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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 463 KB, 764x741, 1619275050527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2893245 No.2893245 [Reply] [Original]

The Final Yah edition

Previous Thread: >>2873716

Stream Schedule:

>Too Fast RPG:
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oVZ-Pw74-o [Embed]



>> No.2893272
Quoted by: >>2893319

Love the Kumage

>> No.2893294

Congratulations on your marriage, Beatani!

>> No.2893319
Quoted by: >>2893637

I can't help but reading it as クマゲ. What are some games where you are a bear?

>> No.2893324
Quoted by: >>2893382 >>2893420

Is Beatani going to do another Karaoke stream when she reaches 3k? If so I would like to hear any song by LiSA. What do you think anons?

>> No.2893342
Quoted by: >>2893691


>> No.2893351
File: 1.70 MB, 1966x1440, Mosaic Status.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting the current Windows XP hill mosaic, claim any free tile (217x217) and fill it in however you'd like. I'll keep an eye out to add it to the final piece and update the listing.

>> No.2893382

I agree with that

>> No.2893419
File: 114 KB, 489x497, 9h24WVh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bear is sleeping THIS TIME FOR SURE
We are safe

>> No.2893420

I don't know why, but I feel like Staple Stable would fit her voice.

>> No.2893423
File: 354 KB, 535x543, THE SUN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2893945

mosaicanon here's my A8 incase you didnt see it last thread

>> No.2893472

I am already way too invested in Bea. All other vtubers I follow are left behind, There is potentially no return after this point. What kinda magic is she using?

>> No.2893637

Far Cry 5 has a bear companion

>> No.2893675

She's a spoiled brat and you're the doting father, there was never any chance of escape.

>> No.2893687

She's way too charming...

>> No.2893691


>> No.2893739
Quoted by: >>2893779

She is small enough to be able to interact and talk with her fanbase, so it's very fun to participate in her streams
I love Ina and Korone, but their chats are so big and fast that you really don't miss anything if you just watch their VODs (aside from the typical shitposting of this place)

>> No.2893779

>I love Ina and Korone
impeccable taste, anon

>> No.2893803
Quoted by: >>2893936

>reposting this from the last thread

Hello, organizer-anon from the Cirno's perfect math class project here. It's time to make another /yah/ sings project for Beatanis birthday. There has been discussion about what we will do but there is no consensus so here I have posted a poll at the end of this post but first I'll explain the two alternatives.

Alternative 1: Singing happy birthday in english and other languages. If we take this alternative I will want you to send in a voice clip of you singing happy birthday in english and if you are not an EOP also your local language. I will post a link as always to what to emulate but I know that some languages have more than one version of happy birthday song, so for the foreign languages the first one who sends in a submission to that language will be the one that sets the precedent for what to emulate for the others who wants to send in a submission in that language. The finished clip here will start with english with a big horde of dads singing and then trickling down to the lesser languages. I expect many languages to only get like 1-3 submissions so your voice will be heard quite clearly in that case. But in the english song your voice will probably be completely masked by the horde of dads singing. I'll also let you send a short voice clip under 10 secounds or so that I will put to the end of the video, this message is supposed to be congratulating her on her birthday in some way, but of course if you send in something too yabai I will not include it. All these voice clips will be put one after another in a long string of congratulations at the end of the video.

Alternative 2: Singing clover club. This is not so complex, it's just singing clover club together. If we take this alternative I will just post a link to the clover club video and that will be what you will emulate. The subsmissions will be you singing the vocals and I will put them together over a karaoke version of the song, the end result will be one big horde of dads singing the song, look up on youtube "/a/ sings" for what to expect this to be like.

Vote here, no vote manipulation onegai

(you have until the start of the next stream to vote, also repost this to the next thread incase I went to sleep)

>> No.2893936
File: 44 KB, 1040x436, pre-results.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birthday song seems to have won, I can't see cloverclub winning before the stream.

>> No.2893945
File: 1.70 MB, 1966x1440, Mosaic Status.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2893979

Wonderful work!

>> No.2893979
Quoted by: >>2894011

Come on dads there's only 4 squares left.

>> No.2893995
File: 30 KB, 179x194, magnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polar Bear fact: There was an official (honorary) employee of Microsoft that is a Polar Bear. It was related to a promotion for Zoo Tycoon back in the early 2000's.


>> No.2894011
File: 748 KB, 681x557, 1608660923393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2894067

anonchama ...

>> No.2894036
Quoted by: >>2894082 >>2894350

you dads just keep making these threads even when no streams are around.
It is what it is I guess.

>> No.2894047
Quoted by: >>2894082

This really is a lot of threads. Which is nice because I like you all but also somehow concerning.

Good for the active projects tho

>> No.2894052


>> No.2894067
File: 557 KB, 478x581, 1619277171387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I'm blind.

>> No.2894082
Quoted by: >>2894198 >>2894336

i guess there's no way back now
we're probably in too deep
too many people are invested to keep /yah/ threads from happening

>> No.2894099


>> No.2894117
Quoted by: >>2894300 >>2894356

>I have a recital right when Beatani streams
I'll miss you guys

>> No.2894172
Quoted by: >>2894394

Every new thread keeps dying faster than the last. That's not necessarily a bad thing, just try to use more than one braincell before posting.

>> No.2894191
File: 562 KB, 1006x944, 1619275753968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So dads. Will Beamages be the official name?

>> No.2894198
Quoted by: >>2894301

you know, If they wanted to have /yah/ threads up they could have titled them with cute and funny to autosage like we said when we were first talking about this.

>> No.2894300

knock 'em dead cello anon

>> No.2894301
File: 58 KB, 549x651, 1611184670361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the people making the threads now were here when she first showed up
they weren't

>> No.2894336

Would you rather have a Discord? Schizo dads must have an outlet or they will pace in the room and hit the walls of their padded cell. I have no thread but I must /yah/ and all that.

>> No.2894350

Threads literally too big to scale back anymore. She's one of the top indies on /vt/ now.

>> No.2894356

Good luck

>> No.2894394
File: 187 KB, 320x359, 1618898010798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going through threads like Beatani goes through boyfriends.

>> No.2894426

Kind of partial to Kumage but as earlier anon mentioned it could cause confusion.

>> No.2894434
File: 212 KB, 429x421, 1619220140638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2894443
Quoted by: >>2894585

I'm sorry but whenever I see this pic i get the impression that this is Destoroyar-san successfully turning Beatani into his wife.

>> No.2894469


>> No.2894488
Quoted by: >>2894508


>> No.2894489

We managed to beat Takuya in a fair fight, we shouldn't be scared of her new boyfriends

>> No.2894490
File: 340 KB, 780x435, gosling_glare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2894619

Is this how it feels to be an Olddad?

>> No.2894507

Takuya wasn't shit and I guarantee we can take whoever is next in line and put them in their place
ain't nobody gonna spread beatani as long as her dads are around

>> No.2894508

This has potential

>> No.2894515
Quoted by: >>2894716

I didn't check threads for a few weeks, nice to see you guys still supporting our daughter

>> No.2894523


>> No.2894570
File: 77 KB, 919x1024, ntoje57gyz441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was there and have always thought the thread saging was lame.

>> No.2894585

Who? Isn't that Listener-chan in the back?

>> No.2894619
File: 132 KB, 210x219, 1611544948787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2894710
File: 389 KB, 1264x1995, 1619274439193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am proud to present the sorcerer of shitposting, the harbinger of the final yah, and your new oshi: Beatani Chisato!

>> No.2894716
Quoted by: >>2894812 >>2894833

>for a few weeks
So who's the kind soul that'll explain this dad what happened in seasons 2, 3 and 4?

>> No.2894739
Quoted by: >>2894782

why is Beatani a mage now, what did I miss

>> No.2894743

At what time in japan is the next stream supposed to be?

>> No.2894773

4h30 from now JST

>> No.2894783

7 am

>> No.2894782
Quoted by: >>2894808 >>2894826

We had to counter the Watamage

>> No.2894793

Where's her wand. Everyone knows you can't be a master witch with reality altering powers without a wand.

>> No.2894808

mage to counter a mage, makes sense

>> No.2894812

Don't tell him, he will break. I nearly died myself watching it live, getting it all at the same time must be fathal.

>> No.2894826
File: 189 KB, 458x383, 1619106137881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2894926


>> No.2894828

7 am
Or 07:00 in euronese

>> No.2894833

Imagine the archive reps.

>> No.2894839

I like this image.

>> No.2894849
Quoted by: >>2894893

Only Listener-chan gets to see that

>> No.2894893

God I wish I was List- wait

>> No.2894894

kumage be brings forth good luck, no yabs , only yah

>> No.2894919

>his oshi needs a wand to use magic

>> No.2894923

Clover magician girl loli kuma based on dark magician when?>>OP

>> No.2894926
File: 68 KB, 600x600, YouHavNoPowerHere-cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2894975

You have no power here. Begone witch!

>> No.2894975
File: 551 KB, 1440x811, 1616029046195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2908113 >>2910220

You all will regret this

>> No.2894989

this is so cute
I want a maho daughter

>> No.2895025
Quoted by: >>2895258

/yah/ is /yab/ waiting to happen

>> No.2895129

it should be like dark magician girl but with a clover at the end of the staff

>> No.2895258

It's already here, Bea's just letting it happen in slow motion so we don't notice.

>> No.2895295
Quoted by: >>2897646


>> No.2895308
File: 578 KB, 1393x906, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2895387 >>2895429

not even streaming

>> No.2895387
Quoted by: >>2895409

What the fuck. Is global dead or did the entirety of them move to holofightz?

>> No.2895409

Gotta be the latter.

>> No.2895429
File: 459 KB, 1543x1401, 1619011896518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2896312

The absolute state of /jp/.

>> No.2895451

I worry beatani's approach to fandom is a very slow build to a roller coaster of disappointment or some kind of fallout. Her wanting to learn english, her approach with fans, and her shit-posting is great and entertaining. I just worry she's setting her self up

>> No.2895491

roller coasters are childish, Beatani would never take us on a ride like that.

>> No.2895546
File: 111 KB, 267x325, 1618545176698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that the bear is a coward and a fool.
Additionally I think she is an idiot-head.

>> No.2895664

Bakatani kek

>> No.2895665

Calm down Risu

>> No.2895707

We have to enjoy it while it lasts [(You) too, Beatani]. I plan on sticking around as long as she wants to stream.

>> No.2895724
Quoted by: >>2895926

anti AWAY

>> No.2895860
Quoted by: >>2896076

It's top quality entertainment, but probably also a massive yab and subsequent implosion waiting to happen.

>> No.2895898

If it somehow ends, I have a feeling it will be a glorious menhara twitstorm of English and Japanese.

>> No.2895926

I like how she shakes her head when she says Away!

>> No.2895931

whoever causes the yab, at least nobody can say we didn't stick it out until the end

>> No.2895974
Quoted by: >>2896005

I hope it will end with the yab to end all yabs and she would bring the entire industry down with her.

>> No.2896005

it's too big to fail
it'd be absolutely amazing though

>> No.2896014
Quoted by: >>2896097 >>2896200

I've spilled too much seed already rewatching the RFA stream. Give some good timestamps on other streams for coomer dads?

>> No.2896076
Quoted by: >>2896481

beatani isn't some 13 year old getting groomed on discord, she's literally a 2ch shitposter that's basically just transplanted into being a 4chan shitposter. she doesn't even try to hide it on stream either so really the only way this could implode beyond her just burning out or something is a bunch of retards on twitter try to cancel her and she takes it to heart instead of telling them to fuck off

>> No.2896094
Quoted by: >>2896411 >>2896493

Not sure how edited it was, but I remember seeing a video of Korone playing the 'fast RPG' game and it was done really quick. So there will likely be a decent chunk of stream for zatsudan. Could be a good time to go through the Question Box at https://peing.net/en/beatanichisato

>> No.2896097

There's a members-only ASMR stream, you have to sub at the highest tier though.

>> No.2896200

>I've spilled too much seed already rewatching the RFA stream
You're a freak

>> No.2896230
File: 744 KB, 2448x1044, Japanese Clocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2896319

They don't know about the Japanese System lolol

>> No.2896312
File: 90 KB, 413x445, SAME SHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2896444

We are /jp/ it's just that we moved ti Vtubers now from Touhou because Touhou dried up.

>> No.2896319
File: 72 KB, 247x248, 1607179934237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought kanji was already bad enough

>> No.2896411

I've seen Pekora rage quitting it because she couldn't even get out of the village so let's see how she fares

>> No.2896427
File: 112 KB, 676x616, menhera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because we're literally her only fandom and we don't have much to offer. We'll screech about not using discord even though that's where all the Vtubers do their networking. We're literally stunting her growth because we are selfish dads who want to keep our daughter pure, but as you can tell, it's causing her to have anxiety, depression, and full on menhera attacks. The final yab starts and ends with us.

>> No.2896444
Quoted by: >>2896946

Touhou may be permanently reclining but it'll live forever.

>> No.2896465

>even though that's where all the Vtubers do their networking
Now now, that wasn't ever in contention.

>> No.2896481

Or a coordinated attack by schizos similar to the zhangs that reduced Kiryuu Coco of all people to tears. Unfortunately a 2ch shitposter is still human after all.

>> No.2896493
Quoted by: >>2896511 >>2896564

what is this game anyway? some kind of half minute hero thing? that was pretty cool back on the psp

>> No.2896497
Quoted by: >>2896542

>We'll screech about not using discord even though that's where all the Vtubers do their networking
This is not the case

>> No.2896511

It's just a big shitpost. It's a basic RPG with a joke plot and everything is really fast.

>> No.2896521

>That's because we're literally her only fandom
she got like 500 subs from the reddit post alone dude

>> No.2896542
File: 16 KB, 228x60, 1617560508612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2896564

It's more of an obstacle course where you move very fast and have to dodge fast npcs

>> No.2896589

stop drinking and go to bed

>> No.2896708

Mark my words, Beatani won't be satisfied with the status quo and will create a discord eventually whether you like it or not. All she needs is enough loyal subscribers to survive the fallout from the anti discord schizos here.

>> No.2896758
Quoted by: >>2897536

> We'll screech about not using discord even though that's where all the Vtubers do their networking.

This was never the case. You have to go back.

>> No.2896795

>anti discord schizos
i've given discord many honest to fucking god chances
these "community" discords literally always and without fucking fail devolve into attention-whoring and dramafaggotry

>> No.2896946

It will have resurgences, because of nostalgia give it 20 years.

My biggest problem is they missed the window or well Zun didn't let them. We could have had so many good touhou games commercially produced. But now that it's in decline we're actually getting some. But it's too late for that big touhou game.

>> No.2897053

Holy shit, there really are lots of New Dads here.
It was never about Discord itself bros. It was always about the communities that fosters in these Discords. When she decides to network with more chuubas to do collabs I'm sure everyone here would be very supportive of the decision.
After all, we want to see our Kusogaki grow.

>> No.2897069

no it will be different this time!

>> No.2897071
Quoted by: >>2897157 >>2897252

You see, the problem is that beatani hasn't seen how bad discord can be, so in her pov you might as well be overly concerned dads who is worrying about nothing. 4chan said reddit was a bad idea, but it turned out fine. So i don't know if she still thinks that she can trust the advices given by you guys here.

>> No.2897135
Quoted by: >>2897202 >>2897218

are we really having a "dads freak out about discord" re-run?

you guys need to give this kusogaki some new material. we were doing so good with the "Bullying her for oversleeping" and "pretending to be in our own discord server" arcs.

>> No.2897157

Reddit can be fine if you don't attract massive attention to the point the trannies start noticing you.

>> No.2897159

>Still having doubts about the bear
This is why making threads so early is a mistake, the doomposting is just silly and annoying.
Do you want to support her? Help the anons who are managing the projects for her birthday.

>> No.2897202
Quoted by: >>2897218

>pretending to be in our own discord server
i liked that arc ...

>> No.2897218

>they don't know
see you cool dads in level 7

>> No.2897220

Discord is a super important tool for audience retention and community building for any independent streamer. It gives your core viewership a place to hang out and congregate while you aren't streaming. Granted, her core audience is in this thread, but this is a limited pool of people and others aren't going to trickle in. If she wants to put the new redditors and randoms under her spell, a discord with good rules and mods is the way to do it. If you guys advise her against this, you are literally damaging her career.

>> No.2897221

I like the ring of it.

>> No.2897248
File: 108 KB, 1076x260, 1616373163732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are dads fighting over things that have been discussed already?

>> No.2897252

>but it turned out fine
For now.
Discord can work if it's played smartly. And that would include a lot of various roles and a lot of gating involved. Then you also have to worry about the shit involving any drama related to users because one decided to flirt with another and the issue was brought on that discord. Unnecessary, but it's the nature of the beast.
Roles that you have people gate and pass through would be easiest to prevent early image spam until they reach a point where they can be weeded out from those that just want to cause trouble or try to get the server banned for TOS violations.

>> No.2897265
File: 897 KB, 940x641, smugchama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you stop playing pretend manager and let Beatani do what she wants? She's already shown that despite taking our opinions into consideration if she wants to do something she will do it.

>> No.2897284
Quoted by: >>2897388

go back to your wannabe vtuber thread faggot

>> No.2897334
Quoted by: >>2897388

How many time do we have to tell you Dad?
She. Will. Start. Networking. When. SHE. Wants. To.
Not you Dadchama.

>> No.2897361


nice bait faggot

>> No.2897382

I'm in for the ride, no matter where it leads. It's worth it. Not much to lose.

>> No.2897388

t. groomers

>> No.2897413
File: 2.25 MB, 218x200, Beaguruguru.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2897426

I'm just here for the rollercoaster ride and anonposting. I think discord is inevitable, but I'm enjoying my time here.

>> No.2897426


>> No.2897431

>this time it'll work guise
No. Just no. Discords almost always fail because of how that thing is made. If you want to have a decent server you literally have to swim against the flow.
Get the best moderators you can but always pay attention none of them go rogue and have the banhammer ready, moderators themselves know their limits and know they're supposed to work for the community as a whole not only for their oshi, and regular posters need common sense (this is the hardest part). It's way too much work for her numbers yet.

>> No.2897441
File: 213 KB, 600x591, 1619279287655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2897641 >>2900330

Please someone save this thread from the micro-managing faggots.
"Bea has to do this"
"Bea has to do that"
"It'll damage her career if she doesn't do what I want her to do"
Please shut the fuck up already, you're so goddamn annoying.

>> No.2897497
File: 1.68 MB, 355x390, Rare_Bea.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2897536
Quoted by: >>2897675 >>2897807

YOU have to go back. This isn't /jp/, she's going the EN route where discord plays an important role in XP farming.

>> No.2897554

Me and my tulpa

>> No.2897580
File: 81 KB, 1020x1020, 1600539041675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's my daughter
why wouldn't i?

>> No.2897584

I love Chihiro aka Beatani Chisato!

>> No.2897616
File: 298 KB, 1240x1218, 1617602230542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2897755 >>2897869

Mine looks different. What's wrong with her?

>> No.2897635
File: 20 KB, 554x554, images (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clock + Kusogaki
You already know what to do dads

>> No.2897641

They aren't even from here. The thread we had 12 hours ago was filled with a bunch of anons from /wvt/ and /trash/ who were giving "advice" in the form of linking their favorite vtuber's twitch for half the thread without a single mention of Beatani. When questioned some of them had never even watched Bea. We should start having threads closer to when she streams. 24/7 /yah/ threads are quickly becoming a mistake.

>> No.2897646

>/morig/ is still one of the fastest in the middle of holofightz
Based doxxbraps

>> No.2897648

Since you posted it again, please rename it to "Common_Bea.gif"

>> No.2897675

This. I'm convinced that half the people here want her to recline so that they can get more attention from her in stream and on twitter.

>> No.2897685
File: 3.29 MB, 365x354, bealost.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my daughter.

>> No.2897722

The only meds I need is Bea's abusive behaviour

>> No.2897742
Quoted by: >>2897834

>not having a discord or collabing with some literal who will make her recline
Try to be less obvious touristchama.

>> No.2897754

god i wish that were me

>> No.2897755

Not a damn thing.

>> No.2897759
File: 125 KB, 380x469, 1618870078580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do

>> No.2897762

Did you see the fucking indie threads back on /jp/ (few months back)? Creepy fucks wanted them to fail and would switch to a new "toy" every so often. It really pissed me off.

>> No.2897768

Me on the Left

>> No.2897778
File: 86 KB, 207x237, 1606930559251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got noticed more than you olddads

>> No.2897782

>either you want an absurd schizo drama filled discord server or you hate her and want her to fail
k then

>> No.2897797

all me.

>> No.2897807


>> No.2897830

i'm sure your parents are proud of you, anon

>> No.2897834
Quoted by: >>2897933

did I say anything about collabs? Nice reading comprehension

>> No.2897852
Quoted by: >>2897886

Getting her to tell you to stop creeping her out is not a victory, Jack.

>> No.2897869

too much sauna

>> No.2897873


>> No.2897886
Quoted by: >>2897908

pretty sure jack was grinning like an idiot if he was specifically called out by her

>> No.2897908

he definitely was not, that thumbs up looked painful

>> No.2897933

I took the opportunity and mentioned it because I know you're heading there, and I'll remind you she said she'll collab when and with whoever she wants but not now. Again, try harder touristchama.

>> No.2897979
File: 77 KB, 532x800, 1213253845080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2898466


>> No.2898011
File: 1.85 MB, 1200x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems that some "friends" are getting too cocky. Let's teach them.

>> No.2898036
File: 909 KB, 1200x675, CVhd2YnVAAAxjuE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2898071
File: 78 KB, 304x316, 202146141622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect Dads but some anons are getting too uppity. Beatani likes to see us fighting anyway so we may as well self police and push them out.

>> No.2898077

Dad no! Listener-chan was just joking!

>> No.2898084
File: 158 KB, 218x273, 1588945779193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2898216

Where to we start?

>> No.2898104

Discord would be fine if she could find trustworthy mods who don't groom, power trip or attention whore, but I don't think those types of people exist in the people who watch her.

>> No.2898135
Quoted by: >>2898273

Yea, so lets just drop the idea. This is like the 5th time this has been argued. NO MORE TIME LOOPS

>> No.2898141
File: 67 KB, 175x196, 1590392195990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what the fuck

>> No.2898167

>I don't think those types of people exist in the people who watch her.
Those types of people don't exist in real life either, you're describing a saint.

>> No.2898182
File: 15 KB, 751x319, 2a03e60c605a42789a6faf704bb9a130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are shitting up our daughter's thread? I'm on my way.

>> No.2898216
File: 452 KB, 776x532, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2898247

There is NOT gonna be a discord. And whoever we see asking for one, we cut off their balls and force them to be Listener-chan exclusively for the ojisan dads for an entire week.

>> No.2898225

Jack will make a fine Discord moderator.

>> No.2898237

If people are that angry about discord she could just make an IRC channel desu

>> No.2898247

Just a week? Balls don't grow back that fast.

>> No.2898272
File: 28 KB, 407x246, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget these two.

>> No.2898273

Yeah can we just stop talking about it. We already agreed that we will not make one ourselves so the only thing to do is to keep watching her and if she herself makes a discord then thats her decision. I don't think she needs one but it is still only her own decision. But as of right now neither she or we are interested so no use talking about it.

>> No.2898274

Ziassan seems to know Discord well, he should be moderator.

>> No.2898294
File: 53 KB, 300x250, 1616044131052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out Jack

>> No.2898297
Quoted by: >>2898698

i'd imagine it's insanely difficult to mod a discord server
where the fuck do you cut off discussion? where's the line between personal conversation and attention whoring?
are you going to ban this guy just because you can or do you genuinely think it's detrimental to the entire server?
sounds like a fucking nightmare to me

>> No.2898312

Fuck off Zia.

>> No.2898322
Quoted by: >>2898359 >>2898542

>These two
It's the same person anon. This is not a joke

>> No.2898341

Zia I will throttle you back to where you came from.

>> No.2898343
Quoted by: >>2898446 >>2898451

You know, I unironically agree that Jack would make a good mod simply because he seems autistic enough to enforce the rules fairly.

>> No.2898345

Do either of these people come to the streams? I never see them...I only ever see them commenting

>> No.2898353

Consider the following: instead of a discord or IRC, can't she just set up one of those livestreams scheduled for years in advance to function as a surrogate chatroom?

>> No.2898359
Quoted by: >>2898457

lmao are we getting rrats on beatanis twitter followers now. This community is something else.

>> No.2898382

they never get used though
even coco's is empty most of the time

>> No.2898385

Free chat room sounds nice.

>> No.2898387


>> No.2898389


>> No.2898398

Honestly why not. I would never use it but it is a good place for some people to ask dumb questions like "when is the next stream" and such.

>> No.2898413
File: 3.14 MB, 3024x3024, 1618027540257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be kino if it was a reference to the last stream. Set it to her 30th birthday and call it the "graduation stream"

>> No.2898435

Zman I'm in both threads. Stop trying to groom vtubers. You had literal multiple sockpuppets so hush.

>> No.2898439

Too busy writing his manifesto

>> No.2898445

he's in jail for pedophilia

>> No.2898446

Yeah he doesn't really come across as a creepy groomer, just as a sperg who's lacking in self-awareness.

>> No.2898451

That's an interesting take, maybe so

>> No.2898456
File: 121 KB, 505x553, coco freechas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked cocos free chat, it is fucking dead.

>> No.2898457

It's not a Rrat. There's only one people behind those two accounts. I once made the mistake to reply to one of his tweets which he later deleted and posted the exact same thing from the lolicon account. That fucker really creeps me out.

>> No.2898466

...This is pretty hot

>> No.2898542
File: 330 KB, 463x441, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2898593

He types like an ojisan

>> No.2898551
Quoted by: >>2898644

jack love

>> No.2898593
Quoted by: >>2898738

god I love typing as an ojisan but I dont want beatani to get mad at me

>> No.2898606

This stream instead of greeting Beatani with ohadayo we should greet her with spam from the oji-san app she showed us.

>> No.2898644
Quoted by: >>2898701 >>2898721

Jack was not relevant outside of his public execution. Small channel with small numbers, I don't know why you dads gave him so much attention to begin with.

>> No.2898683
File: 23 KB, 517x593, 1619065326893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can promise you that I'm going to groom girls on that hypotetical Discord and I will post their nudes just to nuke this eventual shithole. Go ahead faggot do it

>> No.2898692
File: 32 KB, 500x256, tumblr_na1wacdvrL1r9o6h7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2898829

I see it clearly now. /yah/ Club is Fight Club. We are Jack Moore, Beatani is Tyler Durden - a persona we made for ourselves to compensate for our nihilism and listlessness. Together we will bring about the final yah, the collapse of vtubing as an industry. Here we are anonymous, only the dead have names. (His name is JackofAllBlades). Beatani turns human remains into a useful product and sows chaos while banging Listener-chan, but we did it to ourselves. Only one way this ends...

>> No.2898698

Last post I'll make about this since the thread has moved on. It depends on the topic and the audience. Servers with a predominantly 4chan/ironic weeb audience are doomed to fail without ironclad rules because people don't know how to behave in public. But if it's a more chill group interested in a normie friendly topic like tech or fantasy or art, it is easier to build a non cancerous culture.

>> No.2898701
Quoted by: >>2898760

It began when he wrote all those very cringe and redditor-like comments during streams and they became obsessed with him. This made beatani hate him too and she executed him.

>> No.2898708

Write this down. WRITE THIS DOWN!

>> No.2898714

Remind me again, why are people scared that a discord server will pop up?

>> No.2898716

kek i'd lose my shit over the sight of a ton of ヤッホーs

>> No.2898721
Quoted by: >>2898745

to be fair i feel bad for the guy, i think it would have been better if she told her via DM

>> No.2898738
Quoted by: >>2898747 >>2902486

Let's do this kek. Anyone have the link saved?

>> No.2898745

told him*

>> No.2898747


>> No.2898760
Quoted by: >>2898808

>This made beatani hate him too and she executed him.
I actually believe she did it to stop him from having a target painted on his back, so let's stop talking about him.

>> No.2898780
Quoted by: >>2899024

Such a useful site. I honestly can't believe that Beatani showed this to us. She gave us this weapon for free.

>> No.2898792

ベア谷チャン、ヤッホー(^з<)何してるのかい( ̄ー ̄?)月曜日は仕事〜この旅館、スイーツがオイシイんだってオイラと一緒に行こうよなんてね

>> No.2898808

This. But he'll remain on my memories as the first clown that got hammered by the bear.

>> No.2898829
Quoted by: >>2898883

Wait a minute...
I thought dad was both of them, Jack is the gosling and Tyler is what dad wants to be, free of suffering
Fightclubposting is confusing

>> No.2898854
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1619191292357s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2898915 >>2898960

This will be bestani's face once she wakes up and does her archive reps. I feel like she will make a discord server just to shut up these arguments

>> No.2898869

It really hurts when you can understand what these things say. I'm in pain right now.

>> No.2898883

Could be, more meds are required for proper determination.

>> No.2898915

>just to shut up these arguments
Quite the contrary

>> No.2898935

the greetings always get me kek

>> No.2898936

アノンちゃん、久しぶりアノンちゃんも今日も2時までお仕事かな今日は天気が悪いね( ̄Д ̄;;(-_-;)こんな日は会社休んでオレとホテルに行こうよナンチャッテ

>> No.2898949
Quoted by: >>2899032


>> No.2898948

Its funny because its actually how they type, I always see ojisans posting under some idol groups I follow and its literally the same exact shit

>> No.2898960

This is kinda her fault tho for bringing discord up AGAIN in a twitter shitpost.

>> No.2898985
Quoted by: >>2899032

Yeah im posting this when her stream starts.
サエちゃんは、スタイルがいイネ 可愛すぎてオジサンお仕事に集中できなくなっちゃいそうだよ^^;どうしてくれるんダ

>> No.2898987


>> No.2899021
Quoted by: >>2899083

Did Beatani know she opened Pandora's box when sharing that link.

>> No.2899024

I'm honestly kinda curious what other sites a 24 years old japanese girl has bookmarked, who knows what goes on in japanese online culture

>> No.2899032

remember dads she'll hate it even more if you enter her name in to make it personalized.


>> No.2899043

Remember to not post a single ojisan post in the chat until her face shows up. No posting it during the loading screen. Timing is important.

>> No.2899064
File: 167 KB, 500x500, 1270709313597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I want to see her reaction live. We can probably get a great clip out of it.

>> No.2899070

Don't jinx it dads.

>> No.2899083


>> No.2899087
File: 113 KB, 243x223, 1619047769709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2899195

It really gets creepy when the text starts to mention hotels and shit.

>> No.2899098
Quoted by: >>2899136

But I wanted to call her Chii-chan.

>> No.2899130

I put Chihiro instead. Someone needs to do his reps

>> No.2899136

That's even better

>> No.2899146

Oh God let's hope she doesn't open the thread first.

>> No.2899162
File: 30 KB, 967x448, oji max.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2899259


>> No.2899195

its supposed to be creepy

>> No.2899259
Quoted by: >>2899317


>> No.2899315
File: 264 KB, 628x314, yah_is_Fight_Club.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're the old dads of archives, man. No purpose or place. We have no Shitpost War. No Final Yab. Our Shitpost War's a Discord War... our Final Yab is our lives.

>> No.2899317
Quoted by: >>2899447 >>2899452

Sadly I can't read runes

>> No.2899447

You're NGMI with that attitude dad.

>> No.2899452
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x2299, djt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets all do our reps

>> No.2899500
File: 161 KB, 1016x2048, EzluysYVIAI0Eiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that dads can't beat oniichans.

>> No.2899517

>vtuber friendly version of the quizmaster guide with the shill links taken out
didn't realize someone had made this, pretty nice

>> No.2899539

All of these guides recommending to start with runes first always scare me off. Would be so much easier if i just had to learn speech

>> No.2899555

Well onichan, you were not the one who won against Takuya yesterday

>> No.2899566
File: 90 KB, 1000x676, Bea_jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2899598 >>2899681

Shut the fuck up you little shit.

>> No.2899597
File: 541 KB, 696x676, 1618749532052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiragana and Katakana seem scary at first glance but you can learn them in less than a week. It also helps you with Japanese pronouncation. Just watch some youtube videos anon.

>> No.2899598

Remember jelly Bea? Now she hides this under a coat of Dad NTR and abuse...

>> No.2899600

>Would be so much easier if i just had to learn speech
That's the hardest part, actually
Reading is a lot easier thanks to the kanji

>> No.2899678
Quoted by: >>2899725

If you guys can get a copy of "Remembering the Kanji" it'll also help a lot. It teaches you the meaning of the Kanji, not the pronunciation, but it really helps in the long run I can assure that. I didn't buy my copy though.
That'll only work if you can speak with natives. So it's more accessible to start with the writing. You can do it dad!

>> No.2899681

I want to see more of Neko-chan...

>> No.2899685

You typically have to read in learning materials and eventually you will reach a point where the material is entirely entirely in Japanese.

>> No.2899725
Quoted by: >>2899838

>It teaches you the meaning of the Kanji, not the pronunciation
RTK does teach you the pronunciation though.

>> No.2899735

actually >>2899452 this one is really good and its essentially all you really have to do.

>> No.2899786
Quoted by: >>2899894 >>2899936

So if I cant remember Hiragan and Katakana by one week should I just give up?

>> No.2899799

We were pulling our punches, didn't want to embarrass the boy in front of his sister.

>> No.2899838
File: 92 KB, 523x408, RTK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw mine doesn't

>> No.2899861
File: 68 KB, 1084x360, alldubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2899938 >>2899976


>> No.2899894
Quoted by: >>2900219

Come on anon, they're not difficult. They're quite literally an alphabet with syllables instead of letters.

>> No.2899897
Quoted by: >>2900484 >>2901397

doesnt reading all that text just slow you down?

>> No.2899936
Quoted by: >>2900219

No, just do your reps until you learn. A language is a tool and proficiency isn't gained in leaps and bounds in a short amount of time but by using it and studying a tiny bit every day.
Just listen to our daughter talk about it.


>> No.2899938

Allow me to ruin it.

>> No.2899958
Quoted by: >>2900076 >>2901647

There's a good chrome/firebox extension "Yomichan" which will highlight the meaning of kanji and japanese words on any page and even the pronunciation of said kanji, if you know hiragana.
There's other variations of that extension like "Rikaichamp" which I use because I like it more

>> No.2899961
Quoted by: >>2900101

I think that's just part 1. You need the next part.

>> No.2899976

the quad dubs don't lie

>> No.2900076
Quoted by: >>2900116

Yeah, it's pretty much a cheat code. Another neat thing to mention is that it supports showing pitch accents provided you have the dictionary for it.

>> No.2900090
File: 645 KB, 1000x414, 1618704179560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2900101
Quoted by: >>2900427

I'll just use Jisho for that.

>> No.2900116
Quoted by: >>2900427

Some say you don't learn with it but I did learn kanji with it while also studying on the side

>> No.2900145
File: 133 KB, 452x495, s0176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2900226

love me some bear tani if you catch my drift

>> No.2900216
Quoted by: >>2900502

>cover reps

>> No.2900219

Okay. It's still taking more than one week.
I dont really care about speaking japanese. I just think It would be neat to understand what chubbas are saying sometimes.

>> No.2900226
File: 265 KB, 355x405, 1619174394475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love me some bear kani

>> No.2900330
Quoted by: >>2900494

it's the wannabe managers and groomerfags from /wvt/ who's doing this shit. It's honestly pretty annoying. People should tell them to fuck off

>> No.2900413
Quoted by: >>2900583

Imagine if she's late to stream again.

>> No.2900427

Or just learn them from vocab
It can be used as crutch since it's so fast to use, but a dictionary is definitely a useful tool.

>> No.2900484
File: 179 KB, 411x574, 123541654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2901397

You are supposed to read the text and then make cards like the one in this picture. On the back of each card you just have to write some key words that help you bring to your memory the meaning of the kanji.
This one, for example, means "Word", which is made up of two kanji, the one on the left meaning "say" and the one on the right "I". So I remember: "Things I say but not are not mine = Words", but you can adapt it to your preferences.

>> No.2900494

don't drink too much dad it makes you aggressive

>> No.2900502
Quoted by: >>2900574 >>2902378

>uninanako reps

>> No.2900543

Dads repill me on Wanikani. From what I've heard from people who know some Japanese it's slow as hell but easy and effective but everyone on 4chan seems to hate it because it costs money.

>> No.2900574
File: 182 KB, 416x362, 1617836959925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2900583

Not going to happen, she is way too anxious about it now. She might do it on purpose to fuck with us though.

>> No.2900657
File: 40 KB, 469x468, C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2900881 >>2903152

C7 done !

>> No.2900662
Quoted by: >>2900738

just use anki and the 6k set up until you learn 1k kanji, youll get most of your kanjis from immersion anyways

>> No.2900738

This >>2900662 you can get everything wanikani offers for free.

>> No.2900749

I have lifetime and enjoy it more than Anki. It's nice that it's curated and is constantly updated. It's not slow, but it does not let you skip ahead if you happen to know stuff already. There's a bunch of user scripts made by the community to customize it or add functionality. It works for me and the first three levels are free, so I would at least check it out.

>> No.2900881
Quoted by: >>2901907

Thank you Idiotshippocake!
You have saved Beatani from the ugly Takuya, Based!

>> No.2900939
File: 16 KB, 749x343, 頑.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2901173 >>2901397

What the fuck is this shit? This is why I always recommend KKLC.

>> No.2900999

>The thread has finally calmed down
Thank god. I love you guys, but the early threads are usually horrible.

>> No.2901033
File: 87 KB, 500x750, 1618827511277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're witnessing the effect.

>> No.2901061

Is the calming down because we collectively took our meds or because it wore off?

>> No.2901095
Quoted by: >>2901177

Wanna start the discord shit again dad?
Also checked

>> No.2901136
Quoted by: >>2901177

speaking of meds, should I take xanax and drink alcohol at the same time?

>> No.2901173

Yah, I think that was a bad example of what RTK can offer. Sometimes the author can't help but force his biblical references into the explanations, because he's basically telling you how he remembers each of the kanji. But it also helps to make your own analogies.
Thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.2901177
Quoted by: >>2901209 >>2901252

Lets do another Tower of Babel!
If you want to fuck your liver and die. Go for it.

>> No.2901209
Quoted by: >>2901260

Bana fark etmez sabahlar olmasın

>> No.2901229

You sure did, jackofblades-san

>> No.2901252

>another Tower of Babel
kein Interesse

>> No.2901260

Håll käften innan jag kastar min yxa mot din skalle!

>> No.2901319

Do you ever drink during Beatani streams. I kinda want to because it's friday night but I'm afraid I'll start to post a bunch of cringe into the chat.

>> No.2901353

Not yet, I'm waiting for a drinking stream.

>> No.2901371
Quoted by: >>2901644

No, but I never drink in general.

>> No.2901377
Quoted by: >>2901644

I blackout easily, so I always stay away from alcohol in social situations. If you just want to get buzzed that's fine. It'll make you a more brave dad.

>> No.2901394

I have never drank alcohol in my life.

>> No.2901397
File: 2.91 MB, 1920x1080, 123.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2901601

easy stuff like n5 kanjis and most of n4 are so common that you literally recognize them by how they look and what words with them you know, without needing to dissect the components.
picrelated are my old kanji flashcards, and even tho my jp is pretty bad nowadays, i can remember at least 1 word with reading and translation for all of these kanjis, and i did not specifically study their components like in RTK or >>2900939

>> No.2901423
Quoted by: >>2901450

>friday night
What the fuck?

>> No.2901451
Quoted by: >>2901463 >>2901484

How do you cope with life?

>> No.2901450

Saturday night*

>> No.2901452

>friday night

>> No.2901463

Masturbating, mostly.

>> No.2901467
Quoted by: >>2901612 >>2901644

Don't, you aren't missing anything special. This is coming from a guy that only drinks whiskey and rum on his bday and new years.

>> No.2901484
File: 284 KB, 500x500, gosling_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't

>> No.2901487
Quoted by: >>2901546 >>2902303

Is this an indonesian muslim or somthing?

>> No.2901530

I drank during her 2k karaoke party and her RFA stream. It made it a pretty good experience.

>> No.2901546
Quoted by: >>2901644

I've never drank either and I'm not.

>> No.2901601
Quoted by: >>2901793

I don't know anon, reading the components first made it easier for me to move on to higher level kanji. I guess it just goes to show that it depends on how you want to learn the language. The anon who was pessimistic about it should keep that in mind.

>> No.2901612

I wasn't planning on starting, I'm already older than a fair number of posters here.

>> No.2901644
Quoted by: >>2901833

All these non-alcohol drinking dads. I'm surprised. Are we good and responsible dads? I was not prepared for this.

>> No.2901647
File: 346 KB, 1000x916, 1425248295076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2901896

>install Yomichan
>dictionaries don't have 瑞鶴 even though they have 翔鶴

>> No.2901793

i mean yes, you do have to be able to identify the radicals and know all their various forms and rules of the kanji structure and so on, i'm mainly talking about remembering english meaning/mnemonic for every component, that sounds way too cumbersome to me.

>> No.2901814

every time it lines up with my evening
I'm a functioning alcoholic and can handle the cringe next day though. And in my experience there's no avoiding cringeposting on streams. Beer does that to you.

>> No.2901833
Quoted by: >>2901914 >>2902261

Whats the point of booze if you dont have frens to get flat out drunk with?

>> No.2901896

Feel free to submit that name to the JMnedict https://www.edrdg.org/enamdict/enamdict_doc.html

>> No.2901900
Quoted by: >>2901956

She woke up

>> No.2901907
File: 232 KB, 407x337, truelove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2902027

Funnily I'm a part of the mom chimera, felt like drawing my beautiful and brave husband <3

>> No.2901909


She's awake early today. Stick to the plan dads.

>> No.2901914

to help distract you from the fact you dont have frens to get drunk with

>> No.2901941
Quoted by: >>2902126

of course i will
as soon as you remind me what the plan is again

>> No.2901956

time to like her shitposts then

>> No.2902027
Quoted by: >>2902337

What a coincidence anon, I too love my husband a lot.

>> No.2902046

She's up already?!?

>> No.2902126

 ̄Д ̄

>> No.2902134

kek, she's not waking up for shit

>> No.2902140
Quoted by: >>2902162

oh, she won't be late this time

>> No.2902154

>all those alarms
It turns out I was the Beatani all along.

>> No.2902156

>It's a cover for her archive reps.
It's over dads.

>> No.2902162

you were saying...

>> No.2902189

Why do people do this? Why don't they just use snooze?

>> No.2902212
Quoted by: >>2902227

After years of using alarm I never understood what snooze meant

>> No.2902218
File: 45 KB, 617x1280, alarms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me

>> No.2902227

Delays your alarm by 10/15 minutes

>> No.2902231
Quoted by: >>2902271

holy fuck this bear might just be addicted to twitter
>barely woke up
>already tweeting

>> No.2902234

Speaking from experience, it's very easy to turn the alarm off by accident. Multiple alarms are more reliable than the snooze button.

>> No.2902261
File: 46 KB, 180x278, beatanichihiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that what the internet is for? People use this for other reason?

>> No.2902271

You say she's addicted to twitter but she only posts in short bursts, isn't there 24/7.

>> No.2902303

استغفر الله هذا الكلام غير مقبول في شهر الله رمضان

>> No.2902314
Quoted by: >>2902351

>you accidentally press stop instead of snooze
>have no backup alarms
congrats, you're fucked now

>> No.2902337

I'm not surprised at all that a notoriously based "person" is behind this cool idea !

>> No.2902351
Quoted by: >>2902427 >>2902814

I have never done that before, my fingers arent fat.

>> No.2902378

we need a new mic remake

>> No.2902421

Would replying her tweet with ojii san talk be cringe?

>> No.2902427

it's less about fingers and more about blain, i've done it once or twice and i didn't even remember doing it.

>> No.2902450
File: 20 KB, 327x385, 1619268585613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Save it for when she starts the stream, that's the plan anon.

>> No.2902453

It was done before so I don't know what to tell you, but you'll be called cringe

>> No.2902467
File: 60 KB, 463x524, IMG_20210425_051817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2902492 >>2902669

Im voting Kumagician

>> No.2902483

Save it for later.

>> No.2902486

not yet, see

>> No.2902492
File: 177 KB, 480x401, 1618682479069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2902525 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2902575

Anon, your 2899043 reps.

>> No.2902575
Quoted by: >>2902590

Now let's just hope she won't be reading the thread.

>> No.2902590

already is

>> No.2902606
File: 266 KB, 1010x566, panishment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oji-sans, stand by in case this mesugaki needs an attitude adjustment.

>> No.2902658
File: 394 KB, 1668x1668, 1618989784888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Beatani I love you! But I'm still not going to let you participate in the orgies that we make with Listener-chan.

>> No.2902669
File: 150 KB, 764x741, A8D5908F-F905-47B4-9DCD-296567AAEAF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2902789 >>2902849


>> No.2902725

I do the same when I want to wake up really early like 3 AM. Can confirm it works flawlessly.

>> No.2902789
Quoted by: >>2902828 >>2902887


>> No.2902814

I sometimes turn off my alarm and then just do back to sleep because it's too early to actually get up.

>> No.2902817
File: 127 KB, 274x372, 1619279033053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you think schizo is your ally. But you merely adopted the shitpost; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't take the med until I was already a menhera, by then it was nothing to me but 薬 AWAY!

>> No.2902818 [SPOILER] 
File: 420 KB, 1920x1080, 1619299919683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said I was allowed to bootleg merch with these but I don't think this is what she had in mind

>> No.2902828

The harbinger of the final yah is upon us!

>> No.2902837


>> No.2902849

Kumage... your meds...

>> No.2902863
File: 84 KB, 310x289, 1618857747387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god my dick!

>> No.2902887
File: 58 KB, 518x454, 1619275248788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory template

>> No.2902906

Listener-chan, I'm IKZ

>> No.2902912

>CIA Gosling: Could you do a chismografo stream? I want to know more about you!
>Banetani: It would be painful.
>CIA Gosling: Oh, come on don't be shy, you're a big girl!
>Banetani: For you.

>> No.2902924
File: 2.38 MB, 640x360, IKZ[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fyg3gc6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2903013
File: 71 KB, 680x680, 1619128062335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sniff that gap

>> No.2903152
File: 1.70 MB, 1966x1440, Mosaic Status.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2906478

Awesome work, added!

>> No.2903218
File: 61 KB, 304x354, bea smoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2903490

>be bea
>boring office job makes you browse anonymous boards
>do not fit in, shit makes you depressed
>decide to quit job and start something new
>vtubing seems fun
>create a channel, populate it with videos and finally debut
>ask a couple of questions on english anonymous board
>all your viewers are now from english anonymous board
minor creative liberties might have been taken while writing this post

>> No.2903267

I'm sure she is sleeping again

>> No.2903277
File: 1.04 MB, 640x360, mesugaki[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqz8un9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2903323
File: 23 KB, 391x134, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2903334 [SPOILER] 
File: 339 KB, 1920x1080, 1619301188134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for the next outfit

>> No.2903341

Be more subtle you clowns!

>> No.2903347

>opsec? never heard of it

>> No.2903350

I'm going to NTR with listener-chan.....

>> No.2903361

She probably just thinks her dads evolved into ojisans

>> No.2903362
File: 1.05 MB, 330x340, BREAK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2903364


>> No.2903407
Quoted by: >>2903421

So listener chan is a boy.

>> No.2903411

That's it, I'll do my hand washing reps to Listener-chan. It's not NTR Bea, it's a joke.

>> No.2903421
Quoted by: >>2903686

You can't impregnate boys.

>> No.2903441

How do you download streams because i want to make more clips of her

>> No.2903451

God I'm such a slut

>> No.2903461
Quoted by: >>2903486 >>2903507




>> No.2903469
Quoted by: >>2903541


>> No.2903480

I just use a screen recorder to get the bits that I need, then put the clips together from there. Other than that, you could use a youtube video downloader or something but that's a big file to work with

>> No.2903482
Quoted by: >>2903541

youtube-dl works well once you set it up.

>> No.2903485
Quoted by: >>2903541

youtube-dl or any of the thousands of sites that let you download any video

>> No.2903486 [DELETED] 

Beatani-chan:_sprdo:, ojisan has missed you. I get off work in 15 minutesif my boss doesn't make me do overtimeMaybe we could get dinner after? I'll buy you sushi and maybe beer if you are old enough

>> No.2903490

Proof of a loving God?

>> No.2903501
File: 581 KB, 725x748, 1599560677537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost go time dads, Instead of saying ohadayo we'll spam ojisan text. Remember to wait until she shows up. Don't blow your loads on the loading screen or the pre-stream chat. If you want to hurt her more enter the name ちいちゃん before generating text


>> No.2903507

I got some creepy oji messages. LOL

>> No.2903517

>on time

>> No.2903537


>> No.2903538

Fuck I bet she knows

>> No.2903541
Quoted by: >>2903594

How do you use YT-dlc because i have no idea

>> No.2903567

Perfect execution, bravo dads

>> No.2903573

cute bullying

>> No.2903582

fucking kek

>> No.2903594

If you just want the video then literally
youtube-dlc <video_url>

>> No.2903599
File: 245 KB, 2048x2048, 1618827525305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beatani called you cringe

>> No.2903604
File: 643 KB, 1105x1020, uoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That went off perfectly

>> No.2903633

I fucking love you dads. Good job

>> No.2903644

BasedBug was almost crushed this time...

>> No.2903649

>I love 「kani」

>> No.2903650

>i love cunny

>> No.2903652

Mission successful. Good work dads.

>> No.2903656

Good one dads, proud of you all!

>> No.2903673

Bullying her feels so fucking good man

>> No.2903674

cunny oishii?!

>> No.2903685

Nice work dads. A small victory for (us).

>> No.2903686


>> No.2903703
Quoted by: >>2903723

>too short, playtime about 15 minutes

>> No.2903723


>> No.2903724
File: 311 KB, 1150x948, ECD2771F-9F23-436F-BD98-96B373A7A727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love making her face look derpy
before stream quick sketch

>> No.2903761
Quoted by: >>2903828

Just got my T-shirt

>> No.2903762
Quoted by: >>2903803

>Dha Oayo

>> No.2903782

goofy/10, I like it

>> No.2903790
File: 81 KB, 290x297, 1619118062998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

薬? Never heard of it

>> No.2903793
Quoted by: >>2903910

When Beatani is streaming i hate dog, when beatani is not streaming i love my dog.

>> No.2903803

dohaoyao!?! it’s me chumagai kisato, you don’t remembr me?!

>> No.2903804
Quoted by: >>2903842

I have you blocked but good job

>> No.2903808

Should i clip her sing streams into each songs?

>> No.2903810 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 750x808, 1614984897822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2903851


>> No.2903828
Quoted by: >>2904175

First impressions? Which design did you get? I was wondering if it was a lighter or heavier fabric

>> No.2903831

>EMTA donation

Come on, son

>> No.2903832

Drinking with my daughter!

>> No.2903836

>Can I drink alcohol?

>> No.2903842

i don’t care, lol

>> No.2903843

Should I drink too?

>> No.2903847

Buying 200ml of gin before the stream payed off! Hobodads winning!

>> No.2903851 [DELETED] 

go back

>> No.2903874

I love her even more for drinking at 7 am.

>> No.2903884
File: 153 KB, 1146x1200, 1609477875590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2903942

>Drinking at fucking 7am

Uhhhhh BASED?

>> No.2903892

This is going to be great, I can feel it

>> No.2903893

>Drinking at 7am on a sunday

>> No.2903901

I'm already 3 beers in.

>> No.2903910
Quoted by: >>2903951

You still have a dog? cringe.

>> No.2903942
Quoted by: >>2903992

Based as fuck. Living the true no-fucks-given NEET lifestyle

>> No.2903951
Quoted by: >>2903985

probably a dogfucker

>> No.2903959
Quoted by: >>2903974 >>2903998

you can still comprehend all the fast text, right, anons?...

>> No.2903974

Yeah, it's not that fast

>> No.2903982
File: 141 KB, 366x372, 1599089266756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's having a good time
cute, if you will. funny even.

>> No.2903985

Koro san...

>> No.2903986
Quoted by: >>2904049 >>2904096

Just added 3 more outfits, including those two. No other real edits. Do with it what you wish. Now I can sleep while listening to Bea.

>> No.2903992
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 20210402_215539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2904091


>> No.2903998

Of course.

>> No.2904003
Quoted by: >>2904018 >>2904019

Wait...this some kind of meme game?

>> No.2904018


>> No.2904019

Yeah, a big shitpost.

>> No.2904034


>> No.2904041


>> No.2904049

>tfw listener-chan has more costumes than beatani

>> No.2904054

youtube please....

>> No.2904057
File: 102 KB, 748x421, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpk5uey.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2904059


>> No.2904060

I knew she said it was a short game, but I didn't think it was THAT short.

>> No.2904064

Fucking Susan, I swear to god...

>> No.2904072
File: 126 KB, 324x464, 1618865142748(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2904077


>> No.2904080

too slow
couldn't BEAR to watch it

>> No.2904082


>> No.2904084

2fast4susan/MEDS AWAY!

>> No.2904091

>streaming every morning
>notto a neeto

>> No.2904094
File: 458 KB, 320x360, ratethestream[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhqesz3.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2904095

Should we make a new thread in the meantime?

>> No.2904096
Quoted by: >>2904226

is it AA2 or Koikatsu?

>> No.2904102


>> No.2904106

too fast RPG stream RTA COMPLETE

>> No.2904116


>> No.2904118
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, 1594475255232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2904119
File: 9 KB, 357x75, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2904122


>> No.2904128

No, we're not even at page 10

>> No.2904130
Quoted by: >>2904153

Is it her shortest stream so far?

>> No.2904134

>not getting a thread to 1000+ bumps first
Why do you have so little faith, dad?

>> No.2904136

nigger we're still at Page 8.

>> No.2904137


>> No.2904145

so uh
are we pretending to be ojisans next stream?

>> No.2904146

good timing on the susan hate at least, right as she died from drunk driving

>> No.2904153

Definitely not.

>> No.2904155


>> No.2904165

Absolutely yes. It is what an ojisan would do.

>> No.2904169

she called it cringe, so I guess not

>> No.2904173

I'm down

>> No.2904175

I got the Beatani Sisters design on a classic tee. It's a Hanes brand tee, 100% cotton. Little bit thin. The print looks OK, but if you get up real close you can see a tiny bit of bleeding. The square white background that's behind the illustration is also printed on the tee, even though I got the white tee. Otherwise I'm satisfied with my purchase.

>> No.2904177


>> No.2904188

cute glasses

>> No.2904204

Do we really want her revenge to be fierce?

>> No.2904216

Dads, I haven't been doing my reps. Why did everyone spam creepy oji-san copypastas at the start of stream? Did bea mention something about disliking it or something?

>> No.2904224

チヒロチャン、お疲れ様〜たまに、は、オイラに、も、連絡ほしいナ、今日は、よく休んで、ね、( ̄▽ ̄)

>> No.2904225

get in there

>> No.2904226

KK, AA2 is for granddads.

>> No.2904229

I'm someone's uncle so it wouldn't be pretending

>> No.2904234

You need to watch the last Omori stream
It's not an omori stream

>> No.2904236

I say we do some time in the future, so she doesn't get annoyed by it

>> No.2904246
File: 770 KB, 1140x1488, beatani card 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2904248

She says it's cringe, so naturally we need to post it at the beginning

>> No.2904249

Yes, she said it was cringe last stream, so of course dads did it this stream.

>> No.2904257
Quoted by: >>2904282

She thinks ojisan way of talking to girls is creepy

>> No.2904277
Quoted by: >>2904303 >>2904304

Beatani you need a SSD in your computer, it would make everything much better. They aren't too expensive either.

>> No.2904282

and you want to creep her out?

>> No.2904303

Indie streamer prease andastan

>> No.2904304
Quoted by: >>2904336 >>2904442

That's not the problem lol.

>> No.2904336
Quoted by: >>2904432

Not the point, she does need to have her system on a SSD, it's just better for everything, including restarting when things crash

>> No.2904432
Quoted by: >>2904541

she needs good internet that's it

>> No.2904442
Quoted by: >>2904541

Faster game loading, faster reboots, gee, why would a streamer want that?

>> No.2904447

It was nice to first time but don't do this every time please.

>> No.2904482
Quoted by: >>2904523

I posted
>"こんにちは、私の、小さなクマさん。私は、いつもあなたが、どれだけ、かわいいか、考えて、いるので、、集中できませ、ん、 チャンは、、お肌が、きれいだ、ね、オレ、本当に女神か、と、思っちゃっタヨ"

and didn't get my stuff deleted or timed out..

>> No.2904486

I did it because she mentioned it, it was a natural response

>> No.2904490

Dads only repeated the joke so because the stream had to be restarted.

>> No.2904517

As dads, it's our duty to make our daughter cringe. But I agree that we need something different for each stream.

>> No.2904523

Me neither. Maybe because I'm her mother?

>> No.2904541

Her internet even before upgrading it was plenty for streaming.
It sounded like you were suggesting that to fix her current issues.

>> No.2904551
Quoted by: >>2904633 >>2904669

Tf, lots of u faggots are from EU

>> No.2904588
Quoted by: >>2904858 >>2904949

How much do I have to pay to commission a vid like this but for bea?

>> No.2904611

I just got groomed hard

>> No.2904630

White, how about you?

>> No.2904632

>There are dads in this thread right now who still wear pants

>> No.2904633

it is saturday night here. What did you expect?

>> No.2904634

>that voice

>> No.2904636

Black underwear bros...

>> No.2904640

Bear... My mom is in the same room as I am, why are you being horny in your stream...

>> No.2904655
Quoted by: >>2904697

you know you're too far gone when you start concernfagging about things that are long since irrelevant on your drive home from work
I hope when she stopped playing Slay the Spire on stream it was just because she lost interest in the game and not because she got too upset about her own failings in such an RNG-filled game (or worse that she was only playing it in the first place because it got her a niche audience and she felt forced to play it until her western fanbase sprouted up)

>> No.2904662
Quoted by: >>2904745 >>2904764

Yes, I wear pajama pants because they are comfy.

>> No.2904663

reminder to not give girls alcohol and expect them not to get horny

>> No.2904666
Quoted by: >>2904745 >>2904764

I'm only wearing a bathrobe and briefs. I don't know, it feels more comfy than being nude.

>> No.2904669
Quoted by: >>2904690

Most american dads are at work...besides us neets

>> No.2904690
Quoted by: >>2904716 >>2904822

>work on saturday

>> No.2904697

I'd really like to watch her play again. I've really gotten in to the game since she streamed so it would be great if she played it

>> No.2904716

Yes, most jobs have you work at least one day on the weekend

>> No.2904721
Quoted by: >>2904788

i’m going to draw kuma and seep chibi fanart, and NO ONE CAN STOP MEEE

>> No.2904736
Quoted by: >>2904782

I see, that's not the case in Europe so I wasn't aware.

>> No.2904737
Quoted by: >>2904813

Autofellatio dads where we at?

>> No.2904743

a-am i being sexually violated r-right now?..

>> No.2904745

based comfy

>> No.2904748

>it is impossible

>> No.2904764

When she says pants she means underwear

>> No.2904781

Damn, sounds rough, glad I'm not a burger

>> No.2904782

Don't listen to him. Only shit jobs do

>> No.2904788

seep love

>> No.2904792

We know

>> No.2904806

And you still get less holidays, must be rough

>> No.2904807

We know

>> No.2904813
Quoted by: >>2904849

These dads clearly haven't done their stretching reps

>> No.2904819
Quoted by: >>2904923

Of course, pants aren't trousers

>> No.2904822

I can't speak for any other dads but my schedule is tues-sat
not fun when nobody wants to stream on monday but comfy in its own ways I guess

>> No.2904823
File: 655 KB, 4095x4096, 1619223995517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She has no skills
>just like (you)

>> No.2904849

It hurts my back...

>> No.2904858

If you can find enough images I doubt it would cost much.

>> No.2904860
Quoted by: >>2904914 >>2904923

that is what pants always reffer to. she didn't say trousers

>> No.2904890


>> No.2904893
Quoted by: >>2904991

??? Since when

>> No.2904914
Quoted by: >>2904927

>that is what pants always reffer to
not in English though

>> No.2904923

Do euros really?

>> No.2904927

You meant in American

>> No.2904938
Quoted by: >>2904962

> says she’s drinking so that if she’s bad she can just blame it on alcohol

>> No.2904949

I had an idea a while ago about doing a collab video of the old konbini meme videos where we each did a frame but lord knows I wouldn't want to actually be in charge of that kinda thing

>> No.2904956

Is she running into those NPCs on purpose?

>> No.2904962

Walking is hard when youre drunk

>> No.2904987

Man, I can tell why more streamers don't mention alcohol. If you have one drink everybody's all "yOu're dRunK".

>> No.2904991

Since forever??? Unless your job is something that requires a degree

>> No.2905025
Quoted by: >>2905056


>> No.2905056

If I was I would be working right now

>> No.2905065

America sounds pretty rough
Glad I got my European work conditions of 35h/week IT job monday to friday, with 35 paid vacation days, and free healthcare. Taxes are just a small price to pay for this.

>> No.2905066

>save scumming

>> No.2905073

Do the opening notes of the "you died" music kinda sound like one of the tracks from zetsubou sensei, or am I just unmedicated?

>> No.2905074

here it is

>> No.2905079


>> No.2905081

>just casually throwing in a friends with benefits there
this fucking kusogaki...

>> No.2905085
Quoted by: >>2905124

I have a degree and work saturdays too...

>> No.2905089
File: 608 KB, 497x754, sataniaFartShirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"i enjoy i enjoy sex with you"

>> No.2905099

Goslingbros you ok?

>> No.2905106


>> No.2905109


>> No.2905117

inb4 filthy frank sex .mp3

>> No.2905121
File: 257 KB, 970x542, 1596979602728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2905190

why is she fucking like this

>> No.2905122
Quoted by: >>2905174

I like gosling murder, but this is kinda becoming "hey sex lmao" to me

>> No.2905124

Thats what I figured but I wasnt completely sure

>> No.2905126

I can't believe Beatani is a Vshojo now...

>> No.2905131

bear sex...

>> No.2905136

with how many times she triggers a final yab I'm starting to think I should genuinely buy a mug just so I can break it as a reaction image

>> No.2905138

It's over bros.

>> No.2905139
File: 348 KB, 1000x562, gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2905190

Do you really need to ask?

>> No.2905163
File: 185 KB, 409x405, 1616152328375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2905190


>> No.2905167
File: 415 KB, 559x413, 1618860198599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2905190

I can't take it anymore

>> No.2905170

Beatani kills gosling daily

>> No.2905172

This is her revenge for the Oji posting...

>> No.2905173

>she keep strongly insisting she has a sex life
sasuga virgin bear

>> No.2905174

I understand

>> No.2905178
File: 450 KB, 1140x1140, 1615991941797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2905190


>> No.2905181
Quoted by: >>2905190

I'm literally crying right now. Why does she do this?

>> No.2905189

the drink helps drown the pain...

>> No.2905190
Quoted by: >>2905231


>> No.2905195

>NTR baiting again
This fucking kusogaki

>> No.2905198
File: 390 KB, 503x388, 1609709321337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2905210
File: 415 KB, 417x516, 1618860453182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually hits me

>> No.2905217

bea was a NTR streamer all along...

>> No.2905221

Stumbled upon this bear's stream. Cute, though her mouth barely animates.
Give me a tl;dr on what she's like as a person/streamer.

>> No.2905231


>> No.2905240
File: 36 KB, 331x401, 1592131276002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beatani makes the same joke again for the 5th stream in a row
s-so funny

>> No.2905242
Quoted by: >>2905267 >>2905327

I REALLY have to pee, but I can't miss a minute of this

>> No.2905264

>it only took a few sips for her to talk about sex

>> No.2905267

Use your phone to watch.

>> No.2905271

Cute and funny.

>> No.2905274

bea has her cringe moments too

>> No.2905275


>> No.2905276
File: 31 KB, 256x312, 1614747758278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2905279
File: 21 KB, 580x548, 1593871019458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2905307

I'm starting to think she's actually into NTR despite her objections to the contrary

>Give me a tl;dr
2ch shitposter reached out to 4chan and made a fanbase of fellow shitposters

>> No.2905315

Most women aren't virgins at 24. It's better if you don't think about it so much.

>> No.2905327

>not having the bottle

>> No.2905330
Quoted by: >>2905428 >>2905464

Yes actually, she's doing this every single stream and I have developed near immunity at this point. I could hear a male voice in her stream and barely feel a sting.

>> No.2905332
File: 18 KB, 141x220, 1309170707650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2905333

I'm glad she started off gently with Teddy and the 10 girlfriends, otherwise Goslings would have literally have been nuked.

>> No.2905340
Quoted by: >>2905406

I'm starting to think she's actually the biggest virgin here despite her objections to the contrary

>> No.2905343

She will continue doiing it if you continue giving her attention faggots

>> No.2905347

the joke is the goslings

>> No.2905348

Japan is kind of an exception on this

>> No.2905361

Jokes on her, I have an NTR fetish.

>> No.2905366


>> No.2905374
Quoted by: >>2905533

actually cute and funny shitposter girl with broken english, understands memes quickly and lurks here, likes selfcest, amputee girls and blood, and also likes to see her dads(posters in the thread) in pain while baiting them on twitter and streams.

>> No.2905375

Yeah gotta admit it's getting redundant

>> No.2905397
File: 11 KB, 422x120, Screenshot_2021-04-24 熊谷ちさと Kumagai Chisato ( beatanichisato) Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2905402
Quoted by: >>2905437

Japan is special, especially neet girls, not saying it's super common but it's definitely a thing.

>> No.2905406

don't say it loud. Play along

>> No.2905428

Same, I got hurt bad the first times but at this point nothing she can say can hurt me anymore.

>> No.2905437
Quoted by: >>2905701

Tell me more

>> No.2905450
File: 34 KB, 582x214, 2021-04-24-160211_582x214_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2905464

I was laughing back at teddy arc, but now barely a smirk.

>> No.2905533

I unironically think she is a bit unstable

>> No.2905542
Quoted by: >>2905600

She's definitely into NTR, now the thing is: is this an irl preference or a fantasy one? So far it seems she just likes to bait dads but I'm not sure...

>> No.2905563

I know, I don't care, but it doesn't make the shenanigan funny after the 10th time

>> No.2905590

...This lore is too dark, I want to go back.

>> No.2905592

Proud of my daughter's flawless logic. Get NTRd goslings.

>> No.2905600

she just likes to see the reactions

>> No.2905621
File: 627 KB, 640x360, 1595525157165.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2905624

we seriously need to find a way to NTR her back.
like with a different chuuba or smth

>> No.2905650

>same joke
more of an evolution of the same concept (NTRing goslings) and like with any comedian she only keeps doing it because (You) keep falling for it

>> No.2905653

Just ask Beatani about fashion and ask her for fashion advice, if she knows too much about it then shes not a virgin if she doesn't shes a virgin

>> No.2905658
File: 400 KB, 735x642, 1613717328785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hurt the first time, laughed along after a few more times had me used to it but now I'm numb now.

>> No.2905672

she might actually be if she jokes so much about that
joke, we arrange orgies with her in discord

>> No.2905675

tried with listener-chan and chihiro.

>> No.2905678
File: 483 KB, 1021x530, 1619207430159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2905708

Look at you now. In pain and misserable.

>> No.2905680
Quoted by: >>2905910

Why is she stopping abruptly and saying "yamero" bros... I don't wan't to think about...

>> No.2905685

It won't work. She has the advantage in the relationship.

>> No.2905699

I like this.

>> No.2905701
Quoted by: >>2905830 >>2906009

There are many topics related to this, but to put it simply
> A survey earlier this year by the Japan Family Planning Association (JFPA) found that 45% of women aged 16-24 "were not interested in or despised sexual contact". More than a quarter of men felt the same way.
Overal, especially in Japan there is a growing trend of people just not having relationship/sex at all.

>> No.2905708

i watched fight club 2 weeks ago. can someone explain the ending? this is now a fightclub thread.

>> No.2905745
Quoted by: >>2905848 >>2905892

just look for someone that starts a stream soon and everyone say "ok bye beatani gonna go watch [x] instead!" or something like that

>> No.2905754
File: 182 KB, 276x264, 1355113938021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2906028

>anons who troll each other their whole life get hurt when a vtuber does it

>> No.2905763
Quoted by: >>2905862

We should talk about Korone in the next stream

>> No.2905772

Moral of the story, happiness is a curse.

>> No.2905823
Quoted by: >>2905857

>can someone explain the ending
... it's not exactly high art, anon

>> No.2905830

copium. Not saying she's riding the whole town, but a few boyfriends by her age is totally normal.

>> No.2905847

Post the cutest pictures of your oshi on her next tweet

>> No.2905848

Kek, this would actually work.

>> No.2905857

>schizophrenic guy hates his life and sees illusion and bombs buildings
is this right enough

>> No.2905862
Quoted by: >>2905983

The dog is too big. Another small indie would be good.

>> No.2905892

i mean gura bathtub pizza stream is in 50 minutes

>> No.2905894
File: 308 KB, 474x474, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2905897

I'm not saying she in particular is a virgin, I don't care, just saying it's far from uncommon for Japanese men/women even at this age to be virgin, and it's especially true for internet dwellers like her.

>> No.2905900

She is anything but normal though.

>> No.2905910
File: 108 KB, 277x280, 1589530017032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2906205


>> No.2905937

Maybe I can draw guro of the vtuber catgirl instead of her.

>> No.2905954
Quoted by: >>2906002

It's not hard to understand, Jack has a sad meaningless and materialistic life, he's going nowhere, so he becomes a schizo and and develops an alter ego of who he would like to be. Everything that happened from the fights to the terrorism was coordinated by him, but he doesn't know. At the end when he got rid of Tyler, everything was already done and things will go down to anarchy.

>> No.2905983
Quoted by: >>2906046

I mean that's a good idea in theory but in practice I think it needs to be someone she knows exists so unless she's mentioned some other indies she likes a holo might be the best choice

>> No.2905992

from what i remember, he thinks destroying those buildings would stop people from being materialistic
well, that's what i can muster out of it

>> No.2906001

No she is virgin NEET coping with life

>> No.2906002
Quoted by: >>2906109

It was, in the end, anon who brought about the final yah.

>> No.2906009 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 466x568, 1619305997540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2906076


>> No.2906028
Quoted by: >>2906204

I don't get this
When I say I fucked all the pussy on the earth I get laughed at.
She does it and the goslings fucking die.
Do people not get that her situation is worse than half this board?

>> No.2906046

>/yah/ lacks the critical information
She reads all these so nothing will be a surprise you know? Take it to the Discord

>> No.2906076

2D>3D but unironically.

>> No.2906090


>> No.2906109
File: 143 KB, 432x480, 1618871674744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help it. I love Bea too much

>> No.2906128

We'll never know obviously, but she presents many symptoms : japanese, neet, spend her time shitposting on the web and is an internet veteran meaning she probably spent her youth browsing too. On top of that the jokes she make are typical of one.

40% of Japaneses men & women millenial are virgin https://edition.cnn.com/2016/09/20/asia/japanese-millennials-virgins/index.html

So yeah, the likehood is actually pretty high

>> No.2906143

Would she have sex with (Me)?

>> No.2906154


please stop with NTR jokes, not only because it's not funny anymore but also because I genuinely feel worse after hearing it. Thank you.

>> No.2906159
Quoted by: >>2906328

No, (you) are a kimoi otaku.

>> No.2906163

No, you're kimoota.

>> No.2906178

No, kimoi otaku

>> No.2906181

I think it's funny, as long as it's not overused.

>> No.2906184

No, you are too cringe.

>> No.2906187

Nobody needs the element of surprise though. We make up a significant chuck of her live audience. If we all just vacate the stream with the words 'bye, watching XY chuuba now' it'll have an effect.

>> No.2906188

Who is (you)?

>> No.2906191


>> No.2906204
Quoted by: >>2906280

That's because you have no goslings, dad.

>> No.2906205

Did she do other videos than that webm ? Makes me diamonds

>> No.2906212

meds pls

>> No.2906218

Gosling hands wrote this.

>> No.2906228
Quoted by: >>2906266

She'll keep using it as long as goslingdads keep falling for it.

>> No.2906235

Stop smashing your mugs

>> No.2906236

ok i try make code

ES NO ELLA transmisión T-45 min
comenzar el plan número 2905745

>> No.2906239

sorry she, and you, are off your meds.

>> No.2906241
Quoted by: >>2906262 >>2906381


Please more NTR Jokes, More gosling exectutions, bring about the final /YAH/

>> No.2906262


>> No.2906266

This. The other dads keep enabling her, so she won't stop.

>> No.2906280
Quoted by: >>2906319 >>2906355

She is obviously lying you know. It is not like connor is calling her up in the stream. Olliefags don't gosling this hard even against a real threat

>> No.2906312
Quoted by: >>2906363

dads our daughter is the only person who mkaes me sad :(

>> No.2906319

That's only because Olliefags are all cucks.

>> No.2906320
Quoted by: >>2906419 >>2906439

>I genuinely feel worse after hearing it
She said in a tweet something like she wants to bully us to death and make us cry.

>> No.2906329
Quoted by: >>2906368

Beatani's pee...

>> No.2906328

I can settle for kimoi ota at this point

>> No.2906355

Takuya is real. I know this because I AM Takuya.

>> No.2906358

You don't shit where you eat, sorry.

>> No.2906363

That's pretty common when you have a child

>> No.2906367

>I genuinely feel worse after hearing it.
I get you, It's the part where she berates us that leaves me hollow sometimes

>> No.2906368


>> No.2906381

Kill Yourself

>> No.2906385

She's checking this thread

>> No.2906413
Quoted by: >>2906470

Joke's on her, I have a crippling NTR fetish.

>> No.2906417

YOU KUSO BEAR. You should have say beforehand that this would be a drinking stream, I'm not ready.

>> No.2906419

Crying dad... Crying listener-chan is cute... It all makes sense

>> No.2906424
File: 523 KB, 1006x944, 1619227559556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sending this picture from toilet. I laugh at you.

>> No.2906439

Why the fuck are we just sitting here taking it up the rear then? Our daughter is trying to bully us. We are obligated to bully back.

>> No.2906453
File: 191 KB, 755x930, xp hill discord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2906526 >>2906740

Alright dads time to get on discord while she's gone. lets keep it casual and meet on level 3

>> No.2906470

Same desu

>> No.2906478
File: 48 KB, 217x217, Beatani217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2906619

I'm the opposite of a drawfag, But I really did want to draw something for Beatani anyways. I'll take F4 unless someone who can actually draw wants it.

>> No.2906516
Quoted by: >>2906581

If you're immune to bullying, watching her bully other dads is really fun though.

>> No.2906526


>> No.2906547

what the fuck is going on? xD

>> No.2906555

>we successfully NTRd her with... ourselves (and Chihiro)
kinda based not gonna lie

>> No.2906562

be kind to me...

>> No.2906574

I don't want to be mean back. Despite what she does, she doesn't deserve it. It's not in my nature to be mean to people.

>> No.2906581

Goslings might be mentally deranged but they're still dads.

>> No.2906601

Dads... she's asking us to stop... I can't keep going

>> No.2906610

Just release the Ojisans again

>> No.2906619
File: 1.65 MB, 1966x1440, Mosaic Status.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2906796

All drawings are appreciated, thank you!

>> No.2906645

>can dish it out constantly
>instantly crumbles as soon as dads start to push back

>> No.2906652

She caught up on the thread during the break didn't she?

>> No.2906654

>I love you __too__
She is lying don't fall back. Remember no russians

>> No.2906655

>Do you know why I keep making stupid sex jokes
because you want to join vshoujo?

>> No.2906660

Bros, we went to far on the joke.

>> No.2906673


>> No.2906679

it definitely went too far

>> No.2906698


>> No.2906711

Concernfags AWAY.

>> No.2906723

I think she seriously got worried about the "dad's private discord" memes considering her tweets this morning

>> No.2906736

>trying to cure Goslings
a fools errand to say the least

>> No.2906738


>> No.2906739

>Admits to grooming her audience

>> No.2906740

don't leak it

>> No.2906743
File: 326 KB, 791x531, 1619208379677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She felt your neglect right in the heart.
Well done dads. You're learning

>> No.2906745

We didn't go far enough

>> No.2906752
Quoted by: >>2906953


>> No.2906764
Quoted by: >>2906850 >>2906891

Why is she trying to train are minds to see this as normal. Is she trying to make it hurt less when she reveals something that isn't a joke?

>> No.2906769
Quoted by: >>2906807

Hatesex with Beatani!

>> No.2906795

>he isn't in the Chihiro love, Beatani anti discord

>> No.2906796
Quoted by: >>2906860

Working on C4.

>> No.2906800

What did you guys do?

>> No.2906805
File: 171 KB, 792x995, culttruth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2906807

Furious sex with Beatani as revenge!

>> No.2906815
File: 331 KB, 517x768, superlative laughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to be honest, I feel very sorry for you guys
>you are very pitiful

>> No.2906816

>She has been forged in the fires of 2ch
>We went to far with the joke
It doesn't make sense.

>> No.2906820

This is the most fun I've had with a vtuber (an indie none the less) in a loooong time.

>> No.2906828

Honestly bea, I like the back and forth. We hurt a little, you get worried. It's all a beautiful timeloop of awesome content. please keep up being sweet!

>> No.2906832
Quoted by: >>2906857 >>2906905

You guys caved in as soon as she shows her cute, adorable, innocent, pure face, begging you to stop. Disgusting.

>> No.2906841
Quoted by: >>2906896

Goslingbros are you going to get stronger for our daughter?

>> No.2906844
File: 34 KB, 750x395, 1618084900762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bea promoting social Darwinism
know your place dads

>> No.2906850

have you never watch a romance anime with a tsundere fmc?

it's peak "it's not like I love you or anything"

>> No.2906853

I feel like she actually loves us when she says it....

>> No.2906855

so this is what being a battered wife feels like.....

>> No.2906857

Right, really need some backbone, she can take it.

>> No.2906860
File: 1.62 MB, 1966x1440, Mosaic Status.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2907560

Copy that, only a few more squares up for the taking

>> No.2906882

I don't love Chihiro anymore... I only want Beatani..

>> No.2906884

someone give me q quick rundown of what is happening this stream please

>> No.2906885
File: 83 KB, 610x900, 1619131194565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these concernfag and NTR-haters. you should believe in Bea, she is just shitposting dont ruin her effort


>> No.2906891

>Why is she trying to train are minds to see this as normal.
It is normal.
>Is she trying to make it hurt less when she reveals something that isn't a joke?
She's basically just admitted as much. She's joking now because she knows the goslings among us can't handle the truth.

>> No.2906896

No, it's a trap.

>> No.2906904

is this what they call negging?..

>> No.2906905

Absolutely this. I'd like to see where her breaking point is. We should have kept drilling.

>> No.2906921
Quoted by: >>2906976

>I'm not tsundere
that sounds like something a tsundere would say

>> No.2906922

Chihiro came in to comfort the dads after Beatani NTR'd them with Takuya.

>> No.2906936

Glasscanon menhera....

>> No.2906942

>She's too embarrassed to show us affection so she abuses us in various ways

>> No.2906943
Quoted by: >>2908150

she was sucking his bf's dick live on stream. Now she is trying to cover it up

>> No.2906951

The goslings are being groomed into being perfect dads. Also we played a game for a while.

>> No.2906953

Totally killed the vibe.

>> No.2906976

Tsunderes actually love you deep down, Beatani only wants to hurt you.

>> No.2906987
Quoted by: >>2908343


>> No.2907014
File: 236 KB, 500x643, 1528509482217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2907019

>kiara recommended kannagi anime in her debut stream
what did she mean by this?

>> No.2907029
File: 197 KB, 526x507, based bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

serious talk here

talking streams are fun but Beatani should really play more games

all the in-jokes are keeping normies away and make it harder for her to keep viewers

plus her being so mean doesn't help

>> No.2907030

The ntr arc (+gosling genocide) (+dads counterattack) (+beatani's confrontation)<- you are here

>> No.2907031

>usually have a girlfriend
pain kuma

>> No.2907033

>comparing the mug shatters with kannagi
this shitpost bear knows her stuff

>> No.2907038
Quoted by: >>2907177

She is trying to joke around and hopefully stop people from "catching feelings". It's a mercy in her mind.

>> No.2907048
File: 67 KB, 305x310, 1618249371131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to NAKADASHI Chihiro

>> No.2907109
Quoted by: >>2907591 >>2908849

>plus her being so mean doesn't help
it's better to be herself and have a natural filter against normalfags than to put up a facade and have an actual yab on her hands from them suddenly realizing what she's really like

>> No.2907124


>> No.2907130

She's getting cocky again, bros...

>> No.2907142

I love this bear even more now, get BTFO goslingfags and schizos , please don't change bear

>> No.2907155
Quoted by: >>2907591

>plus her being so mean doesn't help
It's called banter, anon. Let her filter out all the wet blankets.

>> No.2907167

Shit got too real, too quick.

>> No.2907172

This kusogaki... we need to crash this chuuba with no survivors.

>> No.2907177
Quoted by: >>2907234

putting goslings in their place and reminding them they're watching a shitposter play kusoge on youtube and not getting the GFE is for the best honestly

>> No.2907200
File: 42 KB, 321x480, b0fb238ce9292c23abaf7a58cfb77527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah, I'm sorry goslings about ntr jokes
>anyway you need real girlfriends

>> No.2907217
Quoted by: >>2907272

The lying bear finally comes out

>> No.2907226
File: 370 KB, 409x380, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe what I'm hearing bros...

>> No.2907229

imagine being bea and having to babysit 100 grownup men...

>> No.2907234

what if I told you im into shitposting kusoge player gfe?

>> No.2907237
Quoted by: >>2907269

I don't like this arc anymore...

>> No.2907269

I like it, I'm laughing at the goslings

>> No.2907272

>her 10+ girlfriends were lies
>Takuya was a lie
>her not being a virgin was a lie
goslings winning!?

>> No.2907276
File: 549 KB, 681x848, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it

>> No.2907287
Quoted by: >>2907354

Stop crashing reality down on me...

>> No.2907298
File: 158 KB, 414x528, 1618871530769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.2907331

>Just do mental gymnastics until everything is okay

>> No.2907337
Quoted by: >>2907364

i think she took the gosling meme too serious

>> No.2907338

we really are in the fight club arc.

>> No.2907339
Quoted by: >>2907422

shes ruining my escapism... dads... hold me tight...

>> No.2907344

>believe what you want to believe
Ah, the rrat mindset.

>> No.2907354

>Watch vtuber to escape reality for a bit
>She slams it in your face and laughs

>> No.2907359


>> No.2907364


>> No.2907382

She went from NTR baiting to light jabs to explaining she does it for goslings to not fall deeper to motivational speeches. I seriously wanted to not see her in a romantic sense but this is too much.

>> No.2907390

My sides are in orbit, haven't laughed this hard in month kek

>> No.2907395

>turned a shitty joke in the chat into a weird monologue
For what purpose?

>> No.2907397
Quoted by: >>2907424 >>2907439

dads, she's a concerned drunk...

>> No.2907407

>She is unironicly grooming goslingfags

>> No.2907412

This seems to be a strange time to check this thread out for the first time.

>> No.2907414

This is too meta.

>> No.2907419
Quoted by: >>2908911

If you really need a GFE, Rushia is right down the hallway.

>> No.2907422

I thought the escapism was supposed to be healthy...

>> No.2907424

Yeah, she's drunk. the facade is broken.

>> No.2907437
File: 282 KB, 359x509, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like this. I DON'T

>> No.2907440
Quoted by: >>2907520

Why do we have this real talk ? Can't she tank 10% of the banter she gives us ? Cringe

>> No.2907439

Oh shit, i forgot she's drinking. Maybe it's the liquor talking

>> No.2907441


>> No.2907471
File: 32 KB, 409x509, 1618020518742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stream got very based very fast

>> No.2907472

What is this brain washing

>> No.2907478


>> No.2907508

Here's my rrat:
She chose a quick game and started drinking because she planned to share some harsh truths today and needed a bit of courage.

>> No.2907514


>> No.2907519
Quoted by: >>2907539

So there really is a Discord huh...

>> No.2907520

We've 100% had some schizos that are legitimate goslings throw a fit here so reminding people that it's all just a joke from time to time might be for the best

>> No.2907528

>i think you should stop watching me

>> No.2907539

I didn't want to believe...

>> No.2907560
File: 5 KB, 217x217, c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2907727


>> No.2907562

>mug breaking noises

>> No.2907563
Quoted by: >>2909027

she's breaking my heart

>> No.2907566
Quoted by: >>2909027

uh oh Beatani's digging herself in a bit of a hole here she shouldn't take it too seriously

>> No.2907573
Quoted by: >>2909027

This is weird. I don't like this bros.

>> No.2907591
File: 872 KB, 2048x2025, beatani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's called banter, anon. Let her filter out all the wet blankets.
it's all well and good but IMO having subs come in and keep her streaming is something dads would want

>> No.2907592
Quoted by: >>2907623 >>2907627

Okay this is slowly getting uninteresting. What is her point? Escapism bad? If so she might as well turn her actual Webcam on or take the avatar off the screen.

>> No.2907599
Quoted by: >>2907609

>She is checking this thread right now
Fuck off bear, I love you.

>> No.2907609


>> No.2907610
File: 392 KB, 451x619, 1589211153438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's not a reel gamer, and the point of that would be to keep putting out content people can already watch more of as well as come back later for more - that's how you create an audience, as opposed to finding one by posting yourself on 4chan.
she'd have to settle on some genre or niche. random assortment of 20 games over a year won't do the trick. I think that was the point of slaidaspaia but she dropped that. also there have to be more ways to make this kind of content other than vidya.
either way I don't think she'll bother because she's a chaotic bear.

>> No.2907623


>> No.2907627
Quoted by: >>2907773 >>2907851

her point is to unironically take your meds if you can't handle her bantz

>> No.2907647

>Gets bullied back
>Starts to worry because context
Oh boy....we do have some schizo/gosling issues but I think the majority here are just having fun.

Beatani....calling you the discord/reddit bear is literally a JOKE.

>> No.2907666

....my retard brain can't handle this, i don't understand kek

>> No.2907691
Quoted by: >>2907765


>> No.2907705

At least she doesn't want us to hate her?

>> No.2907720
Quoted by: >>2907783

What's all this about a Discord?

>> No.2907722
Quoted by: >>2907733


>> No.2907727
File: 1.62 MB, 1966x1440, Mosaic Status.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2908717

Done and done!

>> No.2907728
Quoted by: >>2907765

this, I drink 5 beers and I'm lost what is going on for 15 minutes

>> No.2907733


>> No.2907735

I don't understand. We should just chose what to believe ourselves? Isn't that really bad. It's practically just creating your own fantasy,

>> No.2907738

>Bea is actually filtering, in real time, all the schizos and autists that literally can't comprehend the funny banter and subtle bulling and think she's calling them out in a mean way
YIKES. Schizos need their meds and the autists...well...good luck figuring this out on your own sorry.

>> No.2907741
File: 20 KB, 567x231, 1617481693304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2907746


>> No.2907751

She must have really hated the oji-san messages

>> No.2907752
Quoted by: >>2907787 >>2907861

Yes, it's terrible advice.

>> No.2907765

atleast i'm having fun so it don't matter kek

>> No.2907767

There was a breakdown in communication and things went to shit. Yes, Goslings should be checked but throwing a wet blanket on everything fucking sucks and isn't fun. Everyone should just move on and laugh about it later.

>> No.2907769

guys what happened to "vtubers are not therapy"?

>> No.2907773


> if you can't handle her bantz
She just crumbled beneath our echo didn't she? Idk maybe you need to be a gosling to see the supposed message here or something?

>> No.2907781

>When I say I love you

>> No.2907783
Quoted by: >>2908012

You're not a member? Cringe.

>> No.2907787

Without love it cannot be seen.

>> No.2907788
File: 5 KB, 440x86, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did she just read this

>> No.2907794
Quoted by: >>2907903

Banter or "busting each others balls" is a form of bonding. Same thing here...kind of.

>> No.2907814

>"when i drink alcohol i become more serious person"
>sex talk was serious

>> No.2907830
File: 1.29 MB, 1261x767, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2907874 >>2908869

>> No.2907849
File: 6 KB, 446x38, flippy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this?

>> No.2907851
Quoted by: >>2907922 >>2907924

Seems like she's the one not handling our banter actually....

>> No.2907862


>> No.2907861

It's good advice if you're able to be self-aware about it(as paradoxical as that seems) and not fall completely down the rabbit hole. You need to be very grounded mentally, though.

>> No.2907867
Quoted by: >>2907885

She's basically explaining cognitive behavioral therapy.

>> No.2907869

who cares about some random faggot

>> No.2907874

a discord server and a minecrafft server???? waoh

>> No.2907885
Quoted by: >>2907994

In a language she bearly speaks.

>> No.2907888

Maybe he got an automatic warning form Susan.

>> No.2907895

verified channel

>> No.2907896
Quoted by: >>2908003


>> No.2907903

When pillowfights turn into knifefights it's a bit different.

>> No.2907919

I think she's trying to say "don't take the internet too seriously" but it's getting lost in translation

>> No.2907922

This is what I'm saying. She "busts our balls" we go "Oh this kusogaki is gonna get it" and do so back. That is the game...

>> No.2907924
Quoted by: >>2908024

I hope not. I was really banking on her having tough 2ch skin

>> No.2907923

Choosing yourself what to believe leads to fantasy. You should look at facts and logic, not choosing what sounds nice. Her advice is not good honestly.

>> No.2907928

Am I the only one who is genuinely confused on what wisdom she's trying to impart on us?

>> No.2907943
Quoted by: >>2907965

You get invite to discord server if you join member?

>> No.2907952
File: 509 KB, 1136x1600, ntr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry goslings, you can fix it

>> No.2907965


>> No.2907967
Quoted by: >>2907992 >>2908034

That stream was boring me out of my mind. I'll check back if there was any punchline to this, if there wasn't, gotta say it was pretty fucking cringe

>> No.2907975

therapy sessions with Bea

>> No.2907977

This stream is kino and based. The only people getting filtered are brailets and unironic goslings.

>> No.2907984
File: 3 KB, 108x125, 1351329014236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when some people say that the chat will just be emote spam after the membership? well who's laughing now

>> No.2907992


>> No.2907994

I appreciated the pun.

>> No.2908003
Quoted by: >>2908165

Sorry man, I'm sure there's other sources for it these days.

>> No.2908007 [SPOILER] 
File: 65 KB, 217x217, 1619308824227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A7 here
I'm not a drawfag and I had to draw with my broken mouse I'm sorry

>> No.2908009

dad i just have adhd ;-;

>> No.2908012

I am, but I don't constantly check membership posts.

>> No.2908016

imagine not having fun in a bea stream

>> No.2908024

She's a niconico fag, not a 2ch poster.

>> No.2908034

There's no joke here she actually got serious.

>> No.2908042
Quoted by: >>2908086

Alright Bea. So you loving us is a lie...

>> No.2908044

I need more streams of Beatani's drunken wisdom.

>> No.2908045

so like the majority of this thread?

>> No.2908046

I get what she's trying to say. She is trying to imply it rather than directly say it.

>> No.2908074
Quoted by: >>2908122 >>2908287

She is a 24 years old kid, did you expect some meaningful advice?

>> No.2908082

It makes sense to me. But I'd have a hard time articulating it even as a primary english speaker. Kudos to her for trying to spell it out in a second language.

>> No.2908086
File: 422 KB, 900x900, 1618018964223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if that's what you want to believe

>> No.2908088

this would be even funnier if i had something to drink... fuck

>> No.2908097
Quoted by: >>2908966


>> No.2908104

There is nothing she wants to do, except yelling at us. Has she become a wife afterall

>> No.2908113

Yeah, I do.

>> No.2908116
Quoted by: >>2908563

what exactly was she trying to say

>> No.2908122
Quoted by: >>2908287 >>2908506

>24 years old kid
wait how old are you then if 24 is a kid for you anon-ojisan

>> No.2908123

Excuse me but I'll have to bring constellations again.
>Extraverted Intuition can function either perceptively or expressively. The verbal expression of Ne amounts to something like “brainstorming aloud.” Although typically not to the same extent as ENFPs, when orating aloud, ENTPs may not always seem to “have a point,” quickly bouncing from one idea to the next. In many cases, “the point” is for ENTPs to find their way to a judgment, but they must first explore the options by way of their Ne. While others may distrust the seemingly arbitrary or haphazard ways of Ne, ENTPs realize its value, recognizing that in time, truth or wisdom will reveal itself. ENTPs’ primary job then, is to employ and express their Ne, trusting that it will lead them in the right direction.

>> No.2908150

this. It is obvious

>> No.2908165

i remember in his tony hawk pro hater video he was originally going to do an indepth review of the physics and etc etc but the game was so bad he didn't bother. i always wanted to see the indepth version. ill stop derailing

>> No.2908170

Finally some good fucking content

>> No.2908174
Quoted by: >>2908316

this whole talk gives me PTSD of dealing with actual people and having serious talks with my ex
AWAY onegai

>> No.2908190

Why does she love this fucking game ...?

>> No.2908195
Quoted by: >>2908255

>I made a sex joke because escapism bad
>believe what you want
>the internet is pretty cool
I'm out.

>> No.2908218

This fucking bear, lol, what an exciting ride

>> No.2908255

eigo wa muzukashii pls andastand

>> No.2908276


>> No.2908282
Quoted by: >>2908966

Very cute

>> No.2908287

I came for shitposts and fun with some dudes and a bear and I'm getting watson 2.0 I don't want that shit.

People these days age different. You might as well be a baby until 30 or you got kicked out on to the street.

>> No.2908316

This,that's why i was laughing too much kek

>> No.2908345

I missed the sex talk. Was it really that bad?

>> No.2908343

Based. True LN heroines should always be virgins

>> No.2908354
File: 1.62 MB, 1966x1440, Mosaic Status.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2908966

It's a lot better than mine anon, good work!

>> No.2908362
Quoted by: >>2908564

Facts and logic are constructs. The only world that exists to you is the one that you perceive inside your mind. Useless and harmful concepts that don't benefit you in any way should be filtered out and ignored.

>> No.2908373


>> No.2908401

>Facts and logic
All through the filter of your own imperfect mind, no such thing will enter your thoughts.

>> No.2908417
Quoted by: >>2908482 >>2908744

Drunk beatani is scary, i never want to see drunk beatani again. Please i just want to shitpost.

>> No.2908435

I'll try to explain what I believe to be her main point of this talk in the next thread, enjoy the CHKN part for me dads.

>> No.2908451

Drunk bear trying to explain in a language she barely speaks why she makes sex jokes.
It was cringe, but her effort was cute.

>> No.2908465

Slay the spire...

>> No.2908472

>Middle school level psychology

>> No.2908482


>> No.2908485
Quoted by: >>2908590

It's not bad, the sudden serious tone is just off putting.

>> No.2908506

If your life sucked enough you can be 28 and call a 24 year old a kid.

>> No.2908507

It was hilarious, it took place around the time she left the castle in Too Fast RPG

>> No.2908563
Quoted by: >>2908819

I don't know but I like when Bea has a good friends aura with us and baits with silly things on other places to see our reaction or berates us in a non serious way, not a joke that is meant to trick you into believing it. I feel that right now she wanted to make it very clear we have almost no connection other than interacting in the internet. I'll blame it on the alcohol, but maybe if this didn't happen, her jokes would escalate for some reason.
I think that complaining about goslings and talking about all of this doesn't make sense if you like to reel them up and "hurt" them. You either care or you don't, Bea.
t. not a gosling

>> No.2908564

>Facts and logic are constructs

>> No.2908590
Quoted by: >>2908818

She hasn't said a single actually-serious thing this whole stream, anon...

>> No.2908619
Quoted by: >>2908765

what would be the ratio of weak dads who would permanently quit and the strong dads who would stay? i hope it doesn't affect her channel but you'll never know.

>> No.2908621

The bitrate is so low.

>> No.2908652
Quoted by: >>2908778


>> No.2908660
Quoted by: >>2909135

Get high enough and you'll start questioning gravity, up is sideways and down is changing.

>> No.2908665

"Facts and logic" people always pretend their ideological beliefs are the most natural and true of all because they say so. Better to take a stand for what you believe to be right and good and shove the technocrat nerds in the locker were they belong.

>> No.2908669
Quoted by: >>2908922 >>2908950

Never underestimate anon's ability to turn garbage into gold via mental gymnastics. This tipsy japanese woman barely had a coherent thought the last 30 minutes and you faggots are analyzing it like it's Nietzsche.

>> No.2908717
File: 198 KB, 774x777, A6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2908961

Cunny sun for A6

>> No.2908744
Quoted by: >>2908965

I'm not sure I want to watch this stream again, but I hope someone is archiving it.

I've never seen any of the hololive drunk streams, but I'm guessing they're not like this.

It's not bad, and I suppose even necessary to stave off goslings and concernfags, but I hope we can return to the bantz after this public service announcement.

>> No.2908765

>weak dads who would permanently quit
> i hope it doesn't affect her channel

>> No.2908778


>> No.2908807
Quoted by: >>2910158

nah it was just weird
>bea makes ntr joke
>chat makes ntr joke back
>bea says she's making the jokes to like get the goslings used to it
>chat assumes this is a grooming bit and continues the banter
>turns out bea is a sentimental drunk and it becomes a poorly translated DYRBI (or something) lecture

>> No.2908818
Quoted by: >>2908892

Wait what? Wtf was all that talk about believe what you want to believe then?

>> No.2908819
Quoted by: >>2908989

>I think that complaining about goslings and talking about all of this doesn't make sense if you like to reel them up and "hurt" them. You either care or you don't, Bea.
This is why a lot of guys don't want girlfriends

>> No.2908837

Wait, are the peoplle ITT actually seriously and think Bea went full serious mode and was actually bullying you to make you feel bad, what the fuck. Maybe you don't realize but that makes you a 100% schizoposter, but maybe you are just too far deep into the hole that you don't even see it yourself. I love this bear filtering all you fags out in real time get fucked. -IRL wizard that doesn't get triggered when a vtuber mentions sex

>> No.2908849

We were worried about us off putting to new viewers...she's doing that on her own. Jesus.

>> No.2908869

>all the guro, cunny, and 3DPD Shimakaze-kun dick erased from beatani town in the map wipe
Like tears in the rain.

>> No.2908892

That's just talk, that's not serious talk.
You can't just categorize Beatani as "100% joke" and "100% serious", otherwise you start getting schizo dad vibes.

>> No.2908911
Quoted by: >>2908949 >>2909065

Both Rushia and Bea are my girlfriends!

>> No.2908922

>This tipsy japanese woman barely had a coherent thought the last 30 minutes
I think the important aspects (namely to take a chill pill if you're letting the rrats and the NTR jokes get to you) made sense just fine it's just a mixture of being surprising since she usually doesn't get serious and a language barrier muddying things
though the fact that she thinks most people are being serious and aren't also in on the joke might be the alcohol speaking

>> No.2908924
Quoted by: >>2909028 >>2910466

>reality doesn't exist
Not this phylosophy 101 bullshit again.
If you have an apple standing on a rock and add another, you have two apples on a rock. These are not toughs, because if you ask someone else how many apples are there they'll say two. An animal (let's say a monkey) will also recognize the apples as apples and take one. Now there's one in the rock.
None of this happened in your mind, we just interpreted the situation with our own limited understanding, but the rock and the apples existed. Fuck off glue smoking hippies.

>> No.2908949

based polygosling

>> No.2908950

>Do you believe?
>You have to believe what you want
>So when I say something you have to choose if you believe it or not
>Discord bear... reddir bear... you are joking... but do you believe it?
The bear was drunk

>> No.2908961
File: 1.59 MB, 1966x1440, Mosaic Status.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, we're almost all done!

>> No.2908965

>but I hope someone is archiving it.
Yeah, I'm archive it right now.

>> No.2908966 [SPOILER] 
File: 67 KB, 217x217, 1619309561338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2909133

Just a small update, same thing with more clouds since I was looking at A6 for some reason

Thanks bros. It's taken from Azumanga Daioh ending, I hope an oldfag like Bea will appreciate referencing to the ancient series

>> No.2908974

cringe kino

>> No.2908989


>> No.2908993
Quoted by: >>2909158 >>2909231

I feel demotivated all of a sudden...

>> No.2908995

This thread is rapidly turning cringe. Cute and funny bear is doing family death fights again.

>> No.2909003

I did not get that impression from any of these posts.

t. schizo poster

>> No.2909027

that felt uncomfortable but we are past it

>> No.2909028

That has got to be the stupidest way there is to attempt to explain objective reality.

>> No.2909048
Quoted by: >>2909117

>everybody got filtered but me
ever thought to yourself 'what if I'm the schizo here'? No? Of course you haven't.

>> No.2909065

Ok, let me elaborate. You have a better chance with the necromancer.

>> No.2909112
Quoted by: >>2909311

No one think like that here, In fact I think it's Bea that went a bit too serious.

>> No.2909117

Maybe if you read the thread you'd know better fellow schizo

>> No.2909133

No problem, I just updated it

>> No.2909135

literally not even false

>> No.2909137

I'm kinda hammered, but i think bea is the one who took our joke too seriously

>> No.2909144
Quoted by: >>2909279

The only real schizo here is me.

>> No.2909155

why does this thread have 2000 posts what happened

>> No.2909158
Quoted by: >>2909350

she will have a terrible hangover once she sobers up and looks back at this stream

>> No.2909208

Beatani is going to have an orgy with listener-chans and shimakaze-kuns on stream and get them pregnant live, then kill a few.

>> No.2909212
Quoted by: >>2909311


>> No.2909229

This was the darkest arc yet. Keep the bear away from alcohol from now on dads.

>> No.2909231

Me too, but I'm looking forward to post-stream tweets

>> No.2909250

lots of sex

>> No.2909279
Quoted by: >>2909646

I talk to bea and other chuubas as if they're sitting behind me because sometimes I think they're actually there and talking to me or each other every day.

>> No.2909295

Fuck, it's too late, good night.

>> No.2909306

>when the goslingposting made bea a goslingposter herself

>> No.2909308

STOP STOP STOP! We aren't going to go in this circle anymore
>Wait, are the peoplle ITT actually seriously and think Bea went full serious mode and was actually bullying you to make you feel bad

Saw the whole thing go down and it's all banter. You don't see a single person going ANTI. Do you? There's like 1 dislike on the stream. So you can ALL assume everyone is joking right? I think it's Beatani that doesn't get it or can't take the blow back.

>> No.2909311

yeah me too
uh anon you ok there bud?

>> No.2909350
Quoted by: >>2909442

Probably, but I'm glad she did it. I hope it isn't too embarrassing for her.

>> No.2909369

>why does this thread have 2000 posts what happened
it's a pretty normal beatni thread

>> No.2909411

im not serious just tired
this ntr arc is filtering me too hard

>> No.2909429

all truth is subjective

>> No.2909437
Quoted by: >>2909489 >>2909642

why is she drinking at 9am anyway lmao

>> No.2909442

I hope some clipfag can get a coherent tl;dr out of it

>> No.2909462
Quoted by: >>2909609

She might have thought that we were seriously pushing her away during the intermission, hope it's not the case.

>> No.2909473
File: 178 KB, 365x354, 1617372870295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2909657

Dads. I'm not going to joke about neglecting Beatani again!

>> No.2909489

It's sunday

>> No.2909542
File: 33 KB, 408x448, aah....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling yourself a wizard like you're proud of it
do you guys really lmao

>> No.2909582
Quoted by: >>2909697

>I think it's Beatani that doesn't get it or can't take the blow back.
I think it's pretty much this, I feel a little bad for her

>> No.2909588

>I think it's Beatani that doesn't get it or can't take the blow back
But wasn't she suppossed to be a based 2ch poster?

>> No.2909609
Quoted by: >>2909833 >>2909970

THAT LITERALLY IS THE CASE OR ELSE WE WOULDN'T HAVE HAD THAT TALK! Look how she's acting right now. All stiff.

>> No.2909642

It was her preloading the "everything I say is a lie" arc to demonstrate that she wasn't really joking and that all of her interactions with users are fabricated and only hold the value you are able to apply to them in your own mind.

>> No.2909646

I push my face into my pillow that I warmed earlier by hot water bags while listening to patra asmr just to stimulate the feeling of a female touch, and I am gonna do the same with bea asmr.

>> No.2909657

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I won't ever try to bully her again, in twitter or in the chat. I'm sorry bear.

>> No.2909659
Quoted by: >>2909833


>> No.2909669

Every stream is one hell of an experience, sasuga shitposting bear.

>> No.2909670
Quoted by: >>2909803 >>2909828

Considering how the pre-stream thread went and how the stream itself is going, I wonder if we should not have a new thread until after she begins sober tweeting

>> No.2909684


you are hidden behind your anonymity it's completely different if you are taking criticism in your face

>> No.2909689

She's a menhera and she was drunk.

>> No.2909697

Bit off more than she can chew.

>> No.2909709


>> No.2909715

She seemed to not like the Chihiro love spam
or misunderstood the joke as us being angry at her. I think we forgot about this possibility.

>> No.2909725

I think bear is serious in trying to figure out her role as a streamer with people who like her for reasons she doesn't believe about herself. Combine with alcohol and she is going to be even clumsier in her thoughts.

>> No.2909757

He probably has come to accept it.

>> No.2909776
File: 344 KB, 547x556, 1540940699487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2909845

This is all a big misuderstanding. I never meant to hurt the bear.

>> No.2909777

Or she is 4d reverse trolling you

>> No.2909798

Illy bear...

>> No.2909803

probably for the best, but that won't stop someone from making one anyways

>> No.2909809

that doesn't actually mean she's thick skinned
just look at all the anti/schizo posting on the rest of /vt/

>> No.2909821
Quoted by: >>2909950

End of thread
slayer reps
dont stick your dick into menhera

>> No.2909828

You and me know someone will make it. What everyone needs right now is to calm down and act supportive for the incoming twitter arc.

>> No.2909830

She is jealous. Can't handle listener looking at anyone else.

>> No.2909833


Sober Beatani would've caught it, I think

>> No.2909835

I love Bea!

>> No.2909845


>> No.2909844
Quoted by: >>2909953

With the rrat about chihiro being her roomate, what does this say about beatani?

>> No.2909851

I love you too!

>> No.2909867


>> No.2909888

sarcasm does not translate well if you can't back it up with body language

especially in japanese where the concept of sarcasm does not exist originally

>> No.2909889
Quoted by: >>2910086

well im fucking depressed now

>> No.2909890

emotional abuse / 10

>> No.2909909


>> No.2909910

philosophy reps

>> No.2909929
Quoted by: >>2910105

rollercoaster/10, the ride NEVER ends.

>> No.2909935

unironically based and redpilled/10

>> No.2909943

That happened/10

>> No.2909947


>> No.2909950
Quoted by: >>2910143

>don't stick your dick into menhera
b-but they're cute

>> No.2909953
Quoted by: >>2910095

Nothing different than being jelly, because if the roomate rrat were true, she still sees us and believing they're different people.

>> No.2909967

too meta / 10

>> No.2909968

Oh shit, did she really take us seriously?

>> No.2909970

She also begun with that talk "it's girls who chose guys" remember. This is the case

>> No.2909992
Quoted by: >>2910086

My happiness is gone bros...

>> No.2909997


>> No.2910009

Pushing Bea to suicide with my redditbros!

>> No.2910026


>> No.2910027


>> No.2910031

I miss her already.../10

>> No.2910063
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 1601281909849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emotional Swing/10

>> No.2910070
Quoted by: >>2910779

I still can't get over my own joke
Dying to chicken with a collision
Cock blocked
Holy shit hahahahaha god damn that's so good.

>> No.2910078

I love this kusogaki bear even though she might not think so

>> No.2910086

based bea making us feel real emotions even while watching vtubers

>> No.2910090

would love to meet this person in the bar randomly and chat the night away / 10

>> No.2910095

as believing*

>> No.2910103
Quoted by: >>2910950 >>2911044

Imagine cozying up with Beatani underneath the kotatsu as you both sip on sake

>> No.2910105

rollercoasters are bad and for children though...

>> No.2910106
File: 1.09 MB, 1091x871, I FEEL THE WARP OVERTAKING ME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dads I feel that I am slowly turning into a concernfag...

>> No.2910117

The bear makes me feel things with her emotional rollercoaster.

>> No.2910121
File: 120 KB, 512x512, 1604858544352.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was fun stream to watch other going gosling

>> No.2910124

So uhm, beatani birthday and message won the poll. But I'll wait until tomorrow to post the prompt and detailed instructions.

>> No.2910129

>Beatani: Does banter/shitposting
>Dads/family:"Ok, REVERSE UNO CARD!"
>Beatani: *Surprised Pikachu face*

>> No.2910132

I still have doubts she's not able to understand jokes when they're directed at her, there is no way. I'll that that stream as her being drunk and expressing some concerns she usually keeps deeper, unrelated to our reactions.

>> No.2910133

How new? God /vt/ really is filled with the newest of fags

>> No.2910143

take my advice and leave this place
or take the red pill, and collect the pieces of your mug from ground in the end

>> No.2910158

Foolish bea

>> No.2910177
Quoted by: >>2910240

Jack plz go

>> No.2910183
Quoted by: >>2910309


>> No.2910192

how fucking new

>> No.2910198
Quoted by: >>2910309


>> No.2910204
File: 2.66 MB, 2448x2448, Et3rQw5VoAs-ECO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2910567

End of thread reminder that I LOVE BEATANI!
but not in that way. I just want her to succeed and do her best! And maybe not get drunk at 8 in the morning again. I'm not adverse to her getting serious from time to time but it felt like she failed to realize we can shitpost just as hard as she can and took the stuff from her intermission for real.

>> No.2910218
Quoted by: >>2910309

pachi pachi

>> No.2910220


>> No.2910240
Quoted by: >>2910329 >>2910373

I'm not that faggot. Don't ever call me that again.

>> No.2910248
Quoted by: >>2910309

HaHa! Great post my man! I laughed!

>> No.2910276
File: 238 KB, 600x750, 1604366593880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to get off Beatanis wild ride/10

>> No.2910298
Quoted by: >>2910448

Bea, tune it down with the sex and ntr jokes already

>> No.2910309

It's not a joke you retards.

>> No.2910329
Quoted by: >>2910372 >>2910441

whatever you say, jack

>> No.2910342
Quoted by: >>2910441

:clap: :clap: NEXT MEME

>> No.2910351
Quoted by: >>2910441

Next meme! :^)

>> No.2910361
File: 890 KB, 2015x3324, ExXQAOoXMAo8cd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beatani I know you're reading this thread. There's no need to take what you read here too seriously, I and other dads were too autistic to realize you were trying to keep our gosling feelings at bay to not indirectly cause pain using NTR shitposting, but now it's clear and I'm sure everyone will be stronger and keep their emotions in check.
We're stronger than you believe and don't think we'll hate you for this. For me it's the opposite, I had the opportunity to see a different side of you today and I'll have to cope with that. I'm getting good at that so no need to worry too!

>> No.2910373
Quoted by: >>2910441

Jack-san your med reps...

>> No.2910372


>> No.2910392
Quoted by: >>2910441


>> No.2910401

Oh man, He Did It Again! Wow You're Really Good At This! HaHa!

>> No.2910406 [SPOILER] 
File: 10 KB, 473x426, 1619310738736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This guy fucks your oshi EVERY night

>> No.2910410
Quoted by: >>2910450 >>2910505

End of thread reminder that I LOVE BEATANI!
I love her in the Creepy, sweaty, dadvirgin way! Peroperoperopero! (Ejaculates)

>> No.2910441
Quoted by: >>2910573 >>2910610

Ngmi if you want to sweep every thing under the rug and repeat it the next day.

>> No.2910448

Bea, more ntr jokes. But take a break from them so they hit harder

>> No.2910450


>> No.2910452

155m, 0kg

>> No.2910466

that's your shitty analogy. Not serious polemics. I can throw cave and fire analogy as well.

>> No.2910486
Quoted by: >>2910652

>Everyone but me is dumb here

>> No.2910497

I want to hug the bear and tell her everything is going to be ok.

>> No.2910503
Quoted by: >>2910626 >>2910716

Yeah but Chihiro is a fictional character (Chisato too, but you know what I mean), she can't possibly think we are serious?

>> No.2910505
File: 291 KB, 480x265, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2910506

End for this kusothread with maximum cringe!

>> No.2910534

Don't worry too much about it, it was all a joke in good faith, we all love your content

>> No.2910546
File: 27 KB, 429x421, 1595217135758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2910602 >>2910634

atrocious game choice. it worked for korone because it's on brand. here it was just something she wanted to play on a whim and it didn't do shit for the stream - if it wasn't before, now it's perfectly clear that Bea is 100% an ego streamer. Shame she doesn't really watch other streamers, just clips (as she confessed herself) - as there are succesfull ways to run such content, and she isn't onto them.

>> No.2910567

Spotted the twitter replyguys

>> No.2910573

Ngmi if you don't realize Beatani is a grown woman capable of realizing she misinterpreted banter while she was drunk.

>> No.2910577
Quoted by: >>2910711

A little cringe / 10
but i'll blame it on her drink and not getting we were meme teasing her like she does to us

>> No.2910593
File: 105 KB, 197x218, 1604769989998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2910622

Was this the "final yab" ? Have we gone through this? Are we safe now? We are, right?

>> No.2910594
Quoted by: >>2910767

Beatani please don't drunk tweet

>> No.2910602

You're not helping anon.

>> No.2910610
Quoted by: >>2910700

but we already know that you didn't make it, jack-kun....

>> No.2910622

far from it

>> No.2910626

No, both of them are real.

>> No.2910634

She's addicted to chkn

>> No.2910648
File: 10 KB, 546x572, ESA4gcWXYAE4OXy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds, Anon-kun

>> No.2910651

it's not nice to bully the autistic anonchama

>> No.2910652

Explain where I said I'm not dumb.
I rarely ever reply. Incorrect!

>> No.2910656

Extremely sloopy and cringe/10

>> No.2910694
File: 511 KB, 1440x2560, sadgrill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2910768

Tfw it was not us that could not handle her shitposting. It was her that could not handle our shitposting

>> No.2910700

But Jack wasn't at that stream. I'll give you a hint. My Oji posting DIDN'T get deleted.

>> No.2910701
Quoted by: >>2910826

welcome to 4chan

>> No.2910711

You know, this almost felt like Polka's GFE streams. It was like a couple trying to discuss a problem between themselves. I liked it, we need more of these

>> No.2910712

what are the chances that she's in tears right now?

>> No.2910716

It was a little weird, but maybe we are just misunderstanding her and she is also joking about the chihiro stuff

>> No.2910721


Still love the bear, wish it happened differently though. She seemed actually upset, and if I'm being honest I am too. Not at the sex thing, that doesn't bother me, but it got a bit mean-spirited for a bit there on both sides. That and the "If I wanted to hurt you I wouldn't have said that" bit.

>> No.2910725

My takeaway from today is that everyone needs to do more slay za spiya reps.

It's all good, Beatani

>> No.2910730
File: 318 KB, 640x480, 1609192757978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening again...

>> No.2910757
Quoted by: >>2911117

Tears? No. Going back to bed? Likely.

>> No.2910767
Quoted by: >>2910786

Just you wait. 200 tweets that are barely understandably and contradicting is coming soon.

>> No.2910768

She didn't lurked for 10000 years before posting on 4chan. Cringe...

>> No.2910777

Beatani PLEASE drunk tweet, I miss you already, I can't handle another hour without you

>> No.2910779


>> No.2910782
File: 295 KB, 554x486, 1615848676768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't replay that often on twitter but I did send her like $600 so I'm probably even worse
I really do want the best for her and that's all

>> No.2910786

so the shizo arc continues? based

>> No.2910788
Quoted by: >>2911117


>> No.2910798

Licking Beatani's tears after she shitposted too hard and is now having an existential crisis!

>> No.2910812

>Still no tweet
The minute I go to sleep she will fucking post something, I know it.

>> No.2910822

hangover soon and she'll go sleep, so she's likely in bed

>> No.2910826


>> No.2910879
Quoted by: >>2911002

Don't worry bros, she's not in tears yet.
Might be during or after the act, though.

>> No.2910898

i miss her bros...

>> No.2910901
File: 1003 KB, 404x347, 1618021739207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullying the bear was supposed to be fun but I just feel bad now. I hope that she never takes this to heart.

>> No.2910950


>> No.2910951
Quoted by: >>2911051 >>2911125

>Yesterday we had the best stream ever
>Today... we need to talk
Is this the GFE?

>> No.2910963

For someone who wanted to say to not take her to heart, she sure took us to heart...

>> No.2910966

So was what she did a defense mechanism or what

>> No.2910983

We should all know by now that anyone that does vtubing isn't right in the head in some way or form.

>> No.2910987

Why do we hurt the ones we love?

>> No.2910989

The fun thing is that she feels the same way bullying us, leading to those awkward apology explanations.

>> No.2911000

Bea is taking a bath with clothes still on and holding the bottle

>> No.2911002

Fair warning, a lot of people here plan to impregnate you myself included

>> No.2911044

truly the dream...

>> No.2911051


>> No.2911055

"Don't take the negative things to heart, only the positives." Ok...can we ask you to do the same? Because that's what it is.

>> No.2911059

I looked up this guys youtube channel for like 5 minutes but I still don't understand anything what it is about

>> No.2911109

this. I thought that it was supposed to be a funny banter

>> No.2911117

my ex also liked to act tough when we were arguing and then broke down when she was alone.
you absolutely have to know where exactly is the limit. sometimes it's hard.

>> No.2911124
File: 338 KB, 2048x1536, 1615593769537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2911186

miscommunication: the stream

>> No.2911125


>> No.2911171
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1617044112628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stream today was the best example of parasocial relationships I've seen in a while lmao
you guys NEED to get back on your schizo meds and get a normal gf asap

>> No.2911186

the hell is wrong with this guy's head

>> No.2911198

Everything is going to go back to normal next stream, right dads?

>> No.2911206

Fuck. now I feel bad. I'm sorry Bea.
