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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 481 KB, 1448x2048, 1641513482127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29724956 No.29724956 [Reply] [Original]

Kzag Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo, and any Vtubers frequently associated with them.

Zen's back to prove the superiority of futuristic super robot combat by getting murdered by random henchmen in Hitman 2, Geega's looking at some tributes of the sfw variety, and the biggest stream right now is probably a big Among Us collab that Aethel and the monkey are streaming that features, among others, both of them + Mouse + Nyan + LilyPichu Pick a stream and do whatever you want just make sure to keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Nyan - https://www.twitch.tv/nyanners
Silver - https://www.twitch.tv/silvervale
Vei - https://www.twitch.tv/veibae
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya

VShojoJP is:
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou
Nazuna - https://www.twitch.tv/amemiyanazuna

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/るみな/ for dedicated Nazuna discussion
>>>/vt//lig/ for more focused + and ++ discussion

Previous thread: >>29713463

>> No.29725032

Love ironmouse

>> No.29725071
Quoted by: >>29725105

first for depression and lonliness

>> No.29725081

I hate to be a number fag but what average amount of viewers does key chan pull on twitch now since her last stream?

>> No.29725105

Always losing to Mousey are you?

>> No.29725135
Quoted by: >>29725216

ngl, y'all kinda SUS frfr no cap

>> No.29725145
Quoted by: >>29725193

Bros Mouse and Connor are tearing each other apart....

>> No.29725149

Minecraft peaked at 8k

>> No.29725150

She settled around 7k after debut buff

>> No.29725167


>> No.29725172

It's over...

>> No.29725193

Nothing a Cinnamoroll can't fix.

>> No.29725194

Just bros living in the afterlife.

>> No.29725216


>> No.29725230
Quoted by: >>29725288

>They died together
Does this make it romantic now

>> No.29725257

I will marry Key-chan!

>> No.29725265

I can see Lilly and nyan poking fun at each other the whole time, everyone seems to know Lilly and nyan drifting apart is blown way out of proportion by antis and such and so they will be cheeky about the whole thing.

>> No.29725288
File: 1.43 MB, 880x1360, ConnorAndMouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29725291


>> No.29725326

They could if this was a smaller group of mostly vtubers. But I'm sure nobody outside of Aethel Mouse and Nyan herself even know about the meme so it would look weird if they started making violent threats towards one another as a bit

>> No.29725385

Does Lily know about that meme?

>> No.29725398
Quoted by: >>29725434

Did you not hear sykunno?

>> No.29725427

Sykkuno and his friends were literally saying "this is the first time they meet teehee" so sykkuno especially knows

>> No.29725431

I think she's knows.
Aethel was laughing his ass off.

>> No.29725434

I was watching Zen until she ended right as this thread went live and have been in Aethel's since lol

>> No.29725462
Quoted by: >>29725489

did the sakura con thing begin /here/?

>> No.29725474
Quoted by: >>29725734

According to Lily they just drifted apart after Lily started playing LoL
They started interacting again after Lily drew and tweeted Nyan art and Nyan raider her later

>> No.29725489
Quoted by: >>29725518


>> No.29725518

So aethel /here/ confirmed?

>> No.29725549
Quoted by: >>29725598


>> No.29725569
Quoted by: >>29725598

why do retards like you even exist?

>> No.29725598


i know he said it before but that means he must have been here a long time because it hasn't been memed recently

>> No.29725651
File: 217 KB, 716x816, snuffy g-fuel meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone explain to me how the hell to download the sound for these goddamn webms with sound. I only know how to upload them .

>> No.29725659
Quoted by: >>29725710

Is Connor the only one streaming this in his channel?

>> No.29725668

You know what to do Mousey. Be sexy

>> No.29725698


>> No.29725706

>unfunny sound board shit
Is this his autistic zoomer side taking over?

>> No.29725710
Quoted by: >>29726122


>> No.29725734

Their relationship seems awkward at worst, like a student seeing a teacher at the store.

>> No.29725741

The lily and nyan shitposting gets brought up here time to time like people calling froot a /k/ommando.

>> No.29725752

4chan sounds extension

>> No.29725854
File: 146 KB, 259x320, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait. I just realized.
Mouse is Connor's mute

>> No.29725871
File: 1.58 MB, 1474x1166, 4324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29725894
File: 441 KB, 621x629, CONO BABYMOUSE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29726047


>> No.29725906

>Nyan and Lily died together

>> No.29725974

Heh, good observation anon
Screencapping this

>> No.29726017

>soundboard autism

>> No.29726038
Quoted by: >>29726102

i don't get it
i don't get it. they said that it was started /here/

>> No.29726047
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, 1654278128632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it wasnt true months ago.
She is only silent in this stream.

>> No.29726077
Quoted by: >>29726118

Yeah I don't know why he doesn't realize the soundboard is just gonna come off as forced and cringe in a lobby with people that dont know him
Its cringe anyway but even more so

>> No.29726100

That what you get you Latina Rat

>> No.29726102
File: 88 KB, 474x473, 1658789996239119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29726207


>> No.29726106

They killed my Mouse straight away...

>> No.29726118
Quoted by: >>29726242

Is Connor spamming his soundboard again or did I miss something on Aethel's stream

>> No.29726119

the meme? yeah Lily made a meme vid before nyan made her song years ago


>> No.29726122

Jesus the shilling is insane for aethel.

>> No.29726124

Just wondering, the actual /#/ pretty much ignores Twitch, doesn't it? Has there ever been an attempt to make a /#/ but exclusively for Twitch vtubers?

>> No.29726168
Quoted by: >>29726195

/lig/ does it but they obviously ignore corpos (so pretty much vshojo).

>> No.29726188

kek, just don't watch

>> No.29726195
Quoted by: >>29726353

lig is nothing like #

>> No.29726198

>already holding grudges from past rounds
>Sound board autism
He won't last long in this group.

>> No.29726207


>> No.29726217

Yes. No.

>> No.29726242
Quoted by: >>29726336

Yeah he's been gathering and playing a bunch of sounds

>> No.29726265

He better be pulling shylily, filian or shxtou numbers not everyone is given a silverspoon.

>> No.29726288

I doubt he's gonna play much without Mouse anyway

>> No.29726302

If Mouse isn't there, he's not playing.

>> No.29726336
Quoted by: >>29726505

Weird, he was so good at handling the AX crowd

>> No.29726353

The numberanon there is the closest thing you will get to Twitch /#/. You don't have enough people who give a fuck to create a thread focused on that.

>> No.29726358 [DELETED] 

Numbers seem is a covert Hololive thread.

>> No.29726376
File: 640 KB, 1005x630, 1655621679389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29726448

this heat, this boredom, this thread..

>> No.29726379
Quoted by: >>29726504

/#/ spent so much time of it's existence invalidating Twitch's numbers because of raiding and the "Great Susan Purge of 2021" that now that Youtube does the same thing with "redirects" somehow now Twitch's numbers are irrelevant "just because".

/#/ is just another glorified circlejerk thread for specific corpos that obnoxiously pretends it is objective.

>> No.29726419

Mouse is basically a mute...

>> No.29726425

Nyan and Lily used to do fan dubs in the past along with song covers too. One of them was the Kyun Vampire song (cant find it anywhere on internet though)


>> No.29726429
File: 1.58 MB, 3152x1749, 1651621795717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29726474

This collab sucks.

>> No.29726448
File: 62 KB, 500x875, truck driver sun damage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spit on the Sun

>> No.29726453

You guys make it seem like everyone is annoyed with him lmao most of them didn’t notice it anyway

>> No.29726474
Quoted by: >>29726503

I want mouse and connor to drop off and do their own thing. I'm still hoping for that

>> No.29726503

I hope they play after
Maybe Mouse whips him into some games again

>> No.29726504

>hates normies
>wants their chuubas to be popular
The corpo-bootlicker dilemma

>> No.29726505

Broken clock is right twice a day. Eventually you idiots will realize that he's an untalented leech and should be banned from association with the girls.

>> No.29726508

They're projecting

>> No.29726514
Quoted by: >>29726582

Numbers is a covert Hololive general. Probably was created to get rid of numberfags within Hololive Global.

>> No.29726558

Someone said tina sounds like gunch and I can’t unhear it

>> No.29726582
Quoted by: >>29726675

Nah, they post about niji there too

>> No.29726645
Quoted by: >>29726832

he called himself talentless before and even said it during his panel in ax lmao

>> No.29726661


>> No.29726675
Quoted by: >>29726759

Have you seen the retarded tribalism there?
Pretty sure that shit leaks out into the catalog. And I have some other problems with that thread considering the shit they've said about Mike over the last few months.

>> No.29726735
File: 2.85 MB, 1000x1000, z3nsuck1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29727072

Remember to jerk off to Zen anons, she would want you to

>> No.29726752

I just want mouse , vei and nyanners to take their streaming seriously again with their usual 10k plus viewers than barely streaming on their channels or too busy shilling someone else's channel the current top 3 vshojo members are getting mugged by 3 Indie vtubers in terms of viewers.

>> No.29726759
File: 15 KB, 223x164, 1623699244150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29726853

How about... just dont go there? Who fucking cares about numbers, they only matters for nijiEN members.

>> No.29726774
File: 1.66 MB, 1070x2048, 1636063799330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why'd you do it?

>> No.29726790
Quoted by: >>29726825

Oh hey, Mouse is gone

>> No.29726805
File: 693 KB, 740x510, 1647725587542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29726825

Fucken dropped

>> No.29726832

You'd think they'd pick up on it. He knows what he is, and he knows his time is coming to an end. The sooner management and the girls realize he's literally just there to pull from their audience with his shitty content, the sooner they can blacklist him.

>> No.29726844

With 4chanx there's a download button for the proper filename right next to it. Before that I've been using inspect element or the source code and copy pasted the filename with the soundlink from there.

>> No.29726853

The problem is that retards bring numberfagging in here, too. /vt/ should add a banning of it to the sticky rules.

>> No.29726857

Mouse is gone....

>> No.29726905

I lost my will to continue to watch this stream

>> No.29726930
Quoted by: >>29727575

Sounds like his stream is off topic now.

>> No.29726946
File: 1.03 MB, 560x560, flex.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lily comes
>Mousey leaves
Nyan has gained another reason.

>> No.29726992
File: 2.17 MB, 600x338, 1638505221127.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate amogus

>> No.29727004
Quoted by: >>29727053

I cant bare it... Put her back on the screen Connor...

>> No.29727011

Her and Zen's replies kek

>> No.29727032

Aethel is not an agent of hololive its the company's decision if they want to keep shilling him and its already looking obvious to their audiences watching.

>> No.29727053
Quoted by: >>29727575

He didn't take her off, she left. Hopefully she left him permanently and we can finally shut the fuck up about him.

>> No.29727072

>implying i need someone to remind me

>> No.29727075

Lily killed Nyan's man

>> No.29727077

>This is for Sakuracon

>> No.29727102

Nyan and Lilly fighting

>> No.29727122
File: 341 KB, 497x329, mouse looks completely normal in this bed and not insane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29727123


>> No.29727139

what did aethel do lmao

>> No.29727143

Damn things are getting bloody again

>> No.29727152

I already did and I meant it

>> No.29727166


>> No.29727170
Quoted by: >>29727224

sorry nazuna youre the worst

>> No.29727205

I wish I could.

>> No.29727215
Quoted by: >>29727262

Not until she uses her influence to force Connor and other males out.

>> No.29727224

I hope you choke on elephant cum

>> No.29727229
File: 263 KB, 768x768, 1654755287478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29727301

This motherfucker made Nyan and Lilypichu fight again.

>> No.29727236


>> No.29727242

I miss Gremolin Mouse...

>> No.29727250
Quoted by: >>29728234

i'm gonna pog at her

>> No.29727262

i thought this said to make Connor and the other males make out....

>> No.29727285

Based Aethel promoting violece

>> No.29727299
File: 786 KB, 2657x4096, 1644740904961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29731540


>> No.29727301

Nonstop content machine

>> No.29727327
File: 96 KB, 1367x473, 1655826535244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29727365

Where is my gremlin cam....

>> No.29727329
Quoted by: >>29728166


>> No.29727364

So Mouse is still on the game, wonder if she noticed that having her model was basically useless

>> No.29727365
File: 575 KB, 477x496, 1659073052291225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why have neither of them noticed

>> No.29727381

Who's the biggest zoomer vtuber filian or bao?

>> No.29727414

>the current top 3 vshojo members are getting mugged by 3 Indie vtubers in terms of viewers.
Who cares.

>> No.29727431

Bao. Filian fails the vibe check for being a VRC elitist.

>> No.29727466
Quoted by: >>29727655

>replying to the numberfag baiter

>> No.29727473


>> No.29727476

I do I don't want vshojo to be a small company and it would give us a reason to brag to hololive that twitch is our turf.

>> No.29727491


>> No.29727493

she bacc

>> No.29727497
Quoted by: >>29727525

Shes back you fucking drama queens

>> No.29727525

kys i will literally die if Mouse cam isn't there

>> No.29727526
Quoted by: >>29727589


>> No.29727535

Nvm she back

>> No.29727575
Quoted by: >>29727635

Mouse returns get fucked faggots

>> No.29727589


>> No.29727614

gee i wonder why they get mugged by people that take their job serious unlike vwhorejo

>> No.29727626
File: 322 KB, 397x667, connor no knees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

filian by a country mile

>> No.29727635


>> No.29727655

The response wasn't for him, it was for everybody else. Caring about numbers is retarded. Nobody should care and, as you pointed out, it is only bait.

>> No.29727693
File: 19 KB, 112x112, 1651604524674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong tab

>> No.29727837

Mouse wants to be marinated by Connor.

>> No.29727866


>> No.29728014


>> No.29728047
Quoted by: >>29728234

Don't worry I Pog her every stream. She knows.

>> No.29728059
File: 168 KB, 463x454, 165459414484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29728083

Not a shit post but who got introduced to twitch via vshojo members but started watching roflgator, mizkif or soda when the vshojo members interacted with them?

>> No.29728101
Quoted by: >>29728215

He wants to soak her up and then eat her.

>> No.29728107

you're doing it wrong, it's the other way around

>> No.29728137

It's like soaking, but spicy.

>> No.29728141

I watched Soda a long time ago until I found Nyan and Vei last year in July.

>> No.29728156
File: 104 KB, 1080x691, Screenshot_20220731-181027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29728213

Well this is unexpected. Kson in first position on KYM today.

>> No.29728166

I'll fucking eat your skin and make you watch gI hope you get a fucking prion disease

>> No.29728170

The only time I've ever watched those fucks is when a VShojo member is involved. Otherwise I find each of them boring at best and insufferable at worst.

>> No.29728193

I became a XQC juicer when vshojo members interacted with him and I was like he is so me.

>> No.29728213

Zoom somewhere else.

>> No.29728215

wait then connor wants to marinate mouse or is it mouse wants to be marinated by connor?

>> No.29728234

You're on my list

>> No.29728249
Quoted by: >>29728298


>> No.29728288
Quoted by: >>29728388

I cant stand Corpse's voice

>> No.29728295

I don't watch m*les

>> No.29728298


>> No.29728312

I watch soda occasionally. I appreciate a big streamer that puts a spotlight on indie games.
Mizkif is boring without streamers to leech off of, and most of the streamers he leeches from are more boring than the girls.
Rolfgator is a pimp and his whorehouse isn't my kind of thing.

>> No.29728315

Marinate mouse is her spicy latina sweat, then bring her outside safely to tan in the sun. Then proceed to nibble.

>> No.29728355
Quoted by: >>29728764

Lsf shills vshojo, vshojo shills a random indie for being nyans BF. I want to be part of the clique as well.

>> No.29728388

This but sykkuno.

>> No.29728470

Lily killed Nyan

>> No.29728625

Lmao Sykk holding the game hostage for content

>> No.29728657

I watched roflgator and mizkif before vshojo and the only people i followed before vshojo was a thing was nyanners but thats only because of 4chan years ago and the /v/GAs

>> No.29728690

It's his bread and butter. He's as entertaining as a cardboard cutout on his own, so this is his next 4 videos.

>> No.29728691

That's kind of everyone's MO when playing among us, task wins are boring and some even prefer losing completely.

>> No.29728764

Vshojo chose to pander to lsf or flesh streamers, they should just go ask shylily, shxtou and filian to be a part of their organization so they can be accepted by the tribe for tribal fags here to talk about their content.

>> No.29728895

>Mouse denying him the Jester win

>> No.29728896

Mouse fucking blowing his game up on the spot.

>> No.29728913

Mouse fucking got him.

>> No.29728912

Mouse knows him so well

>> No.29728917

kek based Mouse

>> No.29728946


>> No.29728949

>He's not that good at acting
Holy shit Mouse

>> No.29728976

>He's not that good at acting
ok that hurt a little.

>> No.29728984
Quoted by: >>29729013

Mouse knows him inside and out, of all the times to not want to dunk on him too.

>> No.29728992

Can't believe I am saying this shit I want them all to play apex because of the fun I had watching froot drunk stream.

>> No.29729007

They killed the snitch lmao

>> No.29729013

>inside and out
How do you think she got that tracker in there.

>> No.29729026
File: 1.35 MB, 512x640, roflgator-rob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roflgator is the only one of those I like. He never comes off like a complete dick during collabs and shit. Genuinely likes Vshojo and the girls and you could tell he wanted soda to shut the fuck up when Mouse and Nyan were having their moment.

>> No.29729043

snuffy? https://twitter.com/snuffyowo/status/1553884863446634497

>> No.29729071
Quoted by: >>29729135

t. roflgator

>> No.29729076
Quoted by: >>29729102

Yeah roflgator is cool, he's always been good to the girls and even defended them from schizos

>> No.29729102

roflgator = VRC Epstein.

>> No.29729135

I think he's just a based coomer you likes the same shit we like, that's all.

>> No.29729146

Don't be mad just because you don't get invited to his parties, loser

>> No.29729154
File: 358 KB, 2938x1653, 1641295546127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29729165
Quoted by: >>29729241

Roflgator please don't invite anymore of the girls to degen night
I will impregnate Snuffy for her

>> No.29729168

>Lilypichu has boxing gloves
No fucking way KEK

>> No.29729191
Quoted by: >>29729410

Mouse does not hold back on the insults on connor

>> No.29729207
File: 72 KB, 627x475, mouse horrified glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rrat that never gets any evidence, not even 1 tiny little morsel

>> No.29729217

For being such a clown, Connor is a terrible jester

>> No.29729233
Quoted by: >>29731219

>he doesn't know about Luca

>> No.29729241

You're girls will get and give lapdances every party night. Don't call it Vwhorejo for nothing.

>> No.29729254

He had the win secured at first thanks to Sykkuno and Mouse betrayed him and spit on him.

>> No.29729280

i continue to not know who those are

>> No.29729284

The worst part about ESLs is that their wordplay fucking sucks.

>> No.29729310

Doesn't help that Mouse immediately blew his spot up by 'defending' him.

>> No.29729321

Cute. The discordfags figured out they should use vshojo-related pics. Maybe one day you will stop blatantly sucking his dick so you don't give yourselves away so easily.

>> No.29729407

I've been on Twitch for a decade and never watched any of the big normie streamers unless VShojo was involved

>> No.29729410

she starts going in on connor like this during most collabs with other people and he just takes it like a punching bag lmao

>> No.29729414

Connor is awful at incriminating himself

>> No.29729442


>> No.29729446

I cant tell if that was 200 iq or 0 iq from Connor

>> No.29729473

>choking at throwing

>> No.29729476

He had 1 play, it didn't work and his alphabet stops at A. No backup at all.

>> No.29729500

neither it was negative

>> No.29729504

This is how I became a Tectone egg

>> No.29729545


>> No.29729591

>tfw your not-gf knows you too well and ruins your jester round

>> No.29729595
Quoted by: >>29729715

Zen froot and Haruka still close frens doing collabs, mouse and nyan do more collabs with each other or BFs, vei and hime are in their own world, silver and Mel do their own things and I expect these two to do more collabs with each other out of same interests and not just about pandering to the coomer audience. Snuffy just orbits around but has two close friends like roen and that pony chick name I forgot.

Not a shitpost but did vei hold the organization with unity the best before the nux drama? When she was the 1st domino to fall everything later became shit.

>> No.29729672

People are shitting on Connor but he was doing okay until Mouse fucked everything up.
She just knows him too well lmao

>> No.29729715

>Not a shitpost
I believe you. It's just bait.

>> No.29729716

He certainly didn't do anything right but it's still unfortunate that Mouse defended him

>> No.29729721

He choked after Mouse fucked him over (not in the wrong way)

>> No.29729810

This is why I dont play Among Us.

>> No.29729814

>cause you suck at lying
He's not trying to lie to PhD holders, here Mouse.

>> No.29729842

Oh shit
Mouse and Aethel as Impostor
Connor as Jester

>> No.29729854

I wish vei and shylily were invited so everyone can keep mixing up those two on who said what?

>> No.29729896

RIP Connor's 17.7k viewers

>> No.29729905

Fuck the roles were so interesting

>> No.29729921

They don't even sound that similar anymore.

>> No.29729931

+ having 2 lily's

>> No.29729936
Quoted by: >>29729985

FUCK just wehn we got an interesting round

>> No.29729940

as if

>> No.29729985

Vulture won

>> No.29730004

They never sounded the same. I always thought Orca sounded more like anny.

>> No.29730015
File: 120 KB, 1088x641, 158712D1-5C0B-4EFA-B779-427C2B66AD1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomboy rat

>> No.29730018

Nyan went full silent mode

>> No.29730027

Was the shylily and vei collab here just a rrat or will happen, my dick is ready.

>> No.29730031

Guess I'll geeg in the meantime.

>> No.29730052
Quoted by: >>29730124

Aethel sabotaged his internet so he could take his viewers

>> No.29730082

I want Mouse to peg me.

>> No.29730124

Mouse shilling from a distance.

>> No.29730165

>short hair model

>> No.29730218
File: 535 KB, 644x589, Lies3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29732953

Vei said something about it but then again

>> No.29730240

>Never once wanted to protect Mouse
Not whipped.

>> No.29730257

Not the Ironmilf model so don't care

>> No.29730279
Quoted by: >>29730557

I lost the pic but the here the little pins she has.

>> No.29730283

Stop browsing 4chan while dead Connor

>> No.29730293
Quoted by: >>29730580

Vei said they were talking about it and you could see that they were talking in discord recently

>> No.29730353

I know you're dead, but focus on the game.

>> No.29730432
Quoted by: >>29730481

Nyan and vei unironically sound more similar to me than vei and shylily. And nyan and vei don’t sound that much alike

>> No.29730481
Quoted by: >>29730521

I swear Nyan and Vei laughs the same way.

>> No.29730521

Their laughs couldn’t sound more different

>> No.29730557
File: 497 KB, 1016x636, 1648655767253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, here's the tummy.

>> No.29730580

Good, we need a Vei and Lily collab so retards can stop bringing up their whole feud (well it was more Vei's feud but whatever)
Or more realistically people will just start making more rrats about it instead like Vei "secretly hating" collabing with her

>> No.29730585

Mouse's latina tummy....

>> No.29730656

a feud implies it's a mutual thing and it wasn't, it was one sided.

>> No.29730702

I like to sexually believe I am a Russian that colonized a polak and east german babe and made them east block with my cock.

>> No.29730705

Vei has very dedicated haters. They will carry on with that shit no matter how many times they collab.

>> No.29730737
Quoted by: >>29730781

Speaking of Shylily, Nyan followed her. Nazuna and Hime are the only ones that haven't.

Probably won't, but they've already moved on to trying to make Fillian their new sperg tool. So maybe less.

>> No.29730757

The new BLT

>> No.29730781

Does Lily follow Nazuna?

>> No.29730815
Quoted by: >>29731017


>> No.29730826
Quoted by: >>29731017

she does actually.

>> No.29730861

lily killed nyan (actually)

>> No.29730874

>Lily killed Nyan again

>> No.29730889

Does nazuna follow any En +'s even?

>> No.29730911

does she even know how to do it? kek

>> No.29730929

Lily just can't let it go

>> No.29730981

Nazuna doesn’t follow many people

>> No.29731007
Quoted by: >>29731060

Yes. Saruei, of all people.

>> No.29731017

Huh, then check when Nazuna follows her.
Yes, she follows Shoto and Saruei, apparently some Nazuna fans say that whenever a vtuber follows her, she usually checks out and follows her. So she doesn't know or care abou Lily.

>> No.29731025
Quoted by: >>29731060

she follows Saruei

>> No.29731034

Shoto and Saruei

>> No.29731035

The indies she follows are Shoto and Saruei.

>> No.29731060

She follows her because Saru does official holo art sometimes. She's aware of her.

>> No.29731115

New members in December

>> No.29731162
File: 995 KB, 3562x4096, FXLqZdtXkAA3qlE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29731165
File: 241 KB, 605x522, 1633343335900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go again

>> No.29731184

rumao even

>> No.29731219
File: 3.11 MB, 320x180, anny (you).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about luca
>luca has never spoke about anything
>rumor started on /vt/
>never corroborated
>literal /vt/ levels of conspiracy on the level of nyanners

>> No.29731230

Twice in a row

>> No.29731243
Quoted by: >>29731397

Poor Connor keeps getting cucked out of playing

>> No.29731257
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>> No.29731295
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>> No.29731319

Can we have a youtube content creator for /vt/ that does vshojo threads here? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i-1u6IDpPjs

>> No.29731342
File: 679 KB, 1090x661, NT7LpCY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>short hair model
I wouldn't call this short hair.

>> No.29731356

You can't see the pigtails

>> No.29731366
Quoted by: >>29731601

i will now anti her

>> No.29731397

>I can already see the mudan edits
He's never going to salvage any content out of this.

>> No.29731521

Well there is that anon who has a clip channel for VShojo but is literally 0 view
Kinda counts

>> No.29731540
File: 2.81 MB, 1600x1080, jesus fucking christ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Offering sex

>> No.29731601
Quoted by: >>29731671

It's okay anon, half of twitter is just as dumb as you and couldn't see her twin tails in the top corners.

>> No.29731662

I want clown Mouse to peg me.

>> No.29731671

nice try mouse but I'll still become an anti

>> No.29731877

Mouse sucks at being a lawyer

>> No.29731900

Mouse just sucks at Among us in general

>> No.29731933

Mouse just sucks at games in general

>> No.29731966
Quoted by: >>29732008

Mouse just sucks my cock

>> No.29731986
Quoted by: >>29732828

Mouse just sucks at living in general>>29731933

>> No.29732008

Focus on the game

>> No.29732015
File: 71 KB, 243x269, thumbs up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29732339

She's a woman, this is normal. My mother is also bad at video games, but I still love her.

>> No.29732058
Quoted by: >>29732155

He's dead.

>> No.29732063

Teledildonics are fascinating.

>> No.29732155

Mouse is getting other people to kill him early so he can't make a YT video and has to play games with her to get some content.

>> No.29732158


>> No.29732276

Mouse DC'd. Really gone this time.

>> No.29732283

Her internet died

>> No.29732339

Who is worse at games between Mouse and Zen?

>> No.29732340
Quoted by: >>29732367

Mouse loves to peg me until I cry

>> No.29732367

I know you're dead but come on man

>> No.29732375

Mouse by a mile

>> No.29732403
Quoted by: >>29732443

Connor calling out the psychological damage Sykkuno has done to the group.

>> No.29732416
Quoted by: >>29732443

Connor just realized Sykkuno power.
He really has a way to talk to people to get what he wants.

>> No.29732435

have you seen mouse play apex?

>> No.29732442

Why do they fall for Sykkuno's shit every single time? Are they doing it on purpose for the content or are they actually dumb?

>> No.29732443

Without Toast to balance out his trolling every lobby falls victim to Sykkuno's actions

>> No.29732502

They plan scripts for this every week

>> No.29732530
Quoted by: >>29732729

Fuck it I will do it, but what recording software program would you use with the robot voice reader?

>> No.29732587
Quoted by: >>29732874

Sykkuno is amazing at talking and pursuing people, the only one who calls him out is Toast cause he knows him. He pulls the psychological damage card way too much.

>> No.29732642
Quoted by: >>29732844

pee pee time.

>> No.29732658

>Mouse and Connor PC's crash together

>> No.29732702

They even died together once

>> No.29732729

No, for some reason I think it would do vshojo more harm than good based on every vshojo thread.

>> No.29732814
Quoted by: >>29733299

>dying together, balding together, and pc crashing together

>> No.29732828
Quoted by: >>29732928

Honestly, being lawyer for jester sucks ass. Especially if it's someone like Abe who she doesn't know that well.
You guys are why we no longer get Mouse POVs in group collabs.

>> No.29732831
Quoted by: >>29732878

bros Corpse is taking Connor out of Mouse by saying how amazing his VA work is, just after Mouse insulted him.

>> No.29732844

>I took my breaks when I was fucking dead

>> No.29732874
Quoted by: >>29733148

I'm a fucking autist and he sounds full of shit to me all the time. I would expect people to not trust him simply based on the fact that he is lying 90% of the time.

>> No.29732878
Quoted by: >>29733372

Nobody saw Connor x Corpse coming

>> No.29732928

She never streamed Crab Game either

>> No.29732953
Quoted by: >>29733439

Vei has never lied, she's just had to change plans due to unforeseen circumstances.

>> No.29732970

Layna's twitter has just informed me that Mortuary Assistant will be out in 2 days. Someone get this info to Nyan and whoever else liked the demo https://store.steampowered.com/app/1295920/The_Mortuary_Assistant/

>> No.29733048
File: 47 KB, 236x417, Screenshot_20220731-203332_Twitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29733158

He'll win this time.

>> No.29733148

To me aswell, I mean a lot of them are playing along, and know, even Mouse.
Remember when he joined the toreba stream trying to get a gift and didn't get anything? Or, when he tried to get her to join his dungeon adventure? She knows when he does it, but sometimes she plays along, some others she just knows.

>> No.29733158

Imagine he made the baby pink like mouse

>> No.29733170

Short hair fags btfo

>> No.29733227
File: 89 KB, 243x214, 1658152912495650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29733253
File: 40 KB, 320x320, 1645340234272.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29733299
Quoted by: >>29733368

it just writes itself. If only they got together - it would tie everything together. No I will not take my meds

>> No.29733366
Quoted by: >>29733540

Gremolin cam....

>> No.29733368

meds now

>> No.29733372

Connor always favored the male x male shipping

>> No.29733379

Is any Vshojo girl good at games?

>> No.29733418
File: 205 KB, 1366x768, lily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I am delayed on a YouTube stream by 10 minutes, and I play the video at 1.25 speed, how long does it take to reach the present?

>> No.29733427

Vei and Froot are the best, and that's saying much.

>> No.29733439

Vei doesn't like, she's too much of a vapid bitch to lie. If she lied more no one would know that about her. Everyone would think she was was a perfect angel. Honestly I respect it. She's in your face with how much of a cunt she is and the fact she wants your money and it's why she generally pulls the best numbers. Whatever works for business and doesn't beat around the bush.

>> No.29733459

Youre all a bunch of losers, see you later on stream, whenever that will be.

>> No.29733463
Quoted by: >>29733522

Mouse cam back

>> No.29733483
Quoted by: >>29733522


>> No.29733513
Quoted by: >>29733660

zeno's paradox. you'll never reach the present and the stream will continue forever.

>> No.29733522

my day is saved again

>> No.29733528
Quoted by: >>29733559

>The boxing gloves
She knows.

>> No.29733540

She back

>> No.29733549

Veibae is good at the Souls games.

>> No.29733559
Quoted by: >>29733726

>en vivo
fucking spaniard

>> No.29733575

>Connor getting Sykkuno killed
The mouse harem wars are getting spicy

>> No.29733652

/v/ei unironically

>> No.29733660
File: 825 KB, 1164x794, 1643192295895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zeno's paradox. you'll never reach the present and the stream will continue forever.

>> No.29733726
File: 791 KB, 975x600, 1644069386181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm spaniard, but I'm not that anon lol.

>> No.29733773
Quoted by: >>29733792

>Mouse almost killed Connor
They're tearing each other apart...

>> No.29733792

Murder suicide incoming

>> No.29733912

kek no one suspects Connor

>> No.29733918

Connor's too afraid to draw suspicion in the call.

>> No.29733933

>Now Connor is defending Mouse
They keep unintentionally sabotaging each other lmao

>> No.29733988
Quoted by: >>29734084

No way Mouse wins a game of Among us by herself

>> No.29734007

Want a Mel lewdcst with Shadman and nyanmers and the subject being lolis.

>> No.29734031

rip Mouse dc'd again

>> No.29734051

Connor is such a shit jester kek

>> No.29734075


>> No.29734084
Quoted by: >>29734185

Not if spectrum has anything to say about it.
I feel like Jester has to win early game or it's impossible.

>> No.29734088
Quoted by: >>29734156

The Clown sucks at being a jester.

>> No.29734156

He's afraid to talk now because Mouse sees through everything he says.

>> No.29734185

It's a hard role but he literally doesn't do anything to make himself look suspicious. He only had a good run when Sykkuno was helping him but Mouse cucked them.

>> No.29734199
Quoted by: >>29734302

>and Chance is gonna kick me out as soon as Vei moves in

Eurobro...... I'm sorry but I think it's gonna be the other way around, Vei will come to Texas.......

>> No.29734276

Damn this doesn't look good for mouse's anniversary this week. Is it just this game crashing her pc or is it her ISP again?

>> No.29734302

It's a joke. It's been obvious that Soda is moving to her.

>> No.29734318

Sykkuno said it seemed like her internet

>> No.29734341

Has to be her ISP. Amogus couldn't even crash an old phone.

>> No.29734370

I wish this was just another mouse/connor stream or even a vein gang stream instead of this

>> No.29734386

Send her those mass shooting clips now!

>> No.29734433

This stream has been pretty fun but it sucks they didn't get to interact much, I hope they play games after but Connor has been streaming pretty short hours recently so idk

>> No.29734438

It's her internet, she's getting DC'd on Discord too.
I miss the four of them together, the problem was that the trip got them closer, but they also met up with Sykkuno.

>> No.29734485

Why the hell would someone move from no income tax land to tax you to hell land? Wait, Sodacan guy has streamer brainrot.

>> No.29734504

Vei's probably #1 since she's pretty competent at most anything she plays.
Nyan or Froot might actually be #2 and Froot especially doesn't get enough credit for it. Addictive personality so when she wants to improve at a game she gets into it hard and aside from Apex there's Fall Guys and Tarkov too. And Nyan just likes the Souls games and Yakuza and JRPG's.
Silver or Zen next with Silver being good at most games she plays, but also not playing many things that are particularly skill intensive or difficult. Zen will play most anything and do poorly at it and it's unclear how much of that is genuine lack of skill and how much is fucking around for content. Hime probably also goes into this tier but there's really not much to base it on.
Mouse and Mel are definitely the bottom of the barrel. It's tempting to just say Mouse is better because she can at least understand a lot of mechanics even if she does an extremely poor job at executing on them, but I feel like she's either getting worse over time or Mel's steadily improving to where it's easier to just put them into the same tier.

>> No.29734545

How long is this stream/collab thing gonna go on for? I'm kinda tired of Amogus and don't feel like watching but no one else is live

>> No.29734592
Quoted by: >>29734651

Mel's an EX rank gacha player though. Which worries me.

>> No.29734594

Seems like people are tapping out soon hopefully

>> No.29734643
Quoted by: >>29734706

These are the last games, I don't know if they are doing one extra due to Mouse, but if they do it's going to be this one and the next.

Aethel is gonna keep streaming, either Minecraft or Fall Guys, I don't if Mouse and Connor would do something.

>> No.29734651
Quoted by: >>29734736

There is skill involved in gachas?

>> No.29734656

3-4 hours is typically but everyone seems to be saying this is the last game, im guessing 1/3rd of the people still there will probably play different games after.

>> No.29734706
Quoted by: >>29734757

Also Nyan was tired or sleepy, so maybe Aethel is gonna play alone.

>> No.29734736

Luck is a skill if Fallout has taught us anything. Oh, and a fat bank account.

I only got EX luck on my side.

>> No.29734757

>both gf's gone
we hate to see it

>> No.29734795


>> No.29734797

Gremolin cam back

>> No.29734799


>> No.29734812

>no one else is live
Geega is doing Teardown and Pikamee is playing Silent Hill 2, far as +s go

>> No.29734834

I wish there was some way Mouse could talk while they're both dead, it sucks she's basically a mute during Among us

>> No.29734835

I don't know about that, Aethel's gf is kind of schizo.

>> No.29734843

Mouse back just to silently oversee Connor.

>> No.29734897
Quoted by: >>29735455

aethel and connor are more entertaining anyway

>> No.29734914

Guys, I have a very important question.

Has snuffy fucked a dog?

>> No.29734949

Don't ask questions you don't want answers to

>> No.29735028

Holy shit Natsumii played them good.

>> No.29735049
Quoted by: >>29735298

I have 0 idea what happened

>> No.29735060
File: 1.51 MB, 1200x1000, 1636198882494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh. Kon Zetsu getting a flesh form? https://twitter.com/Tibi_3D/status/1553780024804769794

>> No.29735076

>Still playing Among Us
fucking punching the air rn

>> No.29735089

probably not but I like to believe she has unironically thought of doing it

>> No.29735137

Yes. Skelly no more.

>> No.29735157

Of all the times I've seen Silver play a game, 99% of them have just been "slow and cozy" type shit; the 1% being Control
Are these just the types of games she likes? Maybe that's why she's not very popular in these threads
Really her only attributes are GFE and huge tits, her content is boring as hell

>> No.29735184

depends on what you want to watch I guess

>> No.29735194

I hate it but it's probably for the best

>> No.29735207

has nyan even finished any yakuza games?

>> No.29735257

She is good at games that require autistic resource management.

>> No.29735264

No. It's just a running joke that somehow started in relation to her being a furry

>> No.29735298

>Valkyrae was the impostor and Aethel was the jackal, each one needed to kill everyone
>Natsumii was the sheriff and she can kill the impostor (if she was wrong she would have kill herself), so she shot down Valkyrae and knew that one of the survivors was a Jackal (Corpse or Aethel)
>Trusted Corpse, and they put the blame on Aethel.
>Aethel was kicked out, leaving the crewmates into victory.

>> No.29735303

The only game I remember her finishing is FF10, and that was after several attempted playthroughs.

>> No.29735386
Quoted by: >>29735717

Yes those are the games Silver generally likes to play.
She's also done other shit, it's just not nearly as common. She played BioShock recently, she plays FFXIV, she did a Skyrim playthrough with 500 mods.

>> No.29735391
File: 441 KB, 1181x1349, 1643027445767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That + MMO's are her favorite kinds of games from what I've seen. Though her favorite game is Okami which is why she's a wolf so it'd be cool to see her play it again or something since I think she last played it like year 1 of being a vtuber when she was a 500 viewer andy. But yeah just look at the games listed on her Twitch tracker page + the hours spent on them.

She almost never finishes games in the first place so I wouldn't really count it against her. She very much knew her way around Chrono Trigger and FFX though.

>> No.29735455
Quoted by: >>29735879

If aethel was entertaining he wouldn't need to be shilled on a constant basis and pull 10k viewers solo.

>> No.29735461

she did pre-Vtuber

Anyway Froot doesn't get enough credit. She's appoarching Selen's skill at Apex.

>> No.29735483
File: 13 KB, 225x224, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29735585

This design is inches from really good. I'm guessing this is the inspo [picrel]
>Install Fightcade
Also, does anyone have some clips from the Nyan/lily interactions for my own personal edification

>> No.29735505

Yakuza 0 but that was before her vtuber debut.

>> No.29735562

Don't like it, but it's better than Skeleton. Might look better in motion.

>> No.29735574
File: 144 KB, 1920x1080, majima-is-everywhere-in-new-mode-for-yakuza-kiwami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be weird for her to name her mascot after a Yakuza character if she didn't like the games

>> No.29735585
File: 287 KB, 350x350, 1644802332841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29735853

would be based if true

>> No.29735598

[serious] how do I find a gamer gf?
I banged over 70 women and I'm in my mid 20s, I have no issue meeting normie girls but never shared anime/videogame taste with any significant other.

I don't play league or overwatch

>> No.29735597

Mouse dead first on her last game

>> No.29735638

Go to cons.

>> No.29735717
Quoted by: >>29735953

and for FFXIV im pretty sure she was into savage difficulty raiding before the current expansion so shes definitely capable of keeping up with faster paced shit, she just doesnt like to stream it

>> No.29735738

play mmo's, like FFXIV

>> No.29735751
Quoted by: >>29735904

Unpopular opinion maybe: I liked skeleton Kon, he just needed a higher quality model. It was kind of unique for him to be a skeleton rather than the usual Fleshtuber (literally)

>> No.29735754

I think nyan has lost interest

>> No.29735826

He actually did it...

>> No.29735837

He finally won lmao

>> No.29735850

He finally got the content.

>> No.29735853 [SPOILER] 
File: 413 KB, 500x416, 45c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The styling is definitely in the general area of Edo-era horror. So, I'm guessing they probably lifted some concepts. Lore video preview in the spoiler.

>> No.29735858

he pulled it off finally

>> No.29735879

he has the male vtuber debuff and being sociable with people doesn't mean he's being shilled

>> No.29735882

The content has been saved.

>> No.29735885
File: 194 KB, 1080x1440, 1659314405110388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Claims to love being an indie
>A couple of hiatuses due to work
>Needs help to be better on stream
>Has a link on her website for sponsors to contact her
>Returns to streaming
>Deletes link
>Start follow all the VSHOJO members
>Follow Gunrum
>Vshojo japan follow her back and unfollow her
Ummm guys....new member?

>> No.29735888
Quoted by: >>29735941

Please be done with amogus now

>> No.29735904
Quoted by: >>29735973

I think weird/creepy designs are cooler and most people don't seem to agree so I can see why he went for something with mass appeal.

>> No.29735914
Quoted by: >>29736341

play valorant. I meet tons of gamer girls who send me pictures even though I am a loser irl and they'd beat me in arm wrestling. That's how easy it is.

>> No.29735941
Quoted by: >>29736022

Please play games with Mouse now

>> No.29735950

oh fuck. I was aware of all of this but the last 3 things which I don't think had happened yet when she initially announced her return. Would be fucking wild if it happened.

>> No.29735953
Quoted by: >>29736301

Yeah, she's actually very good at XIV, I can't keep up with her.

>> No.29735973

*but most

>> No.29735975

who? but she seems like a nice addition

>> No.29736008
Quoted by: >>29736278

What's her twitter

>> No.29736012

Froot's breast milk smells like broccoli

>> No.29736022
Quoted by: >>29736061

Calling mouse now.

>> No.29736035

Instantly calls mouse right away lol

>> No.29736045


>> No.29736061
Quoted by: >>29736216

She was with Corpse and Sykkuno and they were invited her to play, I hope she doesn't and we get some Connor and Mouse content.

>> No.29736076

>Vshojo japan follow her back and unfollow her
Proof or ban

>> No.29736087


>> No.29736100

lmao she is backtracking on the "you are a bad actor" comment

>> No.29736124

She's considered Amelia's sister. Because she is from the perspective of her artist.

>> No.29736132
Quoted by: >>29736157

Mouse ditched sykkuno, corpse, and rea as soon as Connor called

>> No.29736135

Latina grip on heart and balls, please understand.

>> No.29736146

Mouse must've had that lingering in her mind the entire time lol

>> No.29736157

Did they say anything? I was watching Aethel+Connor POV

>> No.29736206

I fucking love Uto. Instantly fell in love with her personality even though her English at the time was crap. She's a cinnamon roll who also loves APEX

>> No.29736216
Quoted by: >>29736252

I forgot to add that she was getting invited to Fall Guys, she just left and said "I have to do something". I think she expected he would leave.

>> No.29736252

>have to do something
Connor is /in/

>> No.29736259

She was talking with them because she still wants to play games, as soon as Connor calls she hits em with the "oh shit gotta go" and leaves.

>> No.29736273

it defenitly lingered in the back of her mind lol

>> No.29736278


>> No.29736285

>More Sussy sundays (Mondays to Connor)
>He's ending stream soon.

>> No.29736301

i think i remember at some point her and snuffy were talking about parsing on stream and they were like both 95th percentile or higher parsing back when they used to raid. Its weird hearing stuff like that and then seeing them get disoriented in much simpler puzzle stuff because theyre streaming at the same time

>> No.29736323

>ending stream soon.
Stupid fuck why couldn't he get some more sleep in...

>> No.29736324

Big name JP indie.

also new thread

>> No.29736330

Groom teens on discord.

>> No.29736333

Mistrusting Mondays

>> No.29736341

Are they attractive? Also I work remotely and want to meet anyone who is not in america.
