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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.29470061

Gura and Calli are clearly good friends. Don't know about anyone else in Myth though.

>> No.29470403

There are friends, half-friends, and acquaintances.

Friends are people you meet during your personal life that you share interests, successes and pain together and will be at your side regardless of your place in life.

Half-Friends are people similar to friends, but while you care when they're close, the emotional attachment isn't strong enough to maintain itself if there's a significant 'yab' so to speak or something separates them for an extended period of time.

Acquaintances are people you can tolerate, will go out for a beer with every now and then, but you'll drift apart if one of the two don't put in the effort to maintain the relationship.

Colleagues, unless you actually move in together and start a solid life outside of your work, never become more than Half-Friends. That's what Myth are to each other. They enjoy each others company, laugh, cry, share good moments and bad, but when someone leaves that's it. They'll 'say' they keep in touch, but in reality they don't really and become more like business contacts.

>> No.29470477
Quoted by: >>29473589

Just wait until Gura experiences the "Mori friendship experience" like Kiara did.
She already got a taste of it with the BnB fiasco.

>> No.29470482

If you ever watched any of their collabs you would've known that from the beginning

>> No.29470934

Put it this way. I like my coworker. They're pretty chill, and I might even go out for drinks with them from time to time. But I wouldn't babysit their kids for them, nor would I be able to couch crash with them if I suddenly became homeless. There's a certain social gap you have with coworkers that even if you get along, you aren't TRUE friends who help each other through anything.

That's basically Myth, and corpo chuubas in general really. Even if they don't dislike each other, at the end of the day they're not true 'friends', simply business associates whose business is to act like friends.

>> No.29471296

Kiara has animosity and jealousy towards Gura. She had admitted to being jealous of her. Ame might be the only one who likes Kiara but knowing Ame she could just be playing nice. During the off collab when asked who was the best at this or that her answer was almost always Gura. Lol, must suck for Kiara who has been up Ame's ass all year. Kiara kept interrupting Gura and Ame talking with her "but me me me me me" bullshit. If Kiara wasn't there then they would be unity.

>> No.29471416
File: 215 KB, 325x359, 1656709951690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame escaped to Kiara's hotel and slept on the same bed, keep seething Guramefag

>> No.29471519

Kiara using her small model for Gura's birthday, then not even having Gura or Mori on stage for her birthday (Ina and Ame dancing LMFAO), totally jealous female move. Honestly based of Mori and Gura not to call in for her birthday stream.

>> No.29471998

Is this even in response to anything? Or are you just now realizing that just because you take five random people and force them to work together it doesn't automatically mean a friendship happens?

>> No.29472291

Do you like your coworkers anon? I sure as hell don't

>> No.29472333

Some of them are, like Mori and Gura, Ame and Kiara.
But no, most are just coworker level

>> No.29472878

Correct and level headed analysis

>> No.29473007

I didn't sleep just to watch Gura in Birbday and that chicken slut didn't even let her perform. Also she made an embarrassment of Ina too.

>> No.29473186


>> No.29473208
Quoted by: >>29473324

Everyone except for Mori. Mori hates idols, so she hates other hololive members.

>> No.29473324

Mori loves Gura though

>> No.29473406


>> No.29473504
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, FRIENDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29481780

Looks like you're not paying attention

>> No.29473589

The what

>> No.29473742

this. it's easy to tell when you see mori interact with people outside of hololive

>> No.29473781

>Deadbeats actually believe this
She only loves Vshojo cuckbeatchama, because she likes girls who cuck their fanbases like her.

>> No.29473806

Remember Gura's post-collab chat? The only one she really didn't have much good to say about was Kiara. Believe me, it goes both ways.

>> No.29473813
Quoted by: >>29474704

its amazing how long myth has been overrated when it was obvious from the beginning

>> No.29473825

mori loves doxing gura

>> No.29473957

is this noor making yet another bait thread?

>> No.29474004

I'm pretty sure SOME of them are good friends

>> No.29474168

Yeah, like kiara and pomu

>> No.29474256

Mori and Gura - friends
Kiara and Amelia - good friends
Kiara and Ina - good friends

Deceased friendships:
Amelia and Gura
Kiara and Mori

Coworkers, don't much care for each other:
Amelia and Ina
Gura and Ina
Gura and Kiara

>> No.29474510

>Mori and Gura - friends
No. Mori only leeches of Gura's popularity. Let's not forget what she doxxed Gura and forced her into a party even though she barely ever talked with man.

>> No.29474704

I honestly thought it could have been because being live made them more stiff, but after two years? Yeah, they're just colleagues and there's no point in convincing yourself otherwise.

>> No.29474717
Quoted by: >>29475396

Is this why Mori only does songs with Gura exclusively? Especially after Wahwahworld flopped?

>> No.29475396

mori does song collabs with multiple people, she is not exclusive to one person and wahwahworld has more views than the original MV

>> No.29476906
File: 361 KB, 1830x780, vt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.29477105

What are you retards babbling about now?

>> No.29477125

Eh, their collabs always felt pretty awkward to me. Maybe there was a great one here and there like the first jackbox collab, but it mostly felt fake.

>> No.29477189
Quoted by: >>29477870

I want to believe they were at some point but Kiara separated everyone

>> No.29477743
Quoted by: >>29482785

>point out years ago their unity feels fake
>nah bro you're just a nijizhang whos mad about MUH NOOMBERS NIJIBAD
>ffw to now
feels good.

>> No.29477870

t. Schizo.

>> No.29477919

What would make you think otherwise? I mean other than the schizo ramblings of /vt/?

>> No.29478040
Quoted by: >>29478536

What? I drop the v-tubber shit to get my shit together and when I come back everything is upside down.

>> No.29478354
File: 115 KB, 1076x496, 1648087761933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never were.

>> No.29478536

This didn't happen chumpedo

Mori invited Gura to her BnB, but Mori also invited her sister who decided to throw a loud party with a few people.
Chumkeks think Gura was too much of an autist to leave or say something to Mori.
They also decided to doxx the location of the party because Mori said the party spilled out to the curb just to spite mori

>> No.29478814
File: 682 KB, 806x649, Screenshots_2022-07-28-20-52-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29485401

"with my CHAD BEST FRIENDS" it's gotta be intentional at this point

>> No.29478990

has Kiara done anything nice to Gura?

>> No.29479043


>> No.29479253

lol what a fucking retard

>> No.29481780

Cuckbeats believes anything this bitch says

>> No.29482696

Gura arrived to a BnB that had Calli's drunk sister holding a rager.

>> No.29482785
Quoted by: >>29483892

I mean you needed meds if you didn't think Amesame and Takamori weren't forced and actually really awkward. But now you know that Myth probably doesn't like each other and just does collabs for unicorn money.

>> No.29483892
Quoted by: >>29493874

>Unicorn money
It's merch money, they use rare Myth collabs to shill merch.

There's still 3 genuine friendships in Myth though. Kiara with Ame and Ina.

>> No.29484622
Quoted by: >>29486380

Gura flat out stayed in a room of a BnB that was supposed to be HERS with headphones in because reaper sis threw a giant fucking party at the house

>> No.29485343

I wish they were friends and im sad they arent

>> No.29485401

What's happened that I've missed? Did Mori do something stupid again that made people think she hates her colleagues again?

>> No.29486380
Quoted by: >>29487181

How do you all know about this? Was it on Mori's rm account?

>> No.29486538

Not surprised honestly. Everytime they collabed together as a group it felt like a formality to lead up to announcing something.

>> No.29486834
Quoted by: >>29487041

Mori loves mouse more
Kiara tries to hard
Ame is a loner
Ina is boring af
Gura is a bed pisser

>> No.29487041
File: 333 KB, 667x1000, cb72d9cfa064e82d5562285dac118125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura omorashi endurance thread when??

>> No.29487181
Quoted by: >>29487438

Mori literally talked about it on stream. As for the airbnb, a few people were able to find it because of her sister and her friends posting about it on instagram and they likely had to leave early because of it.

>> No.29487293

>They also decided to doxx the location of the party
no mori's sister doxxed the location on her insta

>> No.29487416
Quoted by: >>29487967

>Kiara and Amelia - good friends
do you mean how she try hard to steal Ame viewers?
>Kiara and Ina - good friends
this is the most disgusting thing i read today

>> No.29487438
File: 145 KB, 500x500, 1652313971399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that I watch Mori's streams

>> No.29487568

>t. nijiniggers jealous small corpo shills, and thread readers
you will never, ever be as successful as even the least popular Myth, get over it

>> No.29487633

Here I thought anons would give more juice but all they have is the airbnb thing....
Fucking baited, fuck this thread

>> No.29487702


>> No.29487907
Quoted by: >>29488736

Im sure at first they werent, then they might have grown closer but after a while began to hang out with one over the other.
Ame and Gura seemed inseparable at one time
and so did Mori and Kiara
but now they wife swapped and Ina
is just kinda there.

>> No.29487967
File: 1.66 MB, 1868x1121, 1649971135937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you mean how she try hard to steal Ame viewers?
What you meant to say was
>Do you mean how she tryhards* to steal Ame's* viewers
>this is the most disgusting thing i read today
Again, another mistake, what you should have said was
>This is the most disgusting thing I've* read today
Hope this helps you my ESL friend.
Also, why do you care about the friendships of 3 vtubers that you obviously don't watch?

>> No.29488736
Quoted by: >>29488960

you realize these people are nothing like the characters they're playing on stream? Gura is very close in personality to Nyanners.

>> No.29488960

I dunno Mori seems the same

>> No.29489457
Quoted by: >>29504034


>> No.29489661
Quoted by: >>29498416

>Sisters gossiping at the hair saloon: the thread

>> No.29490969
Quoted by: >>29498416

There's already a piece of evidence for your statement but delusional unityfags always call me a schizo and refuse to look at things through logic and not rose-tinted glasses. The odds of some management larping schizo being able to write something as accurate as this one-year-old post are fucking null.


If you've done your reps you would know how much kiara loves gacha games like Genshin.

>> No.29491583

>Remember Gura's post-collab chat?
I do.
>The only one she really didn't have much good to say about was Kiara.
She had a lot to say about Kiara, all of it good. Mori on the otherhand... it's clear she didn't appreciate her sister's rager.

>> No.29493193
Quoted by: >>29493453

Mori and her sister provide the informations gaslightbeat

>> No.29493453

>with an s
Are you indonesian?

>> No.29493874
Quoted by: >>29514888

Kiara is friends with Ame and Ina because the chickenwhore is not threatened by both of them..give either of them a smash hit song and kiara will ignore them or moan about how shes being unfairly treated like a schizo she is

>> No.29494107

not even deadbeats are this stupid, nice one ametorinigger.

>> No.29494859

Mori loves the clout she can exploit from Gura. Mori's friendship with Myth only extends to what she can get from them (Ame 3D until she had access to the company studio, Kiara and Omocat, Gura and popularity)

>> No.29495264

>The only one she really didn't have much good to say about was Kiara
Nigger didn't she talk about Kiara the most second only to Ame? And it was also mostly good things, even the cumbuds in global were surprised by that.

>> No.29497321
Quoted by: >>29507957

When did AmeSame friendship died? I thought they were pretty close friends.
I haven't seen much of the vtubers..

>> No.29498416

>hair saloon

>> No.29498509

They're co-workers and they're women anon. The game was rigged from the start.

>> No.29498780
Quoted by: >>29499157

Ame is barely compatible with humans.
Mori is busy.
Kiara takes after her oshi and is a numberqueen, will always resent gura, possibly harboring resentment for Mori as she never got to tongue that reaper butthole
Ina is chained in the chink gacha mines and only gets let out on Wednesdays
Gura is.. cultivating her mold

>> No.29498878
Quoted by: >>29499073

The real MYTH all along

>> No.29499073


>> No.29499157

Can confirm, I am the mold

>> No.29500095
Quoted by: >>29502250

>Amelia and Gura
I never gave a shit about Gurame but how is their friendship deceased after having that offcollab not too long ago? There's no way they could've gone from "Ame cooks Gura steak dinner in celebration for her vtuber birthday and sing karaoke together all night long" to not exchanging words in under 2 months, not based on anything any of us know.

>> No.29500182

They are not friends, if they were, DDK would at least like a tweet from one of them, but she doesn't. Neither does the person behind Kiara. The "friendship" is just part of the hololive lore, they play characters who are friends with each other but IRL barely keep in touch.

In fact, there are many people who took the bait that there were couples in the off collab who slept together in the same bed, that is a lie and pure yuribaiting since again, they are only acquaintances, it makes no sense for them to sleep together .

>> No.29501018
Quoted by: >>29501769

>Made an embarassment of Ina
No that would be Mori, when she made skinwalker Myth be back-up dancer

>> No.29501769

they deserve it, someone has to use those models or they'll go to waste, and why would she want to deal with Ina getting angry over doing Idol things instead of paying someone willing to put in effort? Honestly I think it should just be standard practice to have stand-ins for Ina and Ame at all live concerts that require movement

>> No.29501775

If I remember right Calli got messed up by the time zone switch and missed it accidentally.

>> No.29502250

It's just the usual rrat that spreads around every time they didn't collab or interact with each other for an extended period of time.

>not exchanging words in under 2 months
They both speak of each other fondly in their post-offcollab zatsus. After that Gura has barely streamed. Ame did reply to Gura's flossing tweet though.

>> No.29503869
Quoted by: >>29504734

Western women are incapable of being friends with eachother, the holohomos have displayed more synergy in 1 week than the EN branch in 2 years

>> No.29504008

I thought the new homo thread was gay. But holy smokes you gossiping little faggots kys.

>> No.29504034

he clearly hasn't heard of calliope "transactional relationships" mori

>> No.29504128
File: 23 KB, 346x406, THROW DOWN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

colleagues, retard. pretending to be friends on camera is literally a part of their job.

>> No.29504221

Holy shit you guys really love to over analyze their relationships with each other.

>> No.29504656

Is this your first day here? Fuck off.

>> No.29504734


>> No.29507544
Quoted by: >>29508128

i heard ina is good friends with mag dude and she will get closer with him than any girls. that should show how comfortable she is around real friends vs coworkers.

>> No.29507556

Hi mori.

>> No.29507957

Basically when Gura found better friends in Council. Now they barely interact.

>> No.29508128
Quoted by: >>29508246

>Mag is going to graduate first just like Sana who is also friends with Ina
Oh no, no, no MAGBROS we got too cocky

>> No.29508246

you misunderstood, he made friends with ina after debut, he's not another nepotism hire

>> No.29508307

Okay so who is Ina's nepotism hire in Tempus?

>> No.29508354

nobody, she tried to push ao but it was too much since he's a boring faggot so he returned as omega to get at least crumb of attention

>> No.29508398

Do your reps and learn to schizo like a normal anon.

>> No.29508416

The blue guy

>> No.29509001
Quoted by: >>29509079

Source: I saw a couple of drawings and put the pieces together. Trust me!

>> No.29509079
Quoted by: >>29509198

there's no source cause i made it up just for the heck of it. now tell me, did it make your blood pressure rise when you read it at first, tacuck?

>> No.29509198
Quoted by: >>29513590

The only Myth member I pay any attention to these days is the Chicken. Bait was fairly good though. You got a talent at it.

>> No.29513590

Is your oshi liked by her colleague?
Hard mode: Other than Ame

>> No.29514888

Ina's song are more succesful than Kiara's though, that's some bullshit narrative
