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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 114 KB, 489x497, 9h24WVh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3124205 No.3124205 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>3124777


Current stream:


>> No.3124221
File: 1.58 MB, 1200x1726, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3124380

Fellow programmers rise up

>> No.3124224

>Programming socks

>> No.3124239
File: 432 KB, 438x379, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking Bea out for shopping
>Pass by a cafe and buy her a shortcake
>She grabs your arms and tells you she wants to buy some clothes at the mall
>You tell her you'll take her there and she gets happy
>She buys her lame clothes
>Looks really cute in them
>You wake up from your dream

>> No.3124246

What the fuck did you make me look up.

>> No.3124259
File: 262 KB, 812x457, r9gVXLu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3124270 >>3124284


>> No.3124268
Quoted by: >>3124370

>programming socks
tell her to avoid this because the trannys will fucking hunt her

>> No.3124270


>> No.3124284

she's too cute

>> No.3124289

You will eat bugs, and you will be happy.

>> No.3124304

>my friend
>and he said

>> No.3124323
File: 143 KB, 432x480, 1618871674744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3124324
Quoted by: >>3124334


>> No.3124334


>> No.3124336

Beatani's friend(male)(boyfriend)(husband)

>> No.3124350

Official swimsuit of flat chests

>> No.3124358

Hmm, yes, cute bear. I think I will superchat this bear.

>> No.3124367

Beatani has many male friends!
With benefits!

>> No.3124370

that group is a complex topic, and angering the wrong people is an easy way to get banned from yt/twitter

>> No.3124376

god I wish that was me

>> No.3124379 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.86 MB, 4426x3570, 1619844680935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3130974

>>3109206 I'm not on the clock anymore. You know the drill.

>> No.3124380
File: 1.27 MB, 1133x1600, D7B4B7CA-7577-4731-A38A-063E6C9348C1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3124624

I fucking love Hinemos Notari less the futa than the otokonoko though. I wonder if Bea does too since she likes Shimakaze-kun and other otokonoko stuff.

>> No.3124397
File: 220 KB, 716x729, fpBBI51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3124423

I forgot about the clover womb tattoo

>> No.3124432


>> No.3124456


>> No.3124460

Womb tattoo anon must be proud.

>> No.3124482


>> No.3124506
Quoted by: >>3124642

Womb tattoo that bars her from entering spa that identifies her as 4-clover yakuza.

>> No.3124512
File: 3.60 MB, 2500x3954, beatani school uniform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was accurate

>> No.3124515

>Pulling Bea's necktie while fucking her from behind

>> No.3124516

but does she wear kuma pantsu

>> No.3124520

Fakin based

>> No.3124551

>He had the critical information

>> No.3124564

stray wolf sugoi

>> No.3124577
File: 948 KB, 1100x1556, 1619669241606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3124593
Quoted by: >>3124612

sell that fucking tie beatani.

>> No.3124612

actually this

>> No.3124621

stop anon I don't want to have to do my reps mid-stream

>> No.3124624

>CosPlay Otokonoko Off de Soku Hame
Thank you!

>> No.3124629

Imagine the smell

>> No.3124642
File: 21 KB, 259x224, 6064855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what happened to the last guy that we caught with our daughter.

>> No.3124651


>> No.3124665
File: 2.71 MB, 271x413, 1618946486667.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3125041 >>3125086

We can go further, JY BEAR.

>> No.3124677

tomboy bear...

>> No.3124685

I can't stop staring at her ears moving.

>> No.3124708

>baby bear was like a debil
please drawfags i want to see demon toddler beatani

>> No.3124715

>baby bear was like a devil
Should probably be added to the wiki.

>> No.3124775


>> No.3124777
Quoted by: >>3124864

God that Sonic Youth tee is so hard. I'd buy if I wasn't broke right now.

>> No.3124864

>>3124777 (trips!)
she has the women's cut featured instead of the unisex cut. femanons, is this /ourshirt/?

>> No.3124980

Andrew Ryan-san....daijoubu?

>> No.3125041

What's next, joshi akachan?

>> No.3125070

Don't tell me you fags actually created a trannycord server?

>> No.3125077

we hold the power now, discord dads

>> No.3125086


>> No.3125088

>he doesn't know about the tiers

>> No.3125090

>he does not posess the knowledge

>> No.3125091

Do NOT invite her to the discord server

>> No.3125093
File: 191 KB, 755x930, xp hill discord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3125117 >>3125172

>he isn't in

>> No.3125096
File: 262 KB, 495x493, 1617486881130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he not in

>> No.3125097

Your Bea bullying reps

>> No.3125104

how do i jointhe discord server (i am not beatani)

>> No.3125105
Quoted by: >>3126982

Come on in anon

>> No.3125112

>he is not in possession of critical data

>> No.3125117 [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 1566x941, ldiscord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3125151

>he isn't in the real one

>> No.3125143
File: 20 KB, 576x62, Screenshot 2021-04-28 113151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3125147
File: 458 KB, 320x360, ratethestream[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhqesz3.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3125150


>> No.3125151
File: 207 KB, 1566x941, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3125558


>> No.3125155
File: 181 KB, 304x354, 1618374792367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3128328

Even though you are a Neet,
I can love Dads and Moms
Even though you are foolish,
I love you Brothers, Sisters
Every day, every time
I can stay with you on XP hill
So please subscribe to me!

>> No.3125167

Dont tell me you tards actually made a discord server? I deleted that shit so its whatever

>> No.3125172
File: 174 KB, 1566x861, ldiscord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3125183 >>3125514

>he isn't in the real one

>> No.3125173


>> No.3125182

>fell asleep until being woken up by the ending song
did I miss anything after the part where she drew her school outfits?

>> No.3125183
Quoted by: >>3125326

it's too late mr. urajolt...

>> No.3125187


>> No.3125193

Programming socks/10

>> No.3125199

What if she believes it's true for a second and doesn't want to be separated from us?
Dads... my heart..

>> No.3125204

comfy Omori/10

>> No.3125209

>What if she believes it's true
she does believe its true

>> No.3125215

why would you say this...

>> No.3125216


>> No.3125222
File: 190 KB, 366x372, 1615682803101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she called me cringe. I might actually sleep tonight now

>> No.3125227

You missed us taunting our daughter for not being in the discord

>> No.3125233


>> No.3125234

Chihiro came on the stream and they started fucking

>> No.3125245

It is true

>> No.3125246
Quoted by: >>3125301

Eurodads... it's already bright outside...

>> No.3125254
File: 34 KB, 267x168, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3125260

we talked her into eating a cockroach

>> No.3125266
Quoted by: >>3125432

>miss stream by two minutes
guess i can watch the vid while going to bed

>> No.3125272

>he missed the discord invite

>> No.3125283

she died on strea,m

>> No.3125287
File: 61 KB, 304x354, 1619405265169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beatani is so cool!

>> No.3125288

It's obvious she knows about the discord for oil balons, she made it herself.

>> No.3125301

Let's go to bed together listener-chan

>> No.3125310

Bea needs a healthy dose of light bullying to keep her motivated.

>> No.3125323

It's only been like 5 minutes and I already miss her. Please hurry up and shitpost on twitter Bea...

>> No.3125326

Definitely do not send me a DM asking for an invite. It won't work beatani. It's listenerchan only.

>> No.3125353
File: 1.04 MB, 640x360, mesugaki[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqz8un9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3125369

>Waiting for her tweet before going to the bed

>> No.3125369
File: 126 KB, 324x464, 1618865142748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.3125393

I found it funny how she doesn't even realize she's the biggest groomer here, at least one dad would go insane without her streams.

>> No.3125406
Quoted by: >>3127766

It is the best sign really that she has been adding more streams to her schedule over the last week. It strongly suggests that she is enjoying streaming and will do it often in the future. Until the next downturn where she slows down for a few weeks probably, but concernfags hopefully are bracing themselves for that eventuality and don't have a meltdown over it.

>> No.3125429
Quoted by: >>3125488

She was very girly this stream, it was pretty comfy even though we ended up talking about train molestation, onsen groping and womb tatoos.

>> No.3125432
Quoted by: >>3127782

while work still is cucking me i am still dredging images from the threads for a master zine

>> No.3125434


>> No.3125457
Quoted by: >>3125475

>she actually thinks this will work
foolish kuma

>> No.3125469
File: 139 KB, 438x378, EwSsFpqVoAI1wBW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grooming adventures with beatani!

>> No.3125470

I think I teased her too much tonight ;_; sorry Bea I thought you were going to make fun of the wiki article tonight

>> No.3125473


>> No.3125475
File: 53 KB, 601x250, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3125529

I... I wanna know her secret...

>> No.3125488

Don't forget eating cockroaches and waterpark crimes.

>> No.3125496
Quoted by: >>3125511

i'm still not 100% sure she knows what "grooming" really means

>> No.3125500


>> No.3125511

She was explained it in Japanese. She knows.

>> No.3125514
Quoted by: >>3125537 >>3125565

The more you guys keep joking like this, the more I'm convinced that you fucking euros and NEETs are going to make one for real while I'm at work or sleeping and I'll be left wondering why the /yah/ thread is just full of shitposts.

>> No.3125525
Quoted by: >>3125535 >>3125546

https://twitter.com/beatanichisato/status/1388365847928786947 goslingbros.. dont fall for the bait

>> No.3125529
Quoted by: >>3125546

don't you fucking do it anon, it'll ruin EVERYTHING

>> No.3125535
File: 32 KB, 596x341, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3125546

Don't fkn do it.

>> No.3125537

No, this faggot is most definitely pushing for a discord and would gladly hand it over to beatani for her to use as a fan server

>> No.3125542
File: 27 KB, 579x251, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3125558

And just like that our next arc has begun ;)

>> No.3125546
File: 509 KB, 818x477, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3125549 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 680x680, E0Lhk1TVgAIQjzV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3125598 >>3125611

Can anyone TL this? Why is she posting Cro Cop?

Is she a chad PRIDE MMA fan?

>> No.3125558


>> No.3125562

But what if there's a real discord server

>> No.3125565

After this stream I'm assured some normalnigger fans that haven't been filtered yet will create one.

>> No.3125582
File: 162 KB, 1252x1252, E0Lhk1TVgAIQjzV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3125602 >>3125611

Can anyone TL this? Why is she posting Cro Cop?

Is she a chad PRIDE MMA fan?


>> No.3125591

sent ;)

>> No.3125598 [DELETED] 


>> No.3125599
Quoted by: >>3125635

Im play mohun and im barley reading this thread. Did you guys actually make a discord? Why?

>> No.3125602

It says "what the hell are you saying"
doesnt the ん add the hostile part in that word?

>> No.3125611

It says "wtf are you talking about." Do your reps, retard.

>> No.3125613
File: 91 KB, 1080x456, Screenshot_20210501_073703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3125709

>> No.3125625
Quoted by: >>3125761 >>3125960

When she said her nickname was c"crazy". Did it mean crazy as the guy who jumps out a window on a bet or crazy as in, the guy who shoots up a school?

>> No.3125632
Quoted by: >>3125669 >>3125696

So this is actually her, isn't it https://twitter.com/ListenerChan

>> No.3125635

We shitposted about it so much that she actually wants in

>> No.3125667
Quoted by: >>3125689 >>3125699



>> No.3125669

but you didn't hear it from me, ok?

>> No.3125685

should I link her to an actual server?

>> No.3125689

Nice try Bea

>> No.3125696

Who is you?
Who do you think is making all the posts in this thread?

>> No.3125697

fuck no

>> No.3125699
File: 92 KB, 500x375, discord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont let her groom you it bait

>> No.3125709

seeing a menhera begging makes me hard

>> No.3125725

no you baka

>> No.3125729
Quoted by: >>3125767

yea to the discord trans server

>> No.3125740
Quoted by: >>3125766

Figured I'd ask, but would you anons like me to write a simple explanation here as to why Beatani should avoid talking about "programming socks" in the foreseeable future to reduce risk of possible cancel culture?

>> No.3125761

Crazy as in the kind of person who writes チャリで来た in the プリクラ

>> No.3125766

I doubt there will be any, and she was going to read on the meme. But in case she gets misinformed by certain groups, you can.
But I'll call you cringe.

>> No.3125767

I already did that

>> No.3125784
File: 1.31 MB, 720x405, the_bear_has_tweeted[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpnkb8z.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3125827

>She will now shitpost using two different accounts
Too powerful

>> No.3125816
File: 51 KB, 710x746, 1619823129763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she retweeted the reddit trans link

>> No.3125825
File: 160 KB, 631x531, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3125853 >>3125860

fucking kek

>> No.3125826


>> No.3125827

You mean three, there's the R18 one as well.

>> No.3125851
File: 2.74 MB, 432x245, 1617358981202.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3125853

>She definitely joined

>> No.3125856

>The Game

>> No.3125860
File: 101 KB, 219x268, file_(3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bear is the gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.3125884

Tick tock anya

>> No.3125898

>Bear Encyclopedia

>> No.3125900

Ok so what happened to Omori? Also what did she talk about in the first hour of the zatsudan?

>> No.3125927

haha would be funny if there was art of that

>> No.3125950
File: 22 KB, 691x150, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3125956

She basically said that Omori is not a good stream game (for her).

>> No.3125960

It doesn't really have a good EN equivalent. It's like calling someone retarded instead of just stupid. It's much more offensive than just calling someone crazy.

She's dropping playing it on stream cause she can't remember the plot.
>what did she talk about in the first hour of the zatsudan?
Memes and why she's dropping Omori.

>> No.3125964

And all of them are me

>> No.3125993

Desperate loser virgin kuma.

>> No.3126004

rrat fresh out of press.

>> No.3126011
File: 113 KB, 311x311, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3126013

>Also what did she talk about in the first hour of the zatsudan?
Final Yab (she has 30 of them ready to go apparently)
Ogey rrat (it's like nurupo ga)
Uoooooooh (it's Japanese? eh?)

>> No.3126024
Quoted by: >>3126044

Who the fuck told her we do that?

>> No.3126043
Quoted by: >>3126109

>we could grab some thot from the internet and pay her $5 to fake a phone sex discord call as listener-chan to set her off

Would it be too mean?

>> No.3126044
File: 56 KB, 700x686, c7d5a5c5734aa97cc326d5fb1ef96165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3126056 >>3126317


>> No.3126049

Abayo, she's growing too powerful.

>> No.3126056
Quoted by: >>3126317


>> No.3126058
Quoted by: >>3126089

listener-chan please don't leak our voice chats PLEASE

>> No.3126075
Quoted by: >>3126115

I'm not even native to this thread.
What the fuck did you guys do?

>> No.3126089
File: 4 KB, 233x82, xp hill discord 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, listener-chan isn't in the sex room tonight anyways.

>> No.3126091

>Beatani WILL do hand reps the recording
how the fuck can I say no to this!?

>> No.3126106

wheres that one faggot that sounds like a girl? GET HIM ON THE LINE

>> No.3126109

But who would interpret listener-chan?

>> No.3126110
Quoted by: >>3126154



>> No.3126115
Quoted by: >>3126191

its joke

>> No.3126131


>> No.3126154


>> No.3126179
File: 31 KB, 256x312, 1618228843403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She always wins...

>> No.3126177
File: 7 KB, 360x270, a473c365f78087913a6253d9ae4717de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3126185
Quoted by: >>3126220 >>3126253

This is going to get picked up by that garbage drama account, right?

>> No.3126191

I know.

>> No.3126192


>> No.3126194

Fuck, she won.

>> No.3126202

wojakfags fucking won..

>> No.3126220

Don't give him ideas, it's like the owner lurks for something to ruin.

>> No.3126237
Quoted by: >>3126321


Uh oh, kichigai attack

>> No.3126246

Wait there was an actual beatani fan server?

>> No.3126253
Quoted by: >>3126275

Last time it happened she had a boost in subs, let him try.

>> No.3126261

>he doesn't have the invite

>> No.3126272
File: 63 KB, 500x500, 1387472206703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3126274


>> No.3126275

This, those fags wont watch anyways and it'll give her a boost in subs. Its a win win

>> No.3126278


>> No.3126288
File: 29 KB, 607x365, 1321654165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would pay to see Yukkin's live reaction to this Tweets

>> No.3126294
Quoted by: >>3126312


She's fucked herself into a cooma...

>> No.3126299
Quoted by: >>3126334 >>3126367

not sure how to feel about this "horny on main" arc

>> No.3126310
Quoted by: >>3126333

>discord invite posted
>it has members

>> No.3126312

starting to feel like doing some of my own hand reps

>> No.3126317

The greatest trick the Bear ever pulled was convincing the world her discord didn't exist

>> No.3126320


>> No.3126321

Now I'm thinking about Beatani doing her reps, and it's making me want to do my reps...

>> No.3126333

Disgusting, isn't it?

>> No.3126334
File: 46 KB, 379x310, 1520337642410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's spreading herself, I see nothing wrong here.

>> No.3126335 [SPOILER] 
File: 42 KB, 588x627, 1619849331748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3126349
Quoted by: >>3126375

>7 online

>> No.3126354


>> No.3126356

>the community post is real

>> No.3126357

yes, retards actually made it

>> No.3126362
Quoted by: >>3126375

seriously kill yourself if true already have your handle faggot, no need to act anonymous

>> No.3126364

I decided to check this girls twitter after seeing it on the front page and have to wonder what the fuck is going on, is she always on maximum shitposting overdrive?

>> No.3126365
Quoted by: >>3126393 >>3126402

Can Oil balon chads confirm this?

>> No.3126367

It's on-brand for her twitter and many of her streams, so it's fine.

>> No.3126368
File: 222 KB, 373x403, 1619660720324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no

>> No.3126369

God dammit, I can no longer tell if this is real or fake anymore. Fuck you anon ahhhhhhhh

>> No.3126371

Most of the times

>> No.3126372


>> No.3126375
Quoted by: >>3126412 >>3126431

>It's 13 now
do I click it?

I took the screenshot but I didn't make it and I haven't joined

>> No.3126377
Quoted by: >>3126392 >>3126396

What happened to no discord?

>> No.3126379

>discord was real all along
M. Night Shyamalan would kill for these kind of twists.

>> No.3126380 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1617719983214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3126381

Sometimes. She actually has to take medication so please understand.

>> No.3126392

you snooze you lose

>> No.3126393 [SPOILER] 
File: 70 KB, 1109x741, 1619849557189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3126405 >>3126446

i'll take one for the team and leak it

>> No.3126396

Poe's law rears it's ugly head once again.

>> No.3126402

For a second I brainfarted and thought she actually posted hand on the trannycord. That would've been hilarious.

>> No.3126405

That's my hand after thinking about her doing her reps wtf where did you get that?

Sometimes. She's a gem.

>> No.3126406

It's real

>> No.3126412

I joined anyways, but having a discord server is cringe.

>> No.3126414
Quoted by: >>3126453 >>3126462

we, we didn't actually shitpost a fan discord into existence right...?

>> No.3126421

usually after her stream

>> No.3126430

i only use discord to talk with friends

>> No.3126431
Quoted by: >>3126470

I wouldn't be suprised if it was all just bots

>> No.3126434
Quoted by: >>3126487

Just got an alert, why did she post a pic of her sweaty hand on her youtube community page?

>> No.3126445

Someone enter the discord and see if she's in that shit onegai

>> No.3126446

I can't believe I am triggered by this pic. Fuck anno.

>> No.3126451

urajolt show yourself faggot

>> No.3126453


>> No.3126462

it only takes one retard to see the shitposts and decide to do it for real
if anything I'm more disappointed in the dads that joined

>> No.3126465
Quoted by: >>3126497 >>3126517

Pack it in boys, she's taken

>> No.3126470

Probably, it's not like there was any link posted.

>> No.3126477
File: 245 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3126518

She wanted this didn't she

>> No.3126480

>the discord is a block honeypot

>> No.3126487

You made me check and I regret nothing.

>> No.3126491

delete the server you faggot

>> No.3126497

It's okay, she's already peropero'd me.

>> No.3126512
Quoted by: >>3126605

>he made the server
>link expired
Fuck boys I think she was actually groomed

>> No.3126517

its his turn now

>> No.3126518
File: 108 KB, 1076x260, 1616373163732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think

>> No.3126536
File: 162 KB, 314x383, 1618775068008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3126552 >>3126554

>he said he would delete the tweet once she was in
>it's gone now

>> No.3126552
Quoted by: >>3126594

She won't join any dicksore server
I got in and it's only to keep up with her tweets

>> No.3126554

He also wrote 30 minute expiration and it's been over 30

>> No.3126555

this entire thread getting worked into a shoot

>> No.3126575

You guys... Pathetic

>> No.3126584
Quoted by: >>3126631

Wait it was a real server? It's not a dumb shitpost? What the hell. Was it a redditor that made it?

>> No.3126594

Nice excuse, faggot

>> No.3126596

Trolls trolling trolls who are pretending to be trolled to troll thier trolls.

>> No.3126598
Quoted by: >>3126657 >>3126683

>the rrats this will spawn
we went too far bros...

>> No.3126605

I'm curious to know what kind of state it's in but now I'll never know It's probably just a bunch of shitposting and a bot to see her tweets but still

>> No.3126613

I'm enjoying the ride, this thread has seen way worse times and I'm laughing like a retard while lying on my bed. MORE CONFLICT, MOREEEEE.

>> No.3126623
Quoted by: >>3126657 >>3126660

Everyone here wants to be closer to Bea but doesn't want to cough up the $25
What a bunch of sad dads

>> No.3126631

it's a "real server" only insofar as needed to take screenshots for shitposting

>> No.3126633
File: 687 KB, 500x663, lord-help-back-on-my-bullshit-17494271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3126649

I will hunt a nigger down I fucking swear.

>> No.3126649

Leave Bea alone!

>> No.3126657
Quoted by: >>3126688

just realized this will give bea like a dozen extra entries into her final yab list
guess even the biggest fags manage to create the brightest of silver linings

sometimes I feel like I've ended up in the opposite situation where I just want to be a viewer but I oil baron'd a bit too much and now I stand out more than I'd like

>> No.3126660

I heard you can get Beatani's LINE if you pay her 10 million yen.

>> No.3126683
File: 217 KB, 760x720, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjtrt1p.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3126688

She appreciates it I'm sure, so don't be upset. Just gradually fade into the background.

>> No.3126698

We lost her

>> No.3126702

But I'm not in any Discord, nobody heard my voice...

>> No.3126704
File: 234 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210501-092923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3126724 >>3126751


>> No.3126710

I guess this is the final /yah/ thread then.


>> No.3126724

>that fag is grooming her on that secret discord right now

>> No.3126727


>> No.3126731

10/10 would Gosling again

>> No.3126735

it was fun while it lasted, goodbye dads, moms, sisters, and brothers.....

>> No.3126746

I'll miss you guys, have fun in the groomercord.

>> No.3126751

I had fun anons, goodbye

>> No.3126754

I can't believe Beatani's streaming career is fucking over because she joined a Discord

>> No.3126756

I'll miss talking about our little kuma coomer with y'all

>> No.3126774
Quoted by: >>3126822

What is this sick feeling im feeling...

>> No.3126822

I feel it too, it is despair, sadness, melancholy, hopelessness.

>> No.3126824
File: 233 KB, 747x613, Screenshot 2021-05-01 013339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3126826

Dads... we just got upgraded to honey!

>> No.3126830
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3126833

It was a good run while it lasted.

>> No.3126837

nevermind I don't feel sick anymore I feel great!

>> No.3126839
Quoted by: >>3126876

It's over. She'll be groomed, we'll lose her forever and the final yab will doom us all. This is why I told you to not mention it even as a joke, but you had to go and keep saying it.
Don't you realize the kind of people that browse this thread? The kind that reads posts like this and takes them seriously before realizing what's written here is actually true?
The kind that actually believes that last part and keeps arguing for the sake of arguing? Isn't it fun? Yes it is.

>> No.3126851
Quoted by: >>3126860

The Doctor got to her...

>> No.3126857
File: 185 KB, 468x431, 1543449028726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3126860

wtf Dr.CEL actually won

>> No.3126865
File: 40 KB, 384x482, 1619653272961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3126873


>> No.3126876

The final yab is COVID ending. "Stuck in the internet" is a euphemism for "stuck in quarantine".

>> No.3126887
Quoted by: >>3126917 >>3126967

I'm really depressed, I'm going to miss out on so many Discord in-jokes, I'll never feel close to anyone in the community or Bea herself again. I don't even feel like a dad anymore...

>> No.3126890

Dr. CEL was running the discord all along.

>> No.3126900
Quoted by: >>3127002

I kneel Dr.CEL....

>> No.3126911
File: 79 KB, 600x800, 1619851370366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nighty night kusomesugaki

>> No.3126913

cringe and funny

>> No.3126917
Quoted by: >>3126953

Don't worry. It's just a glorified https://twitter.com/beatanichisato/with_replies

>> No.3126923
File: 19 KB, 562x175, MRwXX9F390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no... it has happened...

>> No.3126930

What a wild ride this thread has been.

>> No.3126931

Cannae believe the transformation into discord bear was complete in under one hour...

>> No.3126940
File: 16 KB, 506x140, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has this fag ever been in a stream? I only ever see him respond to good night posts and strictly that

>> No.3126953

Reading these makes me feel like I'm missing out even more... It's already happening...

>> No.3126955

different name maybe

>> No.3126959
Quoted by: >>3126971


>> No.3126962
File: 11 KB, 200x187, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3126989

Wait so the server actually exists?

>> No.3126967

I regret every discord joke. I'm ready to fucking lynch every discordfag in this thread.

>> No.3126971

forgot my link

>> No.3126978
Quoted by: >>3126992 >>3126997

Should we print and burn the Collage now?

>> No.3126982

don't post membership only content outside you fuckin retard.

>> No.3126989


>> No.3126992
Quoted by: >>3126997 >>3127014

I'm smashing my mugs RIGHT NOW

>> No.3126997

how do I undo my watch time?

>> No.3127001
Quoted by: >>3127019

"It's real"
>he is ignorant of the facts
"It's fake"
>he is unaware of the truth

>> No.3127002

What'd that schizo do now?

>> No.3127005
Quoted by: >>3127034

When did /yah/ become the most schizo fanbase here? I mean haatons threw their meds away before you guys even existed and they are more stable somehow.

>> No.3127007
Quoted by: >>3127029 >>3129674

16 drooling retards joined it over the 30 minutes it was active

>> No.3127014


>> No.3127018

There are a ton of "vtubers" like this on twitter that only tweet randomly at other vtubers and pretend they're close friends for it. It's what EN vtweeters think networking is.

>> No.3127019

meds AWAY for too long

>> No.3127029

I wish I was brave enough to join too... Then I could at least stay in the loop and follow along... Ahhh Bea...

>> No.3127034

You are comparing Haachama to Beatani.
A professional can only do so much

>> No.3127042

Are there some people seriously believing that there was actually a secret discord with Beatani stuff on it?
It was a joke
The bear knew it was a joke
There is no discord, the discord server that was created during it is not it.

>> No.3127049

sour grapes

>> No.3127050

There was some guy that popped into her Darkwood stream when the chat was much slower and wrote stupid messages like "angel voice" or whatever with a bunch of emojis. She ignored him and he left. It was pretty funny, but it just goes to show that there are always weird ass groomers that are drudging YouTube and Twitter for indie vtubers to make contact with. If they keep doing it, I have to assume someone is biting.

>> No.3127055

>he is missing the fundamental information

>> No.3127059
File: 205 KB, 1920x1080, 1614003531963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe

>> No.3127062
Quoted by: >>3127151

Even if it was a joke before, it's real now, and she's in it.

>> No.3127064

>There is no discord, the discord server that was created during it is not it.

What does this mean?

>> No.3127076

w-what is she preparing

>> No.3127096

whatever it is make sure to wash your hands and get ready for those reps

>> No.3127099


>> No.3127102

I'm sure she'll tell you on Discord...

>> No.3127113

Fuck it I'm an anti now

>> No.3127133
File: 165 KB, 278x276, Shion_Sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like this. Dads didn't deserve to be taken out this way.

>> No.3127141

Goslingbros cant catch a break

>> No.3127151
Quoted by: >>3127277

It was, past tense.
Dunno what will happen to this discord the dude created during the shitposting, it only has a handful of people in it. Which doesn't include me so I don't know.

>> No.3127189

Ok now I'm fucking confused. Is there or is there not an actual groomercord server? I thought it was a fucking joke you retards

>> No.3127204

>2.46 ppm
It's a Beatani thread alright.

>> No.3127212
File: 165 KB, 652x576, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what is joke and what is not joke anymore...

>> No.3127215

Yes and you're not in it sadly.

>> No.3127219
Quoted by: >>3127274

Yes. She's or someone pretending to be her is in.

>> No.3127220
Quoted by: >>3127234

yes and you'll never be invited and neither will I

>> No.3127223

It was a joke but some faggot made an actual one dont know how many people joined but beatani tweeted about it

>> No.3127224
Quoted by: >>3127238 >>3127241

There are dads who don't know of whats happening because they did the right thing and went to sleep...

>> No.3127234
Quoted by: >>3127255

Why would I want to be in a trannycord server I just wanna hang out here in the threads with you dads

>> No.3127238

Don't worry dad, I'm going to sleep real soon now...

>> No.3127241
Quoted by: >>3127269

It's 3 in the afternoon
t. SEAnigger

>> No.3127254
File: 396 KB, 873x796, staringout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will all happen for real one day.

>> No.3127255

I'd still be here and probably only check once in a blue moon there but I'm also retarded

>> No.3127256
File: 187 KB, 320x359, 1619217208698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3127270 >>3128116

Anon is more retarded than usual so let me aid your blain.

No, there was never a Discord and there will never be because nobody fucking needs it.
Yes, THERE are Discord servers made by faggots both ironically & unironically, so what? There will always be weird subhumans out there that delude themselves into thinking they are clever/funny. You shouldn't concerfag since your daughter knows better, and you should do as well.

>> No.3127269
Quoted by: >>3127309

Malaysia I suppose?

>> No.3127270

Thank you dad finally calmed down.

>> No.3127274
Quoted by: >>3127344

She said she's going to set up a time for a quick voice channel chat, so we'll see then. Probably not her since she could just post a verification on twitter.

>> No.3127275

I don't mind cringe redditors using discord among themselves BUT BEATANI CAN'T BE IN THE SERVER. NO SECRET COMMUNICATION!

>> No.3127277
Quoted by: >>3127296 >>3127305

>be bea
>join fan discord
>ask for owner
>ban everyone

>> No.3127287
File: 57 KB, 1080x412, Screenshot_20210501-101604_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going through today's tweets

>> No.3127288
File: 37 KB, 601x231, 1619853406 - Clip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3127344 >>3127533


>> No.3127296

would be based to an unfathomable level

>> No.3127305

I wouldn't mind

>> No.3127309

No I'm not obese. Flipnigger.

>> No.3127344
Quoted by: >>3127449

There will always be people like these to ruin a community no matter how comfy won't there? I think I took the black pill dads.

>> No.3127349
File: 265 KB, 355x405, 1619629844155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is discord server
>there is no discord server
>there is discord server, but everyone pretends it is not
>there is no discord server, but everyone pretends there is
>there is discord server, but everyone pretends it is not, but it actually is
>there is no discord server, but everyone pretends there is, but actually there aren't
>there is discord server, but everyone pretends it is not, but it actually is, while pretending there isn't
>there is no discord server, but everyone pretends there is, but actually there aren't, while pretending there is
I'm too fucking retarded for this site I swear

>> No.3127356
Quoted by: >>3127406 >>3127460

Uhh destroyar san and yukari you know what you have to do.

>> No.3127358
Quoted by: >>3127449

There was no discord server but someone made one and accidentally doxed himself. He then invited the bear and she joined his grooming server with him and 16 others.

>> No.3127359
File: 67 KB, 305x310, Daughter crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3127414

I just wanted to meme about a cute and funny bear, fellow dads.....

>> No.3127385
Quoted by: >>3127430

As long as I'm not seeing any name leaks I won't believe there's anyone but bots in the server.

>> No.3127395
Quoted by: >>3127414

This is litteraly me right now

>> No.3127406
Quoted by: >>3127460

Sorry dad, I'm not going to make it. She said "goodbye forever" to me. I think I should take the Panda's advice and put an end to it now.

>> No.3127409

also known as Poe's Law

>> No.3127414

I think this might be more than just a few of us honestly. What dad in their right mind would want to miss out?

>> No.3127430

I didn't join, but it was a 5 when I clicked the link. So I'm sure there's a few that actually joined.

>> No.3127433
Quoted by: >>3127441 >>3127483

One of you faggots must have joined. I hate you for joining but please give me a favor. Can you video record or take screenshtos of long converstations of the server, to prove it actually exists?

>> No.3127441
Quoted by: >>3127466

Just accept that you want to join at least to lurk, dad

>> No.3127449
Quoted by: >>3127533

>There will always be people like these to ruin a community no matter how comfy won't there?
Calm down. It's just a joke. You are getting worked up over nothing.
>He then invited the bea
I invited Listener-chan into the Listener-chan discord.

>> No.3127452
Quoted by: >>3127462

Also I know everyone's losing their head over nothing, but if there are real human beans in the server, isn't it simply possible that they're NOT from /yah/?

>> No.3127456

I just want to read more Beatani comments, server or not.

>> No.3127460
File: 576 KB, 1099x1752, OL Bea pfp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3127684

This has to be the most fucking retarded non-raid discussion about discord we've had on the threads. Having said that, I feel bad about counter-bullying Beatani in case she bullied us again tonight.
I'm not going to make it either, I'm HATE material now....

>> No.3127462

>isn't it simply possible that they're NOT from /yah/?

>> No.3127466
Quoted by: >>3127474

If she was actually in the server I want to read everything she writes there. I don't wanna miss out. But if it is just a bunch of redditors talking to each other I could not care less.

>> No.3127474
Quoted by: >>3127486 >>3127490

How many redditors do you think actually exist. Last time i checked it was maybe 5

>> No.3127483

eat shit kiddo
fuck all you elitists and tribalists, I bet you use discord and reddit anyways.

>> No.3127486
Quoted by: >>3127508

She gained 260 subs in the day of the reddit post.

>> No.3127490
Quoted by: >>3127508

She had 400 or so sub to her.

>> No.3127508
File: 271 KB, 800x800, 1615637473726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to disappoint you on my bad information, dads.

>> No.3127533
Quoted by: >>3127616

>I invited Listener-chan into the Listener-chan discord.
Both were tagged. >>3127288
Also this:

>> No.3127535
File: 249 KB, 550x564, 1595303879669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this rrat just peeled the glue holding /yah/ together

>> No.3127562
Quoted by: >>3127602

How many fuckers are samefagging this huge rrat?

>> No.3127576
File: 29 KB, 589x236, dis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck discord
but also
>weeehhh i didn't get in weeehhh
what a bunch of fucking hypocrites

>> No.3127602

Google translate pretty good.

>> No.3127616
Quoted by: >>3127857

>Both were tagged.
I don't know how to use twitter. I haven't figured out exactly what causes people to be tagged. I was replying to https://twitter.com/ListenerChan/status/1388366877374566402
>Also this:
"sent ;)" is a popular image board meme that is used when you pretend to have sent something to someone.

>> No.3127638

Cambridge Dictionary

Meaning of discord in English

UK /ˈdJs.kɔːd/ US /ˈdJs.kɔːrd/
discord noun (DISAGREEMENT)

[ U ] formal
the state of not agreeing or sharing opinions:
marital discord
A note of discord has crept into relations between the two countries.

>> No.3127643
File: 230 KB, 331x331, EN OGEY rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3127660

I dont want to get in and i have nothing against discord, just an aversion to drama and bullshit, especially after seeing what discord drama can do as an outsider. But beatani is an adult so it is what it is

>> No.3127684
Quoted by: >>3128071 >>3128174

are you ready for ANOTHER concernfag feedback loop between /yah/ and Beatani?

honestly though this was pretty damn funny

>> No.3127689

At the very least, I'm glad I got to experience what a real family feels like before the end, even if only for a short while. Catch you guys later.

>> No.3127707
File: 6 KB, 309x155, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3127740 >>3127783

all this shit over this

>> No.3127717
Quoted by: >>3127738

I'm just gonna enjoy her Ring Fit stream tomorrow.

>> No.3127726


>> No.3127738

Ring Fit?
You mean zatsudan talking for hours about her experience with discord

>> No.3127740

Who doesn't like a good hideout?

>> No.3127758
File: 3.88 MB, 2656x3762, 1619813171482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3127768

I want to cum inside Beatani.

>> No.3127766

Fuck, I missed this post that was between all the groomer/discorder posts.
Yes, I was actually worried last Sunday that she was gonna baleet her entire existence after her meltdown. I'm bummed out that she dropped Tumori because I never appreciated how much the game had her in a chill state. Even though I called it a kuso game for so many threads.

>> No.3127768

t. Beatani

>> No.3127783

neck youself

>> No.3127782

Can I know what this master zine stuff is about, anon?

>> No.3127809
Quoted by: >>3127842 >>3127897

You guys could have joined the discord when it was posted. You chose to shitpost on here shit like DIUHHH LOOK AT HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE IN THERE instead. Live with your choices. I'll be happily groomed by my daughter in the meantime.

>> No.3127842

you are on the discord server while i’m on line
>Takuya probably

>> No.3127857

Just admit that you fucked up by actually creating a discord server. Way to ruim a nice joke.

>> No.3127872
File: 100 KB, 589x655, 1546822930729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3127890

That was a good Discord voice chat with Bea, thanks dads. Those cringe jokes she busted out had me in stitches
Good night (You) guys, let's all dream that the dads that didn't get in can join soon

>> No.3127890
Quoted by: >>3127992

I'm going schizo man. Idk if it exists with bea in or it's all in my fucking head. You're all bad dads

>> No.3127897
Quoted by: >>3127954 >>3127992

I was going to join, because I unironically don't mind discord but I decided to watch a movie instead because I figured it would just be filled with doom/shitposting and not worth the time.
also if it was going to be a thing for any length of time another link will eventually show up
I'm enjoying watching people having a meltdown over imagining Bea joining it. /yah/ gets my S side going

>> No.3127949
File: 58 KB, 549x651, 1619725257851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/yah/ will never be the same will it? Theres more bad blood in here than there ever was before

>> No.3127954
Quoted by: >>3127992 >>3128023

Dunno why this thread has so many insecure losers in it.
You'd think that after over a decade of lurking this mongolian basket weaver forums they'd be vaccinated against this kind of bait.

>> No.3127977
Quoted by: >>3128073

We were all having fun messing with Bea over the sekrit discord server exclusive for dads but one guy just had to go and actually create one. That's why we can't have nice things.

>> No.3127991

People said that after the DYRBI arc and nothing happened.

>> No.3127992
Quoted by: >>3128009

this was her plan all along, she's going to convert goslings into schizo posters so there isn't a day without /yah/
hopefully those faggots get filtered by this

>> No.3128009
Quoted by: >>3128034

Why get rid of the Goslings for schizos if you can just merge them into Goschizos
>I love Bea so much... but does she even exist?

>> No.3128014
File: 1.91 MB, 1280x720, beatani walk shitpost.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3128023

You'd also think that they'd have figured out that this kind of behavior has more to do with why a lot of communities they like fizzle out or move elsewhere; with how often it supposedly happens.

>> No.3128031

Asserting dominance.

>> No.3128033

Looking much better, 3Danon
The last one looked so stiff but this is looking more like real life

>> No.3128034

oh shit I didn't think about this, so THIS is the actual plan sasuga Beatani

>> No.3128041


>> No.3128044


>> No.3128050

oh yeah, that's that good shit

>> No.3128071
Quoted by: >>3128106 >>3128130

I hope we're not stuck in a concernfagging loop again anytime soon; she can't help herself but take shitposts at face value during her worse moments.

>> No.3128073

This is why we said not to create one kek. We had a good run all things considered.

>> No.3128085

>be grey name
>get made fun of
>become remote kid
>get made fun of even more
is there a point?

>> No.3128090
Quoted by: >>3128102

Discord always leads to drama in 4chan communities.I don't know what the guy was thinking when creating it even as a joke.(unless he created it for drama)

>> No.3128101


>> No.3128102

You don't seriously think the magic is over, right?

>> No.3128106

>remote kid
it's a little funnier than if they were gray
thus it begins

>> No.3128116
File: 381 KB, 397x498, 1593420236507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He wasn't invited to the real server

>> No.3128126
Quoted by: >>3128176 >>3128181

I don't really mind Discord itself, I'm in a server with just a few close friends, but I can't handle community groups, they make me anxious and even jealous if someone I like is having too much fun with someone other than me. I can't stand it.

>> No.3128127

The only winning move is to become a member off-stream.
>Don't get laughed at for being grey/emote kid
>Don't pay so much you're put in the balon category either
>Slip back into chat completely unnoticed

>> No.3128130

>Concernfagging over whether concernfags will concernfag it up
We're reaching the concernfag singularity here
The loop's radius is approaching infinity

>> No.3128160

Eurodad here, I went to sleep a few hours before the Omori stream, did I miss something?

>> No.3128167
Quoted by: >>3128252

have you guys considered not being autistic, by chance

>> No.3128174
Quoted by: >>3128201

I can see it already. Beatani will tweet seriously that she never joined any discord server and from there the menhera arc repeats itself.

>> No.3128176

Yandere Listener-chama...

>> No.3128181

I don't mind discord either, it's a great tool, but community servers are the murderers of forums and generals. I've seen it countless times myself.

>> No.3128196
File: 48 KB, 1024x978, 1616863168089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons don't want a discord because it creates massive drama and chuuba centered cliques
>sperg out because the thread is filled with drama about a potential clique in your discord server

>> No.3128201


>> No.3128211
Quoted by: >>3128243

It was a good stream, nothing bad happened really so no NEED to watch it but it was comfy and nice. Some Beatani childhood lore was releashed and some talks about upcoming contests in may that she plans to make us do. There was a little discord incident afterwards on twitter though and I'm still confused about that, but nothing to worry about I think.

>> No.3128232

>She doesn't like schedules
>She could do a stream at ANY MOMENT
Let's be honest here, she felt lonely yesterday when she saw that no one did create a /yah/ thread in all day

>> No.3128234
File: 34 KB, 375x427, 1395790110955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Chihiro-level yab like you've never seen
/yah/ is collapsing, the groomers are storming Discord HQ right this moment, and Beatani's XP Hill was just force-upgraded to Vista

>> No.3128243

after stream shitposting is starting to send schizos into a frothing rage more and more often
but we were just doing what we thought was best for her...

>> No.3128252

Sorry my doctor tells me that autism is incurable

>> No.3128254
Quoted by: >>3128276

>How can such round, schoolgirl-like characters exist!
Is she really trying to lewd 学?

>> No.3128257
Quoted by: >>3128265

Wasn't there that "I hate 4chan chuubas" anti thread that dads turned into a /yah/ thread? Or was that 2 days ago?

>> No.3128258

>bear will never call your handwriting cute
why live?

>> No.3128263
Quoted by: >>3128329

I would be so fucked if she stopped with schedule. She streams in the middle of the night most of the time for me and if I don't know beforehand when she will stream there is no way for me to set my phone alarm.

>> No.3128264
File: 76 KB, 363x322, 1615925310644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3128332

I JUST **** ** to no geemu and even MORE discord shit, not even a rrat, just the typical schizo stupidity.
What pisses me off is that Bea is enabling it for free, there goes my meme-ship
abayo niggers

>> No.3128265

There was still a significant gap between that thread and the next one.

>> No.3128267
Quoted by: >>3128301

>discord jokes
>someone actually makes a discord
>sone anons freak out
>more discord jokes
>more anons start freaking out
Motherfuckers need more faith in Bea and their fellow dads.

>> No.3128276

She has been thinking about https://mobile.twitter.com/NastyYukari/status/1388393254773829632 for the last half an hour.

>> No.3128286

I mean, that IS some cute kana
It's so round and girly

>> No.3128289

learn to write cursive aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.3128301

Faith in Bea?Yes.Faith in fellow dads?No.

>> No.3128316

she's not wrong, that's some cute handwriting

>> No.3128328

Full version when, it's so good.

>> No.3128329

I actually went to sleep last night before she decided to drop Omori and the schedules, so I ended up missing the among us stream
It sucks a little, but I can't really complain because you can easily see how much fun she is having now when she streams and laughs at us

>> No.3128332
File: 27 KB, 155x155, 1610281355183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3128351 >>3129740

No nigger, you have to stay! >>>/Th/ats just a discord server with 3 people in it!

>> No.3128351

>tfw so drunk my crosspost didn't work
Oh shit, there might more people in that discord than I thought. Bros...

>> No.3128382

i could nut to how girly that handwriting is

>> No.3128389
Quoted by: >>3128395 >>3128405

If you thought that was a wild ride, just wait until the OnlyFans arc.

>> No.3128395

I'll only become an oil balon if it's on Chaturbate

>> No.3128405

I'm starting to think we're just building an immunity to "final yabs" at this point
eventually there'll be nothing that can end her vtubing career

>> No.3128445
File: 887 KB, 250x200, cuter_than_usual.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3128481 >>3128499

I think the bear is having a parasocial relationship with /yah/

>> No.3128447

The yabs that Beatani have done would be enough to graduate 10 holos at this point.

>> No.3128463

>"hey, what is grooming?"
I literally lost my shit
The final yab doesn't mean anything to her anymore

>> No.3128481
Quoted by: >>3128499

I think we are co-dependent at this point

>> No.3128482

>watch the zatsudan stream
>she gives a list of what she says are yabs
>they're actually rrats

>> No.3128494

I never thought I would enjoy people freaking out like I do in /yah/

>> No.3128497

Do they have over there an equivalent of rrats?

>> No.3128499

so this is just Polka 2.0
but somehow unhealthier

>> No.3128500
File: 570 KB, 498x284, nami.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. This IS the final yab. She's making us all mentally prepared and strengthening our hearts for her inevitable graduation with fake yabs. That way, we won't feel as sad and be able to move on without her after she's gone...

>> No.3128505

They are potential yabs. A rrat becomes a yab if the rrat becomes reality.

>> No.3128510

Yabs are just confirmed rrats though.

>> No.3128524
Quoted by: >>3128694

Fantia nudes and dlsite asmr when?

>> No.3128538

If you DYRBI a rrat and you are not ogey with it then it becomes a yab

>> No.3128604

Give it a year and I think posts like this will be completely unintelligible to anyone not on this board

>> No.3128628

Last night's stream was basically a zatsudan banter with /yah/ and it was amazing, but I can easily see potential new viewers being confused enough to not check out more of her content in the future
I wonder if she should just keep this kind of streams members only

>> No.3128694

You might have a better chance going through obscure amateur jav porn videos and see if beatani was in it. She has a distinctive voice so u will know its her if you ever find it.

>> No.3128698
Quoted by: >>3128724

Beatani Chisato is a 65 y.o. old man who uses voice changer to groom his viewers

>> No.3128720
Quoted by: >>3128744 >>3128745

why are her ears so cute when they're twitching

>> No.3128724

Now I'm a full on Beatani gachikoi. Thanks a lot.

>> No.3128744

I want to pat her head so fucking much.

>> No.3128745
Quoted by: >>3128831

She did an amazing work with her model

>> No.3128819

Bea, you were doing it right the previous stream...

>> No.3128820

AAAAA I cant stop listening to https://twitter.com/beatanichisato/status/1383242996779339776

>> No.3128831
Quoted by: >>3128857

I really like how mobile it is, especially. Usually even the more mobile ones are limited to weird and exaggerated bounciness, rather than actually moving side to side, or up and down. The latter of which made the RFA stream super cute when she was doing squats.

>> No.3128843
File: 2.73 MB, 720x405, the vre or something.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3128915 >>3128975

>Nobody cared about what I wrote into my drawing
>You niggers and Beatani just masturbated to my handwriting
Okay, time to post /v/-tier thread derailment WEBMs.
Beatani, what do you think about this WEBM?

>> No.3128846
Quoted by: >>3128863 >>3128880

At what time is the among us members stream?

>> No.3128857 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 132x343, 1619861503599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is really talented, I can't wait to see how she keeps updating it
Dansai outfit onegai

>> No.3128863
File: 5 KB, 117x21, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3128873 >>3128877


>> No.3128873

huh, I can actually make it.

>> No.3128877
File: 188 KB, 1917x1851, Ezl6yCxVgAIZaOE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find this pretty funny, we already had 2 streams and 2 off stream playing sessions

>> No.3128880

its in 28 hours

>> No.3128915
Quoted by: >>3129270

Your handwriting is very cute Yukari-san. I want to peropero it while I control terrorism with Bea.

>> No.3128962

I keep missing the streams because they're at 4-5 AM for me, this is huge pain.

>> No.3128975
File: 200 KB, 337x332, 80tPFfwCxk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3129270

I mean, it's a pretty damn cute handwriting

>> No.3128979

I feel you dad. I missed the last two streams and it hurts.

>> No.3129006

Same here.

>> No.3129010
Quoted by: >>3129068

How can call yourself a dad if you are not able to wake up at time to watch your daughter shitposting on stream?
We eurodads are pretty much fucked if she keeps doing guerrillas

>> No.3129068
Quoted by: >>3129080

why can’t there be a guerilla at night jp time???
i think testing night jp streams with a guerilla stream would be great, if she’s awake.

>> No.3129080

>why can’t there be a guerilla at night jp time???
The first amogus.

>> No.3129081

More JP night time stream onegai...

>> No.3129087

So what do you think the contests are going to be about?

>> No.3129093

art one and i game fighting one probably

>> No.3129112
Quoted by: >>3129133

Wasn't smash or Mario Kart on the list of shit she wanted to play after getting a switch. One of those is a solid bet.

>> No.3129133


>> No.3129155
Quoted by: >>3129170

>anons turning anti in the thread because of the bear
Isn't this Polka's parasocial shit but bad? It's like seeking comfort from a rock lmao.

>> No.3129170
File: 87 KB, 500x750, 1618827511277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons turning anti

>> No.3129189

I just noticed that there are more streams scheduled.

>> No.3129228

Lewd fic contest & marriage candidate contest (balons only)

>> No.3129262
File: 39 KB, 1327x287, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3129357 >>3129476

thanks bea

>> No.3129270
File: 1.98 MB, 608x1080, 1610192424420.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3129337 >>3129453

Alright, fine, I guess what really irks me is when I focus on something, and people appreciate literally everything else.
Oh well. Better be grateful.

>> No.3129337
Quoted by: >>3129494

If it makes you feel better I liked your tweet because of the content.

>> No.3129357

First one has tags for zatsudan, second one has tags for omori, third one has tags for zatsudan, but has an info card for among us, fourth one has tags for omori, fifth one has tags for omori.
It looks like we have a lot of omori coming our way.

>> No.3129371

Fuck, I want to watch the last night amogus but it keeps buffering.

>> No.3129387

I missed one tagged with ao oni in there.

>> No.3129424

At this point I will take the omori tag as a keyword for /yah/ focused zatsudans

>> No.3129453
File: 1007 KB, 848x480, cuteandfunnybear[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fmvp89c.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3129494

more bear webms onegai

>> No.3129476
File: 92 KB, 321x335, cMosylY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the streams are at reasonable times for the eurodads
We are not worthy of this bear

>> No.3129494
File: 1.51 MB, 640x640, 1610192636349.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, it helps. The joke is that it's the current wiki article, but the drawing contains an omote and normie introduction, and branches off from there.
I'm not really good at setting up a joke neutrally, that's based on something I like a lot, since that's what motivates me to do it in the first place.
tfw I just realized rokukichi was commenting on shmupmania II. /stg/ and /srg/ are dead and this means nothing to anyone but me anymore

>> No.3129501
Quoted by: >>3129574

Wouldn't read too much into the tags at the moment. Seems like she's gonna decide what the stream is actually gonna be about closer to when she's gonna do them.

>> No.3129521
Quoted by: >>3129549 >>3129562

is she scheduling streams just so we can have threads up?

>> No.3129549

most likely, yes

>> No.3129562

sasuga kusobear

>> No.3129564
Quoted by: >>3129589

>Stream everyday except the 5th and 6th

Those are the days she's spending with Takuya. It's not fuckin fair.

>> No.3129574

It was a joke. She clearly just reused unlisted scheduled videos or copy and pasted from her other videos.

>> No.3129577


>> No.3129589

Nah, it's probably her guy friend, the one that ate the cockroach, that she talked about in this stream

>> No.3129590
File: 610 KB, 1675x679, 2yUNpLI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides, thanks bea

>> No.3129674
Quoted by: >>3129740

I entered it for a second, saw it was empty except for 4 other people and left again

>> No.3129716

grooming contest

>> No.3129740
File: 240 KB, 628x476, spurdo eriga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3129766

>I was just off by one

>> No.3129746
File: 22 KB, 417x173, 2021-05-01-034147_417x173_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rrats AWAY

>> No.3129765

sasuga disinfo bear

>> No.3129766

I also saw several channels vanishing so the owner either fucked around with roles or deleted stuff

>> No.3129773

yea, no one sent them cause bea literally tweeted about it

>> No.3129793
Quoted by: >>3129809

>She wasn't invited
Pitiful bear, we are all having telephone sex with Listener-chan right now

>> No.3129809

I'm not in your Discord, stop lying!

>> No.3129834
Quoted by: >>3129849


>> No.3129844
File: 40 KB, 474x690, drivebloody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did our best.

>> No.3129849

Bear paws typed this

>> No.3129864
File: 7 KB, 260x71, 2021-05-01-035232_260x71_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3130001
File: 491 KB, 794x506, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sun is rising over /yah/. We survived yet another schizo/menhera arc

>> No.3130056
Quoted by: >>3130810

I'd want it to be music related just to see countless dads trying to make music without any knowledge

>> No.3130061
File: 165 KB, 1818x948, 124214124124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3130102

Taking slot to make thread die faster

>> No.3130097
File: 225 KB, 400x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bea no

>> No.3130102

That's not how it works.

>> No.3130116

Doxing myself for Beatani!

>> No.3130128
File: 69 KB, 595x461, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3130169 >>3130559

Is she implying people are blogging too much?

>> No.3130130

>tfw you will never not be chewed properly and get the chance to lay eggs in your daughters stomach
Why even live

>> No.3130133

do not open this thumbnail

>> No.3130145

Open this thumbnail

>> No.3130164

Oh no! It's going to lay eggs in her stomach! That be awful wouldn't it, haha.

>> No.3130169

I've followed a lot of indies over the past months and it's not a rare behavior, some of them actually stalk their viewers especially at the start. I've seen a vtuber telling people in her chat by their name what they liked and when they were active on twitter.

>> No.3130182
Quoted by: >>3130225

Eurobros... I fell asleep during the stream and now I wasted half of my day... And I missed everything about the server... I wish I was a SEAnigger sometimes

>> No.3130225

Just come here Eurodad, it's not hard.

>> No.3130299
File: 308 KB, 334x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3130311 >>3130448

Next time you anons take her seriously take this warning. Trust your daughter, she's not retarded she's just hungry for fighting in here.

>> No.3130311
Quoted by: >>3130320 >>3130454

So she doesn't really loves us when she said that?

>> No.3130320
Quoted by: >>3130557

do yu rele beleb it

>> No.3130321
Quoted by: >>3130343

bear, i know your reading, music making stream when?

>> No.3130343

Yeah I've been waiting for that since she mention it.

>> No.3130361

I love you, Beatani!

>> No.3130372
Quoted by: >>3130391

How did this cockroach thing even started in the first place?

>> No.3130391

Today's zatsudan.

>> No.3130448
File: 785 KB, 1200x1200, E0TCbrMXMAEXtpW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3130467 >>3130472

I can't

>> No.3130454
Quoted by: >>3130483

Except for that. She loves listeners but she’s an S. She wants to see you prosper as much as she wants to make you cry.

>> No.3130467

Nice one

>> No.3130472


>> No.3130483
Quoted by: >>3130567

She's a mesugaki, she acts like a S but secretly want to be bullied back. Listeners need to be meaner to her.

>> No.3130557

I want to...

>> No.3130559
Quoted by: >>3130795

Now she's making me paranoid but I'm also confident that I didn't reveal too much about myself in general. I feel bad for the Bear. How can you be so bad at your work that you lose motivation half way, browse Ikea at work, and to the point even your job doesn't trust you? There's so much the bear is similar to me in various ways. I just wish I could help her out as another human being with similar autism levels. This is because she reminds me a lot about my past self and my own struggles with mental health among other issues. But I was lucky because I had people to actively consult and guide me along the way. I feel as though I could provide a word of encouragement to her in some shape or form, but I don't want to trigger her into blocking me for being too nosy.
Am I too much of a concernfag? I had loving people in my life help me be a better person, but I want to help others to some extent who may not have been as lucky.

>> No.3130567
Quoted by: >>3130585

And that's how you start another menhera arc when she starts taking things too seriously again

>> No.3130585
Quoted by: >>3130791

I'm still pretty sure most of the "menhera arcs" were people taking her too seriously, aside from that one time she took alcohol and meds at once.

>> No.3130668
File: 268 KB, 1920x1080, 38bfe53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this XP Hill?

>> No.3130778 [SPOILER] 
File: 228 KB, 430x430, 1619870179783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3130854 >>3130974

Anyone have any suggestions how I can fix her hair / ear? I'm not sure what I can do considering the low resolution.

>> No.3130786
Quoted by: >>3130974 >>3131306

>want to record for the happy birthday thing but it's Easter weekend so I can't hide from my parents
Fuck, I need a window of opportunity.

>> No.3130791
Quoted by: >>3131012

thats also coincides with the yukkin arc right?

>> No.3130795
Quoted by: >>3131306

If you want to groom her you should go to her Discord server.

>> No.3130810

Oh shit, I actually want to do this now
I even did draw something for the collage even though I don't have any skills whatsoever
this bear is actually making me want to try new things

>> No.3130854
Quoted by: >>3130927

Hair color is blending in too much with the monitor. Maybe change the color of the monitor ?

>> No.3130884
Quoted by: >>3130890 >>3130938

>page 11
next thread when

>> No.3130890

Final yah soon

>> No.3130927

Two more scheduled videos were added to her channel.
Didn't catch that myself thanks.

>> No.3130938

Calm down you impatient bear, we will make a new one a few hours before the next stream

>> No.3130946
File: 25 KB, 256x312, 19405C56-9D11-4EA1-A0DB-9680AA1E3D27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3131203

end of thread kumage to bless next thread

>> No.3130958

I bet one of them is the new cover

>> No.3130959

I wonder which of the two is the birthday celebration.
>inb4 neither

>> No.3130966

Does this mean those are song covers?

>> No.3130974
File: 255 KB, 502x502, 1610123931606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3131019

Okay, she doesn't think anything about my drawing, just that the handwriting is cute. That's okay, Beatmania. T-thank you anons, too, you guys are alright.
Don't forget about >>3124379
Her hair has no volume. Try to draw an outline outside of her head.
Get drunk and feign autism.

>> No.3130996
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, what are you running from.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3131015


>> No.3131012

Yeah yukkin was part of the menhera arc. Interestingly, Yukkin is fond of spamming a shit ton of emojis while beatani once said she found emojis cringe. Perhaps that's why Beatani keeps her distance from Yukkin.

>> No.3131015

I love that she's aware of the "Beatani is Chihiro" rrats.

>> No.3131019

>Try to draw an outline outside of her head.
Thank you. I'll try that tomorrow.

>> No.3131101
File: 394 KB, 1668x1668, basedtani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3131113
Quoted by: >>3131171

>page 10
Looks like jannies did a thing.

>> No.3131167
File: 96 KB, 381x394, chisato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are still alive
Remember dads to control yourselves

>> No.3131171
File: 706 KB, 764x716, hazlo!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3131196

We're still the last thread though. Interesting.

>> No.3131190
Quoted by: >>3131214

Imagine if Beatani was as good at Among Us as she was at Twitter.

>> No.3131196

Well yeah it can't be not the last just because threads ahead of it got deleted.

>> No.3131203

the power of kumage

>> No.3131214
Quoted by: >>3131256

Thank to her being such a bad impostor, the crewmates could have one win last time

>> No.3131256

This post is sus.

>> No.3131294


>> No.3131306

Do it in the basement closet or washroom, or out in the woods with your cellular data on. How hard could it be?
I don't know how to describe it. Maybe she needs Jesus Christ, our Lord and saviour to help her out. It just so happens my local church's pastor's son is also autistic, so it helps talking to someone (the pastor and also a dad) who has deep understanding on how to deal with actual autists. Maybe you're right, maybe I am concernfagging too much. I do hope she can find people she can connect and understand with in real life. The church isn't a bad place to start if you're open minded about it. Thanks anon, you give good advice.

>> No.3131318

You know, I'm happier since I started watching Bea's streams. This past month has been a blast. Love you Bea, and I love you dads.

>> No.3131404
File: 235 KB, 2048x2048, Beatani inclining instead of reclining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beatani's wild ride has more sharp turns than I anticipated. But I said that I wanted to see it to the end, so I'll do my best not to be thrown off the ride.
