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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.66 MB, 2000x1463, Fa_SnYoagAE-htN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31748015 No.31748015 [Reply] [Original]

The Boys Edition
Previous Thread >>31739702

>Magni / Altare / Noir / Syrios
Schedule: https://teamup.com/ksgohfodyecndykvxk

>Magni Dezmond
>MAGNATION / Magmates
Live: #MagginTime
Art: #MagniOpus
Memes: #Dezmemes
Clips: #DezClips

>Regis Altare
Live: #AlTogether
Art: #WorkofAlt
Memes: #LaughTare
Clips: #RegiTales

>Noir Vesper
Live: #VesperONLINE
Art: #VespART / #ScholArt
Memes: #Noirgrounds
Clips: #ClipNoir

>Axel Syrios
Live: #Whysosyrios
Art: #Artxel
Memes: #Axeldent
Fan thumbnails: #AxelThumbtails

>OP Template

>> No.31748077

You CANNOT correct him

>> No.31748093

Jessie love

>> No.31748117

Kill yourselves

>> No.31748152

What are you guys thoughts on people reading SC during collab games? Does it interrupt the flow?

>> No.31748163 [DELETED] 


>> No.31748173

I think this one

>> No.31748211
Quoted by: >>31750283

why does magni know tumblr things

>> No.31748250

prepare beforehand you fag

>> No.31748325

This fag making bad OPs is gonna be the reason we have to make early threads from now on

>> No.31748326

>will never have an oil baroness to support me being a NEET

>> No.31749058

no uh i prefer this thread lol

>> No.31749117

lmao thread got killed, I prefer this one tho

>> No.31749133
Quoted by: >>31749291

>Fujo thread btfo
Holy fucking based

>> No.31749134


>> No.31749139

I want to become an Oil Baron and support the boys...

>> No.31749138

Swam too close to the sun...

>> No.31749149
File: 392 KB, 541x566, 1658634935891543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncle Nowa my beloved

>> No.31749151
Quoted by: >>31749229

That one was the real done, you fuckers

>> No.31749161


>> No.31749162

The poor panda is stranded out there til Altare gets back.

>> No.31749164


>> No.31749178

Now we need the Commandments

>> No.31749213

This is why you don't get paid, jannies

>> No.31749225
Quoted by: >>31749259

Oh no he just exposed his graphics card and other info

>> No.31749229
Quoted by: >>31749354

wow who would have guessed that the general with an actual OP stayed up no wayyyy

>> No.31749259

Oh nyooooooo

>> No.31749291

fujo how?

>> No.31749340
File: 358 KB, 960x1280, hizakigamma-1507284666767663108-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31749354

Why do you need anything more than the last thread and the schedule?

>> No.31749377
File: 417 KB, 1024x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>7. Hey guess what I heard from Hololive/Nijisanji!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>8. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.31749449


>> No.31749457

is this the new thread

>> No.31749493
Quoted by: >>31749638

What even was the difference between the threads.

>> No.31749534
Quoted by: >>31749584


>> No.31749543
File: 122 KB, 828x828, 1627693386246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not normie enough to know any of the people they talk about

>> No.31749578

Now the thread is official

>> No.31749584

calm down pinkman

>> No.31749615
Quoted by: >>31749669

Joji is literally filthy frank, so you technically know him

>> No.31749619

>covid mention

>> No.31749627

>Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
Sure sounds like fun

>> No.31749638

one was made by a troll social parasite
was one made by a proper sane man.

>> No.31749649

Joji=Filthy Frank
Rich Brian = Rich Chigga

>> No.31749669
File: 252 KB, 2400x1263, 1640835152183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who that is either...

>> No.31749706

>Nigger Stars

>> No.31749710

>Nu Carnival

>> No.31749717
Quoted by: >>31749806

This site is 18+

>> No.31749744

>nu: carnival

>> No.31749749

>Nu Carnival

>> No.31749757
File: 12 KB, 84x91, Desktop Screenshot 2022.03.20 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well teammate, idk what to tell you

>> No.31749762

holy fuck please no

>> No.31749773

Magni please don't elaborate on Nu carnival.

>> No.31749785

Do we hate lilypichu or is she ok because some of the boys like her?

>> No.31749804

is this r-18 boylove

>> No.31749806
Quoted by: >>31749842

I'm 30 and I never watched none of the streamers they speak off.

>> No.31749819
File: 297 KB, 648x960, %E5%AE%98%E7%B6%B2%E7%B4%A0%E6%9D%90_648x960_en.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31749826
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>> No.31749835
File: 48 KB, 620x575, nowawheeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looked up Nu-Carnival
holy kek

>> No.31749842


>> No.31749848
File: 61 KB, 952x1042, 1660543316064846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Un-underage anon in this site?!

>> No.31749881

Magni is so unapologetically gay and I love it

>> No.31749890
File: 2.95 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dating sim or the latest nijisanjiEN generation, you decide

>> No.31749926

How much gayer can Magni get?

>> No.31749969
Quoted by: >>31750076

Are you a drone or an actual person?

>> No.31749983

it's not about being a normalfag or not
you're either too old or way too young to be here

>> No.31750045

Who's going to be the first person to straight up tell Magni he's being too gay?

>> No.31750073
Quoted by: >>31750212

Nice brotuber you fags got lmao

>> No.31750078


>> No.31750076
Quoted by: >>31750157

actual person, serious question

>> No.31750077

I wanna check out Nu-Carnival

>> No.31750079

why is it a problem that the general has resources relevant to its subject matter in the OP??

>> No.31750095

Rio when he's balls deep inside his bussy.

>> No.31750109
File: 134 KB, 960x854, the last naruto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>altare is a naruhina gigachad

>> No.31750119

why do you guys know the BL game that he was talking about...

>> No.31750157
Quoted by: >>31750371

No, you are a drone.

>> No.31750162

theres a limit to being too gay as a vtuber?
i mean unless he straight up posts his asshole and balls like a 4chan twink he hasnt passed any limit

>> No.31750167

just ironically fapped to it

>> No.31750177

Have you been in these threads?

>> No.31750189

Faggot central

>> No.31750192

anon, dont get spooked, but...

there are women here

>> No.31750201


>> No.31750202

Altare being gay for Vesper on stream right now...

>> No.31750212
Quoted by: >>31750240

idk man only a fag wouldn't engage in cock combat with a bro

>> No.31750225
File: 81 KB, 400x400, wah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tourists gtfo! WAH~! *pop* *pop*

>> No.31750229


>> No.31750230

I don't really know anything about her myself.

>> No.31750240
Quoted by: >>31750329

it's called swordfighting.

>> No.31750268

Are they going to suck each other off every stream?

>> No.31750283
Quoted by: >>31750396

he is a homosexual artist. he is tumblr-adjacent

>> No.31750289

Back before Tempus debuted, /hlgg/ tried to warn us that the split general would be overrun by fujos and unironic faggots. I thought they were dooming, but look where we are now.

>> No.31750302

You lie, those aren't real

>> No.31750307

>you're normie in the way Patrick Bateman is

>> No.31750312
File: 35 KB, 480x360, female.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31750313


>> No.31750323

>he's like a nerd you actually want to hang out with
Magni lowkey pretty mean ngl lmao

>> No.31750329
Quoted by: >>31750485

swordfighting sounds way gayer though. girls can swordfight. are you some kind of fuckin girl??

>> No.31750332
Quoted by: >>31750394

>Altare never watched American Psycho
He's not just like me.

>> No.31750334

I guess you are not here during the dead hours. Good I guess?

>> No.31750336

I like women but I don't really care about streamers besides tempus and sora

>> No.31750347


>> No.31750371

feels robot man

>> No.31750390

Liking men doesn't make you a girl

>> No.31750392

Someone here wrote a cannibal Altare fic. The door of oddities has already been bashed through.

>> No.31750394

He's just like me

>> No.31750396

if holotempus debuted in 2014 he'd definitely end up as a tumblr sexyman...

>> No.31750429
Quoted by: >>31750461

Altare the ultimate normie...

>> No.31750444
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>> No.31750461

can't be, normies watch tv

>> No.31750467
Quoted by: >>31750556

Lol fuckin magni threw david under the bus

>> No.31750473

How were Nowa and Magni's stream earlier?

>> No.31750481

I wish I had a David Gao

>> No.31750485

No, euphemisms are way straighter.
Are you the woman?

>> No.31750509

Magni's mind goes to robot chicken instead of a clockwork orange for that scene

>> No.31750536

I love this dynamic

>> No.31750548

>Fujos have now taken over streaming hours
It's over... I'm the last bro of /MANS/...

>> No.31750556
Quoted by: >>31750809

What he say? I missed it

>> No.31750598
File: 1.34 MB, 2048x2048, spoomjn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember! Don't reply to bait! :D Watch the stream!

>> No.31750620
Quoted by: >>31750726


>> No.31750621

it was inevitable. the current stream is a blockgame stream, so it's basically dead hours anyway

>> No.31750685
Quoted by: >>31750787

who are these peopel

>> No.31750686

All the boys respect Vesper so much its insane.

>> No.31750698

not so fast bro

>> No.31750726
Quoted by: >>31750863

yes, he's been baiting for supas for a while but no one gives him the big ones

>> No.31750787


>> No.31750801

Altare is a CCP sleeper agent!

>> No.31750809

Joked about having no money because he didn't have his own David Gao

>> No.31750829


>> No.31750843

41 6C 74 61 72 65 20 69 73 20 61 20 64 6F 72 6B

>> No.31750863

maguni . . .

>> No.31750867

Oh lord, Brokeback Mountain

>> No.31750890

mac address bro...

>> No.31750897

Of course he would bring up broke back mountain

>> No.31750900

Magni mentioned gay media again

>> No.31750903
Quoted by: >>31751136

Yes mhm very gay stream

>> No.31750902

>brokeback mountain

>> No.31750913


>> No.31750934

WTF anon, don't post leaders address just like that

>> No.31750975

hut hut

>> No.31751064

My oshi used the term ENstars without understanding its ties to ensemble stars and I was in the exact same boat.

>> No.31751075
Quoted by: >>31751170

can someone post the Altare fuck them kids pic? I forgot to save it

>> No.31751099

I thought you guys said Magni was a brotuber

>> No.31751107
File: 46 KB, 622x546, 1656275228401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im new at watching tubers, watching the blonde and blue hair men is like watching the guys i usually watch but they are gay and cartoons

>> No.31751123

>nyan neko sugar girls mention
yeah its a kino stream

>> No.31751136

Somehow the Altare x Magni ones are always the gayest. This combo just brings out the BL.

>> No.31751155

>Magni hasn't watched Nyan Neko Sugar Girls

>> No.31751170
File: 193 KB, 500x500, altare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31751181

>90 minutes already
What the fuck?

>> No.31751188

>he said covid on stream
archive bros

>> No.31751194
Quoted by: >>31751262

>i’m new
>le sad dog

>> No.31751215

I don't like when they go full gay like this
Leader solo streams are way nicer...

>> No.31751221

Yeah he is one, like Billy Herrington

>> No.31751241

Welcome back from your 2 years coma, anon.

>> No.31751247
Quoted by: >>31751337

>The three of us have been working our throats raw

>> No.31751262

i had it in my folder, ive legit avoided tubers like the plague till now

>> No.31751276

thread reader-chama...

>> No.31751282
Quoted by: >>31751396

>full gay
yeah I only like the half gay stuff

>> No.31751310
File: 1.13 MB, 1919x1078, Screenshot_20210404-140207_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Download the gay game Magni mentioned
>"This scene contains adult material"
>Moaning ensues immediately after followed by chest rubbing and dick sucking

>> No.31751337

waiting for that soundpost for the gayanons kek

>> No.31751348

Someone correct Magni NOW

>> No.31751391
Quoted by: >>31751512

>Dez, sometimes I'm worried about your mental health

>> No.31751396


>> No.31751404
Quoted by: >>31751540

wym??? leader says i love you to magni a lot and was gay even without magni's presence https://files.catbox.moe/cexkhs.mp3

>> No.31751432

I know my sister started watching them cuz she overheard me watching Vesper talk about tea. She got the same impression. Anime boys streaming.

>> No.31751465

>jews are psycos

>> No.31751491
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>> No.31751497

Fluffy abuse threads...

>> No.31751499

that face is terrifying what the fuck

>> No.31751512

Pot calling the kettle black

>> No.31751510
File: 761 KB, 1153x724, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31751515
File: 170 KB, 355x404, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31751689

>> No.31751540
Quoted by: >>31751852

He's usually fine during gungeon or lamb streams

>> No.31751549
File: 652 KB, 960x537, chrome_1QFi72tfNS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're a gremlin

>> No.31751551
File: 212 KB, 330x327, 1630812961690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>large biomes like the holo JP server
they will never find anything if they play on this server

>> No.31751584
File: 256 KB, 666x600, 1653429989556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31751592

Too smug...need correction

>> No.31751601

holy fuck don't remind me

>> No.31751609

100% certain Magni frequented those.
Way more of a Yukkuri abuse guy myself

>> No.31751677

loved those

>> No.31751689

I don't like this photo /mans/ it's smug aura mocks me

>> No.31751705


>> No.31751735

I'm glad leader's quest for dogs is finally paying off.

>> No.31751747

Altare please
you need to keep these whore's names out of your mouth

>> No.31751755

Look at this smug fucker

>> No.31751797

She was in his chat earlier.

>> No.31751811

I don't see what's wrong with naming a bitch after a bitch

>> No.31751836

So Magni mentioning Scarle is fine but lilypichu is off-limits? Double standards fuck you

>> No.31751840
Quoted by: >>31751972

You've never had a bro who pretends to be gay for the laughs?

>> No.31751852

hehe there's always a time and place he just dont bring it up but he does talk about the boys affectionately

>> No.31751855


>> No.31751930

Not a vtuber, fuck off with this real life shit

>> No.31751972
Quoted by: >>31752075

aka the dude who slams pussy on the reg

>> No.31751984
Quoted by: >>31752034

oh these good boys are gonna be soundposted to death

>> No.31751996


>> No.31752024

Michael reeves is cuter I hate woman

>> No.31752034

As they should. That was cute.

>> No.31752063
File: 590 KB, 1068x601, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magni's gangimari face really does remind me of Douman's. Having this artist as his mama makes him feel even more unhinged.

>> No.31752071

have they played fortnite yet

>> No.31752075


>> No.31752088

Do you think Nowa is earning more money or less money compared to his previous job? He implied he's got a good income and he talks about spending so much for hobbies very non-nonchalantly

>> No.31752103
Quoted by: >>31752262

if Leader says good girl /mans/ will drown in pussy juice

>> No.31752122

Magni and Vesper were talking about Jerma yesterday, you're just mad now because you're intimidated by them talking about some girl who's cuter than you

>> No.31752181 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 701x727, FaZyYf6agAAzE-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this damn brat... needs correction..!!

>> No.31752196

But he wasn't talking about your mother though KEK BASED

>> No.31752205

Dunkin is ass, donuts are too damn sugary

>> No.31752212

You know full well Leader's not going to stop doing what he wants lmao
He's going to obtain every single anime-adjacent streamers perms beside NijiEN and HoloEN.

>> No.31752255

Definitely didn't join Tempus for monetary reasons at least. Seems pretty stable financially

>> No.31752262
Quoted by: >>31752373

Luckily we have you to dry them back up

>> No.31752267


>> No.31752272

Why are we being raided by americans?

>> No.31752373

That's mean bro :(

>> No.31752396
Quoted by: >>31752878

>reading superchats during a collab

>> No.31752452

He definitely had good income. His complaint on his old job was he doesn't have much time for himself

>> No.31752465

When he opens he memberships he'll probably be making about the same, or maybe more.
He seems like was making 6 figures or close to it on his old jon.

>> No.31752499
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar vibes.
>He said he doesn't watch males vtubers

>> No.31752592

how’s the stream going faggots

>> No.31752667
Quoted by: >>31752736

>fairy bread

>> No.31752693

Leader got a panda and 3 dogs! :)

>> No.31752703

It's cute. Altare found three dogs and named one Yagookami.

>> No.31752713

pretty chill

>> No.31752727

the Dutch are truly mentally handicapped if they think fairy bread is something to be proud of

>> No.31752736


>> No.31752739

poorfag magni....

>> No.31752756

>>31752465 (Me)

>> No.31752788

explains his preference towards haggling

>> No.31752790

Not to speak ill of the boys, but do you honestly think that any of them are gonna match a 6-figure salary job?

>> No.31752824

You can tell Regis is korean because I can't even begin to spell out what he just said

>> No.31752832
Quoted by: >>31752945

>Acknowledges drifters
>Reads supas during collabs
>Fujo bait
>Knows nothing about hololive culture
>Rude to genmates
>Fag voice
>Baits supas
Yet despite all this you call him based, is this tread just full of women and unironic homos

>> No.31752850

are these dudes worth watching if i'm a straight dude or are they for women? do they scratch a similar itch like nl, sseth, jim etc?

>> No.31752878

It's a laidback Minecraft stream with multitask master leader Regis Altare and Magni doesn't care. He even uses chat to carry conversation here and there.

>> No.31752887
Quoted by: >>31753060

Its a pretty smart lifestyle, cause you'll never know if this vtuber shit will work out in the long run. Same mentality applies for pro wrestling.

>> No.31752921

These brats...
the apex games are killing them

>> No.31752928

Why are there so many tourists today

>> No.31752945

*sucks your cock*
haha you're a faggot now

>> No.31752990

A nijisanji stream is getting large numbers

>> No.31752991
Quoted by: >>31753093

I'll be hard since the only get 35% cut from SC.

>> No.31753009

a retard's troll thread got deleted so now he's throwing a fit

>> No.31753060
Quoted by: >>31753348

>depriving yourself of nutrition

>> No.31753077

I blame blocc game but at least we can just ignore the thread and enjoy the stream

>> No.31753083
Quoted by: >>31753405

So Magni can't multi task with talking and playing MC so he just decided to a circle hop?

>> No.31753093

SCs are definitely not their only source of income

>> No.31753095
File: 21 KB, 255x301, 1594361737880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't bee-lieve it!

>> No.31753143
Quoted by: >>31753222

im straight but the boys are such better streamers than the women its ridiculous. they are funnier, better stories, more interesting lives, more interesting interests, less dead air, practically zero awkwardness better chemistry with each other. and they've barely started.

>> No.31753152

p good, but I would watch anyone play block game.

>> No.31753172

Always remember the 6th commandment bros!
>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.

>> No.31753187

Probably not, you're right. I was overstating the amount of members in my head, but even with 3000+ members + supas + ads + merch - cover's part - youtube's part - tax, it probably won't add to 6 figures.

>> No.31753217

>Vesper becomes a redstone autist and becomes holostarsEN pekora

>> No.31753222

You can like Tempus without blatantly being a tribalnigger anon. If Leader saw you talking shit about his colleagues he'd rape you.

>> No.31753242
File: 623 KB, 918x819, 1647735728160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31753542

Kaela is a monster

>> No.31753262

fuck off to rebbit snowflake

>> No.31753323
Quoted by: >>31753372

>Would love a Tempus x ID minecraft collab collab
>Probably can never happen since the ID server is connected to the EN and JP server
though maybe the ID girls can come over to the boys server on new characters.

>> No.31753326

fuck off nigger, we're not your discord

>> No.31753348

Financially, yes. Healthwise, no
You can make struggle meals in the cheapest way possible while having enough protein and calories, even if its not the healthiest way to get them.

>> No.31753372

It'll probably happen on the stars server

>> No.31753384

*cums on you*

>> No.31753405
Quoted by: >>31753518

I mean his drawing streams kinda tip that off.
He was never really a streamer before, so I can understand why he struggles with the whole talk while playing compared to the rest. I'm sure he will naturally get better at it once he streams more often.

>> No.31753414
File: 2.44 MB, 854x480, Arm Wrestling (GONE SEXUAL)[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fo3iy5g.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31753518
Quoted by: >>31753579

He was, though.

>> No.31753542
Quoted by: >>31753597

cumbud? you lost?

>> No.31753579


>> No.31753597

No, they were talking about Kaela earlier

>> No.31753647


>> No.31753652
Quoted by: >>31753733

>rest in peace my /mans/

>> No.31753685

magni what the fuck was that moan

>> No.31753700


>> No.31753703

Sorry, that was me

>> No.31753733


>> No.31753745

>reggie doesn't play campaign
You gotta be fuckin kidding me

>> No.31753750

leader keeps making gay butt rape jokes

>> No.31753780

>didn't play MW2 campaign

Loser. I'd kick his ass on Rust 1v1.

>> No.31753791

>HoloEN coworker
Ironic really.
He sees Mori as someone unreachable because of her numbers and aloofness, and the others as these high society women he don't dare to approach and ends up indifferent. That's why he's so kind to Sana, Kobo, and the ID girls because they accepted him.

>> No.31753840


>> No.31753846

HOLLLLLYYY SHIIIT I thought they lost perms

>> No.31753867

chance of downpour

>> No.31753868

How are their game choices so fucking good? Seriously they played more good games in a few weeks than council did in a year. Fucking HOW?

>> No.31753877
File: 118 KB, 250x365, Loader_-_Classic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31753926

Loaderchads where we at

>> No.31753882

Huntress can sit on my face

>> No.31753883


>> No.31753919
Quoted by: >>31754038

They did, Regis lacks critical information. Nijisanji bought exclusive rights or something, or Konami just really hates Cover.

>> No.31753926
Quoted by: >>31753962


>> No.31753931

males play more games and have better taste in games.

>> No.31753953

Magni, you can buy games now, you're a strimmer, it's a tax write off

>> No.31753962
Quoted by: >>31754158

Arti is TRASH

>> No.31753966

Magni’s just making noises, you guys are getting turned on all by yourself and blame it on that smug sexy slutty alche

>> No.31753969
Quoted by: >>31754053

I put like 200 hours into Risk of Rain 1 but I never touched 2, is it good?

>> No.31754006

I want them to play bloons

>> No.31754018


They're going to die.

>> No.31754038

Yagoo plans to whore magni out to the Konami execs to win back perms

>> No.31754049

Magni... You're so fucking dumb.

>> No.31754053


>> No.31754088

Why is my oshi like this

>> No.31754118


>> No.31754158

arti is amazing, just get the bird lunar items

>> No.31754183

Merely pretending to be retarded!

>> No.31754186
Quoted by: >>31754332

These zooms that Regis does always makes me laugh

>> No.31754193
File: 701 KB, 1040x668, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31754203

Thank you based Magni
I know who to thank for once they play Konami kusoges

>> No.31754205

wait i thought you guys said magni was smart

>> No.31754223

We need to get Axel to muzz like Zyzz for 3d debut. In fact, I wanna see all the boys do it.

>> No.31754229

Magni is doing a bit guys, he's not that retarded

>> No.31754255

ah yes the Ice Age, when humanity discovered how to use ice

>> No.31754259


>> No.31754274
Quoted by: >>31754352

Yesterday he talked about being a Med student, so he's decently smart at least.

>> No.31754273


>> No.31754279

Literally nobody in council is a gamer, the closest was Sana but she only liked chinkshit and first-party nintendo

>> No.31754291

I think his brain is shutting down
he's moments from falling asleep

He should probably get a standing desk, actually wakes up instantly

>> No.31754294

yeah you put it in your drink to keep it cold

>> No.31754332

Makes me think of Jim from The Office.

>> No.31754352

>>31754274 (Me)
I mean, he talked about being a Med student and then realizing it wasn't for him so he dropped out (or changed majors, I don't know).

>> No.31754413

>no function keys
What the hell is this guy using a laptop or something? What keyboard doesn't have function keys

>> No.31754435
Quoted by: >>31754497

Fact: Bartending is actually the oldest profession, as ancient humans during the Ice Age would use the abundant ice to make killer Bahama mamas.

>> No.31754446

Other than Magni being a sussy furry sometimes, it's really just guys being friends. They genuinely like hanging out out with each other, bantering, gaming and sharing stuff. You'll probably end up liking at least one of them based on your age and what interests, hobbies, or content you enjoy.

>> No.31754472

>Altare: "You can keep your cringe 9-5. I'll be streaming."

>> No.31754488


>> No.31754491
Quoted by: >>31754635

>magni would be doing furry commissions

>> No.31754494

Imagine getting a furry commission from THE Great Magni Dezmond

>> No.31754497
Quoted by: >>31754707

What about the cavewhores?

>> No.31754501

>Altare would be working in finance
he IS Patrick Bateman!!

>> No.31754503

Magni would probably make more money with furry commissions than being part of Holostars

>> No.31754511

those furry doctors pay big from what I hear

>> No.31754551

furfags have so much disposable income

>> No.31754635

The phenomenon of artists spiraling into depression as they desperately reach for the forbidden fruit of furry money is fascinating and horrifying.

>> No.31754669

Demon King Altare gonna pimp Magni to do furry comissions to bring money to the guild

>> No.31754679
Quoted by: >>31754817

holoEN, in order of debut:
>/v/ermin that can't play half the games she wants to play
>invested all of her points into idol groups and has been completely removed from anything past 2010
>gacha and MMO addict
>zoomer that only played 5 games in her entire life before hololive
>FPS zoomer that was too poor to play anything that wasn't f2p
>hikkiNEET that invested all her time into anime
>Nintoddler and gacha addict (and graduated)
>Gamer Girl
>addicted to indie kusoge
>poor college kid that said she used to skip meals to buy new games
>zoomer that's unironically never played a video game before becoming a streamer

EN has prioritized "entertainers" over gamers, with the rrat being that they wanted the branch to be self-sustaining.

>> No.31754686
Quoted by: >>31754823

as a drawfag, its the last resort. like genuine, you will hang yourself if you dont get money to pay things off last resort. its a forbidden fruit because the moment you do them, the more and more you get of people commissioning you, you can't go back. Ever.

>> No.31754707

Prehistoric Bahama mama's taught them the skills they needed

>> No.31754745

I remember one NTR commissioner saying how they'd find R-18 artists who did not take NTR commissions and just offering more and more money until they accepted. They'd pay like 7 times the usual rate or something.

He said he did it because it was as if he was corrupting the artist himself.

>> No.31754752
Quoted by: >>31755205

>Altare will even read blue SCs
Huh... kinda tempted now...

>> No.31754766

Artists draw Fur
Women move to Dubai
you go where the money flows

>> No.31754817

I only recognised Kiara and Sana from these descriptions, I truly have fallen out of watching the girls

>> No.31754818

>picking up the rails

Unintentionally smart. Rails cost a lot of iron early on when you don't have an iron farm.

>> No.31754821

remember that time one of the girls destroyed a monster spawner and schizos went fucking ballistic

>> No.31754823

There are few things that would destroy your personal life more completely than drawing furry porn. Even weebs would despise you. Normies might literally call the cops

>> No.31754873
Quoted by: >>31754922

>please sleep
Listener-san, shut the fuck up.

>> No.31754878

I wish someone would do that to me, fuck

>> No.31754886

thats a fetish in itself....

>> No.31754890
File: 614 KB, 3508x2480, FbH5BWHUcAAt8Y1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31754897

I don't like NTR, but that's pretty based. It's like offering a girl more and more money until she can't refuse.

>> No.31754922

need a pic of just the Tempus group kicking the shit out of a concern fag telling them to sleep while they talk among themselves about playing apex from 1am to 8am

>> No.31754931


>> No.31754982
Quoted by: >>31755088

just tuned in, what happened. What did he bonk this time? there's no stream where he doesn't bonk people

>> No.31754988

[Good News] Altare is the dom

>> No.31754997


>> No.31755017

/mans/ where are you... dont tell me you guys are all out partying tonight since its friday...

>> No.31755019


>> No.31755026
File: 120 KB, 900x1100, 1660957505011742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowa's bf is a dom!!!

>> No.31755061
Quoted by: >>31755129


>> No.31755068

I'm busy masturbating to Altare rn, come back later

>> No.31755088
Quoted by: >>31755322

Last Minecraft stream he set a couple ground rules, specifically that you couldnt superchat for voicelines. He also banned a couple people who were being annoying in chat.

>> No.31755117

I have to be up for work in 5 hours. Hop off my jock.

>> No.31755122
Quoted by: >>31755268


>> No.31755123
Quoted by: >>31755268


>> No.31755125
Quoted by: >>31755268

>a little tard

>> No.31755129


>> No.31755131
Quoted by: >>31755268

>little tard

>> No.31755134
Quoted by: >>31755268


>> No.31755139
Quoted by: >>31755268

"tards" yab lemao

>> No.31755142
Quoted by: >>31755268

>little tards

>> No.31755145
Quoted by: >>31755268


>> No.31755149
Quoted by: >>31755268


>> No.31755150
Quoted by: >>31755268

>just a little tard

>> No.31755162
Quoted by: >>31755268

bye VOD

>> No.31755175

Watching the almond collab of course

>> No.31755184
Quoted by: >>31755268


>> No.31755205

It's worth it for game suggestions. I sent a blue suggesting DRG and now it's on the works.

>> No.31755230


>> No.31755248
Quoted by: >>31755451

Just rewind

>> No.31755251

I love them

>> No.31755258

me too anon...im doing work with the stream in the background and i didn't pay attention...

>> No.31755268

Tart. He was trying to be sweet come on man

>> No.31755304
Quoted by: >>31755468

>little tard
Jesus leader, it's only been a month.
How long until he drops a hard r on stream?

>> No.31755317

This is true, he's just a little guy.

>> No.31755319


>> No.31755322
Quoted by: >>31755911

some of the things altare finds "annoying" is literally a minor inconvenience at best. He hasn't experienced true annoying compared to other streamers

>> No.31755338
Quoted by: >>31755382

>So Jew

>> No.31755339

Its very hard to tell what he said over his accent.
IT could have been turd, tart, tars, Turt.

It was Soju.

>> No.31755341
Quoted by: >>31755382

>so true! so jew!

>> No.31755354
Quoted by: >>31755381

Nah I went back to check that was tard

>> No.31755353

are memberships in the works?

>> No.31755355

>Altare doesnt drink

>> No.31755361

>Altare raped someone the last time he got drunk


>> No.31755375

Leader gets the Asian glow

>> No.31755382


>> No.31755381
Quoted by: >>31755414

can you make it a soundpost

>> No.31755396

yeah, not me

>> No.31755401

Leader is just like me with alco

>> No.31755409

I want to go drinking with Altare to make him learn how to drink properly!

>> No.31755414
Quoted by: >>31755441

I dunno how to make one midstream but if nobody has after sure

>> No.31755423
File: 174 KB, 1280x1280, FZXOiq6WQAADbAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31755488


>> No.31755431
Quoted by: >>31755452

Did Altare really call for the extermination of the mentally defective?

>> No.31755440
File: 84 KB, 198x198, 1659308049985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's called being a wuss
why are men like this?

>> No.31755441

alright thanks anon

>> No.31755450
Quoted by: >>31755598

I'm Asian and I fall asleep from a glass of beer

>> No.31755451
Quoted by: >>31755559

They have that disabled

>> No.31755452

only if they don't red super

>> No.31755463

Are there any other streams after this?

>> No.31755468

3 months max

>> No.31755488

>[Regarding our Talent Axel Syrios]

>> No.31755491
Quoted by: >>31755589

We put eachother down to prop eachother up later.

Also yes it's wussy

>> No.31755495

Sorry, it's called being a pussy

>> No.31755499
Quoted by: >>31755946

Someone mentioned Apex with Nowa

>> No.31755503


>> No.31755504
File: 22 KB, 658x155, 1645919510504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31755510

Weird, I'm legit underweight but I've had over 5 shots without puking or anything much.
It must be some sort of condition that he has to be that sensitive to alcohol.

>> No.31755511
Quoted by: >>31755946

Apex collab in hour and a half

>> No.31755530
Quoted by: >>31755626

>not knowing what bants are
why are women like this

>> No.31755540

I hate people who autistically mine around the diamond blocks like that. You know there's no lava. Stop being a pussy.

>> No.31755543

He raped someone in the sweaty summer night of 1992

>> No.31755548
Quoted by: >>31755813

what did altare say about being a dom. help me out

>> No.31755559
File: 6 KB, 333x146, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-enable it

>> No.31755565
Quoted by: >>31755946

Axel Apex with Magni and Altare.

>> No.31755567

Is Nowa the only caucasian Tempus?

>> No.31755586

It's called being Asian

>> No.31755589
Quoted by: >>31755719


>> No.31755598
Quoted by: >>31755954

I'm Asian and hard liquor just doesn't do shit to me, but a single beer will put me to bed for the night.

>> No.31755615
Quoted by: >>31755721

Nowa is 200% nigga

>> No.31755626
Quoted by: >>31755791

Stop doing this every thread and hook up or something

>> No.31755633

Man I wish there was a greater variety of restaurants where I live, I didn't try real Asian food until 2 years ago l

>> No.31755638
File: 617 KB, 1280x720, 6264237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to become a demon lord
>Throwing rocks at children
When I was a kid visiting my relatives in Jamaica there were these two kids that wanted me to throw rocks at a neighbor's dog. I didn't know any better and followed along until the owner came out to figure out why the dog was yelping so much. I felt so awful afterwards. Children are just shitheads.

>> No.31755674
Quoted by: >>31755721

hes black

>> No.31755689

Maybe you shouldn't have thrown rocks at a dog baka

>> No.31755707
File: 1.36 MB, 3031x2136, disapproval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31755713
Quoted by: >>31755733



>> No.31755716
File: 146 KB, 375x359, 1661534687885096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol anon

>> No.31755719

Because being nice to someone means you're weak and social posturing is the most important thing to ever exist

>> No.31755721
File: 55 KB, 896x559, 1643404634730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. He's not.

>> No.31755723

Magni somehow has the deepest voice and the most feminine voice at the same time. "It's so prettyyyyyyy!"

>> No.31755733

No I dont need this curse back in my life

>> No.31755737
Quoted by: >>31755968

So did anyone tell them about the Sequel to Maple Story, or..?

>> No.31755743
Quoted by: >>31755954

I'm half Asian and I can drink a glass of wine or a beer, but my cousin can't drink anything at all without getting sick. Some people are just unlucky.

>> No.31755768
Quoted by: >>31755846

>kids are shitheads
>says the shithead that throws rocks at dogs

>> No.31755781

I love this Maplestory autism

>> No.31755791

I'm trying...

>> No.31755813

He said he's the dominant with his chat.

>> No.31755816


>> No.31755833

>dope name

>> No.31755831
File: 437 KB, 1110x1139, XLR8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31756355


>> No.31755844


>> No.31755846

he was a child at the time and therefore a shithead

>> No.31755851
Quoted by: >>31755898

AXLR8 is a Ben 10 alien name

>> No.31755858

>I was in a klan


>> No.31755871
Quoted by: >>31755901

>In Game IGN
Kill him

>> No.31755898


>> No.31755901

baka my head

>> No.31755909

No, what he has is even more severe than what other Asians have.

>> No.31755911

There was a kid spamming self advertising for his channel and the entire chat was like "finally, thank you" after he was banned

>> No.31755925

>check the game for nostalgia sake
>Broa doesn't exist anymore
all my old characters are gone too
I miss old maplestory so fucking much bros

>> No.31755940

>single player MMO


>> No.31755946

Thanks bros

>> No.31755954
Quoted by: >>31756031

It's funny, I'm white and I can drink as much liquor as I want but when I'm around a whole foods I'm compelled to buy a bunch of gluten free food. I also kinda feel the urge to conquer primitive tribes and teach them about plumbing.

>> No.31755957

oh no

>> No.31755968

we dont talk about ms2

>> No.31756000


>> No.31755999

>Mag is a dirty story skipper

>> No.31756002
Quoted by: >>31756067

>I don't even have time to eat twice a day
The fuck magni

>> No.31756012

Guys, member Mech/Adventure Quest World?

>> No.31756029


>> No.31756031
Quoted by: >>31756144

Same, that's why a married an Indonesian woman

>> No.31756037

>skipping ff14 story
Magni... You're going down a path I can't follow...

>> No.31756052
Quoted by: >>31756147

Don't fucking dox your own character Mag

>> No.31756067

This behavior reminds me of Roberu it's unreal. Why is this happening to my broshis...

>> No.31756079

He's actually based

>> No.31756091

>video game community

Discord and reddit unironically killed in-game communities.

>> No.31756096

>tfw you'll never groom little Magni in Maplestory...

>> No.31756107

no one is perfect

>> No.31756138
Quoted by: >>31756173

On no. Omega is going to make them play FF14 on stream

>> No.31756144
Quoted by: >>31756261

Did you get her to watch HoloID?

>> No.31756147

Calling you out.

>> No.31756166

>start playing FFXIV
>Story sucks
>"ah yeah 1.0 story sucks"
>Okay so I'll skip everything
>"not it gets better afterwards"
>By the time I'm level 62 I'm still skipping everything
>"Bro why did you skip [that moment] or [that moment] are you crazy it was so cool"
Then I dropped it

>> No.31756173
Quoted by: >>31756246

Final Fantasy XIV is not a real final fantasy game, STOP

>> No.31756185
Quoted by: >>31756226

He was following a friend's advice and ARR's story is just star wars with more fetch quests

>> No.31756226
Quoted by: >>31756300

Dude, he said he was skipping Heavensward

>> No.31756246

Well it's the only choice they have until someone jerks Squeenix NA off

>> No.31756261

She likes Kobo

>> No.31756272
File: 535 KB, 640x446, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to miss all the references in Endwalker! Half the cut scenes are basically this. How are you supposed to clap when Blorbo Skrunko shows up?

>> No.31756292
Quoted by: >>31756346

Magni stop being such an insecure bitch

>> No.31756300

He was talking about the flashback from ARR where Midgardsormr jobs to the Agrius

>> No.31756313
Quoted by: >>31756346

magni is being a pussy

>> No.31756327

The only things I didn't skip in XIV were some of the last cutscenes from Shadowbringers, just cause of the music.

>> No.31756345

Everyone who shits on ARR's story and says to skip or ignore it because it's bad is just ruining the game for the people who listen
Yeah, ARR is the weakest story, but it fucking sets everything up. And even then it's still pretty okay - it's just not as good as all the amazing shit that happens later

>> No.31756346

I hate Magni as much as the next guy but he's got a point

>> No.31756355

Man, I miss Ben 10.

>> No.31756367

"Hey, I heard you're a weird guy."
"Yeah that sounds like me, haha."

>> No.31756382

Magni spends a lot of time in his head huh

>> No.31756390

This man has so much iron and coal in his inventory, he could just make a new iron pick. And maybe a shield so he doesn't keep almost dying.

>> No.31756423

Tempus should play a real multiplayer RPG, Grim Dawn

>> No.31756439


>> No.31756444

All the money is getting into XIV's useless updates. I pray for god that XVI is actually good even with the DMC combat

>> No.31756445

magni needs to follow axel advice

>> No.31756451

This man is an actual menhera.

>> No.31756457

some people call it thinking

>> No.31756466

I actually love Magni so much it's unreal, he's my broshi
but he is, without any doubt, insecure as fuck
but that's a common trait among holos in general

>> No.31756468

>I hate Magni as much as the next guy
The fuck

>> No.31756485

that's why axel is magni's oshi

>> No.31756510
Quoted by: >>31756598

we hate Magni here, newfag. Only horny women and fags like him.

>> No.31756519
File: 71 KB, 1280x1280, FaSNEv7acAQ3uB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is that

>> No.31756528

sure but he seems to overthink things a bit or at least this is the 2nd time he brought up being worried about people's perception of him

>> No.31756543

Axel is Magni's oshi for a very good reason.

>> No.31756564
File: 45 KB, 1232x736, iasip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31756676

>> No.31756562

All of 14's money goes into marvel shovelware and shit like outriders, you can't even do some of the content in the new patches because the servers can't handle people zoning into the island

>> No.31756578
File: 2.20 MB, 640x360, i dont think[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxkbpua.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31756598
Quoted by: >>31756729

Get the fuck out of here, catalog tourist

>> No.31756619


>> No.31756626

He's malding

>> No.31756629

Ooohhhhhh I felt that, Altare...

>> No.31756633
File: 385 KB, 781x418, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31756634
File: 83 KB, 234x284, m6UxRO9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31756637
File: 25 KB, 525x420, rage of a million suns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31756640


>> No.31756643

it's over...

>> No.31756645

Kobos assassins got him

>> No.31756652


>> No.31756654

Tourists, you can tell by the dumb shit they say. Don't worry too much about it.

>> No.31756656

>Regis trying so hard to not say nigger

>> No.31756655
File: 161 KB, 365x225, chrome_gqFfw1xbHf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31756856

>> No.31756664


>> No.31756670
File: 125 KB, 268x311, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31756676

He's just like me fr fr...

>> No.31756677
File: 475 KB, 673x442, firefox08262022184904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31756679

>Magni nuzzling Altare

>> No.31756684
File: 32 KB, 112x112, 1659926211281169.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31756712

Maybe it's because i'm a hardcore Vestie that ships AltNowa, but Regis is slowly becoming my second favorite in Tempus.

>> No.31756688
File: 141 KB, 646x663, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31756690

So pissed he became a PNG

>> No.31756693


>> No.31756696
File: 102 KB, 532x532, 1661414593020254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing lad

>> No.31756695

looks like is zooming in kek

>> No.31756712
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1650175915609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31756722

That clip is going to do numbers, leader incline imminent

>> No.31756724

Fucking lmao

>> No.31756729

its bait, just ignore him

>> No.31756733


>> No.31756741

And now, Altare will remain punching down.

>> No.31756743
File: 122 KB, 508x163, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31756778

>Get fucked by baby zombie
>This is the splash
My sides are in orbit

>> No.31756746
File: 124 KB, 1011x887, 1661270218294734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you know where you are, anon?

>> No.31756753

Where do you think you are

>> No.31756761

saved anon I thank you for your service

>> No.31756765

What's another apex other than apex legends?

>> No.31756768


>> No.31756769

The money that XIV generates from sales and subscriptions go to everything in Square Enix except XIV itself. XIV's budget doesn't come from sales nor subs, it comes from the shop. Paying for another month won't fund the next expansion, but buying that cool outfit for 7.99 will.

>> No.31756774
File: 285 KB, 528x383, 1659074798582342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31756793


>> No.31756778

why is it funny?

>> No.31756789
File: 1.63 MB, 1200x1500, dinogura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you die

>> No.31756791

>missed the tard mention getting a drink
>missed whatever this was going to the bathroom
fuck, please VOD dont get privated

>> No.31756793
Quoted by: >>31756842

Hot Mike for a second

>> No.31756820

Splatoon? Wasn't it supposed to be WWE?

>> No.31756825
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>> No.31756827

That was sad.
But yo, Leader plays this game like a 10yo kid high on sugar

>> No.31756830
File: 1.84 MB, 658x422, nuzzle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31756838
File: 296 KB, 715x571, 1619350664666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine saying this while using Pomu of all people

>> No.31756842
File: 285 KB, 500x500, 1658631842801080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is Mike?

>> No.31756848
Quoted by: >>31756925

a baby zombie killed him, as they fucking do

>> No.31756856
Quoted by: >>31756904


>> No.31756858
Quoted by: >>31756923

Philza (prominent mc youtuber/streamer) did a long ass hardcore run and died to a baby zombie which ended the whole thing

>> No.31756862


>> No.31756866

He works at Applebees as a chef

>> No.31756868
File: 2.66 MB, 1264x2048, bmyufq4re7k61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this about Splatoon 3 tomorrow?

>> No.31756895
Quoted by: >>31756923

He got his five years old hardocre run fucked by those little niggers.

>> No.31756904

Look above you retard

>> No.31756909

a character from breaking bad

>> No.31756918

multiplayer beta tomorrow

>> No.31756922

There's a splatfest demo tomorrow.

>> No.31756923
File: 169 KB, 1200x1200, magnihehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek

>> No.31756925

While he was right next to lava, too

>> No.31756936


>> No.31756938
File: 140 KB, 1168x826, FaLCQbWWYAAkX1r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're so cute bros....

>> No.31756940

WHY CAN'T IT BE ME??!?!?!?!??!!?!!!!!11

>> No.31756950
Quoted by: >>31756982

So Splatoon 3 is just a game they decided to play? Since I don't really see it on the schedule and I don't really keep up with twitter.

>> No.31756957


>> No.31756966
File: 18 KB, 640x480, DeltaruneSS (317).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31756982

Yeah, I don't think the demo was announced at the time he made the schedule

>> No.31756989
File: 176 KB, 545x480, 1658544741454253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31756991


>> No.31757040

>finds diamonds
>feels the adrenaline surge and starts exploring haphazardly
>long since run out of supplies but still going
>dies and loses everything

Such is the way of Block Game. I wish they didn't kill strip mining with 1.17, because sometimes I just want to dig in a straight line while relaxing and doing nothing.

>> No.31757068

Magni looks SEX when looking down

>> No.31757092
Quoted by: >>31757252

I don't get why people don't simply vertical ascend the moment shit goes south, it's what I do every time

>> No.31757111
Quoted by: >>31757475

You can still stripmine, it just feels less efficient

>> No.31757232

i will never stop stripmining

>> No.31757252

I carry a water bucket, boat, and bring a stack of blocks, Justin Case. But he seems pretty new to MC overall, and I'll admit that I went hard when I first started playing it 2 years ago (because Myth being awful at it triggered my autism), so he probably didn't think about how to get out of there. But hey, live and learn.

>> No.31757282
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>> No.31757314

Another collab, based

>> No.31757325
Quoted by: >>31757417

I wish he made a shield and left the cave after getting the amethyst blocks.
I know it was a whole bit where he just left the game and ended the stream but I really think he went back and doing his best to get that shit back.

>> No.31757332

Regis vod isn't down so I guess no one caught the tard comment

>> No.31757365

I think it takes a bit longer

>> No.31757380

alright where is the soundpost for Altare's
-Love you guys
-I'm the dominant one with my chat
-Good boy

>> No.31757398

Its not such a big deal. Yellow woman has said it a couple of times in its full glory before without recourse.

>> No.31757417

Yeah, probably asked magni for help after the stream.

>> No.31757467

I have no idea what that is but I just go to layer 12, make two corridors and branch from those

>> No.31757475
Quoted by: >>31757795

Feels like, or actually is? Because I swear they must have decreased the spawn rate for blocks that aren't touching open/air block. And doesn't deepslate break slower than stone? Also, needing to have separate levels for coal and diamonds stinks.

>> No.31757478
File: 1.90 MB, 362x440, seethe.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31757502

I can feel him malding even if the avatar is smiling

>> No.31757518
File: 23 KB, 753x595, 1544751299936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31757526

Astel is singing

>> No.31757527

it was also a mistake (ostensibly) as he immediately corrected to "turd"

>> No.31757561
File: 311 KB, 1246x626, 1660379471319391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31757606

Kino thumbnail.

>> No.31757571
File: 203 KB, 620x368, 1558196905234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31757619

same energy

>> No.31757600



>> No.31757606
Quoted by: >>31757646

did you see is "ayo" one?

>> No.31757619

What's it like to lose all your items? Zenloss.

>> No.31757621

this is going to be another yab fest

>> No.31757646
File: 236 KB, 1280x720, 1660388565431433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. The boys are just built different.

>> No.31757701
File: 190 KB, 613x459, BBCC70F4-B86E-4A19-8577-37B36828C861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How he blinks here batting his eyes coyly trying to calm down demon lord leader

>> No.31757723
File: 163 KB, 479x450, UUUUUUUUU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


unrelated sort of but altares face tracking is so good wtf

>> No.31757795
Quoted by: >>31757937

I get less diamonds per trip. The difference level thing is a cool concept, but made the game more grindy

>> No.31757808


>> No.31757812

Is there a masculine form of teetee? Cause teetee sounds kinda fucking gay

>> No.31757861

teetee is gay. so are all of its variations.

>> No.31757873

a brojob

>> No.31757897

:^) is the face of kill me

>> No.31757905
Quoted by: >>31758023

Won’t be so gay after I molest your ass bitch

>> No.31757926

stop being a fag and use the word

>> No.31757928


>> No.31757937
Quoted by: >>31758229

It's less grindy if you actually spelunk as is encouraged.
Strip mining being better than spelunking was always cringe, so the cave update changes were good in that regard.

>> No.31758023
File: 2.19 MB, 1280x720, YABBA DABBA DOO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31758024


>> No.31758146

Oh thank God I was worried I'd have nothing to do until the collab

>> No.31758221
Quoted by: >>31758239

If you have time to kill before APEX Astel is singing currently

>> No.31758229

I tried spelunking for my resources. It's great if you need resources for your house, but not for autistic idiots like me

>> No.31758239

Why the beaver

>> No.31758258
File: 278 KB, 1468x1182, al_o_tg-1559571605214625792-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31758281
Quoted by: >>31758455

Why do we hate her again? I looked her up because people keep namedropping her. She seems friendly/normal. Her chibi model is cute.

>> No.31758315

Why indeed

>> No.31758325

It's his previous stream

>> No.31758455

She kinda attention whore'd on chat asking for special treatment

>> No.31758482

Jus woke up
What interestimg things happened on leadsh and magni box game?

>> No.31758483
Quoted by: >>31758606

dude, I had no idea this dude had such a great voice

>> No.31758533

Anyone up for some deadhours gartic phone? 2 games should be enough until the Apex stream

>> No.31758538


>> No.31758548

we don't talk about women here, let along ones in the Flesh

>> No.31758550


>> No.31758597


>> No.31758606

You should of been around when he still sung disney on stream

>> No.31758657
Quoted by: >>31758703

Here's the link. 5+ players and I'll start

>> No.31758683

I fucking hate Disney and Karafun. Completely gimped my oshi's karaokes.

>> No.31758703

>>31758657 (Me)
I'm a retard who can't even use the past function properly

>> No.31758752

damn, can you provide this little guy with some clips?
