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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2 KB, 125x115, 1658793652893516s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29793685 No.29793685 [Reply] [Original]

longing for uncle nowa edition

>Magni / Altare / Noir / Syrios
Schedule: https://teamup.com/ksgohfodyecndykvxk

>Magni Dezmond
>MAGNATION / Magmates
Live: #MagginTime
Art: #MagniOpus
Memes: #Dezmemes
Clips: #DezClips

>Regis Altare
Live: #AlTogether
Art: #WorkofAlt
Memes: #LaughTare
Clips: #RegiTales

>Noir Vesper
Live: #VesperONLINE
Art: #ScholArt
Clips: #ClipNoir

>Axel Syrios
Live: #Whysosyrios
Art: #Artxel
Memes: #Axeldent
Fan thumbnails: #AxelThumbtails

>> No.29793722
File: 49 KB, 680x680, dfbf4eee_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29794051

I wish all MANScholars a fine sojourn in this temple of discourse known as /MANS/. Let us all partake in enlightening conversations about Tempus so we can grow stronger as individuals and as a general.

>> No.29793751
File: 1.16 MB, 2160x2500, FY42-xAaMAEMmZl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29793754

>regis was literally a fucking jock in school
i'm scared of his strength

>> No.29793759

Last thread: >>29782323

>> No.29793784
File: 163 KB, 640x480, 1659072345637432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

>> No.29793811 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 640x480, 00819053-8F06-45E9-80D9-94CC4F907EF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

>> No.29793817

Boy was drowning in pussy...

>> No.29793845
File: 89 KB, 218x227, 1658319017267196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you play zomboid on a potato

>> No.29793866

Watching Mag's spore, this man is hilarious.

>> No.29793879

/MANS/ scholar hivemind

>> No.29793889
File: 782 KB, 669x926, The Warden of MANS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29794051

To each and every VERMIN who attempts to taint this holy place known as /MANS/: SILENCE you irredeemable BUFFOONS. You will get no pity from this sacred den of UNDERSTANDING, this hallowed hall of PASSION, this CASTLE OF BASEDNESS. The purifying flames of /MANS/ will erase pointless and futile babbling and they WILL bring JUSTICE. Be CLEANSED in the fire of /MANS/, BEGONE and return from WHENCE THOU CAMEST. So the warden of /MANS/ has spoken. PREPARE YOURSELVES.

>> No.29793909
File: 297 KB, 545x480, a7c3f669_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29793981
Quoted by: >>29794058

when will markiplier join holostars en

>> No.29793997

we'll get it right next time......

>> No.29794016
Quoted by: >>29796546

Has Altare alluded to what timezone he lives in?
Magni and Ves are basically confirmed to be PST and was just wondering logistics of an offcollab for all but Axel.

>> No.29794020

I'm playing it on a potato and it's using up almost 100% of my GPU but I think that's just because i'm retarded

>> No.29794033

Better twice than none.

>> No.29794035
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1658834641995270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/MANS/, more like /NOWA/

>> No.29794051
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>> No.29794058
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>> No.29794125

The ritual is complete.

>> No.29794126

How many of you guys are planning on joining Stars yourselves?

>> No.29794153
File: 392 KB, 541x566, 1658634935891543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncle Nowa my beloved

>> No.29794165

Ayo cease all the baiting, dramaposting and tribalfagging. Axel's cover (https://youtu.be/UvSKHYzB82M)) just reached 300k views. Thank you all for overwhelming support you have shown the boys so far! Let's continue supporting them through the good and bad!

>> No.29794184 [DELETED] 

>people legitimately posted their dicks in hlgg
Wtf guys I thought we were supposed to be the gay ones?

>> No.29794218
File: 200 KB, 1125x1164, 1659137212686624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29794229


>> No.29794243

all me btw

>> No.29794285

Lewding Uncle Nowa

>> No.29794297

sasuga CHADxel

>> No.29794298
Quoted by: >>29794447

my laptop is kinda shitty and i can run zomboid

>> No.29794328
File: 614 KB, 580x923, 1B221C83-3575-4E60-A102-7B3B7DD5013B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29795273

>Magni: knows about Zyzz, likely works out
>Nowa: prepper, knows about GOMAD, likely works out
>Regis: Jock, scouted for Football, black belt in martial arts
>Axel: Jock, works out, hates fat people.

I am honest to god so fucking happy we got some men in this fucking branch. Holy fuck. I’m so tired of the twinks and fags that have infested the anime medium.

Brahs, WAGMI.

>> No.29794332

Lewding magni

>> No.29794341

just wait until we get our first magni cum tribute pictures...

>> No.29794421

whoops. deleted by accident
Anyways yeah. How could they outgay us.......

>> No.29794447
Quoted by: >>29794722

how shitty

>> No.29794457
File: 387 KB, 2048x1676, FYgH3teacAESJLh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me replaying it for the 10000th time of course. I love him.

>> No.29794527

every since tempus debuted (specifically magni) i have found myself unconsciously eating healthier and exercising more often then i used to. i've even started browsing /fit/ for motivation but i still can't find out why i have this sudden urge to get shredded. i fucking hope it's not because i unconsciously want to mating press magni and cum all over his back or anything, ahaha, because I DEFINITELY DON'T WANT TO DO THAT because that would be gay.

>> No.29794569

i can't believe this beautiful voice comes out of the mouth of our cute retarded dog...

>> No.29794572
File: 1.77 MB, 1286x1224, 1659276943375907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Regis Altare. I’m 21 years old. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced build and a rigorous power leveling routine. In the morning, if my gunblade is a little glitchy, I’ll dock it to a power bank while doing my WAH reps. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the power bank I use a deep copium cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a tartare activated gel cleanser, then a can of worm body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating tea scrub. Then I apply a schizo-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I work on the rest of my raid prep. I always go out at 3 am after climbing out from my room through the window, because scaring the shit out of pedestrians is easier this way and it makes you look cooler. Then more stat allocations, then an anti-aging 2D model followed by a final DEX lotion. There is an idea of a Regis Altare. Some kind of hero. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours, and maybe you can even sense our CCVs are probably comparable, I simply am not there.

>> No.29794632
File: 706 KB, 1137x2238, 1640127530828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Tempus gonna get this kind of hate too? I'm kinda worried...

>> No.29794649

just don't use twitter

>> No.29794662

no one likes nijisanji so i doubt they'll get the same treatment

>> No.29794670

ive also been very inspired since they debuted, though it's not related to any desire to mating press any of them

>> No.29794686


>> No.29794709

anon, you need to get fit so you have the stamina to mating press him for as long as possible... he won't be able to sleep if you don't...

>> No.29794722
Quoted by: >>29794809

integrated graphics
intel i7 processor
8GB ram

>> No.29794730

If they mutually follow each other and/or mention each other on stream first, then this won't happen

>> No.29794746

The gap moe...

>> No.29794747


>> No.29794772

Magni’s tempussy

>> No.29794788

nope because the girls interact first, Imagine if Regis started his debut tweeting ''@Ina I love to WAH let's WAH together :D @gawrgura Hi my blue sisters let's talk someday''

>> No.29794787

stop replying to tribalfag, numberfags, dramafags

>> No.29794809
File: 597 KB, 800x960, 1658322375461139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im ngmi...

>> No.29794816

right i forgot what thread i was on for a second. go back you niggers no one cares about your day long drama

>> No.29794825


>> No.29794899

Is it safe to assume that very MANS anon supports all the guys equally? Do you have a specific member you dislike and want to see crash and burn? You don't have to mention his name, I'd just like to know. From what I've seen, you either like or hate all of them at the same time.

>> No.29794936


>> No.29794940
File: 790 KB, 669x926, The Warden of MANS is ANGRY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You PITIFUL fools. You INANE clowns. What are you trying to pull with these PERNICIOUS machinations? As I stand in front of the gates of /MANS/ my sword of JUSTICE will be your undoing. Your efforts and words will turn to ASH. Thus the warden has spoken. PREPARE YOURSELVES.

>> No.29794942

love the boys
love the girls
simple as

>> No.29794947
File: 632 KB, 4096x2045, 1639470246549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've supported all the boys from the start. Glad to see everyone warmed up to the "hero".

>> No.29794971

i support them all equally yeah

>> No.29794973
File: 223 KB, 578x671, 12311231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop replying to the fucking Nijis spamming our fucking thread.

>> No.29794980

i just love hololive man
i love em' all

>> No.29795023
File: 1.24 MB, 2368x1964, 1659290868784699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29797887

I like them all, just Nowa is my favorite

>> No.29795042

i love all of them and i think a lot of people here do too. the 4 hour block is a perfect way to spread unity between all menhera

>> No.29795069

The best way to handle bait/off topic is to not reply at all

>> No.29795078

Is Zomboid a good game in first place? I always thought it's like a Rimworld to Dwarf Fortress - a nicer looking, but poorer in content.
From what I have seen from other gameplays, it gets dull after a while.

>> No.29795112

Guys... I think I'm beginning to respect Omega...

>> No.29795145
Quoted by: >>29795293

The best part of Zomboid is the attention to details, you can be self sufficient without having to explore the world but it takes a very long time to do so. Plus, the multiplayer is fun

>> No.29795142
Quoted by: >>29795403

outside of dwarf fortress what are other ''looks simple but is complex as fuck'' games like Zomboid?

>> No.29795147

I don't support them all equally. But I do like them all. There's not enough time and money in the day to support them all equally otherwise I would and they each have varying degrees of quality. I do like all of them.

>> No.29795161
File: 184 KB, 457x270, zombo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29795293

It does get dull, but only after you've gotten your money's worth.

>> No.29795164

I like them all, but I'm sure before long I'll probably drop down to keeping up with 1 or 2 of them just because of time and shit.
Rooting for all 4 though, they all seem like great dudes.

>> No.29795169

Does magni have a 18+ art tag?

>> No.29795173

Even if I like them at different levels for different reasons, I absolutely don't want to see any of them fail. They all deserve success for what they've shown so far.

>> No.29795207
File: 506 KB, 2048x1473, FYT8YwLWAAIDu1s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like all of the boys and want to see them all be happy while enjoying their time as chuubas

>> No.29795212

How was he both a Jock and bullied for stuttering?

>> No.29795218

I never really disliked Omega, I just didn't understand why he debuted alongside Council if he wasn't going to be a Live2D character. And I thought the "sounds like Horus" thing was funny.

>> No.29795254

Tempus are not gonna make the attention whoring move of tagging them out of nowhere.

>> No.29795264

i found it boring but that might just be because i only played by myself. i like how brutal it is though

>> No.29795273

Vesper is also a camping enthusiast. First innawoods vtuber?

>> No.29795276

People contain multitudes. I can totally see that kind of thing happening at the high school that I went to.

>> No.29795293

Fair enough, I will give it a try.
Is gog-games safe?

>> No.29795316

take his lessons to heart so that you may never burn out

>> No.29795328

bullied for stuttering first, then he literally taught himself how to speak properly, then he became a jock in high school

>> No.29795331

crossbow training stream from the middle of the woods, streaming off of a wi-fi hotspot

>> No.29795352

I want all of them to succeed

>> No.29795390

gog.com is safe but it's on sale on Steam atm for 13.99

>> No.29795403
Quoted by: >>29795864

Ctaclysm: Dark Days Ahead and Space Station 13 are hose that comes to my mind right now. Oxygen Not Included is kinda similar but I don't really like the design

>> No.29795404

I hope to see them all succeed in a big way. I'm trying my best to keep up with all of them and watch their streams but life and work does get in the way so I haven't been able to attend their streams or get time to watch the VODs but I love them all.

>> No.29795424

They are an actual perfect gen

>> No.29795430

How does Vesper have so much fucking hobbies and knowledge about everything? This man is almost a fucking encyclopedia at this point.

>> No.29795434

He wants to take the boys camping with him but Maglord is kinda terrified so it might he a no go

>> No.29795450

i cant imagine hating one of the tempus and although im not diehard for regi i genuinely want him to succeed and be with the boys. they're a complete set hating one or wanting one to crash and burn feels like a disrespect to my oshis and i dont want that

>> No.29795454
Quoted by: >>29795529

I'm pretty sure it is, yeah.

>> No.29795500

With age comes wisdom

>> No.29795505

dude is OLD

>> No.29795509

>magni frightened of camping
why is he literally a woman

>> No.29795513

It seems like it. Not to invoke /#/s, but it seems their subscriber count being mostly kept close seems to reflect that. Just a few 'k apart. Reflects that idea that people take them as a entire package right now. Cover hiring for different archetypes and personalities must be really paying off.

>> No.29795529
Quoted by: >>29795878


>> No.29795543

Literally the Wisdom stats. Knowledge that comes with accumulation year-by-year

>> No.29795570

I'm now 80 percent sure their guildcard stats is what they themselves believe they are at. Magni actually seems the weakest of the bunch than Vesper and afterwards Altare and Axel and reverse is true for int.

>> No.29795600
File: 269 KB, 704x400, 654744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29795814

>get home from work
>no nowa vod

>> No.29795617
Quoted by: >>29795701

This scene:

>> No.29795658
File: 223 KB, 2048x1446, FYi2eHuWQAA-nWQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forest are scary when you watch too many horror movies, anon. Maybe he'll come around to it and they can stream it as an off collab.

>> No.29795690

Guy's an old era nerd that actually and actively learned about and did stuff he was interested in.

>> No.29795701

>>29795617 (me)
3:30 to be more precise

>> No.29795717

Probably a cityfag
Worked with a guy from Queens, NY clearing out an old office in the basement of the place we worked at.
Found a dead, dried up frog in the room and showed him. Didnt even try to surprise him with it and he ran out of the room screaming.

>> No.29795755

the inter-gen unity in tempus is unreal and feels like one of their strongest points. they are more powerful together than they are alone, so it's very hard to dislike any of them. makes me realize how strange it is that i haven't seen many other chuuba gens with the same kind of structure...

>> No.29795773
Quoted by: >>29795818

Anon thats disgusting...

>> No.29795774
Quoted by: >>29796246

That is unreal.

>> No.29795808
Quoted by: >>29796246

you met magni irl dude

>> No.29795814

Wait for tomorrows' Mario collab, anon. For now though you should check out the VOD for the collab stream at Axel's

>> No.29795818

Running out of the room screaming, though? Come on. That's a "dude, gross" at worst.

>> No.29795838
File: 3.08 MB, 478x627, 833xka8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for the superchats so I can recommend rain world to Vesper

>> No.29795839
Quoted by: >>29796246

that's based
some people are in such a dire need to touch grass they are frightened even by something like that

>> No.29795842
Quoted by: >>29795910

maybe he's just scared of frogs

>> No.29795864

I'd suggest the fork "Bright Nights" for Cataclysm.
DDA has gone full retard with both mechanics and lore, BN does away with the recent bullshit while continuing development (and taking anything good that still comes out of the main branch).

>> No.29795870

I think Cover just got really lucky that the 4 of them liked each other immediately
There's no real way to artificially manufacture camaraderie that isn't naturally there

>> No.29795878

No prob. Buy the game at some point if you like it!

>> No.29795886
Quoted by: >>29795988

I'd like one of them to play Noita (if they can get perms). I hate that game so much yet I can't stop playing.

>> No.29795910

Frogs are pretty nasty yeah. Magni would probably scream like a fucking banshee if he saw a dead one

>> No.29795928
File: 378 KB, 1761x1297, 6 horas de sexo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this image

>> No.29795962
File: 316 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20220801-215350_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29796080

eu timezone here i am very confused by noir papas schedule on team up is he having the pc scrap stream in 12 hours or 36 hours?

>> No.29795966

hey if the zomboid sweatlords are still around, do I need to start a new world if I want vehicle mods to appear, like the school bus or the mk2/land cruiser, is every cell, and what spawns inside of it generated from the start or when you first load them in game?

>> No.29795978


>> No.29795983
Quoted by: >>29798578

Yeah, I started out disliking two of them (Bluey's atrocious debut and the furry really did not click with me) but they've been so good in collabs I've ended up actually checking out their solo videos a bit.
It helps a lot that Bluey toned down the wahs.

>> No.29795988
Quoted by: >>29796070

holy fuck yes
noita would be so good for content, every bro would approach it differently and their personalities would shine even brighter

>> No.29796017
Quoted by: >>29796091

>How was he both a Jock and bullied for stuttering?
I was both a jock and a loser in high school. My parents forced me onto sports teams and such my whole childhood / teenagehood but I was more into cards, video games and nerd shit so I hung out with the nerd crowd. I was mostly accepted by other jocks, but was never close to any, and was still bullied by the other popular cliques. It def can happen.

>> No.29796060
File: 556 KB, 3252x2211, FYnKBTXVQAIde6l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regis put me off at first, but I can't imagine Tempus without him now. So far they're turning out to be my favorite gen in EN, and I've been here since Myth debut. There have been so many good laughs and real moments so early in their career that I really hope they find true success. I love the boys!

>> No.29796065

what is the Vesper pc stream actually? is he going to handcam an old pc or is some simulator obscure game?

>> No.29796070

Noita is tons of fun in streams, if you haven't seen them Tenma has made a series on it and it is hilarious, worth checking out.

>> No.29796080

in 9 or 33 hours* fuck

>> No.29796091
Quoted by: >>29796408

Damn bro your jock bros didn't defend you?

>> No.29796133
Quoted by: >>29796573

wait so not only did Regis stream gungeon today, but the first thing he said was that he was waiting on TBOI permissions, how did I not see this

>> No.29796246
Quoted by: >>29796353

What makes it funnier was he was a huge black guy built like a linebacker. Im sure he could of cool-aid manned a wall of that office.
He had alot of street smarts but anything nature spooked him.

>> No.29796271

He said he'll teardown an old pc, so most likely a handcam stream

>> No.29796338
Quoted by: >>29796384

Regis has really high IQ, I could never play a high difficulty game and talk at the same time.

>> No.29796353

Not to hit you with an "i'm not racist, but..." but that makes complete sense now. God bless.

>> No.29796373
File: 504 KB, 2200x1576, FYb3wPkaQAEdQ5M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love all the boys
I love all the girls
I love all of Holo and it makes me sad when people say mean things about anyone
I just want everyone to get along

>> No.29796384

Regis has multi processing capabilities, both cores are pretty impressive.

>> No.29796398
File: 33 KB, 530x626, 1659374063292974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Magni kun desu ne~

>> No.29796408
Quoted by: >>29796518

>Damn bro your jock bros didn't defend you?
I can't say how every school works, but in my school popularity was first and foremost about money. Rich kinds were the untouchable elite. There was quite a bit of crossover between the rich and the jocks, but not all of the jocks were rich so it wasn't a guaranteed path to popularity. I was kinda poor and also shy and into nerdy shit, so naturally I fell in with other rejects. I was forced into sports and for the most part the jocks did leave me alone, but they wouldn't defend or protect me no, not willing to put their own necks on the line for me. Anyways Regis is probably telling the truth. Playing a sport doesn't guarantee you anything, just listen to Axel's story about his overweight friend. I doubt the fat kid was super popular, even if he was on the basketball team and had a jock for a friend. All the fat kids back in my high school were bullied.

>> No.29796409
File: 81 KB, 893x1051, d61ded19_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29796437

I am catching up with Regis vod, what I am in for?

>> No.29796463

he's a good boy

>> No.29796466

Laplus waifu.

>> No.29796482

Inspiring hardships and WIS.

>> No.29796513

It depends on the mod but generally yes, they should also denote that on the mod page itself. Weapon mods+loot mods tend to be the ones that you can load new cells in an older save and have it work just fine, but cars are a bit different I believe.

>> No.29796514

he shares his past as a demon lord while playing gungeon like a true NL's successor
aka based stream that made me appreciate the boy even more

>> No.29796518

Fuck anon, I wasn't really bullied but kind of invisible and not noticed. How much of you niggas in this thread was bullied like Altare? I thought I had it bad but hearing you guys makes it feels like I had it easy being more or less ignored.

>> No.29796537

If you add the mod into the save after generating the world, modded vehicles and items should spawn eventually in cells that you haven't visited before, iirc.

>> No.29796546

Probably est. He takes the earliest night and has some of the earliest morning streams.

>> No.29796573
Quoted by: >>29796651

I'm actually questioning myself how am I gonna endure the fact that blue boy is gonna play my favorite game, I think I won't be able to stop cumming after that stream

>> No.29796602
File: 829 KB, 1280x720, Hololive Dead Hours[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0bt61y.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29796651

it's gonna be kino that's for sure

>> No.29796670
Quoted by: >>29797247

I got bullied because I was the biggest and strongest kid, as if I were some prized beast to be slain.
They'd ambush me in groups before I got to school. They'd ambush me when I left. They'd destroy anything I owned that I left unattended.
Fuck 'em. Not only did I give much more than I received, I'm an engineer while they're all failures. One of em's dead.

>> No.29796797

I like them all. When I watch collabs I don't ever think, wow I wish this guy was not here. I however don't watch everyone's solo streams. I don't have that much free time.

>> No.29796800

So...the mario party stream will be more than 1 hour right? is literally the only stream of the day for the guys

>> No.29796813

Chances are they will chain-stream it, yes.

>> No.29796825

I got bullied in school for having a naturally deeper voice than most of my peers. Even at the time I thought it was pretty funny. They would call me "man voice."

>> No.29796857

The real question is how many chain streams will they do to complete one game or get tired of it?

>> No.29796893
File: 154 KB, 1175x765, 8a672560003a489398ebdba854f0d7f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Magni-kun desu ne~

>> No.29796898

That tutorial in Zomboid is cheeky as fuck.
I need to lower the graphics because the finale lagged like hell.
Is it possible to escape them?

>> No.29796908
File: 200 KB, 1300x2000, FAD7B01B-69B4-41F1-AEA6-88C80BC4B065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard Altare had an eight pack. That he was shredded.

>> No.29796926

They need at least 1-2 hours to complete a game

>> No.29796932

Safest bet is two because we have a precedent for that already, although it is also true that time only two boys were involved not all of them.

>> No.29796945


>> No.29796948
Quoted by: >>29797028

Hololive-Holostars interactions have some protocols they follow. Like these ones are actually funny

>> No.29796984

Magni definitely wants a piece of that Rio.

>> No.29796986
Quoted by: >>29797091

>Is it possible to escape them?
No it's a special event that'll constantly spawn more the more you run IIRC, you aren't supposed to survive
But maybe you can for a short while

>> No.29796991
Quoted by: >>29797288

Back then I might have said I'd trade anything to just be invisible and ignored versus being a target for mean students, but I don't really know. I might have been bullied but I had friends, and I was a known quantity. I wasn't a popular kid but I was on the football team and we were winners, so people knew me. Mostly it was just the rich kids. They'd make fun of my clothes, they'd make fun of my mom (single mom), the car she drove, make jokes about my clothes, where I lived, if there was a class trip or something coming up where we'd have to pay money, they'd crack jokes about how my mom would afford to pay when I couldn't even afford lunch, the girls were particularly cruel. There was this one girl I used to be friends with in the 3rd grade and we even kissed one and stuff, guess we kinda had a crush on one another, but I had to move to another school and didn't see her again until high school. In high school she was trying to fit in with the popular crowd, so she'd make fun of me and say horrible things about me to the other girls, and they'd all bully me then tell their boyfriends, who'd also bully me. She pretended like we weren't friends or had even kissed or been interested in one another, she'd lie and say how I was gross and creepy and used to have a crush on her and she'd have to get her brother to beat me up (never happened). So the girls all had this idea I was some kinda pervert stalker, it was really fucked up.

>> No.29797009


>> No.29797010

It's not really that long, most games I have played ended with roughly 2 hours

>> No.29797028

No even Niji-Holo interactions are usually alright because no one just @someone else out of nowhere for no fucking reason. Usually its a tweet about something than someone replies to another with a clever comment, congratulatory comment, or a stupid meme. That much would be fine.

>> No.29797043

just the games way of telling you to be prepared to die A LOT

>> No.29797068
File: 297 KB, 435x447, 1615370141644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/stars/ anon. Took a while but I figured it was time to make a post about Roberu. Yes yes proceed with "winning son" jokes haha
Clip is one that you might've missed; it's from one of their most recent 3D streams, including him doing a skit centered around English. If you're a fan of Roberu's attempts at English, give it a watch.
For the song, it's his orisong, POP-TALK. Like the man himself, it's upbeat and hard not to smile at.
Discussion question: what do you expect each member's first original solo song to be like? Genre and tempo, etc

>> No.29797080
Quoted by: >>29797195

>waaaa so cute nihongo jouzu
jesus christ he wants to fuck magni in the ass so bad it isn't even funny

>> No.29797091

Guessed so. I will check out the rest of the game later, no point making mess in the thread, thanks.

>> No.29797139

I'm assuming it'll be an asmr stream with him just chatting with us while scrapping his PC

>> No.29797147

Man Rio is already planning to do an off collab with Magni with setting up the Takoyaki shit and Nihongo lessons.

>> No.29797153

You can't win the tutorial, you also cannot have an ending in the game aside from dying. You'll likely never see that many zombies in game unless you deliberately go out of your way to either aggro a bunch and gather them all up or just ramp up the amount that spawns in the settings when you start the game, so don't worry too much about lag.

>> No.29797160

this is too cute kek
holy shit

>> No.29797190

I'm fine with Bae, Ollie, and Mori. Hell, I'm even fine with Ame and Ina. But I need Mumei to stay away from my boys. She's a wolf in owls clothing. She's gonna rape one of my boys I know it.

>> No.29797194

Holotempus should have been called holochads. Literally every one of these nerds would be swimming in pussy if they wanted to.

>> No.29797195

A ghost can’t fuck though since they have no physical form.

>> No.29797215

>magni kun desu nee
Why did he say it like “that”

>> No.29797217

What's wrong with this retard? Does he not know people can see his tweets? Did he accidentally think that was a DM? The fuck was his motive

>> No.29797229

*poltergeists your prostate*

>> No.29797238
Quoted by: >>29797306

If this happens I'm more worried about the whigger shitting up everything
she was based for addressing the beggars that one time though

>> No.29797247

>I'm an engineer while they're all failures

>> No.29797266

>rio takes over magni’s arms to fuck him

>> No.29797285
Quoted by: >>29797505

He's just saying hi, what's the issue?

>> No.29797288
Quoted by: >>29797498

Damn those kids are messed up, at least you won't have to associate with them anymore

>> No.29797300

Mumei is a bit unhinged unironically.

>> No.29797306


>> No.29797313

same... I honestly can't believe it's only been a week. Feels like we've known them forever,

>> No.29797325
File: 101 KB, 218x227, 1659033359152402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29797355

I literally have no reason to dislike them at the moment unless Magni decides to triple down on acting like a furry. Regis is my asian bro, axel is my retard bro, Nowa is literally me fr fr no cap

>> No.29797356

Akirose is quite a camping enthusiast herself, used to post pictures of her trips, it was fun to follow. Been a while since the last one, though.

>> No.29797372

>3:10 in that clip

>> No.29797406
Quoted by: >>29797583

I want to hear Vesper sing jazz, I bet he knows some good old songs

>> No.29797453

Mumei literally had 1 collab with guys and it was a group collab I really don't understand this extreme emphasis on her specifically. Everyone else you mentioned has had much more interaction

>> No.29797473

Ghost blowjob woo woo!

>> No.29797498

Yeah, and if anything it makes me feel closer to Altare somehow. Like we might have something in common. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.29797505

Yeah except he's also a public figure now and not a fanboy that randomly tags people to say hi (even that's cringe) but if he's okay with being shit on and ignored by mumei them I guess he achieved his goal of noting

>> No.29797509

It's the quiet ones you gotta watch out for.

>> No.29797519
Quoted by: >>29797644

Yeah, and all of them walked outta that collab fearing for their lives. That girl's no good man...
On a serious note, I'd love to see that collab again, but women less noisy than Bae, Ollie and Iofi

>> No.29797529

I don't know how many of you know the JPstar senpai, I don't know much myself honestly, but what you guys think it would be kino collabs?

Jokes aside I really want to see Magni and Rio, they have interacted the most with eachother than any Tempus and Star member.

>> No.29797562

>you will never experience rio reaching through your body to stimulate your prostate
why live

>> No.29797583

I want Nowa singing め組のひと

>> No.29797585
Quoted by: >>29797624

anon wtf am i looking at? It legit looks cool af

>> No.29797624
Quoted by: >>29798138

rain world

>> No.29797644
File: 838 KB, 630x586, NoFemales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29797683

No girls allowed!

>> No.29797659
Quoted by: >>29797805

Sad about the language barrier for the most part.
Id bet the first big collab between JP and EN is gonna be Mario Kart since alot of communication skills arent really needed.

>> No.29797673

A better way for him to interact would've been wishing her happy birthday when the time came this week but I guess he's too autistic to realize it

>> No.29797683
File: 386 KB, 915x462, 1658911497083552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29797691
Quoted by: >>29797744

I fucking hated Regis at the start but he has really grown on me with how decisively he tardwrangles his fanbase and supports the bros. And now i love them all.

>> No.29797703
Quoted by: >>29797794

Celebrities do that on twitter all the time.

>> No.29797744

I love how he appears in like 85% of Tempus streams, the guy has no life and sleep just like me...

>> No.29797756

Nowa's idea of L4D2 Versus mode with Tempus and Uproar sounds honestly amazing, I really hope that happens.
Magni should collab with Gamma first with both of them drawing Rio, before the final boss that is Rio himself. Gotta melt his heart first.

>> No.29797790
File: 405 KB, 2048x1536, FYGfQ9vUcAE2UcV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29798460

I've said this before but Shien and Axel playing a puzzle game, maybe Portal 2, together would be fantastic. Those two idiots would be perfect to see go full dumbass mode together.
I've also said this before: Oga/Gamma/Magni/Iofi draw collab. I want Magni to make them all draw their own Sonic OCs.
Temma and Altare need to play DBD or Propnight along with a few others. We need to see who's the most murderous and unhinged of the two.
For Noir, it's hard to say who would work; maybe a stream with Aruran where they teach each other old memes? I would say get him on Bar Robel, but the language barrier is probably WAY too high for that one.

>> No.29797789

>Gotta melt his heart first.
I think Rio is already past that point...

>> No.29797794

The weirdo attention whore ones maybe. Tagging someone to say hi is retarded.

>> No.29797805
Quoted by: >>29799008

I think you would want games that are engaging enough that they are the focus of the stream (not something like Powerwash that's essentially a Zatsudan) but where you only really need simple communication.
Aruran knows enough English for that and I think Roberu does too.

>> No.29797817
File: 107 KB, 800x539, DC1BD04E-FAE4-4138-BBDA-43AB7C9D2408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to help teach the cute little hero about empathy...

>> No.29797855
Quoted by: >>29798639

Left 4 Dead Versus mode would be cool. Separate chats during the match and then between rounds they join up.

>> No.29797865
Quoted by: >>29798595

being blunt i wanted vesper and magni to lead the pack while axel and regis fell behind to prove a point: even if your model is absolutely horrendous you can still be the most popular as long as your personality was great. that and to show to cover that the people want brotubers not fujo bait.
but as axel and regis developed...well, ok i still want magni and axel to be leading but now i only want them to be ahead by 1k subscribers just to prove that a bad model isnt a career killer. that said regis and axel are good people too so i still want them to succeed.

>> No.29797887

His project zomboid stream last night is one of the few Holo VODs I've rewatched more than once after seeing live. It was so good. Starting to think I just hate women or something.

>> No.29797923

a stream at the end of the day

>> No.29797925

Dunno but the thing that set off a lot of anons were that he seems to be doing that because he seemingly interacted with her PL and the next thing he pulls after that is this shit.

>> No.29797926

>Starting to think I just hate women or something.

>> No.29797971

I think you just find watching the boys more entertaining

>> No.29798003
Quoted by: >>29798270

Same, bro. Same.
t. Woman

>> No.29798013

Damn, it was that good? Still catching up on the jp lesson stream.

>> No.29798062
Quoted by: >>29798180

Consider the following: Noir femdom

>> No.29798066

"Nowa's stream was so good that I now hate women"
that's a front of the box quote if I've ever seen one

>> No.29798078

it was entertaining yet informative. also really tense

>> No.29798097

Women are boring as fuck, they're only funny on accident every blue moon hence the lack of clips even for someone like Gura.
Literally every waking moment is a kino clipworthy moment for the holochads

>> No.29798104

Anybody every played an MMORPG that had a guild that got broken up because of the guild's princess?

>> No.29798127
Quoted by: >>29798158

I used to hate Altare now I like him a lot but hus laugh still filters me and nothing is gonna change that
Won't watch his streams but he's great in collabs so it's all good

>> No.29798138
Quoted by: >>29798185

we have a lot of intellectual powerhouses in this thread, huh

>> No.29798158

Yeah his laugh sucks, comes off as forced and fake

>> No.29798180
Quoted by: >>29798342

he's definitely into femdom... lewd masochist ojisan...

>> No.29798185

that's the joke

>> No.29798192

That should be a quote for a new thread

>Nowa's stream was so good that I now hate women Edition

>> No.29798205
File: 2.65 MB, 2000x3098, 1659334297293726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be happy with any of the stream ideas already mentioned by anons, the most important part for me is to see the boys enjoying themselves. Does anyone know when the collab ban for Stars are lifted? Do we have to wait a month before it happens?

>> No.29798235

I'd wear it on a shirt

>> No.29798270
File: 1.06 MB, 2500x2500, 1658562545120516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29798965

NTA but self-hating women aren't any better than regular women, I know this from experience.

>> No.29798311
File: 245 KB, 1920x1080, FZGmT2wWQAAhag2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29798342

Manager-san doling out erotic discipline for making too many boomer references

>> No.29798360

women should be banned from the internet entirely, it would make this a better place

>> No.29798366

around 3 more weeks since we already have a full week with the boys.
While it sucks, is a rule that makes sense. They want them to get their own audience first and getting more of the individual talents.

>> No.29798404

he's learning how to be a not!demonlord pls andastand

>> No.29798462

it literally is but i don't think he can actually... laugh... normally...

>> No.29798460

>For Noir, it's hard to say who would work; maybe a stream with Aruran where they teach each other old memes?
Aruran has done that learning english memes and culture stuff with his chat. Nowa is gonna do the teaching side of that this week anyway. It would be fun to have a meme exchange. That's probably why you said that though. I'd agree that Aruran is maybe the best match from what I know of JPStars, maybe Oga for older games and general PC stuff.

>> No.29798467

do the jp fags even speak English? how are they gonna collab? hand gestures?

>> No.29798475
Quoted by: >>29798668

All his emotions seems faked honestly. Except when he talks about hurting something or scaring his guild members.

>> No.29798578
Quoted by: >>29798635

I feel bad for him, I used to hate the wah a lot and I don even like Ina's
But the fact that he had to stop that even th it's something normal or natural to him (I think koreans do that?) Kinda hurts

>> No.29798587

Axel is going to be stuck as the Kiara until they deploy stars2 in like, 2 years. The JP side has westaboos like Astel who hates Japanese, Aruran who has done some EN learning streams, and Rob who can barely speak English phrases.

>> No.29798595

How many times has a bad model actually killed a career anon

>> No.29798635

He still does them, it's just 2 or 3 a stream instead of 50.

>> No.29798637
Quoted by: >>29798702

I hope he wears a mask or something
He's gonna dox himself

>> No.29798639

L4D versus would be really cool, maybe some way to split up and do mixed teams.

>> No.29798646
Quoted by: >>29798816

Izuru, Aruran, Temma, Astel, and Uyu all know enough English to at least communicate well enough
Fuma, Gamma, and Rio have become very passionate about doing their English reps lately
The rest...well, they'll manage somehow.

>> No.29798655
File: 298 KB, 1013x2048, FYrwPNMakAAW5g0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29798712

what happens if rio collabs with magni?

>> No.29798657

This board is so fucking awful, it literally rots my brain of how negative, petty and drama filled it is.

I literally cannot go anywhere else but here, since these are the comfiest threads on the board right now. I have been loving hanging out with the bros a lot. /mag/ was a miracle and I am glad you guys keep trying to make these as fun as possible.

>> No.29798658

My fucking sides.

>> No.29798668

Honestly feels like he plays nice guy for his hero larp too much, I'm sure it'll get better over time

>> No.29798692

Hey careful you're being too based there

>> No.29798702

Out of all the members I trust not to doxx themselves it would be Vesper at the top than Altare followed by Magni than Axel.

>> No.29798712

6 horas de sexo

>> No.29798727

Haven't used it in a while but gog actually gives a shit about their store and does quality control unlike steam, if you're going to buy an older game buy it from gog.

>> No.29798729
Quoted by: >>29799062

Maybe don't post off topic stuff in other generals next time, yeah?

>> No.29798740
File: 24 KB, 225x223, JAPANESE WORD[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F15up87.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29798832

Ollie's talked about her POV for situations like this: how sometimes they do English rounds because Astel or whoever wants to practice English but she still accidentally speaks Japanese.

>> No.29798742
Quoted by: >>29799062

There's still negative and petty posts here too. Even in this very thread. No escape.

>> No.29798797

>vesper plays zomboid last night
>steam starts a survival sale today and zomboid is on sale
bros... they know...

>> No.29798816
Quoted by: >>29798920

I searched for one randomly
is this what you call 'able to communicate'? if the boys and these fags talk they will seem actually retarded, needing TL to even say 'haro' is too much

>> No.29798832
Quoted by: >>29798855

Holy fucking kek. Astel's outrage at the Japanese word is hilarious. Was this an Eigo only stream?

>> No.29798850
Quoted by: >>29798885

is zomboid even good?

>> No.29798855

Probably an English round in Apex.

>> No.29798859
Quoted by: >>29799067

I think it's because people here genuinely want to discuss about the boys and the commandments

>> No.29798870
Quoted by: >>29798914

time to buy my bros project zomboid hell yea

>> No.29798885

Watch Vesper and decide for yourself.

>> No.29798887
Quoted by: >>29798988

It felt like an OG lets play where it's less of a first time experience together and more of an experienced player showing you his craft and the inner workings of a game they're proficient in. I can get behind that, flexing some skill in your specialty is good compared to generic reactions and getting lost over game mechanics for a brief hour. Uncle Nowa also just speaks very passionately about his hobbies so it's easy to get immersed in.

>> No.29798914

/vt/empus/ zomboid server?

>> No.29798920
Quoted by: >>29799258

3 months ago. He's come a fairly good way since then. Here's a more recent English study stream of his.

>> No.29798924
Quoted by: >>29799063

Vesper had to get permissions recently, the devs/publishers probably knew of the sale.

>> No.29798965
File: 12 KB, 256x256, 1659374738594534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29799338

NTA either but I think that a lot of female livestreamers pander to the side of the audience that just wants cute girls doing cute things because it's the safer route to take, rather than letting a questionable joke slip in and landing themselves in controversy. But while it's not for me, I can still respect their individual talents and commitment to their career. I just understand what other people mean when they say they're stale.
t. Femanon

>> No.29798980

What's up with this rio gayshitpost

>> No.29798988

I can see that, I went from never once watching a single second of gameplay or trailers for Hunt to wishlisting it and wanting to play it and watch more of it after that collab. I genuinely hope they play more, that was a ton of fun.

>> No.29799008

Comparing Aruran and Roberu in english skill is foul. Aruran can easily play The Stanley Parable which is full of difficult english while Roberu would have no idea wtf is going on

>> No.29799032

He's just like me fr

>> No.29799035

Love from kazaksthan brother

>> No.29799062

Yeah, that was my bad. At least I learned my lesson and shouldn't have assumed things, that's why I deleted the post.

I mean yeah, is /vt/. I am just glad that there's people constantly enforcing the rules in these threads, so it gets to be less negative.

>> No.29799063
Quoted by: >>29799148

Looks like its an all out survival genre sale, rust is on sale too. Might pick it up.

>> No.29799067

Don't respond to him. He went to /uuu/ and said Fauna can be discussed in /MANS/. He is acting like an ambassador of this general.

>> No.29799148

Yea I literally just got a project winter sale notification on steam. Much better than AmogUs. So all survivor games are on sale it seems.

>> No.29799170

How long does a MP game last in the new one, will they have to set it to the lowest turncount to fit in the hour?

>> No.29799258
Quoted by: >>29799625

still, collabing with people the boys can't comunicate with is gonna be awful, if people from this thread thought 'collabing with women will make the boys censor themselves' this is on another level, kinda like 'I can't even say something at a normal pace because it could come as a misunderstanding' kind of thing

>> No.29799262

Same, that's why we must protect this general, avoid tribalfaggotry, ignore bait and breath before respond to a shitpost

>> No.29799271

I get the feeling that if they go over it cannot be helped.

>> No.29799272

1-2 hours

>> No.29799306

Magni desu ne~
I don't have the clip but Rio said that the cutest member in tempus is Magni, now you couple that with their constant twitter interactions the jokes started to write themselves.

>> No.29799312
Quoted by: >>29799467

kek, I guess being so nice between us is making newfags think themselves as something more than they are, isn't it

>> No.29799338

On a primal level we haven't advanced past clubbing women and raping them, or offering them up our worldly possessions. We'll always treat women especially online, as either objects of scorn or possessions. When a man gets in controversy, unless he's a murderer or something, we usually don't care. When a woman gets in controversy, it starts tribalism and endless debate as those who feel a defensive masculine urge vs. aggressive masculine urge squabble it out.

Tldr industrial revolution and its consequences have been disasterous for women

>> No.29799345

His emotions are still in development, give this sad boy some time

>> No.29799361

doubt people here would wanna do that but i meant i'd buy my friends the game since i feel the game's more fun with other survivors

>> No.29799432

Hosting a server for zomboid is actually pretty expensive because of how intense the game is on hardware. I was paying over 20 a month for a server that still crashed every so often just cause.

>> No.29799467

I never go to catalog but I thought I was doing good for leaving that message there. I didn't said that Fauna can be discussed here, I said that samplings are welcome to come here since I have seen so many of them here already.

Again, it was dumb thinking about it more than once now and I won't do it again. But I still think anyone is welcome here as long they don't start shit.

>> No.29799473
File: 223 KB, 833x900, 1658737779301880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29799639

ayo wtf

>> No.29799526
File: 463 KB, 1200x1080, Shield-Trinity-Scutum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29799553
Quoted by: >>29799627

bro, you're starting shit being so retarded, shut up already

>> No.29799590

omegafaggot please let them play the mario party stream past one hour this time limit autism for something like this is just plain stupid.

>> No.29799589
Quoted by: >>29799627

It's best for them to come to us rather than us promoting this place

>> No.29799597

touristchama... I'm gonna rape correct you

>> No.29799625
Quoted by: >>29799738

They'll manage. If you understood StarsJP's vibe you'd get it, they're all very understanding and passionate people and willing to work as hard as they can to make things work. They're also quick on their feet and able to turn misunderstandings into comedy. It's not like how HololiveJP is at all.

>> No.29799627
Quoted by: >>29799835

Alright, sorry.

>> No.29799639

Not to be mean but aussies always sound dumb, what is it with that language lmao. Maybe it's because I'm esl idk
But I love it th

>> No.29799680


>> No.29799713
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 1659325215278872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29799802


>> No.29799729
Quoted by: >>29799795

holy fucking shit i fucking hate people who think that uploading reaction videos of hololive is something worthy to be called "content" so fucking much

>> No.29799736 [SPOILER] 

Maybe they shouldn't act so cute with each other if they don't want people to talk about it.

>> No.29799738

I'll be watching them either way, I hope you're right and it's great, but I'm a little concerned

>> No.29799779


>> No.29799795

You mean clips?

>> No.29799802
Quoted by: >>29799948

here we go once again, 1.5 hours with this looped until the collab

>> No.29799835

You need gentle rape correction

>> No.29799844

He is probably talking about react channels

>> No.29799910

clips are fine but reaction channels are so fucking retarded it actually makes me angry

>> No.29799948

I'm not ready for the absolute kino that the monetization baton touch will be. How do you call that again? It's not baton touch.

>> No.29799965

He's talking about those channel who put there face in the front the stream in the background and go OOOOOOHHHHHH and over react while watching a clip or some shit.

>> No.29800006
File: 311 KB, 1024x1024, 1658964041343255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29800206

stop looking at things that make you angry for no particular reason, your time is limited, use it on things that you actually enjoy

>> No.29800021
Quoted by: >>29800297

If it aint tribal fagging it’s always the cringe ‘le heckin woman amirite xD’

>> No.29800049

Reactions can be great, like Uzumaki Khan

>> No.29800074

Absolutely the worst thing on YouTube. The fact that they make so much money off of other people's content without adding anything of substance...and they spam them too. Thankfully haven't seen any on my feed though.

>> No.29800079

Some reaction channels are cancer for sure, reacting to the most niche things sometimes.
But it also makes me upset when they only react to clips than watching streams, like they can't even be bothered to support those streamers.

>> No.29800182
Quoted by: >>29800337

React content can only work if the reactors add their own insight and not just a quick "haha that's true" or silently watching without commenting

>> No.29800206
File: 217 KB, 1202x1500, FY8LFAMakAAXdwu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's what Axel would want. Learn from Axel.

>> No.29800215

reaction videos are the meta nowadays

remember when Fine Bros tried to copyright react videos?

>> No.29800257
Quoted by: >>29800440

So VShojo?

>> No.29800261
File: 159 KB, 272x256, 1658790829075413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axel actually did a fantastic job with this JP teaching collab, didn't he? If not for the introduction, you'd be forgiven to think "lol he didn't manage to teach almost anything", but with the explicit intent of making it a "first day at school" kind of thing, he managed to bring out a lot of interesting talks, sprinkle in a bit of japanese here and there, talk about the place, the culture and have some bonding with the boys based on the subject at hand.
He's a pretty smart cunt.

>> No.29800278

Predictions in who is winning in the Mario Party stream?

>> No.29800297

it's so annoying

>> No.29800333

blue boy, he's a gamer

>> No.29800337

Yeah usually video analysis or live watching where they try to break it down or shit like that is not bad but most reaction videos is just the retarded screaming, making stupid faces, or shit like that.

>> No.29800346

Let's be honest clips are necessary and it's the reason why some girls are so popular
It's an important part of this game
People who only watch clips are the problem

>> No.29800409

Blue demon will unleash his inner psycho, bully and steal stars left and right, and then lose to RNG as Magni somehow wins after having done nothing the entire game.

>> No.29800429

I kneel

>> No.29800440
File: 247 KB, 510x580, 1658194925169713.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nanana doesn't do that
though I guess you could call gameplay streams "react content", and I wouldn't necessarily disagree with you, with the exception of stuff like Minecraft, which she does play as well

>> No.29800459

Some clippers are great espicially if its a mult view collab like amongus, or mario kart, or something along those lines. Unless you have 4 eyes and 4 brains you ain't going to process watching all 4 at once and no one is going to watch 8 2 hr streams.

>> No.29800501

I understand that a lot of people mostly watch clips since is impossible to keep up with everything. I think is just sad that sometimes clips are more popular than some members.

>> No.29800506

Hot take; axel

>> No.29800522

It's a great first session for sure, can't wait for the actual studying stream

>> No.29800543

Altare because skill gap
Axel by sheer luck

>> No.29800593

She's fine and the doragon and apricot are "fine" (in the sense that they don't rely on spamming reaction content albeit they have other issues). The rest of the company coasts along on reaction content though. But we're going off topic.

>> No.29800620

It gives you a lot of exposure but you can't expect everyone to come and watch your content

>> No.29800622
File: 182 KB, 400x400, omegay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only there was a way to make sure that people could realistically keep up with an entire generation without having to rely exclusively on clips

>> No.29800658

Maybe Omega was right all along

>> No.29800678

my big gladiator can't be this smart

>> No.29800777
Quoted by: >>29800882

Is there a sad omega? I need it for my shitposts when girls go against his commands but every pic I found of him he just looks powerful and dominating.

>> No.29800822

Here are the advantages the boys got on them
>Altare: Best gamer by far, able to multi process so can talk shit and distract while doing beating the shit out of them in mini games. Is able to pull out the most treacherous moves that the others wouldn't even think of to win if he has vowed never to do this again though.
>Magni: Clever and maybe able to trick some of them to attacking the others, might go full retard and make the other three against him. Could probably cook a fairly decent plan to win.
>Nowa: Age of experience, might be the most experienced in all of the mini games as he has played something similar in the past. Probably the best in the ways of making a plan to actually win the game.
>Axel: Single core processing, can only focus on the game and mini game so might be hard to distract him. Unable to make any plans on how to actually win though so will probably just instinct his ways to get stars and coins.

>> No.29800882
File: 145 KB, 850x1331, __omega_alpha_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_jl_tan__sample-b753b0465a6a1f9eddd1e8fddc1f58d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but Omega is always in control

>> No.29800898

You are right Omega, unfortunately such a way doesn't exist, and trying to force boys to follow a worse alternative only works toward their detriment

>> No.29800957


>> No.29801016
Quoted by: >>29802265

Some of the clippers actually make clips longer than the 1 hour streams from the boys.....

>> No.29801143

Hey lads, any short funny clips you'd want to see animated? I wanna make something of the boys that wont take too long.

>> No.29801218
File: 690 KB, 1024x732, 1659116249571063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 hours... I don't know if I'll make it...

>> No.29801282

any of magni's intros would be really cool

>> No.29801346

Nowa running away from the zombie horde and barely able to climb the fence

>> No.29801374

the magni intro where he fucked his voice would be kind of cute

>> No.29801377

A short loop of Regis dancing in the streets in the middle of the night, terrifying onlookers.

>> No.29801459

anyways what's the ochame kinou of holostars that can give tempus some tangible connection to the greater holostars if they cover it

>> No.29801521
Quoted by: >>29801625

I love how much of a sissy he is. It's nice gap moe with how cocky and cynical he acts

>> No.29801560
Quoted by: >>29801763

There is none, journey to the stars maybe?
Personally I think Blessing is THE holostars song.

>> No.29801610

Axel Ayo compilation where his face just gets derpier for every ayo and his guild mates just get more annoyed/concerned

>> No.29801625

it really makes him fuckable

>> No.29801677
Quoted by: >>29801763

I just imagined Vesper singing ochame kinou and now I'm depressed it'll never happen...

>> No.29801729
Quoted by: >>29801840

after seeing a fair amount of axel on twitter, I've concluded that he is a good boy

>> No.29801763

okay they need to cover Blessings soon I guess

sadly its Hololive's unofficial anthem so it would prove quite controversial if the boys sing it

>> No.29801840

He's the brash single minded BUT honest and pure male anime character I always have a crush on in my otomes

>> No.29801909

These are the most iconic Holostars anthems imo\
(just follow stars is less their "ochame kinou" and more their "SSS")

>> No.29801977
Quoted by: >>29802244

Why does seeing more of Altare's bizarre nature make him weirdly endearing to me...? I feel like I'm being brainwashed...

>> No.29802042

I'd love some "me and the boys" energy song covers for Tempus, like kokoro odoru, or GO!!!. And I have the feeling that Turing Love with Altare and Magni would be top tier.

>> No.29802085
Quoted by: >>29802168

My vote goes for Blessing, it goes well with the overall debuff nature of being a star, and it's the song they closed their concert with.

>> No.29802104
Quoted by: >>29802185

I would also LOVE to get a Tempus version of Pentas

>> No.29802149

I've never seen these before, thanks for the link anon

>> No.29802168

Yeah i think Blessings is their Ochame Kinou

>> No.29802182
Quoted by: >>29802444

I hope y'all feel bad about bullying Altare about his voice now

>> No.29802185

But they are 4

>> No.29802216

It took Council and IRyS to debut before EN Ochame Kinou came out so I wonder if Tempus has to wait another gen...

>> No.29802218

Altare climbing back up the belt rope after buying his monster.

>> No.29802244

Because you start getting a more textured view of him and it's becoming clear he's a weirdo but in a pretty earnest way. When it started out, he seemed like he was putting on a softboy fujobait act, but it seems now like he's just kind of a goofy dude

>> No.29802265

clip is a clip, 1 hour "clip" is rip-off. Report these "clip" channels the moment you find them.

>> No.29802315
File: 240 KB, 580x330, Fandead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29802396

Magni dying in his first spore stream or failing to mate in the second.
Nowa yelling and insulting peppers to make them hotter

>> No.29802444

I do. I'm sorry, Altare. Please don't hurt me or my family.

>> No.29802494

Many of Watame's short musics are less popular than the subtitled ones or remixed ones
