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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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290915 No.290915 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't there a hololive EN/-Hood-? Black dudes fucking love anime, and I think a bunch of sassy Shanequas would make for a fun contrast to the rest of the cast.

>> No.291128

I wonder this too. I fucking love brown girls, where's my brown vtubers?
t. white boy

>> No.291168
Quoted by: >>292352

This is a misunderstanding. Black weebs are not interested in black girls.

>> No.291174
Quoted by: >>291193

>sassy Shanequas
you don't want this

>> No.291193

Don't you tell me what I don't want.

>> No.291348
Quoted by: >>291522

You think you want sassy black women vtubers, but you don't, also most blacks that are into anime or even vtubers are super leftie crazies so nah

>> No.291522
Quoted by: >>292416 >>292527

So long as they put on a good show, their IRL personas are irrelevant. You can't tell me you don't want an adorable weeb monke getting misty eyed over fat donos while thanking her viewers in gutterspeak. I certainly do.

>> No.291559

They can make their own group, sure, but there's no way a nigger is getting into Hololive.

>> No.291569

>En gets a black tuber
>6 months later
> "I'm being held back/neglected/Muh oppression in the company cause I'm black"
Yeah, no, I'm good

>> No.291590

That's the secret anon
Black dudes love anime because there's no black girls there.

>> No.291595
Quoted by: >>291810 >>291857

Keep politics, especially idpol, out of vtubing.

>> No.291803
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Quoted by: >>292827

the hololive contract requires you not to do massive Yabs
they would do just that in minutes

>> No.291810 [DELETED] 

They interview hundreds of potentials before choosing even one. I can't imagine they'd pick some hyper-sensitive tumblrina. They want money and clout, and considering that they've really only had that twice, I'd say they're pretty good at it.

>> No.291857

They interview hundreds of potentials before choosing even one. I can't imagine they'd pick some hyper-sensitive tumblrina. They want money and clout, not drama, and considering that they've really only had it twice, I'd say they're pretty good at avoiding it.

>> No.291936
Quoted by: >>292000 >>292010

I can already see the "vtubing so white" hitpieces coming. There isn't a single industry that hasn't adopted the diversity and inclusion meme, its inevitable that western vtubing will be forced to comply.

>> No.292000
Quoted by: >>292227

Cover Corp is owned and operated by Japanese people. I don't think they have diversity quotas.

>> No.292010
Quoted by: >>292123 >>292227

>vtubing so white
>literally invented and dominated by elevens
>writing about their ethnicity can be considered doxing and breaking the law
Also japs would literally tell the fucking SJW journalists to fuck off and mind their own business like they have done so a billion other times.

>> No.292111

Better yet:
>learn spanish
>get a chuuba avatar made in akira toriyama's art style
>land a contract as a dragon ball super broadcaster

>> No.292123
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>writing about their ethnicity can be considered doxing and breaking the law

>> No.292227
Quoted by: >>292250 >>292271

Nobody expects companies based in Japan making products for Japanese people to adopt western hiring practices but when companies venture outside their bubble and making products for the western market they'll eventually be forced to. Vice will write a phony article claiming that non-white characters don't get the same viewing figures as "white" characters and they'll claim that the vtubing community is full of white supremacists.

>> No.292250

Knowing Japan, all that would do is force them to abandon the EN branch. Japan is notoriously racist. Ever wonder why no one watches Flare?

>> No.292268

No one wants a nig

>> No.292271
Quoted by: >>292353

Yeah but unlike movies, TV and digital streaming service. You can't force people to watch shaneequa streams on youtube no matter how much bitching you do. The only way to do this would be banning all eleven vtubers to eliminate the competition.

>> No.292278

That’s cause she looks like a lizard, not a monkey.

>> No.292284
Quoted by: >>292493 >>292663

Explain how Kiara slipped under the radar then

>> No.292304
Quoted by: >>292335

Flare isn't black though.

>> No.292335
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Worse, she's a filthy knife eared forestnigger.

>> No.292337
Quoted by: >>292397

Because appealing to 13% of America isn't as profitable as appealing literally every other first world nation.

Not to mention how Asia's only reference for black people is in Hip-hop trash, which is basically the anthesis of cute innocent idol girls. Might work ironically, but that shit won't fly from the Japanese industry.

Give it time tho, and some western shitshow will try their hand at V-tubers, and they'll have the diversity hires on lock.

>> No.292352

Can confirm

>> No.292353
Quoted by: >>292390

>You can't force people to watch shaneequa streams on youtube
No, but they can promote preferred content and demote non-preffered content. YouTube already do this.

>> No.292390
Quoted by: >>292441 >>292924

And it only works for normie content. It never worked for niche content and will ESPECIALLY never work on weebs who all have yellow fever.

>> No.292397
File: 280 KB, 1080x1342, Screenshot_20210116_112146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>appealing to 13% of America isn't as profitable as appealing literally every other first world nation

>> No.292416

>You can't tell me you don't want an adorable weeb monke getting misty eyed over fat donos while thanking her viewers in gutterspeak.

It's going to be hard but... I'll try


FUCK NO, just how retarded are you?!

>> No.292441
Quoted by: >>292524

Vtubing isn't going to get less niche. It's the future of entertainment.

>> No.292493

Except even she has the sense to be professional and keep her politics out of streams? The only people who ever bring up her politics are /pol/tards in these threads and even then it’s old shit from years ago.

>> No.292523

Probably because she's boring. Besides, that would only make sense if she was last place numberswise, which she isn't im pretty sure. She's actually way more popular than I feel she should be.

>> No.292524
Quoted by: >>292775

Vtubing is niche, the reason it's exploding is because society is creating more and more disillusioned men that want nothing to do with modern society anymore and vtubing is pretty much the only hobby left that is completely devoid of politics after video games got infected with the cancer. If they somehow succeed in spreading the cancer to vtubing, it will die too. I just don't believe they have a way of doing it because of elevens always telling western leftists to go eat a dick.

>> No.292527

No. I don't want them anywhere remotely close to vtubers. I already despise whites getting too close but put up with it because they aren't completely subhuman.

>> No.292555
Quoted by: >>292614

Our goal is to ruin Kiara you fucking mong. Her brainwashed fans sure as fuck aren't going to do it. If you two fucking neurons to rub together, you'd help not criticize.

>> No.292574
Quoted by: >>292640 >>292663

Kiara is experienced enough in Japanese culture to know what's expected of her and what topics to avoid. Nobody's too big to be disciplined or fired.

>> No.292614
Quoted by: >>292663

>Our goal is to ruin Kiara
How embarrassing for you.

>> No.292635

Man this is gonna be a pol bait/race bait thread isnt it

>> No.292640

Kiara was playing atelier Ryze and it had a part where a character got blamed for something his parents did. Kiara went on to say that you should never be blamed for something your family did. This caused the insane people in her chat to start talking about how whites are responsible for the sins of their fathers and kiara read it and said verbatim "I agree with what you guys are saying in chat but that's all I can say about this. I believe it was near the end of her second to last ryza stream.

>> No.292663
Quoted by: >>292724 >>292780

Kiara is a fucking shit and I hate her

>> No.292724

Rent free.

>> No.292744

This is not suprising. She always seemed like a crazy twitter cunt.

>> No.292775

>elevens always telling western leftists to go eat a dick
Sony have already started cucking to appease western sensibilities.

>> No.292778
File: 279 KB, 1950x2276, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>292832 >>292870

Why are whites such cucks on the issue of race?

>> No.292780

The only one worse than Kiara is Mori. She is a bitch.

>> No.292797
Quoted by: >>292910

Link and timestamp or you're making shit up.

>> No.292827

how long would it take for "EN/-Hood-" to have a nigga moment

>> No.292832

It's women's fault.

>> No.292838
Quoted by: >>292874

Because Cover is a japanses company and they don'care about that kind of stuff.

>> No.292870
File: 379 KB, 499x447, 1605630511906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because we don't own our media

>> No.292874

Cover didn't care about an EN branch either until Coco badgered them into it.

>> No.292910

Here you go asshole, I'm sick of you KFP assholes calling me a liar. This time I made sure to note down when she said INSANE SHIT that you guys deny she ever said.

>> No.292923
File: 1.32 MB, 1100x1200, 1596436000155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please. We already have a rapper holo, and a holo whose catchphrase is nigga. It's the next natural step.

>> No.292924

>weebs who all have yellow fever
I'm a weeb and I don't have yellow fever, jap cunts are some of the ugliest bitches

>> No.292934

Anon KFPs don't even watch Kiara they just whiteknight and jack off to fanart

>> No.292960
Quoted by: >>292988 >>293146

>black vtuber thread turned into yet another Kiara anti thread
Funny how this works.

>> No.292962


>> No.292982
Quoted by: >>293020

She straight up says that though your ancestors did bad shit, their descendants aren't to blame. What are you on about? That's the opposite of the twitter narrative.

>> No.292988

Black vtuber thread was doomed to fail anyways. At least it got turned into something useful.

>> No.293020


>> No.293103
Quoted by: >>293178

Sounds like you're a bit triggered, anti. Does it upset you that she's successful? I'm sorry to hear that a-boo-boo-boo.

>> No.293146

>kiara mentioned one-off in relation to another post about the types of vtubers cover vets
>KFPs turn it into an issue and start an argument, accusing everyone of being /pol/tards
No wonder people keep bullying them on purpose.

>> No.293153

sounds like you are projecting to me

>> No.293178
Quoted by: >>293254 >>293441

>claims claim is a lie
>confronted with claim
>refuses to watch the entire proof
>gets called out for it
>changes subject
We're reaching levels of KFP that shouldn't even be possible.

>> No.293254
Quoted by: >>293294

But I did watch the clip. And you're wrong. Why does being wrong upset you?

>> No.293294
Quoted by: >>293323

How am I wrong. You either didn't watch the full segment untll she agrees with the insanity getting typed in chat. Or you're straight up lying.

>> No.293323
Quoted by: >>293356 >>293466

It's okay to be wrong, little anti, but it's not okay to admit when you're wrong. Kiara's not the problem; your tortured psyche is.

>> No.293338
Quoted by: >>293384

what happened to shift fags from complaining about kiara and mori to only targeting kiara

>> No.293356
Quoted by: >>293426 >>296241

I'm done talking to you, at least the fucking segment is linked for sane people to see that she might fucking run cover into the ground at any point over politics.

>> No.293384

Because Mori's actually cool and most of the made-up bullshit against her is easily disproven. Kiara, unfortunately, doesn't have that luxury. Antis prescribe to the motto "any port in a storm".

>> No.293426

I accept your surrender.

>> No.293441

These kfp fags are some of the lowest scum

>> No.293466

every time i see a kfp post like this it reinforces my view that you are all rabid twitterfags and plebbitors. You have the exact same holier than thou condescending way of trying to "own" people that they do, which only makes you look like even bigger and more deranged faggots.

>> No.293479

No one likes a N I G G E R

>> No.294950
File: 478 KB, 645x749, 1612208549702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>295103

the fuck you mean nobody watch flare, nigger??? i'll getcho bitch ass whyboi

>> No.295053

>First says you shouldn't be blamed for the things your ancestors did
>Begins backtracking by saying that you have to acknowledge what they did
>Says she agrees with what chat was saying but she can't talk about it.
The chat was talking about insane shit like reparations.
Kiara is a mistake.

>> No.295103
Quoted by: >>295254

He just hates her because his oshi has been FLARED.

>> No.295254
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>> No.295763
Quoted by: >>295848

Sasuga.You provide a link and a timestamp and yet your schizonarrative is still so far removed from what actually happened on stream. Nobody in chat says anything close to what you’re saying they did even up to the point where Kiara says to stop talking about it. At most they just mirror what she said in the first place. This is your brain on constant /pol/

>> No.295848
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Quoted by: >>296041


>> No.296004
Quoted by: >>296034

It’s obvious she didn’t agree at all and was just trying to avoid a yab. You guys will never admit it, but Kiara can be based sometimes.

>> No.296034
Quoted by: >>296124 >>296165

Then why didn't she just shut up. If jap management found out about this she'd get into fucking trouble.

>> No.296041
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>> No.296121
Quoted by: >>296200

Black dudes don't like black women

>> No.296124

To avoid a yab, you illiterate nigger. She didn’t want to see “Kiara says slave owners did nothing wrong” or some shit like that all over twitter.

>> No.296139
Quoted by: >>296951

there will be 1000 latinas before there will ever be a single black woman

>> No.296165

>trusting kiara to not be retarded

>> No.296200

yeah unless its their mom then its stockholm sydrome

>> No.296241 [DELETED] 

I don't even like Kiara but I scanned the part where she said 'I agree with you in the chat' and the only thing it could have been with a paragraph where the person was called jarnMod who called referred to SJW as whiny AH aka 'ass holes' https://youtu.be/nNphORD-Nl8?t=11497

>> No.296298

can't believe nijisanji hasn't branded a black branch referred to exclusively as niggasanji

>> No.296409

Because OP, it's just not worth the flack they would get. They would have to be extremely thick-skinned before they even started.

>> No.296490

Because there's no way either the character herself or the fans wouldn't make it insanely political. You have to remember that all the people pushing this stupid notion of absolute equality are the very same people that have overly politicised race, driven wedges between everyone, pigeon holed an entire race into being a political football and convinced that same race to make such politics 95% of their personal identity.
Also, nobody likes niggers, not even niggers.

>> No.296571

I scanned the onscreen chat at the part where she said 'I agree with you in the chat' and the only thing it could have been referring to was a paragraph where someone referred to people that try to hold peoples past over them as 'AH' aka 'assholes'. Click this timestamp and notice it takes her a while to read the comment from jarnMod https://youtu.be/nNphORD-Nl8?t=11497

I agree its dumb for her to even go near the topic but I think you're just stirring up shit.

>> No.296586

>I can't imagine they'd pick some hyper-sensitive tumblrina.
Well there's your mistake, they're ALL hyper-sensitive tumblrinas. You've witnessed 3 generations of people be told they're oppressed and that all their failures are someone else's fault, to the point where it's actually part of their internalised culture.

>> No.296815
Quoted by: >>297098

The lack of faith in cover in this thread astounds me. Go post the >things cover does for their talents pasta, but scouting is the one thing they’re consistently good at. If a black Holo ever pops up it’ll be because she’l be a talent with actual TALENT.

>> No.296951

Of course, latinas can be bilingual (spanish or portuguese) and attract all those south american dollars, while all nig girls can do is play the victim

>> No.297048
Quoted by: >>297132

Please go away!

>> No.297098
Quoted by: >>297256

So? That doesn't mean that her model would be black.

>> No.297132

Too late.

>> No.297155


Seeing the success of BLACKED.com, I can potentially see something for this, but definitely not the way you wanted.

>> No.297224

Because bringing black people into any endeavour isn't a good idea. Black weebs and Twitter culture will ruin Hololive.
Flare's delicious brown thighs are enough.

>> No.297256

Not with 100% certainty no but the talent would probably want an avatar they can identify with.

>> No.297426

If acknowledgment was the only thing required there would already be world peace
