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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 362 KB, 1920x1080, 1634021250965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31298834 No.31298834 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>31300481

DND is BACK! For One Night Only! Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo, and any Vtubers frequently associated with them.

Mouse had Fulgur on Speak of the Devil last night for something like 5 goddamn hours. It was fun and they talked about all kinds of stuff. Then Froot showed up with an early-hours EU-friendly stream. It would be a nice sign if it didn't also mean that she has the absolute worst schedule of all time, but it was nice to finally see some more Minecraft from her while she attempted to summon a demon. As for right now there's Mouse hanging out in Minecraft, Zen playing some weird indie horror game, Snuffy just hanging out with plans to finish Cult of the Lamb later, and Geega just fucking around. But the biggest stream planned for today is a one-shot DND campaign with Mouse, Nyan, Aethel, and the monkey. DM'd by someone that nobody but Aethel knows, so let's just hope that he's a good choice. The specifics of the campaign remain a mystery for the moment, but at the very least we'll get to see Umi Tormenta again. So look forward to that and keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Nyan - https://www.twitch.tv/nyanners
Silver - https://www.twitch.tv/silvervale
Vei - https://www.twitch.tv/veibae
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya

VShojoJP is:

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/るみな/ for dedicated Nazuna discussion
>>>/vt//lig/ for more focused + and ++ discussion

Previous Thread: >>31281639

>> No.31298909

nice schizo post bro

>> No.31298910

Pink Gatita <3 good

>> No.31298921
Quoted by: >>31299013

How long until Froot goes back to her regular degenerate schedule?

>> No.31298939
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 15F4A70C-E9F9-45DA-B308-49C02098D0D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink Cat Mediocre

>> No.31298969

Mouse needs to realize that Connor simply doesn't care about her the way she cares for him. While Connor is a primary friend to Mouse, Mouse to him is secondary at best. She spends her days thinking about him while he lives his best life with his real friends. At this point it's pretty obvious that he only hangs out with her out of pity and because it makes for good content. The ship baiting makes him uncomfortable because he's still looking for an actual girlfriend. All the good things he does for her are things he does on stream because it gets him brownie points for doing nice things for the sick girl. It's lowkey genius that he's able to farm all this positive attention by pretending to care about her. Mouse should realize that she's just being used and that her borderline obsession with Connor is becoming unhealthy and when he eventually gets a real girlfriend it's going to damage her mentally.

>> No.31299011
Quoted by: >>31300189

This is not an issue for her. I feel like it is the opposite. Connor is literally a mouse simp, but she would rather flirt with Corpse. Mouse is the one in control

>> No.31299013

Don’t know but it’s killing me

>> No.31299019

This is true. I'm the one holding the ipad for connor.

>> No.31299022

She just read your schizo post on stream.

>> No.31299055
Quoted by: >>31299089

jesus christ the keyboard sound KEK

>> No.31299068

Mouse definitely just read this thread lmao. She should just keep doing what she wants to do and hanging out how she wants to hang out. Eventually the people who don't like it will either reform or go away.

>> No.31299082

it was so schizo it made her need to pee

>> No.31299089

kek, i dunno really what she saw.
But I have never seen him angrily typing shit.

>> No.31299091
Quoted by: >>31299129

Reminder that Mouse isn't the first sick girl Connor has used for content.

>> No.31299098
Quoted by: >>31299137


>> No.31299112
Quoted by: >>31299298

Do you guys think connor will be the "jester" or actually be a little serious for DnD tonight? I can only see him doing this oneshot as a joke. Will the rat pack actually be a good group for DnD?

>> No.31299121

>mousey is replying to this post

>> No.31299129


>> No.31299137
Quoted by: >>31299240

All she said was that she just saw something ridiculous.

>> No.31299181

more proof that she is always reading /here/

>> No.31299188
Quoted by: >>31299295

It’s more likely that she saw something about the ducky article

>> No.31299201

bravo. Is this the new schizo post of the week? This may be enough to bait mouse

>> No.31299223
Quoted by: >>31299298

Jesus Christ we have some dumb motherfuckers in this thread.

>> No.31299240

yeah I don't think she read it

>> No.31299252

put connor name in anything and she will get madder than the man himself

>> No.31299260

Mouse if you are here right now, please upload BLT

>> No.31299295

That's possible, but I think her tone and the way she responded to it would have been different. She said something like "I just saw something ridiculous" and seemed more blown away with stupidity than anything else.

>> No.31299298

Probably no, it's his first time playing it, and he was excited over the first DND campaing with Arcadum.
Why act surprised? Have you seen what the man often does? How he tried to help Nyan when she felt anxious at the party, how helped Toast around JP? Dude is a huge saviorfag, every since he was little.
According to some TT episode, he used to have a friend who had some issues and couldn't get his meals on lunchbreak, so Connor was the one who helped him getting stuff.
Hey, I just made a joke don't include me.

>> No.31299331
Quoted by: >>31299574

>Mousey and Mel femgosling
Sorry, bushanon, she probably waxes.

>> No.31299370

corpsebros are on the right side of history

>> No.31299425
Quoted by: >>31299445

some tourist here don't know mouse is an anon.
Someone can find the clip of her browser showing "vt vsj+"

>> No.31299436
File: 42 KB, 616x750, FAEDD66C-5B1F-4D3A-B097-6D2EC924493A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31299493

Life Is Pain!!!!

>> No.31299445


>> No.31299464

schizo post? I see nothing but the harsh truth.

>> No.31299471
Quoted by: >>31299508

It's not even new. That's old copypasta.

>> No.31299475

Retards, none of the replies to this post >>31298816, or any other posts after it look like they are by her. She was obviously talking about something else, probably the dexerto thing or she received a DM about it

>> No.31299493

I can hear this in Froot's voice and it is absolutely cute

>> No.31299508
Quoted by: >>31299709

I just wrote this right now fuck you

>> No.31299532
Quoted by: >>31299619

Used to call a terminal cancer patient during his prank call era. She got better.

>> No.31299544
File: 423 KB, 1447x2047, 1656862757766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kson sexo

>> No.31299550

Post cock NOW!!!!!

>> No.31299549

Whatever it is, uhm it seems like it was something bad. This is a long pee break.

>> No.31299574

This is highly unfortunate. When will I find my bush tuber.

>> No.31299582


>> No.31299586

Mouse if you're here slap your tits around

>> No.31299594

When is DND going to start?

>> No.31299612

she's crying in the bathroom because of your post

>> No.31299619

Ah, this one. Yeah.

>> No.31299625
Quoted by: >>31299747

2 1/2 hours

>> No.31299634

I heard it in jerma's voice

>> No.31299656
Quoted by: >>31299722

I hope this dm isn’t a disappointment

>> No.31299671

Well she seems fine
No schizo post reading I guess

>> No.31299675
Quoted by: >>31299747


>> No.31299691
File: 360 KB, 1485x2048, FaoJcrZXoAUAXv-[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31302614

>> No.31299709
Quoted by: >>31299794

Do you post basically the same shit regularly every few months anon? Because if it's not copypasta it's close enough. You're boring, have new thoughts.

>> No.31299722

What's the worst that could happen? They turn out to be a VR sexual predator? Come on, like that could happen.

>> No.31299740

I'm going to stick my cock in Punk Rock Mouse.

>> No.31299747

Thanks, do we know how long it's going to be on for? Can a one shot even be finished in a stream?

>> No.31299751

Is Silver gonna stream tonight? I want to hear her opening track, it's catchy and cute

>> No.31299780
Quoted by: >>31299847

Until it's over.

>> No.31299789
Quoted by: >>31299847

One-shots are meant to be for one sitting, so yeah, one stream.
Probably 5-7 hours of intense gaming.

>> No.31299794

no that's someone else
this is my first schizo post

>> No.31299819
Quoted by: >>31299906

No, she's having a mental break.

>> No.31299847
File: 650 KB, 1325x2048, Faog2p3UsAA5EPA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31299893

Oh, it's just a stupid chatter

got it

>> No.31299860
File: 2.78 MB, 2048x1707, 1642092158348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31299986

Cute bit of /lig/ unity that was made for girl_dm_'s birthday https://twitter.com/MinsterPDuke/status/1561082647732170754

>> No.31299893
Quoted by: >>31299936

Nah, that was another thing.
Whatever she saw was something else.

>> No.31299906
Quoted by: >>31299937

For the love of god, someone fuck Silver already

>> No.31299936
Quoted by: >>31299969

Did you watch the stream?

>> No.31299937

Don’t have to ask me twice

>> No.31299954
File: 90 KB, 797x479, the true ship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31299969
Quoted by: >>31300026

Yes, the whole I saw something ridiculous was before she said she needed to pee.

>> No.31299986
Quoted by: >>31300003

but why is Zen the focus?

>> No.31300003

Because everyone wants to fuck Zen

>> No.31300009


>> No.31300026

rewatch it

>> No.31300107

Crap. I forgot Rosu was streaming today.

>> No.31300137

Oh shit, I forgot too.

>> No.31300189
Quoted by: >>31300251

this is Mouse's reply

>> No.31300237

Oh nice, she didn't make the VOD sub only this time.

>> No.31300251

Then we know how she really feels. Mouse×Corpse is the true ship

>> No.31300270

What's her content like? just chatting while drawing art?

>> No.31300481



>> No.31300483
File: 722 KB, 1254x1080, FaU2p7uWAAACluB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31300734

Just chatting and drawing mostly I think. She did recently play the Quarry though. Today she was drawing Mouse's winter outfit for her demon queen model.

>> No.31300524
Quoted by: >>31302386

wtf is zen doing

>> No.31300596
Quoted by: >>31300646

Just chatting, sometimes art without vtubbing or mic, and she played The Quarry. She's a cute and seiso granny.

>> No.31300626

I needed this. Thank you anon

>> No.31300637
File: 341 KB, 640x360, FZ-AnjWVsAAtPOO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31300646
Quoted by: >>31300727

literal granny?

>> No.31300685

God I wish Zen would just completely fucking dominate me.
Strapping me down on a chair and teasing me with her huge half Latina ass in my face, then/or sitting on my face, putting a leash on me and taking me for a walk outside, tying me up again and forcefully cumming inside her multiple times, I'd do it all for Zen and Zen only. I FUCKING LOVE ZEN!

>> No.31300727

No, she's actually quite young.
But her character is a granny that got isekai, and now lives between the real world and Alice's Wonderland as the White Rabbit.

>> No.31300734
File: 669 KB, 856x549, 783679218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31300769
File: 220 KB, 495x599, 1659884122419703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keyfriends are still not back posting bros
did we bully them away?

>> No.31300813

sex with winter mouse.

>> No.31300840

they all went to their discord

>> No.31300893

God, bless Rosuuri character design.
For anyone that doubts ConnorxAethel being the best couple, consider this clip.

>> No.31300920
Quoted by: >>31301421

Looks great
But... which part of this is a winter outfit, Mouse?

>> No.31300942
File: 248 KB, 2048x1448, 0C552EFD-A1D2-40E7-B2E8-ED98CB14E711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31300985

Nobody bullies them here

>> No.31300985
File: 45 KB, 200x200, 1660958891040968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we do a little bully desu

>> No.31301179

just tuned in who is cumilq?
missing the best ship: "fuck off retard"

>> No.31301255

reminds me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n-Ktg3XyPU

>> No.31301270


>> No.31301273

That seems to be the million dollar question
Who is this camila???

>> No.31301288
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>> No.31301306
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>> No.31301329
File: 892 KB, 800x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31301345
Quoted by: >>31301456

Camila started as a member of roflgator's lobby, then became a tectone orbiter. I think she joined minecraft through tectone.

>> No.31301356
File: 56 KB, 903x720, 1660969669711081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31301482

she is cute and looks like a little doll

>> No.31301371


>> No.31301416

What part of that outfit is winter

>> No.31301421

>But... which part of this is a winter outfit, Mouse?
Yeah, it's more of Wonderland themed lolita dress. But maybe that's just when she intends to use it?

>> No.31301434


>> No.31301440
File: 615 KB, 640x1080, D987C0DB-2041-43F1-BD07-D79D31A3FCE8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31301806

>> No.31301453

I'd pay for a higher quality version

>> No.31301456
Quoted by: >>31301491

the more you guys talk about this girl the more i go "WHOOOO??"

>> No.31301482

thank you ironmom

>> No.31301491
Quoted by: >>31301748

Do reps and stop whoing

>> No.31301604

I know it's not an original thought but I REALLY want to fuck Mouse.
Something about how much of a bratty, kinky latina she can be really gets me going.

>> No.31301706

Connor dnd starts in a little bit shouldn't you be getting ready?

>> No.31301714

Kinda based, I remember mouse talking about the art where she's fucking nyan and saying she's tired of being portrayed as the dominant one in art when she's made it clear she's a bottom brat.

>> No.31301748

she is a literal "who?", anon

>> No.31301795

same... She seems the kinda of woman that would agree to make the most fucked up things to pleasure her partner.

>> No.31301806


>> No.31301870

Hot The likelyhood of this happening is not zero

>> No.31301894
Quoted by: >>31301938

Just a reminder, there is 0 romantic chemistry between Mouse and Connor.

>> No.31301897
File: 58 KB, 666x900, 1645178918162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nazuna is using TITS
>now she's got VTS assets
She's really adapting to the indie lifestyle

>> No.31301916
File: 2.88 MB, 1488x2105, FYWKuD2aQAARHcY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31301923


>> No.31301938
Quoted by: >>31301992

Total brother sister energy.

>> No.31301985
Quoted by: >>31302115

i bet kson teached it to her last night and she had gone crazy about the possibilities

>> No.31301992

When did Connor's youtube comments get here?

>> No.31302005

which one?

>> No.31302008

Now when does she used the cock asset for some SPH on stream

>> No.31302049

Honestly the level of cope I've seen some YouTube commenters go through to insist they're just good old pals is hilarious

>> No.31302066

Forgive her, she hasn't had a model and environment that wasn't slapped together with superglue and cheetos before. She's finding out that you can actually do more visually with vtubing and having fun.

>> No.31302068
Quoted by: >>31302115

What's Froot's APEX username. I need it for...reasons.

>> No.31302085

It's just some bored people doing these posts since Corpse joined the call.
That's cute, I saw the clip of band-aid, I really loved it, glad to see her haivng fun.

>> No.31302115
Quoted by: >>31302169

[VSJ]Froot or something like that.

I bet you could use some of those Kson English lessons.

>> No.31302141

Sorry fellas, going to sleep with my wife.
If you're lucky, I'll let you listen in.

>> No.31302169

probably. Learning english alone is kinda hard. Thank you anon.

>> No.31302196
Quoted by: >>31302303

why are people on this board so fucking cringe dude.

>> No.31302212
Quoted by: >>31302255

it's 7am in Japan. Nazuna is going full west coast time.

>> No.31302255
Quoted by: >>31302304

It's 3:30PM PST...

>> No.31302303
Quoted by: >>31302380

Containment breaking is becoming the norm. /vt/ was a fucking mistake.

>> No.31302304

meaning she will be around by 11pm?

>> No.31302380

yeah... Sometimes is hilarious to see normies reacting to holobronies takes but this one is just sad.

>> No.31302386
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x720, 1661035118631.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll never understand

>> No.31302494
Quoted by: >>31302543

how hard can it be to ride this bird lol

>> No.31302514
File: 24 KB, 271x161, back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's /in/

>> No.31302521

I look away for a second, what happened?

>> No.31302520

Zen why... I didn't need this

>> No.31302526

mouse is CRACKED at minecraft

>> No.31302530

holy fuck

>> No.31302543

mouse has the ligma. Please understand.

>> No.31302558

How often can we expect big collabs here? 4+ people stuff? Besides Minecraft, I guess?

>> No.31302585
Quoted by: >>31302707

Special events, usually.

>> No.31302592
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 6826727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once every 3 months

>> No.31302614

this is good thing

>> No.31302626

More often than Hime streams.

>> No.31302642
Quoted by: >>31302809

You guys ever quit anything cold turkey?

>> No.31302646

hopefully not too often
4-5 is stretching it in terms of enjoyability, 3 is the magic number

>> No.31302699

mouse mods, if anyone of you are /here/ please for the love of god, stop spamming poll because you guys are too lazy to awnser some random fucker. Thank you.

>> No.31302707
Quoted by: >>31302827

Oh? How often are those? Anniversaries and stuff?

>> No.31302711
Quoted by: >>31302738

>Connor not streaming something

>> No.31302738
Quoted by: >>31302839

>We might unhinged Connor.
Let's fucking go.

>> No.31302783

Silver x Vei Unity <3

>> No.31302789

Big events which tends to be once a month because of how birthdays and anniversaries line up. Though if I remember correctly from last year we're in the quietest part of the year for that with nothing happening in that vein until Froot's birthday near the end of October.

>> No.31302809
File: 294 KB, 1378x2039, 1660894045506316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31304104

yes and it never works
i will be a slave to my addiction until i die

>> No.31302827

Recently Mouse and occasionally Nyan have been invited to a routine fleshtuber collab that happens on Sundays with like 10+ people

Other than that, large-scale collabs like that are fairly infrequent even for special events.
Here and there, if Mouse is on her open-mic channel, you'll get a bunch of people dropping in at once.

>> No.31302839

>no gremlin cam
>no connor cam
>no pre-dnd call
>no post-dnd call
But is it worth it...

>> No.31302844
File: 211 KB, 479x478, 1659666087327646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I have CC on because I heard that explosion and thought it was my own game

>> No.31302964
Quoted by: >>31303067

on what channel is the dnd stuff?

>> No.31303067


>> No.31303074

So, ironmouse is the definition of sex, the personality, models, all of it is pure sex and her friends are all really sex as well, so I thought hey, why don't I draw nsfw art of her friends and her fucking like >>31301288 the problem is I also just want to make my regular shit too, but my art style would be instantly recognized and you would know who I am.

>> No.31303091

wow, can't believe mouse would bully haruka like that

>> No.31303147

it's ok Froot, we'd love to see you draw more porn

>> No.31303221
File: 1.44 MB, 1209x884, 1642309975289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31303294

Zen hates Soda confirmed

>> No.31303266
File: 28 KB, 480x272, vod-1168359849-offset-2498-preview-480x272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31303342

So what's her endgame?
I would actually kinda respect her for the shitstirring if she wasn't so boring

>> No.31303285

So whatever happened to that Mouse and Connor hand and brain cooking stream?

>> No.31303294
File: 667 KB, 638x706, 1659077866672980.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>halloween is a month away

>> No.31303313


>> No.31303326

just do sketches or something and switch up how you draw some features, unless you're a really big name i doubt you'll be recognized

>> No.31303342
Quoted by: >>31303395

She doesn't have enough brains to have an opening. Even this just turned out to be an author with an axe to grind.

>> No.31303395
Quoted by: >>31303444

>replying to bait
Stop that.

>> No.31303444

I will do as I please.

>> No.31303464
Quoted by: >>31303520


>> No.31303476
Quoted by: >>31303508


>> No.31303508

what now

>> No.31303519

>c'mon Connor just come inside im begging you.

>> No.31303520

Just lines us up for Corpse to come.

>> No.31303552
File: 315 KB, 780x438, E88e2sYVEBoR58I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31303595
File: 236 KB, 456x393, 16527393051532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes just practicing.

>> No.31303685

>geega playing backpack hero

she will cuck vei, teach soda life skills and become an unstoppable streamer duo

>> No.31303701


>> No.31303702

Too dumb to remember stuff, please understand.

>> No.31303815
Quoted by: >>31303893

already jacked off to mouse once today and I might do it again

>> No.31303889

Jesus, is mouse going to literally stream until DnD? Long day for mouse

>> No.31303893
File: 144 KB, 949x1093, FTX5Y-pX0AAz-CX (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31303898
File: 953 KB, 1477x874, 1642498552453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31305392

I think it's funny how girl_dm_ a lot of times gets a reputation for being boring because of her streaming style. Then Zen raids into her and she's quite literally doing a water tier list lmao

>> No.31303942

She'll go live right after DnD ends. Forever Mouse started this morning.

>> No.31303996

Yeah, she already stated her intention to raid into DnD earlier this week.

>> No.31304013

She probably plans on raiding Aethel

>> No.31304079

>vei and soda up and gaming together

This means their is a possibility for another early vei stream right?

>> No.31304104
File: 869 KB, 756x673, 42342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31304733

I'm quitting a streamer (not a vtuber) cold turkey because I feel like I've grown too attached and I don't like it. Completely blocked him from Twitch so I'll never see him show up anywhere.

>> No.31304115
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1630379204305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31304382
Quoted by: >>31304638


>> No.31304418

Vei is probably too pissed about the silver interview to stream

>> No.31304445
Quoted by: >>31304598

Moose needs to deep throat that mic

>> No.31304490
Quoted by: >>31304801

Let me guess, TFT?

>> No.31304523

Froot geegification...

>> No.31304575


>> No.31304580

in 2021? almost every week, especially Nyan, she used to arrange a collab every Monday. This year? once every 3-4 months

>> No.31304598

Mouse needs to deep throat my cock

>> No.31304638
Quoted by: >>31304680

I wonder where Mouse picks these little ticks up.

>> No.31304680

probably some dumb movie she watched or youtube video.

>> No.31304686

Is Haruka the greatest collab partner on the planet?

>> No.31304720


>> No.31304733
File: 258 KB, 1387x2048, 1660196225935966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a little odd anon but i wish you the best of luck

>> No.31304745
Quoted by: >>31304815

Un ironically yes, I've never seen her have a bad time with anyone ever,

>> No.31304781

haruka + layna collabs were kino too. Haruka is amazing.

>> No.31304801

Still says her last match was 13 hours ago so idk

>> No.31304815

There was some cringe with pomu during that weird garrys mod collab zen made but I dont remember anything else.

>> No.31304825
Quoted by: >>31304879

Doomposter here. I think the DnD oneshot tonight will be okay at best

>> No.31304879
Quoted by: >>31304935

I don’t think they’ll even take the one shot that seriously. It’ll probably be mostly comedic.

>> No.31304935

That's usually how it goes since it is a one and done deal. Probably will end up with all of them trying to one up each other on how absurd they can be with the scenario

>> No.31304955
Quoted by: >>31305008

Mouse stop reading the thread

>> No.31304961


>> No.31304986


>> No.31305008

what happened now

>> No.31305044

Mouse talked about how she will watch me and connor have sex later.

>> No.31305114

She said “no boys allowed” and “no guys on my server”

>> No.31305141

So which pokemon game do I play during the dnd oneshot?

>> No.31305154

mouse confessed her love for corpse

>> No.31305178

Emerald Randomizer.
This one btw.

>> No.31305235
Quoted by: >>31305340

is that opinion only contained /here/? Or is it more widespread?

>> No.31305273

Digimon World

>> No.31305335
Quoted by: >>31305773

maybe. soda said in his offline chat that he got terrible sleep and only got up to fix his schedule so depending how early he goes to bed vei may stream

>> No.31305340
Quoted by: >>31305526

It probably got widespread into Twitter and such, but knowing Mouse, is from fucking here, who are you kidding.

>> No.31305392

thats because she IS boring and her only good quality was good model that she threw away.

>> No.31305396
Quoted by: >>31305485

i wanna cum on punk rock mouse.

>> No.31305485

Did you pick your character yet, connor?

>> No.31305503
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, EAEE06C7-BAD5-41BF-B568-E996904CB629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31305550

I’ll fuck anything that moves

>> No.31305526
Quoted by: >>31305889

imagine thinking "no boys allowed" is some super secret exclusive /vsj+/ meme

god you faggots are so delusional sometimes it hurts

>> No.31305550


>> No.31305673
File: 258 KB, 1600x900, FapAJUoXwAA_StZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Melody/Amouranth collab will be on Amoranth's channel

>> No.31305729

Is there more recent proof of Mouse being /here/ besides that one clip from months ago? Like her saying something that 100% came from here

>> No.31305740

Then I'm not watching. Not giving Amouranth the traffic.

>> No.31305773
File: 231 KB, 1441x1440, 1660170847171988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vei PLEASE this is your chance to stream, let Soda rest he can hang out in your chat for once LAY OFF THE BOYFRIENDPILL FOR A DAY HE'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE

>> No.31305832

Why would anyone mention this cancerous shit hole?
It’s better they don’t

>> No.31305889

You don't understand, every meme originated from 4chan, even the ones that existed 90 years before moot was even a twinkle in his dad's nutsack.

>> No.31305939

Remember Big Latina Titoliees?
Welp, in one stream she saw someone saying it on the chat, and she basically said that she knew from where he came or something like that, basically saying that he was making it obvious from where he came. Vellyne, her mod also said the same on the chat, and she was known of taking a gif some anon was making here and posting it on Discord; she quickly deleted it after a few anons said she posted it on Discord.

>> No.31306012
Quoted by: >>31307781

Looks like Amouranth doesn't do VODs. What's a good program to download live streams?

>> No.31306016

Aethel going live soon

>> No.31306024

Again, what makes you think Big Latina Titoliees is a super secret exclusive /vsj+/ meme? Also clips or gtfo

>> No.31306076
Quoted by: >>31306133

when is this happening?

>> No.31306112

Yeah, anything from the last 5 minutes specifically? Anything further back than that and I just can't believe she's still here or that she ever was.

>> No.31306133

Right now

>> No.31306221
Quoted by: >>31306298

anon, i don't have acess to mouse pc to show you the logs. We know she was /here/ once and some of her mods too show up /here/.
Why is so hard for you to believe that someone who call herself "chronic online" will not end here?

>> No.31306249

There is no proofs that won't just be dismissed out of hand by the autists who like to periodically bait this particular topic.
She's been caught with /vsj/ tabbed on her screen in the subathon, that's the only proof required.

>> No.31306294
Quoted by: >>31306526

It's a well known fact that Discord mods, or just mods in general, get sent here to scout out schizos getting too deep. Vei just confirmed this in her last few streams a week ago. But remember this is being done for the girls' protection and not because they want foster some "le secret 4chan fans". Admit that this place is just a toxic cesspool no VShojo should ever have to see and move on.

>> No.31306298

If you don't have proof, just say so man. Your tubers just aren't here despite your desperate belief. This thread has absolutely zero influence on anything Vshojo related.

>> No.31306348
File: 89 KB, 243x214, 1658152912495650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your tubers just aren't here despite your desperate belief

>> No.31306376

anon, you are dumb.

>> No.31306383
File: 1.08 MB, 1482x837, chrome_2022-08-20_15-53-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel's on Amouranth's channel now

>> No.31306411

Silver on Amouranth's chat

>> No.31306419

In 3D? That's pretty cool

>> No.31306478
File: 17 KB, 449x80, silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31306602

Silver's first spotting in three days

>> No.31306484

Mouse getting jelly of Froot's castle

>> No.31306486

So it's going to be like when she did those cooking streams with Potastic. That's pretty cute.

>> No.31306526

Here's the thread of Vellyne being here.
>Big Latina Titoliees is a super secret exclusive /vsj+/ meme
It actually is, lmao. It only broke containment cause a few anons were saying they wanted to say it, and Sniper Anon too.
The fact that I'm saying this as recent, when there's the whole Discord conversation or Slap Anon, it's just funny. Mouse is chronically online, she obviously roams this place.
It's fine, this place is such a cesspool but just like Aethel said, this place is an unfiltered conversation about them, that's maybe why they read it although they obviously hate whenever their friends are insulted or when people called Aethel a leech by just being with his friends.

>> No.31306540
File: 869 KB, 798x623, 1648231462558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck I thought you were joking. I guess she's a plus now.

>> No.31306560

I wonder if some of our chuubas can pick us out from their chat and can tell they post on /here/.

For the love of god, I don't want Froot to know how much I simp around the clock

>> No.31306584

My favorite schizoposts are those anons who somehow insist that a board who averages 60 posters and 80 at most, lesser than a 3view chuubas stream audience, somehow has agency on what happens in VShojo.

That somehow this general is so ****special**** that the girls have to find out what we're talking about, at all times, rather than any place in the internet. It's amazing really.

>> No.31306602

Did she apologize yet?

>> No.31306651

Nyan knows I do. I'm pretty sure she has me highlighted as a suspicious chatter. Though she likes my comments so it's okay I guess

>> No.31306654

I need Froot to know that Froot 2.0 needs to have a cock. A visible buldge.

>> No.31306686
Quoted by: >>31306735

Vei literally said she has mods here to check for doxxfagging

>> No.31306694

>>31306584 (me)
I mean this general specifically.

>> No.31306710

No, the author corrected the article.

>> No.31306723

How the fuck is Mouse is going to stay awake for the collab when she literally streamed for 10 hours straight and in the same day did a 5 hour interview, WTF Mouse

Mouse doing more hours in one day than Pink Cat does in a month, Food for thought

>> No.31306735

>check for doxxfagging
Anon, you do know that this is not a "win" for is right? Are you that dense?

>> No.31306764

No need

>> No.31306765
File: 228 KB, 370x344, 1654497905631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31306871

If I'm a perfect angel in chat how could she ever know

>> No.31306766

>she basically said that she knew from where he came or something like that, basically saying that he was making it obvious from where he came.
Are you talking about the stream sniping or something else?

>> No.31306767

Why would she apologise for (based and true) shit she didn't say. Its just more ammo for dramafags

>> No.31306768

mouse ALWAYS was like that newfag. It was just because of ligma that she was less active.

>> No.31306769

Mouse can go days without sleeping.

>> No.31306777

Looking at Amouranth's stream holy shit the hot tub category is basically a cam girl section

>> No.31306834

anon, go suck a cock then. People keep giving you facts and you go like "actually".

>> No.31306839

This is unironically the best place to talk about VShojo. The subreddit is dead and the discords are largely shit. Twitter VTuber fans are a horrible mix of 4chan poisoned and literal retards.

New to twitch? They added that section because girls were abusing swimming rules.

>> No.31306843


>> No.31306866
Quoted by: >>31306973

Was the argument ever about them being here for good reasons?

>> No.31306871

Sentence structure. It's a dead give away.

>> No.31306883
Quoted by: >>31306945

>Hemorroid Cream
And you want to ride a bike for a week?

>> No.31306911

Yes, be sure to check whatever bs is going on there whenever a chuuba like kson gets told they can't use bikini models for being too lewd, and the vtuber category is full of fleshie faggots. Twitch sucks.

>> No.31306924

Nothing to apologize for

>> No.31306945

He's gonna have one of those seats made for fat dumpys.

>> No.31306952
Quoted by: >>31307017

Can we have Corpse instead of him?

>> No.31306954
Quoted by: >>31307152

Man the moment connor is on call mouse becomes a complete brat holy shit

>> No.31306958
File: 6 KB, 280x38, 1644680854966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver is simping for a fellow e-whore

>> No.31306973

Yes, some faggot was insinuating Mouse was /here/ because she said some funny meme.

>> No.31306984
Quoted by: >>31307046

Isn't DnD supposed to start now?

>> No.31307017
Quoted by: >>31307113

Fingers crossed this one shot shows that he's not cut out for this. Corpse will be swapped in for the next campaign, and will be cast into Bubi by the end of the year.

>> No.31307046

Waiting on Aethel to go live
Everyone's already on Mouse's stream

>> No.31307105

AFK Mouse gives me a boner... what's wrong with me bros.

>> No.31307113
Quoted by: >>31307222

don't get my hopes up

>> No.31307131
Quoted by: >>31307218



>> No.31307152

Gotta keep up the act for the fanbase until she can properly filter them out for the superior corpse fanbase.

>> No.31307159
Quoted by: >>31307245

I always find it weird that Myth decided to play World of Darkness and Vshojo decided to play DnD when it seems like both would have more fun with the other system.

>> No.31307168
File: 314 KB, 768x768, 7629627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated Mousey reverse harem power rankings

>> No.31307184
Quoted by: >>31307423


>> No.31307191

>I'm streaming guys just a reminder I'm streaming don't say anything weird by the way I'm streaming

What the fuck?

>> No.31307218

He's still on starting soon sadly, I want to judge the DM.
He sounds like a chill guy

>> No.31307221

>best place to talk about VShojo
Cancerous posts 24/7
Mouse's pubes
Whining for the nth time why <insert VSJ girl> isn't streaming
Cunny Porn
2view larpers
Attacks on stream content (they should do this, do that etc.)
Nyan's cats
Zen is a tranny
>and many more

Great discussion in here. The best even.

>> No.31307222

Unfortunately Mouse brought Corpse into the lore just as Corpse, so he'd have to pull double duty on characters.

>> No.31307242
Quoted by: >>31307368

Can't have Connor calling her pet names on stream

>> No.31307245
Quoted by: >>31307717

>World of Darkness
whats that? hows it different?

>> No.31307280
File: 91 KB, 540x730, B61E3BF0-99E6-4E33-8398-583BA4DF713C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been hard from afk mouse

>> No.31307293
File: 3.36 MB, 1792x1008, amomel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31307454

>> No.31307296

Connor goes below Luca and Sykkuno goes above Fulgur.

>> No.31307306

make /vshojo/ again then.

>> No.31307313
Quoted by: >>31307522

Monke racist, clasist and antisimetic offstream, please understand.

>> No.31307320

Swap Luca and Fulgur and you got a solid list

>> No.31307349

Do you think a call of Cthulhu campaign would be interesting to watch if they ever decided to do one?

>> No.31307352

>he doesn't know about the daily ERP orgies

>> No.31307363
Quoted by: >>31307522

like her actual name or call her babe...

>> No.31307368

Mouse wouldn't allow it off stream either. That's reserved for Corpse.

>> No.31307379
File: 49 KB, 620x703, goro the nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31307522

How do I get a ddlg big titty latina gf to laugh at my based jokes about israel while I raise money for her favorite charity the Immune Deficiency Foundation?

>> No.31307406

It's so weird to see Amouranth's chat liking Mel. Always thought they were the generic normie LSF anime-hating crowd.
I guess we're witnessing the rare coomer unity.

>> No.31307417
Quoted by: >>31307464


>> No.31307423

I dunno I just... what if you fucked Mouse's model while she was AFK?

>> No.31307454

Mel's nervousness is too cute.

>> No.31307464

Drop Connor to the bottom and add a power gap between Asmon and Ludwig.

>> No.31307513

Well you know what they say, "through dick unity"

>> No.31307517
Quoted by: >>31307693

Mel is simping so hard right now and it’s cute.

>> No.31307522

I believe Nyan and Aethel called each other by either babe or by their vtuber names... yeah they are that cringe.
It would be interesting.

>> No.31307528

Will this be Aethel's CCV peak?

>> No.31307537


>> No.31307545
File: 254 KB, 600x357, 1658706120451121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the reason I'm here for are shitposting, porn, and bannable topics from their official communities. I'm not retarded enough to think any of the Vshojo talents should look into this place more than once because that's fucking point, many of the topics here are bannable in their communities for a reason.

vei pls strim

>> No.31307580

Masks of nyarlathotep is one of the greatest rpg campaigns of all time but it’d be way more difficult to find a good dm for a call of Cthulhu game.

>> No.31307629
Quoted by: >>31307845


>> No.31307642

>Aethel has the call muted

You mother fucker...

>> No.31307644

>Missing conversation because Aethel is still in starting soon

>> No.31307661

>Raids into Aethel
>Aethel is MUTED

>> No.31307684

So is Aethel the only viewpoint we're getting? Maybe I was spoiled by the production of [redacted] and Brett but I guess this is a bit more on the indie side?

>> No.31307693

This stream has been pretty cute so far.

>> No.31307697

ok, i would be mad at Aethel
But I love his new intros.

>> No.31307701

I got a good feeling about this boys!!!
Mass kino is on its way

>> No.31307709
Quoted by: >>31307736

Why is Ludwig even there? The man has a gf, I could see putting him on a list for Connor though.

>> No.31307717

its a system used for a grittier modern world with magical elements type setting, its mostly known for Vampires of the Masquerade. Vsj seems like they'd enjoy the type of underworld political drama and vaguely sexual undertone of Vampire the Masquerade.

>> No.31307736

Mouse will steal him away from both Connor and QT.

>> No.31307757

I bet Connor's character is a milf
Unless Mouse whipped him into having a male character so she can roleplay as a couple with him.

>> No.31307760

Bro she is literally just recapping her stream today

>> No.31307765
Quoted by: >>31307912

I think the holomyth girls played that one?

>> No.31307781
Quoted by: >>31307860


>> No.31307786
File: 364 KB, 483x381, 1650599126301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is legitimately no other place to go to discuss streams and news in an ongoing fashion like this, and no the girl's paywalled/dead Discords are not an option.

It's not the best when it comes to quality, but it's the best when it comes to function. No one is discussing ongoing streams in a gigantic Twitter thread, or even through Reddit posts.

>> No.31307794
File: 8 KB, 598x112, bubisqueeze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mouse mentioned that she wants picks of Plushie Bubi being choked
Aww, Mouse read my schizo post on my ticket.

>> No.31307796

If her oilers quit giving her a shit ton of subs or tips for doing a single stream for the week then maybe she would stream more often.

>> No.31307831

Can't wait for Unhinged Connor to fuck it all up and finally be forced out of the group.

>> No.31307834

Looks like silver is active on Twitter again as well

>> No.31307845

It's not always about Mouse, Aethel has to do his thing

>> No.31307849

just go join face book page or something

>> No.31307860

Thanks anon.

>> No.31307900
Quoted by: >>31308051

Are you telling me 65 IPs represent the entire VShojo fanbase discussion because unironically touch grass you delusional faggot

>> No.31307906

I don’t expect her to be back until Monday or Wednesday

>> No.31307912

Yeah, or at least the system it was based off of. They'd probably enjoy the more zaney randomness of DnD 5e as opposed to the fairly complex set up required for VtM or WoD

>> No.31307918
Quoted by: >>31307948

>Vampire the Masquerade
Isn't that also Nyan's favorite game setting?

>> No.31307919

the whole '2 camgirls on twitter get mad about an anime woman on CB' thing blowing up left a lot of people with a vaguely positive impression of mel

>> No.31307947

man i remember my dismay when i finally add mouse discord. WHAT a shithole... There are prison out there with less rules and stupidity than that.
Mods keep banning words they think are "bad" and blaming community when they fuck up.

>> No.31307948

Nyan just likes the hot vampire chicks.

>> No.31307995

>a board with less posters than a 3view's Twitch audience somehow has the best "function"
The cope never ends

>> No.31308007
Quoted by: >>31308105

Thank you Nyan

>> No.31308010

He's been around Nyan so long he's picked up her shotacon mannerisms

>> No.31308017

>My little kid fantasy

>> No.31308051

Represents the ones that want to have an ongoing 24/7 place to freely chat about stuff, yeah.

>> No.31308066
File: 6 KB, 326x55, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31308233

Amouranth's chat is quite interested in Mel

>> No.31308072

the sad thing is that you're not even wrong
people everywhere else just repeat shit they read on /vt/ anyway, might as well go to the source

>> No.31308083
Quoted by: >>31308501

rrat the people trying to say mouse and others vshojo are not aware of this board are actual mods. KEK
Stop being lazy and learn how to mod a chat fuckers

>> No.31308091
Quoted by: >>31308205

Have you ever heard of offline chats?

>> No.31308105
Quoted by: >>31308221

No, she should've asked for Mouse and Corpse. Nyan damned us.

>> No.31308115

I still think that new model doesnt fit Aethel

>> No.31308117


>> No.31308140
File: 28 KB, 128x128, 1635184405627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31308204

the dm's model is filtering me so hard

>> No.31308141
Quoted by: >>31308276

if only this faggot had a vtuber model

>> No.31308151

>This is unironically the best place to talk about VShojo
I also think the same and there are two reasons:
1. you can gossip here, which is sometimes cancer, depends
2. girls have their own discords, but Vshojo didn't make any common place where people could talk about all the girls and friends.
The second reason is why I mostly come here. I can't follow everyone all the time, but I want to be more or less updated on everyone, and there is honestly no better place. If Vshojo created some shared place like this for their talents, I would probably just go there. However, I wouldn't learn about things like current dramas etc. so idk

>> No.31308161

Stop being self-important, anon. It's not good for your mental.

>> No.31308200
Quoted by: >>31308288

wow that DM has such a fucking ugly fucking model

>> No.31308204
Quoted by: >>31308376

what did you expect from someone named U DEAD NIGHTMARE

>> No.31308205

I said FREELY.

>> No.31308221


>> No.31308233

No one tell him that Mel is a smelly AI that never bathes.

>> No.31308254


>> No.31308251


>> No.31308257


>> No.31308265


>> No.31308266


>> No.31308272


>> No.31308276


>> No.31308277


>> No.31308278


>> No.31308287

Bubi is now going to be in the campaign

>> No.31308288

She always has a ugly model
It’s nothing new

>> No.31308290


>> No.31308291


>> No.31308299


>> No.31308303

I just looked at the stream, I didn't realize the DM is a vtuber.

>> No.31308307

mouse just lost her shit over bubi

>> No.31308308
File: 158 KB, 640x783, 1646466451203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31308342

mouse told us early he would press the button

>> No.31308344
File: 22 KB, 600x400, images (42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self-described "Best Place to Discuss VShojo" can't even trend anything on Twitter and needs Twitter randos themselves to do the job for them.

Godspeed roaming the loony land, you morons.

>> No.31308345

Bubi and Connor have to canonically be friendly enough to visit each other now. I'm sorry, I don't make the rules.

>> No.31308348

mouse is gonna flood her room

>> No.31308360
File: 333 KB, 768x768, 1656559407462 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31308376
Quoted by: >>31308559

a cool ass skull, not this fag shit
it's like if vergil had a lesbian's aesthetic

>> No.31308390

I think bubi might be joining guys but idk I might be crazy

>> No.31308397

shut up. no one cares anymore time for D&D

>> No.31308409

nta but shit from /here/ shouldn't ever be leaking out onto twitter

>> No.31308413
Quoted by: >>31308639

>giving even half a shit about twitter

>> No.31308417
File: 70 KB, 699x699, 1631993357271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any given thread on /vt/ having enough people to get something trending on Twitter

>> No.31308430

Bubi's jank ass green screen...

>> No.31308432


>> No.31308434
File: 229 KB, 392x319, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31308443


>> No.31308453


>> No.31308458
Quoted by: >>31308639

Who cares about making anything trend on twitter

>> No.31308473


>> No.31308476

>Instantly gets into character

>> No.31308479


>> No.31308480
File: 218 KB, 467x334, 1650322271878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aethel is doxxing Bubi

>> No.31308496

This is like the fifth time I have seen this exact same post.
Why are you so obsessed with this?

>> No.31308501
Quoted by: >>31308589

But no one in here said they were unaware? What's being discussed is whether they should keep looking back. Are you retarded? Where's your reading comprehension?

>> No.31308502

I'm surprised to see so many people spamming his emotes

>> No.31308504
Quoted by: >>31308610

>he has to role play while role playing
Connor playing Bubi playing Nedir. A true test of skill.

>> No.31308509


>> No.31308511

>trend anything on Twitter
please go back there
that website is somehow even more toxic than this one

>> No.31308516
File: 167 KB, 1333x1000, rdj-04f5bcc49bfa47aaa93fc70b979e589d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bubi in this stream

>> No.31308522

How the fuck does Connor manage to speak to Mousey knowing that she's dicking down this stud behind the scenes

>> No.31308559
File: 2.83 MB, 1500x2121, 1631212579333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is NightmareNexus and not BadNexus

>> No.31308566

The double role play holy shit

>> No.31308582

He wants to get dicked down by Bubi too

>> No.31308584

sisters... why was bubi at connors?

>> No.31308587

>being allowed to even breathe the same air as Bubi

>> No.31308589

anon no one cares.

>> No.31308610

this is false because it was bubi roleplaying as connor from the start, not the other way

>> No.31308636

they're roommates

>> No.31308639

Newfags spotted. Vei's Discord screencap rrat ring any bells?

>> No.31308672

tonight mouse will demand bubi on the ipad.

>> No.31308675

Call me crazy but I think Bubi and Connor are fucking

>> No.31308679

bros i want bubi to dick me down so bad

>> No.31308683
Quoted by: >>31308734

Mouse is fine with her harem members having relations with one another

>> No.31308696

Bubi is checking if his toggles still work.
Put your fatso wings away, Bubi.

>> No.31308715

This Mel and Amouranth stream is pretty awkward. They don’t really have any chemistry and don’t get conversation going super well.

>> No.31308726

I can't believe it was that fucking easy to get him to fire up the model. Stream on main, you dumb purple demon king.

>> No.31308734

she likes to watch

>> No.31308740
Quoted by: >>31308813

I'm already lost

>> No.31308753

Mouse focus on the intro

>> No.31308780

He's literally in your house using your accounts, Connor.

>> No.31308784
File: 813 KB, 1013x837, wew4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31308831


>> No.31308790

mouse looks so happy. This is so precious.

>> No.31308798

Well, the bird mask certainly livened things up kek.

>> No.31308813

It doesn't really matter, is just to get the players into the mood

>> No.31308815

The only thing I want coming from here are porn ideas. And we'd have to narrow those down by a lot.cause there's some fucked up shit in here.

>> No.31308818

wtf is this party composition

>> No.31308831
File: 937 KB, 1055x748, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did not expect a random pigeon to assault Mel live on stream

>> No.31308897


>> No.31308901
Quoted by: >>31308995

Does this DM have some kind of lighting filter on his model? It looks really strange for a 3D model.

>> No.31308907

>that face of true terror

>> No.31308911

Surprised no one went for a more physical-oriented class considering three of them are STR cavemen.

>> No.31308922

Two heal sluts, two oonga bunga killing men, please understand.

>> No.31308930

ive seen worse. a lot worse. i do wonder what subclasses they have.

>> No.31308946


>> No.31308949

My headcannon is that bubi can possess Connor for quick access to earth because he has a close relationship to her and similar physique.

>> No.31308953

Amouranth is just boring.

>> No.31308974

That reminded me of this https://store.steampowered.com/app/310080/Hatoful_Boyfriend/

>> No.31308973
File: 282 KB, 2048x1628, 1629971611584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31309033

that awkward silence holy shit

>> No.31308982
Quoted by: >>31309033

>Bubi is the only one that wants to RP
Come on, you fucking losers. That's the whole point of this.

>> No.31308995
Quoted by: >>31309050

Aethel kicking the chuuni up to 11 already

Yeah, there's a light source on his right
Not sure what program he's using to do that
But his model also has baked shadows too

>> No.31309004

bubi is off-tank. Please understand.

>> No.31309010

Why did he laugh at that?

>> No.31309011

It's true, much as I love Mel I just can't. Good for her to branch out and make friends and do things with others but meh.

>> No.31309023

>mouse: whats roll 20
oh yeah 17.8 used something else.

>> No.31309033

it takes a while for everyone to get on the same page, give em a sec

>> No.31309050

Looks cool. Works for his model

>> No.31309056

Great his internet is already shit

>> No.31309066

Cheap ass and tits don’t need a personality

>> No.31309072

fuck that I'm praying for the cringekino

>> No.31309085

Oh the scuff is kino

>> No.31309125
Quoted by: >>31309277

No surprise there, what are they both supposed to talk about/have in common? How much money they make from doing porn?

>> No.31309128


>> No.31309134

The Bubi switch was definitely preplanned.

>> No.31309135

sex voice....

>> No.31309139

sounds like this is umi's sendoff.

>> No.31309141

I just fucking lost my dudes
Muh fucking dick

>> No.31309154
Quoted by: >>31309275

Party composition doesnt fucking matter in 5e

>> No.31309157
Quoted by: >>31309202

man, i hope mouse have enough batteries for late.

>> No.31309164


>> No.31309169


>> No.31309202

she has bubi, she's at max power for the day

>> No.31309204

Nothing will compare to how cringe the first episode of Acadum's NyanVei campaign was

>> No.31309206

Jeffael needs Rape Correction

>> No.31309216
Quoted by: >>31309258

they're rusty heh
also these classes got posted here yesterday lol. Were they posted in discord or was it a /here/post?

>> No.31309235

bubi 100% a murder hobo

>> No.31309244


17.8% in shambles.

>> No.31309247

Aethel KINO

>> No.31309258
Quoted by: >>31309328

No such thing as a /here/post you self important fool.

>> No.31309260
Quoted by: >>31309464

I honestly don't find Amouranth attractive. I don't see the appeal.

>> No.31309277

>what are they both supposed to talk about/have in common?
well, they're both whores

>> No.31309275
Quoted by: >>31309360

This. Not to mention DM can just balance encounter to party comp anyway. Nothing is truly OP

>> No.31309304
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>> No.31309313
File: 163 KB, 848x1200, FZ4frt3acAAh1v4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31309455

Silver is in Amouranth's chat and retweeting art on Twitter. I'd say she's doing okay.

>> No.31309328 [SPOILER] 
File: 31 KB, 522x338, Baelieve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No such thing as a /here/post

>> No.31309334


>> No.31309342

Racist bubi

>> No.31309352

>racism out the gate

>> No.31309353

So we're getting spicy Bubi today

>> No.31309356

He just can't help it bros...

>> No.31309358

I love fantasy racism

>> No.31309360
Quoted by: >>31310758

Oh, there are OP things. It just everything can be OP which is synonymous with your point.

>> No.31309363

>bubi kills dm's self-insert immediately

>> No.31309388

Unhinged Bubi kino

>> No.31309397


>> No.31309402

Kill the bitch

>> No.31309411

This is fucking awesome

>> No.31309436
Quoted by: >>31309510

so im guessing nedir is a changeling

>> No.31309443

This stream is already a classic

>> No.31309446

>Aethel is the only one that's not racist in the group
I'm excited to see how this will turn out

>> No.31309455

If she's good enough to thirst after Mel and Amouranth, then yeah she's doing fine.

>> No.31309464
Quoted by: >>31309798

If you're a tween who's too scared to look at real porn because your parents might know how to check Edge's browser history, she's the hottest woman alive.

>> No.31309490

They're so bad at this, this is kino

>> No.31309510

Aethel said he chose changeling earlier. Kind of hoped that he went for the custom monkey class that was available, but I guess this works better for the character swap.

>> No.31309525

My king is out for blood

>> No.31309553

Wild Boys

>> No.31309566

I didn't care for a new campaign but all these posts are interesting me. I'll have to watch the VOD, is aethels POV what everyone is watching?

>> No.31309579

Is this how d&d works? Kino

>> No.31309586
Quoted by: >>31309624

They're just going genocide route

>> No.31309591
File: 41 KB, 432x489, 1659572292881709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fucking sides lmao

>> No.31309595


>> No.31309597

its the only POV

>> No.31309600

it's just a one shot, aethel is the only one streaming it

>> No.31309602


>> No.31309614

Once again, Connor is the only one trying to play properly. As expected.

>> No.31309620

Also yes

>> No.31309624

>How much xp for killing a child? I choose to burn the orphanage down after blocking all the exits.

>> No.31309627
File: 614 KB, 698x630, 1630402885455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we should just hit him with a rock

>> No.31309641

its a whole overlay including there models.

>> No.31309643
Quoted by: >>31309703

Who? I only see nyan, mouse, aethel and bubi

>> No.31309655

everyone except mouse immediately going murder hobo is pretty on brand

>> No.31309664

>Nedir, let's grab his legs.
>Wait, how does he looks
>Like he's on his 90's
>I see... grab his legs.
Kino bit.

>> No.31309668


>> No.31309679


>> No.31309682
Quoted by: >>31309770

I want Bubi to rupture my insides with his 12 inch corruption cock so bad.

>> No.31309685


>> No.31309693

are they having fun? then yes.

>> No.31309703

I mean Bubi. I forgot he replaced Connor midway, easy to get confused.

>> No.31309734
Quoted by: >>31309757

also Nyan

>> No.31309757
Quoted by: >>31309830


>> No.31309770

Mouse please

>> No.31309798

If they can't clear their search history and cache or use incognito mode then they don't deserve watching the good shit

>> No.31309830


>> No.31309834

my headcannon is that bubi possesses connor's body for easy earth access since they have a similar build.

>> No.31309837

>already splitting scenarios 10 minutes in to go to the bathroom
this is going to be absolute chaos and I feel bad for the dm

>> No.31309873
Quoted by: >>31309924

This DM is desperately trying to move the story along, and they just refuse to go on.

>> No.31309896
File: 832 KB, 832x689, 1650684296794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31310017

Both Hime and Bubi streamed this month

>> No.31309901
Quoted by: >>31310009

Nobody talked with each other over party comp did they

>> No.31309921

kek the DM is barely hiding that the rich fuck is based on a RDR2 character

>> No.31309924

That's just DnD in a nutshell

>> No.31309930
Quoted by: >>31309983

Aethel useing his xray vision to spy on nyan in the bathroom

>> No.31309962

>Wrigulius is a pervert.
>Nedir is racist.
>Kolonu is a cleptomaniac
>Umi is a pacifist.
Great start

>> No.31309983
Quoted by: >>31310076

His life goal was to catch Nyan pooping he finally has the ability.

>> No.31310009

Dnd is about having fun. They can play as whatever they want and a good dm will just adjust things along the way to make it enjoyable.

>> No.31310017
File: 285 KB, 506x322, hypno mouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bubi did this just to prove that he could stream as much as Hime.

>> No.31310019

Considering how easy it was for HIM to become Bubi, I hope he shows up at events more often.

>> No.31310030
Quoted by: >>31310101

Aethel and Nyan ERPing on stream is ruining this. Can they not stop doing it for a minute? christ

>> No.31310035

>Nedir helped the man up the stairs
>Didn't bust both his knee caps
Role play broken.

>> No.31310067

HE just wanted the appearances to be "special" and this is a golden oportunity for it

>> No.31310076

Hasn't he already caught her pooping?

>> No.31310101
Quoted by: >>31310179

She's literally sitting on his cock as they stream this.

>> No.31310154

All this does is confirm we won't see a second channel video for this. This is completely Aethel's or Nexus's content.

>> No.31310179
File: 70 KB, 444x344, 9621EC51-6BF4-48A9-B400-A77F09F26C1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31310242

>everyone is canonically racist
Good campaign.

>> No.31310269
Quoted by: >>31310422

Mel and Amouranth have been streaming for an hour and a half and haven’t had a single conversation about anything yet.

>> No.31310280

ngl this is kino

>> No.31310290

>Nexus just joked over Arcadum weird obsession of getting characters trying to marry Umi

>> No.31310313

umi fucks monsters though

>> No.31310365
Quoted by: >>31310428


>> No.31310404

It's not DnD without egregious in-game racism

>> No.31310422
Quoted by: >>31310580

Nothing deep, but they've been moving form topic to topic. Mel has definitely been more interesting than Amouranth though.

>> No.31310428

Change into anything she wants...

>> No.31310452
Quoted by: >>31310508

>Co-Con-- Bubby.

>> No.31310486

>one character is canonically not racist
Good enough, I guess.

>> No.31310508


>> No.31310575
File: 442 KB, 1654x2048, FZ3Jd4FX0AApVFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31310748

Can somebody explain to me what their classes specialize in and who's the healer? Never really played DnD

>> No.31310580
Quoted by: >>31310673

Yeah, she's asking questions that would be better answered on CB, and Mel is doing her damnedest to keep it ToS.

>> No.31310624

Its a oneshot guys, fuck morality

>> No.31310640

I sorta wished we had character art of the party but it's only a one-shot so it can't be helped.

>> No.31310673

It's been funny watching Mel use her creativity to keep it seiso enough though.

>> No.31310682

>I'll do anything to make up for my debt

>> No.31310703
File: 464 KB, 590x489, 1653945884552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they kleptomaniacs

>> No.31310724

Bubi is impersonating his powerpoint presentation

>> No.31310748
Quoted by: >>31310825

both the druid and cleric can heal, rogues do damage, bards are support

>> No.31310750

They haven't even made it out of the starting street, let alone the starting town. They aren't finishing this in a single session.

>> No.31310758

I can kinda see what you're saying

>> No.31310787

new thread

>> No.31310825
Quoted by: >>31310924

So what's the variation between druid and cleric? Type of heals? Nature vs. Holy?

>> No.31310924

Yeah pretty much nature vs holy
