A thread for the discussion of the camp counselor of carnage, Mori Calliope, and the members of her extended universe.
mori spreading her legs apart..
>>29429908Probably when Kaitlyn lost her gun to Bobby
>>OPPrevious thread: >>29417744//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-ENYT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_qhgtOy0dy1Agp8vkySQg Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope #calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilustSpotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8 //// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yqts40iciiAUpcoming stream: _(:3」∠)_//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4 DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive Shinigami Note (OUT NOW! - July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5BRLBJ81BA//// Stream Kamouflage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlWzYgXfvgU//// Crunchyroll Expo 2022: https://twitter.com/crunchyrollexpo/status/1547298566527500290//// https://crunchyrollexpo.com/en/holomeetngreet/ //// LIVE SHOW (major debut):New Underworld OrderJuly 21, 2022 @ Toyosu PIT//// VOD AVAILABLE UNTIL AUGUST 21 via SPWN//// MERCH EXTENDED to AUGUST 1https://newunderworldorder.hololivepro.com/ Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV Remember to love your Mori. :}
I wonder if they'll talk about it at chadcamp
Well, that game sure was.. something, I guess.Kinda shitty compared to Until Dawn, but it had some real fucking kusa moments
I just spent 6+ hours with my Mori and now she's gone...See you guys in 8 hours for mooms I guess
nice, she even ended right before Sora-chan
>>29430753is he? imagine getting jewwed out of being a day 1 deadbeat cause of the war
>>29431168The streamer was shitty, not the game.I saw it first with one of my fleshie favorite streamer play it ; was good, made it entertaining, didn't screw up everything (just Jacob)...Mori can't even line up a shotty, talks over the characters, tells her life or what the fuck every other movie she saw right in the middle of a cutscene. What the actual fuck. She should stick to rapping.
>>29431584Here's your (You) since the thread archived before you could grab one. Don't spend it all at once
>>29431584>watching hololive for gameplay
>>29431394Haha, yeah, imagine. Thankfully there is a way.>>29431168It was terrible but Mori managed to make it entertainingly terrible. How do companies that make shit like this even sustain themselves?
>>29431584This is sad man
>>29431394Imagine? I know it's nothing compared to the real pain out there, but the 2 year member badge talk the other day made me seethe real good. And I already made peace with missing out on the streams.
>>29431872>How do companies that make shit like this even sustain themselves?There's a substantial market for these interactive movies, and they're relatively cheap to make given you're only putting together a bunch of cutscenes with a few QTEs rather than an actual videogame.
>>29432034You at least got your Proof, right?
Who should she play Man of Medan with?
>>29432034Dude, whether you're in Russia, Belarus or some other place that doesn't accept your card, it's not that hard:1. Find a marketplace selling prepaid US visas. Note that they're fucking expensive compared to "real" exchange rate.2. Use VPN to fake being in US to YT.3. Attach the card and pay with it.4. Mori!
[Good news]
This is going to be a long vod to watch, and considering its over 7+ hours, its going to take like half a day or more to processI hope that possible guerilla stream happens after CHAD cast and not before
>>29432171damn, that's cute as fuck
>>29431984Yes, it was.
>>29432094>There's a substantial market for these interactive moviesRegardless of quality? That sounds sad. >they're relatively cheapWouldn't actors cost you quite a bit? You're recording a ton of lines and I assume mocap data as well compared to length of the game since you're adding all branching paths on top of the normal game length. But I guess it's still cheaper than an actual game of comparable length since much less coding and modeling is involved.
>>29432132Ame or Bae
>>29432400>Wouldn't actors cost you quite a bit?If they're big name actors like Mads Mikkelsen or Keanu Reeves, yeah. But these aren't, so buying their likeness comes cheap. Hell there's one actress infamous for getting hired for a bunch of different games. Wouldn't be getting that many gigs if it cost an arm and a leg.
>>29432400>>Wouldn't actors cost you quite a bit?no, its insanely cheap if you don't hire union members. barely minimum wage, if that
>>29432188CHaD cast is gonna be at night for her, Super Reading only makes sense to do during the daytime.
>>29432740I mean you're gonna get what you pay for
Good morning deadbeats. I had to go to sleep after the first 1.5 hours of the stream. How was the rest?
>>29433249Fairly cinematique, I dare say.
>>29432996>still replying to homos after debut
mori mention in zeta...but nobody came...
>>29433798What’d she say?
>>29434049calli-senpai is a different breed (on completing jump king)
>>29433798The Jump King Fairy has already returned to her home planet...
>>29433310>It's been [ ] hours since Mori has left Holostars alone to give them space to grow
>>29434157>different breed____, __ __.
I came to Mori purring again, really great stuff
I think she's said she played the first Life is Strange but the prequel and sequels could be her kinds of games. Relatable characters, real drama, choices (that sometimes *almost* matter!), music, some dialogue and scenes you have to laugh at.
>>29434813meh, I really don't want these story games to be her thing just because she finished one. I know that she's going to play Man of Medan though.
>>29435041Having one every few months is good. She's been doing well with balancing content so it's not all the same pace. Another action game wouldn't hurt once she clears all the current titles.
Fuck it, let's see an FFVII-R playthrough.
https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1552429268889915394?t=SOpTHb1YpYZmlzP27FQkNg&s=19O shit, a snake reply I missed.
only gaming theme i want mori to return to is rpg maker sundayshow me the kuso
>>OPthat OP art is incredible. the fact they can portray moris hair color accurately using what are in isolation just shades of gray tricking our brain into thinking its pink is incredible color theory.
>>29435327I'm definitely on board for RPGMaker Sundays though. Maybe it's just these story games from the US are just so meh to me but I enjoyed Reine's 999 and Somnium series
>>29435198Will Mori fork over the gil to get Cloud his handjob?
>>29435493His what now?
>>29436680Ah, sorry. "Luxury Hand Massage"
>>29434813only the first one is remotely good
>>29433310Did you really think it'd stop? She does what she wants. She probably also thinks that for EN the idea that the company disallows them to talk would cause them image problems.
>>29436951>idol culture bad!
>>29436780I don't remember this scene in the original
She does what she wants because doing anything else would be unacceptable to her. Comparing her to others is pointless, no one else is Mori.
>>29437115You don't see it in OG FF7 because Cloud is canonically poor
>>29436990Yeah, surprisingly a large section of the EN sphere doesn't like the idea of women being told they can't talk to who they want. Who'd have guessed?
I feel asleep during Lauras Flashback. How was the rest of Quarry my beats?
>>29437115I remember you got a special message from a dude in the original. Heard that you got an implied gang bang too from a bunch of dudes but I never knew how to trigger that event.
>>29437529That game is really bad. But Mori had fun with it until just before first ending and then she started making fun of the game
>>29437323yeahbut how many are Calli?
>>29438261I'm really digging these ID2 models, I wouldn't mind an Ope like them.
I wasn't as interested in the story after Abigail and Emma were guaranteed to survive. But it is amusing seeing that Mori started screwing up at the end and we finally got to see the brutal deaths these games are pretty good at at least. Also this podcast is terrible.
>>29438520unironically the best fix to the podcast would've been an interview with the surviving characters that would also round up their relationships (like Abby finding Nick or Duncan learning how to deal with his dismemberment)
Good morning Deadbeats. I'm going to watch the vod. Before I do, what's this I'm seeing about a Waterboy watchalong? Is it actually happening or was it one of those "I'd like to do this" (no delivery) plans?
>>29438840She made the schedule for next week yesterday and its on it
>>29438840Waterboy confirmed for next week
>>29436990Idol Culture isn't derived from 2010's idol anime, faggot.
>>29438870>>29438879Did she at least mention a watchalong for the concert?
This was a pretty perfect game to play before a camping themed CHADcast. I think Bae would be a pretty good partner for Man of Medan or whatever other Dark Pictures game they play, so long as they don't care about saving everyone that is.
>>29432736These guys weren't exactly unknowns. Most of them have had major film and TV roles, or are Hollywood insiders in some other way.
>>29439048CHADcast Plays: Man of Medan #1
>>29438870>>29438879What a fucking news to wake up to.
>>29436990Idol culture isn't the problem, it's people who wanna reduce it to this shit that are.
Community poll for Live A Live is up.
>>29437529Mori made it entertaining in spite of the abysmal ending
I wish people who knew more about idol culture would speak up against those who want to reduce is to "male interaction=bad; "
>Mori gets another chance to save KaitlynGive it to me straight boys, does she do it?
>>29439406I do, but the loud fucks have already made up their mind so they don't stop.
>>29439466yes but no
>>29439466It took four tries, but yeah, she did it. Mostly because of bad mechanics, but she really had no clue what she was doing throughout, and then got lucky on try #4
>>29439600I honestly hope she doesn't guerilla it up, I've been sleeping for like 3 hours a day to catch her this week and then she made every stream long as fuck
>>29439642Even thought it's a special theme episode I wouldn't expect Chadcast to go on too long.
>>29439642And the timing for all of them has been aggressively shitty for anyone from the Americas. I miss sleep
Yeah, it's weird that The Quarry was so dedicated to the podcast bit, the one thing I did enjoy about the other games was those interviews at the end.
Well can you?https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1552670420171493377
>>29440381Wow. Look at her go.>Mori starfish!
>>29440236I'm curious about why too. A lot of podcasts about dark stuff (true crime, horror, weird ideas, whatever) have taken off lately. Maybe they thought it would be cost effective to bank on people enjoying that? It was definitely a shitty choice regardless.
>>29440236Honestly it wouldn't have been so bad if they had resolved who 'one of the hosts is stupidly skeptical' bit during the game. That they took so long to deal with that during the credits was straight up painful.
>>29440381suisei was there and saw this
>>29440782Deadbeats, do not make it weird.
>>29440782Her model is wearing short spats.Also>Hololive virtual officeShe's gonna be in a Hologra isn't she?
>>29440827I don't think they are? A lot of deadbeats are some of the most determinedly un-horny vtuber fans I've seen. The ones who replied seem pretty normal about it
>>29441001Deadbeats should not be horny for their boy.The sexualization of my wife is very disrespectful and I will not stand for it, nor will I sit for it. Rather, I will use the chair to bash in the skull of any fuckboy who tries anything.
>>29440988I mean hopefully, sure, but it's not even the first time she's used her 3D model in that setting.
Moririn, I love herhttps://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1552674310807961600
>no more stressful deadlines >is happierI want mori to reach a point where she can feel i want to write a song and then release it whenever instead of putting a strict deadline on herself but I imagine for someone as her having deadlines is how she has huge output
>>29441365why is she happy? roommate shit?
>>29441484I think its because she Will play rust next weeks and happy to play with the other girls
rrat: She got whatever metric UMG actually used to measure the success of the concert back and it looks decent
>>29441365This hit me way too hard... Im so happy she is enjoying herself.. I love her too much
Mori needs a deadbeat train ran on her so she can feel all the love, excitement, frustration, anxiety, and everything else her fans feel for herThen we all cuddle and then say no homo
>>29441365I love this silly Dork so goddamn much
>>29441831We all have to be bi...
>>29440939>"BEST" FRIENDS
>>29441716I'm pretty sure that happened, but I doubt that's why it made her happier. Mori cares about numbers, but she's not a numberfag. What makes her happy on a day to day basis is probably stuff we don't see, or less autistic stuff that we do.Still, one of the better rrats I've heard recently.
>>29441935Is there a problem?
>>29441484NUO happened around a week ago
>>29441484Next week>Rust>Live A Live>Adam Sandlershe's pretty happy
>>29441484>EP release>sololive>a bunch of great streams where she opened up to deadbeats and was extremely chipper and happyTough to say
>>29441716>decentShe likely blew expectations out.
>>29441716Maybe more news on that really big name she said wanted to collab with her as well.
>>29441484EP sales didn't flop
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWBiBa3bN8sBest version
>>29441365Dang Mori, you hate Sana that much?
>>29442903Looking a little flat from some angles this close up but it's cool to see the people up front getting hype. Wonder if that dude to the right is the person she was talking about headbanging like crazy.
>>29442935See this is what's always funny to me. Sometimes I think of shitposting angles like this (don't worry I haven't ever shitposted and won't) that are a lot funnier than what schizos come up with
So does this mean she's over her "I'm never happy when I'm in Japan" phase? It was always likely going to get better with getting out of her house and exercising/eating well
>>29443201Actual funposting is what usually begets the retards in the first place
Come to think of it, yeah. It's been a week.How do you feel about Shinigami Note?How did you like New Underworld Order?
when will myth and cope do a cabaret simulation like JP talents. its always fun to see okato and towa play their roles and even pekora and others are fun to RP as hosts.Specially if Mori is made to be the host.
>>29443961The only one with the confidence to pull something like that off is Kiara, maybe IRyS. Mori would just be Calvin.
>>29443911The "I feel like I need to pay more for what I got" sentiment a lot of people echoed basically sums up my feelings. The entire experience was great and very well put on by UMJ and Mori. Proudest I've ever been to be a fan of someone/something
>>29444051Kronii would probably get into it as well
>>29444129I want to see Kronii, Mori, and Ame do an entire stream with their Ash Ketchum voices
>>29443911SN is not her best work but it is solid and I appreciate how for her "Doing something mainstream" was the experiment. I don't love all the songs, but I still do like them. NUO is like a dream but it happened. You wake up and it's still there. It feels like a before-and-after point in her career because nearly two years after debut she finally got on a stage...and she fucking killed it. She couldn't have done that a year ago. How does she improve after that? It makes me so excited, for her and to see where/when the other girls go on stage (or similarly fulfill their own goals.)
>>29442420If you think for a couple seconds, UMJ probably don't expect anything of her and it's mostly an experiment. "Interesting, a singing and rapping anime girl that has millions of views on YT, wonder if we can make this profitable?" And as a result, they had to produce additional CDs to sell, successfully sold special merch, instantly filled the venue - that's just what we know for a fact. Hell, they actually accepted her request to improve the situation after the first "special edition" promotional stream, gave her more control over music, agreed on producing an album and started looking into getting a bigger venue. Last I checked at my own annual review, they don't start fulfilling every single wish you have if you're just "average".>>29443911SN is pretty good though it's much better live. Holy shitto is almost two different songs. NUO were the best two hours I had since beginning of the year at least.
>>29443798Keep in mind that Mori does her best after seeing her family, and her tailspin earlier this year was spurned by Lockdowns 2: Electric Boogaloo canceling the vacation home she had planned: one she literally referred to as "the only thing keeping her sane" during the mad rush at the end of the year.With second base being established, I feel she's preparing as best as she can just in case that happens again, but for now she's still riding high, and it's a sight to see.
>>29444198>How does she improve after that?I was thinking this too and stamina and choreo are really the only things I could think of. If she gets in good shape instead of just "ok shape", she can minimize fatigue and do more of what she wants
>>29443911Still riding high from the concert, and was the perfect way to limit my sadness at Sana's Graduation.
>>29444402>3d backflip live!>actual wielding of Scythe where she and Iroha beat up sickos.
>Kobo never tweeted from Mori's account
>>29443911I'm a fan of Shinigami Note, even if I don't get as much out of the lyrical content as I do from UnAlive. She said she was making a pop album, so she made a pretty damn good pop album.NUO is a benchmark point in her career. What an amazing show. Absolutely electrifying from start to finish, and somehow only escalated until the very end.
>>29443911Shinigami Note was alright, I appreciate her trying a different direction than she usually does.New Underworld Order was great and I enjoy the live versions of songs I was felt lukewarm on after hearing the studio versions.
>>29444505I want Ricky to appear in 3D so badly!
https://twitter.com/Ririsya_music/status/1552554359401385986HOLY SNEK BOOBA
>>29444518I don't think an EN has ever fulfilled a single out-of-stream batsuge.
>>29444198actual dance choreobeing able to do some real idol shit on that scene, NUO was still mostly the rapper Calli
>when I was a reaper I had to numb myselfI’ve noticed she’s made quite a few offhand comments about how she wasn’t the nicest person previously. Though I suppose this time it’s more about the game than a comment on her life.
>>29444608I think the Long Tako is the only one we've gotten
>>29444689>idol calli is short-haired>idol costume is based on OWTH colors.Y/N?
>>29444693This isn't news. You'll get the best summary of it from the eoal lyric breakdown.
>>29440381UUUWWWWWAAAAAA-check put the shape of her thigh, god damn
>>29444793I'd say Lose Lose Days is a better summary of that. It's basically a love song to Myth/Holo for changing her bitter views
>>29445011In song form, but I'm talking about her actually addressing it.
>>29444996This is a distilled Mori image. Pure sex and a goofy face
Speaking of NUO and how it enhanced a lot of Shinigami Note, I personally thought Let's End the World was good, but nothing all that special.Now, after seeing the concert live and feeling how hype she got the crowd during it, it might have shot up to the top of the MP for me.
>>29445250I like every song off SN 10 times more live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn5Ym8OJtusI've been listening to this after the ID2 new outfit announcements and I was reminded again just how much the zoombie loves Mori (both her Rikka and Watame song inclusions were the songs where Mori features)
>>29445280make it clap so hard I'll get a six song encore
So how was the stream?
>>29445250Kamo is the most poppy, so it actually blends the best with non-rap choreoHoly Shitto is rap heavy, but the flow is fairly steady and broken up with the fairly vocally calm chorus, so it doesn't strain her a lotLETW and MEA are perfect encore songs, because they don't exhaust either her vocals or rap abilities too much, they rely strongly on powerful tracks and atmosphereoverall they are good liveshow songs, for different reasons
>>29445603pretty great but the ending had rare Mori genuinely trashing on a game for ending not living up to the rest
>>29445250The entire encore set was perfectly-chosen. I don't know why I didn't figure RIP wouldn't be the final song.
>>29445603Dumb as fuck but still pretty fun>>29445712I think that ending bit is a moment where every faction of deadbeat was on the same page
I'm excited for the next schedule. I'm hyped for Live A Live but I hope she spaces it out a little bit, so she can make more progress with Elden Ring and Va-11 Hall-A, especially with Elden so close to completion.
>>29445941I think if she's able to set aside the time she should in theory be able to beat Elden Ring in one go.
>>29443911>Come to think of it, yeah. It's been a week.Yup.>How did you like New Underworld Order?Honestly, I couldn't appreciate it fully as it was happening 'cause I was watching from work and couldn't jam the fuck out with her. But after seeing all those clips, and art, and discussion... Fuck it was good. She could take the two-week full vacation she promised and I would be riding the high for months, it was that good.>How do you feel about Shinigami Note?The songs are growing on me, as it always happens when lyrics come out with the MVs.Things are looking good.
>>29446124Can Tiche carry her through the remaining bosses? She was able to save a lot of time by clutching that Godskin victory.
UnAlive > Your Mori > Shinigami Note > DEAD BEATS
>>29432151I could swear I saw a BYN supa in Mori's a couple days ago.
>>29444402I think even some of the fittest holos would have struggled to do that set list in such a short period. Like Koro-san could do front flips for maybe a few songs but now 21 songs while never taking breaks. Speaking of, did the dude who couldn’t shut up about NUO being absolutely being pre-recorded ever show his sorry ass again?
>>29446206ever since Malenia no boss took her more than 4-5 attempts, and she nearly beat Fire Giant on foot and without summons the first go aroundand she actually clutched the entire fucking third of that fight, going against TWO Godskins, on her 4th attemptI think we need to give our boy some credit, she has a workable build and some decent skills built up by now
>>29446206Elden beast (and maybe placidusax) will remain an issue imo but everything else should be able to be deleted pretty easily in a try or two.
>>29446616>against all odds, Rykard filters her
>>29446647>doesn't find the Storm Ruler halberd even though it's being shoved right in your face as soon as you enter the arenaI can see it
>>29446647>she somehow finds the fight funnier than Ina did and can't actually fight against the guy
>>29443911SN was okay but not worth the hype imo. The concert however was godlike.
>>29446740it honestly shouldn't really matter, between Tiche and DMGS she has enough % damage she can bruteforce through his healthbar
>>29446740I genuinely did this. Picked it up and didn't give a shit. Fortunately my build just meant I walked up and tanked the fire while killing him. Made the fight really dull, but hey.
>Tempus is going to be at CR Expo tooIs that the fastest debut to event time in Hololive history?
>>29432151Thanks, I might look into it. Or I might use the seethe as extra motivation to GTFO instead. If I get back in, I might start feeling okay with the way things are going, and I'm not sure if I want to.
>>29448267These poor dudes literally can't even stream for longer than an hour yet and they're already being thrown to the masses? Isn't this a bit premature?
>>29448267>>29448607Please stop, I don't want to saviorfag them.
>>29448267Nevermind Uncle Nowa, Lui is apparently going to be there and I'm so fucking angry that I can't go
>>29446647She has Mimic Tear, it's literally impossible. You can equip the spear, summon mimic and go make coffee, it will do just fine on its own. She'll be probably busy laughing from the goofy voice acting. TOGETHAAAAAAAAA.
>>29449669She is, along with Chloe, Sora, Migo, and A-Chan. They got a stacked guest list
>>29448267>all these fucking guests at crunchyroll expo of all the places to go toWould now be a good time to consider a potential hololive anime rrat? Especially if your boy voices themself in it?
>>29449777>now I don't know what other English con she could possibly be at in the futureI'm going to pray that she and Mori will be at AnimeNYC
What the fuck, it knows?
>>29449891I could see it, honestly Crunchyroll is a step up from Kadokawa
>>29446538The schizo one? Probably changed his targets god knows how many times since then.The autistic/inquisitive one? I got my answer on how she was going to pull off 20+ songs in a row without it being stitched together from multiple takes. (It was by heavily relying on the track vocals so as not to collapse breathless, as seen in reaper business.) My curiosity was satisfied, and that was that.
>LITERALLY BAKI is crushing the Live-a-Live voteBased
>>29449891Considering the girls, especially Council have notably been recording a shitton over the past few weeks, maybe a trailer could drop for a series of shorts or something.
man, Vesp really neatly fits into that hole between Mori's usual broadcasts
>>29449777I still have no idea what this shit is. Like will they be there live or is it just recordings?
>>29451054Nice.On the other hand, let's never allow greys to comment on community posts again.
>>29451353probably a mixture
>>29451484the fuck is going on there?
>>29451484 I'm actually only seeing actually nice comments about how they're excited that she's playing it, even from greys
>>29451811Not much, the most "offensive" things I see going on is some deadbeats not knowing what a baki is, and some greys suggesting she leans into the sheriff gimmick more.
They (and any other holos no pictured) love their Mori.
Yeah they're just mostly meming it up it seems. I can't judge them too harshly because i literally did the same thing
>>29452128>>29452043>>29452156I think seeing stuff like that will honestly make her happy, she's getting people to look up what Baki is and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive
>>29452351as a non baki reader you take one glance at that shit and know, instantly, that it owns. it can't be helped
>>29451811>>29452043Oh, it's no big deal, I'm just whining about the top comment having absolutely no sense of moderation, which is a bad show for both the commenter and the likers.Worse things happen like every five minutes, don't let me make it look important.
>>29452430I'm a non-Baki reader and my first impression is that its atrociously drawn.
>>29452151The original Takamori "daughter". Then came Moom, and now Kobo.
>>29442720I honestly wonder who this is. It's likely not Ado but I'm pretty sure she used "she" the one time she got really excited about it when she said they talked "and DEFINITELY wanted to collab". Maybe Zuttomayo?
>>29452711yes, exactly
>>29453164I don't see why not Ado. It's really anything goes when it comes to speculation with UMG stuff. This is uncharted territory, for her and us.
>>29453164Didn't she mention meeting Ado before backstage at a concert and hit it off?I just hope it's not Billie Eilish
>>29453411>>Didn't she mention meeting Ado before backstage at a concert and hit it off?she did not mention by name who that was, and I'm pretty sure that was before Ado was big enough that she'd feel a need to conceal her identity lol
>>29453537Yeah she felt like it was fine to mention she mention she met Zuttomayo in person so it has to be someone even bigger.
I think the various anons saying they didn't really get into the songs off the EP until the heard it live is the result of the inherent differences between doing a song live versus a studio version. Studio version may often end up ironing out a lot of emotion and energy out a song to make it sound clean and almost sterile at times. My dad would tell me he'd always preferred buying records of live performances from bands he liked whenever he could cause he just thought it was a better experience. I think it's a hard thing to gauge, there seems to be a disconnect between audiences and critics on this one. Wilshire from Tyler the Creator was probably his biggest song off his latest album that went over really well with fans, and pretty much every critic I've seen complained about the sound quality of the vocals on the track, which he had done in one take on a less than stellar mic. Personally I can't really get into Turnstile, but when I hear about they had cut their teeth in underground shows across North America, I get the feeling that part of that is probably because I'm listening to the studio recording on expensive headphones, missing out out on a lot of the "essence" of what made so many fans get behind them. To tie it back around to Mori, I think I've listened to EoaL around a hundred time, but her live performances recently of song have made me almost tear up cause there's just something there that's not in the MV or Itunes version.
Oh god, I'm going to die tomorrow.Gotta wake up at 6am for CHaD cast then Anirevo most the rest of the day. If you will be there and want a resin mini Ope i'll post something that you can identify me by. Best chance will probally be around the IRyS and Kronii thing, but I'll be around most the day.
>>29452439I have no idea what you guys are taking about. The comments look normal.
It just feels nice to have a community post that's not a sched or a members reservation. Feels like it's been a while
Her sleeping schedule's back???
>>29455414too much black oolong tea
>>29455414She posted to specifically spite you anon.
>>29454508>29454508tbdesu I think it's just that most of us are nerds sitting at home who have up until this EP been listening to her from a much more chilled out angle, with music that has a more obviously emotional core vs seeing concert anthems performed at a concert by an excellent stage performer and fully observing the scenario they were designed for
>>29454689Ope cum jar..
>>29454508Naahhhh the new MVs are just that dogshit. The weird dancing with the default mori outfit is the biggest offender. I can't watch mera-mera MV more than once, only when i witnessed it live i realized that it's an amazing song. i also imagine mori's thiccc hips and butts every time i listened to it
>>29456157We unironically need Patterns and Rei back for MVs.
>>29455705I mean back to yuro time. lol
I didn't watch the quarry vod yet. Did she mention when will she head back to the states?
>>29455705>>29455492Look at the time it was tweeted, it's actually probably a scheduled tweet
>>29456387Patterns never did the MV, EoaL's MV was done by Mori. Also rei only ever did art, not MV's
>>29456538>not 4:44eh....no.
>>29456890I don't think I could find it in me to harm Lucitan..
>>29457948Hesitation is Defeat, deadbeat.
Damn as soon as Mori figured out the Fire Giant's number she burned his health down super quick.
Hey, deadbeats. Just got back from a 3 day vacation away from anything Vtuber-related. How has Mori been? Also, is that upcoming CHADcast stream an offcollab or just ma regular collab?
>>29458586She was a cute kitty, made good progress in Elden Ring, and got some shitty teens killed in the Quarry and man that game was somethingAlso the CHaDcast is just a regular one but themed
>>29444693>I’ve noticed she’s made quite a few offhand comments about how she wasn’t the nicest person previously.The thing with Mori is that she's incredibly self-deprecating to a fault while also glossing over how terribly other people have treated her. So sure she was probably more flawed back in za day but I don't think it's as bad as she makes it out to seem sometimes.
>>29444693She used to be a little bitter in the past, is all
>>29454508>To tie it back around to Mori, I think I've listened to EoaL around a hundred time, but her live performances recently of song have made me almost tear upThe only time I teared up while listening to EoaL was when she first unveiled it in her last T3 stream. Holy fuck that was such a magical moment that it was all I could think about for the rest of the day. Probably my favorite Mori moment ever.
>>29458586She was a cathttps://streamable.com/is0mqxhttps://streamable.com/2hpt4aThen she was bad at mathhttps://streamable.com/20csgbhttps://streamable.com/84vl63Then she took a day off because throat hortAnd then she killed some kidsNow she's happyhttps://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1552674310807961600Or is she?https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1552730612368302085
>>29458586Also she's a big baby who's unironically scared of dragons, which is dumb because they don't exist
>>29458900>The only time I teared up while listening to EoaL was when she first unveiled it in her last T3 stream. Holy fuck that was such a magical moment that it was all I could think about for the rest of the day. Probably my favorite Mori moment ever.I wasn't around back then...
>>29457948You'll never be the last deadbeat like that
>>29459101>because they don't existshe literally streamed with one and it enhanced her trauma
>>29458900i could live easily w/o t3 at that point but I came so close to upping my membership after seeing people post about that stream
>>29458675>>29458984>>29459101Thanks, guys!
I was looking through tiktok, and it's interesting to see this reception back then. Makes me think that actually was a raid or bots.https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMN4nkutD/?k=1
>>29459564Yeah bro we had this discussion a while ago. It was definitely a raid by some losers on discord or something.
>>29458771>Got in a fight with myself again And I lashed out, no surprise Try as I might, look a saint can’t sin At least in everyone’s eyes>She’s pluggingupherears in purerebellion, it mustbe Fear of contradicting, a life in the un-living A voice of vitriol, pissed at y’all, yet forgivingJust a little bit and she sure really likes reminding herself that she was
>>29459493I'm just happy to be back and making soundposts and clips again. I'm replying to this as a reminder to clip>I feel kinda bad I got both of his love interests killed>oh well, life moves on behind high schoolwhen I'm home from work. Here's another on the house.https://streamable.com/qmpdbo
>>29459564UMG was using tiktok wrong.What they should've done was to virally upload things without an account.
>>29458581her nearly killing it on foot and on her own was a hilarious contrast to Reine's struggle who had her cheese build directly countered and just SUFFERED for hoursespecially hilarious since said cheese build dunked the shit out of Malenia in like 30 minutes
>>29460330Reine ER was pretty special and amusing considering chat helped her make the single most overpowered build anyone in Holo used and she ended up turning full-on UNGA BUNGA incapable of doing anything besides jump attack. Also I think she took a bit more on Malenia before she figured out she can switch nearly all flasks to mana just to spam Blasphemous Blade special.
>>29460001Yep, that's why you support clip channels, and even let them monetize. Even if its stupid out of context shit it will still drive way more traffic to the main channel than they could ever do having "official" clip channels.
>>29460586didn't she try Placidusax like twice, seen the spam/jump attacks completely fail and just fucked off completelyit's funny how indignant she can be
>>29460001>>29460599Here's another point: If Mori's introduction was her perfect verses of Godzilla and Rap God, neutrals would actually not be cringing at her singing Holy Shitto.
>does any one wanna pay me a million bucks to eat this thing (blood tinged excrement)Damn didn't think Mori's trip to Austria rubbed off on her that much.
>>29459253A newbeat...
>>29460758Did she? I didn't see that particular ER stream. That's hilarious.
>Mumei complaining about DeviantArt pointsKEK
Listening to moom, I really think that a MuMori drawing collab would be fantastic for a 1on1. They seem to have similar attitudes about art and somewhat similar skill levels, and I'd wager that moom would feel a little less weird about drawing weird things in front of Mori
>>29461584Mumei is a bit shy about her art, I think she feels a bit intimidated by the members who are/were professionals like Ina, Sana, and Mori. It would take Mori being the one to ask and that would be a miracle
>>29460777If she really tries, she can probably make a strong fanbase on tiktok doing short covers of popular rap songs. I don't think you can even copyright strike someone on tiktok for using popular music too, so no need to worry about that.It's just shitty chinkware with a dumb but large fanbase, it shouldn't be that hard to game the system and get popular for Mori and UMG.
>>29461859Her dances are unironically her strong point on that platform (MM short and the recent MEA one). Leaning into that may help
>>29461584That sounds like a great idea. Mori certainly has experience drawing...questionable things as shitposts. And Mumei would probably appreciate that KlK drawing.>>29461661This is certainly funny. Come on Reine, you could try some more before sounding like a child pretending they didn't want it in the first place.
>>29462039What KlK drawing? I've heard it referenced before, but don't think i've ever seen it.
>>29462039That drawing wasn't her. She was just with her friend when she drew and posted it (same friend who drew Pogliope)
>>29461859IDK about copyright "strikes" but UMG actually just won a lawsuit against Bang Energy over copyrighted music in tiktok videos. Basically tiktok has a licensing deal for the music clips, but not for "commercial" use
>>29462397Speaking of Pogliope...New emotes doko?Who did she even commission for them? She should get her money back at this point.
>let me put both my headphones onIs Mori playing games with earbuds? Oof.
>>29462260https://twitter.com/BurnerRav/status/1482244430233063435Also what >>29462397 is correct but I think Mori implied she had also made drawings
Fembeats have gone too far I’ve stumbled upon a few that erp with eachother with a self insert and the other fembeat taking the role of a dommy mommy Mori wtf
Jesas watching Ina having so much difficulty with Mohg for Mori to just bulldoze him is crazy to watch.
>>29462465Copyright strikes that aren't just uploads of full songs/albums or a large commercial project are so fucking dumb. No one is watching a random video/stream just because it has some music in it, but people WILL go out and look for music they heard in those videos/steams if they like it. which helps them.
>>29462465Well yeah that's for ads. I'm saying just have Mori come into the studio, have her rap or sing some popular songs, and put them on tiktok's "for you page" (which is just the main randomized feed for everyone) and let it grow from there.
>>29462584If she did get ghosted on emotes I doubt it was from who she usually uses. That artist also does Fauna's emotes and has added some already for her
>>29462465this is why Mori randomly decided to start shitting on Bang the other day
>>29462678Well yeah that's why fembeats are doing better than us. If they don't get with Mori they have each other.Meanwhile straightbeats only have the one straight(?) Mori.
>>29462861Yeah just let her practice some of the stupid fast rap verses that exist, we know she has the skill to do them without mumbling and that shit would pop off so fast.
>>29462953She does that randomly. She really was addicted to that stuff for awhile.
>>29463209I want Mori to get addicted to banging me....
>>29463209It makes her physically ill every time she drinks it but she keeps trying. Hopefully she learns and just has a Monster Rehab instead, that stuff probably won't trigger the feeling she gets from overly "sugary" drinks
>>29463366Rockstar pure zero punched is my goto, 711s near me sell rockstar for cheaper than buying it in flats at wholesale places for some reason. OG monster or white sugar free monster if that's not available.
>>29462678women are the main producers and consumers of ERPas someone who did some forum/chatroom RP, almost every male group RP was focused on fighting scenarios which instantly devolved into romance and ERP heavy shit whenever any amount of females joinedchicks are deranged and horny and society imposes fair less awkwardness barriers on them expressing it through writing
>>29463606Women like written porn, Men like pictures/videos.
>>29463521What's the appeal of drinking energy drinks? I've never cared for them.
>>29463756I just like the taste of those specific ones. I'd rather have caffeine free versions honestly. I usually just have caffeine pills(or other drugs) if i really need to stay awake.
>>29463606Reminds me of a fembeat drawing where Mori came late because she was with her and I was confused with who she was and it was her self insert
>Mori is scared of fictional dragonsWhat a weirdly kyuut fear. I'd like her to play that one Hobbit game on the Game Cube that had sneaking sections (one around Smaug). The movies were kinds bad though.
>>29463967You can just write "cute" you know.
>>29464229it's a teamate, they sometimes come around if you leave some fish feed around
>>29463967Most fears are irrational. That's why my autistic brain can't enjoy horror movies or games.
>>29464364Rational fears are the scariest ones because you almost always can't overcome them
I love my moon princess
>>29464747no, that is my moon princess and i love her!!
I want to hug Mori.
>Mori getting mad at people saying no "plump sort" aheadayy lmao
whoever the deadbeat that keeps shilling Nene, thanks
>>29465836you're welcome bro
>>29465836She's cute, isn't she?Definitely a different flavor than Mori, but a nice one
What's with HoloEns talking more about euro hours? Are we expecting something EU related?
>>29466534The boys are targeting the euro public... so they are making the girls do the same. They also checked their streaming numbers and realized they never used to do it.
>>29463756Their effectiveness varies from person to person. When I used to drink red bull, it would give me a huge burst in energy and made me feel alive which felt great since my numerous health problems were draining away my soul for a while.
>>29466534Kiara is going to Korea and they need to fill Yuro hours while she's goni
>>29466802I don't get it, why make the girls target the euro hours just because the boys are doing it? I'd assume the reason the boys do it in the first place is because its the most dry timeslot as the girls usually focus on the more prime Jap and Burger hours
>>29466534its basically just moomers and mori though
>Godskin Duo doesn't die when you kill both of themThat really is terrible boss design featuring two incredibly frustrating enemies.
>>29467336four kings in dark souls 1 can have 5 or 3 depending on the amount of damage you doits tradition
>>29467437Yeah but that's not any less shit.
>>29465836I want this fembeat like you wouldn't believe
>>29467336There's only really four of them, since the fight is designed around a shared healthbar
Did Mori say anything about who she’d be playing Rust with, or is she just going solo?
>>29465836we all do our bit
>>29470356The best guess would be Bae/IRyS/Ame or even jumping in with the girls that are already playing
>>29470878the dream is unironically a Mori/Matsuri troll squadthat could also include Anya who became Matsuri's goon
>>29471080Matsuri adopting Mori would be incredibly fun
>>29471080>the dream is unironically a Mori/Matsuri troll squadKeep your heart playing with whore away from my Mori
>>29471270they made up, Himebeatbesides Mori and Matsuri are fairly alike
>>29471531>besides Mori and Matsuri are fairly alike
>>29471647I hope you know i still laugh when when I remember your reaction to a matsuribeeat showing up
>>29471647they're both menhera wearing hearts on their sleeve, plowing through every controversy, getting weirdly obsessive about their favorites and riding between lows and highs on pure charisma and lack of filter
Love me Mori.Simple as.
>>29471692My memory is such shit I barely remember it other than reacting with disgusts
>>29471789>both also able to gain and drop weight incredibly quicklyThis is going too far, we have to shut it down!
>>29471789I don't count Mori as menhera, just excitable if that makes any sense. She acts without thinking but we all do dumb stuff when we're excited about something.
>>29471270They're friends again, you have to let it go..
>>29472658No I don't think I will
Mori... the superchat reading...
I love my Morbi
>>29472987The one she said was at best a maybe?
>>29467437>Remember Dark Souls 1>Yeah, everybody loved O&S>Well let's do that again, but with some Four Kings mixed in>But nobody loved Four KingsI still see O&S as the final bosses of DS1 since everything after them is pure garbage barring maybe Duke's Archives.
>>29473025yea dks1 is the best half a game ever, at least the dlc rules
>>29472987fuck off, I wanna sleep a full night today
>>29473025I still remember going to rape the 4kangs at the start of the game so I could smurf at Sen'sGood times
>>29473343You got a chance for a full night's sleep when she was sick.
>>29473596doing this day 1 on pc release is one of my fonder dark souls memories