Youtube: Member VODs: Twitter: Songs: Merch: Gawr Gura Birthday Celebration 2022: Previous Thread: >>28658539
imagine gura punching you and feeling nothing because her noodle arms are so weak
I love you, Gura!
>Lamy takes a 20 day break and everything is fine>Gura doesn't stream for seven days and it's like the end of the worldWhy are you like this?
>>28683631fuck off anti
>>28683631Nobody cares about Lamy
I am so glad that even gura's anti want to watch gura so much that their only complain was they can't see her more
What makes Gura so uniquely beautiful?
>>28683631Imagine how much worse things would be if she was Lamy levels of GFE.
>>28682935sorry anon I don't see any physical documentation so the larp is mine now
>>28683728But Gura's kisses are what kept me sane.
>>28683631>lammy just streamed>she just moved and is streaming from a new place>Lammy tweets multiple times every single day she is off.kill yourself nigger you know this isnt the same thing.
>>28683807Already minted this as an NFT
>>28683837It's the exact same thing
>>28683710I miss her regular streams like she wouldn't believe.
>>28683728Yea imagine how bad it must be when she is gone for so long without any communication at all...... oh wait.... Lammy has made over 100 tweets in the 20 days shes been off.Yea ok retard
>>28683886Lmao, no it is not.
>>28683837lol more excuses for not streamingt.gura anti
>>28683837>Gura tweets a dancing video>The day she does it shitposters burn the threadI don't think it matters how much she communicates.
>>28683807>Gura is just being overwhelmed by jobs that covers assigns herThis larp is a real fraud whoever bought it should get a refund. She's the biggest holo girl. She can literally do whatever THE FUCK she wants. Kiara does whatever she fuck she wants, Matsuri does whatever the fuck she wants, everyone else does WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT but she cannot because "here listen to my headcanon" seriously maybe it's time to accept reality and admit she hates this job and her fans and she's in it just for the CV benefits.
>>28684083what does this even have to do with the conversation?I couldn't give a fuck less about the thread I care about Gura.
>>28683837>Noooooooo Gura has to be EN Ayame even tho there's like 10 more holos who stream less than her. She told us she was busy? Doesn't count she's lying.
>>28683837but this time was an improvement communication-wise as gura tweeted out that she would be busy and also tweeted out a meme video. i don't think communication is the issue unless you only count her streaming as communication.
>>28684083Who gives a shit about the thread. The thread can burn for all I care, I want my time with my wife. If it makes people seethe then so be it.
>>28684152I think you meant to say>maybe it’s time to accept MY headcanon
>>28684083nta but Gura is not here to please shitposters. I liked the dancing video.
>>28684196I agree but this dude is shitposting about Lammy to try and make chumbuds look bad for missing Gura.If you are defending that than please kill yourself.
Honestly before I found out this thread existed I was too busy to even care about the short absence. I’m still that busy but now you schizos have gaslit me into being worried
>>28684262>>28684265I'm just reminding you that Gura hates every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifers who spend every second of their day fapping to cartoon girls and cheese pizza. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten laid? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on deviantart.
unbothered. moisturized. happy. in my lane. focused. flourishing.
>>28684196Actually I count she retweeting a single art that she hugging an ebi (me) as a communication. She is just to autism to say directly that she miss me.
>>28684359Yes I got laid, Gura gave me cybersuccies.
>>28684345It did the opposite for me. It's like a little puppet show you can manipulate by some little off handed posts and people will always move the way you want them to.
>>28683631>>28683886>>28684059>>28684083>>28684152>>28684359I wish jannies did their job
>>28684359Well I’m glad you just decided to skip the formalities and admit you’re only here to shit up the thread, saves a lot of time
>>28684456>if I force myself to believe it's samefagging then maybe it will become the truthSorry to break it to you buddy but... no.
>>28683631Because I love her so much. Time without her is torture for me
>>28684336i was just wanting to bring up that this was an improvement in communication for gura. i know what he was trying to do since i saw him post it in global first
>>28684359Lmao he is so mad
>all these touristsdid I pick the wrong time slot to shitpost?
>>28684527you dont have to be samefagging to be a worthless shitposter but the fact you feel so called out when nobody called you a samefag is kinda SUS
>>28684482I mean he was doing a pretty bad job of pretending otherwise, even bringing up debunked birthday rrats lmao
>>28684456Reminder to report them all
>>28684359Lmao he's projecting.
You guys sperging out from the shill song cover she did already huh. Can’t wait to see how you nigs act when she is on the Valkerie connect gacha game too since they already confirmed they would do another collab.>cover made her do it, I hate them!While you nigs seeth I’ll be listening to her new cover on loop getting my shark cunny on a gacha game (4 free) all while making she gets her goal gifts!
Hey don't get mad, come back. I actually love your shitposts I have a good laugh everytime
>>28684730It's Teamate sperging out again let him be
So where is the pea brain?
>>28684769weird way to say that you dont like Gura honestly.
>>28684769the butthurt was mostly because she cancelled in christmas if I remember correctly, only weirdoes will get butthurt about a cover that goes out in 2 weeks
>>28684359It's been a while since a schizo meltdown. Here's a (you), keep it up
>>28684359Don't even have to do anything to get people to seethe. Love being a chumbud.
>>28685004Same desu but I'd love it more if Gura streamed.
>>28684897I love Gura so much that I want her to do what makes her happy. She likes being in games and doing voice lines for them anon. >but your wrong Remind how happy she was when she got her 1st one?! Also her oshi is Aqua, that’s literally what Aqua spends her time doing.
I haven't posted here in over a week but I can't resist it anymore todayI LOVE YOU GURA
>>28685082Same but I have infinite patience so I'm not really personally bothered by it.
I hope she will go back to regular schedule streams after tonight. I can't stand this anymore.
I’m busy with my Gura project so I’m totally capable of waiting for even a month if I have to
>>28685120yea ok "chumbud"
I'm intrigued by the song, this is the third gacha cover. The Priconne songs were very bland but I loved Target For Love. This new song sounds HARD for Gura, very action anime-like with high intensity and power vocals
I wonder what ever happened to her baguette in the end.
>>28683631>Lamy announces a break, explains WHY she's taking a break, and stays active on twitter, interacting with her fans>Gura just fucks off whenever she feels like it, and makes no fucking attempt to interact or communicate whatsoever>literally the only time she comes back is to keep the paypigs happy, and she'll probably fuck off again for another week
>>28685430it will just be incredibly overly autotuned.
>>28684769Honestly, it just means that it's 100% reasonable to demand some things like no males, better rigging, more outfits, special members content, whatever you want.They're not just here to have a good time, they're monetizing everything.
Reminder that she streams nopan.How can you even watch a chuuba like this?!
>>28685531Tweet says she's gonna sing it live
>>28685549No she definitely wears panties otherwise there’s nothing to wedgie (::
>>28685572ill believe in when i see it
>>28685319Keep seething about cover when she already stated she never thought about graduating. The longer I wait the closer I am to her official 3d lives, you and I are not the same. Idol chads will be the last chumbuds because that’s what Gura wants.
>>28684527Holy lowlife
>she's a womanlettop fucking kek I want to hug her ;_;
Is anyone ever play Alice Fiction before ? I never hear about this game , check some ytb comments , they said this is Crash Fever copy ?
>>28685657The fuck are you even talking about?Did you reply to the wrong post?
>>28685218nope, next week maybe
I just wanna see EN in hologra is that too much to ask for
>>28685494>explains WHY she's taking a break, and stays active on twitter, interacting with her fansthat's literally what gura did
>>28685734you really should go backyou are trying way too hard to fit in even if I agree with you.
The most parasocial, unstable and tragic relationship that ever existed.
>>28685683I’m willing to sacrifice my sons being under 180cm just for her!
>>28685692It's not out yet, all this marketing is to commemorate the release
>>28685683I want to steal her clothes and place them up high. T u T
>>28685721Actually yeah.
>>28685829You shouldn't get so emotionally attached to your worthless antiposts.
>>28685692It's the same dev so I'm sure it'll be similar to Crash Fever
>>28685886Should have lift her clothes high on the air and make Gura attempting to climb you
It's over.
>>28686199This isn't your blog
Reminder that there is a gay ass Mori concert at 6am EST tomorrow.
>>28686282I hate Mori and the air she breathes.
I want Gura to milk my prostate like i'm a cow during the great depression
Gura is back and she will post a schedule on Friday.
>>28685692>>28686108I pulled this out of my ass before actually looking it up, it's not even remotely like Crash Fever
>>28686401It actually looks like fgo
>>28686390I want to fuck these so bad...
>>28686331Gura is in the concert sadly
>>28685692its new, pretty sure its either out already in japan already of one or the nijiJPs got early access
>selling memberships>selling merch>selling concert tickets>selling convention tickets>ads, sponsorshipsSeriously, don't feel bad asking for stuff you want.
>>28686555Yeah it looks like fgo mixed with Zumba, that old bubble shooting game
Gotta ask Gura about Kenja time
>>28686796>pay for something>people call you entitled for wanting something you paid for to be a certain wayI really dont get why so many people act like Hololive isnt a business.
Looks like Gura is also covering the English version of theme song along with playing the game.
this is the song in jp
>>28687831I still think its just gonna be a youtube premier since for some reason people count those as live streams too.
>>28687503>pay for a BLT sandwich knowing that you're getting a BLT sandwich>complain when you get a BLT sandwich
>>28688083>pay for BLT>ask for extra mayo>they force it to do a song cover and a shill stream and when you finally get your BLT 3 months later it doesnt have any mayo on it at all.
>>28688010I didn't see it mentioned this thread or last thread that they chose her to sing the theme song though. Just that she will play the game
>>28687503If all she did was stream and everyone could watch for free, it's fair to call it entitled, but this is a highly monetized operation that the fans are propping up. A lot of requests are perfectly reasonable if they're easily doable, like not talking to Holostars, or some communication with fans, or whatever else, and I think Gura at least tries to honor them.
>>28688328I agree its just more of a general statement
>>28688170>>28678323>>28678241>>28685430Dum slowbud...
>>28684769This, I want Gura to succeed as much as possible.I want to see her as a playable character in Musedash.
>>28688008The song cover is a separate announcement, Gura and Kiara are also doing gameplay streams
>>28688649I want to see Gura in a fighting game. She mentioned wanting to see a Hololive fighting game and I think that’d be neat
>>28688657well yea im just saying I dont think shes actually gonna sing it live.That sounds kind dumb from a sponsorship perspective.
So at least we will have 1 stream in August.
>>28684359Everyone on /vt/ is too young to recognize this ancient pasta. How tragic.
>>28688649never gonna happen it's a chinese game
>>28689073That was literally what happened with Priconne
>>28689454yea and it was shit
>>28689453Isn't is a jap game that used to have a chinese publisher?
>>28689573Doesn't mean it's not gonna happen again
>>28688965>I want to see Gura in a fighting game.Yeah but which fighting game?
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>28689971Clay Fighters
>>28689971Ballz 3d
>>OPi miss goomba a lot bros...
>>28689971I feel like she’s suited for either a 3D warriors style thing (which isn’t a fighting game but suck my ass I don’t care) or a platform fighter (her workshop mod in rivals of Aether is fun)
>>28689971Guilty Gear, would probably be similar to May
Floor shark
of fuck the stream is tomorrow
She's moved. In her old house she didn't have the space to stretch out on the floor like this.
She liked this
That look... What's her mindgame ?
>cameltoe likeShe really likes that artist
>>28690369Rape correction is needed.
They're a really good artist, but like some of the swimsuit art please gura.
>>28690499based and kanipilled
Guras sponsorship video Taco bell was so good..
>>28690225>>28690287Yeah I figure a 3D fighting would be good. Guilty Gear would fit her the best in that case or something out of ArcSys
>8pm or laterits going to be later, this tweet should suffice for atleast 2 days
Gacha game shills are realistically the only way to get Gura to play games with cute girls in them, so I welcome them.
>>28690729She's happy to see us.
>>28690729Post the entire image rotated the correct way please.
>>28690756She put that because of Council stream retard, she will start the stream after it end.
>>28690756It's going to be directly after council. Their thing is scheduled for an hour but may go over.
>>28690729Wouldn't this position be really uncomfortable and have her tail pressing into her butt and cunny?
>>28690756The later is because of the Counselrys collab it's an hour before the stream
>>28691004Tail wedgie
>>28690729Tail not fat enough
I'm glad she's coming back. What have you guys been doing to pass the time while she was gone? I was getting caught up on Fauna's Skyrim series and planning some DIY projects for my house. Even though I miss her when she's gone, I'm thankful to have time in my schedule to keep up with a couple of the other girls as well.
Gura liking art with cameltoe. Why is she such a tease
>>28690366I want to 69 the floor shark!
>>28690499Kani!!! She knows
>>28691246VOD reps, or whoever (EN) happens to be streaming when I'm free
>Strawberry, one of her favorite flavors, on cunnyPls keep this energy during the members stream Gooba
>>28691230do you have the original image?
>>28691246Waiting on dino gura plushie, working out, gaming and learning how to cook my own BigMacs but with various results
>>28691246master duel and lurking at /mdg/
This damn brat...
>>28691004It could be but if her body’s evolved for the lack of discomfort it could provide optimal lift for... entrance...
>>28691429just use saucenao, it still works if the image has been slightly editedthough in this case it looks like this is actually the original
>>28691452>learning how to cook my own BigMacs but with various resultsThat's bitchin. Keep that skill in your back pocket for when she does another food review stream. You should try to make your own wrapping paper and bag too. I bet she'd love a completely homemade McDick's meal.
>>28691518Should've used those toddler shark bedsheets that she had on stream that one time
>>28691246dying due to uk heat
>>28691273Sub behavior, begging for punishment
>>28691246killing myself over finals, just about done and I'm glad gura will most likely be back by the time I can catch her again
>>28691246Watching other vtubers
>>28691518OH yes yes yesss, my evening retreat with sharkwife.
>>28691600>You should try to make your own wrapping paper and bag tooI find that part to be harder than the cooking. Especially if you want to reproduce the packaging by scratch, especially on wrapping and brown paper no less. But we'll see how that goes. Gonna be a long process.
>>28690756who are you quoting
>>28691857that gills looks painful
>>28691659Perspective doesn't work with the one she used but eh, close enough
>>28691986Needs a diaper
>>28691973They don't need to look nice if they're functionalI'd still tonguefuck them anyhow
>>28691973Gills are like outside lungs so you’d have to try to make them look appealing if you want them to
>>28692302must change
>>28687831nah, not a chance, no way i'm attending this. i need to see her back up to normal on the basics before cover has any goodwill to spend on more "project" waste.
>>28692489I'll watch her shill streams if she never talks to Holostars.
My Gura lewd art folder have way more images than my Gura sfw folder
>>28691584>though in this case it looks like this is actually the originalhuh, weird how jarring smol ame is
More likes!
>>28692634save more sfw art and you won't have that problem
A tweet like this means that there won't be a stream tonight or tomorrow.
>>28692634I never understood this from a mileage perspective, I get like 5 gooms out of a single good NSFW image so I don't know how it grows to outpace SFW unless you're just not saving any of it
Idol chads winning. Were we at brothers.
>>28692898it's okay buddy, we know you're gray
>>28692957No males confirmed! I love Gura!
>>28691973not as painful as the erection they're giving me
Powerful smug energy.
The HomoStars don't exist in Gura's universe!
I actually want Gura to play with the boys. What's wrong with me?
>>28693506Did they announce them or what?t. don't give a shit about Hololive besides Gooruh
>>28693496I love this artist
>>28693577Have you been living under a rock? There has been constant talk about them even in this thread.
>>28693702>Have you been living under a rock?Yes?Gura doesn't stream -> I don't even bother with /vt/ or /ggg/, who the fuck cares lmao
>>28693554If by the boys you mean "me", yeah, she already does. I am her husband tho so it's to be expected
>>28693741Unfathomably based
>>28693741Based honestly. Yes they got announced. I think they debut in 2 days.
>>28693741i do the same honestlyi asked people about certain rrats and what did x say and they tell me to watch streams or fuck off newfagi DONT fucking care about anything else than gura and if shes not there im better served shitposting on /vg/ and /a/
>>28693554Mental illness. I don't even want Gura to play with most of the girls. SNOT is great and 1 on 1s with Mumei and Ame are also fine. Other than that give me solo shark.
>>28693904>im better served shitposting on /vg/ and /a/Literally same brother
Would you make Ina eat Gura's ass out while you mating press Gura's ass unto her face?
>>28693741I only come here when Gura isn't streaming. When she's streaming regularly I'm happy and forget this place exists. But after a few days of inactivity I always end up here stewing in misery
>>28693904Sounds based to me. Anyway, homostars EN were announced, and so far Gura is being an angel by not acknowledging them.
>>28693930I agree mostly. I liked the last collab with Shion too, as well as the Anya collab.
>>28694043Depending on how they act, her playing with them once or twice it's not a big deal, but since they're Homos and not Nijitrannies I expect professionalism from them so they'll only collab with the classic Bae/Ollie dick chasers and that's it
Nice raid faggotsStill not gonna follow them on Twitter or mention them tho
is this nijisanji humor
>>28694137I don't want her to interact with them at all, let alone collab.
>>28694009Why are you asking about the specifics of what sexual antics I get up to with my wives?
>>28694100Yeah I overlook infrequent collab partners like that, but they're fine too. I mostly just would rather see her solo than with most of Myth or the Australians
>>28694197It's not even a raid. It's one nigger spamming on cooldown.
>>28694137It's a big deal to me. It's the one thing I won't budge on and the reason I stuck with Gura since her debut.
>>28694314>IP countIt's more like one nigger and his discord butt buddy
Mag friends, your thread is pretty funny and I like all the OC but don't bring it over here and stir shit about male collabs please and thank you.
>>28694391i was the other new ip sorry i jwu
>>28693930I prefer solo but I still like her collabs with the girls and I'll never be mad about her collabing with one of the girls.
>>28693957maggot status? AMOGUS
Speaking of collabs...onegai
>>28694628>reddit catyikes
I want to smell every single part of Gura's body
What if something bad happens?
>>28694249>I don't want her to interact with them at all, let alone collab.This entirely depends on if Cover or Omega is going to make them do it.
>>28695095Bad things always happen, just keep enjoying shark
>>28695095Gura will be there for us
>>28695208Another reminder that none of the faggots follow Gura either. There is nothing to be worried about
>>28694799>shitpost image
>>28695297What if the bad thing is Gura's graduation?
>>28695641I follow Gura, I just don't know how much influence those greys and holostars crowds have over EN management.
>>28695709She's more likely to die irl than to quit Holo
>>28695709if she's that sick of these people and their bullshit then i support her decision
>>28695744>I follow GuraAnon I meant the homos... Also like that other poster said, Cover doesn't make them collab with Stars, that will be entirely up to Gura, and we know exactly what she's like when it comes to that sort of thing
I don’t even like Mori but so far she’s said it best>I’m past the point of no return when it comes to male collabs>do not ship me with them, they are my sons and that would be weird>I will not be organizing group collabs with them>do not go begging the other girls in their chat or comments for collabs
>>28695709If she quits it's because she made enough money, so probably not for a few more years.
>>28696111Mori's was good, and Ame's was fine too. I get some people didn't like her jokes but Ame basically made it clear it's gonna be up to the girls if they want to collab. If anyone is worried about Gura doing it they are seriously new or shitposting
>>28696237Ame didn't make any jokes. She meant every word.
>>28696237Honestly, mori handled it way better than ame did. She basically went full sperg and condescended people over having a preference.
>>28684456>Nooo my waifu I donated 9999$$$ to have her say my internet name you CANT just criticize her!! Jannies help!!Lol.
>>28696111Mori took it seriously, so she got one point back and is at -99 currently. I don't think it's too late for her to stop collabing with males, but that's between her and deadbeats.
Ame said to improve yourself by becoming a cuck
>>28696111Ina did it best>oh yeah tempus is debuting soon>moves on to a different topic
>>28696523>$ after the numberWhich shithole are you from?
>Gura never wanted to be an ido-
>>28696647based tako
>>28696647Nah because people kept think Mori was going to drag the girls into male collabs so the fact she addressed that is good
>>28696564Ame is an used goods bitch. Her opinion doesn't mean shit.She is trying to groom her fanbase into unironic cucks so when the rrat breaks containment (again) the backslash won't be as bad as last time.It's 2 years she's trying.
>>28696754t. eamate
>>OPDon't believe her lies my brothersThe decision to set the max order limit of her PUP figure wasn't purely management. SHE TOLD MANAGEMENT TO LIMIT IT TO 10Because she wants her own collection of 10, 5 to play dress-up with, and 5 to experiment with.truly callIous
>>28696886The PUPs aren't even on sale yet the hell are you talking about
>>28696564She had a retard woman moment there. Telling people to learn 3D skills so they can help her while she collabs with males. Don't weaponize jealousy, offer something in return like you're equals, Ame.
>>28696997wait, which one was the one she was bummed about since it ran out so fast? the one she have told management beforehand that the max limit is too high
>>28697099That was her limited birthday merch
>>28696662My wife is a pure idol. Only cucks and whores would try to deny the truth.Gura is an angel but she lost her halo when she was a child after she fell from the chair and hit the floor with her head, this is also the reason why she's a bit dumb sometimes.
Morning, lads. Too lazy/tired to scroll through everything, all I know is she has some new gacha song coming. Anyone familiar with the game itself? Good, shit?
>>28697099 (me)>>28697157oh, is it the dino gura plushie? sorry about that, I messed up the shitpost
>>28697188It's a gacha and you've never heard of it though porn. Take a wild guess.
>>28697188Sup buddy. I haven't played the game yet either, I will try it in Bluestacks tomorrow.
>>28697005She actually gave teamates a reason to be jealous by implying that they are inadequate.
>>28697188>Anyone familiar with the game itself? Good, shit?That game is about to be released soon, so no one except Gacha nerds know about Alice Fiction
>>28697215It was the limited bundle with hand signed postcards that sold out it within minutes. You can still buy everything else with a foil stamped signature
>>28684456new jannie is a homochad, cuckbeat and chumbud jannies BTFO
>>28697443ah... that one... that didn't add up with the rrat at all lolthanks for taking your time. I pray your chat be read multiple times in the coming members stream...
Is the members stream still a greenlight?
>>28697631Gura is in a good mood and it makes me happy. Tell her you love her when she's streaming, even a smple "i wuv u" in chat can make her feel less anxious about all the shit that's going on with other holos and her projects.Never forget she depends on us as much as we depend on her.
Gura, where is the frame for the members stream?
>>28697714Yes, this is the correct choice. Gura is everything to us as we are to her.
>>28697714Just saw some of the likes. Good god you can see her slitty and everything. Might be a good one tonight.
Do you use a Gura image as your wallpaper? Which one?I use poc related for the lockscreen on my phone. Everything else I use is unrelated to her.
Good afternoon, I wish to sniff Gura's musky panties.
>>28685816>Doesn't say it's a break. Not sure how much ill be able to stream All she had to do was say "I'm going on break for x amount of days.' But she is scared to tell truth because she has taken so many breaks already she is scared people will get mad at her.
>>28697890same desu
>>28697896All she has to do is snog me and I won't be mad about any breaks.
>>28697896Especially from all the schizos around here and elsewhere
>>28697833I made this my wallpaper as soon as I saw it today
>>28698190It really makes her shine as one of vtubings' best singers.
Time to wake up shrimpies, tonight is your weekly scheduled Gura stream!
>>28697974I hope Gura gets a sheer nightgown and lace lingerie outfit one day.
Goop goop fell into a vat of acid
>>28697833this one on one phone, and a lucas that i can't post on the other phone
>>28698367Well it worked for ayame fans and its been 35 days now
>>28697833Only on my desktop, not on my phone. im not scared of people seeing I just keep my wallpapers as dark as possible because it's an amoled screen and my battery sucks
>>28698367Weekly lovemaking isn't so bad!
>still no framebad, dark thoughts trickling inguraaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>>28699074oh nyo
Gura sex
>>28696111Honestly was very based of MoriReminds me that she's just a dummy who makes mistakes but she does care about her friends.
Does someone have a webm of Gura dancing? The pinned message she had I mean
>>28699071there's 5 hours left you drama queen
Gura just told you she wet the bed Anon. What do you do?
>>28699692Lick it up.
We'll get a love bomb today, right?
>>28699806PERFECT thank you
>>28699830Of course!
I see all these webms but I don't hear the train
>>28700082Hey settle down.
>>28697890I would like to pull on those musky panties HARD
>>28699832No… ):
> My wife is a pure idol. Only cucks and whores would try to deny the truth.> Gura is an angel but she lost her halo when she was a child after she fell from the chair and hit the floor with her head, this is also the reason why she's a bit dumb sometimes.
>>28701297>Not Gura's feetNot interested
>>28701384just wait until gura says something "rude" on the topic to post here, we'll have more ammo against the pretentious fucks who like gura
>>28701297Whose feet are these?
>>28701521A certain fembud's
>>28699830Probably just more bad news but I hope you are right instead.
>>28701634Be more specific you fucking faggot.
>>28701513Hi Teamate. Are you working on improving yourself yet?
Breath in, breath out.
>>28701384>>28701513Absolute state of teamates
on one hand I hope she does karaoke because I miss her singing, but on the other I also want a nice chatting stream. I just can't wait until tonight
>>28701297>>28701521>>28701634Off topic leech
>>28701737I'd rather have an actual archive so chatting.
>>28701905I want to be leeched, tell me who it fucking is.
>>28701931>he's unable to watch unarchived streams later onkek
>>28701931Weird reason, not like it really matters since you'll be able to watch it again anyways
>>28701993The sooner your 2view leech dies, the better.
Gura better get her daki with how much shit they make her do.
>>28701521It's not any "fembud", it's just an ASMRtist, but I pray Gura does something similar one day and describes what she's doing to us.
>>28702075Thank you.
>>28702075D-DO IS SEE...pusy?
I'm losing it! I'm losing it! I'm losing it! I'm losing it! I'm losing it! I'm losing it! I'm losing it! I'm losing it! I'm losing it! I'm losing it! I'm losing it! I'm losing it! I'm losing it! I'm losing it! I'm losing it! I'm losing it! I'm losing it! I'm losing it!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>28702259>tweet earlier>stream lateranon?
>>28702293>expecting anons to have critical thinking
>>28702293Yeah but I don't know is it a love bomb or are the rrats correct? Gura is my coping mechanism but what if AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>28702456you will die off before any of your rrats come true lol
>>28702456>are the rrats correct?You sound like a retard. There is no reason to think this stream is anything negative
>>28702075yeah you can also check since the first time that image was posted was >>28308883 which was before the leach got posted by her groomer discord >>28399171
>>28702535I'm joking lad also I don't have any rrats, do you?>>28702541Okay
>>28702456The only thing I am mentally preparing for from this stream is some kind of (hopefully tacit) acknowledgement of the stars in a passing manner similar to how Ina handled it.Shitposters will of course use it to ruin the thread but I don't think we can expect Gura to just entirely ignore them indefinitely.
>>OPSo Chumbuds, have you been watching Rindo while Gura's been away?
>>28702779>I don't think we can expect Gura to just entirely ignore them indefinitely.If faggots in chat don't bring it up she won't either. if she mentions them at all it will only be because of chat
>>28702779But Gura is a pro at ignoring stuff indefinitely and here she can use her powers for good.
>>28702847kill yourself
>>28702779Gura will ignore them because she's based
>>28702866even then shes gotten super chats/chat messages mentioning the stars before and just ignored them
>>28702898I thought all Chumbuds watch her?
>>28702847 Yes
>>28702944Yes, but a one off superchat about JP stars is much easier to ignore than a bunch of faggots bringing up EN stars in chat. She could still ignore them, and I hope she does, but Im just saying if she mentions them at all it will only be to get chat to shut the fuck up about them