Youtube: VODs: Gura Birthday Celebration 2022: Thread: >>28856568
Gura and I are getting married
this is what gura likes
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>28879631that body is literally perfect
She really wants to RP more with us. God she's so cute...
Gura is the perfect girl
I want Gura with super long, fluffy hair.
stop being so tsundere about tempus and move your stream
so what happened in the subway>>28879726
>>28879835Kill yourself
>>28879474Gura is the Groom and Goom master.She will not be outdone in a contest of cute girl sex
Goob won't stream over the homos. Because:1)Gawr Gura is a gentle, sweet soul. She's not after LE BASED BTFO HOMOSHITS 4chan points. She might never interact with them, but she also has no reason to knee cap them.2)She didn't know they were debuting, most likely.
>>28879835She will concede soon, weak shark.
>>28879875sold her soul for a free ticket
I can't believe I slept in until 3 PM with my daughter wife, well she's still sleeping. What a stream
>>28880008They're targeted at a different audience faggot, her streaming over them won't change anything
>>28880081If anything, her not streaming because of their debut would only bring them more hate. Uf she wants to be considerate, she should stream.
>>28880008Goob WILL stream over the homos. Because:1)She doesn't care2)She doesn't care but a second time
>>28880081You're delusional, the average chumbud is just an underage memer, perfect to grow a brotuber audience.
>>28880081Yeah, there really isn't much overlap. It's the same when JPs stream over a new EN outfit reveal. I'm pretty sure there isn't that huge a crossover between those who watch the EN girls and the new EN males that'll come out.
>>28880079I'm still high from it. Imagine not having faith in Goomba.
>>28880081Yes, the overlap isn't massive, but Holotourists will flock to Gura and she will take a large chunk of them. Omega is clearly pushing the fags what with having a fucking watch party on the HoloEN channel for them, so pretending no one cares when a higher up is literally helping shill them (A-chan) on a Holo channel is silly.
>>28880008She'll stream over them because she's based and doesn't give a shit about homos
How can there be an overlap if the Homos aren't in Hololive? They're in HomoStars.
>>28880008>She didn't know they were debuting.>Still doesn't know.>Still doesn't stream.>Huhaha.
Gura is not allowed to interact with the Homos because she's a child
The Homos are in HoloStars, not Hololive. There is no overlap.
>>28879875Blu just wasn't the same after the male yab...
>>28880292>Holotourists will flock to Gura and she will take a large chunk of themGood. Not even tourists care about Holostars.Hell dude even the entire reddit is in "meh who gives a shit mode" about them other than posting mag memes
i am generally pro-stars, at least i like the jp stars. i hope gura overlaps them. the idea that hololive EN should be closer to stars than has been the standard for hololive JP just degrades the standards of the community further.
gura's asmr was good i can see why someone would pay for it
>>28879826Super long hair on her next outfit pls.Actually, what do you guys think the theme on her next outfit will be?
so what's up with all these tourists forcing unity between Gura and the blue thot
>>28880176Watch hololive streams. Im literally quoting what Ame said
gura doesn't give a shit about dudes she doesn't even knowbut she will stop streaming and tweeting for days to play with the ones she knowstwo faced shark
> Watch hololive streams. Im literally quoting what Ame said
>>28880604So you're just copying her cope.
Nice post touristchama
>>28880530Hard to tell, since it will most likely be the same theme as the rest of myth again. Maybe something comfy and warm for the winter.
New 3D outfit when?
>>28880212Gura loves BMD
>>28880785Next fes
>>28880530Wargear outfit.
My mind is still powerful from the memba stream. They shitpost, but I barely see it let alone respond.
Gura will cancel the public stream but do 2 member ones, your loyalty will be tested
>>28881017fuck I have to watch mag or I won't fit in here anymore
>>28881017>cancel public stream but do two members onesBased. Fuck greys, some of them are alright but the majority are tourist retards.
>>28880933I kinda want a goth one
It brings me great joy knowing that Gura is into RP
>>28881017Consider the following: All member streams.
>>28881299It's fun and she's a great actress.
>>28881349Consider this: Hairclip and above only streams.
>>28881349All member streams all the time. Gura will prove to us that she takes two baths a day.
>>28881299DDLG RP next
>>28881299It was adorable in the beginning with her nervous laughter. Now that she knows people love it, she's going to keep doing it. So cute.
Is Gura the kind of girl that reads erotic books?
>>28881604She likes creative writing but doesn't read books, so probably just fanfics.
You ever wonder what Gura's twitter usage would be like if there wasn't an unending pile of fanart to like and retweet?
>>28881604Dunno, I know my mom had a couple.
>>28881648what about her?
>>28881648Go back, Bjoarn
>>28881604>>28881688No way. Gura reads doujins and looks at fanart. She's not a reading person in general, the words make her dyslexia act up.
>>28881719>reserved for future succy soundpost
>>28881692I hardly know how twitter works
>>28881349Yes please. I know she still wants to throw grays a bone sometimes but if it wasn't for game perms being shit for members stream I could see her doing them even more.
>>28881711He got banned from her channel and blocked on twitterWouldn't be upset if he was the one trying to start shit here all the time.
>>28881889>Wouldn't be upsetI think I just had a strokeI mean to type surprised
>>28881933Happens to the best of >us.
>>28881743Anon, I... she literally read a story to us in the last stream and said she's into creative writing before.
>>28881933I'm shocked I don't get called ESL more because when I post late at night I notice I make errors constantly. English is the only language I know, I just get extra retarded when I'm tired
>>28880176>the average chumbud is just an underage memer
>>28882109>there's actual boomers watching Gura
>>28882109He meant to type TeamateHe just made a mistake.Who do you think are the ones posting all the knock off Mobius memes?
>>28882342Stop talking about Teamates in here ffs. It's like you want them to shitpost
>>28882391you must have missed this >>28882166
>>28882109it was only a matter of time until the 0.7% found us
>>28882109it's me! i'm 8.6%!
>>28882391Anon, they've been shilling their homos and their 2view leech here for an entire week.
Is gura dead?
>>28882609She's just a little sick.
>>28882109Damn, Gura better stream over the homostars so she can keep her 8% female audience.
>>28882646yeah, she's SICK NASTY
>>28882671>320,000 fembuds
>>28882805LONDON? Ontario
>>28882109>that retired couple that watch Gura as a replacement for their weird, autistic dead daughter
>mfw she cancels tonight's stream
>>28882917What the fuck, man.
>>28882671I think its been made pretty obvious that all of Gura's fembuds are lolicons.
>>28882805>20,000 are under 18
>>28883024>insert joke that would make schizos cry for the next 2 hours about off topic posting.
God I love her so much!
>>28882950It would be m*nagement forcing her to cancel the stream, unlike your oshi, Gura doesn't care about those faggots
>>28882109What about 12 and under?
>>28882950Show me your face when she doesn't
diaper shark
>>28883389T- 2.5h±0.5h
>>28883134Youtube is legally not allowed to show them on the metrics
>>28883024I'm retarded. It's 28k.
A child...
>>28883936worse than a predator
Cunny I kneel
cumbuds, should i wait for the stream? i have an incredible urge
>>28884371Do it now so you will be able to focus later.
Chumbuds, we might've got too cocky...
trust the shart
Waiting for Gura's smug ass to get magged
fart sharkdookie dolphinfeces fishpoop goop
>>28884996this is what gura enjoys
she will not stream today...
>Gura is attracted to underaged girls>Gura thinks you get a GF by grooming her on discord>Gura is going to try to groom Rindo>Gura will show up at Rindo's home>Rindo's parents apparently are deaf because they don't hear their daughter shouting at fucking 4 am>Gura will get Rindo to beat her up because as we know Gura is a weak as fuck womenlet who is weaker than Ina and Gura really likes ryona, or whatever you call it if it is lesbian>Gura will get locked on Blue's cage, naked and Rindo will take Gura's panties>Rindo will probably get Gura to autograph the panties
>>28885458t. tourist
>>28881604>Gura>ReadingYou already know the answer
We lost...the future is male
>>28885577Stop shilling yourself, whore. Go get murdered already.
>>28885577Nah they will just have mutual loving cunny sex
>>28885577I don't think either of them could look at the other without collapsing into some form of psychosis.
I don't think Gura even knows about Tempus.
Gura is so cute, what the fuck.
Gura might be too sick to stream, but I'll still kneel if she writes another member post with a cute emoji at the end.
>>28886243If Gura is too stick to stream im still going to schizo post about how its managements fault just to warn you. So you dont reply to it seriously later.
Ina already doomposting about leaving the timeslot open for male
>>28886352Same desu
>>28886352you pull off jenma's mask. it turns out she is Pestilence a whoresman of the apocalypse
>>28886469dont careless >we support these kinds of things the less work gets hoisted on Gura
need a download of the maid member stream please
>>28886243I am holding out for a later stream because I think she'll be sleeping in anyway, since she's sick, and I do think they don't want to overlap. Still, while I can contain the inner schizo I can't stop it from shitposting inside my head about a cancelled stream today of all days, mnuch like I couldn't before when everyone just so happened to shift streams around or cancel all at the same time as the reveal.
>>28886352She actually might be too sick to stream, but im with you, im still gonna blame management for not wanting her to stream over the faggots. I still think she's gonna stream though
>>28883112>your oshiThat's not a teamate. Probably doesn't even have an oshi.
>>28886629just watch the vod or use yt-dlp
>>28886469I hate cons so fucking much>>28886559While true, the vast majority of con goers aren't from /here/ anyway. So I don't think it will make much of a difference sadly.
>>28886469Gurame always wins baby
Shark pissy cunny
>>28886629I've downloaded itI'll post it in 3 months, provided nobody else did.
>>28886446What did she say exactly?
>>28886559Don't be retarded. They all get shit pushed onto them, but I imagine Crunchyroll panels with genmates are the ones they would enjoy doing the most.
>>28886808Right that is why I actively shit on Cover publicly for making her do this stuff too.
>>28886875She may even have a pee covered shirt around, considering she's sick.
>>28887073>Muh new part of the HoloEN family>I won't stream for long>Please support them
>>28886446>>28887144I mean Gura could stream after their debuts since I don't think anyone on EN is.
>>28887144>part of the HoloEN familyJfc, assuming you didn't make this up, is it actually over for EN? Is Gura really the only hope we have left?
>>28887144That doesn't sound like doomposting.
Do we hate Ina now?
>>28887141>mfw whenever Gura is sick she becomes so lazy she just pees into bunched up shirts
>>28887402Hate might be the wrong word for what I'm feeling, but I certainly think less of her now.
Finally got my Gura nendo. Are we team shark hat or no shark hat? I can't figure out how to get it back on so I'm going without
>>28887402Why?I dont read global because im not retarded.
does anyone ever just lay in bed with their eyes closed and visualize gura's plump cunny for extraordinarily long periods of time?
>>28887701>Shitposters taking one line and blowing it out of proportionI didn't actually hear what she said but I'd imagine it wasn't actually that big of a deal. Also, doesn't matter because it has nothing to do with Gura's stance on the homos
>>28887402What happened?
>>28887683mistress's instructions were quite clear
>>28887919She doesn't want to stream over her new coworker's debuts
>>28887402she's just giving herself an excuse to never interact with them
>>28887887Yea... Escapism is my vice
>>28887683No hat, it's too big.
cancellation tweet within an hour
For context btwForm your own opinions
>>28888162members post more likely since she didn't tell the grays about it anyways.
>>28888186Is that just how Ina talks or did she sound really reluctant to have to say that
>>28888162>I am cancelling Amelia Watson for slobbering over homo cock. Also here's the waiting room for my stream
>>28888162>Is always an Ame imageyou guys really changed your ways fast
>>28888186she sounds dead inside and reading from a script
>>28888186Im shocked the shitposters latched on to her saying holoEN family and not her line about them being really good dudes. Either way it's literally nothing, and that's probably more than Gura is even gonna mention about them.
>>28888348You see if they post Ame images it means that they totally arent actually teamates.There is no possible way a teamate with shitpost with images of his own oshi..... Right?
>>28888186Fuck the homos, fuck management, fuck Omegatroon and fuck Yagoo
>>28888162I had already downloaded the movie....
>>28887144>>28887291Here you go >>28887795
I mean, looking at it from the bigger picture, I do think Gura shouldn't stream over their debuts if it does happen. It's not even about different target audiences or whatever, it's just being polite and showing support towards them...A lot of Holomembers already went ahead and gave them constant support on Twitter and just built them up to the hype they got for their debuts. Gura streaming over that would be a massive eyebrow raiser not only towards other Holofans but probably other Holomembers as well.
Ina was never going to stream over their debut to begin with. The first one start at 9:00 est.
>>28888604Fuck off shitposting with my friend in my wife's thread. You will get no sympathy for the homos here
>>28888604no one actually cares. we just don't want her collabing with them
>>28888604Your first mistake is caring about males. The rest doesn't matter.
>>28888604Take your inquisitive cat and begone. I myself don't think she'll overlap, but her doing it would be a sign to me that regardless of any mentions of them in the future or even during the stream itself, that things won't change for some of us. The other girls have said things won't change but the way they're saying it and the way they're visibly looking down on us as they say it makes me wary.
>>28888683Well get ready to host the rest, because if the majority of the thread likes the debut of the homos, they will expel anyone who doesn't like it and considering how one of them already won over some with a stupid meme, well...
>>28887559that isn't what happened thread reader. When Gura was sick she decided to stop eating and drink like several gallons of tea a day and not wear anything other than a blanket hoodie her mom got her off amazon and a long tshirt. Because she drank so much she had to piss constantly so she ran out of toilet paper and instead of buying or ordering more she just used her dirty tshirts as toilet paper for her pissy cunny. She didn't piss directly on the shirts
>>28888818Fuck off faggot.
Inb4 10pm stream today
I wouldn't normally tell someone to kill theirself. But kill yourself.
>>28888186Fucking christ, Ina needs to get run over by a train. I know there's a lot of leeches in holoEN but she was always one of the worst, this just confirms how much of a horrible person she is.
I want Gura to stream over the Homos, but being realistic, she won't. Expect a member post in an hour. There's no way management will let her stream over EN debuts.
Just remember, when Rushia got fired and the EN girls all cancelled their scheduled streams in protest Gura did not.
>>28889006honestly this feels different, I think she's gonna cancel but not because of management but because she's actually really sick again...
I-I j-just need a yes or no Gura so I know wether to sleep before work on not. I don't care about either I just need to know.
>>28888751They said that things won't change, but for most they already have.
>>28889006>in protest
I don't think Gura's going to play cat game. Too many girls played it already
>>28888546What the hell happened to global? I haven't really been there for a few months, but I didn't think that things would deteriorate so fast. I really miss the early days back on /jp/.
>>28889234Yes, in protest. Unless you think it was a strange coincidence a bunch of them all cancelled their streams after tweeting about how disgusted they were with Rushia’s firing?
>>28889418overrated fotw game
>>28889436NTA, but I don't remember any such tweets. Are you talking about official accounts or RM stuff?
>>28889006>>28889091That isn't even what happened. Ina, Mumei, Fauna, Kronii and Ame were all meeting up for the off collab that day. They just used the Russia thing as an excuse to hide the fact they were off collabing because it was last minute. Those 5 at least really didn't give a shit about Russia. Sana wasn't going to stream anyway, Bae did a member's stream and Gura was sick and did a love bomb stream. Gura seemed kinda sad that day, but I think it was more likely she was sad about the fact that she knew there was an off collab and the girls were texting her and she couldn't go because of coof. So if any EN canceled it was just Mori and IRyS and idk if they even canceled and at least in their cases those 2 are actually in japan. Oh and Kiara I guess? Either way, none of the North America girls actually gave a shit that Russia got fired, five of them were literally fucking around in an arcade when writing those "sad" tweets
>>28889443it is cute though I'd like to see her at least play one short stream of it
>>28888304She sounds like that especially when making "announcement"-type of speeches at the start of streams. She's kinda autistic like that in general, also apparently pretty tired today.
>>28889540>>28889436>>28889234see>>28889548Russia got fired on the day Kronii, Mumei, Fauna, Ina and Ame were hanging out in the arcade for the off collab and weren't planning on streaming anyway
>>28889630fuck off takek, your kind isn't welcome here and never will be you faggot
>>28888965>>28888888oh no no no no chumpedos, what will we do? le bad octopus acknowledged moids...
>>28889420cuckposting took over after Ame told people to stop watching streams and improve themselves if they like her.
>>28889420Basically a ton of shitposters. It's still good when you have a few good streams going on to drown them out but if not many Holo's are streaming then it becomes shitpost central.
>>28889726It's weird too, in global the consensus used to be that you could have whoever you want as your oshi as long as you accepted that ame was the GOAT and MVP of holoEN, but now they just shitpost and drag everyone down.
>>28888186What did Ina say, if doesn't play sound for me.
>>28888888>>28889712based as fuck /k/ proving once again that /vt/ is a /k/ colony and all nongun owners need to get the fuck out and kill themselves
>>28889981Teamates have literally always been the cuck posters they just have a reason to try and drag everyone down with them now.>>28890118go back
>homos wonIt's over
>>28889726To be a little less faggy about it, >>28889726 is right that the shitposters are focusing on the improve yourself part, but some of us are actually worried because of the way she handled that question in the first place. She had already handled the homo question just fine once, then looped back around and took another shot at it, which resulted in the beginning of the shitpost avalanche. The second question wasn't bad, wasn't 'containment breaking' like some of the idiots were screaming about, but she still answered it in a weird way. It felt like she was lumping the regular anime girl enjoyers who didn't want things to change too much in with the genuine unicorns who are going to burn their own house down if the hear or see a male within ten miles of their oshi, which surprised me because I thought after almost two years of wrangling goslings she would have understood a little better.
>>28889548why does this always fucking happen? a cool rrat gets posted, then some motherfucker barges in with a wall of text to 'disprove' it. why are you faggots such fucking nerds. why do you need to have a response for everything. can't you just deal with it? "nyoooo, someone's wrong on the internet, i gotta correct the record!" holy shit. pathetic. is 'fighting disinformation' on 4chan really the best thing you have going on in your life?
>>28890292>a cool rrat gets postedI prefer hot rrats
>>28890152lol, I knew I would get that response from at least one person. You aren't "cool" or special. Should I be apart of these "cool" group with browser extensions?
>>28890226>two years of wrangling goslingsAme has always showed her distain for her fanbase that likes idols or has feelings for herI really dont get how this is a surprise to anyone.
>>28890122I will stay, despite owning absolutely no weapons of any kind. No sir, definitely no guns here.
you guys are gay
>>28890292how about stop lying faggot.
>>28890432no really go backI dont mean this in a "we dont want you here" way I mean it in a "get the fuck out of here while you still enjoy vtubers" way
>>28890292>Straight up saying you're mad about accurate information being postedAnon you're not supposed to actually say that part.
I miss her...
>>28890292>cool rratFuck off, the best rrats are the ones that sound plausible and you can't disprove in a minute.
>>28890292>Nooooooo, don't disprove my lies. Let me slader the anime women!Pathetic
>>28890292shit rrats die quick, what do you expect?
>>28890226Ame's always been a contrarian. The moment she thinks her fans are telling her what to do she's going to push back and do the opposite.
>>28890292This isn't the fanfiction thread you retard
>>28890454I'm only gay for Gura
>>28890226Ame is human garbage.
>>28890122I'm pretty sure everyone owns something that's not a gun.
>>28890538soon we'll get princess rp. stay strong bud
>>28890449;-) got it >>28890750I only own guns, I am shitposting off my phone which is duck taped to a mossberg 500>>28890292literally no one has disproven the rrat that Gura wet the bed when she was at Ame's house due to the stress of travel/her birthday/EN management and they had to go to walmart with Kiara to get Gura pullups and Ame missed the poptart off collab because she was still mad at Gura for wetting the bed and that Ame refused to sleep in the same bed as Gura since Gura wets the bed.
>>28890579go to reddit if you want 'the truth'. 4chan is for cool and awesome shit
>>28890750>there are fucking casuals on my board that don't use guns for literally every taskPosted from my AK-47 Integrated Terminal
>>28887402I feel nothing for any of them other than Gura
>>28890731Every EN that isn't Ame is human garbage, cope harder chumniggers CHOO CHOO hear that? it's the chumnigger cope train CHOO CHOO blow your fuckin' dick off CHOO CHOO chumnigger becomes a chumtranny, ewwwuuuuuuuuuhaaaaaat?more likely than you think nigger
>>28890896No one has disproven that Gura is currently married to me either and you can't because it's true
>>28890122I'm not a gun owner but as an American one will probably do me in soon anyways.
>>28890857Don't you mean bard RP.
>The original Chumbuds
>>28891094yeah, me.
>>28891139me on the far right
>>28890437That's not quite true. That was just teasing and banter, but it was obvious that she really cared about her fans. She also didn't blindly follow the majority opinion, but instead actually listened to the arguments people made. I don't know what happened, but she changed for the worse. I still appreciate what she does in terms of 3D and stuff, but I can't bear to watch her anymore. Especially when she plays into GFE, despite of her comments. It just feels so fake.
>>28890292Kill yourself
>>28891085Gura literally said she was a maiden in the frogminecraft stream. Maiden means unmarried virgin. If she is a virgin it means you can't be married to her because it wasn't consummated>>28891094>American>doesn't own gunswhat a fag, Gura would hate you. Also so long as you aren't suicidal or a black gang member your odds of dying from a gun in the USA are basically nonexistant.
>>28891139Oh hey that's me on the left
>>28890907You saw screenshots on twitter and now you think you know this place. Got it.
>>28891315That was kayfabe anon, sorry you had to find out this way.
>>28890226Good summary.>I thought after almost two years of wrangling goslings she would have understood a little better.Same, in addition to the silly 6k male viewers comparison I'm a bit baffled.
>>28891284>but it was obvious that she really cared about her fansthanks for the feedback lol
>>28891094>not owning at least one gunngmi, sorry buddy but SSBN Captain Gwar Gwombus would disapprove
Eurofag here. Based on all the hints/jokes and other stuff that Gura said in the past years and based on the roommate information known so far, would it be possible to make a ranking of eurocock attractiveness according to her tastes?I assume as a safe bet that Swedish cock is on top while Italian cock is on bottom of the list.
>>28891595kill yourself
>>28891496She still listened to it though.
>>28891633>t. Maria the electrician
>>28891640Well yea.... because she realized she was being retarded and he was 100% right about everything.She still was a turbo cunt to him for no reason
>>28891315>what a fag, Gura would hate you. Also so long as you aren't suicidal or a black gang member your odds of dying from a gun in the USA are basically nonexistant.Or elementary/middle/highschool school student
Probably omega told her to talk about the homos debut in her hour and she refused so she will stream after Magni finish.I prefer that than speak about them like ina did. I feel she was forced
>>28891595Don't bother. The only cock she cares about is mine (Austrian)
I just want my goomba fix
>>28891717>I feel she was forcedyeah, by me.I held a gun to ina's head and made her talk about the holodudes
>>28888186Very concerning language.
>>28891595I can't tell you what to do with your life. If you want to spend your personal time rating european cocks, then by all means, go ahead.
>>28891717If she does a very late stream I'll be glad is better to avoid drama
>>28891717I wonder if the girls will ever realize that they have power over management, not the other way around.
>>28891284>>28891496Thanks for the feedback lol
>>28892020get out of here with this drama you idiot
So no stream until Monday at the earliest
>>28891713 school shootings that have been reported literally never happened per NPR. Over 90+% of the gun murders of "kids" are black 13-19 year olds who are in gangs and are selling drugs getting killed in a gang related shooting or are killed by their parents in a DV thing. It is really fucking rare to get killed in a mass shooting, fewer than 100 people die yearly to those in the USA. Nearly all the murders are either domestic violence, gang related shootings or someone who was in the vicinity of a gang shooting and got hit
>>28891869I just want to know my chances. Does she care more about the size or the culture?
>>28891711>>28892020Again, she at least listened to it, unlike now where she blatantly ignores the wishes of her fans. And I'm not even talking about the homos.
Gura is based as hell for not giving the homos any attentionI love you Goobs
>>28892188She cares about the person it's attached to (me)
Tako here, just wanted to let you guys know that some shitposter >>28889236 seems to be trying to turn our threads against each other for some reason so don't bite the bait and have fun with your shark wife
>>28892367anon how new are you? This happens literally all the time
>>28892367lmao your oshi acknowledged the homoscope harder
>>28892367And that shitposter is you, I presume?
>>28892367How new?This is literally 90% of what /ggg/ is now a days?
>>28892367Yeah we don't care, Ina called the homos part of the EN family before
jwu. is goob strem?
Is it women who are responsible for all this drama baiting, gossiping, and general fagginess on this board? It can't be men doing it right? That would just be embarrassing.
>>28892367anon this thread is retarded, it's the last place you should go to try nipping drama in the ass.
hey chumbs so is there a stream today?
>>28892367thanks tako. looks like the discord is overrunning the place right now
During future RP streams chat should avoid using the Correction meme. She didn't get the irony of the joke during the maid RP and looked taken aback, I felt bad for her.
Gura is safe and sound, that's all that matters. I hope she recovers soon.
I don't care what anyone says. She's going to stream today!
guys what if Gura finally sneezed
>>28892543Wait a minute I asked her in dm
>>28892593not getting it was part of the roleplay
>>28892367I always want to try a tako, I am getting bored of chumbies
I know this is an unpopular opinion here but....I really really really love Gura
Gura's streaming right now, in my heart
>>28892731What if Gura's sneeze caused her home to collapse
>>28892731What if Gura finally farted?
>>28892593Shrimps gained a lot of love points with that stream but this alone reduced them to half.Anyone who used the meme should repent and make a cute comment for Gura either on her members posts or her tweets or both.
>>28892799Actually she's streaming into my mouth
>>28892795Fucking anti...
>>28892770Just not getting the joke and not getting the joke because it was made at the wrong time and place and she went completely silent is completely different.
But have you considered Gura?
I will now pretend to have been a chumbud this entire time.Thanks for being an actual idol, goobs.
>>28893004Every single day.
>>28893092Kill yourself.
>>28893092It's never too late to see the light, brother.
Where is the shark child stream? I need the shark child please
Well we'll probably get a frame or a cancellation message very soon at least
>>28893092It's never too late to join the chumzone.
>>28893206either cancelation or they compromised with her putting the frame up late
>>28893092Watch 2 vods a day and you will catch up in a couple months.
>>28893321the only reason she would cancel is because she's sick, it has nothing to do with the homos
>>28893420management is pushing the homos hard, as we know ina was clearly already told not to stream too long. that's why i said they might have compromised with her putting the frame up late so lees people know about her stream
>>28893092I suggest watching all the member streams first if you wanna see her best side
>>28893499thanks for your input threadreader
My wife is awake!
Waiting for the members post update
>>28893580Ina literally said that but ight
Are there actually still any greys in this thread? I can't believe anyone would be so stingy to save 10 bucks a month and miss on a stream like that from last night.What the fuck are you doing with your life? you spend twice of that for chewing gum and smoke, don't you...
My wife is awake
>>28893646Anon 1/2 the people that use this thread are antis
>>28893694She misses her shrimps too but today she needs to rest.Her condition will only get worse otherwise and she might have to go on hiatus.
Does anyone have the soundpost of Gura reading the norfpost SC?
oof stream cancelled :(
>>28893646>10 bucksMembership is just 5 a month. She doesn't hide streams behind tiers, the 10 tier is just for flexing.
this one too gura
Gura doko.. It's fine if you're still feeling bad, I just want to know what's up tonight
>>28893781Ok Gura, please rest up...
>>28893646I spent £25 fucking quid on an macies breakfast from uber eats today because I was absolutely perished, couldn't give af about a fiver a month to my oshi, that I fucking love like crazy. I also ordered her dino plushie last night, can't fucking wait to get the little fucker.
>he doesn't support his abusive wife with multiple membershrimpsI got shrimp on both my tablet and desktop google accounts. If my backup tablet acc didn't get blocked I would've 3 of them. I've been thinking of making another acc just to add one more.
>>28888865I know, faggot. I was indulging in some fantasy.
>>28894374Why the fuck would you need more than one account when you can just send superchats?
Gura won't stream over the homos.Why? Because Gura is sending us a message.She said that she was going to stream tonight but it's obvious now that none of them are allowed to stream over the homos debuts.She's trying to tell us that she's being forced by EN management to do shit she doesn't want to do.That's why she said she was going to stream in a member's post and nowhere else. It's because she wanted us to know without causing too much drama.Think about it. When's the last time she announced in a member's post what she was going to stream the next day?This is a message about EN management.
>>28894374Good thinking, if a chink gets modded and bans me, I'll still have a back-up account.
>>28894526thanks for the warning earlier about this
>>28894494That's true, I sent a big supa next stream too. I just don't want to change acc when I want to watch members content on my tablet, that's why I got shrimp twice. It may be a dumb idea to make another account after all.
>>28893206She should just stream on her second account or make a member stream, nobodys allowed to talk about that right, she can just ghost management
>>28894526If she cared that much she about letting us know she would just post a mood tweet on HER tweeter like Kiara and Mori do.
>>28894654>using kiara and mori as an example for anything ever
>>28894654nigger, what? In English, please.
>>28894526Bit of a cope there lad ngl.
Gura will stream over the homosWhy? Because Gura hates faggots and cuckolds
>>28894654she literally hasn't touched that account in 2 years anon
>>28894870NTA, but that wasn't hard to understand. If she cares that much about us letting us know that management is preventing her to stream in one way or another, she would simply tweet something vague on her roommates account instead of expecting us to analyze a members post.
>>28895051uh yeah that bird? all me
uh, gura? you retweeted a hentai artist ...
>>28894016Good work.
>>28895122Incredibly based
>>28894016based prophet
>>28894016you can see her bum!
>>28895122new how
>>28895122Not the first time
>>28895122She knows
Are homostars even streaming debuts? Because considering my interest in Hololive vids, you would think that Youtube would be recommending me videos for it. The algorithm must be powerful to know that I don't give a shit... or does the algorithm know that its going to fail beforehand?Has machine learning prophesied what we all already know to be true?
just me or is Gura getting more and more bold about liking being cunnified?
Gura never said anything about streaming over the debuts, just that she was gonna stream the cat game today. Not sure why everyone built up some narrative she didn’t give
>>28895170if shes streaming i'm betting that'll be the thumbnail
>>28895122hohoho cunny
>>28895122and I just got a boner so what
Another 10pm stream...
>>28895073this child. this is a child.
>>28895214And she wants us to know she knew
>>28895225because the debuts are at 6pm pst and 7pm pst when gura normally starts at 5pm pst
>>28895225>Not sure why everyone built up some narrative she didn’t givedo you not know where you are?
>>28895083This pretty much and because she hasn’t done that I’m assuming it’s not that bad. So don’t worry.
>>28895220Definitely. Her likes and retweets have been much bolder lately.
>>28895073>Gaur Gura
So, is this her way of saying no stream without actually saying it?
Told you she would either cancel or stream later.She won’t overlap debut. Omega won’t allow it
>>28895311And she did a member stream at 10pm EST two days ago. She can be flexible if she needs to be
>>28895220I mean, how much more bold do you get than giving out cute and funny awards on stream?
>still liking stuffShe's making the members post now and can't decide what to say
>>28895220The anti-loli task force keeps saying dumb shit about her so she needs these to shake them out of the fanbase.
>>28895400But no one in hololive English is debuting tonight
>>28895220Maybe I need meds but I feel like it's been across the board everyone has been acting a tad more risque lately
>Liking art from a porn artist>againThis brat needs correction....
Yeah no stream tonight, she's giving us twitter reps instead as an apology
I thought Omega was fired. Or am I confusing rrats for reality again?
Mori has been dreaming of this day since she debuted
>>28895225it's /ggg/, this thread has spawned rrats ranging from Gura having a disease caused by ticks, a theorized chart of every single one of her periods and her going to Sweden to get a cat, you really shouldn't be surprised at this point.
>>28895620The day Gura plays Stray?
>>28895220No she's always been clear about liking that, what's she's getting more bold about is broadcasting it for the ones that can't come to terms with it
>>28895504this is what happens when /uoh/ gets censored
>>28895597It was just wishful thinking...
>>28895597I think most people thought so too. Apparently we were wrong.
>>28895220She liked what was essentially cropped porn of herself multiple times within her first month of streaming
>>28895630that chart is accurrate
>>28895597Unfortunately you are.
aaaand nothing about the homos again. fucking based
>>28895692/Uoh/ is fine. It was a rogue janny doing that dumb shit.
Gura wants us to see her ass
>>28895597Omegatranny, Sana and AO chan are all the same person. It is why Gura refuses to collab with Sana before graduation and why Omegatranny disappeared when Council debuted and cameback now
If Gura gives way for the homos, it's over, isn't it
>>28895769Mods want to sanitize /vt/ for twitterfags, ban lolichads and idol culture. this is what they want.
good morning goob
>>28895997Mods don't dirty their hands on /vt/, anon. It's just us and the jannies.
>>28895973it was over the moment they announced the Homos
members post doko...
Gura just found her thumbnail to Stray stream
>>28896118Gura is our last bastion, the final idol
You guys really are fragile.
>>28896178Yeah thats why I've fallen in love with a cartoon shark girl on youtube, this shouldn't be a surprise to you
My dick is pretty fragile rn since I'm thinking about Gura
reservation will go up 10 minutes after the first homo startssss
>>28896178yes and Gura knows it and wants to make our lives happier
>>28896178I have a terminal sharkgirl deficiency
>>28895973we already won
>>28896337She's so damn good at her job
>>28895122And a loli artist at that! here begins the age of Gura doujin supremacy.
>>28896297Bold move. Speaking of. As someone who only really watches Gura and some of the other EN girls occasionally, but knows nothing about Hololive and how they work... How possible is it for one of the talents to do a rogue stream? Not announce it to management, not reserve a slot. Just stream.Is that a slap on the wrist kind of action, or a breach of contract kind of action?
>>28895122Cunny supremacy!
>>28896520I want to like this image but it always felt too out of character for me to appreciate
>>28895122She knows anon, and she knows we love that shit.
>>28895877This is the stupidest rrat since a long time. First of all, Omega didn't disappear when Council debuted. He couldn't have, because before their first collab, he didn't even exist in that form. Council were the ones who had to introduce him, thus stealing their thunder.Secondly, it is obvious that most of the EN girls like, if not love, Sana. It is also obvious that not a single one likes Omega, because noone ever said anything positive about that troon at all. If they don't outright shit on him, they just say something along the lines of "Oh, right. THAT guy...".Last but not least, think about the massive ego and god complex Omega has. It would be absolutely impossible for Sana to not show any if that in her streams if she was Omega. Not to mention the retarded way he talks.
I always appreciated her preference towards 'show dont tell' but I wonder if she will be pushed into actually stating her intentions soon.
>>28896337Yes, I need you, Gura!
>>28896566Hololive tends to keep things under the rug. IF that happened before then we would have no way to know unless I missed some juicy rrat
>>28896630Itd be fine without the dialogue. Goes for most fanart that has dialogue on it actually
>>28895220Was HER ever this bad? Didn’t she have a falling out with her anti-loli friend?
>>28896630Yeah, this one is more true to her.
>>28896566Unless they're doing something like streaming a game without perms there's really no issues. They generally go through a schedule together but guerilla streams are very much a thing
>>28896178good deduction watson, did you use the big girl monocle to figure that out?
>>28896566Happens alot as far as I know. If it's ok with overlap, permissions, etc. it's totally fine.
stream where
>>28896708>>28896825>>28896805Gura rogue streaming over homo debut would be based, but I wouldn't want her to do anything that could get her into serious trouble. She's made it clear she loves us. So she doesn't have anything to prove.
>>28896857management said no
>>28895400Fuck omega, if he thinks this will get support from me no I will never watch holostar because of this
There's little things that Gura does that just seem to emit immense chad energy to me, like her current bio
>>28896178Healthy people don't watch vtuber now fuck off
Feel better Gura
that might explain any lack of mods>>28896173
>>28896919Pretty much this. It's enough that she completely ignores them, streaming over their debut would be like saying "Fuck you" directly in their face. Based, but it would give her problems for sure.
>>28895529what other artists did she like?
I'm in love with Gura!
>>28896919What trouble could that even be? Seriously, what can management do if the girls just say no? Could you imagine the shitstorm if someone got fired, because she didn't care about homos?
>>28896919Hololive and Holostars have historically not had an issue with overlapping management-wise. The only time I can recall there being an issue is Luna streaming over Roberu's 3D and rescheduling because some person (singular) told her off for it and she rescheduled out of courtesy IIRC. Obviously with omegaretard involved who knows but it hasn't been a policy.
>>288969922 more homos are debuting tomorrow
>>288972695pm memberstream then (princess RP)
>>28897240The issue of overlapping is more from the fans. Rushia also had some streams where she rescheduled/cancelled due to something on EN side I think.
>>28897128For today yes but mods usually give no fuck about Gura anti threads
>>28897240Now that you mention it, is this the first time that hololive and holostars share management?
>>28897128there are still mods here. Tranny mod deleted my post explaining how school shootings are made up, but left up the post of that one anti gun jewish faggot who is lying about school shootings
>>28897457no.the stars have their own managers
>>28897402Rushia menhera'd over a lot of overlapping stuff. I recall her overlapping a couple of things and getting told off by the fans and her going ごめんごめん and ending the stream.>>28897457Not really? They've always been under the same company structure, it's just that the head honcho of the managers and the individual managers are different. Back before Shinove they were handled by YAGOO IIRC. I guess if you mean omegaretard being the head manager honcho for both holo and homo EN then yes.
>>28897128I see it's time to check every single file on my 4chan folder again.
>>28897457higher level managers I think can be the same, but talent specific managers have to be different if the "manager has to be the same gender as the talent" rule is still around.
gonna magg fr if gura dont stream cat game soon desu
>>28897653based, thanks anon.
>im going to stream>no delivery>not even a cancelation messageJust when I thought she was getting better at this stuff she ghosts us again......
>>28897816she wont, you gray scum