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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.29596869

Yes I would let her ride me all night

>> No.29597010

thank you choreographer-san

>> No.29597125


>> No.29597221

Marine...please, I don't want to jerk off anymore

>> No.29597489


>> No.29597542


>> No.29597584

At full force, in her mouth, pussy, and ass.

>> No.29597596
File: 186 KB, 850x1532, __houshou_marine_hololive_drawn_by_akasaai__sample-a7a739b48ae672c4a2b9923ced2f6fea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lewd moves very cool maririn

>> No.29600174


>> No.29600218


>> No.29600794

nice hired dancers, cover.

>> No.29600910

What makes her different from a Vshojo member?

>> No.29601155 [DELETED] 

Why senchou said i'm dirty in the MV!!!!!
What is her plan! Kusoooo!!
Watching it again for the 100 times.

>> No.29601254

Of course

>> No.29601275 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29606613

Literally nothing. Only the delusional holofats are saying otherwise lmfao.

>> No.29601280


>> No.29601390

Exactly the same as (You) and Chad Thundercock, talking about sex and actually having sex are two completely different things.

>> No.29601389


>> No.29601432

The difference is that it is unironically okay when Marine does it.

>> No.29604836

Vshojo has the freedom to do the same moves with nude models.

>> No.29604882

Nice vshojo

>> No.29604942

So Vshojo is better? Got it.

>> No.29605059


>> No.29605073
Quoted by: >>29606231

Her model should be accurate to her real life figure (pawgged-up shawty type figure)

>> No.29605120
Quoted by: >>29606462

Marine is smarter about it than them. Vshojo lacks ambiguity, subtlety. That's what it comes down to, essentially.

>> No.29605149
File: 1.31 MB, 824x1014, 1756E21A-07BE-4C32-9D98-01721C26D5C3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: UGH, what a roastie toastie, no sense of decency.
>Whore, Japan
Hypocrites, all of you.

>> No.29605298

Lack of effort for choreography
Concerts are lazy
3d VR collabs never use full body tracking

Mel is the only one who does lewd shit and even then the effort she puts in practically nothing, she just rides a sybian or vibes herself for about 5-10 minutes at a time, then stands up and awkwardly talks to chat until she's ready to sit down and go for a second round

Unfortunately, most of the vshojo members are low effort with lewd shit, anything that would require them to actually put on a show is too much for them

>> No.29605361
Quoted by: >>29605512

Imagine her doing this move over and over in front of the mirror to get better

>> No.29605512

no wonder she's always horny

>> No.29605725

Marine is actually sexy

>> No.29606231
Quoted by: >>29606298

She already look a lot like her model

>> No.29606293

If a vshojo girl did this you would all be calling her a gross whore

>> No.29606298


>> No.29606361

she's marine

>> No.29606443


>> No.29606462

What is subtle about that OP webm

>> No.29606613

Keep telling yourself that. I'm sure it'll be true eventually.
Yes and? Japanese better

>> No.29606817


>> No.29606968

Marine is a whore, but she's not gross.

>> No.29606971
Quoted by: >>29607176

> the "marine is the same as vshojo* bait
seeing someone do a sexy move is different from someone talking about it. not everyone likes hearing people talk about sex and how many people they choked on or fucked. if vshojo were just a bunch of teasers, no one would care. and call them sex like marine (to the ones that actually like them)

>> No.29607176
Quoted by: >>29647449

>not everyone likes hearing people talk about sex and how many people they choked on or fucked
Then just don't watch them and stop crying about them.

>> No.29607207

I would praise her for being the best performer in VShojo

>> No.29607306
Quoted by: >>29684179

holos are distinct in that they do not explicitly talk about cocks and cum and balls and pussy. while that is entertaining in its own right, it is distinct from marine for instance who talks about fetishes but not the actual act of sex or body parts and fluids involved. sexy dancing is also fine when it is alluring and suggestive, not explicitly emulative of sex acts (like twerking and grinding)

>> No.29607342
Quoted by: >>29684221

I'd pass on the 30 year old pussy that's had a thousand cocks in it so far.

>> No.29607384

is that a question or a request?

>> No.29608294

Class. It's like Quagmire from Family Guy vs Hawkeye from MASH.

>> No.29608299

Okay, I'm curious. Has Vshojo recently done any lewd content like Marine? I just keep hearing about them hanging out with their boyfriends on stream, which doesn't sound very appealing.

>> No.29610710

They just hang out with the boyfriends and talk about sex

>> No.29611199

nothing she just has a personality

>> No.29611455


>> No.29611493

Soulless whore

>> No.29611528
Quoted by: >>29611606

bunch of whores my in my age group. boring, bland, over-abundant. zero meat
Older japanese whore. Sexy, erotic. full body meal

>> No.29611606
Quoted by: >>29640852

Marine is the same age as us, even younger.

>> No.29611810

She’s entertaining, creative, funny, and people actually give a shit about her

>> No.29612500

Marine is horny.
Vshojos actually sleep around.

>> No.29612503
File: 2.53 MB, 600x350, 1658040579191.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29612658

It's fanservice, nobody (except shizos and /pol/tard prudes) complain about it, even when Vshojo does it.
What most people don't like is when they talk about sucking cocks and periods.

>> No.29612658
Quoted by: >>29639551

>>29612503 (me)
Though to be fair people here often unfairly superimpose Veibae over the entire Vshojo.

>> No.29612669

Sure, why not.

>> No.29612890


>> No.29613030

She lost me here. She has officially become a whore. We are seeing the Overton window shift in real time as japs become more like w*stoid sluts. It's only a matter of time before you all become desensitized and see most of these japanese girls twerking and think nothing of it.

>> No.29613184
File: 2.11 MB, 3030x2247, 1644676519066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bait?

>> No.29613450

The difference is Vshojo members are talentless whores behaving like whores and Marine is a horny, talented pirate who exhibits that frustration through lewdness that never goes answered.

>> No.29614315

Idk, maybe the fact that one of the two is actually entertaining

>> No.29614457
Quoted by: >>29614784

I hope Mori feels threatened by this and tries to 1-up her.

>> No.29614535
Quoted by: >>29614971

Consider that if twerking originated in Japan you'd have no problem with it.

>> No.29614784

Mori is too fat to pull that move off

>> No.29614971

Consider that if you weren't living in your mother's basement, you'd be sucking off men under a bridge for money

>> No.29615828
Quoted by: >>29673209

>vshojo does a stripper move
>marine does a stripper move

>> No.29618494

She hasn't talked about getting railed by some dude yet.

>> No.29618938
Quoted by: >>29620394

Don't worry, marinbros. If performed by a hired dancer, it doesn't count as being a whore.

>> No.29619407

talking about sucking dicks != being sexy

>> No.29620394

>i-it's a hired dancer
holy cope

>> No.29620824

I can be her muscular, overseas sexy guy

>> No.29622322

She's actually talented and good at being entertaining

>> No.29622471

Society is collapsing

>> No.29624700
File: 131 KB, 1158x1510, Egn5hydU0AAObuR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29627577

I WILL impregnate this lady!
I AM going to lift until I can carry her and our first set of triplets without breaking a sweat!
I WILL grow old alongside her!
Our dicks led our ancestors to discover the world, and now our dicks can lead us to Marine!

>> No.29625953

With the force of 1,000 suns.

>> No.29627498

There's 75% chance that was not Marine but backup dancer

>> No.29627577

Imagine the softness
Imagine degrading her for letting that idol body get so pudgy
Imagine grabbing handfuls of marine as you plunge deep inside her

>> No.29627868

Her character is a horny pirate baba that that does or says lewd things but gets embarrassed if the other person accepts her advances
Vshojo whores are just talking about getting railed by random dudes from their IRL experiences

>> No.29631782


>> No.29639320

Where are the Vshojo anime music videos? Where are the Vshojo songs?
Once you can show me those ask this question again.

>> No.29639551

Vshojo fans defend Veibae though so it's fair.

>> No.29639922

Marine talks about sex.
Vshojo talks about the sex they just had.

>> No.29640504

the talent

>> No.29640852

youre almost 30? and STILL consume vtuber content? holy fuck you're pathetic lol

>> No.29641015

Does Cover want her monetized or not? They keep having to fight for it and then they give her the lewdest 3D model. I'm pretty sure you can see her nipples through her top. It's based as hell.

>> No.29641991

Vtubers are for 30+ year olds.

>> No.29642930

there isn't a broad age range from which you have free time, expendable income and into weeb shit

>> No.29644548

kill yourself faggot

>> No.29645543

30 sounds old until you get there

>> No.29647449

I already don't, if you want this shit to stop, then stop baiting

>> No.29648355
File: 48 KB, 184x178, 1628783615866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a likable personality. Comes off as pitiable and comedic. Also... has a BIG, FAT SUCCULENT ASS.

In other words, I want to breed this hag.

>> No.29654591


>> No.29654716
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, I'm red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the hip cracking sounds

>> No.29658996
File: 15 KB, 615x322, Chumbud immense tears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a chumpedo, yes, yes I would.

>> No.29659040
Quoted by: >>29659319

Where is this from

>> No.29659188


>> No.29659319

Her recent 3d live

>> No.29659641

Does Senchou have a humiliation kink? I genuinely can't tell. It could just be she's extremely shameless, so she doesn't feel humiliated doing things you would expect her to.

>> No.29663713
Quoted by: >>29663831

>30 years old

>> No.29663831

So I toss her some morning after pills after I nut in her pussy for the 10th time that night in order to keep her from having some little downy baby. What's the big deal?

>> No.29664072

Vei and Nyanners only exist now to choke on their bfs cocks. They have no other personality outside that. Nyanners might as well be gagging on dick every single stream at this point.

>> No.29664139

Womb...I will impregnate it definitely!

>> No.29665305

>that gap between her hand and her leg
holy obese

>> No.29672359


>> No.29673209

uthisonically nir

>> No.29673298

is this what they call a slut drop?

>> No.29674176
File: 2.65 MB, 842x1080, Dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will marine do this move?

>> No.29674400

Vshoujo = whores.
Marine = Idol,
She's just a very sexy idol. Hope that helps!

>> No.29674452

She actually knows how to dance like a stripper.

>> No.29676937
File: 191 KB, 504x415, EUulkvk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The differences being one is a degenerate all the time, another knows how to pick her time to be a degenerate.

>> No.29678739

marine? never
her dancer though? when they pay her enough

>> No.29683921

peak impregnation bait

>> No.29683944

No Melody needs to get pole dancing lessons so they can do a 3D collab.

>> No.29684029

Are you like 15

>> No.29684179

>not explicitly emulative of sex acts

Anon the... the new MV.

>> No.29684221

Sorry man it's just my cock, used her 1000 times.

>> No.29684268

god I love koreans so much bros

>> No.29684440
File: 300 KB, 447x447, 1638944410300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the post that broke /vt/
look at all the copium answers

>> No.29684554

in a heartbeat

>> No.29684649

She doesn't blab about taking it up the ass or tasting cum.

>> No.29685487
Quoted by: >>29686067

aki pretty much did this in her live

>> No.29686067

I need to watch it now

>> No.29686148


>> No.29690692

yes please

>> No.29691077
File: 101 KB, 383x341, Would I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would I
