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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 97 KB, 159x423, The3rdIncident.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29746354 No.29746354 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>29746537

The Zatsudan Project and extended Sonyverse thread

▼Sara birthday merch
▼Gen3 Anniversary Merch

>Songs and Covers
▼Pina's Villain Vibes cover
▼Rita's Villain Vibes cover
▼Rita's Beyond Selves Cover
▼Nia's Queen Fox Cover
▼Naki's Telecaster B-Boy cover
▼Gen 3 Original Song: Prismatic Dream
▼Yura's and Shiki's and I'm home cover


▼Generation 1
>Hoshifuri Iku
>Tokimori Aoi
>Ibuki Meno

▼Generation 2
>Kamishiro Rita
>Araka Luto:

▼Generation 3
>Miyoshino Shiki
>Suzune Nia
>Pengin Pina
>Rikudou Yura

▼Generation 4
>Kamizuki Naki
>Nagare Sara
>Ushio Sumi (Graduated)
>Anon Non (Call her Nonn in discussion for sake of archive search)

▼Sonyverse Sister Branches
VERSEn - https://twitter.com/verse_n_project
VEE - https://twitter.com/_vee_official_
NHOTBOT - https://twitter.com/VCP_jp_

▼Prism Friends
Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsun/
Aetheria(was CyberLive) >>>/vt//aeg/
AkioAir >>>/vt/aa/
Reiny - https://twitter.com/Reiny_ENVT

▼Gen4 archives
https://archives.cafe/channel/UCgM1sly6rnxqWe8GLbceEag (Naki)

▼Twitter Space Archives (not up to date)

▼'Unofficial' twitter art retweets

▼Skeb guide

previous thread >>29601021

>> No.29746537

Anon Dont leak membership content...

>> No.29746616
File: 199 KB, 946x2048, FXetOZdVsAAs4Aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29752633

she's never going to play with us again

>> No.29746757
Quoted by: >>29746969

Why is Nia like this?

>> No.29746969
Quoted by: >>29747087

She wants to open an onlynyans but management doesn't let her so she has 'mishaps' on purpose as a venting outlet

>> No.29747087
Quoted by: >>29747911

She needs to be careful or NFT will become a real thing

>> No.29747528

Sara so she can have a haunted womb to match her sociopathic femoid personality

>> No.29747591

Nia is my woman

>> No.29747869

nice try anon, She's MY wife and I have a ring to show for it

>> No.29747911
File: 541 KB, 1132x720, NiaPinaling3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29747943

don't joke about that. life without Nia is meaningless

>> No.29747933
Quoted by: >>29748326

would you rather have mattb or inukirito in your oshi's chat?

>> No.29747943

This but with Meno

>> No.29748028

Nia, we already you're a femcel.

>> No.29748326

Neither is annoying as that Ryan9909 fucker

>> No.29748423

>Prism girls ordered by most to least subs

>Prism girls ordered by how often they're talked about /here/

>> No.29748470

If you factor out deadsubs Yura actually beats Shiki and Luto

>> No.29748898
Quoted by: >>29749079

Anon they all have deadsubs, you have no idea who is the most subbed without those.

>> No.29749079
Quoted by: >>29749338

what >>29748898 said, most of the girls are low 3views/high 2 views, sub count isn't a great metric anyway.

Also to >>29748423
learn to use a fucking space bar

>> No.29749338
Quoted by: >>29750638


>> No.29749491

>>Prism girls ordered by how often they're talked about /here/
False and retarded and with obvious personal bias
>Prism girls ordered by how often they're actually talked about /here/
Meno POWERGAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Nia Yura Sara Aoi Powergap Naki Iku Non Powergap Luto Shiki Rita Pina

>> No.29749622
File: 151 KB, 850x1209, 1653587609106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29750339

As it should be

>> No.29750048

Ryan go home, you're drunk

>> No.29750339


>> No.29750638


>> No.29751118
File: 2.13 MB, 300x300, 1657490440304.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish for a PRISM booth someday at a con. I want to be able to bully Nia one on one even if it costs doxing myself... Also, drunkily spend a stupid amount of money on a Nia cutout...

>> No.29751166

there was a phase booth wasn't there also what about the

"Crunchy Roll Thing"?

>> No.29751346

It's an anime debate and a mv shown twice that will probably get reuploaded to the main channel
Not worth spending money on desu not that cons ever are

>> No.29751499
File: 250 KB, 1320x1268, FWRFWr9acAA2x4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This brat

>> No.29751954

I want to milk Rita like a cow.

>> No.29752040

Crunchyroll feels like its going to be like Offkai expo.
>PRISM who?

>> No.29752221

>Stay up until 1am to watch Non play Ring Fit
>Sike, it’s ARK bitch
All I feel is pain. I don’t even care that Ring Fit got scrapped I just care that she’s turning into an ARKtuber like Yura.

>> No.29752314

>tfw yuragumi
>tfw PDT yuragumi
At least she's doing some morning slot again this week

>> No.29752502

typical, putting worst girl(s) first

>> No.29752525
File: 969 KB, 912x1017, E8AtKQWWYAIx1N3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight Nia. Sweet dreams. I love you. please play more roblox with me

>> No.29752633
Quoted by: >>29753960

Did Nia have another slip up again?

>> No.29753500

I wanna fuck Naki so bad bros

>> No.29753659

Iku Hoshifuri is a bitch in heat!

>> No.29753842

>I just care that she’s turning into an ARKtuber like Yura
It won't be long before Non's energy is directly tied to how much ark she plays and the game becomes a daily requirement like eating and sleeping. Welcome to the crab bucket

>> No.29753960
Quoted by: >>29754480

she went topless in the last membership stream accidentally

>> No.29754134
File: 668 KB, 4093x2894, 1643641373041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29754559

Ahhhh I'm NGMI I need my cyber imouto ;_;

>> No.29754480

No one else in prism has this happen that often, she knows exactly what she's doing

>> No.29754559
Quoted by: >>29754653

i wish we got some kind of update

>> No.29754588
Quoted by: >>29762284

Reina showed her nipples which even Nia hasn't done yet

>> No.29754653
Quoted by: >>29771116

She said she was feeling better a few days ago

>> No.29755004
Quoted by: >>29755820

No one else is pushing the boundaries of VR like Nia.

>> No.29755820
Quoted by: >>29756948

Pushing the boundaries of being an idiot, more like

>> No.29756948
File: 119 KB, 504x480, 1658980893377404.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this idiot zoomer brat

>> No.29758946

I love Nia, but she doesn’t love me!

>> No.29759013
File: 2.99 MB, 692x650, Meno Loves Otagons THIS Much[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fykbw95.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oshihen to Meno and be submerged in the warm bliss of her unconditional love!

Once she recovers from her illness and begins streaming again anyway...

>> No.29759377
File: 1.24 MB, 900x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we protect her smile?

>> No.29759485

which PRISM should we watch this movie with https://youtu.be/pjVkwX5Yt2Y

>> No.29761869

She loves you she just doesn't want to admit it

>> No.29762284
Quoted by: >>29762594

Reina is not in prism anon....
But yes, Reina and Nia are the only ones with model nude accident that I know. They should have a cosplay collab together and the whole chat would be there waiting for a wardrobe malfunction on stream.

>> No.29762594
Quoted by: >>29763518

what if nia had had nipples when the first incident occurred

>> No.29763445


>> No.29763518

The question is not "what if" but "what when"

>> No.29764300

Meno I hope you feel better soon and come back to us

>> No.29765976
Quoted by: >>29766560

Nia is cute no matter what she exposes! I love Nia! I’m going to give her money!

>> No.29766560

I hope she shows us her asshole next time

>> No.29767297

I hope Iku and Aoi are okay...
Meno Ganbatte

>> No.29768872
File: 510 KB, 1261x709, FWx6OODaUAAbzrI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29769919

>> No.29769919

This is not my mistress luto

>> No.29771116

Thanks for the update iku. Would you let me squeeze those breasts?

>> No.29772969

sex with mew

>> No.29774708
Quoted by: >>29776245

Why ark? Isn't Rust the fotm?

>> No.29776245

She'd probably be into Rust if someone introduced it to her.

>> No.29776248
Quoted by: >>29779600

Fireworks summer festival episode with Yura

>> No.29779600

Yura is cute

>> No.29781095
Quoted by: >>29781196

How do we stop Meno from doing horrible things to shotas?

>> No.29781196
Quoted by: >>29784649

unplug her life support

>> No.29782422

even if she takes me to a love hotel in the middle of a date <3

>> No.29784649

I plug and unplug my life support in her repeatedly

>> No.29785383
File: 472 KB, 1440x2000, 1653728489828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Nia. She has one of the most unique and adorable voices I've ever heard. But that's not why I love Nia. I love Nia because of everything she does for us.
>When she talks about her schedules, her streams, her covers, her projects, she always does it with us in mind. "For you guys" she often says.
>She goes out of her way to mute during collabs and talk to chat whenever possible because she feels bad about not interacting with us.
>She missed the deadline to send her Christmas voicepacks* in but read them on stream for free.
>She feels bad whenever she has short streams and wishes she could stream for us longer.
>She convinced management to separate her merch for her birthday because she wanted them to be more affordable to us
>Has perks for her tier3 litterboxes because she feels bad for having a no-perk support membership tier
>Has multiple member streams a month because she thinks the minimum 1 member stream a month is too little
>Made us a tomboy goth Nia replacement GF while she's gone on vacation
>Encouraged members to leak her membership content 'somewhere' because she feels bad for non members

Nia doesn't want to be a victim collecting pity, she wants to protect others and be respected.
Despite having the crass humor of a tomboy, her mannerisms are incredibly cute, and I can't help but just smile when I see her.
She's patient as fuck and even accepts even a fan like me; she'll play along my retarded antics and sometimes even leans into it.
She could have run off or dumped prism, if for her own sanity, but she hasn't. She doesn't make any money off of us, all we do commission porn. Yet she still sticks around after all this time. She likes to say she hates us but she started missing us after just 3 days of not streaming.
God can she sing; whether she sings the song in a carefree way, or when she belts it out in confidence, she takes your heart for a ride.

She has great taste. In music. In games. In general. I really, really love Nia. Only Nia. Nia makes me a happy litterbox. Thank you for being a really cool cat. Thank you for the chu

Can't wait to see you all week!


>> No.29786359
Quoted by: >>29787256

So I just came out of a con with vtubers as guests and it'd be wonderful to see Prism in a similar fashion. They got to run a few panels, those were fun, and they were also frequently available to chat in the dealer room. Like, imagine going to buy whatever junk you're into and dropping by a big screen to give Meno an ippui.

>> No.29787256
Quoted by: >>29799185

Exactly. I visited the Phase and Tsunderia booth at AX and it was nice seeing what they had. I even got to play with Lisa’s model for a good minute since Tsunderia had that set up. I also saw Pippa talk shit to random people passing by and that was pretty funny. I can only dream about PRISM…

>> No.29789260

>page 9
Shogun drop the news!

>> No.29792688

I love Rita and I don't care who knows!

>> No.29795347
File: 2.94 MB, 852x480, Birthday.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 weeks until Naki's Birthday. Should we do something for her?

>> No.29795514

Yes, any ideas?

>> No.29796057

what, like get her pregnant?

>> No.29796122
Quoted by: >>29797019

good idea, let's fill her full of puppies for her birthday

>> No.29797019
Quoted by: >>29797360

I will not be sharing

>> No.29797058

I don't think naki wants children as much as she wants cats

>> No.29797360
Quoted by: >>29803633

Too bad anon, The Naki train preparations are already in motion

>> No.29798231
File: 2.94 MB, 852x480, BirthdayDateReminder.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could do the draw a square thing like we did for Nia.

>> No.29799165
File: 663 KB, 3541x3541, FZFGmljaQAApdWx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rita playing more space game

>> No.29799185

Remember when Non collabbed with Pippa and Tomo and it was hella fucking awkward. Also Rita invited Pippa to her charity stream and one of Pippa's fans sent a streamlabs with the N word to Rita

>> No.29799585
Quoted by: >>29800195

Pippa herself is occasionally based but her fans are dumpster tier

>> No.29800195

Have to agree with this. The whole Pippa AR experience at the leaf con was based and on top of it it was live streamed too which made it mega based. This, but with any PRISM member. For the grass touchers, imagine having a photo with your PRISM oshi

>> No.29800203

could sing her happy birthday. When she sees how horribly out of tune most of us are she'll feel better about her singing

>> No.29801164
Quoted by: >>29801364

>one of Pippa's fans sent a streamlabs with the N word to Rita
You don't know if that was one of Pippa's fans. Especially since it happened long after Pippa's segment in the stream - which went really well, you forgot to mention that.

>> No.29801364

yes, it was probably a false flag from one of rita's fans. Don't believe everything you see, the truth is out there.

>> No.29802326
File: 2.94 MB, 738x720, AnniversaryChu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for everyone's favorite nekomata, Nia!

>> No.29803518

Remeber when Pippa collabed with Yura and randomly brought up her fans tracking her period

>> No.29803633
Quoted by: >>29804191

I'll be the first one in this train

>> No.29803740

Who's Joe?

>> No.29803789

her bf

>> No.29804191

I already called dibs anon

>> No.29804465
Quoted by: >>29804512


>> No.29804499


>> No.29804512

Joe Mama

>> No.29805051

>Cringevec in Nia's stream

>> No.29805409
Quoted by: >>29805526

She's really cute today, I don't think I can handle it.

>> No.29805526

God I love bullying nia

>> No.29805548

Nia would make a good wife

>> No.29805700

Rita would make a good wife, Nia is too lazy and irresponsible, not to mention poor with money

>> No.29805783
Quoted by: >>29805950

>Cringe Fray spoiling part of the game in Rita's stream

>> No.29805950
Quoted by: >>29805988

>Rita's stream

>> No.29805988

I want Rita's golden shower

>> No.29806074
Quoted by: >>29806211

i miss meno and im starting to worry

>> No.29806211

Because of that hentai game I dreamt that Meno wanted me to hold her tightly so I did. and sex was the only way to make her feel better so we held hands

>> No.29806229

nia is the kind of girl to completely give up and get fat as soon as she gets married

>> No.29806321

That's like 80% of women once they get comfy

>> No.29806398

>get fat
And thats a bad thing how?

>> No.29806409
Quoted by: >>29806460

She barely eats, i dont think that's possible

>> No.29806460

I'll fill Nia up with my special homemade protein

>> No.29806481
Quoted by: >>29806751

It sucks the stream keeps getting disconnected but i hate when the stream devolves into tech support. should just ignore during the stream

>> No.29806504

being pregnant is different from being fat.

>> No.29806579

implying she isn't

>> No.29806622

I know a cotton-eyed Joe if it weren't for him I'd been married to Nia a long time ago

>> No.29806751

True. Also peen is a retard for shilling chang tech. Powerlines adapters are like using a ring topology wired network and the signal gets noise from every electronic connected along the network

>> No.29806883

I'm going to fucking MURDER joe

>> No.29806915

to be fair to him powerline adapters work 99% of the time

>> No.29806931
Quoted by: >>29808501

powerline adapters are more consistent than wifi at least

>> No.29807001
Quoted by: >>29808501

It's not GOOD but it's better than fucking wifi from a mile away in Nia's huge house

>> No.29807025

The wall come for them all eventually

>> No.29807419
File: 138 KB, 1500x1323, 81zLzSiYEfL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not use this?

>> No.29807953

Nia would end up accidentally burning down her house if she tried disassembling her computer. She is technologically retarded.

>> No.29807967
Quoted by: >>29808018

send her the link to that shit if it works

>> No.29808018
Quoted by: >>29808784

hell just link it here, nia would see it

>> No.29808501

Wifis changed alot since then, also its a very big difference for signal interference on a line vs wireless, i did network admin for 6 years maintaining different types of nets, so i probably know more than him. Nias moms probably ruining packets everytime she turns on her wall mounted dildo

>> No.29808784
Quoted by: >>29820912

Nia Dozo. ASUS PCE-AC88 Dual-Band 4x4 AC3100, you can find it on Amazon Nia.

>> No.29808977

>Nia talking about possibly streaming on twitch
NFT is happening soon bros....

>> No.29809303

>Nia won't date anyone younger than her
I'm NGMI bros

>> No.29809387
Quoted by: >>29809465

>I'm in nia's age range
I'm gonna make it bros, I'll remember you when I get in

>> No.29809465

Nia's ~22-24, her sister is 30~32. It's a pretty wide range that I think many of us fall in

>> No.29809564

Peen stop coping, she's 20, you're too old for her

>> No.29809725

NTA, but she does mention she buys alcohol when she goes grocery shopping, atleast 21 years of age.

>> No.29810131

Or she went with friends/relatives that can get her booze? or hell many colleges kids know of places where you can get booze and they dont check ids

>> No.29810187
Quoted by: >>29810346

now it's sounding like you're too young for her and you're coping in the opposite direction

>> No.29810346
Quoted by: >>29810596

it isnt as hard to get booze as you think anon...

>> No.29810376
Quoted by: >>29810424


Doesn't matter when she's already with me

>> No.29810424

Fuck you joe, it was supposed to be ME

>> No.29810596
Quoted by: >>29810775

Anon, Nia's mom doesnt like her drinking and Nia rarely hangs with her 2 IRL friends. Do you think Nia would actually go the sketchy route to obtain alcohol. C'mon bro.

>> No.29810775

>Do you think Nia would actually go the sketchy route to obtain alcohol.
yes because it leads to more porn scenarios in my head

>> No.29810825

fucking cartel man

>> No.29811014
File: 1.90 MB, 1419x1860, ShikiAss2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29811124

>be nia's alchoholic uncle
>never really attracted to nia, but she gives good head at family gatherings
>she stopped hanging out after i peed in her mouth one time
>4 years later she comes crawling back
>Nia:'Uncle anon can you buy me some alchoholic seltzer...im okay with pee now'
>Uncle:'oh? you must be Trulys desperate to ask for my help'

>> No.29811280
File: 3.60 MB, 498x247, 1651114603413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.29811312

this is what happens irl. You cant change my mind

>> No.29811342
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, StreamStart.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nia is the best, I'll always love her.

>> No.29813214

how do we save /ppg+/?

>> No.29814237
File: 2.58 MB, 640x359, 1658813067668797.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew

>> No.29814809
File: 811 KB, 1095x824, 1648258919420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29819334

You know how to nia

>> No.29816076
Quoted by: >>29816933

Better question is should ppg be saved?

>> No.29816598
File: 96 KB, 700x992, FEvMw9sagAA-cB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29816983

She's the only one that can save us

>> No.29816933

In a jar filled with cum

>> No.29816983
Quoted by: >>29817029

I'll save her eggs.

>> No.29817029

I'll expose her eggs to my semen

>> No.29817547
Quoted by: >>29818011

more sheep shilling

>> No.29818011

>more sheep shearing
shiver me timbers

>> No.29818861
File: 435 KB, 1000x1000, 91129361_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aoi Aoi Ano Sora

>> No.29819334

uWu what's this

>> No.29820406

which PRISM has the nicest boobies?

>> No.29820488
File: 341 KB, 1024x1024, Meno by watayubi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring back Meno

>> No.29820521


>> No.29820682


>> No.29820686

Uh this is a good thing anon

>> No.29820719

Luto but sometimes her boobies are mean and bite back

>> No.29820912
Quoted by: >>29832377



sharing this again so Nia sees it since she's intent on buying a wifi card

>> No.29821038

I miss Meno

>> No.29821741
Quoted by: >>29823137

Iku but no one will admit it.

>> No.29822936
Quoted by: >>29823038

invite mattb

>> No.29823031

Have Matt B create a better prism fancord that allows lewd posting

>> No.29823038


>> No.29823137
Quoted by: >>29825274

I'll admit it. I love Iku's fat tits. I want to bury my face in her cleavage and motorboat her until my head goes numb. I want to drink her milk until until I can't drink anymore. When I die I want it to be with my face on her tits. I want my gravestone engraved with "I love Iku's fat tits!"

>> No.29823709


>> No.29823840
Quoted by: >>29824351

Nia's modest chest!

>> No.29824351

Males can't have boobies

>> No.29824412
File: 463 KB, 1920x1080, FX5Ejl0VQAEvM7Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yura is streaming!

>> No.29824448

She's streaming

>> No.29824486

Yura LOVE!

>> No.29824648

Sumi's rotting, decayed boobies.

>> No.29825040
Quoted by: >>29825136

I like Yura Rikudou and fuck the haters

>> No.29825136
Quoted by: >>29826012

I haven't been able to watch Yura live in like a month so I'm happy she returned to this timeslot

>> No.29825274

I agree

>> No.29825345

Iku's tits are the softest in PRISM

>> No.29825990

>I have a fetus
Ok which one of you fuckers impregnated Aoi

>> No.29825996

Slightly tired food coma is really cute

>> No.29826012

I feel like it's been even longer than that. She sorta dropped this timeslot in January due to work. I think the last stream I caught live was the 24 hour elden ring one

>> No.29826130
Quoted by: >>29827147

It was I.

>> No.29827147


>> No.29827574

Sorry bro, I just couldn't resist her pudgy belly with plenty of nutrition for the baby.

>> No.29827578

>Cum at me bro
And thus we came at Aoi

>> No.29827673

based Yura wants to fuck everyone, especially Nyx-mommy

>> No.29828750
Quoted by: >>29829036

I got to deliver her food, later virgins

>> No.29829036

You lasted a minute, You couldnt even satisfy her...

>> No.29829215

Twas I, the fucker

>> No.29829267
Quoted by: >>29829888

I'm the fetus, wish me luck bros

>> No.29829888

Sorry bro but you're guy from lack of nutrition after she puts on a nuggie only diet

>> No.29830431

masochist dog is horny on main

>> No.29831503
File: 262 KB, 946x2048, FCj5PNWXoAkKd-y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's only eating an apple for dinner? Shiki...you need more calories....hungry doggo

>> No.29832219
Quoted by: >>29832322

God I wanna choke that cute dog girl so bad.

>> No.29832322
File: 64 KB, 600x800, f75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congradufuckinlations you killed her she's dead now

>> No.29832377

Good work Anon. I give you pee pee touch

>> No.29833598
File: 101 KB, 639x900, 1656432316677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.29833727

She is an architect's dream.
She's not fat yet, but she's ripe for grooming to increase her weight. She has basically no qualms with eating significant amounts of food, nor any shame for doing so in front of others. Imagine how easy it would be to push her into eating more to gain weight.

>> No.29833737

You're just learning this? this is a known fact anon...

>> No.29834351
Quoted by: >>29834485

Anon when she debuted she was 90lbs. She gained 18lbs. We are slowly working her.

>> No.29834485
Quoted by: >>29834816

do we know the weights of all the prism agents?

>> No.29834816
Quoted by: >>29834854

Iku has a large ass and titties but modeled, Meno is a heccin chonker, Everyone else in the company is skinny.

>> No.29834854

Yura is heavy but it's all muscle

>> No.29835858
File: 519 KB, 598x569, unknown (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29835941

Tell me about Nia, why does she always play video games with young (male) children?

>> No.29835941

Its because she is a young child (male)

>> No.29836177
File: 2.95 MB, 514x720, SleepyCat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight Nia. Thanks for streaming today! I always love hearing your voice. I'm excited to find who is going to show up to DBD tomorrow. for now, though, sleep. I love you, Nia.

>> No.29836920

was yura always this horny or is she ovulating?

>> No.29837113

She can always appreciate sexy vidya women

>> No.29837987

That was last week during the yaman family collab

>> No.29839082

Shiki craves the meat! this dog is in heat!

>> No.29839644

>Every other small corpo general has cute art of their girls as OP
>we just use ours to bully Nia
No wonder we're declining

>> No.29839704

declining in my chair as I watch others fall in love with Nia

>> No.29839827

Cat paws types this post

>> No.29841612

An architect has to build up

>> No.29841621
Quoted by: >>29842422

How do you think Yura would react if I just started rubbing my balls all over her face

>> No.29841758

I hope Yura does more streams in this timeslot going forward, I missed her a lot and her usual timeslot lately falls at like 5-7AM for me

>> No.29842422

Shaved or unshaved?

>> No.29843658

Nia go to bed it’s 5AM!

>> No.29844387 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29845489

>Meno's custom voice pack arrived
It sounds yandere
Did I do something wrong?

>> No.29845489
Quoted by: >>29845619

Mine was supposed to sound yandere, but didn't. I think she got the two confused.

>> No.29845619
Quoted by: >>29845863

I wonder if this means she is feeling somewhat better now unless these were recorded at an earlier date and Prism Project decided to send'em out now

>> No.29845824
File: 406 KB, 1792x2240, 1634271141559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sara Stream

>> No.29845863
Quoted by: >>29846346

I assume they were recorded ahead of time, since her last tweet said she was waiting on her voice to recover after she felt mostly better which doesn't really seem like a good state to be recording voice packs in

>> No.29846346

I miss meno

>> No.29851354

Page 10

>> No.29851445

what if I told you
the true identity of Vesper Noir
...is Sara’s dad.

>> No.29853761

and her new timeslot

>> No.29853775
File: 35 KB, 128x128, 858221144347770920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nia go to bed..

>> No.29854497
Quoted by: >>29857011

Not even watching PRISM rn and Matt B is still fucking everywhere, he just donated to Anya

>> No.29854807

I finally gave her a shot because I love Hades and she was very cute.

>> No.29855229
Quoted by: >>29864833


>> No.29855955
File: 54 KB, 558x708, NakiNotaFurry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naki is streaming

>> No.29856703
Quoted by: >>29856826

Sheep Engrish

>> No.29856826

nanamona my beloved

>> No.29856936
Quoted by: >>29863545

is a dude voicing one of the girls in this game? wtf

>> No.29857011
File: 460 KB, 1312x545, bast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pina stopped playing half life so he found somebody else.

>> No.29859853
File: 824 KB, 1024x769, 1658534453416163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gaySex with Nia!

>> No.29859945

The B stands for Backseater

>> No.29861271
File: 2.93 MB, 1197x1435, badhairday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29865177

Pina looking good today.

>> No.29862823
Quoted by: >>29863105

Do you think Nia remembered to trim her bush for today's stream?

>> No.29862901
File: 468 KB, 2891x2415, FZEn_P_akAAOXQo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29863105

Nice try Nia, we all know you're still a few years off from growing any hair down there

>> No.29863435
File: 1.31 MB, 2508x4063, 1655751330510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29864126

>Go on a date with Nia
>Treat her to a nice dinner
>Walk her back to her apartment
>She enters and as you try to follow she says
>"You didn't actually think we were going to fuck, did you? Thanks for the meal loser."
>She laughs as she slams the door in your face

>> No.29863545

It's a man voice acting a male character.

>> No.29864126

>Nia looks through the door's peephole to make sure you're gone
>Squats down, dejected, tears welling in her eyes
>voice cracks in rage "WHY AM I SO FUCKING STUPID"
>buries her face in her legs
>"why didn't you chase after me..."

>> No.29864257


>> No.29864833

It might as well be. Felt like the first time I heard ohayura in months

>> No.29864954

>Goes for the smallest ccv hololive
I see his priorities

>> No.29865177

How much would it cost to fuck Pina's hair snakes one time without a condom?

>> No.29865710
Quoted by: >>29865960

I won’t make this anon’s mistake, I will always be inside her walls, chasing her.

>> No.29865960

If these walls could talk
If these walls could talk
If these walls could talk

>> No.29869381
Quoted by: >>29870250

Anons, tell me...
How Horny will Nia get during the DBD stream. We all know she's into the killers.

>> No.29870250
File: 2.75 MB, 656x1280, wah.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29870785

very. she's like shiki, she likes being chased.

>> No.29870785

What are the chances she'll end stream because she gets too horny and needs to let off some steam if you know what i mean

>> No.29870989

I like prism.

>> No.29872796

I like versen.

>> No.29872854
Quoted by: >>29873111

Hey look they made a game about Iku https://www.fakku.net/games/iku-iku-succubus-english

>> No.29873111
File: 54 KB, 689x698, 1659067504967786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29875398


>> No.29875398
Quoted by: >>29877115

Moona Hoshinova

>> No.29877115
Quoted by: >>29877276


>> No.29877276
File: 2.49 MB, 960x540, moonasex.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iku's hotter sister

>> No.29877785
File: 3.97 MB, 1642x2315, 1637888427545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rita time

>> No.29878009

Her tits are fucking massive in that loading screen.

>> No.29878470

I want to milk Rita like a cow.

>> No.29878490
File: 3.54 MB, 2250x1737, 1649622066697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29885514

>> No.29879110

Meno will come back soon, I believe

>> No.29880365

Do you think Meno has been keeping up with Better Call Saul?

>> No.29880779
File: 156 KB, 1260x1350, Meno smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29881117
Quoted by: >>29881194

I want to squeeze the cum out of nias titties

>> No.29881194
File: 116 KB, 341x512, 1635383975382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nia blocked me on Twitter because I tweeted this at her

>> No.29881266
Quoted by: >>29881851

She's hoping that her blocking you will make you want join her in the afterlife.

>> No.29881391 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29881474

I wanna fuck Tenma so bad bros

>> No.29881474

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong thread, /pcg/ is 2 pages down

>> No.29881851

>why /ppg+/ is dying?

>> No.29881937
File: 407 KB, 1077x874, 1649840586562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29882187

The only way to fix it is by correcting this fucking brat

>> No.29882187
File: 1.54 MB, 1229x1439, 1659225438022470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29882671


>> No.29882670

>one girl dominating thread
not too hard to see, even as a niagger desu. We must ensure all prism, vee, versen and the chingchong one get some porn

>> No.29882671

you wish, Nia

>> No.29882932
File: 435 KB, 220x226, meno a cute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Meno?

>> No.29883041

There's only one good one and it's lying on the side cum n' fuck me pose as I hug my legs but monochrome

>> No.29883077
File: 1023 KB, 1840x1294, Naki thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29884331

Gotta post the other's porn as well then

>> No.29883970
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x720, Opening.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nia is playing Dead by Daylight!

>> No.29883976
File: 180 KB, 500x500, Nia Love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29884784

Nia time NIA TIME

>> No.29884161
File: 1.20 MB, 1080x720, niaGosling53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm concerned about Nia.

>> No.29884212
File: 104 KB, 400x400, FMxCYj1aAAAp6UL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did these come from again? these are good.

>> No.29884331

meno already has porn iirc, but needs more
All porn is sacred in PeePee G

>> No.29884357
File: 126 KB, 820x697, SEXinthegarden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's chatting again.

>> No.29884399

CEO of SEX morning zatsudan

>> No.29884784
File: 97 KB, 425x522, 1653505078545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to bulli Nia and her friend in multiplayer

>> No.29884786

I like Lana already.

>> No.29885069
Quoted by: >>29885548

someone keeping track of the agents' kinks?

or is everyone here too busy blowing oil baron faggots

>> No.29885160
Quoted by: >>29885415

I called dibs

>> No.29885415
Quoted by: >>29885478

You're the fucker who asked if she was single, weren't you

>> No.29885478

no but she saw another one of my comments.

>> No.29885514

The reverse image search for this led me to skeb and as far as I can tell none of the pictures there have this high of resolution. Is there some trick to it I'm not aware of?

>> No.29885548
Quoted by: >>29885603

i liked her since i heard her voice, her personality just tempers my erection
There actually was an anon who did that a few months ago, but its wort compiling new porn ideas from recent streams. If anyone wants to contribute each girls kink/meme we can start anew
E.x.: Nia eggs/hands/pee/scat

>> No.29885603
Quoted by: >>29885644

What's Aoi's fetish other than a romantic date with a rich salary man?

>> No.29885634
Quoted by: >>29885805

i just got to the stream, Is this the same girl she played apex with a little while ago?

>> No.29885644


>> No.29885805

no, a different one

>> No.29886542
File: 18 KB, 100x100, NiaShocked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nia's shrieks and wails give me life. She should play more horror.

>> No.29887173
Quoted by: >>29887519

What's her channel? I'm not seeing links.

>> No.29887519
File: 2.94 MB, 716x720, Eating.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29888647

i'll spoonfeed you , babybird. open up.

>> No.29887904
Quoted by: >>29888585

shiki is playing DeadSpace

>> No.29888469

someone planning to make the next OP? im too drunk

>> No.29888585

A classic. I hope she enjoys it.

>> No.29888647
Quoted by: >>29888824

Thank you. Lana wasn't producing results.

>> No.29888824
Quoted by: >>29889400

youll never find your roommate reps casualizing like that

>> No.29889400
Quoted by: >>29890301

Not really looking for roomate stuff.

>> No.29889469


>> No.29889908

Is it true that Nia is going to get ass cancer because she holds in her farts while she streams?

>> No.29890301
Quoted by: >>29891445

when NFT happens you're gonna wish you did

>> No.29890476


>> No.29891445
Quoted by: >>29892132

>implying /chu/ won't spread that shit around

>> No.29892132

If NFT actually happens, i would spread that shit in the heartbeat

>> No.29892968
File: 245 KB, 1638x2048, 1635630460488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29896470
Quoted by: >>29897640

op poster anon can you please make next thread with Non as op

>> No.29897640

Does any porn of Non even exist?
