda deserves. Not for the collab but for what she's doing now

>> No.32201797

>Honestly if she graduates for this.
For what? what the fuck are you talking about anon.

>> No.32201811
Quoted by: >>32202552

He's actually having a hard time with the hate. In his recent minecraft endurance stream, he mentioned that he doesn't do well with hate. So, I guess that's what blueman thinks. Anti's live in his head cause he's brand new.

>> No.32201829
Quoted by: >>32201922

is this going to get worse bros???

>> No.32201832
Quoted by: >>32202170

Funny enough, in his short stay in Hololive, he's the only one in EN so far to legitimately shit on chat when they go the direction he's not comfortable in.
He's going to be 100% fine.

>> No.32201835

This is so hot
Imagine her quadrupling her body weight just for your pleasure. Destroying herself with no chance of returning to her old self just to get you off.

>> No.32201854

>graduates for this,
you're batshit insane

>> No.32201918
File: 104 KB, 592x826, 1662031202389635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32201922

now that she has pretty much said "idol culture bad", yes

>> No.32201935

There could have been a middle ground. Just say before the collab that you were invited by Calli and didn't want to be rude to the guys but it won't be a regular thing. The mistake was trying to sneak it though and then acting suprised

>> No.32201946

She should unironically learn from him

>> No.32201952


>> No.32201955


>> No.32201981

kek good one

>> No.32201987


>> No.32201990
File: 67 KB, 234x230, 1642087576406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32202174


>> No.32202015

Forgot to change the dates fag.

>> No.32202024

I really don't want to have to find a new oshi again...

>> No.32202031
File: 521 KB, 1910x2000, TheodoreNugent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori get the fuck outta here.

>> No.32202065


>> No.32202113

U gay?

>> No.32202118

That's fine, not correct but it does the job she is still in the right.

>> No.32202130

Your meat is weak and your spirit is broken.

>> No.32202156

The worst part is that the issue isn't even the shipping in the first place. Literally no one does that in the entirety of Hololive (or even idols in general) except shitposters or antis with too much money commissioning artists.
People simply aren't interested in collabs with Stars, that's it.
But she somehow turned this into a completely different issue and somehow managed to include idol culture in it.

>> No.32202170

>he mentioned that he doesn't do well with hate
Probably too much to go through the 11 hours stream, but you got a timestamp?

>> No.32202174
Quoted by: >>32202316

You all joke, but Mori and Kronii will inevitably get a lot closer from this because their views align and Mori will help Kronii deal with "the haters". Mori will become a mentor/ best friend with Kronii after this and you can expect MANY collabs. Enjoy.

>> No.32202177

Nerrev just fucking nuke and disable the comments my god

>> No.32202205

i'm starting to believe that kronii has a crush on somebody for real
yes, that's me

>> No.32202250

she really is an idiot savant after all

>> No.32202252

well with all that shit is heading you can be certain she'll never want to deal with male collab ever again

>> No.32202307
Quoted by: >>32202389

Looks like you guys attracted the attention of the anti discord that has been attacking Mikeneko for the past couple of months. I wish you luck they're pure AIDS and will samefag relentlessly to try and drum this up into a big yab

>> No.32202306

more like males certainly will try to avoid her at all costs

>> No.32202309
Quoted by: >>32202425

I just don't understand it, though. She could have said nothing and 99% of people would have forgotten it in a week

>> No.32202317

This thread turned into an anti Kronii thread real quick I fucking knew it ahahahahaahaahaahha. This is so funny, gonna keep ljrking herr

>> No.32202316
Quoted by: >>32202439

That wasn't a joke retardchama, that anon forgot to edit out mori's handle.
I'm waiting for her to become Rushia 2.0, it would be much funnier than having another pink woman

>> No.32202321

maybe she contacted mori for advice and she told her to clarify..

>> No.32202324

I thought Nerrev is a real fan. Why would he shoot his oshi in the tits with this?

>> No.32202331

Yeah, she just invoked the "muh idol culture" hololive antis from twitter, this is going to get much worse

>> No.32202351

She shouldn't have in the first place! Mori should have warned her! it's a biggest possible drama magnet

>> No.32202365
Quoted by: >>32202422

Why is she so dumb, bros?

>> No.32202367

In a way it is, and in a way it isn't
It's why "business yuri" works so well, keeps a firm reminder that you don't have to worry about men
Until you have to start worrying about women because Hololive turned them prison gay

>> No.32202372

She could go down the Bae and Mori route

>> No.32202374

On the internet, the one wrong word can fuck you up.
Sadly Kronii is terrible with words. The comment literally reads like she's bowing to the will of rabid incels.

>> No.32202389
File: 161 KB, 381x374, 1661636161909639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah they've been going at it since the collab but they don't realize how batshit insane >we are

>> No.32202422

She is trying, she will get there.

>> No.32202425

She's still looking at clip channels and comments even though she was trying not to
So at this point the clip channels have to fucking go if she won't stop looking

>> No.32202426

Hope all this headache was worth it to play with some faggots who are basically strangers

>> No.32202434
Quoted by: >>32202522

This will be at the cost of her ditching intimate streams and spaces with us. She will feel scared of leading us on again and avoid it at all costs.

>> No.32202439

I know... that's... the joke

>> No.32202444

It wasn't during the endurance but he immediately shut down the "is your sister single?" he mentioned his sister.
He also constantly says shit that can is pretty yab even for a holo talent. Hence the "hiding the toxicity" and "he's going to say the n-word" meme.
He also immediately banned the word ame, amelia, and other variations in chat after some containment breaking faggot condom sc'd him.

>> No.32202445


>> No.32202467
Quoted by: >>32202566

She is parroting shit she doesn't understand at all and is learning on the fly since that fucking collab, how didn't management told them how to react to that kind of shit....

>> No.32202469

>idol culture is a thing
well, i guess that's it

>> No.32202471
Quoted by: >>32202534

What is going on? I slept through the sc reading,she said something in the stream to get us back to this situation?

>> No.32202473

Cronies what is wrong with your oshi she is going to self destruct if she continues to do this

>> No.32202509
Quoted by: >>32202606

unicorn delusion

>> No.32202522
Quoted by: >>32202730

She wont, last strem and members proved it, her base is already settled and she made her opinion clear.

>> No.32202534

Management is probably going to tell her the moment they wake up to drop it and never talk about it again or she's getting silently suspended.
No, the SC reading went fine, but then she couldn't sleep and decided to read the comments of clips and posted a really retarded comment

>> No.32202547
File: 50 KB, 680x680, 1661934329048267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, it feels so comfy to take a break.

>> No.32202552

I fucked up, sorry. >>32202170 meant to >>32201811

>> No.32202562
File: 424 KB, 849x1200, please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst thing about all of this is nothing bad actually happened. She just played a game with two males and two females and had fun. She laughed no harder than she has done before and the moment was legit funny. The Tempus guys did nothing wrong either. It's such a shame people have lost sight of the reality of the situation.

>> No.32202566

They told her she didn't have to say anything but she ignores them. EN management is awful if you haven't realized. Omega is the worst tard wrangler ever

>> No.32202582

scroll up you lazyronies
goddammit kronii it was going so well too

>> No.32202590

It'll be the reverse. The homos will avoid her because they will feel like this is their fault.

>> No.32202593

everything will go to shit on twitter, reddit and YouTube comments, faggots will invade this thread like yesterday and the day before that

is there any hope left now that she literally opened a new can of worms?

>> No.32202606

retard Kronii doesn't handle being put on the spot like this, she will try to avoid this kind of trouble in the future

>> No.32202608
File: 259 KB, 1522x888, tourists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32202921

For a glorious brief few hours, we were in the best timeline. CGDCTfags had won and Kronii was understanding and loving.

Then she went and did this. Now all the raiders have ammo that Kronii really is being held hostage and all the ACTUAL Unicorns are going to be like HOW DARE YOU SHIT ON HOLOLIVE'S IDOL CULTURE.

Nerrev kill yourself. This is your fault.

>> No.32202613

This is the difference between and idiot(mori) and a menhera(kronii)

>> No.32202615

He will not give in to hate, just try it, he will get all views and engagements, even superchats.

>> No.32202632

is your oshi ogey

>> No.32202643

Management will never suspend someone over this, it would look incredibly bad and enable anti-idol culture flags to make it a case of "management suppressing her"

>> No.32202674

the ip count is rapidly rising...

>> No.32202721

If she could just edit that comment and remove the "unfortunately because idol culture is a thing"
It still gets the point across and does not give antis yet another thing to latch onto to stir shit with, I know the damage is already done here but I honestly hope either she removes that part asap to avoid any blowback from the JP side or just a general talking to from management for going off in a fucking clip comment section.
Don't you just love clippers?

>> No.32202724


>> No.32202728
File: 37 KB, 383x385, 1662010832640963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32202827


>> No.32202730

She made her opinion clear in an unarchived members stream that not everybody saw. And now she is making her opinion very unclear in a fucking CLIPNIGGER COMMENT that everyone will see. The stream was over an hour. That comment takes a minute to read.

>> No.32202737

prepare for unicorn and homobeggar tourists

>> No.32202740

unicorns are cancer, yes

>> No.32202757

She tried to defend you grays and this is what you do to her, you ungrateful cunts.

>> No.32202770
Quoted by: >>32202877

Clearly we need to start cumming on them

>> No.32202772
Quoted by: >>32203077

You know dramafags already have this in their screenshot folder, right?

>> No.32202787

she's retarded and doesn't understand much about hololive, doing that first collab pull her through stuff she didn't expected and she doesn't know how to deal with any of it...

>> No.32202789

Damn she really is having spaghetti spilling meltdown today isn't she?

>> No.32202798
Quoted by: >>32202960

Kronies, why is your oshi like this?

>> No.32202803

It's kinda kronii's fault for even addressing it in the first place, she has so many fans that tell her they like her and she goes tunneling on the few unicorns she has. Its just women syndrome kek.

>> No.32202827

The person he caught was Bae btw

>> No.32202837

Cover is uncancellable by twitter. They are entirely self sufficient and mostly rely on JP sponsors and companies. Even if literally ALL other chuubas blacklistes them it would barely make a dent

>> No.32202841
File: 40 KB, 369x466, 1652543690338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32203033

things still crazy or should I come back another time?

I miss old /infinity/...

>> No.32202846

Management is fucking stupid. Why the fuck do they let the talents to reply to random clip using their holo account? Fucking dumbass of a management.

>> No.32202853

So management was unironically right about just ignoring the backlash instead of addressing it?

>> No.32202855

I can't believe that I have to educate people about CGDCTfags on the fucking internet of all places. Giving normalfags easier access was a mistake.

>> No.32202877
Quoted by: >>32203011

Cum on me all you want. It can't undo the load that Kronii already dumped on all her fellow holomems metaphorically of course

>> No.32202914

Kinda on her too for setting boundaries way too late after cultivating a schizo den of a fanbase.

>> No.32202913

It's just going to make everything even worse, what is done is done anyway.
She just needs to STOP.

>> No.32202917
File: 11 KB, 615x215, Screenshot (1127).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Kronii and I think this shit is hilarious. I'm trying to screencap as many tweets like this as I can.

>> No.32202921
Quoted by: >>32203079

You got an unedited version of this chart it's pretty funny and accurate

>> No.32202933

>jp side
I really hope not because the antis from the jp side could use this against her.

>> No.32202938

Hello en management, time to fucking step in.

>> No.32202958

No... the drama should have been over by now...

>> No.32202960

her stupidity gets her in and out of trouble

>> No.32202963

Just stand back and let the Homobeggar harass her so she doesn't want to associate with them anymore

>> No.32202979

No she addressed it fine in the members unarchived. Then she undid it by posting this. The irony is she just wants to explain herself fully and now she's going to have to explain even more because she tried to explain herself and fucked up.

>> No.32202983

Kronii needs to relax with some medication

>> No.32202993

/mans/ here, we are fucking tired of your fucking schizos coming in and blaming us for your stupid clock woman's inability to keep her mouth shut.
Your schizo started this, so now fucking fix it or deal with it. We don't fucking care. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.32203011
Quoted by: >>32203087

what? they invited her for a dumb collab that would only get drama.

>> No.32203033
File: 297 KB, 3440x2150, 1660601138500049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss when /∞/ did game nights.

>> No.32203039

>breaking the tenets
Begone, catalogfag, you are no son of /MANS/

>> No.32203059


>> No.32203077
Quoted by: >>32203179

I don't care about the catalogfags they are obviously going to run with this, I am more talking about rectifying what her official youtube channel is commenting. If cover gives a shit about this it will be due to her comment as it is on youtube not whatever screenshot people here bandy around.

>> No.32203079


>> No.32203085

Why are you even worried, we're protected by the Fujos and yumejos posting their fics and fanart.

>> No.32203087

And she chose to go nuclear instead of letting it quietly pass by

>> No.32203088

No, not addressing anything is also bad. What should've been done is to put a community post and be done with it. None of this circus of replying to a clipper video.

>> No.32203099

Of course she cares about money. She doesnt do this chuuba shit for free anon - also it will likely to count towards her performance index

>> No.32203107
Quoted by: >>32203123

She collabed with males. Nobody wanted that.

>> No.32203112


>> No.32203118

>what's a falseflag?
welcome to 4chan retard. some niggers are falseflagging /mans/ as well
now go back

>> No.32203123

I did

>> No.32203138
Quoted by: >>32203182

You caused all of this, why didn't you stay in your lanes? the fans were here first you just came, courtesy says that you back off

>> No.32203153

Nerrev needs to hide the comments from that video before things get worse then

>> No.32203157

Not only did she undone it she actually managed to make it quite a bit worse. The only saving grace is comments on some clip channel are not as visible as tweets but people are spreading it around already

>> No.32203165

I think the issue was worth addressing like she did in her members stream earlier. This post was unnecessary, though.

>> No.32203179
Quoted by: >>32203201

That idol culture comment could be suspension-worthy if the jp side gets offended.

>> No.32203181
Quoted by: >>32203243

>your fucking schizos
we arent responsible for catalogniggers, sis

>> No.32203182
Quoted by: >>32203284

Mori didn't stay in her lane retardchama...

>> No.32203184
Quoted by: >>32203243

>your fucking schizos
catalogniggers aren't us you faggot

>> No.32203193

Pretty sure Nerrev only cares about the clicks, and now it'll do numbers

>> No.32203201


>> No.32203212

>Nerrev LIKED the comment

>> No.32203219
Quoted by: >>32203546

It's all over reddit already

>> No.32203229

go back tourist

>> No.32203243
Quoted by: >>32203319

When did Gabe become a catalognigger?
Or are you guys just pretending now he didn't do what he did?

>> No.32203254

holy shit

>> No.32203274
File: 296 KB, 2048x2048, 1657409497854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.32203284
Quoted by: >>32203694

They could have stopped mori, the JP stars stop Ollie all the time. I guess they are too new and don't know how this works yet.

>> No.32203285

Some men just want to watch the world burn, Master Wayne.

>> No.32203308

>Mori 2.0

>> No.32203319
Quoted by: >>32203412

i don't know if this faggot is in /man/ i don't go there

>> No.32203320

liking it doesn't feature it more because it's on the reply chain of her previous, pinned comment

>> No.32203324

G'Morning. I see Kronii is still going. Just tell what is in your mind Kronii, that you find collabs with man restriction to be stupid, we all know you think that.

Anyway, Kronii love!
SpaceTime forever!
This timeloop hate!

>> No.32203333

>implying Kronies here leave infinity
Fuck off catalogfags.

>> No.32203342

>bring attention to a comment with both "double standards" and "idol culture" in the same sentence
It's over. She has officially tarnished her reputation with the idol community.

>> No.32203356
Quoted by: >>32203489

not even close

>> No.32203361

Is Nerrev even a member? What the fuck is he doing? He's literally making this shit worse. Fucking disable the comments already you fucking retard.

>> No.32203384

I just wanted to ask something, although this is a memba leak so I'll just spoiler it.

did she really stream 13 hours ago? referring to that feel cute(fused) post. I was away, goddamn boss won't hire new employees so i hafta take a lot of shifts.

>> No.32203395

she needs 3 more yabs to be one

>> No.32203398

At this point his shit just needs to be shown to the Cover staff handling clippers so they can yeet it into oblivion for his bullshit

>> No.32203404
File: 325 KB, 1107x2048, 1658331557125226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are brown tits fine too?

>> No.32203409
File: 1.42 MB, 800x2067, Fa0JIzvUIAUxGRM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32203636

You know what, maybe we're just blowing this out of proportion. Maybe things aren't that bad. The Redditfaggots already think idol culture is toxic. Kronii is retarded and always has been. Everyone already made up their mind, the only person who hadn't was Kronii and then she did that on the unarchived members. She learned about CGDCTfags and accepted them. I'm going to sleep, hopefully this will blow over. The only bad thing is the threads will be shit again, the IP count is already rising. But Kronii always comes out on top somehow. Stupid fucking clock.

>> No.32203412

>playing dumb about Gabe the Kroniinigger that started this mess with his fucking thesis

>> No.32203413

If it wasnt for idol culture i could have fondled those

>> No.32203432

It always comes back to that one Hololive woman...

>> No.32203440

dude he's been a member for a year ffs...

>> No.32203450
Quoted by: >>32203717


>> No.32203460

He's currently in free chat, yell at him there.

>> No.32203472
Quoted by: >>32203717

Yes, it was unarchived

>> No.32203475

I was thinking like 8 with 1 of them being potentially getting her genmate raped

>> No.32203477
Quoted by: >>32203568

Its all going well then suddenly she can't sleep lol.

Though this probably gonna make collab more rarer now but she gonna entice the tourist again since they gonna hope they would change her stance.

>> No.32203482
Quoted by: >>32203608

Yes brown tits are fine too

>> No.32203489

Closer than she's ever been

>> No.32203493

At this point, he is clearly an Anti doing his best to kill Kronii. This has more evidence than Putin being a CIA asset destroying Russia from the inside.

>> No.32203496

>sees shit show
Put 2 and 2 together? Or does it need to spelled out to you?

>> No.32203503

I miss you brown sugar beauty…

>> No.32203504

It's gonna be allright

>> No.32203521

can't imagine how any of you guys can be ok with what she said in the member stream. fuck I hope not all chuubas are like her

>> No.32203546

ffs why can they just accept a compromise?they get their homo collab and her own channel is homo free

>> No.32203564
Quoted by: >>32203728

i like both tempus and kroni but yes this one is on kroni

>> No.32203568

Mori is gonna come in to save her and groomer her into the "own the haters" team

>> No.32203580

>male collab
>responding to retarded SCs and chatters
>retarded twitter posts
>(New) posting retarded youtube comments TWICE
>ignoring management
I'm afraid she has done more than that friend

>> No.32203587

Have fun replying to yourselves fags. I'm going to sumeru

>> No.32203600

Y'know if this level of shitflinging from homobeggars actually causes her to just straight up stop Homo collabs - just to avoid all the drama - it'd be nice.

>> No.32203608
File: 406 KB, 2080x2637, 1654557626879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32203626

I mean of course it's going to be alright, tourists just get bored and move on to the new shiny thing anyway
So give it a day or two until another company has a "yab"

>> No.32203629
Quoted by: >>32203848

you don't understand anon
kronii is going to get fired because she said something vaguely negative about idol culture

>> No.32203636
File: 195 KB, 339x346, 1651628939474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, this could very well work in our favor in some way. If tourists and redditors throw a tantrum over her comments, then they're the ones who end up looking bad vs the Kronies. Am I crazy or am I crazy???

>> No.32203637
File: 23 KB, 313x360, 1656030653678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if we are in a time loop because Kronii finally got ice cream?

>> No.32203641

>/mans/ here
>not following the commandments
i bet you dont even know what those are
begone false flagger

>> No.32203688

The CGDCT faction wins in the end because the homobeggers overextended instead of being happy they killed the unicorns.

>> No.32203694
Quoted by: >>32203941

>rejecting a senpai's offer to collab
the most disrespectful thing you can do. Tempus was in a lose lose situation from the start.
>but then I don't have to
No nigger, your feelings aren't part of their job description. Continue on with bullying a mentally ill retard woman behind a computer screen and punishing her for something stupid.

>> No.32203717
Quoted by: >>32203811

FUCK. oh well, i'll try to watch the vod if I can find it... later. On my day off...

>> No.32203728

she is harassed by both sides and they wont be satisfied until she cuts into her own flesh, She should just have never accepted and Mori should know better

>> No.32203729


They already did that by spamming hate message to Gabe comment last time this probably the last straw she gonna really avoid collab.

>> No.32203730
Quoted by: >>32203850

She didn't address it fine because she tried to fence-sit too hard. She should have either outright stated that she wasn't collabing with dudes anymore OR that she was going to keep doing it and gachis should fuck off. Even the Reddit beggars have accepted that certain girls will never ever collab with the homos, if Kronii had just come out and said that it would have been the end of the discussion. But she wanted to keep being "one of the good ones" who don't actively avoid the homos which just opened the door to homobeggars who are disappointed that she's still trying to meet the other side halfway.

>> No.32203758


>> No.32203807

Even the redditors think she should shut up already lol. If it is on reddit, t-chan might notice it. Come on t-chan pls contact en manager asap.

>> No.32203811

Ganbare anon...

>> No.32203820
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32204018

Is this going to be the start of depression arc 2.0?

>> No.32203836
Quoted by: >>32203958

>comments are turned off
thank christ.
too little too late but at least hes doing something

>> No.32203848

She can backtrack if she needs to, her actions are in favor of Idol culture anyways.

>> No.32203850

Do your english reps, she stated her position clearly.

>> No.32203857

Her membership fucking bullied and gaslit her even further than any fucking tourist or beggar has done since the collab. She is a victim but she was told to ignore it and she naaaah I'll try to reason with schizos. Self inflicted gunshot victim hood deserves no pity.

>> No.32203897

Messaged Nerrev to disable comments hopefully he saw it.

>> No.32203905

>Her membership fucking bullied and gaslit her

>> No.32203907

Just because she's the victim of this doesn't mean she should throw away the basics of pr, you nigger.
She's making it worse for herself for not shutting up. Unless she wants to be the next Rushia by being a dumbass.

>> No.32203928

sure discordnigger

>> No.32203932

Nerrev, you absolute fucking retard, stop making clips of shit like this.

>> No.32203941
Quoted by: >>32204669

are they /Mans/ or not, Mori shouldn't guide their careers, its a bad look on them.

>> No.32203950

Question isn't if he saw it, it's if he cares

>> No.32203958
Quoted by: >>32204014

Oh fuck well there you go >>32203836

>> No.32204006
File: 3 KB, 555x237, 1634304796962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32204014
Quoted by: >>32204420

Alright, now we all pretend this didn't happen

>> No.32204018
File: 302 KB, 429x681, 1639349158667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope for another 'shoot everything' stream. Kronii's going to war. She just need to backtrack and say 'fuck all of you, I'll do as I please, if I want to collab with Stars I'll do it, if not I won't, you won't define what I stream.' And then end the topic, ignoring whatever comments come next.

>> No.32204046

fuckin finally

>> No.32204074

All is good, it's disabled, now she just need to do a tweet praising idol culture again and it's over.

>> No.32204077
File: 622 KB, 778x930, 1656960144523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really have a way with words, don't they?

>> No.32204080
Quoted by: >>32204253

You need to understand both sides if you want to remain impartial.
And from an impartial point of view, she is throwing fuel to the fire.

>> No.32204092

Good, now t-chan only needs to delete that reddit thread.

>> No.32204112
Quoted by: >>32204158

Now hopefully dramatubers weren't awake yet to witness this or they'll milk it to oblivion.

>> No.32204118
File: 131 KB, 842x597, 1660120465660777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1st oshi was Coco
>2nd was Sana
>3rd is currently Kronii
I swear to fucking god if this shit convinces Kronii to graduate I am fucking ending myself. I can't handle thinking about it.

>> No.32204126

>Bow to the pressure of the holobeggers
Kronii doesn't bow to the demands of terrorists.

>> No.32204158

Too little too late, the screencap is circulating.
Thanks guys, I hate all of you.

>> No.32204178
Quoted by: >>32204239

The best ending is "Kronii does what she wants and won't cave to harassment, but she also disapproves of bullying unicorns so cut that shit out"

>> No.32204204

Yes I'm sure tripling down will solve all of this

>> No.32204214
File: 13 KB, 512x512, it's over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

save us all the time, why wait?

>> No.32204230
File: 24 KB, 702x326, 1631194289170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they mean by this?

>> No.32204239
Quoted by: >>32204315

That's her current stance essentially, look at what she fucking did despite that?

>> No.32204247

kronii is stronger than this
hold on kronie
we will survive this together

>> No.32204253

yes but she was thrown into a situation she has no idea about, and Mori went through this before and could have AT LEAST warned her, actually recruited her for her war, Kronii never knew she was about to go to battle and Mori put a gun in her hands. Kronii realized she has no dog in this fight AT ALL she just want out.

>> No.32204269
Quoted by: >>32204333

Finally, now Kronii should just drop this issue and move on.

>> No.32204297

But she already formulated her own opinion/stance on the issue. Why would this new drama make Kronii want to collab with males more?

>> No.32204301

The next move is just shutting the fuck up, doing the Superhot stream and if she gets any more SCs referencing it just don't bring them up.

>> No.32204315

she's still working on the "not giving in to harassment part"

>> No.32204325

Her fanbase literally caused this with their incel comments and superchats.

>> No.32204333

There was never an issue to begin with at least not from Kronii's perspective, the ones that should move on are the unicorns.

>> No.32204334

Such is the life of an idol. I just want to know what delusion they're under thinking they don't have unicorns and that they aren't going to turn on them.

>> No.32204363

Isn't that the discord faggot.

>> No.32204367
File: 3.02 MB, 1920x1080, 1659216042019239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay strong fellow kronilite...

>> No.32204420

We are never going to let this go. Don't be naive.

>> No.32204434

This guy isn't from mans btw, he's breaking the commandments

>> No.32204440
Quoted by: >>32204536

>Doesnt agree with them
>Harrass Kronii
Hope you guys know that you're worse than incels

>> No.32204479

Is it that hard not to talk shit about idol culture? Just remind them every single week during meetings that whenever they type "idol" in any social media account to just not post it and submit it to management first for approval.

>> No.32204536

the homobeggar-unicorn horseshoe is real

>> No.32204535
File: 251 KB, 363x363, 1656369153357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, Kronies still won even if the touristfags are getting uppity and nothing will change that

>> No.32204560
Quoted by: >>32204683

I'm pretty sure half of this thread would follow you

>> No.32204576

She's stubborn as fuck as well. Management told her to SHUT UP and yet look what happened.
Not even Mori can save this dumbass if management wasn't able to do shit.

>> No.32204615

>still collabing with men
>says in the comments she doesn't shipping but muh idol culture prevents it
not even 12 hours later and she already fucking lied

>> No.32204620

stop posting this kronii face

>> No.32204624

Wasn't your fault unless you're one of those whose bullied her for the Taiwan issue.
No one's fault.
Not you fault if you aren't an shitstirrer, whatever side you're on.

>> No.32204643


>> No.32204669

>are they /mans/ or not
/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>7. Hey guess what I heard from Hololive/Nijisanji!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>8. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.
do they follow the commandments? if not theyre not /mans/ posters

>> No.32204683
File: 294 KB, 1034x2048, 1660597250755247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there is a suicide pact in place for if/when she does graduate.

>> No.32204692

What did he do now? Or are you commenting on the freechat

>> No.32204710

Dont blame her afterwards this shit is Mori's, all actions afterwards are Kronii's inexperience. she is trying to do the right thing as best as she can, dont you DARE to blame this on her.

>> No.32204714


>> No.32204721
Quoted by: >>32204879

this is technically breaking the commandments
>and so am I
So cease and return

>> No.32204720

>comments disabled
I have a question, does this mean that the comments are gone forever or it's still there if he somehow turned it on again?

>> No.32204727

>The CGDCT faction wins in the end
I'm a happy guy then.

>> No.32204762

Wait, don't kill yourself without oshiing Ollie first

>> No.32204795
Quoted by: >>32204904

Keep coping, nobody won, and it shows right now.

>> No.32204806
Quoted by: >>32204913

They're still there, yes

>> No.32204815
Quoted by: >>32204929

Knowing youtube's shit coding, they're deleting.

>> No.32204825

He's a fucking ESL AND a retard, it's like talking to a brick wall.

>> No.32204839

Good, Holos doing CGDCT are far more interesting than watching CGDCT anime.

>> No.32204879


>> No.32204892

She is in the position of power as long as Cover allows her to do so. If she wants to double down, the bigger majority will back her up and the minority on /vt/ will do nothing because they hold no actual power.
This will go sideways if she decides to have a mental breakdown (like Mori) instead of holding her position of power (like Gura).
This is a mental battle and her biggest enemy is herself.

>> No.32204904
Quoted by: >>32204977

Says you homobegger, you think Kronii is happy with your attacks on her?

>> No.32204905
File: 9 KB, 300x168, sadronii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we just go back to before this collab even happened? Kronii Rewind the CLOCK

>> No.32204913

Aw, lame. That shit seems like a time bomb waiting to pop in the future.

>> No.32204915
Quoted by: >>32205042

>all actions afterwards are Kronii's inexperience
>she is trying to do the right thing as best as she can
>dont you DARE to blame this on her
this is precisely why, you fucking braindead retard.
she think she's doing the right thing when the right thing is to shut it, and people have been telling her to do EXACTLY THAT but she's too stubborn

>> No.32204920

We should have made something like this last year desu

>> No.32204929
Quoted by: >>32204979

Nah you can restore them as they were.

>> No.32204955

Will this even turn into a big yab? I'm sure the kromies are satisfied with the talk Kronii gave us during the members stream. So who will harass Kronii? People from other fanbases who want to make an example of Kronii so that hololive doesn't deviate from what they think is idol culture? Or homobeggars who want to get rid of the evil idol culture and double standard when it comes to shipping? I don't really see too many invested people raiding Kronii and making a mess of things.

>> No.32204977
Quoted by: >>32205045

>my attacks
I'm not the one that bullied a mentally ill girl in her membership chat

>> No.32204979

>Bowing to terrorism

>> No.32205005

Kronii right now.

>> No.32205010
Quoted by: >>32205258


>> No.32205012

We didn't really need to because we were remarkably united in being xenophobic to every other thread on /vt/.

>> No.32205028

I blame the management.
Kronii shouldn't have been as clueless about the situation as she was. Her manager should've told her about the possible consequences and then left it up to her to decide whether she wanted to go through with the collab or not.

>> No.32205031
Quoted by: >>32205428

/MANS/ also has fujo ERP to scare the catalog away
Maybe we need to go back to our roots

>> No.32205042

Doesnt change the fact that nothing should have happened in the first place, you act like the first problem MUST have happened and it didn't.

>> No.32205045
Quoted by: >>32205123

I know because nobody did that

>> No.32205069
Quoted by: >>32205233

What if I told you that Kronii is professional streamer that is fully in charge of what she participates in and what content is put on her channel?

>> No.32205072

go back, cunt

>> No.32205077

>a big yab

look at the catalog....it has spread beyond this thread

>> No.32205117

Comments disabled and reddit thread deleted, it's like it never happened at all. We made it bros.

>> No.32205123

>playing dumb
ok groomer

>> No.32205183
Quoted by: >>32205369

Not that easy bud

>> No.32205214
Quoted by: >>32205312

Coco's meltdown should create a nice distraction since the schizos can't focus on both of them at once.

>> No.32205231
File: 121 KB, 828x1553, 1625775236575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? Dramaniggers still going? Stop clinging to a resolved conflict. It's over.

>> No.32205233

But she had legit no Idea, and do you know who knew exactly how this goes? motherfuck Mori calliope of hololive EN Myth. with 30 yabs in her back.

>> No.32205238

genie's out the bottle pal
here i thought we made it out of the storm
turns it out we were in the eye of the storm
hoooooooooo booooooyyyyyyyyy

>> No.32205258
Quoted by: >>32205319

Why would they harass her?

>> No.32205271

>reddit thread deleted
Really? I can still access the thread or do you mean thread about her reply?

>> No.32205294

It was untill Kronii went full retard and decided to post nonsesne in the comment section of a fucking clipfag of all places.

>> No.32205312

It's juicier drama too, so just cum on the tourists and post clock tits and they'll go away soon

>> No.32205319
Quoted by: >>32205708

Because they're dramaniggers

>> No.32205317

teamate rape

>> No.32205332

maybe if management was more consistently competent and helpful maybe she wouldve put more weight in their words
just a thought

>> No.32205340
File: 194 KB, 864x1200, EAaDyw6VAAAg-Kq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This the hornless have one, resistance is futile, make your time (quietly)

>> No.32205349

She had no idea my ass. You dont think mori said what comes with collabing with males do you?

>> No.32205350

>resolved conflict
Not anymore, scroll up anon...

>> No.32205363

Tell that to Kronii, she should have ignored this altogether.

>> No.32205369

What matters is if it reaches her. She didn't even see the community posts until the member stream.
And she probably won't read SCs during a VR stream, so maybe it'll blow over and she won't address it.

>> No.32205398
Quoted by: >>32205484

But all that will amount to is just anons calling her an idiot. I don't see why it will spill over to harassing Kronii for what she said.

>> No.32205408
File: 96 KB, 1440x301, Screenshot_20220901-140732_Boost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure he deleted it because it wasn't going in the direction he wanted.
Everyone was agreeing she should have just shut up instead of going on about how bad idol culture is

>> No.32205428

months without global raids have made us decadent and weak to threats like these

>> No.32205449

it was
rrat: the dislikes on her anniversay sc reading even after her membership stream made her believe she didnt clear things up well enough which is why she made another comment on nerrevs clip

>> No.32205481

Anon that just means Cover's management is all over this. Hate to say it but she is probably going on a hiatus.

>> No.32205484
Quoted by: >>32205623

Some moron spent 75 bucks last stream to send 2 SCs about it, there'll be an SC for sure.
Hopefully she'll ignore it this time instead of repeating the cycle.

>> No.32205485

ogey mori schizo, you can fuck off and stop using this "drama" to propel your autism here, you have 3 threads you can use, go there instead

>> No.32205512

nerev you stupid faggot and most of the retards in the FC, they are fucking clueless.

>> No.32205543
File: 57 KB, 669x699, btch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32205569
Quoted by: >>32205691


>> No.32205595
Quoted by: >>32206409

>Cover's management is all over this
i'm the one who made that faggot disable comments, management is fucking seeping right now

>> No.32205596
Quoted by: >>32205698

Stop being a whiny bitch Snitch.

>> No.32205612
Quoted by: >>32205743

Obviously didn't because Kronii wants to quit this mess as fast as possible, or are you arguing that Kronii NEEDs as matter of principle to collab with the males? she said it herself, she doesn't want drama and she doesn't wat to fight this bullshit.

>> No.32205624

If it were up to management, that clip would've been taken down

>> No.32205623

she already said on stream "i wont responding to those kinds of scs. even if its an aka. even if it is a rainbow."
now whether or not she'll stand by what she says well...

>> No.32205646

>on purpose

>> No.32205682

The reddit thread is deleted so management is aware. But yea even redditors is telling her to stop lol.

>> No.32205679
Quoted by: >>32206118

>she is probably going on a hiatus.
Kronii gets a nice pay day while you idiots call eachother "cuck" here for a week and fuck off once she returns


>> No.32205691

The one who posted it

>> No.32205699

>doing anything

>> No.32205698

Not me, I don't curse.

>> No.32205708
Quoted by: >>32205834

What angle will they use? At least for now, I see no possible way that Kronii will end up being pissed or whatever and start actively collabing with males. So I don't think anything truly bad will happen. Most of the kromies are satisfied with what Kronii said during the members stream. So I don't think this will lead to a big incident.

>> No.32205726

I-I kneel?

>> No.32205743
Quoted by: >>32205839

All she's done recently is to fuel drama whether knowingly or not

>> No.32205807

Anon OP deleted it, he even put a comment about it

>> No.32205822
File: 456 KB, 544x443, 58A1CE82-FA14-4D55-A122-CD134886DBC0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32205904

The upside of all this is that hopefully she never collabs with males again. Shan’t watch holostars.

>> No.32205834

Kronies and Kronii came to an understanding of each other, outsiders are just being fags
And Kronii already said she doesn't care about any "new faces" making a stink

>> No.32205839
Quoted by: >>32205891

>Kronii antis on infinity
go to the catalog attack her then you will get no sympathy here.

>> No.32205854

Any chance to see nerrev comment section?

>> No.32205864

It's the guy that posted it who deleted it, not management

>> No.32205866
Quoted by: >>32206049

>WAAAH I've had a bad week guiz i'm a bitch
I hope this dude kills himself he's one of "those"

>> No.32205878

Is Warleader not one of the Discord people against "idol culture" or am I getting that mixed up?

>> No.32205891

This is a falseflag

>> No.32205904

Mori is gonna swoop in...

>> No.32205914

do that fucking shitshow looks like anything has been anticipated to you ???

>> No.32205942

The problem is that Kronii accepted to make concessions, first talking about shipping and then with streaming. She should've, from the start, either: a) say she would do whatever she feels like, no allowing the general public to decide what she does; or
b) just ignore the whole thing and let not get life from her giving it entity. But it's too late now.

>> No.32205988
Quoted by: >>32206050

Yeah so most likely this won't really go anywhere.

>> No.32206007

I mean if you think about it all this drama is a great case on why male collabs should never happen

>> No.32206025

Kronii needs to go through parasocial, idol culture and pr 101 courses.

>> No.32206049

all those retards are too busy sucking each others dick perpetually, i think >we were 3 to told nerev to cut this shit down, they have no fucking clue of the kind of shit Kronii has been and they don't fucking care

>> No.32206050

Personally I'm just excited for Land Before Time

>> No.32206070

Shut up beggar, she can just go back to what she was doing before, she doesn't need to fight your homo war.

>> No.32206089

too big

>> No.32206095

>lesson 1: don't shit the bed you sleep in

>> No.32206109

>Expecting EN Management to have any of those
Fuckers aren't even awake most of the time.

>> No.32206108

male collabs shouldnt happen because it makes retards sperg out?

>> No.32206118

Sounds like a nightmare rather than perfection.

>> No.32206136

What is baffling is that she has multiple example of how to deal with all that from her genmate, right there.
She could have go the Mumei route and ignore everything or the Bae route and double down. But no, had to go the retard route

>> No.32206145
Quoted by: >>32206558

she's doing it about para, but the idol and pr is lackluster..

>> No.32206149

devils advocate homobeggar argument.exe EXECUTE
>this drama is exactly why coed collabs should continue! it should keep happening until everyone who hates them finally understands this is the way things are now. that will finally stop the controversy once and for all!

>> No.32206165

this, kronii and her fanbase has already come to an understanding. anybody who brings up anything will probably be instantly labelled as an outsider.

if worst comes to worst, members can always tell kronii to just ignore it and stop adding fuel to the fire.

>> No.32206167
Quoted by: >>32206226

Idol culture needs reform. All harassment comes from unicorns

>> No.32206220

That's what you understood from my post? You need to work on your reading comprehension anon.

>> No.32206226

>All harassment comes from unicorns

>> No.32206243

so homobegging = instant exile
i like it

>> No.32206250

Oh I kind of hope this drama makes Kronii value the kromies more and become more parasocial with us...

>> No.32206262
Quoted by: >>32206323

Gura is a mad dog
Unchained and rabid

>> No.32206295

I mean if you think about it, posts like this are why tourist falseflaggers stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.32206323

Oh yeah, Rust war is happening today huh

>> No.32206329
Quoted by: >>32206365

if you know its bait, why bite it

>> No.32206332
File: 86 KB, 289x334, 1644598574609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32206534

Can you guys please restrain your bigwigs and snuff this fucking shit already? Stop mindbreaking your oshi and just support her stance or gtfo. There's rust kino happening but this thing keeps spilling everywhere.

>> No.32206333
Quoted by: >>32206529

This is why it's probably good we aired our schizo laundry already, now we can just sit inside with Kronii and play games while there's a thunderstorm outside

>> No.32206335

Gura to the rescue? LAY DOW THE LAW CUNNY


>> No.32206341
Quoted by: >>32206495

All those idol stabbings in Japan were by obsessed fans who never had their love reciprocated and felt cheated

>> No.32206346

You are fighting this "war" due to your own fucking insecurities. For all this talk of you calling Tempus a bunch of homos, you seem very scared these "homos" will fuck your oshi girls.

You were also told that Altare hates woman and won't do a thing, but noooooo, you all got fucking heart broken that your depressed fragile doll was laughing her fucking ass off harder than she ever did and you all went on a fucking war path. This is all YOUR fault.

>> No.32206365
Quoted by: >>32206418

I'm hungry...

>> No.32206406
Quoted by: >>32206553


>> No.32206409
File: 27 KB, 882x171, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32206506

This you?

>> No.32206412

Kronies is your oshi always like this?

>> No.32206418
Quoted by: >>32206459

kronie when will you learn the trolls are not your friends

>> No.32206427

>perfect sane people that don't think Kronii is their woman are mad are her for collabing with men
I'm the Queen of England AND I have land to sell you anon

>> No.32206424

I'm not fighting shit, we were here first, we were fine for a whole year, we don't need this simple as.

>> No.32206459


>> No.32206483

Will there be another members damage control stream or will she finally learn to shut the fuck up for once?

>> No.32206495

How many times does that happen in japan?

>> No.32206506

no i didn't commented under the vids i told the retard directly

>> No.32206529

yeah, the actual fanbase has nothing else to add, its just a fuckup on kronii's part for feeling the need to explain herself again.

>> No.32206534

I'm watching Ame Lunaito. I just posted twice here and only here. I prefer watching streams than participating in a zero-sum discussion anymore.

>> No.32206553

Dont drag Towa into this you faggot

>> No.32206558
Quoted by: >>32206607

Kronii should just go full parasocial... kromies can be her comfort place...

>> No.32206580
Quoted by: >>32206766

Everything is already resolved, just nuke it down and silence.

>> No.32206581


>> No.32206607

Kronii should just graduate

>> No.32206621

>You are fighting this "war"
literally who ?
most of the people fighting over that shit are not from /inf/ or /mans/ you faggot
this shit goes beyond vt its everywhere

>> No.32206642

I just found that on his latest community post just then but all the same, glad that's over.

>> No.32206651
Quoted by: >>32206967

No, members already understand and she understands us
Stinky greys should just be ignored though, yes

>> No.32206664

But then I will kill myself...

>> No.32206668
Quoted by: >>32206831

and your mom should've aborted you but here we are

>> No.32206697
File: 164 KB, 389x442, 1651816816062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So at the end of the day this a fucking nothingburger basically? t. got off work

>> No.32206728


>> No.32206766

Locking the comments from the clip doesn't mean anything when there's a thousand screenshots of it already, and you cannot gaslight people into thinking it's fake (you can try though)

>> No.32206780


>> No.32206784

Kronii works hard to make it somethingburger

>> No.32206820

yeah, at least until some people woke up but i doubt it would get anywhere

>> No.32206831
Quoted by: >>32207001

You were supposed to be a blowjob but your mom was desperate for a meal ticket and you turned out just as useless as her

>> No.32206844

It always was.

>> No.32206849

At the very least it prevents that ABSOLUTE FUCKING RETARD (cute but dumb) Kronii from digging a deeper hole the next time she wants to "explain herself" to a bunch of people who don't even watch her.

>> No.32206854

Nah, more like it's to stop her from commenting further and having people talk back to her.

>> No.32206865

and post it where? here?

>> No.32206951

Do you think she is seething over holofans self regulating and censoring her comments or is she flabbergasted and confused?

>> No.32206950

The problem was she wouldn't stop explaining herself every time someone brought up another retarded talking point. Disabling comments fixes that.

>> No.32206967

>Implying it's mostly greys and not entitled greens doing most of the damage
nice try Gabe your deflectoin tactics need work

>> No.32207001

>not disputing should've been aborted
lol don't change

>> No.32207055

So I went to sleep before the next stream. Did homo beggars really sperg out this much because she respected the anti homo comments?
Were they that fucking bitter?

>> No.32207072
Quoted by: >>32207408

It doesn't matter, in what context are people going to post the screenshot? Reddit? Insta-deleted. Baiting in the catalog? Who cares

>> No.32207090

the fuck is this one is talking about? it's like thread watching but worse what the fuck

>> No.32207128

very much so
i honestly thinks she'd be confused
she'd be all
>wtf man i was only explaining my position what did i do wrong
kronii can be too naive and wholesome for her own good

>> No.32207132

Other than catalog dwellers getting some new nourishment, the screenshots don't matter, her actual comment debating in a clipper chat about idol culture being "unfortunate" being up was all that actually mattered in terms of yab potential.

>> No.32207181
Quoted by: >>32207232

she is sleeping anon

>> No.32207188
Quoted by: >>32207277

Kronii needs to become Mori and stop giving a fuck

>> No.32207192

she probably doesn't even know whats going on, since she hopefully went to fucking sleep by now.

>> No.32207198
Quoted by: >>32207388

She could shut up the beggars but she made a mistake talking about Idol Culture and now there is whole new mess.

>> No.32207204
Quoted by: >>32207388

Of course. They think they're on the "right" side. They fucking seethe when Kronii didn't agree with them.

>> No.32207229

jesus christ, do beggars seriously not realise they're being the worst group in all this? They actively are trying to start more shit to get their idol culture bad narrative going

>> No.32207232

She's pissing and crying about how everyone hates her. She can't sleep

>> No.32207274
Quoted by: >>32207388

They are just and righteous so anything they do is against evil people like us.

>> No.32207277

she won't because unlike mori she actually care, she is just clueless about a lot

>> No.32207316

good, I am the last Kronie

>> No.32207362

yeah, on me

>> No.32207388

I dearly hope she sees who the real source of toxicity is in her fanbase I really do.
These beggars are fucking twisted.

>> No.32207399

all is forgiven as long as your cause is just. if youre fighting for a good cause it doesnt matter the methods you use to achieve them

>> No.32207407

She knows her audience loves her

>> No.32207408

Dramatubers will pick it up most definitely.

>> No.32207421

shes too naive and wholesome and i love her for that....

>> No.32207449
Quoted by: >>32207488

They aren't in her fanbase. They're just here to cancel what they think idol culture is.

>> No.32207464

>the real source of toxicity
thats both unicorns and beggars

>> No.32207488
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>> No.32207513

they literally don't care about her or tempus
they just want to make a point

>> No.32207691

>both unicorns and beggars
i agree and none of them are regular on this fucking site, the only genuine unicorn she had said he was taking a step back.

>> No.32207728
Quoted by: >>32207890

Unicrons are dead, This is entirely on the the third party beggers and the traitors in he discords.

>> No.32207801

/stars/ tourist here. I know you'll refuse to believe me but beggars when motivated are 1000x worse than unicorns. There's a reason why we fucking hate that retarded beggar clipper. No idea what's the opinion about them on /MANS/ tho.

>> No.32207870

I want an YAGOO apology for hiring Omega and the Homos.

>> No.32207886
Quoted by: >>32208182

oh don't you worry i believe.
what clipper you're talking about ?

>> No.32207890

>unicrons are dead
well yeah rodimius killed him remember

>> No.32207980

Nah, I believe you. Homostar fans wouldn't ask for things that would bring unnecessary drama to them.

>> No.32208000

>that stupid beggar clipper
oh lordie remind me the name of that guy again. didnt he get confronted about how its odd that he only clips holostars stuff when hololive is involved.

>> No.32208007

Based Transformer fan. Also Rodimius is such a bitch.

>> No.32208033

Well, I guess Kronii will just have to reiterate what she said on the unarchived stream just to end all this shit once and for all and it's probably better she does right away in the upcoming stream.
This shit just keeps getting annoying...

>> No.32208062

>/stars/ tourist here
shut the fuck up and go back to your general I didn't ask for you faggot opinion on this

>> No.32208069

He's a Niji fan, right?

>> No.32208083

The sad part is we were at least SORT of civil with each other before this, now there's absolutely 0 chance of fixing the bridge.

>> No.32208101

He drove that organization straight into the fucking ground!

>> No.32208152

Fuck you, Rodimius was goat, I fucking wish he was used more often than bumblebee

>> No.32208159
Quoted by: >>32208350

Everyone already has their side, her explaining won't change anything. She just needs to stop her autistic need to explain things to people who don't watch her/are only interested in drama.

>> No.32208173
Quoted by: >>32208359

when did we start engaging with literal self professed tourists?

>> No.32208176
Quoted by: >>32208350

Yes, I'm sure continuing to bring it up/perpetuating this will solve all the problems. Good idea

>> No.32208182

Oboretai. He's infamous for pushing the idea that everyone on Hololive, including JP, wants co-ed collabs but don't do it because of unicorns/schizos. And yes, he barely translates solo streams from the Stars while spamming ship baiting clips.

>> No.32208213

It wasn't worth it

>> No.32208303
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>> No.32208350
Quoted by: >>32208767

It was limited to just kronies... and to some fags here. Her statement from the last campfire is what everyone else knows.
I honestly think this is the last time she can clarify it and just end all this shit for good. Then we can enjoy Superhot...

>> No.32208359

where have you been, shit started since the collab, the only calm time was during the member stream and the SC stream, literally after discord came in and now this shit because Kronii should have went to bed.

>> No.32208370

It was worth it

>> No.32208411
File: 138 KB, 502x286, 1660191777751989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kronii will hate the beggars forever
Nice Knowing you Gantai

>> No.32208430

I've zero issues with /stars/ or /mans/. In fact, let not forget that kronies started this shit. But Kronii should've shut it down; instead, she just keep giving it attention to it.

>> No.32208454

This is just a bad week, next week will be better Kronii...

>> No.32208495

im disinclined to agree with your assessment.
i think the two sides can still be friendly with each other. they just wont bring the other up especially not now due to it being a hot button topic
but a week, month later? i believe we can go back to being okay with each other

>> No.32208503

Only way back into her good graces is send copious amounts of red superchats that make her laugh

>> No.32208552

>This is just a bad week
In /here/ and social media, streams wise it's a nice week.

>> No.32208624

This has been a great week for CGDCTfags, I just worry that Kronii is bringing more shit to herself, which she is.

>> No.32208634
Quoted by: >>32208774

I think she will hate both sides for even starting this battle.

>> No.32208642

Kronii should really start Rust with Gura and Mumei when Season 3 starts to shift her focus to something else.

>> No.32208736 [SPOILER] 
File: 358 KB, 2048x1535, 1644881377692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32208771


>> No.32208767

Nah she can just bring back the unarchived once she talks to manager. But make it public and make a Kronii put timestamps for all the relevant parts.
That way people can just link straight to the video and shut it down every time.

>> No.32208771


>> No.32208774

this is kroniis stance on the whole matter

>> No.32208853

I agree, she needs to stop focusing on indie kusoge so much

>> No.32208869
Quoted by: >>32209412

Didn't she say she's starting rust?

>> No.32208879


>> No.32208917

Yeah at this point she is digging down herself, not much we can do here.

>> No.32208977

Yes Kronii stick to Gura and this wouldn't have happened.

>> No.32209020

Can you believe she bought a fucking monkey? Have you seen this? Have you heard about this?

>> No.32209031


>> No.32209064

did she actually buy a monkey???

>> No.32209082

pretty much.
those who do care about her already know and understand her position
those who just want their rage dopamine fix dont care and will never try to understand

>> No.32209170


>> No.32209306 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.37 MB, 600x625, 1655157224519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only kronie Kronii really loves.

>> No.32209375

yeah me

>> No.32209383

I hope she realises male collabs aren't worth this much trouble

>> No.32209412


Yup don't know when though season 3 starts tomorrow.

>> No.32209438

was it ever in doubt

>> No.32209472


>> No.32209522
Quoted by: >>32209600

Dare I say we can look forward to some TimeRyS moments?

>> No.32209551


>> No.32209564

Probably in next weeks schedule if I had to guess.

>> No.32209586

>Now the established EN ships like AmeSame, BaeRyS, and Takamori are all being shat on because of her "double standard" "idol culture unfortunate" comments.
I was silently rooting for your oshi to pull out of this unscathed but fuck her for for giving Reddit trannys more fuel and fuck you as a general fanbase for even allowing the collab to happen in the first place. Literally disobeying management telling her not to address this shit. Your oshi will be the first EN to be publicly reprimanded by management and you deserve it.

>> No.32209600

Yeah, shooting each other constantly, screaming 'get out of my yard'.

>> No.32209636

that's where it seems to be heading but if anything i hope management wake the fuck up ? i'm fucking convince that all that shit is because of how they want to push those collabs for numbers and at the rate this shit is going everybody is going to loose, tempus, holoen.
the dude can't establish themselves on their own they pushed into collab.
the girls have to deal with shit that some of them are clearly not really to deal with.

>> No.32209686

lol ok sure buddy

>> No.32209731

This happens everytime a male collab happens. Its just not worth it

>> No.32209739

>cause drama because you don't like male collabs
>wow kronii look at all this drama, are the collabs really worth it?
Unicorns are despicable

>> No.32209752

r/hololive is moderated by COVER. They'll deal with it. And fuck reddit. Who cares what a bunch of clipwatchers think?

>> No.32209764

oh no my fucking ship oh no, just fuck off already, also get ready for ame collab with them.

>> No.32209798 [SPOILER] 
File: 73 KB, 676x676, 1657550259415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all need to chillax. picrel.

>> No.32209802

Make Gura your oshi
Make Gura your oshi
Make Gura your oshi
Make Gura your oshi

Become the Gura killer

>> No.32209840

literally none of this is actually happening

>> No.32209854
Quoted by: >>32210215

fucking KEK she ended the drama in a members stream and for the most part her parasocial fans were happy.
The BEGGARS are the ones who started this shit again because they got BTFO.
You fucking faggot.

>> No.32209939

>for the numbers
fuck i wish management took vespers advice on collabs
you aint building an audience off of collabs its your solo content that will form your audience.

>> No.32209985

Nope, people complaining about it will be downvoted to hell. If it gets out of hand the mods would just delete the thread. Remember that COVER owns that subreddit

>> No.32210009
Quoted by: >>32210464

Power move of Kronii right now is join the Gura faction all the tourist/beggars would be scared against Chumbuds so they probably gonna stfu.

>> No.32210026

gee kronie i wonder why. is it because its bait? nah of course not how could it be

>> No.32210029

where, they where dead anon, only shitstirer from all over the internet are going at it

>> No.32210095

I can't fucking believe Gabe, a SEAnigger schizo troglodyte, can write something Kronii would find acceptable while supposed normal people just continue attacking her

>> No.32210121

Omega seems to want to copy nijisanji. Yeah, let's copy our competitors even though we are leading. Fucking dumbass.

>> No.32210158
File: 19 KB, 331x363, 1655255313836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32210372

really speaks volumes about the people who hate idol culture huh?

>> No.32210171

these are strange times my friend

>> No.32210204

fucking literally, its fucking insane

>> No.32210210

>Step 1 Here from debut
>Step 2 Year later get a male Collab
>Step 3 doomsday happens
We were not the cause since we were completely fine for a whole year. the collab is what threw it all down the shitter.

>> No.32210215

Addressing things in an unarchived members' stream is cowardly. She can honey up her goslings there when maybe 10% of her most dedicated schizo members are watching without having to actually commit to anything or take a stand since the vast majority of the community will never see or hear about it.

>> No.32210286

Don't remind me. I hate this timeline.

>> No.32210358


>> No.32210372

and now retard will pretend Kronii hate idol culture because she's a newfag that don't understand shit, she learned about CGDCT yesterday, stream idea: "hololive history"

>> No.32210396
Quoted by: >>32210469

Sorry, but we're the only ones that matter
Get fucked tourist

>> No.32210426

its an interesting one to say the least
kronii is truly full of surprises

>> No.32210434

I hate that is causing drama to Kronii.
But I love that it is causing people who were expecting her to shit on her unicorns and parasocial fans to have a melt down.

>> No.32210464

>gets close to Mori
>gets close to Gura
>no drama, potentially gains more fans
I hope so. Smart holos would get close to Gura.

>> No.32210469

If you matter so much, why won't she defend you publicly?

>> No.32210479

you are all the same. you fuckers are all using Kronii as a tool to justify your belief. you are not here to talk about Kronii, you are here to wage your stupid ideological war against your perceived enemy. you are no different than the other.

>> No.32210481

People said the same thing about Rushia and Coco before you know what

>> No.32210532

fuck of grey nigger are not welcome, also i'm pretty sure its available in the fucking discords

>> No.32210543

>normal people
No one normal is watching vtubers

>> No.32210600

Nevertheless, the gosling kromies are satisfied. We're not the ones causing this drama.

>> No.32210612
Quoted by: >>32210838

Because you guys don't matter. look at what you guys are doing right now.

>> No.32210622
Quoted by: >>32210733

look at the IPs who do you think is ITT right now

>> No.32210643

Exactly. This should've never been an issue, but both sides started attacking each other like morons.

>> No.32210651
File: 493 KB, 1536x2048, 1656394655575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After being up for almost 2 days straight due to my piece of shit back and sciatic hurting, I finally got some sleep. I got woke up from the notification on my phone for Kronii's unarchived breakfast stream but I was too tired and passed back out. Going through the thread though it seems that it was more then just a breakfast stream and worth watching. Is there a specific reason it was unarchived and is there any archive for it? I'd like to watch or at least listen to it if it was that important.

Also, how was the SC reading last night? Looks like she went for quite some time so I assume it was good. I still haven't finished working through the previous SC reading vod so it'll probably be a minute before I get to it.

>> No.32210699

The entire vod is linked in another thread

>> No.32210726

Wait for it, she will.
Or do you think the end result of this is:
>Hey guys My fans are toxic, Ill keep on doing male collabs dont complain about it

>> No.32210733

i don't care. i'm tired of this stupid war. give me my thread back. give me my usual posters back

>> No.32210736

there were some "but NoeFure is real and they're co-workers!" comments on the Nerrev clip before they got taken down

>> No.32210770

this whole situation shows that blindly buying into grand narratives is dangerous

>> No.32210797

unarchived because she did it without management approval iirc

>> No.32210802

No. We all know it was the normalfag tourists who attacked Gabe and the others.

>> No.32210810

gosling "we won" thread. Go watch it Kronie. The members stream was very good for her actual viewers who don't like homos. She shit son beggars and tourists

>> No.32210820
Quoted by: >>32212084

It was supposed to just be a breakfast stream probably a short one but it devolved into talking about what she said before and later talking about what was said on the schedule.
I think Nyaa has it. If not someone was spamming it in one of the threads lately I don't remember which one.

>> No.32210838

In public she tells you to stop acting like incels and that she will keep doing male collabs to cater to her normie fans, in private she does unarchived streams at ungodly hours where she assures that she'll listen to what you think to cater to her schizo 24/7 obsessed viewers.

She's trying to sail on two boats here.

>> No.32210873

That's different because there is actually so much evidence for NoelFlare that you're a bigger schizo iif you DON'T believe.

>> No.32210886
File: 120 KB, 888x1041, 1641161704498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32211227

I'm still here anon

>> No.32210908

>Noefure is real
That's just a EOP clipwatcher

>> No.32211033

Her views in public and private didn't change at all faggot.

>> No.32211060

you fuckers call her a bastion of idol culture. you fuckers call her an ally against incels. none of you consider Kronii as a human. none of you consider her your oshi. she is nothing but another tool for you to wage your war against your enemy.

>> No.32211062

She said the same thing both times and was reasonable enough that she turned unicorns into CGDCT who were ok with tolerating some male collabs, she did it perfectly.

>> No.32211115

what? her stance didn't change at all you faggot. stop seething discordnigger and take the L

>> No.32211118

dumb take desu
she said she will keep doing collabs with males if invited but recognizes its not the content many of her fans want so she keeps it at a minimum and not on her channel so that its easy to ignore

>> No.32211123


>> No.32211164

no the issue is that anyone asking question or being concerned about this collab got labelled an incel and a unicorn when Kronii had like 1 fucking real unicorn at most.
she saw people dogpiling on those being civilized about it, decided to answer them properly without trashing them because no shit those are 1 year fans, and then the seething began.

>> No.32211169
File: 89 KB, 943x471, 1655774189199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32211185

Kronii isn't human. She is a Goddess. And she wants us to purge the tourists and beggars from this world so that we may reach true nirvana.

>> No.32211196

Hey I'm a centrist, I think that she should do what she wants but I appreciate that she's considerate toward the perspectives lonely men

>> No.32211227
File: 287 KB, 800x622, 1660243474334337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32211255

based clueless dramanigger

>> No.32211306
File: 703 KB, 3223x3553, FbAfLbYaAAAzfPV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32211316
File: 574 KB, 1006x1335, 1654024164176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the original hagposter (I think he's actually avoiding these threads in their current state) but I still love hags

>> No.32211358

fucking kek

>> No.32211440
File: 523 KB, 800x733, 1655498739549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32211504


>> No.32211468

I guess you're going to argue Kronii is a poor innocent girl who was gaslit by Gabe, huh?

>> No.32211504

how does he do it

>> No.32211600
File: 174 KB, 848x1199, 1660228945992179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32211903

They can't accept Kronii can make her own decisions

>> No.32211614

you should add
so much for "shes her own woman she can make her own decisions you should respect them"

>> No.32211634

no retardchaama

>> No.32211750

Is this a reverse bait cause this is literally the image they use to call out "Nazis hiding under the guise of politeness."

>> No.32211775

How much you want to bet the only person she asked for help over this is her manager while all the others are unaware of all the shitshow

>> No.32211816

maybe it's reverse reverse bait

>> No.32211872

her friends are at least aware this is happening.

>> No.32211902

It's Kronii. She's deathly allergic to being an inconvenience to others. You can bet your ass he won't tell the other girls unless she absolutely has to.

>> No.32211903

She made decisions by being fed false information and having the situation misrepresented by the most cunning and nefarious unicorns ever in history. Using advanced brainwashing, emotional manipulation, and threats of physical violence, we broke poor Kronii into accepting our twisted ways as reasonable. We basically locked her in a basement for 20 years and raped her nonstop. We Fritzl'd her.

>> No.32211911

It's not anything, I just wanted to make the image cause I thought it was funny

>> No.32211959
File: 16 KB, 832x110, 1659371542779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The redditors are NOT happy enjoy yourself while you can because this is 100% not gonna last

>> No.32211965

The impression I got is that her manager has provided little assistance, but it also seems likely that he was helping filter superchats the previous night

>> No.32212035
Quoted by: >>32212130

>We Fritzl'd her.
so thats what kiaras usual room was all about

>> No.32212038

oh boo hoo
go ahead
destroy your own fandom

>> No.32212084

Nyaa doesn't have it. Do you remember whether it was mega, anonfiles, etc.? I'm having trouble finding it in the archives.

>> No.32212130
Quoted by: >>32212281

Man imagine being raped every day by Kiara.

>> No.32212136
Quoted by: >>32212470

wasnt it gofile

>> No.32212197

desu kronii should just wall herself into her bunker and only do member streams for the next three weeks
I'm not biased I swear

>> No.32212205
File: 339 KB, 1440x1397, 1634407309395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got DM'd by someone who unironically concernposted me to seek therapy over this. I am unironically baffeled kek

>> No.32212245
File: 102 KB, 1015x1180, FZt8_DqaIAMi7GA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did we do it bois. she can't think for herself she MUST have been mind controlled by me!

>> No.32212276

You do need therapy though. Electroshock.

>> No.32212277

They've convinced themselves they're in the right.
These fucking beggars are so wrong in the head its unreal...

>> No.32212281

theres a /wg/ fic where kiara rapes (You) until you have stockholm syndrome and then later dresses up to rape you again

>> No.32212295

I mean, you definitely need it

>> No.32212296
Quoted by: >>32212493

Redditors understand why this is how it is with unicorns.
The only problem is if she keep responding to shitflingers on either side.
She needs to just go silent on the whole issue now

>> No.32212300

how hard is it for this niggers to get it, she asked to not get shipped with a male, that's it like all the other involved with the homos did.
she did it on the fucking gaming stream even tho she jobbed, those retard went under her first comment and spilled the same shit they are doing on reddit right now.
No one /here/ even cared about this since >we understood what she was talking about.

>> No.32212311

oh right
so tell me gabe. whats it like to be a celebrity

>> No.32212346

Holy shit

>> No.32212361

gabe is my Oshi now

>> No.32212368

Sorry meant for >>32212205

>> No.32212388

The most influential Kronie

>> No.32212389

look this >>32212300

>> No.32212417
Quoted by: >>32212635

newfagchama, that's not gabe...

>> No.32212423

to be fair you could DM 95% of all kronies that and be right

>> No.32212470

It was, thanks.

>> No.32212475
Quoted by: >>32212627

I just found it myself, here you go

>> No.32212493


>> No.32212505

It's fucking surreal. I never get messages like this when I was fucking around in /pol/cords

>> No.32212530

I mean, you still needed it Gabe even before this.

>> No.32212541

do you want to name them
i have a strange hunch about this

>> No.32212550

Why did she keep reading a clip's comment section but didn't bother to read the schedule post in YouTube?

>> No.32212551


>> No.32212586

Post it

>> No.32212594
File: 17 KB, 850x59, e10ab3a7c2ab8ba1336eec1e92526b73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I never talked about this outside of that community post

>> No.32212618


>> No.32212627
Quoted by: >>32212741

Thanks, I looked for a few minutes with regular keywords, but I forgot about gofile.

>> No.32212635
Quoted by: >>32212686

pretty sure that confirms its gabe

>> No.32212636

imagine kronii prioritizing the opinions of the people who support her over some rando anti

>> No.32212686

well shit, I guess he forgot to turn off his filename randomizer

>> No.32212697

Hey does fetishizing less real internet streamers happen to cover...I don't know, TWO DIMENSIONAL ANIME GIRLS? Or is that not part of the fantasy? Fuck me, I've been mind raping real people with real names this whole time?

>> No.32212719

>crossing the boundary of going to be mentally ill

>> No.32212722
Quoted by: >>32212985

rrat: its because she wants "unbiased" opinions
she believes the comments section of her own videos and posts are filled with nothing but yesmen
she goes to the comment sections of clips for the actual truth

>> No.32212726
File: 966 KB, 2418x4096, 1648000244340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32212882

>They are really claiming we are brainwashing her

>> No.32212741

I did as well and had to manually scroll through the previous thread to find it

>> No.32212747

Holy kek

>> No.32212774

Cause she's the biggest fucking retard in Holo EN and that's saying something.

>> No.32212883

I agree with literally everything in this though. Gabe you got one thing right, the rest of the time you're still a deranged loon.

>> No.32212882
Quoted by: >>32213019

its a two way street kronie
mutual brainwashing lets gooooooooo

>> No.32212932

You're not Gabe, the filename shows it

>> No.32212985

if that was the case she wouldn't have read it at all

>> No.32213013
File: 2.49 MB, 498x280, 1651221012979.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of this shit. I want to got to less than 50 ips again.

>> No.32213019
Quoted by: >>32213196

>mutual brainwashing
I wish we still had writers

>> No.32213124

30 Rock my beloved...

>> No.32213156

it was until kronii shot herself in the foot. give it a few more days things will go back to normal
as long as she keeps her trap shut that is

>> No.32213196

It's not gaslighting if it's mutual! (actual Kronii quote)

>> No.32213227

and what

>> No.32213245

Homobeggars are all "its her choice deal with it" until she chose to respect and kneel to the people who don't like the homos

>> No.32213253
Quoted by: >>32213331

I really want to see Kronii playing together with Magni, I think they'll have great chemistry. When do you guys think they'll do a collab?

>> No.32213274
Quoted by: >>32213317

Kronii love ?

>> No.32213317
File: 97 KB, 400x400, 1650865264507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii love!

>> No.32213331

when Mori wants them to
