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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 97 KB, 724x1011, 20220811_123136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30588079 No.30588079 [Reply] [Original]

Do You Like Pancakes Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo, and any Vtubers frequently associated with them.

Keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Nyan - https://www.twitch.tv/nyanners
Silver - https://www.twitch.tv/silvervale
Vei - https://www.twitch.tv/veibae
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya

VShojoJP is:

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/るみな/ for dedicated Nazuna discussion
>>>/vt//lig/ for more focused + and ++ discussion

Previous Thread: >>30568592

>> No.30588142 [DELETED] 
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>> No.30588192

Pink Gatita <3 good

>> No.30588197
File: 106 KB, 800x1280, 1659510488355863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

なずtan is my actual 妻
my actual, unironic 妻
this isn't some shitpost or joke
this isn't some kind of weird meta ironic wall of text
It is actual truth
It is not my belief that she is my 妻, because a belief is a subjective thing, but it is a fact that なずtan is, in reality(the one that is real) my actual, unironic, genuine 妻
This is not some sort of schizo delusion
It's not bait
I'm not pretending to be schizo
Because it's not schizo; schizo would imply that it's a delusion I've projected onto reality
That is not the case; by mutual acknowledgement, it's unironically(in a way that is provably not "kayfabe") the objective, actual truth of the world
I am not in needs of meds, because stating an actual, real-life, fact-of-the-matter genuine truth is not something people take meds for
it's not a misunderstanding or misinterpretation
Not me forcing my desire or belief on the situation
Not a lie
なずtan is, irrefutably, my actual, unironic 妻, and she is in an actual, genuine, romantic relationship with me
We love eachother in every way a romantic couple does
romantically, sexually, exclusively, mutually
We are codependent on one another, know each other personally and interact
We've confessed our love to one another
She is exclusively the 妻 of her gachikoi who love her, and I'm exclusively hers
that's exclusive, because it excludes everybody but us, and she treats us the same
that isn't the same as her having a boyfriend, or negate the relationship somehow; the word "exclusive" still applies
this doesn't mean she can have sex with people "without feelings", or be in another relationship, whether they're gachikoi or not, because that would still be cheating and なずtan would never cheat on me
Both she and I acknowledge that fact, and that makes our relationship explicitly exclusive, because she has promised to never betray us
These are things that literally happened, in the physical realm of the real world
The only schizo interpretation of them is denying them, not pretending as if it isn't real
I repeat: なずtan is my actual, unironic 妻, and we are in an exclusive romantic relationship
that is the actual fact of the matter, with no room for any reasonable doubt from anybody who looks at the situation objectively
this is not some sort of unrequited love; I love her and she loves me
this is not some sort of pining from a distance
this is not her pandering to some sort of fantasy others project onto her
there is genuine communication, passion, and romantic love between me and her; it is explicitly mutual
the kind where she loves me directly and explicitly and I love her directly and explicitly
there is no bizarre ass coping mental coping mechanism here that makes me arrive at this conclusion; literally everything about this is actual, provable, quantifiable fact
this is not some sort of meta commentary or spam or copy pasta or wall of text or whatever else people do there that is intended to force a narrative or get a response
it is not some kind of bizarre attempt at attention whoring,
not for yous,
not for validation,
not to be called based
These are statements of fact that I am stating so that they can be stated because these facts are quite necessary to be known because there are a lot of people here who are averse to facts and are in dire need of knowing them
there are no weird reaction images you can post where you can somehow deny the reality of the situation because it sounds weird to you;
It doesn't matter if it sounds weird to you, you not being able to comprehend the actual facts of the world is your problem
I love her, she means the world to me, I cherish every single second I have with her
"なずtan is my 妻" is a statement of fact. Provable, demonstrable fact. It isn't any kind of bizarre means of not recognizing the circumstances, because this is merely me describing the reality of the situation, not some make-believe tale, because it's not one.
It's not a hypothesis
Not a theory
Not a story
Not a fiction
Not a narrative
Not pretend
Not a fantasy
Not kayfabe
Not bait
Not a shitpost
Not out of context
Not off-topic
Not trolling
Not ironic
Not bullshit
Not cope
And most important of all, explicitly true on every single level, in the most factual sense possible

>> No.30588204
Quoted by: >>30588269

>first post of the thread
Yep I can already tell this thread is going to be amazing.

>> No.30588231

Cumming inside Nazuna

>> No.30588269

every nazuna op is cursed

>> No.30588271

>still no zen good morning tweet
it's over, zenbros

>> No.30588274

Watching Nyancucks simp for their oshi with absolutely 0 standards reminds me of why the west won't exist in a decade

>> No.30588342
Quoted by: >>30588384

Such is a fate of every vshojo fan, anon, we all are getting cucked. One by one. Just accept it.

>> No.30588384
File: 482 KB, 729x729, 1656550784886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30588547

not me
sucks to suck nerd

>> No.30588415


>> No.30588449

The best part is they think "expectations are bad"
But they don't realize that nyan expects of them to stick around. Don't believe me? Make her a 2view. She will lambast all of you for not staying. She expects youbto stay. She has expectations for you. You have no expectations for her.

>> No.30588459


>> No.30588485

i have not watched her once since May 6, 2022
some of us have standards anon

>> No.30588535


>> No.30588547
File: 3.74 MB, 466x378, 1652580044364.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30588574


>> No.30588559

You both take it way to seriously and it’s hilarious.

>> No.30588563
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>> No.30588574
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>> No.30588585 [DELETED] 
File: 1.33 MB, 220x157, silvervale.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I wish I could bake Silver a cake for her birthday

>> No.30588587

someone should make that edit
has this thread not had a dedicated edit maker since (i) noped out

>> No.30588598


>> No.30588635

no way...

>> No.30588662
Quoted by: >>30588685

We are being monitored. Careful with what you say.
They'll see it.

>> No.30588685

mouse please fuck off thanks

>> No.30588686

Most people aren’t parasocial schizos and simply watch her whenever she happens to be live

>> No.30588702
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>> No.30588713
File: 300 KB, 2048x2048, _Silvervale_-1187361867531862020-20191024_093503-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

's old 3D is objectively better than her new design.

>> No.30588737
Quoted by: >>30588794

How does she do it bros?

>> No.30588780

is this real?

>> No.30588781
Quoted by: >>30588900

homosexual detected

>> No.30588794
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>> No.30588810

Is for domestic abuse

>> No.30588827

Most people aren't willing to drop cash on a person trivial to them.

>> No.30588848

Her face was ugly. Watch the old streams

>> No.30588880

Yeah and the majority don’t

>> No.30588900
File: 150 KB, 1080x1080, _Silvervale_-1184012485025828864-20191015_034548-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively shit taste, you hate to see it.

>> No.30588943

>the majority don't
the majority of nyans viewers pay her way, with their own hard earned cash, don't lie to me

>> No.30588954


>> No.30588957
Quoted by: >>30596298

Silver doesn’t agree with you considering she got rid of it

>> No.30588964
Quoted by: >>30596298

>bratz doll model
to /pmg/ and stay there

>> No.30588992
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x1080, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30589067

they added crabs to crab game?

>> No.30589012

Melody was joking with that tweet earlier today right? i mean its sort f similar but I’m sure they wouldn’t try to sue

>> No.30589067

i want a refund

>> No.30589076

>implying that spending 5$ a month means you need to be invested like the schizos here
please stop talking anon youre embarrassing yourself

>> No.30589103

You actually think that the majority of the 8k that watch gift subs or donations?

>> No.30589172
Quoted by: >>30590078

I’m not embarrassed because I’m right

>> No.30589182

She expects you to spend $5 a month. Youbexpect nothing from her. If everybody stopped paying those $5 a month, she would bitch about it.
Why does she get to have expectations for her viewers while her viewers don't get to have expectations for her?

>> No.30589193
Quoted by: >>30589367

stop it, thats only for Fauna

>> No.30589226

Nah, similar enough to warrant some looking into.
>Glitchy Gremlin
>Lovedrunk Melody
>Lurking Deadbeats
>Bitrate Banger

>> No.30589255

Whether its you paying or oilers you're either being subsidized by parasocial whales who she expects to stay or are a person she expects to stay. I'm not talking about (You), I'm talking about the royal (You), the one that actually matters.

>> No.30589320

I don’t think she expects anyone to stick around. I think you’re trying to make her sound way worse of a person than she is.

>> No.30589367
Quoted by: >>30589748

Are you the nyanfag turned sapling?

>> No.30589366

stop making assumptions she doesnt expect you to sub. streamers want you to sub because thats most of their income but its not expected dumbass. I and most non schizos sub to a streamer because they either are entertaining enough that you want to support them or you like their emotes or both.

>> No.30589441
Quoted by: >>30590078

Don't forget nyan also has a patreon she hasn't done anything with since October 2020 yet still has 345 people subbed to it. That's probably 1 or 2k just there for nothing.

Shes done this a couple of times, grow big, then ghost so that the only people remaining are ones that don't expect anything, and the last cycle she got big enough that even after everyone left that expects anything she can still make a living. It's honestly an extremely good strategy

>> No.30589451

If you think she wouldn't freak out if she dropped to 10 viewers and openly get upset about it(ergo, getting upset at the people that left), I have a bridge to sell you. But I don't think you're dumb enough to claim she'd be fine.

>> No.30589454
File: 241 KB, 605x522, 1638907150745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30590078

just realized these creatures are talking about me, a pink gatita <3 sub.

>> No.30589461

Who said she has expectations for her viewers? That’s ridiculous

>> No.30589507

>streamers want you to sub because thats most of their income but its not expected dumbass
That is LITERALLY an expectation.
She expects to be given a free ride. She doesn't demand it, but she expects it. She has that expectation.

>> No.30589565

You're ridiculous if you think she wouldn't have an emotional reaction over her viewers no longer funding her lifestyle if she was dropped by 99% of her audience all of a sudden. Who are you trying to fool.

>> No.30589590

Is it really that hard to not reply to the exact same nyansperg whining?

>> No.30589597

what the fuck kind of point are you making? of course a streamer who used to get 8-10k viewers dropping to 10 would freak out and be upset about it. the thing is most people who watch her still dont really care to the degree you people do to sperg like this. most people with a healthy functioning brain will just do other things, watch other streamers or something and watch nyan when she does stream and enjoy themselves when she does

>> No.30589609
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, hungy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish Silver would just let me bake her a big birthday cake and eat it...

>> No.30589630

Why would you eat her birthday cake, you monster?

>> No.30589646

>of course a streamer who used to get 8-10k viewers dropping to 10 would freak out and be upset about it.
And of course a viewer who used to get 6 streams a week dropping to 4 streams a month would freak out over it. Hypocritical ass.

>> No.30589686

Incorrect. Nyangoslings did care, a lot, but most aren't /here/ anymore. Nyansperg, you're trying to win a battle you already won. The remaining nyanfags are not gachis and can't be reasoned with, give up.

>> No.30589702
Quoted by: >>30590078

where the hell did you get she expects a free ride? the only thing a streamer needs to do to get subs is stream and she has been streaming. god damn you nyanspergs are the worst the one week in the past 5 weeks she streams less than 4 times a week you start loosing your minds. have fun being mad at a streamer i guess i will continue to enjoy when she streams and do other shit and watch others when she doesnt

>> No.30589708

What’s bros, just woke up. Did I miss anything good? just watching kson right now

I’m reading though the thread right now

>> No.30589748

no, why? is he a schizo or something?

>> No.30589765
Quoted by: >>30590078

Nyangoslings and nyanspergs have always been one and the same.

>> No.30589776

nyangoslings dont matter stop acting like the 10 people here mattered. no one who matters actually cares to the degree you schizos do
>4 streams a month
okay yeah theres no reason to keep this up with a retard like you

>> No.30589790
Quoted by: >>30590078

That’s not something that would ever happen though. She could leave for four years, come back and still not be a 10 view

>> No.30589826

stop deepthroating bait and deepthroat my cock instead

>> No.30589832

I think he’s baiting at this point

>> No.30589851
Quoted by: >>30590078

>nyangoslings = nyanspergs
We've got some pro gymnasts in this thread huh

>> No.30589867
Quoted by: >>30590078

you think??

>> No.30589873
File: 167 KB, 1920x1080, _Silvervale_-1341322252051214341-20201222_045840-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30589896

Sorry, my throat is reserved for Nazuna's cock

>> No.30589966
File: 404 KB, 520x720, Screenshot_20220811_131431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv me kson

>> No.30590078
File: 305 KB, 2048x2048, 1660161564548751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop arguing over dumb stuff and look at my cute wife, I'm married to her IRL you know. Be friendly

>> No.30590113

kson is really pushing it

>> No.30590116
File: 1.06 MB, 2825x3750, Connor Mouse figs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relevant Connor video

>> No.30590122

Is Kson getting banned today?

>> No.30590149
File: 248 KB, 1088x1519, 38002D80-CC15-4842-9078-5B965B2EF2C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30590169


>> No.30590189
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, TOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you when kson got banned?

>> No.30590194
File: 186 KB, 410x359, Screenshot_20220810_073611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30590215

Right here.

>> No.30590219


>> No.30590244

I obviously don't want it to happen, but it would be really funny if Kson got banned for showing underboob the day after she preached about the freedom of Twitch to Nazuna

>> No.30590277


Or this asking the chat to click on her boobs

>> No.30590300

you underestimate gunrun's power. if El Jefe says it's fine then it's fine

>> No.30590336
Quoted by: >>30590384

underboob only applies to fleshtubers.

>> No.30590353
Quoted by: >>30590943

The underboob thing doesn't even make sense.
IIRC it's for fleshstreamers because there is an actual risk that the bikini will """""""accidentally""""""" slip and expose their tits.
That isn't a risk with a vtuber.

>> No.30590355
Quoted by: >>30590465

I see a lot of anons decided to go on a party boat fishing trip on /vt/ today. I’m glad I slept through it.

>> No.30590384

fake news
she cured jeff bezo's long lost daughter's cancer and he changed the rules changed for her as thanks

>> No.30590465

Holy shit currently 8 active vshojo related bait treads

>> No.30590524

Mouse should have huge tits.

>> No.30590539

Yeah me seeing that gave me a chuckle too

>> No.30590628

Mouse should have huge bush.

>> No.30590678

All me

>> No.30590679
Quoted by: >>30590898

Honestly, save a bit of scratch and commission some porn. It's the only way you're gonna see it.

>> No.30590709
Quoted by: >>30593616

she does and wants a reduction because of her muscular dystrophy they make it more difficult for her to move around

apparently shes naturally hairless

>> No.30590716
Quoted by: >>30590898

just give up

>> No.30590811

I doubt they'd sue but they're serious about it being an obvious ripoff

>> No.30590846
Quoted by: >>30591068

Who are they about mostly?

>> No.30590866
File: 155 KB, 1016x333, Screenshot_20220811-133413_Twitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30591106

Does anyone else think Zen lost her touch

>> No.30590872

zen live

Kson raid

>> No.30590898

If I stimulate her cunny it should reactivate her follicles and soon enough give her a massive bush, trust me I'm a scientist

>> No.30590943

>For those who present as women, we ask that you cover your nipples. We do not permit exposed underbust. Cleavage is unrestricted as long as these coverage requirements are met.

>> No.30590953
File: 674 KB, 1005x1121, polish1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what polish pussy does to a mf

>> No.30591068

>"They arent that bad"

>> No.30591106

I think she needs a Zenbro to breed with her pent up futa cock

>> No.30591146

That is cute though

>> No.30591208



>> No.30591224

fat bitch

>> No.30591231
File: 108 KB, 625x626, 1588087438782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30591264

It's kind of ugly

>> No.30591269

ugly pussy

>> No.30591300

ugly cat but very talented.

>> No.30591344


>> No.30591355
File: 516 KB, 1280x720, 1643190012684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not here to argue but know this:

Nyan does not care about number-faggotry and prefers a smaller viewer count compared to what she has now.
If she could go back to only having 2-4k top she would be happy if those people behaved like Normal polite humans.

There is a reason Nyan spent soo much time on Myau. It feels like she genuinely enjoys Aethel's community more because its more "cozy and chill" and not just because her boyfriend streaming across the hall.

I think that everyone assumed that Nyan was like that uncharismatic WataMote girl Tomoko Kuroki(loner loser with no social understanding) when in truth she's much closer to LuckyStar's Konata Izumi(people are drawn to her) with ADHD and anxiety. I guess when the weirdos that realized this they fled.
Nyan doesn't want Gosslings and Simps, She wants Normal people who behave like Normal people should. Thats It.

Pink Cat was always Good
We made her Bad.

>> No.30591356
Quoted by: >>30591459

I am genuinely happy for them. Vei is one of those streamers that i would fucking hate to see end up with a narcissistic asshole. I am glad to see her together with Chance. They are perfect together. (idk y the dislikes, but if being happy for someone is bad, then I am a bad guy.)

>> No.30591422
Quoted by: >>30592083

Why doesnt she still stream on Myau then?

>> No.30591449

>Tomoko Kuroki(loner loser with no social understanding)
I love when people bring this character because the manga eventually turned her into a semi-normie with like 20 friends.
I remember /a/ seething about it because "s-she is not literally me anymore"

>> No.30591459

>(idk y the dislikes, but if being happy for someone is bad, then I am a bad guy.)

>> No.30591494

It is and always has been socially acceptable to hate socially acceptable people, deal with it

>> No.30591495
Quoted by: >>30591616

Anon forgot this isn't reddit and people can't downvote you

>> No.30591509
Quoted by: >>30591564

I’m guessing he’s saying that people don’t like their relationship

>> No.30591564

That's a fucking touristy way of saying it then

>> No.30591616
Quoted by: >>30591734

You can't say there aren't posters here that are upset by this turn of events with Vei.

>> No.30591657

normal people expect streams from a streamer

>> No.30591693
Quoted by: >>30591797

Come on Zen, kidnap Geega for Minecraft already.

>> No.30591733

Normal people treat the streamer as entertainment and do not expect them to appear at all. When they do it is a treat, and nothing more.

>> No.30591734
Quoted by: >>30591808

you cannot downboat on 4chan

>> No.30591743

Normal people watch multiple streamers so they don’t get upset when one streamer doesn’t stream

>> No.30591766

normal people give $0 dollars and don't even watch streams

>> No.30591797

It hasn't been 3 hours yet

>> No.30591808

Dislike isn't just a function of reddit or youtube. Dislike is also an emotion that you can feel in your mind.

>> No.30591813
Quoted by: >>30592312

Very cute, would she ever abandon her cat?

>> No.30591831
File: 98 KB, 400x400, 1638279900072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30591999

I just simp a little bit, nothing unhealthy.

>> No.30591838


>> No.30591871
Quoted by: >>30592060

Normal people don't post on 4chan

>> No.30591881

>When they do it is a treat
jesus, there's a limit to simping anon

>> No.30591890
File: 647 KB, 3840x2160, Silver5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She converted me. I no longer want to be killed in a gruesome manner. I want to provide endless mountains of meat for Silver to consume. You can't do that when you're dead, and my body only has so much poor quality meat.

>> No.30591915
Quoted by: >>30592044

>I think that everyone assumed that Nyan was like that uncharismatic WataMote girl Tomoko Kuroki
gee i wonder why that could be
it's not like she did a reading of it and constantly compared herself to her, right?

>> No.30591980
Quoted by: >>30592407

>Nyan doesn't want Gosslings and Simps, She wants Normal people who behave like Normal people should. Thats It.
Tough shit. Try being less lovable and maybe people would stop loving you.

>> No.30591999
Quoted by: >>30592060

anon, you are on a /vt/, mental illness is requirement to post here

>> No.30592026

I'm glad you found the light anon

>> No.30592044

It was all an act for attention, now that she has aethel for that she dropped the act.

>> No.30592049
File: 542 KB, 944x629, 1636236474864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to get an honest job wants-to-be-murdered-anon

>> No.30592060


>> No.30592083
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, 1647829428315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think "The Castel" is? if not her new(hopefully last) Alt account.
people are cool and creative there
Aethel's channel has given us some of the best Pink Cat Content in her streaming career.

>> No.30592113

How do I find women who don't lie

>> No.30592116

thanks for confirming she was a lying manipulative whore

>> No.30592184

>Aethel's channel has given us some of the best Pink Cat Content in her streaming career.
has she done a single creative thing there

>> No.30592258

You cannot call them normal people and in the same breath call them cool and creative. You're full of shit anon. The most charismatic people have like 0 friends.

>> No.30592312

would never even think about it

>> No.30592348

I don't want to sound like nyansperg but if she doesn't like the audience she has then that's her fault. She cultivated that audience and the chat always reflects the streamer.
If you are a streamer and you don't like the kind of chat you have then fucking change it. Most of the people there clearly want to suck your cock so they will do whatever you say to please you.

>> No.30592407
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, 1646090664203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30592812

Now you understand. Now you have to be a better person and not be stagnate schizophrenic

>> No.30592557

Can she fucking graduate already? nothing good ever comes out of her being in vshojo.

>> No.30592594

yeah no one likes Vei

>> No.30592607

>Mousey shows up in Vesper chat
>tribalfag instantly shit-up /MANS/

>> No.30592675

yeah, why did hime even join vshojo, she never streams.

>> No.30592678


>> No.30592692


>> No.30592772


>> No.30592812

I'm not even a part of this conversation but please don't equate all of us schizophrenics to antis, we are a proud people

>> No.30592829

Sooo cute. They are the best VSJ couple.

>> No.30592837

lol. Knowing Vesper he would shit himself and bend over backwards if Mouse offered to have him on SotD and she almost definitely will if she hasn't already.

>> No.30593018

I'm having too much fun watching holoniggers suddenly worship m*les to care about that

>> No.30593242

desu I don't care if they take a break, just let us know if you are and how long. that's not even too much to ask for, that's the bare minimum you could do for your viewers.

>> No.30593252

leave this thread, tribalshitter

>> No.30593276

She doesn't hate them though. Only a small percentage bitch and complain about not enough streams or whatever else

>> No.30593347
File: 345 KB, 1525x921, 1656837685790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you lads think they'll ever be a VshojoEU branch?
or is the market not big enough?

>> No.30593524
File: 287 KB, 661x661, 1659992231614642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7% of slavs commit homicide
horry shitu

>> No.30593536

Would make no sense. Vei and Froot are already EU themselves and the market for an exclusively French/Italian/German etc. speaking chuuba is not big enough

>> No.30593594

>Vei and Froot are already EU
uhhh, ackshually......

>> No.30593616
Quoted by: >>30593661

Nope, she waxes

The only hair on her, are eyelashes, eyebrows and hair on her head.

>> No.30593618

Do people really think vshojofags care about hololive/nijisanji? Most vsjfags don't even watch them, and don't even go outside this thread.

>> No.30593661

doesn't she wear wigs?

>> No.30593726
Quoted by: >>30593868

What the fuck is goin on in eastern Belgium?

>> No.30593771

I lurked few of their threads before, you have no idea how many of them unironically think that we're all paid shills shilling vshojo in the catalog

>> No.30593769
File: 148 KB, 337x361, 1633523112172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but maybe she will wear wigs

>> No.30593834

I dont think so, that one glasses pic was probably a cosplay

>> No.30593868

Walloons are criminals.

>> No.30593938

Sleepy voice Haruka is SEX

>> No.30593991

Ideal tummy hips and ass

>> No.30594015

>I lurked few of their threads before
you poor soul

>> No.30594087
Quoted by: >>30594254

You guys don't get paid? Holy fuck

>> No.30594253

Haruka is not that funny honestly

>> No.30594254

Weekly stipend of 300 Gunrun Funbucks makes it all worth it.

>> No.30594327

Haruka use to roleplay on Tumblr...She was so thirsty then wasn't she?

>> No.30594372
File: 309 KB, 1080x1080, 1652045184587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30594524

aren't there tens of millions of french and german speakers in the world? even combining france, belgium and quebec would surely give you a decent audience
throw in a german, a spaniard and maybe a pole or balkanoid and you'd have a good spread, especially if they marketed them properly

>> No.30594383
Quoted by: >>30594437

not all roleplay is erotic

>> No.30594437

We are way pass this point

>> No.30594518
Quoted by: >>30595043

snuffy had a homestuck troll rp tumblr lmao
it's always fun hearing vtubers' stories from that era

>> No.30594524

The ammount of people out of those millions of german/french speakers who would watch vtubers on Twitch is insignificant and 99% of them probably understand english anyway.
Only the spaniard might work due to spics but they are poor as fuck and not exactly a profitable market.

>> No.30594525

bros, my oshi is really cringe

>> No.30594609

yeah imagine thinking the average vshojo fan has the slightest interest in holo/niji brand cringe gfe/idolshit lmao

we're about as interested in them as they are in us

>> No.30594664

I love unity.

>> No.30594675

based and same

>> No.30594762

>If you are a streamer and you don't like the kind of chat you have then fucking change it.
that's what she's been doing and that's why these threads are full of nyansperging

>> No.30594765
File: 1.79 MB, 400x400, 1650209285293.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a good thing

>> No.30594773

that cringe reaction with her hands from Zen was really cute

>> No.30594882
File: 422 KB, 1280x720, 1642956964957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teenage Zen

>> No.30594960

Huh? Surely only Gura could do that?

>> No.30594977

it's fine as long as it isn't clipped and shipped to /r/LSF

>> No.30594984
Quoted by: >>30595125

you should never remove the part of you that's cringe
instead remove the part that cringes

>> No.30595002
File: 800 KB, 2048x2004, FZ5eQLUXoAMYlU5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30595038

Now I need Froot to reveal her past to chat. I want her to tell us all of the cringe but in her SEX voice

>> No.30595043
File: 223 KB, 600x600, 1651913696772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw remembering my own embarrassing teenage homestuck phase

>> No.30595051

chuubas were made for my cock you are cock starved sluts

>> No.30595125

stream fat bitch

>> No.30595141

With luck not. Imagine how bad it would be a whores company combined with a whores continent

>> No.30595153
File: 25 KB, 313x169, 1657503986713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chat is having fun with this

>> No.30595165

What do you guys think Mouse sponsor for today's stream is? she specifically said its not Tower of Fantasy

>> No.30595212

"The sword is made of a special material, and can cut through anything" - actual Zen quote

>> No.30595246


>> No.30595261

It's kind of sad how many regulars have left Nyan's Discord server. I get that there isn't much of a reason to hang out since there are less Myau/Discord streams and movie nights and stuff like that but it was a cozy bunch...

>> No.30595278

lockheed martin and rafael advanced defense systems

>> No.30595285

cult of the lambs maybe?

>> No.30595340

This is so cool, I like Zen now

>> No.30595376
Quoted by: >>30595408

Nyanspergs really trying hard with the bait today

>> No.30595389

stop self posting and service me

>> No.30595408
File: 123 KB, 400x400, 1641216329715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30595416
Quoted by: >>30595517

Nyan doesn't want fans at all, idk what's her problem but she thrives on antis' attention now. No reason to stay in her community, sucks but it is what it is

>> No.30595441
Quoted by: >>30595462

Someone signed up for a Pornhub account with Haruka's business e-mail and the account was called HarukaCummybu

>> No.30595462

all me

>> No.30595517

Started with nyan ans most likely wont leave, i need therapy

>> No.30595539

i wanna be reborn as a vshojo with a harem of vshojo girls lusting after my shota cock as i cuck the fans en masse

>> No.30595564

it's literally the same wtf are you on about

>> No.30595581 [DELETED] 

How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?
How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?
How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?

How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?
How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?
How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?

How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?
How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?
How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?

How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?
How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?
How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?

How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?
How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?
How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?

How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?
How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?
How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?

How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?
How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?
How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?

How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?
How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?
How do you guys feel about Nazuna wanting to get naked on stream like Melody?

>> No.30595607
File: 1.02 MB, 604x872, 1653913991484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30595615


>> No.30595624

good, can't wait

>> No.30595641
Quoted by: >>30595668

only if she does it while i fuck her irl and cuck everyone

>> No.30595665

In a few hours, me and bf are going to play Minecraft, can’t wait

>> No.30595668
Quoted by: >>30595710

she loves everyone equally so you'd have to accept sharing

>> No.30595670

Is it just one keyfag who feels the need to spam multiple lines of text or is it just standard key etiquette?

>> No.30595685

>not 666
scared me for a second

>> No.30595697


>> No.30595695

shut up all of you my wife snuffy is live

>> No.30595707

its standard board etiquette

>> No.30595710
Quoted by: >>30595914

if only you knew.

>> No.30595716

>thinking it's a keyfag spamming
Anon don't be so retarded, it's a keysperg.

>> No.30595739
Quoted by: >>30595802

stream it fat bitch

>> No.30595746
Quoted by: >>30595802

hope you finished the sex cave in time Mouse

>> No.30595766
Quoted by: >>30595960

my key will pierce nazunas keyhole

>> No.30595802

Holy shit, is Mouse or Nyan?

>> No.30595839

I thought all keyfags were keyspergs

>> No.30595872

sperg means anti I think

>> No.30595878

nazuna is gonna ride my cock

>> No.30595912

I would like to make sex with a smelly snuffy.

>> No.30595914
Quoted by: >>30595946

a-anon, what happened to you during your childhood...?

>> No.30595932
Quoted by: >>30596000

A sperg is an anti anon, no keyfag will openly anti Key.

>> No.30595934
Quoted by: >>30595983

I made this post

>> No.30595946

very beautiful women/girls lusted for my cock
the same way your vtuber does

>> No.30595960

Yup, me

>> No.30595983
Quoted by: >>30596006

hi nazuna

>> No.30595988


>> No.30596000

how come all nyanfags are nyanspergs then?

>> No.30596006

nazuna can't ride nazunas cock retard, that'd require 2 nazunas

>> No.30596008

>very beautiful women/girls lusted for my cock
Anon if that where the case you wouldn't be using this dog shit site, stop larping.

>> No.30596029

It's a love hate relationship, you can't like pink cat without also hating the fat bitch

>> No.30596038

>haruka and zen both retelling their nightmares in the past day

>> No.30596071
Quoted by: >>30596092

i am nazuna but also not nazuna
what am i

>> No.30596092
Quoted by: >>30596117


>> No.30596105


>> No.30596117
Quoted by: >>30596218

Nazuna is menhera yes?

>> No.30596139

i want to hold her close. let her know how amazing she is and everything will be okay. just be there with her as she vents. then do sick, carnal things to her funbags while getting love bites. afterward
cuddle her while feeding her jerky, letting her know she is a good girl

also anon, how dare you. you know you must make her a boston cream pie.

>> No.30596166
File: 574 KB, 719x703, menhera chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that cant happen

>> No.30596187
File: 38 KB, 560x375, pancakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30596208

stop causing the robot to have an existential crisis

>> No.30596209

It would be the best thing to ever happen to me.

>> No.30596218

she and the rest of us are all menhera, but there are different kinds of menhera. Sane people are complicated enough, insane people even moreso.

>> No.30596231
File: 22 KB, 660x340, 44112BF9-6FDA-4420-A35A-EEF80FA70A98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Nazuna and you are too

>> No.30596250
File: 476 KB, 1200x1231, 1634829161663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30596269
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, metal gear solid 5 cutscene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30596351

Unfinished game

>> No.30596298


funbag anon here. and it doesnt matter the damn model. old 3d, 2d, new 3d, sakura goddess, or even RTX becuase its the same cozy, loyal, caring heart, surrounded by two perfect funbags. the pixels and the curiousity might have been what drawn us there but its whats underneath, whats real that keeps us coming back.

>> No.30596299
Quoted by: >>30596402

We sre all nazuna

>> No.30596309


>> No.30596307

>funbag anon here

>> No.30596325
Quoted by: >>30596398

Zen should just start playing Apex or just do some lewd stuff. Pop off one way or another already

>> No.30596351

Fuck you, you don’t have to remind me

>> No.30596362

Fat bitch is surely pushed by nyan/aethel /here/posting
No actual anti was even accusing her of that

>> No.30596364

>funbag anon here

>> No.30596398
Quoted by: >>30596555

stalling zen is peak zen

>> No.30596402
File: 93 KB, 458x217, 1635898147996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30596405

not all of them but most nyanfags itt are nyanspergs. why? because of her actions

>> No.30596435

sorry she got a boyfriend bro, i hope your new oshi stays single for you

>> No.30596460
Quoted by: >>30596535

she still eats donuts hes a cuck

>> No.30596466

Nah it's because they are mentally ill

>> No.30596532
Quoted by: >>30596763

Yeah, it’s Mouse, there’s no man in her life

>> No.30596535
Quoted by: >>30596604


>> No.30596555
File: 235 KB, 640x358, 1659834894083303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cock teasing

>> No.30596604

:3 u know what i mean~

>> No.30596620
File: 236 KB, 346x447, 1644325242172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting, Snuffy kinda implied that this design is going to be her main one going forwards instead of being just a timely summer model (obviously the bikini itself is the summer one, but I think you get the point). said she wants to get more outfits for it but not planning on changing anything else drastically
how long did the original blue design last? 2 months? I guess it was still the basis for this redesign but it's still sort of funny that it got replaced so fast, but I don't blame her because it really is great

>> No.30596631
File: 219 KB, 2048x2048, 1660246432008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which excuse will nyan have to cancel todays stream?

>> No.30596663
Quoted by: >>30597442

the one where she play
s with my balls

>> No.30596671
Quoted by: >>30596784

I assume she realized the original had way too much shit on it

>> No.30596686
Quoted by: >>30596726

>Snuffy gets really pissy when she's in (the) heat
How will you deal with the angry hatesex Snuffy wants when she's in heat?

>> No.30596709

really? I liked the blue one better

>> No.30596726

ignoring them while getting fillian, nazuna or nyanners sex

>> No.30596731

That's normal for her, she changes models the most out of the girls. Well except maybe Mouse

>> No.30596763
File: 129 KB, 397x373, 1655921001578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30596768
Quoted by: >>30596829

go back

>> No.30596784
File: 219 KB, 382x427, 1649370933235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, I think the prior one had some more simpler outfits that looked pretty good as well. I'm guessing she plans on having them made for the current one though

picrel was just a screengrab from the current stream, she's using a recolor to match the game. the "this design" was referring to the blue summer design in general

>> No.30596791


>> No.30596793
File: 1.69 MB, 962x1055, 3152233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30596871


>> No.30596827

Must feel great for the modellers and people who made her lore video

>> No.30596829

no lol

>> No.30596871

yeah their servers are overloaded or some shit
she said she's gonna do other shit for the first few hours of the stream in hopes it gets fixed later on so she can play

>> No.30596875

I can’t wait for her to go live so I can come back to this post and make fun of you

>> No.30596914

Nyan turned off emote only mode

>> No.30596921
File: 1.23 MB, 1254x1328, 1655762777170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

filian sexo uuuoooohhhh

>> No.30596953

holy shit snuffy chat bullying her for not knowing anatomy and not fucking is great

>> No.30596968

They got paid, who cares?

>> No.30596975

is Snuffy a virgin?

>> No.30596981
File: 1.90 MB, 1856x1035, filian flashbang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30597048

I prefer the front, the ass is desensitized at this point

>> No.30596996

filian drunk alt sex but next time 1 on 1 uooohhh

>> No.30597023

no shes just from ohio

>> No.30597029
File: 723 KB, 244x244, 1634305957267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30597056

I mean her "lore video" was like a 1 minute animatic so I assume there wasn't that many people involved, and ArtGun is partially responsible for both models too so I doubt there's any hard feelings there
at least she didn't use the model once and drop it forever to return to being a fleshstreamer

>> No.30597038
File: 2.24 MB, 480x270, la noire face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mm yeah totally

>> No.30597048


>> No.30597056

You have to let it go, Squ

>> No.30597082
Quoted by: >>30597160


>> No.30597090
Quoted by: >>30597160


>> No.30597120

I was watching Snuffy but then I remembered she hates manlets and that she wouldn't want me in the chat

>> No.30597160

i take prime smugness in knowing i cucked her cuck fans all the while a certain dumb faggot tries to mock about my magic

>> No.30597192
Quoted by: >>30597221

is this a schizo post?

>> No.30597196

She emanates virgin energy.

>> No.30597199
Quoted by: >>30597221

nigger what the fuck are you saying

>> No.30597221
Quoted by: >>30597247

i pleasured your chuuba sexually

>> No.30597239

she has literally described previous sexual relations on stream anon

>> No.30597240

>Morning my castle bruvs! I sure do miss everyone ! I just wanna say that today I wanted nyan to be able to get her stream hours up so I'm gonna lay back and let her do a long ass stream today since we were busy with irl quests yesterday! I'm not sure how long she'll go but I'll most likely be back in the castle tomorrow! SO please go have fun on her stream or any of our other cool friends streaming today, let today be a day you go support all the other cool creators out there! I will be chilling on discord VC from time to time today working and gaming so feel free to chill all day in the castle with me and all of our castle bruvs while we try to be productive! Love ya guys and thanks for being the best kingdom and representing us so well. see ya around today bros ! 1000 cheers to our castle
We don’t deserve Aethel

>> No.30597245


>> No.30597247
Quoted by: >>30597269

Good I hope you both bust a fat nut

>> No.30597255

she's not but still, sex education in american is godawful, and it's not like you need a whole lot of knowledge to do the deed

>> No.30597256
Quoted by: >>30597446

Mouse and nyan both going live soon

>> No.30597269

and ill do it again
i didnt even cum, it leaves me kinda pissy when i dont get cuddles or to cum...

>> No.30597274

I suspect that this poster is genuinely showing symptoms of psychosis.

>> No.30597275

what the fuck happened to girl dm

>> No.30597309

Then he's welcome here

>> No.30597317
Quoted by: >>30597409

your tabs /lig/ger

>> No.30597320

Wrong thread but she's slut_dm now

>> No.30597321

no psychosis im just bored and horny remembering that time your chuuba was sexually pleasured by me infront of some of her simps cry about it cuck

>> No.30597356

Probably only another 3 hour stream

>> No.30597362
File: 2.46 MB, 2229x1573, 1659448568060772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30597378
Quoted by: >>30597399

spergs hate this chad but i'm so happy that nyan got together with him, i can not imagine a more perfect man for her

he is a real one

>> No.30597397

I like aethel, his gf is a lazy bitch though.

>> No.30597399
Quoted by: >>30597466

why are nyanfags like this?

>> No.30597409
File: 183 KB, 325x321, 1656660316412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30597510

you cannot one guy changing meds to tabs

>> No.30597411
File: 163 KB, 680x771, aethervoice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30597464

Zen has access to all sorts of TTS services.

>> No.30597442


>> No.30597446
Quoted by: >>30597515

Sponsor collab?

>> No.30597464

this leaks like once every 3 months its a great way to see the newfags

>> No.30597466

NTA buy Why? Aethel has prove time after time that he’s actually really good, he’s a nice person with a heavy background, and he likes streaming
In any case of complaining about the cat, that’s on her, not Aethel

>> No.30597469

im just not as degenerate like her to cum in a public like that... i need privacy and comforting cuddles

>> No.30597492

big booba snuffy is being worked on bros and coming soon (tm)

>> No.30597510

You need meds to read better, fucker

>> No.30597513
File: 831 KB, 890x772, 1657719645365.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30597515

All she said was games and then monke later

>> No.30597529

I agree with this, don't blame my boy aethel for nyans laziness.

>> No.30597528

pink cat live

>> No.30597553

I suspect it's a bot programmed by something who is shit at it

>> No.30597561

pink cat x ntr pink cat arc when

>> No.30597564

Pink cat live. BTFO spergs

>> No.30597597

*by someone

>> No.30597599

thank god for aethel

>> No.30597607

>filian fags this mad their chuuba is a whore who needs me to be sexually satisfied

>> No.30597609

He's alright yeah but I never see mousexconnor or veixsoda bros going on about them like that
And think what you want of those dudes but the chemistry for the pairs is just as good

>> No.30597617
Quoted by: >>30597729

snuffy 3d confirmed having a caked up butt window under her cape

>> No.30597633

>nyan live
fuck i dont wanna choose between nyan and sniffy but im having so much fun watching sniffy....

>> No.30597664
File: 349 KB, 628x589, 1660247939859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What excuse will nyan have to end stream early today?

>> No.30597677
Quoted by: >>30597748


>> No.30597692
Quoted by: >>30597735

Is she actually getting Smilfy V2?

>> No.30597695
Quoted by: >>30597763

Zen confirmed she's stalling until Geega's collab is over so they can play minecraft together.

>> No.30597697
File: 3.13 MB, 359x278, 1660137968529684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank god, i missed my meds today

>> No.30597701

the ugly pink shitstain is live

>> No.30597729
File: 821 KB, 596x716, 1657070703998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slightly disappointing, I was hoping it'd have been a nice small ass like the smilfy ass but oh well, can't be perfect all the time

>> No.30597731


>> No.30597735

smilfy was a complete redesign, it sounded more like just adding sliders to existing designs

>> No.30597739
Quoted by: >>30597885

tummy hort, long day, lack of sleep, reduce overlap with mouse, stream issues, emergency sex sesh

>> No.30597748

Fair enough, i'd also end streams early for peguins.

>> No.30597750

Why is this dude obsessed with telling people about how he wants to cuck them
It's reeks of long-standing childhood trauma

>> No.30597763

Invite frog to the server you cunt

>> No.30597767

She is gonna end it to watch Connor and Mouse's non-date in Minecraft.

>> No.30597769

i already cucked fillians fans

>> No.30597770

Internet connection

>> No.30597778
File: 72 KB, 1139x733, FZ57v0zWAAI4k7u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30597810

Melody lost her face

>> No.30597798
Quoted by: >>30597824

he is trying to be an anti-parasocial streamer by posting irl pics of himself, and repeating that he has a girlfriend every stream

>> No.30597810
Quoted by: >>30597884

Would you still love your waifu if she didn't have a face? I would.

>> No.30597820

snuffy's shits..

>> No.30597824

lolno ur chuuba just come find me and i never watch them c;

>> No.30597829
File: 902 KB, 821x569, 6y7h8ujiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Zen constantly nervous now

>> No.30597884
File: 145 KB, 1232x1485, 1574546716720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30597885

>emergency sex sesh
Are you fucking retarded or what? Everyone knows Aethel hasn't touched her since he met with Connor IRL last month.

Aethel simply can't go back to how things were before he got a taste of the welsh cock.

>> No.30597930
Quoted by: >>30597969

Are you a dinosaur?

>> No.30597933

Because she's too nervous about my cock being too big for her

>> No.30597945

Early for her is like 2 hours. So if she streams longer then that then you just look retarded

>> No.30597969
Quoted by: >>30598003

what? no? lol?

>> No.30598003

What are you, then?

>> No.30598012
Quoted by: >>30598025

why is pink cat so shitty?

>> No.30598025

she just forgot to shower today

>> No.30598055

I love being Nazuna I love being of the same flesh as her I am Nazuna

>> No.30598068
Quoted by: >>30598098

She was always nervous, she just has better face tracking to capture the subtleties of her expressions now.

>> No.30598098

I love this anxious ADHD ridden bitch with giant tits
Nothing quite like her

>> No.30598112

You will never be Nazuna.

>> No.30598138

nyansperg status?

>> No.30598149

Nyan's viewership tanked HARD, what happened?

>> No.30598154


>> No.30598157

Moving the goalposts

>> No.30598163
Quoted by: >>30599649

ffs Ironmouse delayed her stream so as to not stream over Nyan, didn’t she?

>> No.30598174


Soon but not that soon

>> No.30598185

irregular streaming + boyfriend debuff

>> No.30598188

she is a full time aethel guest and part time streamer now

>> No.30598208

Really scraping the bottom of the bait barrel aren’t you?

>> No.30598230
Quoted by: >>30598270

nyan started streaming, so may be a while yet

>> No.30598258
Quoted by: >>30598309

The goslings have gone elsewhere.

>> No.30598265

hi me when do we cuddle and moan? im lonely?

>> No.30598270

Internet problems according to her

>> No.30598279

mouse has internet issues again

>> No.30598284
File: 549 KB, 1264x1080, Screenshot_20220726-180742_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am Nazuna
Sweet, bend over

>> No.30598290

Link fucked up or did she delete it?

>> No.30598303

she's high

>> No.30598309
Quoted by: >>30598454

Where have all the goslings gone

>> No.30598330

Vei in nyans chat instead of sodas

>> No.30598331

She literally wants that and so should you
Viewers over 5k turn the chat into rapid emote spam destroying chat interaction (parasocial goes both ways), and the wealth encourages the streamer to fuck off and not stream

>> No.30598352

>she is not going to stream
>okay she is streaming but the views will be low
>okay the views aren't low but the content is boring
>okay the content isn't boring but she will end too soon
>okay she is not ending too soon but she won't stream for the rest of the week
>okay she streamed again but, uh, the "feel" of the streams is not the same or something
Get better material fags

>> No.30598370


>> No.30598373

vei has been farming everyone's chat lately

>> No.30598380
Quoted by: >>30598432

>okay the content isn't boring
literally no one said that

>> No.30598379

o-ok if its you i cant say no...

>> No.30598400

She’s been in a great mood lately

>> No.30598418
Quoted by: >>30598469

She is grinding that friendship so she can get soda invited to the server

>> No.30598430
File: 37 KB, 495x599, IMG_2155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-anything for you mommy

>> No.30598432

NTA but people definitely have been

>> No.30598444

why would they when they get tons of replies anyway?

>> No.30598454

Every female Twitch channel.

>> No.30598469
Quoted by: >>30598511

She doesn’t want him on the server

>> No.30598499
File: 2.69 MB, 600x848, 1649379073656.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will there be anal sex?

>> No.30598504

>another react stream
kill me, does she have nothing else to do?

>> No.30598511

She presented the possibility of him joining and then took it away 5 seconds later. It's a fetish thing.

>> No.30598528
Quoted by: >>30598591

Is today Thursday?

>> No.30598532

pleasure me sluts

>> No.30598550
Quoted by: >>30599130

>take a break
>come back and do a chill stream
>new excuse
rinse and repeat

>> No.30598591

It's Friday for Nazuna now.

>> No.30598600

Stop eating simple bait for months you dumb nyanfags. There was a time before her move to LA where I could just write nyan is a lazy bitch and the entire thread would be blown up by nyanfags.

>> No.30598648
Quoted by: >>30598754

>you dumb nyanfags
It's the same spergs replying to themselves retard. look at the timestamps

>> No.30598698

fuck bros I wish I had a minecraft family....
is this the abe effect?

>> No.30598734
Quoted by: >>30598791

A what?

>> No.30598754

Everything I dont like about my fanbase is not us.

>> No.30598775
Quoted by: >>30598876

Aethels discord minecraft server been comfy.

>> No.30598788
Quoted by: >>30598859

Too obvious bro

>> No.30598791


>> No.30598859

Not sure what you are trying to say

>> No.30598876

He has his own server?

>> No.30598947

Melody live on CB.

>> No.30598948
Quoted by: >>30599049

>woman goes outside
>everyone is nice to her

>> No.30599025
Quoted by: >>30599153

zen's mods have gone too far

>> No.30599034
File: 205 KB, 1598x1013, FZ6DEesXgAAvmke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30599131

Also, neat effect.

>> No.30599049

It must be so surreal to be in their shoes

>> No.30599131
Quoted by: >>30599159

tell me if a robocock goes in her instead of just boring vibrations

>> No.30599130

I don't mind the usual react/chill streams, but this whole year it felt like she just recounted stories from when she was away on break. I don't really get how she thinks that is good content. Aethel at least tells entertaining stories even if they are exaggerated a lot. I don't think even Nyan knows what she wants to do with her streams anymore

>> No.30599153
Quoted by: >>30599203

what happened?

>> No.30599159

Aye, captain.

>> No.30599203
File: 5 KB, 226x99, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30599701


>> No.30599277

Where's Nazuna? Where's Nazuna? Where's Nazuna? Where's

>> No.30599283

...it is good content

>> No.30599313
File: 42 KB, 560x396, 1654900784574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another princess veibaeya stream that I slept through... At least she streamed...

>> No.30599391

New thread doko

>> No.30599396

Now that she can't do GFE anymore and still can't play video games she does feel kind of aimless.

>> No.30599462

Just watch the vod

>> No.30599493

Always the VOD I know it's not the same

>> No.30599505

did Nyan's roommate post a pic of her new hairdoo?

>> No.30599507
Quoted by: >>30599547

>why did you reject him
>he's black

>> No.30599547

im white

>> No.30599559
Quoted by: >>30599626

Mel is using a tan version of her model today

>> No.30599560

Maybe, just maybe, that could be why she is streaming less? She is trying to build a life right now with Aethel so coming up with ideas and streaming is taking second fiddle to that. It is the people sperging out about her not streaming that results in these type of streams. I'd rather her have fewer but inspired streams rather than just logging on to appease people.

>> No.30599616

new thread


>> No.30599620
Quoted by: >>30599657

yeah it's mindboggling lmao

>noo you can't focus on your irl relationships you need to entertain me by playing video games every day!!

>> No.30599626

It's pretty sexy. I hope it comes with a tan line version.

>> No.30599633

Some day this board will get IDs

>> No.30599635
Quoted by: >>30599759

Did Mel's model and enviornment get an upgrade? Its very smooth

>> No.30599641
Quoted by: >>30599707

The antis don’t care about that shit. They’re just selfish and want their precious streams.

>> No.30599649

She says internet problems but probably yeah. Like how she lied before about why she wasn't streaming when recording the thing with Ross. Imagine delaying a sponsored stream and potentially losing a lot of money over a pink cat doing react.

>> No.30599651
Quoted by: >>30600846

The bait threads will stop when Vshojo stops winning.

>> No.30599657

>every day
3 times a day faggot

>> No.30599701
Quoted by: >>30600323

Confess your sins sinner!

>> No.30599707

they don't want streams tho
easier to anti when there's no streams

>> No.30599729

no one is so occupied to not do their job, at least half of it.

>> No.30599759

Yes, she has better body and face tracking and graphically improved her model. She debuted this change when she debuted her race queen outfit last month.

>> No.30599801

Oh that explains some of the seething. This board would be better if only generals were allowed.

>> No.30600323

that was the slow mode, mods had lost their mind

>> No.30600375
File: 285 KB, 506x322, 1659733728267657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the harem queen spoke to a holomale earlier, it was bound to happen

>> No.30600846
File: 137 KB, 1600x900, 1648175353576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then they'll never stop because Mousey is a queen.

>> No.30601002

It just a job for her now, she lost her passion for streaming so she's just streaming out of obligation which reflects in her content.
