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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 212 KB, 530x499, BeataniCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3030307 No.3030307 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>3030346

Training arc edition

Member amogus training in less than an hour

Previous thread >>3010290


>> No.3030346
Quoted by: >>3030416

I never played amogus once in my life, this is gonna be rough.

>> No.3030383

I'll be at work, but have fun everyone!

>> No.3030416

Every game I have seen with a chuuba and fans devolves into everyone letting the chuuba's imposter behavior slide so it wouldn't even be a real competitive game anyway.

>> No.3030525

Wtf happened yesterday? Seems like everyone’s already forgotten about that. So...we’re still on good terms with Bea, right?

>> No.3030533

It ended on a positive note

>> No.3030556

Anon, antis confused what was going on but everything is cool. The last thread was chill if you want to check it out for yourself.

>> No.3030603
File: 63 KB, 1906x248, Screenshot from 2021-04-27 17-07-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wtf happened yesterday?
antis happened

>> No.3030767
File: 153 KB, 327x385, 1619218750265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3030987

Even though you are a Neet,
I can love Dads and Moms
Even though you are foolish,
I love you Brothers, Sisters
Every day, every time
I can stay with you on XP hill
So please subscribe to me!

>> No.3030801
Quoted by: >>3031019


>> No.3030831

I'm sure I still love Bea
I think she still loves us
That's my conclusion for yesterday
Antis be damned.

>> No.3030834
File: 188 KB, 1917x1851, 1619111099917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3031010 >>3031080

So when the tournament arc? I want to fight Beatani after beating all the dads

>> No.3030987
File: 1.31 MB, 720x405, the_bear_has_tweeted[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpnkb8z.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please let's have a good thread

>> No.3030988

Check her twitter. She told us that she was mad(as in not sane) yesterday. She also unblocked atleast one who was blocked before and will probably unblock everyone who asks for it.

>> No.3031001
Quoted by: >>3031016

neither of them noticed it was 2/49 in the last thread but they seemed to agree they had gotten it anyway

>> No.3031010
Quoted by: >>3031111

Oniichan is getting cocky. Wait until dad gets an upgrade.

>> No.3031016


>> No.3031019 [DELETED] 

Hi Bea, I'm sorry I'll not be able to make it to the Amogus practice today.

>> No.3031055

>tfw I'm too shy to actually join the game
I-i'll watch at least

>> No.3031058

Where's membership money dad?

>> No.3031080
File: 162 KB, 314x383, 1618775068008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3043112 >>3043178

>You beat all the dads of your bracket in the smash ultimate tournament
>Your final opponent is another dad
>Bea was defeated in the first round

>> No.3031111

Don't leave mom behind.

>> No.3031141
File: 108 KB, 370x464, Screenshot_2021-04-28-20-32-37-567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3031178 >>3031180


>> No.3031154
File: 58 KB, 554x598, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3031195

>> No.3031178

it's not lewd though

>> No.3031180

Guess she hasn't seen the terrible things I did to her in KK. Good.

>> No.3031195

Can someone give me a QRD on Eira?

>> No.3031237

Not much, welsh sheep vtuber, likes pokemon, her streams are too low energy to me and I struggle with her accent. Not awful, but nothing special either, I don't think she draws or anything, mostly games and JP reps.

>> No.3031242
File: 33 KB, 979x943, 1618791796796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask /wvt/ they know more than I do

>> No.3031266

One of the first to retweet that falsified cancel document so I'm a bit wary on her attitude regarding drama and twitter culture, fine otherwise.

>> No.3031365
File: 394 KB, 1668x1668, 1618862836989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3031414


>> No.3031414


>> No.3031449
File: 1.04 MB, 640x360, mesugaki[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqz8un9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much

>> No.3031470

she must have really liked that one guro art someone posted

>> No.3031522 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 534x248, early thread coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess there are exceptional circumstances today, but here, for future use.

>> No.3031531
Quoted by: >>3031629

Now, what did she mean by this?

>> No.3031544

I don't believe that girls do it

>> No.3031584
File: 3.29 MB, 365x354, 1619527797331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3031663


>> No.3031629
File: 32 KB, 555x555, 1387192259230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3031663

She thinks that you are sick.

>> No.3031665
File: 9 KB, 534x248, early thread coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3031683 >>3031711

of course I forgot something

>> No.3031683
Quoted by: >>3031729 >>3031789

literally 7 minutes left for the next stream

>> No.3031711

I'm fucking blind then...

>> No.3031729

Deleted post had
>I guess there are exceptional circumstances today, but here, for future use.

>> No.3031767

>Still no frame

>> No.3031789
Quoted by: >>3031800


>> No.3031800

Dad, check your community tab

>> No.3031805
Quoted by: >>3031826

Non-family members are confused right now.

>> No.3031826
Quoted by: >>3031885

It's okay I'm pretty confused too because YT decided not to give me a notification.

>> No.3031885
Quoted by: >>3031993 >>3031995

I don't think member streams give any notification

>> No.3031993

I also find pretty damn hilarious that these kind of videos don't show up on your regular subscriptions feed

>> No.3031995

It didn't even appear in my sub feed, had to go to the community tab to find it.

>> No.3032040

can someone explain why I can watch the stream even though I am just an emote kid? isn't member streams upper tier perk?

>> No.3032071

remote kids win in the end.

>> No.3032083

apparently it's just unlisted instead of members only for some reason
youtube is fucking weird man

>> No.3032112
Quoted by: >>3032206


>> No.3032116

poor dads keep winning

>> No.3032129
Quoted by: >>3032243

Silly bear categorized the stream as unlisted instead of members only
Don't scapegoat the yt on every opportunity

>> No.3032173
Quoted by: >>3032181

who is this?

>> No.3032181


>> No.3032206
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3032243
File: 110 KB, 1200x800, 1607745483256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3032290

aight, post the link

>> No.3032257
Quoted by: >>3032290

have fun members!

>> No.3032290

have fun

>> No.3032458

I actually didn't know that name was Beatani... fuck

>> No.3032473
Quoted by: >>3032511

Fuck you, you got that Dr CEL into the chat

>> No.3032489
Quoted by: >>3032511

God dammit

>> No.3032490
Quoted by: >>3032511

dad your bladder meds. You're leaking the stream.

>> No.3032505

I just started working ;_;

>> No.3032511
Quoted by: >>3032520 >>3032530

sorry fuck

>> No.3032516
File: 279 KB, 600x507, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3032663 >>3032697

I guess she still hates me...

>> No.3032520
Quoted by: >>3032549

what did you expect

>> No.3032530

Now you know

>> No.3032549
Quoted by: >>3032867

I just wanted to share with the poor dads... her other streams dint have spam...

>> No.3032584

Dr Cringe should be the mascot we beat up whenever it shows up

>> No.3032587
File: 18 KB, 402x122, Screenshot 2021-04-28 092013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uhhhh, am I'm banned or what? this is just temporary, right dads?

>> No.3032594
Quoted by: >>3032610 >>3032626

Non member here, how's she doing? I dont really care for among us, just tell me if shes doing well

>> No.3032605
Quoted by: >>3032632

kys faggot

>> No.3032610
Quoted by: >>3032686

she got instagibbed five seconds after the round started

>> No.3032626
Quoted by: >>3032686

died instantly the first game

>> No.3032629
Quoted by: >>3032674

It's members only, and she might've kicked you from that one

>> No.3032632

>entered an unlisted stream
what did I do wrong?

>> No.3032661
Quoted by: >>3032758

Members only anon

>> No.3032663

How the fuck do you even get blocked by Beatani

>> No.3032668
Quoted by: >>3032758

Should have paid for some level anon. She is being pretty cool about it.

>> No.3032674

nah, I'm still in the stream, just cant see chat. I'm just hoping this is temporary and not forever, it would suck that this is how I get banned.

>> No.3032680

keep your mouth shut

>> No.3032686

No mercy for your daughter, nice.

>> No.3032691

she's obsessed with "fuck you pay me" above all else
what were you honestly expecting?

>> No.3032692

I want Beatani to give me a bear hug

>> No.3032697

If you didn't commit any big yabs she will probably unblock if you ask.

>> No.3032712
File: 415 KB, 417x516, 1618860453182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her laugh... it gives me life

>> No.3032738
Quoted by: >>3032938

Anti anon, this is standard vtuber practice for member streams. She even let emote kids stay since they are members. Take your meds.

>> No.3032758

I understand that, I'm just worried that this is a chat ban, and not just me not being a member.

>> No.3032771
Quoted by: >>3032938

fuck off, this is how members streams works , basic streaming shit here

>> No.3032778

foolish dads...

>> No.3032788

Try to see if you can post in her next scheduled stream. If not, ask her to unban you.

>> No.3032808

only passion now...

>> No.3032811
Quoted by: >>3032938 >>3033032

Im not a member but member only streams are a thing. That's the point of memebear only, you pay for special shit. Thats not fuck you pay me retard

>> No.3032836
Quoted by: >>3032893

>first game
fugg :DD

>> No.3032848

Absolutely precious and adorable autist.

>> No.3032864
File: 55 KB, 1275x712, 1619620385 - Clip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3032917

Well better not refresh cuz the stream is now actually members only

>> No.3032867

I appreciated it, I don't have a Google account.

>> No.3032893

Same, I had no idea what was the name of rooms or anything

>> No.3032914
File: 81 KB, 720x720, 1595978071946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing my best to force myself to join the game but I get so filled with anxiety I almost puke so I just sit here in the main menu with the code filled in while Bea waits endlessly for her rooms to fill

>> No.3032917
Quoted by: >>3032948

I know, I'm not retarded
unlike you

>> No.3032931

Man up dad.

>> No.3032934
Quoted by: >>3033149

草 listener-chan

>> No.3032938

she's just worse than other at hiding the fact she checks how much people donate before interacting with them
there's a base level of acting you need to pretend you're not just literally begging for money online

>> No.3032947
Quoted by: >>3033149

Shy listener-chan...

>> No.3032948

>unlike you
I'm just late

>> No.3032966

appreciate the honesty and pay up

>> No.3032977
Quoted by: >>3032996

Wtf, just noticed there's a stream and i have work in 20 minutes
What have I missed?

>> No.3032987
File: 255 KB, 960x1200, 1608052812416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turn off visual tasks, it's a cringe setting
confirm ejects is also usually off for similar reasons but it might be better to have it on for stream humor, I don't know
the other default settings are usually decent enough, except maybe adding more time for discussion (I think 120 seconds is what most people set it to?)

>> No.3032995
Quoted by: >>3033044

>she checks how much people donate before interacting with them
proof or kys

>> No.3032996

its just amongus practise with members don't worry

>> No.3033000
File: 33 KB, 419x419, 1491845030928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3033034

this honestly. I at first thought it was her being ironic, but now it just rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.3033032

>fuck you pay me retard
But that's what vtubing is in general..

>> No.3033034
Quoted by: >>3033154

oh you antis are back. fuck off

>> No.3033042

antis AWAY!

>> No.3033044

>she literally tweeted out "when someone replies to me I search their donation history"
anon please

>> No.3033067

Think that was specifically DMs that annoy her.

>> No.3033089

literally every chuuba takes special care of their gachikois, how new

>> No.3033105

She was talking about DMs. Get a better bait you shitty anti.

>> No.3033126
Quoted by: >>3033146

Playing on mobile sucks

>> No.3033134
Quoted by: >>3033171 >>3033198

>anyone I disagree with is an anti
Fuck off

>> No.3033146

it's like five bucks on steam

>> No.3033149

I guess now I know what name to use if I do get in at least

>> No.3033154
File: 471 KB, 500x500, ImpracticalWelcomeAndalusianhorsesmall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3033228 >>3033277

Im not an anti, I've been here since her EN debut. I'm still on the fence on if she trolling or not, but it still rubs me weird.

>> No.3033158

I will not play amogus even for my oshi, have fun though dads

>> No.3033160
File: 686 KB, 1000x414, 1619312217752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3033182 >>3033221

Good Morning dads. Let's keep this thread civil. We love the bear and I see this stream is pretty comfy. As per usual though,
Fuck Antis
Fuck Schizos
Bea Love!

>> No.3033169
Quoted by: >>3033255

So she got hit by some anti spam and people funny posting on twitter got hit in the crossfire? Am I reading the events that went down while I was drugged out and sleeping yesterday correct or is there something I'm missing? I just posted a doodle then didn't pay much attention after that, but apparently there was a good amount of blocking.

>> No.3033171

This is the standard anti playbook anon, create a rrat by misrepresenting something a chuuba said. If you don't want to be called one, don't act like one. Simple.

>> No.3033182
File: 560 KB, 417x523, 1600649322657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning. Let's all love Bea!

>> No.3033198

At least get the context for your bait if you're not an anti

>> No.3033221
File: 141 KB, 366x372, 1615298182676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3033228

it's no use, it's the standard idolfag playbook
once they get into their oshi she can do literally no wrong or you're an anti

>> No.3033255
Quoted by: >>3033527

We've had 2 or 3 confirmed blocks and at least one of them got unblocked today.
Honestly not a big deal.

>> No.3033263

Don't give him (you)s

>> No.3033277
Quoted by: >>3033402

Beatani is just someone without good social skills and add that with her so-so understanding of English and you can see how things went terribly wrong.

>> No.3033292
Quoted by: >>3033354

>walks right past body
>doesn't report it

>> No.3033354

foolish bear

>> No.3033402
File: 2 KB, 68x125, 1614928351636s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess thats it, since we already had problems with miscommunication before.

>> No.3033439

Beatani wants to hang people. Don't let her join a certain ghost organisation boys

>> No.3033447

If she acts this sus while being innocent I fear seeing how she'll play as an imposter

>> No.3033527

Good to know. People were talking like yesterday was some kind of yab moment.
Hope this thread goes smoother than how the last one looked in the brief read I did to try and figure things out.

>> No.3033535


>> No.3033927

never relax...

>> No.3034056
File: 138 KB, 463x967, el proyecto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! This is the organizer anon for the Birthday card project!
We're planning to present this card including your messages to Beatani on her birthday!
PicRel is my Clip Paint studio sidebar so you get an idea of what we're getting into.
Submit your message as a 300x300 picture. The previous thread was full of nice examples. Please make sure it at least contains an equivalent to the phrase "happy birthday" in English or Japanese (or make it a very awesome drawing with a small cake somewhere).
You may sign your drawing with your >internet name. However, I am NOT going to prevent people from submitting multiple drawings under the name XenMaster or loliconlover. I'll try to make that clear when I present the card. If I post the drawing on Twitter feel free to go "WTF, that's not me..." under the drawing.
If you don't see this announcement in the thread, I'd appreciate it if you wait until another thread. I got more submissions than I expected the first time around. I'll try to be open for business during stream hours.
PENDING: Showing different arrangements/positions for all the messages around the drawing (as opposed to literally random positions).
Submit to your daughter.
Received. Thanks for your contribution.

>> No.3034148

members are you guys having fun? how’s bear holding up?

>> No.3034197

She wants to be impostor but the game won't let her.

>> No.3034201

She's having fun, and wants impostor for once. Members are doing well

>> No.3034221


>> No.3034243
Quoted by: >>3034429

I unironically hate this game.

>> No.3034279
Quoted by: >>3034364

I have fun watching but I'll never play

>> No.3034339
File: 51 KB, 300x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3034499

Okay, here we go

>> No.3034364

cmon dad, don’t be shy play a game

>> No.3034422
Quoted by: >>3034499

Good job spic dad

>> No.3034429

I'm not getting the appeal so far playing it for the first time
Maybe need more practice to enjoy

>> No.3034480

say something then foolish bear...

>> No.3034499

Received, thanks.
I forgot to say that you might not see me until the end of the thread to pick all of your submissions up, so there's that as well.
Thanks. It wouldn't be possible without the submissions you anons have been giving me.

>> No.3034509

Make the spic message bigger onegai

>> No.3034596
Quoted by: >>3034681

But she isn't fond of poors anon.

>> No.3034681
Quoted by: >>3034759 >>3034919

Fuck, I just remembered you said that in the last thread.
Fellow mexicanons, if you want the spic representation to be bigger, then let's have more spics submit more messages. If you tag your submission as "spic" then I can try grouping them together but I don't want any particular message to stand out.
For what it's worth, I am hoping Beatani can print the card or at least open it in Clip Paint Studio so she can zoom into each message.
tfw mexican and oil balon

>> No.3034709

No seas huevón, y haz tu cartita.

>> No.3034759

>tfw mexican and oil balon
Cartel Kingpin.

>> No.3034865

>black is ok
bea like BBC confirmed

>> No.3034919
Quoted by: >>3035055

Last stream she said black history is bad
El Chapo-Sama...

>> No.3034956
File: 290 KB, 1440x810, 1403032781495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate burgers

>> No.3034995

Big bear cock, yes.

>> No.3035005
File: 51 KB, 710x746, 1619489858043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3035029
Quoted by: >>3035067

do latinx really?

>> No.3035055

its a cover. she say black history is bad on a regular steam, so she can say the opposite on a member stream.

>> No.3035062


>> No.3035067

Only burgers think that is funny too.

>> No.3035074

>bea trying to anonymize herself in the game when she has a very clear writing style

>> No.3035089

you will never be loved

>> No.3035094
File: 67 KB, 305x310, 1618249371131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3035120 >>3035198

Is Beatani being cuter than usual today?

>> No.3035100
Quoted by: >>3035234

>Get in
>First game ever
>I'm pasta
That was too much pressure, I couldn't even think
I hope Bea had fun at least

>> No.3035120
File: 80 KB, 500x700, _.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3035122
File: 192 KB, 1193x1913, 1619548339713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfiest stream

>> No.3035131

everyone does even they themselves

>> No.3035198

She's definitely having fun

>> No.3035234
Quoted by: >>3035330

Same, 2 first games ever and got impostor both times

>> No.3035330
Quoted by: >>3035350 >>3035371

I did nothing but panic and walk around randomly, especially after the other impostor got booted

>> No.3035350

Hanabi? If so sorry mate, vented and someone was standing next to the out vent...

>> No.3035371

hey me too I wanted to at least kill beatani before it ended since I could tell it was a lost cause but tasks finished before the cooldown

>> No.3035382

I need to do my crewmate recognition reps, I keep forgetting what colours are with me when a body is reported.

>> No.3035558
File: 8 KB, 300x300, bea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3036327

i hope i'm not too late

>> No.3035642
File: 1.12 MB, 800x714, 1619589948889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she lack critical information

>> No.3035714
File: 164 KB, 1200x1200, 2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you get to spoonfeed your daughter

>> No.3035728 [DELETED] 
File: 206 KB, 463x453, 1611955627777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want beatani to read this pasta

Ogey, Schizo Poster. I am going into /vt/ and I want your strongest narratives.
>My narratives are too strong for you, Gosling.
Schizo Poster, I tell you I am going into /vt/, and I want only your strongest narratives.
>You can't handle my narratives. They're too strong for you.
Schizo Poster, listen to me; I want only your strongest narratives.
>My narratives would kill you, Gosling. You cannot handle my narratives.
Schizo Poster, enough of these (You)s. I'm going into /vt/ and I need your strongest narratives.
>My strongest narratives would kill you, Gosling. You can't handle my strongest narratives. You'd better go to a schizo that posts weaker narratives.
Schizo Poster, I'm telling you right now; I'm going into /vt/ and I need only your strongest narratives.
>You don't know what you ask, Gosling. My strongest narratives will kill a Meido, let alone a Gosling. You need a schizo that posts weaker narratives, because my narratives are too strong.
Schizo Posterr, I'm telling you I need your strongest narrativ

>> No.3035767
File: 185 KB, 468x431, 1619466127088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3037205

>tfw you don't want to give google money but want to watch beatani

>> No.3035771


>> No.3035777

cringe ojisan

>> No.3035806


>> No.3035874

bad edit of the original

>> No.3035878

>woke up late
FUCK, I wanted to practice my amongus reps

>> No.3036056
File: 20 KB, 576x62, Screenshot 2021-04-28 113151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to get goslings on her side
sorry beatani, you killed them all yesterday

>> No.3036097
File: 458 KB, 320x360, ratethestream[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhqesz3.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3036108

not gonna lie I got really lucky that I saw both kills in front of my eyes

>> No.3036122
Quoted by: >>3036187

I miss her already

>> No.3036123

Sorry my rating is for members only.

>> No.3036144

Foolish bear defending the one who saw her kill someone.

>> No.3036145
Quoted by: >>3036327

whens the deadline?

>> No.3036152

watched it without membership/10

>> No.3036156

Amazing stream, honestly

>> No.3036183

gotta go back and watch the games I was in/10

>> No.3036187

feels good winning

>> No.3036196

comfy no drama/10

>> No.3036216
Quoted by: >>3036261

>forgot to disable quick chat and messed up a run

>> No.3036225

I love this bear too much.

>> No.3036230
File: 161 KB, 1016x2048, EzluysYVIAI0Eiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3036452

>playing with my oshi
>playing with /yah/
>ogey rrat mention
>Bea having fun

>> No.3036234

She had lot of fun this stream, she kept laughing

>> No.3036235

I was fucking there during the debut stream

>> No.3036261
Quoted by: >>3036746


>> No.3036278

dealt the match-winning blow to a bear/10

>> No.3036294

How long does it take for VODs to show up again?

>> No.3036320


>> No.3036327

I'm planning to do this for some of the threads before her birthday (all of them if I'm feeling insane, but at least all the stream threads).

>> No.3036338
Quoted by: >>3036398

My 300x300 might be a little late since I want to finish my XP hill one first. I am struggling with drawing it due to my poor skills, but it's almost done.
Several hours sometimes. I think it depends on the length of the stream too.

>> No.3036398

>a little late
I meant this as in a couple days, not late for her Birthday or the deadline.

>> No.3036401

VODs are instant but chat doesn't show up and they aren't on the upload page (normally you'd check "past live streams" but for a member's only thing you'll just need the link I guess) for a couple of hours

>> No.3036415

If you have the link you can watch it immidieately.


Here you go, but only members can open it. I hope she keeps this video even though it is practice only.

>> No.3036452

>Bea having fun
This was the best thing

>> No.3036463
Quoted by: >>3037023

Shippo, our impostor round was fucking flawless, you're a king

>> No.3036522
File: 11 KB, 443x332, 1618618231973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I feel right now

>> No.3036527

>Best day
>Worst day
>Best day
>Worst day
>Best day
I'm going to take off tomorrow

>> No.3036531
File: 178 KB, 365x354, 1617372870295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her...

>> No.3036536

kek anon you were actually right it was him https://twitter.com/Ziassan/status/1387446359008161795

>> No.3036537
File: 81 KB, 290x297, 1618418451602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3042814

Based Rye-san knew exactly what I had in mind and stood next to me and my victim to give him a false sense of security. Poor dead guy also ran himself into a corner.

>> No.3036566

no bully, he makes covers, donate and doesn't seem to spam replies

>> No.3036584
File: 200 KB, 337x332, 80tPFfwCxk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bea laughing at my dead

>> No.3036590

Nothing wrong with that, I appreciate this a lot.

>> No.3036606
Quoted by: >>3036630 >>3036680


>> No.3036629

I also want to learn how to use FL studio to composo music...

>> No.3036630
Quoted by: >>3036757

Groomers always gonna groom, that is their nature.

>> No.3036674
Quoted by: >>3036757

>literally cannot stop himself from grooming
jesus christ this retarded frenchie.

>> No.3036680

just asked which tag to post it under since #べあたに絵 is supposed to be for art

>> No.3036704

meant art as in drawing

>> No.3036727
Quoted by: >>3036753

What'd she say? I'm curious because I have something beatani related to share, but it isn't really artwork.

>> No.3036746

I just finished downloading it and punched in the code because I wanted to try this game out

>> No.3036753

She didn't reply, so I didn't insist and left it at that. I assume she get lot of DMs.

>> No.3036754

watching back some of the games I played in that stream I'm reminded why I don't use my screename in games where people can recognize me

>> No.3036757
Quoted by: >>3037010

He posted it in public, but he needs to get Bea's personal and private acknowledgement.... Creepy
Some people have already posted not drawings on the art #.

>> No.3036779
Quoted by: >>3036825

>The comment on the tweet
Seems like C*rol's little defenders are here to ruin the moment.
Cut it already, retard. You say the same shit and samefag every time Zia is mentioned.

>> No.3036795
File: 366 KB, 497x366, 1609284166026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3037751 >>3038032


>> No.3036825

Oh wow I just saw that. I'm here jus to laugh at the Frenchie though.

>> No.3036826
Quoted by: >>3036908 >>3036916

How do you play the sound?

>> No.3036837

How can we help Beatani to start rolling her Rs. Tell her to pretend to be a yakuza?

>> No.3036851

>/yah/ is now having a Zia arc
I did not see this one coming, but it doesn't surprise me.

>> No.3036863

I learned it by making a sound like a machine gun.

>> No.3036865

It's not the first time this drama was mentioned, it'll blow over soon.

>> No.3036873

Spic bros HELP

>> No.3036874
Quoted by: >>3041707

Spanish Duolingo stream

>> No.3036885
Quoted by: >>3036945

There's no arc. He has been here for a while.

>> No.3036893 [SPOILER] 
File: 993 KB, 1920x1080, 1619629488934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3036935 >>3036962

Mostly fun but also some pain/10

>> No.3036908
Quoted by: >>3037018

you have to install a script using tampermonkey or any other similar plugin of scripts management for your internet browser of choice

>> No.3036916
Quoted by: >>3037018

I will spoonfeed you this time.

>> No.3036918
Quoted by: >>3037100

>tfw for most of my life I couldn't pronounce R correctly and pinched my tongue between the left side teeth and let air pass between the tongue and cheek
I still do that by default, but I've learned to roll my Rs in a number of situations.

>> No.3036919

dude's been here for like a month now and this is like the fifth time it's come up

I've seen so many people saying this is true or that is true or this is false or that is false and frankly I don't give a single solitary shit to get involved in this retarded drama. all I'm gonna say is beatani isn't a literal child so I doubt anything will happen and if the frog had any goddamn common sense he'd change name/profile to just avoid this shit entirely since there's a nonzero chance he's gonna drag beatani into this drama as-is

>> No.3036924

Literally nothing, we just have a few /wvt/ anons here that like to bring their discord drama.

>> No.3036935
Quoted by: >>3037031


>> No.3036942

Next they are going to say beatani is a pedo as well? Is beatani about to learn first hand what it means to be targeted by Western sjws?

>> No.3036945
Quoted by: >>3037017

It looks like this arc is going to be on Twitter. I hope it doesn't splash to Bea.

>> No.3036962


>> No.3036967
File: 491 KB, 1280x529, 1619114817117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3036968
File: 2.38 MB, 640x360, IKZ[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fyg3gc6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post soundsposts for the bear

>> No.3036975

please undastand his name is just so fun to say

>> No.3036983

Yes likely. I've seen this happen before and anyone who doesn't do what they want will be accused of the same thing. Says enough about their accusation to their first target.
It's always good to ignore these """"people"""

>> No.3036985

she will never get them to work

too foolish

>> No.3036988
File: 376 KB, 590x588, UOOOOOOOOH[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fymuy7n.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3037010
Quoted by: >>3037044

>supposed to get personal approval on fan-made content but shouldn't DM her
you guys are fucking weird

>> No.3037013
File: 126 KB, 324x464, 1618865142748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a compilation of her saying "I love you!"

>> No.3037014
Quoted by: >>3037530

She likes her own R18 art where and her body looks underage, but it should be fine as long as she doesn't get too much in the english twitter sphere

>> No.3037017
Quoted by: >>3037096 >>3037195

>I hope it doesn't splash to Bea
Sooner or later it probably will. The man has no self control.

>> No.3037018

Thanks anons. Your kindness is wasted on a filthy phoneposter like me though. Will install on my PC.

>> No.3037023
File: 265 KB, 355x405, 1618581587014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3037048 >>3037060

My dude, when you came to me near the end I was like "wakaru, let's do it"
It was my first and last amongus game today, I'm glad it went so well.
I was still at work, on online camera meeting during that time, trying to not show on my face that I'm hyped by trying to win. Good thing the others were busy with something else during that time.

>> No.3037031
Quoted by: >>3037177

I tried so hard to turn purple's accusation around but I couldn't find the words and just shut down, that dad was scary

>> No.3037044

That was supposed to be a joke anon-chama

>> No.3037048
Quoted by: >>3037068 >>3037257

>I was still at work, on online camera meeting during that time, trying to not show on my face that I'm hyped by trying to win.
same here
I need art of Listener-chan skipping work to watch Bea

>> No.3037060

Based dad

>> No.3037068

Listener-chan is just a smelly NEET, no way she can function in society

>> No.3037096

Oh, God. I'm already seeing the shitstorm unfold in my mind. It was strange that Twitter was almost pleasant inside Bea's bubble.

>> No.3037100

I now sound like I had a stroke, thanks anon.

>> No.3037107

he's a retarded, drug addled attention whore, and if he had any sense and respect for beatani, he'd reincarnate under a new identity before donating and making music for her.

>> No.3037150

So he can be called out harder than before because he was "attempting to hide his identity under a different name" His works is identifiable You are dumber than you think.

>> No.3037154
Quoted by: >>3037173 >>3037234

calm down. he didn't do anything bad yet

>> No.3037173
File: 93 KB, 227x222, 1618662459300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3037177
Quoted by: >>3037203

Fool. That was no dad.

>> No.3037180
Quoted by: >>3037199

Dads, drop this already please. The worst concernfagging is when you get worked up about hypothetical scenarios that don't exist in reality.

>> No.3037179

I hope that Ziassan becomes a mod whenever the discord gets created

>> No.3037189
File: 154 KB, 554x1011, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On an unrelated note, there are some names I don't recognise among the people who retweeted the bear coupon. Beacoin inclining.

>> No.3037195

meds, it's just retard literally who from wvt with 14 followers who replied and nothing else

>> No.3037198

Go back to trash and take your wannabe drama as well

>> No.3037199

Dads need to learn to ignore the shitter that loses it whenever Zia is mentioned

>> No.3037203


>> No.3037205

me too dude. I'm going to figure out ARS one of these days.

>> No.3037211

That guy is an attention whore of the worst kind.
His main skit is making up sockpuppets to falseflag as both antis and supporters.
This isn't even about lolis, this is about him shitting the threads for months and attacking vtubers rentelessly until he was outed.
He will start falseflagging as a Beatani anti, if he hasn't done it already. Mark my words.

>> No.3037215
Quoted by: >>3037332

Really, what's up with wvtards and their need to bring their shit no one cares about to this place?

>> No.3037220

if you do that then people find you and call you out for trying to hide
cancel culture is no joke

>> No.3037234
File: 30 KB, 602x246, jsw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not it anon. What happens next will be the desicion of this kind of people. I hope it doesn't blow up.

>> No.3037236

I wish discordtrannies would fuck off with their drama.
Bea is not a child. She showed that she can deal with her problems.
Stop concernfagging and shitting up the thread with your bullshit.

>> No.3037245
File: 341 KB, 1280x720, 1615506889055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3037249

Don't forget to record yourself for the birthday project!

>> No.3037257

I managed to show my poker face but then I was watching the next game, Bea started to protect herself at the end and I grinned like an idiot, I hope they didn't notice

>> No.3037260
Quoted by: >>3037295

>literally nothing bad happens and Beatani has fun
>old /wvt/ drama shits up the thread anyways
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.3037272
Quoted by: >>3037345

hope she blocks that faggot

>> No.3037283
Quoted by: >>3037345

>14 followers literally who /wvt/ vtuber
kek, almost feeling pity

>> No.3037287

an anon knew him when he posted here anonymously, how do you think they would react .

>> No.3037295

They are compulsive leeches, what did you expect

>> No.3037296
Quoted by: >>3037310 >>3038032

>His main skit is making up sockpuppets to falseflag as both antis and supporters.
Is there evidence for this?

>> No.3037297
Quoted by: >>3037339

I'm really glad we decided to make 24/7 threads for a vtuber who streams less than 20 hours a week, this is so much fun

>> No.3037301
Quoted by: >>3037480

You are the only attention whore there. Go back to discord.

>> No.3037310
Quoted by: >>3037480

Go back to /wvt/ dude no one care about some edited document and your twitter cancel culture
evidences got shown to be bogus from what I saw

>> No.3037318
Quoted by: >>3037345

that faggot has the absolute nerve to tell beatani what to do

>> No.3037328
Quoted by: >>3037361

Dads need to learn zen-like ability to ignore trolls and drama or we will keep being led down these rabbit holes.

>> No.3037332

western vtuber scene love that kind of shit in general

>> No.3037339
Quoted by: >>3037365 >>3037408

>a vtuber who streams less than 20 hours a week
Stream more Bea please.

>> No.3037345

To clarify, that's not even a vtuber, it's a troll account with 0 followers impersonating a failed vtuber. Stop getting worked up over nothing.

>> No.3037361

>IP count suddendly increase from cross-thread posters
kinda obvious

>> No.3037365
Quoted by: >>3037453

zatsudan guerilla onegai...

>> No.3037381
File: 330 KB, 463x441, 1619291827936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't derail the thread dads!

>> No.3037395
Quoted by: >>3037425 >>3037441

She said she doesn't really celebrate birthdays, but I hope she still appreciates the gifts

>> No.3037396

Beatani should stream 24/7, I want to hear her sleeping!

>> No.3037408

i'm cool with a more relaxed schedule
I just wish other dads were cool with not having 24/7 threads or, at least if they insist on it, not being retards and starting drama the picosecond the streams end

>> No.3037425

She may get nervous, but I doubt she won't appreciate it.

>> No.3037428

You can't prevent 100+ posters from not making a thread
And once a thread is up, if the more reasonable people chose not to post in it, it means the thread is left with just the worse
Kinda have to accept there will be threads

>> No.3037441

She is over the 25 hump, every birthday only reminds her that she is getting older while still a failure, gifts make this worse by reminding her all the help and legs up she had and failed to capitalize on. This will be like torture to her.

>> No.3037453
Quoted by: >>3037492

I still have no idea of what a guerilla zatsudan is

>> No.3037454

This, Bea's schedule is fine as is.
>I just wish other dads were cool with not having 24/7 threads
Most of us are, it just takes one Cirno to make a new thread though. And every time it happened, it snowballed to bump limit. It can't be helped.

>> No.3037463
File: 156 KB, 366x289, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3037492

I hope beatani learns to play around with Amogus settings for the next stream, lot of possible fun things to do

>> No.3037480 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>3037621 >>3037695



>> No.3037486

Sorry Bea... I will not be foolish

>> No.3037491

You almost sound like you want to bring her down

>> No.3037492

A guerrilla stream is an unscheduled one.

She barely knows the game, fucking around with the settings won't help.

>> No.3037494
Quoted by: >>3037587

If a general has nothing to talk about, it's going to default to drama.

>> No.3037504
File: 158 KB, 414x528, b91oKPj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are going to see Bea again in a few hours

>> No.3037514
Quoted by: >>3037548 >>3037550

Don't give them (you)s ffs.

>> No.3037517

That's the whole reason for birthday parties. To keep you mind away from that while enjoying the company of friends and family.

>> No.3037530

Great, ammo they can use should they choose to initiate an attack against the bear.

>> No.3037535
File: 103 KB, 346x351, 1618869633253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will do your reps until the stream, righ dads? Whichever reps you choose to do

>> No.3037539
File: 114 KB, 489x497, 1618903331135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3037540

my sleep reps...
I've already slept an hour during work hours today but that's because power was down at the office and I was sitting with my laptop in bed.

>> No.3037542

I don't think is really about being reminded of her past, but rather about what exactly to do with her present.
Bea doesn't know what to do with gratitude and that can be really stressful, as long as she doesn't think much about she should be fine.

>> No.3037548

I'm not gonna. I'm just waiting for the next stream! Also we need all the artists we can, tho I'm already glad for the many drawfag dads already here.

>> No.3037550

It's obvious that the one making those post is the same person who is shitting over Twitter right now. Let's just ignore him

>> No.3037567

Concernfags were a mistake now and always.

>> No.3037572
Quoted by: >>3037601 >>3037609

What is she playing? I wanted to watch her but my schedule wouldn't allow it. It's my day off now so I finally have the opportunity.

>> No.3037587
Quoted by: >>3037618 >>3037703

we can talk about how cute her pleas to not get ejected in the last round were

>> No.3037601


>> No.3037609

>Ao Oni
Are the games of this week

>> No.3037618
Quoted by: >>3037654

When her anonmask slipped off it was great, plus with ineffectual goslingbaits.

>> No.3037621
File: 412 KB, 610x900, Meds Onegai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3037665 >>3037738

anon, please. chill out it's not that deep really.

>> No.3037624

>EN practice V
She's so cute

>> No.3037646



>> No.3037647

>2 AM

>> No.3037654
Quoted by: >>3037719

>Bea will never tell you she loves you to avoid getting ejected

>> No.3037665
Quoted by: >>3037738

He wants those (You)s to post them on twater. Don't give him any.

>> No.3037673

>6 hours from now

>> No.3037695

If you knew the slightest thing about her you'd know she'd maul anyone that nags her.

>> No.3037703

I am proud to have been the one to finger her as the suspect

>> No.3037719

she did and I still smashed that button
matane, bea bea

>> No.3037736

Wow, it's really very pathetic to see an account with 0 followers have this kind of power trips.

>> No.3037738

What male do you want you Beatani to collab with? Zia is a vtuber, they surely can arrange a Minecraft game together.
That's what you guys want to see right?

>> No.3037751
File: 108 KB, 1076x260, 1616800699457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Beatani's alt account.

>> No.3037759

Are you shaking while typing this post? it gives off that feeling

>> No.3037781

I don't want her to collab with anyone especially male. Why are you bringing it up like dads actually want this? Stop schizoposting

>> No.3037784
File: 79 KB, 1054x839, 1617738463381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bea love! I will go do my art reps

>> No.3037794

>Thread is falling down already
No big deal, Bea had fun and the next stream is in 6 hours
See you later dads

>> No.3037809

>What male do you want you Beatani to collab with?
Hiroyuki, I won't settle for anything else.

>> No.3037831 [SPOILER] 
File: 40 KB, 300x300, 1619631799936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3040581

Here's my contribution.

This might fit better on the mosaic, but I think all the mosaic slots are filled up. Do what you will with this.

>> No.3037839

>What male do you want you Beatani to collab with?

>> No.3037840

Vinesauce Vinny

>> No.3037842
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 20210402_215539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3037870 >>3037994


>> No.3037844
Quoted by: >>3038107

I will only accept Hiroyuki as well.

>> No.3037870
Quoted by: >>3037924

We need to make it happen one way or another.

>> No.3037924


>> No.3037926

jap moot

>> No.3037953

Fuck off Zia.

>> No.3037957
Quoted by: >>3037977 >>3038024

Enough of the birthday shit already. She's said she doesn't even really celebrate birthdays. It's gone from simple cute cringe to creepily overbearing.
Please have some self awareness

>> No.3037976
Quoted by: >>3038009 >>3038102

We should cuck bea by getting hiroshimoot's attention.

>> No.3037977


>> No.3037994
File: 115 KB, 700x700, spaghetti dropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bea collabs with Hiroyuki
>She gets nervous
>Looks to dads for support, even involving them
>Dads don't help, they want to see Bea talk to him
>Huge spaghetti drop
>Hiroyuki roasts her live

>> No.3038009

This, I found him kinda cute on his youtube videos. I want to fuck him too.

>> No.3038024
File: 51 KB, 1414x197, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3038032

don't wanna shit up the thread more than it already got, my answer is in my bio https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CNb3YE905AhATGQPYPHNORUBuW4kM7Hq/edit showing every evidence to be faked, this will be my only post about it this thread
about the name change, considering it, but people always track you back no matter what
sorry about the annoyance, I can't control their actions

>> No.3038049

dont care

>> No.3038061


>> No.3038081
Quoted by: >>3038120

I knew you were here, french faggot.

>> No.3038084
Quoted by: >>3038487

I wonder if Bea knows about Hiro's 4chan VTuber contest and how well that went.

>> No.3038096

That'll be so kino.

>> No.3038102

you cool, just make more music, dads should learn to ignore cross-threaders anyway, many got baited the last time from the 4cc thread

That would be actually great

>> No.3038107

So, no joke, I was kind of thinking about this.
If I seriously studied the pictures of him floating around, I could probably deduce the exact building he lives in. From there, I could stroll around the area; bakeries, grocery shops, etc. If I ever do meet him, I'd make a remark to him in broken japanese, tell him I'm a fan or something. Then I could try to bond with him by telling him I have a common interest in craft beers (which is true), and try to develop a semi-friendship.
After several conversations, I could introduce the subject of vtubers, his failed plans for 4chan, and after a while, drop the fact that a certain vtuber idolizes him and wants to talk to him.

It's not creepy if my goal isn't to kill or rape him

>> No.3038120
Quoted by: >>3038143

I know we have mentally deficient people here but oh wow what gave it away for you

>> No.3038127

I'm pretty sure he's well aware of vtubers now

>> No.3038135
File: 187 KB, 320x359, 1617716190568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3038143
Quoted by: >>3038155

An army of people defending you out of nowhere, mostly.

>> No.3038145

But anon, my goal is exactly the last line

>> No.3038155

Don't mistake me for that guy. Stop being an idiot

>> No.3038156

he would never be friends with you

>> No.3038158
File: 19 KB, 300x300, A8B085EF-4556-46EA-9C7B-AFA3BB93E465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3038181 >>3040581

I hope i am not late

>> No.3038162

someone please tell bea to mod a mom or something

>> No.3038181


>> No.3038191

When she wants to bring it up. Chat's been chill until now.

>> No.3038217

Great plan anon, just remember to the save the killing and/or raping for after he talks with Beatani.

>> No.3038245
Quoted by: >>3038249

I would like a bot better. Machines are the only thing you can trsut 100%

>> No.3038249

We had this talk before, Nightbot is too aggressive.

>> No.3038251

Do we have confirmed girl viewers yet?

>> No.3038284
Quoted by: >>3038400

There was one mom voice, if I remember correctly

>> No.3038285
File: 452 KB, 776x532, 1619291146683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then we kidnap him and send him to Bea's house

>> No.3038289
Quoted by: >>3038400

Yes, one recorded for the Cirno thing.

>> No.3038290
Quoted by: >>3038321

yes we have at least three

>> No.3038293
Quoted by: >>3038333

Reminder to ignore, block, and hide suspected R!n W@s@b! comments and posts. That tard is here and actively shitting up the thread. He's today's anti. Literally admits it on his own twitter.

>> No.3038294

make me chat mod so I can ban each and every single one of you and have bea all to myself!

>> No.3038320
File: 48 KB, 220x220, parcunnosuer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are pathetic frenchman. To this day many of the people who were even there at the time even who would have the power to know for sure believe menchii and avery to be different people, do you really expect me to believe you are incapable of similarly disappearing? The only reason you haven't been silently reborn clean of this is because you want this kind of shitposting and drama to keep happening; but you know that, that's the bargain you made no? Fame and notoriety at only the cost of disquiet. I only hope whatever monster you dealt with comes to collect soon for the rest of our peace.

>> No.3038321

Who is them?

>> No.3038333
File: 35 KB, 381x394, BeaaeB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3038350
Quoted by: >>3038614

98% anon.

>> No.3038364

I like BeaaeB

>> No.3038374
Quoted by: >>3038463

reminder to the dads who woke up late that this is a thing >>3011782

>> No.3038387
Quoted by: >>3038404

Is there Inattani?

>> No.3038391

I really, really doubt any mom would want to be in the spotlight as such

>> No.3038400
Quoted by: >>3038439 >>3038468

I'm here, it's just being a female is cringe so I don't really show it off. I'd use a voice changer for the Cirno project if I knew how to do it.

>> No.3038404
File: 37 KB, 381x394, taniinat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3038423 >>3038451


>> No.3038423

I will pull that middle bang

>> No.3038439
Quoted by: >>3038491


>> No.3038451 [SPOILER] 
File: 162 KB, 381x394, 1619633253480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3038454
File: 330 KB, 1024x893, XPHill_Stabbing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3038574

I was expecting something more like this.

>> No.3038463
Quoted by: >>3038472

Who should I vote for in the "Least representative" category?
Besides the obvious one of course.

>> No.3038468
Quoted by: >>3038489

I just like knowing there is ""some"" diversity among the fans, staying discreet is totally understandable.

>> No.3038472

Whomever you don't want to see in the team.

>> No.3038484

I'm not spoonfeeding you anti.

>> No.3038487
File: 116 KB, 1066x247, 1609349873874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3038509

I wondered about this.
Does she know there was a slim chance of achieving her goal of talking to him through it?
If only she came here three years ago.

>> No.3038489
Quoted by: >>3038698

At least it shows to me that women can have taste in oshis.

>> No.3038491
Quoted by: >>3038755 >>3039020

no kek, he seems like a good guy though

>> No.3038509
Quoted by: >>3038595

I wonder, if she uses the feedback form, can she reach him about it?

>> No.3038524
Quoted by: >>3038642

Just appreciate his music, because they're alright, but always keep him at a distance and force him to behave.

>> No.3038574

Wasn't there a pretty big Japanese meme last year of Hiroyuki interviewing people and pulling out of his pockets things that they had brought in to him, like weapons to assasinate him or body parts of the person being interviewed?

>> No.3038595
Quoted by: >>3038613

Lurk for two years before posting

>> No.3038613

was more of a rhetorical question desu

>> No.3038614
Quoted by: >>3038734

no i am a guy, i just think a girl would be more fair and just

>> No.3038642
Quoted by: >>3038682

>Just appreciate his music
I do, but I want him to not bother Bea with things he can ask in this threads anonymously. Do your own thing and post in public or here it's that simple.

>> No.3038662

do fake women count?

>> No.3038679


>> No.3038682

He's an attentionwhore. Keep him chained up and away from any authority whatsoever, or else he'll try something funny again.

>> No.3038686

Shimakaze-kun count.

>> No.3038698

Most of them don't. Females in vtuber community in my country are either almost exclusively into holo. Some of them trying to be chuubas themselves and they're all producing the same shitty copy-paste content, I hate it.

>> No.3038699


>> No.3038734
Quoted by: >>3038867 >>3038927

Fair and just. Not for sure, but at least a girl wouldn't accept the job just to be "the chosen one by my oshi uoooooh".

>> No.3038755
File: 22 KB, 467x433, images (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3038867

I can be just to be "the one's who's better and suitable for the moderating work". I wouldn't be surprised if there's ego there.

>> No.3038887


>> No.3038900
Quoted by: >>3038969 >>3038984

Man, I wanna play amogus with Beatani... Perhaps I should become a member....

>> No.3038903

>Dads don't help
the concernchads would not let that happen

>> No.3038910

>I wouldn't be surprised if there's ego there.
With a woman it will always be there. (With men too, but the desire to fuck overcomes their egos with this kind of thing).

>> No.3038927

The local girl can't moderate all of the streams though. She'd have to absolutely destroy her sleep schedule for that.
Yeah but imagine the outrage if any of the regulars got the priviledge to rule over the chat

>> No.3038969

Remote Kid...

>> No.3038970

I went to set a reminder fir the omori stream and saw that weirdo is in the chat, what the hell is his issue?

>> No.3038984
Quoted by: >>3039015

This was typed with bear paws.

>> No.3039002
Quoted by: >>3039051

This, I wouldn't want to be a moderator because I speak a lot in chat and the wrench icon would stand out way too much. In these situations it's better to keep a low profile.

>> No.3039013
File: 554 KB, 512x512, 16171345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I missed the among us practice stream because I had work

>> No.3039014
Quoted by: >>3039054 >>3039087


>> No.3039015

I disagree, there's no "yone" at the end of the sentence

>> No.3039019

thats how he copes

>> No.3039020
File: 74 KB, 260x260, 260px-Arurandeisu_-_Portrait_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3039193 >>3039406

I legit want to be friends with him, Linusbeard, and stuffed idiot. All three are omega chill to be with. It's depressing, because Destroyar heavily reminds me of an old friend who is just like him, except he died two years ago so it's a mixed feeling. He was only 19 at that time too.
Regarding males collabing with Beatani, I'd be overjoyed if Arurandeisu collabed with her, but that's purely my bias. Since both extensively used 2ch before so I'm curious what kind of chemistry could be formed. Only a distant dream, but one can wish.

>> No.3039027

He's a massive SEAnigger retard, he should be banned

>> No.3039051
Quoted by: >>3039373

Maybe if she gets some Vtuber friends she could ask them to become mods for her if they can watch the stream.

>> No.3039052

>Yeah but imagine the outrage if any of the regulars got the priviledge to rule over the chat
I moderate a chuuba's chat but she makes it out to be a shitty job where she roasts her mods constantly and the viewers do too so there's not much jealousy for it

>> No.3039054

this guy https://streamable.com/p0fmg6

>> No.3039057
Quoted by: >>3039109

Hey Question box you got unbanned. Congrats man.

>> No.3039067
Quoted by: >>3039087

you mean the ao oni stream?

>> No.3039079
Quoted by: >>3039128 >>3039238

Beginning of the end.

>> No.3039087
File: 472 KB, 698x1231, Capture+_2021-04-28-13-36-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3039102

Ah. I checked Omori stream and there's nothing noteworthy. Fuck that guy

>> No.3039109

yeah. I had a suspicion that it was just her setting the stream as member only, and I guess it's confirmed now.

>> No.3039128
Quoted by: >>3039193


>> No.3039134
Quoted by: >>3039151 >>3039197

Oh god, I know there're some indonesian dads here so I'll refrain to call him the name. But I agree that he has to get out.

>> No.3039151
Quoted by: >>3039269

I grant you the s-word pass

>> No.3039153

wasn't that the faggot that was doxxing on Mori's stream too?

>> No.3039160
File: 17 KB, 659x193, GitGudScrub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our daughter is a casual
Where did we go wrong?

>> No.3039187

It's her first time playing, forgive her.

>> No.3039193
Quoted by: >>3039238 >>3039731

prob talking about >>3039020

>> No.3039197
Quoted by: >>3039257 >>3039269

Seanigger? Its fine to say that. This fuck was posting shit in Mor'si chat once and got mistaken for being chinese. He also posted in the comments under a more recent video. Ive also seen him shitting up a holostar chat due to it being a mori collab. He's a global tard that's definitely banned from here

>> No.3039238

It's bound to happen, but it's true it's an early start

refer to https://archive.nyafuu.org/vt/thread/3010290/#3016904 prediction

>> No.3039239

She isn't really a gamer

>> No.3039244

why do you give him the attention he so desperately wants?

>> No.3039257

I wonder if its that guy who replied to himself 30 times to make it look like a lot of people agree with his shitty opinion or if thats an etirely different indog

>> No.3039269

Thanks, fuck that Seanigger Indog.

>> No.3039278

Who else /europoor/ here? Tonight again I'm staying up to watch our daughter play Ao Oni!

>> No.3039280
Quoted by: >>3039334

stop derailing faggots

>> No.3039311

Euro but pretty well off
Gonna watch too

>> No.3039334

Yes, we should talk about on-topic things. So.... Amogus sus?

>> No.3039335
Quoted by: >>3039356

I'm a natural-born 100% genuine pro gamer and I had more difficulty than her.

>> No.3039342

>Staying up
I'm going to take a quick nap because it's the fucking middle of the week and I have to work tomorrow
Bea please have compassion on us

>> No.3039344

That's rough, buddy. /Yah/ seems to alternate between comfy and imminent collapse depending on the day lately, but I hope you find some nukumority with the Beatani community

>> No.3039353
Quoted by: >>3039376

But it's very late, I'll watch the VOD tomorrow.

>> No.3039354

I have to work tomorrow, so I'm sticking to the VOD pit where I belong.

>> No.3039356

I was sure that I was going to steamroll all the games and I ended up dropping my spaghetti so hard that I haven't recovered yet

>> No.3039373
Quoted by: >>3039443

Not entirely ideal. Chuubas are busy people, and you'd want mods who can focus on the stream and stay in it from start to finish.
The best would be silent mods who don't participate in chat, but those are hard to find.

>> No.3039376

Based frenchbrother

>> No.3039385

I just have to stay up to 2:00 am, pretty easy for me since I don't really have a life

>> No.3039406

>I legit want to be friends with him, Linusbeard, and stuffed idiot
Thanks anon dad. Too bad the idiot makes honor to his name and wants to die with a grey name.
>heavily reminds me of an old friend who is just like him, except he died two years ago so it's a mixed feeling. He was only 19 at that time too.
Ok that was a little grim...

>> No.3039441

There's a game I really want beatani to play, but I doubt she'll like it

>> No.3039443

Yeah, that's true. But they can surely be helpful at scratching each other's backs when there's not enough mods at the hours of some streams.

>> No.3039473
Quoted by: >>3039549


>> No.3039483
Quoted by: >>3039500 >>3039549

Ikaruga on the gamecube?

>> No.3039487

I don't expect outrage. And I also wouldn't want to be one because I can't imagien dealing with spammers

>> No.3039493
File: 146 KB, 381x394, humanBea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3039500

I actually want some gamecube kino
Bea please

>> No.3039503
File: 870 KB, 1149x1495, 1619562459709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3039516
File: 353 KB, 778x437, L0D8lik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3039525 >>3039659

Now remove the choker

>> No.3039525

you're sick

>> No.3039529

Kirby Air Ride

>> No.3039539
Quoted by: >>3039891

And dye her hair black!

>> No.3039544

now she has no ears

>> No.3039549


>> No.3039557
Quoted by: >>3039586

Maybe moderator status can be granted to winners of the smash bros tournement, which can be held at some regular interval. Dads cannot dispute the rule of the moderator that fought and beat them all

>> No.3039565

Uoooh, Bea with no ears.

>> No.3039567

Jacket AWAY

>> No.3039581
File: 147 KB, 371x384, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3039586
Quoted by: >>3039706

I'm not going to buy a switch and a smash copy to be a mod. Not even of Bea's chat.

>> No.3039587

Now remove a limb

>> No.3039592
Quoted by: >>3039656

Slay the Spire?

>> No.3039631
Quoted by: >>3039644 >>3040324

half life 1?

>> No.3039644
Quoted by: >>3040324


>> No.3039654

Wow look at beatani go! Shes playing apex!

>> No.3039656

Beatani, onegai...

>> No.3039659
File: 138 KB, 381x394, humanBea_noChoker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3039666


>> No.3039673
Quoted by: >>3039762

actually lewder

>> No.3039674

Guilty Gear?

>> No.3039684

Now remove the eyes

>> No.3039706

Ok, but how about Melee on project slippi?

>> No.3039731
Quoted by: >>3039774

I just wanted to proclaim how much I enjoy their company, roleplaying, and/or lively attitude. I feel happy being around them. That's all I wanted to say.

>> No.3039741
Quoted by: >>3039799


>> No.3039762 [SPOILER] 
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, 1619637318986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3040587

now remove the clothes

>> No.3039774

that’s sweet i appreciate it

>> No.3039778
File: 160 KB, 354x341, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooooooooo stooooooooooooooooop

>> No.3039797
Quoted by: >>3039885

>She kicked Dr. Cell out and then said "Hi Honey" like he asked but for members only
unfathomably based

>> No.3039799
Quoted by: >>3039841

>killing beatani and venting her into space
>hearing her rage on stream as she floats away
God that would be great

>> No.3039841

>just turn her into a monkey
I know it's a bad idea to get streamers to play it but that doesn't mean I don't fantasize about how funny it would be if they tried to stick with it.

>> No.3039885

All his message are gone from prechat too. Based Bear

>> No.3039891
File: 117 KB, 381x394, humanBea_noChoker_blackHair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried but I suck at hair

>> No.3039897

Beatani when she escapes XP hill.

>> No.3039906

pain-kuma I Just can't... Sorry Bea

>> No.3039909


>> No.3039914

Now give her glasses

>> No.3039938


>> No.3039942

now give her elf ears

>> No.3039950
Quoted by: >>3039970

shania is shitting up pre stream chat since he can’t shit up the thread fuck you shania

>> No.3039956
Quoted by: >>3040021

Please for the love of God, do not give her a side tail or long hair. My dick is legit erect because of your edits. STOP IT RIGHT NOW.

>> No.3039961
Quoted by: >>3039984

are you trying to make reverse metamorphosis doujin?

>> No.3039970

Looks like he makes it his hobby to shit up this place. You know what to do with the youtube options.

>> No.3039973


>> No.3039984


>> No.3040007
Quoted by: >>3040096

Now give her a tan

>> No.3040019

How much further can anon go?

>> No.3040021
Quoted by: >>3040643

>Black hair
>No animal features
>No choker
>Long hair
You foolish dads are turning her into Listener

>> No.3040072
Quoted by: >>3040109


>> No.3040096


>> No.3040109
File: 164 KB, 500x500, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3040153
File: 299 KB, 762x1455, 1618870985621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her true form

>> No.3040184

Uoooh erotic. This is perfect

>> No.3040195

I like this more than I should

>> No.3040219

This shouldn't turn me on, but... She's so cute...

>> No.3040245

Someone edit this in the picture of those two flips.

>> No.3040246
Quoted by: >>3040272 >>3040298

I tuned in for a bit. Did she get a chance to be a killer?

>> No.3040270 [SPOILER] 
File: 22 KB, 400x414, 1619638882743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3040272
Quoted by: >>3040404

Yes, but she self-reported and got voted out

>> No.3040298
Quoted by: >>3040404

She was impostor twice. First time she fucked up because she accidentally self-repo'd immediately after killing someone, and second time she did ok until she killed someone, was seen near the body, got a second chance to live, and then the next time she started defending the guy who saw her with the body earlier.

>> No.3040303


>> No.3040307


>> No.3040309
File: 199 KB, 1256x1080, 1619624134689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get near my daughter ever again

>> No.3040314

Tamago Chisato

>> No.3040324
File: 66 KB, 250x250, HevSuit[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3jiacx.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3040334

gyaru sucks IRL

>> No.3040343

good thing she's an anime bear

>> No.3040348

Tamagai Chisategg

>> No.3040358

How to do you know when someone is an actual homosexual: >>3040334

>> No.3040361

okay nerd

>> No.3040369

Yeah it's not good

>> No.3040395
File: 110 KB, 381x394, humanBea_noChoker_blackHair_sunGlasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3040404

Baka musume....

>> No.3040407
File: 44 KB, 286x181, 1599290924614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly based.

>> No.3040413
File: 141 KB, 381x394, humanBea_noChoker_glasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with the "normal" version too

>> No.3040422
File: 10 KB, 225x224, 5w6546.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure?

>> No.3040444
File: 98 KB, 378x485, 1479644200103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did play WHILE at work, right dad?

>> No.3040450
Quoted by: >>3040612

Now give her a shotgun and the illusion of free choice

>> No.3040457

She seem like a bitch and right now she's probably 40 but I would still fuck her

>> No.3040460

That's right, only IRL gyaru-oh is any good.

>> No.3040468

*sips monster*

>> No.3040473 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 346x60, 1619639506918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a terrible dad for bringing attention to the shitshow in the stream pre-chat but I just wanted to share this hilarious message. Do not reply to this post onegai.

>> No.3040475
File: 602 KB, 1536x2048, Ek13uSbUYAIDS5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3040555

gyaru ruined my oshi

>> No.3040478

They do, and pretty well too

>> No.3040481
Quoted by: >>3040496

So, you don't recommend going to gyaru themed cafe/bars in Japan?

>> No.3040496
Quoted by: >>3040593

no, go to backstage pass akihabara

>> No.3040497


>> No.3040499
File: 55 KB, 480x640, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3040555


>> No.3040500
File: 96 KB, 381x394, chisato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3040511

this feels somehow wrong

>> No.3040513
File: 50 KB, 767x720, 1605932225177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3040519

Young Mio

>> No.3040539
Quoted by: >>3040892

Are gyarus still a thing in japan anyway? All i see are old pics

>> No.3040545


>> No.3040555
File: 27 KB, 512x512, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuoooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gyaru daughter bear erotic

>> No.3040572

why does it look so good...

>> No.3040581
Quoted by: >>3041150

Thanks anons. Need to go back to work. I'll check the archives if there's any more submissions. Hopefully I can be on time for the stream thread and the stream itself to pick up more.

>> No.3040587
File: 98 KB, 381x394, prpr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3040593

That's not really my thing, is there like a shitposter cafe?

>> No.3040612
File: 133 KB, 381x394, humanBea_noChoker_blackHair_sunGlasses_gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3040659


>> No.3040616

This is Beatani cousin she doesn't want to know us about

>> No.3040620

Now gyaru edit it

>> No.3040627
File: 115 KB, 381x394, 16196392376943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3040659

Deal with it

>> No.3040643

...wait, what if she IS listener-chan?

>> No.3040645
File: 107 KB, 242x288, 1618834389517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3040657


>> No.3040659
File: 134 KB, 381x394, humanBea_noChoker_blackHair_sunGlasses_gun_cig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3040752 >>3040850


>> No.3040660
File: 62 KB, 222x243, 1615297820236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3040671
File: 153 KB, 463x475, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You knew I was going to do it.

>> No.3040675
File: 127 KB, 680x680, uoooooooooooooh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3040748
Quoted by: >>3041696

Half frame red glasses please. And that should be good.

>> No.3040752

The last thing I want to see before it all goes dark

>> No.3040762
Quoted by: >>3040832

we need the ban hammer before too many antis build up and keep riffing false narratives off of eachother

>> No.3040832

I agree. Both prechats are shit because of the same guy (wont name him)

>> No.3040850
File: 124 KB, 381x394, crossover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3040875


>> No.3040875
File: 88 KB, 767x465, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3040886

I wonder how she feels being stripped down naked in front of thousands of listener-chans...

>> No.3040891

140 subs left. Assuming 10-15 subs per day that's 10 to 14 days until 3k, which means roughly at the same time as her birthday.

>> No.3040892

There seems to be a couple of them walking around in this video.

>> No.3040951
File: 716 KB, 650x644, EzXQtJHVoAAtwMR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3041040 >>3041339

>i have had her ending song stuck in my head for the past 2 hours
Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head

>> No.3040980
File: 20 KB, 327x385, 202142320143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember watching this channel occasionally years ago
kuso gaijins

>> No.3040983

Would (You) use this Bea edits as your profile picture (Youtube/Twitter)?

>> No.3040993
Quoted by: >>3041024 >>3041276

Man I dig this Japanese lady speaking in Spanish. It really broke my brain for a second, I was like nani tf?

>> No.3041016
Quoted by: >>3042141

Now....take the skin off..

>> No.3041024
Quoted by: >>3041057

How do you say "nani the fuck" in Spanish

>> No.3041040
Quoted by: >>3041339


>> No.3041057
Quoted by: >>3041105

pero qué carajo/cojones/mierda/chingados

>> No.3041105
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1617044112628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3041123
Quoted by: >>3041260

Anons in this thread need to member for the intro of the practice stream alone. It's so fucking cute.

>> No.3041150

gods speed anon

>> No.3041179

>3 years ago

now Jirai Kei fashion is all the rage

>> No.3041253

I have yet to watch a no cringe inducing spic-nip couple.

>> No.3041260
File: 61 KB, 903x918, IMG_20210427_135549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for reminding how shitty my life is. even the cheapest membership is worth 3 meals for me. even I have the money, I don't have credit card to access payment. the only time I can use internet is at my work, using cafe's wifi nextdoor.

>> No.3041273
File: 18 KB, 381x394, _.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3041376

What the fuck? Homeless Dad don't die!

>> No.3041276
Quoted by: >>3041380

There is also a video of her talking with a japanese woman who learned spanish in Mexico. And it's a trip watching two japanese women speaking in spanish with two different accents.

>> No.3041284

Dad, I'm also a third worlder, but what in the hell do you live where life is so shit?

>> No.3041290

Keep fighting dad. Things will get better.

>> No.3041323
Quoted by: >>3044494

Ugandan dad? Sugoi

>> No.3041332
File: 20 KB, 536x710, beabea7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to shine dad. Apologies for the contrast, my HDR settings are going nuts.

>> No.3041339
File: 61 KB, 400x347, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a different version in your head then!

>> No.3041373

Walking into the Windows XP Saloon.

>> No.3041376
Quoted by: >>3041419 >>3041569

Bea and comfy /yah might be the only last things that tied me to this doomed world. I don't have family, no respectable friend, no partner.

that time when anti and falseflagger ruin the thread, I thought that might be the end of me. but thanks for every anons who saved it

>> No.3041380

Reminds me of being in Germany with the international students and hearing all of the accents you're familiar with in English being reformatted overtop of German. Hilarious how you can hear a Russian, Italian, Japanese, Brit, or French speaking German for the first time and immediately know where they're from because you recognize the accent from their accent in English.

>> No.3041390

alright frenchman you can stay

>> No.3041404
File: 1.05 MB, 330x340, BREAK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3041441

Show this to her on twitter (Don't DM her)

>> No.3041411
File: 189 KB, 455x385, 1618368438156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3041419

And we just had edits and now another cover >>3041339
Always wait for the good time to come!

>> No.3041428
File: 112 KB, 381x374, Screenshot_2021-04-20-19-32-58-451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3041559 >>3041569

this is why I always like /yah, too much wholesome bastard here. Thanks dad, I will join you soon

>> No.3041441

Not two the same day, I think I'll just do a longer version for her birthday
(and no DMs promise)

>> No.3041551


>> No.3041559
Quoted by: >>3041585

shouldnt you like DM it to each other or something?

>> No.3041569

i hope that “guy” doesn’t snipe it off of you,hopefully you got it

>> No.3041585
Quoted by: >>3041739

I don't know how to do that, just hoping that the right anon gets it.

>> No.3041658
Quoted by: >>3041728 >>3042438

Beatani will be in a great mood today because it is niku day

>> No.3041685

not him but thanks anon

>> No.3041696
File: 102 KB, 381x394, chisato2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3041707


>> No.3041713
File: 101 KB, 381x394, chisato22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the eyes, oh well

>> No.3041728
File: 27 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not know the significance of this before Beatani.

>> No.3041739
Quoted by: >>3041779

unironically discrod or twitter
or at least i used those back when I was sending shit to some dude on /adv/

>> No.3041764

At first her twitter spam days had me annoyed but I got used to it and now I feel empty when she's not shitposting

>> No.3041765

It would be kind of cool to see an Animorphs like transition from human to bear

>> No.3041771
Quoted by: >>3041823

yurobros I just can't... sorry

>> No.3041779
Quoted by: >>3041843

Couldn't somebody trying to snipe just post their handle here instead?

>> No.3041823
Quoted by: >>3041917

vods are always an option
i hope she does more late night jp streams for balance
the only reason i’m awake and able to watch late night streams is because of ramadan and i’m up late eating just like anyone else

>> No.3041843

If it's a sniper their profile might give them away. If it's an empty profile then a check on knowledge about Beatani would suffice.

>> No.3041852
File: 129 KB, 334x488, miooon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3041860

Ready to play minecraft

>> No.3041874


>> No.3041894
File: 99 KB, 447x429, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dads you are so talented...

>> No.3041908
Quoted by: >>3041932

will she unblock me yet

>> No.3041917
Quoted by: >>3042003

Inshallah SEAdog

>> No.3041921


>> No.3041932

Block her, post R-18 Guro selfcest in your feed and offer to unblock her if she does the same.

>> No.3041934

I see now why people let you slide in their DMs

>> No.3041946


>> No.3041959

Any Australian or kiwi dads in here?

>> No.3041966
File: 100 KB, 381x394, listener-chan... why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3041975
Quoted by: >>3042111

I actually don't like the abuse edits

>> No.3041977
File: 322 KB, 814x490, RRAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3042017

>Bangs match by sheer coincidence

>> No.3042003
Quoted by: >>3042048

>tfw you’re actually middleeastern

>> No.3042017
Quoted by: >>3042152 >>3042166

Someone make a collage of progressive edits and tweet it under both Bea and Mio's tags.

>> No.3042048
Quoted by: >>3042094


>> No.3042056

Beatani, more like BEATani

>> No.3042094

you would be surprised عراقي

>> No.3042111
File: 863 KB, 710x710, endme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3042232

I love them, and heard quite a few chuubas who liked seeing some of them too

>> No.3042138
Quoted by: >>3042578

Does anyone have the naked Beatani template for putting outfits on?

>> No.3042141
File: 171 KB, 381x394, niku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3042150

We need a goth Bea

>> No.3042152
File: 1.76 MB, 381x5607, transformation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3042197

I was making a collage as I did the dits, and added the ones others anons did like Mio and naked

>> No.3042166
File: 141 KB, 782x215, Metamorphosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have the balls to put it under the Mio's tag, i'll do it only in Bea's

>> No.3042178
Quoted by: >>3042206

Our daughter is not a piece of meat!

>> No.3042184

Fucking based!

>> No.3042196 [SPOILER] 
File: 893 KB, 1920x1080, 1619644025571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't stop to think why I SHOULDN'T try to make a smelly disgusting hobo dad and now here we are. Sorry.

>> No.3042197
Quoted by: >>3042230

I don't see the one I made anon....

>> No.3042201
File: 12 KB, 137x211, 1616358368940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3042206


>> No.3042211

doggo AWAY

>> No.3042216

I can sue you to use my likeness without permission

>> No.3042221
Quoted by: >>3042244

why is hobo dad 10 going on 55

>> No.3042230
Quoted by: >>3042248

Sorry mahobea, your was larger and would have changed the whole collage size...

>> No.3042232
Quoted by: >>3042246

Not this creepy mfer again.

>> No.3042240
File: 103 KB, 381x394, Fatto Beatto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3042295

>> No.3042244

Fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.3042246

someone post those edits everywhere?

>> No.3042248

Don't worry I'll use that as my pfp

>> No.3042295
File: 143 KB, 800x188, bearwolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3042315 >>3042341

It looks better with you version! Nice!
Do I post or not?

>> No.3042302 [SPOILER] 
File: 70 KB, 381x394, 1619644361935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3042515

I made this for (You), balonfriend.

>> No.3042308

The genki dad vs the gloomy listener

>> No.3042315

Sure, go ahead

>> No.3042341
File: 145 KB, 825x179, Alternative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With an odd number

>> No.3042410
Quoted by: >>3042436

kinda odd voice leading choices at the end there

>> No.3042436

yeah I just improvised it, I'll make something cleaner for the real version

>> No.3042438
File: 705 KB, 550x603, 1617228254740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3042487


>> No.3042484

Hope you rememebered to make him crosseyed.

>> No.3042487

Bea sure loves her meat

>> No.3042491
File: 505 KB, 983x1080, 1604117977267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3042508 >>3042521

Rrat seller, I need your strongest rrats.

>> No.3042508
File: 3.28 MB, 1131x1600, shaaark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling it

>> No.3042509

woah, I feel represented

>> No.3042515
File: 76 KB, 381x394, 1619639895874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3042530

a yes, it is done.

>> No.3042521
File: 210 KB, 478x468, 1619623487315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all distant relatives

>> No.3042530

Beatani is Xi Jinping confirmed

>> No.3042578


>> No.3042599

How much do you wan to bet that a coomer can coom to this?

>> No.3042608

never bet against a coomer

>> No.3042612

I'm sure there's already a pregnant sock somewhere.

>> No.3042619
Quoted by: >>3042632

man I had an idea for this while I was at work and now I can't remember it, fuck

>> No.3042632

definitely maid outfit

>> No.3042788

should I do it for fun

>> No.3042810
File: 107 KB, 381x394, ChisatoNyatani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3042814

That game was really fun. Also loved when in that same game I managed to get Beatani to trust me so well she defended me in chat while I actually was the imposter. Looking at that moment in the archive now where she first saw that I was the imposter at the end of the game with a grin on my face. I think everyone who didn't participate missed out, it was really fun all around. Everyone behaved well in chat also.I know that it is a zoomer game for small kids but it is fun playing with you dads and Beatani even though I would never in my life play this alone with randoms.

>> No.3042854

I don't remember anymore the original look of Beatani

>> No.3042855
File: 1.47 MB, 2107x5933, Plata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3042865

Looking classy

>> No.3042869


>> No.3042873

uuuuoooh, So fashionable

>> No.3042905

How much?

>> No.3042934
File: 30 KB, 540x540, 1604678555065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3042985
File: 168 KB, 486x420, 1618950731063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3043001

Huh, she's getting 40-50 new subs so far today. Did she reach out somewhere else?

>> No.3043004
File: 293 KB, 796x982, 1618840719330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3043016
File: 72 KB, 247x248, pardon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3043025
File: 599 KB, 720x449, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3043062

youtube is re adding subscribers to many channels today that it audited out, could be the culprit

>> No.3043069

Not that I know of. She was wondering about the recent influx too.

>> No.3043070

Is there an angry bea reaction image?

>> No.3043077
File: 52 KB, 480x640, images (36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3043102

The coupon meme got retweeted by a bunch of new faces.

>> No.3043112
Quoted by: >>3043178

maybe >>3031080
We need to ask her to insult us a little

>> No.3043123

There's this one >>3037381

>> No.3043163
Quoted by: >>3043177

Well, time to go to sleep
See you in a bit eurodads

>> No.3043171
File: 48 KB, 381x374, 1619276786068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also >>3037381

>> No.3043173
File: 9 KB, 212x238, images (3).jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3043177

you mean in two hours

>> No.3043178

That's just the face she makes while concentrating.

>> No.3043218

Seeing her mimic Pekora at the beginning of the practice stream was pretty cute. Well mimic being used very lightly as she was just shouting Konkuma over and over again like how Pekora does Konpeko.

>> No.3043266
File: 214 KB, 459x451, 1619488940925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's beginning to believe...

>> No.3043276
File: 2.97 MB, 1264x770, Friend.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3043282

so we are using Konkuma instead of Ohadayo regardless of the time now?

>> No.3043310
Quoted by: >>3043358

Gotta say that seeing Bea having so much fun playing with us made me very happy
We have to take care of this bear

>> No.3043313
File: 61 KB, 959x935, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Bea likes Radiohead

>> No.3043340
File: 150 KB, 384x348, 1619455897123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3043540

Unfortunately, she can't RRRRRRRRRAT quite yet, but it's only a matter of time.

>> No.3043358

She was playing among us

>> No.3043375
File: 3 KB, 125x103, 1611962541614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3043460 >>3043759

I like you, Dads. Your thread is pretty fast. 3rd fastest thread in /vt/ after /hlgg/ proper and /morig/. Cheers to your wonderful oshi.

>> No.3043379
File: 65 KB, 199x188, 1617290128619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3043406
File: 248 KB, 446x667, 0w1NRqH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3043460
Quoted by: >>3043532

seems like they tryin to keep the thread alive till the upcoming livestream

>> No.3043461
File: 12 KB, 480x640, !1525346444681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3043532

Only thing keeping this thread alive is new posts not being made since this is well, well past the bump limit.

>> No.3043540
Quoted by: >>3043630

She just needs to practice rolling her Rs. She seems to love tongue twisters, if she masters this one she will be golden.
>Erre con re cigarro, erre con re barril. Rápido corren los carros, cargados de azúcar por el ferrocarril.

>> No.3043613

Did anyone else notice that Beatani suddenly got 40 subs over the last few hours?

>> No.3043630
File: 248 KB, 407x478, 1619623448782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3043689

We'll make Bea speak Spanish just because she couldn't say Rrat properly

>> No.3043640
File: 168 KB, 497x433, caretoexplainbeatani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a reddit tier meme?

>> No.3043651
Quoted by: >>3043721

what have you done

>> No.3043665

No this is like 9gag or ifunny tier, not even reddit users toptext, bottext memes anymore.

>> No.3043689

It's the only way she'll learn how to roll them.

>> No.3043690

Never mind the format,

>> No.3043698
Quoted by: >>3043718

no, if it was it would fit in okaybuddyretard
don’t ask me how i know this

>> No.3043718

/r/okbuddyhololive is actually good fyi

>> No.3043721

Nothing to be suspected of

>> No.3043724
File: 138 KB, 463x453, grosspeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're the guy who said he always went with prostitutes and that in your opinion she cost $300.

>> No.3043733
File: 270 KB, 248x643, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard me. Show me your futa cock.

>> No.3043749

Try deep frying the image and adding 100 emoji, B emoji, and laughing crying face emojis, then it'll be poggers.

>> No.3043759

Thank you anon, hope your oshi keeps on rockin

>> No.3043809


>> No.3043828
File: 2.84 MB, 1250x3520, shimabiker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted both a biker outfit and a shimakaze cosplay and could do neither, so I settled for this monstrosity

>> No.3043882

bea drip wen?

>> No.3043893

Anon you should've gone for the Shimakaze...

>> No.3043895 [DELETED] 


>> No.3043901

Good job dad.
She is gonna catch a cold if she rides a bike with that skirt, kek.

>> No.3043922


>> No.3043989
File: 1.03 MB, 898x783, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3044067 >>3044236

Is this how the kids do it?

>> No.3044039

so is this thread just reddit and discord combined or what

>> No.3044067

There's the profile picture for the Official Beatani Facebook page sorted.

>> No.3044072

Good Night dad's, remember to take it easy

>> No.3044084
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 1606433098376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3044085

I was about to post that.

>> No.3044086

"ironic" discord and reddit meme

>> No.3044102

trolls started spamming shit if it wasn't obvious a bit ago

>> No.3044126
File: 191 KB, 755x930, xp hill discord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3044190

Come on in anon

>> No.3044132
Quoted by: >>3044382

I just wanted to make a slutty night party dress, did I go to far into lady of the night territory?

>> No.3044190


>> No.3044236
File: 75 KB, 489x432, caretoexplainbeatani3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3044382

You nailed the slutty part, she's wrapped up like a fucking treat.

>> No.3044450
File: 2.25 MB, 218x200, beaspin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take the cringe tier shitposts over antis any day. As long as you newfriends behave and keep being comfy, I won't have any problems.

>> No.3044478

look at her go

>> No.3044483
Quoted by: >>3044521 >>3044527

I'm not new I just /yah/ needs a bit of a shakeup every once in a while to keep us from becoming stale and to draw in new blood so Beatani can grow more on here. If it's too cringe I'll stop

>> No.3044484
File: 277 KB, 504x426, 1203483164603s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the fate of any 4chan general to eventually turn into some kind of discord circlejerk, I've seen it happen so many times I've come to just accept it. We're not here yet, but give it half a year at best.

>> No.3044494

Ugandad if you will

>> No.3044506

Well if you join the discord circle jerk yeah, just don't join. It's that easy, dad.

>> No.3044507

>give it half a year at best.
Less than that

>> No.3044513
Quoted by: >>3044555

it's never gonna stop bothering me this doesn't loop cleanly

>> No.3044521

It's whatever. But with deep fried memes? I doubt it.

>> No.3044527

it's a bit too ojisan

>> No.3044538

absolute diamonds
very nice

>> No.3044554

I mean at least this is the kind of thread I expect in an imageboard.

>> No.3044555

Can't help it, it's not anime to recycle frames.

>> No.3044570

This got shitty in the last hour.

>> No.3044594
File: 200 KB, 828x479, 61516898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3044760

Will, she beat Ao Oni today dads? Also, I don't want to see any of you faggots spoonfeeding like last time.

>> No.3044609


>> No.3044652
Quoted by: >>3044668

ogadayo :DDD

>> No.3044668

clawed hands typed this post

>> No.3044721
Quoted by: >>3044760 >>3044823

My asshole is ready.

>> No.3044755

Does Beatani know how to use Expired and Archive? I don't think it's on futaba

>> No.3044758

Asshole and hands: clean
Reps: done
Meds: away
It's Bea time

>> No.3044760
Quoted by: >>3044823

pre-lubed and ready to go
she can't be that far from finishing it, right?

>> No.3044805
File: 70 KB, 231x228, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3044824
File: 24 KB, 379x361, beareps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3044832 >>3044838

What did she mean by this?

>> No.3044823
Quoted by: >>3044873

Niggers what are you talking about? Did she post her futa cock on twitter while I was sleeping?

>> No.3044832

Did you not see her R-18 account?

>> No.3044838

Her reps

>> No.3044868
File: 50 KB, 350x285, crack open a bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is your night going /yah/?
Mine is doing good, I just sat down and cracked open a bear and about to play some amogus

>> No.3044873

>he doesn't have the required information

>> No.3044897

I have a test in an hour or so...

>> No.3044917
Quoted by: >>3044935 >>3044955

>cracked open a bear

>> No.3044935

Bear on the brain

>> No.3044948
Quoted by: >>3045004

I was making pizza, from the dough to the sauce. I'll probably cook them during the stream and also open a cold bear. I will forget about my problems just for a bit watching Bea

>> No.3044955

Anon... The prerequisite information...

>> No.3045002

Did the bear just privated her account?

>> No.3045004

bear on Ramadhan?
anon.... I...

>> No.3045009
Quoted by: >>3045032 >>3045040

>Chat is a shitfest already.
Looks like its time she figures out how to wrangle tards.

>> No.3045015
File: 1.51 MB, 1966x1440, Mosaic Status.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3045085

Pre-stream update on the Windows XP Hill Mosaic

>> No.3045032

Bea, don't doubt on punishing shitheads who troll in the chat

>> No.3045040
Quoted by: >>3045077 >>3045141

Only like 2 people chatted

>> No.3045058
Quoted by: >>3045085

The bear just privated her account. Great.

>> No.3045077
Quoted by: >>3045107

Only takes that many.

>> No.3045085

I'm pretty hyped to see this in it's full glory

>> No.3045090
Quoted by: >>3045106 >>3045119

Nobody make or believe any dumb rrats until the stream starts

>> No.3045106

This, just trust the bear guys.

>> No.3045107
Quoted by: >>3045141

Wouldnt call it a shitfest though

>> No.3045119
Quoted by: >>3045130 >>3045161

here's my rrat: she was messing with settings and did it by accident

>> No.3045130
Quoted by: >>3045163

that would be cute

>> No.3045140
Quoted by: >>3045169

Is that what the little lock symbol near her name means?

>> No.3045141

You're probably seeing the last 2 or 3 chats. There's a chunk that's not showing if you open the stream now.

>> No.3045161

That is definitely beastyle

>> No.3045163

watch her leave the it locked for a while and try to play it off as her doing it on purpose later

>> No.3045168
File: 40 KB, 384x482, Pendejo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this guy mentally compromised?

>> No.3045169

Yes, you can try incognito to see it.

>> No.3045202

yea give him attention mi amigx

>> No.3045204
Quoted by: >>3045686

what the fuck I literally requested an artist to draw her earlier today and linked to twitter for a reference image.

>> No.3045206

Jesus and you guys call me cringe for saying ohayou to her tweets...

>> No.3045207

>Not showing Sh*nia messages
He also shit up the chat and likely the thread.

>> No.3045214

I bet a cyan supa that this guy spammed DMs and she's doing a bit of cleanup before reopening

>> No.3045224
Quoted by: >>3045286 >>3045298

It's not fully private. It's just kinda limited. You only need an account and to follow her, that's all. She doesn't need to follow you or allow you or anything.

>> No.3045244
Quoted by: >>3045256 >>3045298

Her feed is perfectly visible. What are you guys talking about?

>> No.3045256

open in incognito

>> No.3045260

Beatani PLEASE ban this faggot and all his accounts

>> No.3045262
Quoted by: >>3045299

It's a guy from here trolling, he's not retarded, just a faggot. Don't respond to him in chat, it just takes up space.

>> No.3045286

>You only need an account and to follow her, that's all
She also has to accept your follow to be able to see the tweets.

>> No.3045298

Private means that she has to accept your follow request and you can’t retweet her. If you were already following her, then you can still see her tweets.

>> No.3045299

I'm not even sure I'd call the discord shitpost brigade "here" but yeah it's a dedicated faggot of /vt/ that shits up any chat he can

>> No.3045305

I will NOT sign up to twitter. Sorry, Bea

>> No.3045316

Ursine meltdown

>> No.3045346
Quoted by: >>3045379

I really hope this fag has a public execution heading his way.

>> No.3045357


>> No.3045379

He already was last stream.

>> No.3045385

JWU is what I would say but I barely got any sleep in

>> No.3045412

She posted in chat.

>> No.3045426
Quoted by: >>3045515


>> No.3045439
File: 132 KB, 943x777, memefingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting in
This is like the worst possible time though, too early to sleep before the stream and too late to stay awake (unless you're a NEET).

>> No.3045455
File: 2 KB, 132x32, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3045541

>> No.3045465

I leave for a bit and come back just to find you guys feeding attention to trolls again..... Dads......

>> No.3045480
Quoted by: >>3045548

Is the next members stream scheduled yet? How far in advance does she post about them?

>> No.3045481

Private twitter is probably good desu. Like 90% of her yabs happen there. And I'll keep reposting the tweets here either way.

>> No.3045509
Quoted by: >>3045536

No, she needs to start thinking about Twitter as her public relations platform and not her PMS blog.

>> No.3045515

based east-euro dad

>> No.3045534

It's also an excellent way to gather new followers, I'm sure.

>> No.3045536

She wants to use it like that though, I do agre that it should be public. But maybe she's dealing with some things before changing back

>> No.3045541

emoji in name

>> No.3045548

this one was not even official, the official among us members stream is this weekend. This was just practice stream.

>> No.3045552

I wish I could put an emoji in my youtube name

>> No.3045567
Quoted by: >>3045651

If she doesn't want to incline of course. But doing that this early is career suicide.

>> No.3045581


>> No.3045643

>Privated her twitter for no reason

>> No.3045651
Quoted by: >>3045669 >>3045822

She just said that she wants to grow slower lmao

>> No.3045656
Quoted by: >>3045676 >>3045822

>privating her twitter so she can intentionally decline
honestly not sure if that's based or cringe

>> No.3045666
File: 182 KB, 426x1200, savage bear tribe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3045669

The power of this bear... s-sugoi

>> No.3045676

based, now schizos don't even have to scare away potential new fans

>> No.3045686

Anon... not to shamelessly plug it in, but the wiki...

>> No.3045697

We spread her too much

>> No.3045711

I have not understood a single word of her explanation

>> No.3045722

Twitter arc resolved

>> No.3045723

just let her close it if she wants to

>> No.3045727
Quoted by: >>3045754

is it really because she wants to stop growing so fast or because the Z*a incident earlier

>> No.3045729

Bea is cuter than usual today

>> No.3045740

I need context anon,
this dick is curious

>> No.3045742

same ;_;

>> No.3045754

Bea doesn't give worms that much of an importance, she wants to delay the 3k a bit.

>> No.3045770


>> No.3045771

Is that just me or is the Ao Oni continue option not working?

>> No.3045780

This is the same kind of autism as like trying to get an exact 20.00 at the gas pump, basically

>> No.3045782

Should we temporarily unsubscribe?

>> No.3045784

This isn't a japanese language barrier thing, this is a woman thing. She didn't think it through.

>> No.3045783

Oh shit

>> No.3045785

she was saying she privated it because she didn't want to reach 3000 before her birthday or june or something like that
as for why, I don't know. I'm not gonna throw around rrats either. I know she tweeted something similar a day or two ago

>> No.3045795

ok how do I get unblocked on twitter
no meme answers pls

>> No.3045797
Quoted by: >>3045811 >>3045827

She just unprivated her twitter on stream. Don't worry dads.

>> No.3045808


>> No.3045811
Quoted by: >>3045829 >>3045846

Did she mention why she did it? Just got back

>> No.3045812

she think it's better to combine the 3k celebration and birthday stream, so privating twitter to slow down the growth

>> No.3045815

The kusobear dropped her savefile

>> No.3045822

Contradictory to a recent stream where she said she needed many new fans so they can support her instead of us

>> No.3045827

Based dad without Twitter

>> No.3045829

she wanted to grow more slowly

>> No.3045840

she sounds so cute despite that... her "eh? eh?" were so good

>> No.3045841

>post your @
thats about it

>> No.3045846
Quoted by: >>3045881

She wanted to have her 3k celebration in june but people told her that it was OK to not have the celebration stream as soon as she reaches it and that she can postpone it so she unprivated it.

>> No.3045850

From numberfag to being scared to reach 3k too fast, this crazy bear I swear.

>> No.3045876
Quoted by: >>3045959

Comment on the stream archive about your issue or post your @ here and she might see it

>> No.3045879

one of us

>> No.3045881
Quoted by: >>3045951

She basically there was not so much thought behind it and it was nothing serious at all

>> No.3045883


>> No.3045894
File: 31 KB, 348x512, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this bipolar bear

>> No.3045899

>superchats not enabled

>> No.3045925

anyone else scared of typing in chat incase you get banned... I think I'll just type in here..

>> No.3045924

Bea has turned herself into a dolphin
Is this awesome? (Y/N)

>> No.3045934


>> No.3045939

use streamlabs it's better for her anyway

>> No.3045940

Save until birthday fool

>> No.3045951

I think this is true of most things she does. We always over-analyse things.

>> No.3045953

Yeah it was the same for the stream last night.

>> No.3045954


>> No.3045957

she had them disabled for the (relatively) serious stream she did the other day and probably just forgot to re-enable them
just donate on streamlabs like a good dad anyway since they don't take as much of a cut

>> No.3045959
Quoted by: >>3045996 >>3046030

unblock me pls Bea

I am the collab asking retard

>> No.3045964
Quoted by: >>3045979

Anon, your safe in chat if you don't spam. She's too busy playing the game to ruminate on your comment in particular.

>> No.3045966

no cause i'm not a retard/cringe ojisan

>> No.3045977

Chat? Nah. I'm not replying on twitter ever again tho.

>> No.3045979

Don't give him (you)s
He wants to antagonize her, he's not from /yah/

>> No.3045982

Just don't spam cringe.

>> No.3045993

Maybe she forgot to turn it back on after punishment? You can always do streamlab tho.

>> No.3045996
Quoted by: >>3046026

>I am the collab asking retard
You kinda deserve it anon.

>> No.3046025

>we are back to 46 viewers
well I always preferred niche things anyway

>> No.3046026

yeah but I still want unblocked if possible, I won't interact

>> No.3046030

You deserve it

>> No.3046032
Quoted by: >>3046062 >>3046106

Kek wasn't her unrealistic goal 10k in 3 months?

>> No.3046044

It's ok. I think she learned from the recent menhera arc. At least for a while

>> No.3046046
Quoted by: >>3046069 >>3046075

Has anyone ever mentioned a Katawa Shojou playthrough to Bea?

>> No.3046062

If she posts about her 3k on reddit again maybe she'll have another bump. Those subscribers will be dead ones though.

>> No.3046069

it may be too long for her

>> No.3046075

>Katawa Shojou playthrough
do you want to get her banned?

>> No.3046087

pff, no way, just stop being grey

>> No.3046088
Quoted by: >>3046186

what are the warnings about to ojisan message generator about? did she actually take some of em seriously?

>> No.3046092

I can't wait for Beatani to get 4k subs before her birthday and then get upset about it.

>> No.3046106
Quoted by: >>3046124

Not really, she might have said she wanted to reach a big number once but she has actually been pretty level-headed about it compared to other chuubas who have endurance streams to reach an unrealistic goal and never reach it.

>> No.3046116

You can select an option to skip 18+, I believe.

>> No.3046119

There are two options:
1. turn off the R18
2. black the screen out when it's about to happen

>> No.3046124

>unrealistic goal
>zonbko endurance streaming for a month
>reached 10k

>> No.3046155

the non 18+ version is actually good. The scenes that replace the sex scenes remove nothing from the story,

>> No.3046159

Poor ADHD bear trying to multitask.

>> No.3046166

post you @ bro it's what I did and I got unblocked

>> No.3046186

They annoy her and the joke is played out at this point. If she gets in a bad move you might get blocked or something.

>> No.3046209
File: 4 KB, 207x93, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3046265 >>3046320

>it's real

>> No.3046210
Quoted by: >>3046267

Good JK accounts to follow on Instagram? Dads?

>> No.3046212

I wonder if any bigger vchuubas watch Beatani in secret.

>> No.3046227
Quoted by: >>3046290

How can this game be scary at all

>> No.3046230
File: 5 KB, 357x34, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3046275

nigga why you retarded

>> No.3046231

This baka bear

>> No.3046233
Quoted by: >>3046296

Beatani should play DBD.

>> No.3046256

Instagram is really good for stalking people

>> No.3046265

It's been linked for her profile for a long time.

>> No.3046267

I only follow gravure models.

>> No.3046275

he does have a point

>> No.3046290

making a weird looking thing move towards someone and only giving them the option to run away is a really basic, and surprisingly effective trick in horror games

>> No.3046296

Members DBD sounds nice but the reason Among us works so well is because dads can download the app version for free. It would filter some dads.

>> No.3046320

what is this screenshot even supposed to be

>> No.3046340

Her Instagram

>> No.3046341

her insta account

>> No.3046343

Beatani bingo card and hiroyuki is the free space

>> No.3046354
Quoted by: >>3046512


>> No.3046370
File: 84 KB, 1200x671, Ecs30EMUwAE1SnB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant to say half frame, not a two tone, sorry. Refer to attached sample pic, thanks.

>> No.3046405
Quoted by: >>3046453 >>3046750

Beatani is an Okinawan separatist...

>> No.3046412


>> No.3046437

what are you talking about scottish people sound no different from any other british person. I cant even tell the difference

>> No.3046453

As in kick them the fuck out of her country.

>> No.3046456

she looks like she belongs in a shindol comic

>> No.3046470
Quoted by: >>3046487 >>3046804

>calls okinawan's "not Japanese"
my based imperial bear!

>> No.3046486
Quoted by: >>3046548

Maybe the ones you hear are just reducing their accent to make it easier for you.

>> No.3046487

Even the yab bear immediately regretted saying it.

>> No.3046512

How did I not realize it.

>> No.3046515
Quoted by: >>3046573


>> No.3046526
Quoted by: >>3046548

Buddy I went to Edinburgh on a trip and I couldn't understand shit. UK people are used to their accents but going from welsh to scottish is hard

>> No.3046539
File: 227 KB, 339x454, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no human ears in sight

>> No.3046548

I used to play an Arma server with a bunch of them and they sound literally the same as any other british person

>> No.3046573
File: 1.35 MB, 900x1200, 1561587867810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3046667


>> No.3046580
Quoted by: >>3046648

you have no ears

>> No.3046644

That's cause you haven't heard a really thick scottish accents

>> No.3046648
Quoted by: >>3046674

I don't know why you're suprised that different british accents only sound different to british people and not to most people

>> No.3046667
File: 31 KB, 165x172, 1526783185365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A thousand calories

>> No.3046674
Quoted by: >>3046720 >>3046745

British accents are all over the place, even different parts of London have a different thing going on. To my burger ears anyway.

>> No.3046690

Everything is bigger in Texas

>> No.3046699
Quoted by: >>3046721 >>3046732

look up "scots"

>> No.3046706


>> No.3046711

We call that a snack in US

>> No.3046720

Generally you can understand there is a difference, not that you can place it to a specific place or anything but there is a difference

The issue comes in when you can't tell if its just that person just has weird speech

>> No.3046721
Quoted by: >>3046773

this just sounds irish

>> No.3046725
Quoted by: >>3046854

I honestly think that antis and schizos somewhat contribute to healthy general threads because they keep enough shit-flinging going to inhibit everybody getting overly comfy and becoming lite discordniggers

>> No.3046730
File: 23 KB, 392x221, Screenshot 2021-04-28 194333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating on average 3,600 cal a day

>> No.3046732

>tfw witnessed the Scots wiki incident live on /his/

>> No.3046745

Yes. In general the older the country the more weird and different the accents are. German accents are really crazy as well. I can't understand shit about schweizer deutsch. That was funny after studying german in school for 8 years...

>> No.3046750


>> No.3046760

Apple slices dipped in caramel as the "healthy" option.

>> No.3046773

I guess you mean irish english and not the celtic irish language. But yes those two are actually related so it's not that weird.

>> No.3046778

>TFW you're a foot taller and weight twice as much as Beatani due to literally too much burger power

>> No.3046779
Quoted by: >>3046801

"Train spotting" reps

>> No.3046781

Bea... your orientation reps...

>> No.3046790

Welcome to the American South, where mac and cheese is considered a "vegetable".

>> No.3046799

Holy shit I don't even eat 2000 calories

>> No.3046801
File: 372 KB, 2048x1365, EwM6w1tUUAECqae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3046859

What about them?

>> No.3046804
Quoted by: >>3046911

then she would be literally the opposite

>> No.3046808

Anon I consume more than 4K calories everyday, but through 5 meals during the day

>> No.3046818

Bea is cuter than usual today

>> No.3046824

Even 2000 would be far enough for the majority of adult males, get your shit together burgs

>> No.3046832

Based, Okinawans have souls unlike the average Japanese corporate slave.

>> No.3046841

>adult males

>> No.3046843

I eat 3200kcal with an bmi of 24. I live in 12-16 celsius inside during more than half the year and I use my bike everywere.

>> No.3046846

No wonder amerilards are in such poor health

>> No.3046854
Quoted by: >>3046957

You don't think that kind of thing is what drives people into secret clubs in the first place; because they can moderate that kind of behavior and because 4chan is full of autists the genuinely malicious people can make it through and cause yab?

>> No.3046859

the movie

>> No.3046861
Quoted by: >>3046935

Ah, muh noble savage.

>> No.3046891
Quoted by: >>3046935

Okinawabs are just tropical Japanese

>> No.3046896

Wait what, she already did her Among Us member's only stream? I thought someone said it was May 1st?

>> No.3046906

I am a burger and eat more than this but run 5-10 miles every day. Agree most burgers should be gassed. I have this perfect dream of a post-collapse society where everybody drives around in trucks with harpoon-guns mounted on them and they harpoon landwhales and drag them home to boil them down for their oil for energy purposes.

>> No.3046909
Quoted by: >>3046954

She practiced earlier on a member only stream

>> No.3046911
Quoted by: >>3046949 >>3046981

would you say the Japanese imperial government saw Manchukuo the same as their home islands?

>> No.3046916


I listen to this every week

>> No.3046921
Quoted by: >>3046954

That one's still on, she had a practice stream today.

>> No.3046931
Quoted by: >>3046954

she did a guerilla practice stream this morning (or last night, I dunno timezones man)

>> No.3046935

>noble savage
so just like Bea >>3045666

>> No.3046947

It was just a practice round, it was annouched on a little under 24 hours before it happened. The on on the weekend is still happening.

>> No.3046949

she would be called an autist in imperial japan

>> No.3046954
Quoted by: >>3046972

Ah, okay. Thanks. My cheap ass is waiting to buy just before that stream so I can get most value out of the member time

>> No.3046957

there's a fine balance to be struck

>> No.3046972

t. remote kids

>> No.3046981
Quoted by: >>3047279

Japanese policy in ryuku islands was agressive japanisation and denying them being separate ethnic group...

>> No.3047001

bea kinda sucks at ao oni...

>> No.3047006

yea if you're a manlet and not 6'3

>> No.3047012

She sucks in most games

>> No.3047018
Quoted by: >>3047102 >>3047134

It's cute when girls are incompetent so I'm okay with it.

>> No.3047049

well aoi oni kinda sucks so it evens out

>> No.3047053

The entertainment in horror games isn't in playing them good.

>> No.3047056

Girls are cutest when they are retarded

>> No.3047095


>> No.3047102

but i don't like when people are bad at the game....

>> No.3047116

Truer words were never spoken

>> No.3047123
Quoted by: >>3047188

I don't like you but I put up with sharing a thread with you, faggot.

>> No.3047134
File: 404 KB, 600x705, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3047143
Quoted by: >>3047192

this chat is the one that has the highest member/greyname ratio i've ever seen

>> No.3047147
Quoted by: >>3047188

Why are you watching vtubers then?

>> No.3047188

Thank you anon for your tolerance, can we marry each other?

I don't :^) beatani is the exception

>> No.3047192

It just shows how powerful the bear is.

>> No.3047251

Beatani isn't retarded she's cute and funny and smart and talented and genius and BASED!

>> No.3047255

Bea's gaze is very seductive today...

>> No.3047261
Quoted by: >>3047282

Yet another 1000+ thread, good work dads

>> No.3047263

I want to see beakani try new games

>> No.3047279
File: 47 KB, 851x446, Screenshot 2021-04-28 200229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i know, but do you think that they saw themselves as equal to them? just like the relationship between whites and blacks in America before the civil rights movement, the imperial Japanese didn't see themselves as equal to Okinawans, but did everything they can to snuff out any sense of independence.

>> No.3047282

Thanks, I try

>> No.3047296
Quoted by: >>3047304

Beatani loves to dance on my cock

>> No.3047304

she doesn't

>> No.3047323
Quoted by: >>3047406

She hates disabled people...

>> No.3047329
Quoted by: >>3047531

Dads she told me that I was too cool for riding a bicycle every day...

>> No.3047331
File: 169 KB, 526x507, 1619307461397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this comfy kuma!

>> No.3047406

That's why she gives them limb deficits.

>> No.3047503


>> No.3047524

bea baby

>> No.3047531

Idk it was a chock to hear because everyone around me say things like "you don't own a car? Why?", "are you poor?", "are you a kid?". Things like that.

>> No.3047538

Is Clock Tower available on the japanese switch online store? That would be a nice follow up to the Ao Oni streams.

>> No.3047541
Quoted by: >>3047744


feel free to post >>3045666 that for bea too

I am still banned

>> No.3047557
Quoted by: >>3047615

namefagging has begun

>> No.3047615

It's been going on for a while anon
t. one of the most namedropped anons

>> No.3047619


>> No.3047634
File: 181 KB, 304x354, 1618374792367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know anon, I know your pain

>> No.3047642


>> No.3047650

welcome to true suffering

>> No.3047653

>t. one of the most namedropped anons

>> No.3047669
Quoted by: >>3047741 >>3047771


I'm seriously in love with Beatani!!!

>> No.3047711

> feet

>> No.3047718

I always feel weird and not in a good way when people recognize me in these threads or the stream chat

>> No.3047720
File: 934 KB, 787x777, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3047820

rye mountain-san...

>> No.3047741
File: 415 KB, 559x413, 1618860198599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3047744
Quoted by: >>3047799

Are you really ok with it? I can do it, but I'll like to confirm.

>> No.3047771
Quoted by: >>3047833


>> No.3047773

goslings AWAY!

>> No.3047777

>ywn have Beatani get mad at a game and yell in your shoulder

>> No.3047799

yup go for it
its just a quick edit after all
but imo very cute it turned out to be

>> No.3047820

Sometimes I wonder if my greatest fame in this thread is my name in this cursed image...

>> No.3047823
File: 125 KB, 380x469, 1618870078580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Beatani to yell on my chest and tell me to help her beat the game

>> No.3047833

Which one is correct?
