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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31976800 No.31976800 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:


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https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)






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Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>31968931

>> No.31976823
File: 200 KB, 1620x1759, FIqQhBpXwAIfN6M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ike love!

>> No.31976825
File: 227 KB, 720x1105, 20220829_043129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Seffyna she is my beautiful seiso K-Fairy gf
(ง -᷄ω-᷅ )ว ٩( -᷄ω-᷅ )۶(ง-᷄ω-᷅ )ว ( -᷄ω-᷅ و(و

>> No.31976826

Enna would literally kill herself if Elira didn't recommend her and Millie to Nijijsanji En and they never joined.

>> No.31976843

I kneel Elira.

>> No.31976846
File: 226 KB, 1050x1454, FbAFiqGVUAARtIu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysta love!

>> No.31976849

I hope Enna doesn't say the S word today.

>> No.31976856

Woah. This thread has South American hours?

>> No.31976873

Enna is preaching again...

>> No.31976880
File: 367 KB, 2086x2527, aia63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31977000

Aia, my beloved

>> No.31976885

Same probably.

>> No.31976889

because women are ugly as fuck, also they can get married here
not really, compared to argentina or brazil
is just the mercator map scale bullshit, we are wider than UK or nicaragua

>> No.31976891
Quoted by: >>31976958

Brazilian Pomudachis raise your hands

>> No.31976894
File: 222 KB, 1328x1799, 1676369362887140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put up yer dukes

>> No.31976898
File: 281 KB, 1920x1580, 35107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cocksleeve material

>> No.31976901

God, I hope some saint can make Enna happy for the rest of her life...

>> No.31976928

>they can get married here
kek, didn't know that you live in a cuck country.

>> No.31976933
Quoted by: >>31976988

What's the moral of the story then?

>> No.31976935

You niggas be living on two Minecraft squares what are you talking about

>> No.31976940

BR pomudachis are a thing

>> No.31976945
File: 934 KB, 1023x1080, Screenshot 2022-03-21 091541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31977051

Seffy love~!

>> No.31976958

Sempre firme postando do trabalho

>> No.31976980
File: 31 KB, 731x295, eng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31976988
Quoted by: >>31977060

Nepotism and luck.
Then, you too, can be as preachy as Enna and tell everyone how successful you are.

>> No.31976995
File: 892 KB, 1674x1080, enna_flip2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31977041

>you're miserable because you're poor and can only dream about popularity
t-thanks Enna

>> No.31977000
Quoted by: >>31977059

Post Aia132

>> No.31977012
Quoted by: >>31977049

2views don't look

>> No.31977023
File: 459 KB, 1615x1615, 1641358627910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody else here love Mysta and think that he's cute?

>> No.31977041

I had to mute because it was too depressing for me because I'm a failure.

>> No.31977049

shhhhh my oshi is sleeping

>> No.31977051
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>> No.31977059
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>> No.31977060
Quoted by: >>31977095

I hope you're at least as good as her in whatever you do to be this bitter

>> No.31977095

maybe yes or maybe not, but you'll never know because Elira didn't get me into nijisanji

>> No.31977110

My creative passion was burned out of me long ago

>> No.31977111
File: 918 KB, 696x899, Better_Pomu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31977115
File: 185 KB, 661x598, 1653209731239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we could go back to the times when everyone shat on Noor for letting Elira fill NijiEN with her nepotism hires...who could've known Elira's friends were so much better than what came after.

>> No.31977120
File: 41 KB, 200x200, 1647676173582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna needs a big, long hug...

>> No.31977134

>Enna is veering into depression talk
oh no

>> No.31977142

Is this what big girls talk about? I wanted to laugh at the expense of femcel on screen but now I'm just sad

>> No.31977149

true, in retrospect I wouldn't have mind if all of elira's friends got into nijisanji. Iluna is a joke.

>> No.31977151

Enna need a long and steamy sex session, and slap her mother in the face.

>> No.31977153
File: 224 KB, 1920x1080, 20220827_065055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31977164

i will marry enna and make both of us more miserable than before

>> No.31977191

Just like Kyo, the guy is literally suffering behind his cheerful guy antics. And it's showing more every stream.

>> No.31977197
Quoted by: >>31977257

you're in for a rude awakening on how the real world works when you apply for your first real job, anon...

>> No.31977198
File: 560 KB, 832x764, 1660539830490434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a mexican pomudachi

>> No.31977202

Gonna more than saint to make this bitch happy

>> No.31977212
File: 109 KB, 448x342, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31977213

Iluna had no nepotism or talent and look at them now.
Maybe nepotism isn't so bad.

>> No.31977217

Thank god I have NijiMelody relays to catch up on

>> No.31977215

yes, unironically some girls like to talk themselves up and play the victim, even though they say the contrary. actions speak louder than words.

>> No.31977234

Enna is anything but a big girl 4u.

>> No.31977235

>And it's showing more every stream.
Oh god is it

>> No.31977257
Quoted by: >>31977376

I do have a "real job" just like Enna did,I know how the world works.

>> No.31977269
File: 294 KB, 1000x1414, 1661468129670376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a chilean pomudachi

>> No.31977270
Quoted by: >>31977375

The guy is 19, it's normal to be angsty when you undergo a hormonal hurricane.

>> No.31977274
File: 255 KB, 415x364, 1643711253960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31977279
File: 67 KB, 720x1200, ADBEE3E1-D778-44F9-8706-C863E96A4D45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31977531

Yes! Mysta love!

>> No.31977288
Quoted by: >>31977524

I'd take Kyo and Maria over fucking Uki

>> No.31977291
Quoted by: >>31977574

The only good members of ILuna are Kyo and Ren

>> No.31977297

>anons discovering employee referrals
how fucking underage is this thread?

>> No.31977302
Quoted by: >>31977417

How long did it take you to learn Japanese?

>> No.31977314
Quoted by: >>31977372

I dont think he was 100% ready that the constant eyes that niji/fans has on their livers

>> No.31977315
Quoted by: >>31977655

I will never forgive Elira for getting Shu "Hopcon" Yamino in. He ruined NijiEN with that shit for 3 whole months

>> No.31977331

Death by Snu Snu...

>> No.31977336
Quoted by: >>31977367

Whenever Enna talk on chinese, I start to smell fry chinese food and onions sauce.

>> No.31977346
Quoted by: >>31977365

My timezone is the same as some parts of NA


>> No.31977348
Quoted by: >>31977480

There were a few anons who didn't realize that dental isn't a part of health insurance but it might just be more NEET than underage

>> No.31977365

no shit. most of SA shares the same time zone with USA, USA is huge.

>> No.31977367

how the FUCK do you make sauce out of onions

>> No.31977372

>I get mad I get called a tsundere
>I let it slide I get called a tsundere
>It's out of my control at this point
I worry what the fujos will do to this kid.

>> No.31977378
File: 295 KB, 1448x2048, 1653996552840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31977376

er, did enna ever work for more than minimum wage? that's not the kind of job i'm alluding to

>> No.31977375
Quoted by: >>31977421

That is also true the brain doesn't fully develop until you hit the age of 25

>> No.31977385

My dream is to marry Enna and have my throat slit by her while I sleep soon after

>> No.31977395
File: 195 KB, 432x394, 1655980711758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finish watching Mysta stream
>Get this recommended to me
What did YouTube mean by this?

>> No.31977398
Quoted by: >>31977425

s:o:y sauce

>> No.31977402

Combination of NEETs and Zoomers who are now adults with next to 0 life experiences or experience in general

>> No.31977417

nta but reading vinnies is like 20 months of everyday commitment, otherwise it takes half an hour to progress through a single page, which is a torture.

>> No.31977421

the fact that 18 year olds are considered adults is insane to me

>> No.31977425


>> No.31977431


>> No.31977432

Does Millie or Reimu talk like this on their stream? I feel like Enna has these talks on stream since she doesn't want to share stuff like this with friends.

>> No.31977437

Pomu is not socially awkward

>> No.31977443
File: 8 KB, 212x212, FX64EuVaQAAz2tr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need Ike crumbs. I miss him so much I wanna die :)

>> No.31977448
Quoted by: >>31977499

Really? I'm respectful but that is a bit strange to get angry about.

>> No.31977451

i just spit my water everywhere

>> No.31977452

Enna is shitting on japanese people now

>> No.31977455

Enna's being racist again

>> No.31977456

Enna is having surgery?

>> No.31977475

Wisdom teeth removal

>> No.31977480
Quoted by: >>31977514

Health insurance works differently depending on where you live.

>> No.31977499

He's not going full axia if that's what you're thinking.

>> No.31977502

Reimu does talk about herself but she never goes this far like Enna, Enna is literally venting on her chat, Reimu just talks about her experiences.
Idk about millie, but I'm guessing Millie also shares too much about herself if she's still the same as back when I used to watch her.

>> No.31977510


>> No.31977514

It also works differently where you're employed but I know how it works in Canada

>> No.31977522

Millie I guess, though she's more of life experience sharing than depression giveaway

>> No.31977523

I wish she shat on me

>> No.31977524
Quoted by: >>31977598

Uki doesn't randomly crash streams or shit up my oshi's schedule with collabs because she's too nice to decline so I'd take him over almost every other dude in the branch. Hiring so many normalfags who treat Nijisanji like it's Twitch was a fucking mistake.

>> No.31977531
Quoted by: >>31977805

This pic made me less angry about his Genshit spam.

>> No.31977549
Quoted by: >>31977605


>> No.31977553

Millie tend to talk about other people and some times do trauma dump on her chat, like the time her dad put her on a rice bag and beat the shit out of her with a wooden stick.

Reimu just talk about the thing she likes and her hobbies, also about her experiences but without oversharing

>> No.31977574

Yeah only the guys that's sad

>> No.31977586
Quoted by: >>31977651

There is a reason why Enna doesn't give a shit if you recognize her and ask for a picture.

>> No.31977589


>> No.31977598

Uki crashes every minecraft stream

>> No.31977605

I have she gets Pomu's surgeon, pomu's tits are godly

>> No.31977612

>like the time her dad put her on a rice bag and beat the shit out of her with a wooden stick.
Sounds like a usual Philippine childhood.

>> No.31977617
File: 309 KB, 687x750, 7722D12E-8E52-47BF-84C1-9E9C51A35F2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he’s my cult leader and i will worship him forever

>> No.31977620

Millie does but about other people, when she talks about herself its always downplaying her achievements and acting like she has to do more for others

>> No.31977651

heh I bet she only says that for the camera, she doesn't know some of her own fans are unstable fucks who might rape her. either she's stupid and naive or she's full of shit.

>> No.31977655

>not knowing it was Fulgur who started hopcon

>> No.31977659 [SPOILER] 
File: 424 KB, 481x379, 1650302208193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31977676
File: 204 KB, 400x347, 1632612734210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31977706

every vtuber is menhera, this hobby is bad for my brain

>> No.31977677

That was a good story, then he threw her in the closet, still inside the rice bag, and let her there crying for 4 hours

>> No.31977684

Roomie what the fuck.

>> No.31977699

Minecraft streams don't count, crashing them is part of the point

>> No.31977705

What did i miss? Is Enna being retarded again?

>> No.31977707

Reimu talks a lot about herself but she isn't a neurotic schizo bitch like Enna so it sounds more rational. Like today she was just saying she had a fight with her mom and wanted to apologize because she felt super guilty.

No he doesn't, he's always playing by himself off stream but I've never ever seen him join vc in a Minecraft stream and very rarely does he ever get involved in the streamer's content unless they seek him out. I've watched every single MC stream Pomu has done and even when they're bantering in chat he doesn't invade her stream.

>> No.31977706

Sorry anon but you should've realized sooner that normal people don't become anime girls on the internet

>> No.31977709

Enna is stupid. What do you think?

>> No.31977718

what the fuck

>> No.31977744

I've never been outside my house after like 11pm, and I'm 28...

>> No.31977758


>> No.31977767

Millie built different

>> No.31977791

I will Enna to Berghain and we'll bond over urinating on the guy laying in the piss trough.

>> No.31977796

Fucking zoomers is this how you spend your time offline?

>> No.31977802
Quoted by: >>31977865

Enna already said that she'd get someone to doxx her if she dies or something happens so her fans can hunt them down and kill them to avenge her.

>> No.31977805
File: 336 KB, 1444x2048, 670D37F6-5B0E-4928-A00C-6FA45CA8063C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31977806
Quoted by: >>31982310

I think he simply dislikes Ren. Poor guy

>> No.31977811

I'm already asleep by that hour.

>> No.31977816

>her dad put her on a rice bag and beat the shit out of her with a wooden stick
I've never met a kid who actually had experienced it but I would not be surprised since it seem much more normalized during the 80s-90s. I remember another type of punishment where you put the kid in a sack and dangle them above an open fire, just enough so they tear up from the smoke and feel the heat.

>> No.31977817
File: 24 KB, 490x176, 7qkrpLNjJN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31977824
Quoted by: >>31977991

>I can't dance even when I'm high

Enna you are oversharing.....

>> No.31977827
Quoted by: >>31977936

did Millie ever share about the time she had trouble with drugs?

>> No.31977833
Quoted by: >>31977891

Enna admits about smoking weed and getting high LOL

>> No.31977832

When is Enna gonna greenout on stream?

>> No.31977834

Roomie-chan became a whore.... she was my oshi too

>> No.31977844

Man i sure love putting onions sauce on my food, yum yum in my tum tum

>> No.31977846

anon just because a streamer says you can walk up to them and ask for a picture doesn't mean you have permission to rape them. every female streamer on twitch has been doxxed and none of them are being raped by crazy fans.

>> No.31977865
Quoted by: >>31977915


>> No.31977875
File: 46 KB, 493x382, 1648850777159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31977921

i'm not watching selen's new outfit stream

>> No.31977877

Enna stop doing drugs please, it's not good for your mental health

>> No.31977879
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I get the urge, but I'm too awkward to go to a bar alone, and walking around at night is kinda dumb and slightly dangerous.

>> No.31977888
Quoted by: >>31977935

You never hangout with your friend at 3am? How?

>> No.31977891

Not the first time.

>> No.31977909

Oh silly me, i meant onions sauce, not onion sauce, what a silly mistake. Oh i am so clueless and silly tehe

>> No.31977915
File: 3.98 MB, 635x635, 1631080213512.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31977921

Okay why should we care about you? A nobody. Just a line of text on an image board

>> No.31977923

>i'm INTJ
I don't believe these things but holy cow.

>> No.31977930

Jesus Christ. Millie is so wonderful she doesn't deserve all the awful shit that has happend to her

>> No.31977931

Unless you're in a group out doing something or required to be out that late there's really no point.
t. used to work a night shift and would always run to my car at the end because I was always scared something would happen

>> No.31977936
Quoted by: >>31978054

Not as Millie, no. She dropped a vague joke or two, that's about it.

>> No.31977935

Ah yes, my friends

>> No.31977960
Quoted by: >>31978095

What are these alphabet crap

>> No.31977991

it's ok she said its legal in canada

>> No.31977999
Quoted by: >>31978044

Are we depressionposting now since we'll be funposting later during Selen's outfit stream?

>> No.31978001

Enna pissing

>> No.31978011
File: 32 KB, 480x360, 326253678239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31978041


>> No.31978018

>never had to work a shift past 11pm
lucky bastard

>> No.31978030

Enna would lose her mind if she ever watched a drag queen dance

>> No.31978029

I don't think Kyo actually considers chaos "fun"

>> No.31978042
File: 59 KB, 348x558, LPgH1Ax6dJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she pee like that?

>> No.31978041

Enna must be high as fuck right now, right? That's why she's over-sharing?

>> No.31978044

It's always depressing during this hour because real menhera woman is streaming

>> No.31978047
Quoted by: >>31978204

You cared enough to reply

>> No.31978054

wow even a vague joke is too much imo.

>> No.31978058
File: 22 KB, 112x112, 1634075919196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31978204

same but for you

>> No.31978077
Quoted by: >>31978124

are you on the spectrum?

>> No.31978080

That would basically mean she's high everyday.

>> No.31978083
File: 1.42 MB, 1500x1500, 1644564-5000147025237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right?

>> No.31978092
Quoted by: >>31978204

Okay line of text.

>> No.31978095

Personality types.

>> No.31978099
Quoted by: >>31978170

She talked about being molested a while back too.

>> No.31978103

can you really call yourself autistic if you've never been professionally diagnosed?

>> No.31978124


>> No.31978128
Quoted by: >>31978207

Being high doesn't make you overshare

>> No.31978138

Why is this guy reply to himself about Millie past

>> No.31978139

I love au jus

>> No.31978142

Honestly that sounds awful to be put into a 1 type thing
Especially tsundere

>> No.31978147
Quoted by: >>31978173

can you really call other people schizos and retards if you don't have a relevant degree?

>> No.31978173

sure. I do it all the time, you schizo.

>> No.31978170

She really does have the Christian Women experience

>> No.31978175

Yes, self-diagnosing is legit. Just trust me bro.

>> No.31978204
File: 27 KB, 666x666, 1656870758279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I win Lines of Text

>> No.31978207
Quoted by: >>31978234

It does for me...

>> No.31978208

one of the reasons I couldn't join nijisanji os that I would absolutely call myself or someone else autistic as a joke without thinking.

>> No.31978209

daph is chatting with Nina

>> No.31978222

fuck I forgot to take my meds, chill, it's just amoxicillin

>> No.31978234

What strain are you smoking to get like that...

>> No.31978251
Quoted by: >>31978295

This but "retard"

>> No.31978252

That's pretty autistic if you ask me.

>> No.31978263

I hope she opens totsumachi.

>> No.31978266
File: 218 KB, 1416x1295, 1661362911073249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31978283
Quoted by: >>31978960

Ike should do a monthly book club or something where he and all of us read a book and then make a stream talking about it

>> No.31978292

If you are calling yourself autistic as a joke, I think it’s okay. But if you genuinely think that you are autistic without checking it with a professional, then no. Self-diagnosing is dangerous.

>> No.31978295

Neither is that much of an issue.

>> No.31978309

Holy based

>> No.31978327


>> No.31978342

i could get by as long as i don't play a rage game.. i would definitely slip up and say faggot

>> No.31978345

With how large the spectrum is and depending how weird you are, you can just self diagnose and go to see if you have it or not desu.

>> No.31978355

idk who either of those 2 are. go and stay out 2view beggar

>> No.31978370

professional diagnosis is expensive
in general just scoring consistently positive on multiple online autism tests should suffice
>inb4 you can bullshit these tests
and you can also bullshit professional diagnoses these days because psychiatrists no longer know how to smell bullshit

>> No.31978383

I don't know about that. people are real sensitive about that shit today

>> No.31978386

Is it weird that I dismiss any post that doesn't have a variation of smugselen in the filename as a falseflagger?

>> No.31978400

Enna's setting up her death flag.

>> No.31978411
Quoted by: >>31978736

Mysta Rias

>> No.31978414
File: 150 KB, 616x616, 1657042230523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all

>> No.31978418
Quoted by: >>31978463

i hate those kinds of "people"

>> No.31978441
Quoted by: >>31978592

it’s okay in 4chan, but it’s clearly not okay outside of /here/ kek

>> No.31978451
Quoted by: >>31978515

I filtered all Selen image

>> No.31978463

unfortunately that is most of nijien's fanbase so you have to suck it up

>> No.31978479
Quoted by: >>31978538

What rock have you been living under?

>> No.31978512
Quoted by: >>31978539


>> No.31978515
File: 134 KB, 1200x1080, 1655815594285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31978607

Don't do that

>> No.31978525

Expectation of this thread during the reveal?

>> No.31978538


>> No.31978539


>> No.31978540

I have not been able to fap to Rosemi after her new outfit got released and I used to fap to her daily like 4 or 5 times in a single day.
I blame the tits. They are too big.

Anyone else feels the same way? :(

>> No.31978541

Words like "fag" are taboo, but you can totally drop a "retard" without having to apologize or otherwise acknowledge it, even as a niji. Just don't spam it obviously.

>> No.31978555
Quoted by: >>31978576


>> No.31978564

might not be an issue with some audiences but it definitely would be with NijiEN's

>> No.31978568
File: 368 KB, 619x536, 1661368575530632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31978656

Enna needs a lobotomy

>> No.31978576
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>> No.31978592

I guess that's the problem when you've been here for so long. In normal conversation I'm fine, but if were bantering with someone words like autistic and faggot just come out. I'm 100% sure I would accidentally call Vox autistic monkey man when shit talking with him

>> No.31978593


>> No.31978607

Selen needs more drunk rape art

>> No.31978608
File: 462 KB, 563x605, 1657215483106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna should marry because I love to sit when I pee

>> No.31978613
Quoted by: >>31978659

You might actually be retarded if you think you could get away with calling someone a retard in Nijisanji.

>> No.31978621

on my way

>> No.31978634
File: 250 KB, 777x777, 1647268827252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31978667

reacting but not watching

>> No.31978649

>getting all 4 removed
She's going to fucking die

>> No.31978653

Sitting while peeing as a male is more common that you think, though not as common as it should be.

>> No.31978656

cute reimu

>> No.31978659

>You might actually be retarded
Wouldn't be here otherwise

>> No.31978664

You would absolutely not get away with it.

>> No.31978667
File: 26 KB, 666x666, 1656544864309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite the reasonable observation there my friend

>> No.31978669

She would simply cheat on him with a loser than she can berate, this bitch needs something to complain about to feel satisfied

>> No.31978670
Quoted by: >>31978837


>> No.31978676

If Selens Reveal isn't amazing, I'm going to anti the shit out of her for delaying the outfits

>> No.31978692
File: 174 KB, 289x311, 1658947874176317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it's a dreadful day when the simpletons in nijiEN take Enna's words as fact and at face value.

She's a bitch cunts anons. Break out of your chains and don't let her get into your head.

>> No.31978694

Enna took too much Pomu leaf once.

>> No.31978696

Enna talking about smoking weed again...

>> No.31978700
Quoted by: >>31978723

Do you also take off your shoes before entering and don't eat on the bed?

>> No.31978702

There goes Enna talking about doing drugs. Isn't there something on their contract about this?

>> No.31978703

I can't believe Enna took drugs and couldn't throw up.

>> No.31978710

>she's talking about weed again
reminder that weed has been proven to make you dumber, and not just while you're high, it's a detrimental effect in the long term.

>> No.31978715

She's going to be gone for at least 5 days. There's just no way.

>> No.31978713

she said herself that it was intended to lead up to the outfit reveal, but the delays forced her to come up with some filler for it

>> No.31978723

Yes and yes
She can get into my ass

>> No.31978726
Quoted by: >>31978794

People going absolutely ballistic when Selen shows off huge dragon milkers with extra cleavage showing.

>> No.31978729

>Enna Nonchalantly saying she smoked weed
I know she is a leaf, but still dumb and shit to say on stream

>> No.31978731

Is 4 too much?
I got all 4 removed

>> No.31978733

So she's lying whore after all

>> No.31978736
File: 240 KB, 1500x1166, 2B84FF92-8838-4257-8C72-1520185CFC0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is a cute loaf

>> No.31978742


>> No.31978748
File: 139 KB, 895x680, 1649626650329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31978811

>> No.31978770
File: 117 KB, 986x720, chillin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31978834

Still can't believe this is my first photoshop project lmao

>> No.31978781

If Enna survives this she will share the story of her first murder.

>> No.31978789

nah better to just get them all out at once and get it over with

>> No.31978792

Quick somebody alert management

>> No.31978796

Why are you people still talking about the weed when enna is talking about dying

>> No.31978794

both Enna and Elira have made comments about her being smaller

>> No.31978795

Late night is really nice

No one is around and it's very quiet

>> No.31978800


>> No.31978802

I can't believe Enna's describing how it feels to be high on stream.

>> No.31978808

This story is basically what happened to me.

>> No.31978813
Quoted by: >>31978886

after i vomited from greening out i never touched weed again.. i don't get people like enna

>> No.31978811
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>> No.31978819

Someone please stream and save me from this retarded bird bitch

>> No.31978820
File: 155 KB, 768x1024, 1647117239800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31978821

Why did Enna cook her girl talk?

>> No.31978823

I had only 1 removed because it was the only one causing problems and it was torture

>> No.31978827
Quoted by: >>31978872

Management will bonk her

>> No.31978834
Quoted by: >>31978980

Sauce on those feet?

>> No.31978837

I got all 4 removed at the same time with just local anesthesia


>> No.31978839

Enna should smoke some weed before surgery.

>> No.31978858

somebody marry enna

>> No.31978860

wait I just tuned in, is she actually talking about drugs?

>> No.31978862
Quoted by: >>31978904

How are the japs reacting to this?

>> No.31978872

for what? weed is legal

>> No.31978876
Quoted by: >>31978887

>Kyo: I had the same experience.

>> No.31978886

unirocanilly people react less about fear of death and shit than someone confessing they smoke/ingest drugs

>> No.31978887


>> No.31978895
File: 23 KB, 917x87, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31978897
Quoted by: >>31978935

it's a japanese company

>> No.31978903

doesn't japan still have front page stories about singers doing drugs and it turns out to just be weed?

>> No.31978904

i wanna know how the chinks will react to this

>> No.31978902
Quoted by: >>31978935

>Japanesse company

>> No.31978908

enna's friend getting to stick her fingers down her throat so she could throw up...lucky bitch

>> No.31978916
File: 457 KB, 498x476, 1658456890238962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna has no gag reflex, I see

>> No.31978917
Quoted by: >>31978971

I don't think it's gonna be that bad since dragoons are in discord

>> No.31978921
Quoted by: >>31978961

The brownies were too potent

>> No.31978924
Quoted by: >>31978951

Wait did Salami get a PC sponsorship and a beefy PC to go with it? Damn.

>> No.31978935

because its not legal in japan, where she is not streaming from. are you all genuinely retarded?

>> No.31978951

sarome is on that grind my nigga

>> No.31978952
Quoted by: >>31979095

you're career is fucking dead if they catch you with weed.

>> No.31978959

I'm gonna start smoking weed because of Enna, she looks so cool doing it

>> No.31978960

That would be fun. I also wish he'd do a music thing tho where quilldren can participate. Maybe he can provide a short composition and we can add on/expand it or something. So it'll be like a mini music collab with quilldren almost

>> No.31978961

edibles lmao

>> No.31978963

you didn't even read my post dumb mass-quoter

>> No.31978971

They 100% will be /here/ and will blame falseflagger after

>> No.31978975

Ah yes I forgot that management was actually the Canadian Police

>> No.31978980 [SPOILER] 
File: 31 KB, 600x900, healthy-female-feet-white-background-copyspace-35169638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31978981

Doesn't matter if it's legal. I'm pretty sure I remember someone started saying something about drugs and another one saying "do you remember the contract?". It's been a while so I don't remember who it was, but I think Pomu was there.

>> No.31978982
Quoted by: >>31979146

How do >we make Mysta stop playing so much Genshit?

>> No.31978991

but link the fucking study, you retard

>> No.31978999
Quoted by: >>31979115

Yes, but Enna didn't do this in japan nor does she target a japanese audience to begin with. By that logic she'd have gone up in flames for talking about drinking at an age younger than Japan's legal age.

>> No.31979007

Here you go, it's common knowledge

>> No.31979010

Why did Enna's private parts get high?

>> No.31979013
File: 77 KB, 354x466, all me [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8du05w.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31979014

Something tells me Enna uses Pomu leaf when she's alone in her house.

>> No.31979018
Quoted by: >>31979195

Enna really acting like this is her last stream just because she's getting some teeth removed

>> No.31979030

Honestly this is why u just commission Neroshi's circle. Commission people who actually love niji.

>> No.31979033

Enna pushes the limits so many times most she'll have is a scolding from management and the vod taken down

>> No.31979045

They still have to ask permission to play games even though they aren't in Japan. Rules apply for both branches and Japan is autistic about drugs

>> No.31979051

this is as much spoonfeeding im gonna do for you ungrateful zoomer cunt. learn to use google.

>> No.31979054

I don't think that's going to matter much for Enna

>> No.31979064

Bro.. They literally unpersoned one of my favorite anime VA because they caught her with the minimum amount of weed.
I just hope management won't bonk her.

>> No.31979072

Anecdotal, but I knew two guys in uni who smoked a lot of weed (and not much else afaik), and they were both a bit lethargic and had that drawling manner of speech.

>> No.31979080
Quoted by: >>31979255

That's the worst example you could have used, she breaks the contract on a near-daily basis nowadays.
Besides, it's probably just "don't talk about illegal substances", but it's not illegal where she did it or where she lives.

>> No.31979095
Quoted by: >>31979166

A huge portion of japanese do fucking shabu which is practically meth but weed is a no no lol

>> No.31979101

>Im not gonna go into it
After telling her first edible story

>> No.31979105
Quoted by: >>31979157

Google said it's bad

>> No.31979115

You can do a legal thing only for it to retroactively become a crime once you cross some made up geographical border.

>> No.31979118

I feel like we're going to hear the slack notification at any moment

>> No.31979121

pachinko is worse than drugs

>> No.31979137

That friend? Millie Parfait.

>> No.31979140

the study just said that it can cause psychosis if you have a medical history about it, and there's no clear conclusion on the cognitive part.

>> No.31979146
File: 499 KB, 2048x1570, 1636964730947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've honestly been considering saying something mean to him to get him to stop the next time he plays on YouTube outside of a sponsorship. I feel bad but the situation is dire. It'd have to be something biting, so if anybody has any suggestions, I'll take them.

>> No.31979153
Quoted by: >>31979222

Isn't talking about drugs bad?

>> No.31979157

god, I forgot I'm either talking to a retard who never even went to college and doesn't know how to check references on an article or a literal under age faggot.

>> No.31979160
Quoted by: >>31979291

Enna advocating for the usage and research of weed on stream is unbelievably based

>> No.31979166

they don't fucking talk about it

>> No.31979169

genuinely will enna get bonked for this or will it be a nothingburger

>> No.31979179
Quoted by: >>31979273

This is actually one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen in my life.
>japanese citizens

>> No.31979181
File: 4 KB, 492x53, 1640686368932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31979180
Quoted by: >>31979273

She's not a japanese citizen

>> No.31979195

Small Asian women are like this, especially if they're not very confident which can promote even more outsize effects.
>t. known many girls like this
It's not completely unfounded, a coworker got fucked up due to anesthesia.

>> No.31979198

Pomu had high risk surgery top remove her ovaries and yet somehow Enna is making more a fuss over going to the dentist

>> No.31979215

those are high expectations to have for anons itt

>> No.31979217

I still don't really get the appeal of weed, my friends did it all throughout high school and there's 3 legal shops within walking distance of myself but like I've just never felt compelled to try it
also it costs money so fuck that.

>> No.31979218


>> No.31979223

Just supa saying you will cut yourself if he plays it again

>> No.31979222
File: 93 KB, 1444x1121, millie_smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black culture is good.

>> No.31979227
File: 595 KB, 2025x2048, FagvI8mXEAIHChg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31979228

Depends on whether or not upper management catches wind of it. EN management would probably let it slide.

>> No.31979233

You already know the answer, but enjoy the catalog filled with bait about this

>> No.31979235

When Enna points out some people only watch her to wait for her to say something bad or fuck up makes more sense now.

>> No.31979240
File: 50 KB, 782x289, 1631173307165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you aren't in academia, you shouldn't be using conclusive or absolute statements.

>> No.31979241

Anon... Enna's not a japanese citizen...

>> No.31979249
Quoted by: >>31979434

>Enna already talked about how everyone should get Cancer
>Enna already talked about killing babies
>Enna already talked about hiding dead bodies
>Enna already talked about how women shouldn't have rights
You guys should face it... this girl is uncancellable...

>> No.31979255

What has Pomu done that has broken contract? Give me examples

>> No.31979264
Quoted by: >>31979284

>rrat about Millie doing drug because Enna said one of her friend did
>it's actually Enna who do drug

>> No.31979273
Quoted by: >>31979306

>didn't do this in japan
I'm just saying where you do it doesn't matter. I'm not talking about Enna in particular.

>> No.31979276

Me in middle and middle right

>> No.31979278

So both Enna and Kyo almost overdosed on weed. More depth to the pairing.

>> No.31979279
File: 110 KB, 729x900, FX-6aO-aUAEm1P5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys ever tried DMT? That's something

I agree, I like psychedelic drugs more

>> No.31979281
Quoted by: >>31979412

show who funded this study.

>> No.31979284

>because Enna said one of her friend did
anon I...

>> No.31979291


>> No.31979299

Fellow american friends, you do realize that drugs are banned and frowned on in most parts of the world, right ? Here you legit get more time served for drugs than you get for murder (10 years and 8 years respectfully), i wish they also banned smoking, i fucking hate smokers, especially the smell they give off

>> No.31979303

>if anybody has any suggestions
taking your meds

>> No.31979306
Quoted by: >>31979411

>I'm not talking about Enna in particular.
Then why are you posting about it in relation to Enna, you fucking retard?

>> No.31979308

Some people do it to decompress, others do it to help them focus, some for pain relief, others just do it socially, really depends

>> No.31979310

i hated going to uni in maple land because it always stank like weed wherever i went and that 100% turned me off ever trying it

>> No.31979321
Quoted by: >>31979691

I wish I saw her talk with kyo when he mentioned having his brain ripped out while enna cries about removing a teeth

>> No.31979322
Quoted by: >>31979577

Pomu still gets her period and she still has boobs we don't know what surgery she got

>> No.31979325

quality matters
and as with anything, like with drinking for example, it matters who you do it with/what state of emotion you're in even if it's not a stimulant
also there's different ways to take it too, some people only like edibles for example

>> No.31979326

Me behind the yaminion thinking how to talk to them because I want to be friends

>> No.31979333
Quoted by: >>31979465

You need a sitter for this shit, which is an ordeal.

>> No.31979348
Quoted by: >>31979416

why are there 3 small quilldren instead of a big one

>> No.31979349

My first edible I was glued to the couch the whole night and just stared at this model of a boat the entire time

>> No.31979357
Quoted by: >>31979451

>if kyo says I'll be fine, I'll be fine

>> No.31979363
File: 32 KB, 491x128, 1638341136655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nta, but even the article you listed is citing a review paper, that itself contradicts it. Not to mention, meta-reviews are a bad way to ascertain what the research was actually about, since they tend to present an oversimplified picture

>> No.31979370

Pomu's farewell stream was really emotional but Enna's stream is just funny.

>> No.31979375

don't even try to argue with that anon, the retarded can't even give source.

>> No.31979381
File: 14 KB, 399x399, 1660841546125612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31979446

>saying something mean to him
What the actual fuck is wrong with you

>> No.31979401

Enna is going schizo now...

>> No.31979403
Quoted by: >>31979621

If you are an artist you should definitely try it once, it made me aware of so many things I didn't even perceive before

>> No.31979411
Quoted by: >>31979521

I didn't bring her up. It's your fucked up little brain that's wrong.

>> No.31979412

National Institute of Drug Abuse are the ones who said that the data isn't conclusive. The OP who linked it was making absolute statements about its effects long-term.
Releasing academic journals and studies to the public was a mistake. That's all I'll say about this.

>> No.31979416

It's cuter that way

>> No.31979434

don't forget saying the aids crisis is population control

>> No.31979438
Quoted by: >>31979517

to be fair there's a very very very small chance of dying from removing your wisdom teeth.

>> No.31979443

You know Sonny already complained about not being able to say retard while streaming. They absolutely can't

>> No.31979446
Quoted by: >>31979575

It's tough love. You can't be happy seeing Gacha take over his life like this.

>> No.31979450

>Nijien is full of potheads
No wonder they're all massive losers

>> No.31979451
File: 805 KB, 2048x1685, FbKKuqUaAAAQbRU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31979465

I've had great trips but I agree on the sitters. My friend had a horrible trip, where she saw her deceased mom crying and shouting. She never touched it again and had an emotional breakdown

>> No.31979468
Quoted by: >>31979523

Yeah, that's kind of fucked up how most parts of the world do that

>> No.31979482

I don't know. Anon is pretty cool.

>> No.31979495

the most conventionally successful people i know are druggies including weed lmao

>> No.31979499
File: 370 KB, 600x626, 1659441182009152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weed is still stigmatized and recreational use is illegal in most states. Doesn't stop people though

>> No.31979510

Weed gives me panic attacks. LSD is where it's at.

>> No.31979517

Just get it under local anesthesia. Why are they such big babies? You literally can't feel it once they numb you.

>> No.31979518

Pffffffff Enna this is nothing compared to a heart surgery.

>> No.31979519

Anon, what do you do when you can't sleep

>> No.31979521

>post in reply to where Enna did a drug
>link a study on why japanese citizens won't be able to do weed even where it's legal
>i wasn't talking about enna btw

>> No.31979523

Yeah, i heard multiple stories of guys getting 14 years because they had too much weed on them.

>> No.31979527

I fucking hate drugs because is one of the reasons why my country is in its state

>> No.31979539

Everyone else seems to avoid the topic pretty hard. See for example how things suddenly got awkward when Maria started talking about drugs on Selen's thing. I wouldn't be surprised if they have been told its an NG topic but what are the chances of anyone in management listening to this.

>> No.31979543
Quoted by: >>31979701

ASMR earlicking

>> No.31979545

I hate it if I'm just gonna be stationary, like lying around on my couch, yet I remember it being super fun going swiming or riding my bike while high

>> No.31979553

I did it local anesthesia too, so I dunno.
Not comfortable, true, but it doesn't hurt one bit.

>> No.31979557

Seek help.

>> No.31979566

BR anon....

>> No.31979575
File: 122 KB, 301x228, 1659621600196261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31979726

I'm a sane person who just doesn't watch his stream when he's playing something I don't like, I suggest trying that before sending money to upset him

>> No.31979577

considering that breakdown she had about her stitch falling out and the doctors not having enough skin to work with to stitch it back she probably had implants if Finana's not a fucking liar
She could also have breast forms and Finana wouldn't have known unless they saw each other fully naked

>> No.31979581


>> No.31979584
Quoted by: >>31979752

Guys, Enna has talked about admitting to crimes. Did property damage to place she was living at and hid eggs. Bitch would get in so much trouble even if the landlord deserves it. But she hasn't so she's fine.

>> No.31979590

It's the cigarettes timeloop all over, they know shit is bad for them but they make excuses for themselves. whatever it doesn't hurt me, carry on.

>> No.31979598

this but poverty and blackies

>> No.31979604
File: 286 KB, 750x750, shygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing (((science))) when it comes to health stuff
It's like the whole fat demonization/sugar whitewashing didn't teach people anything.

>> No.31979610

Your country is in it's state because of the criminalization of drugs, not their existence itself.

>> No.31979621

weed? really? that's how my friends talk about shrooms

>> No.31979635

I watch miniature hobbyists

>> No.31979644

I've always wanted to try but it's hard to get around here.

>> No.31979648
Quoted by: >>31979800

>druggies are successful people
those people are already smart, the drugs and mushrooms don't make them smart, you have it backwards.

>> No.31979657
Quoted by: >>31979800

That's because most of the time they're depressed fucks searching for meaning in life after realizing that material possessions didn't fulfill their need for purpose

>> No.31979665

Why does nothing get me harder than pixelart porn? Got RJ392643 and every stage by itself is worth 5 jerkoff sessions

>> No.31979668
Quoted by: >>31979775

i'm genuinely curious, is local anesthesia not the standard for wisdom teeth? all the teeth operations i've had were all local, including a pulled molar. aside from a few sharp pains occasionally it was 100% tolerable

>> No.31979686

I hate being intoxicated and not being in control of myself. I can't get anything beyond a little tipsy before freaking out

>> No.31979691

wonder if he told her how he joked about how he might die on the operating table

>> No.31979701

Millie's ASMR used to do the job for me but it's not working now for some reason ;v;

>> No.31979702

I watch shit on youtube or play something

>> No.31979722

watch/read something relaxing and maybe a little boring

>> No.31979724

You've evolved my friend. It's time to move onto real JP ASMR

>> No.31979725
File: 20 KB, 236x348, FLgUDr4VQAcKjNp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna please, you're making me anxious if I should have my wisdom teeth checked/removed. One was super painful when coming in, but I ignored it and now it doesn't hurt...

>> No.31979726

Nigger do you seriously want half of his weekly solo streams to be genshit and hear him mention that game every stream? He's on his way to turn into Shu v2.0 but with gacha

>> No.31979738


>> No.31979742

JPbros do you understand the implication of mushrooms as a power up in Mario games?

>> No.31979752

Based, I once did the same but make a sausage paste and put it all over the inner walls, and the electric outlet, it got infested by rats and cockroaches in less than a week and they couldn't get rid of them.

>> No.31979763

Haha he jump

>> No.31979762
Quoted by: >>31979814

stop listen to ASMR for few weeks

>> No.31979767
Quoted by: >>31980026

is there link to the stitch thing?

>> No.31979769

Watch ManlyBadassHero's videos, those horror kusoge's put me to sleep

>> No.31979775

It's the standard but full can be requested. Had a friend that removed theirs under full. Also in my experience the initial injection of local failed me so they had to inject it directly into my partially broken teeth they drilled through midway.

>> No.31979777
Quoted by: >>31979811

I hope Enna is ok

>> No.31979781
File: 1.68 MB, 2867x4096, 1661163084837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petra and Rosemi are such gigastacies now that they intimidate me

>> No.31979800

i grew up with these folks
when we were nijiEN age none of us were "successful"

>> No.31979806

I believe in science, I don't believe when they cherry pick data to push a narrative

>> No.31979811


>> No.31979814

I listen to ASMR every night. You don't have to stop you have to change which tap you drink from

>> No.31979817

I ignored mine that was growing sideways because it stopped hurting and eventually it broke another teeth, don't delay it

>> No.31979818

the mushroom represents his dick

>> No.31979820
File: 21 KB, 405x406, 1660071155702586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seek help

>> No.31979824

Dude what if Mario got high of the mushrooms and he pulled out an AK and shoots the turtles bro loooool

>> No.31979842


>> No.31979843

Does anyone dislike the more spread out relay format for Obsydia? I liked getting all the Lazulight outfits in one go and then seeing them together in a collab right after

>> No.31979846

Enna is very lactose

>> No.31979864
File: 822 KB, 2480x3508, img_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wisdom teeth are legit cancer and get them removed
A friend didn't get them removed and it moved in and cut through his other tooth

>> No.31979866

If you haven't visited a dentist in a long time you might as well go for a check up.

>> No.31979874
Quoted by: >>31979911

switching doesn't work for me, I stop listening for a while then it work again

>> No.31979881
Quoted by: >>31980207

maybe if you weren't racist mysta would stop playing gacha

>> No.31979892

You know who to blame

>> No.31979898

Me. I really don't understand it. The hype isn't as strong.

>> No.31979903

I have been listening to horror/mystery radio plays like the Magnus Archives.

>> No.31979911

Also getting good headphones does make a difference, but everyone is different

>> No.31979910
Quoted by: >>31979940

but other ASMRs don't have Millie's little kisses :(

>> No.31979916


>> No.31979919

I wish they weren't forced to have it with their wavemates. JP livers gwt new outfits all the time without having to wait for their wavemates

>> No.31979921

just get it done when you can manage it
IF they do damage, it'll be even worse and more expensive

>> No.31979929

just do it already, it's minor surgery, you go in and 30 mins later youre on your way back home.
You'll have swollen cheeks for less than a week and that's it

>> No.31979933
File: 156 KB, 683x458, confused_bird_with_a_question_mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get high if I suck the milk out of Enna's breasts after she smoked herself senseless?

>> No.31979936

Obsydia is never a real wave.

>> No.31979938

I preferred the way Lazulight did it personally.

>> No.31979940

Yes they do. Shop around

>> No.31979943

Obsydia don't want to collab

>> No.31979944

If you're 6'6" like me, your wisdom teeth grow in just fine.
Maybe you're all just too shrunken and small so they don't fit in your mouth anymore

>> No.31979948

Enna does her Kanji reps after her surgery?

>> No.31979965

I'm fucking tired of Enna, all she ever talks about is her daddy issues, weed, or chinese shit.
This bitch is so vapid, I can't believe you don't get bored of her.

>> No.31979975


>> No.31979985
Quoted by: >>31980048

I'm in my 30s and all 4 of my wisdom teeth haven't come out. I had a root canal recently though, and I did ask about it since almost all of them are horizontal, but my dentist said it's still fine.

>> No.31979986

yes, because THC can be dissolved in fat, and human milk is full of fat

>> No.31979993

It's congee.

>> No.31979997

I'm /here/ with you instead of watching stream anon

>> No.31979999

Have you tried not watching?

>> No.31980003

It helps that I don't want to fuck her and make her my gf. Oh, the horror.

>> No.31980013

i do something i'll have to do later anyways. might as well get something done if i'm not gonna sleep.

>> No.31980017
File: 560 KB, 726x720, 1629939426731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu, your schedule....

>> No.31980026
Quoted by: >>31980559


>> No.31980027

I go for regular check-up and my dentist hasn't even brought them up in years, so I'm kinda hoping I'm good. But then again my didn't mother have hers out in her 50s...

>> No.31980035


>> No.31980039

Post your schedule anon

>> No.31980048
Quoted by: >>31980077

you should have them take out, when they are horizontal they fuck out all of your other teeth and you end up looking you average brit.

>> No.31980051
Quoted by: >>31980091

My wisdom teeth came out just fine.

>> No.31980055
Quoted by: >>31980089

Pomusuke is touching grass please understand.

>> No.31980072
File: 278 KB, 1535x2047, 1650671582782784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has never watched enna

>> No.31980077


>> No.31980082

Yes, the breastmilk will have THC and might affect the baby brain development.

>> No.31980089

*eating grass

>> No.31980091

Me too. I just slept through it all until the pain hit me the next day.

>> No.31980095

I stopped watching her a while back unless she is playing a proper game that doesn't give her time to go on about this stuff but just gets her funny reactions instead. Her zatsudan is always going to generate a lot of discussion where she touches on so many controversial topics instead of sticking to relatively safe stuff though.

>> No.31980096

I like how Lazulight did it with the reveals followed by a collab afterwards

>> No.31980129
Quoted by: >>31980179

2PM wake up and eat cereal
2:30PM sit in front of computer
8PM eat dinner
8:30PM sit in front of computer
6AM sleep

>> No.31980141

If you notice there was other stuff in between.
>Petra outfit reveal
>Oliver 3D
>Rosemi outfit reveal
>Karaoke relay
>Selen outfit reveal

>> No.31980143

I prefer this way. More time to digest the outfits.

>> No.31980167

Off today, members ASMR tomorrow
There, ask again in 24hrs

>> No.31980179
Quoted by: >>31980213

That's so sad...

>> No.31980180

Selen is just a bitch and didn't want to release her outfit with the rest

>> No.31980186

I love enna but I never want to be a friend or marry her. SHe sounds completely insufferable

>> No.31980205

>have your grandkids chew your food
chinese people are weird, dont yall yellow niggas have blenders over there?

>> No.31980207

Didn't work.

>> No.31980210

enna is so scared bros

>> No.31980213
Quoted by: >>31980233

I love my puter all my friends are inside it

>> No.31980215

I wanna be friends with Rosemi

>> No.31980233
Quoted by: >>31980260

Are we friends?

>> No.31980235

I can handle her.
I will take care of her.

>> No.31980245
Quoted by: >>31980290

I love enna and I want to marry her or at least be friends with her. She sounds completely insufferable.

>> No.31980253

I wish I was best friends with her to help her with her weed trips and to take care of her as she moans in pain after getting her wisdom teeth taken out.

>> No.31980260
Quoted by: >>31980313


>> No.31980264
File: 57 KB, 890x653, 1613446834556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi, your schedule.....

>> No.31980275

Now that they've gone public, spreading the days out gives them more chances to have the "most EN vtuber viewers" to point to and generate hype
this is my rrat

>> No.31980277

sex with mysta

>> No.31980289

4am :Waking up
5am: hit the gym
3pm: dinner(i usually eat a whole cow including hooves(good for the skin)
6pm:doing vod reps if there's any
9pm - 2am: sex with my gf
2am-4am: bed time

>> No.31980290
File: 235 KB, 371x401, 1661394526649212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31980301


>> No.31980313
File: 98 KB, 226x239, 1660457445466609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31980336

>Morse code
My oshi kinda autistic

>> No.31980338

Wait, are you lying...?

>> No.31980341

Thanks anons... I won't reply to each individually, but I guess I should get them checked out since it's been probably over a decade since I last saw a dentist... No insurance kind of makes me afraid of the cost though.

>> No.31980342

Enna's fear of the surgery broke her brain

>> No.31980343

Not this morse code arc again.

>> No.31980351

>works out his body
>doesn't work out his mind
>no hobbies
fucking loser

>> No.31980361

unless the family is into smoothies, the main kitchen appliance is a rice cooker

>> No.31980364

Oh no, Enna is going to become tittyass streamer!

>> No.31980377
File: 84 KB, 231x230, 1618022344211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna claims that she's "so nice" and totally not a savage

>> No.31980386

We follow the "chinese medicine" thing, sadly.

>> No.31980406
Quoted by: >>31980486

Honestly Lazulight going all at once was the real mistake. The other branches have been fine with doing staggered outfit releases, but EN audiences have this "expectation" that every wave must do this kind of thing all together, all at once.

>> No.31980410
Quoted by: >>31980469

Enna you can't call people niggers just because it's in morse code

>> No.31980411
Quoted by: >>31980467

Sometimes I realize my oshi is not normal

>> No.31980424

I hate that Unity shit, let them debut their outfits when then are prepared

>> No.31980425
File: 324 KB, 1920x1080, FbWe-ldXgAIq-5M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31980429
Quoted by: >>31980467

Enna turned into the road runner.

>> No.31980433

Honestly, I love when streamers chain up events like this morse code bit, it's a huge part of what makes the format so fun and spontaneous

>> No.31980435

this dumb bitch thinks communication via morse code is more viable than text to speech

>> No.31980454

she probably does have implants

>> No.31980465
File: 927 KB, 903x831, 1659698351457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*bip* *bip* *bip*

>> No.31980466

I liked more lazulight's yeah
But maybe that's because Lazulight is my favorite group

>> No.31980467

why would you want them to be

>> No.31980469

i thought rosemi was the right wing one

>> No.31980486

Lazulight going all at once was a big success. Finana the least popular member ended up with the most viewers because they followed that format. If she was on her own she wouldn't have had half as many people show up to see it.

>> No.31980489

You guys ever notice how people livepost about Enna more than Pomu nowadays?

>> No.31980490
File: 1.67 MB, 2350x1667, 1654534933568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morse Code? I'd rather do Whore's Code

>> No.31980502

I hate collabs with flesh streamers who have bigger numbers than us, it looks like begging

>> No.31980508

Outlast huh, is he good with horror?

>> No.31980511


>> No.31980518
File: 179 KB, 363x297, 1661771606811343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually learning morse code
>doing morse code beeps to her chat

>> No.31980519

Who is 39daph?

>> No.31980522

Are Aloucreeps now surprised that their favorite streaming seems to not be 100% there?

>> No.31980531
File: 2 KB, 93x63, bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31980535

I am now reminded of the last duel in Rosemi's Master Duel stream...

>> No.31980556

Yeah, Enna is liked by women (who took over this thread btw) and Pomu is liked almost exclusively by smelly old men

>> No.31980559
Quoted by: >>31980617

that wasn't a breakdown at all.

>> No.31980562
File: 1000 KB, 250x336, 1660904396913.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31980581

translate it aloubeeps

>> No.31980568
Quoted by: >>31980678

He played the morg assist game
Got so scared he had to turn the game volume down
But he did talk shit about outlast if I remember correctly

>> No.31980573
Quoted by: >>31981037

why is the ID branch like this

>> No.31980575

How do we save him...

>> No.31980581


>> No.31980589

Enna is my favourite beep streamer

>> No.31980591

i livepost in lazulight general for pomu

>> No.31980598
Quoted by: >>31980891

Watching vtubers sometimes gives me the impression that there isn't many game out there

>> No.31980602

Cute Enna making fun of her crush Kyo on morse code

>> No.31980609

I'm not that old

>> No.31980617

Her breakdown was on twitter and in real life, she just had to talk about it on stream
She got like 5k in superchats that stream

>> No.31980630
Quoted by: >>31980706


oh no

>> No.31980642

Morse code stream let's go

>> No.31980653


>> No.31980655
Quoted by: >>31981037

You can't. Look at Bonbon.

>> No.31980659

Enna is being controversial, which is what causes people to talk. Pomu is not controversial, she's just a cute fun happy vtuber.

>> No.31980660
Quoted by: >>31981037

You can't save people they need to save themselves. Look at what Mika did, whether you like the way she went about it or not, nobody did that for her, she hustled to get a decent sized audience.

>> No.31980661
Quoted by: >>31980692

Kyo has been listening to this femcel bitch for like almost 2 hours.

>> No.31980669

39ph is tranny isn't he?

>> No.31980672

When are Rosemi and Elira playing this?

>> No.31980678

Oh interesting, might tune in then, it's at a good time for me. Thanks anon

>> No.31980684
Quoted by: >>31980879

39daph for nijiEN wave 7?

>> No.31980692

Just like me for real.

>> No.31980702

before the telephone was invented, communications were done by "wire" through a series of beeps. You would bring your message to the station, and it would be translated into morse code, then sent in a series of beeps. An operator on the other side would interpret the beeps and spell out the message.

Welcome to the 1800's

>> No.31980706
Quoted by: >>31980740

Why? She was fine with Alban.

>> No.31980711

>breakdown was on twitter
I only remember the MS paint schedule and saying it hurts, that's not a breakdown, she spent a lot of time on the other girls streams too

>> No.31980722
Quoted by: >>31980806

Didn’t she talk about her gender view breakdown a while ago? I remember her saying it’s a considerable amount of women.

>> No.31980728
Quoted by: >>31980758

why are anons so obsessed with trannys?

>> No.31980732
File: 130 KB, 943x885, pomumu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pomu is not controversial

>> No.31980737
File: 195 KB, 1454x2048, FbOgoltWAAAOUG-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute and fun

>> No.31980740



>> No.31980751

He finally is playing pokemon again.

>> No.31980755

oh. I didn't actively watch Pomu till 8 months ago so I missed a lot of her earliest stuff

>> No.31980758

sir, i am not sure if you are ware but this is a Nijisanji thread.

>> No.31980761

She's a petite Asian woman you /pol/ schizo

>> No.31980764

no what the fuck

>> No.31980765

Did Mysta mention why he won't be able to participate in NijiFes in his stream? I was being a wagie

>> No.31980766
Quoted by: >>31980900

Nta but this was after she came back already, not the period when she was collabing during her break.

>> No.31980773

I feel like he'll have better chemistry with daph than alban did

>> No.31980772

I think your printer spilled its ink

>> No.31980783

She is not, she is more relatable than controversial

>> No.31980789

Yeah, they all interact with hands. What's the problem?

>> No.31980788
File: 431 KB, 320x320, 1644545239312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit
>rapes her

>> No.31980795


>> No.31980797

I only remember her opening the stitches for laughing too much on a stream she shouldn't be doing

>> No.31980802
Quoted by: >>31980945

Passport issues. Everywhere is still backed up in issuing them by months

>> No.31980803

I also didn't watch him but my money's on not getting his passport in time.

>> No.31980806

Yeah and there are 40+ year olds watching her.

>> No.31980809
Quoted by: >>31980986

Anon even Selen wasn't scared by Outlast and that bitch is really bad with horror

>> No.31980818
File: 219 KB, 2156x2108, 1655993280248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31980826

Daph must be a contrarian, collabing with Noctyx and even Iluna before Luxiem

>> No.31980843
File: 73 KB, 220x215, 1674427554096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna morse code stream when?

>> No.31980859
Quoted by: >>31981270

daph has zoomer humor so she wouldn't actually get along with anyone in luxiem

>> No.31980873

What was the last controversial thing she said or did

>> No.31980875

She's an Aris sub, of course she is

>> No.31980879

she's already part of a corpo

>> No.31980890
Quoted by: >>31981227

He didn't even briefly touch on it. Kind of weird. It can be assumed that it's passport issues, though.

>> No.31980893
Quoted by: >>31981049

It wasn't a full blown menhera meltdown she was just extremely upset and a bunch of concernfags came in to throw money at her to make it better

>> No.31980891

He can't play much
FPS gives him nausea
Reading heavy games causes brain melt

>> No.31980900

I don't remember any breakdown, maybe the anti marshmallow but that was on her break and not directly related to her surgery, what was her breakdown?

>> No.31980906
Quoted by: >>31981048

Nightcore is not a real genre.

>> No.31980923

she made my peepee hard

>> No.31980928

daph draws a ton of fanart for nijien though

>> No.31980935 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x720, 1639799689007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31980958

>scrolling through my subscriptions hoping to see a new stream frame
>come across Pomu's girlfriend
Good lord. I want her to design one of Pomu's outfits one day too.

>> No.31980936

Nina's basically confirmed that Millie will have boobs

>> No.31980945
Quoted by: >>31981333

This is very odd since I got mine in 2 months and I'm living abroad.

>> No.31980948

All I ask is something else that everyone hasn't played a thousand times

>> No.31980954

>Enna hates 4chan
>Enna loves Reddit

>> No.31980958

but that's not crunchy roll hime

>> No.31980959

enna's nsfw art on reddit keeps being tagged as loli and getting removed...

>> No.31980964
Quoted by: >>31981072

Mouthing a taiga during Only my Railgun knowing full well fripside hate wotagei.

>> No.31980980

Reddit is /here/ since 2011 anyways.

>> No.31980986
Quoted by: >>31981127

Yes she was, the first hour and just like Dead Space... it became an action game for her (without gun)

>> No.31980988
Quoted by: >>31981105

I can't really think of much nowadays. Even when she was more controversial it was relatively mild stuff like implying she wasn't sure about the management choice on the timing of a new wave or saying that some idols still date behind the scenes.

>> No.31981008
Quoted by: >>31981442

Really? i didn't expect that till her 3rd outfit

>> No.31981011

>Kyo getting indirectly magged

>> No.31981015

No but people think it’s because of visas.

>> No.31981014
Quoted by: >>31982744

I think Enna saw the cum tribute

>> No.31981024
File: 2.64 MB, 600x338, 138746873828.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31981027

After talking about weed now enna is showing porn

>> No.31981032
File: 230 KB, 999x725, 1651310942244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petola's karaoke is going to be her only stream this week, other than the NijiUK collab, before break, isn't it?

>> No.31981037
Quoted by: >>31981272

Honestly I think I understand the biggest problem with ID
They have no idea what language to speak.

This isn't a problem for JP or EN, it's obvious. Speak JP or EN. With ID there is this weird triple overlap of audiences, you have JPs that are interested that don't understand ID or EN, you have ENs that are interested that have no understanding of ID or JP and finally, you have your ID audience that wants you to speak your native language but that filters out everyone else.

>> No.31981044
File: 183 KB, 1006x857, 03~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EN for this feel?

>> No.31981043

Enna likes her NSFW art, based

>> No.31981048

Holy shit, you just unlocked some memories for me. At one point i probably listened to all nightcore that was on youtube in like 2015. I would boot up 15 hours of nightcore compilations and read japanese light novels like re monster or some fanfics. I also listened to it on 2x to consume EVEN MORE music,.i still feel like some nightcore renditions are better than the original. toxic or cocaine for example, that running song was also better in nightcore, monster how should i feel also was pgood

>> No.31981049
Quoted by: >>31981198

Was that the stream were she said she cried at work because it hurted? or other thing?

>> No.31981065

He should play Slay the Spire

>> No.31981068

her face will look even dumber than petra's if she gets big boobs

>> No.31981072

why are fripside such faggots?

>> No.31981073

source? you know, so I can give you a better answer

>> No.31981105
Quoted by: >>31981205

>some idols still date behind the scenes
I think that's her most controversial take and I agree with it, really tame desu

>> No.31981122

I really want to see enna's nipples before I die

>> No.31981127

idk pal, she needs mental support from other girls for most horror games,especially if it's a vr horror, she did really well on her own that time

>> No.31981133

Enna likes men's nipples.

>> No.31981136

what the fuck is enna's talking about, nipple piercing? seriously?

>> No.31981145

Why do you guys automatically assume it's breast cancer? You know that Endometriosis is way more common and also involves stitches and there's not a ton of spare tissue down there.
Just because someone has a stitch fall out doesn't really indicate breast cancer. Also endo is way grosser to talk about than breast cancer and way more common for someone in her age range

>> No.31981146

she's the type to cringe at yumepandering

>> No.31981168

No matter how much pomuschizo shitposts daily, Pomu is the least controversial vtuber in NijiEN. Even Elira is more thanks to her getting shitfaced almost every week now that Pomu has been catching up in subs.

>> No.31981175
File: 375 KB, 764x768, 1659382613554553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing i want to share this masterpeice with EVERYONE

>> No.31981174

Enna wishes for a Nudist revolution, did she watched Kill La Kill recently lmao

>> No.31981183
File: 804 KB, 768x1024, 1636347299962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31981185


>> No.31981186

Enna sounds like one of those retarded twitter woke women I hate so much...

>> No.31981187
Quoted by: >>31981230

Oh shit, the sisters are taking over Enna's chat

>> No.31981195

Enna going to start a nudist revolution like Kill La Kill

>> No.31981198
Quoted by: >>31981240


>> No.31981202

I don't know the specific source but it looks like it's by uran

>> No.31981205
Quoted by: >>31981304

That's not controversial at all in wota circles, also groups like akb technically don't have a anti date rule, they just used to graduate the girls for mystery reasons and then a week later bunshun post their boyfriend

>> No.31981220
File: 72 KB, 900x600, 1657648136259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CUNNY!!!!!!!

>> No.31981224 [SPOILER] 
File: 365 KB, 708x904, 1648273416020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and do you know what can cause breast expansion? Pregnancy outfit confirmed

>> No.31981225
File: 39 KB, 666x479, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31981629

thank you thank you

>> No.31981227

We will wait for Millie then. If even she doesnt say anything about it we’ll know it’s management

>> No.31981230

It's been 8 months, anon...

>> No.31981231
File: 866 KB, 3000x3000, 1632506149180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31981322

Elira is nearly the perfect vtuber. Hard working, charismatic, fun, and dorky.

then you remember Pomu exists.
She's always one step ahead, always one notch above

>> No.31981232

She hates Pomu...

>> No.31981240

That was a breakdown because her work, not because her surgery, she hated that job and more after the part time saga

>> No.31981255

>new pc
>dont have sad panda login anymore

it's just not worth the hassle...

>> No.31981270
Quoted by: >>31981294

>even Vox

>> No.31981271

not wearing clothes is unhygienic bro. Enna is a dumb fuck.

>> No.31981272

They should speak Indonesian, and appeal to indonesian people. Indonesia is a massive country with 270 million people. If they seriously can't get any audience from Indonesia something is very wrong. Nijisanji needs to do a better job promoting them.

>> No.31981294


zoomer TWITCH humor

>> No.31981304
Quoted by: >>31981476

Yeah, but I can't think of anything more controversial than that

>> No.31981310

Which is why she's funny as hell, she keeps contradicting herself.

>> No.31981322
Quoted by: >>31981362

tsk tsk lazy

>> No.31981331

>even Vox

>> No.31981333

Are you a bong? Canada is very backlogged people have to wait for 6 months or something

>> No.31981334

>Nijisanji needs to do a better job promoting them.
The book's closed on that one.

>> No.31981339

She loved Sonnyban and just fell into the nijien hole if you go by her twitter

>> No.31981345

Imagine Elira and Millie coming over to hang out with Enna, and she's just wearing nothing but a tshirt and panties the whole time.

>> No.31981350
File: 2.10 MB, 2893x4092, 1661231189303145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enna walks around her house in just her trunks
God she is so fuckable

>> No.31981349

revert to monke

>> No.31981355

the problem there is that the Indonesian people are too busy watching ENs and JPs

>> No.31981362

Elira never does creative streams.

>> No.31981363


>> No.31981368

Anon is nearly the perfect vtuber. Hard working, charismatic, fun, and dorky.

then you remember Pomu exists.
She's always one step ahead, always one notch above

>> No.31981372

You're not wrong, but I would never watch them if they're speaking in some alien language. At least I can speak english and japanese.

>> No.31981383

I'm reading that and holy shit it sounds fucking awful

>> No.31981425

That’s literally the entire existence of Luca, Mysta too but not as much

>> No.31981430
File: 267 KB, 1200x1024, FZaZCLqUUAAvELi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely true

>> No.31981442

Her exact words were something along the lines of "I'm not afraid to talk to management on behalf of Millie, there was a question asked at our panel and....well...I'm not saying that it was related to that but....we all know what Millie wants hehe"

>> No.31981457

I want to be her Alouseat.

>> No.31981466

I don't really get it when people say "they should do more to promote them". Like what exactly? Bearing in mind that the most they do even for their main branch is put some ads in a train station and run a ads on youtube for a few days.

>> No.31981476

She likes loli hentais

>> No.31981486

of course pomu is better than anon shes been anon for far longer than anon has been anon

>> No.31981492
File: 131 KB, 273x303, 1659709398981204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31981529

:D We Made It :D

>> No.31981508
File: 645 KB, 1000x1000, 1648237239387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flips are forbidden from entering Japan
Thank you Japan's government for saving us from embarassments that are Mysta, Luca and Millie ruining Nijifes.

>> No.31981528
File: 3.81 MB, 2800x1709, 1658472823501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31981529

U nou!

>> No.31981530

Alright guys goodnight ! i'm gonna go eat a horse whole (bones and shit )for a midnight snack and go to bed, chu~

>> No.31981531
Quoted by: >>31981627

Yeah, but we are talking about things she explicitly said, she will never admit that even if it's obvious

>> No.31981533

Based racist Japanese

>> No.31981539

i thought mysta was a uk britbong when did he get brown

>> No.31981556
Quoted by: >>31981633


>> No.31981558

I guess they flipped on their decision

>> No.31981568
Quoted by: >>31981724

even then among her fans that probably wouldn't cause controversy. it's basically an open secret at this point

>> No.31981572

It's the same for EN too. This branch didn't get to where it is in comparison to the other branches because of huge amounts of promotion by Anycolor. They got a music video, and some ads on youtube and that is it. The branch lived or died on the content the talents produced themselves from there on in.

>> No.31981576
File: 170 KB, 585x564, 1658881737839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats wrong with briefs

>> No.31981583

Based xenophobic Japs, luckily Pomu has japanese blood in her and is not a flip.

>> No.31981584
File: 183 KB, 362x240, 1659990178267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31981594


>> No.31981613

I wear briefs every day
Not like anyone would know, I never have sex anyway

>> No.31981612

Can't access site.
Give me the title.pls..

>> No.31981615

Don't they all have other nationalities?

>> No.31981618

yeah my friend got her leaf citizenship end of june and they told her not to expect a passport before november, it's crazy

>> No.31981627

She’s admitted it on the member stream but I think it got cut out because of fish’s piracy talk. No one cares about her enough to dig it out

>> No.31981629
Quoted by: >>31981677


>> No.31981633
File: 275 KB, 637x634, japanese princess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything this proves Pomu is a JAPANESE/AMERICAN princess

>> No.31981641
File: 11 KB, 130x152, pomungus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31981642
Quoted by: >>31981722

yeah the nijisanji marketing engine seems to be pretty shit for the most part

>> No.31981644

It very much can be. I've had two girlfriends with it and a younger sister with it. It can cause cancer, is a super shitty surgery to go through and is genetic. It's also pretty common in girls anywhere between 16-40
Breast cancer is a lot rarer until you're in your 40s.

>> No.31981650
File: 278 KB, 613x639, 1624338232365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu confirmed not flip

>> No.31981652

I'm not smelly

>> No.31981661

I will murder you, Carlos

>> No.31981666
File: 61 KB, 1000x1022, 1649865397766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's half Flip. Why else would he be so mentally ill?

>> No.31981668

With the yen blessings right now I just commissioned 3 artists to draw Rosemi doing clothed paizuri.
Thanks and RIP Abe.

>> No.31981677

I.. didn't notice the title was in another anon's post. Thanks.

>> No.31981682

He was white washed… from a brown shota to a white twink boy

>> No.31981699

That explains why Pomu makes much more money than Enna. Female viewers never donate to female chuubas.

>> No.31981702

Based anon, I'm looking forward to it. I hope at least one of them is milky too.

>> No.31981722
Quoted by: >>31981934

Still more than any other company is doing in terms of marketing new talents.

>> No.31981724

A controversy wouldn’t be “among her fans”

>> No.31981731

Elderly vtuber Enna Aloutte.

>> No.31981736
File: 197 KB, 603x770, pomubattler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mental breakdown during the crab game
>lashing out on Nina in minecraft
>dropping schizo redpills while playing MGS
>the bag photo proving that it's niji management blocking the collabs
>seething over Scarle

>> No.31981766
File: 243 KB, 917x880, 02~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to panda it could save your life

>> No.31981781
Quoted by: >>31981843

I never watched Mint, but supposedly she said it was breast related

>> No.31981785

Found the falseflagging holofatgoon

>> No.31981790

Pomu hasn't been REAL schizo since she quit her wagie job. She can't fool me, it's all acting for the camera, and she's pretty good at it.

>> No.31981791

I can't panda because my IP range is blocked or something

>> No.31981843
Quoted by: >>31982041

No she didn't. In fact, she never mentioned her surgery while she was Mint. All she said is in this clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzC9z-dB8oI

>> No.31981848
Quoted by: >>31981962

what country?

>> No.31981850
File: 106 KB, 262x278, 1658791932011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31982947

my isp is rangebanned from the panda and i know how to access it but people will call me a newfag for asking for rosebud friendly links

>> No.31981852
Quoted by: >>31983826

Is there anyone of the remaining KRs whose content is mostly or entirely in Korean anymore?

>> No.31981859

>30 years old is young

>> No.31981862 [DELETED] 

You might think you're joking but these are unironcially true facts.

>> No.31981865

Not worth the hustle.
Plus >>31981791 I'm in the same boat.

>> No.31981879

Enna still thinks I'm young...
and she eats sauceless nuggets just like me...

>> No.31981885
Quoted by: >>31981931

also enna doesnt have gachikois

>> No.31981902

She's coping.

>> No.31981931

>anon conveniently forgets the meltdown aloushits have whenever Enna flirts with Kyo
lmao even

>> No.31981934
Quoted by: >>31982023

I think they understand japan pretty well, because they're japanese. But I think they are not quite understanding how to get into these foreign markets. They need a better understanding of the local area and what the people like in that area.

Like, what do indonesian people like? Do they read a lot of newspapers? Watch a lot of soap operas? Listen to the radio? What kind of sports do they like? What foods do they like? Do they attend any festivals or theme parks? What demographic within indonesia is most likely to watch a vtuber? Old, young, middle class, upper class?
They need a strategy to get into that market. Probably need some local marketing people to help them figure it out.

>> No.31981941

I mean relative to the average life expectancy sure.

>> No.31981949
Quoted by: >>31981981

Those are dramafags.

>> No.31981955

>Enna doesn't care for condiments
>Kyo doesn't care for condiments
Everyday is suffering for us alougachi

>> No.31981957
File: 63 KB, 250x250, 1650451908529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god women's bodies are so cursed

>> No.31981959

Unironically smartest pomudachi

>> No.31981962

Brazil, it's something with my ISP because I can access it from mobile.

>> No.31981971

you mean your falseflags?

>> No.31981972
File: 161 KB, 1043x454, 1661802568833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new Yugo post just dropped

>> No.31981981

Das cope

>> No.31981983
File: 151 KB, 1065x1928, 20220822_044710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31981994

I miss ragie wagie Pomu unironically

>> No.31981995
Quoted by: >>31982055

Ennacorns are insufferable

>> No.31982004

It's bullshit
It's half or a third of your lifespan but almost all of your life-defining experiences happen before then and the rest of your life is just following the routine you've set or sucking your meals through a straw
t. pomie

>> No.31982010

At this point these two are literally the same person from different AUs.

>> No.31982023
Quoted by: >>31982138

They just need to pay some popular normalfag indo streamer to shill their chuubas like cover did

>> No.31982041

I see. Like I said I never got the chance to watch Mint. I guess I shouldn't just take some random anon's word next time

>> No.31982050


nijien for this feel?

>> No.31982055
Quoted by: >>31982080

Do they even exist?

>> No.31982056
Quoted by: >>31982086

Actually, I think

>> No.31982076

this is preventative surgery because she has some kind of brca mutation and it's usually performed around Pomu's age

>> No.31982080
Quoted by: >>31982141

Yes but they are absolute cheapskates and don't donate to her.

>> No.31982082
Quoted by: >>31982163

it's literally one falseflagger fagoon, probably you

>> No.31982086
File: 3 KB, 124x109, 1655762537193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31982090

Let's say If Enna was 30(I know she isn't)
Then the age gap between her and kyo would be like 11 years
Kinda hot desu

>> No.31982096

All of Nijifemcel aka NijiUK

>> No.31982105


>> No.31982126
Quoted by: >>31982247

Sorry, yeah, I'm bong in Asia. Sent my old passport to the Home Office and got my new one within 2 months.

>> No.31982138

yeah, seriously why not just do that?
Seems to work, right?

I think they also need a proper analysis of their own talents. Who is actually the charismatic ones that you want to put up-front. Like for the EN branch, obviously you have people like Selen and Elira that are the obvious choices.

>> No.31982141
Quoted by: >>31982239

I need more proof than just Dude trust me.

>> No.31982159
Quoted by: >>31982303

>mental breakdown during the crab game
fair, that was caused because her work and maybe her period
>Nina minecraft
that was a joke stream, the next day they played crab game and continued the joke making fun of retards taking it seriously
>redpills MGS
War is bad is not a redpill, everyone knows that
That doesn't prove anything, maybe that is both companies blocking it because she showed a lot of holo merch on her potaku collection stream
joking with her chat

Where is the controversial take?

>> No.31982163
File: 79 KB, 768x800, 1646879774762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent free aloushit, go back to shilling your whore in /hlg/ about how she's "the superior Irys" and keep sucking dogs off.

>> No.31982165

me in wave 7

>> No.31982177

The thing is that in the main branch, anycolor/nijisanji were largely responsible for bringing modern day vtubing up.
They popularized live2d being used to live stream.

In the west they don't have that luxury. Each wave after lazusydia with the exception of luxiem hasn't been as successful as the one before it. A lack of conventions, a lack of merch being sold by anycolor at conventions, a lack of merch being sold at reasonable prices and all physical merch that aren't acrylic stands and badges are all problems.
Running ads and giving more songs to the girls and guys who aren't in luxiem would do the branch wonders for growth.

>> No.31982180

it's not young by any measure, but it's not old. your hair ain't gray and balding and you can still have kids.

>> No.31982185

>25 almost 26
Jesus I need to get my shit together before i hit 30

>> No.31982206

I miss Mysta before he got addicted to Genshit...

>> No.31982210

Fulgur reading supas

>> No.31982234
File: 2 KB, 94x78, 1660681152096901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfag here, is nhentai not okay to use? 413354 btw

>> No.31982238

NTA but that is also a falseflagger on your thread.

>> No.31982239

They don't, Enna purged them from week one, and makes fun of them everytime one tries to infiltrate

>> No.31982240


>> No.31982245

As if any more confirmation was needed.

>> No.31982247
Quoted by: >>31982415

I was reading this and seems like a lot of people had to line up for it. What’s the difference? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10874435/Desperate-holidaymakers-DECKCHAIRS-join-hours-long-queues-passport-offices.html

>> No.31982292

Why does Enna say Potato like that? It's annoying

>> No.31982303
File: 1.02 MB, 2878x1763, 1628376018559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where is the controversial take?
In anon's schizopheric head. You only need to read "Nina minecraft" to know that.

>> No.31982307


>> No.31982308

she's retarded and canadian

>> No.31982310
Quoted by: >>31982718

i dont think he dislikes him desu. Ren just knows how to annoy him

>> No.31982319
Quoted by: >>31982377

How much you think selen spent on her outfit reveal

>> No.31982320
Quoted by: >>31982600

It's for retard newfags

>> No.31982325
Quoted by: >>31982608

i don't attend cons or anything like that anymore
does niji have a presence in those events outside of JP? feel like that would help brand awareness
have some talent make some 'appearances' or do some hosting

>> No.31982329
File: 160 KB, 1280x1195, 1641770182108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically, it can't last forever. We've just got to weather the storm. He'll move onto another addiction eventually.

>> No.31982328
File: 16 KB, 604x118, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK did he mean by this?

>> No.31982333

He was always like this you never truly loved him

>> No.31982339
Quoted by: >>31982600

Thread culture joke that rosebuds can't use the site.

>> No.31982344

>Enna ever having unicorns

>> No.31982346

4chang have infatuation with sadpanda.
Personally I've passed that phase and don't want to bother, if I want to fap I go to nhentai no caps.

>> No.31982355
File: 677 KB, 1427x1600, 1644335235491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meds and reps schizo

>> No.31982362

I read that as morning sickness

>> No.31982377

she'll tell you how much during the stream

>> No.31982396


>> No.31982404
Quoted by: >>31982467

pathetic, nhentai doesn't have all the fetishes, sad panda does.

>> No.31982405
Quoted by: >>31982467

>talks like a zoomer
>uses nhentai
Of course

>> No.31982415

Yeah, I think I may have just gotten lucky and they processed mine before the backlog got too heavy. Pretty shite if that's the reason Mysta couldn't go.

>> No.31982429

let's tribalfag over hentai sites

>> No.31982438

It could also just be issues getting a working visa with them both being filipinos unlike everyone else going who is getting in fine.

>> No.31982460

At least events like Otakuthon made a lot of people interested about Nijisanji, Elira got a lot of superchats from new viewers after the event

>> No.31982464
File: 154 KB, 1002x769, 1660705341410399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just cuz you're lazy and gave in to societal pressures. If you spend you waste your youth you'll get there with more to do and you'll keep pushing yourself instead of becoming a cog in the machine.

t. 30 that just got his first job and is having the time of his life

>> No.31982467
Quoted by: >>31982517

case in point.

>> No.31982466

E comes before N alphabetically, so it's objectively better

>> No.31982472

if you can't use panda you're an actual brainlet
>can't even bypass simple IP range ban

>> No.31982482

>everyone else going who is getting in fine
some already have updated passports

>> No.31982489
Quoted by: >>31982546

if you're located overseas they might have prioritized your request

>> No.31982504

Mysta doesn't have flip citizenship. Even his mom was born in the uk. Does

>> No.31982506
File: 4 KB, 182x61, they are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31982541


>> No.31982508


>> No.31982516
Quoted by: >>31982588

As much as I want a better alternative to sadpanda, I can't leave my favorites behind.

>> No.31982517
Quoted by: >>31982695

despite zoomers being the "tech" generation, most of you retards can't work anything that's not made by apple.

>> No.31982519


>> No.31982525

why is there so much furry shit on mrm now

>> No.31982535

I don't even know what's different about sadpanda I just use it out of brand loyalty

>> No.31982541

What I would give to know what Elira was saying and thinking during Shu's karaoke.

>> No.31982546

Kind of makes sense that they might do that to me. So citizens dont get stuck abroad in an emergency if they need to come home or something.

>> No.31982555

I use nhentai for doujins/manga and sadpand for CGs, scanned books, cosplay and other things

>> No.31982570

plenty of my coworkers are in their mid to late thirties, stayed fit, don't look their age at all and live fulfilling lives. but what do you expect from a pomie itt

>> No.31982588

that and sad panda just works, no reason to switch over.

>> No.31982594

I actually like having game CGs and artist CGs, also the people who compile whole fanboxes in galleries

>> No.31982600
File: 1 KB, 94x78, 1660943570816013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh okay
im just too lazy to search for an alternative, to be honest, so i never even knew of sadpanda

>> No.31982609

tag autism is why i use it

>> No.31982608

We've had a few convention appearances but we've also missed opportunities such as AX. A lot of the conventions we go to are usually fairly small in comparison to the ones that we don't go to.
In a membership stream Millie talked about going to a convention with Enna and seeing very little nijisanji merch and eventually talking in character with Enna, hoping that people would recognize their voices but nobody seemed to.
Unfortunately doing one convention appearance a year in Canada doesn't help promote them much.

>> No.31982636
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1635498880060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. 30 that just got his first job
Enjoy it, your enthusiasm ain't gonna last much longer

>> No.31982663
Quoted by: >>31982950

They did go to AX last year though.

>> No.31982664


>> No.31982681

sad panda's search functionality is the best.

>> No.31982695

Only X-ers and Millennials have any fundamental understanding of computers. Smartphones absolutely destroyed computer literacy.

>> No.31982718

what... when did i put desu... do i also have brain damage?

>> No.31982736
Quoted by: >>31982789

newfag-chama... baka desu senpai

>> No.31982737
File: 97 KB, 370x334, 1658437223287048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31982745
Quoted by: >>31982965

I'll probably get a vacation for it, but fuck it:
They definitely should have leveraged Pomu's status as long-time staff of one of the biggest cons in NA.

>> No.31982744
Quoted by: >>31982802

Why do you think so?

>> No.31982747
Quoted by: >>31982789


>> No.31982750

How many times has Enna misread her supas I seen it too often now.

>> No.31982765

newfag desu

>> No.31982778

Become lactase and break her down anon. The intestines will it

>> No.31982784
File: 21 KB, 890x653, 1644553863504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31982789
File: 88 KB, 376x376, 1660849257553360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help whats going on

>> No.31982799

You should get it checked tbdesu

>> No.31982802

Because i was following the tweets in the tag as she was making her reactions and when she said "oh, oh my, that's some kinky shit" was near the cum tribute

>> No.31982805

my foulmouthed oshi...

>> No.31982806


>> No.31982808
Quoted by: >>31983197

Reminder that Pomu is going to be at a convention in less than a month and staff has still not promoted it on the NijiEN twitter.

>> No.31982815

Tell me your oshi first

>> No.31982822

try writing s o y sauce next

>> No.31982833


>> No.31982834
Quoted by: >>31982868

Wonder how many NijiMelody newfags will get filtered by Enna's Everything.

>> No.31982835

lol onions

>> No.31982848

>Maria/Aia picture
Like clockwork

>> No.31982866

god damn basedboy

>> No.31982868

Most people who found her through Nijimelody wont know what she is saying.

>> No.31982869
Quoted by: >>31982907

exhentai = 4chan
nhentai = reddit

>> No.31982885

Aiamaires are becoming the new rosebuds

>> No.31982907

so where does aerisdies fit into this?

>> No.31982934

fulgur is finally a 3view im so happy for him

>> No.31982944

Who is the most special needs fanbase itt?

>> No.31982947

>rosebud friendly links
I laughed

>> No.31982948

I got a straw and it looks like a fucking pasta tube

>> No.31982950

Yes but not in person like they did otakuthon. Having livers in person doing autographs and having an actual merch table set up where you could sell limited edition autographed merch from the livers (even those who aren't there) would sell like hotcakes and be a great way to advertise your company. I think it was either prism or phase that I heard about having some kinda virtual meet and greet with the girls? Something like that would be amazing to see but really haven't done anything like that or even close.
I'd imagine people would jump at the opportunity to buy merch in person and not pay the ridiculous Japanese shipping costs too.

>> No.31982954
File: 55 KB, 948x926, 1648743743161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31983037

i wish they remove spoilers from this Board

>> No.31982955

dorks just like their oshi

>> No.31982963

we need to go LOWER

>> No.31982965
Quoted by: >>31983075

wait do i...
live in the same city as....
holy shit i might fap to this thought tonight

>> No.31982997

All he had to do was not promote the stream

>> No.31983033
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x1288, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me about this nijien, what is her appeal? I saw her during NijiMelody and got interested.

>> No.31983037

The only reason this board has spoilers is because it's a copypaste of the /jp/ board

>> No.31983051

did enna not know the titanic was a real ship...

>> No.31983075
Quoted by: >>31983158

The things anons here have vaguely posted about where she lives have me thinking she could simultaneously live right down the street or on the other end of the country.

>> No.31983093

she's called ngo that's all i know

>> No.31983094
Quoted by: >>31983140

She saves failing amusement parks in countries she doesn't live in

>> No.31983101
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I miss this Feesh...

>> No.31983136

IPN what the fuck

>> No.31983140

can you elaborate? that's some kind of inside joke right?

>> No.31983147

>I don't think I'll ever meet noctyx in person, all things considered

>> No.31983150

She has a nice singing voice but is an EOP filter because she speaks japanese really fucking fast

>> No.31983155
File: 365 KB, 997x632, 1637636907390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Shu's streaming frequency always this bad

>> No.31983158
Quoted by: >>31983307

we all could've bumped into her at one point in our lives and we wouldn't have even known it... (﹏)

>> No.31983166
Quoted by: >>31983242

she's one of the 3 selejo people remember

>> No.31983191

You jinxed it

>> No.31983193
Quoted by: >>31983234

not EN

>> No.31983197
Quoted by: >>31983260

Yeah and that's what I mean by promotion. We're terrible at advertising anything related to our livers. I'm literally convinced that nijisanji has survived sheerly off of name and being some of the first on the market.
Like I love our livers don't get me wrong but we're terrible at promotion

>> No.31983200


>> No.31983213

Most rosebuds are larping. The poster who posts aya1 aya2 et admitted to never even using 4channel before other than this thread the other day. Her only fans are legit newfags.

>> No.31983214
Quoted by: >>31983250

his streams have all been collabs with no pov

>> No.31983234

This nigga be quoting the wiki and shit LMAO

>> No.31983242


>> No.31983250
Quoted by: >>31983273

Then it's not really a stream now is it

>> No.31983260
Quoted by: >>31983371

I understand what you mean but that sounds funny, or maybe you bought stocks

>> No.31983270

Noctyx is officially dead.

>> No.31983273


>> No.31983288
Quoted by: >>31983540

Ok so I'm retarded and thought since it had spain in the name it was out of country but its in Japan, she did still save it from closing though

>> No.31983300

Is it really weird that fans of the new members would be also new?

>> No.31983307

I think my favorite thing I ever saw was a post on /JP/ made a while before en debuted that said "I'm a Pomu and proud" or something. Coincidence? Maybe. But I like to think not.

>> No.31983331
File: 231 KB, 2637x1486, 1659277076781118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31983362

stop... no more

>> No.31983335
Quoted by: >>31983540


>> No.31983340

Enna is proud of her fashion sense confirmed.

>> No.31983351

its kind of irritating that hes like 30 years old and still dooms & glooms like an angsty teen. its hard to take him at his word about this shit when he's also said shit like how he almost quit over the discord leak

>> No.31983362
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>> No.31983371

I am just secretly Reimu

>> No.31983380

He has like a billion streams on other people's channels

>> No.31983389
File: 90 KB, 247x240, 1646712219610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to lurking moar

>> No.31983424

I would guess >80% of this board started using 4chan within the last 2 years. It's all just degrees of newness. It gives this general a much friendlier vibe than most of 4chan

>> No.31983432

this is the newfag celebrity drama board, nobody cares about lurking moar

>> No.31983445

Why would you lurk more when nobody gatekeeps newfags anymore

>> No.31983452

you can't learn about the filters before throwing some onions and desus

>> No.31983466
File: 755 KB, 890x653, 1628076748756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It gives this general a much friendlier vibe than most of 4chan

>> No.31983469

we all could've greentexted one of her posts (or she could've greentexted one of ours) and we wouldn't have even known it...

>> No.31983475

mainly just weird that the newfaggotry is as blatant as it is these days. even noctyx wasn't this bad. the fact that people are comfortable posting here without lurking for like a year first is weird to me

>> No.31983487

god damn I've been coming to 4chan for 10 years now

>> No.31983491

I thought Enna had sandals for some reason....

>> No.31983497

This is why you don't give this much eyes and responsibility to a literal kid. Look at mysta who's in his 20s and can't even function normally. Can't imagine what will happen to a braindead kid who just graduated high school

>> No.31983498
Quoted by: >>31983538

newfags here wouldn't survive on /a/.

>> No.31983499

>2 years
Try 11

>> No.31983501

you can if you LURK MOAR and watch other newfags mess up

>> No.31983502


>> No.31983534

God i've been here for 12 years

>> No.31983535

newfags lurking right now just did

>> No.31983538
File: 72 KB, 300x300, 1632553474779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What goes on in /a/

>> No.31983540
Quoted by: >>31983629

lmao what the fuck, nijisanji is a wild ride.

>> No.31983542

I'm baka desu senpai

>> No.31983550

>It gives this general a much friendlier vibe than most of 4chan
You're crazy, I went on /v/ after a long time and it was really weird not seeing people being overly aggressive and schizophrenic out of nowhere, the tendies vs snoys thing is super cute compared to the shit we have here, you can even have real threads with actual discussion on the catalog

>> No.31983569
Quoted by: >>31983732

According to warosu "Pomu" has been appearing on /jp/ since 2008 on the board, and all of it is of course idolshit related, so it's no wonder an idolfag like Pomu would, well, chose Pomu as her name.

>> No.31983571

People say onions sauce and tbdesu all the time. You'd have to be seriously retarded to not figure those out even if you never got filtered yourself.

>> No.31983589
File: 388 KB, 1736x1223, FbV4kUKXwAAlaRE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31983600

I learned by lurking, even special ones like ding-dong diddly on /asp/

>> No.31983614


>> No.31983629

wait until you hear about Lize wanting to gas the commoners

>> No.31983633
Quoted by: >>31983769

/b/ is literally like a different website
/r9k/ is all underage suicidal people
/pol/ is all 2015 election immigrants
/v/ is mostly underage
/a/ is mostly underage
/vt/ is all twitter immigrants

very few oldfags left anymore

>> No.31983643

I lurked roughly for 8 years, before making my first post.

>> No.31983655

>It gives this general a much friendlier vibe than most of 4chan
I spend most of my time on /jp/ and even there most of the threads I frequent are pretty civil. /vt/ is a hellhole.

>> No.31983669

why does the Indian money have so many digits

>> No.31983696

Enna is a girl she's a lady guys.

>> No.31983731


>> No.31983732

Time traveling fairy.....

>> No.31983763
Quoted by: >>31983815

i assume you mean IDR instead of INR. average 3rd world currency where 1 USD is worth 20 gorillion IDR

>> No.31983769

/an/ is cute animals. Gets like one post a month.....

>> No.31983815

Now do TRY

>> No.31983826

I know Hada used to stream in mostly in Korean but most of them speak Japanese because their audience is mostly Japanese or Koreans who speak Japanese

>> No.31983824

/vt/ is a terrible board which has schizophrenia comparable to /x/ and /vg/ mmo generals
