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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32114141 No.32114141 [Reply] [Original]

Everywhere where I go holochuubas are worshipped like goddesses. On twitter, reddit, discord, even youtube comments, praise everywhere, negative comments are almost non-existant.

On 4chan, however, they are regularly shat on.
Recent Kronii vid is memed on here, but in Youtube comments, and on sites mentioned earlier, everyone praises her speech.


>> No.32114245

Everyone in China praises CCP. Why?

>> No.32114256
Quoted by: >>32143821

4chans only have ppl with mental degeneration or monkey that could use the internet, that's why

>> No.32114276 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 720x783, 15294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan are full of incels what else is new

>> No.32114303

【 If only one voice is allowed to exist, then the only voice that exists is a lie 】

>> No.32114454
Quoted by: >>32114759

This is unironically only place when you can speak your mind and not be attacked for it by bunch of white knights.

>> No.32114461
Quoted by: >>32116107

Wrongthink is a crime and normalfags will ruin your life for it that's why, also why are there so many people using incel, touch grass, have sex, etc unironically. I thought that was twitter lingo

>> No.32114560

Because they're one of the only governments that actually serves its people even marginally, unlike the capitalist-owned degenerate liberal governments of the west. Hope this helps

>> No.32114605

Weird how the place where hololive is the most criticized is the same place where it's the most loved and passionate about. You'd be surprised how many top regulars and superchatters of ENs are /here

>> No.32114656

Nationalism is good for a nation, go figure.

>> No.32114759

Being attacked is the not main issue. The main issue is they delete your comment and ban your account.
They are not arguing with you. They silence you.

>> No.32114840

"cutting out a man's tongue does not prove him a liar, it only proves you fear what he has to say"

>> No.32114874
Quoted by: >>32138238

because we are real fans, not normal fags that took refuge from ethots

>> No.32114931

Who knew that you cant say anything negative on places where you instantly get banned, downvoted to oblivion because of virtue signalers, your comments get deleted, etc. How fucking stupid are you? People are literally losing their jobs because of "unpopular" opinions that they once had on social media.

>> No.32115008 [DELETED] 


>get the fuck out
>get the fuck out
>get the fuck out

>> No.32115057 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>32115239

go back they are calling for you

>> No.32115185

>He thinks all non government topics are not related to politics

>> No.32115239

How bold of you to assume that they miss him
What if he's exiled?

>> No.32115311

Absolute shit for brains retard mongoloid completely missing the point.

>> No.32115387
Quoted by: >>32115729

Oh yeah, that's true as well. That's why youtube is the second place after here where people tend to speak up as we seen in this case. Youtube doesn't have insane moderation on comments.

>> No.32115729

Chuuba can still delete comments.

>> No.32115823

Are you really expecting hate on heavily moderated websites? It still happens but very rarely and often quickly pruned. Why do you think Youtube removed dislikes, Twitter control what trends or negative user reviews get deleted on Steam, Rotten Tomatoes, etc.? You can't even trust user scores anymore. Most of the internets is fake dude. Even the Likes on Twitter are mostly bots, on Reddit highly upvoted threads are manipulated often to create narratives like hating on Trump over fake shit like Russiagate. Fake. Most of the internets is fake dude.

>> No.32116040
File: 5 KB, 225x225, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32116401

Because /vt/ is miniscule speck that consist of outcast from the whole fans community of virtual youtuber.

So It's our heaven basically, we can talk shit, dramafagging, or even bash other people oshi's all we want and without care at all. We are so minority that our opinion means nothing to our oshi.

>> No.32116090 [DELETED] 

Because /vt/ is the r/deuxmoi for vtubers?

>> No.32116107

>also why are there so many people using incel, touch grass, have sex, etc unironically.
Let's see, people are mad because a woman pretending to be an anime girl was streaming video games and talking with males pretending to be anime boys.
Seems like normal behavior to me.

>> No.32116258

Just like you!

>> No.32116362
Quoted by: >>32133479

love and hate are the two closest related emotions to one another

>> No.32116401
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Quoted by: >>32132661

>/vt/ is miniscule speck


>> No.32116434

Wow, Japanese fans are vocal about the new collab and they are not happy. They're discontented with the way Altare is getting close to their oshis and the whole gender mixing. I guess they were holding out for an unspoken collab ban. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to keep Tempus separate from from the rest of Hololive. Obviously that won't happen but it shows how unhappy they are.

>> No.32116471
File: 1008 KB, 898x845, killemall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you say that she stream sucks on yt, tw or reddit you get pointed at and deleted for the sake of creating a "safe" and "comfortable" place.
On 4chan there are no filters; if you suck, anon will point it out like it should be
We have no other place to escape from withenight/yesmyqueenfags

Also, woman are weak and can't take criticism

pic unrelated

>> No.32116498 [DELETED] 

Why are the orange cucks so full of anger bros? I thought they were supposed to be wholesome and happy

>> No.32117294

Anything that isn't forced positivity is banned and deleted from most of the hololive fandom
Even 4chan janitors and mods get the mentality every once in awhile and have to get bitched at on IRC

>> No.32119454

But can you shit on nijis/vshojo outside of /vt/?

>> No.32122995

Because 4chan doesn't care whether ornot you use the platform. (You) fucking off decreases server costs. The rest want a safe space that creates a forced positive feedback loop to keep people feeling good so they'll continue to use the platforms. They're basically designed to be lotus eater machines,much like gacha games.

>> No.32123999

people on those other sites, especially Youtube, trip over themselves to try to ingratiate themselves to the talent under the assumption the talent might be reading over them and they wanna look like good boys and be noticed by them.

vaguely similar shit on twitter only it's combined with a bunch of people who literally don't understand what they're dealing with/talking about at all and want everything shrunk down into some politicized bullshit talking points because that's all they think twitter is for.

>> No.32124486
Quoted by: >>32131303

No it isn't, this place is literally anti central

>> No.32125420
Quoted by: >>32128363

Because this is literally, LITERALLY, the only place left on the internet with some semblance of free speech. You can say what you want about who you want and your post is on equal footing with all the other retards here. You don't get drowned out by normalqueers or likes or downvotes.

>> No.32125648

Because the anons on the boards unironically prefer to act like they are maidenless and have no conception of how to interact with the opposite sex.

>> No.32125911
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>> No.32126432 [DELETED] 

Because /vt/ is a bunch of whiny babies, incel losers, and actual insane people who have deluded themselves into thinking they are somehow important. This is an echo chamber for a loud, bitchy minority. The funniest part is that they think they're a bunch of oldfags getting pushed out of their hobby when many of the well adjusted people mocking them have been around just as long.

>> No.32126671
Quoted by: >>32126776

Because there's no upboat/karma/account system to reward virtue signaling

You don't get points, virtual or social, by speaking good of a VTuber, there are no repercussions to just saying how you feel

>> No.32126776

This. Here you're more likely to say what you really feel. You don't see that on Reddit or Twitter because those fags have to walk on eggshells from the fear of being downvoted and shunned.

>> No.32126901

>remove all dissenting voices
>brag about there being no dissent
Very cool!

>> No.32128363


>> No.32129146

Because those worshipers couldn't satisfy you. You want to join us

>> No.32129674

Because if you voice discontent you get gang banged by moronic yes men and anti idol niggers in the comment section. This is about the only place you can voice real negative opinions and not be instantly banned by toxic positivity bros. It is the only reason i come here because here you can be free to voice your opinion no matter what it is and you wont be hung by the neck for it like everywhere else.

>> No.32129749

Censorship is extremely strong, allowed and endorsed in most "social media" sites, gotta keep the narrative that everything's right somehow

>> No.32130049

Because you spam these topics and reply to yourself.

>> No.32130127

Because those same people come here and vent their true thoughts. Once you've been here long enough and see how people post anonymously, you can really tell when someone is being fake as fuck on other sites.

>> No.32131303
Quoted by: >>32140661

no anti central is doxxcord. vt is the jobber in the kayfabe.

>> No.32132661


>> No.32133240

Because everyone here is mentally retarded and do not have the ability to form a correct thought

>> No.32133479

>love and hate are the two closest related emotions to one another
Yup. Two sides of the same coin.
Passionate and obsessive are valid adjectives for either

>> No.32133898
File: 336 KB, 452x543, 1613055882968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32134647

>twitter, reddit, even youtube comments
Hugboxes for le wholesome vtuber community no negativity (going against groupthink) allowed
>4chan, Discord
Hellholes for SEAnigs, trannies and schizophrenics to stir shit

Truth is there is no good place to discuss Virtual YouTubers.

>> No.32134093

The truth is that very few girls enjoying being shipped, most of them find it awkward and weird to be shipped with their coworkers, imagine you're talking to a friend and some random guy approaches you and say "oh my god you two should fuck!"

>> No.32134378
File: 987 KB, 229x176, 1636127217202.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The truth is that very few girls enjoying being shipped
Then they should just go ahead and say so from the start. Nothing wrong with stating what they want and how their feel. Very valid.

Ohhhh waiiiiit.
Need to make moneyyy, the numbers and attention just feel too gooood.
I'll just put up a mask until I'm popular, I'm sure the audience I groomed to believe in something won't be mad I lied all this time...

>> No.32134647

There might be a good twitter alternative for it, but I cant not be anonymous.

>> No.32134730

all me

>> No.32135120

The bar is so low because of all the inferior companies and indie chuuba whores, that they can't help but kneel at the superior whores

>> No.32138238

>we are real fans
What a fag you are. This is the most pathetic shit I've seen in a while

>> No.32138368
Quoted by: >>32142541

/vt/ is the last place on 4chins I'd expect to find sane takes like these at. Keep on trucking and demolishing burger NPCs with their retarded soundbites, zhangposters.

>> No.32138490

Shit, I'd buy the guy a beer if he approached you and your friend and said it. What a based guy.

>> No.32138643
File: 79 KB, 251x260, pikareally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on now, the answer right there.

>> No.32140661

Current doxcord is a literal ESL kindergarden with the most basic of takes.

>> No.32142541
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>> No.32143142

Ah, it feels me with joy that Redditor are so seething mad.

>> No.32143821

Worshipping woman and doing everything they say is the healthy mindset?

>> No.32144050

IT isn't worth it
it's an oshi market
there are tons everywhere.

>> No.32144201

Every idol should have fans that check her. If you’re giving them money, you should have a voice in the decision she makes.
