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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.10 MB, 3840x2160, FZ4u6NCUsAIu9Q_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31467066 No.31467066 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>31467523

Strongest sheep Edition

>Official Website
>Official Twitter
>Teamup Schedule
>Jetri Schedules

>Inukai Purin - Mesugaki dog
>Amemachi Hanabi - The golden-voiced mayor of Rainy Town
>Tetsuya Kazune - Insomniac head popper and music dork
>Chikafuji Lisa - The giggling little sheep sister experience
>Uzuki Tomoya - Choir kid, just how you like 'em; fffffflaming
>Tsurugi Nen - Scuffed dream eater and dick confuser
>Amiya Aranha - Itsy bitsy spider mommy and certified hag

▼Former Members
>Hoshino Char - Gunpla extraordinaire
>Yazaki Kallin - Certified chuuni bat
>Matsuro Meru - Sweetest person alive, high energy
>Nini Yuuna - The embodiment of chaos, breadcrumb-sized braincell
>Miori Celesta - Freaky deaky beertuber, isekai edition
>Orla Gan Ceann - Half-toxic, half-wholesome dullahan shut-in
>Umiushi Urara - Garbage bin waifu, savior of Tsunderia

>/tsun/ Friends
Prism Project >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Aetheria >>>/vt//aeg/
Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/
Korean Vtubers >>>/vt//vnug/
AkioAIR >>>/vt//aa/
Hakos Baelz >>>/vt//rrat/
Moon Jelly - https://twitter.com/moonjelly0
Una - https://twitter.com/unamedch
Tsukimi B. Dohrnii - https://twitter.com/TsukimiBDohrnii
Virgil - https://twitter.com/Virgil_KoMETA
Duskward - https://twitter.com/duskward

Previous Thread: >>31437774

>> No.31467315

Sheepy's in the middle of her weekly music review

>> No.31467342
File: 311 KB, 496x321, ForbiddenTits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squeezable and milkable

>> No.31467409
File: 55 KB, 540x698, flick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31467615

I love Meru. That is all.

>> No.31467521

Rei please come on voice chat more often I love you.

>> No.31467523

Im fairly convinced that sheeple are a dumpster fire tier fanbase now. I suppose every corpo needs 1

>> No.31467528
File: 267 KB, 1886x1080, 1661217313675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this spider too much and hope she never runs out of nice messages to read

>> No.31467615
File: 707 KB, 1200x707, ami4head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love meru and i love exposed foreheads!

>> No.31467652
Quoted by: >>31468844

It's Pippa's fanbase spilling over. You can trace everything wrong back to a pink woman.

>> No.31467839
Quoted by: >>31500802

I think we've taken the first step toward healing. We'll see how things go.

>> No.31467935
File: 736 KB, 2896x4096, Rei_OL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31469812

This is my oshi, she works hard and shitposts even harder.

>> No.31467970
File: 204 KB, 2020x1129, 20220330_223751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Meru with all my heart!

>> No.31467992
File: 149 KB, 461x461, 1643857569760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love my friend and I can't wait to watch Spongebob with her!
I hope her PC troubles are solved soon so that she no longer has to stress over them

>> No.31468063
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>> No.31468303
File: 599 KB, 1200x707, yourmove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31468798


>> No.31468364

i wish there was a better game we could play on vtuber foreheads with tic tac toe being super solved

>> No.31468465
File: 155 KB, 272x415, 124089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31468600

snakes and ladders

>> No.31468798
File: 659 KB, 1200x707, 1646283967792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31469250


>> No.31468823
File: 598 KB, 1200x707, skyheads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you anon, it took a lot of effort to get the game running on this hardware so you'd better appreciate it

>> No.31468841
File: 504 KB, 581x638, FWY29bwXkAIdJAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bread is the strongest tsun bc she lacks any sort of drama. although it is replaced with perpetual battles against her tummy

>> No.31468844

Except it's her old fans that are freaking out, not Pippa's fans. But Pippa's fans somehow made the old ones go fucking nuts.

>> No.31469250
File: 601 KB, 1200x707, turn2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31470425


>> No.31469719

She got most of her drama out either in private or she’s groomed everyone enough to look the other way.

>> No.31469812
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>> No.31470343

Between her making it extremely clear that shell spend less and less time streaming and vtubing and that time where she solidfied her true fans by leading them to her rm twitter, i dont think yuuna left any room for fence sitters. Youre either all in on her or youre out

>> No.31470425
File: 553 KB, 1200x707, 1635181887661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31470781


>> No.31470781
File: 602 KB, 1200x707, imreadytotie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31470974


>> No.31470878
Quoted by: >>31471127

That's one happy sheepy

>> No.31470974
File: 554 KB, 1200x707, samesies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31472932


>> No.31471026
Quoted by: >>31471127

>my mama messaged me
>it really do be that way...

>> No.31471127

And just like that... >>31471026

>> No.31471586
File: 346 KB, 1488x2048, 1635441369071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31473443

Tsukimi released a cover

>> No.31472932
File: 603 KB, 1200x707, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31473200


>> No.31473200
File: 556 KB, 1200x707, sayonara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31473355


>> No.31473311
Quoted by: >>31473670

How will Gen 4 impact the preexisting friendships within Tsunderia? Do >you think new cliques will form?

>> No.31473355
File: 605 KB, 1200x707, gg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31473443

This was my song for Lisa's pee break,
goes nicely with the melody of a stream of liquid flowing into a bigger pool

>> No.31473670

Gen4 will be closer with each other, a couple with become favs of a certain senpai, that's usually how things like this go

>> No.31475002
Quoted by: >>31475555

Streamers forge their own fanbases on the anvil of parasocial interactions.

>> No.31475555

fortunately lisa forges her fanbase on the anvil of anal stimulation

>> No.31475565
File: 414 KB, 560x594, 1657533554374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sent the song 3 hours right after Lisa's google form went live
>still not showing up

>> No.31475648
Quoted by: >>31475820

She thought your song sucks and skipped it.

>> No.31475806
Quoted by: >>31475938

I sent mine half an hour after form went up and it didnt appear until like 20-30 songs in

>> No.31475820

that sucks. I thought it was cool

>> No.31475938

woah sheepyfrens are fast

>> No.31475942

I sent minutes 16 in and Lisa only got to it after 2 hours 30 minutes or so

>> No.31476168

There were 80 responses. It might be in the second stream, but she said she'd get through all 80.

>> No.31476260

>Nen and Kazu are getting trained in dancing.
Ramping up for 3D debuts?

>> No.31476328
Quoted by: >>31477163

I sent her 1 hour after she posted and still didn't show up.

>> No.31476348
Quoted by: >>31477247

This is why the 80 cap is a mistake.

>> No.31477163
File: 381 KB, 483x469, 3223736a4c16bf7390165987ac63f0af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe she got 40 submissions in the first hour and only 39 in the next 23 hours.

>> No.31477247
File: 109 KB, 615x343, 1659910297844805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ehh It's pretty okay. If my song was filtered from the list, at least I'll only wait for 2 weeks to send another submission instead of a month

>> No.31477780
File: 1.78 MB, 498x245, 1659512155115906.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to set-up an RSS feed for Lisa's twitter to alert me of her tweets right away. Can I still do that in current year?

>> No.31477794

People know roughly when the form drops, and if they're anything like me they have a list of stuff they want to send already just need to pick one for the week

>> No.31477959

The last few forms have filled ridiculously fast judging by when your submission showed up. Sheeple didn't want to miss out.

>> No.31478058
Quoted by: >>31478297

Twitter has built in desktop pop up notifications

>> No.31478297
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1660864429547957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31481767

I don't want to open twitter nor install a desktop app solely dedicated for that godawful website

>> No.31478500

How many songs did lisa get through? If she has an 80 cap now I assume she tried to do 40

>> No.31478737
Quoted by: >>31478988

>thread goes schizo over Lisa using discord vc
>no one complains about Char doing vc with her mods all the time despite rarely streaming

>> No.31478988

>despite rarely streaming
Well there you go. We don't see Char as a streamer anymore.

>> No.31479023

>4 fucked up maros calling Lisa retarded names
yeah it's the threadwatchers on the catalog. The day of the rope against catalogniggers can't come soon enough

>> No.31479087
Quoted by: >>31479267

Lisa is really cool

>> No.31479230
Quoted by: >>31482106

Yuuna is going to Yuuna her Yuunas on the Yuuna with Yuuna

>> No.31479267
Quoted by: >>31479578

Why would you lie like that? She’s a dweeb and sheeple love ve her for it

>> No.31479376
Quoted by: >>31479834

Lisa really is the Driver. She carries scorpions on her back even though she knows they will sting her out of their nature.

>> No.31479578

She's both, she's not as cool as she wants to be, that's the chuuni part, and the trying hard to get there is both cute and cool

>> No.31479834

she's christian to a fault, she said something along the lines of loving people even if they hate her at the start of the stream and she meant just as much as everything else she says in that tone

>> No.31480224

My archive got fucked please help...

>> No.31480364
File: 29 KB, 557x550, rei_feeding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translation: I miss her already

>> No.31480489
Quoted by: >>31480737

i can post mine later

>> No.31480737
Quoted by: >>31482855

Thanks friend

>> No.31481712
File: 257 KB, 669x489, 1660346940216603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ami!

>> No.31481767
File: 345 KB, 720x1458, rssfeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sugoi, it werks

>> No.31481785
File: 161 KB, 889x1017, meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ami wants your meat

>> No.31481976

I have never and will never donate to any vtuber.

>> No.31482106
File: 129 KB, 829x901, FUlEK84VsAAIvFa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open stream
>She's talking about food
Of course

>> No.31482268

You're not wrong but make sure to have gratitude for the people that do.

>> No.31482337

That's fine anon, many such cases
A whale fall can feed an entire ecosystem

>> No.31482855
File: 146 KB, 643x902, sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31483895

Im not that anon that promised to provide you a copy but here's mine with 480p as an option for those who are unfotunate:

>> No.31483893
Quoted by: >>31484462

Yuuna was a bit too fascinated about the men's restroom...

>> No.31483895

Thank you!

>> No.31484462
Quoted by: >>31485975

she wants to know the porn guys share in the restroom

>> No.31484821
Quoted by: >>31487234

here you go
lisa music review

>> No.31485975

..l… I never heard of that. The bathroom is for pissing and drugs, sharing porn is in bedrooms and in the woods

>> No.31487234

Cheers lad!

>> No.31488423 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31491339

God damnit char, why did you have to make your model so hot then say fuck nsfw. I just want more lewds of your tits

>> No.31489570 [DELETED] 

>i was going to sleep but i love tsunderia too much

>> No.31489649
Quoted by: >>31489823

Use a nitter instance.

>> No.31489823

based fellow nitter enjoyer

>> No.31491214

What's the schizophrenia forecast looking like?

>> No.31491325

huh why is it such a big deal for lisa or any of tsundream to make an "announcement" to her lurkers and twitter only people that she has decided to join vc to just hang out, which she normally does in the sheeple chat if you are actually there, and if youre twitter only thats tuff, but like yuuna or kallin or mio never made or make any announcement when doing something in vc and never got any hate or drama for it? just interested in what the takes are

>> No.31491339
Quoted by: >>31492960

Do it anyway

>> No.31491927

She just chose to laser focus on that because it was particularly damning and she thought it was easy to address. For all that talk about receipts I'm not seeing any for the 4 hour hangout from the other night either.

>> No.31492270

think i mightve worded the part about her letting people in the sheeple chat know, it was more so when she decides to do that kdrama night thingy shell join just to watch and they would be in cinema and not talk anyway, if she is just hanging out in vc and not talking much, i could care less, i still get noticed in stream

>> No.31492298

I don't think anyone sent a maro talking about that specific incident. Send it yourself if you want closure for that.

>> No.31492643

I don't need closure, it just looks dumb when you decide to take the leap to address a problem on stream and are wrong about the last "specific incident" in question.

>> No.31492960

>Do it anyway
Already did, sry char

>> No.31493437

Of your 3 examples none of them maintained their VC nights and their career. Mio dropped her groomers, Kallin dropped out entirely, and even Yuuna who did pretty well by pandering violently to everyone is distancing herself from vtubing.

>> No.31493920

Lisa has the most downbad goslings of any Tsun. Christ

>> No.31494063

More like "unmedicated".

>> No.31494124
Quoted by: >>31495208

If Pete and Kinetic started dragging Ami into VC you'd see some real shit

>> No.31495021
Quoted by: >>31500952

I once made a dead hours sad post on the groomcord about how sharing my music taste backfired. Lisa responded and then all the online sheeple rushed in to try and get her attention. It was surreal.

>> No.31495208
Quoted by: >>31500041

Didn't Pete jump ship to being a bread simp? He stopped modding for Ami a while back now, does he even groom her anymore?

>> No.31495256

I know what you're talking about it. If you also know and you're anyone that actually knows it would be addressed, why the fuck do we have to bring it up? Do your fucking job.

>> No.31496160

4 hour Kdrama watchalongs? oof not even channel members have those perks.

>> No.31496355

I'm seeing cracks on Lisa's sincerity. sheep why?

>> No.31496818

I never knew sheeple were so unhinged. I should've known their hyper-fixation on kissing lisa's butthole was a sign of mental illness

>> No.31496996

Who do you reckon makes the most in Tsunderia and who makes the least? Can be based on akasupas or merchandise.

>> No.31497008

Give her a chance. She's dealing with complicated stuff here and has other problems and was low on sleep and was probably a nervous wreck talking about it. She's just a young girl doing her best and she has always had a little trouble communicating serious stuff.

>> No.31497067

Hate groomers, simple as

>> No.31497266

>private server is up
Lol, later retards. The real grooming starts now

>> No.31497513

Lisa butthole poster is very obviously one of the VC cliquefags.

>> No.31497592
Quoted by: >>31497758

Keep in mind maros have been close for a bit complaints had to go through staff and you know that anything that reached her back in july got hard countered by mods doing the same kinda shit they do in here and downplaying it so they could keep theird grift going. Or Lisa is the best liar ever. One of these seems more likely than the other.

>> No.31497758

>hard countered by mods
mods shouldn't have any authority in filtering maros, it cant be... please tell me it's the mods

>> No.31497837

The kayfabe she does sells.

>> No.31497850

More like it probably got brought up in discussion and they just insisted it was normal and deflected with the same stuff they spam here.

>> No.31497859
Quoted by: >>31504526

I don't think they filter maros, but if Lisa gets maros about favoritism and asks her mod team "do you think I play favourites?" I have a good idea of what their answer might be and why

>> No.31498144

It's gonna be a while until Lisa regains the trust of the schizos here. I feel bad for her. She's trying her hardest to include everyone. She even wants to show kindness and mercy towards the kusomaro sender. She's a saint too holy for us sinners.

>> No.31498346

Yeah it's gonna be a few rounds around the time loop before they're bored of it.
The discord shit was never a huge deal for me and I thought Lisa handled it well if anything I trust her more now.
But I also want more streams and more songs not a personal connection to her so I'm not sure I could ever understand that mindset.

>> No.31498366

I wouldn't go that far considering what it took to get us here.

>> No.31498380

More Wario with the dog

>> No.31498441

yay for dead hours dog gorillas
should keep part of the thread distracted

>> No.31498447
Quoted by: >>31498512

They don't want her trust. They want to watch her bleed. Lisa is too nice of a girl to understand this.

>> No.31498512

Whatever helps you sleep at night groomer

>> No.31498631

catalog trannies have started targetting Lisa for being adjacent to Pippa. She really needs to ignore these fucking schizos. She shouldn't give any sort of ammunition these transvestite catalog niggers crave for.

>> No.31498676
File: 854 KB, 874x1095, 1621379890924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31504123

First Purin stream in a while and in the first few seconds she's mentioning coughing up blood

>> No.31498825
Quoted by: >>31498905

Checked out the other small corpo generals. They're all experiencing the exact same shit of some retard sending hate maros to every talent with them open complaining about discord favoritism.

>> No.31498905
Quoted by: >>31498987

I don't know anything going on with /pcg/, /ppg+/, or /aa/. Is this just the voices talking? There is inner circle shit but not kusomaros and discord favoritism.

>> No.31498987
Quoted by: >>31499113

Checked Phase and Prism, none or I'm blind, anon needs proof of that.

>> No.31499113
Quoted by: >>31499165

Purin's laugh sounds like it hurts :(
I haven't checked pcg in a week or so due to college but last time I was there there was a maro harassment situation going on with two of the new girls. One of them was Remi and she closed them.

>> No.31499165

Was discord favoritism mentioned?

>> No.31499666

Hope our friend is masturbating to some really good porn tonight

>> No.31499885

They're just happy to have you watch and comment on streams, anon.

>> No.31500041
Quoted by: >>31501246

Pete got army deployment or something, that's why he dropped out

>> No.31500802

how did she respond to the maro?

>> No.31500952
Quoted by: >>31502209

as soon as lisa or ami starts typing you'll see "multiple people are typing". this is why i can't stand social interactions irl too. you hang out with the guys and 1 girl comes around and everyone starts chimping out like retards trying to get her attention. i FUCKING HATE IT.

>> No.31500954
File: 516 KB, 499x635, 12094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31501023
Quoted by: >>31501464

This is surely bait. You don't include everyone by forming exclusive cliques and rub it in the face of your audience. She's literally acting like a high schooler.

>> No.31501075

Purin about to get fucked by a fat ugly bastard

>> No.31501201
Quoted by: >>31501459

friend doesnt seem to sound all too happy lately, I wonder if the tech issues is taking a toll on her. either that or the fact that she regularly goes to bed at 3 or 4am kst and can only catch 3 hours of sleep

>> No.31501246

I'm pretty sure he's back as a mod already

>> No.31501459
File: 41 KB, 994x1030, miopain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31501914

The tech issues are definitely fucking with her, it's incredibly frustrating to think you finally had a problem solved only for everything to go to shit again

>> No.31501464

Only social recluses see it as "exclusive", the victim complex your kind has is fascinating. If Lisa is a highschooler, then you're the loner at the back of the classroom seething at the normies having fun despite declining their offers to have you come join them. I'm not part of the "inner circle" either, this is objective.

>> No.31501610
Quoted by: >>31502143


>> No.31501765
Quoted by: >>31502143

I don't think we where invited to join them.

>> No.31501786

[Good news]
Purin can move again

>> No.31501914


>> No.31501919
Quoted by: >>31502143

You're unironically retarded. Do you think they'd keep having these hangouts if hundreds of people joined? No, they'd lock down the channel or create a secret Discord.

>> No.31502058
File: 294 KB, 382x427, 1646426961985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been nice waking up to these Purin guerillas.

>> No.31502085
Quoted by: >>31506030

I love her laugh... why does she have low numbers? what can we do?

>> No.31502143
File: 133 KB, 831x679, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead and tell me which of you actually joined any of these, and if not give me your next retarded excuse

>> No.31502209

As long as we all understand that this isn't Lisa's or Ami's fault.

>> No.31502270
Quoted by: >>31502551

>Discords clique
>Only invites on said discord clique

>> No.31502540

I think Purin's losing it

>> No.31502551

Keep moving the goalpost

>> No.31503081
Quoted by: >>31509019

tell me where she pinged @everyone

>> No.31504123
File: 11 KB, 128x128, party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purin is very sick!

>> No.31504526

When Ami said "I want to make even the lurkers feel welcome to talk in chat" and the mods (the same mods that mod for Lisa or hang with Lisa, like Kinetic), went "but we all talk!" and shot that entire idea down...
Yeah, it's pretty obvious that Lisa can't actually go to them about any real concerns or issues. They'll just pretend she's perfect and everything is fine. The discord shit is overblown, but the mods are useless for any constructive criticism or advice.

>> No.31504770

I joined the ones I was staring at discord for when the clique decided behind the scenes they were going to mobilize and threw the peasants a bone after the fact

>> No.31504994

Also a friendly reminder to everyone we didn't even get those courtesy messages until this thread started complaining

>> No.31505032

Because while it may seem like a nothing issue, it isn't as a vtuber. Vtubing is an entertainment job whose entire core is building a community and interacting with that community. The moment the center of that community starts treating any of the people slightly different publicly, the community falls apart and the career is over. That's why most do any sort of favoritism privately, and get fucked even harder when found out, or keep themselves professionally distant.
Hololive and Niji learned this a LONG fucking time ago and that's why they are how they are now.

>> No.31505091

Why is Lisa having to invite people to things the mods are organizing?

>> No.31505147

As someone who has participated in some of those; the mods specifically DM people who regularly join those events ahead of time, before Lisa says anything in general. And people will only see those messages if they're staring at the discord and happen to see it the hour before it starts. I missed out on one movie because I didn't see the message.
That isn't actually Lisa's fault however. Lisa doesn't necessarily find out until last minute as well and she didn't think about using @everyone. The mods are the ones maintaining the inner circle clique. It's literally not Lisa's fault, it's the mods.

>> No.31505342

>Lisa doesn't necessarily find out until last minute as well
To clarify, I know this because the ONE time the mods DMed me (yes, that's how I know this is true as well), they weren't sure Lisa was going to join yet because she was busy with irl stuff and then collabing with someone. Lisa was too tired after the collab and declined to watch, so the mods canceled the event. The entire event was purely to get Lisa to hang out with them and their clique. Let that information sink in. If you schizos want to bitch, bitch about the mods, not Lisa.

>> No.31505534

Okay Lisa..

>> No.31505571

I get the feeling management is going hard on this invitation issue and would like to know this.

>> No.31505738

I want them to clean up the mod staff. A lot of them were hired by previous, shit management so there's going to be a lot of people there who shouldn't be mods. I'm quickly gaining respect for the new managers, surprising that PPP hired good people, and I want them to comb through and fire/hire the appropriate people. It would probably fix a lot of fucking issues. We not need more Pete/S-Train shit. Especially not Ami or Lisa.

>> No.31505755

Nothing will happen bitching about the mods, telling management about your concerns will.

>> No.31505776

send a dm to sakana about this then

>> No.31505798

I've stopped attending the review streams because while my songs do show up every time it's such a crapshoot when they do it's almost inevitable I'll somehow miss it live.

>> No.31505803

If this is real and mods aren't gone by the end of the week, management hasn't improved at all.

>> No.31505895

They need to be made aware of it first, they're still new and I doubt the mods are going to let them know about this little thing.

>> No.31506031
Quoted by: >>31506430

>Lisa was too tired after the collab and declined to watch, so the mods canceled the event
>The entire event was purely to get Lisa to hang out with them and their clique
if you're gonna bring this up to management you better have the receipts. although since mods are /here/ they've probably already started cleaning themselves up

>> No.31506030

>why does she have low numbers?
Extremely long hiatuses for reasons that were (mostly) beyond her control

>> No.31506143
Quoted by: >>31507052

Lisa needs to graduate. This is the only way this will be fixed.

>> No.31506203

Don't get excited about new mods. You don't just manifest usable mods out of thin air in small communities like these audiences. Every relationship is transactional.

>> No.31506239
Quoted by: >>31506304

But if I was the mod and thus closer to Lisa this would all be solved.

>> No.31506302

We'll deal with those problems when we get there, for now management needs to know whats happening.

>> No.31506304
Quoted by: >>31506343

Stag I know I just looked like a life raft in the open sea that's drowning you but don't @ me.

>> No.31506343
Quoted by: >>31506377

You've been awake for like 24 hours calling everyone "Stag." Move on, man. Your oneitis is going to kill you.

>> No.31506363

I agree. We've seen that sending maros to management instead of just bitching /here/ works, so I think it would be good for people concerned with the behavior of the mods specifically to send some. Highlighting this DM invitation issue too.

>> No.31506377
Quoted by: >>31507203

Ah the classic "it's just one guy" boogeyman.

>> No.31506417
Quoted by: >>31506503

Why do they even need that many mods for a relatively slow chat?

>> No.31506430
File: 70 KB, 598x478, Discord_bTpRq15697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want the receipts? Here you go. Fuck jannies.
This is the stream that was going on at the time for references: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaGWJlEyVoM

>> No.31506454

Wouldn't this all be fixed if chuubas participated in the community anonymously like most do?

>> No.31506481

But then that would defeat the schizo's purpose of grooming Lisa before her mods can.

>> No.31506486
Quoted by: >>31506666

>Everyone leaves

>> No.31506490
File: 14 KB, 391x371, bonko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The key is to not open mod applications (or better yet, open applications but quietly disqualify anybody who applies), but instead pick out well-behaved community members yourself and ask them to take the position. The kind of person who actively wants to become a mod is usually also the kind of person who you don't want as a mod; there is almost always an ulterior motive.

>> No.31506492

Oops, I meant actively playing with Pippa.... but that's obvious from the stream so.

>> No.31506503

Because watching a chat for several hours is actual work that they do to free and having multiple people to split the load makes it less like slave labor.

>> No.31506532
Quoted by: >>31506609

That starts the rumor of "lol no one wants to mod for this bitch so they have to beg people"

>> No.31506538

>The kind of person who actively wants to become a mod is usually also the kind of person who you don't want as a mod;
This. It's why I didn't bother to apply to be a mod with the last opens, because I feel like I wouldn't be a good mod. But that'd ironically probably make me better than the current ones.

>> No.31506609
Quoted by: >>31506654

That sounds like a complete non-issue to me

>> No.31506654

Rumors, DMs, feeling left out bullshit is how we got to this point.

>> No.31506666

If that happens it kinda confirms that they were trying to groom her kek
Community discord purpose is to have fun with people who share the same interest, or so I would think

>> No.31506699

This. It's why official discords are tricky to have and why fancords are better. It keeps the talents' hands clean.

>> No.31506729

We've been over this multiple times the last four threads.
>If Lisa isn't there, there's no reason to be there.
>If the Discord regulars decide to do something without her, it's because they're inner circle jerks and not because they just became friends overtime.
There's no winning here.

>> No.31506741
Quoted by: >>31506926

One of them seems to be addicted to /here/ so something might happen.

>> No.31506759
Quoted by: >>31506842

We don't need confirmation. Discord exists for groomers. I don't get how anyone can still be doubtful about it. Vtubers get discords because that makes it more likely a groomer will watch and hopefully donate simpbucks.

>> No.31506781

Best if she interacts with community by her own volition and not because groomers invited her to hangout with them.

>> No.31506831

No one here cares if the discord regulars do shit together without Lisa. The issue people bring up is when Lisa (or any talent) joins into those VCs and shit. It's largely overblown but you're way off the mark. Or you're just a fucking mod trying to damage control.

>> No.31506842

Just liking her is enough reason for me to be having a conversation with you shizos now
Doesn't that go against your points?

>> No.31506859

It's like I'm watching a bunch of teenagers learning the basics of social interaction on the internet.

>> No.31506906

It's like I'm watching a child learning how businesses and professionalism works for the first time.

>> No.31506926

It's not because they are /here/, it's because someone /here/ sent a maro to them. The only way anything will change is if people actually bother to contact management about this issue.

>> No.31506953

Grooming is not your standard social interactions with someone.

>> No.31507009

>basics of social interaction
This is just typical discord wankery. And for anyone wondering: the only solution is to not have an official discord.

>> No.31507032
Quoted by: >>31507367

There are a few pr responses /here/ so I my strong rrat is that management reads this shit

>> No.31507046

Next you’ll say Lisa isn’t /here/!

>> No.31507052
Quoted by: >>31507307

Lisa is fine. She's trying her best and is a good girl/vtuber. The problem isn't her and she wants to do better.

>> No.31507120
File: 53 KB, 809x580, Screenshots_2022-08-23-05-21-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31507260

lol. lmao even.

>> No.31507203
Quoted by: >>31507315

>"it's just one guy" boogeyman.
Says the guy calling ever single person he perceives as against him "Stag"

>> No.31507260
File: 40 KB, 401x421, brave_2022-08-23_06-06-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31507504

And Kinetic, the person who hosts and sets up these events. The ONE time he actually mentioned the events in chat was way after Lisa mentioned it and someone asked to be tagged for it so they don't miss it.

>> No.31507307

Nope. She needs to graduate.
The guy who is mad he isn't in won't be happy until Stag is fired and he's made mod in her place. People who have seen that Lisa is vulnerable won't stop until they've gotten all the blood out of her they can.
She has to graduate.

>> No.31507315

>doesn't understand 4chan meme culture
Ok Stag.

>> No.31507367

I find it hard to believe that. Though it's been especially awful the last few threads, people have been complaining about this kind of shit for ages. If management was /here/, they probably would have seen it. But when an anon /here/ claims to have sent a maro to Rei, next thing we know it's being addressed on stream.

>> No.31507381

Trying to paint it as if we're against Lisa, nice try.

>> No.31507419

I don't think management is /here/ but the mods 100% are. At least one or two. But I don't trust them to bring up any concerns here to the talents.

>> No.31507466

Lisa is fine. Take your meds schizo.

>> No.31507498

I assume you're being facetious but all she needs to do is replace the mods at the very least, and nuke the discord if it gets too bad before it spills over into streams. You know, the thing that actually matters, unlike some shitty server for groomers that brings nothing of value.

>> No.31507504
Quoted by: >>31507576

i dont use tsuncord all that much but I sometimes see him on breadcord and miocord. didnt know he was a mod

>> No.31507549

Our email is info [at] tsunderia.com.

>> No.31507563
File: 679 KB, 660x890, kinda concerned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31507576

He's Ami's mod but does a lot of stuff for Lisa and the tsuncord, he's basically one of the headmods.

>> No.31507746

As someone who was just called "the guy" I wouldn't janny in a million years.

>> No.31507788
Quoted by: >>31507874

I agree, there are definitely some mods /here/. Not all, but some. I know that there is a mod contact form on the discord. I'm not sure who can see what is sent through the form, but would it be possible to catch the attention of a mod who would be willing to do something? I know it seems very very unlikely but it's worth trying to fix this issue. Would Hazel do something as the head mod?

>> No.31507790

Pretty sure we can all agree that we hate the mods.

>> No.31507811

Stag no

>> No.31507849

>Event canceled because Lisa would miss episodes and the whole point is watching them with her
Holy shit, won't someone please think of the community?

>> No.31507874

>contacting mods
>contacting management
Proven to work. just don't be schizo or an asshole about it. Be courteous when anyone contacts a manager, they've already proven to give a shit about us and deserve some respect.

>> No.31507875

good thing I don't use dicksword

>> No.31507906
Quoted by: >>31507974

>Meru isn't coming back until next month

>> No.31507913
Quoted by: >>31507973

>the group can't just choose to watch something else
>acting as if the group doesn't actively watch or do other shit without Lisa that doesn't
Nice deflection Stag

>> No.31507973

I wish we had IDs so I could see how many different posters you've called Stag now, "the guy".

>> No.31507974
Quoted by: >>31508239

Last I saw she was planning on streaming today and was hoping to have a proper schedule again for next week

>> No.31507976
Quoted by: >>31508109

>the whole point is watching them with her
You literally proved his point
>The entire event was purely to get Lisa to hang out with them and their clique.

>> No.31508029

100% groomer behavior
If we could get more of these it would help

>> No.31508051

Stag, if you had IDs, you'd realize that it isn't just one person calling you Stag but dozens of people. But it's obvious you're a newfag that doesn't understand how 4chan works.

>> No.31508109

>You literally proved his point
That's the whole point of this whole argument, the discord, the fact anyone watches or participates in a streamer's streams. This whole thing is about a user that was banned and now mad he can't watch stuff in the discord with Lisa or doesn't get a ping invite to watch stuff with Lisa.
That's the fucking point! And why she needs to graduate.

>> No.31508197

>This whole thing is about a user that was banned and now mad he can't watch stuff in the discord with Lisa
As the person who was banned; I actually don't give a shit about the discord and have no problem with it. I think the whole thing is overblown because I know Lisa doesn't talk that much in VC. This whole shit started back in April with the offkai shit long before I was banned. Overblown then, overblown now.

>> No.31508239

I'm part of Meru's inner circle. She's only told her groomcord so far.
jk she just posted a YouTube members post about it.

>> No.31508286
Quoted by: >>31508352

Oh you're the "She was on video call at OffKai, so there's a secret groomcord!" schizo too?

>> No.31508352
File: 10 KB, 590x156, Discord_3S8HkTiGFu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that wasn't me. But I'm not retarded and I've seen this timeloop enough times.

>> No.31508357

Groomers testing the waters on the nuclear option to keep their target groomable LMAO

>> No.31508453

There was a "specific incident" that people here don't know about which makes it a bigger deal than you all think.

>> No.31508479

Then spill the beans. What is this "specific incident"?

>> No.31508516

Wait, let me ready myself if you'll actually spill it, my emotions are not ready.

>> No.31508715

Spill it, pussy. Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.31508757

The only thing I can imagine that'd make this an actual issue is if she met one of her groomers irl. this would will only fester if you leave it like this, rip the bandaid off

>> No.31508777
File: 318 KB, 2716x418, 214834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31508859

Just a quick reminder that the dude accusing everybody in the thread of being part of some mod cabal is Virgilfag/Earlyfag, he was doing the same thing and generally seething at the mods last month in the middle of his shitposting spree

>> No.31508781

If you could provide enough evidence that this is worth doing something about it

>> No.31508814

>this wound will only fester if you leave it like this, rip the bandaid off

>> No.31508859

>it's just one guy calling everyone Stag
Jesus christ Stag, you're getting really upset at being called Stag. Maybe you're being called Stag by multiple people because it's riling you up so much? Because it's fucking 4chan, Stag?

>> No.31508875
Quoted by: >>31508949

>if she met one of her groomers irl
You don't want to know about AX.

>> No.31508949
Quoted by: >>31509293

Fucking give the story pussy

>> No.31508955
Quoted by: >>31509065

It's still Lisa's fault though. If they cancel the "events" when she doesn't show up, then she could put an end to this by simply saying always saying no. You realize that, right? It's not like it's being done against her will, lol.

>> No.31509019
Quoted by: >>31509279

using @everyone is considered rude in discord, especially for a shared server where it's not all sheeple only. Of course there is a sheeple only group tag that she could ping too....
Just one of those girl things i guess. Or afraid to cause a fuss or stir the pot. Or afraid that if she makes an effort to call people in that few will join, inadvertently hurting her ego so doing announcements quietly like this is less investment and less emotional risk.

No, i'm wrong. It's my own fault for not keeping notifications on in the sheeple channels so I don't miss a single discord message!

>> No.31509065
Quoted by: >>31509132

That is true, but that's more of Lisa being a naive, inexperienced, early 20s something Zoomer with no real work experience. If she's told why it's not ok, I bet you she would stop. Currently, she sees it as "community" events that she just joins in on, not something tailored for her because groomers. She's trying to build a good community, she's not being malicious about it.

>> No.31509115

We lost boys, she's too deeply groomed already, we're just the antagonist at this point.

>> No.31509132
Quoted by: >>31509425

Fair enough. But man, I really thought Tsunderia was better than this.

>> No.31509279

There's also literally a Cinema role, but I've never gotten pinged despite having had it since I joined the server many months ago.

>> No.31509293
Quoted by: >>31509516

At AX I offered to turn Char straight with my thickness that has made other Asian girls weep. She laughed and said no. I'm pretty sure the twitter post asking not to harass the staff was about me.

>> No.31509425
Quoted by: >>31509847

It's always been a giga parasocial company which is bound to bring this kind of crap, especially when you have an official discord.

>> No.31509456

Going by the numbers I would say that the concerned party is quite small sadly
If you guys really care you can make burn accounts to sperg at the discord

>> No.31509516

>Do not harass staff with your micropenis
Ah yes I remember this

>> No.31509523

I envy the others for being oblivious to all this, I just want to watch the sheep.

>> No.31509548

if >>31508453 stopped being a bitch and revealed his information, the amount of concerned parties would probably increase.

>> No.31509550
Quoted by: >>31509643

Can you really blame Stag and the other mods for wanting to groom Lisa?

>> No.31509588
Quoted by: >>31509869

Yeah I can't wait to hear what was revealed to him in a dream either.

>> No.31509643

No, but that doesn't mean we should be okay with it or let it happen, lol.

>> No.31509676
Quoted by: >>31509740

He probably can't, he'll lose his ties with Lisa.

>> No.31509740
Quoted by: >>31509793

It's going to be discovered eventually and blow up in her face even harder, if there is truly a specific incident. Lisa isn't going to be the first to somehow keep some secret from the internet forever.

>> No.31509773
File: 85 KB, 1020x685, FScZ6AZVkAIEPzU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31509968

Unfortunately that anon was just found dead in his apartment, seems he committed suicide by stabbing himself in the back of the head with a pair of horns

>> No.31509793

Being close to Lisa, he'll hold on for as long as he can.

>> No.31509847
Quoted by: >>31510004

Problem is it can't decide if it wants to be the "cool bro" vtuber company that casually interacts with fans or the "serious" type that keeps fans at a professional arm's length. Char/Purin/Yuuna def didn't help with that in the company culture.
I think they might be stuck on an idealist mode and wishing everyone would just be cool without having to set ground rules and boundaries, like wishing that people could just read the mood and not be posessive or creeps or jealous. Well guess what, your audience isn't a very mentally stable group, just like your talents.

>> No.31509869

I love how much skepticism is going around still despite most of these rrats being proven to be true in the end, at least partially. I've seen the same thing happen multiple times about Shondo in /lig/, and now here with the guy who posted the DMs. I think we should be open to all possibilities.

>> No.31509894

>They are /here/
But there isn't enough evidence to act upon
Source: I refuse to take meds

>> No.31509933

I don't know what "specific incident" is being talked about since I'm not in that know. But I know some of the things posted here are true. And some are false. But the things I've learned that are true can be... shocking. Sadly, no receipts for some of the more shocking stuff.

>> No.31509968

That's hot tho

>> No.31509984
Quoted by: >>31510084

I guess you're prepared to get banned if you weren't already long ago. Gotta give you credit for having the cojones to burn bridges

>> No.31510004
Quoted by: >>31510063

>it can't decide
It doesn't decide anything. There's no direction at all.

>> No.31510062
Quoted by: >>31510289

There is a difference between rrats and incredibly vague attention-seeking posts.

>> No.31510063

Explains why the previous gens left en masse. I get there's new management now, but they actually have to do something with the company. They can't just sit on Twitter and meme all day.

>> No.31510084

The schizo who sent that maro set off a chain of events that none of us can stop at this point. The bridge was already on fire and some of the bridges already burned. There's only one bridge I want to keep but I don't know if I can. The jannies brought this shit upon all of us because they can't keep their shit straight. I just feel bad for the Tsundream talents because they're probably going to get most of the flak and stress when everything probably explodes while the mods just scurry back to their anonymity and fuck off elsewhere.

>> No.31510139
Quoted by: >>31510295

Please tell me Ami isn't somehow involved in any of this at least.

>> No.31510163
Quoted by: >>31510197

what maro?

>> No.31510197
Quoted by: >>31510314

The one sent to Rei. That's the specific one that got Lisa to make a statement on stream (she said so herself) and what set this shit off.

>> No.31510289

I disagree. I just don't think people have the propensity to make up lies like these out of nowhere. Typical shitposting doesn't look like this. Not to derail the thread, but yesterday someone was vagueposting in /lig/ about having frequent contact with Shondo, and when called out on it that Anon just straight up leaked their conversation out of nowhere to shut them up. I'm starting to think these things are true more often than not. The reason people are vague is because they don't want to expose themselves or burn bridges.

>> No.31510295

NTA but I don't think she's nearly as vulnerable to this bs as the sheep.

>> No.31510314

At least, I'm pretty sure it was the one sent to Rei. I vaguely remember her saying it on stream at the start, I need to rewatch Lisa's statement sometime. Either way, whoever or however this shit got set off exactly, set off plenty of shit.

>> No.31510453

>No deflection spam yet huh
Please could someone confirm how many mods are online on discord? That would clarify a lot of things

>> No.31510537
File: 39 KB, 244x474, Screenshot_16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres 2 mod roles, but it doesnt seem like anyone of the 2nd role is online

>> No.31510549
Quoted by: >>31510731

Five. None of who are the known groomers or likely to come here. I think most of them are new mods as well.

>> No.31510597
Quoted by: >>31510821

that dohg fella looks kinda sus
qrd on this guy?

>> No.31510598

The only deflection spam we've had so far is the newfag who keeps bitching about being called Stag and trying to deflect that it's just one person being schizo.

>> No.31510601
File: 369 KB, 504x534, cum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just don't think people have the propensity to make up lies like these out of nowhere

>> No.31510653

Why is that image saved as cum

>> No.31510731
Quoted by: >>31511506

That's mind blowing isn't it? kekek
>Right into the evidence folder it goes

>> No.31510759

This also doesnt include people that set themselves to be offline

>> No.31510821

Isn't that Purin?

>> No.31510832
Quoted by: >>31510850

Purin? Sounds sus

>> No.31510850

Can double on it

>> No.31510867
Quoted by: >>31510999

go back, catalog tranny

>> No.31510952

I know nothing about the /lig/ situation but the anon who posted the DMs here had more details. I believed it before the DMs were posted. The anon who posted about a "specific incident" wrote merely an extremely vague singular sentence.

>> No.31510999

>2 new mods come online (aloof and persephone)
>hostile posts appear immediately afterwards
really makes you think

>> No.31511014

I think you're both right. That's what makes rrats so difficult. People can make up all sorts of ridiculous shit. But the people in the know about things that shouldn't be will sound like any other rrat when they allude to it because they want to protect their place in the know. There's no way to kill a rrat but a rrat can be proved to be real. The best option is to see the rrat as existing and accept that it's probably fake until proven. But I sure as fuck won't be surprised if any of the rrats here were proven true.

>> No.31511140

wasted trips

>> No.31511180

Yeah but grooming shit is quite constant on vtubing so it needs double the attention
I would advice anons to come foward with evidence before it escalates

>> No.31511182

Wait I thought aloof was already online I saw him on earlier

>> No.31511185
Quoted by: >>31511412

What's Purin?

>> No.31511187
Quoted by: >>31511233

>a specific non-staff member that is butt-buddies with the staff also pops into discord at the same time and is 100% someone aware of /here/

>> No.31511233

meant for >>31510999

>> No.31511412

Some good for nothing, stupid trash. Needs rape correction.

>> No.31511506

>They're not online. I now have proof!
>They're online. I now have proof!

>> No.31511613

>no humor autist
ya hate to see it

>> No.31511619
Quoted by: >>31512050

>The deflection starts
Dude it's so fucking obvious

>> No.31511681

Now that we're nearing the end of yet another thread, I have some things I must admit:

I'm not Stag. Or Wilson. Or Kinetic. But I have been called all three.
I don't watch Lisa.
I'm not a Tsunderia mod.
I don't use Discord.
I've made around 200 posts in the last three threads.
I've both pretended to be a mod and a schizo.
I have absolutely no skin in this game.

I just like watching schizos get riled up over nothing to highlight how fruitless complaining on 4chan is.

Our email is info [at] tsunderia.com.

>> No.31511708

Ok Rei.

>> No.31511797

So which mod do we get rid of first?

>> No.31511886


>> No.31511923
Quoted by: >>31511957

Can we get rid of tsun cast and promote the mods to vtubers?

>> No.31511957
Quoted by: >>31512030

Let's start with the managers, that Rei is kinda cute

>> No.31512030

This is all a plot from Rei to replace Lisa.
Typical woman.

>> No.31512050
Quoted by: >>31512171

Funny enough the unique IP count stayed at 53 the whole discussion
After the deflection posting started the count went to 54

>> No.31512069

>Rei was jealous of the butthole posting

>> No.31512086

>joins tsunderia
>steals her groomers
>sends maro to herself
>gets Lisa to make statement on stream
>Lisa cracks under pressure
>replace Lisa
It's almost as cunning as it is brilliant

>> No.31512171
Quoted by: >>31512259

>>31511681 here
I've been using my phone to boost the IP count to spur shit on since I know "the guy" watches the thread and all stats like a hungry hawk/

>> No.31512259
Quoted by: >>31512477

Oh, so >>31511681
is also
Jesus christ you're really fucking new to 4chan.

>> No.31512477
Quoted by: >>31512585

New but knows how the IP count works and how to egg you on over multiple threads?

If you were an oldfag you'd know not to feed the trolls.

>> No.31512585
Quoted by: >>31512629

>egg me on over multiple threads
I wasn't even part of the last thread bucko. I'm only calling you a newfag because it's hilarious how much of one you act.

>> No.31512629
Quoted by: >>31513198

OK Stag.

>> No.31512638
Quoted by: >>31513316

A really clever deflection

>> No.31513198

Now you're learning!

>> No.31513273
Quoted by: >>31513320

Who do I off up my bodily fluids to; Rei or Amiya?

>> No.31513316

5 threads in he is getting good at this

>> No.31513320

Rei: Blood
Amiya: Dick
Lisa: Bones
Tomo: Mouth

>> No.31513738

New thread
