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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.30426163


>> No.30426229

MY sluts. ftfy

>> No.30426278

Seething number nijiloser got bullied out of a number thread again. Making tourist seething hahahaha!

>> No.30426468

But it's bad when vshojo say "dick" and "pussy"

>> No.30426525
Quoted by: >>30426747

Yes. Japanese sluts have class

>> No.30426568
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Cry moar

>> No.30426730


>> No.30426747
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There's only one Japanese class

>> No.30426803
Quoted by: >>30426887

We don't hate sluts, we hate bitches and the pathetic masochists that think insults are banter.

>> No.30426858
File: 449 KB, 1415x2000, E5t3VHPVgAM1q5P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30432552

>everyone has the same generic outfit

>> No.30426886

It took so long for you to understand

>> No.30426887
Quoted by: >>30426993

Oh hey brazilian dude, still awake?

>> No.30426978
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Quoted by: >>30427006

glory to VLC!

>> No.30426993
Quoted by: >>30427128

I don't sleep

>> No.30427006
Quoted by: >>30427078

>not MPV

>> No.30427061

Yes. We don't hate melody, we do hate veibae and nyanners.

>> No.30427078
Quoted by: >>30428707

>not mpc-hc

>> No.30427128

Good for you, keep destroying yourself on this board

>> No.30427239

>Japanese whores
>EN whores

Simple as

>> No.30427677

Vshojo do other grotesque stuff as well. Jp Holos are forced to hold back at times and can't always go all out due to strict rules, so these are special moments. Meanwhile Vhojo is a circus of a group that actively encourages this, therefore it's boring and not special when Vshojo does it.
You must be so very simple minded to say "But it's bad when Vshojo say dick and pussy".
Guess what, Holos also say dick and sex, but it's not the same, it's more respectable when they say it.
Furthermore, Jps are natives and are by default more familiar with idol culture, so if they decide to be a slut, you can make an exception, since they already are natives and know the culture, but despite knowing it, they go against it because they are either brave or do not care.
Meanwhile, Vshojo doing it is never brave, they are encouraged to do it, because western culture encourages women to be themselves and be slutty and such, so when they do it, it's no surprise or special effect.
Practically, Jps can do it by default and be excused because they are natives, but western vtubers are foireigners and need to be more careful and less slutty just because they do not have the perks of being a native.
I think I will grow tired of having to reply with this all the times, so I'll just copy and paste this message anytime I see a comment of "But it's ok when Jp Holos do it".
I do not discriminate against Vshojo alone, if another foreigner were to do it, such as someone from Holo En, I would still criticize her just as much. So you can calm your tits down, since I do not offer special treatment to Holos just because they are Holos

>> No.30427709

>it's more respectable when they say it.

>> No.30427773

Jp has class
Ah yes rape jokes are very class i also love when they do asmr porn ~seething nijisister

>> No.30427817
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>> No.30427903
Quoted by: >>30428256

at least they're probably getting laid unlike you

>> No.30428256
Quoted by: >>30428432

It's a very woman-like trait to respond to someone you disagree with about if or if not they have sex.
It is also a very Twitter reply, as well. Twittards are the ones with the obsession about touching grass, about using the word 'virgin' as an insult, about making fun about the size of someone's weiner.
I will make the guess that you just recently came here from the Twitter /vt/ account, so please listen to this one request of mine: kill yourself

>> No.30428302

Where is this from???

>> No.30428305


>> No.30428366

I read recently about an announcement that they will have a swimsuit outfit event, or such. Perhaps this is it

>> No.30428432
Quoted by: >>30428545

SEA detected

>> No.30428479

Have you ever wondered why people doesn't hate Melody despite being a literal slut but Veibae and Nyanners are hated?

>> No.30428545
Quoted by: >>30428621

go back nigger

>> No.30428546


>> No.30428621
Quoted by: >>30428839

This Post Brought To You By Sharia Law

>> No.30428707

>not mpc-be

>> No.30428786
Quoted by: >>30429040

coomers will defend this

>> No.30428839

Sharia law is good, so I cannot understand why you speak of it as if it was a negative, or something unwanted. It is a good model to live by, a healthy lifestyle.
It does not cause mental illness like western mental ill lifestyle of encouraging degeneracy and retardness

>> No.30428933

Holo summer hiding behind a paywalll

>> No.30429040
Quoted by: >>30429140

Yes, I defend this because they are cute while doing it. As long as you are cute about it and do not act entitled or preach to people about how they should not sexualise you despite you youself sexualising yourself by showing your ass, just doing this by itself is innocent

>> No.30429140
Quoted by: >>30429308

you had me going until you called e-whoredom innocent

>> No.30429305

newfag cope

>> No.30429308

It's only non-innocent if you do it without an anime character. Doing it with real body is degeneracy, but a fake anime girl model is okay because it is not your body

>> No.30429539
Quoted by: >>30431635

is it because they defended melody when 3d camgirls attacked her and attacking her for acting slutty now that she's associated with nyanners and vshojo would make them seem like hypocrites so they invented a bizarre mental gymnastic of "at least she's a honest whore" to deal with the cognitive dissonance?

>> No.30429725

a disgrace is incurred by a person, not by a body.

>> No.30429769
Quoted by: >>30430296

It's because Melody is sexy and kind to her fans while the other two just parade their bf around and treat their fans like garbage.

>> No.30429838

Yeah, for me

>> No.30430037

holosluts are the best

>> No.30430142
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>It's ok when Hololive does it

>> No.30430241
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>> No.30430296
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Quoted by: >>30430969

Melody is not awful, but she has her brainfart moments when she acts beyond retarded

>> No.30430346
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, 1640826382989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30430420

meanwhile pekora literally is doing a strip stream

>> No.30430633

I like that position. Really tight.

>> No.30430743
Quoted by: >>30432503

No, it's bad because vshojo are e-thots.

>> No.30430969

Mel just supports seggs and love in all shapes and forms

>> No.30431635

This, but without the cognitive dissonance. It's consistent.

>> No.30431949

The holodrones are still mad at Kson and her bikini

>> No.30432334
Quoted by: >>30432503

vshojo whores talk about their sexual experiences with other men
holo sluts present themselves to (You)

>> No.30432503
Quoted by: >>30432769

>not e-thots
pick one

remember what happened with Rushia?

>> No.30432546

This is fanservice. You have to be a fan

>> No.30432552

What? You wanted a fucking corp not to save money by making a single swimsuit model and then slapping it onto all their chuubas in 5 minutes? Nice joke, my guy.

>> No.30432601

I do not watch vshojo but that is such a dumb take.

Hololive got big due to yabs that is how gap moe works. If you do it all the time, it gets boring, sure, but it is not bad. It never is.

>> No.30432668

It's like going to a strip club.
I pay them to whore out for me.

Simple as.

>> No.30432769
Quoted by: >>30433498

she got cancelled for being a whore

>> No.30433498
Quoted by: >>30433812

Who hired that whore in the first place?

>> No.30433812
Quoted by: >>30434046

someone who knows the tastes of the audience

>> No.30434046
Quoted by: >>30434640

ergo hololive hires whores, same as vshojo

>> No.30434260
Quoted by: >>30434762

>Doing it with real body is degeneracy
kiara... noel...

>> No.30434640

>hololive hires whores
no shit, all women are whores

>> No.30434717
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Yes because they're not Japanese.

>> No.30434762

Gravure is not like that. Noel is not fully guilty

>> No.30434981
Quoted by: >>30435228

Aren't they spreading for the camera staff? its weird

>> No.30435228

that's what all AV idols do though?
