▼Phase Connect LinksOfficial Website:https://phase-connect.com/Official Schedule:https://schedule.phase-connect.com/Official Twitter:https://twitter.com/PhaseConnectOfficial Character References:https://pastebin.com/RP5DxAmiUnofficial Phase Connect Archives:https://pastebin.com/qAsMRhBa-----------------------------------------------------▼Lia 鈴香 アシェリア (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouasheliaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAsheliaTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/asheliarinkou▼Utatane Nasa 転寝 ナサ (JP)Twitter: https://twitter.com/UtataneNasaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/UtataneNasaTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/utatanenasa▼Hakushika Iori 白鹿 いおり (JP + EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/hakushikaioriYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HakushikaIoriTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/iorihakushika▼Fujikura Uruka 藤倉 ウルカ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/fujikuraurukaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FujikuraUrukaTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fujikurauruka▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠 みちる (JP)Twitter: https://twitter.com/shisuimichiruYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ShisuiMichiruTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/michiru_shisui▼Tenma Maemi 天満 マエミ (JP + EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenmamaemiYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TenmamaemiTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tenmaTwitch Archives: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmSVAwFc5MJwQowsDvCTuw▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン ピッパ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/pipkinpippaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PipkinPippaTwitch: https://twitch.tv/pipkinpippa-----------------------------------------------------▼Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/lumikanekoYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KanekoLumiTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kanekolumi▼Amaris Yuri アマリス百合 (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmarisYuriYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/amarisyuriTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/yuri-----------------------------------------------------▼Remilia Nephys レミリア・ネフィス (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/Remilia_NephysYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hMwvRuMsQrfgu0DPKLV2ATwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/remilia_nephys▼ Airi Chisaka 千坂 アイリ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChisakaAiriYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5qlAhrec6-0J-K3zmhNPPQTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chisakaairi▼Shiina Amanogawa 天ノ川 しいな (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmanogawaShiinaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnJNNk45O1QYS2oMRYFKSywTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amanogawashiina▼ Rie Himemiya 姫宮りえ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimemiyaRieYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HimemiyaRieTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/himemiyarie▼Erina Makina エリナ・マキナ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/ErinaMakinaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCupmjRr7kPgzXKh-cPxxGbgTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/erinamakina▼Panko Komachi 小町ぱんこ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/komachipankoYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVo_KgPNsDKxHwzib7uarCwTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/komachipanko▼Phase FriendsAetheria >>>/vt//aeg/AkioAIR >>>/vt//aa/Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsun/Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/Yubicraft >>>/vt//ybc/Aoi Moi - https://twitter.com/Amoi_moi_moiMaple Alcesia - https://twitter.com/MapleAlcesiaHaruna Swift - https://twitter.com/HarunaSwiftKKCyber - https://twitter.com/kkcyberaiPrevious thread >>30265270
▼Current Streamshttps://www.twitch.tv/kanekolumiLumi is playing Total War: Shogun 2
I wanna give lumi a spanking
cat sex
Imagine the footjob...
All times EDT / UTC / JST NOW - Lumi TW Shogun 2 https://www.twitch.tv/kanekolumi 14:00 / 18:00 / 03:00 - Panko Siblings or Dating? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G32zLcW9IPc 16:00 / 20:00 / 05:00 - Airi Spyro Reignited Triogy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=op1DaL59B4s 22:00 / 02:00 / 11:00 - Hime ??? YT Link TBD 23:00 / 03:00 / 12:00 - Tenma Hollow Knight Godmaster https://www.twitch.tv/tenmaWeekly schedule:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dDuh0dLEw5xeaUXdJQid7rvlCJUgRIb9tTiv4CvsdUQ/edit?usp=sharing
I can't believe yesterday actually happened
>>30293091was a rollercoaster, glad its over
hablar de Pankoes nombrar a España
>>OPDoes any of the girls do worthwhile member streams or is it mostly for access to the emotes?
>>30292753So is Loom a slav?
>>30292952Lumi is a fertile warhorse
>>30293091I saw the Instagram russian but thats not the dox pic i saw, the. pic i saw was a short haired girl with her lil brother. Also is the furry stuff disproven or not?
>>30292753I can see a toe.
Hime thinks she is a princess but the real princess is lumi.
>>30293373yea, all pc talents are slavhave you not seen pippa's dox?
Alright antis, line up and get suck'n.I told you it was some rusky rando.You let your pig hollar and own himself.suckedy-suckedy-suck it!
>>30293545Anon please your pipipipi penis is to big it will knock all my teeth out.
>>30293188>member streamsI haven't heard anything about member streams one way or another.
>>30293457not yet
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚ PIPPA LOVE ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚ PIPPA LOVE ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚ PIPPA LOVE ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
>>30293188Tenma plays games with her members
>>30293545>suckedy-suckedy-suck it!you're making me regret us watching the same company
>>30292753>lumi posts feet before yuriYuri, I am disappoint. You will not be my oshi for much longer at this rate.
>>30293763Tenma playing with her member sounds like a good timeHow often does she play with her member?
>>30293545I wasn't invested at all. Nope. I didn't get owned. In fact, I never believed it was her real dox to begin with. I actually never cared. It's just an anime rabbit girl, I'm above that. I just wanted the lulz. The milk. I wasn't fooled.
I want to marry Lumi
>>30293939whenever she is not busy playing with my member
Yuri is my brap queenhttps://files.catbox.moe/7wm3de.mp4
>>30293119Panko: Una, Grande, y Libre
>>30293803I would actually think she was based if she had a cock. But she don't so that's cringe.
I do shilling for Lumi in /vg/ /v/ and /tg/
Pippa truly is a wonderful vtuber and if she let me I'd put some babies in her to keep her gene pool alive for decades to come. She is too precious and must be protected.Thank you Pippa for existing and making my life better. I will support you and simp for you for as long as I'm alive.
>>30293091>tfw spent all day yesterday watching evo insteaduhhhh should I read the archives or just avoid them
>>30293545That wasn't the part I wanted to be false...
>>30293119Panko es española?? No era italiana así decían los gringos creo
>>30293940I think the doxx also proved that jannies really don't give a shit. Yesterday I would check the thread, find a doxx and report, then come back a few hours later to find it still up with at least 10 replies. If it were after-hours when the Americans go to sleep and SEA start shitting up /vt/ I can understand, they normally disappear during those hours, but this was prime time and they'd leave doxxes up for hours only actually deleting them when the thread is some 400 posts in.Basically, if they did hire new jannies they either didn't get many applications or they went to other boards rather than /vt/.
>>30295056The only upside was that it made the doxers careless so when they dox were finally deleted you could also see all other non dox posts they made be deleted at the same time, making it obvious they were really rage baiting non stop for hours
>>30295305bratty shogunneeds geisha correction
panko status?
>>30295500Currently malding
>>30295511pandas are cutest when they maldthank you anon!
>>30292753>>30293502>>15305474>>30243596Pretty much confirmed she wears EU size 36 because its the lowest available, we win again feetbros
>>30295056let's be real. Who would want to be a jannie in this place? >>30294952ralph the gunt showed pippa facedoxx pic onstream, acting like he won, all the while pippa was streaming some kusoge and not giving a fuck and now it turns out the doxxpic was fake all along.
>>30293457funny thing is when it initially came out I was on the thread and some guy immediately said after that there was a missing connection between the face account and the other connected ones and everyone ignored him. I also don't know where this puts the REALLY old one from 12+ years ago with her family, but those two always seemed like they weren't the the same people and no one called it out.
>>30293457She's not a furry, don't be dumb, Gunt lies about everyone. It's just some random accounts.
>>30295780You just cope now and say its all fake just because the face was wrong. They even said it was a stretch in the post itself because of glasses.
So what exactly happened yesterday? Im out of the loop, all I know is that apparently Pippa might be bald, and that she was groomed from a teenager age, and thats it. I doubt the hair part is real though.
>>30295884Pippa has a perfectly normal smelly NEET waifu life and is undoxable like Metokur, she's not a dumb piece of shit like you, fuck off anti.
>>30295970Every part of that is true except the face. that was just a random girl
>panko hates her siblings
>>30296051I bet you think she's a virgin too lmao
>>30295500Energetic and cute today.
>>30295729>everyone ignored himeveryone smart was skeptical, but as you say, that post got drowned in the shitposting and astroturfing
>>30296131very truethank you anon!
>>30295970I've seen your kind, time and time again.Every yab must be found. Every secret must be unearthed.Such is the conceit of the self-proclaimed seeker of truth.But in the end, you lack the stomach.For the agony you'll bring upon yourself...Inside the pastebin links, curiosity could be your cross...
>>30296131like every day!
hey guys I couldn't browse /pcg/ for a month because I was too busy jerking off to autopsy photos of children. I am totally super out of the loop, can you please timeloop every rrat????????
>>30295729>but those two always seemed like they weren't the the same people and no one called it out.People did called out, personally i ignored because they went "go do your own research" instead of linking the real profile like it was posted on the previous thread.
>>30296120That's what she said and I don't have any reason not to believe her.
panko is really bratty towards her borther today
All but the face pic is blatantly true but pippafags will claim its all fake now because they want to see their liar oshi "Win"
>>30296273She already won though
>>30296217Yea of course anonMe and Erina got married
>>30296220anon... please just do some reps ok? I feel genuinely bad for you
>>30296273She already won she got over $3k in one day when rage pig has to stream for like 3 months for that much and it's all going to child support for kids he'll never see.
I really like how Panko says "what the hell??"
>>30296273you lost anti >>30271871
>>30296386I said all but the face you retard
Panko Status?
>>30296165Dad, the neighbours said you were outside waving your cock around again.
>>30296502Jumping on my dick and blaming it on the neighbors moving, sorry bros
>>30296502Struggling to say "narcissistic"
Pippa dox confirmed fake by the farms. Thanks for money, Ethan, no refunds.
>>30296588This Panda literally has brain damage lol
>>30296273It's ok, anti, I know the whole truth and still want Pippa to win, I don't care what the mere cattle believe. My faith has been tested and I still remain strong.
[Sad News] Panko has sex. :-(
>>30296217Someone posted fake Pippa dox on the farms to troll Ethan Ralph. This is the second time it's happened in a month.
>>30296709Banko has a lot of SEKs
panko really begs for correction today
>>30296273>pippafagsPC has shills on overtime this is damage control
>>30296608Uhhh, erm... *wiggles fingers* excuse me but are you uh, perchance implying the implication that *swallows loudly and clears throat* the rubes.... t-the rubes got... w-worked?
>>30296714You have her full name and address, you could easily check for yourself. What do you think is fake about it?
panko hates fags!
>>3029670970 sex total from this stream, all from me of course
Panko just said she has lot of sex! IT'S FUCKING OVER BROS
Not that it matters or anything like that lol what are you an incel?? BUT just SO YOU KNOW Pippa NEVER lied about her virginity lmao get owned
>>30296840yes, with me
>>30296757>pippacord simp astroturfers vs doxxniggersthis board is garbage, just the shitting grounds of several shill factions competing with each other. Just watch streams (for free).
>>30296779Full name and address were known months ago, newfag, it doesn't lend credence to any of it.
>>30277355How is this a matter of integrity? Pippa's core fanbase is kiwifarms so this is normal content.
>>30296985And if you have that, how do you not have a pic lmfao? Are you that incompetent?
>>30296986/pcg/ really is a /pol/ general on /vt/
>lumi react stream>really high numbers>this stream>acting more airheaded and tangenty than usual>stopped stream midway through to react to a video>still being rewarded with numbersby this time next year she will have 2k+ ccv and won't play strategy games
>>30296986Why would anyone unironically watch that incel garbage? I'm just here because she shits on Ralph, so is 90% of her audience.
>yellow woman is going to be a 4view before pink rabbitnew face of Phase Connect, it's over kiwisisters
why Lumi has so many viewers?
is the thread usable yet
>>30297149>EUniggers being invested into pippa in any capacityUnironically look at the cunny, she is fun
>>30297215queen of /vst/
>>30297193Lumi will betray Phese Connect like she betrayed Cyberlive...
to throw my hat in the ring regarding zax and pippa, its very possible pippa doesn't fully believe or understand that zax is a pedo groomer, not saying shes a retard but when people grow up or are around groomers and manipulators for a long time they can have a hard time fully realizing that person is actually a bad person, so its not unfathomable to me that pippa may be able to see other people as obivous groomers, but can't see the person right under her nose for what he is.
>>30297193Lumi has always been really popular. She was the cashcow of Cyberlive.
>>30297280>not saying she's a retard, but maybe she's a retard
>>30297096Anon you don't understand that the strategy games are just a mechanism of random selection for the dopaminergic activation of her viewbase being engaged in a positive uplifting way with topics which they are passionate about. She is literally performing real time rehabilitative non invasive neurosurgery on them with nothing but her beautiful voice and raw charisma. It's fucking astonishing to watch.
>>30297274>Cyberlive CEO is a pedo>makes underage girlfriend manager>she does no work, making Lumi do everything>Lumi is effectively running the company herself>Lumi leaves because drama>Cyberlive collapsesThis thread has all the drama>>/vt/thread/S22090809Make sure you find the imgur post
>>30297280Serious question; does it matter? She's an adult now, she's (reasonably) functional, is living her dream and raking in dough. Now, to be clear, I've sperged pretty hard about this kind of shit before; I raged pretty violently about CallMeCarson when he was revealed to be a groomer, but he was also a pretty vile human being in general and all his friends were spilling dirt on him.Pippa on the other hand doesn't really change whether or not she was groomed. She's a bit screwed up mentally, but can you definitively say 'this is because she was horribly abused by an evil groomer'? Like it or not, she has a routine and status quo in her life, and is hardly crying out for help and support. We know that her mother is an extremely messed up individual, so I'm willing to entertain the idea that Zax might actually have been a genuine source of support and mental stability at a time when she was still in a very toxic household. People are weird, and that sincere feelings can grow out of even the most non-conventional, unhealthy kinds of social interaction.I feel people baying for blood may underestimate the harm it might do in the long run to somebody who, though quite possibly in a fucked up situation, seems to be making do and getting on with life perfectly well. A basic foundation of psychiatry is 'build up as you tear down'. You can't just rip away the status quo from people and expect them to be grateful, especially not women. Women in far more violent, unambiguously destructive relationships than Pippa have repeatedly gone back to their partners because they provide something the alternative doesn't. If you give a woman a choice between being homeless with her three children and staying with a man who gets drunk every three nights and leaves her with a black eye but also brings home 120k a year, odds are she'll choose the man over the street.We know Pippa reads this. She's seen all this shit. What has she done about it? Laughed it off and gone on with her life. If she had immediately streamed as Lumi and bawled her eyes out, or posted cryptic tweets about self-harm, or any number of other things, I'd be fully onboard the 'Zax's head must be mounted on a spike by sundown' train some people here seem to be enthusiastically fueling up. But you can't help somebody who fundamentally doesn't want to be helped, and forcing them to receive said 'help' will only get them mad at you.
>>30297096>the year of our lord 2023>lumi is /lig/-tier ccv of ~3000>clipped by cooksie>coomerbaiting like vei/shylily/nimu>mostly tik-tok reaction videos>corporate sponsored shill for trash strategy games>collabing with vshojothe darkest timeline
>>30297120Are an actual fanboy of the guy?
>>30296357It's not just the money. What the fuck can even hurt her after this? Lets say they find more cringe tumblr shit, so what? Who would even give a fuck at this point? The grooming reveal makes her look more like a victim than anything else so there is no angry whore posting. And thanks to the fail dox a lot of people now think she looks like some fucked up polish girl, giving her an additional layer of anonymity.This was also pretty much the worst thing that could have happened to a vtuber: >bf yab>face dox>pl revealYet her audience still showed up in droves to support her. Yet even this edgy shithole, after days of doomposting, was worried about her and tried to somehow help her.Pippa WON.
>>30296386no we won, Pippa will graduate soon
why do so many people here know all the lore about some random fatass wtf
>>30297370>what is stockholm syndrome
>>30297573you can thank pippa for that
>>30297573I dunno, I don't read these threads usuallyI just>Ctrl+F "remi"and>Ctrl+F "wemi"and then leave. No other post is wrothwhile
>>30297573Because he's Pippa's biggest enemy and a major lolcow on the level of Chris Chan.
>>30297607Something pippa knows about
>>30297498honestly >>22091308 said it best
>antis btfo on the pippadoxx arc>"QUICK!! LET'S GET BACK TO ASTROTURF LUMI, DAMAGE CONTROL!!!"
incest made the world great
>>30297558>face doxThe pictures were not real though.>Yet her audience still showed up in droves to support her.That's always what happens. The question is: do people stay? Will they keep superchatting? etc. - it's too early to tell.If you ask me, it won't hurt her too badly. Most people already knew she had a boyfriend and it was also fairly obvious that she was a furfag. Gachis will cling to the delusion that she'll leave her bf/husband at some point because she realises what a 'bad' person he is.
>>30297742Why is menace SUCH a cunt though
>>30297742check it out I'm menace now. Ugh, I hate Lumi so much
>>30297941its so tiresome
>>30297742I want to fuck the dungeon boss
>>30297941It's just another deflection tactic. But (((You))) knew that.
>>30298016she is unironically a pickme girlI watched her first few streams back when she debuted and she pandered hardthat's why it's hilarious whenever she comes here to crap on lumi
>>30298041I love my panda daughterwife and you can't have her
>>30297498>She was 17 and 364 days you heckin' pederinoAmericans were a mistake
>>30297941Everyone directing focus on facedox just shows how shitty you all are. Yeah it's okay if she's blatantly manipulating lonely people as long as she's not ugly. Jesus fucking christ. I know some of you reading this are salvageable. Think really hard about this and have some self respect. Even if you can't quit cold turkey, find someone less poisonous
>>30298142are you going to watch her collab with Remi?
>>30298351>as long as she's not uglyHow do you know she's not?
>>30298365Yeah. I'm a Wemi lover
>>30298395The point is that's the only reason facedox is priority #1 to these people
Panko is my sister and my wifeRemi is my daughter and my wife
The amount of nerd spergery in lumi's chat is insane, its amazing how patient she is with them
I want to hug the Pippa.
Remember when Lumi used to be GFE then dumped and even denounced it once she started getting more viewersHow did she get even cuter now that she just plays old games and is a react streamer
>>30298516>make your living off nerds>wow nerds in chat lmaoMidwit moment
>>30298516She likes nerd shit.
[Panko News] She doesn't read gay yaoi shit
>>30297980Yeah but nobody knew during the stream that the retard antis got the wrong person. >If you ask me, it won't hurt her too badlyAgreed. People watch her for her content and funny interactions. As long as she continues with that she'll be fine.
>>30298548People like Lumi use "GFE" the same way Twitter uses "parasocial". It's still GFE even if she doesn't admit it
>>30298548>Remember when Lumi used to be GFEvideo archive or it didn't happen
>>30298568yeah I'm sure she just looooves being fed endless 13th century cavalry tactics info
>>30297498no matter how many times I try to ignore it the schizo doxxnigger "brat tamer" moderator being kept around for so long is still a bad look and it fills me with dread and unanswered questions
>>30298321too late, i went balls deep
>>30298687she did a whole date stream and kept saying things like "hold my hand, chat">linkkill yourself
>>30298687https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jnf6BGGyBCYShe later admitted she was uncomfortable doing this.
>>30298351Pretty much how i feel, didnt gave shit about her face nor her furry bf. What she wrote on her blogs is what bothered me but i understand that the only thing that could clean the bad taste is more fun content from her part. Might relate less on her downer episodes tho.
[Panko News] She can't mankobrap
>>30298568>She likes nerd shit.>he really believes
>>30295056They deleted a couple hundred posts in over the last few threads. There was at least some jannying going on.
>>30298887>>30298858so she tried this once, didn't like it, didn't repeat the experiment, and this makes her a "gfe streamer"?ok
>>30298516If you dont consume Lumi as an extremely professional, high class escort who laughts at the stupid shit you say and makes you feel at peace with her presence then you are doing it wrong.
>>30296273You really changed my mind, amigo.
>>30299062Stupid nigger>>30299088Correct
>>30296986>>30296757>ree why are there people who like Pippa in the thread for the company Pippa is inStay mad, losers.
>>30298351>manipulating lonely peopleLoser
>>30299088Extremely professional, high class escorts put a lot of effort into researching their client's hobbies. Lumi doesn't bother doing the most basic reps and it makes me want to strangle her.
>>30297980Nigga, everyone thought she was bald. How much worse can reality be? Maybe I was a bit too accepting for the idea of bald Pippa…
>>30296779The slav face pic is fake, everything else, well it depends on how charitable you want to be.
i want to give banko my love and credit card information
>>30299088>If you dont consume Lumi as [literal, actual, literal GFE] then you are doing it wrong.What did you mean by this?
>>30297215One of her warhammer 40k reaction videos got caught by the algorithm and got a bunch of views.
Does Lumi never collab with other PC members? It seems like she just does her own thing but is somehow the most successful in the corp
>>30299230I'm enough of a winner to have empathy for the vulnerable
>tfw lumi starts streaming strategy sunday when I take a sauna bath with my dadreee its hard being a finn
>>30297509The thing is, the allegations are actually pretty serious stuff so it would be the best for everyone involved if she'd just explain the situation but due to the nature of the industry she obviously can't do that. So this is probably going to end up as a permanent stain on her career and always come up during drama or even prevent certain collabs from happening.
>>30299391sounds fun, wish I was finnish
>>30299391Why do you Sauna in summer? I thought you were supposed to run into the ice? t. clueless
>>30298548>she tried something and didn't like itHow dare she. Antis are looping back to Lumi timeloops.
>>30299391say hi to your dad from me!
>>30299430>I'm berry concerned>big deal big concern>very seriousJust fuck off already. People screeched at her before, people will keep screeching at her, just like people screech at everybody else.
Erina Schedulehttps://twitter.com/ErinaMakina/status/1556357098526478336?s=20&t=O3G6UiS5-JfqYYIMf1HM8w
>>30299596Literally retarded
>>30299430call the police if you are so concerned
>>30299508You know how japs dont consider you to be clean unless you have taken a bath? Finns are kinda the same but with a sauna>>30299442ngl its nice, nice nature, nice weather, nice food if you like potatoes and meat, the only thing that really sucks is the winter when its dark when you go to work and dark when you get home>>30299551We are not in the sauna anymore so we only communicate with grunts and perkele, i'll say hi to him next time we take a sauna bath
>>30299305>Nigga, everyone thought she was bald. How much worse can reality be?I unironically think the reality is bad - but maybe different kinds of bad. The fact that we don't have pictures of her says quite a bit. Let alone the fact that a young woman would put on a fursuit.>Maybe I was a bit too accepting for the idea of bald Pippa…I honestly believed the pictures were real too, the glasses were oddly fitting given how she tends to put some on her vtuber avatars.
>>30299524>AntisYou are a black flag post in a sea of black flag posts
>>30299600i love erinabut she needs to pick better gamesgive me portal at least that would fit with her cyber theme
>>30299430you have down syndrome
>>30299679You are a black fag post.
I want to give panko's manko a blue waffle!
>>30297509Don’t get ahead of yourself with the zman lynch mob. What goes on with that situation is her choice and her choice alone. She’s probably already thought to herself once or twice “maybe I was groomed” in the last 10 years. The situation is entirely out of our hands and while it may be uncomfortable for us to think about, there is no benefit to spamming chat like that one guy last night.
>>30299685She played aperture already and the others have played portal so hopefully sometime soon. Seeing her mald would be cute
>>30299743that is disgusting
Seriously though how do I stop myself from becoming attached and developing feelings towards vtubers just because their model is cute and they have the same hobbies I do? I'm fully aware of the fact that this isn't healthy but it still happens.
>>30299346She does but mostly Yuri, Pippa, Lia and soon to be Tenma.Her own thing though is why fishman valued her so high, she was growing and building her own fanbase with or without a corpo.
>>30299600Iori claims another one for her harem...
>lumi almost at 800 viewerspowerful
>>30299755>Don’t get ahead of yourself with the zman lynch mob. What goes on with that situation is her choice and her choice alone. She’s probably already thought to herself once or twice “maybe I was groomed” in the last 10 years. The situation is entirely out of our hands and while it may be uncomfortable for us to think about, there is no benefit to spamming chat like that one guy last night.To be honest these incels are probably jealous they didn't lose their own virginities with a 13 year old furry gf at 19.
>>30299818You probably just need more friends man
>>30299845She does if i pay her enough
>>30299818Its fine as long as you are self-aware, and don't become an anti and start blaming them for "manipulating" you (lmao). We're rubes who want to be worked.
>>30299818Stop watching them and do something else for a couple weeks
>>30299891imagine how many viewers Pippa would have if her model had big jiggly tits.
>>30299305>Maybe I was a bit too accepting for the idea of bald Pippa…With her depressive episodes i always assumed she wasnt a looker. So yeah, the idea of that being her put close to that thought.>>30299677The reason everyone bought the insta profile, including me, it looked like a grown up version of the family FB pictures that are not confirmed to be her but are indeed linked to her.
>>30299818unironically touch grass and have sex.
>>30300047shouldnt she pander to her "people"she can get a furry live2d
[panko status update]she wants to hurt and physically abuse wemi
>>30300047Imagine how many viewers Pippa would have if she wouldn't filter her audience at every single opportunity.
>>30300151I'm sure wemi would enjoy that too
why are there so many pictures of faggots and dykes?
>>30300047I mean she did a couple of stream with scuffed booba.
>>30299818I think the answer is friends. You're probably here because you have a hard time making enough of them. Maybe you don't like people much in the first place? Maybe it's time to try harder or try something different.
>>30300250I had to stop watching the stream because it was gross
>>30300151>>30300223high potential collab let's go
>>30300300she did the reddit stream with her head on a big tits model
>>30300178>if she wouldn't filter her audienceI don't think this is something that is actually real. Also a preemptive mention of the youtube vs twitch CCV time-loop.
>>30299383Nigga if you are vulnerable to pink anime rabbit you should just kill yourself full stop
>>30300403Pippa had an unannounced late night Overwatch stream last night on twitch and pulled almost as many viewers as her special event streams on youtube
>>30299845don't post this faggot you nigger
>>30299845It's funny because I know a girl who was a stripper and then became a twitch streamer. She is managed by her boyfriend who came up with the idea and takes care of the technical side of things, such as setting up the hard and software, managing the accounts, etc. (which she wouldn't know about, being a typical woman). Obviously, her viewers don't know of his existence. I'm convinced that this is kind of relationship is the norm for most female streamers and vtubers.
>>30299845That's the thing though, I know that I don't even exist and am just a dollar sign to her at the end of the day but my head is still filled with thoughts about her throughout the day.>>30300045I wish I could man, I really do. my obsession towards my oshi has gotten so bad that I exhibit physical symptoms when I don't hear her voice for more than a day. Going cold turkey might unironically be the death of me.
Is anyone in Phase inclining other than Pippa
>>30297509This is a direct copypasta from the farms
I genuinely have no clue who the fuck some of the people in my subscriptions feed are anymore vtubing has taken ahold of my life
>>30300464You think like a weak man
>>30299846>What do you wear to bed, Erina? >You can tell me, don't worry, it's just us girls here...
>>30300571It's all the same shit. There are porn stars doing twitch debate panels now lmfao. People are so insane now that they started considering them real people at some point.
>>30300700I love this sexual predator deernice numbers too
>>30300623probably someone a streamer in Phase Connect raided when there were no other PC girls on.
>>30300610Lumi, Lia, Gen 2 number wise are also doing alright
>>30300610Shiina and Airi get assured 250 viewers. Which is pretty big for PC as newcomers, it will grow with time i assure.
>>30300623She collabed with Tenma multiple times
>>30299818I have friends and have had sex but it still happens to me. I just accept the parasocial feelings for what they are to ride the wave but understand I will get burned eventually
i need to breed wemi
>>30300610Lia's consistently 100+ viewers, even more when she's drinking. Tenma is usually 300-500 viewers on youtube and twitch. Airi and Shiina are around 300 whenever they stream.
>>30301069she can go die for all I careshe posted her schedule and there is no Pokemon in sightREMI HATEOPEN THE MAROS AGAIN SO I CAN TELL YOU HOW MUCH I HATE YOU
>>30300592Stop wishing and just do something else. Literally anything else, preferably something constructive.
>>30300403Pippa being la creatividad and jumping from stream idea to stream idea produces a lot of kino moments but it also filters people who just want a consistent viewer experience. For example someone who enjoys her rage bunny gaming streams is probably not going to have too much fun with a slow menhera zatsudan.A good counter example would be Lumi. She pretty much sticks to her niche with some light react content and has quadrupled her ccv since April and she'll probably be the first one to become a proper 4view in Phase.
>>30300610Tenma has had pretty good sub growth since gen 2 debuted idk why
>>30301140I agree with this specifically with Lumi. It's very easy to recommend someone Lumi and just say "she plays strategy games and acts like a stacy"The best thing to help growth is consistency and making sure people know what you're selling
>>30301269It's also true for Tenma, no?
Hime, I'm begging you, please let me lick your royal, forever-18, nice smelling, sweaty Hime Pits. I will pay the Hime Tax and moreAs read by Hime:https://files.catbox.moe/sem9e3.mp3
>>30301194>idk whyShillinghttps://youtu.be/TLxNmL_rfFk?t=88https://youtu.be/WWNTZ-z0ilA?t=482
The next phase connect vtubers will all be guys either with feminine voices or voice changers on and they'll all hide their gender
This was cute https://www.twitch.tv/pipkinpippa/clip/TiredRudeAnacondaVoteNay-4zMt9JkddrV_iLOI?filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time
Exit the simulation
>>30301483Pippa LOVE!
loomi is a size zero
Panko's pre-pubescent manko...
Fishman, I have a proposition:Gen 3 - HAG Connect
>>30301483Totally forgot to post thishttps://files.catbox.moe/994ygx.mp4
The Awoo is Live with Spyrohttps://youtu.be/op1DaL59B4s
>>30301653how many more hags can this company realisitcally take?
>>30301653Gen3 - Tsunderia Connect
im gonna spank the racism out of lumi
>>30301847well we had a 1.5now we obviously need a 2.5 gen that comes from another company
>>30301945No. Racism LOVE.
>>30299531Post more than just the link next time, anon.
>>30301945My white man's cum contains too much concentrated privilege, you'll never spank it all out of her.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muw6DLSSDoYYuri clip yes I am shilling my own clip channel now that I've started actually using it
>>30301847>>30301957What if Lisa and Amiya refuse to join if they don't let Tomoya/Kazune/Nen in as well?
>>30301745she's already overwhelmed...
lumi's stacy bitch energy is blinding rn
>>30302161I just gave you your first like :)
>>30302206Well, the more the merrier.
>>30302225I'm getting a boner, fuck
>>30302206fire tomo and kaznen can have a spot if she gets a female model
>>30302161>clip>18+ minutes
Lumi is 5'5"
>>30302527small and cute
>>30302161The title is shit, give it a clickbaity name like "[Highlights] Yuri Fetish 101 Stream". Also feels a bit long for a "clip".
[Loombert News] Lumi is 5'5" (still a mega womanlet)
>>30302294I'm not a fan of the "let's just have 300 chuubas and hope one randomly makes it big" model.
>>30302550She is quite average height here, if you were like 175 cm then you are tall for a woman
>>30302568>>30302527>newsLumi's character sheet has been out for a while, anon.
>remi is dead last in # of subs in gentoowhat do we do bros??
There's no way Airi is a boomer, she cant even figure out Spyro.
Guys, we can't let Pippa live down this epic Lhttps://youtu.be/VzbLKBsmCCwNever forget the legendary raid of 2022!
>>30302650>character sheet we're talking about her IRL height here anon
>>30302650her sheet says 5'3''
>>30302550>165 cm>smallThat's substantially taller than average.
>>30302490>>30302553I don't give a shit about the people that watch 30 second coomerbait clips, they're not my audience. Might just go for 7-10 minutes and split the videos in half in the future though.
>>30302776>substantially taller where do you live anon?
>>30302776Average in Sweden
>>30302791>my audienceHope you aren't getting ahead of yourself there. Cute Yuri speech, though.
This is the face of Phase Connect, say something about her
>>30302225>>30302296Haha imagine being the kind of competent individual that through their own merit has regular personal face to face aspect of these kind of effervescent beautiful creatures haha wowee what kind of world would that be like!
>>30302876In vtuber land, same as Lumi.
>>30302930she has nice feet
>>30302930She is based, she just fatshamed and radiated extreme amounts of stacy energyplus she called asians fucking rice eaters
>>30302930>say something about hershe makes my dick hard and I don't like it
Panko always has to talk about her feet…
>>30302736That "raid" was so embarrassing. Unironically just 3 people with like 2 burner accounts.
>>30302930I want to cum on her cute toes.
>>30302930The real Phase of Face.
>>30303139Lia is the zany sidekick
>>30303075She'll never outfoot Pippa and Yuri.
>>30303076>>30302736She should raid Gunt next time lmfao it would be hilarious.
Give me some fucking [Lia News] right now before I have a Lia moment
>>30302930I liked her karaoke version of Pink Guys hit song "I love sex"https://files.catbox.moe/2mpcwg.mp4
>>30303234>giving Ralph any views or engagement
>>30303313[Lia Update] She is my mommy now. ONLY my mommy. My condolences to everyone else.
>>30303573Hi Steven
>>30303484What do you mean? She jumpstarted her career by doing it, is she somehow above it now lmfao?
Lumi should have played as the Christian gun-toting Samurai clan
Airi called me a good boy
>>30303573treasure that W for the rest of your life
>>30303643Go and promote your stream somewhere else, fat retard.
>>30303657She needs to play the OP EZ mode clan to make any progress
>>30303610>>30303665Hi! I'm Steven!
>>30303697she's a woman please understand
Airis jannies are so fucking annoying. Always saying “nooooo thats a heckin bad word Airi you can’t say that” Actual fucking children
>>30303769>saying "Airi's jannies" as if the entirety of gentoo doesn't have the exact same janny team
>>30302930Her hat gimmick is honestly endearing and I hope she never stops coming up with more hats than TF2.The way she asks chat in earnest random ass history questions pulls me straight in every time. You can say she's faking interest but if she's faking interest about ten times every half hour for hours a day every day of the week, I feel like at some point it's more likely that she might be sincere about her curiosity.
>>30303823they actually dont retard
>>30303769Airi must be seiso
>>30303643Ralph escalates literally everything to ridiculous levels. Engaging with him outside of just laughing at his constant fuck ups is a stupid thing to do.
>850 ccvShe's actually gonna be a 4view before the end of this month huh.
Why does this stupid cunt keep talking about Darksouls?
>>30303697I guess that's true, playing as the Otomo is usually harder since every other clan automatically hates you for not being Shinto which makes diplomacy useless
>>30303769If they have an issue with one of their mods they'll get rid of them. You don't have to protect them here on /vt/.
>Pippa gets hit by the worst shitstorm imaginable and comes out pretty much unscathed>Lumi casually hits 850ccv on her comfy /vst/ streamAnti are you ok?
>>30302930EU4 Brandenburg when?
>>30301659I love this dumb bunny
>>30304117what's so special about brandenburg? it's an easy country to play ast. eu4 casual
>>30304270Pretty rough/risky early game with hilariously OP lategame as Prussia
>>30304270It's the easiest start to turn into Prussia, which has an OP military so people think it's fun. Honestly though, Lumi would fail at anything but the Ottomans.
lmao Lumi
>>30303234No, she should not, and it would only give her company and the people around her trouble to engage with these people.
daily Lumi bukkake
>>30303835>she might be sincere about her curiosity.Even if she were sincere about her curiosity she's not doing it for her own sake. She's doing it for the deep healing neural stimulation it provides to the lost souls who occupy vtuber streams.She is literally an angel sent down from the heavens to lay hands upon you and heal your wretched autism with her dolcett tones and expertly crafted verbal engagement.
>>30304116>HNNNNNNNNNNNGH HOW COULD THAT WHORE LUMI HAVE THE BIG NUMBER AIEEEEEEEEEEEEGood for her, still a whore, still sucking dox cock, still lying
New thread>>30304441
>>30303573Lia is so wonderfully insane
holy shit wemi broshttps://youtu.be/l1CXp0udHoI
>>30304565she has been reading the daughter wife posts...